Designed by John Cornet, Phoenix HS (Ore)

Psychological and Nonfiction rev. December 2013

Literature provides a wealth of possibilities in its ability to introduce the reader to realistic characters. In this course, students will be exposed to fiction and nonfiction books and films, through which they will critically examine the psychological material relevent to that source. The nonfiction sources also allow for a multi-disciplinary appproach toward understanding the ethnographic context of the characters situation and resultant behavior. In contrast to the general psychology course, which presents a broad overview of the subject, this Psychological Fiction and Nonfiction course is designed to delve deeply into specific psychological conditions.

Subject Learning Outcomes Skills-Based Learning Outcomes Behavioral Expectations and Grading Policy

 Develop an appreciation for and enjoyment of  Organize, maintain and learn how to  Attendance, participation and being learning, especially how learning should study from a subject-specific notebook prepared are daily expectations cause us to question what we think we know  Be able to demonstrate how to take notes  A classroom culture of respect and and have a willingness to entertain new (including utilizing two-column format) tolorance is critical to create a perspectives on issues.  Be able to engage in meaningful, comfortable environment for all to  Students will recognize that human behavior is substantive discussion with others. learn.

motivated, has multiple causes, and may be  Be able to demonstrate effective and  Digital and electronic devices will not

adaptive or maladaptive. active reading habits (summarization, be in use during class time without

 Students will redefine their notions of "normalcy" questioning, agreeing/disagreeing with teacher permission.

 Students will recognize the necessity for ethical the text, etc.)  Do not hesitate to ask questions at any

behavior in all aspects of science and practice of  Be able to synthesize different facts to time and for any relevant reason.

psychology. make broader conclusions.

 Students will demonstrate reasonable skepticism  Students will be able to identify learning

and intellectual curiosity by asking questions strategies which work for themselves.

about causes of behavior.  Be able to argue and defend a position in

 Students will recognize the affect of incorporating written and verbal formats

psychological foundations and reasoning upon  Be able to express themselves through

literature and films, and appreciate how fluent writing and with appropriate

enhances those mediums. grammer and sentence structure.

 Students will learn to differientate between  Students will learn how to prepare, Please see supplimental handout on this neurosis and psychosis, and will strive to express structure and write a philosophy- topic for specifics on classroom rules and the circumstances and appearance of when one orientated essay. grading policy. transitions into the other.

In the case of multiple instructors teaching the same subjects, while instructors proceed through lessons at their own - out of respect for the integrity of one another's classrooms, teaching styles and expertize - they will strive to never be more that ten days apart in curriculum and from time to time will use common written/essay/examination assessments which will be evaluated jointly. As admininstration supports, instructors hope to meet regularly to discuss their common courses.

Psychological Fiction and Nonfiction

Overarching Social Studies Thematic Approach Overarching The social sciences discipline may be interpreted as a tug-of-war between "Overarching Social Studies Thematic Approach"

Social Studies the perspectives of relativism and moral absolutism. This is an overarching approach for all courses in Thematic Approach the Social Studies department

"Comprehensive Approach Toward The Course" This presents the broad approach and lens through Comprehensive Approach Toward The Course which material in this course will be examined. Comprehensive Identify and explain the degree of a characters psychological disturbance,

Psychological Fiction accounting for the manifestation of the disturbance through to their

"Enduring Multi-Unit Themes" and Nonfiction coping strategies while assessing its variance in a situational context. These are questions, themes or big ideas, framed as Thematic Approach essay topics, which stretch across multiple, sometimes overlaping, units. It provides an opportunity for students to connect historical and

Enduring Multi-Unit Themes (framed as essay topics) contemporary dots over time.

"Individual Instructional Units"

These are the targeted learning outcomes (Power Please see the following Standards) per unit of instruction. They are Power Standards for precise essay themes amended by key learning targets, essential

and related topics vocabulary, and essential figures. This latter category offers examples of figures who represent different poles on any given spectrum of perspectives for students to identify with.

In Other Words . . . The "Individual Instructional Units" allow a student to walk into a bookstore, glance at a

book and have a sense of what that book may be about before they even open it. "Enduring Multi-Unit Themes" allow a student to finish the book, return to browse 50 titles remaining in the bookstore and recognize these books all talk to each other; that is, that these books offer different focus, perspective or emphasis on Psychological Literature FICTION AND K E Y L E A R N I N G T A R G E T S ESSENCIAL NONFICTION A N D E S S E N C I A L V O C A B U L A R Y PSYCH. SOURCE MATERIAL P O W E R S T A N D A R D (the following are some, but not all, of the key vocab.) F I G U R E S Introduction to Identify what Psychology is, and explain why it is relevent to literature (both in terms of as Neurotic v. psychotic Positive/negative affect

1 Psychology the writer and as the reader) Nature v. nurture

Quarter Quarter Theory of fight/flight/fleeze (Required book, 1 of 5) 1. Identify and explain how the of control and trauma psychology is Abuse dichotomy Neurotic needs Sigmund 'The Prince of Tides' manifested across multiple characters. Sources of fear and anger Parenting influences Freud 2. Identify and explain how Id-Ego-Superego theory applies to the Wingo siblings coping mechanisms Grooming patterns A.Maslow 3. Identify, pattern, analyze and explain the behavior of any while abuse recovery Viktor Frankl

emphasizing the nurture perspective. Oedipus Complex Quarter 1 Quarter Defense Mechanisms

(Required book, 2 of 5) After considering the authors premise of the loss of a girls' "self" in the context of the case Adolescent psychology Parent-daughter issues Mary Pipher

1 'Reviving Ophelia' studies and psychological theory, identify and explain patterns which support or distract Rebellion and conformity Therapy approaches

Quarter Quarter from the authors case. Peer-pressure (Required book, 3 of 5) 1. Identify and explain the roles/purposes of each alter and their dominance (if any) Dissociative Identity Disorder alters, fragments 'First Person Plural' while exploring the struggles inherent in different therapy approaches. Treatment / therapy approaches 2. Identify and explain the extent to which denial is a hindrance in the therapy Co-consciousness

Quarter 1 Quarter approach of addressing co-consciousness. Dissociative fugue (Required film) Identify the pattern and explain the progression of OCD symptoms in Howard Hughes, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 'The Aviator' assessing the degree to which this condition transitions from neurosis to psychosis. Howard Hughes dilemma Paranoia

Delusional conditions Quarter 1 Quarter Manic-conditions (Required film) 1. 'Downfall' presents Hitler through the lens of anti-war realism. How does one Groupthink Irving Janis 'Downfall' reconcile this humanistic portrayal of him with the personification of evil we know Trauma psychology his actions/commands/words initiated? Strive to restrict your response to the Anger and control issues behavioral and psychological aspects of the character. Loyality and betrayal 2. The film portrays a group of people confronted by their own mortality, yet many Stanford prison experiment of whom seem to be overlooking their defeat. Based on your ethnographic De-individualism

Quarter 2 Quarter observations, use the film as a vehicle by which to profile the different responses Social psychology of human behavior. Paternalism 3. Identify groupthink psychology as manifested in the characters, and explain their Social Darwanism inability to break out of this mindset. Cognitive dissonance (Required film) 1. Identify and explain trauma psychology and grooming patterns as manifested Malignant narcissism 'The Dark Knight' through Harvey Dent's experiences Narcissistic personlity disorder (only parts are shown) 2. "Far from being a deranged psychopath, the Joker's behavior was grounded in Histrionic personality disorder logic and would suggest his being attuned to a heightened sense of reality, one Schizoid personality disorder unperceivable to everyone else yet which does not represent psychosis." Argue Sadistic personality disorder in support or against this position. Antisocial personality disorder 3. Diagnose the Joker's behavior and argue which mental disorder(s) he has (note: Oppositional defiant disorder Quarter 2 Quarter simply saying he is psychotic is not enough; there's alot more going on with him; Psychopathic behavior you must reference the DSM, and it would be wise to consider where in a spectrum of behaviors he might fall rather than grounding your analysis upon a single point or condition.) Quarter 2 Shooters' ofSchool Minds the 'Why Inside - Kill Kids 10) option book (Choice Suicides' 'The Virgin 9) option book (Choice Zodiac' 'The the Unabomberand 8) option book (Choice Knew' WithAutism Wishes You 'TenThings Every Child 7) option book (Choice 'SilenceLambs'of the 6) option book (Choice America' Depressed in and Young - Nation 'Prozac 5) option book (Choice AggressionGirls' in of Culture Hidden TheGirl - 'Odd Out 4) option book (Choice Brain' the and 'TheMind 3) option book (Choice His Wifefor aHat' 'ThewhoMistook Man 2) option book (Choice Unabomber' 'Harvard the and 1) option book (Choice shown) are parts (only 'Lastof King Scotland' film) (Required violently in educational settings. violentlyeducational in out for teens wholash foundations Identifysociological psychological the explain and and girls) decisions. (the withtheir regard to perspective the boys ofexplain the and Identifygirls livelihoods the what knowis about aresame the Zodiac the Unabomberand figure. the that assertion authors the text whatsupport the within evidence extentthe presented assess and to Identifyprofileshow arecriminal explain behavioral conducted, and senseworld.of the makestrives to population howthis and differing towardthe degrees condition, ofthe terms strategies, in implications raised the coping ofkeeping eyeautistic Explore an Analyze 3. Buffalo assessing Bill, transformeda how serialhe offender. into from text asthe examples. diverse the aspects Explore of comprehensive 2. materialcriminal using profiling, situation, even if by proxy. victims, and the manner in which they strive toexert their influences from their serial offenders. manifest Identify howcontrol issues of1. explain power and themselvesand in text.confines ofthe views, whileauthor's the so within the is addressing offeringhowit explain and support may Thisbook seen asbe acommentaryIdentify youth. and ofdrugs regardingrole the among emotionalabuse and closefriends. competition jealousies, hidden or; across bullyingsocioeconomic lines, of racial cliques; and ways subtle inner-workings the which girlsand express of in popularity anger; definitions followingof the aIdentify, psychologicalthemes one the explain lens: and explore through dyslexia? like stroke or specific to conditions approaches what areimplications forand rewire therapy the to brain, To the what possible extentit is severity determiningtrue the of a condition? which avenues remainpsychotic blurred, is forand between neurotic distinction Whenthe Kaczynskihave affected eventualdelusions? of his form, the and substance what In ways mightexperiences particularly the experiments of,and the inflictedupon, challengedbyis owncomplicity his Aminwith the regime. Garrigan's naivetyNicholas doctor) intellectual-thinking, (the emotional-or either While making by guided decisions followingof the proposition: Argue support 2. in character's the film, DSM, the portrayalthe history. in and analyze DescribeAmin, and 1. Idi personality ofrelyingthe dictator Ugandan upon  Consider both those who are incarcerated and those whoare whoactivelyare those incarcerated those and both pursuing Consider Agnosiacs Aphasiac Korsakoff's syndrome modificationBehavior Classicalconditioning Schizophrenia affect Emotional ) characters the and (on Psychologyof fear Xenophobia Paranoia personality Split Adolescentaggression offenderSerial typology Differingperspectives Suicide Unabomber the TheZodiac, messagedecyphering codebreaking and Criminlprofiling Therapy Conditioning Therapytechniques Autistic spectrum Hostagepsychology Criminaltechniques profiling criminologist Forensic Manipulation Sociopath serialkiller Cannibalistic Addiction Anti-depressants Depression Harassment Bullying exclusion Social Aggression matter Brain Neuroplasticity Propriception Autistic spectrum

CriminalLaw' and Disorder Personality 'Jekyll Trial Multiple - on 21) option book (Choice Dress' 'TheLast TimeWoreI A 20) option book (Choice Terrorism' ofOrigins Modern the Unabomberand of the Education The- 'Afor Murder Mind 18) option book (Choice Psychology' LawCases in and Trial Great- on 'Minds 17) option book (Choice Tormentof Madness' ofJourney the Out 'TheRoom A- Quiet 16) option book (Choice Shootings' of School Roots 'RampageThe - Social 15) option book (Choice Mentallyof the Ill' Treatment Rights the and 'Refusing Care Forced - 14) option book (Choice Epidemic' The Hidden Dissociation, - Mirror the 'Stranger in 13) option book (Choice Artistic Temperment' Depressivete and Illness 'Touchedwith - Fire 12) option book (Choice AmingPsychopaths Us' of World Disturbing The- Conscience 'Without 11) option book (Choice in addressing themaddressing criminal the within justice assess which legal and extentsuccessful to establishmntthe been profession, not) has (or legal the by Identifychallenges mentalthe posed explain issues upon and health characters. in response post-traumaticIdentify strategiesstress the explain 2. disorder coping and the aIdentifyevents characters the which to 1. explain lead suicide. and Kaczynskihave affected eventualdelusions? of his form, the tone and substance what In ways mightexperiences particularly the experiments of,and the inflictedupon, themaddressing criminal the within justice assess which legal and extentsuccessful to establishmntthe been profession, not) has (or legal the by Identifychallenges mentalthe posed explain issues upon and health psychosis. ledge and between neurosis the journeyteatering her on explain and Identify schizophrenia, extent authors of the the settings. violentlyeducational in out for teens wholash foundations Identifysociological psychological the explain and and answer. your in restraints and medication,for seclusion noncriminals), (forcedhspitalization civil commitment consider will;to suretreatedagainst be be forced their be to should patients Identifycircumstances the explain not when) or and ofif then whether so, (and recoveringfrom condition. the with and treating,coping with a emphasis Identify upon dissociation, explain and creativity. and between it of a assertion connection Identifyauthors the degrees explain and ofbipolarity, perspective surroundings they their have on the Identifyexplain 2. and characteristics the of sociopaths/psychopaths, settings. violentlyeducational in out wholash forteens foundations Identifysociological psychological the 1. explain and and DissociativeIdentity Disorder Deficif Attention Disorder Dissociation Bipolar disorders DepressiveManic Illness Sociopaths Psychopaths Dissociation DissociativeIdentity Disorder depression and Suicide Psychiatric abuse Genderidentity topics Sensorydeprivation Experimentation Torture Classicalconditioning Schizophrenia Cannibalism Postpartum Punishment Capital Criminalprofiling Brainwashing Insanitydefense Dissociation Schizophrenia Criminalprofiling Absenceof empathy ofaggression Sources Legalissues issues Ethical DissociativeFugue Psychiatric disorders StockholmSyndrom FalseConfessions JuvenileDelinquency Custody hild

Disorder Sourcebook' Disorder 'TheDissociative Identity 25) option book (Choice Tense' 'PermanentPresent 24) option book (Choice Disorder' Personality Recovery From Borderline 'GetOf Out Me Here My- 23) option book (Choice 'Girl,Interrupted' 22) option book (Choice betweennormalcy, psychotic. and neurotic Identifyvarying the explain differientatea spectrum and and on degrees it ofdissociation, of memory, nature events the about experiences personality. and Identifycircumstances the whichaffected main whatthe explain character, these and family/community. and individuals both impact its and on Identifymanifestation personality the disorder explain ofand borderline moral/ethical the charactersimplications of the on treatment. expand and Disorder, Personality Borderline Identifypsychiatric to the explain response and Substance abuse Substance consumption Disordered behaviors Manipulative Disorder Personality Borderling Schizotypalpersonality disorder eating Disordered Self-injury lying Pathological Sociopath Disorder Personality Borderling feminist through lens illness Mental DSM IV-TR DSM Dissociation Amnesiamemory- loss Psychosurgical Lobotomy