Spaser Or Plasmonic Nanolaser?

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Spaser Or Plasmonic Nanolaser? Nanophotonics 2021; aop Perspective Cun-Zheng Ning* Spaser or plasmonic nanolaser? – Reminiscences of discussions and arguments with Mark Stockman using, instead of nanowires, sub-wavelength-size wires of Received June 9, 2021; accepted June 28, 2021; diameters on the order of 500 nm or larger. We had been published online July 13, 2021 struggling to shrink the diameter of nanowire lasers because the modes become less confined at smaller diameters [7]. My Abstract: This essay is my reminiscences of many inter- then postdoc, Alex Maslov, and I considered the concept of esting discussions I had with Mark Stockman over the coating our nanowires with silver to use the surface plasmon years, mostly around the spaser, its meaning, and its polariton (SPP) modes instead of pure dielectric modes, relationship with plasmonic nanolasers. which are always limited by the diffraction limit. Despite the Keywords: nanolaser; plasmonics; semiconductor laser; initial skepticism from my laser colleagues, Alex’s simula- spaser. tion showed promising results [8]: our semiconductor-metal core–shell structure was shown to support SPP modes for The sad news of Mark Stockman’s untimely death shocked structures with core diameter as small as 10s of nm. Most me greatly. Barely a few months earlier, we were still important of all, the optical gain in the semiconductor core communicating regularly on the paper [1] we were writing may overcome the expected large plasmonic loss of the together in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the first shell. Our next task was to conformally coat a layer of silver experimental realizations [2–4] of the spaser, a landmark onto semiconductor nanowires to form a shell; part of this invention first proposed by Bergman and Stockman in work was in collaboration with Peidong Yang from Berkeley 2003 [5]! within our then DARPA NACHOS (Nanoscale Architectures I first met Mark shortly after the publication of the now for Coherent Hyper-Optic Sources) project. The task of well-known Bergman–Stockman paper [5]. As a laser per- applying a conformal silver coating onto a nanowire turned son, I was very intrigued by the idea of the stimulated out to be quite a challenge! generation of plasmons. To me, the idea was (and remains) a Despite this challenge, I was optimistic enough about truly profound new physics concept. My group was working the core–shell SPP idea and the promising simulation results on semiconductor nanowire lasers as part of overall efforts [8]. Based on our nanowire laser results and the core–shell in making ever-smaller lasers. Mark convinced me that their SPP simulation, I started giving talks around 2007 with titles spaser had nothing to do with photons, rather, only such as “Nanowire with and without a plasmonic shell: how confined plasmons were involved. I commented to him that small can a nanolaser be?”. One of these talks was my IEEE the spaser would probably not be useful for my lasers, but Distinguished Lecture at the IEEE Benelux Chapter in Eind- that it would be good as a fully coherent electron source for a hoven, the Netherlands. Martin Hill, one of my local hosts, new generation of electron microscopes! I subsequently after seeing the announcement of my talk, informed me that forgot about the concept until a few years later. he was working on similar concepts. Our meeting changed In the meantime, our efforts of making smaller lasers the trajectory of our approach to plasmonic nanolasers. using semiconductor nanowires ran into serious difficulties. Martin was also working on a core–shell structure based on a My colleague, Alan Chin, and I were able to demonstrate the superior approach in terms of fabrication [9]. Instead of using “ ” λ first nanowire lasers in the infrared ( =1600nm)[6] free-standing nanowires as starting structures, he used the conventional lithographical approach to etch small pillars out of a conventional wafer, making his fabrication approach *Corresponding author: Cun-Zheng Ning, School of Electrical, more compatible with mainstream III–Vsemiconductor Computer, and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, ’ AZ 85287, USA; and Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua processing techniques. Martin s original paper [9] showed University, Beijing, China, E-mail: lasing in dielectric modes in an otherwise similar core–shell Open Access. © 2021 Cun-Zheng Ning, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2 C.-Z. Ning: Spaser or plasmonic nanolaser? structure. Thus, following one of the Silicon Valley mottos: “If meeting, when he visited me at Tsinghua in 2019, we had you can’tbeatthem,buythem”, I was lucky enough to get some extended discussions. I showed him again the disper- Martin to join my then-new group at Arizona State to work on sion curve (Figure 1), but with a more blurred boundary be- the core–shell laser in 2008. The result was the demonstra- tween the SPP-laser regime and the SPASER regime. We tion of lasing in a similar structure, but now in an SPP mode finally agreed that there is no difference in the essential rather than an optical mode; the results were eventually physics between the “SPP-laser” regime and the spaser published in Optics Express [2] after being rejected by a few regime (Figure 1). It is all a matter of degree in “plasmonicity”. other journals because of the apparent similarity with Mar- Looking back, our use of the term "plasmonic nanolasers" tin’s earlier laser [9]. During the three to four years of our was mostly a natural evolution of our previous nanowire- working on the core–shell SPP laser, I had completely based nanolasers combined with the new ingredient of SPP forgotten about the Bergman-Stockman spaser concept [5]. I modes. My reluctance of adopting SPASERs was also related did not realize the close resemblance of SPP modes with the to my incorrect perception of the spaser being at (or extremely spaser concept initially. Nevertheless, Mark was very excited close to) the SPP resonance (Figure 1). Mark’soriginal when we met again after the Optics Express paper was pub- comment about the absence of photons in the spaser process lished [2]. He thought the results in the paper were proof of in our very first meeting probably played a role also. I am the spaser concept. I almost immediately expressed my pleased that we were able to reach an agreement at that disagreement with his thought. A few times at various con- Tsinghua meeting, as it turned out to be our last meeting ever. ferences, Mark stood up to ask me or one of my students: Another related discussion I had with Mark involved “why don’tyoucallitspaser?” My answer was always: the acronym spaser itself; the purpose of this discussion “because I don’t believe our device is a spaser.” The contin- was not to challenge their creation of the acronym, but uation of similar exchanges prompted me to consider the primarily to confirm my understanding of the physics similarities between the spaser and what we called a plas- processes involved and to understand the differences and monic nanolaser. I thought a simple dispersion relation similarities between the spaser and the laser. My under- would be able to convince Mark of the difference between the standing is presented in Figure 2. I showed him an earlier two devices. At one of the subsequent conferences, I showed version of the lower row of Figure 2 around 2010 (see Fig. 10 Mark the SPP dispersion curve shown in Figure 1 and asked in ref. [11]). I emphasized to him that there was no “Stim- him: “can we agree on this distinction between the ulated Emission of Radiation” because there are no prop- SPP-nanolaser and the spaser?” Mark reluctantly agreed. agating photons (radiation) being emitted, as he told me in Although similar arguments never occurred again, I knew our first meeting; rather, the process is “Stimulated Energy Mark was not fully in agreement with me. During our last Transfer” from excited emitters to plasmons in metal Figure 1: The normalized propagation wavevector versus energy plot for a semiconductor-silver interface; the range of energy is divided roughly into three regions depending on the “plasmonicity”, or the degree of proximity to the surface plasmon resonance (SP). We call the three regions: photonic laser (conventional laser), SPP-Laser, and SPASER. However, as Mark insisted and I initially opposed, there is no essential difference between the SPP-laser and the SPASER (figure adapted from Ref. [10]). C.-Z. Ning: Spaser or plasmonic nanolaser? 3 Figure 2: A step-by-step comparison between the conventional laser (top row) and the SPASER (bottom row) highlighting the key differences and similarities. The green circle represents an emitter and the blue elliptical mirrors (top row) or a plasmonic metal object (bottom row). a, A: the excited emitter (electron, the red dot, is in the upper state) in the presence of the cavity (a) or the plasmonic metallic structure (A) with distance, d, much smaller than the wavelength, λ. b, B: Due to the presence of the cavity (b) or plasmonic metal (B), spontaneous emission into cavity mode represented by the horizontal red arrows (b) or spontaneous energy transfer to the metallic structure to excite surface plasmon mode (the red cloud around the blue metallic structure) (B) dominates over spontaneous emission into free space as indicated by the crossed emission wiggles. Γpl and Γf stand for the rate of energy transfer to plasmons and that of emission into free space, respectively. c, C: The emitter is re-excited in the presence of pre-existing cavity mode (c) and plasmonic mode (C).
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