May 2017 Language Documentation, Revitalization and Reclamation: Supporting Young Learners and Their Communities Child Language Research and Revitalization Working Group Corresponding Author: Ruth Rouvier Child Language Research and Revitalization Working Group: Convenor: Ruth Rouvier, EDC (
[email protected],
[email protected]); Organizing Committee: Haley De Korne, George Ironstrack and Joanne Knapp-Philo; Members: Luiz Amaral, Alissa Baker-Oglesbee, Shobhana Chelliah, Jordyn Flaada, Mary Hermes, Tracy Hirata-Edds, Christopher Lalonde, Jacob Manatowa-Bailey, Barbra Meek, Susan Mosley- Howard, Richard Oster, Chris Sims, Joshua Sparrow, Jennifer Weston; Research Apprentices: Amy Avishay, Frederica Priyanto. Acknowledgments: We wish to express our gratitude to colleagues who attended an open discussion during a working group meeting at Education Development Center, Inc. in Washington, D.C. in October 2016, a poster session at the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting in January 2017, and workshops at the International Conference of Language Documentation and Conservation in March 2017. Suggested citation: Child Language Research and Revitalization Working Group. (2017). Language documentation, revitalization, and reclamation: Supporting young learners and their communities. Waltham, MA: EDC. Cover photo: Karl Grobl, photographer. Copyright © 2017 by Education Development Center, Inc. With attribution, this report may be freely reproduced and distributed without permission for educational, non-commercial purposes, but cannot be sold or republished without written permission. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1500720. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. EDC designs, implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity worldwide.