OCTOBER/NOVEMBER THE NEWSLETTER OF THE BOSTON REGION METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION YOUMOVE MASSA- CHUSETTS MPO Seeks Comment on Page 2 Proposed TIP Amendment FIELDS CORNER STA- The Boston Region highway projects included in (617) 973-7089 (TTY) TION REOPENS Metropolitan Planning the same element of the By fax Page 2 Organization future draft FFYs (617) 973-8855 (MPO) has 2009–2012 TIP, By e-mail AACT CELEBRATES 30TH which was proposed an
[email protected] ANNIVERSARY approved in amendment to The comment period for the Page 3 June. It also the federal fiscal amendment will close on includes an update of MPO ACTIVITIES years (FFYs) 2009 Tuesday, October 21, at transit projects that Page 3 and 2010 elements of the 5:00 PM. 2007–2010 Transportation reflects their current status. STATE HOSTS FORUM Comments may be sent to Improvement Program (TIP) The draft TIP amendment is ON FINANCING the attention of David J. that will allow projects which available on the MPO’s web- Mohler, MPO Transportation Page 4 are ready to be advertised site, www.bostonmpo.org. To Planning and Programming for construction to move for- request a copy in print, on Committee Chair, via any of MEETING CALENDAR ward. compact disc, or in an acces- the means listed above. The MPO has notified mem- sible format, contact the For the most recent information on the following public meetings bers of the public, including MPO’s TIP Manager, Hayes and others that may have been TIP contacts and other local Morrison: MPO Begins scheduled after TRANSREPORT By mail went to press, go to www.boston officials in the 101 munici- New Fiscal mpo.org or call (617) 973-7119.