Habitat Selection and Nesting Association in Four Species of Charadriiformes in the Po Delta (Italy)
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Ardeola 46(1), 1999, 1-12 HABITAT SELECTION AND NESTING ASSOCIATION IN FOUR SPECIES OF CHARADRIIFORMES IN THE PO DELTA (ITALY) Roberto VALLE* & Francesco SCARTON** SU M M A R Y. —Habitat selection and nesting association in four species of Charadriiformes in the Po Delta (Italy). Colony, nest site selection and interspecific associations of four breeding Charadriiformes were studied in the Po Delta, Italy, in 1991. Physical characteristics (such as length, size, distance from mainland and other islands, occurrence of small dunes, etc.) of eighteen islands and two peninsulas were considered; random points were selected on the islands, and several parameters (such as distance from the shore, apparent elevation above sea level, vegetation cover, kind of substrate, etc.) compared with those of a similar number of nest sites. Apart from Yellow-legged Gulls Larus cachinnans, which selected the longest and largest is- lands, the other species (Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus, Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus an d Little Terns Sterna albifrons) did not show particular preferences at this level . With regard to nest site cha- racteristics of each species, they were often different from random points and, less frequently, from those of the other species. Yellow-legged Gulls preferred sites with less sand, higher vegetation cover and taller plants; the opposite was true for Kentish Plovers. Intermediate characteristics were selected by Oystercatchers and Little Terns. Significant associations were found between Oystercatchers and Yellow-legged Gulls, Oystercatchers and Kentish Plovers, Kentish Plovers and Little Terns. Our study suggests that physical factors (i.e. nest site features) and behavioral factors (association resulting in better protection from predators, or due to a limited feeding overlap in the nearby intertidal areas) interact in the habitat selection of the four species studied in the Po Delta. The observed association between oystercatchers and gulls deserves further research. Key words: association, Charadriiformes, nesting, Po Delta. RES U M E N .— Selección de hábitat y asociación en los lugares de nidificación de cuatro especies de Cha- radriiformes en el Delta del Po (Italia). Se estudió la selección del lugar de nidificación y las asociaciones in- terespecíficas de cuatro especies reproductoras de Charadriiformes en el delta del Po, Italia, en 1991. Las ca- racterísticas físicas (longitud, tamaño, distancia a tierra firme y a otras islas, presencia de pequeñas dunas, etc.) de ocho islas y dos penínsulas fueron estudiadas. Dentro de las islas se seleccionaron al azar una serie de pun- tos donde se estimaron unos parámetros (distancia a la playa, elevación sobre el nivel del mar, cobertura ve- getal, tipo de sustrato) que fueron comparados con los de una serie de nidos. Aparte de la Gaviota Patiamarilla Larus cachinnans, que seleccionó las islas más largas y grandes, el resto de especies estudiadas (Ostrero Eu- roasiático Haematopus ostralegus, Chorlitejo Patinegro Charadrius alexandrinus y Charrancito Sterna albi- fr o n s ) no mostró preferencias a este nivel de estudio. Las características a nivel de especie en el lugar donde ubicar el nido, difirieron en términos generales de los puntos aleatorios y, menos frecuentemente, de las otras especies. Las Gaviotas Patiamarillas prefieren los sitios con menos arena, mayor cobertura de vegetación y con presencia de plantas altas, lo contrario que seleccionó el Chorlitejo Patinegro. El Ostrero y el Charrancito seleccionaron valores intermedios entre los seleccionados por las dos especies anteriores. Nuestro estudio su- giere que los factores físicos (p.e. características del sustrato donde construir el nido) y factores de compor- tamiento (la asociación entre especies se puede ver reflejada en una mejor protección frente a los predadores, o debido a un limitado solapamiento alimentario en las zonas intermareales próximas) interaccionan con la se- lección del hábitat de las cuatro especies estudiadas en el Delta del Po. Para conocer la asociación observada entre Ostreros y Gaviotas Patiamarillas serían necesarios más estudios específicos. Palabras clave: asociación, Charadriiformes, Delta del Po, lugar de nidificación. INTRODUCTION possibility of exchange of information for food acquisition (Erwin, 1979; Burger & Gochfeld, Gulls and terns breed colonially, due to si- 1990b; Oro, 1996; Rolland et al., 1998). On milar habitat preferences, mutual advantages the other hand, colonial birds may compete for provided by better predator avoidance, and the resources, and colonies may attract predators * Castello 618/E, 30122 Venezia, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]. ** Via Tevere 82, 30173 Mestre (VE), Italy. E-mail: [email protected]. 2 VALLE, R. & SCARTON, F. (Wittenberger & Hunt, 1985; Krebs & Davies, following years; Fasola & Canova, 1996). In 1987; Siegel-Causey & Kharitonov, 1990). The the Po Delta, Oystercatchers nest in open areas, advantages of breeding in gull and tern colonies both on dunes and on beaches, as reported for also attract waders (Hildén & Vuolanto, 1972; other Mediterranean sites (Martinez-Vilalta et Göransson et al., 1975; Brearey & Hilden, al., 1983; Goutner & Goutner, 1987). Kentish 1985), ducks (Evans, 1970; Dwernychuck & Plovers are found mainly on the beaches, both Boag, 1972; Götmark & Ahlund, 1988; Göt- isolated and in small colonies, frequently with mark, 1989) and grebes (Burger, 1984a; Young Little Terns and Oystercatchers (Valle et al. , & Titman, 1986; Hill et al., 1997). In the Me- 1995). Yellow-legged Gulls colonized this area diterranean Region few data are available on at the beginning of the 1980s (Scarton & Valle, the nesting habitat selection of waders and sea- 1996). In the inner part of the Delta, where fish birds, despite a recent increase in papers dea- farms are the most characteristic feature, the ling with this subject (Fasola & Bogliani, 1984; above reported gulls and waders (but not the Monbailliu & Torre, 1986; Goutner & Gout- Oystercatchers) and other species (such as ner, 1987; Goutner, 1987, 1990, 1992; Marti- Common Terns Sterna hirundo) nest as well. nez-Vilalta, 1989, 1991, 1997; Bosch et al., The nesting habitat studied in our area con- 1994; Scarton & Valle, 1996; Valle & Scar- sists of several narrow, sandy barrier-islands ton, 1996; Bosch & Sol, 1998) and only two at the seaward limit of the Po Delta (Fig. 1). studies have investigated the interrelationships Eighteen islands and two peninsulas lie betwe- among several seabird species in this Region en the mouths of the Adige (45°0 9¢N - (Fasola & Canova, 1991, 1992). 1 2°2 0¢E) and Po di Volano (44°4 9¢N - This study aims to describe breeding habitat 1 2°1 7¢E) rivers, over some 50 km. Distance and nest site selection of four Charadriiformes between the islands and the mainland ranges species in the Po Delta, Italy. Our main goals between 0.7 and 3.1 km. The islands range in were: (1) to characterize large and small- scale size from 0.6 to 418 ha (63.1 ± 92.4, mean habitat features (both at the level of islands ± SD) and from 0.1 to 8.5 km (3.2 ± 2.4) in used for nesting and at nest site characteristics length. In the statistical treatment, peninsulas level) for each species; (2) to analyze if they were considered as «islands», with distance preferred some particular characteristics, i.e. from mainland equal to zero. One island and showed significant differences from a random part of one peninsula are completely urbani- distribution; and (3) if there were particular as- zed. Sandy beaches and low dunes, covered sociations among two or more of them, sug- with psammophilous vegetation (such as Am- gesting in this case possible causal explana- mophila arenaria, Agropyron junceum an d Ca - tions. kile maritima) are the most characteristic fea- tures of the habitat. Inland the islands are often covered with bushes and small trees, and re- STUDY AREA AND METHODS edbeds can fringe the inner coastline. Between the islands and the mainland lie large shallow On the barrier islands of the Po Delta lagoons with tidal flats, often used as feeding (62,000 ha in surface, the largest Italian delta grounds by the birds. Possible egg or chick pre- and one of the largest in the Mediterranean) dators breeding in the islands are Marsh Ha- four Charadriiformes breed: Oystercatchers Ha - rriers Circus aeruginosus, Montagu’s Harriers ematopus ostralegus, Kentish Plovers Chara- Circus pygargus, Magpies Pica pica and Hoo- drius alexandrinus, Yellow-legged Gulls L a- ded Crows Corvus corone cornix. A m o n g rus cachinnans and Little Terns S t e r n a mammals, we often observed brown rats Ra t t u s albifrons (Fasola, 1986; Scarton et al., 1994a; n o r v e g i c u s, whereas red foxes Vulpes vulpes Valle & Scarton, 1996). This area is one of the or their footprints were never seen. In late most important breeding sites in the Medite- spring and in summer some of the Po Delta is- rranean for Oystercatchers (Scarton et al., 1993, lands are heavily disturbed by visiting tourists 1998), and in the 1980’s it supported about and fishermen. 30% of the population of Little Terns of the The field work was conducted during the Western Palearctic (ca. 3000 nests according to 1991 breeding season, visiting all islands by Fasola (1986) although it has decreased in the boat and on foot. During these field trips, data HABITAT SELECTION AND NESTING ASSOCIATION IN FOUR SPECIES OF CHARADRIIFORMES 3 FIG. 1.—Map of the Po Delta, which shows the barrier islands and the peninsulas, where data for this study were collected. Urbanized peninsulas and islands are marked in gray whereas the non urbanized ones are mar- ked in black. Abbreviations (as in table 1) refers to the islands and peninsulas occupied by each species. [Mapa del delta del Po donde aparecen la barra de islas y las penínsulas donde se ha desarrollado este es- tudio. Las penínsulas e islas urbanizadas están marcadas en gris, por otro lado, las zonas no urbanizadas es- tán representadas en negro.] 4 VALLE, R.