Register Now

If you haven’t already done so, please register for "A Taste of Convention" – a virtual event to be held June 6-13, 2021. Weekday events are evenings only. No events on Shabbos except Havdalah. Come to all events or choose a few to sample for one low price of $36 for the whole week. You decide which activities you want to attend. It's like a buffet. Use discount code flo$18first to receive half off the registration fee. You pay $18, and the Florida Region pays $18.

Keynote Speaker Tal Brody: Israel's Goodwill Ambassador

Super Star Speakers! Keynote Speakers are academic super star Micah Goodman, acclaimed Research Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute, and athletic super star Tal Brody, known in Israel as "Mr. ." Goodman is a leading voice on Judaism, , the Bible and the challenges and opportunities facing Israel and world Jewry. Brody was the 12th pick in the 1965 NBA draft when convinced him to forego the NBA to play basketball in Israel. Tal became Israel's first modern-day sports hero, elevating the level of play and winning the country's first international sports championship.

Super Star Rabbi! We are excited to announce that Rabbi Sharon Brous, senior and founding Rabbi of IKAR, will be a keynote speaker. She is a leading voice in reanimating religious life in America. She has given a widely- viewed TED talk, emceed the White House Seder this year and was on the cover of Time magazine. She has been named as among the USA's most influential rabbis by a number of publications.

Super Star Comedian! Stand-up comedian Shaun Eli has rightfully been called one of America’s smartest comics. Master storyteller Shaun Eli shows you that there’s hilarity in the ordinary if you approach life with a comedic warp. For just about anything he’s experienced Shaun has a hilarious story at the ready. You can watch his videos and read some of his writings on his website where his slogan “Brain Champagne: Clever Comedy for Smart Minds” rings true.

Preview of the Incredible Cantors' Concert!

A Smorgasbord of Events for Everyone! There's a scotch tasting, Torch Awards, Quality Club Awards, and the FJMC Ma'asim Tovim Awards. There's also Trivia Night, Hearing Men's Voices, webinars for sports, genealogy, cooking and other interests, Cards Against Humanity, the International Kiddush Club, a "not to be missed" amazing Cantors' Concert with super star vocalists and much, much more.

There's an App for That! When you register using the button below, you can download the incredible new mobile app, Whova (hóo-vah) and get the web link to see the schedule, speakers, convention photos, videos, chat, and meetup with affinity groups and friends. Chat with all attendees and organizers now and during Convention about any topics. Catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Info and Registration

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2021 Florida Ma'asim Tovim Honoree - Dr. Moshe Adler -

Join us at Convention on Sunday June 13 at 6:25pm for the Ma'asim Tovim Award Ceremony. This year Florida is honoring Dr. Moshe Adler, Florida Regional Treasurer and Temple Beth El - West Palm Beach Co-President.

Place an Ad to Moshe Adler

Deadline May 31

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