Contribution to the Floristic Knowledge of the Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca,Mexico

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Contribution to the Floristic Knowledge of the Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca,Mexico NUMBER 20 MUNN-ESTRADA: FLORA OF THE SIERRA MAZATECA OF OAXACA, MEXICO 25 CONTRIBUTION TO THE FLORISTIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE SIERRA MAZATECA OF OAXACA,MEXICO Diana Xochitl Munn-Estrada Harvard Museums of Science & Culture, 26 Oxford St., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Email: [email protected] Abstract: The Sierra Mazateca is located in the northern mountainous region of Oaxaca, Mexico, between the Valley of Tehuaca´n-Cuicatla´n and the Gulf Coastal Plains of Veracruz. It is part of the more extensive Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, a priority region for biological research and conservation efforts because of its high levels of biodiversity. A floristic study was conducted in the highlands of the Sierra Mazateca (at altitudes of ca. 1,000–2,750 m) between September 1999 and April 2002, with the objective of producing an inventory of the vascular plants found in this region. Cloud forests are the predominant vegetation type in the highland areas, but due to widespread changes in land use, these are found in different levels of succession. This contribution presents a general description of the sampled area and a checklist of the vascular flora collected during this study that includes 648 species distributed among 136 families and 389 genera. The five most species-rich angiosperm families found in the region are: Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae, and Piperaceae, while the largest fern family is Polypodiaceae. Resumen: La Sierra Mazateca se ubica en el noreste de Oaxaca, Mexico,´ entre el Valle de Tehuaca´n-Cuicatla´n y la Planicie Costera del Golfo de Mexico.´ La region´ forma parte de una ma´s extensa, la Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, que por su alta biodiversidad es considerada como prioritaria para la investigacion´ biologica´ y la conservacion.´ Se realizo´ un estudio en la Sierra Mazateca (a alturas de ca. 1,000–2,750 m) entre septiembre de 1999 y abril del 2002, que tuvo como objetivo compilar un inventario de las plantas vasculares de esta zona. El bosque mesofilo´ es el tipo de vegetacion´ predominante en esta a´rea, pero a causa de cambios extensos en el uso de suelo, esta vegetacion´ se encuentra en diferentes etapas de sucesion.´ Esta contribucion´ presenta una descripcion´ general del a´rea muestreada y un cata´logo de la flora vascular de la region´ colectada durante el presente estudio que incluye 648 especies, distribuidas en 136 familias y 389 generos.´ Las cinco familias de angiospermas ma´s abundantes en la region´ en terminos´ de su diversidad de especies son: Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae y Piperaceae. La familia de helechos con la mayor diversidad es Polypodiaceae. Keywords: Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca, cloud forests In Mexico, cloud forests (bosques where precipitation levels range from 1,000– mesofilos´ de montan˜a, bosques de neblina or 3,000 mm, and the average annual temper- bosques humedos´ de montan˜a) occupy 0.6– ature is 12–238C (53–738F). They typically 1% of the country’s territory and harbor have a constant cloud cover and are approximately 10% of its known plant characterized by high levels of humidity species (Rzedowski, 1991; Villasen˜or, (Torres-Colın,´ 2004; Villasen˜or, 2010; Gual- 2010). Human activities have reduced these Dıaz´ & Rendon-Correa,´ 2014). The states of cloud forests to mere fragments, making Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Veracruz have the them highly vulnerable and a priority for largest areas of cloud forests (Villasen˜or, conservation (Rzedowski, 1991, 1996; CON- 2010). The Sierra Madre de Oaxaca has an ABIO 2010; Ponce-Reyes et al., 2012; Gual- extensive area of cloud forests that has been Dıaz´ & Rendon-Correa,´ 2014). Cloud forests identified as a priority region for biological in Mexico are generally found in mountain- research and conservation actions (Arriaga ous regions, at elevations of 1,000–2,500 m, et al., 2000; Ponce-Reyes et al., 2012). While LUNDELLIA 20:25–59. 2017 26 LUNDELLIA DECEMBER, 2017 FIG. 1. A map of the study areas. several floristic studies have been conducted The region encompasses an altitudinal range in this region, there are still areas that of 250–2,750 m (800–9,000 ft). Generally, its remain under collected. Such was the case of rugged topography is characterized by steep the Sierra Mazateca, located in northeastern slopes and deep ravines, although in some Oaxaca. The objective of the present study is areas there are small open valleys. The to contribute to the knowledge and docu- inhabitants of the Sierra Mazateca make a mentation of the vascular plant diversity distinction between two zones within the found in the highlands of the Sierra region, based on climatic differences: a tierra Mazateca, at altitudes of 1,000–2,750 m fr´ıa or Mazateca Alta (high-altitude areas), (3,250–9,000 ft). where the climate is generally temperate; and The Sierra Mazateca is located between a tierra caliente or Mazateca Baja (low- 188000–188220 N latitude, and 968300–978150 altitude areas), where it is generally much W longitude and occupies approximately warmer. The altitudinal limits of these areas 1,050 km2 (105,000 ha). Its northern limit is are subjective, but the transition zone the Petlapa River (Fig. 1), which separates it between lowland and highland areas gener- from the Sierra de Zongolica of Puebla- ally begins at about 1,000 m. The average Veracruz, and its southern limit is the annual temperature in the highlands is 16– canyon of the Santo Domingo River, which 228 C (62–728 F), and the average annual separates it from the southern Cuicatec precipitation is 1,498–4,942 mm, making it region and Sierra de la Chinantla (Fig. 1). one of the highest-precipitation regions in NUMBER 20 MUNN-ESTRADA: FLORA OF THE SIERRA MAZATECA OF OAXACA, MEXICO 27 Mexico (INEGI, 1983; Servicio Mete- to 55 Ma (Johnston & Stephen, 2004). The reologico´ Nacional, 2017). There are two uplift of the Sierra de Jua´rez, including the annual seasons in the region: a rainy season Sierra Mazateca, is thought to have begun 16 from June to October, and a dry season from Ma, in the middle Miocene (Centeno- November to May. Different types of soils Garcıa,´ 2004). The largest structures within are found in the highlands, including the Sierra de Jua´rez are thrust faults overlain umbrisols, luvisols, cambisols, acrisols, reg- by different rock types. Three of them are osols and phaezems (INEGI, 2007). associated with the Sierra Mazateca: (1) the In terms of its substrate composition, Cuicateco Fault in the western part of the the Sierra Mazateca can be divided into a sierra, near Teotitla´n de Flores Magon,´ western noncarbonate rock area composed characterized by rocks of the Cuicatla´n of allochthonous Jurassic rocks (sandstones Complex consisting of metavolcanics, schists and shales), and an eastern area composed (Charleston, 1980) and lens of serpentines of Cretaceous karstic limestone. The divid- (Carfantan, 1981; Campa & Coney, 1983); ing line between the two areas is east of the (2) the Huautla Fault in the central part of town of Huautla de Jimenez´ and runs in a the sierra, east of Huautla de Jimenez,´ N–SW direction from the village of San characterized by allochthonous Jurassic Andres´ to the Santo Domingo River. In the sandstones, shales, mudstones, and thin western noncarbonate areas, limestone out- bedded limestones (Moreno, 1980); and crops sometimes also occur. These outcrops (3) the Cerro Rabon´ Fault in the eastern are Lower Cretaceous limestones that have part of Sierra, characterized by coraline been exposed because of erosion through the limestones from the Lower to Middle thrust sheet caused by the Petlapa River Cretaceous (Smith, 1994; 2002) of the (Smith, 1994). In the karstic part of the Cordoba Platform (Gonza´lez, 1976). Sierra Mazateca there are many large cave The Sierra Mazateca is located within systems. One of them is located just east of the Papaloapan River basin, the second most Huautla de Jimenez,´ in the area where the important fluvial system in Mexico—after region’s two different rock substrates come the Grijalva-Usumacinta system— in terms into contact. This cave system, known as of its streamflow (Pereyra-Dıaz´ et al., 2010; Sistema Huautla, is 78.3 km (256,890 ft) CONAGUA, 2016). Within the region, the long and 1,560 m (5,118 ft) deep. It is the two largest rivers are: 1) the Santo Domingo deepest known cave in the Western Hemi- River, in the southern part of the sierra, sphere and the ninth deepest cave in the which eventually becomes the Papaloapan world. This cave system has been explored River and discharges into the Gulf of and mapped since the 1960s, but a new long- Mexico, and 2) the Petlapa River, in the term expedition project, Proyecto Espe- northern part of the sierra, which discharges leologico´ Sistema Huautla (PESH), is work- into the Miguel Alema´n dam in the eastern ing to extend its known length and depth lowlands. Throughout the region there are (Steele, 2017). perennial and intermittent streams. In the The geological history of the Sierra western part of the Sierra Mazateca, where Mazateca, like that of south central Mexico the substrate is composed of mostly imper- in general, is complex. The region belongs to meable noncarbonate rocks, several springs the Sierra de Jua´rez Geological Subprovince, and waterfalls are present. However, in the characterized by flat-lying, NE-directed dry season, their flow decreases dramatically overthrusts and fold-structures that have and some even disappear completely. In the complex internal structures. Geological eastern karstic part of the sierra, there are no studies indicate that the northern mountain significant surface streams, as all the rain- range of Oaxaca was formed by folding and water percolates into the karst.
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    Acta Botanica Mexicana 106: 97-116 (2014) LA FAMILIA ASTERACEAE EN EL PARQUE NACIONAL LOS MÁRMOLES, HIDALGO, MÉXICO CARLOS ALBERTO GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ1, ARTURO SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ1,3 Y JOSÉ LUIS VILLASEÑOR2 1Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, (UAEH), Ciudad Universitaria; Carretera Pachuca-Tulancingo km. 4.5, 42184 Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo, México. 2Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Biología, Departamento de Botánica, Apdo. postal 70-233, 04510 México, D.F., México. 3Autor para la correspondencia: [email protected] RESUMEN Se realizó un inventario de las especies de la familia Asteraceae presentes en el Parque Nacional Los Mármoles (PNM), localizado en la porción noroeste del estado de Hidalgo. En el PNM se reconocen seis tipos de vegetación, predominando los bosques de Pinus-Quercus y de Quercus. Se encontraron 101 especies, distribuidas en 13 tribus y 51 géneros; dos de ellas naturalizadas (exóticas). Los miembros más numerosos son de las tribus Eupatorieae (26), Heliantheae (17), Astereae (11) y Coreopsideae (10). Los géneros mejor representados son Ageratina (11), Stevia (11), Pseudognaphalium (6) y Dahlia (5). Las especies endémicas al territorio de la República constituyen el componente más importante (54), siguiendo en relevancia las distribuidas de México a Centroamérica (16); solamente cinco (incluyendo las dos introducidas) también existen en el Viejo Mundo. El uso de estimadores no paramétricos indicó que el grado de completitud del inventario de la flora sinanterológica conocida hasta la fecha para el Parque es de entre 70 y 84%. Palabras clave: área natural protegida, Asteraceae, completitud, Hidalgo, inventario florístico, México. ABSTRACT An inventory of the species of Asteraceae occurring in the Los Mármoles National Park (PNM) was carried out; this park is located in the northwestern part of the state of 97 Acta Botanica Mexicana 106: 97-116 (2014) Hidalgo.
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