PUBLISHING INFORMATION Published by: Staatskanzlei des Landes Brandenburg Abteilung 3 | Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107 | D-14473 Potsdam Telefon: +49 (0) 331 866-0 |
[email protected] | facebook: unser brandenburg Legally responsible for content as per German Press Law: Government Spokesman Florian Engels Texts: Tobias Dürr, Florian Engels, Gerlinde Krahnert A red eagle on a white and red Layout: Schuetz Brandcom GmbH, Berlin background: The flag of the federal Print: Koch Druck, Am Sülzegraben 28, state of Brandenburg D-38820 Halberstadt Translation for the English and Polish issues: Alpha Translation Service GmbH, Berlin Editing: Tobias Dürr (english); Markus Mildenberger (polish) 1st Edition, September 2017 PICTURE CREDITS Yorck Maecke/U. Gatz/TMB-Fotoarchiv Schloss Babelsberg (Potsdam) with Havel p 1 + 48 | Shutterstock p 1 top (t.), 5 t., 8 + 9, 10 bottom (b.), 14, 15 bottom left (b. l.), 18. + 19., 25 top left (t. l.), 34 + 35 t. l. + top right (t. r.), 47 r. | Die Hoffotografen p 3 | Stadtmarketing- und Tourismusgesellschaft Brandenburg an der Havel mbH p 4 + 5 | Paul Hahn/TMB-Fotoarchiv p 5 b. | Stephanie Hochberg p 5 centre (c.),16, 21 b. l., 25 t. r., 31 bottom right (b. r.), 42 + 43, 45 t. r. | Bernd Geller p 6 | p 6 Portrait (po.), 8 po., 12 po., 43 po., 47 po., 21 b. l. | Frank Lieb- ke/TMB-Fotoarchiv p 7 l., 22 + 23 | Ulf Böttcher/TMB-Fotoarchiv p 7 r. | Schütz Brandcom p 9 r., 11 b. l., 46 | Jan Wischnewski Photography p. 10 b. | Gabriele Boiselle p 11 bottom centre (b.