COD Transfer Guide
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JUDSON UNIVERSITY Transfer Guide For College of DuPage To be used prior to matriculation to Judson General Education - Biblical Studies Requirements JUDSON COD BST 101 Intro to Old Testament REL1110 BST 102 Intro to New Testament REL1120 ENG 101 ENG1101 ENG 102 ENG1102 ESS Physical Fitness Activity Course Physical Fitness Activity HIS 261 History of Civilization I HIS1110 HIS 262 History of Civilization II HIS1120 MAT I.A.I. Approved Math SCI I.A.I. Approved Science w/lab PSY or SOC 111/151 Psychology or Sociology PSY1100 or SOC1100 SPC 120 Foundations of Speech SPC1100 GEN 181 Fine Arts/Mus or Theatre MUS1100, ART1100 or THE1100 ARCHITECTURE - ART GENERAL - ART PREMASTERS - VISUAL COMMUNICATION JUDSON COD ART 111 Drawing I ART1101 ARCH, ART, VIS COM ART 211 Drawing II ART1102 ARCH,ARCH, ART,ART, VIS COM DES 121 Design I ART1151/ARCH1121 ARCH, ART, VIS COM ARC 122 Design II ART1152/ARCH1131/ARCH1132 ARCH, ART, VIS COM *MAT 211 Functions and Calculus I w/lab MAT2231 ARCH PHL 261 History of Philosophy PHIL1170 ARCH *PHY 237 General Physics I w/lab PHY1201 ARCH ART Electives ART Electives ART ART 212 Painting I ART2221 ART ARC 251 Arch: Design I ARCH2201 ARCH ARC 252 Arch: Design II ARCH2202 ARCH ARC 222 Construction Technology ARCH1112 ARCH ARC 231 Arch History/Theory I ARCH2203 ARCH Drawing I and II will require a portfolio review BUSINESS W/CONCENTRATION IN ACCTOUNTING - FINANCE - MANAGEMENT - MARKETING - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS JUDSON COD BUS 101 Intro to Business BUS1100 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT, MIS BUS 250 Management Principles MGT2210 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT, MIS BUS 241 Basic Macroeconomics ECON2201 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT, MIS BUS 242 Basic Microeconomics ECON2202 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT, MIS BUS 251 Principles of Accounting ACCT1110 or ACCT1140 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT, MIS BUS 253 Business Law I BUS LAW 2211 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT BUS 255 Marketing Fundamentals MRKT2210 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT, MIS BUS 261 Fundamentals of Manag. Acct ACCT1150 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT MIS 222X Comp. App. For Business CIS1205 ACCT, FIN, MGNT, MKRT MIS 225 Applications Dev. Using C++ MIS2541 MIS MIS 224 Intro Programming/Data Structures CIS1140 MIS COMMUNICATION ARTS ENGLISH, COM STUDIES WITH CONCENTRATIONS IN BUS, SPEECH, THEATRE MEDIA STUDIES WITH CONCENTRATIONS IN MEDIA CREATION/WRITING AND INTERDISCIPLINARY JUDSON COD ENG 211 Non-Fiction Prose ENG2253 Eng, Inter ENG 262 British Lit ENG2221 Eng MED 140 Mass Media in Contemp. America JOUR1100 All SPC 220 Oral Interpretation SPC1110 Com Studies, Sp, Th, Eng Med BUS 101 Intro to Business BUS1100 Com Studies with con/Bus MED 240 Writing for the Media JOUR1105 Com Studies with con/Sp MED 243x Video Production MULTI MEDIA1020 Media Studies Creation BUS 250 Management Principles BUS2210 Media Studies/Mgt BUS 143 Basic Microeconomics ECON2202 Media Studies/Mgt THE 175 Acting I THE1111 Com Studies/Sp/Th ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION JUDSON COD EDU 222 Human Growth and Development PSY2237 ELEM, SEC ED EDU 223 Educational Psychology PSY2220 ELEM, SEC ED POL 222 American Government POL1101 ELEM, SEC ED SCI Another I.A.I. Science w/lab ELEM, SEC ED HIS 171 Rise of US to 1877 HIS1130 ELEM, SEC ED ENG 261 Children' s Literature ENG1157 ELEM ENG 263 American Lit Since 1865 ENG224 SEC ED English ENG 262 British Lit ENG2221 SEC ED English MAT MAT1321 & MAT1322 EXERCISE AND SPORTS SCIENCE JUDSON COD BUS 101 Intro to Business BUS2200 *BIO 272 Principles of Anatomy & Phys Anat & Phys 1551 BUS 251 Principles of Accounting ACCT1110 or ACCT1140 MUSIC JUDSON COD MUS 131P Class Piano MUS1171 MUS Performance MUS1180-1181, MUS1190-1193 MUS Applied Music Applied Music (16 hours Max) MUS 151 Music Theory I MUS1101 MUS 152 Music Theory II MUS1102 HISTORY and INTERCULTURAL JUDSON COD HIS 171 Rise of US to 1877 HIS1130 HIS 172 Rise of US from 1877 HIS1140 *SOC 151 Intro to Sociology SOC1100 POL 222 American Government POL1101 MIS 101 Intro to Word Processing CIS1205 PSYCHOLOGY and SOCIOLOGY JUDSON COD SOC 151 IntroIntro t too S Sociologyociology SOC1100 PSY 3 Psychology Course Electives PSY1100-2840 ANT 171 Intro to Anthropology ANT1110 HIS 2 History Course Electives MATH/SCIENCE GENERAL - MATH - BIOLOGY/CHEMISTRY JUDSON COD *MAT 211 Functions of Calculus I MAT2231 MAT/SCI MAT 212 Functions of Calculus II MAT2232 MAT/SCI CHM 153 General Chem I w/lab CHM1551 BIO, CHEM, GEN CHM 154 General Chem II w/lab CHM1152 BIO, CHEM, GEN BIO 173 Principles of Botany BOT2350 BIO, CHEM, GEN PHY 237 General Physics I w/lab PHY1201 BIO, CHEM, GEN PHY 238 General Physics II w/lab PHY1202 BIO, CHEM, GEN Notes * Indicates General Education Courses specifically required by the major. 1. Judson University is a member of the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) for the general education core curriculum only. I.A.I students should complete the appropriate courses as designed by the community college. The above course-by-course transfer guide is available for students not wishing to complete the I.A.I. General Education Core. 2. An earned Associates Degree will fulfill the General Education Requirements unless a specific General Education course is required by the major. An Applied Associated Degree will be evaulated course by course. 3. Students may transfer in 66 Lower Division semester hours from a community college. 4. A maximum of eight semester hours of physical education activity courses may be transferred. 5. A maximum of eight semester hours of applied music and/or theatre may be transferred. 6. To be admitted in good standing the student's cumulative GPA must be a 2.50 or higher. 7. Grades below C- will not transfer. For additional information or to inquire about a major not listed above, please feel free to contact us at 847-695-2500 ext. 1160. We will be happy to assit you. This transfer guide is subject to change..