Witness: ,James Gadsden, Secretary, William Cocke, . ,John Rhea, Malcum Mcgee, James Colbert, Interpreter
TREATY WITH THE CHOCTAW, 1816. 187 Horoyeahoummar, his x mark, [L. S.] Hopoyeahoummar, jr., hisxmark, [L. s.l Immouklusharhopoyea, his X Immouklusharhopyea, his x mark, ( L. s. mark, (L. S,] James Colbert, his x mark, (L. s. Hopoyeahoullarter, his x mark, (L. S,] Coweamarthtar, his x mark, [L. s. Tushkarhopoyea, his x mark, [L. S.] Illachouwarhopoyea, his x mark, [L. s. Witness: ,James Gadsden, secretary, William Cocke, . ,John Rhea, Malcum McGee, James Colbert, interpreter. TREATY WITH THE CHOCTAW, 1816 . .-· .A. treaty of cess-vm beflween the United States of America and the Oct. 24. 1816. Ohactaw nat-ion of Indians. -7-Sta-t-.,-1r,-2_--- Proclamation, Dec. 30 1816 JAMES MADISON, president of the United State~ of America, by gen- ' " eral John Coffee, John Rhea, and J oho M'Kee, esquires, commissioners on the part of the United States_, duly authorized for that {>Urpose, on the one part, and the mingoes, leaders, captains, and wan-1ors, of the Chactaw nation, in general council assembled, in behalf of themselves and the whole nation, on the other part, have entered into the fol1owing articles, which, when ratified by the president of the United States, with. the advice and consent of the senate, shall be obligatory on both parties: ART. 1. The Chactaw nation, for the consideration hereafter men- CessiOJJ. tioned, cede to the United Staoos all theirtitleandclaim to lands lying east of the following boundary, be~inning at the mouth of Ooktibbuha, the Chickasaw bounclary, and runnmg from thence down the Tombigby river, until it intersects the northern boundary of a cession made to the United States by the Chactaws, at Mount Dexter, on the 16th November, 1805.
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