Miró's Prints
JOAN MIRÓ MIRÓ'S PRINTS FORMIRO, PRINTMAKING WAS A TECHNIQUE, LIKE PAINTING OR SCULPTURE, RULED BY LAWS OF ITS OWN. FROMCHISEL TO DRY-POINT, FROM ETCHING TO AQUATINT, FROM SOFT VARNISH TO CARVING, THE ARTIST EXPERIMENTED EXHAUSTIVELY, INVENTING VARIATIONS AND TECHNIQUES WHICH HE OFTEN COMBINED, IN A PROCESS THAT WENT FROM THE FIG-URATIVE ART OF THE THIRTIES TO PURE ABSTRACTION. MARlA LLU~SABORRAS ART CRITIC print can have al1 the beauty much his own. It was like starting from combined, in a process that went from and dignity of a good painting," scratch and travelling a long road the figurative art of the thirties to pure wrote Joan Miró, and indeed, from engraving at the service of figur- abstraction; from the etching Dafnis i printmaking was an important aspect of ative art to that which explores the few Cloe (1933), with its painstaking tech- his art and made up a large part of his but sufficient formal resources, to cap- nique, to the resounding explosion of production, as a technique governed by ture the renovatory ideas of the art of this 1963, when he produced aquatints like laws of its own, just like painting and century. From chisel to dry-point, from Lluna i vent, Fons marí and L'ocell del sculpture. When he first took up print- etching to aquatint, from soft varnish to paradís, colour lithographs of great making, Miró was thirty-seven years old carving, the artist experimented exhaus- energy and power he called Dansa (bar- and had already made a name for him- tively, at the same time inventing varia- barous, nuptial fire-dancing), or else self as a painter with a language very tions and techniques which he often combinations of etching and aquatint in JOAN MIRÓ AUTORETRA T.
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