Catalog of University Authors
CATALOG OF UNIVERSITY AUTHORS OFFICE OF THE PROVOST AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES MAY 2019 This catalog accompanies a celebration of scholarly and creative work at Yeshiva University from March 2018 through February 2019. Fifty- six individuals—both faculty and staff members—submitted bibliographic and descriptive data about their books, journal articles, poetry, documentary films, music scores, and visual art. The entries appear in alphabetical order by the surname of the contributor. An illustration of one key work, whether a book jacket, journal cover, or an image of the visual art itself, accompanies each contributor’s submission. Within the citations, if the contributor is the sole author, the name does not appear. The works listed in the following pages represent the lively discussions and creative vitality among Yeshiva University’s faculty and staff members. Over 160 bibliographic entries in this catalog serve as evidence of their accomplishments. PAUL GLASSMAN Director of University Libraries • • • Compiler and editor STEPHANIE GROSS Electronic Reserves and Scholarly Communication Librarian Compiler AARON GOUKHMAN Library Assistant Editors and proofreaders REBECCA MALAMUD Head of Metadata Services and Processing MARLENE SCHIFFMAN Judaica Cataloger AVROM SHUCHATOWITZ Judaica Cataloger CATALOG OF UNIVERSITY AUTHORS I 2019 Békés, V., Perry, J. C., & Robertson, B. M. (2018). Psychological masochism: A systematic review of the literature on conflicts, defenses, and motives. Psychotherapy research, 28(3), 470-483. Békés, V., Perry, J. C., & Starrs, C. J. (2018). Understanding resilience in survivors of social trauma: Three case studies of coping action patterns in Holocaust versus other narratives. In R. L. Braham (Ed.), Studies about the Holocaust IX [Mi magyarázza a társadalmi trauma túlélőinek ellenállóképességét: Holokauszt és egyéb narratívák megküzdési stratégiáinak elemzése három eset bemutatásán keresztül] (pp.
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