The Kamra Corneal Inlay in the Clinic
Clinical Update REFRACTIVE SURGERY The Kamra Corneal Inlay in the Clinic by leslie burling-phillips, contributing writer interviewing wayne crewe-brown, mb, chb, mmed, sheldon herzig, md, frcsc, and david g. kent, md, mbchb, franzco, fracs ommercially available in vantage of the inlay is that the distance Kamra in Place Europe, the Asia-Pacific vision compromise in the reading eye region, South America, and is significantly less than what is experi- the Middle East prior to FDA enced with monovision, where the pa- approval in April this year, tient must tolerate and accommodate Cthe Kamra corneal inlay (AcuFocus) for the distance vision blur created in now offers U.S. ophthalmologists an the reading eye,” said David G. Kent, alternative treatment for presbyopia. MD, MBChB, FRANZCO, FRACS, at According to the FDA, the device is the Fendalton Eye Clinic in Christ- indicated for phakic presbyopes be- church, New Zealand. tween the ages of 45 and 60 who do Studies. Long-term study results in- not require glasses or contact lenses for dicate that the inlay is a safe, effective, distance vision but have a near vision and reversible treatment for presby- correction need of +1.00 D to +2.50 D. opia. Patients in one study gained 2 or Three ophthalmologists—from New more lines of uncorrected near visual Zealand, Canada, and England—share acuity and did not show significant their experiences with the Kamra cor- loss in distance vision when evalu- neal inlay. ated 4 years after inlay implantation.1 The intrastromal pocket, created with Reading performance is also positively a pocket software–approved femtosec- How the Inlay Works affected.
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