XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO), Part 1: Get the basics of XSL-FO techniques Convert HTML documents into formatting objects and then into PDF files

Skill Level: Introductory

Doug Tidwell ([email protected]) developerWorks Cyber Evangelist IBM

04 Feb 2003

Through examples and illustrations this tutorial for developers teaches the basics of working with XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO), a powerful, flexible XML vocabulary for formatting data, often used with XSLT to convert XML and HTML documents to PDF (portable document format). This tutorial, Part one of a two-part series, introduces how to use XSLT to convert XML documents into formatting objects and then the Apache XML Project's FOP (Formatting Object to PDF) tool to convert those formatting objects into PDF files. Examples include many XSL-FO sample code, XSLT templates, and some Java commands for the processing.

Section 1. Tutorial introduction and preparation

What this tutorial covers

The XSL Formatting Objects specification, an official recommendation of the W3C that is commonly known as XSL-FO, defines a number of XML tags that describe how something should be rendered. Although XSL-FO contains elements that describe how to render text in nonprint formats such as spoken text, this tutorial introduces how to create portable document format (PDF) files -- the most common use of XSL-FO.

The tutorial provides a brief overview of the XSL-FO document structure, as well as the elements that define page sizes, fonts, and margins. It also explains the basics

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of text and graphic formatting and demonstrates the fundamentals of converting a formatting object file to PDF. Downloadable code samples make it easy to adapt samples to experiment on your own.

When you've completed this introductory tutorial, you'll understand what XSL-FO is and how it works. You'll be able to adapt the basic samples provided to create simple FO documents of your own. You'll be ready move on to the second tutorial in this series to find out how to control text formatting in detail and how to convert HTML elements to formatting objects. Then you will be able to create your own XML applications that use formatting objects to generate high-quality printable documents.

What you need to know to benefit from this tutorial

This tutorial assumes that you already comprehend the Extensible (XML) and how to work with it and its related technologies, such as XML Stylesheet Language-Transformation (XSLT). You don't need to know anything about XSL-FO yet, but to work with formatting objects, you need a little experience working with XSLT.

The tools used for the examples are written in the Java code, but you don't have to understand the Java language to use them.

What you need to know about the software and standards

Figure 1. FOP project logo

Although you can use other XSL-FO rendering engines, this tutorial is written for the Apache XML Project's FOP (Formatting Objects to PDF) translator. The examples in this tutorial work with FOP Version 0.20.4, which was released on July 5, 2002. If you try them with other versions of FOP, they may or may not work. The XSL-FO spec became an official recommendation of the W3C on 15 October 2001; the FOP tool supports most of the final spec.

We use the FOP tool at developerWorks for two reasons:

• It's written in the Java language, and so it runs on all the platforms that we care about. • It's a no-cost, open-source product, and so anyone can afford it. If you want to immerse yourself in XSL-FO, you can go directly to the source for the the spec at the W3C's site (see Resources). Be aware that this is one of the longest documents at the W3C (roughly 400 pages), although most of it is reference information for the many elements and attributes in the XSL-FO tag set. The

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reference sections -- particularly appendixes B, C, and D -- are very useful for looking up property names and values. Remember, as of this writing, FOP does not completely support the XSL-FO spec. Certain property names and values defined by the spec might not be supported by the tool, or they might be supported with slightly different names and values.

What tools you'll need for the tutorial and how to configure them

To go through the exercises in this tutorial, you'll need to have a Java Developer's Kit (JDK) Version 1.3 or later, as well as the FOP package from the Apache XML Project. You can get the FOP package. Download the latest version and unzip it.

Once you have the JDK and FOP installed, you need to set the classpath.

If you want to follow the examples in the tutorial without remembering to adapt them, put the FOP package at c:\fop-0.20.4rc and then set the classpath like this (except all on one line, of course; I've broken the line only to fit within the text column here):

set classpath=.;c:\fop-0.20.4rc\build\fop.jar;c:\fop-0.20.4rc\ lib\avalon-framework-cvs-20020315.jar;c:\fop-0.20.4rc\lib\bati k.jar;c:\fop-0.20.4rc\lib\xalan-2.3.1.jar;c:\fop-0.20.4rc\lib\ xercesImpl-2.0.1.jar;c:\fop-0.20.4rc\lib\-apis.jar;

If you unzip the FOP package somewhere else, you'll need to change the command accordingly. If you're running Linux, use the command export classpath=/usr/bin/fop-0.20.4rc/build/fop.jar:/usr/bin/fop-... and so on.

Section 2. XSL-FO document function and structure

XSL-FO document overview

An XSL-FO document defines several things that are important when producing high-quality printable documents:

• Information about the physical size of the page (letter, A4, and so on) • Information about margins (top, left, bottom, and right), running headers and footers, and other properties of the page • Information about fonts, font sizes, colors, and other characteristics of the

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text • The actual text to be printed, marked up with elements that describe paragraphs, highlighting, tables, and similar things This section of the tutorial covers the paper size, margins, and other page properties, along with the XSL-FO elements used to describe them.

Before going on to the actual elements, let's look at the process used to convert an XML document into a PDF file.

Converting XML documents to PDF files

Converting an XML document to a PDF file takes two basic steps:

1. Use an XSLT stylesheet to transform the XML document into a file of XSL-FO elements. To perform the transformation, you simply invoke the XSLT processor with the XML document and the stylesheet. (Part 2 of this tutorial includes an XSLT stylesheet that converts XHTML elements into formatting objects.)

2. Use a rendering engine (for example, FOP, which is used in the tutorial examples) to convert the XSL-FO elements into a PDF file. This part is even simpler: You just invoke the FOP tool, giving it the name of the XSL-FO file and the name of the PDF file.

Here's a picture that outlines the process:

Figure 2. FOP process diagram

XSL-FO document structure at a glance

This picture plainly illustrates how an XSL-FO document is structured:

Figure 3. Structure of an XSL-FO document

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The element contains a and a . The normally contains information about page layouts, while the contains the actual content you're formatting.

XSL-FO document structure in detail

Start by looking at a simple XSL-FO document, simple.fo (also in the download file, x-xslfo-tutorial-samples.zip), and the tags and attributes it contains. Although it looks very complicated, don't be intimidated -- most of the things in this file never change. Normally you don't think about page layouts for every project; you just start by creating a set that works and then use them repeatedly.

Look first at the , , , , , and elements; all of these define aspects of the document. Everything else contains the content -- the part that changes from one document to another. Here's the file:

This is a paragraph of text. Notice that as this meaningless prose drones on and on, the FOP software automatically calculates line breaks for us. Isn't that fascinating?

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If you want to see what the PDF version looks like, view the file simple. (also in the download file, x-xslfo-tutorial-samples.zip).

The element

The root element for an XSL-FO document is the element. The sample document defines the fo namespace prefix in this element:

... ...

Typically, the root element contains a followed by one or more s.

The element

The element specifies page definitions. In a simple document, one layout might be enough, but complex documents typically have several page definitions. For example, you might want odd and even pages of your document to have different layouts. Maybe the first page of a chapter or the table of contents page needs a unique layout. You use a element to define each of the page layouts you need; then you store them in the element.

The element

The element defines the layout for a particular page. Here's an example, followed by an explanation of each attribute:

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margin-left="72pt" margin-right="72pt">

• master-name Defines a name for this page master. You can create several different elements and then refer to each of them as you need to use different page layouts throughout your document.

• margin-top and margin-bottom Define the margins at the top and bottom of the page. Acceptable units are points, picas, inches, and centimeters.

• page-width and page-height Define the size of the physical page. This example defines a letter-sized page; to use A4-sized paper, the attributes page-width="21cm" and page-height="29.7cm" would do the trick.

• margin-left and margin-right Define the margins at the left and right side of the page.

Before looking at the element itself, consider units of measurement.

Units in XSL-FO documents

XSL-FO supports these actual units for length properties, for measuring items such as margin-left, page-width, and page-height:

Unit Meaning cm centimeters mm millimeters in inches pt points (72 points = 1 inch) pc picas (12 points = 1 pica, 6 picas = 1 inch) px pixels (sometimes different from one formatter or device to the next, so be careful) em the width of a capital M

For more details, including how pixels work, you can read the XSL-FO spec (see Resources).

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The element

The XSL-FO spec defines five regions on a page; region-body defines the dimensions of the main area in the center of the page. Here's a sample:

This element defines top and bottom margins of 50 points for the region-body area. The other four regions of the page are:

• region-before, the area at the top of the page (normally used for running heads) • region-after, the area at the bottom of the page (normally used for running feet) • region-start, the area to the left of the page • region-end, the area to the right of the page Here's how these regions are typically arranged on the page:

Figure 4. Page regions diagram

You define the properties of each region with the appropriate element, and you can reference those regions later. To reference the various regions, you can use their default names, which are -region-body, xsl-region-before, and so forth.

Note: These definitions assume that the text in your document goes from left to right and top to bottom. If you're using a language whose characters are written some other way, the four outer regions may refer to different sections of the page.

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The element

The element defines the sequence of page layouts to use within the document. Specifying a sequence of layouts is an advanced technique covered in the second part of this tutorial series. For now, the examples simply use one named main for all of its pages:

The master-reference here refers to the master-name of the defined in The element. As you'd expect, an error results if the master-reference you use isn't defined somewhere in your XSL-FO document.

The element

The element defines some content that will be flowed within the current margins, font settings, and so forth. In other words, everything you've done to this point has been to define the layout of the page; now you'll find out how to insert some content to be rendered. You can count on the renderer (FOP, in this case) to calculate any line, column, and page breaks automatically or according to rules you specify.

The example dictates that this element contains content for the body of the document (remember, xsl-region-body is the default name for the main area of the page).

The area named by the flow-name attribute has to be one of the five default names or a name you define somewhere in your XSL-FO document; you'll see how to give names to page areas in the second part of this tutorial series. For now, xsl-region-body is all you need to worry about.

Basic XSL-FO elements for content

The two main XSL-FO elements for formatting content are and . Here's the content from the sample document:

This is a paragraph of text. Notice that as this meaningless prose drones on and on, the FOP software automatically calculates line breaks for us. Isn't that fascinating?

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is the most basic element used to format a block of text. You can think of it as similar to the HTML

element. A element always causes a line break.

defines some new text properties within an existing . If you want to italicize several words within a paragraph, as in the example, you use to do the job. If the example had used a element instead, the italicized words would have appeared as a separate paragraph.

Your first PDF file

To create a PDF file from the example document, you use the FOP tool to convert simple.fo into simple.pdf . Assuming that you've set the classpath correctly (described in What tools you'll need for the tutorial and how to configure them), you can run the FOP tool to convert your file with this command:

> java org.apache.fop.apps.Fop simple.fo simple.pdf

Congratulations! You've just created your first PDF file from XSL Formatting Objects! If you feel like experimenting right away, you can add more elements to the element. Try adding bold () and monospaced () formatting objects so that the PDF file looks like this:

Figure 5. Picture of PDF with bold and monospaced font

Now you're ready to learn more about formatting documents with XSL-FO.

Section 3. Basic text formatting

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Basic block formatting

Now that you've covered some of the basics of the and elements, you can look at more of their properties and some of the other things you can do with text blocks. Let's start by looking at the introduced in the last section:

This is a paragraph of text. Notice that as this meaningless prose drones on and on, the FOP software automatically calculates line breaks for us. Isn't that fascinating?

This example uses the line-height property to change the spacing between lines. Without this property, the line-height would be the same as the font-size. It's usually a good idea to make the line-height 3 to 6 points larger than the font-size; without a little space between the lines, the text may look cramped and hard to read. The amount of space required depends upon the characteristics of the font and the width of the text column; if you're working with a graphic designer on your team, follow your expert's advice on this value.

Text formatting with the element

Here's how you can use the XSL-FO element to format text:

• Bold text: Use the element with an attribute of font-weight="bold". • Italicized text: Use the element with an attribute of font-style="italic". • Monospaced text: Use the element with an attribute of font-family="monospace". • Changing fonts: Use the element with an attribute of font-family="serif" for a serif font (usually similar to Times-Roman). Use the attribute font-family="sans-serif" for a sans serif font (usually similar to Arial). (See the FOP documentation for information on how to convert the fonts installed on your machine into fonts FOP can use.)

A word about properties

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Even the simple XSL-FO file uses several properties, such as font-size, line-height, and font-style. Many XSL-FO properties are identical to the CSS properties you might recognize. XSL-FO and CSS also share the same way that elements usually inherit properties from their ancestors. Here's the example paragraph again:

This is a paragraph of text. Notice that as this meaningless prose drones on and on, the FOP software automatically calculates line breaks for us. Isn't that fascinating?

Note that in defining the element, the example doesn't specify the font-size and line-height properties. That's because those properties are inherited from the element that contains the element.

Another thing to keep in mind about properties: An XSL-FO property is just an XML attribute.

You'll notice that I use the words properties and attributes interchangably in this tutorial. The XSL-FO spec does this as well.

Character entities

Here's one more aspect of text formatting to remember: character entities. Unlike HTML, XSL-FO doesn't define character entities. That means you have to define a character entity any time you want to use it. Here's the syntax for defining a character entity:


This code defines the entity and associates it with a particular character. (The first word after the DOCTYPE keyword must be the name of the root element of the document.) Once you've defined the character entity, you can use it in an XSL-FO document just as you do in an HTML document. You will see another example of the use of character entities in XSL-FO when you read about unordered lists in the follow-up to this tutorial, "XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) advanced techniques."

Section 4. Text block spacing and alignment

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Text alignment

Two attributes define the alignment of text in a block. The text-align attribute defines how lines of text are aligned, and the text-align-last attribute lets you define special handling for the last line of text in a block. Both attributes have the same set of values: start, center, end, and justify. For languages that are written left-to-right, text-align="start" produces left-aligned text, and text-align="end" produces right-aligned text. For languages that are written in other directions, start and end have other meanings.

Here's how a centered paragraph looks in XSL-FO:

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of the party. Every good boy deserves fudge. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.

Space between blocks

Two sets of properties define how much space (if any) should appear between blocks: space-before and space-after. You can add the suffixes .minimum, .maximum, .optimum, and .precedence to modify these properties. This table outlines some sample formatting with these properties and describes the effect of the suffixes:

XSL-FO sample Meaning Put 14 points of vertical space before the block begins begins

The XSL-FO spec defines all of the attributes and the rules for determining preferences when the various spacing properties conflict with each other. In this tutorial, the examples usually specify the nonmodified value and leave it at that.

Combining the properties and their components, you have 10 choices in total:

space-before space-before.minimum space-before.maximum space-before.optimum

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space-before.precedence space-after space-after.minimum space-after.maximum space-after.optimum space-after.precedence

Break prevention within and between blocks

The XSL-FO spec defines a few properties that give the rendering engine hints about how to keep blocks of content together. There are three sets of properties here: keep-with-next, keep-with-previous, and keep-together. You can combine the base properties with the components .within-line, .within-column, and .within-page.

This table shows some sample formatting that uses these properties and describes the effect of their use:

XSL-FO sample Meaning block that follows it

As with the space-before and space-after properties and their components, there are a number of combinations:

keep-with-next keep-with-next.within-line keep-with-next.within-column keep-with-next.within-page keep-with-previous keep-with-previous.within-line keep-with-previous.within-column keep-with-previous.within-page keep-together keep-together.within-line keep-together.within-column keep-together.within-page

The valid values for these properties are auto, which lets the renderer decide when to keep lines together, and always, which says that two blocks should always be kept together. You can also use an integer value; the higher the number, the greater the precedence of the property (always is higher than any integer). Having said all of this, be aware that FOP doesn't always handle these properties correctly, so don't expect them to work every time.

Break placement before and after blocks

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XSL-FO also has properties that tell the renderer how to break blocks apart. The break-before attribute has five values:

Attribute value What the value does auto Let the rendering engine figure it out column Put a column break before this block page Put a page break before this block odd-page The rendering engine inserts a page break (or two, if necessary) so that this block begins on an odd-numbered page. In other words, if one page break would cause this block to begin on an even-numbered page, FOP inserts a second page break. even-page The rendering engine inserts a page break (or two, if necessary) so that this block begins on an even-numbered page.

There is also a break-after attribute that has the same five values to specify breaks that come after the current block.

Widows and orphans

The final controls for keeping lines together are the orphans and widows properties. Widows and orphans are single lines or partial lines from the beginning or end of a paragraph that appear all by themselves because a page or column break interrupts a text block in an awkward place. In FO you can specify how many lines of a block should stay together before or after a break. The widows property defines the minimum number of lines that must appear together at the bottom of a page; the default value is 2. The orphans property defines the minimum number of lines that must appear together at the top of a page. Its default value is 2 as well.

Section 5. Basic graphics

GIF and JPEG graphics

To add graphics to a PDF file throughout the FO file, use the element. Here's an example:

You can use this element to embed GIF and JPEG images in PDF files. The

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XSL-FO spec also defines the height and width attributes; those elements help the FOP engine figure out how much room the graphic requires.

A final note: The element doesn't cause a line break by default. If you want the graphic to appear separately, put the inside a .

SVG graphics

FOP now includes the Batik SVG engine (see Resources) for rendering SVG () inside PDF files. If the graphic is in an external file, you can include it with the element. Because SVG is an XML vocabulary, you can include the SVG elements inside the XSL-FO file itself with the element. Here's how to embed an SVG graphic for a red square inside an XSL-FO file:

If you want to generate SVG directly from your source data, you can create a style sheet that creates both the XSL-FO elements and the SVG elements. Both of them will then be processed by the FOP engine.

Drawing lines

The XSL-FO spec also defines a element to draw lines in a document. It is typically used in three cases: To draw separator lines between sections of a document (much like the HTML

element), to draw lines for fill-in-the-blank forms, and to draw dotted lines between headings and page numbers in the table of contents.

This table outlines three ways to use the element and describes the effect of each example:

FO leader sample The result A horizontal line that fills the width of the current column

A horizontal line 100 points long

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A horizontal line of dots that fills the current column

The valid values for the leader-pattern property are space, rule, and dots. The default value is space, meaning the element merely creates blank white space. The XSL-FO spec defines another value, use-content, but it is not supported by FOP.

As far as I know, it isn't possible to add vertical rules to blocks; you have to use SVG for that.

For a complete example that covers all the formatting introduced in this tutorial, move on to Summary and resources .

Section 6. Summary

Summing up by example

Now that you've looked at blocks, inline elements, and graphics, it would be worthwhile for you to view the file blocks.fo (also in the download file, x-xslfo-tutorial-samples.zip). It contains various kinds of text formatting, external graphics, and an inline SVG graphic. There are also lines between sections of the page. Here's a fragment of the PDF file generated from the file:

Figure 6. Screen capture of blocks.pdf sample file

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You can also view the PDF file blocks.pdf (also in the download file, x-xslfo-tutorial-samples.zip) to see the entire result.

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Description Name Size Download method Sample files x-xslfo-tutorial-samples.zip9KB HTTP

Information about download methods

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Learn • Move on to the sequel to this tutorial, XSL-FO advanced techniques, which covers in detail how to format complex documents, lists, tables, cross reference links, plus how to convert HTML elements to formatting objects. • Read up on the XSL-FO spec (all 400 pages) at the W3C's site, w3.org/TR/xsl. • For more information about XSL-FO in general, visit the W3C's Style page at w3.org/style/xsl/. • Find out more about the Batik SVG engine for rendering SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) inside your PDF files at http://xml.apache.org/batik/. Batik is included in the version of FOP used for this tutorial. • Nicholas Chase's tutorial "Introduction to Scalable Vector Graphics" is a great place to learn the basics of SVG (developerWorks, March 2004). • To see another application of XSL-FO, check out Rodolfo Raya's article for developerWorks, "Using XSL-FO to create printable documents." The article explains how the author uses XSL-FO to generate printable database reports from a Java language application (developerWorks, November 2001). • Find more information on the technologies covered in this tutorial at the developerWorks XML zone. • Find out how you can earn IBM XML 1.1 certification. • For additional tips and how-to advice on using XSLT, skim the articles already published on that technology in the developerWork XML zone. • For additional instruction in XSLT and other XML techniques, check out the dozens of other tutorials in the XML zone on developerWorks. • Stay current with developerWorks technical events and Webcasts. Get products and technologies • Download Xalan, the XSLT processor used in the examples in this tutorial, from the Apache XML Project http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/index.html. • The examples in this tutorial work with FOP Version 0.20.4, which was released on July 5, 2002. Download the Apache XML Project's FOP package. • Build your next development project with IBM trial software, available for download directly from developerWorks.

About the author

Doug Tidwell Doug Tidwell is the developerWorks Cyber Evangelist, helping people use new

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technologies to solve problems. He has spoken about Web Services and XML to tens of thousands of developers around the world, a number of whom actually stayed awake. He is also the author of O'Reilly's XSLT and a coauthor of O'Reilly's Programming Web Services with SOAP, both of which make excellent gifts for your friends and loved ones.

In a rare brush with greatness, he and his daughter Lily were once trounced by Olympic gold medalist Marion Jones in a game of Whack-a-Mole at the North Carolina State Fair: • Dad: How can the game be over already? • Lily: No way! Nobody could be that fast! [Dad looks over, sees winning contestant] • Dad: Come on, Lily, let's go....

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