Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 1 28/09/2021 15:20:52 Contents...... 2 Equipment...... 12 Game Summary...... 3 Enemy Behavior (A.I)...... 13 Preparation...... 3 Components...... 15 Victory and Defeat...... 3 Heroes...... 19 Difficulty and Duration...... 4 Bosses...... 21 Game Sequence...... 5 Elites...... 22 Solve Encounter...... 6 Characteristics...... 23 Maintenance Phase...... 11 Special Thanks...... 27

• 8 x Hero Cards • 5 x Cards • 8 x Elite Cards • 53 x Monster Cards • 8 x Hero Round Cards • 68 x Loot Cards • 6 x Epic Loot Cards • 6 x Threat Cards • 8 x Hero Skills Cards • 33 x Boss and Elite Skills Cards • 4 x Character Sheets • 2 x Combat Dice • 1 x Numbered Dice • 76 x Tokens • 212 x Markers • 2 x Dungeon Book • 4 x Rulebooks


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 2 28/09/2021 15:20:55 MiniQuest Adventures is a dungeon crawler game for 1 to 4 players in book format in the purest 16-bit style. Each game will generate a random dungeon that players must clear in the hopes of reaching and defeating the final Boss. The Heroes will receive rewards, such as weapons or equipment, at the end of each dungeon that they clear. These rewards will help them to defeat the enemies they encounter, and increase their chances of survival against the dungeon bosses.

1. Players choose a Character Sheet color and the Hero that corresponds to the chosen color. 2. Each Hero’s Initial Set (p. 19-20) is separated from the Loot Cards and the remaining Loot Cards are shuffled to form the Loot deck. 3. Boss, Elite, Monster, Threat, and Epic Loot Cards are shuffled separately and into different decks. 4. The Dungeon Book is placed in the middle of the table. 5. The Rounds that the game will have are decided according to the desired difficulty. 6. The youngest player starts with the Leader Token. 7. In the case that there are fewer than four players, each player must assume the control of several Heroes at once.

To win the game, players must clear all of the dungeons successfully, and are defeated when they all die on the same , or if they’ve all received too many Death Markers to continue. A player is completely eliminated after having zero points left while having already accumulated three Death Markers, or after obtaining a fourth Death Marker.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 3 28/09/2021 15:20:56 Before starting, players must decide which game mode to use to complete the game. Each game mode consists of one or more rounds. A Round consists of five Encounters. The last one will always abe confrontation, which will match the players against a Boss or an Elite. This will depend on the round being played. Each room is identified by a color and its symbol.

I II III IV In order to achieve a higher degree of randomization, the Dungeon Book contains 6 different versions of each Encounter with different set ups and number of enemies. At the beginning of each Encounter, a Numbered Dice will be rolled. The result indicates the version of the encounter about to be played. Next, the player will have to open the book at the corresponding page. Example: If the players must generate the third level and the result of the dice is a two they will open page III-2. Each time players complete a Round, the difficulty level will be increased by un- covering a new Threat Card and applying its new characteristics to all Enemies.

Game Modes Quick Adventure Difficult Adventure Highly recommended for the first few A challenge for demanding players. games. Five Rounds - Four Threat Cards. One Round - No Threat Cards. Four Elites and One Final Boss. One Final Boss. Unlock Hero Skills at the end of the Heroes play with active skills from the third round. first level. Nightmare Adventure Adventure Not recommended if you don’t like to For a fun afternoon. suffer. Three Rounds - Two Threat Cards. Seven Rounds - Six Threat Cards. Two Elites and One Final Boss. Five Elites and Two Bosses. “First Unlock Hero Skills at the end of the Boss” on the fifth round, “Second first round. Boss” on the seventh round, the rest of the rounds have Elites. Unlock Hero Skills at the end of the third round. 4

Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 4 28/09/2021 15:20:57 1. Set up. 2. Resolve the encounter in initiative order. 3. Maintenance phase.

- SET UP 1. The player with the Leader Token rolls the Numerical Dice and opens the version corresponding to the encounter that has to be resolved. 2. One Monster Card is uncovered for each marked tile in order, from left to right and top to bottom. 3. In the case of a tile with the Elite symbol, an Elite or Boss Card must be uncovered (depending on the Round). 4. Place the Enemy Tokens corresponding to the cards that have come out on the marked tiles, in the same order. The Monster Tokens are numbered to easily identify each enemy in the case that they are the same. 5. The corresponding Life, Defense, and Power Markers are placed on top of both the Hero and the Enemy Cards. 6. Set up the Initiative Queue.

Initiative Queue The Hero Turn Cards are placed next to the Monsters in a row in the following order: The first card that is placed in the queue will be the Turn Card of the player who has the Leader Token at that moment. The next will be the first Monster Card that was initially uncovered, i.e., the monster placed in the top left marked tile. The next card will be the one of the player who is next to the one with the Leader Token (clockwise). The process will be repeated between players and Monsters until all the uncovered cards and the Hero Turn Cards are finished.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 5 28/09/2021 15:20:57 Before starting the encounter, players may exchange objects from the Bag with Equipment or with each other. If they do not have space, they must discard the remaining cards. The Encounter takes turns according to the Initiative Queue from left to right. On their turn, each player can perform two actions. These can consist of one movement followed by one attack, or in the other hand, two consecutive movements. The order does not matter and it is not necessary to do both. Be- fore carrying out the attack, the Hero may choose to use a Skill.

Range The Dungeon Book is divided by squares to help the player calculate each character’s range, movement, reach and line of sight. The range is calculated in horizontal or vertical cells, never diagonally.

Squares 1. White: common squares. The characters can move freely through these. Players cannot pass through a square occupied by another character either ally or enemy.. 2. Red: impassable squares. Characters cannot move or have vision through these squares. 3. Yellow: difficult terrain squares. Characters can move through these squares, but each square passed through costs two movement. Characters cannot stop on a yellow square. 4. Green: initial square. When a Hero starts the encounter, he will start his turn on this square. Heroes can attack from the starting square and move out of it before the end of their turn.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 6 28/09/2021 15:20:57 Line of Sight To determine whether a character has line of sight, draw a straight line from one of the four corners of the attacker’s square to one of the corners of the target’s square. This must be done without the line touching a corner or going through a red square, or a square occupied by another character either ally or enemy.

Movement Characters can move horizontally or vertically up to the maximum indicated by their movement, never diagonally.

Note: Although a player may find himself at the end of a turn with spare movement points, a character will NOT be able to: 1. Move 2. Attack 3. Continue moving. This would lead to a turn with 3 separated actions, so- mething which is not allowed.

Attack The attacker’s target must be within their Weapon or Spell Range. In addition, to assault from a distance, the characters must have vision of their target.

The target cannot be attacked through characters, either allies or enemies, even if the Weapon or Spell Range allows it. An attack is considered hand-to-hand when carried out with a Range 1 or Range 2 Weapon. An attack is considered to be at a distance when carried out with a Weapon or Spell with a maximum Range of 3 or more. To attack, the attacker rolls two Combat Dice and chooses one. Characters that attack hand-to-hand will cause damage when they get a Strike or Critical Hit result. Characters attacking from a distance cause damage when they get a Shot or Critical Hit result.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 7 28/09/2021 15:20:58 Spells are considered distance attacks that consume Power. In the case of a beneficial Spell like “Barrier”, an ally or oneself can be chosen as the target, and they are automatically successful. On some occasions there may be a chain of strikes between the attacker and the target. In this case, the chain is broken when one of the two is defeated or the result of the dice does not allow it to be cast again. Strike (two sides of the dice) Apply hand-to-hand damage only and finish the attack.

Shot (two sides of the dice) Apply the damage at a Distance only and finish the attack.

Critical Hit (one side of the dice) Apply damage of any kind, then the attacker will roll a dice and the new result will be determined.

Counterattack (one side of the dice) If the attack is hand-to-hand and the opponent is within striking range, the opponent will roll a dice and the new result will be in favor of the target. If the attack is at a distance, the shot misses. Note: One the first roll of an attack, when two dice are used, both dice need to land on the Counterattack symbol for this to happen. Otherwise, when only one dice is rolled, only that dice needs to be a Counterattack symbol for this to happen. Example: It is the turn of the player who controls Ralen and they approach an intact Skeleton three squares away. As Ralen can move five squares they place themselves on the square adjacent to the Monster, ending their movement there; they then decide to attack and roll the two Combat Dice, obtaining a Strike result and a Critical Impact result. The player chooses the Critical Hit Dice and applies their weapon damage. Next, they roll a Combat Dice to represent the Critical Impact and get a Shot result. As the weapon they are equipped with is the “Great Sword”, they take advantage of the Accuracy characteristic and roll the Combat Dice again, obtaining the Counterattack result. The player is obliged to accept the new result regardless of the previous one, so the Skele- ton makes a Counterattack by rolling a Combat Dice. The result is a Critical Hit, so they project the damage and roll the dice again. The new result is another Counterattack, so now it’s Ralen who strikes and rolls a dice again. The result is another Shot, but since they have already used the Precision Skill this turn and have no other card with the same cha- racteristic, they can no longer roll the dice. Thus, the chain of blows ends with a failure.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 8 28/09/2021 15:20:58 Damage Damage is indicated on the Weapons, Spells, or Skill Cards. To cause damage to Life points, the player must first destroy the target’s Defense points in the case that they do not have “Piercing” in their attacks. When Defense points reach zero, the target’s defense is considered destroyed and the damage is inflicted on Life points. The Hero is out when the Life points reach zero. A Death marker must be placed on the Character Sheet and the Hero Token is removed from the board for the remainder of the encounter. When an Enemy’s Life points reach zero, the token will be removed and their Monster Card will be discarded into their discard pile. Heroes targeted by counterattacks will only be able to counterattack if they have at least one hand-to-hand Weapon with sufficient range. The total damage of the attack will be the sum of the Equipment Cards and Skills involved in the strike. To represent the damage, remove the Defense or/and Life markers that are on top of the cards, whether they are Heroes or Enemies. When the damage is sustained by a Hero, the player can choose which part of the equipment receives the damage. If the Defense points reach zero, the card is turned over until the end of the encounter.

Heroe Skills Skills enhance attacks by combining their effects with Weapons or Spells. Players may declare to use the Skill as long as they have the Power to use it before carrying out their attack. Exemple: Durlan activates his “Accurate Blow” and removes 1 Power marker to fire a shot with the “CrossBow”. The ability adds “Accuracy” to his shot in addition to inflicting 6 points of damage on hit.

Hero Skill 9

Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 9 28/09/2021 15:20:59 Additional Effects There are certain cards that add unique effects to the attack or allow them to be stopped. Piercing: If the strike is successful, the damage is inflicted directly on the Life points. Accuracy: Each card with the Accuracy characteristic allows for an extra throw of one combat dice per turn. If a Hero has more than one Accuracy Card, they can repeat unsuccessful rolls as many times as the number of cards with that characteristic. Both and Skill Cards would work in this case scenario. Backstab: Doubles the damage of the main weapon with which the attack is carried out. Secondary Weapons and Skills do not double their damage. Lightweight: Carrying a full set of light gear allows the player to strike twice during the same attack action. Therefore, if the Hero Skill is used, the player benefits from its characteristics on both strikes. The player must roll the two Combat Dice for each of the blows separately and resolve them independently. Player cannot choose a different target for the second blow. Knocked Down: If the knockdown is successful, the target will not be able to use their attack action at the start of their next turn as this represents that they will use their action to get up. However, the player will be able to use their movement action normally. Burn: If the strike is successful, the target must attempt to remove the status or lose one Life point at the start of any turn as Piercing Damage until freed. Frozen: If the strike is successful, the target must attempt to remove the status or lose any turn until freed. Parry: Each card with the Parry feature may block an attack per turn. If a Criti- cal Hit is made it also stops the Dice chain. If a Hero has more than one Parry Card, they can block as many blows as many times as the number of cards with that characteristic. Both Item and Skill Cards would work in this case scenario.

Effects 10

Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 10 28/09/2021 15:20:59 1. When you clear the Final Encounter, except at the end of the Final Round, reveal a new Threat Card. All enemies for the next dungeon will have the new attributes / characteristics as described on the card, in addition to any attributes / characteristics from previous rounds. 2. Rest. Heroes regain all lost Life, Defense, and Power points. 3. Loot. The player with the Leader Token will distribute the Loot. 4. If either the Monster or Loot Decks are empty, shuffle the relevant discard pile to form a new deck. 5. Pass the Leader Token clockwise to the next player.

Rest Players turn damaged Equipment Pieces face up. Heroes regain all lost Life, Defense, and Power points. The only markers kept on the Character Sheet are Death markers.

Loot When players complete an Encounter they will receive Loot. The player with the Leader Token will be the one to distribute the Loot to their teammates or themselves. There are two types of Loot: Common and Epic. Common Loot Two Loot Cards are drawn and at least one is discarded. It is received after completing Encounters I, II, III and IV. Epic Loot Three Loot Cards are drawn, and at least one of them is discarded. One Epic Loot Card is drawn. It is received after completing the Final Encounter of the current Round.

Leader Token Once the exchanges are completed, the encounter will be finished and the Leader Token will be passed to the next player in a clockwise direction.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 11 28/09/2021 15:20:59 If a Hero has more than one Weapon or Spell equipped, the player will decide which one to attack with. A card is considered equipped when it is placed on one of the Equipment squares. Spells are placed on top of the objects that allow them to be equipped. Spells can also be placed in the Bag, occupying their own space. Items in the Bag cannot equip Spells. In the same way as Skills, Secondary Items combine their effects with the equipped Weapon or Spell. They differ because a (+) appears in the Damage points, as in the Sorcerer Tome. Secondary Items cannot attack or counterattack. After picking up the corresponding Loot Cards, players can exchange them from Team to Bag, player to player, or discard them, if there is no room in the bags. Players can exchange two objects that can hold Spells. Spells are passed from one object to another. If one of the two objects cannot hold Spells, they must be returned to the Bag or discarded. Tapped object cards may not be used. Minimum equipped objects are restricted to one card.

Equipment 12

Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 12 28/09/2021 15:21:00 There are three types of behavior depending on whether the enemy attacks from a distance, hand-to-hand or is an Elite or Dungeon Boss. Common monsters:

Hand-to-hand (Range 1-2) Distanced 1. “First Action”: If it is in the range of ...... one target: Attack and perform step 3. First Action ... several targets: Attack a random target and perform step 3. target: Move to the nearest target and perform step 2. 2. “Second Action”: If it is in the range of ...... one target: Attack and perform step 3. ...several targets: Attack a random target and perform step 3...... no target: Perform step 3. 3. End turn. Second action Distanced (Range 3 or +) 1. “First Action” If you are in the range of ...... one target: Attack and perform step 2. ...several targets: Attack a random target and perform step 2. target: Perform step 2. 2. “Second Action” Move the character as far as possi- ble from their closest enemy and perform step 3. 3. End turn.

Bosses and Elites: 1. Player uncovers the first card in their Skill deck and perform step 2. 2. “First Action” If the Skill is in the range of ...... the objective(s): Perform the Skill, be it on enemies or themselves and perform step 4. ... no target: Move to the nearest target and perform step 3. 3. “Second Action” If player is in the range of ...... the objectives: Perform the Skill, be it on enemies or themselves and perform step 4. … no target: Perform step 4. 4. End turn. 13

Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 13 28/09/2021 15:21:01 Bosses and Elites have their own deck of Skills that must be shuffled for the showdown. The Skills of the Bosses and Elites automatically succeed as long as they have range to perform the action. Regardless of whether cards are held for several turns, on each new turn the Elite or Boss will take a new one from the Skill deck. At the beginning of an Elite’s/Boss’ turn a Time Token must be removed. This process will be repeated until there are no more tokens. In case a Skill is kept activated during more than one turn, this Card must be discarded when the Time Tokens are depleted. At the end of a turn, Skill Cards which have depleted all their Time Tokens are discarded and if there are no Skill Cards left, they will be shuffled to form a new deck. If there is a card active for several turns, when the Skill Cards have run out, it remains active and is not shuffled with the rest, since it is not discarded for the duration of its effect. Consult the Skill Decks of each Enemy (p. 21-22). Monsters, like Heroes, roll both Combat Dice and always choose the most favorable result for themselves. In case of having more than one target, the Numerical Dice will be rolled to determine the target. If the Monster can fight back; it does it with its Monster Card Damage. If a Boss or Elite is within one square of the Heroes, counterattacks inflict three Damage points. If they are two or more squares away, they cannot counterattack. While a Monster, Elite or Boss are Knocked Down or Frozen they will lose their attack action, but they will maintain their movement action when the token is removed. Threat Cards that are uncovered will permanently increase the stats of Mons- ters, Elites, and Bosses until the end of the game. Threat Cards stack up making Enemies stronger and stronger.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 14 28/09/2021 15:21:01 4x Character Sheets Each sheet has a different color: green, red, blue and yellow. 1. Bag. Two slots to store Loot Cards. 2. Character. One slot to place the Hero Card with the same color as the token. 3. Equipment. Five slots to carry the equipment. One slot for one-handed Loot Cards. A discontinuous slot for two-handed Loot Cards. 4. A slot for Armor or Clothes. 5. A slot for Hero Skill Cards. 6. Three slots for Death markers.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 15 28/09/2021 15:21:02 2x Dungeon Books Each book has 30 different levels divided into five groups of six levels each. 1. Level number: I, II, III, IV, Boss. 2. Level version number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 3. Types of Enemies: Bosses Elites Monsters

2x Combat Dice Used for Attacks.

1x Numerical Dice Used to choose the version of the level, to determine the success or failure of certain characteristics such as Knockdown, Burn, Freeze or Block, and to select a random target.

8x Hero Cards There are four Hero colors: green, red, blue, and yellow. 1. Hero symbol and color. 2. Hero picture. 3. Hero name. 4. Characteristics (Life, Power and Movement).

5x Boss Cards 1. Boss symbol. 2. Boss picture. 3. Boss name. 4. Characteristics (Life, Defense and Movement).


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 16 28/09/2021 15:21:03 8x Elite Cards 1. Elite symbol. 2. Elite picture. 3. Elite name. 4. Characteristics (Life, Defense and Movement).

53x Monster Cards 1. Monster symbol. 2. Monster picture. 3. Monster name. 4. Characteristics (Life, Defense, Movement, Damage and Range).

8x Turn Cards Used in the Initiative Queue. Every hero has their own Turn Card.

68x Loot Cards 1. Reverse of item. 2. Item picture. 3. Item name. 4. Characteristics.

6x Epic Loot Cards 1. Back of Epic items 2. Epic item’s image 3. Epic item’s name 4. Epic item’s characteristics


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 17 28/09/2021 15:21:04 8x Hero Skills 1. Reverse of Hero Skills. 2. Skill picture. 3. Skill name. 4. Characteristics.

33x Boss and Elite Skills 1. Back of Enemy Skills 2. Image of the Skill 3. Name of the Skill 4. Skill’s characteristics the most common characteristics.

6x Threat Cards At the end of each round, uncover one card. Apply the new characteristics to the new round.

76x Tokens 8x Hero Tokens 5x Boss Tokens 8x Elite Tokens 53xMonster Tokens 1x Lider Token 1x Logo Token Note: Monster token are numbered

212x Markers 70x Life. 12x Time. 70x Defense. 6x Burn. 30x Power. 6x Frost. 12x Death. 6x Knockdown.

Note: There are markers of 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 for the most common characteristics. The numbered mar- kers are reversible with a value of 1 on the back.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 18 28/09/2021 15:21:05 The Heroes are the protagonists of the adventure. Players must embody one or more of them to play. Each Hero has their Initial Set of objects that must be taken from the Loot Deck in addition to taking the Hero’s own Skill. The game must always be played with four Heroes, regardless of the number of players. You cannot play with two Heroes of the same color.

Ralen Hammershine Molog Grayblade Life: 6 Power: 4 Movement: 5 Life: 6 Power: 3 Movement: 6 Starting Equipment: Sword, Starting Equipment: Sword, Hardened Leather Hardened Leather Skill: Whirlwind Skill: Bloodlust

Martina Boulderhill Tatiana Earthrock Life: 4 Power: 6 Movement: 5 Life: 5 Power: 6 Movement: 4 Starting Equipment: Wand, Arcane Starting Equipment: Wand, Arcane Shot, Cloth Shot, Cloth Skill: Drain Skill: Funnel


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 19 28/09/2021 15:21:05 Faenala Earthrock Rose Starwind Life: 7 Power: 4 Movement: 4 Life: 7 Power: 3 Movement: 5 Starting Equipment: Short Sword, Starting Equipment: Short Sword, Light Shield, Armor Light Shield, Armor Skill: Onslaught Skill: Block

Durlan Undertree Bilbo Silenthand Life: 5 Power: 3 Movement: 7 Life: 5 Power: 4 Movement: 6 Starting Equipment: CrossBow, Starting Equipment: CrossBow, Lea- Leather Armor ther Armor Skill: Accurate Blow Skill: Gloomy Blow


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 20 28/09/2021 15:21:06 Each Boss and Elite have their Deck of Skills. The following list corresponds to the Skills of each one. When one is uncovered, their Deck of Skills is prepared. Note: “Mark of Death” places a Death Marker on the Character’s Sheet and leaves him out of the combat. If it was the 4th marker, remove it from the game.

Marun Skills: Mark of Death, Raise Undead, Drain Life, Void, Onrush, Slice

Ledira Skills: Mark of Death, Raise Undead, Dark Barrier, Void, Trap, Slice, Leap

Grodokk Skills: Mark of Death, Blow Club, Break Blow, Leap, Thunderous Blow

Nakhtoshenq Skills: Mark of Death, Growl, Abyssal Gaze, Claws, Vomit

Sig Skills: Mark of Death, BreaksBones, Onrush, Break Blow, Mold Explosion


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 21 28/09/2021 15:21:06 Note: “Autodestruction” At the beginning of the third Elite’s turn the ability is executed not before.

Lich Skill: Raise Undead, Drain Life, Dark Barrier, Void

Guardian Skill: Lethal Ray, Slice, Repair, Autodestruction

Werewolf Skill: Claws, Howl, Leap, Bite

Golem Skills: Fortify, Throw Rock, Onrush, Thunderous Blow

Cyclops Skill: Blow Club, Break Blow, Trap, Gob of Spit

Abyssal Horror Skill: Growl, Combustion, Dimensional Gap, Abyssal Gaze

Abomination Skill: Tentacle, Vomit, MoldExplosion, Regeneration

Troll Skill: Harden, Grab, BreaksBones, Savage


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 22 28/09/2021 15:21:06 Main Life Life points. Remove the markers from the target card after each strike to represent the Life points lost.

Defense Defense Points. Remove the markers from the target card after each strike to represent Defense lost.

Power Power points. Power points are consumed when using Skills or Spells. The cost is shown on the upper left of the card. Remove the markers on top of the Hero Card after consuming Power.

Movement Maximum Movement Points of the character. Players can decide how many squares to move within their limit.

Damage Damage points inflicted by the Enemy Weapon, Spell, or Skill.

Range Range of weapons, Spells, Skills and the attack range of the enemies.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 23 28/09/2021 15:21:07 Secondaries One Hand Occupies one hand square.

Two Hands Occupies a special Two Hands slot. Represents that it occupies 2 slots.

Lightweight Can strike twice when attacking if all equipped pieces are Lightweight.

Heavyweight The Hero cannot move twice in the same turn if one or more pieces of equipment are Heavyweight.

Piercing Bypasses target’s Defense points and applies the weapon’s Damage directly to Life Points.

Accuracy Gives the player an extra throw of one Combat Dice per turn when attacking and the second result applies.

Knock Down The Attacker rolls a Dice, with a result of 3-6 the target falls to the ground. The target loses their attack action at the start of their turn. 1-2 no effect. The marker is placed on top of the Target Card until the effect wears off.

Backstab When carrying out an attack, if the player has an ally adjacent to the target, the damage of the primary weapon is doubled. Only valid with Melee attacks.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 24 28/09/2021 15:21:07 Parry Blocks one attack per turn, if it equals or exceeds the number indicated in the characteristic, the Numerical Dice is rolled.

Spell Equips a Spell Caster object or Spell Book. Can be stored in the Bag.

Spellcaster An object with this characteristic is needed to use Spells. Lets the player hold a Spell. The Spell is placed on top of the object Card.

Spell Holder Each object with this characteristic lets the player hold an additional Spell. The Spell is placed on top of the object Card.

Death Death markers. Placed on the character’s sheet below their portrait.

Targets The number of targets that can impact Weapons, Skills or Spells with this characteristic.

Time The effect lasts for the indicated number of turns. Place the total markers on top of the Skill or Target card. Remove a Time marker at the start of each turn until the effect wears off.

Random The Target is randomly chosen by throwing the Numerical Dice. 2 Targets: (1-3) / (4-6). 3 Targets: (1-2) / (3-4) / (5-6). 4 Targets: 1/2/3/4 (5-6 roll again). 25

Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 25 28/09/2021 15:21:07 Burn The Target rolls a Dice at the start of their turn. With a result of 1-2, the target loses one Life point and repeats the process at the start of their next turn. With 3-6 the “Burn” effect disappears. A marker is placed on the Target until the effect wears off.

Frost The Target rolls a Dice at the start of their turn. With a result of 1-2, the target loses their turn and repeats the process at the start of their next turn. With 3-6 the “Frost” effect disappears. A marker is placed on the Target until the effect wears off.

Raising the Dead A Skeleton is added to the encounter, the card is placed in the last Initiative position, and the remaining Monster deck is shuffled.

Note: A skeleton token is placed within the Skill Range in a location chosen by the player as long as it is a free white square.


Rulebook_EN_V11.9.indd 26 28/09/2021 15:21:07 thanks to all our backers for making this possible!

A very special thanks to:

Derek Sheridan Miri MakesMeow Matthias Leo Webel Julien Lhomme Julien Gournay Jordi Illas Medalla Gokhan Kocaman Andrea Tiberi Riccardo Manara

spanish forum “” community

our kickstarter community

for helping us.

This project has been possible thanks to all of you, a huge hug to our entire community. Víctor A., Jose Antonio A.

Printed by: Manipulados Raygar S.L.


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