Extensions of Remarks
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21592 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 22, 198J EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE REAGAN ADMINISTRA- tinue in this excessive merrymaking President enjoys his position, and so do TION'S SPENDING HABITS while the poor and working classes those around him. They work hard during VERSUS ITS BUDGET PLAN struggle to survive under the budget the day and they like to have a good time at cuts are callous hypocrites. For them, night." And that, in part, makes them different HON. LOUIS STOKES the rhetoric about concern for the not only from the recently departed mem OF OHIO poor and that invisible safety net are bers of the Carter Administration but also nothing more than cocktail chit-chat. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from other Republicans who have come to Mr. Speaker, as we and the poor of Washington. In the past, Republican Presi Tuesday, September 22, 1981 this Nation brace for another round of dents often found it difficult to lure fellow e Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, I would budget cuts from the President, I party members to take Government jobs. like to take this opportunity to bring think we should keep in mind the But the Reagan Republicans seem to enjoy to the attention of my colleagues a dis budget cutting rhetoric of the Reagan Washington whirl more than their predeces administration versus the lifestyle sors. turbing article which appeared in the And if members of the new Administra New York Times on the flamboyant they embrace. No where is it more evi tion feel any conflict between their personal lifestyle of the President, his staff, dent that the poor have become passe luxuries and public sector's belt-tightening, members of the Cabinet and his close and the rich the "in crowd" than in no one is apologizing. friends. the Reagan administration. "The preponderance of these people are Mr. Speaker, I am in no way bring At this time, I would like to ask my self-made," said Charles Z. Wick, a member ing this article to the attention of my colleagues to read an article which ap of Mr. Reagan's "kitchen cabinet" and di colleagues to imply that there should peared in the New York Times enti rector of the International Communications tled, "Reagan Aides Show Capital Agency. "They followed the American be no pomp or ceremony associated dream." with the Office of the President. Simi Luxury Style" written by Lynn Rosel larly, I am not advocating restricting lini. AMERICANS SAID TO ENJOY WATCHING Government officials' use of their own [From the New York Times, Aug. 16, 19811 Mr. Wick said he thought that economi REAGAN AIDES SHOW CAPITAL LUXURY STYLE cally pinched Americans of today enjoyed money. viewing the luxurious Washington way of However, it seems to me that the <By Lynn Rosellini) life of the Reagan Administration members, merrymaking, frivolity and lifestyles 'WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-William French much as Americans who suffered in the De of many key officials have gone too Smith tied on his black tie, stepped into a pression enjoyed watching Hollywood stars far. My candid assessment of the situ chauffered sedan and went to a party one in the movies. ation is that the administration, at night not long ago. "During the Depression," said Mr. Wick, best, can be categorized as going over The evening was marked by strolling mu "when people were selling apples and facto sicians, silver candelabra, trees strung with ries were still and guys were jumping out board and, at worst, as being insensi Christmas lights and a dinner for 250 under windows because they lost everything, tive and hypocritical about the dire a green-and-white-striped tent on the Mall. people would go to the movies. They loved economic situation that plagues Amer In addition to the Attorney General, there those glamour pictures showing people driv icans. were lots of other Cabinet members, White ing beautiful cars and women in beautiful Mr. Speaker, on one hand, we have House officials and important Republicans, gowns, showing that people were living the the President telling the country how which is not surprising. glamorous good life." bad off we are economically and how SPENDING THEIR OWN MONEY That many members of the Reagan team all of us will have to tighten our belts. In Ronald Reagan's Washington, many live the good life is reflected almost daily in He then unlea.Shed David Stockman Republicans go to parties six nights a week. the social pages of local newspapers. Al and his budget ax on minorities, the They also ride about town in chauffeured though July is normally a slow period in limousines. They live in the most expensive Washington's social calendar, the last poor and disadvantaged of our Nation. sections of town and have vacation homes in month included an array of entertainments: Then, on the other hand, we have California and Maine. The black-tie dinner on the Mall W.llS held the President, key staffers and some As officials, advisers and friends of Presi in honor of Senator Paul Laxalt of Nevada, Cabinet members living in lavish dent Reagan, they endorse austerity in Fed who ran the Reagan campaign. Mr. Gray, homes. They give and attend extrava eral spending, but in their personal lives the host, served cold tenderloin of beef and gant parties complete with all the many of the most visible Administration provided fans powered by an electric genera status symbols of the elite in our socie players have shown a fondness for conspicu tor to cool his guests. ty while still tooting the horn of fiscal ous spending of their own money in their A lawn party, a Western-style · barbecue first six months in Washington. for 300 at the $765,265 home of Raymond J. conservatism. It is the classic "do as I When they arrived here last January, the Donovan, Secretary of Labor, was marked say but not as I do" scenario. Reagan Republicans, many of them success by two bands, a mechanical bull, open pits Mr. Speaker, what is even more ludi ful in business and industry, brought with of sizzling beef and pork and guests in crous and totally abominable is the them their accustomed way of life, one that cowboy hats. Vice President Bush and David fact that one of the President's "kitch emphasizes good living and the use of social A. Stockman, the budget director, were en cabinet" members is quoted in the occasions to smooth professional relations. there. New York Times article as saying that Signs of the new luxury are everywhere: A birthday party for Mrs. Reagan was in the jewelry, clothes, cars, homes and res thrown by her old California friends. They he believes Americans enjoy viewing taurants favored by the newcomers. rented a Virginia plantation, chartered a the luxurious Washington way of life James A. Baker 3d, White House chief of bus, hired a country music band and flew in of the Reagan administration. Mr. staff, lives in a $715,000 house. Caspar W. food from Chasen's restaurant in Beverly Speaker, I for one, do not. I know that Weinberger, Secretary of Defense, has a Hills. Drinks were served on the bus by my constituents, many of those who $707,000 house with a swimming pool. Frank Sinatra. will be dropped from the food stamp Treasury Secretary Donald T. Regan at The gifts presented at such occasions are program in the next few days, do not tended 28 social functions in one 30-day elaborate and sometimes public spirited, period recently. Nancy Reagan and her too. Mrs. Reagan's friends chipped in $3,900 either. friend Betsy Bloomingdale wear designer to repair a local swimming pool for the I cannot believe that this individual gowns and elaborate jewelry. handicapped as a birthday present. Senator is as politically naive as his statement "This is a fun Administration," says Laxalt received a $1,000 check to help pay suggests. I believe, rather, that he and Robert K. Gray, co-chafrman of the 1981 for an elephant to be given to the National other administration officials who con- Presidential Inaugural Committee. "This Zoo. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. September 22, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21593 Setting the tone for the Administration be held outdoors on a square overlooking programs because the Federal Govern are the President and his wife. In Mr. Rea the C. & 0. Canal in Georgetown. ment will reduce its support by $1.6 gan's White House, their mark is seen in the "I'm going to have Western music and billion. return of white-tie formality at diplomatic bales of hay," said Mr. Gray the other day. receptions, in the color guard that precedes "It's terribly important., if you're going to The conference will try to counter the Reagans and their guests of honor at have a party, that you do something besides act these cutbacks by having social state dinners, in the elaborate menus and feed people."e service agencies and groups work more the growing fleet of White House limou closely together to close the gaps in sines. the services they offer. It also will try After initial published reports on the new BRIDGING THE GAP FOR to close the generation gap to encour Reagan style, the White House has attempt SURVIVAL age our younger citizens to learn from ed to play down the Reagans' free-spending the wisdom of our senior citizens. image. For example, a proposal to buy a new HON.