Kurzeme Recommends +371 63680072, •A1 +371 29457055, •C2 60

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Kurzeme Recommends +371 63680072, •A1 +371 29457055, •C2 60 30. Dailily Garden and Home Wines. The largest dailily garden 88. Memorial site "Airītes". Memorial site of Colonel O.Kalpaks, Advance booking required •D1 Map quadrant 119. Pārventa Library. A masterpiece of modern architecture in the Baltic States, more than 200 sorts of daililies, an opportunity History materials about the World War I and the Army of Latvia. (2009), city library and a centre of art, culture and exhibitions. to purchase seedlings, tasting of home wine for groups. +371 22017465, www.saldus.lv •B3 Tourism association of Kurzeme recommends +371 63680072, www.biblioteka.ventspils.lv •A1 +371 29457055, www.daylilie.lv •C2 60. Tukums and its old town. Livonian Order Castle Tower and the Museum of Art, cobbled streets, artists, museums, 89. "Muitas māja", the storage of materials of cultural 120. Ventspils Creative Centre with Planetarium and 31. Botanic Trail "Drubazas". 2 km long trail for learning creative workshops, fountains, and castles nearby. +371 28311557, history and regional studies in Ezere. A building of historic Observatory. Reconstructed Latvian society house (1912) Nature tourism about the versatility of the nature at the ancient Abava valley. www.visittukums.lv •C2 importance, where the capitulation act of German troops with elements of national romanticism and Art Noveau; www.latvia.travel Free of charge. of Free Home wine tasting. +371 28370702, +371 26342050, www.sabile.lv surrounded in the Courland Pocket was signed on 8 May 1945. digital planetarium and observatory. +371 63622805, 87 123 Photo: Investment and Development Agency of Latvia. Latvia. of Agency Development and Investment Photo: 2 29 61. Durbe Castle. A classicism style castle with a late 19th 61 1. "Wind Garden" in Smārde. More than 100 different types of •C2 The exhibition about the ancient history of Ezere Parish until the www.jaunradesnams.lv •A1 century interior, visits to the castle, dramatized tours, and a present day. +371 63842152, www.saldus.lv •B4 plants, trees and shrubs. +371 29177195, www.enguresnovads.lv 32. Ciecere Nature Trail. 750 m long trail along the Ciecere River © Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, 2017 Latvia, of Agency Development and Investment © •D2 ceramics workshop. +371 26305946, www.tukumamuzejs.lv •C2 121. Reņķa Garden. A venue for summer events, with in Saldus, adjusted to people with special needs. +371 63807443, 90. Liepāja War Port (Karosta). Northern part of Liepāja, peculiar outdoor art objects, trail of the fairy tale giant 62. Aizpute Old Town. Livonian Order Castle Ruins and St. John’s 2. Kaive Old Oak. 1000 years old oak tree, the thickest one www.saldus.lv •C3 which in the end of the 19th century was formed as a base Lutausis and outdoor fitness equipment. +371 29232226, [email protected], www.kurzeme.lv www.kurzeme.lv [email protected], Church (13th century), the New Castle Manor, synagogues and for the military fleet of the Russian Empire. +371 26369470, in the Baltic region, with over 10 m in diameter. +371 28311557, 33. Country house "Bieriņi". Impressive collection of hunting www.visitventspils.com •A1 Baznīcas iela 5, Kuldīga, +371 63322259, 63322259, +371 Kuldīga, 5, iela Baznīcas Tourism association of Kurzeme. of association Tourism www.visittukums.lv •C2 historical wooden structures with a weaver studio, a doll room www.karosta.lv, www.liepaja.travel •A3 trophies can be seen. Also different birds, e.g., wild ducks and a and artist workshops. +371 28617307, www.visitaizpute.lv •A3 122. Farm "Lūķi". Historical articles, tours and holidays peacock, can be visited. +371 29449245, www.bierini.viss.lv •B4 91. Karosta Prison. Tours in the prison and the museum, •A4 www.nica.lv , [email protected] 3. Dunduru Meadows. Forest surrounded meadows in celebration. +371 29364347, www.atputaluki.lv •A2 63. Cinema Town Cinevilla. The only open-air cinema the show Behind Bars, the extreme night in the prison, Escape , +371 29458532, 29458532, +371 , +371 63489501 +371 Ķemeri national park, with wild horses and wild ox, and a 34. Apiary "Kāres". Different types of honey, pollen and other setting with shooting pavilions of such scale in the Baltic States. 62 123. Liv Folk House. The only Liv folk house in the Bārtas iela 6, Nīca, Nīca, 6, iela Bārtas Nīca. 4 30 Room, buffet. +371 29402111, +371 63480808, www.karosta.lv, 89 124 viewing tower for bird and animal observation. +371 26424972, bee products. Tours and tastings. +371 29497903 •C3 www.daba.gov.lv/kemeri •D3 Exciting tours with dressing up, filming shows. +371 28606677, www.liepaja.travel •A3 world, exhibitions, collection of household objects. •C2 4 6323770 +371 •A3 www.pavilosta.lv 35. Hill nature trail. The 1.5 km long trail starts at Kanavišķi www.cinevilla.lv •D3 +371 26159870, +371 29463028, www.livones.net •B1 Zvejnieku iela 2, Mērsrags, Mērsrags, 2, iela Zvejnieku Mērsrags. , , [email protected] 92. Liepāja St. Nicholas Orthodox Sea Cathedral. 4. Large Ķemeri Moorland. The legendary footbridge (1.4 km impoundment and leads along the River Loša. Signs and , , 29437166 +371 Pāvilostas novads, novads, Pāvilostas 64. Jaunmoku Castle. 124. Pāce Woollen Mill. The only place in Latvia where full This neo gothic castle (1904) houses The highest dome building in the Baltic States, icons, and •A3 l www.liepaja.trave and 3.4 km) in Ķemeri National Park across one of the largest moss information about the sightseeing objects, i.e., railway tautas nams, Vērgales pagasts, pagasts, Vērgales nams, tautas a forest museum; the historical interior of the castle is also mosaics. +371 26369470, +371 63480808, www.karosta.lv, process of processing wool has been carried out since the , , [email protected] , +371 29402111 +371 bogs in Latvia with an observation platform and a bird-watching embankment created for lignite transportation, blue clay Ziemupes Ziemupes . Ziemupe/Vērgale still present. Using modern technologies in the Sign Centre, late 19th century. Tours, purchasing of products, workshops. , Liepāja, +371 63480808, 63480808, +371 Liepāja, , 5/6 laukums Rožu tower. +371 26424972 www.daba.gov.lv/kemeri •D3 www.liepaja.travel •A3 steep bank and Airīši Big Stone, have been placed by the trail. you can also make an individual Latvian design - ornament. +371 26151720, +371 26311838, www.pace.lv •B1 Liepāja. Liepāja. •A1 www.visitventspils.com 5. Lake Kaņieris Bird Observation Tower and forested +371 29341073, www.saldus.lv •B4 93. Northern Forts. Fortifications on the seashore, torchlight +371 26187442, www.jaunmokupils.lv •C2 , , [email protected] , 29232226 +371 •B2 www.visit.kuldiga.lv fen footbridge. An important bird nesting place in Europe walk through the underground labyrinths, spy game "Escape 125. Talsi. Talsi Culture Centre and the Creative Yard, picturesque Dārzu iela 6, Ventspils, Ventspils, 6, iela Dārzu . Ventspils 36. Zvārde Nature Park and Firing Ground. Soviet military , , [email protected] , +371 29334403 +371 65. Lestene Church and Brothers' Cemetery. The church from USSR" and the Labyrinth of Senses. +371 26369470, hills, monument "Koklētājs", town promenade. +371 63224165, with 14 islands. Lake Kaņieris boat base. +371 26424972, 5 heritage, former soviet army aviation ground, vast, uninhabited 31 63 91 126 , Kuldīga, +371 63322259, 63322259, +371 Kuldīga, , 5 iela Baznīcas •C1 with unique woodcarvings is a monument of Latvian baroque www.karostascietums.lv •A3 www.talsitourism.lv •C2 www.daba.gov.lv/kemeri •D2 territory, formerly unavailable for civilians. Rich biologic variety. www.valdemarpils.lv [email protected], Kuldīga. Kuldīga. with restoration works in progress, and the Brothers' Cemetery 94. Museum of Unappreciated Things. Exhibition of vintage 126. Pedvāle Open-air Art Museum. More than 150 open , , 63254762 +371 Valdemārpils, Valdemārpils, 6. Nature trail "Viesatas upesloki". The trail (5.1 km) is +371 63846151, www.saldus.lv •C3 is a significant memorial site of Latvian legion soldiers who died •C1 v www.visit.dundaga.l air art works, created during symposiums and workshops. Raiņa iela 14 A, A, 14 iela Raiņa . Valdemārpils facilitated with picnic spots and educational stands along the during the World War II. +371 26247095, www.lestenesbaznica.lv radios, paintings, antique household items and many other things , , www.kolkasrags.lv , [email protected] 37. Liepāja Seaside Park and Blue Flag Beach. White sand River Viesata. Spuņņakmens, a Latvian secular stone, stands at the with their own special stories. +371 63459091, +371 22024940, +371 29133374, www.pedvale.lv •C2 •C2 www.visittukums.lv Dundagas novads, +371 29149105, 29149105, +371 novads, Dundagas beach with places for walking, children playgrounds, a skate •C3 end of the trail. +371 28302871 •C3 www.grobinasturisms.lv •A3 , , [email protected] , 28311557 +371 Kolkas pagasts, pagasts, Kolkas Kolkasrags. 127. Sabile and Wine Hill. A small town in Kurzeme with wine park, stadium, tennis courts, and the largest drums in Latvia. 66. Swedish Wall and Medieval Farm "Niedru lija". Exciting Tukums, +371 63124451, 63124451, +371 Tukums, +371 63480808, www.liepaja.travel •A3 95. Skrunda Manor. Exhibition of local history. Banqueting festivals, traditions of craftsmen and Wine Hill which is recorded in •A3 www.karostascietums.lv 7. Rose Nursery "Rozītes". Collection of over 300 rose entertainment in medieval spirit - shooting with an arch or Talsu iela 5, 5, iela Talsu . Tukums the Guinness Book of Records. +371 63252344, www.sabile.lv •C2 , , [email protected] venue. +371 22113355, www.skrundasmuiza.lv •B3 varieties annually complemented with new rose varieties from 38. Bird-watching footbridges and towers on the Lake arbalest, throwing and axe or spear, forging coins and casting tin. •C2 www.talsitourism.lv , , 26369470 +371 Liepāja, Liepāja, European rose nurseries. Consultations about growing roses and 9 Liepāja. Bird-watching, the lake and walks. +371 63480808, 35 +371 26336513, www.viduslaikos.lv •C3 64 96. Guest house and SPA "Piena muiža". Dairy Museum, 92 128. Craftsman’s Yard "Kauliņi". Learning about woodcarving 127 , , [email protected] , 26469057 +371 Invalīdu iela 4, 4, iela Invalīdu Karosta.
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