TRADICIÓN SEPTEMBER 2013 REVISTA Home Country CHiles, Frijoles & BizCochitos A new mexiCo rAilroAd tAle our sAints Among us revisited el CAmino reAl de tierrA Adentro Teresa May Duran New Book to be Released This Fall from the Award- winning team of Rudolfo Anaya & Nicolás Otero
[email protected] 303/522-6994 Contemporary & Traditional Art by ROSA MARIA CALLES Available in late fall in time for the holiday season . Email us now and we will put you on the list to get additional information as soon as it is available —
[email protected] P.O. Box 57135, Albuquerque, NM 87187 505-379-3230 TRADICIÓN FEATURING SOUTHWEST TRADITIONS, SYLVIA MARTÍNEZ ART & CULTURE OHNSON J SEPTEMBER 2013 VOLUME XVIII, NO. 3 (#62) ISSN 1093-0973 NEW MEXICO FOLKART ORIGINALS PUBLISHERS/MANAGING EDITORS Barbe Awalt Paul Rhetts CONTRIBUTORS Cheryl Foote Vernon Glover Joseph Sanchez Slim Randles Tradición Revista is published electronically four times a year by LPD Enterprises, 925 Salamanca NW Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107-5647 505/344-9382 t FAX 505/345-5129 Website: Email:
[email protected] The website contains information on both the current issue of TRADICIÓN REVISTA as well as all back issues, a comprehensive index of articles, and information on the book list from LPD Press. The website also contains a variety of information on santos/saints, their identification and artists. The subscription rate is $10 a year (4 issues) or $20 for two years (8 issues); U.S. currency only. Copyright © 2013 by LPD Enterprises. All rights reserved.