ENG318-3 – Advanced Fiction Writing Through the Artist’s Lens 10:00 – 12:30 PM & 1:30 – 3:00 PM, Block 3 Instructor: Matthew B. Kelley (he/him/his) Location: Thomas Commons, Atkinson Email:
[email protected] Office Hours: By appointment Course Delivery: Hybrid/Web, Zoom, OWL, Moodle Zoom Url: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/96266354357?pwd=TWU0Nkx3dHRPQy9ST2JMSzl3YWg3Zz09 password: cornellco Course description and course goals While the craft of writing seems a mystery to those who are new at trying to make literature, we do know that many writers are often at their best when openly influenced by other artists. Richard Wright’s Uncle Tom’s Children and Michael Cunningham’s The Hours are both proof of this knowledge. This course, “Through the Artist’s Lens: How the Artist Teaches Us to See in Fiction,” establishes a forum for a discussion of craft elements fiction writers derive from their conversations with other art forms. Going back as far as 1819 to examine the appearance of visual art, dance, music and other disciplines in novels, short stories, and poems, students deepen their understanding of character, point of view, plot, setting, and dialogue while also interrogating the human condition through the peculiar lens of the artist. Required text (available at Cornell book store) • Free Within Ourselves : Fiction Lessons For Black Authors by Jewell Parker Rhodes (ISBN: 9780385491754) • If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin (ISBN: 9780307275936) Available on Moodle: • Additional required/recommended readings as appropriate Required Assignments and Expectations Online discussion posts: You are required to write an entry for at least one of the day’s readings in the designated Moodle discussion post.