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NET PRESS AVERAtiK DAILY CIRCULATION Fair tonight. OF THE EVENING HERALD cloudy. I for the month of September, 19J87 > 5,040 PRICE THREE CENTS (TWELVE PAGES) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927, OUtfUled Admiieliic oa VOL. X U I., NO. 1.

r a t s c h a s e c a t s IN JERSEY TOWN Boat With 25 Aboard GRAVEDIGGERS Eatontown, N. J-. Oct. 1.— A HISSAMERIU modern “ Pied Piper" Is being sought by. residents of this com­ SEMHINGFOR munity. Hundreds of rats which Is Re OF’21 FAVORS lost their homes two months ago when a mill erected In 1690 was BEA(MPIST0L 88 KILLED BY TORNADO razed to make way for a gaso­ 1.— Thla^that she could not' line station, have been fighting Gloucester, Mass., Oct. overdue until October fifth, the date BEAUTVSHOWS dogs, chasli^cats and invading old fishing port had a new kind of set for the return. Diligent Inauiry a sea mystery today. failed to reveal who sent the re­ Check-Up Shows 660 In­ homes. ^ ______<$> ■' News that the Coastguard Cutter quest to Washington for the serv­ Police Get Tip That Gun Red Envoy Is Attacked ices of the Cutter Tampa. , Tampa was putting out of New Lon­ On August 24th a severe^ storm jured and Loss of 50 M - T m Not Sorry 1 Entered don, Conn., to hunt for the crack Which Killed Lflliendahl W 7c7cW Y BACKS fisherman-racer Columbia coupled swept the North Atlantic fishing By 400 Chinese Bandits and Would Do So Again^ with a Washington announcement grounds. Five vessels were lost. Co­ honsr^loney Ponrs In that the Columbia had been report­ lumbia has not been seen since the Is Bnried In Ceme- ed missing off Sable Island caused fierce blow. Oars marked Columbia Moaco*: Oct. l.-jalol.aet Boro^Party waj ACTION ON FERRONE were picked up oft Sable Island. She Says In an Inter­ great speculation along the wharves din, lately Russian adviser to the bandits. Borodin was forced to take For Relief Wor^ Search- and in the homes of the seafaring Captain Lewis Wharton of Co­ lery. flight In a last kutomdhlle. The lumbia had 24 seamen with him Chinese Nationalists In Hakow, has men. landed on Soviet soil at Verohne- automobile crashed down a ravine, mg Rnins For Further Vic- view. Owners of Columbia pointed out aboard the Columbia. Udlnsk, Siberia, after a thrilling es­ and ond member of the party was Declares Spellacy Charges Hammonton, N. J Oct. 1.— cape* from pursuing Chinese ban­ killed. Borodin was not Injured which dits, according to reports received and took flight in' another car, Search for the pistol with reaching Ulan-Batoi?, where he se­ tims of Storm. Editor’s Note: Are beauty con­ Do* Nothing But Harm; Dr. William Lllllendahl, 72-year-1 here today. , * - REDS TO EXPE While proceeding to Ulan-Bator, cured an airplane and flew to tests detrimental to the character aECTRIC COMPANY old physician, was ruthlessly slain and morals of the young girl en­ Mongolia, Borodin stated that ms Verchne-Udlnsk. trants’ "Yes,” said the National Convict Deserved Solitary two weeks ago, centered today St. Louis, Oct. 1.— This was a Council of Catholic Women l^n con­ TO MOVE ITS OFFICE TROTZKY, REPORT about the family burial plot of Wil­ day of funerals, for St. Louis, most vention In Washington, D. C., this lis Beach, 52, poultry farmer who of the eighty-eight victims of week. "No,” replied Armand 1. Is being sought over three states In 3 JUDGES TO TRY GERMANY TO HONOR Thursday’s tornado will be burled Nichols, director-general of the At^ Characterizing Lawrence W. Fer- lantic City beauty pageants in an rone as one of the worst prisoners connection with the murder. today. Early this morning the fu­ interview yesterday. Today Inter­ ever brought to Wethersfield and Leases Large Store In New Is Accused of ‘Tofitical Grave-diggers, working under neral processions started. Many of JOHN BilLAD ELlA PRESIMNT SUNDAY the mourners showed Injuries suf­ national News Service presents the saying that all his punishment was the direction of detectives, resumed views of the original “Miss Ameri­ fered In the terrific wind which In merited, William C. Cheney of this Crimes” by Enearie^ To the work of upturning the loose dirt five minutes ripped a path of deso­ ca.” Dewey - Richman Block; town, member of the prison, board, about the graves. In the belief that lation six miles square throughout By JAMES L. RILGALLEN. the murder pistol may have been Whole Nation to Observe the the northwest section of the city, expressed himself as being heartily Room For Displays. Hold Election Next Month. hidden there. Search for the weap­ First lim e In State’s History; in agreement with the reply of Col. leaving damages of at least fifty ' New York, Oct. 1.— “ I’m not sor­ on has been abandoned in the vici­ million dollars, 660 Injured and.# Norris G. Osborn of New Haven, nity of the lonely road where Dr ry I was a prize beauty. Youth Charged Widi K31- 80th Anniversary of I& - death list which may reach o m chairman of the board, to charges Moscow, Otst. 1.^—The action of Lllllendahl was shot to deaUi. " so oayo tlie original ''Miss The Manchester Electric Com­ hundred. * _ : - h made recently by Thomas J. Spel­ Mysterious Letter Red Cross Fund CO"— llie gli-1 " 'io Aflantlc lacy of Hartford, Ferrone’s counsel. pany, in placing L. N. Heebner In the Executive Comifilttee of the tional. beauty contest at Atlantic The authorities are Investigating ing Little QrL denbnrg’s Birthday. The American Red Cross relief •i. “ Before an opinion on these general charge of their Main street Third Internationale In expelling letter, turned over to them by fund which Is being collected from ^'i charges by Spellacy may be made,” Leon Trotzky, formerly commissar Edison Hedges, attorney for Beach, local sources only, reached • almost ^^^Shr7al^Miss Margaret Go^nmn Mr. Cheney said, “ one must consid­ store, also had In mind another and of Washington, D, C., then a petite for war In the Soviet government, purporting to have been signed by Berlin, Oct. 1.^—Germany tomor­ $35,000 this morning. It Is expected er that the Hartford lawyer Is de­ important work which became Mitchell Raffles,” and postmarked Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 1.— The blonde, sixteen-year-old and his ally, M. Vuyovitch, was re­ row will put on its Sunday best and that $500,000 will be needed for re­ fending one of the worst criminals known last evening. The store, Philadelphia. The letter "stated that I first murder trial under three habilitation of the devastated dls- sophomore, with a T iu re garded today as possibly fore devote Itself to Jubilation on the face, roguish eyes ^nd a fine flgur_ In the history of Connecticut. Fer- which has been occupied for a year the writer and another man had jmjggg gygj. jjeid in Connecticut rone has been responsible for all Today she is married, very very under a lease of four years, has shadowing Trotzky’s expulsion from murdered Dr. Lllllendahl becau^|j.j^j.tg Litchfield next Wednes- occasion of the eightieth birthday The ,« ln 3 left In the tornado’s ^ L ppfly.” to Victor Cahil^ promU the trouble in Wethersfield since he the Communist Party, altogether. the physician overcharged them ■miiortAiia sixteen of President Paul Von Benecken- wake were combed last night for was sentenced, and he has highly proved such a growing factor that for narcotics. Authorities believe day when John Bllladella, slrteen, This action by the executive com dorlf and Von Hlndenburg. additional bodies. S ’ and"' “ r h’^rit-'to* o-over merited everything that has been Mt. Heebner, who has kept closely the letter was written by a crank, of Wlnsted, answers for the death Building Commissioner Christo­ in touch with the different advance­ mlttee Indicated also that Trotzky Although President Hlndenburg done to him. Beach Still Missing of a ten-year-old Wlnsted girl who pher estimated that damage of at ’-;„.V"ar.hVdiKaTar'a “ Solitary” .Justified ment that have been made In elec­ probably would not be elected Hedges, who has been [ndlctedl last July. has asked that there be no costly contest least fifty million dollars was caus­ "True, he has been placed In soli­ tric appliances and every branch of the executive committee of the RuS' festivities, the German nation which the business for the last forty-five on a 0* ^®pn®ied^‘thft Chief Justice George W. Wheel ed by the raging elements. No Crime tary confinement, but the punlsh- slan Communist Party In Decern has had no real national holiday To Start Probe „ to , ment was Justified. He was respon- years or 'SO, was given the manage he^tolY^each to'leave the jurlsdlc- er of the Supreme Court of Errors, since the war, is preparing to give I “I don’t see any objections ment of the display room and sales Circuit Attorney Howard Sidener 'the contests,” she said today slble for the bribing of guards, and her. tlon of the court and declared that 1 today named the men who will vent to suppressed desires to wor­ plans to Investigate reports that a girl to his wife has been caught several department. Trotzky was accused of “ political he does not know where his client judgment of the Wlnsted ship Its idols and express its relief talnly it’s no crime for a g In' order to take advantage of several of the apartment houses and times brifiglng narcotics into the crimes.” One of the counts against has hidden himself. Beach Is being They are Leonard J. Nick- and Joy over the promise held out schools razed by the storm were ■ aspire to beauty. the the fast growing business, to allow ” I do feel, however, that prison. Mr. Spellacy’s charges have him was based upon his declaration sought on a warrant charging him Lrgon, of Cromwell; Alfred by the progress of the past few constructed In violation of building has for further display and the Includ­ character of the contests done nothing; but stir up Public that the fight within the Communist with “ aiding and abetting" the Baldwin, of Derby, and John years. codes requirements and were flimsy changed since I entered in 1921 opinion against the warden and the ing of many more parts and de­ Party was “ merely a struggle to murder. The fugitive has admitted Booth, of Danbury, all members of “ Hindenlmrg Gilt." partments the store In the Dewey structures. and not for the better. In that prison board, hut they are entirely save the political leadership of a clandestine romance with the Superior Coujt. Their appoint- The president has declined to Sidener declared he had several Richman building has been leased Margaret Lllllendahl, widow of the comes as the result of a sta- contest all the girls wore little Joseph Stalin and M. Bugharin.” permit money to be spent In cele­ reports from citizens charging that- unfounded.” . tt xr by the Manchester Electric Com­ slaln man, who Is free on f 25,000 Lute passed by the recent Legisla­ satin suits and the judging at At Mr. Cheney lauded Warden H. iv. Another declaration by Trotzky bration of his birthday, so that the brick walla In many o f the destroy­ lantic City was held in an arts pal- pany. They take the lease as of to was that “ those In opposition stand ball as a material witness. ture which provides that when a government has arranged a huge W. Scott and Col. Osborn, saying day and will at once start making ed apartments were only nine that the prison had practically been two heads higher than those who prisoner charged with a capital national collection known as the changes which will give to Man­ offense shall elect a court trial in- Inches thick Instead of thirteen I (Continued on Pago 2) rebuilt since they came Into office. cover their crimes with the cloak “ Hlndenburg Gift,” which wlU be Inches as required by the bolldlng chester one of the largest and most of party discipline.” stead of a jury trial, three Judges The conditions at the prison at the turned over to the president tomor­ code. up-to-date display and demonstra­ shall preside instead of one Judge row. He will .distribute It to war present time are Ideal, Mr. Ch^ey tion departments for electric equip­ Would Wreck Party FRENCH 5QH) ANSWER School lhe»fe said, and comparable with the best as in the past. invalids and war widows and or* 3ISSUKBEF0RE ment to be found In tke st»te. . --«Tratzky accused .the preseat.. The Charge A eomplaint that Central Wgh prisons In any port of the country. leaders of “ bureaucratic disci phans. school, where five girls were burt^ m Mr. Spellacy’s charges were to Old Lease Not Up ' TO OUR TARIFF NOTE Bllladella Is accused of navih* The post office has issued a spe­ The lease of the store that they pllne.” . , „ I slain the daughter of a neighbor un&er debris, was unsafe. Is also to r f the effect that his client had been This "bureaucratic discipline cial “ Hlndenburg Stamp,” the pro­ be probed, Sidener declarer He if. VOTERS MONDAY occupy in the Orford building still on July 16 and hiding her ^ d y In ceeds of which will also be devoted t in solitary confinement for three has two years to run from Septem­ Trotzky maintained, would wreck a pin factory coal pile. Several asserted he had been told the High months. Col. Osborn In a talk be­ to-war charities. ’ ''d ber 1 of last year, but they will the Communist Party. Understood That It Proposes a tjje charge declares, he school had merely been repaired m fore the Hartford Civltan club yes­ Tomorrow the president will ride and not remodeled and.fire-proofed r have little trouble In subleasing It. Trotzky's enemies declared that Business Understanding Be- took the body to a du“ P through the Wllhelmstrasse, down terday said that Ferrone had been The original contract as made did his “ association with renegade Bu as lie had be&n led to believe. Elect Town Officers, Decide in solitary only 12 days and that not provide for a sub-lease ,bnt last ropean Communists was against the tween Powere. Aw heur. Unter Den Linden, through the A denial of the complaint as to he had been given good night the owners of the property Interests of the party.” He was ac­ Brandenburger Gate, and then the school’s construction was made during that time. He sa d that Mr. agreed to the addition of the sub­ cused, also, of spreading propagan­ down the Charlottenburg Chausee at the office of R. M. Milligan, com­ Town Planning and Fix Soellacy’s charges would do notUr lease clause. Already this morning da against the Russian Communist to the stadium where thousands will missioner of public sohooln Because Ing but stir up public opinion fd tATm eXr Charge D’Altalres | degree merder await to pay him tribute, as thou­ there have been two options asked Party. of the damage done to The thlrty- against the warden and the prison Sheldon Whltehouse, today. sands of otl^ers stand along the seten-year-old Central High »®hool for on the place that Is to be vacat­ Vuyovitch Is only a youth, while Appropriations. ed, one by a Hartford man and the The communication was present­ streets to cheer him on his trium* building, members of the Board of J Ferrone was impllca^d in u f Trotzky Is a veteran who has been ed by a representative of the for­ A^AY HOP TOMORROW phalJourney. ♦ other Tjy a local merchant. waging war for bis political creed Education believe the tempt to escape eign office. , J I Unique Position. ‘ may have to be abandoned entirely and rt'o guards were d'scharged as for upwards of twenty years It Is understood that the docu- Curtiss Field, N. Y, , Oct. 1.— On the eve of his eightieth birth­ and a new school btillt on Its pres- Three Important Issues must be accessories. F-vrone’s wife was also ment proposes the negotiation of a j stinson Detroiter monoplane day President Hlndenburg stands In decided by Manchester voters Mon­ involved In the attempted dcllferj. PRISONERS ESCAPE new thoroughly business-like com­ “ The American Girl” In which Miss a unique position. He has become Although grieving over the large day. Town Election day. First, After the executive committee of mercial understanding between the Ruth Elder and" Captain Ge®r«e Germany personified, as the Kaiser loss of life, residents here today town officers must be elected. Sec­ Dover. N. H., Oct. 1.— Strafford the Third Internationale had decid­ two powers. Haldeman plan a trans-Atlantic was Germany personified before the marveled at the 11 SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED county authorities and police of French official circles believe that war. It was remarkable enough small death list and property loss ond, whether or not Manchester ed In August to abolish expulsion flight will be placed on the “ ounj Dover, Rochester, and Somersworth proceedings, It was widely reported an agreement mutually satisfactory at the head of the Roo-evelt field that the general yho lost the h ip emnpared to what would have b^ n adopts the general statute provid­ BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY co-operated today In an attempt to that Trotzky was regaining power will be reached. runaway today preparatory to a gest war In history should remain the consequences . If the * ing f6r a town planning commission discover the whereabouts of three and prestige. . French Minister of Commerce take-off, which, according to Cap­ the idol of his people and that he path had veered to a “ ®^® must be decided. Third, budget prisoners who tunnelled their way Bokanowskl held a long conference tain Haldeman, will Pro^u^ily should be elected president df the populated sections ^®f, t® appropriations which automatically out of the county Jail during the Persons who had visited Russia nOw republic, but even more re Students In English Colleges and studied pontlcal conditions with Mr. "White house last night, at be attempted before tomorrow occupied by larger buildings. flx the town tax rate must be voted. night. which varlqus phases of the situa­ morning at the soonest. - 4. markable Is the way In which he, a WTiere Decldevl. Will Study at Yale, Harvard They are Arthur Sweet, of San there said that while Trotzky hjd novice In politics, has taken hold fallen from grace »o far as the tion were discussed. Weather conditions lor the flight, The first question will be decided Princeton. ford, Maine; Fred Bragnon, of ho said here today, look promising of his office and by the sheer au­ Somersworth, and Albert Hall, of party chiefs were concerned, ne thority of personality eliminated via voting machines at Manchester’s seemed to be popular with the peo­ t r e a s u r y b a l a n c e but he added that he would wait WOMAN FINDS BODY only polling place, ' the 'Municipal Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 1.— this city. friction and cleared the way for ■ r With a broken caseknlfe they re­ ple. His/public meetings were at­ until he consulted the weather map building, between the’'S hours of Awards of fellowships providing for tended by large crowds and his Washington, Oct." 1-— Treasury this afternoon before making any constructive work. eight o’clock In the morning and moved four thicknesses of brick balance September 29; $492,881,- To Call Reserves. FLOATING IN SOUND the education of students of Ortora speeches were received with ap­ definite plans. eight in the evening. The second wall and mortar replacing the All police reserves have been and Cambridge universities, Eng­ plause. 000.55. two issues v^ll be discussed and land, at Harvard university, were bricks and mortar with dough. mobilized in case Germany’s “ Flag voted upon at an assembly of vot­ an(ipunced today by the Harvard War” flames up anew during the Drags It Ashore With Boat ers in the High school hall at eight celebration. Half the .homes In and Then Nearly Ci^pses Corporation. . „ Berlin have been decorated with o’clock in the evening. ^ W. F. P. Chadwick, of Wadham On Shore. Manchester, unquestionably a college, Oxford and K. R. H. John­ Fight’s Over Here Comes Town Planning and Other "Things By Cliff Knight the flag Of . the republic government Republican town will elect the com­ ston, from Sidney Sussex college, Now That the and the remainder are hung with New Haven, Oct. 1.— The body of plete Republican ticket. The size Cambridge were awarded the Davi­ the Imperialist emblem. Edward A. Chatlos, wealthy B rl^e- of a government order prohibiting of the majority Is the only question son scholarships for study at Har­ port real estate operator who was with regard to the election. Any vard- Other students will go to Yale It, the Communists have promised a drowned off New Haven last S«®Jay possible contesst must develop at counter-demonstration. afternoon, was recovered from I^ng and Princeton under the Davison aiMsMi re* All Berlin lain festive dress, ^ e the adjourned meeting In the High Island Sound today. Mrs. J® ®hh scholarships. gy cu re streets have been decorated with 8 school. William Henry Bassano Court, a Higgins and her twelveryear-old garlands of flowers, and tb® Town Planning. graduate of Downing college, of daughteer Florence

GOSPEL HALL «tre«t entertained friends from NO ROOM TO PASS, s o 415 Center Street BURNING LEAVES BREAK East Hampton and New York at ABOUTTOWN her home on Thursday. Breaking of Bread at 10:45. TODA.Y Rockville ' Alfred Rosenberg of the Star TRUCK AND CAR CRASH Children’s meeting at 12:16. CONCRETE AND CURBING Hardware Co. has returned from a Gospel meeting at 7 o ’clock. c o jm N U o y s business trip to Syracuse. Dr. N. A. Burr, who has he«n va­ STATE There will be a baptism after 2:15 to “ Billy,” son of Mr. and Mrs. cationing, will be back in his office. the evening meeting. Everyone is Asks South Manchester Qe,(Wge Herzog of Brooklyn street, Monday. Truck Tries to Slip Around Town Engineer Bowen invited to attend the meetings. Townspeople Not to BoUd OLD CASES CLOG who has been confined to the Isola­ Parked Auto Akead of Trol­ FEATURE BILL tion. Hospital in Hartford for the Edson M. Bailey, who has been ley; Usual Result. Fires in Gutters. past four weeks with Infantile par­ seriously ill with pleurisy, has re­ SAYS BAGGISH BORROWED Gene Stratton W . C. FIELDS COURT DOCKET alysis, is reported on the gain and sumed his duties as an instructor A trolley car and two automo­ Every fall in various places in is able to sit up in bed each day. It at the High school. biles were Involved in a crash on Manchester concrete gutters, curb- Porter’s — In— is hoped thar.he will be able to re­ Main street at Wadsworth street at $2,500 BEFORE HE FADED ioe, sidewalks and grnnite eurbins turn home'in a few more weeks. The speaker at the Kiwanls 6:10 last night. A ' third car, are injured through leaves or rub­ “RUNNING w n jy’ Illustrated Lecture “LADDIE” luncheon next Wednesday will be whose position on the road con­ bish burning in gutters. Town En­ — n—------' Tolland County Loses Out In The illustrated lecture to be giv­ Commandant J. P. Spohn of the tributed to the accident faded Law Partner Brings Suit to Re­ gineer Bowen has requested per­ en Sunday evening at 7 o’clock by Salvation Army and his subject will away in the excitement. cover Loan From Estate of sons here not to burn leaves on or SUNDAY AND MONDAY the L’ev\ Gev">rov» S. Brookes In the be “ Enterprise.” Harold West will Motorman Thomas (Tomlinson Missing Man. near the concrete or granite. Assignment of Judges; A. Union Congregational Church tells donate the attendance prize. was in charg^ of the Crosstown The heat caused by the fires in of Mr. Brookes’ own experiences in car, which was going down the hill many instances either crumbier the Pine Tree State. The surpass­ Considerable uncertainty has E. L. Gates and sons, Richard towards Wadsworth street. A Ford arisen within- the last few days con­ the concrete or makes It- flake. In E. Waite Promoted: ing beauty of the pictures, about car had stopped on the side of the case of the granite curbing enghty in number, will match the and Claude returned last night cerning the financial situation of from a weeks’ tour of Canada and the road, barring the passage of a this stone holds the heat for a story, being personal .and real, truck driven by Henry Weir, fruit Atty. Benjamin B. Baggish of Hart­ long time and if a rainstorm comes Maine, going by way of Leeds Cen­ ford, who is well known in Man­ (Special to The Herald.) Maine must be seen to be fully ap­ merchant. up the fall of waten on the hot I preciated. During his ten years in ter and returning by way of the chester and who disappeared from stone cracks the granite. The town Rockville, Oct. 1.— The sueprlor Adirondacka, covering a total of Weir drove his car out to pass Maine, Mr. Brookes visited every the Ford and was oh the trolley a Long Island resort several weeks has the authority to replace brok­ - court docket for the term that part including the most remote sec­ 1703 miles. . car tracks when the trolley ar­ ugo and was supposed to have been en or crumbllr,? granite and con­ opened this past month has some tions. Some of the pictures have sel­ rived. The trolley struck the drowned. Several claims against crete at the property owners’ ex­ cases that date back as fat as the dom been seen and will cause those The officers and employees of the truck and was pushed back Into a Baggish have been filed and his law pense, and this will be done if it is present to sit up and take notice. Manchester Trust Company will partner, Bernard J, Ackerman, has evident that the destruction is due October term of 1917, others in Chrysler car driven by Charles B. Notes spend Saturday and Sunday at Plumb of Providence. brought suit to recover $2,500 to bonfires. 1925, aeverai in 1925 and 1926 and The Sophomore Class of the Black Poin.t Most of them went The truck was slightly dam­ which he asserts he lent to Baggish in addition to this there are many Rockville High school have elected down this afternoon, making the aged but damage to the Chrysler a few days before his disappearance. others that have been brought to a the following officers for the year: trip by automobile. was more severe. The radiator Application has been made for settlement and should not be on President, Lester Ludke; vice pres­ shell was (fi’ushed, the fenders bent the appointment of a trustee for CHOIRS OF ST. JAMES’S the docket. The lawyers often in ident, Miss Wilma Suessman; sec­ Principal A. N. Potter of the and the headlights smashed, Baggish’s estate. When the appoint­ making a settlement after having retary, Charles Pressler; treasurer. the writs returned to court neglect Manchester Evening Schools and ment is made and an inventory of HAVE SOCIAL EVENING] to file the necessary release and as Miss Mary Tracy. Robert C. Deming state director of the estate filed it will become Hope Chapter, Order of Eastern. Americanization work at Hartford, ANCIENT HAND LOOM known whether the young Hartford a result they are still on the docket Star, will hold a meeting Tuesday as Clerk William Read has no offi­ are in New Haven today attending lawyer was as successful financial­ evening. The committee have ar­ the-football game between Yale and ly as he had been supposed to be or Last night in St. James’s parish cial record to clear them. ranged a fine program and it is AT CHICAGO EXHIBIT hall on Park street both the Jun­ The^;book makes a rather large Bowdoin. whether his affairs were involved. hoped -that the'members will try ior and senior choirs of St. James’s- one aiisd the different terms show church enjoyed a supper- and gen­ that there appears to be much busi­ and attend. Mrs. Lillian Little is The number of parsons in Man­ chairman of the refreshments and eral good time. The occasion was ness before the court. It has been chester taking school courses will Miss Minnie Pools Operating LOCAL MAN’S ST. LOUIS the culmination of the most suc­ - the desire of the courts to clear as Mrs. Ruth Cooley, chairman of the take a big Jump Monday when the Mrs. Loomis’s Antique at entertainment committee. cessful year the local church’s many of the old or settled cases as evening school sessions begin. A. N. Cheney Brothers Show. BROTHER SAFE, HE WIRES choirs have enjoyed since Charles they can possibly do and during: the The teachers of the 'Vernon Potter, an instructor at tae High schools observed Friday as Visiting Packard became musical director past year where there had been an school, is again head of the evening Mrs. Arthur E. Loomis’s antique of both organizations. over clogging of the docket special Day. r. schools, it being his fifth year in A supper, _prepared by Flor­ Miss Marjorie Metcalf is in Bos­ hand loom is In Chicago this week Herbert L. Tenney of 33 North sessions in civil cases have been this capacity. Sessions will be two as one of the exhibits in Cheney Elm street is much relieved today ence’s Delicatessen was served at heard all through the summer. ton attending the National Conven­ hours long and will be held in nine o’clock. Following the sup­ tion of United Druggists. Brothers showing of silks and old after the receipt of a telegram from Tolland County seems to have sevefal schools. Those who have not time weaving in connection with his brother Henry who lives in St. per all the choristers, numbering been neglected in some part in this Harold Lanz and sisters and Ern­ already registered may do so to­ Marshall Field and company’s an­ over eighty joined in some hearty est Luginbuhl of Ellington left Louis, which city was struck by a way as Judge Yeomans who sat in night. There will be no registration niversary and fall opening. Miss terrible tornado that inflicted "heavy singing in which close harmony the June term had but little time to Thursday for a motor trip through fee. Minnie Poots, who is a Cheney was predominant. the western states. causalties and property damage. ’devote to the work in Rockville and weaving employee, accompanied The message received here was Rev. William P. Reidy, pastor cave much of his time to special Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Quinn of Tal- Mrs. Edith G. Wood of Bristol, Mrs. Loomis to Chicago and the of St. James’s, then addressed the cott avenue are entertaining Mr. brief and did not tell whether or terms i i Hartford.In the allotment delegate to the National W. C. T. U. two are taking turns operating the gathering. He complimented the ^bf Judges for the coming year Tol­ Wright of Springfield. loom at the exhibit. Mrs. Loomis’s not the Tenney home in St. Louis members of both choirs for the ex­ The fall tests of the Rockville convention at Minneapolis will ad­ was wrecked. It simply said that land County again seems to be get- dress the local Union Tuesday at hand-loom is 176 years old. cellent work accomplished during • ting just a short part of the differ­ Fire Dept, will be held this after­ the family was out of town at the the past year, and expressed hopes noon at 2 o’clock. All the apparatus 2:30 p. m. at 114 Chestnut street, time. ent Judges’ time and as a result Mrs. J. A. Hood, hostess. Members that the new season would be even UNDERWORLD will be tested. there are cases that remain on the and their friends are cordially in­ DORCAS SOCIEH PLANS more successful. Mrs. Emil Meyers of Union street Mrs. August Kanehl and daugh­ Then Tom Humphrey enter­ WITH Clive Bpook (Seorce Bancroft ^ ■ .docket which should be erased as vited. the- majority of them have^Jjeen set­ entertained Mrs. Sloan of Broad ter, Helen, of 189 West Center tained with a selection of humor­ Evelyn Bpent • Larry Semon -c Brook on Thursday. ANNIVERSARY PARTY street accompanied by John Thur- ous Irish songs. Following him the tled, although no official notice has Robert Chace of Main street re­ A Hector Turnbull pwovctiph been given to the clerk so the rec- Miss lola Quinn of School street ner of West street, William Waih- Rev. James P. Timmins lived up to is,spending a few weeks in New turned to his home last night after len of West Center street and Mi.:s his reputation as a competent af­ An actual story of the UNDERWORLD! Written ^’brds can be cleared.' ten weeks treatment at the New­ The Dorcas society of the Swed­ D. A. R. Plans. York. Anna Thomay ot Ridge street left ter dinner speaker by telling sev­ especially for the screen by Ben Hecht, a reporter who port Naval hospital. He has been ish Lutheran church will celebrate today on an automrbile tour of the eral humorous stories. Sabra Trumbull Chapter, D. A. temporarily discharged and will re­ Its fifteenth anniversary with a re­ R., will hold their first meeting of New England states and Ontario, Then modern and old* fashioned has seen the scenes that have been filmed! A tal# of MISS AMERICA OF ’21 turn later for an operation. union and banquet In the church Canada. They expect to be gone dancing was enjoyed until eleven- ’ the fall and winter term next Wed- basement Saturday, October 15. modem ganster feuds—of No Man’s Land in a twen­ about a week. thirty. , nesday. They will meet at the Memorial Lodge No. 38, Knights The committee hopes to make this tieth century metropolis! That— and much more! i home of Mrs. Walter H. Skinner, FAVORS BEAUTY SHOWS of Pythias will hold an all day out­ one of the most successful affairs i the regent, who will be the hostess. the society has ever held since Its ' They will meet at the home of Mrs. ing tomorrow at Hills Grove in Wapplng. Dinner will be served at 2 organization. Invitations have been TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY R. H. Leonard at 11 o’clock where (Continued from Page 1) sent oijt to all those who at some < automobiles will be waiting to take o’clock sharp followed In the after­ 3 Nights noon with r, program of athletic time were members of the organi­ them to Colchester where' they will ace. Now it seems to be all bath­ zation as well as the present'mem- inspect the Nathaniel Foote house, ing suits and parades— Just a events. Myron C. Peckham is chair­ Monday, Tuesday, Wed. Norma Talma^e in “ CAMILLE!! man of the outing committee. l)€r8. which was built in 1702. There show— rather than a beauty con­ •Miss Florence L. Johnson, the PARSONS Mat. Wed. will be a lunch served at 12:30 and test. Somehow I have the impres­ president, heads the committee on the year book will be distributed. sion that the commercial angle has Mrs. Thora Stoehr of Greenhill arrangements and her assistants Hartford October 10-11-12 WIU Be Witli M lnor^ entered into the contests more street will‘ substitute as organist at are Miss Eva M. Johnson, Ruth If there is to be any contest at than formerly.” the Swedish Lutheran church in the Benson, Mabel Olson, Anna D. MAIL ORDERS NOW . the polls on Monday It will not be Not Changed Much absence of the organist, Helge B, Johnson and Dorothy Noren. TO PARSONS, HARTFORD Pearson, who is on a week-end tour among the republicans, who it is Mrs. Cahill hasn’t changed much ALL NEXT WEEK estimated will carry the 'town by since she was acclaimed America’s with the Beethoven Glee club of about a vote of three to one. It is foremost beauty. Her friends think which he is the director. ' different in the democratic party she’s even more attractive. She POLICE COURT there are some stiff fights on for mi­ still wears her blonde hair un- The three-act comedy, “ A Poor nority offices, especially that of se­ bobbad. She lives in an expensive Married Man,” presented at the John Sobieski of Middle Turn- CECIL B. DeMILLES lectman. apartment in the best pert of town North Methodist church last night ulke West through his attorney, A. E. Waite Promoted. and admits her marriage is a by the Higganum Grange was well Jacob Schwolsky of Hartford, A. E. Waite, well known in musi­ success. She says she is “ very, presented. A large crowd of Ep- pleaded guilty before Judge John­ cal and social circles in RocKville very happy,” that her husband is worth League members and their son in the Manchester police court and in former years a leading spirit “ just wonderful,” but he doesn’t friends as well as a number from this morning to the ‘charge of in athletic activities has been care ,to have her mentioned in con­ out of town attended the perform­ keeping liquor with intent to sell. Loran and Mack ' named to fill the newly created of- nection with beauty contests. Her ance. The committee in eharge of Sobieski was before the court last (Two Black Croyvs) ^'fice of superintendent of production marriage wasn’t the result of the the affair was headed by Mrs. Carl Monday and his case was continued )for the Hockanum system. With contest as she had known Mr. Erickson. Home made candy was until this morning. Judge Johnson Julius Tannen ithis promotion there are several Cahill for many years. They are sold between the acts by the local imposed a fine of $125 and costs tAdiptsiion Zd>!/. JEANIE MACPHERSON both Irish and were raised in the leaguers. . which werj paid. An additional Johnny Dooley Mother changes being made in the 18 STARS— 500 POPULAR PLAYERS— 5000 EXTRAS ^ockanum system. same* part of Washington. She charge of keeping a gaming house Dorothy Knapp spent last winter in Europe and was nolled by the prosecuting at­ ■’ Drew GooQ Gathering. (World’s Most Beautiful Girl) SYMPHONY TOURING ORCHESTRA OF 20 The Teachers’ Club of Ellington, had “ a grand time.” torney. “ I don’t want to condemn beau­ SOLDIERS DROWNED. Joseph Burnstingle of Provi­ And Ck>mrMiny of 100— Including NOTHING LIKE IT m THE WHOLE WIDB WORLD jSomers and Tolland held their an- dence, R. I., paid a fine of $10 and fnual dance last night in Odd Fel­ ty contests— why should I?” she 60 Vanities Beauties— 24 Foster Girls asked. “ I do think, however, that costs for speeding. He was arrest­ SEATS NOW SELLING: 'Nights, Orchestra fl.5 0 ; Balcony low s’ hall and it was well patron- "Varna, Rumania, Oct. 1.— Many Same As All Last Year at Earl Carroll Theater. they might be conducted along ed by Sergeant Barron last Satur­ Oi*der tickets now to secure choice locations. All mall or­ $1.50, $1.00;* Family Circle, 75c; Gallery, 00c (Fins Tax). '^ized. In addition to the modern Rumanian soldiers were drowned Matinees: Orchestra .$1.00; Balcony fl.OO, 76c; F am . C ir. OOo. more amateur lines. Less commer­ today when a pontoon bridge over day and appeared in court this ders filled in the order in which they are received before seats dances there were also some of the cialism you know.. morning. He drove his car at the old time dances stepped to by the the Danube river collapsed while ai-e put on sale at box office October 6. . Enclose check or money COMING MONDAY MIGHT Would Enter Again the tenth Rumanian infantry was rate of 49 miles an hour from Por­ order with self-pddrcsscd stamped enveloi>e. „ „ „ music of Kabricks’ orchestra. I’d enter again if I had it to do ter street to the center. ^ 8:15 Sharp Churches passing over it. Prices: Evenings, Orchestra, $3.00; Balcony $2.50, $2.00, over. I had loads of fun at At­ $1.30. Family Circle, $1.00, 75c.; Wednesday Matinee, OrcliM- PARSONS Twice Daily Thereafter. Union Congregation Church: lantic City. I was treated royally. HARTFORD S il5 —8:15 Rev. George S. Brookes, pastor. tra, $2.00; Balcony, $1.50, $1.00; Family Circle, 75c, oOr. So were all the other girls. We Plus Ta.v. Morning worship at 10:30; sermon, were carefully shepherded and “ Where is the Kingdom of God?’’ there was no opportunity for apy gi vening service at 7:00. Sterioptl- one to be rude to us. I still con­ •C3n lecture “ My Ten Years in the sider the Atlantic City officials my TODAY Pine Tree State. good friends.” Methodist Episcopal Church: No, Mrs. Cahill didn’t think that AND Rev. J. Garfield Sallis, pastor. beauty contests turn the heads of Circle TOMORROW WILLIAM FOX fresents 'Morning worship at 10:30, address the girls who enter. They all seem­ by Miss Althea Todd of Chin,a. Com­ ed to go Into the thing “ in a spirit munion services. Evening service at of fun and rivalry.” Thcre^ was very TODAY CONTINUOUS 2:15 to 10:30. GRAND OPENING 7:00. Young People’s Rally. little Jealousy. Rockville Baptist Church: Rev. JOHN GILBERT After she won the contest the TODAY Blake Smith, pastor, ^ n d ay will be then Miss Gorman returned home, WILUAM.FOX 'observed as Rally Sunday, the chil- went through High school, and and TONY idren taking part in the service. The then spent a year in Georgetown the wonder pastor will speak on “ Christ Blesses convent. She accepted no theatrical Little Children.” Evening services or movie offers. She did not need horse at 7:00. Subject: “How Can We Be D d m W x the money, as her, parents are well THE RIALTO Sure There is a God.” off. She married in 1925. She is in­ St. Johns Episcopal Church: Rev. H. B. Olmstead, rector. Morning terested in society and Catholic % service 10:45, subject “ Sources of charities. Her hobby is horseback New Management Personal Religion.” Evening serv­ riding. ice 6:30v Subject “ Please Stand “ I’ll never forget 1921,” she says, By.” reminiscently. “ And I’m! not sorry.” New Orchestra First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. John F. Bauchmann, TO SEARCH FOR PL.ANE pastor. English service 10:00. Sub­ Washington, Oct. 1.— President ject, “ Comfort in Affliction, ” Ger­ Coolidge today approved a sugges­ A colorful Romance of man Service 11:00. Subject "A tion by William Randolph pearst Daring and Dangei>~ Continuous Show Today Guard Against Despon.dency.” to send a naval vessel to Johnson Suspense and Tlirills and Island, 750 miles southwest of St. Bernards Catholic ^.^urch. Joyons Laughter with 2:15 to 10:30, Sunday 7 to 10:30, (2 Shows) (Masses at 8:00, 9:15, 10:3(}. ^ Hawaii, to search for the airplane '* St. Josephs Polish Church, Golden Eagle, one of the missing Tmn Mix in the Saddle of .^lasses at 8:00 and 10:30. Dole contestants. Adventure. _ ' The Princess Hall will open to­ night for the first of a series of LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS. **MOHTE CRISTOV dances. The Rendezvous Orchestra At New York— Tom Heeney, New of Hartford will furnish tho music. Zealand heavyweight, knocked out H. G. Steinberg of North Adams Jim Maloney of Boston in the first Today—Sunday—Monday has accepted a position as overseer found; Napoleon Jack Dorval kay- in the wet finishing department of oed Farmer Joe Simth of Stamford, the American Mill. Conn., heavyweight, in the first Prices— ^Matinee 10c-15c; Evening 10c-25c Mrs. Florine Montgomery of round; Lew Warsaw of Brooklyn ,West street has resigned her posi­ won the decision over Francis Good- tion at Cheney Bros. nfan of St. Joseph, Mo., four , Mrs. Fred Young of Grand street rounds; Rosey Batout - of Maine fTfuWatem^ce'Jgain Special, Children Admitted Every kayoed Tony Clifford of Greenpoint, is entertaining her sister from New The World’s RENEE ADOREEx JTork. N. Y., in the second round. Helene Qjstfcllo’' - MalcolnhW^tc, Saturday for I Miss Grace "FanKleeck of Union At Wilkes-Barre, Pa.— Tiger . George Irving -.Dorothy Kitchen Favorite Stars Flowers, Atlanta, Ga., .former mid­ tstreet Is spending the week-end at f/»rvill ADIU RW XKRJO TH t/> JW|JISTONI in her home in Somers. dleweight champion, won decision QFCVTL’LE' DULL Pivditdiion^ William Welgold has resigned over Pete Latzo, Scranton, Pa., for­ The World’s Other Added Units Ibis position at the United States mer welterweight champion, ten Monday JACK MULHALL in Favorite Novel To Make a Envelope Co. and accepted a posi- rounds. fion at the Springville Mill. At Lewiston, Maine.—Georgia and Balanced Bill Miss Mary Zira of West Main Bolduc, Lewiston, awarded news­ Tuesday “ The Crystal Cup” ktreet has accepted a position at the paper decision over Johnny Kid jjnited States Envelope Co. Adams, Lawrence, Mass., six r: Mrs. John Thomos of Uhlon rounds. h : . ^ ■

y.r '■m:* 1927., ffiNCHBOTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. SATURDAV, OCIt O B ^ 1,

'Wh^.'the Flee ?d l NOBTH METHODIST EPISCOPAL. • AH dfy loup, fjrom morning until inbon, and froflr noon until the hour xMarvl9 S. Stocking, Partor. of tho eveuing prnyor-rrEHJah gave The Evening tiom plaixty of tlme-r-the priests of MAKING YOUR ■^Sunday services: ^ 1 cried, “ 0 Baal, hear us!" But BY G E O ^ B HENRY DOLE. . ? f /, 10:45— The annual Rally Day there was uo srolce, nor any that service in the auditorium. This Is 'answered. They leaped and shouted In$ematloiial Sanday*Schobl Lesson Text, Oct, 8. the combined service of the congre­ Sunday SchooHiCssons lb frenzy, cutting themselves with gation and church school. On this knives In blopdy ecfltacy of en- Choose you this day whom ye will serve.— JoA> *4:15. account there will be no separate by Wiffiam T. ElUs. 'treaty. ' CENTER CONGREGATIONAL ^ SOUTH METHODIST EPISCOPAL All the arts of ^ e priesthood Rev. Joseph Cooper j session of the Church school at Fur Every Age» Creed and Natianality* Rev. Watson Woodruff 9:30. A minimum offering $45.00 Is were Invoked to bring lire down up la what we are dolng^murder, and that to luMt li to eom- on the eojd altar. That is Just W h a t we are ___adultery. adultery. Mui'der Is the inter- a. m. — Sunday Bible earnestly asked at this Rally serv­ every moment when not . asleep Mprnlng Worship at 10:46 a. m. 9:80 ice. It will be evenly. divided be­ ,v Like an oriental, Elijah mocked nal of an«er, and adnltezY' 1^® Tho sertnon will be by tbe pestOTp school. the frenzy of his foes. “ Cry aloud: There is no escape from it. Con­ Internal of lust. The act la but ex­ 10; 30— ^Ministry of the Chime. tween the church, the Sunday Rev. Watson Woodruff; topic be­ school and the Board of Church for he is a god: either he Is musing, stantly we are choosing whether pression of evils in the heart. Then 10:4 5— Morning Worship. what Is the Internal of gratifica­ ing “ The Kingdom of God.” schools. The special program to be dr he Is gone aside, or he is on we will have kindly, true, and Organ Prelude “ Communion” Journey, or peradventure he sleep tion over the fall of another? Have The music will be as follows: Saint Saens given by the several departments useful thoughts or selfish. Impure Prelude, In a Monastery Garden eih and must b e ‘awakened.” The we rational minds? Can we not- Anthem, “ Lead me, Lord, In Thy and groups of the school is entitled IN H E OF NATIONAL CRISB, and useless thoughts. We can Ketelbey “ The Lark Supreme.” At this serv­ ■ intensity of the strain, fo|r the de­ no more escape this perpetual see? Would one experience Righteousness, make Thy way votees of Baal, and lor the wltness- pleasure If he himself or his child, Call to Worship plain before my face. For It Is ice Collins Drlggs will play as a choosing than we can stop think­ Doxology prelude, Hofmer’s “ Maestoso” and fjpg hosts of Israel, may hardly be fell? Would he gleefully broad-j Invocation and Lord’s Prayer Thou, Lord, only, that makest me PROPHET FORCED THE ISSUE imagined. Both the event and its ing. cast the fall and add some spiteful' as an offertory Mendelssohn’s Daily the Judge is choosing be­ Anthem, “ Jerusalem, O Turn Thee dwell In safety,” ...... Wesley issue were of a nature to tauten criticism? Bible Reading, JJehemlah 6:1-9 “ Consolation” and Hofmer’s Alle­ tween Jqstice and injustide; (From Gallia)...... Godnod gro as a postlude. The anthem will Aen’s nerves. No sporting exhlbl- There la Jealousy In that mat-^ Offertory Anthem the business man is choosing the lug vice of pleasure over the. mis­ Responsive reading 14 be “ If Ye Love Me” by Shelley. ^on ever equalled this for excite­ principles according to which he Hymn, “ Onward, Christian Sol- Brief Address, "The Present Mis­ ment. fortune of another. Envy is hidden The Bpworth League service will ' vain search of him- Then suddenly will conduct his sionary Situation” be at 6:00 In the evening. The Baal’s champions had to “ take there Jn all Its hldeousneSa. Good dlers” The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- 'f’he appeared. mind cannot function enough for him; he got what was^ Scripture reading topic Is "Five Snobs” and the The IntematlontU ‘Sunday the count.” They lost. Their altar choosing one way of action per ^ "Is it thou, thou troubler of Is­ remained as cold at the end of the due, we hear. Is such feeling th® Pastoral Prayer Scripture references are Luke 18:9- Sdiool Lesson for October 12 is, rael?” demanded Ahab. the many that appear, and at the Gloria Patrla 6:00 p. m.— ^Epworth League De­ , , , . . , day as at the beginning. Bitter was tenderness and compassion of, votional meeting. Topic, “ Five 14 and Rom. 12:3. “ Elijah On Mt. Carmel” — 1 time of choosing the way of do­ Jesus Christ? or Is It the essence Anthem, Sanctus from Mass Solen The Hartford County Council of “ I have not troubled Israel; but, defeat: yet worse was nbead. ing, a motive selfish or unselfish, Snobs;” leader. Miss Ethel Brook­ Kings 18. tliou. and thy lather’s houM, deliberation. Inviting close of hell? Thus unmindful of the: ...... Gounod Religious Education annual con good or had. Is adopted. Hymn, “ O Worship the King All ings. Special music by several In­ doughtily replied the prophet Ell- ipspectlon the while, Elijah built inner nature of feeling so general^ ventlon will be held In Wethers So subtile is evirthat one un­ we choose whether we will, servelj Glorious" termediate girls. fleld Monday, Oct. 3, beginning at jah; who thereupon demanded that broken and forsaken altar of aware may choose to serve vice Hymn, “ He Leadeth Me, O Blessed 6:45— Ministry of the Chime. 10:45 and continuing through the Here is a great story. In all llior- the king assemble the nation, and j^jj^yah, using twelve stones, in rather than virtue, the devil rath­ God or the spirit of evil. ! 7:00— ^Evening worship. the four hundred and flfty priests memory of the’ once united nation One cannot pick another W Thought” evening. ature, there is no more dramatic er than God. For example, one Organ Recital, “ Andante from the scene than the duel between the of Baal, and the priests of the *e- About these, while everybody won- pieces, exposing his weaknesses Benediction Monday evening the churcn feels gratification over the fall oi and limitations and love the neigh­ Postlude “ A Hymn of Joy , ^ Fifth Symphony” . . . . Beethoven council will meet in the Sunday prophet of Jehovah and the priests male goddess, Asherah, at Mt. Car- dered, he dug a trench.,Then he a potential rival. Are we aware

Y r o o d . bor as himself. In so doing, one Church school “ Rally Day’ 9:30 Nocturne ...... Ferrata school rooms at 6:30 for supper of Baal which is the present Sunday mel, for the great test. It was a hold In order, and on this of the deadly nature of such grati­ Bible Reading Lesson, Psalm 19 School Lesson. Every aspect of the summons, but the greatness of the, dismembered body of does not choose mercy and com­ o’clock. and business;'Of the council all fication? , It is the adder s pois­ passion, the spirit of. the Lord. Notices Offertory, Baritone Solo, F. J. Ben- members of the Ofilclal Board, Sun­ drama Is perfect. Nothing more occasion warranted It. And God’s sacrlflced bull. To the amaze- on cunningly injected. These may Monday. 10:45— Hartford Coun­ dall theatrical or Qompelllng or mean'- man should not fear to use great ^^d as a sure proof of Likewise In numerous ways wo day school board, Epworth League seem strong words. They are not. must constantly choose whom we cil of Religious Education at Weth- Sermon “ Is the World Machine' cabinet and officers of the three ingful ever came from mortal peni words. Once more the king bowed genuineness of tbe forthcoming They are weak words. Look to tne made?” Hebrews 11:2 And the significance of the tremen to the prophet; for in ultimate g^d of the all-power Willi serve. Halt not between two women’s societies are members. Internal of that Internal delight. opinions. Choose this day^ to " m J L y , 2 :3 0 -W . T. 0 U. win Program for the Week Please come prepared to stay until dous event Is as Immediately applic- hours flnal authority Is spiritual, jjj Jehovah, he thrice drenched The Lord said that anger brings serve the Lord, and Him only. meet at Mrs. John Hood s, 114 Monday— ' the conclusion of business. able as though staged but yester- As God’s man, Elijah called for aKyUQgjj ^nd altar with four jars of one In danger of the judgment of Hartford County Council of Reli­ Thursday, 4:30— Intermediates day, with present conditions in demonstration which the king .vfater, until the trench overflow- Chestnut street. j i . oa gious Education. Sessions, to be held dared not deny. Wednesday, 10:00 a. m. and 1.30 and junior meet for their weekly view the people1 slew1 IT, them am ftt at the tne,orooK brook I i cannot tell why there should n. m. Semi-Annual meeting of the at 10:45 a. m., 1:45 p. m., 7:00 p. program. Bring lunch. Hot coco^aj About three quarters of a cen- “ How long go ye limping he-1 ‘-Thrm upon thrill was thus given Congregation Home Missionary m. In Wethersfield. wlll be served. Adjournment, 6:45. tury had elapsed since the division tween the two sides?” cried Elijah beholding multitude. Then at to the people after they had assem-l^^g hour of the evening oblation— The A Union of Conn, in South Church, 7:30 p. m.— Church school board 7:30, service of worship; 8 :1 0 1 of the Jewish kingdom. They had meeting In the chapel bled. “ If Jehovah be Qod, follow L'he significance of this pricked Middletown. Principal morning study classes. All are invited. led the people into the sensuality dealtic, complat. had been «■••dh' ! .terrllytos,^had In“ fwltt s^It Inslateno*m»^ On tha memoiy, ^ speaker, Mrs. Stella Jordan. Pag­ 8; 45 p. m.— ^Epworth League Him; but if Baal, then follow him.” wjany * conscience— ^Elijah made of Baal worship. All the grossest No proposition could be fairer. And [ gtately, fervent pifayer to the been given that Jehovah is God. eant in the afterruoon conducted by Cabinet Meeting. forms of carnal Indulgence were how the fearless words of the stern q( their fathers. The passage Followed evidence of ano^er pray— Faminghaii^. Prof. H. Augustine Smith of Tuesday— wrapped up in the cult of this 2:30 p. A.— The W. C. T. U. will ST. JAMES’S R. O. prophet must have pierced the! jg ^oble to omit quotation: sort. The God of Are Is also the God ton University. Luncheon at 12:30. heathen God. From the high moral­ of water and of life. So, as an­ Tuesday, 7: 30— Members of meet with 'Mrs. J. A. Hood, 114 hearts of these backslidden Israel-' To be feared of a fhlog aiid Chestnut street. Mrs. Edith G. Rev. W. P. Reldy ity of the worship of Jehovah, and ites. " 6 Jehovah, the God of Abra­ nounced by Elijah, the three years Group 5 will meet at Mrs. PlllS' from the law of Mt. Sinai, the peo­ to do it Is Just what mAkez tti® pr*W Wood will report the National Con­ Rev. J. P. Timmins By its very audacity the proposal ] ham, of Isaac, and of Israel, let of terrible drought were ended by ple had slumped Into the decadence tlest kind of man.— Stevenson. burys. _ vention at Minneapolis. Rev. Vincent McDonough of Elijah carried authority. He ar­ It he known this day that thou a glorious rain. Thursday, 7:00— Girl Reserve of sensuality. Their sex-obsession ranged that oh Mount Carmel thel The lesson of the Lesson lies on * • • Rally. Come and help plan for the 7:00 p. m.— Boy Scouts. art God In Israel, and that I am Wednesday— +nmorrow at St. James’s I was even grosser than that which four hundred and’ flfty priests of thy servant, and that I have done the surface of the story. Nations As the mountains aire found about year’s work. R.C c h u r c n m blce^^ a large section of present- Baal, who, through Queen Jezebel’s] get into trouble when they depart Friday, 3:30— Picnic of the 2:00 p. m.— ^Ladles’ Aid Sewing all these things at thy word, Jerusalem, so the Lord Is 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock. All services day life, Influence, had usurped the religious “ Hear me, O Jehovah, hear from loyalty to God. What else are about his people from henceforth ("Brownies.” Meet at the church and business meeting. 5:30 p. m.— Supper and Social from now on will be on daylight Mankind’s morals are not a mat­ leadership of the kingdom, shoulc me, that this people may know we in our own time needing so even for ever.— Psa. 126:2. : Friday, 7: 00— Meeting of the ' «1 saving time. Tomorrow the fall and ter of Indifference to the living God. engage In a spiritual duel with the j that thou, Jehovah, art God, and much as that the people, many of Ull J Boy Scouts In the junior room time. • • • 7:00 p. m.— Camp Fire Girls. winter schedule of high mass at a people’s character and conduct lone prophet of Jehovah,, the top of that thou hast turned their heart whom have fallen into staa-k Baal­ The flowers today are furnished Carmel being the scene and the peo-1 ism. shall cease their drifting and He who would lead must llret hlm-i by the Misses Helen Chapman and Thursday— 10'30 and vespers at 3‘ 30 p. ni. profoundly affect Its destiny, and back again.” , , „ 7:30 p. m.— Mid-week prayer will go Into effect. Sunday school the attitude of the Lord toward it. pie of Israel the witnesses and the Then the Are of Jehovah fell make a clearcut decision for or self he led.; . Mary Chapman. service. The pastor will continue his will be held as usual at 0:15 a. m. jehovah has pledged His help to judges. Rival altars of sacrifice and consumed the buTut-offering against God? Thus, and thus only, Who would he loved be oapable o$ The fall term of the Go-to should be prepared, “ and the God] and tha wood, and the stones may we expect a time of refreshing love ___ . ^ Church Band beginjs Sunday. Miss studies in the book of Job. Read in the chapel. His followers; and His disfavor to Music to be raidcred by the ju- those who are disloyal to Him. No that answereth by Are, let him be] and the dust, and licked up the from heaven; and a return the Beyond the utmost he reeeiveei Lois Howe will be in charge again Job 2:1-6 verses. Saturday— • nlor choir at t’.\e .S'30 o clock mass] nation can thrive without the Dl- God.” water that was iu the trench. experiences that gave this land us who claims this year. . ^ . A Traveler’s Memories of th® Spot. And when all the people saw character as a Christian nation. The rod of power must nwt navi All departments of the Sunday Annual convention of the Ep- will be as follows vine blessing. So Ahab and Israel Froiude: “ Evening Voices” .Lemar| were punished by a drought, fore­ Like so much else In the Bible, | It, they fell on their faces: and bowed his head, v—*.. school will meet together Sunday worth League of the Norwich Dls And, being honored, hohor Whati trlct, to be held at Wlllimantic. The rroressional Hymu told by the prophet Elijah. For the this sublime drama can be fully un­ they said, Jehovah, He is God- Care will kill a cat.— Old Pro­ for opening exercises in the church derstood only by the person con-j above: ^ *vj The Woman’s class will begin convention will open, at 10:30 a. m Anthem, "Meet Holy Almighty, who holds the winds and JehoVah, He Is God. the waters in His fist, uses all His versant with the geography ,of the After Fire, the Bain He that would bring home the This know the men who waifW Sunday in the choir gallery. MIm Everybody is Invited to attend. Anthem, “ Peace, Bo Still” Sullivan forces as ministers of His will. The scene. Some day soon philosophers Sanguinary was the fate of the riches of the Indies, must carry the world theirr names. Marjory Abell is in charge. All and preachers and theologians are pj-ophets of Baal, seducers of the riches of the Indies with him.— — ^Bayard Taylor. women are invited to join. The Offertory, "0 , The awfulness of this drought, which ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL. Jesus ...... * ' continued for three years. Is one going to emergo from the present t^e word of Elijah Traveler’s Saying. ' class is particularly commended to era of wild speculation upon reU- ’ mothers who bring their children Miss Nellie Foley Indication of how seriously God re Rev. James Stuart Nelli, Rector. Anthem, “ I Could Weep for Mirth” j.^g moral and spiritual turpitude glous subjects, and turn to the as­ for the Church school hour O’Connell qj jjjg people certainable facts of Bible lands for The Men’s League will begin at Regular services Sunday, Octo- Anthem, "To Jesus Heart Trouble For The Prophet new proof of the genuineness of the 9:30 hour next Sunday morn­ Christianity. Only a contemporary ing. All men are invited to join the No man can declare ' the whole Church school and Men’s Bible Communion “ Bercuse” ...G oddard counsel of God without getting into eye-witness could have written this • I league. The first speaker will be C class, 9:30 a. m. story of the duel between Elijah J. Huber, recently of Shanghai, Recessional Hymn trouble. When wrong doers are hurt Holy Communion and sermon at At the last mass, a high mass, by truth, they straightway blame and the priests of Baal. 10:45 a. m., sermon by the rector, Mount Carmel Is a natural stage ^^The marriage of Mahlon Snow the senior choir of thirty-five the messenger of that truth. Elijah topic, “ The Rumor of Jesus.” voices, under the direction was hounded near and far beOause for sublime events. The mountain Chaman of Rockville and Mary Es Evening prayer and sermon, 7:00 Itself Is twelve miles long, and Is ther Lord will be solemnized at the Charles Packard, will render of the word of the Lord which he p. m.; special preacher will be Rev, following program: had brought to Ahab. Before a locally called “ the mount of a thou­ home of the bride this afternoon. Joseph McKinney, rector of St. sand valleys.” It lies northwest by Fred Selntz, who has rendered Prelude: “ Dawn” ...... young man heeds the call to be- John’s church, Manitoba, Canada. Processional Hymn. . . Boys’ Choir gome a prophet of God and of truth, southeast and buttresses the great •Invaluable service as assistant The Rev. McKinney has just re­ Plain of Esdraelon. Its tipper end, A.sperges Me (Cleanse Me, O :^ rd ) y x q should make up his mind to face Scout master of our troup, has been turned from a three months’ visit which Is Increasingly occupied by transferred to the New York office Boys’ Choir jiardship and injustice and persecu- to Portadown and is visiting with Kyrle Eleslon (O Lord, Be Mercl- There is a deal of difference homes of Zionists, juts out to sea, of the Travelers Insurance Co. relatives In Manchester, We ar^ and forms the Bay, of Haifa, des­ happy to welcome him at St. Mary s fui) ...... between being court chaplain and tined soon to be Palestine’s great­ Gloria In Excelsis Deo (Glory Unto kingdom prophet. est harbor. Even Holy Land tourists Find your purpose and fling your God) ...... Stearnes Jujah had to flee to the wllder- life out to It; and the loftier your Monday, Girls’ Friendly at 7:30 Credo in Unum Deum (I Believe in ^^gj^ yjy t^e River Jordan, commonly get a look at this north­ purpose is, the more sure you will ern end of Mount Carnael, where But One God) ...... Steornes .jj^g ravens fed him at the there Is an imposing monastery of be to make the world richer with ^ Wednesday, Boy Scouts at 7 p. m. Offertory “ Ave Marla” •• .RosewigKjj.ggjj cherith. Before the British every enrichment of yourself. Vestry meeting at 8 p. m. the Carmelite monks. Here the Daniel J. Sullivan made the new road from Jerusalem Phillips Brooks. feast of Elijah Is annually celebrat­ Sanctus (Holy Lord) ----- Stearnes Kg jerlcho, the old way ran along ed. by both Christians and Moslems, Benedictus (Blessed Is He) the edge of the cliff that overhangs and the roads and slopes are jam­ Stearnes ^j^g majestic canyon of the Cherith med with people, some of whom Contralto Solo, "O Salutaris” which is far below sea level. I have spend the preceding night pn the Miss Helen Waskiewlsch stood on its brink and watched the mountain. Catch-Jenny carnival de­ REVIVAL MEETINGS Agnus Del (Lamb of God) Stearnes ravens circling far below*me. Once vices are abundant, and the occs.- Recessional Hymn while engrossed In a moonrlse view slon Is more of a holiday than a Old Timer— ^You’re Wanted! Oct. 2d to 16th over Moab, my horse nearly backed religious festival. over the precipice. Every Incident It was at the opposite, or south­ WeU sir, tain’t every day y’ kin have a 28th Anniversw-but w e CXJNOORDIA LUTHERAN In this Elijah story may be corobor- ern, end of the mountain that the Church of the Nazarene ated by the geographical aspect of mighty contest between the repre- sore bin havin’ one this week. Takes a time Uke this f ^ e ^ ■I Corner Winter and Garden streets the land. sentatlved of Jehovah and of Raal how many friends y’ kin make bein’ in th’ furnitme bnsineM 28 year& 466 Main Street H. O. Weber, Pastor Even the brook Cherith, eventu took place. Travelers seldom visit ally dried, because of the drought this spot. The small Carmelite mon­ An’ after all, they ain’t mnch satisfaction in doin’ business aU yer hfe Services: Evenings 7:30, except Saturday; Sunday school, 9 a. m. so Elijah was sent, doubtless by the astery at the. “ Place of Burning,” as y> don’t have no friends t’ show fer it, but only a lot o’ enstmners that Sunday 10:45 a. m. / English services at 10 a. m. familiar way of his own land of Gil-. it___ la______locally______called, ______are poor In goods ead, east of the Jordan, so that he j-ich in hospitality and mlnis- youVe made, money off of. ^ REV, E. T. FRENCH, Pastor and Evangelist. German services at 11 a. m. '.t Next Sunday morning Harvest would avoid Ahab’s eye, up to Zare- try. They are rewarded by dwelling There ain’t no doubt, though, ’bout how folks in gen’ral hez hew- Home will be celebrated In both path, near Sldon, where a widow upon one of the most sublime .sites services. The choir will render fed him from the barrel of meal of Scriptural events. Their humble made friendly by their dealin’s with us-n ot after seein’ ’em come in by special music. The church will be and cruse of oil that never failed, buildings look out to the Mediterra decorated with fruits, flowers and until the word came for him to face nean on the'west— I once stood on products of the field. The congre­ Ahab and the great issue. their flat roof, and saw a cloud the n g tl gation is asked to send donations N6w For The Duel size of a man’s hand rise out of the t in’ chance ui a Kwu uttAgcMaa ------Soulii Methodkt Episcopal Church | Saturday or Sunday There are times to avoid evil, and sea— and. eastward It views th® ; >■ which will he presented to the Old times to icome to grips with it. Plain of Esdraelon; and, immedi­ ner anybody’s friends^but just come out o’ cjiriosity f see if wee had Peoples Home at Southbury. Many reformers are mere iurltants ately below, the Valley of the South Main Street and Hartford Road | In the evening Rally Day will be and tantalizers. They meddle and Kishon, where there was room for what we claimed. Minister: REV. JOSEPH COOPER. | celebrated by the Sunday schwl at criticise, but never fbree an issue. A '.all Israel to gather and to witness Well, we had it—an’ they bought it, good many of ’eni—an* they’re 7 o’clock. The children will ren­ lot of well meaning persons think the awesome spectacle staged by der songs and declarations. there Is virtue In chronic fault-find­ Elijah. The place Is a natural plat­ our friends now. But these other,—these older friends,—these folks For the Week ing. They have not force of charac­ form for a great drama to be that’s had our goods an’ our •service an’ our assistance fer years past— 10:45—SacraiHent of the Lo(»d’s Supper. | Monday, 7 P- m.— Boy Scouts. ^ ter enough to carry their case to a staged. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.— Teachers real conclusion. When things are Just below the brow of the moun­ they’re th’ ones y’ like t’ meet. You take this contest now we’re runnin* »®etlng. wrong, wait for the proper , hour, tain Is a perennial spring, which — askin’ fer ih* Old^t Service anybody’s got on our goods— th’ oldest fur­ I Tuesday, 4 p. m.— The first ses­ and then in the power of God right has never been known to fall In sion of cathechetlcal instruction, them. Patience under evil condi­ severest droughts. It was from this niture, th’ oldest linoleum, and th’ oldest Glenwood Range. That sets ih 1 ,7:00—^Evenin^ Service in Temple. | will be held. All children who In­ tions may be a virtue for a period; source that Elijah got the water foBss thinkin* an’ remembrin’ an’ they come iu an’ tell us about it. i \ tend to be confirmed next year then God’s hour strikes for virtue’s with which he drenched the altar of Organ Recital. Special Sermon. | should be present. impatience and intolerance. Jehovah. When read at the Place They’s bin a lot of ’em that way, an’ we got some great stories from Wednesday, 6:30 p. m.— Willing of Burning,” the Lesson story Is That hour struck for Elijah after ’em. But we want a lot more. They’s dder goods out yet, I know. “Is This Universe Machine-Made.” | Workers. three years of drought. Ahab and seen to fit its setting in the minut- Weflnesday, 8 in.—-Church Jezebel had combed the country In est details. Somebody’s gonna get back th’ whole original price of ’fern. Maybe it’s One Hour Service. All Are Inviteed. | Board. Thursday 2:30 ■m.— ^Ladles’ youyou. Maybe y’ don’t want th’ pnze^—but we want th story. Get in th OHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Aid society meets. m.— Senior SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH game. Let’s have itl Thursday, 7:30 Rev. E. T. French, Pastor niimiHIIIHIimillllHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIilllllllVHIHIIUmiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH Friday, 8 p. m.— ^Young People s Rev. P. J. O. Cornell 9:80 a. m.— Sunday school rally. ^"^Frlday, 7 p. m.— English choir. Sunday school and Bible class at 10:45— ^Morning worrtilp. The Saturday, 9-11 a. m.--German communion service will follow the school. 9:30. ■ . m E CENTER CHURCH ° The regular morning service In sermon. ^ m I English at 10:45. Mrs. ,Thora Stohr 3; 00— Junior Mission Band. will substitute as organist at the 6; 30— Young People’s meeting. AT THE CENTER SALVATION ARMY 7:30— Revival service. This will Commandant O. M. Spolin. morning service In the absence of Helge Pearson, who Is on a tour be the first of a series of revival meetings each evening except Sat­ Services .Sunday as follows: with the Beethoven Glee club. R A L L Y D A Y There will be no evening service urday at 7:80 from October 2 to Company meeting at 9:30 ^ m. 16. The pastor will be the evangel- Holiness meeting at 11 a. m. Fark Notes Sunday School, 9:30 meeting at 3 p. m. Open air at 7 p, The Beethoven Glee club will re­ ist. Cor. Main A School Ste.' hearse on/ Monday night at 8 Please flote the. change In time m. Indoor service at 7:30, final for the Sunday school hour from. 12 service of the day. o’clock. South Manchester Opening E xercises in the CJhurch. The regular monthly meeting of to 9:80, and the church service the Dorcas Society will be held on from 10:30 to 10: 46.. Parents are 99 SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL asked to kindly cooperate with the Morning Worship, 10:45 Rev. J. A. Anderson, Pastor Wednesday. Thursday at 7 o’clock the Q Clef Sunday school by seeing to It that “ 7%e Place Jo Buy Furniture the children are there on time. A 10:30— ^Morning service. Glee club will meet with the regu­ lar -wreekly choir rehearsal at 8:30. cordial invitation Is given to par­ C. Y. P. Club, 6:00 12:00— Sunday school. ents and friends to attend the sep- 7:00 p. m.— ^Evening service and The Sunday school teachers have been Invited to meet with Miss slon of the Sunday school, as weU Strangers Especially Invited. communion. . . Eleanor Parsons on Monroe street , fts ’the coming revival meetings. 7:30 p. m.— Wednesday. Mid­ 1 Coma end brl&s otheri; -week iirayer service. Friday nlaht at 8 o’clock. > S':-"V. ■"•-■V “j-"j' "V^>,'■■ •'' • X’"'.'* . )••':*■ V vr---

r y MANCHESTER'(Com) BrmnNG HERALD/ 'SATURDAY, dCi^EER' t S92T.7 ^xanT O K ^''^ -’" .^5.. >

moment to lay hands on the fig­ and a walk tO; shovel snow from In - ^ Hancl^JBter ures, but oC our o'wn knowledge of winter. But the big city realty man such matters we do not hesitate to knows better. He knows that it’s a Ewettins 1Ifr»U » ^ £ deqi^re that there is not another case of once a cave dweller always r - PUBLISHED BT toffttor city-of. similar size in New a cave dweller. Wherefore some­ .It was curtains and THS FER'*T-b PRINTINO 00. Aboard The S. S. Paris, Some-^through England which buys adequate po­ body has just arranged to build a where at Sea— We niet on the third I thoughtevery minute they was ^ Foiipfitd by ' **• ^ Oct. X. 1881 lice protection as cheaply as does big apartment hotel In New Ro­ lap of one of those triree-mile walks coxniHS through. Every JBTMlnff Bzoept Sondcya And Manchester. In fact there are a chelle, the “ Forty-five Minutes from they take around the deck an hour *'But they npver did aod most of that two hundred’s still alive. Now Rolldaya. .. number of municipalities of ap­ Broadway” town, where there Is after dinner and half an hour be­ Entered at the Poet Offloe at Man­ fore brandy-and-soda...... There I’ve always had a notion I’d like to chester as Second Class MaH Matter. plenty of space for bungalows and proximately the same size which was a major, a doughboy and a fel­ go down and stand where the Frlt- SOBSUIUPTION Ra'i’ESt By Mall not only employ from fifty to a where cottages of much class are to zles were standing and see why lu six dollars a year, sixty neats a low that never left training camp he bought on the “ dollar now and hell they didn’t hit that door.” mon___ith tor t » F shorter perloda hundred per cent more- policemen ...... All going t<^ the legion con­ V = ByBj oamsr, , slsbteen cents n week. dollar when you catch me” plan. vention. Funny— of course— yet not one 4 = Slnyle copieSi three centa hut pay proportionately more for of us laughed. Maybe you’ll smllo their services. A tall apartment hotel In New And when we had made the sixth SPECIAL ADVERTISINO BOPRB- lap I asked, casually, what more ■when you read it, but It was much BENTATlvk Hamtlton-Pe Llsssr. The voters are asked to appro­ Rochelle is about as rational a prot than anything else they wanted to too human and surprising a thing {’ Inc.. 88S Madison Avenna New Fork position as a frigidaire at the North at the time...... Two men. going (; andr 818 North Mleblvan Avsaua priate 133,000 for police protection. see when they got “ back over” . , . . Chicago. In many a community of no great­ pole. But It will fill up, and Its ten­ The major chuckled...... James back ...... a major and a buck I private...... one to ride quietly The Manchester Bveninc Berald Is er size and no more serious police ants will scramble to catch trains Madison Blackwell, by the way, is on sale In New York City at SohulU's his name...... He has to lay a down a road and one to look at a News Stand. Sixth Avende and 42nd. problems It would be taken for with as much self satisfaction as it ^cave...... Of all the events of the Street and 42nd. Street entrance ot wreath or something like that In Grand Central Station. granted that the department could each of them had a lighthouse oh the formal ceremonies...... The war those things interested them “International News Service has the not he run at all on less than $50,- a cape to live in. major chuckled and looked dut to most. exclusive rlahts to use lor republlca- 000 sea...... tlon In any form all news dispatohes . "D’ya know what I’m going to The fellow-who-hadn’t-left-camp credited to or not otherwise oredlu It is to be hoped that on Monday ed In this paper. It Is also ezoluslvelr do? I'm going down the Arras road had said nothing. On the tenth lap entitled to use tor repubiloatlon all evening no voter will display so on a donkey...... that’s what I’m be began to talk. “ I’ve got one, too. the local or undated news publlshsd little appreciation of a bargain as Not BO funny, though. I’m from iTTie herein." going to do. I’ve got it all fixed. \ to suggest that the town try to Cabled a friend to fix it up with a Iowa. I had a brother. They tell mo there’s a cross without a name on cheesepare on the police appropria­ peasant family I knew out there. SATURDAY, OCT. 1, 1927. Yes. sir— and the leason'Ts this: I It...... ” tion. It is too much like kicking at l U l f ] want to prove to myself that you But we knew what was coming. paying eighty cents for a good dol­ can go down that road aud not be We sidled, him through the little 53^ Anniversary Sale •CHARTER REVISION lar bill. In a hurry. I want to Sfo djwn that passage marked “ Bar.” Not on,e of , Aside from business more or less This is the last of a series of arti­ road :ust once without getting shot us wanted to hear the rest of the ^ \ routine In nature Monday evening’s cles on "Who Will Succeed Wheel­ at. It was a swell road, but Fritz story. It was too familiar. It car­ ried too n;uch of the reality of a N a few days this company will reach its Fifty-third Milestone, town meeting will have to decide er?” • was trying to pave it with hell RACE PREJUDICE every time I went down it. I want war that most folk have forgotten. We cannot let the anniversary pass' without pointing out between two propositions which, A curious situation exists in to go along it peacefully...... on a We preferred to hear something I some of the advantages there are in trading with Watkins. In their nature, are in apparent By RODNEY BUTCHER funny...... something about a ma­ Gary, Ind., where.00 pupils of a donkey...... or even walking.” Brothers. conflict. The fourth, fifth and sixth high school went on strike because jor who would ride a mule down the Arras road...... That sort of articles In the call require decision Washington, Oct. l . - 7-The Rev. The doughboy chuckled and. It is to your advantage to trade with a company that is bF"; twenty-four Negro boys and girls thing. on whether or not the town of Arthur James Barton of Atlanta leaning over the ship’s side, began: had been admitted to^their classes can succeed Wayne B .Wheeler ns “ If the major hadn’t told that story enough and has cash enough to buy merchandise at the righi' Manchester shall at this time raise and where, incidentally, the school legislative superintendent of the I’d never have admitted what I was And there, It seems to me, you prices. a town planning commission under authorities appear to have yielded Anti-Saloon League if he wants the g.jing to do. 3’funny...... a wiole have a cross section of a conven­ tion in Paris that has caused a con­ It is to your advantage to tr^de with a company which has authority already created by the to ^tbe prejudice against the job. war can go around you and every­ Dr. Barton is known in the south thing in the world can happe’-i and siderable amount of interest. had the necessary practical experience in furnishing homes of all \ Legislature, on the persohnel of Negroes by agreeing to segregate as “.the Baptist pope.” He is chair­ then some funny thing gets your Yes, men meet in a big hall and kinds from the most modest to the most pretentious. such commission if authorized and them. man of the league’s executive com­ goa*. 'they parade down the street and on the provision for its expendl- There have been more or less mittee and of the Social Service “ Now the thlrg that has had they lay wreaths and flowers on the i It is to your advantage to trade with a company which is turos. The seventh article requires similar occurrances in a consider­ Commission of the Southern Bap­ mine tvqr since it happened was a tombs of the dead and they wander cave. Laugh that off! But there wo through the battlefields...... | w ejl enough established and strong enough financially to be able - decision as to whether or not the able number of American towns at tist church. He is one of the most Impostant were, bunched about 206 in this But most of them are going back to perform for you the thousand and one little acts of courtesy :|pwn shall authorize the selectmen one time and another, sometime figures in the movement in the cave that we’d dug into a regular to put a last chapter on an unfin­ and service which you have a right to demand but which you get Appoint a committee to revise the with results similar to' that at Gary, squth on the parts of drya and nide-away and just down the hill ished story...... perliaps a chateau from so few stores because it costs so much. charter of the municipality— which though of course in the majority of Protestants to defeat the presi­ Fritz ppppering at us. where they billeted with some fam­ ily...... perhaps a little "made­ revision, of course, would be sub­ cities and towns in the North Negro dential hopes of Governor A1 Smith “ Now the Helnles was hitting It is to your advantage to make your fall furniture selections ject to Legislative endorsement of New York. Inasmuch as the anti- everywhere. They hit the sidewalls moiselle from Armentiers, parlez noA^ while the 53rd Anniversary Sale prices are in effect and to boys and girls occupy a plane of Smith campaign is regarded bx the and we could hear the rocks sput­ VOU8. . . ; . . ’’perhaps a place at the and, presumably, to a referendum equality with whites so far as Anti-Saloon League as its biggest tering down. They hit men that foot of a hill from which the Hein- get acquainted with the many advantages of trading at Watkins, of the voters of the town. school privileges are concerned. imminent problem. Barton is in an went outside or tried to come in. ies were shooting at a cave and ~as so many others have this past week. Obviously, if the voters take ac­ But the situation at Gary is, in one excellent position to take up the But they never hit the door wo had never hit the door. tion for the framing of ^ complete anti-Smith work which Wheeler over the mouth of the pit. And I Pretty hqman sort of a gather­ Come this afternoon or tonight, if you can, for our store i3 respect, a special one. carried on so vigorously until his ing, after aJl, don’t you think? new charter it would be conflicting was the guy that was right behind open until 9 p. m. Gary, Indiana, probably contains death. that door...... If they ever came GILBERT SWAN 'Action to proceed at this time, on a smaller proportion of white pop­ the very eve of thorough renova­ Barton has a reputation as an ulation which can claim two gener­ he was fs^sed— when he could alertness have made him a favorite i tion of our plan of town govern­ ations of American nativity than organizer and was one of the most with many league leaders who feel influential of the lobbyists for the have had $25,000 or $50,000 per­ ment, to saddle our already cum- any other city In the country, large haps more, as a lobbyist for one of they need a man like Wheeler to n c eighteenth amendment. He helped maintain the league’s grip on Con­ WATKINS BROTHERS. I , '^ersome and over-complicated sys­ or small. By far the major part of frame most of the national prohibi­ the trusts. tem with a brand new agency which F. Scott McBride, who has .been gress. I CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES its adult white residents are for­ tion legislation in conjunction with Before the 150 members of the Wheeler and others. At the age of doing some.of Wheeler’s work, is might prove to be altogether super- eign born. And not only are they regarded as a likely second cholOe. league’s national board meet in ^ .^fluous and out of whack with the 60, he is still active, capable and December, the name of the next j foreign born but they are people shrewd. As general superintendent of the new charter, or else compel adjust­ who, before they migrated to Amer­ league he has been found a shrewd permanent legislative superinten-' ' Primarily a churchman, Barton dent will undoubtedly be known ments, in the charter framing, ica, occupied the lowliest 'of posi­ is a strong bond between the political manipulator. Bishop Cannon has been sug­ It is too early to tell yet whether which might be anything but de­ tions in their home countries, had church and the league. He is wide­ the temporary superintendent ap­ ly known among church members, gested, but he probably wouldn’t sirable. no educational advantages, very lit­ resign his episcopacy. On the other pointed by the executive commit­ In other words, if %e are now to though not.to the rank and file of tee will be formally elected later. tle of freedom and nothing what­ the country. , hand, Dr. Edwin Dinwiddle, who l[ proceed with the business of com­ ever of social standing. On the For all his religion, he is re­ quit the league in a disagreement, plete reorganization of our town garded as a lighter. He is of the hasn’t a chance, despite reports other hand it is probably true that that he had. gover^mnt it would only make the of any hundred Negro school chil­ heavy-set, bulldog type in appear­ ■job more difiicult and possibly less ance, and he' fights the same way, SHOWED HORSE SENSE dren in the United States the with tenacity, his admirers say. Ernest -H- Cherrlngton, executive iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHi! successful if we were to raise this grandparents of ninety-nine of secretary of the World League Like Wheeler, he makes friends Chicago— When fire broke out in town planning commission as one them and the great-grandparents of easily. He has done most of his Against Alcoholism and head of the work— except for _ Washington league’s vast propaganda machine Garner Bros. Teaming Co.’s stable more patch on the threadb»re and a very large majority of them, were here, It caught Oscar, a horse, on practically worn out existing char­ forays— in Arkansas, Texas, Ten­ at Westerville, is the biggest man I Assertions of Wets I born in this country. So that In nessee, Missouri and Louisiana. in the league today, with Wheeler the second floor. Oscar didn’t lose ter. Gary we have the bizarre spectacle gone. Bul^ Cherrlngton has a very He clasps the crag with crooked his head, but stepped out an open hands; window to a shed roof and clamber­ The Herald has ^R^ed strongly of a group of children whose imme­ The question is, according to important*job now— at least as high I Are Assumptions, Not Facts | toward the principle of town plan­ as Wheeler’s— and he is not a Close to the sun in lonely lands. ed through a large Fiench window diate antecedents are alien and leaders of the league, where or not Ringed with the azure world, he in a hotel adjoining the shed. Fred ning. Until the prospect of immedi­ Barton /will accept Wheeler’s job fast, catch-as-catch-can fighter such These are: humble refusing to associate, even as Wheeler was. It is not supposed stands. Vicker, startled from his slumbers ate charter revision became sud­ with all its troubles and responsi­ 1. That prohibition Is an'intereference with personal liber^ to the extent of school attendance bilities. Unless he declines or senti­ that he would take the Wheeler in the hotel room, leaped through denly bright it expressed itself fa­ The wrinkled sea beneath him = ty. s with Americans of three, four or ment changes, he will be elected to position. another window and sprained his S crawls; ankle. The horse was removed with vorably to the plan to create .a more generations standing. it in December. His sentiments are S 2. That it is not a success. He watches from his mountain a block and tackle. planning, commission now. But as The Negro problem, perplexing not now known. He has never been Arthur J. Davis, the New York walls, S 3. That, men being what they are, prohibition can never an employe of the league and It superintendent, has a good league 5 be a success.’ we see it the larger proposal con­ as it is and varying radically in And like a thunderbolt he falls. may be that he does- not enjoy record, but his health isn’t very — Alfred Tennyson: The Eagle. Nearly one-fifth of the area of the E The Eighteenth Amendment is not a violation of civil or per- tains alf the essential elements of different sections of the country, rough-and-tumble fighting as good and he has his hands full tak­ the lesser, and. it is our sincere, be­ United States still is covered by S sonal liberty. By the will of the people, it has been made a assumes an aspect in Gary which Is Wheeler did. ing care of the New York problem. forests. 5 part of the Constitution of the United States, upon which the lief that all the advantages of sep- individual and. In some lights, ludi­ The league is talking over Its He is not expected to take Wheel­ S most violent of our opponents must rely for decision as to what other timber, of course— but al­ er’s post. ^ arate action for a planning board crous. E are personal rights and civil liberties. can bo better obtained incor­ ways one hears the pious questipn On the other hand, W. M. For- DAILY ALMANAC grave, head of the Massachusetts S Assertions of the failure of prohibition cannot apply nation- arise as to whether such and such 5 ally. No national and unprejudiced record concedes such a poration of the principle in'lhe pro­ a man would accept. Most of the branch, is regarded as the man Spain .ceded Louisiana to posed new town charter. OUR GANGSTERS whose assets most nearly ap­ E failure. If it did it would impeach the Government which, is league’s workers are men with France, 1780. E pledged to the upholding of the Constitution, of Which, th® \Ve have said that the two pro­ Springfield, Mass., has created moral urge and sacrificial temper­ proach Wheeler’s. He likes a fight University of Chicago opened, the post of “ boy co?“ and a youth­ ament; personal ambitions are‘ not and doesn’t mind ridicule. He is 1892. S Eighteenth Amendment is a part. It is reasonable to concede positions are in apparent conflict, B that prohibition will be a greater Success a hundred years hence, ful patrolman has been appointed necessarily predominant in them. one of the youngest league super­ Birthday anniversary of Annie and we mean just that— that the Besant. B . but so will airplanes and wireless communication. Certainly to fill it. He is to be a kind of am­ An example 'was Wheeler, who intendents and one of - the most conflict would be only apparent In worked for $6,000 a year— before successful. His aggressiveness and Festival of the Rosary. E we cannot stamp them as failures now, because we know they case the town should vote for char- bassador extraordinary from ofii- g will develop through the centuries! S Men, “ biijng what they are,” have frequently achieved al- te OPTHB less than the sums annually appro­ because he preferred a roof of his FALL HAT priated here It is Impossible to own and a few feet of sod on which pven guess. occasionally to set his foot, with We regret being unable at tbisj perhaps fi flower bed In summer Advertise in ^ \ "Tkr'TT' 1-:- ■■•• ■ h ^ ^ /; T V ' '-f-' ' ...... ; MANOh ESTEB . (CONN.) EVENH^G HfeRAlD, SATURDAY, OC^OBm 1,

candy, stpnes, any. 0I4 thing, at the r stage and many an adtpr •. wished "U N D E R W O R ir SHOWS that he 'were playing behind a fish­ WARMTH w h e r e y i net. ^ The gallery got one actor’s goat AT STATE TOMORROW I Have y' on one ocbasioh so conipletely that tte actor forgot he was,in-charac­ ter. He capie out on the • stage- in Crqok Picturjb Here Fur Two the, character: of a general: re­ i^ya— Features Today splendent in a uniform that fairly blazed with gold braid and decOra^ tions. "Underworld,” that gripping Me, Save Me! D ry in g his sword he stepped story of crop;^do™ workings, to th# center of the stage and which has . astounded movie audi­ started his speech. He rose to. ences wherever it has. l ^ n shown, cumstanqe^. j And Here You Have ApeFs Opera House Dead ,CoineB to Life wonderful heights of elocution in will begin ^a two-day Vrtin at the He gqt.up. and walked-off this speech, waving his sword for State theater tomorrow. Say, Old Timer, Don’t Those The play -was a riot from then on. emphasis. The audience was spell­ ., This is one production, that is The gallery roared. The. orchestra, a bound. smashiugly real in its treatment little more polite, expressed its “You’re s Liar’’ and that is also as absorbing as a Words Still ThriU Yon? merriment In titters and dignified Then, in the silence which pre­ drapia of modem life. laughter. But the show had been ceded the first burst of applause it/is inapresslve because It makes ’Member When They spoiled and it is of record that a voice came from the gallery: one think,' in addition to being neither the fallen hero nor the two “ You^re a liar!” splendid entertainment. The un­ The actor stood aghast. He was folding-pf the liyes; o f . underworld stretcher-bearers ever, appeared on staggered for a moment, for the Game Over the Gas Foot­ a local stage again. ■exclamation set the audience roar­ characters in an ' environment of k crime, thelr''m|lhbds'of •preying on ■ That wasn’t the only thing that ing. His night •was spoiled. W O O O L , C O R N E R S lights at Apel’s Opera m . happened. They say that almost But the blood of fighters ran organized 1?0jBl'^y,‘ their* ferocious Switch on Cory Glow aodlet its bill everything that could happen dur­ in his veins and he would not be struggles wlth^rnem'pald to uphold ing the presentation of ah amateur the law, and 'the intimate side of warm beam chase away the chills. put to shame by any ill-bred gal- Ifslightand portable-d&ry warmth House? Youngsters, Read play 'happened ' in Apel’s opera lerylte who failed to appreciate; their natures in foUp'^rig'; out. im- house. good acting. pulees a^nd emotions 'in love and anywhere! The TremWlng TOieater ■' Down went the sword to the hate, provide the basis of the ptory and Giggle Over What It was a trial some times. There floor. Off came the shako. Off written by Ben Hecht lor Para­ were periods during each show came the coat, with its decorations mount. PEOPLE, i when the members of the audience and gold blaze. All were thrown The climax is extraordinarily Cozy Glow’s ^eat for bathrooms Your Parents Laughed at had to bold their chairs, tightly, for to the floor. The actor stood in thrilling, showing how. a city street or to dress by on frosty mornings. the building had been cracked v.*»; his shirtsleeves his eyes blazing. may take on the aspect of a battle­ through the continual passing of field, with police reserves rushing The old folks enjoy it, too. Baby “ I Can Lick You,’’ He Cried needs it Everybody likes its cheer­ Years Ago. trains on the railroad tracks close “ I can lick that-man!” he shout­ up to a house where a desperate by. ed at the top of his voice. gangster is trapped and has decided ful warmth. / Whenever the train whistle But a ^kindly stagehand lowered to die fighting. Searchlights, ma­ Old troupers 'will bewail the would sound, the audience would the curtain and prevented' what chine guns, grenades, automatic re passing of the old ten-twent’-thirt’ hold to the chair arms and stay in might have been one of the best volvers, shields and all the equip­ — ^Photo by E lite that position until the train had fights in the history of Apel’s. . ment o f soldiery ' come into play playhouses, the passing of the Bow­ Although now but a tobacco warehouse, once upoli a time, passed. 'The building shook as “But what I can't figure out,” when the house is stormed. ery and the free lunch, but they though It were going to fall apart, George Cohan, Dave Warfield, William Gillette, Winchel Smith the old timer says sadly, "is why The gangland characters are . will bewail most of all the old time but it always .stayed whole. they always tried to put on some­ splendidly .portrayed by George and other stars of like magnitude, trod the boards here. And theater ahd the old time drama, The Star Parts thing serious when it always turn­ Bancroft, gangster pleader; Evelyn Q p z s : Q l o w the list of Manchester Thespians who made their debut m this ed out to be the worst kind of low Brent, a girl whose moral con­ things of a bygone era, of which Casts fcr these amateur produc­ self same opera-warehouse would fill a telephone directory. tions were not always picked ba comedy.” sciousness is not awakened until nothing is left now but a memory. cause of their excellencq. Many she farts in love; Clive Brook, a Old’ timers in Manchester have a things at a dance in the opera When old timers are approa,ched times they were picked because of man of good breeding who falls The Mancliester Electric Co. kindred feeling, but for a play­ house. He could either dance on about amateur theatricals in Apel’s their wardrobes. into a life of crime; Larry Semon, opera house they will either laugh TOM MIX STARRING a crook with a sense of comedy and Tel. 1700, South Manchester house closer to them. They think the top floor, drink in the saloon They tell of one man whose act­ in the basement, or fight outside heartily or they will act rather em­ ing ability was nil, who was given Fred'Kohler, leader of a gang op­ of the happy nights they spent in of the building. People did all barrassed and will try to change the leading part in a play because IN CIRCLE FEATURE posing Bancroft. It, of the funny things that happen­ three at times and the dance was the subject. he possessed a dress' suit. The lead­ Josef Vori Sternberg, who direct ed, and of the general good time never a success unless there was a It is all in the sense of' humor ing women were selected bei^use ed the underworld drama under anybody had who- ever went there. fight at the end of it. that they have and what struck one of the number of nice dresses they Hector Turnbull’s supervision, has They still think of Apel’s Opera It seems that grudges accumu­ man as funny might not have been owned. “ Broncho Twister” Today and turned out a remarkably fine piece house, the only one of its kind ever lated through the week and were so humorous to another because of They tell of a show, another Tomorrow—“Crystal Cup” of work. to have been built in Manchester, settled on Saturday night after the the fact that the second man might military affair, which was nearly The picture should cause much and compare it favorably with the clai ce at the opera house. It used have been the butt of the joke. ruined because one of the leading On Monday. . comment though ^fs faithful depic­ REMOVAL to be a common question, passed men imbibed a little too freely be­ tion in a's'tory sense of an astound­ moving picture theaters that are For instance, the case of the Tom Mix, popular Western star, here. They had more fun there, and around from one < another on dead man who walked off the stag* fore the opening curtain and for­ ing condition that exists in Ameri­ I HAVE REMOVED MY they didn’t need the moving pic­ the dance floor: “ Are you going got his lines. is the featured player in “ The Bron­ can cities today. is the signal for, a roar of laughter cho Twister,’' . which is showing at tures to provide it. to stay for the fight?” from those who were acting in that He came staggering out on the Gene Stratton Porter’s “ Laddie” Now a Warehouse Bar on Elevator stage, somewhat under the weath­ the Circle Theater today and to­ and “ Running 'Wild,” with W. C. They had the beer on an eleva­ play, except in one case— that of morrow. The story is a thrilling Auto Welding Business Ap?l’s Opera house is now a the man who had to do the walk­ er, but he remembered his start­ Fields, are the productions sched­ tor. A law said that beer could one, which gives Mix plenty of op­ uled for the continuous show today. warehouse of sorts. Where great ing. ing line: actors formerly trod the boards not be sold in a dance hall but “ I’m Bragg— Bragg of the Rang­ portunity to show what he can do may be seen packing cases. The they defeated the law by selling it “ A War Play ers.” in the way of stunts without break­ to Porterfield’s This incident occurred during the According to recent calculations stage has been torn down and the from the elevator. At the sign of The announcement did not seem ing his neck. CORNER SPRUCE AND PEARL STREETS. the least trouble the elevator, con­ presentation of a play which con­ to interest the audience. He went Here is a story of the western of some scientists the earth has planks across which George M. lived only one-millionth of its Cohan, David Warfield, Winchell taining the small bar, the beer and cerned some war or other. An in­ through it again. Prom one side ranges that is absorbingly interest­ Ready at all times to give you quick and satisfac­ the bartender, would be lowered vading force of midshipmen from ing because of its. fine romantic probable life. Smith and Lew Dockstader strutted of the stage to the other he sway­ tory service on as they said their lines have gone, the saloon in the basement, one of the battleships of the fleet ed, telling all and sundry that he flavor, characterization and plot de­ nobody knows where. The glamor where business would be contin­ had engaged the enemy on the sea­ was Braggs—Bragg of the Rangers. velopment jto start With, Add. to Radiator Repairing, Welding, Body of the old opera house is gone and ued. Then when the storm had shore and a terific battle was in It looked for a minute as though tins a fine cast, each of whom is DAVID CHAMBERS to the younger generation It is just passed the elevator would be hoist­ progress. the show were going to be a ideally suited for hjs or her role, and Fender Work a warehouse, nothing more. ed to the dance hall again. As in all good battles, wj^ether “ flop.” But some resourceful splendid scenic backgrounds and CONTRACtOR No Movies Then Speaking of famous characters real or unreal, somebody must be member of the cast pushed Bragg Tom Mix at his best and the result who acted in the opera house, the General Auto Repairing The younger generation, of wounded or killed and fall down. It of the Rangers to one side and out is bound to b-? '.vhat It Is, splendid and course. Is inclined' to forget that names of George M. Cohan, his sis­ was the part of this hqndsome through the wings, and the show eniertainment. ter, his father and mother may be Raybestos Brake Service Station there was once a time when there ybung midshipman to fall down as went from then on without hlni. There is action, suspefise. laugh­ BUILDER were no moving pictures. There had mentioned. Cohan was a mere though he had been dead. How­ “The Bagged Hero” ter arid thrills, in this picture and boy at the time and he was appear­ “ The Ragged Hero” produced to be entertainment and it came ever, before he fell he was to utter Stunts that are hair-raising. The and Second Mortgages In the form of traveling road com­ ing in Peck’s Bad Boy, as the bad some high-sounding phrases about more comedy than tragedy. It was latter Tom Mix supplies. No doub­ First panies, probably playing East boy. His specialty was a baton- supposed to be a drama with grip­ ling in these, for Tom’s face Is easi­ swinging act which he put on as a how sweet It was for one’s country arranged on all new work. OLIVER WELDING WORKS Lyme, Peck’s Bad Boy, Charlie’s to die, or words to that effect. ping scenes, the climax showing ly recognizable In the most daring special offering. the rescue of the beautiful damsel Corner Pearl and Spruce Streets. Aunt, the Spinster’s Revenge, or a He uttered the words and fell, a of them all. And he seem? to enjoy hhhdred'other plays, mostly trag­ Others were the famous Lew by the ragged hero, who, happened them. Some' of them are of such a 68 Hollister Street, Dockstader who later made a name lifeless figure on the hard boards of along in the nick of time. edies. the stage. It was very realistic, and nature that It seems to border on Manchester, Conn. Then when the traveling road for himself in New York produc­ The damsel was at that time madness for any actor to attempt tions. David Warfield was said with the shots and shells flying looking out of a second story win­ companies were In their summer around backstage and exploding them. But Tom does, successfully. quarters or winter quarters, what to have been discovered by David dow. Smoke poured from the oth­ The story deals with a marine Belasco while playing in every now and then, the scene real­ er windows and now and then a ever they were, the amateur talent ly resembled that of a battle, what who returns from the war to find of the town caught the torch which ‘O’Dowd’s Neighbors,” an Irish flash of flame could be seen. fighting an had been thrown to it by the pro play, the same production in battle nobody knew, but we won’t A swing Jianging^fro^m^ outlaw*^rartchi^n who attempts t» tesslonals, and endeavored to keep which he api-eared at Apel’s. go into that now. tree gave the ragged hero his idea drive him off the range. Tom frus- up this high standard of excellence Those ■were the days of frock- Enter two stalwart stretcher- He would get on the swing, use it trates this and while doing so falls on the stage, coated, silk-: atted tragedians ■who 'oearers, red crosses on their arm- to get to the damsel in the window in love with the ranchman’s step­ ^ They made a sorry attempt of it, wore gloves, congress boots and bands, one of the men carrying a and swing back with her to safety. daughter. The latter part Is played to be sure, bqt the local papers nev airs flif tragedy. The companies folded stretcher. They entered from The idea worked all right. He by Helene Costellh, a young, miss er criticized them. Every play was usually came to Manchester in the right, gazed on the ifallen hero, swung and grasped the damsel in ■who will go far on the screen. Her almost the best that could have freight cars, and sometimes they and prepared to bring him to the his free hand. acting is beautifully done. Perhaps went out of town by different Her heel caught In the scenery been put on, according to the edi hospital. The stretcher was opened, the fact that she Is the daughter of torial comment the next day, for modes of conveyance. the fallen hero lifted tenderly and and the whole side of the house No Financial Backing came down, showing the 8ta,ge Maurice Costello, first of all movie $1095 to $1295 $1495 to $1745 $2495 to $3595 the editor knew his subscribers, deposited thereon. heroes, may account for her his­ HJ725 t o ^ 7 5 and was careful of them. They l^ad no backing at all,” hands standing there with pans of said an old frequenter of the opera To the left entrance went the burning tar 'with which they were trionic talents. ' “ Why do you ask me that ques stretcher bearers, the stretcher be­ On Monday and Tuesday “ The tlon?” asked a former actor of the house. “ There were no financial making the smoke. That show was angels In those days and all behind tween them. But when they came to another wow. Crystal Cup” starring Jack Mul- Aper.s opera house amateur this door they found that the scen­ hall, will he shown at the Circle. Dominant Values troupes. “ Can’t you let the dead the traveling companies were sher­ Fight on Stage iffs. They came in about two ery was too close together and the A beautiful fight started right lie?” jumps ahead of the law usually.” opening left was not big enough to on the stage one night after the He'had been asked just how good allow the opened slreicher^to pass COW EATS GEESE the amateur plays were and he Winchell Smith, one of the coun­ second act. didn’t want to go into it very deep try’s greatest playrwights, tells of through. .r The beautiful heroine was en­ his first appearance on the stage. •What to do? What to do? gaged in an altercation with the Berlin— Among the herds neur In Four Great Markets ly. But the interviewer persisted. The audience had plenty of sug­ the village of Staffelsteln is a car­ Calls ’Em ‘Rotten’ That was at. Apel’s opera house, hooted villaiu. He had snarled too, and Mr. Smith was a member gestions. several times in the approved fash­ nivorous cow. Coming upon a crate “All right,” the old timer said ” “ Try superiorities in appearance 91 of a company of black-face artists “ Bring him out this way. ion, twisting bis moustache the of geese ready for rhlpment, she HRYSLER*S latest creations exasperated, “ they were rotten. The ” “ Holst dropped the hay she was chewing .it actors meant well, but the fiesh was who claimed Hartford as their the door on the other side. ‘ while. Now he was preparing to —" 52,” " 62,” " 72,” with performance, riding comfort home town. him over the scenery.” “ Get a bug­ snatch her and carry her off. and leisurely munched five geese C y weak. They couldn’t do it but they before the farmer discovered what and safety have made it increas* went blissfully on, oblivious of the Somehow or other, the crowd gy,’’ But n o.' What was that noise? the Im peril " 80”—are winnii^; gallery gods. But I don’t see why didn’t come that night and the Tendble Situation Saved!. By the trusty miners. In was happening. popular preference in their four ingly obvious that Chrysler you want to bring that up.” comedians played to an audience The stretcher-bearers paid no at­ they tramped, to the discomforture Standardized Q uality assures As a of defense of himself of less than ten people. They went tention to the audience,' ' but It of the villain, who ran. Up an in­ great markets in a way unprec* through with their show, however, could be seen that they were visi­ very definite advantages in the and his colleagues of that time he clined plank he went— the plank edented in the entire history mentioned that the professional ac and finished it up. But' when they bly embarrassed. Their faces be­ represented a mountainside. It JOHNSON’S things that count highest in tors who were wont to perform at started to take off their makeup came red and perspiration began to may be explained— shooting* at the of the indust^* the opera house were not so good the lights went out. seep through the grease paint. The miners as he ran. ELECTRIC CO. determining m otor car value* One of the members of the com­ play-was being held up. , The heroine was supposed to themselves. Solicits Your Electrical Busi­ “ And If they were terrible and pany went looking for Mr. Apel. At last a brilliant idea. They have been hit by one of the bullets. To thousands upon thousands were getting paid for it and had the proprietor. He found him and would tilt the stretcher enough so Not seriously hurt, you- know, for ness—Both Wiring and Fix­ asked him what the idea was. of m otoric th ^ outstanding been doing it for a long time, can that it would go through the door. that would have spoiled the story. tures. )0 you blame us for being as bad as “ Better you should haf put on The idea would have.been all right But hit enough so that she would de whole show with de lights off,” -.1 we'were?” he asked. if the stretcher fiad been empty. faint. And she fainted. said the proprietor. Hero Not There You couldn’t. But it wasn’t. First Class Work. Very Informal According to the script she 9 a Even though some of the plays They tilted the stretcher and the Estimates Cheerfnily Famished. were of the worst kind, were staged The atmosphere of the opera fallen hero fell off. He dropped to would have fallen into the'arms of in haphazard fashion, and rarely house was delightfully informal. the stage and lay there. T^ie stretch' the hero. But he was elsewhere. ■ One could spit on the floor if he er-bearers, relieved at getting their She fell, with a dull thud, her A Fine Line of Fixtures. went off as the book said. chose to do so, and if he were in Built In 1888 stretcher off the set, stayed oft and head striking the hard wood of the Apel’s Opera house was the gath the gallery apd wanted to throw the fallen hero was allowed to lie as stage. The hero, fortified by a something down on the heads of few drinks, was wandering around erjhg place for the people of Man he had dropped. 29 Clinton St. Phone 657-4 those In the orchestra, he could do somewhere else. 52 Chester from July 4, 1888, when it so, if he were lucky enough to es­ It began to get irksome. He had was first opened, until 1909 when fallen in an awkward position from It was the end of the act and the cape uncaught. curtain fell, not quite so hard as an Irish play on St. Patrick’s day Some of the children used to the stretcher and his foot ,went to wound up. the career of the old sleep. He couldn’t stand this very the heroine had fallen, and arose Notice of the Tax Collector i play marbles in the aisles near the again. When it arose the heroine place. stage, and the plays went on just much longer so he did what any The old building still stands other person would do in the clr- no longer the frail, helpless little ^ the corner of Oakland street but on the same. girl, could be seen, her fists beat­ ing the fact of the hapless hero, All persons liablp by law to pay Its walls are painted the names of giving him one of the worst lacings taxes In the the owners of the business which is he had ever received. The audience conducted therein. One vestige of Ninth School District its former glory remains, however How the Whole Town Saw a Show roared its approval. of Manchester are hereby notified Then there was the case of the that I shall on October 1, 1927, In a legend over a door on the for the Small Sum of 67 Cents. gondolier who was poling his west' side, way over In the north­ have a rate bill for the collection TSfeW Chtyslef **S2**SZ more miles an hoar. Acederadon and smooAness boat through the canals of 'Venice; o f 2 1-2 mills on the dollar laid on ern corner. tAlking s'weet love to his lady who ■o other low>prioed car approach. Fnll-sized bodies o f wood and steel, with ample Weather beaten so that it can the list of 1926 as of July 14, 1??7, capacity tor . adult papassengers. Saddle-spring seat-cushions. Fine mohair cmholst«ty. was sitting in the other end of the due the collector October 1, 1927, A ■Jjw«*aHft«teCTingwheeL Indirecdy lighted instrument board. scarcely be seen is the word “ BAR.” Thejre was one night, in fact there was a whole week boat. His Impassioned speeches Utmost handling ease And that doorway led into just 'When nearly everybody in the north end of the town got peached every'comer of the hall payable at / tfiat.. The words “ ales and lager” into Apel’s opera house free of charge. ^ arid the boat , moved a little every NO. 4 FIRE ENGINE HOUSE. may be seen also if one looks close­ SCHOOL STREET • The magic words “I’m an Apel” were the Open, Se­ time he pushed the pole. ly enough. -'Something happened and the daily from 9 a. m., to 8 p. m. Never a week went by but there same, and before the out of town ticket collector found GEORGE S. SMITH scehery that was* supposed to rep­ Take Notice— The law provides waa -some sort of an affair in the out that he was being fooled he thought that the town- resent the water, fell down. The opera houae. If it were not a play that if any taxes shall remain un must have been full of Apels of one kind or another. gondolier and his-lady were foupd ipaid one month after the same MiOBisseUSt. Rhone 660-2 So. Manchester by a traveling company, it might be to be sailing on a little express an amateur production put on by It all started when one of the north end boys got past • shall become due. Interest at the wagon, pulled across the stage by rate of nine per cent shall 'be the home talent. Then the inevi­ the ticket collector by telling him that he was an Apel. one of the hands. table dance 'was held on Saturday charged from the time that such The word went out and in a few njinutes there were sev­ That was, another occasion on tax becomes due until the same is CNHYSLER MODEl NUMBERS MEAN MILES PER HOUR aig&t. which the actors walked off. 9jf But the less said about these eral hundred Apels in the building. ^ A good house, the paid, also lawful fees for travel or Qalleiiy Gods the'Judges collecting after November 15, 1927. iancbe the. better. actors thought. , 'The gallery gods made'or broke Not that -they weren’t nice danc- But when they came to cgunt up the evenings re­ WM. TAYLOR, the show. If the show appealed to . ' Collector. js and. all that. It was what usu­ ceipts all they had was 67 cents. them they approved of It. If It ally happened after the dance that didn’t, they razzed the actors so So. Manchester, Corin.,' HERALD ADVERTISING PAYS-^USE IT needs the curtain. they could not go on. They threw , • Sept. 19, 1927. ‘ . One had his choice of three M'ANciiE^iTs^ (u di^ EVENING He r a l d , s a 'i l i r d a y , Oc t o b e r > A G B 5 r t EARL CARROUVANITIES’ SIEARCSIING BVUliUIIlB 'orchestra.uiv-licoua. -—11:00—Van ■--- Curler—--- orchestra. throughout the world. Secondary Eastern Stations Secondary DX Stations. ' John Gilbert and Renee Adoree “KING OF KINGS” E L OF 288.3— WENR, CHICAGO—1040. 272.6—V.-.HAR, ATLANTIC CITY—1100 394.5—WHN, NEW YORK—760. first v,’on public popularity in this 9:00-Theater orchesera. 7:00—Organ; artists: stocks. attraction,, and since then they 7:4.1—Movie review. 9:00—O.'chestra: artfsts. NEXT WEEK AT PARSONS 8:00—Seaside trio. 9:30—Studio program. have scored in such pictures as 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 1:00-Dance orchestra; artists f2 hrs.) 447.5—WEEI, BOSTON—670. 416.4— WHT. CHICAGO^720. “ The Big Parade” and other nota­ 7 :20—Orchestra, talks. 8:15—Double quartcL g:0n—WEAF mu.sipal program. ,S:30—Pianist: baseball: talk. 9:00—Musical program: artists. ble successes. Another star who 333.1— WKRC. CINCINNATI—900. 9:10—Violinl.st; musical; talk. 9:35—Pianist: entertainers. has reached the heights of popu­ Probably the world’s most fam­ 10:20—Instrumental program. 10:00—Your Hour League. 9;on—Orchestra, pianist. . — WHO. DES MOINES—560. larity is Estelle Taylor, otherv/ise ous story of a betrayal is that of 30:00—Velnette Hall: dance. 405.2—WFI, PHILADELPHIA—740. 535 4 361.2— WSAI. CINCINNATI—830. 6:30—Orchestra; questions. 7:30—Philbreck’.s orchestra: pianist. known as Mrs. Jack Dempsey, who the thirty pieces of silver narrated 9:00—Negro Spirituals. 9:30—Four Horsemen 'quartet. also supports Gilbert' In this at­ in the lour Gospel-i of the New 9:00—Instrumental sextet. 405.2— KHJ. LOS ANGELES—740. 10:00—Hagans orchestra. 10:00—Male quartet. traction. In fact, it was her excep­ Testament. In “ The King of 2658—WHK. CLEVELAND—1130. 10:30—Holst’s orchestra. 13:00-Frolic program. 515.9—WCAE, PITTSBURGH—580. 340.7— WSM, NASHVILLE—860. tional portrayal in “ Monte Cristo” Kings,” Cecil B. DeMille’s new pic­ 7:00—Hawaiians. stifdlo prog. 8;l,5_.\ndrew Jackson orchestra. sS| 8 :3 0 -Soprano: De Swis orchestra. 6:30-Dinner concert. that first won her note as an emo­ ture based on the Gospel’s narra­ 7:00—Sacred’ half hour. ■ 9:44—Barn dance (3 hrs.) 9:00—Potpourri. 508.2—WOW. OMAHA—590. tional star, it is said. tion, the bargain between the high 31 ;00—Ailerton orchestra. 7;.in—WEAF Week-enders. priest and Judas is powerfully de­ 440.9—WJR. DETROIT—680. 9:45—Studio recital. 10:00—Classical program. 225.4— WSYR, SYRACUSE—1330. 11:00—Brown’s Oklahomas. picted, followed by/the traitor kiss S;no—Goldkette ensemble. 422.3— KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—710. 32:30—Merrv Old Chief. 6 :30 -Syracuse dinner music. of Judas in the Garden of Geth- y.y V'*]’< 325.9—WBOQ. NEW YORK—920. 7 :3 0 -studio program. 12:00—N. B. C. program., CLOSE CALL 9:00—Harmon.v trio: dance music. 1:00—Dance music (3 hrs.) semane, and, in the later scenes by 7:30—Bre.slin orcliestra. 299.8— KMOX. ST. LOUIS—1600. “ How near do you think that 8:1.5—Beaux Arts orchestra. 468.5— WRC. WASHINGTON—640. his terrible remorse and suicide. 7:00—Bible talk. 8:00—Artist.®: organ: dance. , lightning was, Harry?” 9:1.1—Opry House. 10:30—Lange’s dance music. To those who have wondered W I S 30:01—Leonard’s orchestra. 8:30—WEAF program (3% hrs.) “ Dunno, kid— hut Mils cigaret whether the thirty pieces of sil­ wasn’t lit a second ago.”— London ver possessed a symbolic signifi­ Opinion. cance it is. interesting to know that this sum was the price of a NEAT REVENGE human being in the era of Jesus. “ The woman next door bought a 8:00—Christian Scientist services,,^ Leading DX Stations. An adult male worker was cus­ Sunday, October 2. 9:15—Soprano with WEAF'. hat exactly like mine.” tomarily sold for thirty tetra- r Midrcd Sceba, dramatic soprano, one 10:15—Gill’s orchestra. 476—WSB, ATLANTA—630. “And now I suppose you won’t «. > 440.9—W eX-W JR, DETROIT—680. 6:00—Presbyterian vesper services. drachmas. Dr. George Reid An­ of America’s most promising young 7:00—Operatic en.®emble. 7:20—WEAF' Theater program. speak.” drews of the Federal Council of Sunday night at 9:15 through the Red 8:15—WJZ Rsfdlo hour. 9:15—Soprano with WE.\F. “ Not after she finds I’ve given Churchefi of -Christ, states that the i opera stars, will make her radio debut 526—KYW. CHICAGO—570. Network in the flist of the Atwater Il;00r-Churcti song service. mine to her cook.”— Answers. , sum paid was equivalent to about * 422.5—WOR, NEWARK—710. 6:30—Book chat. Kent fall and winter concerts. Miss 3:00—Columbia broadcast. 8:15—WJZ Radio hour. $15 in our money. Seeba is the young woman to whom 6:00—Choir invisible. 389.4—WBBM. CHICAGO—770. QUOTATIONS Thus it was really a pitiful sum was awarded the first fellowship ever 9:00—Three dance orchestras. given under the Caruso American 7:00—Organ recital. “ All my ancestors were blondes.” — the worth of a common slave— 7:45—Levltow’s Sunday musicl. 1:00—Nutty Club. “ Then you,come from preferred Foundation when she won out over 8:45—“The Algerian Sheiks." 365.6—WEBH-WJJD, CHICAGO—820 for which Judas sold his Master to more than 100 applicants. Roxy’s 10:00—I’almer Hou.®e program, stock.”— Answers. stroll through the; WJZ network and !l;00—Columbia broadcast (2 hrs.) the chief priests. Although the St. Louis twister severely damaged the Mullanphy Hospital, necessitating 333.1-JiWBZ, NEW ENGLAND—900. 305.9—WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—S80. “ The Klr.'j of Kings” will be the Columbia broadcast tlirough the 8 :30—Musical; string quinlet. evacuation of some of the patients, many of th ose injured in the tornado received treatm^l \VOR network will provide afternoon 10:45—Christian Science service. ALL RIGHT AFTER ALL shoy/n at Parsons, Hartford, ^ all 2:00—Rosy with WJZ. 9:15—Soprano with WEAF. features. Three highlights are listed 9:45—Reading: quijitet; music. He: Will you be my partner— 'next week beginnint; Monday night there. Here you see a victim being removed from an ambulance at the hospitaL by WJZ and other stations during the 7:00—Blue and Gold Hour. 7:50—Statler ensemble. 11:00—Artist.®: Salernos: organ . • She: Oh, George, this is so sud- with touring symphony orchestra evening. With WBAL at 7:30 the 447.5—WMAQ.WQJ; .CH ICAGO—€70.. musical exposition "The Lady of Sha- 8:15—WJZ Radio hour. d6ii!‘ Give me a little time— nnd all the effects of the Gaity 9 :15—Violinist pianist and 'cellist. 9:00—Columbia hroadcasL lot” will be presented. At 8:15 the 11:00—Whitney trio. Ho (continuing):—:for the next- theater, New York, original pres­ New York station will be joined by 10:00—Springfield musical. 491.5— WEAF, NEW YORK—610. 344.6—WLS. CHICAGO—870. dance? entation. SLICED CLEAN BY THE ST. LOUIS 'TWISTER WBZ, KDKA and others in broadcast­ : —Interdenominational service. 8:00—Players; sermon. She (continuing):—-to catch my ing Collier’s Hour of entertainment. 2 00 9:55—Little Brown Church Quartet. At 9:30 with WHAM, WJ jvill radi­ 3:00—Federation summer forum. breath. I haven’t recovered from 4 4:00—Bedford Y. M. C. A. program. 499.7—WFAA, DALLAS—600. ate melodies by the Morloy English 7:00—Bible class; songs. the last fox-trot yet.-4Answers. , Singers. A Ealal.aika Orchestra con­ 5:30—Moscow Art orchestra. 6:30—Orchestral concert. 9 :00—Studio chapei services. cert will be a WGBS and WIP high­ 9:15—Soprano with WEAF. ; PROPER APPROACH light starting at 7:20—Capitol Theater program. 12:00—La Mariquita’s orchestra. 9:15—Mildred Seeba, soprano. 374.8— w o e , DAVENPORT—800. Yoiing Bride: Weren’t you ner­ Black face type Indicates best features 10:15—Theatrical talk. 348.6— WGBS. NEW YORK—860. 7:30—Presb.vterian services. vous the first time you asked him 9:15—WEAF program. All programs Eastern Standard Time. 8:30—Contralto; readings. 325.9—KOA. DENVER—920. for money? 9:00—Balalaika orchestra, tenor. 9:45—Baptist services, music, choir. Another: No; I was calm and 455—WJZ, NEW YORK—660. 535.4— WHO, DES MOINES—660. collected.— Answers. Leaiiing East Stations. 9 :00—Children’s hour. 1:00—The Mediterraneana 7 Little Symphony orchestra. 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—ItOO. 8:."0—Christensen’.® orchestra. 5:15—Twilight concert hour. 2:00—Roxy and His Gang. 499.7-WBAP. FORT WORTH-600. SECOND-HAND MAN 9:10—Ambassador concert orchestra. 6:30—People’s Radio vespers. Elaine: I think your fiance Is 6:30—The Granada.® orchestra. 10:30—Mixed quartet. __' 10:00—Sunday evening music.il. 384.4— KTHS, h o t SPRINGS—780. wonderful. I wouldn’t mind marry­ 235.5—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1050. 7:00—Organ recital. _ . , 7 :30—"The Lady of Shalot," musical. 9:.’i0—Music Lover’s hour. ing him myself. 6:30—WBAL concert orchestro. 10:30—Organ recital. __ 7:30—"The Lady of Shalot," musical. 8:15—Collier’s Radio Hour. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. Esther: All right, dearie; I’ll let 352.7— WNAC, BOSTON—850. 9:15—Vibrant melodies. 9:30—Morley Singers, 'cellist. 12:00—Classic hour, pianist. you know when I’ve finished with 3:00—Columbia broadcast. 1:00—N. B. C. program. 7:00—Church service. 10:00—Violinist, pianist. 2-00—Blues .®inger; Irish serenaders. him.— Life. 9:00—Columbia broadcast. 503—WIP, PHIUADELPHIA—590. 461.3—WHAS. LOUISVILLE-«-650. 302.8— WGR, BUFFALO—990. 9:30—Concert with WGBS. 315.7—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—950. 7 :2 0 -WFIAF program. 7:45—Presbyterian service, 405.2—WCCO. MINN.. ST. PAUL—740. 7:45—Presbytreian service. 11:00—Church service. 6:50—Christian Scientist services. 9:15—WEAF programs. 2:00—Roxy with WJZ. 4:45_Vesper services. 8:15—WEAF programs. 545.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—550. 384.4— KGO, OAKLAND—780. 10:25—Presb.vterian service. 6:30—Baseball scotes. 7:00—Little Symphony, orchestra. 11:35—Congregationai services. 3:00—Columbia broadcast. . 1:00—N. B. C. program. 7:50—Christian Science sermon. 8:15—WJZ Radio hput. __ 277.6—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1080. 422.3^KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—710. 10:00—Columbia broadcast. 9:35—Palace concert, orchestra. Uva di CaHf @rnia all^ ingorsso 428.3—WLW. CINCINNATI—700. 7:45—Dinner music. 7:15—Pre.sbyterian services. 8:15—Studio evensong- 11:30—Organ recital. 9:1.1—WJZ prograrus. 12:00—Seiger’.® orchestra. • 8:15—W.TZ Radio hour. 299.8— KMOX, ST. LOUIS—1000. 9:15—Concert orchestra, soloists. 379.5-:WGY. SCHENECTADY—790. 399.8—WTAM. CLEVELAND—750. 11:00—ITesbyterian services. 9:00—I.,ange’s orchestra. vino 4:00—Union College organ recital. 10:00—Sunday Night Club. 3:30—Afternoon concerL 11:30—Dance orchestra; organ. 5:30—WEAF orchestral program. 5;30_WEAF orchestral program. , V . . . 7:20—WEAF theater program. 344.6—WCBD, ZION—870. 6:30—Clev'cland orchestra. 9;00_Semi-chorus, soloists. 7:00—Evensong. 9:15—Soprano with WEAF. Barera Like a giant revolving knife, the St. Louis twister cleanly cut off the rear of this large - Secondary Eastern Stations Secondary DX Stations. Finfidals apartment house at Maryland Avenue and Whittier Street; Some .of the tenants who were not 352.7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 275.'!—WORD, BATAVIA—1190. 272.6—WHAR, ATLANTIC CITY—1100 ; M—Watchtower orchestra. injured may be seen examining what remains of their dwe.lings. 8:30—Children’s period. 7:20—WEAF program (2% hrs.) 8 0 8:45—"Evensong,’’ Baptist sermon. 326—W ABC,'NEW YORK—920, 8:30—Bible lecture. 447.5—WEEI. BOSTON—670. 8:00—"Silver AVave:” - recital. 9:00—1. B. .S. A. choral singers. Caniginio 9:00—"0!d Folks at Hom&" 10:00—Bible lecture. MuscateEo 7:20—WE.'IF program 12% hrs.) 288.3—WENR. CHICAGO—1040. Gother stopped his car and,listened 10:05—Theater radio fenie. 405.2—WFI, PHILADELPHIA—'-740. BREAD LINE FOR CATS BIS HORSE KNEW 333.1— WKRC. CINCINNATI—900. 9:15—Soprano with WEAF. 10’30—Samovar orchestra; artists. to a reprimand. Just as he wai 516.9—WCAE, PITTSBURGH—580.^ 416.4— WHT, CHIGAGO—720. 9:00—Columbia broadcast. 8:00—Studio band, choir, sermon. about to drive on, the patrolman’! 10:15—Russo’s Oriole orchestra. 7:20—WEAF programs. New York—-E ve^ morning at 1 New York— Hailed by mounted 361.2—W eSH, PORTLAND—830. 10:00—Back Home ho«*’. horse snorted. Kelley, looking foi 361.2— WSAI, CINCINNATI—830. 252.1—WOK, HOMEWOOD—1090. uva picola o'clock, alley cats' of the Bowery patrolmen Kelley because he vio­ 7:30—Baptist service. the reason, found a case of liquoj 8:1.1—Congress string quartet. 9:00—Orchestra, artists hrs.) gather at Centre' Market Place. 0:1.1—Soprano with IVEAF. 225.4— WSYR. SYRACUSE—1330. ( 3% lated 8 traffic regulation, W . S. in the car. 10:1.1—Atwater Kent audition. 6:30—Sunday dinner concert. 405.2—KHJ, LOS ANGELES—740. Soon come Syd Livingston and 7:30—Christian Science sermon. 11;00-Viola: trio; string quarteL 265.8—WHK, CLEVELAND—113ft. 508.2—WOW, OMAHA—590. Count von SchovHng, district re­ 7:30—T. B. S. A. program. 468.5— WRC, WASHINGTON—640. ' 7:20—WEAF progrtim (3 hrs.) 11:00—Chapel service. Franco Di Porto in Manchester porters, who are greeted with loud 8:15—Piano recital. ! purrs as they enter a restaurant to buy beef and milk for their friends. SchovHng pours out the milk In little paper lids wjille Livingston THEN and NOW WIENER BROTHERS cuts the meat and divides' it up. Hartford, 108-110 Market Street. \ Herald Advertising Pays-Use 'It Herald Adve. Bring Reanhs -t!. V


Y r rS,


A lucky Occident took Gutenberg out of the business About this time Gutenberg took into his service a of making mirrors. There was to be a pilerimage from He borrowed sums of skillful worker in metal naihed Schoeffer. Whereas Strassburg to Aix-la>Chapelle and Gutenberg and his Kiienberg put every­ money twice from John Gutenberg had carved each letter of type S0parately partner had madevmany mirrors to sell on the ocoasion. thing he had into his ex- Fust, a shrewd merchant out of wood, Schoeffer suggested carving the letter on The pilgrinTage was postponed^; the stock'remained un­ perihfients and b o rrow ^ offVlainz and as security metal. With this metal letter he punchM a meld ih a sold and they failed. Then Gutenbergs using woodcuts, rnoney. About 1446. he offered his printing I.-, softer metal. When molten m e^l was poured into the ,Attd liei-c is Jerome Travers, veter.in of. many entered the printing business such as it was then. > returned to his old homo, stock. - nriold, raised type, was made. ' ' (T o Be Continued) Pictures show him ns the “ wonder ..oy ot jy MCA. ThroutfiSpadalPtnwlMloiiaMlwrublWifffTlwSacfcofKhwirtsagt.CopyrltM. 1923.26., M a in z . «t»tclw« wa Synopm, Copyright. 1927, ‘Th* Crolitr Socitty. -XoiiaUv-auh-links. and.as_hc acpears today. MANCHESTER (CONN.) BVBNINa )SE&ALI!^ ^il|^D A Y , pCTOBBR 1, 1927.. 5>'- : ......


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I iilW i: V i i l i i SSSS' ' '■* ,/• ...... m ' '' ' < apai-fSI to steeftdi?4 r , X aS time ttfs p X ? wS tekjn, ta S a te ly ? w ! know n deld and 100 injured, with more casualties being reporteed momentaii y._ ------. 1 THE GREAT WAR TEN ARTESIAN WELT^ YEARS AGO TODAY Drilled Any Diameter— Horsey Harness And Oats (By United Press) October 1, 1917. Any Depth Any Place c Col. E. M. House; confiden­ Go For One U. S. Frogskin tial adviser of President Wilson, Charles F* Volkert is in Europe gathering trade Blast Hole Drilling statistics and is not interested in any peace move tt present, test Drilling for Foundation CHRYSLER CAR OPENS Washington dispatches state. Water Systems Nobody Has Dared to Look The War Department plans . tv?) ■ revival of the rank of full gen­ Pumps for AU Purposes. INTERNATIONAL ROAD eral for Pershing. ,.. she has done At the Purchase But the 4* Tel. 1375-5. more than Flo About one-third of the wells HIGHLAND PARK P. 0. Real Mystery Lies In the North Carolina Official Makes drilled for oil turn out to be dry. Ziegfeld to glorify Record Run From Asheville yy yy% Vipi^^g8 Beeldenee 2828^ South Manchester. Phone MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, X92r/i. ^AGB EfiSHX

FEATURiB ARTICLES . ■ ;% about interesting LATEST FASHION WOMEN : m H IN T S BY FOREMOST p m ' > -•>•'#7' ■■ • -r authorities r- -■

This And That In When a member of any Y. W. C.^ Women who find Intereistii^' A. board speaks her.mind about things to do in the worlilf-tod^y^ the follies of themodern girl’s will never again speh4 .precioiw CHAI2LES Feminine Lore dress, we cell her a back puniber. minutes on "dressing hair.” S. WVAN DINE ® SCRIBKER’S 'SONS' Bat when a great life /.insurance bed. -hair originated heeguse'wpi^h: courtesy.* -SI- company says with figu r^ ;th at so had interesting work to do. I,refer Characters ef Hie Story "Delighted, I’m sure," he re­ many thousands of high' school to the Rushan . wpmen'n|hllti|t« turned. ‘T referred to the science girls are killing themselves because who, wishing to be In'the anny, PffILO YAUCE bobbed their hair' in'' order to’ pass of individual character and the At one of tho nelghorhood red peppers, 3 green peppers, 1 of wearing rolled gauzy hose in the JOH2J F.-Z. MARKHAM.District psychology of human nature. We head of cabbage and one ripe cu­ winter we listen. . r for men. Bobbed hair wlil.st|iy,'fQr Attorney of New Yorh County' bridge clubs, one of the women, a all do things, d' ye see, in a certain June bride, complained that she cumber. Add salt generously, stir the same reason. ALVIN E. BBNSON..r.....Well- individual way, according to our could not cook bacon to suit her well and let stand over night. Next Prejudices are one thing, statis­ known Wall Street broker end temp’raments. Every human act— husband— it v/as either under-done morning drain, add 3 pints vine­ tics another. 'Those who analyze the Mother ahd' Dau^tex man-atout-town, who was mys­ no matter how large or how small or burned, never golden brown gar, 2 pounds brown sugar or less figures explain that, whereas it is A Chicago mother toM hor teriously murdered in his home —is a direct expression of a man’s and crisp as “his mother” used to if preferred and 1 teaspoon of very true that the generally lighter black pepper and white mustard clothing of today lhay be more daughter that she would kill her­ MAJOR ANTHONY BENSON... personality, and bears tile Inev’table serve, it. Many suggestions were self if the daughter-stayed 0|Ut late. .. .Brother of the murdered man impress of his nature. offered by more experienced cooks seed. Cook slowly about an hour healthful than- the vast bulltage of and seal. clothes worn a generation a,go, it is Daughter, aged 16, stole mother’s MRS. ANNA BDATZ...... Thus, a musician, by looking at in the group, but one offered a gun and gave it to her boy friend real solution for the bride’s prob­ something else again when literal­ ..Housekeeper for Alvin Benson a sheet of music, is able to tell at In one middle western state ly nothing shields tender hides to carry while she danced. Boy­ once whether it was composed, for lem, about as follows. Be sure to MURIEL ST. CLAIR...... there were no garden clubs in from the wintry blasts. friend shot the girl with her moth­ example, by Beethoven, or Schu­ buy a bacon that is sugar-cured, ...... A young singer J sweet and nut-like in flavor which 1924. In 1925 there was one. er’s gun because she wouldn’t , go bert, or Debussy, or Chopin. And Next year there were five. Now Bobs Again home early. And what egn one say CAPTAIN PHILIP LEACOCK... cooks to an even color if properly except, “like mother, _like daugh­ ...... Miss St. Clair’s fiance an artist, by looking at a canvas, broiled. Keep in the refrigerator there are 35. One of the new Being oh the - subject of rolled knows immediately whether it is a so that it will be firm ndt limp clubs in a town of only 5000 has hose, bobbed hair naturally comes te r!” Any mother who^ makes sui­ LEANDER PFYFE...... Corot, a Harpignles, a Rembrandt, 200 members. They also have a cide threats as a weapon'over a ...... Intimate of Alvin Benson’s and soft when you place the slices next. Hundreds of master hair­ or a Franz Hals. And juid; as no on the broiling rack or frying pan. state garden club now. dressers met in Emperer Francis child is not capable of rearing "a child very well; * ‘ ERNEST HEATH...... Ser­ two faces are exactly alike, so no No m atter which way it is cooked, Joseph’s palace in Vienna lately to geant of the Homicide Bureau two natures are exactly alike: the the fire should be slow at first and Lunch Box Fruit Bread say that something must be done CAPTAIN CARL HAGEDORN.. combination of Ingredients which increased slightly and the excess 1 1-2 cups white flour, 5 tea­ ...... Fire-arms expert about this bobbed hair business— go to make up our personalities, hot fat removed from time to time spoons baking powder, 1 1-2 tea­ and what and how? PocM* Babies! DR. DOREMUS...... varies in each individual. for it may cause the bacon to be­ spoons salt, 1-4 teaspoon soda, ...... Medical examiner 1 1-2 cups graham or whole wheat Twin baby girls joined {ogethei: “That is why, when 20 artists, let come charred rather than nicely They decided that if only wom­ flour, 1 cup (1-2 pkg.) sliced from chest to abdomen afid-doopi- s. S. TAN DINE___The Narrator us say, sit down to paint the same browned. When the bacon is en could be made to realize how ed to go through life th.us fdeing * * • dates, 1 cup coarsely chopped nuts, subject, each one conceives and ex­ browned on one side, turn and much more beautiful they would one another, were bom in a London THIS HAS HAPPENED 1-2 cup brown sugar, 1‘ 1-2 cups ecutes it in a different manner. The brown on the other. Drain on be with curled and waved and un­ hospital a few days ago. One of A woman’* gloTe* and handbas brown paper. milk, 1-4 cup mblasses. are lonnd at the acene of Ben*on’* result in each case is a distinct and Pit the dates and cut them into dulating and dyed locks added to them Is strong;, the other, weak; jn^rder ■' and Bfarkham. tracing unmistakable expression of the per­ their own pates, they would imme­ Surgeons have talked 0f an operar The domestic science expert 5 or 6 crosswise slices with scis- them to MU* St. Clair, ha* her sonality of the painter who did it sorts or a sharp paring knife. diately ask for a new hair day! tion for the sake' of the stronger hronght to hi* office. She make* . . . It’s really rather simple, don’t with one of the big packing com­ child, but hesitate for imit ot eaui^ flippant an*wer* to hi* flneatlon* panies says the real secret, wheth­ Break the nuts into pieces or chop hut betray* concern when Mark­ y’ know.” them coarsely in a wooden bowl. Women will never return to a Ing both to die. If the iMtfents have ham asks If Iieacock had not “Your theory, doubtless, would er broiled in oven or pan is to re­ day when hair-dressing took longer move the bacon when the surface Sift white flour, baking powder, any choice. It’s ratter sure that owned a Colt A5, the same type be comprehensible to an artist," than even donning bustles and they wlU refuse jpermissi'on for any of gun that killed Bhnson. Vance has cooked to a creamy white and salt and soda into a large bowl. tells Markham he 1* certain of the said Markham, in a tone of indul­ is crisp, place it on a hot platter Add graham flour. Mix dates and stays, until they return in mln4 operation at'the coat of the weaker iHtl’a Innocence. gent irony. “But its metaphysical and when the air strikes the hot nuts through the flour with the and spirit to the "female view­ baby. Weak or abnormal .parent­ NOW BEG IN T H E STOBTf refinements are, I admit, consid­ finger tips. Add sugar, milk and point” of that same day; a view­ hood accepts -any child given it and • • • bacon it will turn the color de­ erably beyond the grasp of a vulgar sired. We will have to experl* molasses. Beat until thoroughly point which said that women were struggles to keep it when, death CHAPTER XVI \* worldling like myself." ment and see how this works out. mixed. Pour into well-oiled loaf merely decorative objects in a crass might be more merciful for both it ■lyTARKHAM studied him for a “ ‘The mind inclined to what is pan. Bake in a moderate oven world and useful only as suqh. and the child. few seconds. He knew there false rejects the nobler course,” New colors seem to get their in- (325 degrees F.) for one hour. murmured Vance, with a sigh. spiration from grapes, so many of<>Thi3 recipe makes was something more than a mer^ “There is,” argued Markham, "a them have a purple or rich laven­ colored loaf (24 to 30 slices) whim beneath Vance’s certitude ojt slight difference between art and der-pink tone, pne of the love­ which is moist but not sticky. manner; and it was this knowledge crime." ly new velvets was In this dull that had stayed his hand when he “Psychologically, old chap, there’s pink tone, with catawba and beige This clever idea of decorating, Lifers Niceties was about to have the woman none,” Vance amended evenly. flowers. a cake for a birthday party, comes * placed in custody. “Crimes possess all the basic fac­ from filmdom; The cake Is made rectangular in shape, iced all over HINTS ON BTIQUET “Her attitude was certainly not tors of a work of art—approach, There is enough fur used in with white frosting, pressed in a conducive to one’s beliel in her in conception, technique, imagination, some of the new coats to make a ' b Y W. W. V m itV W O RtB nocence." Markham objected. "She attack, method, and organization. fur garment. It is used to entire­ little raised border all around the edge. With chocolate or any prefer­

fV-r Football Gets Going Full Blast Manchester Champs Ping of Pigskin Twenty Experts Select Cloverleaves 533, jHarvey With J. P. Coats Is Heard Today Stars Meet Meriden Here In their three years of organiza­ tion, the town champion . Clover­ New York, Oct. 1.— Football’s leaves football teaih scored 533 Large^Crowd Expected heavy artillery will fire its first points against 7, winning all but Cloverleaves Open Up salvo today when teams of the one of its 27 games, tying that one a t’^"StjuiiumTomor’? GIANTS ARE OUT so-called Big Three and of the 0 to 0 and hetog scored against only once. At Brooklyai— . ^ at Hickey’s Tomor- Western conference Big Ten will d o d g e r s m . g ia n t s S row; Locals Have play their inaugural games of the 1926 RECORD BROOKLYN Cloveis 12, Derby Falcons 0. a b . r . h . : ^ A. E. Strong .Forward ' row; High School at 1927 season. OF PENNANT RACE On the eve of what promises to Clover 45, N. B. Holy'Cross 0.* Statz, cf ... ___ 4. 2. > .V T ' 0 1 West Hartford To­ Clover 20, Waterbary 0. Carey,- rf ...... 5-1 k^.I.O Line; Preliminary be one of the most spectacular Felix, If ...... 3 0 0 I'-.O years the game has seen, with the Clover 6, Rambler-Tigers 0. Herman, lb ... 3-. 1 1 10 ^ Between Cheneys day; Cubs Go to Mer­ revamped rules commanding the Clover 7, Rambler-Tigers 0. 1 Flowers, ss ....' 4 ‘^ 2 Or^‘2 interest of coach, player and spec­ Clover 45, N. H. Lafayettes 0. Partridge, 2b .. 4 ' 6 2 and New Britain. ^ iden Sunday; Clover- Lose Last Chance to Tie Clover 12, Broad A. C. 0. Butler^ 3b ..... ,2 2 ^ 1 2 tator alike, forecasts of the rela­ D eberry, c ...... ’2 2 0 4 ,1 , erleaves’ Record. tive strength and weakness of Clover 26, Middletown 0. Vance, p ...... 2 1. 3 o,.a Pittsburgh When Defeat- leading elevens becomes highly Clover 7, Western A. C. 0. Total: Clover 180, Visitors 0 29 10 .9,2'. , 8 HARTFORD PAWTUCKET Manchester’s 1927 football sea­ nebulous. Yet in the east the Ar­ NE:^ YORK B la ir...... g ...... Kerr my and the Navy are both regard­ 1025 RECORD AB. B. H.PO. A. son swings into full blast over the Clover l9, Hartford 0. Cowan ...... rb . .. Stevebson current week-end with all three lo­ ed By Brooklyn. ed as teams of great potential Mueller, If ...... 4 -T 0 , 2,0 Clover 25, Bnmslde 0. R eese,'3 b ...... 3 1 1 1 1 Bain lb.... , -Martaln cal teams in action. The curtain ability. . . 4 0 1 2 0 Harvard’s Chances Clover 6, Senators 0. . Roush, c f ..... McGonlgle .. rhb.... Mnnson was lifted last week by the Cubs Hornsby, 2b...... 2. 0 0 1,' 2 Perry .....' .eb b .,.. McIntosh Harvard, under the skillful Clover 18, N. B. Rangers 0. . 4 0 1 9 1 who played a scoreless tie in Meri­ By LES CONKLIN Clover 33, N. B. Eagles O. Terry, lb ,.. .. MartjTi ..... Ihb.... McAvoy den against the St. Stanislaus club. coachir.g of Arnold Horween; is Jackson, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 3 Staff Correspondent Clover 30, South Ends 0. Harper, rf .i.'.';. . -2 ' 3 2 3 0 Hateftinson . .or...... Harvey This afternoon the High school New York, Oct. 1.— The Pirates believed to have emerged safely 12 0 from the doldrums in which Crim­ Clover 6, Yellow Jackets Or Cummings,.j|4:'.... . 3 0 Oliver . ; . .I r ...... Brfd gridsters will receive their Initial can clinch the National League pen­ Mann, x ... i. ■. 0 -0 0 0 0 Abdull^.... c..... Borlow son football has been struggling Clover 0, Cubs 0.' T aylor, c . 1 0 0 i2 0 1927 baptism when they lineup nant by beating the Reds today, but Clover 19, Cabs 0. Ballantyne vti...... Adam against West Hartford on the lat­ for the last ten years. Princeton, H enry, p 0 0 0 judging from their weak showing Total: Clover 156^..•visitors; 0, 011, ;XX ,, . 1'^ 0 0 0 Ewon . . . V. tol. 1'. i . Sweeney ter’s field and tomorrow afternoon, bereft of its star performers of 0 0 0 0 0 against the Cincy outfit yesterday last season, is regarded as having 1924 RECORD Barnes, p ' ...... Referee: B. McCabe of New both local professional clubs will they may not sew up the bunting Clover 33, N- B„ Pawnees 0. Fitzsimmons, p . .. 0 .11 0, 0. 1 swing into action. The Cubs arc another first class team in the Devormer, xxx .. i .. 1 0 0 0 0 York; linemen: W. Dodwell until tomorrow, the last day of the making, while Yale, alone of the Clover 32, Resolntes 0. > of Holyoke and F. Peai*sou of again going to "try their luck* in season. If the leaders lose both to­ Clover'89, Rockville O. 81' -5 - 6 24 3 Manchester. the Silver City picking on the Fal­ once all-powerful Big Three, Is day and tomorrow, and the Cardin­ thought to be headed for a none Clover 12,, Hartford N. E. O. B rooklyn ...... ,. 000 040 60x- cons this time. The town cham­ als win their two games with the Clover 24, Hartford W. S. 0. N ew Y ork ------. 210 000 101— 5 pions, the Cloverleaves are all set too encouraging year. Two base hits, Statz, Carey 2, Her­ With fair weather tomorrow 1 Cubs, a tie and the necessity of a Clover 18, All-Rockville 7. to open their season at Hickey’s man; three base Wt. Harper? sacri­ crowd of- fully two 'thousand pep play-off will result. St, Louis now , Clover 13, Cubs 0. fices, Hornsby, C&jnmings. • Vance, sons is expected to jam its way into Grove against the All-Mer;iden trails Pittsburgh by two games. Clover 0, H. S. Outlaws 0. Felix Deberry; double plays Terry to eleven. Jackson to Terry,' Hbrn'sby to Terry, the sp^ious McKee street stadium Giants Lost Clover 25, All-Hartfortls 0. Flowers to ‘Partridge to Herman*, to watch Hartford and the J. • With all due conservatism, it The Giants lost their last chance Total: Clov.Si’ 1®'^* Visitors 7. looks as if Manchester is in for a left on bases, New York 5, Brooklyn Coats elevens clash In an American to tie Pittsburgh when they were American League Grand total: 533 to 7. 4; bases on balls, off Vance 3, off League Soccer game. The kickoff banner football season. Every one Henry 3, off Barnes 2; struck out, by plastered by Brooklyn, ten to five. will go spinning down the field of the three teams Is apparently iii The Robins went crazy and staged Vance 4, by Hertry 1, by Fitzsimmons ifine shape and fans are looking 2, hit by pitcher, by Vance (Mueller), promptly at 3 o’clock. two big rallies, one netting four CIIISOX 5. 4; TIGERS 4, 1 ST. JOHN AND WALLEH by Fitzsimmons (Butler): hits, off WilK^5fife visitors will be tbe .forward to the possibility of at runs and the other six. Henry, (First Game) Henry 5 In 6 innings, off Barnes 0 |n least a double triumph over the CHICAGO ___ 0, innings (none out in 7th); off Fitz­ great Hkrve^ rated by raan^ as the Barnes and Fitzsimmons were AB, R. H. PO. A. E. simmons 4 in 2 Innings; losing pitch­ best outside right in the United ’week-end. kayoed. The Giants touched Dazzy AT ROCKVILLE SUNDAY The Cloverleaves with a most Hunnefield, ss ...... 6 1 5 er, Barnes; umpires, Moran, Bigler States. Paired along with him on Vance for only six hits but profited 2 and Wilson; time, 1:45. amazing record behind them in Kam m , 3b ...... | 1 Pawtucket’s forward line will be by Brooklyn boots afield. Barrett, rf ...... ° ” 1 X—Mann ran for Cummings in 7th. ■their three years of organization 6 0 4 Lefty St. John and "Woody” XX—Ott batted for Henry in 7th. Reid, former^ with Brooklyn, Bar- Thus ended the gallant stand of Fajk if ...... !!!!! 5 o .during which time, not a de- Neis c f 6 Wallett, local baseball stars, will xxx—Devormer batted for Fitzsim­ low, of Fall River, and the veterans the Giants. The New Yorkers had 11 m ons in 9th. ifeat kas been suffered, have picked C lancy lb 2 Simmons Ruth be with the Rockville Y. P. A.’s Adam and Sweeney. This-quartet is won something like forty-two AVard 2b .. tomorrow afternoon in that team’s, strong opposition in the All-Meri- M cCurdy c 7 expected to give Hartford’s strong games out of fifty-six and had A t Boston I— 'dan 'eleven, but in-view of their Thom as p 1 final and most important ,game of defense plenty to think about dur­ ■past record and -the fact that the nearly overcome an eight game Ruth, Gehrig, Lazzeri Only Ones Unanimously the season against Thompsonville, BRAVES 12, PHILLIES 2 ing the ninety minutes of pRy. 45 5 9 39 14 0 .BOSTON 'game will be played in Manchester, lead. The Giants have a chance for an arch rival. The game will start AB. R. H. PO. A. E. The team ,^rom Little Rhody will second mortey, however, as they are D E TRO IT _ ‘tber Cloverleaves are the favofltes to AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Chosen; Lyons and Hoyt Named; Heilman at 3:30 and will be played at West- Rlchbourg, rf ...... 4 2 2 1 ' '0 0 also sport a top notch goalie in only one game behind the Cardin­ Blue lb ...... 5 1 2 17 0 0 Park. Gautreau, 2 b ...... 3 3 1 1 1 1 5 win.- J. Smith, c f ...... 4 3 3 Findlay Kerr, who played with Fall , Coach George Moonan, the man als. Gehringer 2b ...... 0 1 1 5 6 i on Second Team. River at the «aone time Tommy Manush c f ...... 5 1 0 6 0 0 Brown, If 4 3 2 who has made the Cloverleaves Ruth -Again > Fournier, lb ...... 2 1 13 Blair, Hartford’S', goal keeper did, Led by the :uighty Babe I'utb. Heilmann rf ...... o 0 3 4 0 0 what they are today, is again in R uble If ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 Farrell, ss ...... 4 2 3 Kerr is^well known in one of the M oore, 3b ...... 5 2 0 charge this season and, quite natu­ th<* Yankees are battering down all Neun X ...... 1 0 0 ® ® ® Two All-Star American League Tea lis. H ogan, c .... v> • • • • 5 3 3 pre-season exhibition games. Inci- rally, should be a big help to -.ipposition while fne Piratss, their Fotherglll If ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 JIcManus 3b ...... 3 1 3 0 0 0 Genewich, p ...... 4 1 1 dentallygi^e was transferred to the the north end outfit which has had prospective series opponents, are in Coats th«> same day Blair came to the throes of a battling slump Tavener s s ...... 4 0 0 0 4 1 its goal line crossed but once. The B assler c ...... 5 0 0 5 2 0 First Team Position Second Team 35 12 18 27 13 0 Hertford. Tommy Martain with Rv.lii broke nis all-time mark of PHILADELPHIA Cloverleaves’ lineup will be practi­ Gibson p ...... 5 0 0 0 6 0 AB. R; H. PO. A. E.. Fail River for three seasons and cally the same as a year ago. Mc­ fifty-nine homers yesterday when Cochrane, A thletics...... Catcher. .SeweU, Cleve-Ruel, Wash Sand. 3b ...... 3 1 0 1,3 0 McIntosh was center half for New he walloped number sixty, and may 44 4 9 3S IS 2 Carthy and- Sehoneski; star ends C hicago ...... Ofin 031 000 000 1— 5 Lyons, Chicago ...... Pitcher...... Grove, Athletics Thompson, 2 b ...... 4 0 2 4 4 0 BedfordlAast season. swell the total in New York’s last AVilliams, rf ...... 4 0 2 1 0 0 last season, will be back in the line­ D etroit ...... 000 012 010 000 — 4 Hoyt, New Y o r k ...... Pitcher...... W. Moore, New York The Pawtucket eleven has won up notwithstanding reports to the game today. He .also go: two sin­ Two base hits Heilmann 2. Blue, AVrightstone, lb ... 3 0 0 5 0 0 gles, passing in the batting McManus; three base hits, Hunnefield, Gehrig, New York...... First Base Sisler, St. L.-Judge, Wash Leach, c f ...... 4 0 0 5 0 0 one gan^e, lost one and drew two contrary. Manager William H. Grif­ Clancy; , McManus; stolen M okan, I f ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 this .season, begiing Philadelphia 2 fin says. Not much is known about averages and joining the first five base, Gehringer; sacrifices, Kamm, Lazzeri, New York...... SecondlJase...... Harris, Washington Holman. If ...... 2 0 1 0 0 0 to i, losingnto Dethlehem 4 to ,0 hitters with a mark of .358. The Ruble, Tavener, Barrett: doublep lay. Jonnard, c ...... 2 0 0 0 1 0 the ability of the Silver City visit­ Kamm, C hicago...... Third Base...... Hale, .athletics O’Donnell, c ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 and tying thr jK/W York iJiants at ors but Meriden isn’t planning- on score of the ball game was Ruth 4, Neis to McCurdy to Kamm to Mc­ C urdy; left on bases, Detroit 5, Chica­ J. Sewell, Cleveland...... Shortstop...... Koenig, New York Cooney, ss ...... 2 1 1 0 2 0 one all and Fall River lost Saturday coming here for any afternoon tea. Washington 2, and marked the Districh, ss ...... 1 0 0 0 I 0 go 6; bases on balls, off Thomas 2. off I Goslin, Washington...... Left Field...... Meu.sel, New York at two. goals apiece. Hartford has The kickoff will be at 2:30. Yanks’ 109th victory. Gibson 2; struck out. by Thomas 3, Tabor, p ...... 1 0 0 1 'T 0 tied Philadelphia 1 to 1, beaten Coach Tommy Kelley and his The Pirates made only six hits by Gibson 4; umpires McGowan, Evans Simmons, Athletics . . . .Center Field...... Combs, Netv Yprk Scott, p ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 and H ildebran d; time, 2:14. ^ Newark 2 to 1 and lost to ths squad of S. M. H. S. pigskin chasers off Red Lucas of the Reds and lost Ruth, New York...... Right Field...... Heilmann, Detroit 31 2 6 24 12 0 two to one. Aldridge and Mil jus X— Neun batted fo r R uble in Sth. Giants 2 to 1 and Brooklyn 3 to 0. left the School street Rec this noon (Second Game) Dykes, A thletics...... Utility...... Rothrock, Bostotf B oston ...... 340 103 lOx— 12 ,In its.four, league tilts, Hartford ^ull of .hopes that they will return were outpitched. Critz’s hitting and C hicago ...... 003 Olx 4 Philadelphia ...... 100 010 000— 2 D etroit ...... 000 100 1 Two base hits, Cooney. Brown (8),^ has flashe^.g line defense and w i^ with West Hartford’s scalp. The fielding stymied the Bucs. J. Smith, Hogan, Genewich;- stolep' The Reds are proving to be a 7a little ij^prpvpment pn the |orward latter school, it will be recalled, <»- bases, J. Smith, Brown,,, Fournier;’ line.toi^orrqw should be capable (tf started Manchester off on the wrong stumbling block for both Pitts-v -At New York:— sacrifices, AVrightstone, J. Smith, YANKS 4. NATIONALS 2 trimming the •yisitors; ,path in baseball this season and ex .burgh and St. Louis. They jolted Brown, Farrell, Genewich; double N E W Y O R K By BILLY EVANS wYork, a brilliant player, despite a plays, Thompson to AVrightstone-, Die­ Although the attendance In the pects to do the same on the grid­ the Cardinals on Thursday. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. tendency to be erratic, Is rated sec­ trich to Thompson to AVrightstone; first two home games here,was not iron. However, Coach Kelley has The Braves murdered the Phil­ Combs, c f ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 Who are the leading perform­ ond best, with Jackie Havener of Genewich to Farrell to Fournier; left ..as high as hoped for, odJcials of th© built up a strong team about Cap­ lies, 12 to 2. The Browns smothered Koenig, ss ...... 4 1 1 3 5 0 ers in the American League at Detroit and Joe Boley of Philadel­ Arthur St. John on bases, Philadelphia 5, Boston 9;r tain ” Doc” Keeney, the hard-hit­ Ruth, rf ...... 3 3 3 4 0 0 their respective positions? , off Tabor 2, off Scott 3, HartfordXlub feel- confident that the Indiana, nine to four, after los­ Gehrig, I f ...... 4 0 2 10 0 1 phia having their share of admir­ Rockville will take the *field off Genewjch 2; struck out, by Scott Manche^w it^n ideal soccer toAvn ting fullback, despite the loss of Aleusel, I f ...... 3 0 1 3 0 0 Seeking expert opinion on the ing the opener five to four. Chicago ers. with the following lineup: R. 2, by Genewich 3; hits off Tabor 6 In and.that it will support the team Bob Treat and Johnny Johnston. two-timed Detroit, five to four and Lazzeri, 2 b ...... 3 0 0 2 2 0 subject, I put that question to 20 If you are willing to take the 1-1, Scott 12 In 6 2-3; hit by pitcher, Dugan, 3b ...... 3 0 1 1 1 0 Burke, 2b; J. Burke, ss; May, 11>; far better now that Eastern League It ought to be a close game. Man­ persons actively connected with word of the 20 experts, the best by Tabor (Fournier): umpires, Pflr- four to one. B e n g o u g h , o ..' ...... 3 0 1 1 2 0 Rogalis, If; St. John, cf; Graff rf; baseball and other summer activi­ chester swamped West Hartford a the American League. This base­ outfield in the American League man and McLaughlin; losing pitcher, Pipgras, p ...... 3 0 0 0 2 0 ball jury was composed of manag­ Saternis, 3b; Wallett, c; Ryps or T abor; time, 1:40. ties are no more.. Statements in a year ag», but today is another day P ennock, P ...... 1 0 5 ® 1 0 would be composed of Goslin of Weber, p. Thompsonville will, and anything may happen. ers. players and umpires. Washington in left, Simmons of Springfield newspaper to the effect 31 4 9 27 13 1 On only three positions were the use Miller, a former Eastern At Pittsburgh:-— that the Hartford Club will aban­ Coach Jack Dwyer’s Cubs, prides Philadelphia in center and Ruth of BEDS 2, PIRATES 1 WASHINGTON score of experts a unit. They were League star on the mound.' The don Manche^er and reinove to the of the south end, are going to prac- THE SCOREBOARD AB. R- H. PO. A. B. New York in right. Another out-* rest of the lineup will be: Kegley, CINCINNATI ■i ' ( tice tomorrow morning at the Char­ Rice, r f ...... ,3 0 1 2 0 0 unanimous in the belief that Babe AB. B. PO. A.E. Home City have -been branded as field almost as well liked, has 2b; O’Connor, lb ; Temro, as; Dressen, 3b ...... 3 1 2 ,1 1 0 ter Oak street field at 10 o’clock, Harris, 2b ...... 3 0 0 3 4 0 Ruth is the best right fielder, Lou Meusel and Comb of New York in "a lot of biink” by Owner Freddy YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Ganzel, o f ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Gehrig the most valuable first McCouth, 3b; Copeland, c; O’Brien AValker, rf ,...... 3 0 0 2 0 0 Rockoleau and ' Manager Jimmy go home for a bit of grub, and then American League Goslin, If ...... 4 1 1 5 0 0 left and center, respectively, and cf; Nemicz, rf; Sullivan, If. Pipp, lb ...... 3 0 0 11 2 0 leave from in front of Metter’s Judge, l b ...... 4 0 0 8 0 0 baseman and Tony Lazzeri the Heilmann of Detroit in right. Bressler, If ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 Dewhurst. It* is pointed out, furth­ Smoke Shop at 12:15 for Meriden New York 4, Washington 2. Ruel, c ...... 3 1 1 2 1 0 class bf the/second sackers. of Philadelphia Is Allen, cf ...... 4 1 1 0 0 ermore, that Sunday games cannot LINE CAPTAINS IN DIAJORITY Ford, ss ...... 4 0 2 4 6 1 \ to tackle the Falcons. Coach Dwyer Chicago 5, Detroit 4 (13) (1st) Bluege, 3b ...... 3 0 1 1 4 0 In the opinion of the jlayer jury placed as utility man on the first he played in Sjiripgfield and that Chicago 4, Detroit 1 (2nd) ■Gillis, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 1 0 I consulted, three catchers stand Critz, 2b .. • a • '« • • • ’4 O'..,3 3, 6 6 \he league schedule <:buM not be >1 has drilled his charges hard Zachary, p ...... 2 0 0 0 1 0 team and Jack Rothrock of Bos­ A recent survey of 410 elevens Plclnlch, c ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cleveland 5, St. Louis 4 (1st) out in the American League, Mlck- 0 0 through the past week and hopes Johnson, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ton on the second. shows that 234 captains of foot­ Hargrave, c ...... 0 0 0 0 reirlsed. ~ St. Louis 9, Cleveland 4 (2nd) ,ey Cochrane of the Athletics, Luke Lucas, p ...... 3 0 0 1 3 0 The preliminary game between to do even better than last Sun­ Now you can start disagreeing ball teams are linemen. day when his charges held the St. Other teams not scheduled. e i 2 5 24 10 0 Sewell of Cleveland and Muddy with the so-called expert opinion - Cheney Brothers and the Swedish New Y ork ...... 000 101 02x— 4 Ruel of the Nationals. Cochrane re­ 29 2 8 27 17 1 Stanislaus to no score. National League W a s h in g t o n ...... 000 200 OW— 2 of 20 of the leading managers, THE "REDS” HAVE IT PITTSBURGH Americjffls pf New^ Britain will get The North Ends will play the Cincinnati 2, Pittsburgh 1. Two base hit. Rice; three base hit, ceived eight first' choice votes, players and umpires of the Ameri­ AB. R. H. PO. A. B. under way promptly at 1 o’clock.' Koenig; home run, Ruth; stolen bases, while Sewell and Ruel were tied L. Waner, c f ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Ihe Swedes haye a well-balancei Frog Hollow Echoes .of Hartford Boston 12, Philadelphia 2- can League as shown by these two Six members of the University of Barnhart, If ...... 4. 0 2 2 0 0 •Sunday afternoon at Hickey’s Grove Brooklyn 10, New fork 5. Ruel, Bluege, Rice; sacrifices, Meusel; for second at six each. The veter­ teams. lineup and*shouId provide plenty o' double plays, Harris to Bluege, Glllls an , having a good Tulsa football team have red hair. P. ’Waner, r f ...... 4 0 0 6 0 0 in the preliminary game. Last Sun­ Other teams not scheduled. to Harris to Judge; left on bas^. W right, S3 ...... 4 0 0 1 3-. 0 opposition for theuCheneyites. Last day the locals traveled to Meriden New York 4, Washington 7; bases on year with the St. Louis Browns, al­ T raynor, 3 b ...... 4 0 2 3" 2 0 Sunday, Cheneys rdn against an un­ and defeated the heavy Mohican THE STANDINGS balls, off Pipgras 4, off Pennock 1, off so received consideration. Farris, lb ...... 2 0 9 IP 0 0 expected 3 to 1 defeat administered Zachary 1; struck out, by Zachary 1; Since it is customary to have at Evans tb Cover Series Gooch, c ...... 2 0 0 2 .0 0 team, 7-6. Amerlcmi League hits, off Pipgras 4 in 6 Innings, off Brlckell, x ...... 1 1 0 0 0 0 by the Celtics. Jack Marshall was'' The Echoes are coming out - to least two pitchers on an All-Star Spencer, c ...... 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 the only one to score for the silk . W. L. PC. Pennock 1 in 3 innings: hit by pitch­ team, Ted Lyons of Chicago and equal their last year’s record of New York . . 44 .712 er, by Pipgras (Rice): winning pitch­ Aldridge, p ...... 2 0 0 0 -2 0 makers. Since that game. Manager ___ 109 er, Pennock; umpires, Dineen, Con- Waite Hoyt of New York were E. Smith, XX...... 1 0 1 .0 0 0 seven victories and only-one defeat. Philadelphia .. .. 89 62 .589 Comorosky, xxx ..., 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jimmy Findlay has released S. Sal- Twb, years ago they were the junior holly and Owens: time, 1:38. elected to the honor. Lyons re­ monson and John Nelsoh and sign­ Washington • • ■ • 84 68 .553 X—Johnson batted for Zachary In ceived 12 first choice votes, Hoyt M lljus, p ...... 0 0 .0 0 0 0 champs of Hartford and last year 9 th. ed J. Potts, J. Watson and J, Hollo- Detroit .... ___ 80 71 .530 10. 99 1 A91 Q O were runners-up. They have added Chicago . . . . ___ 69 81 .460 ran. Tim 'others on the local team three of last year’s Weaver High Since "Lefty” Grove was out­ Cincinnati ...... 000 001 lOx— 2 are D. Hamilton. O.-Torstenson, W. Cleveland .. ___ 66 85 .437' standing among the southpaws in Pittsburgh ...... 000 000 010— 1 players who are expected to shine At St. Lonlii:— Two base hits, Crltz, Dressen; three Wylie, B. McCoukdy, J. Williamsoa, ■St. Louis ...... 58 92 .387 INDIANS 5-4, BROWNS 4-0 brilliantly Sunday. the American League, he was a base hit, L. W an er; sacrifices, 'Pic^>- Boston ...... 50 102 .329 (First Game) good third. The fact that Wiley J. Campbell, H. Keefe, J. Marshall, The North Ends have added quite CLEVELAND nich, Walker, Pipp; double plays, National League Ford to Critz to Plpp; left on bases, G. Welch, A. Lindsay and S. Man- a, few new men to the team, the / AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Moore, in his first year as a big W. L. PC. . 5 leaguer should be placed on the Pitsburtgh 5, Cincinnati 8; bases on son. , ^ 'squad now numbering twenty-one Gill, If ...... 0 balls, off Aldridgfe 1, Lucas I-; struck The Celtics areR^cheduled to play Pittsburgh . ___ 93 59 .612 Ussattl, 3b ...... 3 0 second team, is quite a triumph to players. The ends will be-taken care 4 out, by Aldridge 1, Miljus 1: hKs, aft the Hartf^d Scandla Workers at 61 .599 Summa, rf ...... 2 the Yankee pitcher. Aldridge 8 in 7 innings, off Mlljus of by DeHan, Eagleson, Maclllduff, St. Louis . . . ___ 91 Hodapp, lb ^ . ... .4 12 Charter Qiak Park, tomorrow after­ New York .. ___ 90 62 .592 4 5 The experts had no trouble none in one inning; hit by pitcher, by 'and Wright. Evans, B. Sapherek, J.. Sewell, S3 ...... Aldridge (Dressen); umpires, Rear­ noon and will use the iollowing Chicago ___ 85 67 .559 I j . Sewell, c ...... •4 6 agreeing on first and second base, 'McKenna, and Golas are out for 3 1 don, McCormick and QuigTley; losing men: Pete Maddan, E. Flavell, W. r J Cincinnati .... 74 77 .510 Langford, cf ...... the choice being unanimous for pitcher, Aldridge;, time, 1:36.5 : . tackle. The Mitchell brothers Jam- Lind, 3b V.;-...... 1 1 Lou Gehrig and Tony Lazzeri of Lynn, T.. Cunningham, C; McDon­ -roga and Gallis are out for guard, Brooklyn .. ___ 64 87 .424 H udlin, p ...... -3 0 X— B rlck ell batted fo r G ooch In Sth. the Yankees. Joe Judge and XX—K Smith batted for Aldridge in nell, G. McDonnell, Jim McCavan.- while Taylor and Melon will take B oston...... 58 93 .384 Sth. augh, Jack McCaA’^anaugh, W. Max­ •«• • 5 L '100 .338 31 5 8 27 12 1 George Sisler were tied for second care of the center position. Char- Philadelphia 1 ST. LOUIS xxx—Comorosky ran for E. Smith well, F. Dickson, A. Robinson,. F. tier, Angelo, Trouton,'Merrian and among the first basemen Stanley in 8th. AB. R. H. PO. A..E. Harris was rated next to Tony Laz- Eurphy, S. Hewitt. The locals •will M. Sacherek are the backs. Wright, GAMES TODAY Adams, 3 b ...... 4 111.00 Rice, rf . .. 422400 zerri among the second sackers, leave from the Center at 1:30. Golas, McKenna and Merrlan are American League The British American Club, the lo­ Boston at Philadelphia. Sturdy,' lb ...... 4 0 3 9 1 0 with Charley Gehringer of the De­ GOLDSTEIN VS. LYNCH new players who came oilt for the AVilliams, I f ...... 4 0 1 0 1 0 troit Tigers prominently mention­ cal entry/ln the Manchester Dis­ team during this week. Washington at New York. E. M iller, c f ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 ed. Pour years ago today, * Abe tSold- trict League has- drawn*a bye for i.„.The team will practice Sunday Cleveland at Detroit. Schang, c ...... 4 *0 0 3 1 0 this week. The league standing to ten Melillo, 2b ...... 3 0 0 4 8 0 For years, when speaking of the steln. New York Hebrew. rlng)iter, morning at Hickey’s Grove at St. Louis at Chicago. Kress, ss ...... 4 1 1 2 4 0 third basemen in the American date is as follows: - *- o’ clock sharp. National Lea^e who in the following year'. galfled Blaeholder, p ...... 3 0 1 1 3 0 League, Joe Dugan invariably got the bantamweight’ chathpionahip,. ' - W. Philadelphia at Boston. Bennett, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 the call.. It Is different this sea­ Celtics ...... 1 New York at Brooklyn. won a decision at the end( of tw 35 4 10 27 13 0 son. Injuries have greatly handi­ vicious rounds over Tommy Lynbh Soandias . . . •. i . 1 - -^ 3 $250 FOR MASTERPIECE Pittsburgh at Cincinnati. C le v e la n d ...... 000 003 101— 6 capped Dugan and he has not been In New York City. ' Swedish W . . . . • • Chicago at St. Louis. St. Louis ...... / ...... 100 100 200— 4 at his best. As a matter of fact, Swedish A ...... 0 Two base hits, E. Miller, Kress, Tbe battle i.reated much Interest . ’St. Louis, Mo.— A painting pur­ Langford (2), ‘Blaeholder; home run, outstandi'ng players at, the difficult In eastern fight circles as both boys- Cheney Bros...... 0' chased by a”St. Louis art dealer J. Se-well; sacrifices, Hudlin, Melillo; corner have been rathqr scarce this were striving for recogntUon ai British A. ^ stolen base. Sturdy: double plays, year. Billy Kamm of Chicago is German A. . . i • .D • through a New York agent for 5250 OLDEST HOUSE PLAN Schang to Kress to Sturdy, Melillo to Worthy candidate^ tor the ban^w*- has been identified as a lost master­ first choice* with eight votes, while / Sturdy; passed bafT, S ch an g; hit by Sammy Hale ranks next with six. Billy Evans, veteran American League umpire who_ has offi­ weight crown,, then held by. j| b e piece of Eugene Delacroix, French Vienna.— The oldest house plan pitcher, by Blaeholder (Lind): bases Lynch, also of New York City. ' painter. The value is estimated be­ in the world, an anclenf archi­ onvballs, off Hudlin 2, Blaeholder 4; While Joe Sewell has had better ciated in seven , will work the big event this season struck out, by Hudlin 3, by Blaeholder years at shortstop, he still'has first Goldstein th'en engaged in three T 0 A€H N A W C B B I^ tween 52(M),060 and $250,000. tect’s drawing discovered in Meso­ from the press box. He has-drop^d his mask and protwtor 2; left on bases, St. Louis 7, Cleveland call by a wide margin. With the more hard fought ring bouts in this potamia, has been placed on exhi­ 5; umpires, Rowland and Gelsel; to write about each game for The Herald an7

■L ■ -.K - V MANCHESTER .(CONN.). EVENING HERALD, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927.. PAGE TEN . MJi ' -- -m t m Many **Good Buys^^ In Used Cars Are ■**. Apartmeuts— Flat^— Farms and Land for Sale HoiuM for Sale.v Want Ad bfoniatloii Lost and Found Live Stock— Vebicles 42 j Tenements for Bent 68 FOR SALK—^BARGAIN 7 room houM, FOUND—^DOG, color redlsh roan. In­ AT STUD—Wonderful little Boston TENEMENTS of four, six and seven LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY— bath, screened porch, . all improve-; rooms, on woodbrldge street, newly ments, 2-car garage, grapes, fruit, Manchester quire at 395 Highland street after 5 Terrier. Fine speciman. Fay. Regis­ poultry house, large lot, 96800 re­ p. m. tered, by the stroller. 32 Mountain renovated. Apply David Armstrong, At an attractive price, a beauti­ V Buckland. TeL 184-2. ful Home and Farm of 22 acres. sponsible party can purchase wltli Evening Herald street, Rockville. In fast growing Manchester. Now smali^deposit, balance same as renL Annonncementa IS The Market Place -S ROOM APARTMENT In Forrest ready for development, 4-5 of B. Ronson, 15 Stone street., Pbohe cnassified AdvertisementB Poultry and Supplies 43 Block, modem Improvements, jani­ mile from station and stores. Con­ 604-2v . . , CITY SHOE REPAIR V • tor seiyrl®®* Call Manchester 1986. venient to churches and schooL Count «lx arer»«e Is located at 29 Oak street. When ROASTING chickens. Karl Marks, 136 Seven miles from Hartford. Lying PEARL STREET—2 family/hbpse, Initials numbers and ibbreviations. your shoes need repairing see me for Summer street. Telephone 1877. New THREE ROOMS—Heated apartments between and running along two all conveniences. Extra.buildlas loL each count as a w r d special work. laid eggs. ______for Used Cars f with bath. Ap;ply shoemaker, Trot­ main highways. Trolley passes Frontage. 126 feet,-166 depl^ Boitable words as two worda Jllnlmum cost Shoo Shine open every day ter Block. door. 12 room house with city for milk station, tracking business or is price ot three Unea 1000 MARCH HATCHED White WILL YOU own an automobile in 1927? If consid­ water, electric lights, furnace, any business that .needabe near The Manchester Upholstering Co. Leghorn Pullets. High producing ering the purchase of a good used car look over those TO RENT—5 ROOM FLAT, all Im­ hardwood floors, large barn, gar­ Main street. Price, and terms d f Ar­ Lino rates per day for trwislont provements, 176 Eldiidge street. In­ thur A, Knofla. TeL 782-2, 87X Hala i s . is now located at strain. Grown uder Conn. Grow offered on this 'page every day. Here may be found den, poultry houses for 3000 hens I ada ' 116 Spruce street Healthy Chick" Pian. Oliver Bros., quire 113 Eldrldge street. duck house, shed for 3 acres to­ "Look for the electric sign,” ElIeetlTe Harek IT, JMT South Manchester • No. Windham, Conn. many cars of practically every standard make and type bacco, apple orchard, some small Cash Charge — ready for Instant service— and frequently at repark- TO RENT—6 ROOM TENEMENT, all fruit. Market at door. Would MARCH r'ULLETS—All breeds from Improvements, steam heat, good as make profitable Tourists Lodge S Consecutive Days ..I T ® i?l,? eS STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parts of ably low prices. new, 16 Wadsworth street. Apply on the world- Ask for sailing Hs^ ai^ excellent stock. Also milk fed broil­ and Tea Room. Must be seen to NEW VOTERS PRACTICE ? oSlit cts ers. Wm. E. Bradley. Phone 1163-3, These cars are offered by reputable dealers and Indi­ premises. ^ be appreciated. Phone Laurel ratea Phone 750-2. Robert J. Smith, 321 Oakland street, Manchester. 1295. The Meech Grain Co., East All orders tor lrf*»^" 1009 Main street. viduals. The quality of cars Is unusually good. Often TO RENT—PURNELL BLOCK—three Hartford, Conn. will bo charged at the ° “ * * ^ * ” ^ one Is included that is practically new; others have been room heated apartment, all modern MACHINE BALLOTING Special rates for long term Antomoblles tor Sale reconditioned and are attractive in appearance and good' conveniences. Apply G. E. Keith day advertising given upon reaues- Articles for Sale 45 Furniture Co. Ads ordered for three or for long service. Houses for 8ale and stopped before the third or fifth F O R SALE TO RENT—5 ROOM tenement In new day win bo charged only lor the ac­ 1925 Hudson Coach FOR SALE—^USED steam radiators house, all improvements, with DELMONT STREET—Nice 6 room There Are 170 of Them, 80 tual number of times the ad aPP«” : 1925 Ford Coupe and pipes. Apply 89 Oakland street, garage, 164 Eldrldge street. Inquire single, nice shrub: and trees, bouse Having Failed to Appear to ed. charging at the rate h«t 1 Bulck Touring THE PRICES 53 Ashworth street. good shape, 1 car garage. Brice only no allowances or refunds c®” ho made 1 Overland Touring WILL BUY CIDER apples on ground 57,500. Cash 51,500. Call Arthur A. Be Made. on six time ads stopped after the 1 -Ford Touring I or delivered. We sell sweet cider f 10 TO RENT—SEVEN ROOM double ten­ Knofla. TeL 782-2, 875 Main “Look for 1923 Chevrolet roadster a barrel. Call 970-5 Manchester, AND TERMS ement house opposite Manchester the electric sign.” Newly made voters were made forbids” ; display linos not CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. Green school, all modern Improve­ Oldsmobile-Marmon Sales & Service ments. Phone 2457. COLONIAL HOME—180 Porter Street. acquainted with the voting machine ^ °^ e Herald will not oe responsible Center and Trotter Sts. Tel. 1174 Building Materials 47 WILL INTEREST YOU Suitable for two family dwelling. at a demonstration in the Municipal for more than one Incorrect Insertion TO RENT—3 AND 4 ROOM I heated Half of house now rented, leaving Building yesterday. George Mur­ of any advertisement ordered for Dependable Used Cars CONCRETE BLOCKS of all kinds for apartments 925 per month available very desirable six rooms and bath more than one time. . Manchester Motor Sales Co. sale. Inquire Frank Damato, 24 October 1st. See Stuart J. Wasldy, with all conveniences, for buyer or dock and Patrick O’Connell were in The Inadvertent omission or Incor­ 1069 Main St. So. Manchester Homestead Street. Manchester, 827 Main street. TeL 1428-2. can be rented separately. Reason­ attendance to explain the workings rect publlcatloi. of advertising ^111 be Open Eves S Sundays. TeL 740 Phone 1507. able terms. Phone Manchester 221. of the machine. rectified only by cancellation of the UPSTAIRS TENEMENT, all Improve­ A total of 170 voters was made charge made for the service render­ Booms Without Board 69 ments, at 9 Church street. Inquire at FOR SALE—5 ROOM single, steam THREE BUICK SEDANS In excellent Electrical Appliances— Radio 49 Apartments— Plats— II Church street. Telephone 983. at the session of the registrars last ed. condition. , .f Tenements for Bent 63 heat and all modern in good location. 1 J. M. SHEARER Price 55,250. See Stuart J. Wasley week. These will be eligible to STEAM HEATED furnished rooms. TO RENT—3 ROOM TENEMENT. In­ Real Estate Agency. All' advertisements must Capitol Bulck Co. TeL 1600 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING appli­ Inquire at 75 Linden street Tele­ vote at the town elections on Mon­ In style, copy and typography witn PLEASANT SIX ROOM flat. Improve­ quire 30 Church street. day. regulations enforced oy the ances, motors, generators, sold and phone 865. ments and good location. Vacant Oct. Wanted Autos—Motorcycles 12 repaired: work called for. Pequot 1st. Inquire 9 Strickland street. Those of the 250 on the "to-be- ers and they reserve the right ro Electric Co., 407 Center street. Phone room s, "INGLE or In suites, all mod­ edit, revise or reject any copy con­ ern Improvements, Ino.^'dlng heat made” list who did not appear to sidered objectionable. , . 1592. 6 ROOMS; every room newly decorat­ CLOSING HOURS—Ulasslfled ads AUTOS—w ill buy ■ cars for Junk. For particulars, phone 524. Aaron ed, all modern impwvements, shades, WATER IN MANHOLES BIGAUTORACES be placsd on the list will not be Used parts for sale. General auto re­ to be published same day Ji® 49-A Johnson, 62 Linden street furnished, centrally located, garage. eligible at the town election, next pairing. Abel's Service Station, Oa Enel and Feed Inquire 88 Church street. celved by 12 o'clock noon. Saturdays street. TeL 789. BOTHERS ’PHONE CREW year, although they -inay be regis­ 10:30 t m, FOR SAL®—Best Hardwood, 58, 510, Wanted— Rooms— Board 62 6 ROOM TENEMENT at 68 Pine IN ENGLAND TODAY tered prior 'to that time. In the ITelephone Your W ant'Ads Business Services Offered 13 512 a load.'^Hardwood slabs, 57, ?12. street, large rooms, modern Improve- event that they are made voters, Ads are accepted over the telephone Cash on delivery. TeL 895-3. C. R. WANTED—Room and board by young meuts. Inquire 60 Pine st-eet or tele­ they will only be allow!ed to vote at the CHARGE RATE given above Palmer, 44 Henry st. Protestant girl, preferably on West phone 1232. at the national and state elections. CHAIR CANING neatly djne. Price Side, near mills. Address Box P. G., Rain Floods Into Conduits as a convenience to advertisers, but right, satisfaction guaranteed. Carl the <^ASH RA'TES will be accepted as FOR SALE— HARDWOOD 59 Reo in care of Herald. 6 ROOM TENEMENT all modern Im­ Making Extra Work For Anderson, 53 Norman street. Phone truck load: 59.75 split V. Firpo, 116 provements, steam heat, and garage. Sixteen of World’s Most PU LL PAYMENT If palO ^t the busi­ 1 8 9 2 - 2 . ______Construction Gang. ness office on or before the seventh Wells street. Phone 1307-2. Apartments— Flats— < Inquire 52 Russell street. TeL 303-2. day following the ROE GENTLEMEN’S WEEKLY mending, STORES HERE DISPLAY each ad, otherwise the CHARGE done reasonable, if delivered to my FOR SALE—HARD '700D well sea­ Tenements for Rent 63 SIX ROOM TENEMENT, all modern, Water In the manholes of the Daring Drivers Start This RATE will be collected. No responsi­ house, and called for. Address Box soned. Don't wait until ice and snew only 527 monthly; also four room Southern New England Telephone bility for errors in telephoned aus G, in care of Herald. soaks In. Order early 513 cord. TeL tenement with improvements, at 17 SOUCITORS’ WARNWG will be assumed and their accuracy 106-2^______APARTMENTS—Two, three and four Eldrldge street. Phone 2361-12. Company from this summer’s rains room apartments, heat. Janitor eer- is the cause of much extra work in Afternoon. cannot be guaranteed. Florists— Nurseries 15 ' Vice, gas range, refrigerator, In-a- SIX ROOM TENEMENT'on Newman SAVE COAL—Burn-wood this Fall. door bed furnished. Call Manchester extending a new cable. With addi­ I Phone 664 We sell hard and soft firewood, also street, modern Improvements, steam Construction Company, 2100 or tele- heat. Inquire 147 E3ast Center street. tional requests for private wires Will Not Contribute Nor Sub­ ' ASK ®'OR AVANT Ali SERVICE__ BARBERRY HEDGES, California fireplace wood. L. T. "Wood, 55 Bis- phone 782-2. ______' Phone 1830. the cables already placed are used Privet hedges, bulbs and flowering sell. Phoi.e 496. ______Brooklands Motordrome, Eng­ scribe For Space Unless Ap­ shrubs etc., for fall planting. Way- ELDRIDGE ST., 182, tenement of six SIX ROOM TENEMENT. Inquire of C. up. The company had made provi­ land, Oct. 1.— Sixteen of the Index of Classifications side Gardens. Rockville. Tel. 714-2. SEASONED SLAB WOOD, stove rooms and bath; Just been redecorat­ J. Hoff, 20 Wadsworth street. Tele­ sions for further cables by addi­ world’s most daring automobile rac­ proval of Chamber is Grant­ ■ ' — length, 512.00 per cord; also hard ed, 525 month; with garage 55 month phone 469-2. tional conduits. ers met here this afternoon to com­ ed. ■pvpnlner ITer?.ld Want A<5s ar6 now wood, 512.50 cord. Tel. 1205-12. extra. Phone 3-4067. gr?u p ef Iccording to classifications Heating—Plumbing-Roofing 17 When the men started to work pete for the greatest of all British below and for handy -e*®^®®®® Garden— Farm— Dairy Products 50 FOR RENT—EIGHT ROOM modern TO RENT—3 ROOM tenement, all Im­ they f ound one manhole, which was motor racing trophies— the Grand In several of the stores along the appear lu the numerical order mdl DUBUQUE ROOFING CO. Roofing of house, near the Center, on Center provements, 22 Norman street. about oppposite the Manchester PrLx of the Royal Automobile club, business section are to be found on cated* 1 all kinds. 2 4 Fairvlew street South FOR SALE—CHOICE seed rye. E. A. street. William Kanehl. Trust Company, had been’ filled in competition for the first time display white cards with a red bor­ Lost "and Pound ...... J Manchester. Telephone 990-5. Buckland, Wapping, Conn. Telephone TO RENT—DESIRABLE 6 room tene­ with water. They pumped some of since the war. Announcements ...... 67-5. ment, all Improvements, steam heat, der printed in both black and red. Personals ...... FOR RENT—5 ROOM FLAT, 313 garage, 32 Walker street, oft East this out and then entered with their The distance is 325 miles. It was The notice reads as follows: Antomoblles Moving—Trucking-Storage' 20 Center street. Inquire 30 Walker 51 Main street. Phone 888-3. wire to extend the cable south to expected the drivers ■vvould only "Solicitations Agreement Automobiles for Sale ...... g Houseliold Goods street. another manhole. In taking out the maintain an average speed of about Automobiles for Exchange .... o L. M. HEVENOR local and long dis­ FOR RENT—SEVEN ROOM single . , of the ■*> - ■’15 ' Auto Accessories—'Tires ...... tance hauling and furniture moving. FOR A LIMITED TIME, we will give house. George A. Brown, corner TO RENT— 5 ROOM FLAT upstairs, plug the water ran through and eighty miles an hour, due to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce Auto Repairing—Painting ‘ Pneumatic tire trucks. Prompt ser­ a 539.50, 9x12 Axminister rug with Cooper and West Center street, So. large rooms, newly painted, modern carried the mud with it. This caus­ fact that the racers must cut down improvements, price 520. Inquire 88 As members of the Manchester i Auto Schools ...... vice, Reasonable rates. Tel. Manches­ every 3 piece living room suite; also Manchester. ed a general block of the whole to almost thirty miles an hour to Chamber of Commerce we have j Autos—Ship by Truck ...... = ter 67-4. a bridge lamp. Put that in your pipe Birch street. Phone 2298. conduit and the men have spent take the dangerous curves. Autos—For Hire ...... and smoke it. Benson's Furniture FOR RENT—SIX ROOM single house, pledged ourselves not to make ooh- Garages—Service—Storage . . . •:« PERRETT AND GLENNEY—Local C o.______all improvements, furnace, at 5 Irv­ TO RENT—3 ROOM heated apartment three days in getting it cleared out Almost five million dollars has tributions or donations of caeli or i Motorcycles— Bicycles ...... “ and long distance moving and truck­ ing street. Phone 1368. in the Orford Building, all the latest and the water pumped, away before been spent preparing for this classic Wanted Autos—Motfiroyoles ... 1* ing, Dally express to Hartford. Liv­ FOR SALE—ROME—MANHATTAN; improvements, 530 per month. TeL merchandise, nor to subscribe for they could get the 750 pairs of wire ! and the cars entered represent the space in any advertising medinm or Business and Professional Services ery car for hire. Telephone 7-2. folding couch, good condition, price FOR RENT—SEVERAL first class 1925-4. last word in racing car construc­ Business* Services Offered ...... 510.00. Inquire ISO Main street. rents with all improvements. Apply cable through. publication (except newspapers and Household Services J£ferv;d. . . . . i s -a WANTED—^LOAD OR part load to Edward J. Holl, 865 Main street. TeL That is why some of the tele­ tion by the best automobile factor­ periodicals having a regular date of Building—I untr.actlng ...... Lawrence, Mass., September 28. Man­ LIVING ROOM SET—Settee, arm 560. “ AKMY” HOLDS MEMORIAL phones south of duk street have ies in the world. Florists—Nurseries ...... chester & New Y'or'iC Motor Dispatch. chair, rocker in tapestry upholstery SERVIOES FOR SAMUEL FOX. issue at least four times each year) been turning out a funny sound for Noted Drivers unless the solicitor submits an ap­ Funeral Directors ...... Tel 7-2 or 1282. with mahogany finished frames, FOUR ROOM, all modern Improve­ Among the noted drivers entered Heating—Plumjjlng-^Rooflng .. 553.10 complete. Watkins Used ments. Call at 14 Arch street or tele­ the past few days. proved card issued by the Insurance ...... MANCHESTER & N. Y. MOTOR DIS­ Ifurniture Store, 17 Oak street. phone 988. Memorial serlvces for the late are Captain Malcolm Campbell, of Millinery-Dressmaking ...... PATCH—Part load to and from Solicitations Approval Committee Samuel Fox of Garden street, who England, many times holder of the of the Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . . New York, regular service. Call 7-2 FOR SALE—KITCHEN set, gas stove, FOR RENT—Four room tenement on died on Friday last week, were held world’s speed record; Robert Ben- Painting—Papering ...... “J or 1282. bedroom set, two rockers, sell cheap. East Middle Turnpike, modern im­ Chamber of Commerce.” Professional Services p . . —... Apply North Herald office. provements. Apply 92 East Middle at the Salvation Army citadel last LARCE CROWD VISITS oist, Fran'ce, winner of the Grand Repairing ...... ‘ ,L ''‘ ' Si Repairing Turnpike. night. Many of the old soldiers Prix of Europe at Monza, Italy, a Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning .. FOR SALE—Time to heat up. Stoves, of the corps who had been comrades month ago; Bordino, known as Toilet Goods and Services...... stoves of all kinds, heaters 55 up IN SELWITZ BUILDING three room of Mr. Fox for many years in the FREE RADIO SHOW Italy’s most daring driver; Bonders, Wanted—Business Service . . . . . EXPERT KEY FITTING. Lawn mow­ to 540, new and used. Spruce Street apartm- vt, all modern Improvements. GYM CLASS TO PROVE Bdncntlonal ers sharpened and repaired, also Second Hand Store. Inquire Selwltz Shoe Shop. TeL 835-2. Salvation Army were present. America, winner of the 500 mile Courses and Classes ...... J* scissors, knives and saws sharpened. Four old soldiers of the corps race at Indianapolis this year. Private Instruction ...... i « . . . Work called for and delivered. NEW FOUR ROOM tenement, with spoke of the late Mr. Fox. They A tremendous crowd began HOW BODY DEVELOPS Dancing ...... Harold Clemson, 108 North Elm Wanted— To Buy 58 steam heat, Bridge Street Colonial Over 200 at Gre^el Exhibit in Musical—Dianiatio ...... street, Manchester, Conn. Telephone Gardens. Call 2195. were Mrs. Rebecca Wright, Ralph streaming towards the motordrome Wanted—Instruction ...... Jones, William Perrett and Thomas K. of C. Hall Here Last Even­ from London and other cities long Financfal 462. JUNK—1 wll! pay highest prices for all kinds ot Junk; also buy all kinds ONE, THREE AND one four room Hopper. Commandant John C. ing. before noon. There was a constant Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages JJ MOWER SHARPENING, kev making, flat, on second floor, at 168 Oak Comparative Measurements to Business Opportunities ...... |z of chickens. Morris H. Lessner, tele­ Spohn made the principal address. procession of. automobiles that phonographs, clocks, electric clean­ phone 982-4. street, all improvements, with Money to Loan ...... ers, Irons, etc. repaired. Gunsmlth- garage. Inquire 164 Oak street or The quartet which sang a num­ choked all roadways. Be Taken to Show How Ex­ Money Wanted ...... call 616-5. More than 200 people were pres­ Ing. Bralthwalte, 150 Center St. MAGAZINES, rags, bundled paper, ber of selections was composed of ercise Heh^ Men. . Help and Sltnatlone. Harold Turkington, William Han­ ent at the moving picture show and Help Wanted—Female ...... SEWING MACHINES, repairing of junk bought for cash. Phone 849-3. Help Wanted—Male ...... Will call. J. Eisenberg. Diamonds can be identified by na, Fred Clough and David Addy. lecture given by J. A, Van Slicken, ONE SEEKS DIVORCE, Members ot the mens’ gym class- | Help Wanted—Male or Female.. 37 all makes, oils, needles and supplies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward street. ultra-violet rays, under which the district specialist of the Radio Cor­ es who will start their Instruction | Agents W ’.nted ...... «'-A Phone 715. More than 500,000 frogs are Situations Wanted—Female . . . »» stones give off various colors which ONE ASKS PAYMENTS soon will be allowed to see the pro- ' Situations Wanted—Male ...... 89 shipped out of Louisiana annual- poration of America in the K. of C. gress they have made at the end ot i Employment Agencies .. .,y,. 40 Courses and Classes 27 can be photographed. ly; hall last night. The affair was Live Stoc'k—Pet*—PonHiy'r- VehlelM WITH THE LOCAL , their courses. Director Lewis .Lloyd j planned and carried out by Alfred announced today. C om p^tive i Dogs—Birds—Pets Learn barbering, ladies’ haircutting. Two Manchester Women Fig­ I,lve Stock—Vehicles ...... ]2 Tuition very reasonable, day, even­ A. jGrezel, local dealer in radio sup­ measurements- will be ma4^ before Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 ure In Court Proceedings at and after the coarse and t^e,mem- | Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 ing courses. Vaughn’s Barber School, AUTO DEALERS plies. For Sale—Mlscellaneou 14 Market street, Hartford, Conn. Mr. Van Slicken prefaced his H artford. her may see bow much he has Articles for Sale ...... moving picture show by a short gained through the instruction. j Boats and Accessories ...... 46 Private Instruction 28 talk on the history and develop­ All of the necessary instruments' Building Materials ...... 47 Alleging that her husband, Ed­ Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 In spite of the lateness of the ment of radio, telling of the work ward Bergeron, deserted her 22 for measuerment are available at Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION given in all season, considerable activity is be­ Phone Your Want Ads the Radio Corporation ^as done to years ago for a “ milder climate” the Recreation Center, even those Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A grammar school subjects by former ing shown in the local automobile bring radio to its present stage of and never returned, Grace Lanctot for measuring the pressure of the, Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 grammar school principal, for rates market with frequent deliveries of grip of the hand, the Itmg tsapaclty i Household Goods ...... 51 call 215-5. T o The perfection. Bergeron of this town has peti­ Machinery and Tools ...... ® new cars. The pictures shown on the screen tioned the Superior Court in. Hart­ and others. ‘ Musical Instruments ...... C3 Agents Wanted S7-A were “ Safety at Sea,” a description ford for divorce. Her husband, Measurements .will be taken o f , Office and Store Equipment • ... 54 The Conkey Auto Co., delivered of the radio and its use on ship­ who is a traveling salesman, she weight, height, neck, girthX-chest, i Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 65 Studebaker Dictator sedans to Specials ^t the Stores ...... 56 AGENTS WANTED in your territory board, and "The Reawakening of alleges, left her in 1903 and again waist and all of the other Usohs. Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 to represent our fast selling, big Arthur E. Gibson of Flower street Evening Herald Rip Van Winkle,” a fantastic dem­ in 1905. Mrs. Bergeron is em­ Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 profit-sharing auto necessity. Full or and Fred Carpenter of Pitkin onstration of radio and how it ployed!-In a Hartford department Rooms—Board—Hotel*^Re*ort* part time. Write today,for particu­ street. works. store. jTudge Newell Jennings re­ NEWTON STAJRTS RAIDS ON Restaurants lars. Air Exhllarator Company, 125 HAMLIN STREET SSTNKS Rooms Without Board ...... 59 Broadway, Boston, Mass. The expert talked In plain lan­ served decision on the case which Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A H. A. Stephens, local Chevrolet guage, using no technical terms was uncontested. Country Board—Resorts ...... fO DISTRIBUTOR for 100 store route dealer, reports the following deliv­ whatever, and his short speech on Charles H. Jillson of Southing­ Edward Newton of Hamlin street Hotels—Restaurants ...... 31 this county. Experience unnecessary. No selling, distribute and collect. eries: coaches to Frapk Vitullo of Call 664 r%dio was understood by everybody ton was questioned as to why he has gone out after the skunks Wanted—Rooms—Board ^...... 62 Real Estate For Rent Should net 570.00 weekly. Peris Mfg. Maple street, Lunt-Jillson Co., of in the audience. Radio receiving had not paid |35 a month Jo his which are infesting that section of' Apartments. Flats. Tenements.. 63 Co., Florin, Pa. Allen Place and Louis Wright of And Ask for a Want Ad Taker sets were displayed on the stage former wife, Ada M. Jillson of 123 the town. To date he has caught an Business Locations for Ren. . . . 64 Adams street and ton trucks to and on the floss' of the auditorium Main street, this town, for the sup­ old sknnk and a yonng one which Houses for Rent ...... 65 SELL PERSONAL.CHRISTMAS cards. Frank Garmalinsky of South Cov­ he believes to be part ot a lit^r. Suburban for Rent ...... 66 Names embossed in gold. Everybody Tell Her What You Want and one furnished music while the port of their two children during Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 buys at ?1.00 dozen up, 50 per cent entry and William Dzen of Broad moving picture show was going on. the last 13 months. He complained He attributes the presence of Wanted to Rent ...... 65 profit. Samples free. Dunbar Corp., Brook. An experienced operator will take your ad, help you that his money was tied up in in­ skunks in his neighborhood to the New Brunswick, N. J. Mr. Grezel distributed cards, giv­ Real Estate For Sale word It for best results, and see that It Is properly in­ ing each one of the audience a free vestments on a farm and property existence of a conduit which was Apartment Buildings for S ale... 69 James M. Shearer of the Capitol he is trying to sell. A carpenter formerly used to take care of storm Business Property for S a le ...... 70 Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 serted. Bill will be mailed same day allowing you until chance on a loud speaker. Farms and Land for S a le ...... 71 Buick Co. reports the deliveries of by trade, Jillson earns $7.20 a water and which Is located in the Houses for Sale ...... 72 new Buick sedans to Delia John­ seventh day after insertion to take advantage of the day.. East cemetery. He believes that the Lots for Sale ...... 73 FOR SALE—FULL BLOODED 1 year son of Woodland street, Mr. and Designs done In waterproof paint skunks! are using th^ for Iheir old German Police dog. Call 2331-3 GASH RATE. have been used to decorate bathing Jillso-n, obtained a divorce from Resort Property for S a le ...... 74 Mrs. John Sinnamon of Highland the Manchester woman in 1923, Suburban for Sale ...... 75 or Inquire 29 Summer street. costumes for use at the smart re­ dens. . . Real Estate for Exchange 76 street, Willard Horton of Holl charging desertion, but agreed to Wanted—Real Estate .. 77 FOR SALE—Broken bird dog, a per­ street, Mrs. Thomas Wejdon of sorts this year, some of the pictures let her have the two boys and pay I Anction—Legal Notices fect retreiver, 195 Spencer street or Porter street and Leonard Weiman being quite elaborate. Auction .Sales ...... 78 95-4. ' $35 a month. Since that time, he Legal I otices ...... 79 of South Main street. has married again. Judge Jennings said Jillson had done everything W arrantee- By Frank Beck with his money except pay the al­ , GAS BUGGIES---It’s a Mysterious Motor Car lotment under the agreement ac­ WELJ ------I cepted by the court. He ordered YOU c o o Il o n ^ A L L R IG H T , WHATfe TH A F F YOU n e e d n Y s n a p W HERE WAS ______FOR , Jillson to appear in court next Deeds MY HEAD OFF THE IT, THEN,WHEN HAVE LOOKED, OH, D O N T • ..Six room single on Florence T R Y TO BE I LOOKED NCN/ OOtA" SAY HEAVEN^ SAKEf Friday morning and submit a prop­ MINUTE I STEP r WENT OUT FOR IT OR "tOUD COME ON OLTT _____ HOW DIO osition to settle the matter. street with extra building loL ,TO G E T r r T O HAVE SEEN IT. SARCASTIC ! AND 1*LL SHOW FOR IT Z •rUST PUT IT INTO THE HOUSE IN HERB, BECAUSE r r , G E T . b a c k : Walk, curbing, gas, furnace and I T £ L L V D l/ I SO T O - TW E - I LEFT IT THERE, J ,IT TO YOU . t h r e e TIMES,^ FRANK OAKES TAKES LONG garage all for $6,200. If Interest­ 0/DN*T TAKE THE' b r id g e P A P c rrr AND IT CERTAINDT T H E C A R AN D r*M LEASE OP FILLING STATION ed in a home investigate today. CAR . Z L E F T i t W ASNT m i s l a i d . I S A / 0 7 - W H A T YOU N O T B U N D , Building lot on Lilac street, good RIGHT THERE IN I N T H E N E E D IS A E IT H E R . Prank Oakes, who recently pur­ size and level. Price only $1,000. THE GARAGE G A R A G E 11 PAIR O F , ITS N c r r chased Jack’s Filling station busi Good paying business block . on FOR GLASSESI THERE.L ness at the corner of Hazel and Spruce street, two stores, one apart­ Main streets from Karl Landa, has ment. Price only $12,500.' ’ leased the station property from Six room single, furnace, gas, Mrs. Lillian G. Sullivan for, a term etc. Price is only $4,200. Easy of three years and ten months. The terms. rental from October 1 of this year Wadsworth street, a large two to August 1 of next year will be family of six rooms each, all con­ $750. For the second year the rent­ veniences. The price' is very rf*- al will be $1,000, for the third year sdnable. “ $1,100 and for the fourth year, $1,- Building lot with sidewalk, sew­ 200. er, gas, city water, electricity, all' This station was started by Jack there and available. Price only ; D’wyer two years ago and was later $450. Weil located, easy terms. sold by him to Karl Landa. It for­ merly sold several kinds of gaso­ line, hut within the past year it ROBERT J. SMITH has been standardized and now sells 1009 Main St. the product of one of the big oil Real Estate. Insurance. It I W IL IWfc. Tr>fc W f. S. tHt.,’ comnanias only. Steamship Tickets. .


The short skirt has made many REG. U. S. PAT. o r r . a girl attractive down to the ground. Ctpyriehl, P. L Crosby, 1927, Central PrtM AMOci«tion, Ine.| ^ # H g T T REA SERVICC. INC. Some people are worrying how to No man is too big to feel small. keep the wolf from the door; others WASHINGTON TUBBS H are figuring out how they can throw Those New Football Rules By Fotitaine Fox it out of the house before it has By Crane pups. Two many trouser seats and not '/T vieuL,Boss*we PlNeV i K,WC;W YOiA HOVSJ CO WE tbOUR.tRWN?A ^ enough overall knees are being DeciDfeD to T(\Ke v\M) coui^cte, v4\tw w e “bow w vNv\eRe ARE J worn out in this country. NOUR dOB ,-iib s o y jR -fiewN. GcQftm? tert., HOW’S THE WEATHER? We would like to know what the Nbf >MOTt\ flappers have done with all that VM€ €cONNf\f Some climates have sudden time they saved by bobbing their l>o? changes going from FAIR to hair. WARM in most no time. In LETTER GOLF, however, par is Well, well, if cousins shouldn't five strokes for the change. The marry, neither should they pet. answer is printed on another page. Gladys, the Steno., says: "It’s a cruel world. It’s mighty

Say! Haste doesn’t make waste, reduces the waist.” "Most women want their skin like glove— without a wrinkle.” “ A good motto for the bathing lason seems to be: Now, girls, alt gether.” “ A gentleman is a fellow who V knows the kind of elevator in which to remove his hat when a lady is ■DON’t PsSK ClUeSfiONS. BOt Ve HOU 0 9 6 W Vf BEFOiie present.” REACWHS MDUR DestiMAtiON AMD "I read where it takes 333 silk t'v\e c o w s u c t o ^ worms to make a pair of hose for a girl like me. Well, the worms ARE BOSS. 3AMG — HOUlCe f »9.^! / can’t complain that their work HOUR iMSTRUCtVONS. — ------NNEtL, S'UOMG, doesn’t show.” B o x s . y , "The meanest man In the world Is a guy who called up ray sister. Ho lioposed to her ovsr the nhvinc. THE RULES and after she accepted him he tells her he has the wrong number.” 1— The Idea of letter golf is to "I see the latest thing In Paris change one word to another and do is wearing wigs to match the gowns. it in par, a given number of Gee, if that keeps up bald heads will strokes. Thus to change COW TO soon be the rage.” HEN, in three strokes, COW, "Some girls are not satisfied to HOW, HEW, HEN. b'? antiques: they want to be repro­ 2— You can change only one let­ductions.” ter at a time. 3— You must have a complete DIETIC NOTE •yard of common usage, for each If you’d avoid jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ A dyspeptic seizure, tions don’t count. (O Fontline Fo», 1527, The Bell Syndiute, Iric.) Don’t lunch in haste KEG. o. a PAT. orr. 4— The order of letters cannot And repent at leisure. 01927 BY NEA SERVICC, INC. be changed. To climb higher one must remain By BlosseC' on the level. Yessir! WHEN WINTER COMES FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Hez Watkins of Pine Stump sez Gone are the days of the ten-cent he hates to see winter come as last novels— they now cost two bucks. V00> COULD/d'T" <50&SS“ CA/0/00/0 TOVOELS. year the sap i i his wooden leg froze I/O A /MUUO/X V&AJSS up and caused the leg to bust and The girls should not carry beauty /AOM S A V S he reckons as how it might happen culture to the point where they have VjOAATWAdD OP TtWJELS 4 ^ . 7U.’ Ad)C& sr TOVOELS- again. to wear “ Fresh Paint” signs. VJOE GOT I/O OOR. MOe GOT /oevM A O U SE, MOE EVJERMAO.' PEQUorSMEETS A U E R .' I/O OUR. AOOSE, VWE A A O E I



A Vew-^OT ir. VaIOM L0M 6-'< o o '0E. ) EIHALLW G E T \ fMM’ T CAVKiB \ . tAAOE ft C’^ietAKE-yoo'v/e. GOlK’ KE9T m SHIRT ftWD 6 w e h i t H e s e s ix . r / e>ACK P»W’ OLD HAMPKeRCHieFS SH\RT- lU STeA D ’.




hy Gilbert Patten JACK LOCKWILL THE LION TAMER (READ 'THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) The camel started on its way. gan to blow. It picked up little r The Tinles heard the Arab say, specks of sand and tossed them to­ “ Be careful now, and hang on wards the skies. "Oh, my,” yelled tight. He soon will run and run Clowny, "let’s all slide right real fast.” “ All right, we will,” down and find some place to hide. wee Clowny said, “ I’m hanging The wind Is getting terrible, and tightly to his head.” And as the sand is in my eyes.” camel ran along a half an hour So, off they slid, down to the passed. ground and each one started look­ Then Coppy said, "Well, good­ ing ’round, to try and find a shel­ ness me, just sand is all that I can ter where the bunch of them could •ee. We’re far away from any hide. But, not a thing waa near stores, and any houses, too. It at hand. And then the worried seems it’s getting mighty hot, but little band saw mister camel run we are safe, as like as not. And, away, and end their desert ride. anyway, we’ll have to ride. There’s The sand kept blowing all about. nothing else to do,” The bunch heard little Coppy shout "Oh, let’s not worry,” Scouty "How we will get out of this I oititsvimesRvieciwc,______. ‘Tve had a telegram from Vudge," explained «toek» “ He. cried. “ We might as well enjoy cannot understand. I guess we’d The deputy-sheriff, followed this ride. The camel seems to better drop down low. If what Tha aprinff-faataninf of the door held, though the c ^ e rooked Red Saunders, still and bought Obediah Tuttle’s motor which you ran uway^m, ana|, know his way and we’ll just go I’ve heard is really so, to hide our beneath the Impaot of tho lion’s body. “ I had a priemonitTon,” said ghastly, was carried out on a by Jaok, appehred before Buks no charge will be pressed againsmou. Your undo fell,and broke, along. If we feel hot, just think faces will protect us 'from the Delano huskily* *'and I was watching.” Camille, springing up the ■stretoner. A doctor examined .Saunders and Lizard Wattles his neck, Buke. You arc free to go anywhere, but I promised to of him. He surely must be right burning sand.” steps, embraosd Jaok. “ Thahk heaven Raoul was here to open him and stated that the fall in the lock-up. ‘‘You’ro a pair bring Lizard back to the camps at Indian Lake, and had broken his neck, and that I of lucky young rascal8,”_ said do lt.’V T m ready to gd back,’’ said WatBes eagerly, y (T ^ End)^ in trim. To carry all of us he the door!” she half-sobbed, and the boy felt her arms quivering 'the officer./ . - - surely has to be real strong. about him. ” 8ut It was your nerve that saved you, Jack;”. ^ .he had died almost instantly. y f

DR. CALDWELL TO ATTEND SECOND CONdREGATIONAL. and there were 28 devoted teachers FITZGERALD BIG CQNGRESS OF SURGEONS. ‘tASSED CAR‘ D0IN(I3O” ’and helpers. Cash receipts were DIANA’S TAILOR SHOP DANCING HERB FRANCE Frederick G. Allen, Minister. $250.00 |n gifts, and,$27.70 from FURNITURE the sale of handwork articles. 'Ex­ Removed to Around the Bldck Dr* D. M. Caldwell, well known and TONIGHT' Worthy Hills Orchestra surgeon here, will leave tomorrow CLAIMS HARRIER RUDAZ At the service tomorrow morning penditures totalled $217.85, leaving night for Detroit, Mich., wnere he the pastor will preach, taking as his a balance of $69.85. on Eldridge Street. PIANO MOVING f Playing at Lake Side Casino will attend the seventeenth annual topic, “ Modern Enemies of Chris­ A mieetlng of the church will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 Open Sathrday. 46 Pearl St. Tele. 11^ At the RAINBOW Congress of the American College Cross-Country Race Entrant tian Progress.” The music to -be rendered is as follows: o’clock, to consider holding a series BlT.Ti TASILLO’S o r c h e s t r a October 1. of Surgeons. Can Evidently Run Better Noted surgeons from all parts Prelude: Canzona .. Wolstenholme of union vesper senvices, and to dis­ Rally day will bo observed ~tOr of the world will attend the con­ Than He Can Dig “Tatei^s.” . Anthem: “Soft as the Voice” .Scott cuss plans for the winter series of SOCIAL AND WHIST morrow by the Sunday schools of gress, which will be in session Oc­ Offertory: Contralto eolo, “ Follow church nights. Place of meeting, the Nazarene, Lutheran Concordia, tober 3 to October 10 Inclusive. One of the hoys who is entered Me” ...... Stevenson the church parlors. MYSTIC REVIEW, W- B. A. Second Congregational and some of Dr. Caldwell attended the con­ in the cross-country five-mile run Postlude: “ The Temple March” Ever-Ready Circle of King’s Monday, Oct. 8, at 8 p. m. the other churches. gress last year. He will be back soon to be conducted by the Rec­ ...... Vincent Daughters will hold a rummage sale ii^ the vacant store In the Brown TINKER HALL in his office October 10. reation Centers has gone into in­ Church school Is at 12:10. To­ Mrs. Mary Trebbe of Forest tensive training for the event. He morrow Is Rally Day with gradua­ and Sullivan block on Depot Square Is Your WiE Refreshments. 6 Prizes. on the afternoon and evening of ft Admission 25 Cents. House was admitted to Memorial is Stanley Rudaz, a Manchester tion exercises and the entire pro­ hospital yesterday. IRELAND IS PROSPEROUS boy, and his chief bid for fame is gram will be carried through In the Thursday, Oct. 6. Any one havlnfe the statement that he “ passed” an church auditorium. Parents and anything to contribute will please Miss Marjorie Finnegan of 100 automobile which was going at friends are earnestly invited. call any member of the Circle. Out of Date? Bissell street was the lucky ticket SAYS RETURNED VISITOR the rate of 30 miles an hour. The Christian Endeavor meeting ABOUT TOWN holder to win the $35 radio loud Rudaz has engaged a trainer and at 6:45 p. m. Topic: "How Can We NOTICE. speaker at the public radio show has started working out at the Make Our Society More Success­ On and after this (late I hereby conducted by Alfred Grezel at the Rev. Joseph McKinney, Cana­ Recreation Center. His story as ful?” Phil. 3:13-17. Leader, Mrs. give notice that I will no longer be C o n d i t i o n s change, and R. La Motte Russell of the Man­ Kacey hall last night. Mis.s Finne­ dian, Tells of Conditions to the speed of the automobile Francis Wetherell. , responnible for bills contracted by my wife, Lucy Starkweather. ' your will should be regularly chester Trust company has had gan was passing by the hall on her There— To Speak in Church. must be true, for Rudaz says that The ladles of the Ladles’ Aid so­ plans for his new residence in the way home with a group of girl he looked Inside the car while he ciety will meet at the Community Signed, reviewed and altered if Lakevlew section drawn by Hutch­ friends when someone standing In was passiDig it and saw the speed­ club Wednesday afternoon from*2' Henry Starkweather. Despite unemployment, Ireland, Manchester, Conn., Oct. 1, 1927. ins & French, prominent Boston the hallway shouted, “ You girls in Ulster at least, is more prosper­ ometer. He says that if anybody to 5 o’clock. advisable. architects. They call for a colonial look lucky. Better come in. You ous than ever, according to 'Rev, wants to have It proven, he can It Is a pleasure to announce that house 30x50 feet of brick and wood might win.” Joseph McKinney of Manitoba, who produce the\car that he passed. Louis J. Tuttle has accepted the po­ construction, and attached garage. is in Manchester for a few days He is working on a farm, but sition of superintendent of the An important precaution is after returning from a trip to Bel­ because of the peculiar nature of Church school for the unexpired SUNDAY D l H his Job, which requires a team to make sure that the execu­ A son was born Thursday night fast and Portadown, term of Everett Walton. to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Glldden of BANK HOLD-UP RUMOR Rev, McKinney was Interviewed of three men, he is working for a All those who heard Dr. Potter,at. at the tor you name is fully qualified Lydall street. by telephone last night while he few days. our church last Sunday night will “ You see, there are three of us agree that he did not disappoint to assume the complex duties was at the home of Holger Rach of and we dig potatoes,” he ex­ The Hartford County Medical AS STATE COPS SPEED Center street. He mentioned the our eager anticipations. His ad­ plained today. "One of us digs, dress was thrilling. The offering, involved in the fsettlement socuety will hold its semi-annual dole and the fact that it keeps the other picks the potatoes from HOTEL S H E ^ A N meeting at Memorial hospital on many able-bodied men from work­ amounting to $38.00 will be con­ the ground and the third one holds tributed to the work of Christ’s o f an estate. October 25. ing, but said that the country was the bag. The 'fellow who holds Test Mobilization at Water in better shape than he has ever kingdom in the world. Turkey, Duck or Chicken the bag Is sick.” Tomorrow Is the first day of the M ^ Mary Esther Lord, daughter bury Starts fFlock of Tales seen it before. with all the fixings, $1 Throughout State. Farmhands are scarce, ho said, fall for our Go-to-Church Baqd. of Mirs. Lulu M. and the late Clay­ Speaking of our children. It is per­ ton Lord, and Mahlan Snow Chap­ probably because the available men Manchester was filled, with per­ would rather live-on the dole than Members of Hose Company No. 2 haps appropriate in the same 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. The Manchester Trust Co. man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford breath to report that the Church Chapman of Rockville, wdll be mar­ sistent rumors last night to the do hard labor. Agriculture has of the Manchester Fire department not suffered to the extent that are to meet at the headquarters to­ Vacation school held last summer Member American Ranker’s Ass'n. ried this afternoon at 3 o’clock at effect that a Rockville bank had So. Manchester, Conn. ; the home of the bride on Stephen been held up and a large sum of might be expected because of this morrow morning at 9:30 for a was a decided success. The average street. money stolen. Several telephone condition, however. practice session. daily attendance of pupils was 115, GOOD inquiries came to The Herald of­ Irish Jaunting cars are still in The Burr Nursery company have fice regardlnjg the truth of the use, despite reports to the contrary this week moved into their new' ad­ matter. which have been received by former I USED CARS Irish residents here. Rev. Mc­ dition which practically doubles A Herald reporter got into com­ Priced to sell quick. their office working space. Contrac­ munication with officials In Rock­ Kinney says that tourists who visit tor Hobby did the work on record ville and learned that as far as the Emerald Isle use them often, Cash or terms. time and both the exterior and of­ they knew it was a "wild goose because of the novelty of riding in fice rooms present an attractive ap­ story.” It later developed that them, AwaywithGarbageTroubles 1924 Ford Fordor Sedan. pearance. the rumor gained foundation when Ireland is rapidly becoming mo­ 1924 Maxwell Sedan. three state pollpemen rode through torized, and the livery Jaunting car The Church of the Nazarene, in the north end at a high rate of has passed into the discard. Pri- 1924 Chevrolet Touring. M. A. FERRIS line with other churches in town speed from the direction of Rock­ •vate families still keep up their ,1923 Durant 4-Pass. Coupe. has made a change in the hours for ville. stables, however. its Sunday morning services. For The cause of their dash through Rev. McKinney, who Is a minister the first time in the history of the the town was a surprise test mo­ in the Episcopal church, will preach Heating Contractor Sunday school the sessions will be bilization of the state police force in St. Mary’s church tomorrow eve­ The PICKETT ordered by Governor John H. Felsco held in the morning at 9'j80 instead ning. He Is staying at the home of at 12, and the preaching service Trumbull. Seventy-three officers of his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Twlnen at 10:45. reported at the Waterbury State of 218 Center street. MOTOR SALES 65 East Center St. Armory within three hours. The 22-24 Maple Street. Tel. 2017 Sunset Rebekah Lodge will have first arrived in 41 minutes. SURPRISE SHOWER its regular meeting in Odd Fellows Manchester w'as not the only A surprise shower party was Open Evenings, hall Monday evening. All past town in which the crime rumors .given Mr. and Mrs. Edward Graz­ Concrete Underground grands and all members of the j arose. Many other places were al- ier at their Main street home last guard team are urged to come for I so full of wild rumors. evening by a group of Mr. Graz­ rehearsal in preparation for past ier’s shopmates. Mr. and Mrs. grands’ night, October 17. Grazier were presented with a ma­ Garbage Receiver hogany clock. Games and vocal Mystic Review', Woman’s Benefit! WELSH LADIES CHOIR selections were enjoyed and a buf­ association will meet in Tinker hall! fet lunch was served. Monday evening promptly at 7:30. | IS ALL-ARTIST GROUP VFhen You Think of At 8 o’clock a public whist w'ill be. Solves your garbage problem in a sat­ given, the committee for which in-1 eludes Mrs. Lillian Kamm, Mrs.! WANTED: isfactory and inexpensive way. Marie Houston, Mrs. Margaret Grif-j The Royal Welsh Ladies choir, old waste papers from a match box fin, Mrs, J. lil. Franz and Missj which comes here on Wednesday, to a magazine. Will pay for all they Florence Warner. i Octpber 19, under the auspices of the Klwanis camp fund, was orig­ are worth. Call Immediately by A touch of the foot opens the can to deposit garbage. Mrs. John A. Anderson, Jr., of inally organized in 1872 as a phone, 1385-2. Elro street and Miss Lillian G. mixed choir, bat later became a TIRES Keeps garbage away from flies in the summer and Grant of Cambridge street, are in purely female chorus. keeps it from freezing in winter. attendance today at thsi annual It consists of 14 highly trained Colonial Furniture luncheon of the Connecticut Valley voices, each member a graduate of The Felsco is worth looking into. Get our prices. Lasell club at the Hale House, Glas­ a musical college and every one of THINK OF US tonbury. Mrs. Anderson is vice- the chofus is a national prize win­ Shop president and Miss Grant secretary ner on music. The members are o:- ■ :o and treasurer of the club. connected with Christian churches. NEW LOCATION Seldom has such an array of 333 CENTER ST. Girls’ Friendly society members artists of the first rank appeared You are invited to insiiect my W e Specialize inThres will meet at St. Mary’s parish house in one single organization. They J tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock to have been called the voice flower stock of Antiques. THE F. T. BUSH HARDWARE CO plan for the Irish pageant at Che­ of all Wales. Their repertory in­ Repairing and Restoring of 825 Main Street, South Manchester Tires That Fit Your Requirements and at the Same Time Your ney hall this fall, and the represen­ cludes duets, solos and quartets, Antique and Modern Furniture. tation at the National Council, but their specialty Is. choral sing­ Boston, November 5 and celebration ing, in which they are unsur­ Pocketbook. of the 50th anniversary. passed. Victor Hedeen With such an organization Man­ stop in and ask about our small weekly payment plan. It’s a dandy ahd has met Mrs. J. H. Poest, formerly Miss chester is assured of a successful iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiin Lucy E. Donahy of this town, will concert and already the ticket the approval of all bur patrons. We will be glad to tell you about it whether you need entertain, a number of Manchester sale indicates a good attendance, tires now or a month from now. Get acquainted with it now and when you are ready Kiwanls members, each allotted a I CIDER MAKING f friends at her home on Albany FILMS to buy we would appreciate your patronage. avenue, Hartford, over the week­ certain number of tickets, must end. Mrs. Poest is a niece of Mr. dispose of that number or make good for them. Developed and I THE COOK CIDER MILL [ and Mrs. Michael O’Connell of East Printed Distributors for Middle Turnpike. I Rear of 192 Main Street. Open every day. = 24 Hour Service 31x4 SeconH Mortgage E Rate for making, $1.50 cask. . . = 3 0 x 3 1 /2 32x4 CONCORD GRAPES E CIDER for- Sale in Jugs, Kegs, Barrels. i Heavy McIn t o s h a p p l e s Money KEMP'S OVERSIZE Now On Hand I WANTED—TO BUY CIDER APPLES I Film Deposit Box at I FARR BROTHERS. Phone 118-12 | Duty CORDS W.H. COWLES Arthur A. Knofla Store Entrance. Edgewood Farm,, 875 Main St. Hiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii Manchester Green. CORDS Phone 782-2. $ 8 . 5 0

JL $ 4 . 9 5 H- □ □ □ a □ o ■Q d Cold Weather Coming 32x4y2 P Q G, 3 3 x 4 1 /2 0 29x4.40 ' 34x4^2 GET OUK SERVICE OVERSIZE BALLOONS CORDS HOOD TIRES----- EXIDE BATTERIES A SOCONY GASOLINE $5.9 $ $12.50 Lochr^ Perm Es^>&neace4Paai^f \ ALWAYS F an experienced "jxiiirter'wlia \ ♦ DATTERIES knows his business that you are look­ Ready to do their duty toward you and your car, giving full value, sold by an or­ I Cold weather will soon be here. A new battery for quick starting. Buy it on ganization that sees that you get the most for your money. ing for, it won’t be necessary to resort to our weekly payment plan. Special prices on all sizes with liberal allowance for dd Ihe method of old Diogenes. b attm y. SATURDAY T All yoU fhare to do is get in touch with ] ^ ’s have the oil changed and car greased before it gets too cold. The best JIM, THE OVERLAND EXPERT, SAYS: VUS. y g t e e d e pit in town. Do yoif'like good thorough service work. Well; give us a trial. We use the best materials that money can buy, such as Dutch Boy white-lead. FLAT TIRE OUT OF GAS BATTERY TROUBLE We guarantee honest workmanship and PHONE 1551 Oaklyti Filling Station I high quality materials. ^^Wiirtwr is com* ling; it’s time you found us."^ ^ . 24 Hour Vulcanizi^, Towing ALEXANDER COLE, Campbell’s Filling Station U i ^ Service S$7 Oakland St. 93 Coiter St. WILLIAM DICKSON Main Street at Middle Turnpike. CaU1284 T i r ^ 'rf / M HamHn Street