' vVT.-l V . n '>j-jV??.'■’ .■;T~iw:wg>t;i t'w f ^ liii- NET PRESS RUN AVERAtiK DAILY CIRCULATION Fair tonight. OF THE EVENING HERALD cloudy. I for the month of September, 19J87 > 5,040 PRICE THREE CENTS (TWELVE PAGES) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927, OUtfUled Admiieliic oa VOL. X U I., NO. 1. r a t s c h a s e c a t s IN JERSEY TOWN Boat With 25 Aboard GRAVEDIGGERS Eatontown, N. J-. Oct. 1.— A HISSAMERIU modern “ Pied Piper" Is being sought by. residents of this com­ SEMHINGFOR munity. Hundreds of rats which Is Re OF’21 FAVORS lost their homes two months ago when a mill erected In 1690 was BEA(MPIST0L 88 KILLED BY TORNADO razed to make way for a gaso­ 1.— Thla^that she could not' line station, have been fighting Gloucester, Mass., Oct. overdue until October fifth, the date BEAUTVSHOWS dogs, chasli^cats and invading old fishing port had a new kind of set for the return. Diligent Inauiry a sea mystery today. failed to reveal who sent the re­ Check-Up Shows 660 In­ homes. ^ _______ <$> ■' News that the Coastguard Cutter quest to Washington for the serv­ Police Get Tip That Gun Red Envoy Is Attacked ices of the Cutter Tampa. , Tampa was putting out of New Lon­ On August 24th a severe^ storm jured and Loss of 50 M - T m Not Sorry 1 Entered don, Conn., to hunt for the crack Which Killed Lflliendahl W 7c7cW Y BACKS fisherman-racer Columbia coupled swept the North Atlantic fishing By 400 Chinese Bandits and Would Do So Again^ with a Washington announcement grounds. Five vessels were lost. Co­ honsr^loney Ponrs In that the Columbia had been report­ lumbia has not been seen since the Is Bnried In Ceme- ed missing off Sable Island caused fierce blow. Oars marked Columbia Moaco*: Oct. l.-jalol.aet Boro^Party waj ACTION ON FERRONE were picked up oft Sable Island. She Says In an Inter­ great speculation along the wharves din, lately Russian adviser to the bandits. Borodin was forced to take For Relief Wor^ Search- and in the homes of the seafaring Captain Lewis Wharton of Co­ lery. flight In a last kutomdhlle. The lumbia had 24 seamen with him Chinese Nationalists In Hakow, has men. landed on Soviet soil at Verohne- automobile crashed down a ravine, mg Rnins For Further Vic- view. Owners of Columbia pointed out aboard the Columbia. Udlnsk, Siberia, after a thrilling es­ and ond member of the party was Declares Spellacy Charges Hammonton, N. J Oct. 1.— cape* from pursuing Chinese ban­ killed. Borodin was not Injured which dits, according to reports received and took flight in' another car, Search for the pistol with reaching Ulan-Batoi?, where he se­ tims of Storm. Editor’s Note: Are beauty con­ Do* Nothing But Harm; Dr. William Lllllendahl, 72-year-1 here today. , * - REDS TO EXPE While proceeding to Ulan-Bator, cured an airplane and flew to tests detrimental to the character aECTRIC COMPANY old physician, was ruthlessly slain and morals of the young girl en­ Mongolia, Borodin stated that ms Verchne-Udlnsk. trants’ "Yes,” said the National Convict Deserved Solitary two weeks ago, centered today St. Louis, Oct. 1.— This was a Council of Catholic Women l^n con­ TO MOVE ITS OFFICE TROTZKY, REPORT about the family burial plot of Wil­ day of funerals, for St. Louis, most vention In Washington, D. C., this lis Beach, 52, poultry farmer who of the eighty-eight victims of week. "No,” replied Armand 1. Is being sought over three states In 3 JUDGES TO TRY GERMANY TO HONOR Thursday’s tornado will be burled Nichols, director-general of the At^ Characterizing Lawrence W. Fer- lantic City beauty pageants in an rone as one of the worst prisoners connection with the murder. today. Early this morning the fu­ interview yesterday. Today Inter­ ever brought to Wethersfield and Leases Large Store In New Is Accused of ‘Tofitical Grave-diggers, working under neral processions started. Many of JOHN BilLAD ELlA PRESIMNT SUNDAY the mourners showed Injuries suf­ national News Service presents the saying that all his punishment was the direction of detectives, resumed views of the original “Miss Ameri­ fered In the terrific wind which In merited, William C. Cheney of this Crimes” by Enearie^ To the work of upturning the loose dirt five minutes ripped a path of deso­ ca.” Dewey - Richman Block; town, member of the prison, board, about the graves. In the belief that lation six miles square throughout By JAMES L. RILGALLEN. the murder pistol may have been Whole Nation to Observe the the northwest section of the city, expressed himself as being heartily Room For Displays. Hold Election Next Month. hidden there. Search for the weap­ First lim e In State’s History; in agreement with the reply of Col. leaving damages of at least fifty ' New York, Oct. 1.— “ I’m not sor­ on has been abandoned in the vici­ million dollars, 660 Injured and.# Norris G. Osborn of New Haven, nity of the lonely road where Dr ry I was a prize beauty. Youth Charged Widi K31- 80th Anniversary of I& - death list which may reach o m chairman of the board, to charges Moscow, Otst. 1.^—The action of Lllllendahl was shot to deaUi. " so oayo tlie original ''Miss The Manchester Electric Com­ hundred. * _ : - h made recently by Thomas J. Spel­ Mysterious Letter Red Cross Fund CO"— llie gli-1 " 'io Aflantlc lacy of Hartford, Ferrone’s counsel. pany, in placing L. N. Heebner In the Executive Comifilttee of the tional. beauty contest at Atlantic The authorities are Investigating ing Little QrL denbnrg’s Birthday. The American Red Cross relief •i. “ Before an opinion on these general charge of their Main street Third Internationale In expelling letter, turned over to them by fund which Is being collected from ^'i charges by Spellacy may be made,” Leon Trotzky, formerly commissar Edison Hedges, attorney for Beach, local sources only, reached • almost ^^^Shr7al^Miss Margaret Go^nmn Mr. Cheney said, “ one must consid­ store, also had In mind another and of Washington, D, C., then a petite for war In the Soviet government, purporting to have been signed by Berlin, Oct. 1.^—Germany tomor­ $35,000 this morning. It Is expected er that the Hartford lawyer Is de­ important work which became Mitchell Raffles,” and postmarked Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 1.— The blonde, sixteen-year-old and his ally, M. Vuyovitch, was re­ row will put on its Sunday best and that $500,000 will be needed for re­ fending one of the worst criminals known last evening. The store, Philadelphia. The letter "stated that I first murder trial under three habilitation of the devastated dls- sophomore, with a T iu re garded today as possibly fore devote Itself to Jubilation on the face, roguish eyes ^nd a fine flgur_ In the history of Connecticut. Fer- which has been occupied for a year the writer and another man had jmjggg gygj. jjeid in Connecticut rone has been responsible for all Today she is married, very very under a lease of four years, has shadowing Trotzky’s expulsion from murdered Dr. Lllllendahl becau^|j.j^j.tg Litchfield next Wednes- occasion of the eightieth birthday The ,« ln 3 left In the tornado’s ^ L ppfly.” to Victor Cahil^ promU the trouble in Wethersfield since he the Communist Party, altogether. the physician overcharged them ■miiortAiia sixteen of President Paul Von Benecken- wake were combed last night for was sentenced, and he has highly proved such a growing factor that for narcotics. Authorities believe day when John Bllladella, slrteen, This action by the executive com dorlf and Von Hlndenburg. additional bodies. S ’ and"' “ r h’^rit-'to* o-over merited everything that has been Mt. Heebner, who has kept closely the letter was written by a crank, of Wlnsted, answers for the death Building Commissioner Christo­ in touch with the different advance­ mlttee Indicated also that Trotzky Although President Hlndenburg done to him. Beach Still Missing of a ten-year-old Wlnsted girl who pher estimated that damage of at ’-;„.V"ar.hVdiKaTar'a “ Solitary” .Justified ment that have been made In elec­ probably would not be elected Hedges, who has been [ndlctedl last July. has asked that there be no costly contest least fifty million dollars was caus­ "True, he has been placed In soli­ tric appliances and every branch of the executive committee of the RuS' festivities, the German nation which the business for the last forty-five on a 0* ^®pn®ied^‘thft Chief Justice George W. Wheel ed by the raging elements. No Crime tary confinement, but the punlsh- slan Communist Party In Decern has had no real national holiday To Start Probe „ to , ment was Justified. He was respon- years or 'SO, was given the manage he^tolY^each to'leave the jurlsdlc- er of the Supreme Court of Errors, since the war, is preparing to give I “I don’t see any objections ment of the display room and sales Circuit Attorney Howard Sidener 'the contests,” she said today slble for the bribing of guards, and her. tlon of the court and declared that 1 today named the men who will vent to suppressed desires to wor­ plans to Investigate reports that a girl to his wife has been caught several department. Trotzky was accused of “ political he does not know where his client judgment of the Wlnsted ship Its idols and express its relief talnly it’s no crime for a g In' order to take advantage of several of the apartment houses and times brifiglng narcotics into the crimes.” One of the counts against has hidden himself.
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