
Vol. 49 Winter, 1991 No. 1 PRIMROSES Quarterly of the American Primrose Society CONSERVATION Winter, 1991 Volume 49, Number 1 by Geoffrey Nicolle Noltan Haven, Wales, U.K. Editor's Committee: Larry A. Bailey, Editor Thea Service Foster Some 25 years ago, when I moved address is The Pines', Wisley Garden, Don Keefe to the Welsh village of Rosemarket, I Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB. Pat Foster was impressed by two growing There are now 500 different National in cottage gardens there. Both of these Collections covering all types of orna- P. parry/ plants were , both were old. mental plants from alpines to trees. It In this issue In the garden of the tiny cottage built is not only 'old fashioned' plants that for the Railway Crossing keeper grew are in danger of extinction. Primula Conservation 3 Q« *Lp rover the double lilac primrose P. v. lilacina National Collections are located in by Geoffrey Nicolle plena otherwise known as 'Quakers all parts and all types of gardens from Primula Parryi 4 Cover drawing by Larry A. Bailey Bonnet'. All of the older gardens grew stately homes and municipal parks to by Larry Bailey a grey leaved pink-purple primula nurseries and private gardens of all Show Dates 5 which everyone assured me was a sorts and sizes. Prince Charles is a 'rackler'. National Collection holder - beech Raising Son Cowslips 6 My interest in these plants inspired trees, but A.P.S. members will be espe- by Geoffrey Nicolle me to seek out and collect all the old cially interested in the Primula cate- Primroses in Alaska 9 double primroses and garden auriculas gories covered. As the Collection by John A. O'Brien I could trace. I joined N.A.P.S. I also holder for Garden/Border Auriculas I News and Notes III 11 became a member of an informal grow more than a hundred different by G. K. Fenderson group of lovers whose passion named auricula of this type. was finding growing and exchanging Primula Juliae and its Hybrids old cottage garden plants. with the Primrose and the Oxlip 1 7 In the late 1970's a group of plants- PRIMULA NATIONAL by C. Leonard Huskins and men and plantswomen connected with COLLECTIONS John Innes the Royal Horticultural Society called Primula Auricula: Kitty Schwarz 22 a conference which formed N.C.C.P.G. by Beth Tait (The National Council for the Conser- 1. Edged Shows and Fancies, includ- Life is But a Stream 23 vation of Plants and Gardens). This ing the Douglas collection by Thea Service Foster organization now has several thousand 2. Alpines Growing Primroses on the members organized into local groups Bruce Peninsula 27 and seeks to preserve a! I types of plants 3. Doubles by Elinor Moyer and gardens. N.C.C.P.G. works to iden- tify plants in need of conservation, 4. Garden/Border Seed Sources 28 helps to find, protect and distribute P. Vernales Cultivars 1991 Seed Exchange 31 them, with the purpose of preserving P. Vulgaris Britain's rich garden heritage. P. Allionii Cultivars P. Candelabra and Sikkimensis Based at Wisley Gardens, N.C.C.P.G. PRIMROSES (ISSN 0162-6671) is published POSTMASTER: Send address changes to P. European Spp. and has a staff of two. R.A.W. Lowe is quarterly by American Primrose, Primula and PRIMROSES, 6620 N.W. 271st Ave. P. Marginata. Auricula Society, 6620 N.W. 271st Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97124. secretary and G. Pattison the Horticul- Hillsboro, OR 97124. Second-Class postage tural Advisor. N.C.C.P.G/s official paid at Hillsboro, OR and additional mailing offices.

American Primrose Society Page 3 Mexico and Arizona in the south to thought that the plant needed cold, Montana in the north. It has also been subsurface irrigation to enable it to found in Nevada, Idaho and Wyoming. bloom. Trying to emulate alpine snow- PRIMULA PARRYI The plants and vary consider- runoff conditions and late summer dry- ably in size and form depending on ing led to the misunderstandings about the location and micro climates. the degree of difficulty in its cultivation. It is interesting to note that P. parry/ Primula parryi, an exciting plant for by Larry Bailey is customarily found growing in areas the alpine house or shaded, damp rock Edmonds, Washington with snow runoff and by the boarders garden. A truly beautiful native Amer- of alpine streams near the snow-line. ican specie Primula that is easy to Often, in the late summer, the soils cultivate from seed. A plant that Amer- A few years back, I was nosing tion in having some personal success become dry and parched, forcing the ican Primrose growers should be around a small alpine nursery on the with this "difficult" primrose. My suc- plant into it's annual dormancy. When embarrassed by having not grown at outskirts of Hochheim, near Weis- cess, as so often is the case, is just first introduced to cultivation, it was least once. baden, Germany and stumbled across planting seedlings in what ever soil mix a large selection of Primula parry/. is at hand (usually an auricula mix), What a pleasant surprise to find a piece and placing the pots under the bench of 'home' thousands of miles from the in the alpine house, water occasional, United States. and pretty much just forget about them. I was struck by the robust plants, Using this un-exacting format, I obtain being grown in direct sunlight, in pots some beautiful stalks about 18" and as casual as Iris and Day Lilies. high with deep magenta-mahogany It did not take long to strike up a broken colored pedals. The plants were kept conversation with the proprietor (her alive for a number of years, until lack in German and me in English). After of care (watering and repotting) grad- a period of arm waving, crude hiero- ually took it's toll. glyphics in the soil, and nodding and Of all the Native American Primula, shaking of heads, ! did find out a little P. parryi and P. ellisiae are probably more about the present of this Native the easiest to grow, both requiring American primula in Europe. pretty much the same care: gritty, Much to my amazement, many of loamy, peaty soil with ample water in Most shows open between 9:00 and 10:00 AM and close around 5:00 PM. the smaller, alpine type nurseries in the spring and summer months. Like Contact the Chapter's representative for additional information on the exact times, Europe grow Primula parryi as well as many primulas of this section, I found schedules, plant sales, directions, etc. others in the Section Parryi (P. ellisiae, it enjoys filtered, indirect sunlight in April 6th & 7th, 1991 Tacoma Chapter, APS Show P. rusbyi, etc.). There, they cultivate it a cool location to bloom well. When Lakewood Mall, Tacoma, Washington in the same manner as other alpine the plants receive direct sunlight for (Candy Strickland (206) 531-4449) plants. The soil in the pots is a gritty, much of the day, the plants are smaller peaty mix with a lot of loam and and the blooms are shy in coming. April 13th & 14th, 1991 National Show nutrients. I did find out that keeping First discovered growing in the Col- Washington State Chapter the plants well watered in the summer orado Rocky Mountains by Dr. C.C. South Center Pavilion, Seattle months is the nurseries biggest prob- Parry in 1861, it was soon being grown (Rosetta Jones (206) 426-791 3) lems. Often, the plants are divided in in England. By 1865 (just four years the early spring and cultivars are kept later) it received a First-Class Certificate April 20th & 21st, 1991 ...Oregon Primrose Society, APS Show of the most promising colors and plant of Merit from the Royal Horticultural Milwaukie Community Club forms. Society. 41 st & Jackson St, Milwaukie, Oregon Over the years, I was lead to belive Further explorations by Dr. Parry and (Frank Berthold (503) 252-1 614) that P. parry/ was a very difficult plant other botanist indicate this is April 20th & 21st, 1991 Eastside Chapter, APS Show to grow (A.P.S. Pictorial Dictionary; distributed in alpine and sub-alpine Totem Lake Mall, Kirkland, Washington Blasdale; etc.) and took great satisfac- regions (90001 to 14000') from New (Thea Oakley (206) 880-6177)

Page 4 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 5 type, but the 'back' flower is partly treated in my 'intensive care unit', it ^ green, being striped with the colour of rooted and produced new . P the 'front' flower. I have raised only Where there is life there is hope. RISING SUN COWSLIPS one jack-in-the-green. This appeared I have raised no cowslips like Par- early in the development of the strain kinson's single or double green. I once by Geoffrey Nicolle and was of polyanthus form. So far I grew the green primrose but lost it. This Noltan Haven, Wales, U.K. have kept it but not used its pollen, was not to rot or weevil attack but to preferring to breed from cowslip type flood. The stream in my garden over- plants only. flowed and washed it away into the Some ten years ago I became very Hose cowslips and oxlips have Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps A.P.S. mem- interested in an illustration in John appeared in gardens since the 17th bers on the East Coast can keep a look Parkinson's 'Paradisi in sole; Paradisus Century, but have always been uncom- out for it for me! If I still had this plant terrestris', published in the year 1629. mon. I had failed to find more recent I might use its pollen to try to introduce It depicted several 'anomalous' forms records of the other described forms. a Virescent' factor into the strain. In of the cowslip Primula veris that were The question arose, would it be pos- 1987 I started a separate strain of oxlip grown in gardens in Britain in the 1 7th sible to 're-create' plants of the same Primula elatior x hose-in-hose cowslip Century. They included the single type as these long lost historic garden and am near to raising a hose oxlip. green and 'double green feathered' primulas? I decided I would at least cowslip, the hose-in-hose, the 'curled make an attempt to do this. cowslip or galligaskins', 'the franticke I started by hand-pollinating a form or foolish cowslip or jackanapes on of the wild cowslip using pollen from horseback' (apparently the form now a hose-in-hose polyanthus. The poly- called jack-in-the-green') and also the anthus was of unknown origin and had hose-in-hose form of the oxlip Primula yellowish flowers. It appeared to have elatior. no special qualities except that its small pips were nearer in size to those of the cowslip than anything else avail- able. Over the years I have crossed and re-crossed their descendants, reintro- ducing from time to time the 'fresh blood'of the wild cowslip plus red and orange cowslip forms. In 1989 I was delighted to raise two My original strain now produces doubles, one orange, one red. The red plants of cowslip form only, polyanthus double, a flower of excellent colour types having been almost completely and form, won the award for best eliminated. The seedlings include sin- double in the primrose/polyanthus gle cowslips in yellow, red, orange and class at the London Auricula Show of tawny shades, together with 'anoma- the National Auricula and Primula lous' cultivars in variety . I have bred Society and appears on the video of My cowslips are known as the'Rising many hose-in-hose forms, named after the Show. Unfortunately it succumbed Sun' Strain. This has nothing to do with ;Jtwe in. jtwe the 16th Century gentlemen's fashion to weevil attack later in the year. In attracting Japanese industry to Wales, of wearing two pairs of stockings. The 1990 five more doubles were raised, but is named after my home 'Rising inside pair were turned over at the each one a true yellow cowslip, but Sun Cottage'. This is a historic former knee, the outside pair at the thigh. showing different degrees of doubling. pub., which was called the 'Rising Sun'. Other flower forms I have developed The best was a very full double that A small quantity of this seed has been include the 'galligaskins' with an appears identical to the double illus- donated to A.P.S. Seed Exchange. If enlarged 'curled' calyx and another old trated -by Parkinson. Later the plant anyone sowing it raises an interesting form not illustrated in Parkinson, called one rotted away. Fortunately I found one plant or two, please write and let me a 'pantaloon'. This is of hose- in-hose tiny healthy shoot. Potted in sand and know.

Page 6 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 7 PRIMULA WORLD WIDE PRIMROSES IN ALASKA

1992 CONFERENCE by John A. O'Brien, Sr. Juneau, Alaska APS members should mark their portation, Exhibits, Flower Show and calendars for next year's Primula Con- Judging, Special Events, Publicity, ference to be held April 10th through Facilities, etc.) are urged to contact the Although perhaps near their North- the 12th, 1992, in Portland, Oregon. Conference Chairman, Mr. Gregory improve our garden soil as we get the This Conference, the first to be held (Greg) E. Becker, P.O. Box 3723, ern limits for some species, Primroses chance, with mixing in compost, sea- in the United States (or the Western Eureka, CA 95501. In any Conference do well here in the Southeastern part weed, starfish, and on rare occasion Hemisphere}, will be in conjunction of this scope there is a need for of Alaska. some marine shell from the beaches. with the 50th Anniversary of the Amer- volunteers. We have been growing Primroses in Of the kinds of Primroses most ican Primrose, Primula and Auricula A once in a life time event for Glacier Valley, near Juneau, for about known and popular with the public Society. Primrose Growers and Enthusiasts, a quarter of a century, with oftentimes here, the Denticulatas are first and next Sponsored by the Royal Horticul- APS members are prompted to make good success, and gradually learning the Juliana Hybrids, of which Primula tural Society, the Berry Botanic Garden, their reservations early. This event, as we go. Dorothy is a strong persistent grower and the American Primrose Society, attracting world wide attention from There are perhaps half a dozen in this area. Auriculas are seen fairly Primula World Wide will feature key- Primula experts and gardeners alike, members of the American Primrose often in gardens but since they bloom note speakers from Great Britain, Japan will be one in which APS members Society here, along with a great many a bit later in Spring after the plant sale and North America. These speakers will have the opportunity to meet some of the general public who are enthused rush, gardeners are not as acquainted have been carefully chosen for their of those famous growers and experts about Primroses, and avidly buy some with Auriculas as they are with the individual areas of expertise. they so often read about. at Spring plant sales. earlier bloomers. Already scheduled events include To be insured of getting the Reg- )} The Denticulatas called Purple Ball the National Primrose Show for 1992, istration Forms as soon as they come Primroses by some, are often seen Long experience and learning from Tours of the Berry Botanic Garden's off the Press, APS members should happily growing in the Juneau-Douglas our mistakes leads me to believe and Primula Collection and noted gardens write to the Society's Secretary. For area. Most often seen are the pale practice that Auricula Primroses, rather lavender blooms, and occasionally and in the Portland Area, Displays of Art- early Registration Forms write to the than preferring a damp humusy soil like works and Old Prints of Primulas, and following: strongly sought by gardeners are the some other types of Primroses, actually Plant and Book Sales. Work Shops are pure white, deep purple, red, and on like to be associated with rocks! They also scheduled on hybridizing, prop- Primula Conference 1992 very rare occasion a bluish purple. like some coarse sand and small gravel agating and the cultivation of Primulas. c/o Mrs. Ann Lunn, APS Secretary Only once have we had a very dark mixed with the soil and we mix in a Those members who would like to 6620 N.W. 271st Ave. purple, which lasted only the one year bit of crushed egg shells and a bit of help out in the various committees Hillsboro, OR 971124 for us. composted steer manure, and a bit of (Registration, Program, Seed and Plant Overallthe Denticulatas do very well bone meal when we are redoing the Sales, Hospitality, Publications, Trans- here in most any soil and situation, Auricula beds once each year or two. although they seem to flourish best in We no longer plant Auriculas in damp, very humusy soil. Some peat shady damp humusy spots where the SEED of DOUBLE ACAULIS moss and composted steer manure root carrot sometimes rotted off in our and DOUBLE AURICULA mixed into the growing rows or garden damp climate here, but instead we soil goes over very well with the plants. plant in a gritty type soil mentioned, NEW SEED CROP IN AUGUST We have experienced strong growth near rocks, and with a sunny exposure. Minimum Order - 50 seed - $5.00 and good big healthy looking plants, We have a cool climate, to say the least. along with self seeding on the north Where a sunny exposure might be too sides of the rows, when we have added hot in some more southern areas of Rosetta Jones E. 170 Dunoon PI. peat moss and steer manure to the the country, here, it is just right for Phone:206-426-7913 Shelton, WA 98584 growing-on rows. In addition we some Primroses.

Page8 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 9 Also starting to take hold in Juneau- on top of the garden soil and then Douglas area with gardeners (as they scratched in a bit with a hand learn of them and get the chance to cultivator. obtain some) are the Florindae Prim- We fertilize principally in the Spring NEWS and NOTES III roses. These are extra strong growers and also a bit here and there through- here and completely hardy. The kinds out the early summer. Watering now we have bloom are in soft yellows and and then with manure tea is good for another color which I can only call an the garden, but to avoid the chance by G. K. Fenderson 'art shade'. It has red on the bud stage, of winter kill we do not stimulate any South Ackworth, New Hamshire then opens up in a coppery-orange. of our plants after mid- summer. The Florindae has a nutmeg fragrance, In the Fall gardeners gather up and The following is a continuation of the the leaves are deeply pinnatisect, and self seeds, grows extra strong and by put seaweed around the plants but not synopsis began in the preceeding issue the corolla lobes obovate-oblong or the second year is a large plant. Japon- over the crowns, and then cover the of changes in the genus Primula as elliptic and entire. The holotype (K.H. ica and what we were told were Bul- garden beds loosely with evergreen treated by C.M. Hu in the Flora Rei- Yang 54456) was collected in Sichuan leyana Primroses are also strong and boughs. That is usually done about the publicae Popularis Sinicae Vol 59(2). at an elevation of 2300-3800 m grow- happy growers here. first of November. In the Spring, say New Taxa are descri bed int he addenda ing in forests and is preserved at 1BSC. Almost forgotten is the Rosea Gran- from about the middle to late March, of that volume on pages 288-295. As subsp. sonchifolia diflora. This is a smaller primrose that gardeners can start taking the ever- 1 stated in that issue the following P. bhutanica Fletcher (reduced to a blooms in a bright pink following just green branches off. I favored taking summary of distinguishing features of synonym of P. white! W.W. Smith) after the Denticulata bloom. It doesn't them off gradually, something like a these new taxa are based on my hurried P. hookeri Watt self seed much for us, and for several third at first, then after a few days to and inexpert translation of the latin and var. hooker! years didn't do much in our garden a week another third and so on, so are provided as a matter of conve- var. violacea (W.W. Smith) C.M. Hu until I started to fertilize it quite a bit that the plants are not shocked by too nience to the general reader until the (new combination) organically, and also dug it up and abrupt a change. appearance of the English language P. vern/cosa Ward (reduced to a syn- separated it and transplanted it in new If one doesn't use seaweed and version; for accuracy in these or other onym of P. hookeri var. violacea (W.W. spots here and there. That seems to evergreen branches, in some winters matters of nomenclature of synonomy Smith) CM. Hu be what it wanted, it had perhaps used lots of Primroses will be lost, due the original text should be always con- P. ovalifolia Franc het up the nutrients it needed to flourish perhaps to the weather changing back sulted. Any innacuracies or omissions subsp. ovalifolia when left too long in one spot. and forth so much here. The weather are my responsibility and should not subsp. tardiflora C.M. Hu (new In addition to the organic fertilizers in winter varies from gray overcast with reflect the work of the original author. subsp.) mentioned earlier, strawy rabbit wind and pouring rains, to cold and It differs from subsp. ovalifolia in that manure that has not been exposed to snowy, and in some areas extra cold, before anthesis the previous years leaching out in the rain, is extra good clear and windy. leaves are absent, the present years for our Primroses. They just perk up, In spite of the often rainy weather, leaves are completely developed and thrive, flourish and increase when people and primroses grow accus- section Petiolares: have bases that are attenuate or sud- given an application of strawy rabbit tomed to it, and some quite like it! continued from Vol. 48, No. 4 denly and narrowly decurrent. It differs manure in the Spring, which is placed in being pubescent along the midrib P. tsariensis W.W. Smith (restored and nerves but otherwise glabrous and from a subsp. of P. tanner! King} by its later period of flowering. The The new editor will be var. porrecta W.W. Smith holotype (K.H. Yang 54421) was col- var. tsariensis lected on Mt. Omei in Sichuan at an Mrs. Peter T. Martin P. calderiana Balfour f. & Cooper elevation of 2100-2400 m growing in var. a/6a W.W. Smith (now included forests and is at IBSC. 951 Joan Crescent within the type variety) P. crassa Hand.-Mazz. (reduced to a Victoria, BC V853L3 P. sonc hi folia Franc het synonym of P. ovalifolia Franchet) subsp. emeiens/s C.M. Hu (new P. cheniana Fang (reduced to a syn- 604-370-2957 onym of P. epilosa Craib) This differs from subsp. sonchifoSia P. tridentifera [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu in that the plants are without farina, (new species)

Pase 10 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 11 It is a decidely distinct species of P. morsheadiana Kingdon-Ward subsp. bryophila (Balfour f. & Farrer) At first glance it is almost similiar to which the affinity is with P. epilosa (reduced to a subspecies of P. prenan- W.W. Smith & Forrest P. orbicularis Hemsley despite no Craib and P. fagosa Franchet, from tha Balfour f. & Kingdon-Ward) P. chionantha Balfour f. & Forrest close affinity, from which it differs in with it differs in its smaller flowers, and (reduced to a synonym of P. sinopur- that the plants are without farina, lack shorter calyx lobes with tridenticulate purea Balfourf. ex Hutchinson) basal scales, and the margins are tips. The holotype (Sichuan Economic section Amethystina: P. elongata Watt erose-dentate. Its true affinity is with Plant Exped. 1303) was collected in P. dkkieana Watt. var. elongata P. szechuanka Pax, but it divirges Sichuan at 3000 m on the edge of rocks var. gouldii Fletcher reduced to a var. barnardoana (W.W. Smith & decidely in that the lobes of the corolla on May 17, 1959. synonym of P. kingii Watt) Kingdon-Ward) C.M. Hu (new are sub-orbiculate, not at all reflexed, P. exscapa [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu combination) and the calxyes are longer. The hol- (new species) P. falcifoiia Kingdon-Ward otype (Z.P. Soong 38586) was col- At first aspect this species is greatly section Sikkimensis: var. falcifoiia lected in June 1959 from Sichuan at similar to P. coerulea Forrest but it P. sikkimensis Hooker var. farinafolia C.M. Hu (new var.) 3900 m where it grew on banks and differs mostly in having the scape var. pudibunda (now included This departs from var. falcifoiia in pastures. It is at IBSC. scarcely developed, the flowers within the type variety) that the plants are yellow-farinose. The P. tangutica Duthie smaller, and the pedicells longer. The P. alpkola (W.W. Smith) Stapf holotype (Xizang nature Resource var. tangutica holotype (S.G. Xu 3568) was collected var. alba (now included within the Expect. 76-409) was collected in Xizang var. flavescens F.W. Chen & C.M. in Yunnan along a stream at 2400 m type variety) growing in alpine scrub on July 20, Hu (cited from the text but description on May 4, 1959 and is preserved at 1976 and is at PE. absent from the addenda) KUN. P. graminifolia Pax & K. Hoffm. (res- P. tsiangiae Fang (reduced to a syn- P. praeflorens [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu section Crystallophlomis: tored to the rank of species) onym of P. szechuanka Pax) (new species) P. aemu/a Balfour f. & Forrest {reduced P. kiuchiangensis Balfour f. & Forrest P. yuana Chen (reduced to a synonym A species similiar to the preceeding to a synonym of P. szechuanka Pax) (reduced to a synonym of P. diantha of P. tzetsouensis Petitm.) but it differs in that the leaves are not P. advena W.W. Smith Bureau & Franchet) at all bullate, the pedicels are minutely var. argentata W.W. Smith (now P. lactucoides [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu pubescent (not rusty-villous) and the included with the type variety (new species) shorter calyxes. The holotype (M.K. Li var. conco/or W.W. Smith (now This species is very much allied to section Cordifoliae: 2492) was collected in Yunnan at 2400 included within the type variety P. lungchiensis Fang from which it P. cardiophylla Balfour f. & W.W. m elevation on rock surfaces on var. advena differs by white flowers and leaves Smith (restored as a name for P. rox- November 18, 1 939 and is at KUN. var. euprepes {retained unchanged) pinnatifid- incised nearly to the mid- burghii Balakr.) P. amabilis Balfour f. & Forrest point. The holotype (D.S. Lou and Z.C. P. consoc/a W.W. Smith (reduced to (reduced to a synonym of P. diantha Zuo 800103) was collected in Qinghai a synonym of P. littledalei Balfour f.) Bureau & Franchet) at 3950 m on June 20, 1980 and is P. roxburghii Balakr. (rejected as a section Proliferae: P. barnardoana W.W. Smith & Fletcher at IBSC name for P. cardiophylla Balfour f. & P. shihmmiensis Fang (reduced to a (reduced to a var. of P. elongata Watt P. mishmiensis Kingdon-Ward W.W. Smith) synonym of P. pulverulenta) P. brevicuia Balfourf. & Forrest (reduced to a subspecies of P. calli- P. burmanica Balfour f. & Kingdon- (reduced to a synonym of P, diantha antha Franchet) Ward (reduced to a synonym of P. Bureau & Franchet) P. mVa//5 Pallas Beeslana) P. bryophUa Balfour f. & Farrer var. colorata Regel (reduced to a section Aleuritia: P. bulleyana Forrest (retained) (reduced to subspecies of P. calliantha synonym of var. farinosa Schrenk) P. caldaria W.W. Smith P. smithiana Craib (retained) Franchet} var. farinosa Schrenk var. nana W.W. Smith & Forrest (now P. helodoxa Balfour f. (retained) P. calliantha Franchet var. nlvalis included within the type variety) P. prenantha Balfour f. & Kingdon- var. aibifSos W.W. Smith & Forrest P. ninguida W.W. Smith (restored to P. fang/7 [F.W.I Chen & C.M. Hu (new Ward (reduced to a synonym subsp. the rank of species) species) subsp. morsheadiana (Balour f. & bryophila) P. rigida Balfour f. & Forrest (reduced This is near to P. fernaldiana W.W. Kingdon-Ward) [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu subsp. calliantha to a synonym of P. diantha Bureau & Smith but the corolla tube is shorter (new combination) subsp. mishmiensis (Kingdon-Ward) Franchet) and the stamens are inserted differ- subsp. prenantha C.M. Hu (new combination) P. soongii [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu (new ently. The holotype (X. Li 71088) was species) collected in Sichuan at 2700-3100 m

Page 1 2 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 1 3 where it grows on thicket covered This species is akin to P. erratica var. meiotera W.W. Smith & Fletcher section Souliei: slopes. It is preserved at IBSC. W.W. Smith but differs in the larger (raised to the rank of species) P. asperulata Balakr. (rejected as a P. fangingensis [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu flowers, and the calyxes divided above P. scopulorum Balour f. (restored to name for P. blinii Le'vl.) (new species) the midpoint into oblong lobes. The the rank of species) P. blinii Le'vl. (nomenclatural change This species is near to P. efarinosa holotype (W.5.Y. Hs/a et al 117) was P. sodalis [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu (new for P. asperulata Balakr.) collected in Shaanxi, growing on slopes Pax but it differs in its white-farinose species) P. homogama [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu on May 2, 1937. There is an isotype inflorescence and in the calyx divided This is similiar in habit to P. yun- (new species) atPE. for less than half the length. P. pseu- nanensis Franchet but differs from it This is distinguished from all species dodenticulata Pax is similiar in habit P. involucrata Wallich primarily in the undeveloped scapes, of section Souliei Balfour f. by its to the new species but it diverges from subsp. involucrata solitary flowers, and the single linear smaller stature, and homomorphic it in the shorter pedicels and much subsp. yargongensis (Petitm.) W.W. bract inserted at the base of the pedicel. flowers. p nutaniflora Hemsley is smaller bracts and calyxes. The hol- Smith & Forrest The holotype (S.K. Wu 6746) was col- somewhat similar in habit and aspect otype (Z.S. Chang et a/. 400670) was var. l/ens/s Fang (reduced to a syn- lected in Yunnan growing at an ele- to the new species but it diverges in gathered in Guizhou growing on sum- onym of subsp. yargongensis} vation of 2950 on moist cliffs and it mit grasslands at 2400 m on May 8, the form of the corolla. P. kialensis Franchet isatKUN. 1964 and is preserved at IBSC. P. longipinnatifida Chen (reduced to var. kialensis P. fragilis Balfour f. & Kingdon-Ward P. tenuipes [F.W.] Chen & C.M. Hu a synonym of P. blinii Le'vl.) var. breviloba C.M. Hu (new variety) (reduced to a synonym of P. yanna- (new species) P. rupicola Balfour f. & Forrest This differs from subspecies kialensis nensis Franchet) This is similar to P. quinghaiensis var. albicolor W.W. Smith & Fletcher by its more robust stature and the P, gemmifera Batalin F.W. Chen & C.M. Hu in habit; it differs (now included within the type variety) corolla tube one and one half the var. amoena Chen from it chiefly in the rose flowers and length of the calyx. The holotype (H.L P. souliei Franchet var. gemmifera the slender unwinged petioles. The Tsiang 33906) was grathered in subsp. legendrei (Bonati) W.W. var. //cent// (W.W. Smith & Forrest) holotype (X. Li 78179) was collected Sichuan at 2100 m growing on cliffs Smith & Forrest (now included within W.W. Smith & Fletcher (reduced to a in Sichuan growing on sunny slopes and is at IBSC. the type) synonym of P. conspersa Balfour f. & at 4400 m on July 23, 1958. It is at Purdom P. maikhaensis Balfour f. (restored to PE. var. monantha (W.W. Smith & For- rank of species) P. umbrella Forrest (reduced to a syn- onym of P. yunnanensis Franchet) rest) W.W. Smith & Fletcher (reduced P. meiotera (W.W. Smith & Fletcher) section Dryadifolia: P. yargongens/5 Petitm. (retuced to a to a synonym of var. amoena Chen) C.M. Hu (raised from the rank of variety P. dryadifolia Franchet subsp. of P. involucrata Wallich) var. rupestris (Pax & K. Hoffm.) W.W. to species subsp. dryadifolia Smith & Fletcher (reduced to synonym P. puichelloides Kingdon-Ward subsp. chlorodryas (W.W. Smith) of var. amoena Chen) (reduced to a synonym of p nulchella Chen & C.M. Hu (new combination) var. zambalensis (Petitm.) W.W. Franchet) section Minutissimae: subsp. congestifolia (Forrest) W.W. Smith & Fletcher (reduced to synonym Smith & Forrest (now included within P. quinghaiensis [F.W.] Chen & C.M. P. bella Franchet of var. amoena Chen) the type subsp. Hu (new species) subsp. bonatiana (Petitm.) W.W. P. genester/ana Hand.-Mazz. (reduced subsp. chrysophylla (Forrest) W.W. This species is akin to P. flava Smith & Forrest (now included within to a subspecies of P. glabra Watt) Smith & Forrest (now included within Maxim, but it differs in the broadly the type subsp.) P. geraldinae W.W. Smith (reduced to the type subsp.) ovate or reniform leaves, equal in subsp. cyc/osteg/a (Hand.-Mazz.) avarietyofP. r/ioc/oc/jroa W.W. Smith) subsp. cydiophylla (Forrest) W.W. length and width or a little wider than W.W. Smith & Forrest (now included P. gigantea Jacquin (reduced to a syn- Smith & Forrest (now included within long, with the margins deeply incised- within the type subsp.) onym of P. farinosa var. denudata the type subsp.) dentate. The holotype (D.5. Lou et Z.C. subsp. nanobella (Balfour f. & Koch) subsp. jonarduni (W.W. Smith Chen Zou 800102) was collected in Qinghai Kingdon-Ward) W.W. Smith and For- P. glabra Klatt & C.M. Hu (new combination) growing in a Picea forest at 3950 m rest (now included within the type subsp. glabra P. chtorodryas W.W. Smith (reduced on June 20, 1980. It is at IBSC. subsp.) subsp. genesteriana (Hand.-Mazz.) to a subspecies of P. dryadifolia P. heydei Watt (reduced to a synonym C.M. Hu (new combination) P. rhodochroa W.W. Smith Franchet} of P. minutissima Watt) P. huashanensis [F.W.I Chen & C.M. var. rhodochroa P. jonarduni W.W. Smith (reduced to P. bsiungiana Fang (reduced to a syn- Hu (new species) var. geraldinae (W.W. Smith) [F.W.] a subspecies of P. dryadifolia onym of P. walshli Craib) Chen & C.M. Hu (new combination) Franchet)

Page 14 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 15 P. mystrophylla Balfour f. & Forrest subsp. craibeana (Balfour f. & W.W. (reduced to a synonym of P. dryadi- Smith) W.W. Smith & Forrest (now folia Franchet) included within subsp. lacteocapitata) subsp. crispata (Balour f. & W.W. PRIMULA JULIAE AND ITS HYBRIDS Smith) W.W. Smith & Forrest (now section Denticulata: included within subspecies capitata} WITH THE PRIMROSE AND THE OXLIP P. denticulata J.E. Smith subsp. lacteocapitata (Balfour f. & subsp. alia (Balfour f. & Forrest) W.W. Smith) W.W. Smith & Forrest by C. Leonard Huskins, Ph.E., M.Sc, W.W. Smith & Fletcher (reduced to a subsp. mooreana (Balfour f. & W.W. John Innes Horticultural Institution. synonym of subsp. sinodenticulata) Smith) W.W. Smith & Forrest (now subsp. denticulata included within subsp. capitata} subsp. sinodenticulata (Balfour f. & subsp. sphaerocephala (Balfour f. & The following article is reprinted number to be 22 in each case, and Forrest) W.W. Smith & Forrest Forrest) W.W. Smith & Forrest (retained from the Fourth Primula Conference where the reduction-divisions of the P. montkola (Hand.-Mazz.) Chen & unchanged) 1 928, Royal Horticultural Society, Lon- pollen-mother-cells were studied they C.M. Hu (restored to the rank of don, England 1929. were found to be surprisingly regular species) section Muscarioides: for interspecific hybrids. Any irregular- P. hyacinthina W.W. Smith (reduced The work to be described was begun ities that were found were the to a synonym of P. bellidifolia King at the John Innes Horticultural Insti- exception. section Capitatae: ex Hooker f.) tution by Miss Pellew in 1919, and was The size of the hybrid families in P. capitata hooker P. muscarioides Hemsley (reduced to taken over in 1922 by Dr. R. J. Chit- which P. juliae was involved was subsp. capitata a synonym of P. deflexa Duthie) tenden, who carried it on until his limited, however, by irregular or departure for the Malay States in 1 927. delayed germination, which occurs An account by Dr. Chittenden on the also in selfed seed of pure P. juliae. results up to last spring has just With either pure P. juliae or any of appeared in the journal of Genetics. it's descendants, it was found that some This paper is a resume of those results of the seeds would germinate almost together with a few observations made at once, while others would lie dor- this spring on some hybrid progenies mant in the seed pans for any period which had not flowered before his up to several years. departure. It is the hybrids between P. A number of different crosses were juliae and the primrose, P. acaulis, or made each way between the primrose the oxlip, P. elatior, which have and P. juliae, and in each case the first received most attention, but some generation bore coloured flowers, results are available from other hybrids though there were two shades of within the Vernales section. colour. In other respects the plants The first observation of interest is that were comparatively uniform. In habit in all cases the fertility of the first of growth, shape of leaves, size and generation interspecific hybrids was shape of flower, and colour and size quite high. In view of the distinctive of eye, the first generation resembles appearance and geographic distribu- the primrose more than P. juliae. It tion of P. juliae this seems somewhat resembles P. juliae in being semi- surprising. Microscopical examina- glabrous and in it's distribution of tions of the pollen showed from 50 anthocyanin and it's general foliage to 70 percent of the grains apparently colour. It flowers before either of the capable of functioning. Cytological stu- parents. dies of P. juliae, P. acaulis, the hybrids The segregation of pin and thrum P. capitatd subsp. mooreana (formerally P. mooreana) acauli's x juliae, elatior x juliae, offi- style was found to be sharp in all the photo by Larry Bailey cinalis x juliae, and Polyanthus Cloth generations raised, though minor dif- of Gold x /u//ae showed chromosome ferences occur in the length of the long

Page 1 6 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 1 7 or pin style. The thrum or short style present in the double dose or hom- deeper flower colour and the Juliae eye in the oxlip it is drooping and one- is dominant to pin and the segregation ozygous condition. shape rarely if ever occurred on a plant sided. Usually the flower was yellow, appears to be due to a single Mendelian The foregoing three characters, with leaves of the primrose type. Dr. similar to that of the oxlip, but with factor. It may be noted that in those length of style, colour of flower, and Chittenden suggests that this may be a tinge of colour under certain cultural species crosses involving P. juliae, little degree of hairiness, were the only ones explained on the basis that many fac- conditions. Some plants of P. elatior, significant difference was found in the which it was possible score and analyse tors, probably located in many different however, gave yellow-flowered and number of seeds obtained from "legit- accurately, but notes were made on chromosomes, are required to produce anthocyanin- coloured first generation imate" or "illegitimate" matings, and a number of other characters. the primrose leaf type, and a plant progeny in approximately equal pro- after the first few years crosses were The eye of the flower is yellow in which has this leaf type is therefore portions when crossed with Juliae. The generally made without regard to both )uliae and the primrose, and no predominantly primrose in it's chro- leaves in general were more or less length of style of the parents. segregation of eye colour was noted mosome constitution. He considers intermediate in shape between those The inheritance of flower colour was in the crosses between them. Both that similar arguments may be used to of the parents. All the plants were semi- found to be rather complex. In the species normally have solitary flowers, explain the observations that the glabrous like P. juliae, and the flower second generation at least six shades but pure primrose plants may occa- deeper flower colours occur most fre- size was also similar to that of Juliae. of anthocyanin or magenta colour were sionally produce pedunculate or poly- quently on plants with small leaves and The time of flowering was before that noted, but they could not be scored anthus type inflorescences, and this flowers, and that the Juliae eye shape of either parent. Excepting for colour accurately owing to the large degree was found to occur also in these hybrid is usually found on a small flower. of the flowers, all first generation plants of fluctuation which occurs. All the progenies. A repulsion between deep flower of this cross, made either way, were anthocyanin colours were therefore The eye shape was, rather surpris- colour and the hairy or very hairy similar. grouped together and only the segre- ingly, found very difficult to score. At condition is suggested, he says, by his In all the generations raised the gation with respect to the three classes, first glance the eye shape of the two observations that both the deep flower thrum style was again found to be anthocyanin coloured, Yellow and species is very different, the points of colour and the Juliae eye shape are dominant to pin. The numbers agree white, was considered. With the the eye occurring at the junction of almost invariably associate with the very closely with the ratio expected exception of some progenies from one the petals in P. juliae and at the middle semi- glabrous condition characteristic from a single factor difference. plant of Juliae, the second generation of the petals in the primrose. But in of Juliae. While this has not yet been In the second generation and back- and back-cross progenies gave rations young primrose flowers a trace or ghost proved, there is some evidence that the cross families the inheritance of flower for colour which agree fairly well with of the Juliae eye shape occasionally yellow factor of the primrose is genet- colour was again found to be that those expected if the primrose carries appears, and there is likewise a ghost ically linked with the factor for which would be expected if Juliae on factor for yellow colour, and P. of the primrose eye in P. juliae. hairiness. carries two factors for anthocyanin /u//ae carries both and anthocyanin Practically a complete series of inter- Finally, he notes that the Juliae eye colour, one an intensifier of the other, colour factor and a colour intensifying grading forms was found to occur with shape has never been seen on a white and the oxlip one factor for yellow, but factor. such characters as leaf shape and size, or yellow flower, though it may occur the latter carries in addition a factor The inheritance of hairiness is fairly length of pedicel, and amount of on either a pale or a dark coloured which inhibits anthocyanin colour. complex. In the first generation the anthocyanin in the vegetative parts. one. His explanation of this is that the This factor obviously carried this factor plants are semi-glabrous as in P. juliae. Several characters which were not presence of anthocyanin is probably in double dose, as all their first gen- In the second generation and back- present in either parent, such as petals necessary to mask part of the primrose eration progeny with Juliae were yel- cross families the degree of hairiness with a frilled margin and without an eye and thus produce one of the Juliae low. The oxlips which gave half was scored by the appearance of the apical notch as in P. sinensis, and other shape. coloured and half yellow progeny pedicel. The observed numbers are types with petals not noticeably frilled, The results from crosses between P. when crossed with Juliae were fitted fairly well by the assumption that yet without and apical notch, as well juliae and the true or Bardfield oxlip, obviously heterozygous for this factor. the primrose contributes two factors as plants with extremely narrow petals P. elatior, in general were similar to Presumably some oxlips must exist for hairiness, and P. juliae one factor appeared in the second generation and those from Juliae x primrose crosses. which lack this inhibitory factor which inhibits hairiness. The suppres- back-cross families. A few types of The first generation plants were more altogether. sion of hairiness appears to be more possible horticultural interest or less similar to the oxlip in habit, Mr. W.B. Turrill and Mr. E.M. or less complete when the primrose appeared, and these are now being amount of anthocyanin in the vege- Marsden-Jones likewise found some factors for hairs are present in the single multiplied for showing next year. tative parts, colour and shape of eye, oxlips which were heterozygous for dose or heterozygous condition, as in Certain groups of characters were and.pedunculate or polyanthus char- this factor, and have kindly sent me the first generation, but only partially found in general to be strongly asso- acter of inflorescence. The inflores- a large first-generation family, in which so when either of these factors is ciated or dissociated. For instance, the cence, however, was either drooping about half are coloured and half or erect, and not one-sided, whereas yellow.

Paee 18 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 19 The numbers in the different classes may throw up a few solitary flowers from which these three plants have ilies have yet been studied from this cross. of the second generation and back- early in the season. In back-crosses come the polyanthus was the female Numerous other crosses have been cross families of the Oxlip-) uliae with P. juliae a good 1:1 ratio of parent. The recovery of three plants of made between various polyanthus and crosses, that is, anthocyanin coloured, pedunculate to non-pendunculate one parental type is the more remark- primrose forms, but only small progen- yellow and white are unfortunately not plants was obtained, as expected on _j able in view of the fact that out of 32 ies have been raised in most cases and very regular. On the whole they are the basis of a single factor difference. plants obtained from the crossing the no conclusions have yet been drawn most in accordance with the assump- In the second generation families, how- j first generation 'Cloth of Gold' x Juliae from them. tion that even a single dose of the ever, there is rather a large excess of ) hybrids back on to Juliae, none is In conclusion, some of the general inhibitory factor is sufficient to sup- pedunculate plants, the numbers being ' I typical Juliae in appearance. Chromo- observations on the species crosses press the effect of any combination of 87:11 instead of the expected 3:1. The <| some counts have been made in root may briefly be re-stated. The characters the two pairs of anthocyanin colour pedunculate condition is one which is tip cells of two of the first generation of thrum and pin style occur in all the factors. Taking the second generation greatly affected by the physiological hybrids, and two of the Juliae-like species used, and their genetic rela- figures alone, however, they agree best condition of the plant, which probably J segregates. All have the normal chro- tionships are the same in all cases. Thus with the view that a single dose of the accounts for this deviation. mosome number. The case is being the thrum style is dominant to pin in inhibitory factor is sufficient to sup- The eye color of the oxlip is orange, j studied further. all crosses either within a species or press the colour factors in all combi- and that of P. juliae yellow. All the first The abnormal forms of polyanthus, between any of them. Likewise, when- nations except where both of them are generation plants have an orange eye. 'Jack in the Green/ and 'Hose in Hose/ ever the members of a pair of char- present in double dose. One plant in The inheritance of eye color appears when crossed with the primrose and acters are present in different species, the second generation and two in the to be determined by a single factor P. juliae were found to be dominant instead of both being in each as are back-cross with Juliae were scored as difference, as a good 3:1 ration (70:24) to the normal type. A cross between pin and thrum style, their genetic rela- cream- flowered, but the genetic char- of orange and yellow-eyed plants was 'Jack in the Green' and Juliae, for tionship is the same whichever species acter of these plants has not been obtained in the second generation. In instance, gave foliaceous calyx and half are crossed. Thus the pedunculate worked out. the back-cross to Juliae, however, the normal type progeny. character of the inflorescence whether Hairiness likewise seems to be inher- ratio was 35:56 instead of the expected The pedunculate type of inflores- on the cowslip, the oxlip or the poly- ited similarly in both primrose x Juliae 1:1, and out of 59 plants from the back- cence and the orange eye of the oxlip anthus is dominant to the single- and oxlip x Juliae crosses. In the exper- cross to the oxlip, 16 had yellow eyes .'" have been found to be dominant to flowered condition of either the prim- iments with the latter the numbers of instead of all being orange. These div- ^' the solitary flowered condition and the rose or P. juliae. The semi-glabrous the different classes do not fit the ergences from expectation are prob- yellow eye of the primrose, but this character of P. juliae is dominant to expectation as closely as in the former ably due to the fact that in young cross has not been studied in detail. the very hairy condition of all the other case, but nevertheless they are reason- flowers the eye is always yellow, even jv Sixty-five plants have so far flowered species used; the orange-coloured eye ably well accounted for by the assump- though later it becomes orange, and .j.. from crosses of short-styled common of the oxlip is dominant to the yellow tion that the oxlip carries two factors in the particular cross this character j primroses with blue primroses. Of eye of either the primrose or P. juliae. for hairiness, as does the primrose, and was scored only once. these'33 were long styled and 32 short And finally, the anthocyanin coloured again that P. juliae carries a factor that A number of crosses were made ' styled, which accords with the previous flower is dominant to either the white inhibits the production of hairs. As in between the cowslip P. officinalis and observations that inheritance of this or the yellow flower of any species the case of the inhibitor of flower various other species and forms includ- . character depends upon a single Men- except where an inhibitor is present, colour it appears most probable that ing P. /u//ae, P. elatior, P. acaulis, and | delian factor difference. Apart from as in most oxlips. this inhibitor of flower colour it appears two polyanthus varieties, but the num- length of style, these 65 plants are most probable that this inhibitor of ber of plants obtained from any of these ^g uniform in appearance. The flower is hairs is able to suppress the effect of crosses has so far been too limited to large, the eye shape and colour is that the factors for hairs in all cases except warrant genetic analysis. typical of the common primrose, but where they are both present in double Several crosses were made recipro- it is rather larger. The leaf shape, dis- dose, and the inhibitor present only in cally between P. juliae and the poly- tribution of anthocyanin, and degree the heterozygous condition. anthus variety 'Cloth of Gold/ In the of hairiness are similar to those of the The pedunculate nature of the inflo- second generation only twelve plants primrose. The tube of the corolla is rescence typical of the oxlip is dom- have yet flowered, but out of these it tinged with colour. The flower colour inant to the non-pedunculate or sol- has surprisingly been found that three is magenta, but varies greatly with age, itary flowered condition of Juliae, are practically identical in appearance ranging from a bright red to blue. No through the first generation hybrids with P. ;u//ae. In the original crosses second generation or back-cross fam-

Page 20 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 21 KITTY SCHWARZ * <* LIFE IS BUT A STREAM by Beth Tait Bothell, Washington by Thea Service Foster North Vancouver, B.C. The Primrose Society lost another great Plant-lover, as Kitty Schwarz passed away in November, 1990. Kitty was 90 years old, still lived alone, and My dream of a garden has always received the unexpected gift of a included a small natural stream or stream. Lightning does strike twice! cared for all her own plants and shrubs. She invariably bought boxes of plants pond but such sites are as scarce as The dividing fence has now been hen's teeth in our urban areas. About removed giving us a lovely long vista. at the club's sales. thirty-five years ago we settled for a We have made a small stab at clearing Active in the Eastside Primula Soci- ety, Kitty helped with the shows every 'waterless' lot that was densely treed the ground and developing and grading with several large conifers plus vine spring. She was unceasingly available the previously vertical stream banks. maples, cascaras, mountain ash and to help when needed. For many years, The soil is perpetually moist as the other small native trees. The soil was water table is less the 2' below the main she and her late husband had a floor exhibit of primroses at the Eastside very moist. On hand-clearing to make level. It is like chocolate pudding to Primrose Shows. Kitty won many blue a space for the house we found that dig - though it does cling to a shovel ribbons on her beautiful plants. the moisture came from a little water- like glue. CHEHALIS RARE PLANT NURSERY Kitty was a member of the American way that had been dammed by tree We now have a home for about a 2568 Jackson Hwy., Chehalis, WA 98532 Primrose Society since 1958. She roots, deadfalls and debris. When dozen large clumps of waterside prim- Herb Dickson, Prop. sponsored two overseas members for cleared and channeled it made a won- ulas, mostly of multi-species Cande- • I derful setting for waterside plants. We labra (Proliferiae Section) hybrids from many years. Kitty also belonged to After 30 years of selecting and breed- numerous other horticultural societies ing, I have developed an improved strain were very sad to leave it behind when our old garden. A little history of these of Garden Auricula with a complete palett we moved in the Fall of I989. plants might be of interest. as she loved flowers, made them grow, of color. and shared with all. Our new location is only about three Over twenty years ago Dr. Fletcher, Regius Keeper of the Edinburgh Botan- We will miss Kitty Schwarz's help, Mixed Garden White Garden miles to the East but 600 feet higher Yellow Garden Brown Garden up in elevation. The new main garden ical Garden, came to Vancouver. He her wonderful smile, and her glowing Blue Garden Red Garden and vibrant flowers. Kitty's plants consisted of a 70' x 70' square of south- visited Stanley Park and was given a always seemed to be returning their Exhibition - Alpine sloping lawn - which had all the charm tour of an area under the care of Petite Hybrids, a strain of small species love to her. of a football field. Over the fence at Rhododendron specialist Alleyne and hybrids in a wide range of color. the bottom was a further 70' of property Cook. Dr. Fletcher told Alleyne that the The above $1.00 per packet of 50 seeds. with a copse of small Hankow twisted areas between and edging the beds of Primula Florindae & Mixed Candelabra t willows. It was clothed in a dense cover his Rhodos and Azaleas would be ideal Generous packet $1.00 each. of rank perennial weeds and grasses for moisture loving primulas. On MEMORIALS Hand pollinated Show Auricula almost knee-deep. returning to Scotland he sent back seed Red Self Green Edge One winter day my husband took of many Candelabra and Sikkemense Yellow Self a stroll through the 'back- forty' as we Section species. Pictorial Dictionary Fund S2.00 per packet of 25 seeds. now call it, investigating a lengthwise Thirty-two thousand seedlings were Hand pollinated Double Auricula Mix dip in the weed cover. Deep beneath raised by 'Cookie' and his staff, and In Memory of Brian Skidmore $3.00 per packet of 15 seeds Mary Sambrook the tangle of buttercup was a narrow were set out beside the pathways in MINIMUM ORDER $5.00 rill. At sometime in the past this little very large drifts of each species, an Post free in U.S. and Canada In Memory of Kitty Schwarz waterway had been put into a culvert overwhelming sight extending as far as Overseas orders please add .50 cents the eyes could see. The broad brush- Eastside Primula Society under the lawn and this was its natural outlet. For a second time we had strokes of colour included the gold and

Page 22 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 2 3 orange shades of Primula bulleyana, P. moved in the fall of 1989 and left on Easy Candelabras the U.B.C. Botanical Garden that was chungensis and P. aurantiaca, the clear the surface of the ground with their P. bulleyana (27"-30") Gold with a very dark glowing scarlet-red with yellow of P. helodoxa and P. beesiana's roots wrapped in black plastic bags. | orange buds; is easy and will persist a showy vivid gold eye. The reverse carmine-rose. An anonymous yellow- Winter rains penetrated and washed * well. If you have hybrid strains of the of the petals is blackish crimson. The eyed vivid lilac species matched the away the soil and the clumps endured Stanley Park type in your garden re- leaves were strong textured and ruffled colour of Iris versicolor which edged the New Year's unusual cold and snow sowing of P.bulleyana will likely be - the best looking of all the Candelabra the bed. The lilac ones had come to unprotected. When unwraped the needed as the hybrids tend to take over. crowns I've seen. The drawing of my 'Cookie' unnamed, from a friend who roots were broken and weather dam- P. pulverulenta (27"-30") Cerise to plant from the UBC Botanical Gardens had raised them from seed. The leaves aged. They were reduced to 3" long crimson to purple-red, with pinks in is included here because illustrations were long and rather floppy with very and 1/4" thick pinky-orange stubs, the 'Bartley' strain; very long lived and pale wide midribs. They were likely P. without any sign of hair-roots. As their will remain pure. A grouping of plants burmanica, the only yellow-eyed lilac usual roots are at least a foot long I in our previous garden were going species mentioned in my books and didn't expect the poor mistreated strong after 15 years. Keep an eye out journals. plants to flower in 1 990. for better (closer to crimson) colour In very short order the Candelabra They were planted in our new damp forms, divide these and collect seed species cross-pollinated, and by the area here in March, and not only from them. Although P. pulverulenta 1980's had swamped most of the orig- bloomed normally but produced mul- and P. japonica often have similar inal parent species. Little P. chungensis tiple stalks of flowers as if they had coloured deep carmine to fuchsia-red has been a survivor and has maintained spent the previous six months in the flowers they can be easily identified itself as have P. japonica and P. Garden of Eden. After this prodigious by their foliage. P. puiverulenta has pulverulenta. display of bloom they went on to add rather dull surfaced leaves with sand- 'Stanley Park' volunteer hybrid Can- crowns throughout the summer. The paper textured margins. P. japonica has delabras are a glorious tribe, presenting coral and apricot colour forms pro- crisp leaves rather like romaine lettuce. a colour-wheel of shades. From golds duced their usual nice flush of August P. japonica (27") White to fuchsia- to apricots to rich red-orange, from and September re-bloom. It has been red; possibly the easiest to grow. pastel pinks to deep rose-red. There necessary to divide them with a yield Colours come true from seed. are pale to vivid lilac ones as well. The of 4 to 6 large individual plants to each P. chungensis (12"-15") A good easy lilacs resemble the original unnamed original clump. When told of this 'Coo- species. Smaller and paler coloured drift of 20 years ago. It has passed on kie' harumphed (in his gruff New Zea- and less showy than P. bulleyana but its conspicuous yellow eye to the strain, land manner) that this was "Hybrid reliable and attractive in drifts. Man- enhancing all of the other colours. vigour". After all, they had almost suc- ages on less moisture than the larger One of the species has endowed ceeded in taking over his Stanley Park Candelabras. many of the plants with showy whorls beds! P. cockburniana (6"-8") Small vivid of slender curved bracts which extend Alleyne Cook's use of the parent orange flowers. In the occasional gar- out toalmost the full span of the flower species in broad swaths of each colour den it has been known to seed into tiers. When the upper bud clusters are was a master stroke. Although I do not pathways so obviously needs less water erect and close to the stalks they are have any of the individual species that than most of the section. surrounded by scabiosa-like pin he used so beautifully, a similar effect cushions of bracts. can be made from the Hybrids. If Less Easy Candelabra The strain has good looking deep especially good colour forms are P. anisidora and P. helodoxa are the green leaves, with rosy tinting on the divided and set into groupings, they only two evergreen species from the petioles like P. bulleyana. Some of the can come close to duplicating all of Candelabra (Proliferae) section that are flowers are frilled and upper flower the vivid original colours of the species. : at all 'commonly' grown. Neither one stalks often show dense mealiness. For Inferior forms and colours will appear is easy to maintain. The species are so plants that are as easy to grow as from seed.Junkthem immediately!This dissimilar that there should be no prob- radishes, they have many marks of strain produces such great numbers of lem in identification. grace and distinction. seedlings that no grower should be P. anisidora (18"-21") Evergreen, ani- We have recent evidence of this found wanting of splendid colour seed scented. A victim of poor press, strain's toughness. Our plants were forms. |l^^ k the colour is usually described as dull Stanley Park Multi-cross Candelabra purple-red but I was given a plant from sketch by Thea Service Foster

Page 24 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 25 of it are so rare. I have seen only one P. fiorindae x waitoni (15") is a photograph of a very drawn-up plant spectacular scarlet-red. It has very which looked most undesirable and handsome heart-shaped red-petioled left me with no urge to grow the species leaves. This attractive plant can persist GROWING PRIMROSES until I was presented with the UBC's for years given the right conditions. brighter coloured superior form. Moderately moist soil with ample leaf ON THE BRUCE PENINSULA P. helodoxa (27") Evergreen, bright mold seems to be to its taste. As it is citron-yellow. It is not easy to keep a late blooming variety - coming out going but is worth every effort as it with the Hostas - it is very useful in lights up the garden with its glorious the garden. yellow.

Easy Companions from the Sik- by Elinor Moyer kimense Section Wiarton, Ontario P. a/p/co/a U5"-18") Is a graceful species which will send up a second tier of flowers if well situated. It requires only a moderate supply of moisture. The Bruce Peninsula is famous I was fortunate to obtain seeds from There are three colour forms: 'Luna' among naturalists, and thousands of Barnhaven, just before they closed; - a misty pale yellow. 'Violacea' - from people visit this area each year to see Polyanthus, Acaulis, Sieboldii, Gold light to deep blue including a stunning many rare and unusual plants. There Laced, Elizabethan Primroses, and all blue-violet shade. 'Alba' - a lovely are over forty species of orchids, some the colours of the Victorians. The ger- white to ivory-white form. Occasional of which start to bloom in mid-May mination was excellent and produced dirty grey-white forms will appear. and others follow through until early a thousand plants, many of which Select out the cleaner whites as they October. In June a great display of other bloomed the same year in the fall. shine out beautifully in the garden. wildflowers may be seen on the At present we have over three thou- P. fiorindae (36"-42") Mop-headed • Peninsula. sand Primroses in about sixty species. species, clear yellow to bronzy shades. The Yellow Lady Slipper orchid is These and other perennials were The clear yellows show up best. They the most abundant native orchid on started under fluorescent lights in a will take all the moisture you can the Bruce and can be seen thriving spare room in our home in January and supply them, and although they are along roadsides in the upper Peninsula. February. This year I started the seeds often seen doing well in moderately It starts to bloom around May 22nd of auriculas and double primroses, moist garden beds the overall size is to the first half of June, which I have never grown before, so reduced and the increase is slower. Several years ago we retired to the this will be a new adventure. Bruce Peninsula in Central Ontario, The Primrose gardens are sur- Canada. Since coming to live on the rounded by a woodland, which gives Bruce, we have built many varieties of them part shade and shelter. The beds gardens, including five large rock are built up of a loamy topsoil, com- gardens with many rare alpines, several posted manure and some gravel for beds of perennials and Primroses. drainage. Fish emulsion is applied in We find that Primroses grow very the spring and again in early summer. well in this area, with the climate being We have many garden visitors each on the damp side. Although the days year, starting about the middle of May are warm in summer, the nights are until early fall. Anyone visiting in our very cool. The weather is modified in area wishing to see the gardens would winter by the surrounding waters of the be most welcome. We are one mile Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. Winter north of Wiarton on No. 6 highway. temperatures rarely drop below -10 \s F. and usually stay about 15- P. anisidora - UBC form ™ 20 degrees above zero F.

Page 26 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 2 7 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES WITH INFORMAL PRIMULA SEED EXCHANGES

SEED SOURCES Dansk Primula Klub (See note, Ove Leth-Mdller at the end of this article) Danmarksvej 41 B, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark National Auricula and Primula, .*Mr. D. G. Hadfield, Hon Sec. Society - Northern Section 148 Queens Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 SHY England National Auricula and Primula *Mr. Peter Ward, Sec. of Info. The following listings for the APS Quarterly is a revision of one printed in the Society - Midland & West Sect. 6 Lawson Close Winter, 1990 APS Quarterly. Verification of the data was obtained from horticultural Saltford, Bristol BS1 documents located at the University of Washington's Miller Library, as well as 83LB, England from June Skidmore, Thea Oakley, Barbara Flynn, and Valerie Woolley. The data National Auricula and Primula- ...*Mr. L. E. Wigley, Hon. Sec. copied from the Winter 1990 Quarterly that was not verified this year is identified Society - Southern Section 67 Warnham Court Road by an asterisk "*". Carshalton Beeches, Surrey, SMS 3ND, England

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES THAT OFFER COMMERCIAL SOURCES FOR PRIMULA SEED SEED EXCHANGES WITH PRIMULA SEED ". A book titled 'Andersen Horticultural Library's Source List of Plants and Seeds', compiled by Richard T. Isaacson, Head Librarian and Bibliographer, and the staff American Primrose Society Jay Lunn, Treasurer of the Library, contains a listing of 1988-89 seed catalogues from the United Route 5, Box 93 States and Canada, that includes seed from 212 types of primulas (species, hybrids, Hillsboro, OR 97124 strains, varieties, etc.) and the names and addresses of the suppliers. The Library, Alpine Garden Club of B.C Vera Peck, Seed Director, located in Minneapolis, is one of the University of Minnesota Libraries. No doubt many other college and university library systems, and botanical gardens, contain 4875 Skyline Drive, lists of primula seed suppliers. No. Vancouver, V7R 3J2, B. C. Many commercial seed companies sell only to wholesale seed dealers, usually American Rock Garden Society Carole Wilder, Membership Sec. in large quantities. You are encouraged to write to the following commercial outlets 221 West 86th Street to obtain a current catalog and/or the address of a local or regional seed dealer. Hastings, MN 55033 When writing, it is suggested you mention the company's name and address was supplied by the American Primrose Society. Matsumoto Sakurasoh & Primula Club Kazuo Hara, Secretary 9-21 Miyata, Matsumoto Nagano 399, Japan The Alpine Garden Society Mr. E. M. Upward, Secretary, Albiflora P.O. Box 24, Gyotoku, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-01, japan Lye End Link, American Takii, Inc (*)301 Natividad Rd., Salinas, CA 93906 St. John's, Anita Alexander (*)35180 S.E. Hwy. 211, Boring, OR 97009 Woking, Surry, England Appalachian Wildflowers (*}Route 1, Box 275A, Reedsville, PA 17084 Ball Seed Co P.O. Box 335, W. Chicago, IL 60185 The Scottish Rock Garden Club Miss Kirsten M. Gibb. Bodger Seeds Intl (*)P.O. Box 5090, El Monte, CA 91 734 21 Merchiston Park Brenda Hyatt Auriculas....1 Toddington Crescent, Bluebell Hill, Nr. Chatham, Kent, Edinburgh, EH104PW, Scotland ME5 9QT, England Carter Seeds 475 Mar Vista Dr., Vista, CA 92083 Chehalis Rare Plant Nursery 2568 Jackson Highway, Chehalis, WA 98532 Page 28 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 29 Chiltern Seeds HBortree Stile, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7PB, England Chris Chadwell {*}81 Parlaunt Road, Slough, Berkshire, SI3 8BE, England A American Primrose, Primula Colorado Alpines, Inc P.O. Box 2708, Avon, CO 81620 ^ Craven's Nursery Hall Barn Nursery, Windsor End, Beaconsfield, Bucks, HP9 2SG, and Auricula Society England Cricklewood Nursery 907 Nevers Road, Snohomish, WA 98290 -1991 Seed Exchange - Daehnfeldt Inc P.O. Box 947, Albany, OR 9732 1 The A.P.S. seed exchange is open to all members in good standing. Any member Donnington Nursery Donnington House, Main Rd., Wrangle, Boston, Lincolnshire, who has not paid his 1991 dues can renew by including a check or money order PE22 9AT, England for $15 U.S. dollars, payable to Jay Lunn, A.P.S. Treasurer with your seed order. Edrom Nurseries Coldingham, Eyemouth, Berwickshire, TD14 5TZ, England Seed prices are 40 cents (U.S.) per packet, with a minimum order of $4.00 Ernst Benary Postfach/P.O. Box 1127-D-3510, Hann, Munden 1, Germany (U.S.) for 10 packets. Make all remittances payable to American Primrose Society Field House Alpines Leake Road, Gotham, Nottingham, NC11 OJN, England Seed Exchange by personal check, money order or bank draft. G. S. Grimes Seeds 201 West Main St., Smethport, PA 1 6749 Personal checks from foreign members will be accepted in currencies of the G. Chose and Co Townsend, Darjeeling, India Germania Seed Co (*)5952 No. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL 60646 following countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Holland, Federal Republic of Germany, Great Britian and Northern Ireland, Japan (Roman Alphabet Harris Moran Seed Co (*)1155 Harkins Rd., Salinas, CA 93901 Hillview Gardens 120 South Fillmore St., Kennewick, and Arabic numerals, please) New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. Insriach Alpine Plant Nursery Aviemore, Inverness-shire, PH22 1QS, Scotland Please insure that foreign checks are made out to cover the U.S. dollar amount Jim & jenny Archibald'Bryn Collen', Ffostrasol, Llandysul, Dyfed, SA44 5SB, Wales plus 5%. jellito Staudensamen Postfach 560 127, D-2000, Hamburg 56, Germany Mail all orders to Candy Strickland, A.P.S. Seed Exchange, 8518 - 28th Avenue Kieft Blumensamen (*)P.O. Box 1000, 1695 ZG Blokker, Holland East, Tacoma, Washington 98445. L. S. A. Goodwin & Son Goodwyn's Road, Bagdad STH 747, Tasmania, Australia The seed is listed, first by Primula Section and then the species name. G.K. Mt. Tahoma Nursery 2811 112th Ave. E., Graham, WA 98338 Fenderson's book "A Synoptic Guide to the Genus Primula" was used for Northrup King Co P.O. Box 959, Minneapolis, MN 55440 classification and spelling. I chose to list under both the Fenderson listing and P. Kohli and Co Park Road, Srinagar, Kashmir, India 190009 the Pictorial Dictionary listing for the benefit of those not having Mr. Fenderson's Park Seed Cokesbury Road, Greenwood, SC 29647-0001 book. Plant World St. Mary Church Road, Newton Abbot, S. Devon, Er Abbreviations and symbols used in the seed listing are as follows: Rocky Mountain Rare Plants (*)P.O. Box 20092, Denver, CO 80224 HP = hand Pollinated Rosetta Jones E. 1 70 Dunoon PL, Shelton, WA 98584 OP = open Pollinated Sahin, Zaden B. V f*)Postbus 227, Gerard Doustraat, 32400 AE Alphen a/d Rijn, I = open pollinated in isolation Holland ssp = sub species Sakata Seed America Inc P.O. Box 880, Morgan Hill, var = variety (wholesale only) CA., 95038-880 (15) = number of seed per packet Sakata Seed Corporation P.O. Box Yokohama Minami No. [Dl] or [-] = either the person donating the seed or in [-] indicates several (wholesale only} 20, Yokohama, Japan 232 donors Saltspring Primroses(*}2426 W. 47th Avenue, Vancouver, B. C. V6M 2N2, Canada B.C. = Botanical Gardens Samen Mauser AC Dubendorf (*)Zurichstrasse 98, CH-8600, Dubendorf 1, The number of seed in each packet varies according to the quanity of seed Switzerland available. The director reserves the right to limit the number of packets of the Sluis & Groot (*)4600 S. Ulster St., Suite 700, (Flower Seed Div.) Denver, CO scarcer seed to each order. In case you do not list substitutes the director will 80237 substitute with like seed when ever possible. Southwestern Native Seeds P.O. Box 50503, Tucson, AZ 85703 Orders will be processed in the order they are received with the donor orders Stokes Seed Co Box 548, Buffalo, N.Y. 14240 being processed first. Syon Park Garden Center Isleworth, Middlesex, England Contributions to the seed exchange are welcomed until Nov. 30, 1991 at which The Primrose Path RD 2, Box 110, Scottdale, PA 15683 time the seed list will be compiled for 1992. Orders for seed this year will be Thompson and Morgan, Inc P.O. Box 1308, Jackson, NJ 08527 filled until May 15, 1991. Reference Isaacson, Richard T., & the Library Staff. 'Andersen Horticultural Library's Source AU.contributions of seed should be made to: List of Plants & Seeds', A Completely Revised Listing of 1988-89 Catalogues, ^ American Primrose Seed Exchange University of Minnesota Libraries, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 1989. V^P P.O.Box 112157 Tacoma, Washington 98411-2157

Page 30 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 31 81 suffrutescens [C18][C30] (10) 115 parryi [C30] (10) SECTION ALEURITIA (Farinosae) 44 hirsuta [D39] (10) 116 rusbyi [B6] (5) 1 conspersa [C6] (10) 45 integrifolia (viscosa) [C22] (10) SECTION DENTICULATA 117 rusbyi [C30] (5) 2 conspersa [D37] (10) 46 latifolia [C22] (10) 82 denticulata [BG] (25) 3 darialica [BG] (10) 47 latifolia (viscosa) [BG] (10) 83 denticulata alba [C22] (15) SECTION PETIOLARIS 4 darialica [D39] [D35] (10) 48 marginata [C3] (5) 84 denticulata mix [D35] (25) 118 calderiana - Deanae Balfour and Cooper 5 farinosa [BG] (15) 49 minima [C21] (5) 85 denticulata rubra [C25] (15) [C22] (5) 6 farinosa [C21] (15) 50 minima [C22] (5) 86 denticulata [D31] (25) 119 nepalensis from Nepal [D39] (5) 7 farinosa [D39] (15) 51 pedemontana [BG] (10) 87 cashmiriana [D39] (25) 120 petiolaris [C29] (5) 8 frondosa [BG] (15) 52 pubescens [C15] (10) 88 cashmiriana [C29] (25) 9 frondosa [D38] (15) 53 pubescens [C6] (10) SECTION PRIMULA (Vernales) 10 frondosa [C22] (15) 54 pubescens gigantic [C6] (10) SECTION GRANDIS 121 amoena [BG] (10) 11 halleri [BG] (10) 55 spectabilis [BG] (10) 89 sredinskya grandis [D6] (10) 122 amoena [D41] (10) 12 halleri [D20] [D25] (10) 56 villosa [D39] (5) 123 elatior [BG] (10) 13 inayatii [D39] (5) 57 viscosa [D37] (5) SECTION MONOCARPICAE (Malacoides) 124 elatior [C21] (10) 14 laurentiana from Newfoundland 90 malacoides [BG] (10) 125 elatior [D4I] (10) [D20] (5) SECTION CAPITATA 91 malacoides mix [C28] (10) 126 elatior [D38] (10) 15 laurentiana [D34] (5) 58 capitata [BG] (15) 92 malacoides mix [C27] (10) 127 elatior ssp intricata [D39] (10) 16 mistassinica [BG] (10) 59 capitata [D25] (15) 93 malacoides pink [C28] (10) 128 elatior oxlip [D46] (10) 17 mistassinica [D20] (10) 60 capitata var mooreana [D22] (15) 94 malacoides Carmine Rose [C28] (10) 129 flagellicaulis [Cl] (10) 18 mistassinica [D34] (10) 95 malacoides white [C28] (10) 130 tommasinii [Cl] (10) 19 modestaalba [D39] (5) SECTION CORDIFOLIAE (Rotundifolia) 96 androsaceae grandifolia [C29] (10) 131 pallesii [C6] (10) 20 scandinavica [C2] (10) 61 rotundifolia [D22] (5) 97 androsaceae lanuginosa [C29] (10) 132 polyantha [C14] (10) 21 scotica [C2] (5) 98 forbesii - Yunnan China pink 133 saguramica [D39] (5) 22 scotica [D33] (5) SECTION CORTUSOIDES [D39] (10) 134 veris [BG] (10) 23 specuicola [C30] (5) 62 cortusoides [D35] (10) 135 veris [C22] (10) 24 stricta [D18] (5) 63 cortusoides [D20] (10) SECTION MUSCARIOIDES 136 veris [D18] (10) 25 egaliksensis - Newfoundland 64 cortusoides Quebec Garden [D15] (10) 99 belledifolia [D6] (10) 137 veris from Finland [D34] (10) [D34] (10) 65 he ucheri folia [D20] (10) 100 concholoba [BG] (10) 138 veris ss columnae [BG] (10) 26 involucrata [D29] (10) 66 jesoana [D15] (5) 101 muscarioides [Cl] (10) 139 veris ssp macrocolyx [BG] (10) 27 involucrata [D38] (10) 67 polyneura [D25] (10) 102 muscarioides [D44] (10) 140 veris ssp macrocalyx [D39] (10) 28 nutans - sibirica [D44] (10) 68 polyneura [D7] (10) 103 vialii [BG] (50) 141 veris cowslip Rising Sun Cottage 69 polyneura [BG] (10) 104 vialii [D39] (50) [D40] (10) SECTION AUGANTHUS (Sinensis) 70 saxatalis [D7] (10) 142 veris orange - yellow red [Dl] (10) 29 praenitens [C3] (5) 71 saxatalis [C13] (10) SECTION OBCONICOLISTERI 143 vulgaris [C22] (10) 72 sieboldii [D9] (5) (Obconica) 144 vulgaris [D39] (10) SECTION AURICULA 73 sieboldii [D20] (5) 105 obconica [BG] (10) 145 vulgaris blue [D9] (10) 30 auricula [BG] (10) 74 sieboldii mix [D8] (5) 75 sieboldii saved from Barnhaven galaxy 31 auricula [C21] (10) SECTION OREOPHLOMIS (Farinosae) SECTION PROLIFERAE 32 auricula Switzerland [D34] (10) series [D43] (5) 106 luteola [D20] (5) 146 anisodora [Dll] (10) 33 auricula ssp bauhinii [D37] (10) 76 sieboldii (Patens) [D38] (5) 107 macrocarpa [D39] (5) 147 anisodora [D22] (10) 34 auricula ssp ciliata [BG] (10) 108 rosea [BG] (10) 148 aurantiaca [BG] (10) 35 auricula [Dl] (10) SECTION CRYSTALLOPHLOMIS 109 rosea [D38] (10) 149 aurantiaca [D35] (10) 36 clusiana [D39] [D37J (10) (Nivales) 110 rosea [D36] (10) 150 aurantiaca red orange dark stems 37 glaucescens [BG] (5) 77 chionantha [D44] (10) 111 rosea grandiflora [C29] (10) [D8] (10) 38 glaucescens [D39] (5) 78 chianantha and sinopurpurea 151 beesiana [BG] (15) 39 glutinosa [C21] (10) mix [D25] (20) SECTION PARRYI 152 beesiana [D18] (15) 40 glutinosa Austrian Alps [D18] (10) 79 turkestanica [D38] (10) 112 angustifolia [C30] (5) 153 beesiana reddish purple [D16] (15) 41 glutinosa [D37] [D39] (10) 80 sinopurpurea [D22] (10) 113 parryi col in Big Horn Mts. [D19] (5) 154 bulleesiana [Cl] (15) 42 hirsuta [C22] (10) 114 parryi [D39] (10) 155 bulleesiana [D7] (15) 43 hirsuta [C21] (10) SECTION CUNEIFOLIA

Page 33 Page 3 2 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society 156 bulleyana [BG] (15) SECTION REIN1I 243 kewensis E-] (5) 275 acaulis Spectrum Series cameleon 157 bulleyana [DI1] (15) 201 tosaensis [D48] (5) [C27] (10) 158 bulleyana [D24] (15) SECTION AURICULA HYBRIDS 276 acaulis Spectrum Series Stardust 159 bulleyana [D22] (15) SECTION SIKKIMENSIS 244 auricula alpine mix [D21] (10) [C27] (10) 160 bulleyana [D6] (15) 202 alpicola [BG] (10) 245 auricula Border show alpine mix 277 acaulis Spectrum Series new red 161 bulleyana yellow [D16] (15) 203 alpicola [D39] (10) [D37] (10) [C27] (10) 162 burmanica [BG] (15) 204 alpicola mix [D47] (10) 246 auricula Border named plants in 278 acaulis Spectrum Series stereo blue 163 burmanica [D25] (15) 205 alpicola mix [Dll] (10) National Collection [D40] (10) [C27] (10) 164 burmanica [D6] (15) 206 alpicola alba [BG] (5) 247 auricula Border Beeshel Strain Mix 279 acaulis Spectrum Series blue 165 burmanica [D41J (15) 207 alpicola alba [D39] (5) [D21] (10) [C27] (10) 166 burmanica reddish purple [D16] (15) 208 alpicola var Luna [BG] (10) 248 auricula Garden Mix from Bamhaven 280 acaulis Spectrum Series mid blue 167 chungensis [BG] (15) 209 alpicola var Luna [D37] (10) seeds [D43] (10) [C27] (10) 168 chungensis [D22] (15) 210 alpicola violacea [BG] (10) 249 auricula Petite Alpine Hybrid 281 acaulis Spectrum Series yellow orange 169 cockburniana [-] (10) 211 alpicola violacea [D22] (10) [D14] (10) eye [C27] (10) 170 cockburniana [D39] (10) 212 firmipes [BG] (10) 250 auricula Garden mix [D42] (10) 282 acaulis Spectrum Series yellow 171 cockburniana orange [DI6] (10) 213 firmipes [D39] (10) 251 auricula Garden mix [D14] (10) [C27] (10) 172 helodoxa [D36] (10) 214 florindae [BG] (25) 252 auricula Garden autumn flowering 283 acaulis Spectrum Series golden yellow 173 helodoxa [D39] (10) 215 norindae [D24] (25) [D5] (10) [C27] (10) 174 helodoxa O.P. [D13] (10) 216 norindae [D7] (25) 253 auricula Garden white [D16] (5) 284 acaulis Spectrum Series new gold 175 japonica [BG] (15) 217 florindae [D37] (25) 254 auricula Garden mix [D14] (10) [C27] (10) 176 japonica authentic ex Hokkaido 218 florindae [D15] (25) 255 auricula Garden yellow [D14] (5) 285 acaulis Spectrum Series birds eye [D34] (15) 219 florindae rubra [D20] (15) 256 auricula Garden blue [D14] (5) [C27] (10) 177 japonica alba [D18] (15) 220 ioessa • [C17] (10) 257 auricula Garden white [D14] (5) 286 acaulis Spectrum Series pale cream 178 japonica brick red [D18] (15) 221 secundiflora / [D22] (10) 258 auricula Garden brown [D14] (5) [C27] (10) 179 japonica terracotta [D29] (15) 222 secundiflora ' ' [DI5] (iQ) 259 auricula Garden red [D14] (5) 287 acaulis Asteroid H.P. Small Flowered 180 paonicared [D16] (15) 223 secundiflora ' [D47] (10) 260 auricula red show self [D14] (5) [C27] (10) 181 japonica rose [D16] (15) 224 sikkimensis . [BG] (15) 261 auricula yellow show self [D14] (5) 288 acaulis Encore and Palermo Crosses 182 japonica pink [D16] (15) 225 sikkimensis [D37] (15) 262 auricula show mix [D37] (5) large flowered [D23] (10) 183 japonica Miller's Crimson [-] (15) 226 sikkimensis [-] (15) 263 auricula Winifred [D46] (5) 289 acaulis very robust mixed colors 184 japonica Postford White [-] (15) 227 sikkimensis crimson & gold 264 auricula doubles [D14] (5) [D37] (10) 185 japonica Glowing Embers [D27] [D39] (10) 290 acaulis ssp bauhinii [D37] (10) [D7] (15) 228 sikkimensis mix [D22] (15) SECTION JULIA AND PRIMULA 291 acaulis doubles mix [D3] (5) 186 japonica Orient Sunrise [D27] (15) 229 sikkimensis var hopeana [BG] (10) HYBRIDS 292 elatior ssp intricate [D39] (10) 187 japonica mottled white & purple 230 sikkimensis var pudibunda [BG] (10) 265 juliae - hybriden [BG] (5) 293 elatior Hybrid Primula & Juliana white [DI6] (15) 231 sikkimensis x sikkimensis [D28] (10) 266 juliae Cheerleader [D46] (5) form-H.P. [D13] (5) 188 japonica mottled purple & white 232 waltonii [BG] (10) 267 juliae hybrid Gold Ridge [D23] (5) 294 elatior x primula Juliana F2 H.P. [D16] (15) 233 waltonii [D37] (10) 268 juliae miniature acaulis [C28] (5) [D13] (5) 189 japonica mixed colors [-] (15) 234 waltonii [D47] (10) 269 juliae acaulis-bicolor [C28] (5) 295 elatior hybrids - grandiflora [C22] (10) 190 poissonii [D22] (10) 270 primula x "Polyarde" polyanthus x 296 polyanthus [BG] (10) 191 poissonii [D25] (10) SECTION SOLDANELLOIDES Garryard Fa H.P. white, red, pink 297 polyanthus from Barnhaven seeds 192 poissonii [BG] (10) 235 nutans (flaccida) [D25] (10) [D13] (5) [D43] (10) 193 pulverulema [BG] (10) 236 nutans (flaccida) [D39] (10) 271 primula x juliardes (dwarf x Juliana x 298 polyanthus from 1950 plants veris or 194 pulverulema Hartley Strain [D47] (10) 237 flaccida [D22] (10) Garryards) H.P. [D13] (5) elatior X's small flowered white - red - 195 pulverulenta dark rose [Dll] (11) 238 reidii williamsonii [C26] (5) yellow [D17] (10) 196 pulverulenta [D6] (10) 239 reidii williamsonii blue [D39] (5) SECTION PRIMULA HYBRIDS 299 polyanthus from Bamhaven Casquet 197 pulverulenta [D36] (10) 272 acaulis multiflora Asteroids [C27] (10) mostly darker colors [D17] (10) 198 pulverulenta [D7] (10) SECTION SPHONDYLIA (Floribundae) 273 acaulis Spectrum Series coral 300 polyanthus "Emily Byers" short plants 199 smithiana [D22] (10) 240 boveane [D37] (5) [C27] (10) — compact flowers [D17] (10) 200 wilsonii [BG] (10) 241 edelbergii [D37] (5) 274 acaulis Spectrum Series primrose yellow 301 polyanthus Silver Laced [D17] (10) 242 floribunda var isabellina [D21] (5) [C27] (10)

Page 34 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 35 302 polyanthus x Gold Lace mix SECTION 358 Rhododendron lutescens [D32] (10) 361 Rhododendron oreotrephes [D32] (10) [D12] (10) 326 cortusa matthioli [D26] [D41] (10) 359 Rhododendron impeditum dwarf 362 Rhododendron concinnum [D32] (10) 303 polyanthus x poly Gold Lace 327 cortusa matthioli var allaica • [D32] (10) 363 Rhododendron minus x carolynianum [D2] (10) [D39] (10) 360 Rhododendron macrophyllum [D32] (10) 304 polyanthus Cowichan mixed red H.P. 328 cortusa matthioli var pekinensis [D32] (10) 364 Tulipa Tarda deep orange [D42] (10) [D2] (10) [D39] (10) 305 polyanthus Cowichan mixed blue H.P. 329 dodecathion [D18] (5) [D2] (10) 306 polyanthus Cowichan from Barnhaven UNKNOWN seeds, mixed colors [D43] (10) 330 samonimontana [D48] (5) 307 polyanthus "Super Giants" white 331 Pot-Luck - mixture of all auriculas (25) [C28] (10) 332 Gamblers choice - mixture of all prim- 308 polyanthus "Super Giants" carmine ula seeds (50) rose [C28] (10) 309 polyanthus "Super Giants" crimson COMPANION PLANTS [C28] (10) 333 Aquilegia bertolonii [D26] (10) 310 polyanthus "Super Giants" pink 334 Calceolaria falklandica [D26] (10) [C28] (10) 335 Campanula Sotundifolia [D39] (10) 311 polyanthus "Super Giant" lemon 336 Clematis - blue lagoon [D44] (10) yellow [C28] (10) 337 Clematis lanquetica - golden 312 polyanthus "Super Giant" mixed [D32] (10) [C28] (10) 338 Cniclis casabonoe blue thistle 313 polyanthus "Pacific Giant" white [D13] (10) [C28] (10) 339 Cyclamen [D44] (10) 314 polyanthus "Pacific Giant" bicolor 340 Cyclamen [D3] (10) 1992 International [C28] (10) 341 Dianthus humilas [D38] (10) 315 polyanthus "Pacific Giant" scarlet 342 Dianthus fischeri [D38] (10) [C28] (10) 343 Dictamnus burning bush white flowers Primula Symposium 316 polyanthus "Pacific Giant" rose shades [D37] (10) [C28] (10) 344 Gentiana asclepisdea - willow 317 polyanthus "Pacific Giant" blue shades gentian [D6] (10) ApriMO-H-12 [C28] (10) 345 Helleborus orientalis - yellow • 318 polyanthus "Pacific Giant" yellow [D37] (10) Beaverton, Oregon shades [C28] (10) 346 Laprerousia Loia 8" garden iris 319 vulgaris "Ernest Denary Show mix" [Dll] (10) AMERICAN PRIMROSE [C25] (10) 347 Lewisii cotyledon pink [D16] (10) 348 Lewisii cotyledon red [D16] (10) PRIMULA AND AURICULA SOCIETY SECTION PROLIFERAE HYBRIDS 349 Lewisii cotyledon red & white 50th Anniversary 320 candelebra semi-doubles light pink [D16] (10) [D13] (10) 350 Lewisii cotyledon 321 cockbumiana''Dwarf" [D46] (5) pink [D13] [D16] (10) 322 japonica "Inshriach Hybrids" 351 Lewisii cotyledon hybrids [D3] (10) Watch for more announcements to come. [D16] (10) 352 Lilum pumilum-dwarf [D42] (10) 323 japonica hybrids [D36J (10) 353 meconopsis Himalayen Blue Poppy 324 Lissadel "pulverulenta x cock- [D24] (10) burniana"-shocking pink hybrid 354 meconopsis [D45] (10) [D22] (5) 355 meconopsis [D18] (10) 325 pulverulenta white-yellow [D18] (10) 356 Rhododendron glaucophyllum x luteum [D32] (10) 357 Rhododendron atlanticum [D32] (10)

Page 36 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 3 7 Contributors to this Seed Exchange 1991 American Primrose Society Members of the A.P.S. Seed Exchange Committee wish to extend a very special "Thank You" to those who have contributed to this years listing. The enormous amount of time and energy it takes to grow the plants, hand pollinate, collect and clean the seed, and package the seed for mailing is very humbly appreciated Officers by all members of the American Primrose Society. This seed exchange would not be possible with out the contributions from you, President: Vasco Fenili, 7102 Citrine Lane S.W., Tacoma, WA 98498 the donors. Recording Secretary: Ann Lunn, 6620 N.W. 271 st Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Treasurer: Jay Lunn, 6620 N.W. 271st Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Past President: Irene Buckles, 13732 - 45th Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98168 * * * DONORS * * * Directors D1 Jackie Murray England D39 Dr. Horst Georgii East Germany 1993 Bill Brown, 43 Middle Road, Blue Point, NY 11715 D2 Dr. John Kerridge Canada D40 Geoffrey Nicolle-Rising Sun Cottage Wales Don Howse, 41370 SE Thomas Rd, Sandy, OR 97055 D3 Rosetta Jones Washington U.K. 1992 EthaTate, 10722 SE 40th Ave., Milwaukie, OR 97222 D4 Lyle & Darlene Heller Washington D41 Dr. K. Sellars - Lenton Firs England Ruth Korn, 3606 Robin View Dr., West Linn, OR 97068 D5 John Baxendale England D42 Jersy Niewiarowski Poland 1991 Cyrus Happy III, 1161 7 Gravelly Lake Dr., Tacoma, WA 98499 D6 Ray & Lin Brown- D43 Michael Zuck - Everlasting Farm Maine Kris Fenderson, Grout Hill, South Acworth, NH 03607 Plant World England D44 E.M. Healy - Mossbum New Zealand Presidents of affiliated societies and chapters D7 Chas. Oliver-Primrose Path Pennsylvania D45 Enock Holland-Eversley England D8 Janice Anthony Maine D46 Mrs. W.D. Behan Scotland D9 Nancy Goodwin North Carolina D47 Elinor Moyer Canada Publications D10 Karen Schellinger Minnesota D48 Tunehiro Ogiyama Japan Back issues of Primroses are available. Order from the secretary. Dll Sylvia Duryee Washington Cl E.G. Udine Italy Manuscripts for publication in the quarterly are solicited from members and other gardening D12 John Decker New York C2 B.C. Oslo Norway experts, although there is no payment. Please send articles and photographs to the editor. D13 Peter Atkinson Washington C3 B.C. Giessen F.R.G. Advertising rates per issue: full page $60; half page $30; quarter page $15; eighth page D14 Herbert Dickson Washingtonn C4 B.C. Turkee Finland i and minimum $10. Submit advertising to the editor. D15 Francis Cabot New York C5 E.G. Stadt Koln Artwork is the responsibility of the advertiser, and camera ready copy is requested. D16 Vasco "Flip" Fenili Washington C6 E.G. Akureyri, Iceland D17 Robert Peace Australia C7 B.C. Munich, F.R.G. Round Robin D18 Dennis Oakley Canada C8 B.C. BratislavBratii a Czechoslovokia Elizabeth van Sickle, 654 Marine Drive, Sequim WA 98382 D19 Evelyn Whittemore North Carolina C9 E.G. Halle G.D.R. D20 Norbert Markert New York CIO E.G. Tubinger, F.R.G. Seed Exchange D21 Lawrence Wigley England Cll E.G. CCluj-Napoca Romania D22 John & Wendy Mattingley-Clununy C12 B.C. TalliTallinnensii s Estoni USSR Esther M. Strickland, 8518 28th Ave. E., Tacoma WA 98445 House England C13 E.G. St. Gall Switzerland D23 William Mason England C14 E.G. S.S.U.CU . Monoco CEDEX Show Judges D24 John O'Brien, Sr. Alaska CIS E.G. Bonn F.R.G. Al Rapp, 4918 79th Ave. W., Tacoma, WA 98467 D25 Martin Carter Scotland C16 E.G. Stadt Linz, Austria D26 Illsee Burch Washington C17 E.G. Smith C lege Massachusetts Slide Library D27 Roger Luce Maine CIS E.G. UUniversitn y of California Jerry Flintoff, 154N.E. 194th, Seattle, WA 98155 D28 Irving Robbins Massachusetts C19 University of Ovlu Finlai d • D29 Bruce Quarrington Canada C20 Institute of Science Kaunas Lithuania Editor's Committee D30 ItaKanter Connecticut C21 Belevedere Alpine Garde i Austria D31 Marie Skonberg Alaska C22 Jardine Alpine Garden Champex Switz. Larry A. Bailey, Editor, 1570 9th Ave. N., Edmonds, WA 98020 D32 James Menzies Washington C23 Ruhr University Bochum F.R.G. Thea Service Foster, 'Fambridge,' 779 E. 21 st St. North Vancouver, B.C. Canada V7J 1N 7 D33 Ivo Benes Czechsolovokia C24 Gruga Park Essen F.R.G. Don Keefe, 22604 N.E. 20th PL, Redmond, WA 98053 D34 Dr. U. Paim Canada C25 Klaus Jellito Hamburg Germany Pat Foster, 'Fambridge/ 779 E. 21st St. North Vancouver, B.C. Canada V7J 1N7 D35 Hedi Schott Switzerland C26 Jack Drake Scotland D36 Bodil Leamy and UBC Canada C27 K. Sahin Zaden Holland Membership D37 Edith Ordille West Germany C28 Sakala Seed Co. Japan Yearly dues for membership in the American Primrose Society are $15 per family. Lifetime D38 Roman Plaskota Poland C29 P. Kohli & Co. India membership is $200 per individual. Dues are to be paid to the APS Treasurer and are C30 Southwestern Native Seeds Arizona owing at the first of the year.

Page 38 American Primrose Society American Primrose Society Page 39 A Synoptic Guide to the Genus Primula by G. K. Fenderson This book is intended to serve as a basic reference to the genus Primula. Approximately 1375 species, synonyms, and hybrids are included, each with complete reference to author, initial publication, and current status; for nonhybrid taxa, details of typification are also given. Distribution, habitat, altitude, section, a cultural code, stature, and color are indicated for all currently accepted species. The several dozen species described since 1949 are included within this conspectus.

Chapters are devoted to (he taxonomic history of the genus, its origins, and distribution. Other chapters treat cultivation of particular species or groups, growing primulas from seed, and pests and diseases.

ISBN 0-935868-24-0. v. + 213 pp. 7" x 10" hardbound with dustjacket; 56 line drawings, 1 black and white photograph. Available from International Specialized Book Services, Inc. 5602 NE Hassalo St., Portland, OR 97213 ($40.00). Available outside the USA from Wheldon & Wesley, Codicote, Hitchin Herts, SG4 8TE England.

The Book of Primroses by Barbara Shaw A new publication from Timber Press

Barbara Shaw, keeper of the National Collection of Primroses in the North, is both a dedicated primrose grower and an exceptional botanical artist. This new book, available in April 1991, collects 64 of her beautiful paintings along with a lifetime of experience about the primrose and polyanthus.

Available from Timber Press, 9999 S.W. Wilshire. Portland OR 97225. $35.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Credit card orders may be telephoned toll-free in the U.S. and Canada to (800) 327-5680.