Ozanam Network – December 2018
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Edition 3/2018 International General Council - Society of St Vincent de Paul Members of the Feliz International General Council of the SSVP visit the tomb Navidadof François Lallier International Commission International Cyprus is the Workshops on of Aid to Conference of 154th country Training and Development the “FAMVIN that joins the Special Projects (CIAD) Homeless Alliance” great network of charity International General Council Page 9 Page 16 Page 27 Page 321 www.ssvpglobal.org Summary editorial 3 the thematic year of françois lallier o Members of the International General Council of the SSVP visit the tomb of François Lallier 4 international activities o The General Council is celebrating a feast: 15 years the Rule and the Confederation 5 o International Meeting of the Region Europe 1 6 o South America: The SSVP is on the Move 7 o First edition of the International Workshops on Training and SSVP Special Projects 9 o The IGC’s Commission of Aid to Development has supported, with more than 900,000 €, 51 initiatives in 31 countries 16 vincentian history o The film festival on the seven founders of the SSVP 18 Edición church and ssvp: II World Day of the Poor 19 3/2018 blessing o We finally got a historical image of the founder Félix Clavé! 21 International General Council - Society of St Vincent de Paul communication/ spreading o Interview with Raymond L. Sickinger 22 o Launching of The Thematic Year of Paul Lamache 24 o Launching of the Circular Letter of the PGI 24 spirituality 25 vincentian family o “ Vincentian Volunteers” 26 Members of the Feliz International Meeeting of the Famvin Homeless Alliance 27 International General o Council of the SSVP visit world news the tomb Navidadof François Lallier International Commission International Cyprus is the “The Unity of Humankind”, National Assembly of the SSVP Workshops on of Aid to Conference of 154th country o Training and Development the “FAMVIN that joins the Special Projects (CIAD) Homeless Alliance” great network Italy 29 of charity Pág. 9 Pág. 16 Pág. 27 Pág. 32 o SSVP in expansion: Cyprus is the 154th territory that is joined into our great charity network 32 o SSVP USA: A mobile app for the Vincentians 33 Chairman: o SSVP France: Third Edition of “Innovate! for the solidarity” 33 Carlos LAFARGA o SSVP Portugal: The Portuguese Parliament grants the Human Head of English Language: Rights Award 2018 to a Vincentian work located in Oporto 34 Mary Whilssy CANDELARIA y Karl HILA Head of Spanish Language: ssvp youth Carlos LAFARGA o Trip of the International Vice President for the Young, Head of Portuguese Language and Graphics: Children and Adolescents to Lebanon. 35 Markinhos PERASSOLI Head of Social Media: o Gathering of the Vincentian Youth / World Youth Day - Mary Whilssy CANDELARIA Panamá 2019 37 SSVP Representative – Famvin Int. visits of the international president general Communication Department: Karl HILA o Portugal 38 Ozanam Network Graphics: strategic goals 40 SSVP Spain International General Council 2 www.ssvpglobal.org Editorial Christmas Message Renato Lima My Dear Vincentians, Members of the Conferences of Saint Vincent de The new forms Paul, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Congratulations to all the Vincentians around the world for the ded- of suffering ication, affection and zeal with which they deal on a daily basis with demand from all people who live some kind of material or spiritual need. The new forms of suffering demand from all of us a new look at the society in which we are a part of and, consequently, a new way of attack- of us a new look ing the causes and consequences of poverty. at the society Your presence in this world is a light for all, like Christ is the light of the world. As Vincentians, we act to offer those who suffer a better life, in which we are based on love for God and neighbor. During this Holy Christmas time, we renew the ideals of solidarity, a part of and, charity and love, which are the marks of every Christian and which con- stitute the legacy of our founders. consequently, Where there are shadows, sadness and indifference, let us carry the love of Jesus Christ. a new way of Where there is envy and vanity, let us carry the sweetness of Mary’s attacking the heart. Where there is lack of hope and love, let us carry the strength of Saint causes and Joseph. On behalf of the Council General International, the International consequences Board of Directors and the staff in Paris, I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS! of poverty. We also wish 2019, (International Year of Paul Lamache and 180 years of the Council General), be for everyone a year full of achievements, especially in favor of the humblest. May God bless us and forgive our failures. Praised be our Lord, Jesus Christ! International General Council 3 www.ssvpglobal.org THE THEMATIC YEAR OF FRANÇOIS LALLIER Members of the International General Council of the SSVP visit the tomb of François Lallier, one of the SSVP founders November 16th. Will be an historical day for the SSVP, because it is the first time that the Board of the International General Council visits the tomb of François Lallier, one of the SSVP 7 founders. The pilgrimage of the members ment of prayer and with a reading After this event, the delegation was lead to the city of Sens, a about his live and service to the visited the Cathedral of Saint-Éti- town in which Lallier had his fam- SSVP. enne-de-Sens. ily and forged his professional ca- reer, where he also founded Con- According to the XVI general A plaque with the legend “the ferences and where his body rests, president, Renato Lima, “this visit 1st Secretary General of SSVP, one after his death, in the cemetery of to the tomb of Lallier is a concrete of the founders of the institution this city of France, two hours from activity of the annual Thematic on April 23, 1833, Paris, France”, Paris. Year, and being there, praying and will be situated in Lallier’s tomb. visiting this city, is a great grace for In front of the tomb, the mem- all Vincentians”. At the time of the Soon, the International Gen- bers of the International General tribute, brother Renato comment- eral Council will give information Council of the SSVP paid tribute ed on the great friendship between about the address and location of to Lallier with flowers, with a mo- Lallier and Frederico Ozanam. Lallier’s grave. International General Council 4 www.ssvpglobal.org INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES The General Council is celebrating a feast: 15 years with the Rule and the Confederation humanitarian emergency relief in cases of natural disasters. All this is possible thanks to a prudent management and to the generous donations from the Supe- rior Councils. The current mandate has generated countless innova- On 18th October 2003, Until 2003, the General Council tions, such as transparency mecha- was not legally an international nisms, the creation of the auditor’s in Rome, an Assembly of entity, it was a French association, service, the Thematic Years on the the Society of St. Vincent i.e., there was no legal link be- seven founders and the live broad- tween the different Societies in the casts of meetings, among other de Paul was held where world. achievements. the network of charity The second part of the new Rule The Confederation and the Rule that Frederic dreamt of lays down the Statutes of an Inter- are today pleasant realities for the became an International national Confederation as a French daily routine of the Vincentian legal entity made up of various Conferences and Councils, always Confederation, with a Superior Councils that voluntarily “serving in hope”. We are grateful requested to join the Confedera- to our predecessors, led by Presi- modern Rule that we tion and established their internal dent Díaz-Torremocha, who mod- should know, take care of, statutes according to the third part ernized the SSVP through its new of the Rule. Rule and the creation of the Con- love and follow. federation. This Confederation has borne plenty of fruit in these 15 years, May the Immaculate Virgin, and today we have a truly global our Patroness, St. Vincent de Paul entity, always close to the Vincen- and the Blessed Frederic Ozanam tian Family, which helps those who continue to protect our beloved in- suffer around the world through stitution! the Conferences, Councils, works and the twinning, as well as taking Many thanks to all of you! International General Council 5 www.ssvpglobal.org INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES International Meeting of the Region Europe 1 From 21st to 23rd September, The purpose of this meeting was various forms and initiatives in the SSVP countries of the region that all the countries share their each of the countries to improve Europe 1 gathered in the city experiences and common ways to the presence of young people and of Durham to discuss issues respond to new challenges: immi- the growth of Conferences, mak- such as the development and gration from countries in Africa and ing better known the work of the the improvement of service and the Middle East, the new poverties SSVP in, for example, profession- spirituality in the SSVP. arising in a more and more un- al groups and centres of prima- christian and aged Europe. It was ry education. They also promote The countries of the region Eu- highlighted the increasing number congresses and awards at univer- rope 1 (England and Wales, Ire- of lonely people and neglected el- sities, trade fairs and exhibitions land, Scotland, Austria, Germany, derly, the crisis of values and the to engage volunteers, promote so- The Netherlands, Italy, South Ty- increase in dysfunctional families.