The Base (E.G
Celastraceae—I Ding Hou Leyden) Trees, erect or scandent shrubs; stems sometimes producing rootlets (Euonymus spp.), rarely buttressed at the base (e.g. Bhesa) or with aerophores (Lophopetalum elastic resin- multinervium), sometimes thorny (Maytenus spp.); sometimes with or ous threads in the leaves, inflorescences, floral parts, fruits, or branchlets, show- ing on fractures. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral, decussate or opposite, some- times fascicled on short branchlets, penninerved, sometimes black-dotted be- neath, rarely so on both surfaces, often crenate, more rarely entire. Stipules small, simple or laciniate, caducous, or none. Inflorescences axillary and/or ter- minal, sometimes extra-axillary, or ramiferous, cymose, thyrsoid, paniculate, racemose, fasciculate, sometimes 1-flowered, usually bracteate. Flowers generally small, actinomorphic, bisexual or unisexual, in the latter case the plants usually dioecious or sometimes polygamous. Calyx 4- or 5-lobed, lobes imbricate, val- rarely valvate, usually persistent. Petals 4 or 5, imbricate, contorted, rarely vate, caducous, sometimes persistent, rarely slightly connate at the base and s ometimes also united with the staminal ring below the connate filament bases (i.e. the surface sometimes so-called ‘disk’ in Microtropis), upper usually smooth, Partly covered with cristate, lamellate, fimbriate, or fleshy papilla-like appendages (e .g. Lophopetalum). Stamens (2-) 3, 4, or 5, rarely 8-10 (extra-Mal. gen.Forsellesia), alternate with the petals (except in Forsellesia), filaments inserted on or within the disk, on its margin or slightly below it, or on a basal ring (Microtropis ), ca- ducous or persistent; anthers mostly 2-celled, very rarely 1-celled (extra-Mal. spp.), usually ovoid, ellipsoid, or subglobose, rarely reniform, sometimes diver- gent, longitudinally, laterally, or very rarely apically (extra-Mal.
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