Short List of Vacancy 2076.5.26

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Short List of Vacancy 2076.5.26 rnrelg ;5r{iEfl qrrT1qrg{r-T fefrq q.rz1; ii{fr1igzp1 ffi i6s\toyto{ qnat fujMU q-flfqrc lq*rrq q l/?osq/os\e RTq (tr*,rr) f,# qlarrynrfi rnfis qaqa qq-frI 3{I-{qq+iIT irq+fr q"--qnr qfrftnq qr*cq fEq 3{kq EqI( q rq qrw 3rr+(nE(;-{l{ uf{rq;T qi-rqdT mt nit+qe;l T116T q1q sri-(Er.6t;fii qfq r+rfqra qliqzhi g r srn qfufl qp. q{ffivT *ri{'tr.r rtq:rqEer{61,4 {6rir.rririqu arr+ry+i tqrq,fold a qqq i'+z q4nr qa qien rfti'n i-.qqr gqfF{d -Tg iiriqn qfrenqr aarrrril {i zrt qE-flaTrr r1ffi.;a qilqfs ar++lfi ti7EB, I qkerT &e !E1yrr1- 7.)J'.. .-,i qa ffia 1'l sf4qiz 1 '*e ;Tqq 11 oo dt iUr<{I cIWi rr{-I-i 11 rf,I qI q gT ;, i rrqffi Jrq t+ {e4r er.j q qnqfl 1 (?) q12qfo-6 qsl, 4i a* t{ilrdq, oian5r ars q ly,'u' 6q-dEnq{, qi* r t . ffiqlqk r{iffi;np1ffif;ffi q&-*4T #T ffi;; mp Wtrr' iA W{WW wrffi mffiritreS irylryB l"ifqfs '" ',^WWW'"",' q"*r##&r*,',,i';Mwqw:qs6**3r,aumi's, #Wm'* W*ii*ffiApm 3,{,,& "" ". ,d"s-&-g"t S,"- Forward Community Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha LlOff Lq., \ * ti Centra Office, Duhabi,sunsariDuhabi, Sunsari lt ,o *,f{ pubticario Vacancy Notice No. 31 207 61A7 7 Date or n .2o76t4t5 l PoSI Junior Assistant (Trainee) \b; Permanent - Father's Name District Current Address Contact No Exam Center :''-l * 1"",,0u, A.i.l res s 1 1249 241 Duhabi 475 !u,larsan Mahato M ale S tararn malrato :hltwan Bharatpur Bharatpur 98 pu 9826272644 Du h abi 476 Roihni Earall Female iwan kunrar b.l< :hitwan M angal r Ganganagar n 9860584666 Duhabi 477 Bharat khadka Male iitaram khadka ahitwan chitwan ch ltwa Darbar chocl Darbar chock l8{;9409487 Du h abl 78 l!1, trtra C.aUdhat y' Female Bikram i<unrar chaudha Chitwan prasauni )81621-5144 Du ha bi 5 601 l(!rnar Salr l(anu M ale Amlraka sa kanu Parsa Lal,han pu r Sakhuwa ) uhab l5 Male Shyam suf dar raut Bara Baliranrpur ialaiVa 1811870086 lu habi Male Bhlkhari sha K Bara ;llnraungad Amritganaj 1815252830 luhabl l Male Unresh thakur lohar Bara Prashur.rmp sLtwarna 9803572926 Mahasadhimai 9E0298 159 7 f Lr habi :i I h Female Bhagalu khaw Thar u Bara Mahagadhlr 264098 D uh abl lAnrrit; Kurnari Chaudh FenraLe Malesr Chaudhary Rautlrat Dumariya Chandr apu 9812 -.-_|-__-i- Du ha bi It a7 lEndu Lumafl iaiswal Fetuale krishnachandra prasad Parsa ganlbhawani Malruwan 98 14289698 D uhab i 1729 1688 ;-Ir,brr-.*-". Male Madan Prasad Gupta Bara L-a \rnipttr I' o Ad a rsa kotwa 98 Du ha bi I Ma e JaVnath Pr asad Bara Paterwa Ad a rsakotwal 9815 287860 D uhab e 98A7L2.7049 1.1 llitendra Kumar Yad Male Rarrasis prasad yadav Bara Rauwahi D wata bi 9B 1 1 137589 Du ha rdana Kumari Ch Female Raieshwar Prasacl Chau Bara M:lragadIr n Mahagadhtnrai Duhabl ;".h -- Male Naserdra Rava Yadav Rauthat lhulrukhawa Yamuna 98458615 09/98 Duhabi Ir,la e Gallndar Cir.rudhary lara Bara kohaLbi Bara kchalbl 98A9721628 lsaniiw kumar chaubel Male Clrandrabhusan Chaubr Rautahat Rautahat,AL RaLrtahat ,Aur aiVa 9804 2406 2E Du h abi I dewalrig0 9841146441 Duhabi rl Male Shambhu raut l(urmi Rautahat Rautalrat de, Rautahat Rautahat Rautahat, ch Rautahat, chandrap 9Et4274754 Du h abl 20 756 , i(irirshilai mLrkh N4ale Pukar muklriva 1860416667 Duhabi t"ila e Ranranad r oV Vadav Rautalrat Rau ta h at,Ga Rautahat,Gadhimai I rn 182423550 luhab vad, Male Upendra roy Vadav Rautahat Rautahat,Ga la utah at, Gi d h al Female Balkrishana chaudharV Rautahat lautahat, Gt Rautahat, Gujara 98162861 60 Duhab chandrap 9809289 1 15 luhab :r L'-: irltrr:rr kt,n,:r chaudh nr al Awadlra Narayan chaud Rautahat Rautahat, ch Rautahat, male P.rnil.r nrahara Rautahat Ra!tillat, k RaLrtahat , katar lYa 98.15 170269 Duhabi nrale Rarnpukar ttaV Sar lah Kodena l(odena 98078887 17 Du h abi l/aihl nale Ramnarayan Majhi )unSarl Aurabani Kodena 9B i 10279 50 Duhahi Du h abi irdra Rar nrale Rarrasha mahra cltanta Sarlahi l(herawa l(h -.rawa 9845314"t21 udhata 98r15!115192 Duhabi r male T lr:ga Kapar S arl ahl Bah:durpur 1960715 Du h abi q,l !: lkanrlesh kr Dha male lihy.lrlal Dharrl Sarlahi Haripur Haripur 180 llamfargar Ranlragar 98445 25495 Duhabi 907-fo*;;,. iAmit Y male Pr.rgasV Yada Sarlahi k",,, * male Dip kumar raut thal(ur M oh ate ri laleshwar Basi putali 984 19s 2057 Duhabi Rav lauthad Dharampur Gadinral 9842844608 Duhabi 2083483 Du h abi nesh Kumar Sah rral Ranrel(bal 5:h Teii Mohateri Pagauna Jaleshwar 981 (ulrar Klsha Kishanpur 9844463294 Duhabi t'; K Chaudhar lale Rilil C[raudh.rry Sarlahi 2 Duhallr lq male SLlde' \ r3h M oh ate rl Blrarrgha Bhansha l8 19809 14 pokhet Sa i 1817606220 Du h abi I l( male Railrpratap Sah M o h ateri ibhrnr msh shwarpu 9844)91112 Duhatl , GaL fenrale Nandl<lslror sah kalwar sarlahi lshwarpur Ba d hwan i. a aya 981,1247890 Du h abi L.t 91.5 Shesl.anth Paswaan nrale Hdriendra llalri du5dd Bara 980765 3ss 3 Duhabi loo 916 Dhar l(han chaudhary 5 arl ah Haripur Haripur F anakpur 981 68982 2s Dulrabl ti1 911 Surendra thakur m ale lndra dev thal(ur dhanusha ianakpur 9807007386 Duhabi f Bab!lal Bh.rgat Sufsari Duhabl DLrhabi 111 9rB Bh errale 1688 D uhab 1051 rik nale dhanbir rai tap elung sidigwa r.m Mehele 981360 lo.F Du ha bi I lelep 9824915191 I Female Ranr hahadur ral taplejung faktaLung +- 98 11345 D uhabi t Iros: lio kumar lunseli Ma e Man bahadur lungeli lhapa arlunrlhata arjundhara 160 F r.m. Mehele 98 17083597 Du ha br I I 1C5 b.k Male dl kunrar kami(b.k.) taplejung sidiewa lulrab l; |-;; limb male khadsa bahadur blirrbu tap elung sldiqwa r.m. Mehele !1803,1 07993 bi 9864 1 82548 Duha t I ioso Alina subba Fenrale l.:;:baraltumbalrafe apiejung Allrrai trlben Nrsgill -t Duh ab Lr a Ewa 9862665436 I 1C57 ,ah Pr tm prasacJ gurang Te rath m Atlr rai Duha bi prasad Pachthar n(urar ak oya fil 9824051941 I iose Srrsmiia magrati Fernale Laxmi sarki D uhab m ai rran:J lrar P 98 249rt4638 1,o* f- e [.]ara h:hJdLlr magar lam Deu Narvarliciacla :,r806050890 Duha bi f; 1.062 8r Male t-irspalai clrapagai Pachthar Pl :lALt r,rird Duhab ,1". Khadga prasacl ang taplejung Phungllfg phLrngling i844612317 1ct- I )r )rastol(a 9845809 163 )uhabi ,l l1)A) Anil Sal Male (anhaiya Lal Sal) Bara astol(a I- Nla e Kumar Ch Sarlahl Haripur l(athmandu 980967J5 1 l Drhalrl I 1703 akash iiumar Chaudhar Birendra L::1411 i P* Sanstha Ltd : , -. .'r 3cmmunity Microfinance Bittiya Central Office, Duhabi' Sunsari Date of Publication 20761415 *'acancy Notice No. 3/2076i077 " __ - -: : : 1'3 ieei 1 90591 1 2 Dukha Ram Malhi Tharu 12312170 B1 8221 080 981 2381 955 9821 31 41 88 98r 939941 I 811391410 9810508671 98123i2647 9E13445926 1 1 0753'1 3 9819709611 9810561274 981 971 3070 . .: :. -ar!l 1 04 1 4553 981 1 06741 5 981 7332563 9815361889 9E1 533257 4 98'19337794 Kumari Malhi a 9804331 633 273v724 Asm ta Kumari Tharu 98'1 13881i6 a Kurnari Chaudhary 98273'18203 ,v s- ,*ifr W;r ts:ftuaro uomflluntly rvilcroilnailL;e Dru.tya oirilstnii Ltu. / u/ :.\lr{ Central Office, Duhabi, Sunsari /'q/ a{ \ 3no76to77 DateorPubtication:2076t4t5 * :ffi::[i: h( -er, $ 3ramthan luhabi _-.:,,lalh Female 3edlu Majhi Tharu vorang \*'t 9815316784 3asun Kumari l\/ajhi :ema e )andav \,4alhr Tharu \lorang Gramthan 9 805367259 l!':: rralahad '.'ai sha Kumar [/]aJh Kumarl l\4ajhi Vl orafg Gramthan Gramthan 981 31 90346 Duhabi Ram Kumar Sardar nale lhhoe Lal Sardar Su nsar Pasch m Kusa Koshi )827315654 Duhabi Shanti Sardar :emale lanrdatta Sardar Sunsar Tanm un a Duhab )812344721 Duhabi Dinesh Kumar Chaudahry na e Satya Narayan Chaudhary Saptarl Mohan pu r Sambhunath 381 17 1 4248 Duhab I 353 Rosha Limbu :ema e Suryaman Limbu Morang Ithara nae ?825394201 Duhab Du habi 1 364 Sab ta Kumari Chaudhary Female lamdev Chauhary SLr nsa rl \mahi Belha la rlu ?864434941 1 365 Gopal Kumar Chauhdary m ale Panna Lal Chaudhary Sunsar \il a dh ell Sadhi 981 90't 964 0 l!hab ganga lLrhab 1 366 lvlanita Chaudhary Ferta e Kashi Ram Tharu M orang 3 ud hrg anga ludh 981 5342261 ..22 lu habi 1 367 Niiyanand Mandal nrale .loganand l\4anda iMorang ludhnaga r llratnagar 98 07 300908 uh abl i23 1 368 iweta Chaudhary Fem ale Ashi Lal Khan Sun sar Ta nnr un a I uh abi 9829305037 I q 1.24 1 369 labita Cnaudhary Fema e 5 naranr Knan nar! Sunsari ura bani 3ad hr 980538 5238 luhaD 125 13tA emale GurLidayal \4ajh Tha.! I'l oran g iata ha r (atahar 981 2336975 I u habL (oshi 126 137 1 emale Ram Kumar Yadav ;aptari Jamun l,/ladh( 986236 1 036 luhabi 121 1372 na e Ganga Ram Khawas \'1ora ng Kosh Hara ch Sundar Hara cha 9819370170 Duhab 124 1 373 emale nd.a Bahadur Kharvas Vl o.ang Range Biratnagar 9811398981 Duhab trratap 129 1374 Khawas t Vl ora ng Sundar Haraic Sundar l laraicha Du habi 130 1315 nale fambar Lal Majhi \,4ora ng Lakhantar Gfarrthar 9810544272 Duhabl 31 (anaru La Srkdar Sunsari Duhab Du habl 9810551683 Duhab g Du habi 132 J nrb! Tabdar z [/] oraf Sis i Slsban Badahara 9824 350673 131F- Ckil Majhi l\4 orang Slsbanibadhar B ud hrg anga 38009093 9"1 Duhabl F emale Keshar I al Sutihar l\,/lorang Hatl muda Budh ganga 980094704 5 Duhab 135 idra Kunrar Chaudhary Morang Ban ganra G.anrthan 9E24333743 Duhab {ubaraj Dhamala [,4 orang Tetariya 9 EC4 33 2 334 Du habi Female Kapil Dev N/odi l,/ ora ng Motlpur \/otipur 9806E36055 luhabi nta e Subodh Lal Mehta ;ur I hhitaha 3adhi 98070 8836 9 fuhab Fema e Sh v f.larayan Chaudhary !4orang 3.anrlha n 3ranrthan 9825347 97 4 )uhab male Trleshor Sah ;unsat lufrabi I uhab 981 1 049388 -l!habl .
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