The National Book Awards Courtesy Winners & Finalists, Since 1950 The National Book Awards Presented by the National Book Foundation Titles in bold are Winners in their respective categories. Please direct any questions or comments to the Foundation offices at
[email protected] or via phone at 212-685-0261. 1950 FICTION Nelson Algren - The Man With the Golden Arm 1950 NONFICTION Ralph L. Rusk - Ralph Waldo Emerson Lincoln Barnett - The Universe and Dr. Einstein H.A. Overstreet - The Mature Mind Eleanor Roosevelt - This I Remember Lillian Smith - Killers of the Dream Kenneth P. Williams - Lincoln Finds a General 1950 POETRY William Carlos Williams - Paterson: Book III and Selected Poems 1951 FICTION William Faulkner – The Collected Stories of William Faulkner Brendan Gill - The Trouble of One House 1951 NONFICTION Newton Arvin - Herman Melville 1951 POETRY Wallace Stevens - The Auroras of Autumn 1952 FICTION James Jones - From Here to Eternity James Agee - The Morning Watch Truman Capote - The Grass Harp William Faulkner - Requiem for a Nun Caroline Gordon - The Strange Children Thomas MannJEYWIN - The Holy Sinner John P. Marquand - Melville Goodwin USA J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye William Styron - Lie Down in the Darkness Jessamyn West - The Witch Diggers Herman Wouk - The Caine Mutiny Dream Dare Win 1 Courtesy The National Book Awards 1952 NONFICTION Rachel Carson – The Sea Around Us Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism Marshall Davidson - Life in America F.W. DuPee - Henry James Waldo Frank - Birth of a World Douglas S. Freeman - George Washington Erich Fromm - The Forgotten Language Oscar Handlin - The Uprooted Walker Kazin - A Walker in the City Dumas Malone - Jefferson and the Rights of Man C.