TRADOC DCSINT HANDBOOK NO. 2 ARAB CULTURAL AWARENESS: 58 FACTSHEETS OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INTELLIGENCE US ARMY TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND FT. LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS JANUARY 2006 PURPOSE This handbook is designed to specifically provide the trainer a ‘hip pocket training’ resource. It is intended for informal squad or small group instruction. The goal is to provide soldiers with a basic overview of Arab culture. It must be emphasized that there is no “one” Arab culture or society. The Arab world is full of rich and diverse communities, groups and cultures. Differences exist not only among countries, but within countries as well. Caveat: It is impossible to talk about groups of people without generalizing. It then follows that it is hard to talk about the culture of a group without generalizing. This handbook attempts to be as accurate and specific as possible, but inevitably contains such generalizations. Treat these generalizations with caution and wariness. They do provide insight into a culture, but the accuracy and usefulness will depend on the context and specific circumstances. Comments or Suggestions: Please forward all comments, suggestions or questions to: ADCINT-Threats, 700 Scott Ave, Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027 or email
[email protected] or phone 913.684.7920/DSN 552-7920. ii WHERE IS THE ARAB WORLD? • The Arab world stretches from Morocco across Northern Africa to the Persian Gulf. The Arab world is more or less equal to the area known as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Although this excludes Somalia, Djibouti, and the Comoros Islands which are part of the Arab world.