TRICHY 396 Metres 758 758 Ice Kc Is) /S) 6.40 COMMERCIAL NEWS A.M

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TRICHY 396 Metres 758 758 Ice Kc Is) /S) 6.40 COMMERCIAL NEWS A.M THURSDAY, MAYMAX 3a THE INDIAN LISTENtitLISTEN EH MADRAS TRICHY 396 metres 758758 icekc Is)/s) 6.40 COMMERCIAL NEWS a.m. TRANSMISSION I inin TamilTamil byby N. N. R. R.SUBRAHMANIAN; SUBRAHMANLAN; His-His­ 6.40 COMMERCIAL NEWS a.m.TRANSMISSIONI torytory is made:made: TalkTalk inin TamilTamil byby P.P. SIVASIVA MADRAS 1I 16.506.50 S. RAJESWARAR A JE S W A R A RAOR A O 7.457.45* * MUSICAL PRELUDE *% PICHAI 211 metres (1,420 kc/s) (With Orchestral accompaniment)accompaniment) T. K.K. RANGACHARY RANGACHARY 2.30 * * CloseClose down 7.15 T. RAJARAJESWARIRAJARAJESWARI EvartkaiE v a rik a i Devamanohari a.m. TRANSMISSION I TThoodu hoodu nni-Manirangu-Adi i—Manirangu—Adi 7.50 NEWS IN TAMILTAMIL TRANSMISSION IIIill 7.30 ** SWAGATAMSWAGATAM Aparadamula-Rasali-AdiAparadamula— Rasali— A d i 5.0 ** T. R.R. SANTHANAMSANTHANAM V adera— Pantuvarali— A d i Ramabhirama—Ramabhirama-Dhanyasi-AdiDhanyasi—Adi Vadera-Pantuvarali-Adt 8.0 SAKUNTALAISAKUNTALAI ft P a h im a m JanaranjanlJanaranjani 7.45 NEWS IN TAMIL Pahirnam Nikelanayeda—Nikelanayeda-Devamanohari-AdrDeva.manoha.ri—Adi 7.45 NEWS IN TAMIL Engum nirai;niral; Anandam;Anandam; Sukumara;Sukumara; MaMa namename Kondodiva mayile PharasPharaz 7.40 K. V.V. KESAVAKESAVA BHAGAVATARBHAGAVATAR f j 8.0 "PITCHIDAMPATULU"“PITCHIDAMPATULU” 8.15 NEWS IN ENGLISHENGLISH Mahatripura Bhairavi Ma madura;madura; Venuganaloluni;Venuganalolunl; Inda paramu-paramu- I Sketch inin TeluguTelugu J Paraloka bhayabhaya Mandari Unnai tudikka Kuntalavarali kkham h a m Presented by RaiRai Bahadur BELLARY T. 8.30 A. SUNDARAM IYER Veena Unnai tudikka RAGHAVA; Featuring BELLARY T. RAG­ 8.30 A. SUNDARAMIYER: Veena NiraimadiN ira im ad i HarrisanandiHamsanandi 7.50 NEWS IN TAMILTAMIL RAGHAVA; Featuring BELLARY T. RAG- G aulipantu HAVA and C. PADMAVATHI DEVI Tarunam idammaidamma Gaulipantu 5.40 LEARN TO SING 8.0 VADYA SANGITAM HAVA and C. PADMAVATHI DEVI Sankarabharanam 5.40 LEARN TO SING 8.0 VADYA SANGITAM 8.15 S. R A JE S W A R A R A O Annai janakijanaki Sankarabharanam TyagaraTyagaraja-Goula-Adi j a—G ou la—Adi 8.15 S. RAJESWARA RAO Syama sundarasundara Dhanyo.slDhanyasi 6.0 S. PADMAP A D M A Nidumahima—Nidumahima-Eamsanandt-AdiEamsanandi—Adi (With(With orchestral accompaniment) Brihaspate AtoneAtana TirupatiTirupatl venkatesa VasantaV asa nta 8.15 NEWS 1NIN ENGLISHENGLISH 8.45 SAHITYASAHITYA PRADHANYAMUPRADHANYAMU Va va hanumanehanumane Khamas Gnanamosagarada PurvikalyaniPurvikalvani Punnagaiyal endan NadanarnakrivaNadanamakrvja 8.30 H A R I BRO T H E RS: Violin Programme illustrating the importance of9.0 ** Close downdown Punnagaiyal endan 8.30 HARI BROTHERS: Violin samtyasan.tya in Ca.natCarnat cc music:m usic: TalkT alk by M.M. D. Garvam kolladekollade MohanornMohannm NNinnuvina-Nayarasakannada-Rupakam in n u v in a — Nayarasakannada—Rupakam PARTHASARATHY Padmanabha pahipahi HindolamH indolam Neebakti-Jayamanohari-RupakarnN e eba kti— Jayamanohari—Rupakam p.m. TRANSMISSION II 9.09 0 ECONOMICSECONOMICS OF WARTIMEWARTIME p.m.TRANSMISSIONII 6.30 NEWS IN ENGLISHENGLISH Marugelara-Jayantasri-AdiMarugelara— Jayantasri—Adi 1.0 * KADAMBAM f Regulation of prices: TalkTalk inin EnglishEnglish LO * KADAMBAM t 6.40 FOR THE VILLAGES 9.0 * * CloseClose down ‘KUBERA KUCHELA”: Vasantan; Andarul 6.40 FOR THE VILLAGES 9.159.15* * LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTSANNOUNCEMENTS "KUBERA KUCHELA":Vasantan; Andarul Sivane deivamenru; Food and nutrition; Sita •‘SIVALINGA SAKSHI”: ParamadayalaParamadayala Be;ne; Sivane delvamenru; Food and nutrition; Sita p.m. TRANSMISSION I/II 9.20 NEWS IN ENGLISH "SIVALING A SAKSHI": madiyadu; Kettaya sangati; Nandabaia- 9.20 NEWS IN ENGLISH MangalameM angalam e madiyadu; Kettaya sangati; Nanaabaia- 1.0 S. JAYALAKSHMIJAYALAKSHMI 9.30 B B C NEWSNEWS RELAYRELAY 'SATI•SATI MAHANANDA":MAHANANDA”: Kattida;Kattida; MayameMayame gopala t Entanerchina SudhadhanvasiSudhadhanyasi Entanerchina 9.45 WARWAR ININ THE AIR "SUMATI":•SUMATI”: Marimi;Marimi; NinnaNinna 7.15 READINGS FROM THETHE Kamalappada HarikarnHarikambhoji bhoji • JAWAB”: Dulhania; Loot raha halhai Vasanta Commentary J "JAWAB": Dulhania; Loot raha CLASSICSCLA SSICS Lalitalavanga Vasanta 1.30 NEWS IN ENGLISHENGLISH 1.30 NEWS IN ENGLISHENGLISH 10.0 B. V.V. LAKSHMANANLAKSHMANAN I "Tyagam":"Tyagam” : BBy y V.V. S. P. MANICKAMMANICKAM Sri venkatesam-Todi-Rupakumvenkatesam— Todi—Rupakam (7.30*7.30 * LOCALLOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTSANNOUNCEMENTS 1.40 FILMFILM FAREFARE tt Tyagarajaya— Begada—Rupakam 1.40 T. R.R. SANTHANAMSA N T H A N A M Tyagarajaya-Begada-Rupakam 7.35 VARUMUN KAPPU LAKSHMII.AKSHMI RAJYAM: Ramanuja TTillana-Bilahari-Adl illan a— Bilahari—Adi Nidu murtimurti NatakuranfiNatakuranji 7.35 VARUMUN KAPPU SHANTA KUMARI: UgaveuyyalaUgaveuyyala 10.30 * * CloseClose down Varuvar azhaittuvadi BegadaBegada Sketch in TamilTamil TT. R. MAHALINGAM:MAHALINGAM: Devaki tanaya KridatiICridati vanamali SindhubhairaviSindhubhairavi 7.45 NEWS IN TAMILTAMIL M. S.S. SUBBLTLAKSIIMI:SUBBULAKSHMI: AgniyenrarlyayoAgniyenrariyayo 5.08.0 KALLIDAIKURICHI S. KOTHAMANGALAM SRINIVASAN: TedinumTedmum MADRAS 22 2.0 NEWS IN TAMIL SNEHSNEHAPRABHA APR ABHA PRADHAN:PRADHAN: KaleonaKaleona bulayabulaya 2.0 NEWS IN TAMIL HARIHARAN 2.0 NEWSNEWS ININ TAMILTAMIL a.m.а.m. TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION I I 2.5 SUMMER SCHOOLSCHOOL Natamadi TirindaTirinda KambodtKambodi Vetrikku vazhi: The > ’u sa highway:highway: Talk 2.5 VEENA: AA IRI R ARTISTARTIST 60.98 metresmetres (4,920(4,920 ke/s)kc/s; Vetrikkuvazhi:Thesa. JananiJananl pahipahi Suddhasaveri 7.30 toto 7.40 AAS S IN MADRASM A D R A S 11 NittiraiwiiNittiraiwll Pantuvarali 2.10 HARIHARI BROTHERS:BROTHERS: ViolinViolin Andarama soundaryamsoundaryam HadarKedaragaula agaula Chintayanam-Bhairavi-RupakamChintayanam—Bhairavi—Rupakam ! 7.40 NEWS IN TELUGUTELUGU Kasiki poyyenepoyyene Mukhari NNidichala-Kalyani-Chapu id ic h a la —Kalyani—Chapu 7.50 MORNING VARIETYVARIETY ft Ragamalika 2.30 B. V.V. LAKSHMANANLAKSHMANAN j 8.0 to 9.09.0 AS.AS ININ MADRASMADRAS 11 9.20 NEWS IN ENGLISHENGLISH Bruhaspate—Bruhaspate-Atana-TriputaAtana—Triputa 9.30 B B C NEWS RELAY 9.0 * Close down 9.30 B B C' NEWS RELAY Nibhajana—NayakiNtbhajana--:Nayakt-Adi—Adi 9.0 * Close down SSivanal-Hamirkalyant-Adi iva n ai— Hamirkalyani— A d i p.m. TRANSMISSION IlII WAR WAR ININ THE AIR:AIR: CommentaryCommentary p.m.TRANSMISSION SARAS- OrOr WOODWIND WOODWIND 3.0 T. C.C. MEENAKSHIM E E N A K S H I 41.27 metres (7,270(7,270 kckc's) 's) T. G. SA R A S- Entanerchina— Udayaravichandrika—A di VATHI. who Entanerchina-Udayaravichandrika-Adt 1.0 to 2.02.0 AS ININ MADRASMADRAS 11 VATHI. who 10.0 MELODYMELODY TIME TIME ft AAparadamu-Latangi-Adi p a ra d a m u —Latangi— A d i )ften takes part ARIYAKUDIARIYAKUDI RAMANUJARAMANUJA IYENGARIYENGAR SrishtiSrishtl stiti-Pantuvarali-Rupakarnstiti—Pantuvarali—Rupakam 2.0 VEENA: AA I RR ARTISTARTIST n Telugu features KadaikkanK____________ a d a ik k a n TodiToth Sri parameswami-Khamas-Adiparameswami— Khamas—Adi 2.5 NEWS ININ TELUGUTELUGU oroadcast from KamalambarnKamalambam Kalyani 8.303.30 ** Close down 2.10 to 3.303.30 AS ININ MADRASMADRAS 11 Madras. TURAIYUR RAJAGOPALA SARMASARMA Vinata suta HarikaMbodiHarikambodi TRANSMISSION h i Vinata suta TRANSMISSION III 3.30 ** Close down PakkalaP a k ka la Kharaharapriya 4.304.30* * T.T. C.C. MEENAKSHIM E E N A K S H I TRANSMISSION III MUDICONDAN VENKATARAMIERVENKATARAMIER Rama ika nannu— — A d i Innamum oruthalamoruthalam Yadukulakambodi Rama ika nannu-Sahana-AdiSahana 41.27 metres (7,270 kc/s) NNinnamam-Nt/ambarl-Chapu in n a m a m — Nilambari—Chapu 41.27 metres (7,270 kc/s) CHEMBAI VAIDYANATHAVAIDYANATHA BHAGAVATARBHAGAVATAR YYadupana-Kambholi-Adi a d u p a n a — Kambhoji—Adi 4.30 toto 6.0 AS IN MADRASMADRAS 11 Arumponne Tayumanavar PadalPadal 5.0 TEATEA-TIME -TIME MUSICMUSIC -I'+ 6.0б.0 SANGITHASANGITHA ABYASAMUABYASAMU 10.30 * * CloseClose downdown Accent on rhythmrhythm 6.15 LOKAVARTAL O K A V A R T A Programme of swing musicmusic DUKE ELLINGTON'S ORCHESTRA NewsNews-talk -talk in MalayalamMalayalam DUKE ELLINGTON'S ORCHESTRA 6.22 KALACHAKRA It doesn’tdoesn't mean aa thing 6.22 KALACHAKRA ADDITIONAL SOUTHSOUTH INDIANINDIAN LOUIS ARMSTRON'SARMSTRONG HOT SEVENSEVEN News-talkNews -talk in KannadaKannada Ory's creolecreole trombonetrombone 6.30 toto 7.0 AS IN MADRASMADRAS 11 SERVICE JOHN KIRBY'SKIRBY'S ORCHESTRA:ORCHESTRA: MilumbuMilumbu 7.0 SATRU PRACHARA PARI- SERVICE MOKINNEY'S COTTON PICKERSPICKERS 7.0 SATRU PRACHARA PARI- Shim-me-sha-wabble . SEELANASEELAN A TRANSMISSION I Endukuniradaya HarikambhollHarikambhoji BENNY CARTER'SCARTER'S ORCHESTRA:ORCHESTRA: Midnight Talk in TeluguTelugu a.m. TRANSMISSIONI | Smarajanaka BehagBe teg JIMMY LUNCEFORD'SLUNCEFORD’S ORCHESTRAORCHESTRA 7.15 FOR THE VILLAGESVILLAGES (Telugu)(Telugu) 30.99 metresmetres (9,680(9,680 kc/s) i 3.0 Close downdown MMix ix upu p i Ramanagar Sabha: Appireddi asayalu:asayalu: Vidya-Vidya- 7.30 MUSICAL PRELUDE + LISTENERS’ REQUESTS 7.30 MUSICAL PRELUDE t LISTENERS' REQUESTS vidhanamu; NamasankeertanaNamasankeertana Yararivar; Paramakripakarane; DamodaranD am o daran TRANSMISSION IIIIII 5.30 S. JA Y A L A K S H M I Yararivar; Paramakripakarane; 5.30 S. JAYALAKSHMI 7.30 NEWS IN TELUGUTELUGU marugam aruga 30.99 metres (9,680(9,680 kc/s)kc/s) Pakkalanilabadi—Pakkalanilabadi-KKharaharapriya—Triputa haraliarap riya-T riputa 7.45 RURAL NOTES (Telugu) 7.40 NEWS IN TELUGU Ksheenamai—Mukhari—Adi 7.45 RURAL NOTES (Telugu) 7.40 NEWS IN TELUGU 8.30 SUSHILA ACHYUTARAMANACHYUTARAMAN * Ksheenarnal-Mukhari-Adi Violin interlude; Vigyana viseshalu Market PPreetl-Yaman-T re e ti—Yaman—Trital rital Violininterlude;Vigyana viseshalu: 7.50 NEWS ININ TAMILTAMIL SrlmahaganapatiSrimahaganapati
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