THERE's TREASURE BURIED in YOUR HOUSE. Uncover the Financial Power of Your Home with a Greater "Open Door" Home Equity Account
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THERE'S TREASURE BURIED IN YOUR HOUSE. Uncover the financial power of your home with a Greater "Open Door" Home Equity Account. This may be the best source you've ever discov The------------1 Greater New York Sovlngs Bank ered for borrowing money. nConsumer Loan Department 1550 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11210 Our "Open Door" Home Equity Account lets I Please send me lull information and an application for your you borrow up to 75% of the equity in your "Open Door" Home Equity line-of-credit account. house or condominium. It gives you a low-cost 1 line of credit, secured by a mortgage on your rAM• home, that you can use whenever you want, for r·ADDRESS any purpose, just by writing checks. And the only interest you pay is on the I CITY STATE ZIP amount you actually borrow. You've worked hard to build up that equity I THEPH0NE in your home. Why not make it work for you? For I THEG~E' A TE~ I details, visit any branch of The Greater New York ~--)____ ' I"' I ''" I Savings Bank, send the coupon, -f _ ___>- _______ _ JQ:YBLJ or call 718-859-8884. -!~ ~..J~ The Greater New York Savings Bank c·~___./·---:::,.. ) -- A low-cost loan .-JJU~..;- That's a we can use Greater Idea! anytime? ~~~y "" Consumer Loan Department: 718·859-8584 Jn Brooklyn: Fifth Ave. 9th and 10th Streets. 718-965-7500 ·Church and McDonald Avenues. 718-435-4300 • 18th Ale. and East 2nd SL 718-435·'1100. Seventh Avenue and President Slreet. 718-789-4100 •Bay Parkway and 67th Street, 718-837·8400 ·13th Avenue and 53rd Street, 718-436-9505 • Nep!une Avenue ond wes1 5tn Street, 718-996-4100 • 1045 Flotbush Avenue a1 Duryea Place, 718-282· 7500 • 1550 Flotbush Avenue at Nostrand Avenue. 718-859-5300 In Manhattan: 8rCXJdway and West 79th Street, 212-873-3730 ln Queens: H1lls1de Avenue at 179\h Street, 718-291-3100. In Nassau: 222 Station Plaza North and 3rd Avenue, Minecla, 516-747-6100. Customer 5ervice: 718-965-7526 Is 1/2 A Building Better Than None? Not Really . .. That's Why We Need Your Continued Support To Finish The Job That's Halfway Completed. ith the help of Hashem, Yeshiva Derech Chaim The immediate need is: Much more space to house is almost at the half-way point in the construc the yeshiva's round-the-clock Torah activities. W,tion of their new building. The roof has been This is the same Yeshiva Derech Chaim that has won installed, the outside walls have been strengthened, the world-wide recognition for its success in building a way staircases, sub-floors, and basement have been built and of life for each student through its old-fashioned, heart· the windows are now being installed. to-heart, mind-to-mind, one-to-one contact between But our students still need inside walls, electricity, rebbe and talmid, disciple and mentor. flooring, ceilings, plumbing, heating, and furnishings to This is the same Yeshiva Derech Chaim with students be able to enter this future edifice of Torah learning. from 21 cities in 8 different countries, ranging in age At present the facilities are unbearable. Students and from 17 to30. From post-high school to post-graduate staff are suffering from unbelievably crowded conditions, level. With a legacy of devotion to the individual student. where libraries become study halls, and double as lee· Please don't turn this page without helping the yeshiva lure rooms, except when they are converted into dining move into its new home. rooms ... where faculty meetings are convened in the Hundreds of thousands of dollars are still needed. , . kitchen ... where meals, cooked in the deans' homes, Please help generously., .today! are brought to be warmed up ... where the office is wher· Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Rabbi Yisroel Plutchok ever the registrar happens to be sitting, and his lap serves Rosh HaYeshiva Rosh Yeshiva as his desk ... where "the campus" consists of scattered Rabbi Mordechai Rennert Dr. Yehuda A. Sorscher rooms, converted apartments and borrowed quarters. fvlenahel Chairman of the Board Unlock the future for Yeshiva Derech Chaim, the Yeshiva that unlocks the potential of its eveiy student, guiding him to maximal realization of his own Derech Chaim, his personal road to fulfillment. Menorah,, .. ,, ... ,, .. ,,, .. $J0,000 Memorial Plaque,,, .. ,,, ... , $J,OOO Separate Plaque in Mezuzah ...... , .. .. .. .. .. .. $500 Bais HaMedrash.,.,,, ... , ... $5,000 Chair .... ,,, ... , .. ,, .... , ... $250 Bookcase .............. , ... $2,500 Brick ....................... $JOO Window .... , .. , , , .. , , .. , , , , $J ,800 Additional Opportunities Available Send your tax deductible contribution to: Name __________________________ Building Campaign Address _________________________ Yeshiva Derech Chaim 4907 18th Avenue City __________ State __________ Zip• _____ Brooklyn, N.Y. 11204 (718) 438-5476 THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly except July and August. by the Agu dath Israel of America. 84 William Street. New York. NY I 0038. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription $18.00 per year; two years. $30.00; three years. $40.00. Outside of the United States (US funds only) $10 surcharge per year. 7 Single copy; $2.50; foreign: $3.00. Are We Still in Golus? Send address changes to The Jew Rabbi Aaron Brcifman ish Observer. 84 William St.. N.Y.. N.Y. 10038. Printed in the U.SA Tel.; (212) 797-9000. 11 Rebbetzin Vichna Kaplan il"l!: An Appreciation RABBI NISSON WOLPIN. Ect;to, Devora Kitevits Editorial Board DR ERNST BODENHEIMER 27 Cltainnan Using Secular Government to Promote RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Religious Interests: Where Are The Boundaries? JOSEPH FRIEDENSON Chaim David Zwiebel RABBINOSSONSCHERMAN RABBI MOSHE SHERER Management Board Bringing Torah to the People NAFTOLI HIRSCH 35 ISAAC KIRZNER From Denver: Reaching Out to Small Communities RABBI SHWMO LESIN Rabbi Hillel Goldberg NACHUM STEIN 39 RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING From Baltimore: Shiur Enjoyment Bmtncss Manager Gary Rosenblatt THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not as sume responsibllity for the Kashrus of 43 any product or service advertised in its pages. Postscript © Copyrtght 1987 44 FEBRUARY "87 Letters to the Editor VOL. XX. NO. I A WINTER 1986 BOROPARK~AGE THE GROL:\D HAS Borough President How· ty, with the crews careful arate recreation rooms. All BEE:\ BROKE!'i: ard Go/den m feasting on not to destroy the quiet complete with convenient BORO PARK VILLAGE gefilte fish, chopped liver, ambience of the sur city living_ • IS COMING kosher Chinese food and rounding streets. "The Bnght yellow #Boro a variety of hors 52nd Street Block Associ Joel Kaplan of PRG. Park Village is Coming" d'oeuvres. With the ation has been terrific co-developer of the com buttons were pinned on Neginah Orchestra play and looks forward to we/ plex, says "Boro Park Vil· the lapels of jackets and ing lively Jewish wedding coming their new neigh /age will be known for the on dresses last Septem music in the background, bors," according to the most creatively designed ber 28th at the ground the ;ub1fant crowd con spokesman.• layouts in Brooklyn. We gratulated the developers. have a variety of floor breaking ceremonies Boro Park Village will the contractors, La Sala plans available from marking the beginning of be a major showplace in Construction and the which our future residents construction of a unique dicative of Manhattan local d1gnitanes such as can choose." Shmuel community, Bora Park Vil type style and fast paced Congressman Charles Lefkowitz, Mr. Kaplan's lage, a multi-faceted de yet careful construction. • velopment located on Schumer, State Senator partner, adds, "Boro 52nd Street between 18th a complex that is "just Martin Solomon and Park Village is cer and 19th Avenues and what the community or Councilman Noach Dear tainly keeping 19th Avenue between 51st dered." Co-developer tor supporting the up with the and 52nd Streets will in Charles Reiss of Housing Brooklyn complex • times in clude condominiums of Futures Inc. in Manhattan terms of various sizes with many cal/ed it "a dream project DEMOLJTI0'.'11 JS architec four bedroom maison for any borough but of COMPLETED Al\D ture and ettes (see separate story) particular significance to CONSTRt;CTIO:'\ BEGINS day-to day liv and special units with fa Brooklyn where there is a Interior demolition for ing." Mr. cilities designed for sen need for such housing."• Baro Park Village has Lefkowitz ior citizens and smaller been completed and the added, families.• new housing complex is "Each unit under construction A will have spokesperson for La Sala a porch leading Construction, the well· from the master known New York con bedroom and sepa struction firm, said that a FRENCH STYLE rate entrance, some from plans tor the complex are MAJSOl\ETTES lN grass-covered interior well ahead of schedule. BOBO PARK? courtyards."• He added that their work reflects the high stan French style "Maison Boro Park Village is an dards and approach typi ettesn are coming to Boro ideal setting for a grow cal of Manhattan luxury Park, Brooklyn. They best ing family, which hopes developments which his describe Boro Park to be close to schools, firm will be bringing to Village's multi-level four synagogues and shop Boro Park Village. The bedroom units with pri ping. The convenient lo main site, 52nd Street, vate front entrances, eat cation has the best to has been the scene of in kitchens, private patio, offer in religious and cul major construction acttv1~ rooftop gardens and sep- tural life in Brooklyn. • The ceremonies were Under a huge tent opened by Shmuel which had been especial Lefkowitz, Chairman of ly erected for the occa Prime Resources Corpo sion, leaders of the ration, the co-developer community joined City and marketing agent for Comptroller Harrison J.