M om)AT. TEBUTTAST14. M4T iSmirliretpr Snrnitto IjpralJi Average Dslty arralnUon IMT The Weather FerMoet ef D. R Weather Bareee Another dance for Jualera U I the slogan for the diiva, tha entsr- ; taln’ment wrlU be "short and snap­ 9332 acbeduled for Friday —Hegs about the report a-hich a Parts AFL, CIO and Railway school, home-work and Jobs. They been purchased by Mr. Sebaub for newspaper sttrlbtited to Radio Sudden Death * 9L Uargaret's Circle, Uauchters R. F. Gardner of Racine, Wia., Mt aaether aew all-ttaM peA are, therefore, giving their vaca­ the work, and all Is ready to get Braad 2Y 2 Quart Size Ecko ef SOS ea tlM Chtcago aiarfcet Luxembourg. Union Men 'Join in Isabella, will meet at the K. of was In Mancbeater yesterday vis­ tion time to the cause. The quoU work started on the rear door col­ borne tomorrow evening tor a iting Us grandfstber, Joseph Fer­ tod y . Oalae at 75 eeato to Contentions Before for this district Is 8600. lection. No. 2'A Can f l a t were repertad. aa goad gkridte and setback party, to whichguson of Foster street Mr. Gard­ Teaaa Rally On Friday The town meeting laat October A p rico ts 2 5 c asambers and friends are cordially ner Is employed by the 8. C. John­ Pressure Cooker $11.95 aaid choice hego wdgMag ISS Senate or House La- The majors, captains and teams ippropriated mdney to make poa- to S8S We. aald at RMJs to tavltad. Playing will begin at son A Son. Inc.,' roanufsctiirers of of all districts are urged by J. F. sible the collection of garbage Johnson was. OoM Medal AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! B8S. The top ot $8i waa paM Waiting Action hop Coniniitlees Today dgbt o’clock, prises will be award­ Miller, chairman of the realdentUl from the rear of the buildings, but tor Bcveial toode of chalee ed the ertnnera and refrcahmonta canvass, to keep Friday evening the local town garbage depart­ hgt^avew>glag aheat 280 to —Industrialist Accuses WlH- be served by Mrs. Fella Uc- Gibbons Assembly. OathoUc La­ Bisquick 20 Ox. Pkg. 2 5 c dles of Columbus, will conduct a open on their date books. That ment employees refused to go to ______b 1947 Presto By Committee Brltt and ber committee who are night, at a place and hour to be. the rest of the buildings after gar­ NIJIB of Partisanship ta cbarge. Military Whist tomorrow evening at eight o'clock In St Bridget's announced later, there will be a bage. After several efTorts nad Burt fMney cauoago, Feb. 25—(dV-A pock And Bias Like Nazis rally of all workers from all dla- been made to get tho trouble chop aoon may cost $1 a {wund at > Anderaon-Shea Auailiary, No. parish ban. Mias Florlne Sister of Pressure Cooker $13-50 On Pay Raises Rockville wUI dlreet the games. tricta. Suppllea and Instructions straightened out, with no success, retail butcher shops as a result of iOM, V.s'.W., will meet at the Poet will be given out at this meeUng the Selectmen advertised for Mds. No. Om 21c Washington, Feb. 25.— (/P) NOMa tomorrow evening at eight Prises wrill be swarded and a ao­ Spinach CooW dinner in minutes in­ the abarp advance in prices for Uve rtal time with refreshments will and there will be a brief entertain­ Mr. Schsiib was the lowest bidder, hoga in recent weeks, an Agricul­ A t I.„ CIO and Railway union o'clock. News Items of interest and was swarded the contracL stead of hours. Food stays Buffiilo City OfTicials Mwld be brought In for pubUca- ba enjoyed^ ment program. In fact, matching Brer RabMt Orerii Label ture department meat apeclatlat men joined today in c o n ti^ - Wm hi the official organ. Officers vitamin-rich, looks and aald tod^. Toss lo Drwey Admin­ ing to Congreag that such requested to wear their uni- "Dollar bacon” also waa aeen aa M olasses Brtti. 21c tastes better. Model No. 40 a pooslblUty as pork-on-tbe-boof istration Rcsponsildl- proposed flew labor laws as •• f'-r. ' bans on industry-wide bar­ fe heavy cast aluminum with soared to ell time record prices In ity for Ending Strike A son was bom Saturday at the w,’oodcn handles. Model No. the nation’s markets. Live hoga gaining and the clotwd shop Hbitfocd boepital to Mr. and Mrs. Super Suds Lge. Pkg. 3 4 c sold yesterday at a top of $28.00 a would be harmful to the coun­ Osiamo liprloo, ot IW Bmokfleld 3 Beautiful Designs In 60 spun aluminum with hundred pounds at Chicago. Buffalo, N. Y„ Feb. 25-o»> - try. stseet -Mrs. Uprloo was the form­ plastic handles. 4-quart Rosa Jeter, wholesale market C8ty officials today toaaed to Gov. Varioutly, before Senate or er MIsa Tsroaa OlgUo of Boltoa. Anala analyst for the Agriculture depart­ Tliomas R. Dewey’s state adminis­ Hoiiee Labor commltteee: size. AVAILABLE IMME­ ment, said that ^ c e s of pork in tration the responsibility for end­ Sluf^nta W Lafayette High fichotol pour coffee for their teachers on the picket line as claaaea for Buf­ ing the two-day-old strike of more A. r. Whitney, president of V Maasorlal Temple Pythian Bts- Lge. Pkg. DIATELY. . wholesale markets were being falos 71.000 students were dlarupted by the largest teacher strike In U. 8. history.—(AP wirephotol. the Brotherhocxl of Railway l^ in - fesrs wW eondoct a pubUc setback Soap Flakes 2 7 c marked up In line with the live hog than 2,000 Buffalo teachers seek­ men, said COngreoe would invito tomorrow idght for the advances. Ha sbM these Increases ing higher pay. • to "Jungle law" in Indua- of the welfare fund. Cash 1947 Wear-Ever should reach consumera later this Mayor Bernard J. Dowd de­ trial relations any fundamea- sd door priaes will be week. clared "we cannot grant any ratoee tM change In the Wagner act H m aoclal committee la Ivory Snow, Ivory Flakes, "Some retaU shops may trana- writhout an Increase in state aid or which guarantees w e»eia the Pressure Cooker ' $13-95 late wholeeele prfpes into pork at 11 American Airmen Are Flown permissive (state) legislation right to bargain coUecUvely. 81.00 a pound for center cuts," Jet­ granting additional local tax pow­ •u*’ preeldwit of X H m a n t ot tba aartia of LanUn Duz or Oxydoi er said. ers." Uie CIO Maritims union, aastrtnd isvvlosaat tlM OBvanant-Oongraga- A famous name in alumi­ Soaril Raa O anegs Dowd said the city waa awaiting in a statement read by an aide HoMl ciMMCk which bagan yastar- livestock experts attributed the Back to Westover Field Today action by Dewey's special educa­ t*>*t'tlie bllto before CongreM. Ry wttli nvaiigatlat <3Dbm Otta- Mtthl-Cdhr Ddsipi, Small Package 14c num now famous in pres­ tion committee which la Bchedulel m tad CTiaatsr B. Oiaon, tanor, soaring hog market to continued reuier than promoting industrial lotk at WdtoaaUr, Maaa., will con- good consumer demand for meat to submit a new teachers salary ^ace, would "ao weaken, eub- Oa la ift, Bh$, K u§, sure cooking. Plastic han­ and an unusually small run of Climb Stiffly from plan to the New York Legislature dlvl^ Md hogUe the labor move- I to Fabniary 88. H m hoga. i tomorrow.- _ ht wtU bagln at 7:30 Yankee Perfumed Starch dles and stainless steel cov­ Assembly Passes Bill |Bescue Plane; Appear tt^ t that Us effecUveneoB in pro- Bight tbasaaftar, Includ- G nu Aad Nataraff Marvin Henning, Agriculture de­ No Immediate Commeat te^Ing the living etandarda arid y. A cordial tavtutlon la er. Mirror aluminum fin* partment reporter in the bog mer- Exhausted from Or­ There waa no Immediate com­ polltlra^bertlea of the American to an who consider tha for Bath______2w.p. 2 5 c keL said, 'only about 20 per cent ment from state administration people will wither.'* - Oongragational thair ish. 4-quart size. AVAIL­ of laat sprlng'e pig erop atlll re- On Bridgeport Bonds deal in Arctic Circle leaders In Albany, aoBM. to aaarooinara' and dairy Florida malM to be marketed and we face The strike, largest of its kind in the AFL Ladiea Garment Workers low reealpte until last autumn’s the history of the United States; walo^ argued that to ban the clos­ in tataraataa Tha church ABLE IMMEDIATELY. Westover Field, Mass., Feb. tad at 48 Bptnea atiaaL Dox. crop starts moving around May or closed an but 20 of the city’s pub­ ed shop wouM deal “a body blow O ranges 2 6 9 c June.’’ Action Taken After 25.— (/P> — Eleven Ameriitan lic schools. School attendance waa to our democracy" and "Increato Uvaotock experts explained, China and Five airmen wbo cheated death for 9,796 out of an enrollment of 71.- A minister, his.brad bowail, says a prayer for the Uires vIcUme of a thouaand-fold" Industrial strito 1947 Mirro-matic Democratic Senator this autn-train accident at AIMon. Mich. A father and his two sons (In a "closed shop," the eai- Freeh. Large Buarb however, that even lest autumn's j three days 600 miles from the 000. crop waa not large. Pigs farrowed Sharply CriticizcH Tbe 600-odd non-striking tcaob- ysre in that aiitofitohils when It was stnick by a New York Central ployer can hire only union men).** W m iN G MACHINES : North pole after their B-29 train at a crossing. The mintotsr woa.a BBHenger aboard the train. Dealgiwd To "Boat Valea” UPAIBED. ALL MAKES were eetimeted at 80,627,000 bead, Other Nations ers, meanwhile organised emergen­ White or Pascal Pressure Cooker $12-95 11 per cent lower then the pre- McLevy * as ‘Wizard’ opished in northern Green- cy______schedulM at tk« 20 ariioota atUI --(NKA telephoto). 4. Harry Bridges, head of Ps- 8ayaBgd»aBiMiiiiiit ceduig yew end 5 per cent hriow eifle coast CIO longidiotemen, con- i! X tended moot of Die legislative pro- Bch. The Mirro-Mutic pressure 5tate Capftot, I?artf ord, day. Lieut. Bi^bfo Joe Cav- memSelrs* of~the C elery 2 7 c (Oeattaoed ea Page Fear) I T o G e tR ^ e f posals were dvatg^ied to "bust un­ A. BEfeWBR has precision automatic Feb. 25.—— DR. R. M. RAYBURN Fl«eh i • pressure cookjers including gaskets, fuses, patches to Peiping eign Affairs committee, he said School Supt. Robert T. Bapst Foreign Secretary Ernest Presldeal Truman today shnrplr "crying that he can’t run" the that these European countries "ap­ Lieut. Vern Arnett ot Riverside, \ f city’s flnancM. said these schools would continue Devin charged tdday that modified tho reciprocal troflo handles, etc. pear to have need of outside as- (tollf., pilot of the downed B-29, to function as long as possible BFackiHcd P liF u ses in optometrist l.b: 3 9 c Peiping, Feb. 25—(fl')—Chlna’a only crewman to discuss the belly- President 'Truman > w r ^ e d agreements program to moko Beef Liver With McLevy standing only a siotance—Austria, Greece, Hun­ with any of the 2,9W city teachers "doubly sore that American ialee- DnBaqne Top Grade top military men went to Peiping few feet away from him, Mulvihlll gary, Italy and Poland." landing and rescue before nil were who want to work. negotiations for a peiweful Rough \ Dpaft Indi* PiBctioa Davotod To Bxam- to ^ y to plan an offensive against hospitalized for rest and observa­ eota will be properly safeguarded.’* tnatiOB ot Myaa tor Oometlve contended that Bridgeport had to Higalflcaat By Omisslan City Corporation Counsel Fred settlement of the Pale^ine Mr. Truman aald In a statoment Complete with tie backs National Chinese ^mmunist armies. One ask for financial heib biennially Significant by their omiasion tion, described Lieutenant Cav- C. Maloney held yesterday that cRie Key Points at fMasoiR Tntb pfleas and nar's landing as a "wonderful Job." problem by calling for imilie* that an executive order providtag Optleal laboratory Located Bacon I.I.. 5 9 c official said “existence or death despite the fact that it now has were both .Yugoslavia and White the striking teachers had "breach­ for north China depends” on the Russia, which have been large re- Permitted to talk to new.snicn diafe admission of 100,000 Issue AniO|ig P o w c f s for procedfiral changes foUowmi Saadwirb SHeed what the senator said was the ed their contracts" and could be conversations be held with Sea^ In The outcome ot the operation. highest tax’rate and highest grand clplenU of UNRRA relief. for five minutes, Arnett said his "8ui)imsrily removed by the Jews to the Holy Idind durinj) 58-in. wide: 2 ’ 2 yds. long ship was "on a rontliie training London, Feb. 25 - Deputies tors Vandenberg (R,, Mich.), mod Pressure The bloodiest fighting in China’s list In the city’s history. UNRRA’s operations In Europe Board of Education” without a the U. S. congressional election Mllllkin (K., Coh>.), aad Clndor- BUBINOW BLDG. Loaf Cheese civil war waa reported meanwhile. will" begin winding up March 3i. fight. We were not making photos." hearing. campaign last fall. of the four-power forel^ ministers At one point, Mulvihlll referred and serrelnrtes of State Dean .tudmsoa •a UaSn Btnat In field dispatches as plana went to McLevy an a "man who every President Tniman Has aaked Blown Completely Off Course , "The teachers' response was who have striven valniy for six *rhe big plane ran Into s storm Htni Settlement fluuMw and William L. Clayloa. 'The or­ ahead for the extraordinary mill- two years throws himself into an better than anyone had anticipat­ 0|>enlng a House of flomm'ins weeks to complete a draft peace der, .Mr. Truman said, "tormattaca TELEPHONE 8598 Canner (Continued on Page Fmir) which blew It completely ’ off ed," said Federation President election aa a financial genius!” course, he related and added: debate on the Holy Land question, treaty for Austria adjourned on and naikes mandatory rortala ex* (Continued aa Page Four) Senator Herbert McDonald (R- Raymond J. Ast, adding that they Isilag trade agreenient proeo- "We were running short of fuel were "determined to fight this achedule today. North' Haven), chairman of the i and since we had been flying for (Continued oo Page Four) Deputies working on the Ger­ dures" and'In uddlllon "makes Finance committee, told the Sen­ through to the finish.” some procedural chanKes.” $18-85 Korea Moves 115 hours, there was nothing to do Ast said tho City Council could man pence arranged a final meet- m a o ate that the committee had ap­ but make a belly landing. Ing this afternoon to approve a Bleachers Fall "bring the teachers back to their Kent Increase Hill Favored REFRIGERATOR and proved the measure In order “not "We landed on a lake and luck­ classrooms" by paying the dc- report explaining their disagree­ 16-quart size. Pressure cans 7 quarts. Complete with to burden" Bridgeport's taxpay­ Up in Issues ily, no one was hurt: mand*>d 82,400-84,000 salary scale Greeks Plan ments on treaty-making procedure. Washington, Feb. 25—(A>—Leg­ WASHING MACHINE racks, pans and inserts. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE­ ers. "We made regular contact four Approve RGigh Draft islation permilting a 10 per cesit Fatal for Two "now" out of current funds. Increaar In rents and wiping oat ad SERVICE LY. / Approved by Both Houses hours after we, crashed. We stayed Permanent Pay Plan Scheduled The deputies for Austria, due to The bill waa approved by both on the plane and had plenty of Meanwhile, there was no official Strou" Drive be recreated as an Independent na­ federal rent controls by next Dee. Hodge Has - Given Up tion, approved a rough treaty SI was approved by a Henate Bank­ Repatn On All Makes! houses under aiispcnalon of the food.” comment in Albany where a per­ JhaliU OivMir sad Vi|stoU* Stsamir About 200 Persons In­ rules and sped to Lieut. Gov. Trying to Negotiate Other members of the crew were; manent pay plan for teachers to draft—with bracketed phrases in­ ing subcommittee. The btll also ProaiBt. Bcononiral! James C. Shannon, acting gover- Lieut. Russell 8. Jordan, Albany, dicating the key points at issue would eliminate (he office of Price with thus ftotunt: jured at Purdue Uni­ scheduled to be given the Legisla­ Troops u ik I Siipplirs to Save Precious Food On Unification Flan Calif.; Second Lieut. Robert ture tomorrow by Gov. Thomas B. among the powers - for sqbmiasion Admlnlslrallun as administrator of \ versity’ s Fieldhouse (CoBlInued on Page Four) Lluedke, Los Angeles, Calif.; Lieut. Dewey’s special Committee on Ed­ AttiH’k (> u e r r i 111 1 H remaining ronlrols and give that John Q. Lrsman, Kearny, N. J.; ucation. (Coatinued On Page Eight) authority to the courts except Ip Potterton's Vdtue with the Bulletin! Lieut. Burl Cowan, Grand Island, Moved to .Salonika states where an enforcement S3ra- first all aluminum divi­ Lafayette, Ind., Feb. 25— — The New York State Teachers MaaiBailas^e l*nmaa« RadU (JTi Washington,'Feb. 23—<;P)— Neb.; Lieiit. .Talbert M. Gates, Al­ association has been campaigning tern Is eetablished. The proposed 18 . aea AMrtlBMa Rlara der wlHi lidei and bat*. A section of new wooden bleachers Secretary .of State Marshall bany, Calif.; Master Sergt, Law­ per rent bike In rents would apply Just lift out. In the Purdue university fieldhouse. Notice Given Salonika, Greece, Feb. 25 (A') - Al * a CMataf \i:i;u\\-M AIK, aald today Russia has advised rence Yarbrough, Springfield, Ore.; (Continued oa Page Four) Troops and supplies moved by sea Britain Waits to ceilings in effect last Dec. Si. SRMII MAIN B T aart Quick lltamine rttoini Jammed with 8,500 fans in the the United Staten that tbe So­ Staff Sergt. Ernest C. Stewart of to this port today to mipport what ■ — . ♦ • ^ crowd of 11,000 at the Purdue- viet government feels an Am- Birmingham, Ala.; Tech. Sergt. waa expected to be a general of­ hnllbful vlfomins, miner, Wiaconsin basketball game, col­ Cuts Planned 60 Injured In Cresh alt. natural vegelqble ertean trusteeship, over the RoWrt Leader. Philadelphia; Staff Treasury Balance fensive against leftist guerrillas in Warm W inds Vancouver, B V,, Feb. 25—(A*)-* lapsed laat night killing two stu­ Japanese-mandated btoads In Sepgt. Paul R. McNamara. Geneva, strife-tom northern Greece. More than (10 |iersons were Injur^, fiovori. dents and Injuring about 200 per- Ohio and Lieut. Howard R. Adams, Washington, Feb. 25—lA*)—“nje aens. Taft Believes Armed the Pacific would be "entirely Unofficial soMrees aald the op­ one serloosly. vthen an Interurhoin ^ Coakt I, 2, or 2 vege- fair." MnrsbnII toM a news Lebanon, Ps. poelllon of the Traasury Feb. 21: eration might Involve 50,0()0 men, Looks Toward ' Wrath- ran out of eoi<(r;—Ice-boun*! an rstimaird 500 volts of electric­ preriwe coakem. There , was no panic. The hun­ tor Taft (R., Ohio), put the Army the Inner cabinet—leaders of the dreds of the, occupants of the and Navy on notice today that others ia the Pacifle advance. Britain looke«l toward the west to-, ity. The S0-t»n ear hurtled out ef New York Hotel Rooms seven politic-si parties now par- day for warm winda to push back the ear Itama struck twe othex bleachers, sonto^mdMHir______Uqjpatii^ In the coalltloii govem- SERVICE 30 feet, limped get 2utaThIIl¥a?' " '* * ^ ” *^‘* ■I a Siberian-cold wave. street ears* and two rea Jumped several notches higl Kensington T r e m er crawled through the crowd to gresa aaaaion very likely ..will trim trtoB Maximos rSkeaM it be your aiiafor- setic madicgl attaatieii. Many of their combined funds to $7,600,- er today on the list of 8ovt«t- “^m g(er‘H ig “PriStRiSm caster announced a depression was rear of one aiitom'ohMJ with” Geiwal Wlsffo^ Inn tbaas tn tba bleacbar aagta had 090,000. Amertcan difrieultlcs confronting .\ll Fart Of Frognun nwvflif Slowly across ths Atlantic. es to free' four oeenpoata meta taac to Boai a wrecker or Basement Secrotary of State Marshall In hit Promotion of Gen. CenstonUn than an hour after the acetdenL baan atanding and chgaring tor tbs As the Senate marked time be­ Ventlrii to the poet of chief of the But prospects were to uncertain he a tow car. yon win be sroNsetie sv Ihirdua taam aa It waa leaving fore resuming limited debate to­ preparation for the Moscow For­ New York, Feb. 25—(A’)—Thou--' 10 to 16 per cent drop in their • • • Channinff patterns to dress up your windows with sparkling color. Plas- ^team ^ -J ^' genera) staff and other shifts In refused more Uian.e fsmtliar 24- pleaoet with tho cootoons e S,N»m4 top N»m C»pln l, mtmwH hnewm typ e Um floor at half time with a 84 to morrow on a government spending eign Ministers - conference next sands of unlucgy out-of-towners week-end occupancies/' hour forecast: Former Cashier .%rresled T w . L- (rilMRd).r' month. the command all are part of the New Haven, Feb. 25—((P),—. R, aad oflkiaat aanrke ren- ticikcd by a npedal process to give them extra strength and a smooth fabric­ 1 knm tom tn uin t.mwj, iwtai eiii.ii.e 38 laad over the Wiaconain Bad- celling goal, Taft told a reporter Available IVItliout Reservation program. Ventirto, as commander "Wintry cbhdlUoni will con­ S & H Green Stamps gera, Wastam confaranca leaders. he believes the armed services Ueut. Gen. John R. Hodge, com­ who wearily shopped around for About 3,000 to 4,500 hotel rooms tinue." B. Fletcher, special agsat In teret 24 Hoar* • Dny By like finish that drapes so heantifully. t'en be hung in two ways — lied hark week-end hotel rooms here during of the Second Army corps with Sharp CiaeUag Noises ought to' begin now to plan to mander of American forces In are available without reservation headquarters here, had extensive Abingdon, in the Midlands, re­ rharge of tbe F'ederal Burena ef or straight. e M*« IMlIy M* twi MVM ftm $11 ;50 The aplinterlRg of huge support­ taper off costs to a peacetime Korea, said tost night he has given the war period will find the situa­ out of a total of 30,000 transient ported s rtiodlng of two below zero Investigation In Conncctlcirt. ao- 18% I m w w fM e w # bee ito e Given With Cash expertence during the fall and win­ •• to MM •• • teal JL JL ing beams gave out sharp cracking level. up trying to negotiate with Russia tion reversed now—there’s a "buy­ r*iom* every week-end, the eurvey ter violence In Macedonia. (Fahrenheit) during the night — nouneiMl bwla.v that .-\adrew Daniel noises and within a apace of a $7,5M.0(W,000 Top Limit for unification of the country un­ shows. The operation was expected to only two degrees warmer than the Woodbury, S7, former mahier ef Only Sales (eUr minutes the entire etructurc TafL who heads the Senate Re­ der a provisional government. ers market" in scores of hoatelries. COOK'S Electrical' Department — Basement. _ The Improved situation was at- begin simultaneously in mid-March lowest British temperature on rec­ the llarlford National Bonk aad had been leveled. As the flrst publican Policy committee, said “I have dona all I can over Riiyal W. Ryan. exe*;utlye vice j tHbuted largely to a drop In armed with the application of a new am­ ord. Trust company had been orveaMM Sorvico SfofioR MAIN FLOOR screams of the injured were heard he regards 87,600.000,000 .aa the there and have come back for dis- presidentosident of the New York Con- ■ acrvlee ' personnel stationed here nesty program, appmved in Athens C Bright Bun la Most .\reas In Denver, Co|.. as a fugitive teem a panic among tba bufa crowd top U ^t Congress to likely to pro­ cusoions at higher leveto," H o^e vention and Visitors Bureau. Inc., or coming Into the port from over^ today by a parliamentary conunto- A bright sun shone in the liuttire. Fleteher said tknt -WoaAi* Maachaalar Green . threatened but athletic offlciala ap­ vide for military needs in the year told a news conference after a says week-enders in town for busi­ seas.'Hotel managmenU ore co­ sion. Under the amnesty decree, Thamea Twenty shiploads of coal bury would be brought boek lai * pealed for wder and quiet and beginning July 1, 1848. vtoit with President Truman. ness or a Broadway show will find TEL. U t l Green Stamps operating in a program to attract which Parliament Itaelf to c a p p ­ for fuel abort, London were tied up Conaecticut to answer In a towt-v The J W H A I ^ COkR asked uninjured persona not help­ 'That compares with 811,200,- ".What further to done is up to accommodations availsble without vuiitors since occupancy has drop­ ed to approve aoon. Immunity will In the Thames estiury throughout ,connt tadlctineiit retniaad a'v Given The JWHALC CORF ing the Injured to leave the build­ 000,000 Prealdent Triiman asked someone higher up." reservation. ped. be granted all guerrillas who sur­ m a n c h i s t r r C o m m * The JSKIUU CORK ing aa quickly ka poaaibte. An for the services In the '-,|.U.500.- The general declined to say the night. 'Federal grand'Jury Feb. 1|^ lB4Rt ^ A U AAA With Cash Sales MANCHienii Conn- A Mrvey ot the bureau shows, ;The bureau’s figures were con­ render to the authorities by March Thawing snoW, sliding from a eharging him with tbe ooSktadd^ MANCHeerni Comm- Ryan say6. that “all hotels in New firmed by the Hotel Association IlUigttiiMd (to Page RigRtj. ' tCoBliaaed on Page KIgbtj iiient of 8t!,000 of tbe baak*n t ■ (Conttaned Oa Page Zlgbti York city are now underfol^ a of New York City. (Coalloued Oa.Fage EIgbtx (t’ootiaued On Paac Elihl) funds^ . f ft I. ‘ ■ i . ' -V '

4 I \ . MANlJREininK EVEIfINO HERALD. MANCHERTER. OOHIf. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,164T ^CHESTER EVE.MNG HERALD. MANCHESTER.'CONN.. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1947 FAOBTWO — -A- ITAOE THKEB was turhad aver to a commseciai the Civil war tha company manu­ tug for eomplation of tha trip to factured blankcta tor the aoldiara Army Emergent^- Relief which will YMCA secretary of Rockvill;. This Second Lenten port. be of interest. The War Depart- i will be similar to the session held NuHiii^ton W oiiiaii of tho Northom-army. It waa tbla Local Man Cherishes Vote HART! ORD Korkville Sale of Talcottville huatnaao that b o l^ to make Tal- Tha craft, owned by ths Eastern McConaughy Opposes ment haa authurised the continu­ during the Christmas vacation. cott Prothars. After the war tha Sermon Topic Seafood oompouy of Boaton, waa in u M n r M m ance of Army Emergency Relief; The Recreation Ia>dge al the camp ' Yu’lim of BiiriiH company manufactured aatlnata As He Seeks to Tend Bar the object o f • arida aaarch ataoe as a postwar agency to render; has been winterised for all season and later caoslmereo. Horace G. she reported Fab. M that aba loafi I iru i»ERSON Ger-Ron Gise emergency financial assistance ta ! ramplitg. The campers will range Mill Announced Today Talcott. the eldeat of the Arm, her rudder 210 milaa aouthaaat o ( Income Tax in State Army personnel (other than the from 9 tn 16 >*cara of age and will New Britain, Feb. 25— liPn-Mrs. died In 187S. Hlo brother, C. Deni- Among the sections voted to be^lcft for th# Selectmen to do but Rev. Paul G. Prokopy to Booton. Army Alt forces) and their depen-1 have a taate of outdoor living In Jennie Skomara. 43. died In the son Talcott, carried oh the busl- Included in the call for the special Include the request Ip the call as The Algonquin waa forced to ro- dents. Army Lniergency Relief op- ' the winter. New Britain General hospital last like. The new company employs they had rscelved n p^Uon signed PreiM;h at Zion Tomor^ a very large proportion for admin­ Starts Toclav neas and during the 1880's the mill town meeting to be held et 5:16 leaao one tow during tremendoua Governor Asserts Dem- istrative expenses really less ! ciTites In Rockville and surround­ Every .Mother’s Club night of burns suffered several Caredon Family Take# ; close to jao persons. was enlarged and became s six set p.m., Monday, March S, In the High by more than 20 legal Voters. row Evening oeaa, but fUiallv got another line iINKSPOTS ing towns through the Rockville The Every Mother's Club will j hours eailler in s fire at her home In the past jrear a new one story It was aUted St ws meMlng lest oerntic Proposal Will than 15 per cant." m ill However, In 1882 C. Denison School Hell, is s request slgnsd aboard to completo the haul to Um V .» tl U! LI U r " • Rod Cross ChapGr, under an op- , meet on Tueeda> at 8 p.m. at the : In Newington. i Title to Hfalorlc Prop­ office building has been erected. night that the request was made Terms Bill "Hopelesaly Weak" Conspirary Oiargr to Talcott died. by 46 voters uking* the S Bel ew et- harbor. The craft carried 11 men. crating agreement. home of Mia. Walter Blatter of Investigators said Mrs Skomnrs i Heretofore the firm occupied a men and Town Clark to hoM by a man who has,lived in Man­ The second o f a aariea o f aavsn P lE f. f. /I Cause Re|>etition o f Meanwhile, tha Rev. John J. erty Long Operated by It was during the lifetime of the Lviughlin, chairman of the Connec­ Be HeaH in Tollaml Included among those Individ- ' Prospect street. was carrying a flaak of fiicl oil I i part of tha officea In the Ubrary staslon to make voters on ths chester for live years at least kpd mid-weak Lsntan davoUonai aarv- Filling Out Forms I uals listed for emergency financial ! through hep kitchen when It struck i Gliding acroas the road from the two brothers tost the large brick third Tuesday o f March between ' could have, If he saw fit, been made Icas wilt be held tomorrow evening ticut committee for a state F. K. (AMinlv Court Mom’s (Tiih Meeting It Flavorful Talcol| Brot^ra church was built and the beauti­ Fitzgerald P. C. law, termed as "hopelesaly [ assistance from Army ^lergency ; The Men's Club of the Rockville against a stove and broke. She , ■ mill. At present s two story brick the hours of 5 and 8 o'clock In tha ' a vtoter long before this time. The at 7:t0, at Zion Lutheran church. Relief are the following; Widows : ful library building waa erected. Hartford, Feb. 25—uPi— SUte weak" an F. E. P. C. bill launched Baptist church will meet this eve­ screamed aa fire envelopetl her, ami i addition Is being built to the milt afternoon. liquor commisalonera ruled that a _Underscorlng tha gcnaral thsma ard orphans of Regular Army per- i H m TricottvlU* woolen mill Tha farm* owned by the company Income tax proposals promulgated by Senate Majority Leader Luke Rockville, Feb. 25 l Special l ' ning at 7:30 o'clock. Ehirh on** at­ her husband, riuihlng from an ad­ which will furnish more floor It was brought out at the meet peraon In order to eithtr operate "Tha Call of tha CYm,** tha local r41M ^ ^ sunnel: ^Widows and orphans of tkat for more than eicbty years and managed by the lata Pitkin p^dpally ay members of the H. Stapleton (R-Cheshirei, and The trial of the five accused In ^ tending la asked to bring a friend, joining room, extinguished the I haa bean owted and managed by space for the further development Ing that th# ^ u e a t waa mads In ; or work id c ^ llc a paator, Rav. Paul O. Prokopy, other pe’rsonnel of the Army of the , flames by wrapping her In a blan-, Talcott, brother of the two origi­ oroer that a local man, M yaars are dispensed must tos a legal voter '■ ■ B A N D \ Oeneml Aseembly Demoermtir announced strong support would the case of the State against John I and rrfreehmenta will be served Taloott BroUtan, changed hands of tha business. The new addition o m r ...... ‘ will pfaach on tha aub-thema "Ths WZDNBBOAT a m t T H V B a United States whi have died aince ; ket. but she had ^ e n biir'neii ex- TEA nal Talcotta, was alao added to by of age, might be able to bo made | of the sUte. It was .also reported minority and due for a public be accorded aiiother measure at R Gerich. George L. Knnaldion during the evening. j today Kken the mlU became the will be SB by 126 feet CaU of tha Cross—to Faith!" That tetbrngrtoweiMAi 1 September 16, 1940 in lliie of duty; tenalvely about the legs and Issly. I The sale of the property In- the purchase of the large Biosell s voter to work part time In a local; at last night's meeting that an- hearing Thuiaday before the Leg- B public hearing scheduled before John J. Seybold. Claude Brtxleui.' Uomen ol the Moose immeity of the Nodevac Realty farm that adjoined the Talcott Matthew M:21-25. also Allen Wives of Army person­ f'ludea the water rlghtif furnished grill. I other man living In town, and not The second portion of 4ha his­ lalature a Finance committee still the Judiciary ixnnmlttee on March Leonie Brodeur and the Grr-Ron , The Women ot the ktnose will Oorporatloo. TTie deeds conveying property north of the noitl. The • m Km trnttm m m m are opposed unequivocally by Re­ 11. nel when In thi .United States. i l-Treman'a Incentive by the Tankeroosan river that As Manchester does not msks. a voter, wUhes also to take ad- tory o f tha suffering and dsath of Fiirms Corporation, chiirged with ■ meet this evening at eight o'clock tbs property were died with the brfr k school house was built and publican Gov. James L. McCon- According to Father Loughlln. a 5lrs. Ida Draper : Lynchburg, Va. —iJh —Randall I rlacs In the northeastern part of voters this year until September vanntags of the special session so Jasua Christ w(H bs prsssntsd so- conspiracy to cheat and defrau ! | at the Xtuooe rooms on Elm street. Varaon town clerk at bis office In opened In the fall of 1880. it ha can taka a position aa aufhy. bill Introduced by Rep. EUizabetb Word has been received of the I Hudson, city fireman, was off I Vernon and emptiss into th# the law requires thst s request be that cording to ths tour Oospals, dsal- wits scheduled to start today it Fhyette Isnlge floekeina. After the death of C. Denlaon manager of a chain atoro which Gillie IR-New Haven) and Senator death of Mrs. Ida Draper, age 93, I duty but he pitched right In and The Nodevac CtorporaUon Is Hockanum river at TslcottviUs. made for s special session by the Ihf arlth ths threefold denial of During hie weekly Monday the session of the Tolland• Count ,r Fayette Isidge A FA AM will Talrr^j. hla nephews H. G, Tsleott town meeting. There was nothing aalls beer. Patrick Ward |0-Hartfordi would at St. Petersburg. J'Torida. She meet this evening at Masonic Hall i helpeil to put out a fire at 217 composed of Alfred W. Cavedon The Tsleott Brothers enterprise Petar, tha diacipla, dod tha falsa ntfbt radio address to the Con­ St'peiior court. INCOME T A X and •• H. Talcott managed the DANCE be more effective in outlawing dis­ Icoves two sons. N. Ernest Thomp­ which time the Fellowcraft De­ Lansing iiyen'UF. It was hia ovrii and w wife and Mr. Cavedon's dates back to 1656, when the iste aceuiktlona against Cllrlat bafors A m t L a w " necticut electorate last evening All Indications point to the fact Horace O. Tsleott. who lived in concern. Business continued good Al Gcntilv’a Orrhestm ttJ aute'a chief executive once crimination in employment. Organ­ that the trial will bo a lengthy | son of St. Petersburg and Robert gree will be conferred. home. fathar-ln-taw, George H. Koon. tha high prIaaL aldars add tha an- C. Thompson of Rockville; a Do you know ALL your dedurtiona and what is the McKee street section of Man­ with the concern tor a long period ing ceremony. Thsss boys were ENtM TONIGHT again expreoaed hla views in dis- isations and individuals in 93 cities one. I*, has been' reve-led that | Plan Playoffs Mr. mid Mrs. Cavedon Uve at 27 of years. tlra railglbua council of la>aalitas, Every Wed. and Frt. Nlztila daughter, Miss Hazel Draper of income and what isn't? Pitkin street and Mr, Koon at 27 chester began work for the Kel­ presented with their Tenderfoot cuxalng the fiscal problem and sug- and towns throughout the state In 'he bit, of particulars there art> - Managers of the trams entered and finally with ths ramoraa of MAROARBT OWUEN to K. of C. Hallmnm. Hartford prefer the GllUe-Ward proposal and Rockville; .also five grandchildren V Oobum road. logg family, then the owners of Later on when tha present C. Scouts Stage badges st the end of the ceremony. gertad meaaurcs to alleviate the 176 names and addresaet of per-i Jn the Senior basketball league the mill. He became the boss fln- Denison Tsleott had completed hts Assistant Scflutmaatsr Robart Judas, anothar dlsclpls, who had *THREB WISE FO O ll’ Adm. 73c. Tat Inrtuded. situation. they will be mustered by hia com­ sons living in Connecticut Massa- ' and three great grandchildren. will meet this evening at 7 o'clock Do you know your exemptions and whether a loss Three yearn ago Mr. Qivedon betrayed Christ for thirty pieces Burial will be at Grove Hill ceme­ easM to Manchester and leased Isher. Later ho Induced his broth­ education at Tale, he, with his Kurland presented second olsss Plus I *«8HAD0WB^ ' I have definitely gone on rec­ mittee to appear at the hearing. chusetts, N» w York. Wu'.hington.! at the Police Court room to dlscuaa is a CArri AL loss nr an ORDINARY loss? er, the tete C. Denison Tsleott, cousin, the late John 0.-^ Talcott. Parents’ Night pins to scouts Harold Carlson, Dick of silver. ord against an Income U x." Gov- Father Loughlin added. D. C., and other states. ^ tery In Rockville at the conveni­ plans for the playoff series and the TslcottviUe mill aith the Meetlag After Servic e ence of the family. |£'/«er^«c^| ptIvUege of purebaaing the prop­ who was teaching school, to give became Interested In the bualnesa Ellington, James Cook, Joseph Du­ emqr McConaughy declared, "par­ "Perhaps the most unsatisfac­ n n ed I other business matters. Xlembera SOl.VE YOUR TAX l>ROI{|,EMS BY CALLING Winter Camp erty. Since that time the mill has up that work and Join him In ths and It waa during their manage­ bial and Alfred Wllllama. He re­ The choir will rehearse, and tha ticularly aince biveatigatlon of tory feature of the Stapleton bill," Thomas Newbury. 48. oi Snutr. j ol the Arbitration Board have been uadargone many changea. Naw msnufsctuiing business. Hs be­ ment that tha company gava up Demonstration Given by minded the aeouta that thia waa adult mambsrahip Iproup will meat coiiditiona In Income Ux states he explained, "ia ita enforcement street was lined 5100 with 549 be- j A winter camping session will asked to attend the mectiqg. and up-to-date machinery haa came superintendent of th# weav­ tha manufactura of the cheaper only the aecond otep on tha ladder after the servlet. A coidlal Invita­ have so definitely proved that In provialon. Instead of a separate Ing reniitt*.<.l at the session of C:» i start Wednesday at Camp Wood- Calls MANCHESTER 2-0714 baan laffalled. The looms havs ing dspsrtment. Later tha Totcott grada-of cloth and went Into the Troop 25 at the Cen« to the Eagle Badge, and now that tion la axtandad alao through an order to get sufficient revenue for section as in the Gillie-Ward bill Itii kville City '< oui t on Monday | stock under the direction of Gun- The statue Venu'; de Milo cost (Or Willimanlic 820-W-2) ksan taksn out and the factory fit- Brotherfl. bought the Intorsst of bualneaa of producing the very they weia otarted, they should Illuminated "Call o f tha Cross" •EASTWOOD* tLc sUte it would be necessary providing a not too drastic penal­ on a charge of operating an a u to-! nar Peterson, Tolland County France only 5ISO. ter Congregational »4A48i r t , — KAtn MAM rFOMII for people In the lower income tad up for the manufacture of Mr. Kellogg and the Arm became finest o f woolen goods for men's continue on to the top of the lad­ display over tha antranca of the ty o f a finc'of not more than 5500 mobile, vhile under the influence ' POLICE vWINTHROP MKRKIAM woolOB irarn. The product la sold known as .iTitcott Brothsrs and suitings and overcoats. The busi- der. church, to any . Intarsst, and NOW PLAYING gioups to repeat their annoying or not more than one year in jail of lii|Uor. The case was the re- j Ripley Hill 28t North to the trade for uae in making the village aa Talcottville. neaa again proapared and contin­ Asslotant Scoutmaster Bob Kur­ Service Stara Freomted espectlaty to those who have no WBD. tHROUGH SAT. problem o f filling out additional I for willful violation of the law, suit of p.f auto accident on Route AeenanlanI- Auditor land called the scouts of Troop 25 Main Streat women's apparel aweaters and the The bualneas thrived and during ued to do ao until the depression Service Stars were prsaentsd to church home. Blaewhsra In this Income tax forma and paying addl I which everyone can understand, 15 about a week ago. < ' 4343 South Ope* Thunuluy Nights and of 1029. to attention last night at Center laaua of Tha Herald a special in­ ttonal Uxea of the same nature." the so-called administration bill Baskrilmll Coveatry All Day Saturday 5luiiebraler church and thus opened the troops’ Scouts William Von Deck, Fred "BLUE SKIES" A MUSICAL A few years sgo ths Tsleott Pfercy, James Cook, John Von vitation through an advarttse- (la Calov) Sates Tax "Falreat Solution" ! merely allows the State Interra- The Rockville Arcs will play Ihe annual "Parent’s Night" Fred "The sanest and fairest solu­ Pmtt A Whitney tram tonight at Brothsrs turned over the achool Geloaler, troop bugler sounded Dock, Richard- Ellington, Alfred ment, will be found, further ex­ Blag Craoto • PVad Aatoiro MASTERPIECE ' clal commission to petition to a FIRE building to the town of Vernon. C. Wllllsma, Fred Getsslsr. Richard tending sincere welcome to all tion," he continued in Mpeakinz court (the bill does not even men­ 7:30 at the Town Hall. "To the Colors" aa the honor guard ALSO! BOr BOOUB to of necessary tax legislation Due lo the sessions of the Su­ SOITTH NORTH Denison Talcott a year or more aradcd the troop colors in review Von Deck, David Nichols, Richard visitors end guests. t V S t n IN KmOBADO" FROM AMERICA’S tion which court) for 'temporary ago aold his Intsrest In the vlllsge Volx, and Richard Poet. On Friday evening at 7:50 tha "acema to be the adoption of a relief of a restraining order.' perior Court this week, the Town .■ //M r Eefore forty scouts and over flfty sales tax. combined i^ith increased Mm o U Tm The fmtmwf. a a bouses to his cotisin, John G. Tsl- Tha boys of the troop were then newly organised Lutheran Lay­ MELODY MASTERl "W e expect to point out the Hall will not be open during the 432f 5432 parents and frlenda. Tha guests Nowt «THB m am am r taxes on Itard liquor and corporate day for basketball practice. ■ ; cott. Jr., who now manages the joined the scouts In renewing their presented with their new 1547 reg­ man's Club, affiliated with tha In­ "tCAttOAL m FA B ir* weaknesses mentioned and others * * % rants. The farm la also Isassd to istrations by Scoutmaster Ernest hudnesa Even with this setup at the hearing." Father Loughlln Htlll Clearing Snow allegiance to the Flag, after which. ternational L’ la th in g pusagH r^ V li^ m Scouts Richard Ellington, Richard toot dragger Thomas D. lashed by ’Thrillinf Sonffstreaa ganic chemical research at Eli Ueved with dependable Day and Joaeph Dubial demon­ RIvor Anderson and Miss Edith heavy seas for several days, was bamatorial desk id the Capitol I Lilly A Co. He was bom in Tus- Sport Center BEWAKEOFstrated acout communications. Johnson has secured Mrs. Dean towed into the harbor today by the — and — daacribed the duties of a legislator I cola. III. After expisnstions by the scouts Dobson who Has returned from Coast Guard ciltter Algonquin and and the mechanics of passing leg­ Gary. . Ind.—Thomas J. Hamil­ WELLS STREET \ the parents were Invited to try to India and Is studying at the Ken­ islation. A f another point during ton. 76. president and general GAS CO, nedy School of Missions in Hart­ \ communicate with each other by BEN the program. Governor. McCon­ 1 manager of the Gary Railways, Morse and Semaphore flags, buxxer ford as the- speaker. Mrs. Dob­ aughy aoSerted "there ia very little I Inc., who' planned Gary's first , 5 0 7 ^ ^ PiN-WORMSand blinker tight. son plans to appear in the native DRAGO that can be trimmed by general I street railway system, organized GAMES Booth Number Two, manned by costume of India. oparatlon coats, without hamper­ i the Pittsburgh Cable A Car Co.. lleeeni fiwdleal reports reveal that Vocal solos will be sung by Mrs. Nam0 You Can TrutI in Rubber** sa amsilng number of children sad ScouU Taylor Booth and Fred stellar Pianist ing our programs for welfare. I snd helped develop a street rall- No Staira To CHmb When Yon Play Bingo Here! ■TOwDups may be vieilmt ul tOa- Piercy, talked on types of safety Eric Anderson and Mrs. Amy Carl­ Jiealth,. police protection and edu- ! way in Havana. ELECTRIC W orms-'ortrn wlthiinl susprrtinc whst end accident pieventlon. Special son, president of the WomCh's : APPEARING NIGHTLY hatlon." j New York—James Stevens Dar­ la wrong! And this usiy infection Missionary Society of Emanuel, "Roughly .V) per cent of our cy. <2. general manager of Seth spreads Ilka wildfire. emphasis was placed on safety In CO,-S181 BUILT •.. Not Down To A Price the home, and acout safety with will bring greetings from her or­ state budget,” he explained, "is I Thomas Clock company of Thom- n o o n PMUZE Watch out for the wsmlnc .slcns— DELICIOUS POODS . the knife and hatchet. ganization. Mrs. Mae Wogman •pant on public welfare, hospitals, astoii. Conn., and a vice president sspeclally the lormentlnx. embarrsri- will have charge of the scripture But... Ing rectal Itch. Berauee now yn^ can Booth Number Three, manned i LEGAL BEVERAGES Plus SELECTED SHORTS homaa and institutions. About 25 and dlriector of General Time In­ end should do sorecthlna about It. by Wllllsnn and Bobert Von Deck reading and devotions. par cant ia apent tor education and struments corporation. After ceiiturlee of dlitrrss caused by succeeded In teaching all the par­ A social period and refreshments **Blue Skies’* at 2:50,7,9:15 approximately 10 per cent for po­ The Dewey-Ri'chman Co, Pln-Wornia, an effective way to deal UP To An Ideol ents and friends to tie the knots will be enjoyed after the pro­ lice protection. I do not know of 7n 1941 there were 24.000 U. 8. with them haa at last hern made pos­ gram. The refreshment commit­ Sat Continuona Show , any person in the state who wants sible. It la baaed on a new officially common to scouts. Mothers, fath­ : fAVFY’S War Department employes scat­ JEWELERS STATIONERS a ♦♦♦♦♦sstV r l V Id I U OP'nCIANS approved drug principle. ers, and several little sisters were tee ia compoaed of Mias Ruth Ben­ tiasa services rut. With a few tered In 17 Washington, D. C.. son, Mlaa Esther M. Johnson, and smaller items, that doesn’t leave buildings. (Tso This special drug Is the vital In­ given ropes and succeeded In tying gredient la- r -W —the medically e it you ter Szemplinski, gave expert gui­ bear Mra. Dobson. . On th« l^vcl At Center and Broad auapret this ugly liifectlnn, get JAYNE'S P-W and follow the direc­ dance as the guests delved Into Who Know and THE GARDEN OPBN 14 HOURS TELEPHONE .1876 tions. the proper method of applying RESTAURANT AND GRILL Its IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Aak your druggist; P-W for Pin- ertlflclnl respiration and a variety Expect Another Appreciate Worms I of triangle and roller bandages. 840 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 3902 Map Kfaklng Shown ON A NEW Scouts Joe Volt*, Alfred Wil­ Special Meeting Good Food ' FRANK VOZZOLO, Mgr. liams and John Mortanos In Booth Number Five let the guests in on Haring served In the finest the secrets of map making and Manche.«ter voters will he called reatauranta o f New York and TEMPTING and TASTY compass reading. The parents were to a special town meeting again BLACKSTONE Hartford, be knows how to Automatic given an opportunity to use scout within the next six weeks, it was cook up even the almpICNt of BEST DESCRIBES THE FOOD compasses and to examine maps Indicated at last night's meeting made by the scouts. of the Pelectmen. Among the mat­ dinhrs with a new and Inter­ SERVED HERE DAILY In Booth Number Six, John Von ters that will be taken :ip at the esting taate thrill, Hava WASHER Deck and Fred Gclsslrr showed the next town meeting will be the vot­ Lunch Here Tomorrow! Faster Service a Reasonable Prices parents the aigns used by the ing of the bond iaaiie o f 1200,000 Fimt scouts in woodcraft tracking. to meet the town’s share of the Stop In after theater or Bin- \ These signs were Individually ar­ eoat of the Vetahaven project. An* THURSDAY'S SPECIAL The FEKFECTEI) liitroflurrtl in 1939 ranged In amall sand filled boxes. other matter that will have to he go for n anark and n refrvab- A OWtawMe im rtw ’’96" 4-Omt The crack iiivesture team of considered will be an ordinance ing- drink. Freeh Vegetable Soup Baked Spring Lamb EUst Hartford's Troop 72, Inducted regulating the method of parking Home Fried Potatoes CauHflower, Au Gratln AUTOMATIC with recruits John Morlanoa and Robert of automobiles If parking meters Dessert i Coffee THE LOOKING, HANDLING Schalk Into scouting In an Inspir­ are installed. THE Also to be considered la the 76c adoption of a new building code BUSINESS MEN’S LUNCHEON IS A DAILY FRA-_ AGITATOR ACTION e for Manchester and also a code PRINCESS TURE...... 1^:30 TO 2:30 regulating the Installation of oil IVfatn St. At Pearl St. ■The proven washing principle used for burners. All of these matters 1947 OLDSMOBILE LEGAL BEVERAGES years by most leading manufacturers. AUTOMATIC were discussed briefly at the Se­ All Lffial Reverafffs lectmen’s meeting last night, but it la found impossible to have them ready for the special town Three full lines lo choose from DELIVERY meeting to bs held next Monday NO VIBRATION night. all offering' ! No bolts'or s|teelat foundations. Can Installed anywhere In the home. Boy Accompanied OAK Jim and Oeorge By Two Sisters Present GRILL I a t aatra AGITATED-FLUSII ‘ Manchefiter’s Top . 'A 1,000 And 1 Laughs!" THREE WAY RINSE i Los Aiigeles, Feb. 25-^(Ah—Mra. Entertainment Spot! _ The 1947 Oldsnobile is $nuirt in more v4ays than one. It flush rinses — then, a long powerful $285 6 Mary Salchak, 38. of Culver City, agitator rinse plus orerflow scum clear­ was tn Doctor’s hospital awaiting Smart atvlinji . . . Certainly. One look will convince ance. her fourth child She told ihiraea DANCING EVERY GORDON ALEXANDER *1 fhr« ffr«t roMgk troatmoaf she hoped It would be a boy. EVENING you of this. But it’s a tmart imrstmmt. too. An invest­ It waa, but accompanying were Master of Ceremonies — Direct From New York! **Iha car 2 firtve weighs over 4700 pounds, it should take ment in the dependability and quality for which llie Bxtra Deep Tread and tough two sisters. The trio’s tot.il weight k large a te, T.'SC-lS’l t e To ass Just exactly what punlob- rubber mean thousands of extra Moriarty Bros. was 14 pounds, nine ounces. Physi­ Oldsmobile name is famous.’ Ad investment in the maat 11m Oktaa teB w a r Tlra would stand, my Company miles of safe, dependable^ noa-sUd cians reported all three, and the GEORGE **Never Before. Such an l/nutuat Act in Town* service for you. Ol'EN 24 HOURS riding comfort of ll>iadri-Coil Springing and 4-Way pot aa 5te>M Mas. IW s anuUcr alte naturally m te a ofi-h mother, dc.tng well. > Al TOMATIG II* Aia iwveMmen»’iBYhe^««mit^ waa Mrs, Salchak'a comment. ease of GM Hydra.-Malic Drive*—the only drive that "I drove tha tlrea over Ariaona desert roads—25 days Naw..« And His Hammond ^ Console Orpan shifts gears automalically and eliminates the clutrh IIA.S^EEN FIJI EV ■tralght-45 haara at a stroteh—averaging 00 to 60 mUca Vote Favors Eaaterft By-Pass R O Y W A L D O HOME-TESTED par ksar. Joat to look at ths tlrea now, you'd .say thaFre Playinir Your pedal entirely. It's smart tovown a ear that wiM prootleoBlr f a r t ao aow."—A . J. Ryan. Veteran Test Fleet RAYON CORD Glastonbury, Feb. 25—(iPi— A Favorite Tunes! AND HIS HAWAIUN SBRENADEBS stay modarn->a 1947 Oldamebila with Bydra-Matic Brtvar. majority of this town’s property The ffirailiar agitator waahiitg action is most effective — Wash goes In through fa Hafgg TItm ^ r ~ Drivt*. Choeta the Inw-pricad "60" (either a six or an Avallahto aaw ia A U ITask owners agrqe with the State High­ TONIGHT "Dance To the ThriUInff South Sea Mnaie Tonight P*. * n *®l*u*® avoid fitooping — The Powerful rinse removes any residual soap or Ikes sad la eama PaOssaasr way department's plan to build a eight)—or the popiilar'-prired "70" (also with a rltoice new highway by-pasaing the town TUESDAY, WED. soil ~ High apeed spin extrartn mniature very thoroughly — Controls are me- N r SAH POSTWAR DRIVING Car aiasa. Ysu will have It la DELICIOUS FOOD LEGAL BEVERAGES Ot*meba. $ w l««* 4 -(e ,-* a ~ | 4-Door So4oa ‘ the liixiirioiis "'Wl” (,'iisloiii Ouiit^r. all Gal— Pssesagsr Car atosa east of Main street, a referendum Dancinf Starts At 8:00 chnnical w|th no delicate devicen to get out of order — Install It anywhere, aa saaa aa Iba supply #1 rsyaa held yesterday shows. There kitchen, laundry or even bathrotim; no bolting down. were 1,219 votes for an easterly M CATES TIRES I*(cel byrpasa to 815 for a road west of SEI YOUR NIAREST OLDSMOBILI DIALER the center. All persons earning real estate valued at 51,000 or OAK more or personal property valued BETMANDER'S at 1500 or more were eligible to BOLAND MOTORS, Inc, vote, making It the first refsrsn- RESTAURANT A?m GRILL 37 OAK STREET MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, INC 6 4 9 Main burton d. pearl Phonm dum in Utastonbury'a history tn '5 ______NASH SALES AND SERVICE I just to the GRILL "Where Old Frienda Meet** 512 WEST CENTER STREET which eligibility was on a basis of 39 Oak Strett MANCHESTER Street 7 5 9 0 M l CEWTER 8TREET~ A T WEST CENTER TELEPHONE 4790 (li’O property holding rather than by Telephone 3894 voting lisL f >.v • 1 X I. • r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1947 PAGE n V E MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1941 P A G i r q x m sohB'a "WaddlaB March" from "A of Fire and Casualty Underwriters. Ameiican Newapaper guild (CIO'), ment. or a party leader, I could I' 9 Midsummer N l ^ f a Dream" aa the E. E. Weeks and John 8. Blaaell Jolnel the strike aeveral day* later, receaalonal. The church waa sim­ Insurance Agencies. Plans Highest seeking similar concessions. British Envoy | bellow all over the place. But In Only Three Forms my present position It la not my KnourB All Sports ply but effecUvely decorated with The local Junior basketball tram T* Bekiler Picket IJac* New Charter ^ $S00 Cheney Gift Adds place to expreos any opinion." South Africa Subject fema. palma, and forsythla. with Is schedulsd for game* as fol­ The Tour union* announced thrir Another Plan to Delay a bouquat of mixed cut flowers at lows; Runoff Today Intention* of bolstering 'picket Keeps ISileiilj There was one opinion he waa •( willing to express, however. Used for Returns th* alter. Mlaa Marie Clapp, sister February 26— Blue Devils. East lines around the plant today. Her­ Details Civen To Rising Y Fund Total of (h* groom, of WlUlmantic, was man Greenberg, chairman of the It was that "Brttish-Amertcan Of Travel Talk Here Hartford. S p. m.. Nathan Hale relations have never been olooer" Sale of Orford Village moM of honor, while Richard Community Center. Springfield Daily News Weatam MassachusetU CIO coun­ Refuses to Talk .\bouli Taxpayers Don't Work Clajra, brother of the groom, alao cil. reported that pickets had been than now. and he added that he, State .Senator House Preaidant Ray Coopar of the . executive vice preaident of Cheney of wllUmantlc, was beat man. The Fefcniary 27—Ridge* team. Wll- Plans Press Run of personally, wss fond of "America IN C O M E TA X limantic, I;30 p. m. at the Nathan assigned to downtown news *tsnd* Russia in Intervirw chM« of the property for low ren­ Community '• V announced thla Brother*, aald In part; ' Out Tax With Either bridesmaid was Mias Betty Bod- selling copies of The Newa. snd the Ameriran people." Explains Provisions to noon that tha drive haa racalvcd a *‘I am very much pleaaad that Mrs. Lewis Rose Tells Emergency Doctors Hale Community Center. 60,000 Copies tal houainit. The Selectmen felt Dr. J. A. Segal, phone Oil rsau. slater of the bride, of Cov­ No attempt has been made to Al New Haven ! I.A>eal HousInR Authority aplendid booat with the receipt of we are able to report thla to you ABCs f o r 1 9 4 7 ..... I that this action would not hind Heiiiliers of K. of C; Women^s Club of Her and Dr. Arthur B. Morsn, 44.i, Form W-2 or 1040! entry and ushers ware; Russell publish the three other pn|>erN Robins are members of the a check for tMN) from (.Cheney and hope that you will tell your PaMes Resolution to the town. In thla the HousInK Au­ are phyalciana of the Manches­ Clapp, brother of the groom and Springfield. Maas., Feb. 26—Of) dehooe circulation totaled about New Haven, Feb. 25—(41- Lord I I highest order of birds. thority dlaasreed, claiming that Brothcra. committee that the director* of Experiences Last Sum* I Short’Form Donald WllUtL Leonard Hamel, Dinner to Honor j 100.000. It i* expected that the new ter Medical Association who —The Springflel ’ Daily New* to­ Inverchnpol says he could "bellow I Ask Aid o f Representa- there would be a moral obligation. Thla addition to the fund sent Cheney Brother* were very much friends of the groom, all of Wllll- day planned its highest runoff of mer will respond to emergency calls all over Ihe plsce" about such *uh- ! In W a s h in ir t o n which it did not feel It ahould aa- charter the Charter Revialon the total now eollectedL-well on tha Intereated and enthualaatic about (Bditor'a Netoi Thte la the : mantic. Egan Planned papers since It resumed publica­ Begin* Serving Prison Term me* in WMnnmniwii matter had been committee sill offer for Manchea- tomerrow afternoon. mime. After thla matter had been way toward the M.OOO mark, and the work which you are ell doing, aacBud « f 12 otorte* exptataing *' The bride's gowrn waa styled of tion eight days ago after being Los Angelea. Feb. 26- tei Mrs. jecis Rs Russia and the stnmlo ...... ter will be paaaed by the.Oeneral ...... Mra. Lewis Rosa of Hartford, dlaritaaed for aome time with no ofllciala of the drive are hopeful and therefor* thla contribution „ what omtst be doue aboat fit- white mousoeline de sole with a tied up for 146 days by a strike. Lydia Bayse, 26. convicted of so! bomb If It were not for the fset Don’t . The meeting of the local Houa- change being made In the attitude! Aaaembly during April, which will | the laat formal week of the waa mad* In a very happy apirlt. world travticr and lactuter, gave schools and hoapltition | approval be given by the votera instance while> she waa ihet*. , withholding atatement; the 1040 THREE W A Y S Her husband. John Bsyae, 26. rail-1 Explains lawk of Loquacity Ing pointa, biit It la doubtful i f ; which ia to be atgned by the An- The entire operation took only able to secure passage on a ed In pink mouasellne de sole with today. ion--reaaed publication Sept. 26 the charter will then become effec­ The percentage of children that abort form; or tbe 1040 long form. road yardman, appeared at the | The ambassador, here to attend any progreaa waa made t ahelter ■aaking the Congicsamnn freakrr, said Rourke. ' | Pressmen, stereotypers and ty­ nartories began npersUon more ■('qunclty thla way: effect on the llrat Tueaday No­ South Portland. Me. Other Nations Lennie Bnbarha hav* thalr own schoolc. greaa haa now ruled that the em- senator* from Connci tl- • to modem autorooblica. she said. Most Vae liOag-Ferm s .skwplWtff wlthHaWing ing mitts and her bouquet of white Kgsii wss first sp|>nlnte


■ I fj- MANCHESTER EVENIN(^ HERALD. MAN(niESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 25. IMT PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER IJVENING HERALD. MANI:HESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 194T F A G C 8 T X terday In Maricopa county Superi­ tween farm leaders and their or- level of retaji *ale* coincided ox- Casting SkUl Saves W TIO -IVM m o n k —lllh Screw Group Facts Aixout Your Sleeping P ills or court. gantaatlona, tha OoniMctlflut Putt- A Fine Job B oy8 Escape > It waa on laat July 7, during an Rural Power ^aitrliratrr actly. Fish Market Guent Prrarher W1NU>-1 m « v n n — ixw lAKral Y. W. C A. lie UtiUtlaa CDmmiaston and th« ^O CfCci. Life of Fisherman Today's Radio I eatrangamant between them, that electric companies of the state.” LMt Friday'* blisaard could b« Ho, Inutead of theorialnf that Gets Warning I he shot and wounded hla 30->*ear- tak*n a* a rather aupreme tei«t '>< Eastera Nta art naa* Fatal for 36 Record Good Just before the war. b* report­ poor atale* <*n't afford e«luratlon Near Normal ^ Carmel, Calif., Feb. 25.— School Fire (TMs la the aeroad Is a aerte* I old wife. He then fired a bullet In­ ed, the atate was 85.4 per cent ruauSHBD *T thk the new atorin removal end atreet ■ tj,^y |•^k proaperlty. It la COLUMN -Jess Wllllama today credit­ or farts ahent yosr local %. 4%. to hia own cheat. On tha ev* of hia electrified, and plans were on Ate hbmald m hktino to. inC rlearanc* technique which Town I to Invert the circum- ed the casting akill of a fellow V C. A. shich I* beiag publlekrt trial on tha graver charge ot as­ to boost this to 100 per cent in If »*Mll Strc*l WDRC—Houas Party; News. Advised *to Eliniinale 37 Deaths in State sault with Intent to comnflt mur- Knitineer Sheekey had been trying | «rg• •■•I* leaaer anowfall*. pay enough for education to build j rra live on the laat aterolhg a^ne Williams slipped from tbe WONS-^uke Box. w n c —Hollywood Theater. Anti • Trust Laws* The Mancheatcr Y. W. C. A. has |M>unfls Past 2 Years Tnenty years ago Wlckwarc er Federal Financing In rural areaa but planning for Facing auch a major teat, Mr.! the kind of citirena who will make | Minitnninn rocks whil* surf flahlng and age Top* $100,000 WTHT—Bands by Demand, 7:45— sponsored clubs for high echool aaivsd two year* In the atate pris- poat-war electrification went on, PuMliMd E»«ry was carrtad 100 yards out H. w n c —Backstage Wife. girls at the local high school for I on for rape. au«4*rj •» svMem worked ■ ^ nUte proRperotis. their freedom and don*l like far- t l» — WONS—Inside of Sporta. Washington, Fab, 25—(Ci- The Hartford. Feb. 25—(A5—The I Wi II — .1 ■ 1 and at the end of the war efforts E. Robertson, niahad to tha Washington, Feb. 25 — * 4 the past twenty-two years. These I Waterbury, Feb, 25.—(g^—A. V. Boaton. Keh. 2S <4»i -Operatlona Federal "nade commission recom­ State Health department cays In a S. to pro\1de 100 per cent rural elcc- fiirtbeat point out and made a Thirty-seven boys escaped un­ WTlC>—Stella Dallas. WDRC—Big Town. clutw bear the name “Girl Re- Undaley. Oonnectlc»it Ught and i trlflcatlon for Connecticut were mended to the Export Screw As- report there were 37 deatha fix>m TOwer company vice president In' anow to the center of the atreet „-,,i|r«l tv-r.m. ....thr .....w.1.1. >.II h.. h.- ... Xheiebyrhfrfhy hangah.nc, Ih. 1*1. nf K.llo ■n'1 ... ni.r- perfect 250-foot cast—laying harmed aa Are destroyed Bartlett WONS—Scotland Tart. eervea." continued aa fast aa persisting SOnnCRIPTlON RATES the light line directly acroM WDRC—Joey Kcma Orchestra. chemical compounds In Connecti­ Flying Tackle charge of sales, aaya Connccticxit's One Tear Or a»'l ...... I'aon ' produced almoat Inatant reatora- come not becaiiae It fliat became njj,j Aiiatuphanea, a claaalc yarn keta which have been affected by hall, a dormitory at the Gunnery HTHT—Lum and Abnar. aoclaUon of the United SUte*. 23 At the present time there arc cut during 1945 and 1846. aiKi that shortages of equipment would par- Williams' struggling body. WONB—Adventure Parade. w n c —Rudy Vallee Show. record In bringing electric power RH monta# Or Rail ...... » i nn I tloii of normalcy ao far aa parking wealthy and then decided to apend in Ihla former piratea' haunt that long-atanding dlapiitea. echool. here early today. WTHT—Bands by Demand, Acorn atreet. Province. R. I., and two of these cluba organised at the all but one of them were caiuwd by to farms "ha* bwn acromimthed mit," Lindalay said. One month h>' Mad ...... I* ihh Hold at pricra aiibatantially i Then, carefiilly "playing" Headnueter Ogden Miller said > 8:18— its members today that they read­ high school; one for the junior Halts Suspect Single Coot ...... I ’!!J ' waa roiicemedi and the anow pile.! part „f It* wealth for arhoola, but haa become America'a aouthern Wllllama with his llgitt tarkle, w n c —Lorenao Jones. darbiturates. by the etectrtp utllltlea of the WMkIv. hv Carrier ...... moat toiirlat rcaort. alaive union niinimuma In Boaton Are drill procedure •’worked per­ : — \8THT-H.A.DJL. Spekka just their business "to eliminate claaa ami one for the senior class. »n n" there waa abaoliitely no "hindrance be< aiiae It waa tfte very llrat con yeateiday. ITnlon crewa withheld I Robertson worked the man 4 45 8:S0“ - The report, lasued yeaterday. atate without aid from the Rural Suh*. deiuere*. One Tear ...... Mniirtahlng Terminal* fectly" and "they all got out even WON8—Buck Rogers, practices found to be violative of There are about 85 girls in each said the “excasaive and Indiscrim­ Blectrlflcatton adminUtratlon or \Ve*t of Mlea.. Foreian ...... ttz.no ^ in any way to tMirietraffic. MinreHInce the rem of earlvearly Connecticut peopl» i-atchea laat week to hooat pricea back to safety. Wllllama suf­ WDRC—Mel Blanc Show; News j Loa Angclea Fete 35-(A5—Half- When the laic "noble experi­ fered only superfleial cuts. before the Are brok* through to w n c —Young WIdder Brown. antl-truat laws." : club. inate use of darbiturates haa grown other government financing." ment" known aa prohibition waa Dealera and packera acceded In the roof.” WONS— Adventures of the Fal­ I These clubs haare adult lekders, i back Vcrl Ltllyn-hlte waa an off- PIMPIE5 MRMHER uF I nvwt Important thing following a ^in provide good achiHiling, even 5:00— con. The commission held a hearing to auch an extent that It repre­ LIndaley'a commenta yeaterday Disappeared Overniqht a law in the .aaika but a laugh In union denianda for a 30-day trial A night watchman whr dlacov- WDRC—Gateways to Music. here Feb. 2, 1946, on the alleged I who are almoat always high school j season campus hero at the Unl- lanowatorm la the reatoratlon of when they did not know how they WTHT—Boaton Spmpbony. sents a health problem of conald- I varsity of Southern California to- followe<1 puhileatiun of an EdUon the land, the Florida keya became weighing with wire baakeU In ered the blaae aroui.d a chimney W K N B- News. vIolaUona of antl-tnuit statutes I teachers, who devote a great deal Electric inatitute repott 'aaylng n ------entitled to the o»e M repiiW'caiion ol t,,aflf|r and parking normalcy to ; could End the money for It. The New Bedford, ending a dtapule W n C - A Date with Judv. erable importance.” day. V88, H to tmt, firtfp to • mJ*. floiiriahlng trrmlnala fur rum nin- on the third floor notified school WONS—Hop Harrigan. and on the basis of the hearing of their time to directing activities Shonld Rax** Doctor's Adxice that Connecticut, with power iinea V* cmdVu^T T 'lhiVp.'^^^ thr bualneaa dlatrlct. It can be beat w-ay for the Hoiith to cine ita ncia from Cuba and the Bahamaa. ' which had ree«» nuhliabed hete.__ jj,, r,,^. ayatem accom- economic hackwardncaa la tor the Fallo and Arlatophanea took no Are ilren. Following procedure In w n c —When A Girl Marries. That the association refrain The activities in the Girl Re­ ' Sigma Alpha Epatlon, waa atudy- 24t farms llsteci in the 1945 farm y ttgir M8c1iImmi48. tlM8» wtMio;Mm84 tom- part In auch new enterpriaea. They . Home Of Flah Condemned : "“ WONS—Gabriel Heatter. frain from ‘InjudIcloUB actf-medl- ! Ing In the fraternity house when /V iftporitoTM •mf rptMM NlM*«n which they bad been drilled, desig­ 8 15 from promoting or participating serves cluba are varied. In addition ration to aid them In sleeping and cciunit, waa "more nearly com­ All right, of ™PuMT.t.^ Immedl- Hoi.tb to atari educating the P'o* , ij^Vpiy kept on aervlng drinka a. The atate condemned nome of During Blaze WKNB—Twilight Serenade. w n c —Amos 'n* Andy. he heard auapicloua noises In a liceoune* the ftah that had been held In nated boys In each corridor awak­ 0:18— in any agreement which would to receiving practical expcrienct should use.,darblturat*s only on the plete" In regard to rural electrlU- Tlw ,,»« praiw Slum m I ?iri^I??^,eTl^el o7 n* 7?. rsJrJl.. *»cl.V. ; P'» 'Sho will then have the In- their amall bar acroaa the WONS—Superman. car parked outside. With several t(4iiN tKffif 8r« M tooMiTV MnbRttsoaa® w Full trrr ce clteel trawler hold* during the week of j ened other occupants, warning WONS—Real Stories from Real have the effect of preventing ship­ I through service to local organtaa- advice of a phjratelan. cation than any other atate. 8iwJk«wl aaw888 KspTiv ----.k-j- wUli ------ih#4r «Ws---- VniaT Ii'<. renter Main i atlnct and the knowledge to Im- alleyway from' their big frame WTHT-Sky King, ; tiona such as preparing packages of the- brothers he gave chase, For the past 25 year*, Undalrv >xv«i.l»,(oii, Mnna. U mnt Pilcil In the the Boaton diapute. It brought 35 ' them to cloee all doore and win­ Ufe. ment of foreign produced wood '"Along wiU) tha unuatial de­ brought down a wiry, fleeing figure f H'‘tlon l1tte8 twv* — --- — much i pcove economic coiulltlona there, i howe. 22 Othem Made Tetn* dows and leave lights on before w n c—Portia Faces Ufe. i for the camps and hospitals for tha aald, Connectlcut'a niral elrctrlli- *»■** »**t ■•••« ______• I. Hepr.’a for the crippled department said. "In many cases, theft: credited Llll,vwhtte with an that within 36 houra of the en.l of } of the baalc factor* for proaimrlty., the almmerlng heat outalde by ord Shop. children at Newington, collecting nRtTI.AT10K8. nuraing tall concoction* fit Ice and a nine cent "floor" eatabllahed by less than a third of the prepara­ WONS—Captain Xlidnlght. the Air. machinery of fixing pricea. the sleeping pill habi; gfows with­ aaalst. the atorm moat of Main atreet waa The truth la. then, that no corn- rum and wondcifut cnloi*. the Atlantic Flahermen'a union Rm-. fleorge D. Wilcox Bridgeport, Feb. 25—fA»)—Four tory school’s enrollment, lost w n c —Fibber McGee and Mol- Glvea SO Days to Report clothes for devastated overaeaa out 'thought to the poasibtlity of The HerthI Frinlln* Comp.nr, Inc., WTHT—Jack Armstrong. countries, the Girl Reserves con­ •MURYCi^ nonn flfiROCi®!AflSDCtSl i^poniibMMjTHMIPOflRibMMy fOt bone d ry -a condiyon which, ao I munlty can afford not V> malnUln Kvery large old Key Weal frame (A FL i. Top acrod prices at 9.1 persona. Including an elderly blind virtually all their clothing and W nC-^ust Plain Bill. ly. The association Is given 30 days ftntfly becoming addicted tte the Rev. George Dawley Wilcox, 2nd, 10:00 — duct study programs In personal typocraphkal error* appeafing In ai- aoon and after ao ' heavy a fall, f*’*''* arhoola. hoiiae haa a railing with banlatera ' j.iu , ^.p r^^-ued by police and other poasesaions. < 8:45— to report to the commission drug." X tiaemrnti and other mading matter, in carved In Individual designs. 8o minimum. rector of Grace church. Stafford , ^nd 22 others wVre made Miller said the three-story WDRC—One World Figh t development, vocations guidance, llerald. WDRC—Old Record Shop. whather It has elected to comply I DAILY NEEDS The Manrheeter Keening I1< aeemed little abort of mlraciiloua j proud were Fallo and Arlatophanea I Springs, will be the preacher at temporarily homeless late yeater­ wooden building waa a total loss, WONS—Tom MU. WTHT—Hank D’Amtoo’s Orch. with the recommendations and the I and better citizenship. U/ftst a u6r)Jerful to moat Mancheater people. For of their little bar that In the wimkI - ; . . • the mid-week Lenten service In St. day in an apartment house Are and the damage "more than 3100,- WTHT—Tennessee Jed. w n c —Bob Hone. The Girl Reserves alao use their ^ •* milk ran artnally fomlah from Tiieaday, February 25 Mary's Epiacipal church Wednea- manner in which It has complied. quirk and thnroiigh reaiilta the en railing on their home they had J^ H F V here which invebtigators said Was 000. w n c—Front Page Farrell. 10:13— Association members are listed ' cluba to promote social and reerea- Wick ware Given !L* « f^ r th of the daUy energy need* «l nn ndnit. carvril a pattern of heart*, winc * day evening at 7:30. of undetermined origin. One of the first school officials Evening WONS—Vic Damone Show. tional activities for tbe teen-a|g* Di«*t lOU ml*a out on benllh... .Order Tedlord’a SVN- new ayatem atanda aa the beat Connecticut Mr. Wdeox will be the flraf In a as: Bridgeport (Conn.) Screw Co.; SHI.NE DAIRY 8IILK today! Rad News For I'ockrtbooks and flasks and rum bottles. It Is After once dousing, the blase, at the scene, supervising the boys' 0:00— 10:30— Corbin Screw Corp., New Britain, groups and throughout the year Term in Prison i //A thing Mancheatcr haa ever aeen. atm there on the old paint-peeling Sluyc*r Inline series of five outstanding clergy­ which destroyed the building's escape, was Century Mllalead, News on all stations. WDRC—Open Hearing. have holiday parties and danOss. men who arc to be the guesU of Oonn.; the Charles Parker Co,, Tqgterday, for tha foiirth con-i It aeema In order to compliment p»irch. ___ ;;__ ' heating equipment and >electrical famous Yale athlete more than 20 8 : 10— WONS—Let's Talk about Auto* Meriden. Conn.; Reed A Price aacutlT* bualneaa day, the Aaao- Yankee 0|M-n And .\boveb»ard Hutler Afo Feb 2.1-fAh __ A the local parish at the Wodneaday system together w’ith a portion of years ago. WTHT—Sports; Candlelight and moMlea. Mr. Sheekey for the energetic and evening services this Lent. He Is WTHT—Hooaler Hop. Mfg. Co., Worcester, Maas.;. Con­ Phoetdx, Aria., Feb. 25.—<85— elated Preaa average of 35 baalc By A. H. O. I NolHKly thought It unuatial that p^bate court Jury ruled yesterday the flrat floor, firemen returned to Sllver.- tinental Screw Co., New Bedford, Morenre Vidor Under Knife Reid IGng Wlokwarv, 43-year-otd imaginative way In which he bae , Fallo and Arlatophanea should con- t 7«/.hUn Mi.vear. by no means a stranger in Man­ thi scene at 8 p.m. to extinguish Challenges Validity O f Will 8: 18— W nc-Red Skelton. wbolraale commodity price*, hit a tlnue to slake the townapeopIFa ■ Harvey. T. Zwahlen, 58-year- 10:48— Maas.; Eagle Lock Co.. Terryvllle, cowboy and tevem operator, mil edapted the new town equipment chester, having completed twenty. x^ordVriVemb^ra.' Los Angeles, Feb. 25—(/P)—Pub­ WDRC—Frontiers of Science. Hollywood, Fete 25*—(jP>—Flor­ return to the Arisona atate prison It la quite in keeping with the old farmer charged with the mur- one years aa rector of the Stafford , ^acape WONS—Sporta Roundup; Mu­ WONS— Musical Roundup. Conn.! Southington, Connecticut, new record peak. : Mancheatcr condition*, an„ Rockford, waa reported resting easily today garet Farley, former New York ter ao that pricea. would go down. ^ out new method* branch should have and exercise But In time a Federal revenue ! *•' ^he haaement of their home Fete the Mansfield Stat Training School I third floor apartment In which 8 :80— 11:18— at Cedars of Lebttnon hospital, fol­ the power to chide and rhn*tl*e ] of hla 330.000 estate for care of ni., and Pheoll Mfg., Chicago. model. ■toiheUSO tSS7 led the advance, reaching the j clearance of aide atreeta agent railed, wa* *erved a friendly *• Coroner John underwood and Hospital and has visited Man-1 gj,e lived with relatives, WDRC—Revi Barber. WDRC—News; Footnotes. lowing a major operation. WIckware waa sentenced yea- the judiciary, just aa the judiciary. higttbail, and soon the bew'lUIcred ' ■•*‘1 *he had been "stomped to hla two Irish setter dogs, Pat and WONS—Ans^-er Man. WONS—Connecticut State Leg­ Association officers are given highest wholaaale pricea In all hl*» • aolvlng the' problem of cheater and St. M arys on numer-; Dorchlnsky. 26, and Gunner, in a conteit filed yeater­ . I k V I N (. M A N . H ( I i k H 1 • I T ; ■ In it* turn, may rebuke and upset ' o^,Vrr* "found rhemselvea on tria l; 'lc«th. I ou* occasions. . two-year-old 'son, asleep In a WTHT—Music. islature; Jack Finn's Orch. as: D. D. Davis, New Bedford, tory. Dollar a pound pork chop# | the whole the.eu leglalbtive. 1 . . I I I f„|-f"«- violating the dry law*. They! Shetiif David Petty «l''"ted i„ px,i years Mr. Wilcox ha* ac-1 n” . .nartment eacaoed day. Carieton died Fete 20. w n c —Emile Cote Glee Oub. WTHT—Music 'tU Midnight. chairman; Alden Reed. Worcester, are around the comer, If the The instance* In which the legl*-1 convicted and sentenced to a ' Zwahlen aa aaylng "The Lord made .....I,-,.____ u a, I noor apartment eacapea 8 :48- W nC—Harkness of Washing­ vice chairman and S. Foster Hunt, toa-n thinks Mr. Hhcekey la doing cepted Invitations to preach in St. U.rough a front window after he­ , Amcrtean public will pay that for latlve branch will exeiclac Us ' year m jail. me do It. It waa an act of God." Mary's during Lent, and has been WDRC—Robert Trout, New*. ton. Providence, treasurer and secre­ a fine job. privilege are normally very rare ; ..you must undcrataml we have Zwahlen will be committed to an ir g awakened by neighbors. WONS—Easy Aces. 11:80— X well received by the people. He haa tary. Executive Council members them. and far between. Yet, of late. It b|,iy done our duty," the officlala Institution for the criminally In- No oAcial estimate of the flam w n C —Lowell Thomas. WDRC—Columbia Maaterworks are C O. Drayton, Providence; E. been a frequent local visitor, when age was available. 30-GAL. AUTOMATIC GAS V Alao In tha upward march were aeema to Ire m-cnrrlng more fre-j regretfully "You will have to i aaiie. Probate Judge Frank W. »:00— WONS—Emil Coleman's Orch.; C. Rowman, Hartford; C. T. Jo r­ , meetings of the various depart- New * S grains, which attelned new high* Hiring (irrman SrientiMts quently, at thr rate of one ilellcatc j,u there la no hurry. Unng said. I menta of the Hartford Archdeacon- WDRC—Mjrstery of the Week. dan, kleriden; William E. Smith, ' for.tbe year. In their march up- chairttaement a aeaaloiv Only the | when you are ready." ------WONS—Fulton Lewis, Jr. w n c —Tour United Nations. Southington; Elliott C. Paddock WATER HEATER ei^T KA moat recent piece of cha*fl*einrnt I ry have been held In St. Mary'a. t8 7 4 If the current news headlines Fallo and Arlatophanea assured ^ W n C —Supper Club. 12:08— and George Kimball, New Britain; 99 Completely iB s to lla d ...... * 9 U * w art there dlaappeared the laat wa* none too delicate. A native of Providence, R. I.. Mr. Y Contributions 7:18— WONS—Dick Jurgens' Orch. << hope that last year's bumper crop- about German atomic aclentlata at | the official* they underalood no y r O r K C l 'H ! Wilcox received hla A.B. from R. B. Plumb, Terryvllle, and ‘Fine Shoes For Little Folks The member of the Jiidiclar.v personal malice wa* Involved, and i ______WDRC—Jack Smith Show. w n c —Nea-a; Design for Us* Charles F. Newpher, Cleveland. RICH-VAR CONCEALED RADIATION would forgo any noticeable deollne work inside Ruaala, and about' who ha* received hla IrgUlallvr Brown University and hit B.D. Previously mcknowladged 14,896.22 WONS—TeUo-Test. tening. that the whole thing had *^ n H a » t i l l * l l t i t l i t l t A from J'Jashota House in Wlaconain FREE STANDING RADIATOR In the coot of baalc human foods Russian efforts to hire more of ' chaallsemenl and w arning I hi* caused by thiM»e Incomprehensible I V E - l l l I I I ia» jx a a a B ,^^ ordained a dca- 0. E. Keith Furniture Co. 10.00 WTHT—Elmer Davis, 12:30— f ■e**l»n need nnl feel hlin*i-ir In WATKINS w n c —News of the Wqrld. WONS—George Towne'a Orch. * or In tbe coat of livestock and them, had broken a few months people In Washington. ' ______jg jg by Bishop Weller and Tober Baseball Mfg. CO.. 23.00 • ROTHEKS. INC. poor eompan.v, or Involved in n Glenney'a Men's Shop .. 10.00 Gavel Presented Andy Oevine.\ ago, this elrcumatance could prob­ In drte Hme they went to the ol ^ Brockton. Maaa.. Feb. 25 -u P i- advanced to the priesthood In 1922 I poultry feeds. non-lllualrinu* tradlllon. For Dr. Ralph M. Lechauese 10.00 f u n e r a l 7 Alao on the upward march waa ably have been halted aa another ‘ file prevlona cha*ll*ement wa* Key Wm I jail which ome had g,ea'a 8,000 shoe by Bishop Perry of Rhole Island, Van Nuya, Calif.. Feb. 25— I PETER RABBIT SHOES A T S Supply Connpany borne this atern warning to prla- made Idle by a week old | Trinity..,j church. Pawtucket.______R. I., Rublnow 5.00 of none other than I he dl*lln- 5.00 SERVICE A ll Networks Taking Part Qravcl-voiced Oome()lan Andy De- S5 Oak Street Telephone 2-900G ^ the price of rqw cotton, which Instance of a kind of villainy e x -! giitehed 4'hlef Jli*llce William ! oner* on It* dooi: wage dispute involving 300 edge-' waa 't'he scene of hla earl^ parochial j vine, who is a husky felloSr and Mrs. Annie J. Smith . . . . 1.00 £ govema the cost of ao much of cliialve with Rnaala.'" | .M. .Mallble hlin*elf. I "If you don’t come buck by 9:30 setter* began returning to work experience.. He waa an aaaiatant Ormand J.Wc$i can handle It. was presented with America's clothing. With Its up­ Such legtHlatlve clia*tl*ement 1* you’re locked out for the night,* today. ■ ! in that parish from 1923 until 1926 Peg Zorskla ...... 1.00 To Open Red Cross Drive an 18inch, flva-pound redwood S White Elk But aa It happened, Aniei lean | Arthur A. Knofla ...... 5.00 D irector. ward aaarch there go glimmering udminiRterert through the device of : 7n tho*e .50 >h.„,. mu, /tif one of I { To Make the thirst raised by the Dr. Roy F. Feemater, director , L Impartial m Naehua, N. H. He Mr. and Mra. Sh'erwood the following purpoeea: oonaldar tho poaalblllty that it might have knocked England real (lellclou* arro*...... - ___ con polio. - - (chicken of the Division of Communicable : was a member of the New Eng- 1.00 1. To lee if the Town will ac­ Buddy Morrow, hla trombone and eoiirlronni manner and imHul. Ferguson. Jr ...... Ella Fitzgerald hla sensational band, featuring • li am WHSe Is w ar PNae !• FRONT ENDS OVERHAULED might b* a very long time before ly out of the war. Judge King haa aometlnH's liern wlth salfron rice and pimontosi j Disoasca in the Public Health de- ! land Foreign L an^age Newspaper 20.00 cept a deed from Sarah Griffin Fallo and Arlatophanea, thoughtful | partment said, however, that with J asaoclatlon and of L Alliance dea Clarke Insurance Agency Jeff Dixon and Libby Dean on ^ SET UP ON A JOHN BEAN EQUIPMENT aupply began to equal demand. a mile bit rough In hi* treat- Brackett A Shaw ...... 10.00 Cheney of land, for Highway pur- So If there Is anything sinful tir meni of the lmrrl*ler* of t'on- as ever, served the nice lady wine. , rapid air travel, it was a question ' Journcaux !• ranco-Americains._ A posea. on the South at(ie of Park Heads Stage Show vocals, plus an aggregation of flmt But as It la, that law of supply Walter’a Barber Shop .. 2.00 mualcians. Other stellar att/ac- WHEEL BALANCING reprehensible In the practice Of nrriieiil, and It ha*. *o f r a* the In Kev West it was the thing to |o„g the record of freedom | native of Lotblniere. he 5.00 Street. and demand is now operating and ,lo ! fiom the disease could be main- leaves a widow a son and two Center Restaurant...... tlone are added to complete'this CAPITOL MOTORS,no, INC. hiring German aclentlata, both the lawyer* are concerned, teen no Johnson Brothers ...... 5.00 2. To see if the Town will vote A triple star-packed stage show It la operating to take pricra of alleviating tirciumtame that hi* , __—,------1 tained. ' dnughters. terrific stage show. Showteg en 368 M4IN ST HARTFORD United States and Russia are guil­ Park Hill Flower Shop... 5.00 to approve a contract with Frank win be featured at the State thea­ screen will be "The Strange Mr. own kiiovviedgi* of the law hap­ As a precaution, Dr. Feemater Schaub, dated January 21at, 1M7. M a n c h e s te r various commodities even those ty. If we choose to are In auch Potterton'R Electrical .. 5.00 ter, Hartford, Friday, Saturday Gregory." eonunodlUoa In which It was as­ pen* to te‘ deep and go(Ml In many said, a high proportion of vaccin-j R a s a i i t v ^ Cha*. Mather—Donnelly’s 10.00 for the collection of garbage for Ruaatan hiring tome vague threat re*pecta. ated persona In the Masaachuaetts J - N U I lI ll, and Sunday. Headlining the There are late stage shows Sat­ sumed that we were well supplied, Extenilpd Forecast Mr. and Mra. Leon Thorp 15.00 a term of three years. great "In Person" show will be urday and Sunday starting at 10 Motor Sales, Inc. to our own aecurlty, the Ruaalana But the problem of how to ad-1 population must be maintained. 1.00 3. To see if the Town will vote on to hew high*. minister the chiding to Judge King Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Farrell the Four Ink Spots, “America's p. m. are entitled to see in auch Ameri- Boaton, Feb. 25 -‘A'l—F,xtended Bride of Actor to approve the Federal Public Greatest and Most Famous Quar­ 512 WEST CENTER ST. TEL. 41.14 'Dtere was. last fall and at the , suddenly became a near crisis. The Housing Authority's petition that can hiring a threat to their aecuri- ‘ uica wh.h to iiiakc the vole In the foiecaat for New England for the Total , .35,072.22 tet," sensational singing stars of GIGANTIC turn of the year, a very live hope J period Feb. ’.!6 to M.vrch 1, Indu­ Rewecl to End Newtown, Pa., Feb’. 25—tA’i— the Town accept "Aala" the con­ stage, screen, records and radio. in all quarters that the coat of BCrCCnScreen y\Lvi*rActor Tim l Iin e**LVp-uyMcCoy iaiiu and Inga flicts or variances that would axtst The Ink Spots will feature on ing exactly the same kind of *"'1 "a s so close .js to temperaluie* will average No Explanation Given of Award at Orford Village (Conn.T6027) CLEARANCE living waa on * downward trend.!, l i l v o r c e w o r n ' I Arvad. the Danlsh-hi>rn screen-' their program the newest top * i writer who once Interviewed Adolf Moscow, Feb. 2 5 - i^i -The gov­ Manchester. Connecti<]i|t, with the tunes of the day as well as such SURGICAL Hitler and was described by the ernment announced today the Town of Manchester's building favorites as '"The Gypsy." "To . SALE ON m erely* ahJJtllved hope, ai.dt H nuist make the.*e German scl-' f this Buiiingion, vi.. xa; roruaiKi, »ir., ■ professional juggling partner, | poy ruovie star told a reporter ye*-- further explanation of the award, thorize the Selectmen and Town Tasket' Girl, Ella Fitzgerald, a real drop. i their own eounlrv aet ie«tlv in I'i'riicular chiding o|M>raliou arose 2"; F.astport. Me .4; Greenvill ■ ; EUxabelh Irene Relnkc, 25- , lerdav at his itechided 120-acrt which evoked the Interest of for­ Clerk to hold a aession for the ad­ “The Nation’s No. 1 Song Stylist," You can And thia trend ex- '""' «ouiur.v. gci m^s .i> from the fact that a good manv ‘ - ’9; Presque Isle. Me 1. i s „ they decided something must Buck.scountyfarm .Buthedecjln- eign military observers. mission of electors on the third singing her latest song creations preaaed In another way In the cu r-; * K'^at new war with each xruxtors were not l■olltent with : . The prec.ipitation will be light, juf,e. They did 1ti remarrying , cd to .say when or where the w8r- Tuesday Of March, 1947, between as only Ella can sing them. Also r#nt ntwiierinna Of a "toiialness re -: They, at least, must be a more chiding process, and were averaging botwten one and two- . yxsterday. First wed In 1943. they ; riago took place. Hla w lfe.l* 38. tho horns of flve o’clock P, M., and appearing In person with the Four 1 kl h nvoiM 4k. ■ norirai '■ ""fc "f the fact that civilixa-' deleiquined to vote "no" lu any tenths of an iiu h. This will iwcur j ^-xrx divorced at Lhs Vegas, Ncv., ; ••We’ve been here aince laat Nov- eight o'clock P. M. Ink Spots and Ella Fitzgerald Is ceaaion. which w^uld be a p e ^ ^ Kcpuhllcnii Senate I «" fO'cnes In the m.iuntaln* j,„ ember and settled dowm vary com­ 5. To see if the Town will vote of adjustment to lower pri(»a. •nte I ' caucus, where the main decision 1 of Maine, New Hampshire and' fortably,” McCoy said. I -feEl ^ r a a f/ to make an appropriation for the Things Liks Tkgt Dsm't Bsthtr Him Am Msn current prediction* for this "re- t*'*bk when they, ace these |gy ,„„q where thia issue had been | Vermont on Wednesday and | Crash Victim Idehtlfled I use 6f the School Building Com- cession" are that it will not hap-'*"® P”’'’«r* bidding against' thrashed over for several weeks Thursday and as light snow about! FiUgerald Leavfs Hoapltal I mittee in connection with the „ ^ with , each other for German talents In h'termlUently, the situation seem- Friday. I planning for New School Bulld- pen, as expected, toward the mid­ Bloomfleld, Feb. 25- lA*'— A Norwich. Feb. 25—(>Pi—Stricken ; destnictlvene.ss? ed slightly out of hand, with the man killed by an automobile here critically ill several weeks ago. ; Ings, FULL PISTON POWER dle of the year, hut that It may be real pi-oblem that of guai antoring' 3leaale* on Wane late Sunday night was unidenti- Willinm J. FHageald.' former Con­ i , Dated at Manchester, Conn., postlmned VntIT the end ■" of the that there would be eiinugh "yes" fled for nearly 24, houra until |necticut directfir of the War Man this 24th day of February, 1947. year, or even beyond that. In oth­ votes to crmflrni Judge King by | Stanlev and Cheater Madej of : power commission, has recovered Cecil W. England, ■* O u r I ‘Affording” F^uratinn a'uy' kind of margin. ' | Hartford. Feb. 25 - h/Ti ileaale* Carl E. Hultine, er words, pricea are going to stay remains Connecticut'* most preva­ Windsor reported laat evening that aufllciently to be discharged yes- I PlSi CyRndar* Steady nenrcsl Thanks to the peace o f mind On the day of, action, the l(e- the victim waa their father. I terday fnmi W. W. Backus hospl- J()8cph H. Russell, up, and the exp^U tlon la that the Where eduratlon Is-hackwani In piibllcan caiicii* wa* *— An axoellent profram haa been Oeorg* Hcrdbey Robartaon, 73, for Many BpIlFve It Is On arranfed for the Orcua at the | 1,401 lasiirfl Ypnlrrclay StlecUnen Bellere That the past 14 year* postmaater here, South klethodlat church acheduled j Al the Idirul Braiirli Vacation Same as the Two Important Games Uconn Cager Jorge Pasquel Old Bailding !• Um CuI for Friday of thU week. It will died a^lii* home today after a long Often with a parade in which all O ffirc I line**. Hie only survivor ts hie Public Schools Local Organizations Aa School children who care to parUnipate widow, Mrs. Edith Main* Robert- Talent Seoul are welcome, whether they wear a Yeaterd.iy proved a hiiay day at The Howell Cheney Technical In Rec Loop Tonight coetumc or not. There will alao be the Iwal f>fHcc of the Motor Vehi­ Reboot la In aesaion this week a* 3 A artent*®* **•' ***■ cloam*. freak* and other feature*. Robertson, for the peat 43 years, usual, both day and evening claaa- Are WeU Represented 'Seated at the maetinc of the 8<- cle Commlaalon, with an eapceially w ill Sign Any Players Hoyt Stillaon will lead the pa­ waa a member of the Board of Ed­ es, althotigh some people aeem to SrORTS EDITOR Imtniaa last aifht in rapport of large number e-n Dodger* of the Na­ train, puppet* and ahadow "pan*- j Funeral plana are Incomplete. for the Wlldcata Moalty tor paaaaga. Evan bafora The committee from the DAV the engagement of her daughter. : tended all arotind the entire down- of thla great quartet la good new* to/no other organisation before Squires to Visit streak and need thla one to guar­ veiling of the potential champion tional League. 'nieae bllla cover a wide range thaaa btUs ooma up for boating , aaked for a ten year*' leaae at a ma." ataira lobby, and reaulted In some antee them at least a tie for sac- .Moriarty Bros. Jrs. (55) Softball will hold the limelight of phases of the sporting problems Throughout the evening refreahe Mlaa Jeanne A. Milligan, to Roland ' to chamber mualc lover*. The ^ e public." at the Nrrth End with the Soft­ Thosa dost to Doc are wrondar- Strolling Into the Hotel .Naclon- much can ba dona by Indlvtdnally renUl of about $1 a year. They confualon In reaching wmie of the ond place. They are currently one B F Ptt Ing who wrilll bsndla tho champ. and are for the most part scheduled meiita of all aorta will be on aale D. Irlah. aon of Mr. and Mr*. | reetoratlon of peace and of trana- / On the creat of the wave of their Places of Interest Kerr, rf ...... ball Twilight League ready to en­ al. Dodger headquarters, he an­ conUcUng raprosantaUvaa and laid that a rarvey of the building Nathan B. Irlah of Wllllmanllc. other office* In the building for oceanic ttanaportatlon enableg^ New York succcaa. the driller* game up on the Sprues Street . 4 1 8 Probably. Doc wtU satitfy all by nounced to a group of players In to be heard by the committee on with booth* In charge of the Meth-f 1 About Town McCurry, rf ...... 8 1 n ter its third straight aeaaon «»f Fish and Game. The various sporta- senators to urga favorabto aoUoa ' tjid been made and that It would Mlaa Milligan, a graduate of j hiialneaa. American* to hear England’s foye- could have concertl*ed In the News five with nine wins against parading out into the field with the the lobby: ’ ' coat them $3,000 to $4,000 to make odlnt Youth Fellowahip, the Ep- Parking became mich a prr>bleni Dobkin, If ...... 3 0 6 competition. uian's organlsattona hava botn ro- on Umbo maaauna. TMs to a grant well moat m»i*lc enaemblc for the llrat United State* IndeOnllely. But con- The meeting of Brown-I^iOac** thcaa losaes and each-have crucial In addition, both aoftball and Chlro end give the boys a treat. " If you fellows are not satlsSed opportunity for tha aportlng g ra m the neceaeary repair* and altera- worth League, the Men’* Fiiend- Mancheater High -hooL U ^ the MunlcIp.P a . n g games scheduled during the final Hodge, If ...... 1 2 4 juvanated by tha return of vetarana ahlp Ouh and Mr*. T. B. Krhiar. known locallytocftllv anaa an ^nl^rtaln^r __ .______, *______^ time In aaven year*. They/ *re tractnal obligation* of long atand- circle. Columbian Squires, will be baseball indeper-dent game* will We'll be waiting fbr the big day. with contract, come see me, Jorge to do oomethlng to bettar thing* ' tiona an that it mlfht be need aa yesterday that local poller were ' ...— ----- ,u., lo ifig recalled them to their native Frank J. ManaOeld Auxiliary will omitted tomorrow evening. In It* three wreaks. Flavell, c ...... 1 0 3 So will a lot of other guys. Cai's who aro datermlned to do some­ a POfular meetinf place. After the at many beneOt performance* and now on a three months' 96a*t to meet tomorrow evening at eight Davis, rg ...... 2 1 5 be played at the available dia­ Pasquel. I will sign playars from thing to take the aUU out of the for tbemaelveo In yean to oobm 'The purpoae of the evening*a ac­ assigned to straighten out the land. They returned to thla coun­ place will be an all-day trip Thurs­ Tha champs have been far off Chlro bad bettar be good, . ten year term they would b aill- director of Mlaa Jeanne's Studio ar.arl and do traffle duty. An ofll- coast tour. o'clock at the Army and Navy Thomas, rg ...... 1 0 2 monds in towrn on wreek-ends, holi­ any club except Sammy Breadon's. doldrums that these outdoor en- that will ones again put our atato tivity la fun for everyone and to try the following season, when day which will take In civic places form the past few n-eeka and wilt esnic at Storre Agala He’s my friend." naar tha top In natural hunting • * inf to pay the ton’n a rental for aaaiat the Men’* Frtendahip Club of Dance. She U* alao employed by rcr waa on duty at the ofllrr thla The quartet waa Just ten year* clubhouse. *ri«y. Ig ...... 6 0 12 day* and available w ^k nights. thuotaata hava baan anoountarlng Ihe Royal Typewriter Company of old when they made their Ameri­ they made more than sixty ap­ of Interest In Hartford and the have to snap out of It If they ex­ The outlook i* bright for base­ The Connecticut Interecholastfc Dixie Walker, recognising the for the past five or olx years. and fUhlng conditions. the hulldinf. In reaching their goal of $1,000 for morning. pect to keep their elate clean for Fallon, Ig ...... 2 0 4 Hartford. can debut, February , 1939. tn pearance*. A third American Edwin J. M. Bolttnky, aon of state prison at Wethersfield. ball and aortball In 1947. Athletic Conference has derided tn MaxIcan League president, eald tn Stale .Aad Coraty AwMieteUena Local CratneU The Selectmen, In executive aea- the Methodiat Camp Fund. 6 The Squiret will meet at the the remainder of league play. again sponaor • coaching clinic at Mr. Irish, who attended Eaet New York City'* Town Hall. They vlalt. acheduled for the 1940-41 Mr. and Mrs. Dawrence Bollnsky, Total ...... 25 5 55 Cal'* Chlro. A “ DarkberM" Je8l. "Why, you ocoiitad me last Coordinated efforU by both the Any and all sportaman who ara 9i9kmf daci

::^S. MANCHESTER EVBNTNO BBRALD. MANCHEglBR, CONN, TUE8DAT. FEBRUARY 2S^ 1M7 PAGE ELEVEN^' MANrHFSTKII EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN. TTESDAT. EEBRUAKr Z», 194T glad to see youl" She caught him |'i n »NKK\ m.i .k f o l k s ------5------in her artiia and hugged him tight. HY FONTAINE FOX •1 Wasteff—Te Ray 18 Polnling— Popering 21 Halp Wanted—Mala or HouxehoM Gtwfffi "Caaaie. we mlaaed you so!" AntomobUte Cm Sal* 4. Business Spleen Offered 13 Sense and Nonsense Famalc 37 M U ELLER Pipelesa. pipe, blowei M A N tT lE S T E K 'a dealer in raga. Mama said. Bho araddlcd ahead INTERIOR Painting. Expert - T h e /} POWERPUL _.KATRINKA IN T rORD convertibl* coiipt 4&. ANTIWIilCn reSn ebed and repair furoacea— Autqmatic gaa watar paper lUM acrap atetala calls at CSMrip U. 1841. Into the warm kitchen. There was workmanship by veteran. Fiat BROADLEAF Tobacco sortars, ClasiiTied • ly liiM ioaaffa Emlwrt W aa ted— A Ham Tee, we're getting a let of tov- Smw Top and good motor. C tr In ad Ruah 01 spimi aeaU replaced bealsra th stock. Davino Com- your dOor and paya you (ughaai uka Kavtce. Mc. a good smell o f plea baking. satactlon o f wallpaper. Call 6855* two men or women. Amalia Jar­ Ad-of-Uie-year, in the Bath- erament theee days but would aassified condition. Beat cnah offer DeoMnn, iSS Ooutfi Main atreet paay, Wa'aroury 3-5U88. prtcaa. Oatrlnaky, i83 Btasail ^ waa lonesome tor all o t you. 5238 anyUme. vis. 872 Parker atreat. Phona hurat. New Brunawlclr. Olouceeter probably be evtff worse off If we UlHO It Onll S-OMS. ______Ppona SMS atraet Phone 5a78. Advertisements XXXIV "See here!" She told herself. too," Caaaie aald. For once, she no­ Northern Light: were getting aa much as 'wo'r* 7026. APARTMENT slse Ubletop white "This hoe got to atop aomowhora. ticed. the kitchen was Immaculate. RADIO Cinic, washing machinsa iNTEKIUK Painung. wau paper­ It waa M almpte, raalijr. Wanted paying for. Advertisements 1S30 MODEL. A Ford coach, good gas atoi’c. Reasonable. Phone 2* WE BUY rags papers and scrap This feeling sorry tor youraolf. IC verythiog looks so nice. Mama. hnuaeholti appuancea. alactric ing, celling* reflniahed ano Boora Mike had m M It wouM ba. But Male help tor Clearwater Dairy condition. Price SI.V) caah. Tele­ 2049. metals. Call Arnold Nalaon, 737 Fur Rent For Sulc This noaudltn Mff-ptty-' You baen feeling better?" motors. Will rail and deliver Phone gklward R Price 2-IUUS. Doga— Birds—Prtfi 41 Mm couM hardly bMlava i t The Farm. Must have following quail- The merchant's son looked up phone 2-1034 after h.______Lydall straat. 8806. H m train trip was intorminahlo. "1 made new curtains tor the ficatlona: puaaled from hia adioolbook. For Rent For Sale nuarHotetd workmanship. Nines To Buy To Sell eourtroom wua xlmoet aaapty. Dl- PAINTING and papernanging T R O P IC A L Fish, Oalaler'a bird KALAMAZOO Tha aaile* aaamed to eraop by. kitchen,'* Mfima aafd. Bbe flushed 1. Be over 18 years of ago. "Papa,” he queried, "what do they P'uiniture, 36 Oak atreet. Man­ eore* waa auch a common occur- To Bay ToSeU Good work Reasonable rataa U'a foods, aguariam plants. Hendryx renoa hkre. Mika had taken a plane, going slightly. "Makes a difference when 2. Be sober. mean by ethleaT" "WeU, aon. Auto Acceneerte*—-Tires ® chester. 3-1041. Special Sale Thla Week Only! CONFECynONER'fe nut grindar. 14' room papered, |I8, includes rages. Doora open 8 a. m. to 7 p. back to New York to finish up hia you kn'ow a place la really your 3. Have pt least a high acbool ril explain," answered the mer­ 1947 Kalamasoo Gaa Range Phona 2-M07. CT.ASSIFIKD A DVT. "Dlvorea granted!" That'a all per at 60c a roll. Raymond m. Ebro Pet Shop, 403 Otnter husinets there. She mlaaed him own. 'Speclafiy a nice house Uke eduoatlon.' chant "Suppose a rustomer comes CLAS8IHKD AUVT. SAVE UP to 20 per cent In Warda WOULD you like your radio or 40", Alt Porcelain Enamel Chrome DKin HtM'KN: there was to IL And than ah* and drum lot oil aaie. Immediate oi phonoifraph repaired expertly and ka Phone A884. street rear. Otrner Griswold. terribly. thla When something really be­ 4. Be able to drive and look after Into the store, buys a lot of goods, Trim and Fully Insulated A. M. to 4:45 F M. Mike went out and got Into the ear longs to you. you feel a whole lot a horse. UKPT. HOl'KS: future delivery Nothing to pay reasonably? All work guaranteed. Phone 3233. Kooai> Without Hoard 59 It was juat one week before puts dovmtendoUarrs too ' much and INTERIOR and exterior painting, Regular Price 81.38 M) ha'd rented and drova Into th* CTirlatmaa the day she got into In different about it" 6. Be able to milk a cow. leaves. Now ethics la: should 1 •:M A M. to 4:45 P. M. until you get the oil. Clwck Uieae Phone 7.528 for pickup and de­ daaert to a raneh-bouae anting paperhanelng. floor aanding, Sale Price $129.00 HEATED ROOM for rent tor dlanapoUs, and boarded a bus for W hy thaVs rig h t” Ckaale thouajit. 8. Ba able t drive and look after or shouldn’t 1 tall my partner low pricaa on rllaiUed oil. SS- xpinot for lunch. livery. and reftniahing calking, roofing, "Dh)ja know Papa'a oin' into a truck. about that tenT" galion or two 80-gallon druma. Poultry and Supplies 43 Infitalled. young lady, gentleman or work­ Houaeo for Sale % 72 MortonvUle. . She'd wire Mama OAH AND Electric welding, all prewar prices. 12x15 room paper­ ing couple, at 80 Jarvla road. *Tm Juat—plain <3aaala Fletcher ahe waa coming. the poultry bustnesa?" lid cried 7. Have a ateam angtaeer's U- SSc a gallon; 30-gallon drum, 5»c BAB Y CH ICKS and turkay poults. The 1947 New England Maid again now," ah* toM him, trying "Profeaaor, what should a wom­ Loot smI Found I metals, lead burning. Eighteen ed. 112. Now booking outside Phone 5457. MARCH 15 Occuparcy, Owner Papa met her at the bua station. akrlUv. cenaa to operate a boiler. a gallon; IS-gallon drum at S2c Place yo'ii order now. We have Combination to amlle. 8. Ru a cream aeparator. an taka when run dow n?" « years experience. George L. spring and summer contracts. leaving state 6-room single, (Tape He's bought a decrepit model T CuM to sat down weakly. 'T4a .1 l o s t — Between Oarroll'a and | a gallon, plua Sc a gallon federa* comp.cte line ot poultry and oil. 4 gas, 3 o\‘en range Is now ROOMS For Rent twin bads. ^Da- A aick feeling of deeolation crept For goodness aakes.” 9. Wash and sterillae milk hot' '*nM license number, madame, Green, 473 Gardner street. Cell Spray or bhish. Call R. E. Web­ (Tod style, t room unflniahed. truck and he put her In the froqt lax. Montgomery Ward, 828 Main dairy faada Farmars MUling Co. available for Immediate delivery. through her. How proud ah* bad ties and cans. the ucensc number.” Hnle’a atore, Thuraday morning. I ster. 696.5. airabit locarior on bua Una Phone Large lot. shade treee, temi air- and bar baggage In the truck-bad. They clustered around her ex­ atreat. Phonf 5181. .3047. ' 3-8780. baen, w M n ahe and Parker were 10. Operata a bottling machtno. lady'a tur-Uned kid glove. Finder j 95 Brooklyn straet, Rockvlllt Furnaces and Winter Air conditioned heat, gaa domestic “ Goeh. lUs g ^ to aee you home citedly. Papa had dumped her IN TE R IO R and exterior palnUng firat married, at the magic hia 11. Handle milk crates (60 lbs. The only surq way to mW w ith­ phone 2-OM2 ! NEW HKES. new recaps, uaad Conn Phona 31. Conditioning hot watar. Storm saah and again. (3aaate. luggage la the middle o f the Also paperhangtng Prompt serv­ aaaM had evoked. In MortonvtU* had always lovad coming kitchen floor, and Mama waa be­ each). in your'Income is to kfiep adding , Urea ano tubes Expert vulcanis­ REFRIGERATION SERVICE Sow Available. Furnace Repair­ acreena. (Tonvenlent to achools She l o s t p a s s b o o k N o. 40718. ice. Fair price. D. E. Frechette. FURNISHED Room for rent at 82 then an ahe liad had to do waa give home to the farm. The old ginning to set out the dishes for 13. Keep accurate records of to your income. ing. 8 hours racapping servica ing Our Bpeclalty. Free Eatl- and shopping at 133 Middle Turn­ Notica la hereby given that Paaa . Phone 7630. Articlea for Sale 45 Fostar atreet. the name, "Mra. Parker Hamilton," bouse sprawled out on- the little aupper. milk sales and cash reoetpta, I Manchea’.ai Ttre and Kacapping ALL MAKES matea. pike West. Price, 87.800. Bxclu-^ Book N o. 40710. laaued by The { and atafflc had been arroughL Yet rise of ground had atwaya seemed "Parktr loaned me the money 13. Be able to keep equipment "Darling, I could alt her* and (Company, Broad street Tele- ROOM W IT H twin beds, healed. •ive with Ocll W. England, do nothing but look at you for­ Savlnga Bank of Manchaalar haa j B IR D SEED In bulk, canary, rapt, KaJamaxoo Salea A Service th * ' * had never rightfully so inviting. But K wasn't home to build a big new chicken house." in operating order. phonr S8SP Open 8 a. m. to 7 p HOUSEHOLD AND For gentlemen. Phone 6398, or Agent, Real Estate A Insurance, ever.” bean lost or daatroyed. and writ-< Private Inatruationa 28 canary and rape. 11 aecd mix, Chadwick 4b Company been hem. had lt7 N ever com­ any more, was ItT He scratched his bead and grinned 14. Work eleven hours a day tan application haa btan mada to m. COMMERCIAL wild bird seed. Gravel. oyaUr 116 North Schol street. 364 Main atreet. Telephone 5212. pletely hem. Juat a maaquerade at C w u it. aeven days a week. “Yeah, Uiat'e what Tm begin­ SPEECH Oorractlon, elMr voles 204 Church Street "I'll swan I don't know what ning to think, tool" M id bank by the perMn In wboae ahell. charcoal, flax, hemp, steal arom for a abort time, and then "Oh Papa, how could you let him 15. Be on call after ragular Private leaaons in reading, alga- SIX ROOM Capa CTod. Reasonable. your Mama and roe and Sid are working hours. nama auch book a-aa laaued, for cut oats, hulled oata, UUstla or Telephone Hartford 6-9321 diacarded. loan you the money! After aU, he's HUB CAPS For Sale. Assorted bra. phonttic work, radio tach- Bualnesa Loeatiena for No dealers. 80 Lenox street. Eve­ gotn' to do vKUi that big house,' Ifi. Help with farm work la A man had barely paid o ff hia payment o f the amount o f depoalt Niger, blue poppy or maw dou­ Open Evenings By Appointment Mike had wanted her to fly back makes. Phone 2-1260. SCIENTIFIC nings. Papa said. *Tiama wants to put up not a member of the family any spar* time. houaa when he put another mort­ represented by aald book, or for nlque White Studio, 708 Main ble breeding c^ea. $42.50 doatn Rent aaat, but she insisted on taking a USED F U R N IT U R E bought and a sign out front that aaya "tourist more now." The ad offered a salary of 831 a ga ge against It In order to biqr the laauance of a duplicate book street Phone 2-1382. Get our breedera price llaL Free train. The longer trip would give REFRIGERATION CO., INC. aold. The Rad Shop. 59 Hudson MODERN S-room office. 100 per rooms,” but I 'bout got her talked “ It's a atrlcUy bualnesa propo­ week plua allowance o f $3.50 a car. Having the car, he went to delivery over 81 00 In MancbM- her a little extm time to get used therefor. ______Trailerti for Ssk ®-A atreet. Moore's Uaad Fum ltora cant Main atraet location, eom- Wantted— Rcsl KirtaU 77 out of It Seems tike It would be ll tl on!" Papa saKi. "And don't m u week for board. Applicants by a loan broker to try to get a mort­ CO ter. ^ rte rfle ld ’s, 68 Spruce to her new atatua. Busineflfl Opportunities 32 Phona 7251 platcly radacoratad. Available too much work tor her." forget I t " week's end: none. gage on the car in order to build WHERE OH Where haa my UtUa AMERICAN — Schult — Palace 60 COTTAGE STREET Phone 2-8520. Wholesale and re­ PROPERTY Ownera, 11 you ara Mike kissed her goodby at the Papa rambled on and on. but "And Papa's got a thousand baby dog gone? Flva months old, black Superior — Zln.mer — Prairie Immediately. Apply Marlow's. a garage. "But If 1 maka you the AVAILABLE MODERN gaao- tail. CCX3LJCRATOR. Quality gaa range considering capi'allsm g on tha station, and loaded her down with Cuale was only half listening. chicks ordered already from the loan,” asked the broker," how will Labrador Retriever. Left home 4 Schooner — Interstate — Travelo MANCHESTER 2-1226 Her Oirlatmas gift frotn her linr aervice station locat­ equipped with oil burner. A Flor­ present high prioas. contact ua. eandy and flowera and hooka She They were going up the graveled hatchery!" Sid added. "And I'm husband was a magnificent skunk you buy gaa for tha car?" "It o'clock Monday. Kindly return — Trallerhomes. Inc., Phone 4480. IMMEDIATE delivery on frOMn ed on Main street, Manches­ ence hdater, two burner. Phone Wa art paying top cash tor rau- had a compartment, which wag drive now, and Mama waa In the taktn' agriculture at achooL all coat, and aa ahe unwrapped it aeema to me," replied the man with •od make flve children happy. food cabineta, lawn mowers and Wanted to Rent 68 RADIO nee<. fixing? Have It re ter, In the heart of the bus! 6808. dentiai or commarctai proparty. very convenient and private, but doorway of the back porch and Sid about raisin' «hlckens and piga and Chriatmaa morning ahe bubbled dignity, "that if I own a houae, CaU 5458. Itaward. chain aawa. Capitol Grinding Wsntcd Ault pa;reo oy experts Ptek-up aerv ness district. Good opportunity BEING EVICTTED afUr 37 years, For action 'oday phono 7 7 n or rather lonely. You sat alone and was running toward them, the dog planting gardens." over with dellghL "Isn’t it mar- car, and garage, 1 should be able Company, 38 Main atraet. local family of 8 adults desire 5329, or writs Brao-Bum Raaity tried to read, but the pages of the a t hia heels. "Sid, are you sure that'a what to get credit tor gas." LOST--- Gold Watch with gold 12 Ice, guaranteed work. Sets check for live wirr to eatabltih a busi- veloua"’ she cried. *1 Juat can't Motorcycles Car radira a DUNCAN PHTFE table and four rent of 4, 5, or 6 rooms. Phone 0>.. Realtora, llfi Bast Cantar asagaaine ke^ blurrfh^ "Sid! Oh Sid. darUng, I'm so you want to d o ? " CSaaie aald. believe that such a beautiful coat bracelet vicinity o f South Main ed '.r the r.ome nesa for himself. Small capital re 7 FT. SKIS, hameai and two «kl Radir chairs. Phone 77^8. 8039. aUeet, Manchester "W e got a farm all our own now, can come from such a foul-smelling Parents ilunad emphasise to stroet aaSr Oould'a pond and bus 1830 to 1837 car In decent con­ specialty. .Marrhester quired. For appointment write poles. Reasonably priced. Phone dition. Cash, convertible pre­ .‘4e<-v1ce. 7h Bm h street. Phone P. O. Box 178 Hartford, giving INNV KI'SINKMM ain't we?" Papa asked. "Why beast" A t thla the husMtnd bridlaA their children the perils of 'Tiook- < t> atop, fln d t f phone 2*0012. Re­ 7558 between 8 .and 7 p. m. CN5MBINAT10N gaa and oil $25 REWARD for suitable 4 to 6 WANTED To Buy—A 6-7 room Ing” Adaa behind can and trucks ferred. Call Wllltmantlc 2-1S9J5. 2-UR4U. all Information ax to qualifies ahouldn't Sid study farmin'? Tha "1 hardly expected gratitude, my ward. range. Good condition. Phone room apartment or house, un­ tingle or decent two-tamlly. Will whole place'U belong to him some dear." he said angrily, "hut 1 when roadwaya an Icy or snowy. tiona. furnished. Reliable couple with 3 wait for occupancy. Write Box It la a dangerous practice and It LOST— In vicinity of Pine Acrca, KLEi.'l'KIC Motors repairing and ONE 50-GALLON oil barrel with 6 ^1 . day. And anyway, he Ukes It. The would Uke a little resi>ect." rewinding All wnrk guaranteed year old daughter. Excellent ref­ MF. Herald. trouble with you, Caaaie. is that seems almoat a miracle that some A n fo ra cat. mixed colors, gray Kufiincfia Services Offered IS pump. Call 8387 between 5 - 7 . COMBINATION white porcelain Ace Electric Motor Repairs. 221 erences If required. Write Box R. you always know what everybody "I don't usually talk when I have o f them have not been killed or and yonaw most prominent. Call Help Wanted-Female 3-6 stove 4-gas 4-oll. chrome trim PROMPT actior on all realty HtWasSM flrsfiia^ Isa ALL M AKES ot eewiag maeninee ,'^orth Main street, opposite De RADIO TEST equipment and Herald. elae ought to dot" nothing to say," says the congress- aetiously Injured. 2-0830 afU r 8:30. Reward. „ and white coverall tops. Call transsctloiis Singlet, doublet and oxparUy repaired Singei Sewing pot entrance on North School CLE R K T>-pixt .Small office, fuU parts. Very reasonable. Phone 2- “ Never mind. Papa," ahe said. man. Most unusual, to aay tha 7849. d e s p e r a t e Local famUy have buemrsaes for tale. Suburban MacbliA Oo.. 833 Main street atreet. Phone .5642. or part time. Apply 251 North 1524. "I'm Juat tired from the trip. Don't least. How did he ever get the advertlaed t o n six months, Realty (To. Pealtore, 49 Perkins - - - V V.: Job? AuRounccsiMits 2 Tal 8883 Main street. EUREKA Vacuum cleaner, good pay any attention to me." BDUIB AND HER RUDDIES OM Ncifhbon' BY BDCAR MARTTM ONE LARGE bedspring coll, $10 urgently need any renL Rater- street. Telephone 8215. condition, with attachments. (Tail Later, upstairs In the old room 1 DKMrT axouzk 150W vutunTum SAW 8ENPIBLT. Tour money OLD FLOORS SANDED one coll spring cot, folding, com encea. Phone 7-IM77. with the twin beds, she thought, Mra. Blank, after a fam ily squab­ I MAD VW7 tajL 1 ------Hnum-hnid Srrvicrs 8835. WANTED—A single or two-fam­ w ill pay ganeroua ratuma and be Laying and finlahtng. plete, 810. 11 Strant atreet, down- "Papa'a right I always know what ble; "It might do some good tor (T OM lAV BCtCIC , «0 O I J IC lensen. Ufft-rrd 13-A BEING EVKTTED after 15 yeara ily house In Manchester or close fully Insured up to 85.000. Call EXCELLENT fftalrs. — . ■ W H IT E eX IM B lN A TIO N gaa and everybody else ought to do. and wives to go out on strike once today and lat us tall you how rat. Wllltmantlc 8828. cvenlnga. two adults need a rent with two | by. Will wait reasonable time for Ir a whUe.” KUK CLEA.NINU. waxing anc oil range. Also two 50-galIon oil make as fine a mesa of my own life oolekly MVlnga accumulate. The LOVELY ELK'S tooth watch bedrooms. Permanently. Hart­ occupancy. (Taah waiting. No lake Mr. Blank— "O o ahead. Tve got po'iahieg a t floora and counters barrels. (Tall Wednesday and as anyons poaalbly couM." \ MaachMtar Building and Loan PLUMBING — HEATING OPPORTUNITIES charm. 16.50 Unmounted Elk’s ford 8-0087. property desired. W rite Box G, a peach of a strikebreaker In cat] 2-U466 or 6758 Daly'S Inc., Thursday between 12 and 4 p. m Sha went to the windows ind Inc. tooth. 12. Call 2-0322. Herald. mind.” OIL BURNER REPAIR speclaliau In asphalt tils and at 300 Spruce street. 5 OR 0 ROOM rent, urgently need­ e ' looked out The Miowy fields linoleum nalallations and Booi FOR YOUNG WOMEN WANTED—A modem single. Will atratched away, blue in the faat W H O M rO E T last Daan'a Par- ed by family of five (two veter­ "Fashion Dealgneni are Plotting maintenance falling dusk. awmi Sarvtoa offars 100 par cam All Work Guarantepd! T W O 50-gallon oil druma. com­ ans) being evicted by new owner­ pay up to $12,000 cash Tor home Against Male F^ketbook," head- HOT WATER lank gas heater and Papa had changed In the six coCtoB Jersey throw-roga at 88.85 At (Connecticut General Life plete with faucets. Call 2-2889. ship. Phone 2-2507. which win satisfy. Write Box B, Une; hut there ia nothing new t?ALL TE K K Y'S Household Serv stand. Phone 5707. weeks she'd been away. There was aseh, M *v4S~ with bright taaaie Insurance Company, Hart- Herald. about that. ice tot ex|Krrt clesning ol rtixirs P R A C T IC A L L Y new. lady'a golf VETERA.N W A N T S his home. an eagerness in him that hadn’t fMimna. Uoioffui solid pattana or foid. In I'eseaix-h. typing, M A H O G A N Y dining-room and Call walla, rugs, upholstery, windows clubs; driver, spoon, four Irons Family of four, must vacate by LIST YOUR property. Realdentixl been there before. prlata. Phono 8406 for datalla. odd Jobs Phone 7690. tiling, statistical, stenogra­ twin beds, practically new*. (Tall The youngster had heard much and bag. $25. A lio 28" man's ' r March 15. Have you 5 or 6 room and business. Have many clients. Well everybody changed one way about >hta little cousin Peter al­ phic. secretarial, and other 2-2391. George L. Grasiadio, Realtor, 109 or another. Change was the only SaCCLDSTW b: Dean's Personal HENRY PARENl work Attractive salaries. hoy’s bicycle. 812. Phone 6782. rent? Phone 2-0022. though he had never seen him. A t A COMPLETE scientific cleaning Henry atreet. Phone 5278. / thing that waa permanent. Ehten Barvice, eUp shlelda. the now Five day week. Vncatlons long last he waa tpld Peter waa and malnlensii.r service foi tine REX GAS water heater. New con­ aha would change. A fte r a while pifpifUi ersatlon that protects PHONE 2-0185 with,pay. Siilury continu­ coming fo r a visit arid ha regiatar- homes. Specialist on rugs an>' dition, price loasonable. Phone WANTED—Three acre* or there wouldn't be thla heavy ache yoor apboistarad funltura WMb- ance (luring disability. Hos­ Fuel and Feed Houssfl for Sale 72 ed ayeat excItemenL upholstery cleaning. Dear's Pvi 4854. view, .near bus linet w lth ii^ 18 In her throat any more. And maybe aUa. smtarproof. staln-rasUtant. pital expense benefits. Free Nobody could understafid It whan W E HAVE llnaa' assortments ot aonsi Service, ‘ Uhere every ciis WELL SEASONED hard wood for WEST HARTFORD. 2-faraily. ga­ miles from Aircraft. Phone Ifock- some time again she’d be happy. aamve. • stylaa to St all life Insurance. Social and he took one look at hts Httl* cousin ALLY IMH» There Thay Go! BY Y.T.BAMUN kltchan llnolauna. Also tile and tomei becomes s frien d " Man stove, furnace'or'fireplace. 816 a Machinery and Tools 52 rages, vicinity of SL Bridget's vllle-1003. She had Iota to look forward to. I t t chatra and aofas. Phone recreational facllltlea. Pleas­ and burst Into tears of dlaappctat- wall eovarinsa Slancheater Kiooi cnester 5408 cord, delivered. Telephone 6070. church, flat ready to move into, llM re was tha baby tor Instance. ment. THff BRIOGR J we DGLAM. ICE/ YANK THAT \ HBRfff BUND- cursesI that fo r Vutbnr datada. ant. congenial auntjundliigs. SN O W PLO W that can be attach CUSTOMERS Waltlng-Jaet your Covering Co .56 cottage street. asking $14,000. C. Horkey, Hart­ Only babies never seemed real " I thought,” ho sobbed, "that t BURN., f SHE MELTI OK I OPM^K OFF ] FOLD THEM PR O M PT Home repairs Inside and Training provided with pay. ed to car. Tel. 3732. Inquire 126 lake cottage or ^ear Bfiund home u ggiaxa W A T K IM S OoGoout all abam Call 568b WELL SLA MINED hardwood, cut ford 3-9405. uatU they were bom. Peter was a rabbit!" THE HORSE ( WHAT WE OOu \ TK DRi^R J nSO^WE won outside, electrical work, appli­ OpiHirtunlties for advance­ Pitkin atreet. with us for 15 days, Before prices m f t f t , eoogh aynip. red and arklie any length W her ordering please (To Be Continued) —Capper's Wookly HO NOT OO V ON COLONELT L OUICKI V AINT UMED ances, 'Hblncta built to oiclei. A. ment. If you aie interested, MANCHESTER. 52 Lenox atreet. drop. 25 years of anccessful sell­ ‘Hfi kefipt K up. hour aftor hour— ha fi^rtd hia income INFtRBf VRTf BBtaaaat, pora black pappar, ax- LO CAL Moving and trucking give tix» and length wanted. Im­ TR U C K S and tractor*. snow f'. Hiintingtoh, Takotivlllr, Conn come In and talk with Mrs. off East Center. Six room Cape ■ ing is your guarantee. Reynolds, fix and found th« srovernment owed ♦wo cants' teaeta, aplaaa. CaU Oiu Prank. Also rubbtsb and aabas rannoved mediate delivery 117 for cord plows, also garden tractors and Manchester 7845. Ulrich, from the Company, Cod, near school and bus lin e.' the Lake Speclafist. Hartford 6- '4IDK4:i A NI KS RY GAI.HRAITH 18 Polay atraet PboM 8718. load. 89 fur ''j cord load CaL snow plow* in stock. Dublin Trac­ who will be al the CHES Nice location. (Tirculating hot air 6123. Evenlnga^-6307. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ofitco. 7.3 Maple Slieet, Man- 7U8.3 Leonard Olglto tor Co., Providence Road. Wllli- VOZLDBR'S HOTB, Ckpa COd with new automatic oil burner. THE AUSTIN A. Cbambers Co., Kuiiding—CnnlrnrllnK H ehealei. on Wedne.sday. Feli- mantic. ImoM Btui for sale. Pliona Rock- local or long distance moving Insulated throughout, combina­ I'Uarv '26. fiom fl A. M. In 4 Garden— farm — Dairy 1 1 vUla Moving, packing and storage. tTAKPENI'EH >voik of all kinds tion storm and screen windows P. .M. EAST HARTTORD-^ Pbona Manchester 5187 or Hart­ Roots siding additions and altri- I*ruduct9 50 5Iufiii-al ln.'trumehts 53 and doora. New Automatic gas 1 Rahma wHh all Impreva- ford e-1433. atlons. Aiso new construction hot water, 3>j years old. Imme­ GREEN MOUNTAIN poUlots W A N T E D T o Buy— Organ and meat|gSalcfi Price 87J00. Tcrma J fur Bids 4 Sieffert Phone 2-0253 diate occupancy, priced for ALL MAKES of waabing ma numbei one and number two double bass viol. Tel. 7396 or quick sale. CaU Manchester 2- A r m g e d . ! EXPERIE.\(?ED atitchers wanted. s ite DODGE aport coupa In very Amelia larvts. 87‘2 Parker street chinas repairad. 10 yaara' exper­ B. AND I* Construction Company Apply Kaklar CTolh Toy Co., Foi- Write Box P, Herald. 2718. fiUt NCH ESTER— LO T— good aoualUoD meclianically. Can ience. Ox': A. Brewer, 2-U548 Concrete work, ivlaining vvahs Phone 70'26 e.st street. BUTTO N Accordion, 100 bases Good stte for a basineat. 800 ba aami at Oeorge'sI Bm o Station, rindrr blocks, septic tanks land- frontage on Cast Center E l a ^ ■treata. al for sale, $150. W. Manley, Staf­ Mala and WATERMAN'S personal errand acapltig, grndlng. Call 2-IHOl WO.M.AN o r ^ li'l for sorting and Household Goods 51 streeL Reasonable eale pHca. aarvica. Local eranda. package after 5. wrapping. Apply In 'perscn. New ford Springs. FRbtKI.E.S AND HIS FRIENTlS Low Upkeep REAL VALUES IN GOOD /t Term* Arranged. BY MERRILL BL088KR daUvsry Light trucking. Auto Model Ijpiiulry, 73 Summit street. H O S PITA ; Beds or wbeel*cbalra MUSICAL Instrumcnta ot all T)ol-^lcfOod/y C A R PE N TR Y work ot all kinds ■ .1- P». ^ ' | I I I » II I I ■ ■■ n il ■III.IU LOTS FOR SALK— numbar plait aervica to Hartford for rent or sale. Rates reason- Mr LOOKS BURNED He CDULON'r M — HE WAS An d peeoiNG hum w iu . b t USED CARS remodeling slid rcfiniahing rooms kinds— new, used, trades, terms In varions aectloaa of Maa- Phone 3-0753. WA.N'TED Experienced houae- sbl(. Phone Keith* Furniture our Id M e l ^ AN. OLD 0X 1 ^ NO POOM-ffM — HB BAXS Ressonable rstos I'al'. '2-'27IH. keopi-r with leferciices. Hours 8 Instrumental instruction*. Ward chester. Sale Price* 8400 and K. DOO^ HW4QYCR. AU K O sr A N y m n o f 4169. AT DE CORMIER RANGE BURNERS claantd. atrv to 4. .No Sundays. Children in Krause Tel. 53:46. up. Terms Arranged. lead Washing maclunaa. vacuums family. Salary $25. Write P. O. MOTOR SALES Rooflng—Siding III V E N E T IA N Band*, wood, steal ot ADDmONAL LISTINGS NEW UTRCAOS AU. AOOUNO/ tepairad. 'awn mowara tharpanao Box 695 for appointment. aluratnum. (Ttaoica colora Uonvan- A GOOD buy In an upright piano AT OUR OFFICE 1841 Mareury Club Coupa, radio and rapatred Saws filad. Pick up tent terms Phone for asUmata. ROOFING and siding our special­ WOMAN FOR tray room work, with bench^ Phone 4527. and dehvtry. Friendly Fixlt Shop no obligation. Manchaatet Vene­ and haatar. ty. New reiliiigs and carpentry. seven to four, six day week, ALLEN REALTY CO. 1843 Dodge Cuatom Club, Coupe, 718 North Main etreet. Phone Highest quality materialH. Work­ tian Blind Oo Phone 3*1524. atoady work. Apply Dietitian, INCO^IB T.4X - - REALTORS radio, heater and detroaUr. 4777. manship guarantepd. A. .\ Dion, Mancheater Memorial hospital. 180 CENTER STREET 1841 NaMi *HK)0" 2-Door Sedan, Inc. Phone 4860. ARE YOU going housekeeping Evenings, 7 to 9 P. 51. / TEI.EPHO.NE 5105 radio and alrdxmdltloning. MANCHES'IEK soon? For $396 you can buy bed­ Saturdays, 1 to 4 P. 51. All Lines at Insurance, room, living-room, dinette, rugs, ihc 1940 Bulck Oantury i*D oor Sedan, SHEEI ME1 AL WORKS ROOFING - Speclallxing In re­ HOUSEKEEPER for family of T. J. SH EA Inrindina Lite. pairing roofs ot all kinds, alto mirrors, tables, etc. A real bar­ haatar. AH new Urea. AIR CONDinUNlNO two. Plain cooking. Phone 4060, (Former Deputy Collector Mortgagee Arranged. (A Bweathabft all the way!) HOT ADt niRNAOBS lien roots. No jot. too small oi gain. Budget terms. Free storage with Internal Revenue) uso IM l Plymouth SpacUl DeLuxe 4- Installed and Repaired laiiiv GtHtd work, tan price Free GIRL FOR general office work In until wanted. Albert’*. 43 AUyn SO Division 81. Phone 3-1795 Door Sadan, radio and heater. Bavestrougb* and Condurtnre esllmatca Gal' Howlcy. Man- retail atore. Shorthand not neces­ street. Hartford. Open Thuraday ^4^ # 1840 Ford Coupe, very nice, heater All Types of Sheet gleial Work cheslar .5361. sary. Apply 881 Main street. evenings. and sp■potUghI 23 Tsars' Experience UaOPlymymouth o a-Door Sadan, radio TELEPHONE 5418 BIG PROFITS. Sell beauty card FLOOR problems solved with RED RIDER Bail Healing—PlumhinK 17 linoleum, asphalt tile, countei COOUDGE ST. HY FRED HARMAN and haatar. Evefyday box assortment, gift WANTED! NEVA esrunni ibHsn r»w eit'e 1838 Ford 3*Door Sedan, heater. SHEET METAL WORK wrappings, personal stationery. Expert Workmanship, free esti­ Lovely fi-Room Single, one FUMMT HE SHOat) tJlfO BItfER HIDE TOUR CATTtg^ PLUMBING and heating aervice SECRETARY FOR SAI.ES DEPARTHfENT 1U04 OUTLAW ffO (Very clean). 14 big money-makers. Samples mates. Open evenings. Jones room unflniahed. Excellent con­ MONIT M A BAUB n>CC UlL TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS’ Rot All Fumaca Repairing. and repaira. Available, immedi­ Furniture. Osk etreet. Phone dition. Screens and atorm sash. One Who Can and Will Use Dictaphone. tjuff iRia ibOK auODIM' EVERT- REOB CAuaur/u ate delivery and mstallallon 3U- on approval. Empire Card, El­ Boot a r o u n d 1884 OldamoUle 3-Door Sadan, 6- New Hot Air and AU CondlUonlng 2- 1041. Immediate occupancy, fll0.000.; ALOTOf 'Tl/’5Ss gallon automatic gas water heat­ mira, N. Y. Apply: MIVA— AMT HERE HAPAfiOOD cyllnder, radio and haatar. (A Fumaeaa Inatallad Term*. See ns le-aee It—do, OPiMOU V ffTDfiR leal buy—naw ttiea and aU). ers, portable kerosene water heat- K.XTRA MONEY easy for you! W E BUT and eall good load now. ■fiwoots.* Eaves BUD17E WE CAHf 1835 Terraplane 4*Ooor Sedan, Trough and Conductor ets. Edwar-' Johnson. 6979. ,I list show friends newest greet­ furnitura. eomblnatioD raagta. I cose i*w *Y iwviee. me. r m. sic u. s. s.t a,. Repairing. ^ itjLwam aawxi. m . wr. tOlWEDLAMCO tMTHS heslcr. ing.' for birthdays, other occs- gas ranges and heatara. Jonaa' Spencer Rubber Products PLUGGED Main seweri, sink. BYRON ROAI BASIN-' IfWMTf 1833 Plymouth C o ^ . Sport, heal­ siona. Big value 15-card assort­ Furniture Store, 88 Oak. Phone "You’ra asking me why Caesar should beware the Idea 'avatorj and oath drains effi- A real buy! Attn^ve fi- "Thfi boat says ha hirod her for her diligencfi and intallU er. NORMAN BENTY ment sell* on alght for $1. Pays 3- 1041. of March? Good land! Haven't you ever heard of income ciently machine cleaned. Carl Room Single. Flrepta^ CoCom- gfince, Ijut ahfi hasn’t a bad figur* at that, has aha?" 1884 Chevrolet Coupe. 277 Spruce Street up to .50c profit. 12 other popu­ Com pany tax evasion?" 1980 Ford Model "A " 4-Doof. A Tal 8868 .Nygren. plumbing, steam tlttei MITST VACATE Immediately. For blnatlon screens and Morm win- Rear 32 Main Street and pump mechanic, 15 South lar sellers. 60c up. Stationery. sale at bargain prlcea, kitchen dows. Garage. O m filOJiOO, good one. Samples on approval. Artistic VIC FLINT On the Way Hone BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY mnd RA1J*H LANE JAMES MACKl, General truck­ atreet Phone 6497. art, Vlctrol*. lamp*, dog house, Caab 88.500. ThiMa one of the 24 MAPLE STREET ing. Range and fual otla. asbae Card Co., Inc , 226 Way, Elmira. grass nig. bench and table set. nicest homes we n v e been able 5lfie the Se»p wu quite a cheractec And tbrccful. MANCHESTER and mohtah removed. Phone N. Y. to offer for some time. Imme­ Phone 7623. I HAD 70 K iie eowiN' 4S2b. If no answer call 6466. KooUng— Repairing 17-A diate occnpaac Deleft the TELEPHONE 8854 TRACTORS, ImplamanU, snow TUHI TWOflimONINf ^I'ccbeMnd FOR A L L types of roofti g and EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON Help Wanted—Male S® ptowa, gardaa tractora. 8ea ua HIA01DKH8IMQUUIL Hl1» fit the Blufi But You Should Come In— roof repair call E. V. Coughlin. DEEP^R^D DRIVE OKAY. MM. t. sLMs a aOn. ew, AND STEEL FURNACES DIE MAKERS wanted, full or for your naada. Dublin Tractor LAKEWOOD CIRCLE CWMAANO Rfivilion mMi We'd Uke To Meet Youl 7707 after March 3rd. Lovriy/fi-Reom Single, 3 OUT UUR WAY FOR IMMEDIATE part time, at the Regal Tool (Company, North Windham Road, 80 AM Chili find I BY 1 R. WILMAM8 OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HCNJPl-B WtlUmanytc. . rooms unfinished. H ot w ater ' INSTALLATION - ("ompsny, Inp., Slock Place. heat, pn burner. Oarage. Excel­ YOU. tookTddiy 1840 BUICK super four-door Moving—Trucking— BUILDING LOT JUST A SCCONR WCS — lent eondlUon. Occupancy 60 bfii^totiM DiDTOUSOO t w o BEEN Him EGAO.' 1 MUST APPEAtE* t sedan. Radio, heater. A-1 condi­ Storage 20 EXPERIENCTID counterman. Ap­ High on a hillside overlooking beautiful Globe Hollow WOULD 500 LIKE ME TO VAN CAMP BROS. days. 810,000. Cash 88.000. SHOVU 50U WHUT BUCK two OFOTS OF LOOKING BSPECIALLV F lT ID O O t/ ^ tion. Phone Rockville 877-12. ply meat department. Wonder Reservoir and the Country Club, a very select building TEL. 5244 MOVING, household goods and .Market, Rubtnow building. FEVER t&, OR WOULD DlSSlRMTlONON tBRRiBLEI6LE AFTER 6XCmi4G GLANCES OF .1884 FORD converUWe. New top. pianos moved anywhere In the WANTED! FOXCROFT DRIVE lot is being offered. The owner is moving out of the YOU PREFER TO FIMD that HOOPLE'S A CLAM0AKE, a d m ir a t io n o n a l l OUT FOR VOORSELF ? new battery, good Urea. Phone PLUM BING. Heating, oil burner state. Also general Irucking and STA R T A Rawleigh business. Real Charming 5-Room Single In state and is forced to dispose of this property, lliie BUOAOBO BUT TV40S6 X -.- S id e s .'— s u r p r i s i n (3 2-1487. Inquire 843 Keeney atreet. repair." Call Henrv Parent. Phone rubbi*h jemovt-d. Piano* out opportunity now for permanent nice section. Hoi water heat, parcel is approximately ^5 x I®5 feet and is situated on a P A C E / - * * - BLOTCHES ):% TDOHOVI MV PROFILE AND ■J-018.5. profitable work nearby Write POOR MARTHA.' spednll v. Fi;. i1)1, work. Get your work Fashion Departments. .Also Part Time Office Work. •1 CENTER STREET dsllverad promptly 20 years For Fiirlliri' Informulion done now before the Permanent Positions. I.iberal Salary. .Apply: PHONE 4164 axparlence .lohn Maloney, i-hone CALt. (illt'ert Hckett for yout .Aliout Thi.s Properly— Sprln'ir rush starts. 'm 2-1046. 1 Walnut street.. painting and .paperhanging CALL Goodchild Rooms 12x16 done for $12. In­ 6 RoumH. Fireplace, Hot MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. PIELA'S Refrigeration service clude* papei at 60c a roll. CaU Realty Company DomeaUc, commercial, repairs on 4208. . i Water Heat, Open Stair­ all makaa. Day and night service way. Tile Bath, Laundry iu NU HOMES 15 Fortfit St. Msnchcattr S24*8$8 Main SL T «L 5151 Mancheater INSJTRE Sfi Btrcb atreet Pybne 2-1428. IN TERIO R Painting and paper- hanging Floor*' sanded tnd r*' Basement, Copper Tuhinir,' INC. Phone 792.5 MemfNBT BROTHERS CLOCKS Repaired Guarani eer flni.shed. All 'ype* of eommer Iteaiilifiilly l.and,>irapr(1 ■ work, raasonanig, ratea. promp Cl*, and industrial spraying Or Hartford 2-9787 aarvica, wiU pick up and dehvei Thomas J. McKmuey. Phone* 2 Priced For tjiiirk Sale! Tel. 2-0466 Mornings or Evenings iS.8!!Sgy!!. Wyrua Ota) 2-1851. 0106. Advertise in The Herald— II Pava ------J— ------w T-

‘‘ i \ - .