Oklahoma Today Winter 1968-1969 Volume 19 No. 1

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Oklahoma Today Winter 1968-1969 Volume 19 No. 1 . 4 .. FIFTY CENTS I !iiii!!K&BfBUNIVERSITY OF OKLAHC ma ~Em!!hl EAST CENTRAL - ADA DffE flEDETULSA OPERA MAR. 11 UNIVERSITY OF OKLAH I I OKLAHOMA TODAY F The winter and spring seasons of- fer Oklahomans a wide and varied operatic fare, whether one's prefer- ence be opkra comique or grand opera. Perhaps you attended Rigoletto this past November, starring the Metro- politan Opera's Roberta Peters and Alfredo Klaus in Tulsa, Jan Peerce and the New York City Opera's Ches- ter Ludgin in Oklahoma City. You may have been present to en- joy the University of Oklahoma's splendid production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Sound of Music this past autumn; or the Opera Gala there in December, which honored 0. U. professor Joseph Benton's Metropol- itan Opera career. Amah1 and the Night Visitors, Menotti's Christmas oriented opera was performed at East Central State College in December. At Oklahoma City University, Ravel's L'Hewe Es- pagrwl was combined with a Univer- sity Symphony Concert in December, followed by a portion of Bellini's pop- ular Norma only a week later. Yet if you missed all these superla- tive operatic showpieces, you may be reassured to know that most of Okla- homa's operatic season still lies ahead. Quoting Tu1 s a University's Daniel Wright, "Oklahoma has a solid tradi- tion of opera production in univer- sity music schools." Tulsa University is now in its eighth consecutive sea- son of operatic production. T. U.'s major production last year was Mo- zart's Marriage of Figaro, eliciting these comments from newspaper critics: ". .a delightful evening of comedy and a fine evening of music." "The Mozart work is the greatest comic opera ever written and Daniel KLAHOMA TODAY THREE Wright, director of the opera, kept Norman will the following week pre- students are eager, the audiences re- both adjectives in mind . it is sent, fully costumed and dramatized, ceptive. In addition to performances played as pure comedy; it is sung as Johann Sebastian Bach's St. John for the general public, special per- the great music it is." Passion. formances are taken to elementary As soon as the curtain was rung The St. John Passion, music- schools in Ada and Pontotoc County. down on the final performance of drama's most inspirational setting of I Elementary and secondary schools Marriage of Figaro, Dan Wright be- the Crucifixion, will be performed on in Tulsa are each year culturally en- gan planning this year's production. February 20-21. The University of Ok- riched with opera productions as a It will include Gilbert & Sullivan's lahoma's director of operatic produc- part of the Destination: Discovery Trial by Jury, and Puccini's Sister tion is Jack Harrold, former leading program. The Tulsa University opera Angelica. The pair will be presented tenor of the New York City Opera, department will perform before more on three evenings (May 8-9-10) and and though the St. John Passion is than 50,000 public school children this one matinee (Sun. May 11). serious music, its director is not al- year. Trial by Jury and Sister Angelica ways serious. T.U.'s Dan Wright is a perfection- were chosen for this spring's twin-bill In fact, last summer, Jack Harrold ist. The University of Indiana created performance because they compliment played the lead, to rave reviews, in a special Master's Degree in Opera each other. Trial by Jwy is comedy. Ft. Worth's Casa Manana production Direction for him. We examined Dan Sister Angelica, called by Puccini "a of A Funny Thing Happened on the Wright's schedule of preparations for mystery play," is perhaps best classi- Way to the Forum. Critic Colin Ples- this spring's Trial by Jury and Sister fied as melodrama. Puccini's music is sis wrote, "There is no aspect of the Angelica, 14 typed and carefully edit- gorgeous and poignant. actor's art of which Jack Harrold is ed pages of instructions. The count Returning to our opening theme of not a complete master." down began last May on this daily "it is still not too late," if you rnisaed Pericles Alexander wrote, "Harro2d procession of detailed things to be Tulsa University's stellar Marriage of would huve indeed been a top banana done; find nun consultant, determine Figaro and feel a pang of regret at in burlesque of yesteryear, although logic of set, settle translation, make g done so, you'll be pleased to his career is filled with operatic cred- master score, make checklist of du- its -not burlesque." Perry Stewart ties and assignments, carry carbon of called him the "crown prince of Cam rehearsal calls at all times, be under- Manana." standing BUT NOT PATIENT, An- April 17, 18, and 19 will bring to gelica choruses by memory March 24, the University of Oklahoma Jack Har- prepare tv shows April 26, hang lights rold's production of Carmen, the most May 5, 1st dress rehearsal May 6.. popular opera of all time. Order your Opera, like Ringling Bros. Barnum tickets early, for the house is sold out and Bailey Circus, is a "big show," ities, in a sense an outgrowth of for every O.U. opera production. combining pageantry, drama, dance March will see Johann Strauss' Die forms - especially ballet, instnunen- Flederrnuus presented by Tulsa Op- tal music, and vocal music. The de- era. At Ada's East Central State Col- tails of preparing so huge a produc- peratic production. lege, Gian-Carlo Menotti's The Tek- tion are infinite. If you are on hand City University's Lyric phone will be presented in March. when the house lights dim, when the Georges Bizet's Doctor Miracle is overture begins, when the curtain lifts scheduled in April at East Central. for any university opera production East Central's opera director Jeff in Oklahoma this winter or spring, e. Providing a measure Frederick reports that opera produc- you will see and hear why such metic- of this activity, every tion is a new venture on the Ada cam- ulous attention to detail is necessary pus. Twenty-one students are now en- --and how splendidly rewarding it rolled in Opera Theatre there. The is in the finished production. BB rming in Europe, with the coming winter and spring will bring one or more out- operatic attractions. To con- ~$4H-Qu+ rgssy To most of us "international rela- tions" is a dimly distant concept. The thought of taking a personal, active part in foreign affairs seems as remote to us as going along on the Apollo flight to the moon, Diplomacy is something we leave to the government. We ma$ bitterly criticize what "they" in the state de- partment do, but the thought of doing something ourselves, of becoming per- sonally involved in "international re- lations" rarely even occurs to us. Yet, only a few hours drive south of us is situated a nation as foreign as France, Italy, or Egypt. It is Mexico. We think first of the vast differ- Mexico and the United At the Tlaxcala Fair each performance States; a different language, different was begun with the presentation of the flags in western fashion by Beverly Hough, Donna we recall the old joke about McSpadden, Frances Smith, and Wannie the fellow who said there is really Tanner. Rodeo riders Vernon Hall, Bruce LOS ESTADOS C very little difference between men Hough, Ray Kilgore, Clem McSpadden, Rodne Roden, Dude Smith, Joe Tanner, and and and his friend =plied, John Wickett then went into action. Bronc TLAXCALA 'Yep, but hooray for the difference!" riding, steer wrestling, calf roping, and the i giant Brahmas, stir crowd enthusiasm as So, we c~OOISLyfor the differ- effervescent in Mexico as at any U.S. rodeo. Y OKLAHOMA, ence" between Mexico and the United States, but the man's first premise is right -Mexico and the United States are alike in many more ways than we are different. Some years ago an or- ganization called the Alliance for Progrese was born A major purpose of the Partners of the Alliance is to help us discover the many ways we are alike, and can be helpful to each other. Oklahoma's Partner of the Alliance state in Mexico is Tlaxcala (tlahs KA la). As Oklahoma City is the are congenial, so are the people of capital of Oklahoma, the city of Tlax- Tlaxcala. cala is the capital of the state of Tlax- We are trying to get acquainted cala. Sixty miles southeast of Mexico with each other. Last September, the City on the turnpike takes you to the people of Tlaxcala brought an exhibit state of Tlaxcala (area 1,555 sq. mi., to our State Fair of Oklahoma. In pop. 284,551); 14% mi. after you exit November, a group of rodeo cowboys from the turnpike and you are in the traveled to La Feriu de Talaxcala to capital city, Tlaxcala. put on riding and roping exhibitions. Like ourselves, many of the people of Tlaxcala are Indians, or part In- We are working toward cooperative dian. Oklahoma is an Indian word exchanges of agricultural information, meaning "home of the redman." Tlax- an exchange student program, ex- cala is an Indian word meaning "place change teachers. No federal or state of bread," which suggests another sim- funds are involved, neither from the ilarity -Tlaxcala, like Oklahoma, has United Stab and Oklahoma, nor much agriculture, both small grab from Mexico and Tlaxcala. All these crops, and cattle. exchanges are on an individual basis. We speak of ranches, they of hacien- We seek to give ourselves.
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