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The Ledger and Times, August 28, 1967

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Ilttsoted Ai I Sad An Bound Kentucky Ocennunity Memnon The Only, "''''4•11111M3a—Millbeeeee —••••• Afternoon Daily L:argest In Murray Aivi Circulation Calloway County Beth In City, And In County, %mmismoomms...#

United Press International In Our SlIth Year Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, August 28, 1967 On 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 203 1...••••• nd 3 OutdOor Skills t 15 Sky Divers Feared Dead Will Seen & Heard Be Important Part As They Land In Lake Erie Of Scout Training Terriorists Step 4 Outdoor skills — instruction and By DALY SMITH the water with a hole in it. practice in the use of woes* MURRAY HURON, Ohio en — Fifteen Canoe Debated boaCii — will be an important part skycbvers of who turimed from a There were amelectmg reports September' meetings of Boy plane frorn 20,000 feet thetsugh a about the cause of the tragedy. Scout troops in the Four Rivera Up Attacks As thick It was nice to see Mrs. Clarence cloud layer and landed by The pilot of the plane, Robert Council, Boy Scouts of America. error in Pboberedder kat week. First time Lake Erie, mike off tar- liCal•ns of West Vermilhon, refund New Boy Spouts who join a get, troop we had seen any of the family were anteing and feared died to &scum the accident. at the beginning of the an- for scene time. today in the worst diameter in "Ai I heard was people yang nual 3-month tall rouridup may marts parachute jumping history. "go! and I went," maid also be abie to attend the Fail Elections Jolene°. Near Two nke folks we met this week. The bodies of two other skydiv- "We turnoed from eight to 25 Camporee which wa feature a • Mr and Mrs, Gene Mod He'r out ers, including the only women, nifies from where we were sup- "fun field clay" and medal in- at the univeneby. WWI in the Air were recovered from the lake's posed to." Cloy mid. struction and practice in ax work By EUGENE V. KISSER three tromen. chewy Force for 24 years. waters Ted Murphy, the pilot Of a and the use of the bow saw, Ray SAIGON On — Communist fort- A ticketed government report mid Four of the 21 iianchutatta who anal pane which lad been Ig- Monekt the council's Scout cram- es today followed un a weekend of Viet Cong machinegunners kola leaped When someone meets you on the from the giane, a con- en urider Kern.' erste said be and. neticarioide terrorist attacks by 15 civilians and wounded 18 mote street and says "How are you?", vested Bib World Weg II bomber, heard the Federal Aviation A- Tbe 8, 9, and 10 year old boys blasting the largest US. Marine In an attack Sunday on the Tea the proper reply is "Fine, how are &UMW ddlik clouds an gency's Oberlin control center give In Cub Scout pecks will forow the hehcapter base with nets and Quay refugee hamlet. wind you ' on,a, holds true even though web of wore Ilan 50 miles the Bl5 a radar vector of "12 September theme Cub Smut Trail, bombard:mg a Marine outpost with About six hours after the bomb- per you've had a rough night. an in- hold ffirlitried dal Juolli Two o'clock " that will portray through inks and their biggest Soviet-made guns. ardment of Dong Hai. an Amer- were • w,. tooth, or • badly regime WOW 1119 Istis by a Aocording to Murphy, the reed- cleinonstrations the Cub Scout ad- At least nine Americans were ican apotter plane saw North Vvet- Lt melded up toe where you kicked sad WO Wide! Off* on Mg meant Karns was about one vancement trail tram Bobaat for killed and 105 wounded an the two narnese artillery positions about • the corner of the bed. mile from Orthees, a private land- the new Cub Scouts through Webe attacks, bringing total casualties 15 miles to the North and called Fitheld were Un-. ing stip where the divers intend- for the 10-year-uld over the weekend to more than In atr antes. Jet fighter-bombers WAe to erm Everybody has the own troubles Why the plane, raided ed to oome down. Mae Cub Scout picks wul hold MO. Mket of the dead and wound- destroyed two artillery position by mom, aeml-doss act particularly oare ta was off mama. • Radar Heading Wrong an open house where present Cub ed were Vietnamese civilians. and touched cief three aeoondary lady WWI W al the drew den* ads, Omit Oland march "I was over Ortessra and I knew Scouts will be axle to *sow new American mcomanders in Saigon explcekins. Wats ffiwiffsite elates troubles. Mound clothing and mu dam was wrong," Murphy said. "I boys and their parents what Cub put their boom on an aseesso It was only the second time US. mw* maw Mdmed boots. Our ccoiecin't see the plane the B25" Scouting Is and how Cub Scouts nation alert as the Reds pushed off Mush brae ciontirmed use of the Lon es. or 061111110 Shen someone mys "till chutes and "othim odds and Murphy had bent flying with advance by meeting opectfic re- their greatest terror carnpatgn of 152-mm womb by the Commun- Testa. ends' — tag no troubies", then you allim of the messing the larger pane to order to take quirements and earning electives. the war in an attempt to chimmt ises. In eshd-Juky, they were used men can 'untold. Matra of the divers Bah school age Explorers will South %Tatman:es- elections. against another Marine outpost - - - - An ItialMillad Sham entIcialm in the Oberlin town' select from several suggested pro- US. MIA and ground forts* Parachute • Found an empty egg then In the Aran LIOPA said the Matra giving Harty any madmig. grams Motoring an "Amu/pace struck back at the Communists. Vietnamese woken:nen stid the parschne back yard which or housed • jump was made con- One mokewmm mW is -eppmm" speolsity probe," fall service ad- US SW bombers flew two mis- terror is the worm of the war but trary to !mind be cild not tile GOT A FIAT—Any flat baby Yellow Shatter! Flicker Pure Aviation Agency a fright plan. tire is an irksome thing. but think viten, and public speaking giOna Par/I tricky Made the de- gave no sign of seedrening the FAA requiem:0a semen Omit what this one is to the militarized white and not too Jorge, bulged Guard boats, two tank crew near Done Ha. South Among the suggested service sone and along its Wotan campaign which ands in "I guns werybedy was at hiMmptem and a sespima Vietnam. They ran over fringes where a kitten at one end. faun," with a Viet Cung none. The crater and activities are ansistance in fall an animated 35,- yoUng Sunday. mad Ray Bloom* noires a piece -- allay of Pilot- praroaid the lake threugh of the tank tread are in foregeorel roundup, the anneal membership 000 Conenurest, troops were re- Chute 'Amanita This morning coming to %tort we "Ali them pectin the night hum this lama north campaign of the Four Rivers ported posed for an invasion of were experienced tamed • whole row of Swallows Waspera. It is central ONO munionny to Ver- Clounce, • Hanoween party for a the South. US Marines also laun- Mrs. Beatrice Cathey upend FAA sitting on the Mummy Electric regulations to Jump million 30 mins to the east. community or neigtdorhood and ched a ground offensive against through clouds" Optimist Club To Passes filystent line on South ilith Street. Comm Guard offarom said the Paducahan Bound service to the kcal United Rind, Communists threatening northern- Away Saturday Hirst Thry •,1".e evenly apsoed a couple Disaster march amid mmunue for -at Be Formed Here; Over Dr. Marked said that prospec- most Quang Tel province. "Ile the To Grand Jury or three inches mart. warn Auer dielleter In WA we dam" Dinner tive alb Scouts. Boy Scout& and Despite cloudy weather- which • hisloriy:" Stanek directly of Ms Tomorrow Explorers nompered opershons, American Mrs Beatrfre Darrell Greenup of Paducah was Mould Wad their near- Oathey, 70. of A least band DBMS Milieu* Om*ernme, fighterbombers flew that plays well Is bound over to est Sco,& unit at the beginning of 1111 missions Route 5. Benton died at 7 30 am. -Nowhere in the A number of local business men the September term composed of Jahn, Robert and world have mom the fan program, or they may con- Sunday against targets in North Saturday at the Murree met lath repreeentattves at the Jefferson grand jury Fri- -Oatmeal Joe Forged Reed Hale and Miss pareateiterts been Mel in a Jump of the tact the local Vietnam. No losses were reported. County Hompital. Dog Case Appealed To Mayfield day in Jefferson County Court, Scout service cen- Kay Hale. Reid's from one peen." °prank* Club here in Viet Ciong guerrillas early daughter. She Louise**, on charges ter. 1501 Broadway, Padioth. Ken- boday Funnel services were held at I There was a report Murray last week to amiss the of Acre- plays the nano like all pst out. the FAA's Circuit Court Here tucky. phone 443-03IS , fox Odor- atoned the pent UB. Marine pm Oxley at the Linn Funeral posabiatty of forming an house breaking end knowingly re- Sings tao. Oberlin control mama pm LW Optimist nation helicopter base on marble MOUll- Chapel, Benton Club wiring stolen property. with Rev. Albert Mew plane au inoormet pinalke (Friend if Boyai in Mum/. tain near Da Nang with Greenup was permitted between Johnson offIcisting Burial wois In WNW Another meeting wa be to fee We knew that Reid was a peed PAID 10 law Parartaule War eicselth N. Seery. Stormy low- 10 to 20 motets. The North Wat- the Bernet& Cemetery. Marshal WI We FAA denied lialadever'et 610 •Preusah under a $1.011 barber, but we had FM Nem he was this inedweirt has appealed tle/Wm , osna Wry leggignisa• WPM,COMM a case to Restaurant and bond Ladies Lounge At ,. musically inclined They Thirteen (law Oumd Week two all persons who — the soviet-built 152-mm wbich pew all the Calloway Circuit Court Ber- The case involved Mra. Ca they is surased by three bdiooptera and a search have been =laded are imied to a break-in Courthouse lore* of 1-014/111C, the modern "bear plane ry was found treaty of violating Improved can tire @hello weighing 107 rounds claughtens, Mra. Eva Cathey and were be present. and theft at a Louisville gun Atop iond and atm vrtat we caZ "1942 aided by hundreds d enJJ KRA 291216 vp to 16 miles — against the Mao Katie in the court at Judge The dinner game two years ago By Court, Club Cothey, Mrs. Joe Books naiew- Manure cratt In • araroh over will be held at the Marine base at Dong Ha about MoCulacin The mince ind- Greenup was a.n of Benton: three sons. Charley HI square make of lake expense of the Mayfield Optimist implicated when waters mites that dogs may nct rim loose eight miles sough of the DMZ. Edward, Rob Earl and Elarnue1 all At Club which Is sponsoring the Mut- a McCracken County man told Several mantis ago Qui prat- Men the medical world finds out hist is was Warne Mery at night. At Wet GO sbeffs Done of Benton; with the exieptirin of fay dub. county inithoritde shout a gun dent at the Cadoirigt Ha, two step-sona. Regret WS 00 cope were 30 skydivers aboard the plans. brim merinos with newton, half bunting dope he Hememiskere slix and embees and and GLUM Cathey both of Hard- but the Coast mad he purchased from Great. selected •-a•milis• the ills we now battle, will be Ouard later said amend neighbors of Berry wounding 36 mom, a Marine spok- in. a miner Mrs. Gretchen on up scene tone ago The Inm assikfts of mr...s•ms-paawr, Hend- there was one other paredgatim Wen esmen saki erson Main Street tanned that identified as part of the merctan- ssa mono ettablatitl sad Mrs. of Benton: three bre:them, who did riot awn the Waal men- Rob At least two helicopters and ho dcg• non lone at night. came Huie Suffers dine taken to OM* Fieffemll ta Minisliwge two Connie flannel and Seymour Nan- (Seamier the Louisville break- the Department: Ciente onto their property, barked at big transport planes were damag- nay, both of Modal and Samuel Al of Attack On Saturday in. pudiallio of Impraileig. We ap- lonotn Rockwell, head of the the skydivers were ex- night, and chmed ed by dwaptal and mix trudrs Names than and then Information concerning the alto- Mamma at dm lads, lotmge in , or Murray; and three An-once:1 Nam party who was Pr:errand teenchutallie Thee were can were destroyed_ A huge fuel dump grandetairen. membeiv km weapon came to authorities the County Out Hams. nein is we. elZ be buried with of dubs m northern Fieny testified that also blew up. the dogs while Greenup was being This carnmatee representing all full nellitem honors In a natIonal Otio affiliated with the United Rob Hun, Supermterdent of the inv were always under auperviason. well ✓ated in connection with the the Sainemakaris Cabs in the Four latrines were killed arid SO litstes Parachute Aeon Clank Murray Water and Sewer System death cared ti. and were Lawful M of his fanner wffe. Mrs county with the setheanee of Mrs. wounded an the rocket attack on William Sturm Is "It's the worst mingle diameter in muttered • heart attack SaturdaY July scaring army prowlers. Whitby Barletta Wrighir, area extension the helicopter be Three helicop- heitory," mid Rety afternoon and is now Oreenup Mrs. Greenurp We sawirved seine rubes and re- Starnes editor He was found guilty by • jury in the Mut- tax were destroyed and nine dam- Promoted In Army of Pike-Ohute ray-Oalkmay disappeared in early March while ageTX mode erieral Min to the gulations al the canine world me- Megasirw and an of max and tined $1500. County Hospital. He aged. runes" in Paducah to net tier chikiren. court house M Mecum with JUdge The was ripped up — . lted*, edit et moll brown dog ofTwlaJ of the UOPA -Mmdmm in is reported to have rested well lest Berry mid that the law Is dis- Her rentans were discoveved in MoCuinton what could be and buntings disneged. • - - sea* lab NIL the workl have more parachuests night --- criminatory again* dog owners the hog lot of a farm in Calloway done about the lounge. The Viet Cone who strudt at CAMP FIREENDSHIP, KORAI`, been kited in ore jump, not even Buie had been working who have dogs whir_h are not in his County on July 19. The Judge representing the rt.- four monnatal capitals, a hospital Thailand, August 23 — First Lien- OW Spiel biffsedlelleig in military operations" yard and felt Wagged bunting clogs. 111 and went into cal Court agreed that they would and a Tellgee mem during the tenant Witham P 81411111, son of WOO We Mr. Itgde The two summons rescued ,from the house to rest roSe Slid MOM when the attack paint the mils and cabinets and weekend. killed six en-liens today Mr and Mrs Paul W. Sturm of Salk Wilk dame the lake, Robert Day, 30, ofSpring4 occ-urred. Mrs Hole • grading and who recently pity for one half the oast of a an • rood 75 WW1 north of Saig- 306 Wildfowl. Murray. EY- _- a lbliesaining plieure field, Chin and Bernard JOhnO0n. underwent make Miss Galloway The surgery was at In new nig. The Homemakers re- on. promoted to his present rank on Mlle assoussims• 30, of West Ridgefield, avid only home at the serum to time. Paducah Contest sponded with the mat of the cost A squad of Vlet Ciong stopped a Aug 11 efff. tbid one of the divers had • life *den Detroit Like A He is aff. reported as being in fan of the rug. which the oornmittee truck and shot three men and 1.t Storm is a service and evac- It was round floating empty on condition by Picnic, Rap Brown lumptial Mies Deloaph CaTiowsy, daugh- Inter adected at a local store. uation platoon leader with h. if, flopped over on his bac* and ter of Mr and 'Mrs James B Gal- The Horneenakem shoo have quarters and Main eupport exposed hie vital parts and Sport DETROIT Chicken Dinner (UPI) — H Rap of Murray Route Two has bought two more large window Is 7th Maintenance an. Kcrat. Thad- Rio .1 over tern with rumblings Hugh Kelso Promoted Brown told • cheering throng of RETURN FRIDAY entered the Miss Paducah Beim- planters and had thern, along with Planned At The and He entered the Army in way down inside somewhere. ready Oaks To Lieutenant Colonel Negroes Sunday the Detroit riot, larahip Pageant. one more phrrted with attradave, ----- Amu* 1966 idler receiving his to do him In. five p.. ago would "look like Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Haieleon Mime Cialkswee, 18. Is a graduate fresh greener')'. The Oaks Country ChM is plan- ROTC comritinvkin hem the Un- • picraw when they get anne guns and versity of Kentucky CAMP FRIENDSHIP, KORAT, children Rteula Donnie. an'- of Worm High School and plans Anyone who cares is invited to ning a chicken dinner fix mem- where he However the rides called for him and "take their due." earned a • Thaland, August atie and Lisa of Tlaylor. Mich vis- to attend Murray State Uneversity. Mop by the Ladies Lounge and bers and out of town meets on BA degree In political not 23 — Changan to bete the email dm and he After Brown's harangue, Negroes ited last science. He was a member (Iiinitensen Colonel) Hugh P week with her paten te Elhe lms had special trsining in see the breprovernents that now Labor Day, September 4 at 6 pin. of Phi didn't The irincipal thing was hurled rocks, bricks and bottles /Opp& Tau modal whose wee. Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sykes and mud°, spendi end dramatks She have been completed for the bene- The charge well be $125 per plate. fraternity He for the anal dog to allow im- Mee at at a car carrying two 306 television daughter Phyllis. They returned plans a dramatic interpretation for fit of the pubkc Reservations must be made arrived in Thailand in February mediately that he was Woodlown Murray, Ky. was by completed newsmen, Jerry Crandall. 28, and lama Friday night her The Homema.kers especially the 1967. promoted to his present rank MAY talent eilibn. Saturcky. September 2 at the Pro subjegated and cowed, which he Snuffy Medal. They fled without 28, 19d/ The officer is previously 133,01I4011ed ovine tt ee Shop or by calling Mrs Chas* did and winch he was Few ant- the son of Injury Mr and Mrs Urn Mrs Wrather and Mrs Maude Co- Simons at 263-6118 i:glad kill jun for the love of kill- P. Kelso of cameraman A for the National howl, who is care baker of the BOWLING MEETING ing and the prtncipal doctrine Lynn drove. Ky Colonel IFCeleo is Broadcasting CO. James Jewell, tounge with to thank the Judge they !tee by is to prove chaplain of the 44th Engineer who is told police a Negro wrested his and the Flmal Court and every- boss Group (Conetniction) end has The Dinar Or Dolar League of cement from him and ran away one who oxpenited with than to been in Thailand we July ?I, the Murray Woman's Bowling As- with it after the roily. Jewell was mate these changes passible. They Ed West Attends • Owe this entallabed. igen. sociation will hold their first fall then peace not hurt, police said oak that each person who takes maintained. Hi received her BA degree flown Leadership Workshop meeting on Frailly, September I, is Spouting black power venom on advantage of the lounge to do her Bethel College at Maternie. Ten- at 12:30 pm The meeting will be the west aide, area hardest tat last part to keep novae in 1961. Colonel Kenn it an lite present am- LAWRENCE. KANSAS — Ed held at the Corvette lanes. Note Colonel Daniell James. Jr is fight- re- month In the worst ceived his racial riot in deem. Wen Jr_ of 301 North 10th. Mur- the cbarece in dike from Septem- ing in Viet Nam and we oopy the oommilosionby direct modern V S history, Brown com- ray. September folknoing paragrephs appointment. He was last stationed ICentucky. was one of WO un- ber 5. at 1 All inter- about him. mended Detroit rioters on "a good at the US Army Chaplain &hoot dergraduate delegates attending the ested women are asked to pieswe bushy-haired chairman of the !Ru- Mrs. Dora Alice Nance Ft Harriiiton, N Y. He 20th annual Leadership Training be present or cal Pat Scott at holds the ed In the distortier. •I(liappie" lames. a Neinn. is one Bronze Star Cionernentiation 'and Dies On Saturday Workshop of the Sigma Ohl Fra- 763-4667 Ibb League is a day- "Get yourselves some guns." the of the Air Force's hottest combat saw strtion during World war Ii ternity on the °unpin of the UM- Urne bawling league and we hope busy-haired chairman of the Stu- pilots. To Black Power leaders In the European Theater of Oper- Mrs Dora Alice Nana! at Pa- veraty of Kam sa here August 23- to be able to strut bowling on dent Nonviolent Coordinating warm( Negroes are ready to fight ations. Com- duce.h died Seturday at the West- 26 8eitember ft a spokesman mid. mittee shduted "The honky at home but not in Vietnam. Jam- white ern Baptist Honsibal there. He is a Sophomore at Murniy man is your enemy The es retain that thousands of Nig- brothers Funeral services were held at 1 Sete University, and a mender of are now calling Detroit Mee are fighting in Vietnam" smi destroyed. Poi. Way at the Kennedy Fun- the Moms Chi chapter them, of You did • good job here." when we go home well have to CITATIONS eral inhaipel. Paducah with Rev. which he is publicey chairman. Brown who came here 1VEATHER REPORT live down the trouble (these) while I J Scudder officrattra. Burial The four-day program which under $15,000 bond on by Prdted Mesa International knots' have built. chasten of was in the Mapiekom Cemetery. attracted Sigma Chis from the violating the National FIPT111- The colonel wan recently quoted 013 Survivons thOWCIP a daughter. Fraternity's 144 campus chapters Citatkres given by the Murray act, said the Detroit riot In news sboriee was "a Mrs. Ruth Ocillins nf Paducah: in 41 mates cg the United West Kentuery - Sunny and from Dwane as Pollee Department inetude public war that Sates was no accident" BRIDGE A GAP- Chancellor Kurt four saying that Carenicheel "is a big drunkenness, WEST GERMAN HERE TO sons. MarshaZ Cooper of m- and four provinces of Canada, in- plea-ant this afternoon and Thee- six; no city sticker, He mid the United elates was WA011/in .410 is making R profession Georg Kiesinger qt West Germany chats with newsmen align. Ti., Herrin R.11,1 Brent Coop- volved delegates In ketures. panels day. Fair and cool tonight. High two: reckless ctiving, bwo; no trying to wipe out the ,out of being 'Negro who met him at Andrews Air Forte Base Md. The chan- er of laduosh, and Rev. W. A. and deseuevtons on Ideas and me- this afternoon near 92 Low to- a Negro and he's tot operator's license and no city population through the Vietnam ts or, In the U.S for a six-day visit, was to meet with Nance of stemphis. no demn business speaking for dbregarang red war, birth Tenn one thod+ for outistaridinir chapter op- night 56. High Tureclay around Mister'. a light, control, starvation of designed me. This Black Power garbage is President Johnson for talks to bridge the West Mater, Mrs, Rhoda Menton of erations. actinues and erliotership IN Winds this eternoon tight and disregarding a stop sign end un- Negro children in the South for the birds." and German-US. "consultation gap." Hazel; 17 grandchildren and 30 The Sigma Ohl WoeitehoP Is the variable. Wednesday CA/ tlook — neoemary nolne, one each. an unfair system of justice. great grunclohildren. largest in the Greek-letter worid. Fair and a little warmer.



• . • • •

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Chicago detested THE LEDGER & Life Is Bed Of York In . before.telva TIMES Whitei Sox Split Atlantia earned a split by beating dropping ovaustwo by LEDGER & TIMES P171111J11111111G COMPANY. Inc. San Francisco 4-1 after Consolidistiouof ite Murray Ledger, The -elalloway Times, and The the first genie 2-0. ine&likrilia.. ,October 20, 1928, and the WOO Kentuckian, January oses For Mike With Boston, Santiago. who allowed only three itunnee T • S hits over 9 3-8 was -leatib C. WEL.L1A1ES, PUBLIEOIER Ifor X-Iirer on nis shoulder eCormick ves *Mod the collision. pany paid $100 to sponsor the that Tig ten Kace 1 in We reserve Ms nett to reject say dnetioing. Letters to the Utter. Almanac Thomas, Roston utility out- radio commercial Mar elbetion =e or Pubes Vona items whine, In our opinion, are not for the boot in- two of the terne id oar roadies, WEAF By SAM GOLDAPER fielder By JOE GERGEN Sew'Mao was to un-. by I. ailed Pram Internalissal uri Sports Wetter 1UPII Sports Writer NA,TkoNAL. ATIVIS: WALLACE In 1941. Japan sent a note to dingo an examination of his hand wrnazaCo., 1309 Today as lattinceiy, At 26, ebe Life at 311 for Mike McCormick, The Chicago White Sox. after Madison Ave.„ Tents; Tune & Lde Bldg., New York, N.Y.. President Franklin D Roosevelt lemon he jammed sliding into 240th day of 1967 wren 125 to fol- once the unwanted tore-armed running into trouble at the outset, Stmakeiseen Bldg, Detroit, Mich. seeing Use Japimeee were Opili al- third in the 10th. low. southpaw of the San Francisco Antericaui League rallied to win in • walk. Dasered tercated in peace. Giants, is again a bed of roses. GB Yastresemskl Homers Tvrice at the Post Office, Murray, Kentucky, for transmission as The tram a between eta oat W. I.. Pet. The end result was another traf- Second Class Matter. Mike has made Carl Yaotraemski, Boston's re- water and new Awe. In 1963, more than 300.000 de- It back to the Minnesote '72 56 .563 - fic jam at the top of the Ameri- most wanted list again. The day Boston 73 57 .562 - markable slugger who is playing • la Conaway and adieiruag maniatis. per Year, $4.10; elesnnere. The senrolng Mar is Saturn. monandors staged an orderly 9191- can league standings 811-00. the Glantz traded tans to the Bel- 71 57 555 I with torn muscles in his Monarch, ESTIOCILIPTION RA.By Carrier in Murray, 'Me evening ear is Mos& segregatIon protest match oa chicago The White Box, who lord the per week 25c, per mesa Umore Orioles, who in turn sent Detroit hit a pair of solo homers to pro- Darn on this Mg In 1908 was Washington. 71 58 .550 las opener to the Boston Red Sox 4-3 to Rochester vide the winning margin in the Onaraanding Civic knee of a Community is the American euthor Roger Peteraoh. A thoustat for the day - Presi- him of the Interne- California 65 63 .512 111% when Ken Berry slid directly into timid League and finally dealt him Washington 61 69 .469 12 first game. lamority of its Ileemosper ''On this day in history. dent Theodore RAxerook once catcher Elston HON% ard's Min to the Washington Eenatnrs. are In 1633. the Wheal Parlienient and. 'lase bast requisite of a Cleveland 61 70 .466 12 guards and became the final out Homers by Rich Rollins and Rod, bunched Into a bundle of bad rne- Baltimore 57 4.5.2 14 • MONDAY - AUGUST 28, 196'1 banned shivery througeout the em- good ottani in Oda Republic of 69 of the game, came back to salvage Carew supported Jim Merritt's sev- mor es. New York 58 71 450 curs is tint he shall be aide and 14% the nightcap 1-0 on four 11th inn- en-hit pitching as the Twins boun- McCormick's second go-around Kansas City 54 74 .422 18 ing walks. in 1922 s New York realty oom- welling to pull his weight" ced back into first at the expense with the Giants is any to earn Sunda)• Results - Rocky Colevito, • pinch hitter of the Indians. Ted Nhiserider al- him the oomeback player of the New York 8 Washington Quotes From The News 1 who carried a 1-for -I? batting so singled aertaa two runs as Mer- year award and, with Minnesota 6 18 victor- Cleveland 3 slump to the plate, drew a muss ritt notched his 10th victory In in 24 Kansas B. A. Jones Named To Post By ies derisiono he is a lead- City 2 Detroit 1 with the bases loaded and two 14 decisions Jose Moue hit a lug sandidete for the Cy Young bustnn 4 Chicago 3, 1st out In the llth from reliever Dar- two-run homer for DETROIT - Militant Black Power Leader H. Rap Brown, Cleveland in Award as the outstasuing Chicago 1 Boston 0. '2nd. 11 inns., rel Brandon. forcing across pinch the ninth. addressing a cheering throng of 1101 Negroes on Detroit's West Southern Bell, Start 'Julies 9-1 in the majors. Calif. at Bolts 2, ppd rain runner Joel Horlen ft-urn third Side, hardest hit by the riot here last month: The 18th victory, iegis in the Today'. Probable with the run teat dropped Boston The Tigers fell % games off the& "The brothers are now .calling Detroit destroyed. You did • National League cams Oanday for Boston. Morehead 2-2 vs. New into second niece. percentage pace when Ramon Webster hit aw a good job here." Mike when he blanked the At- York, Talbot 5-6. point behind Minnesota. two-run homer in the fourth, eras- huts Braves 2-0 on five hits in Baltimore, Brabender 3-3 vs. Pitcher, Catcher Collide ing a 1-0 Detroit lead achieved on the first game of a dodbleheader. Minnesota, Perry 4-3 Jim Northrup's 420-foot solo blast. HURON, Ohio - Robert Johnson, one of four survivors Brandon, who reia Jose San- It was his second straight shut Detroit, Lotich 7-12 vs Californ- Ftoberto Rodrigues, making his firat of a parachuting accident in persons aft. which 17 were lost, de- out Atlanta oune ia, Brunet 11-16. taietr° In the 10th the Red major 'moue start, and Paul back to win Sox starter had oollided with cat- scribuag events in the plane just Deface be and 16 companions the nightcap cleveleind, McDowell bled combined to 4-1. 11-11 vs. cher Mike Ryan chasing a non the Tigers bailed out over the choppy waters of Lake Erie: Cards Win Again Kansas City Nash 11-13. - to five hits as As sal#ned the bunt. walked Duane Joseces a (mai game of a three-game penes "All I heard was people yelling 'go'. and I went." Elsewhere in tlw National Leag- Chicago, Horlen 14-5 or Wood leading off the llth and issued an and tataed ee spatula ue, the league-leading 4-2 vs. Washington. Priddy with ha 8t. Louis 2-5. intentional pass to Cardinals Teeedairs Gaines BrnottY Burgess seventh loss in 20 HO! AN, Vietnam - Lt. Col. Thomas F. Jenkins, com- outscored the Los An- following a sacrifice Josephson decisions. geles Dodgers 6-2 to retain their Boston at New York. twinight menting on an attack on this base by five columns of Com- and Horlen, running for Burgess. Tom Trash drove In • 104 game lead; Cincinnati beat Baltimore at Minnesota, night four runs munist troop which killed at least 27 persons, including aui both advanced on iirapdon's atkt with a bases Houston 11-8: Philadelphia defeat- Detroit at Calif. 2. night loaded double and American, blew up South Vietnamese engineer battalion pitch but Josephson ma MOW a sacrifice fly and ed Pittsburgh 2-0 in a tame cut Cleveland at Kans. City, night Ruben Anuro - builduigs, and destroyed a school house selected as a voting in a nmdown after pinch hitter Socked a three-run homer his to 4% innings by rain and Chi- Chicago at Washington, night Ken piece in next Sunday's presidential elvtioias: Boyer bounced to the mound that in three years-as the Yanks cago topped the New York Meta Don Baird worked -They've been threatening Brandon for Wasted the Senators Phil Ortega, for a long time to disrupt the 3-1 in the first game halted in a walk before Ookivuo took • low rushing to make the male official elections." the eighth inning by rain_ The National Lonnie ball fast with a 91.1 count, pre- when rain began falling in the -26 second game was postponed W. sented L Pet Gt Gary Peters with his 15th fifth inning retired the first twa CAN THO, Vietnam -- A 0 I. medic commenth% on the In the tight American League St Louis 80 49 620 -a victory against m aven Inteasaa _aanada Out reelect two. singles and • Minnesota took over -the lead dbicinniti 70 lifted teinelot shelling of a Vietnamese" hosPitarivEichltillAr 60 .538 1014 the Chian to within one:tr Trash broke the game by one percentage point before Vietnamese and wounded many: by de- Philadelphia 67 59 533 11% game of the tee open with his feating Cleveland 9-2, while Bos- double The rains -There's something rotten Chicago 68-61 127 12 Mopped at the • about blowing up a hospital. ton and The Twins took over end of the stanza ft A. Jones - Chicago Oft • double- San Francisco 67 62 .519 13 first Pima and Prank It's like pumping bullets into a dead man." header. with a 6-3 Howard's ilet homer Boston won the opener /Went& 65 61 .516 13% toureph over Cleve- in the B A. Jones ens named today aa District Traffice cif Sou- land. third inning proved mean- 44 and Chicago the niehtcap 1-0 Pittsburgh 61 68 473 19 Kansas City edged 'Detroit Bell in Winchester Mr Jones ass ones ins raspnisstbilities Sep- ingless. thern In 11 innings In the other games. Los Angeles 59 611 496 20 2-1. New York hammered Wash- tember 1 • Mums City edged Detroit 2-1; Houston 54 77 .412 2'7 ington 8-2 and • scheduled dou- the New emit bletreader between Ealtirnore A 'Bible Thought For Today The new District Traffic Manager is a widely experienced telephone Yankees downed New York 49 75 .305 211% and Washhwton 8-2 and the Baltimore- California was postponed by rain. mart Ediallsted in NM school in Mayfield, he oontinued his Medea Soaday's Results California doubleheader was post- In National League action. at at Murray State University receiving the B. S. Oommerce Degree in Phila. 2 Pitts poned by rain. 0, 4% ins., rain Louis whamed Les Angeles 9-2 Blessed is the man that waiketh not in the counsel of the 1956 He }caned the Telepbone Company after graduation as Traffic Chi. 3 N. Y. I. 1st. I Mccoormick has parlayed a shot ins.. rain Cincinnati outlasted Houston 11- ungodly, nor Mandrill in the way of sinners, nor sitteth In limn/leer in Chicago of cortisone, a couple of new pit- at N. Y., 2nd. Ppd rain 2. Philadelphia blanked Pittaburgh S • the 'teat of the shorrifid. -Psalms St. Louis 6 Loa Angeles 1:1. Jones gained early telephone experience in positions of increasing ches, courage and a change of at- 2 2-0 in a rain-abbrei lanai five-inn- San ?ran ; Atlanta Laving out of harmony with God brings nothing but shame respoosetality in Winchester. Frankfort, Middlesboro, and Utude to his 16-6 won and lost 0, lit Atlanta 4 Mn Fran. and misery During the past few years he he. been Traffic Manager at Bowling record. Mike has added a screw- 1. and Ciricirmati 11 Green ball and slider to fastball. curve Houston 8 and change-up 'hiders Probable Pitchers Cotrint.ous Showing Mayfield. Houston, Jones is the son of Felix and Ondine Jones of cam Semen Simian Von Hoff 0-1 is Chi- cairo. Metro 8-6. From 1 p m Doily Ten Years. IllsOurodok stink* out seven and Ago Today. Pittsburia McBean 4-1 vs. At-4 LZOGII111• ?Ilia% MAI walked three Sunday for his Ilth Luna. Jarvis 13-6. TODAY thru and fltfh shutout WEDNESDAY * Philadelphia. of the season. Ellsworth 5-5 vs Larry Buxton, Jerry Adonis Shoemaker Rabbit Hunters CincinnaU Aerie° 6-5. • and Harold re- Ba?; Limits For Hank Aaron's single in the fifth New 'amt. Fisher 8-15 and E APARTMENT' • cetved the highest scouting award, the Eagle badge, at the tinning provided Atlanta with the Heni- • ley 5-2 vs. St Lotus, Boy Scout Court of Honor held at the City Park. tie-breaking run In the nightcap. Hughes 13-4 JACK LENNON 16th and Carlton 11-7 State Police Director Paul at Smith announced that 29 Down;Season Begins Nov. Nelson Bence, who needed ninth Lea anode& Sutton 9_12 SHIRLEY MaoLAINE Inning relief h^lp from vi cadet graduates had successfully noosed the course prescribed Joe Hoer- sin Francisco. perry 10_15. tiers racked up his ninth victory in FRED MaoMURRAT for state troopers and received their commissions. Glorious leRSOIKPORT. . (taxman - A reduction in the rabbit bag and Tsseday's GOMM Ky. 14 decisions for the Cards St. Louis Houston at chime° Rogers of Murray was one of the cadets. possession limits to all per day and 12 in posaesaton after two or more put together five runs in the fifth A number of 44-P1 members from Calloway quail seaeon. be- Patsburah at County were days of hunting setting of a permanent rabbit and single Atlanta, night inning. Belles' touching oft Phila. at wefillers in the various exhibins at the Purchase District Fair, ginning On the third Thursday in November and ending on the last the snoring outburst. Ctncinnati. nieht inclusion both fifth and sixth grades New York at St day of January. and the of the Veda Pinson collected three hits Louts. night Conservation Education program was the principal trueness Los Arsgeies at San Rev Walter E. Mischke will be the evangelist at the re- in the and Pete Rose and Tony Harper Fran . night tninsacted by the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission vival meeting to be held at the Bethel Methodist Church. drove in three runs ends to pout , • session Wee Monday. In Cincinnati's 14-hit attack Rose hit MURRAY Driveln Theatre The reduction in the rabbit bag and poesesison limits from the his 10th boater wtth a man aboard original 8 and 16 was reconunended by biokaista of the Department In the fifth Inning Bo:office Opens 7.00 Twenty Years Ago Today .rid a n.unber of sportenen's clubs The permanent dates for the Tony Taylor's fourth inning trip- P.M. Show Starta BOOMS• yew- uis.s opening and closing of the quail arid rabbit seaeons, unless population le batted in two runs and insured 8.00 P.M. fluctuations make changes necessary. was accomplished to clarify the the Phillies' seventh straight vic- CARTOON STARTS AT DUSK tory before the rains sportsman's dilemma year by year as to the exact season.s halted the FEATURE FOLIAMS IMMEDIATELY Eight now members Were Initiated into the Murray Lions game. No Club at We meeting held at the Woman's Club House. The The Ooenstission. In a meeting in June. decreed that only students Pitcher Tom Beaver's seventh Previews and No Intermission Before The First new Lions are Clary Bowen, George Haney, J B. Head, Olen in Me seventh grades be taught the Department's course in conserva- Inning throwing error opened the Feature EVER. regioneidered the yesterday Huff. Maynard Ragsdale, Charles Schultz, Ray Sinclair, and tion. bat at meeting and decided that class- door for the two unearned runs • Howard Titan:oral. se be belo this year for the students of beta the fifth and sixth and permitted the Cubs and Rich racks A revised program for teaching in the school also was approved. Nye to beat . the Metr Randy Sunday thru Thursday - Aug. 27, 28, 29, The 18th annual Dairy Show. scheduled for 30 '. total of 82 counties will be open for gun deer hunting this year. Hundley tut los 12th homer in ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S Mayfield on September 2, 3, and 4, has been indefinitely post- The memo opens on November 8 and continues through November 12. the second inning to tie the game poned due to an outbreak of anthrax in the south part GET of Maser um deer may be killed in 40 comities while only deer with vis- for Chicago 'TORN CURTAIN' Graves County ible antlers may be taken in 34 COldialala IDght nev counties have been RID OF with Paul Newman and Julie Andrews Frank Ryan. 806 011ee Street. veteran of World War IL opened for one-day seasor.s In seven ot these cousins only deer with NOW YOU KNOW was today appointed lexuaint chairman of Calloway County voilee antlers may be taken while in the other either sex is ',colitis- by United Press latenistionai PESTS In TE( IINICOLOR Post No. 5638 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. sable The number of Inentgraxiits ad- mitted to the United States from Mr. and Mrs L. B. Sommers and daughter, Diane. of Mi- Counties open to gun deer hunting, the dates and the type deer 1620 through 1965 was 43.291.773 ami. Fla are spending the week with Mrs. Sommers' mother, which may be harvested. follow MARS SEX. NOV. Livingston, losteugrareaal fram the ekae of the • • Mrs Minnie Doran, and her brothers, Tip and A. F. Doran and Crittenden. Lyon. Caldsell. Trigg. Christian, Hopkni. Webeter. Union. Revolutionary War to 1000. when families. Henderson. Dartess, McLean, Ohio, Muhlenberg. Butler. Todd. Logan_ the U.S State 13epelageitant began Allen. Warren, Grayson. Brett:modem.. Hancock Maeda Hardin. Nelson. La the persistent presence keeping Perin records, is Sunlit. Lamle, Marion. Taylor, Green. Metr,alfe. es' lnat- of silverfish Monroe. Curntierland. ed at 260.000. getting you Clintod, Russell, taity and Boyle EITHER SEX. NOV. le, Ii, It and Dec. 2 sad 3 Edmonson. Hart. Doreen 15L'CK8 ONLY, NOV. 11- GET OUR FREE Adair. Wayne, McCreary, Pulaski. Ftockqutle. Laurel, Whitley. 'Industries oorne DITIMATE Knox. Clay, Jackson, Estill. Powell. Lee, Cheney. Leslie. Marian. Letch- -where trees are! er, Perry. Knott. Breathitt, Wolfe, Menifee. Bath, Fleming. Rowan. Morgan. Magoffin. Floyd. Johnson. Elliott, Carter. Lewis Greentip. We exterminate pests of ANTLER DE= ONLY. Min. n - Lawrence. Franklin. Henry Trimble. Carroll. Owen. and Grant EITHER SIX, NOV. 11 - McCracken • • GROW A all kinds at low coat down? We'll get them out VIETNAM PROTEST PULPMILL of your house or apart- OSLO, Norway (UPI, -- Police arrested 25 persons Wednesday night ment to STAY outl Rearlwoinher's durina an anti-Amer, an demonstration at the U. 8 embatoy Police Colony ach eandlliert, smith O. maul Were was no damage or violence during the dernototration. 3,Joisle lbeeirtind u it. grind bench, Ilea In protest U 8. Involvement in Vietnarn, but captained the dernoegrators a t n ni ...sting right on the had not asked for a permit. PLANT GidI Metieo. Here you saill MAY'S I An,. our own IlparIOUI Beach Howe. complete with kitchen . • TREES an •totte Lasso Suit.... or Patio NO MI'ssTITUTES CONTROL lintel Room ...all with tele, iminn, telephone, and full hotel servir.. PARTE IUPI. -- The cabinet Wednesday Issued a decree totter-name For your fun -it, inning Pool. TENNIS seraffebnerra Club MERCY RATER HELD TO GUANO JURY- Handcuffed and mai& French wine houses to dilute French wines with cheaper. Inferior PreVerd Fewest Fires pitch it putt. Mg Robert Nankin 2:i is taken to Conk County Jail lb vintages from abroad Seagrape Patio Reuraiornat Starfish Longboat Cinema by sheriff's deputies after he was ordered held to a Cocktail Lounge . Key Country Dancing and Entertainment. Club 18-Hole Champion- grand jury on II charge of murdering his mother, Mrs. MURRAY FUN FOR ALL ship Golf Course-1/12 Dune! Wealth" 52. &leukemia patient a Univer- P101157 FISHING LOAN THE E.4MILY Minutes from CO. ALL I EAR 'ROCAD. your door. sity of Minds eenke-sait1 he killed him mother to -put her MONEY COLOMBO. Ceylon Write for literature. nut ef misery" She wen shot to death tri hnepitel 000, - The Maldive embassy in Colombo. Cey- HEADQUARTERS Gulf of Mexico Drive, P.O.Box bed. 306 W. Main Street 3949.% lon said Wednesday it protested to the Soviet Union the entry of a Phone 753-2121 • Soviet !MIN Weed in Maldive territorial waters. ""krt. SARASOTA, FLORIDA

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-- -tee 067 MONDAY - AUGUST 28, 1967 TIE LEDO I & TIMER - Ern RAY, 1118111TVIURY rested Nev. • PACAL THREE before a a Murray. 1 bnk:an living rckni.1 -..LL•f-2E...N1 • - VVAP by beating • HIRE • BUY LL• RENT- • SWAP•HIRE • BLJY • SELL • RENT • SWAP • 1-41F-ti • dineac, kitchen, bath a.nd dropping ,rr Undurni.shed. $66.00 per month. I Conta.ct through 11312V1I111 Store Land Transfers l only three wrote the rcad or Cal 436-2287. , was ache- LOW COST A-38-P tie shoulder CLASSIFIED Coy M. Todd and Norm Todd of -Willie Woods and Eiviii Th"oods REMUS Ill, ADS Bandwich. GET NICE to WIIII&M Stev- Elrdedge, he conolon. CLEAN roams for coinage F. to Edward Alford El- utility out- buys, 1614 Ilsonaton Avenue. 1 ens and Etna Stevens of Paducah; dridge, and William D. Lldridge; two of the bidets from MOLL Tdephone 753- three lots on Kentucky Lake. property on Old Martin Mill Road. 2665 W. 0. Hatcher and Blanche Johnson was to tin• or 763-6766. Sept. 26-NC Hat- Robby R. and Sara if his head • oiler to James B. clown sad Linda, Johnson to Eli G. Spann, larue TELE- EMBASSY. Large two-bed- :brittle lute NOTICE mil heck hoe L. Gooch, lot in College View Ad- D. Spann, Wayne Wilson, sad Malts Or Fsmale Hap Wanrod seperatukr• Cel only 631,000. room apartments; carpeted, Indi- FOR SALE 3930. dition. Jean Wilson; lot in Plainview Ac- W. R. Ohlomt. Buchanan,; WE HAVE FHA loans available and vidual heat and air-conditioning. rs Twice ELECTROLUX BALES & Service, Tenn. lidnihie Parker to Sanuny Gaf- res Subdivision. WRENS HORSES HORSES, A-28-P VA loans with no dcwn payment to Furnished or unfurnished. Box 213, Murray, Ky, C. M. 8 - WANTED - WATIVESS and kit- make, 106 80. ford, Jr., and Lena L. Oafford; Jesse L. Johnson and Mary Lou kmatues re- training, tioarding all eligible veterans. 1211 • Phone 382-3176, chen help Call 753-8160, stalls and pea CARPET St. Phone 763-7814. 25-8-2-C 2.77 acres In Calloway it playing Lynnville, Ky. days or tem SPECIAL "while it Mille" County. Johnson to Max Julian and Aline 753-8669 aqultstion. stailion service, INxiter Realty & Ins., Co., 6011 is stomach, 1160.4-0 at night A-36-C x 11 ea size heavy braided rug 1 TRAILER FOR COUPLE B. V. Foy and Mary Lou Foy to Julian; lot in Plainview Acres Lighted Riding Fttng. Blackwell Maple Street, Murray, Ky. 713- only. - - - $14.96 each. Fringed rugs $1.00 Dille Ted Howard and Martha, J. Ho- Subdivision. iers to pro- FREE! 8 puppies. Collie and reli- DRIVERS WANTED-21 or over, Stables. Mune 715341177. Sept.12.0 1342 Docield R. Tucker - Bobby Trailer Court. Apply after -gin end uP- Good 100% neon Pile 4 p. m. ward; lot in B. V. Foy Subdivision. Carl Rowland and Laverne Row- In the ed breed. Call 714-4996. A-39-C full time. Apply in person, Radio Orogen. H-ITC Murray Drive-In Theater Currsaa - We have another low' carpet Elk sq. yd. Heiner 100% entrance. Kentucky Lake Development land to Winston R. Willis and Cala A-28-C A-30-C FOR LEASE OR BENT - House of Cutters In. 4-foot heavy duty rrYlesi Pile carnet 3289 sq. yd. Still Company, Inc., to Eugene F. Nich- Nina Ruth Willie; lot In Rich- na and Rode, • on N. 12 and Ilispee. Two bed- OFL1IEVIISIM3 11111LLINCI araeon gear box. Stump Jumper with teal better 100'; nyksi pile carpet olson, Author L. Jeffries, William land Subdivision. will FEMALE HELP WANTED Ierritt's sev- .•oonia, *Aug ged dining room. soon be here. Prepare now for wheel, $266.03; 5'-4325 00. Also pull 11450 sq yd. Acrylic and mot:M- USED COMBINES L. Hill, and Alice KAI of Steel- Stark Erwin and Leila Erwin Mina boon- 111300.000. Air conditioned. large profits seam beautiful Avon type. Ihnson Tractor Co., 753-4892 aniac pale carpet $4.50 sq. yd. Du- FOR SALE y:the, Mo.; three kits in Kentucky to Junior Garrison arid Bobbie B. the expense Phi= 10-00. A-2e-C .0ifts. Write Mrs. Evelyn L. Brown, Aug. 28-NC pont. 501 F.H.A. approved carpet WOMAN lei SIT web Lady with Lake Development, Garrison, lot in Wletheil Eiatea rilsender al- &We Diat. 440, Shady (trove 14.60 eq. yd. Foam pad, $1.00 sq. - So 12 ASO* t halraere Aimee broken hip, Slim light housework. Kentucky Lake Development J. M. Adams and Vera Adams he 1960 DODGE PICKUP $75. It ain't 01.01,1111,16. •011.0 WW13 Company, ms as Met- Read, Marion, Ky. 42084. A-28-C Yd. 100'; nykin pile room stye 1 rm. aid. Call 753-2773. A-26-C Inc., to Eugene P. Cau Horner 0. Bullard and Dorothy purity but it wile I - P. (steal.. victory in * NOTICE haul eanattang. rugs $10.00 and up. Open or Irlb 14 Oh rah. header sea- and Ccrume C. Coo of Ft. Wash- Vanet,ta Bullard of Chesteriovee * days (l0! - lottery. scue -.1•11111•••• See at 614 Sauna - ington, hit a • week. Peaclusil remount ROW 3 - eeeee• alth header Pa.; one lot in Kentucky Lad.; lot on South lith Street. yam YOU NEED Servims Offered etwahreic ?leveland in ONE REGISTERED Pdggigeee Hazel, Ky. Phone 4924733, A-11-1 ptokup reek, ountpletely over- OPPORTUNITIES LAU Development. Joe Hacker and Maurine Bucher it= hauled extra good, Priced to seil Kentucky lake Development of Sikeston, ?do., to Bob Tyrone U. 18 mouths old. II Interested 1 - 1.-4 A Plumber ROOM IRISPAIA&D ui 1966 DODGE, 2 dr. hardtop, 17-8 1,1 alth eab, plol•up NOW OPEN Company, Inc., to John and Jo Tyrone of repsiced. call 753-632'1 after 5 reel Burnes Cape Girardeau, mes off them, p.m. A-Ni-C 30,000 melee - buy from original header central Like sew. THINK OV • - shirgls - gravel. WI, I. or headsa• tow these and Clara Burresa of McKenzie, Mo.; lot in Center Ridge Subdi- Water hit ay owner. Phone 753-8766 alter 5:00 at oost - Free Estimates. TriEtate BY ovnesat: iiddern brick house. 11111.4 higies Tenn.; on lot in Kentucky Lake vision. fourth. eras- pm. -21-P 2 - So 3110 Massey Elroy Sykes /tooting Co. Dial 753-6809 TFO Lambed 5ubilocks from Untver- A Fergusen Development. Trustees of College C7hurch of achieved on • with p ICk up reel, beeder Plumbing & Repair shy on College Penn Read. Three- . Kentucky Lake Development Christ. Eaco Gunter, Vernon An- t solo blast. A JAMESON SOFA bed and chair eu•tru I, a.erhauleri ass esal BOONE'S /KIR ALL YOUR Weil Pump sed bednxima, family roam, 151 baths arra. Ommany, Inc., to Blair Doty and derson, and Wayne Williams, to mg his feet Service, Phone 752-0690 and a four piece bedroom suite. Plumbing repair call 3Rroy RAN and 16 ft. 1 34 ft. evelimneep pool I -Nu. 410 Mastery Ferguson with Nancy Doty of Clarksville. Noble Chadwick and Velma Lowae ! Including box "aprings and matt- Laundry & Cleaners Tenn., Paul Lind- ITC Plumbing & Repair with sawiley fence. FHA. cab header central, cab - like two eirviesi. M- ream- ress. Call 753-6766 before Aug. Nth, a•w. Phone 7134414 lots in Kentucky Lake De- Chadwick; lot in Freeman John- II; Tigers OW ed. Call 763-1367 /// //////, enrWv/////ox,,,, Stiga.SC A-E-C I • No, velopment, son Heights addlUon on College a ed A-26.0 its bilrower ersreetawSlit the KIRBEY SALES & Service. IS' header cab, Age 11-36 Farm Road. New FOR NEW PHILO°A header eseirsl. Hejitucky Lake Devolopment -game series A HOME designed and UONDITIONER - aet 4 rote ears and used vacuum creaners Jerry bead Reel goad 1 Counter Girl Company, L. P. Ratterree to Aaron Oberon a sees his built to your specifications, call 33,000 B.T.U. and OE automatic PIANOS, BALDWIN (3J44 Out- sad clown. Inc., to Sidney Stacey, Adams, phone 347-6883 or 247-2117. 2 Maintenance Jr., and Lithe Mae Gibson; lot on aeons. 753-6157. Drawing and Blueprinting washer. Both in excellent con- ten, Amplifiers, Magnavee Slur- I - hs Sieliaaatty rargaiwia wIalt 10' Man and Loretta Stacey of Clarks,- Mayfield. ILY. E3-5-C 3 Spotter vine, Morgan's Boat Dock Road. furnished. A-80-0 dition. Call 753-8811 A-28-C ene, Records, Hand Iniireslasille Tenn.; one lot ha Kentucky four „true, a - - - 1- he. tf Sassey Ywrawaftt with 4, Marken Gni Lake Development. L. F. Ratterree to William D. REDUCE SAFE simple Used Spinet Pianos. "Yaw If head., and fad DACHSHUND 0001- cab, Clendenin and Helen double and MALE HELP and Weimaraner Lt. Cern 5. Coin Laucciry Attendant Kentucky Lake Development Ciendenin of with Clidless tableta Only 96r at WANTED Mete Music Stare", _ Ammo from beads available fee nese aben Arnaro AKC REOL9TERED Dachshund asealass. Morning 7 am. Till Company. Inc., Sturgis: lot on Morgan's Boat Holland Den. H- A POHL Office, Parte itrenneseta Teen 3 pm. to Larry Dean -30-C and Weemarener 11- Ss, 46 iti le Dock Road, homer- his pups. Col. A. 8 ! Lonardo John Deere COM- Eietuog 3 pm. Till 10 pm. Nashville, Tenn., one MAN TO WORK Geoff other week Piano Co. R-1TO blase with 1041akaa the Yanks MOVING. reaaonable, responsible. Lampe, 436-1173. A-31-P I _ . reel, oars A-29-C lot di Kentucky Lake Develop- as sesiatant 10 veterinian. Ideal hard wad rosily for fellow. Gerald 8. tine and Marilyn Phil Ortega, phone 753-7271. 8-2-C I 1911 PONTIAC Catarina, 4-door, reentment. for a man of anal seourite ewe. HORN OLDER OLIZAPIUSIS Pitts of ldorgarifield to LOFTY pile, free trent soil is the pow Cass.' Lawrence lune olfldal Phone brakes and steering. See at READY YOU naliVisit on and Alta Oar. • Philpot PHCYTOS-All tYPee. 763-3313 A-11-C carpet cleated with and Lou Ann Phepot !mg in the eeeePt Por- Blue Lustre. Starks Hardware. ITC Maar 11 risen to Melou., Myers Roberson; traits, quick service. Call E War- of Beaver Coin; lot Eita-Wa lie firat twa WANTED You man for k.X7MA GOOD YRRRR two kits in McClure ren full ael"paus eleCtriCao Hog Subdivision. Circle Subdiviaion. 1M-4401. Bel-NC rse. iblunP"r $1. HA-30-Cughes Market iUglea and Sinli DWI. D. Umiak& 0213b. REIMICSKITOSI - PL .& siasdia. Water Valley ISlp. Oa. e. ice the game desired Road. Water halify. A-00-0 saw. Bought new bet fall. Ex- Yinatacky Federal State Market News Service The rain. • LOST & FOUND cellatit condition. 3136.00. Phone Dresden Tractor Co. August 28, 1967 Kentucky Purchase ' the stanza HELP WANTED Six weeks oldPil"ClUIRAKC with 2=s: 753-6703 or 436-562K A-30-C tireeisn, 7 ••• Area Hag Market Report Includes 31st homer Phone 753-5619 or 753-5136 LOST: White gold watch In ICA WANTED: A Why sitter. In my Johnson Machinery Co. 7 Buying Stations -oveci mean- perking A-38-P-H lot. If found cell 7534446. home, for tan months old baby. 1941 CHEVROLET Coupe. Would I. elite ity. Teas. Receipts 065 Head, Barrows and Reward. Ixet Saturday between make a29e Gilts Steady to 25c 6 days a week Call 753-8991 202 MANGEY' FERAIUBON tractor, nice street red or weer. Leawer. Sows, 4.30 and 5 30 p. m. ewe at South Street before Steady. A-30-C 305 loader. 1115 beck bee - or will WI 8th Thursday. A-30-P US 1-2 - 190-210 lbs 319.50-1025; US 1-9 - 190-230 rte 31900-1926; FOR RENT US 2-3 - A WOODED LOT, 1 acre in stem 335-370 lbs 31760-1920; SOWS: about five miles from Murray. IDEAL FOR COUPLE ACROSS Served by U8 1-2 - 260-350 lbs 31825-17.25; One of the city water system fru= Irvin Ciabb US Read a a Works on Route for US 1-3 - 360-4.50 lbs THEM $1525-1625; and priced at • real bargain. 732 Fifteen minute drive from US 3-3 ESPIONAGE THRILLER OF THE YEAR LOCATED 3 Is miles west of Lynn - 450-600 lbs 31425-1525. Grove, this 83 acre farm is one of by JACK D. HUNTER the best farm bees we have Wind the novel p..• p 1, ,• In quite awhile. This farm has an 1q1;; by JockIi H to • excellent set of builduas included WHAT nen ZAPPINED thing, Is a very nice home and an Mr Capt.1.1. 1 graft, he wee one at throe ride think Stark, or whatever his .1.1r r 11.1.1111110011. 44•01 1109 wok to *Ow law Isr- Wiliseis, is our boy? tithe metal tobacco barn, stock • 0-neasy, Seems LO * • Elliascratts May am by me that his experience is pretty been, crib, smoke house, mimes L.,/, .1 .1 abutted inlscillS PIM aervico and Liv- run of the mill fo, the job we and hen house. This farm ts well a t..alt azi,1 Kraft r,a,1 1.4,1 to ing • rob plait it Ii-nt Landcr ,,rdercd Kraft In the vulgar Idiom have In mind." fenced, and the moil Is in • high 411" • • to protect eau interests' sod set I didn't like Comae because "It's a matter of character, state of productivity. There is a up radar /Mlle tooth's tor rod he didn't Lt. newly L.rdirncicr tt Sr 05 like me. Net taw he'd Major The tank officer t men- year round water supply for cat- Hauge, gnat tried to start • ever said so, but alter goovit tioned was versatioa a real Cots, and lie and approximately 2 acres to- with mill IA W.Ifrarn kicked around the badness as NE I.t•rk Stark, realising Ute keit* was bacco base An excellent buy for etr,ed 3as Wee St•rk long as I have you develop • jeepardizing the miss.on, shoe FOttee• ster y. graft kind of people, AT reaosed mark sw us eau. radar for and hint. It takes character to do a my radar read a great *motile thing eke that CHAPTER Ithp the very moment It bad Coogan snorted. "Big deal" SIRS le something melee- --44• .flest ?Med on Coogan some six "He Knew the tank man •••••• de•ar 'deity about the neadquar- months earlier. would run if • real emergency Ei2TE ter" complex of the U a Army "So what', this about your arose So he created an emer- ICE CUBE Ill Europe even in bright san• man?" Coogan was asking gency at an 881) checkpoint -.Exavre- by MACHINE Isissimma..154. light Mayne its the ydreary "I think I've found turn " stealing the tank man papers • • gray of the ouilduigs. all stand- "What do you mean, think!, and yelling American spy when Ire ing in stiff aloofness on their You said you'd found him." the tank man boatel." I neld pads of uidifferent grass. or it "Just • manner of tweaking. out a forefinger and worked the could be the frozen ieustard 1 --" thumb like a pistol hammer. apathy of the moldier, who man "You know enough to be pre- the 4. gates and let you snow bw cise when reporting to me." "From what you say, Stark their icy taciturnity that you. 'All right. Major," I said, tn- thinks Mos and dirty. But Ito your ear, your papers, and your furiated behind my shrug, "Tye not lure we won't find some- salute ar• all hilt another found him.- body better." twinge First in the enormous pain Coogan turned It. Pus swlv•I -Time's getting short, Ma- that comas from being in the chair and stared out the win- jor," I reminded. wrong town. en the wrong coun- dow at the Heidelberg skyline. He glanced up at me, a thing I 10 try. in the wrong year. • s "Good_ Who is he 7.. In his expression I couldn t This day. thoug:i. I found my- "A second lieutenant named read. "I can't deny that." tie Z9, 30 self considering he place al- Wolfram Stark He arkved at muttered. most fondly, since my mood had the Clearing House last night "Let's take • chance on rutein with the discovery of and, according to a check trip Stark, shall we? I think be can Stark the night before I swung Benny Louses's. in Persomfel, do it" the VW thritegh the outer gate, Ma hese massed from TDY "Maybe. AND, FOR COMPANY- But I'd prefer to LITTLE GIRLS WITH BIG held my card tinder the squash- with CIA and is waiting rem- have you MR. 7011N SMITFI, test him Brat. FAhht CURIOSITIES OFTEN WIND UP FORMALLY ed news of the corporal there. signpost 11,-,” or sine months as an KNOWN AS interro- IN TROUBLE, MISS CARSON. HEAR JOHANN and parked w my slot outside "Wear, he done for CLA gator can soften a man. Maybe SCHM/DT.' AND NOW YOU'RE IN IT- S the old Hocie Awry front Hums lie was a master sergeant Stark's gone soft since his little At the ianding inside I at the Aberdeen Proving shooting caper." DEEP! • pushed ',weigh the steel fire Ground when CIA tapped him I Dotidiad. "O.K. I'll test rum dJar. ane c.whig down the air- for training is secret opt under and at you kno4. Can I hay.' rider tov.-ard me was Sally Cars- DD.P. We lose track of like two grew!" n-11, v. ;lose chin was enendripg here, naturally, but he shows up -No mote.' He held up a :be stack of Me folders in Mr in Europe as Of • year ago. hand. "By the way, how did you nina "Doing what ?" get all the poop on Stark shoot- "Ili Coattail Will your WM "Rs was." I make nassigned ing that tank man?" be tilts af-ernoon?" as guide for • Ude tank man "I talked to the tank man." "Which bass. sir?" she asked who Was to snoop around some "What's his name?" throw* her teeth. new equipment the Ivens were "Benny Lohmeier.•" supposed "Which knee? Come on, Con- to have been engem- "Well," Coogan said. his' ,Mice nell, now many Wailes do you hints near Dresden. I- -^ strangely devoid of Its usual have?" "A U.S. tank officer? What pomp, "Benny's no -atter than "Everybody's my boss. sir," for? Couldn't the Gehlen Serv- any of us now. Sines he's one she said. eyegiaeses flashing ice have done the job with a of us, he's automatically suf.- like signal mirrors. resident stringer?" pact" She pushed open the door to "The job called for a know- I couldn't help it. I snickered. ledgeable tank man. There 1S,_ Central Registry. "Colonel are "Benny a leak' No offense, I-41S AN IS HS HERE'S HIS MEDICAL Burns has no plans to leave the too many boobs and pixies in Major, but that's a little silly, the .---- BRAIN FAMBLY office today. if that's what you Gehlen Service, and -" actually. Benny hasn't the RECORD!! IF HIS "So HE TESTS OUT MUST meta n even a boob or a pixy can brains to be a Soviet fink He ALSO HIS BRAIN TESTS OUT C.oanell was a r.ig-akiMethIng- run a camera, General Gleklen a true kens, good soldier or not TO BE NG HAVE BEEN OSS5 TO BE L.I't2 may have BETTER or-other who, as a digit among been a Hitler stooge We're up against an are, not • LITTLE. FRIED.7 FAME5L'i f.f THAN the 125.000 US. civilians and but he isn't any k Iota. He's A MORON'S 5F_T TER -rr Pica' nationals hired by USAR- given West Germany the best "Maybe," Coogan admitted. mAturer Intelligence THAN 4 lb CUR, served as secretary to organizatkin to be ehurfling h's papers again "But A 04ANGILD A 406".:1 Harry Burns, assistant chief of found anywhere. And I mean many an ace has pretended to MORON!! BIT?? anywhere. 89 Central Registry. be • kites. Don't forget that 1 rapped at the dotty marked. "Whet else has this Stark And don't forget this, either: done?" ABNER Meal A. T. Coogan. S-3, and let every man, woman, ano it in -Well, myself in. since that misaion he's thls headquarters -- fron. 0-2 been Interrogating "Well, what do you want 7" East Bloc himself on down to the janitors refugees at the major 'asked in his cordial Camp King up near Is, as of this moment, a sus- Frankfurt, trying to find SSD way. pect." 'LIL or KGB infiltrators who might "Even you?" "rye found my man." I tried to sound be turned around to work for jocular, but it was a had joh. I pulled chair tip a and sat. CIA." "Even me. And you" I didn't like Coogan. For one "So all right, mo why do you (To Be Continued Troncrer,no • irrrew the novel Published by E 1` Dutton & Cel Cop) richt C Ifni. by Jack D. fluting. Distributed by [lag Features &radical&

nomommin .• amsom.•

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, PAGE YOUR THE LEDGER lb TIMES — MrRRAY, IIERTUCHT MONDAY — AUGUST 28, 1967 • Mrs. J. B. Burkeen .. . Phone 753-1917 or 753-4947


• Social Neighbor Picks Calendar Anything Handy Toisegily, Ameba Re The Ihogreeme Homemaker, C"Dib w2.1 meet at the aty Perk By Abigail Van Bums cr.L.-ke trays. The aceitslicewii DEAR ABBY: I am 54 and hare about something thst happened. Mart at sae am. POLICE SUSPECT • been FOWL PLAY in the investigation a sidow for too years now. A girl elanniate of mine called of this screeching smashup In which a [11,, k 2.240 what: leghorns •• • Abby. I'm no home-wrooker, me up one night lost its brakes, struck a bus and overturned but last week at 11 dountown near Seattle, Wash. Between hens flying a married man hen been coming o'clock at night. My mother an- the coop and curious motorists, it took -Beta &gm& Phl sorority dozen policemen a will by my house swered some little time and effort have its trst meeting to see me latey. He the phon and asked her to put things to rights. of Oho year are In. wife at seven pm at the have Seel neighbors what she wanted to talk to me soole ail to me • • • for over 20 pugs He's WI about theft*" a dance to catch 1113 cbtkiren, and disarm he and The girt maid the just wanted to an adeseng husband who would his wife never had mush in com- talk to ine. so my mother hung pnovicie OW with the love and ad- mon. They're just • =elk of o/d up without caLlng me to the miration the make. mak More phone a wee home may Housewives 11 die could make three pal" went north My mother toil me it wasn't Pips. homy initeas of two mis- • to visit proper erable. of her people. so for a girl to call • boy, A READER ARE DISCONTINUING HOME be- Molted me to hes houoe. In that the hod never done K her- WHITE HOUSE SPECIAL ASSISTANT WEDS — Betty Furness DEAR READER: You the bedroom I found some greet- set SIX! erty girt who coded boys failed to (right), Wlute Huae:pecutl assistant for consumer affairs, take into consideration WASHING ing cards he hod sent his wife, was "boy Gram." one line in . . . poses for with her third husband, Leslie G. her letter: and I se astonithed The nen de I agologued am ashamed to say Mrs. Barbara Renton Snyder, and to find that to Midgely: her da.,..k:I •.er, this, but I still care for him." That once they have U ey are the name identioa.1 cards the girl Wm ecepisinad that her found that Boone's grandson Oanstioher after the ceremony in New York. he changes all the betting. 1 say that hod seat to me. In his 0,11n parents were out. thee She a-as lbelgely ts a telesiswn producer. as long as a woman hand he had written "Love" On babetiting and en wanted some- "still cares" Coin Laundries . . . • for her husband, she he mine he hod written "ALL MY one to tali to. What is your opin- every- thing to gain WYE." ion of this? MIX= UP and nothing to lose by hanging on, Really Do • • • Wash When I asked en at this DEAR MIXED: It In not proper • • he TV CAMEOS: saki, lard to fLod dif- for a girl to call • boy. Girls who Roger Cirmel Troubled! Write to Abby. ferent greeting cords. They all do aren't neesaaarUy "boy crazy," Boa WM. Los Angeles, run about the mane." but they look judgment. And even t'al. 90069 For And Dry Better a personal reply. tho your mother inclose a stamped, Abby. disapproved at here's my question: Since , ref-addressed envelope. Comics he the girl's calling you, she should and professed "all • • • Crooks—Roger he love" Plays 'Em for me. have called you to the All telephone what busmen has he sending his ,*Khan questioning For Less the By MEL MAIM wee the caller. For Abby's booklet, small job on Broadway in mune cards? Do you real- I • •• "How to A SHOW-BUSINESS friend a bit role ia a revival of ly bekeve greeting cards Have a Lovely Wedding," send of Roger Careers dropped by -The are that • •• with barn to en/ DEAR ADDY: 51.02 to _ Abby, Hue. Or 11111 WASH • theieter`Tliellithers- Lab" Jane.."" You gisve "HAM,- EVERY DAY DOUBLE LOAD 25° Reeds.. ING ON" Angeles, Cal. 90060. • lirslibir day. dapped the mus- FULL OF DOUBT the wrong :Advice How • For the sant five or six years, C31.1 .4IMhiood actor ee the back sad a wife be content to hang on be waded sporadically at his DEAR FULL: Tear neighbor allepatulated 101 1111 Is to her huntiond If after 30 years Dome of trade, touring with "Auntie obviourely not the type the Malodor valalse — psycho to seen of terrine he asks for - mums- I starring -Eve heed orarreang a divorce? pee Mgr& hen sharks. Arden, for anything. 'Hanging etc.— co-otar He On" 02618118 she is a he Ibis gimped ▪ as "Mothers-in- junt takes whatever BOONE'S ma TV. Dem Ar- Is besdly. reined. educated Late). dolag TV ciornmercials, I mispirrt woman, who at ne. whets peadiscing the WM that be sad M."ell 4itt 22 could take playeg stock etc—lint always pal a Kb ea a topless show Swamis), stable on NEC - have nee in comines he had In take Sim s-aftrus If she wanted to So the faX biked lielighant. bid-sad-but- be add they had. why tar jeep not let the unhappy "Maine Were villa:nor ta hatamea Maim He • • • emend go Coin Laundries dame maw. Tlee "aWAIffADSt wafted ma she In sun he bellowed. 'Thee, man tables.. deatrabie? ui a DEAR ABBY I am a comedian! wee a ambler and• NW desk 13.yeter- She axed then be a refined, one of the old boy mho is va, Pack funniest masa and se ea. • kttle mine up educated, topless waitress • they ors! What • • • and • do yrou talk-overmodest'?- "WASH BETTER FOR LESS" IT WAS What the litUa episode point- after he'd dose a Ulf-demo 1.0 13th & Main Street ed up Is sot cony Careers ver- an the old i 6th & Poplar satility as a performer. video Mew. -Natal City.- that but his lioi4OPT 1.0 Story Avenue skill. He. not only & skulking he limaly mold mageet $•• 5 Points crook—as re an I ger by anima 'said wen alma I felt I sae ea maw: leant—or a ferny bumbler sib ININI• yam era partbe meg the Mai -Goodbye Clare," but yds weer feel emlithel he's exceptionally kood with to eel rennin' beta aides of the coin. Or In am- Nem. brief. has a fine profesokind of maim'Its Inase GE- actor. Week was his owed M* most fanallbar flgareshi daces in life. tehersams. aitheeigh din plegted • • • • by viewers* eammants lineh aa -OIL yes knew tbat '11T BURNING ambition.- goy with the nmetasba. Iblar says -s-as to be taitellar. Mist hi his imam Mew get debt mimes That Morbid Is lenseimait Raga cider lie hat: endless !abed In liesstilys. whin I TV shows. be did Cardinal WM/ 11112 abik sallisst Illeglier sad Watery in -A Man for eli it us ea tat doff.m1 Mound AN 11451110111e ci Broadway and he.'.. mil aping hews balm gmisitio- payed In the Tommy ateele lbseary. awl emitimasil ellbws musical. -Half • eixpeaca -Uner•relty. freer mita - Drool or. is I was far behind graduated hi gess. Roger. The we ,f a Methods physicist. 'Oh. I MS yea. I sem gulag be ..:ves in California to be the lisenisgeray of my time and veto has 21 acres —except ems day of orange Ilea. at Wawa I • • 4. was *miming'a dewy I had writ- "FROM ten . • . net I resins& maks- here on` Well. I'd just like to become that it wise reatma I had to a reaty tne actor face it I waist goer to bee and area try the roles. great writer--so then and they - be Nays. -Even King Lear — 'AOC ROM I derided that I COvuo be although ifl probably BRINK 48 TIMES IN POUR DAYS—Mrs. Merl good save that for a >while Baptista, 57, who was shocked back from the brink act,,r and that I'd rather I,ke the of death .11111M. frosting be that than a bad wnter." Ileawy Roger Canned ei on the cake And I'd 48 times in a four-day period In July, la given a sadattve by ataillisee4e4aw" like • • • is she some to direct — I trail Dee nurse Margaret. Tibolaki at Franklin Hospital In San Fran. Val you've emu es Rhea as around. trying to HE DIDN'T hill into acting find out all cum. During the four days. Mrs. Baptista suffered heart rowel. the behind-the-camera encore however. het like that. tricks— seizures while awaiting routine surgery. In the sow-pre-. and. don't lough now ... I still -alast Snow his cbudiag PRIIIYino Chicago's may- elielbs. Roger want to write. I know now that paid Me He or in Pat Crlinen's package of I'm • good actor—so did melt ectleg at 2111 HOCht-MISCArthlte I eight 111119. this eloPatc. -The even settle CROSSWORD did sleek he the Sselimmet. Front for betair a bad PUZZLE Art... to Sal.• Is- Page.- and finally g...t a writer." ,.r r',.44111 illearlbemed be Las Features frodiceee smogs 74141alsr ii••••• swam. *Hai loft . 14 tr ONE HOUR -11bies dthe SERVICE* Bras desert" II V1114 Weide ta lbeselk American toed sorrel 12 Downpsir 10 * esd 13 Nese card I Domes 14 • blegabre latabn conjunctiva IS 419m4pan 111-T1.mig, in 4, prty 213111.40 bronze SPECIAL CL 1E31:r1IING 17 0%41 22 Thaw who 19 OFFER! Green WW1 unshorn in lents 21 imir.bilig 23 Allinunthe Offer Gecol Tuesday and 23 1.•, 27 Americas Wednesday, August 29th and 24 Promos 30th 1.'r 0114196111 111 25 Owe amine 211-0ereured 414e• sir beck lainere S9 isterhoilie seen Ms lib S7 New endga 32-11areed he 31 4116.1Mp diesel 59 Chant Placa *Ong aliPesse he 33 Lind tire 344Z•ibancton GO Co114,140ii LONG 3551.4,- 36 facts Front drink Two it rots brand new fall styles just right se wr411, 37 D.444• @gra for urue secret agents on the way 36-Pa/1d invedisele 63 Flap back to V be 39 Soak 52 filn1041 school. For girls Atiledee 40 67 Parent (colleq ) ... Agent 88, a bright long HeIll 53 Coll lobe bird -wearing T-strap with just the right 41 -114.' nicinsenn 69 Penton goes fashion 42•01841rvel touch in the toe. For boys... Agent 77, a rugged, grown-up looking chukka 44.1twor I, Wales 2 3 iri' -', I 7 l'"/%5 7" S 6 • 10 boot that will take all 4S-Canine '-^dx the punishment be can dish out. And 47Permis II remember to look for 6,1 tinne / 12 'r..,:,:13 Buster and 411.61111441,11 Tige in the shoe — your assurance of 14 the finest quality available. 91-eleed i.• /15 16 ,..7,.:;,17 Is MMels sines Wee 19 55.99 to 5 20 ,•,•., 21 22 ".;23 - 9.99 COATS Seledel dige ,•,•. 4 .2,44. ASK FOR S.A.S.K.! relleasore '' ..,.•.". PRICED ACCORDING TO SIZE 62 0n4 74 25 .,:1i:.., 26 5.7 ...7.1 76 d linincia ••• ., 79 30 FREE with Buster turnamy L Brown shoes 1141,118118 yga r!:,5*-::;:•rli t:',..,::`, VI .'i'3 -t::.:•;:4,, IS SECRET AGENT SPY MI evessine 4 a 36 1W37 IIS-One. as maw t-7:7:7,a 39 40 '..7.: 41 Includes: • A 2-way SASKA-Phonel Look irbich .'...' for the S A.S.K. banner .44 ' r.r.• r-9,-, • A clever disguise! Seeks up 42 43 .....,• • •• 44 :•"-:. 45 on the door only your GS Arabtan c•:...1 • A special , decoder! Buster Brown store Is &Oda 5.- 47 • S.A.S.K. 70 Equality /411.'17..:4.149. , SO - :.I 5i 52 53 .4 membership card! S.A.S.K. headquerters1 71 Sate sr"' , • Identi* - on buttons! ONE So 4nri::::::,58 -HOUR 72 P,01,044ion rST 54 4,!...,...) ' ...'4 DOWN 59 60 .Z.41 ..,1 ..z.:...1 01 • ., 62 :•:..:64 RacaralMaissos Thir 4,4 63 ,, . 2 P,194,01on 4:4":."‘ ...... ; 65 67 •••' 68 69 3 "Pet ....sof ...., 4 Spoor 70 4:;-. .•.- MARTYRING 5 Co.1.4 .•. ••. • 71 Adams ../.. Shoe •,:o3 ,_„, '2.2 Store 6 Neat fastener ..., % Iii ,r by I robed Feature *ONE HOER SERVICE* )ndnate. Inc.28 •


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