The Official Magazine Of the UKMAMS Association. Edition 41 Sept 2001 Inside this edition: Life on UKMAMS Picture Puzzle? From the 540 by Ian Berry Snippets Where are they now? Saif Sareea 1986 Letters to the Editor Views expressed in this newsletter, unless otherwise stated, are not necessarily those of the editor, the association committee or UKMAMS and are the personal views of the authors. All contributions and correspondence for inclusion in “Team Brief ” should be sent to: The Editor, Team Brief, UKMAMS, RAF Lyneham CHIPPENHAM, Wiltshire, SN15 4PZ. E-Mail:
[email protected] Has it been 3 months already? Time for another packed edition of ‘Team Brief’. This one has the usual features, including Ian Berry’s ‘From the 540’ and ‘Snippets’. Also, returning by popular request, Ian has resurrected the ‘Where are they Now’ feature. With the overwhelming response to the picture puzzle (0.2% of the membership) I have decided to continue with it! So, anyone who didn’t have a go at the last one has a chance to e-mail us with their thoughts on this editions picture. I know loads of you have been there, and I’m sure a few of you will have a story to tell about the place. Despite the response to the picture puzzle, letters and e-mails on other subjects have been flowing in steadily. Its interesting to note that hand written and posted letters are now becoming the minority, as most people seem to have access to these new fangled electronic facilities. Thanks for taking the time, I’m sure more contributors to a magazine can only make it more interesting to the readers- and that’s you! On the welfare side, Sam has fortunately not been kept too busy, despite having a hospital visit himself.