Innovazione e Open / Hardware / Data

Linux Day 2011 Ivrea, 22 Ottobre 2011

Norberto Patrignani Accademia dell'Hardware e Software Libero "Adriano Olivetti" Genesis of Innovation

2 / 48 "Low Tech", James Shristensen, 1987

3 / 48 Innovation is not an option

"Nothing is as steady as the change"

(Eraklit, 480 a.c.)

Eraclito, “La Scuola di Atene” (part.), Raffaello Sanzio, 1509 Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, Roma "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is most responsive to change"

(Charles Darwin, 1809-1882)

4 / 48 "Quando spira il vento dell'innovazione alcuni costruiscono muri altri mulini a vento"

"When the wind of change blows some build walls against the wind, but others build windmills"

Chinese proverb

5 / 48 Innovators Clusters


Outside Designers Engineers

Inside Artists Scientists source: source: adapted“The Sevenfrom of Pragmas Innovation”, Rich Gold, Palo Research8,Alto Center, October 1998 TARGETS Move Move Minds Atoms

6 / 48 Innovators

Jörn Utzon, 1970 Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, 1975


Outside Designers Engineers

Inside Artists Scientists source: adapted from “The Seven Pragmas of Innovation”, Rich Gold, Palo Alto Research Center, October 8, 1998

TARGETS Move Move Minds Atoms

Pablo Picasso, 1962

Kurt Gödel e Albert Einstein, Princeton 1950

7 / 48 The Natural History of Innovation MARKET

1400 1600 1800 2000

NON-MARKET Source: Steven Johnson, "Where good ideas come from. The Natural History of Innovation", Riverhead Books, 2010, INDIVIDUAL NETWORK 8 / 48 The Natural History of Innovation

MARKET 1494: Double-Entry Accounting 1965: Personal Computer 1735: Marine Chronometer

1837: Programmable Computer

Luca Pacioli + Giovanni di Bicci De' Medici + Piergiorgio Perotto + Amatino Manucci + Benedetto Cotrugli + (1975) Lee Felsenstein Venetian Merchants + Islamic Merchants + ... John Harrison + Gemma Frisius + Christiaan Huygens + Jeremy Thacker + + Steve Jobs + Steve Wozniak + ... Henry Sully + ... Charles Babbage

1439: Printing Press 1783: Manned Air Balloon

J.M. & J.E.Montgolfier Johannes Gutenberg

1400 1600 1800 2000

1543: Heliocentric Cosmology

1590: Microscope 1750: Lightning rod 1609: Telescope

Nicolaus Copernicus 1859: Evolutionary Theory 1973: Internet (TCP/IP)

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek + Zacharias Janssen + Benjamin Franklin Galileo Galilei + Hans Lippershey + Galileo Galilei + ... Hans Lippershey + ...

Vint Cerf + Robert Kahn + ... NON-MARKET Charles Darwin Source: Steven Johnson, "Where good ideas come from. The Natural History of Innovation", Riverhead Books, 2010, INDIVIDUAL NETWORK 9 / 48 Top 30 Innovations of the Last 30 Years

1. Internet, broadband, WWW (browser and html) 2. PC/laptop computers 3. Mobile phones 4. E-mail 5. DNA testing and sequencing/Human genome mapping 6. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 7. Microprocessors 8. Fiber optics 9. Office software (spreadsheets, word processors) 10. Non-invasive laser/robotic surgery (laparoscopy) 11. software and services (e.g., Linux, Wikipedia) 12. Light emitting diodes (LED) 13. Liquid crystal display (LCD) 14. GPS systems 15. Online shopping/ecommerce/auctions (e.g., eBay) 16. Media file compression (jpeg, mpeg, mp3) 17. Microfinance 18. Photovoltaic Solar Energy 19. Large scale wind turbines 20. Social networking via the Internet 21. Graphic user interface (GUI) 22. Digital photography/videography 23. RFID and applications (e.g., EZ Pass) 24. Genetically modified plants 25. Bio fuels 26. Bar codes and scanners 27. ATMs 28. Stents 29. SRAM flash memory 30. Anti retroviral treatment for AIDS

Source: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, February 2009 10 / 48 1963: the 1st Italian bit-generation

1963: Olivetti P101, 1st PC (3,200 $) Gastone Garziera Mario Bellini

Piergiorgio Perotto 1963: Olivetti P101's dream-team Giovanni De Sandre

Source: 11 / 48 The Evolution of Computing

1963: 1st mouse Douglas Engelbart, Bill English 1981: April, Xerox Star 8010 (16,595 $) 1st Commercial WIMP "Personal Computer"

1973: 1st WIMP Window, Icon, Menu e Pointing Computer Xerox PARC 1981: August 12, PC IBM (1,565 $) MS-DOS 1.0

12 / 48 1969: Unix

Dennis Ritchie Ken Thompson Bill Joy (1941 - 2011) (1943 - ) (1954 - )

13 / 48 1975: Homebrew Computer Club, Menlo Park

Lee Felsenstein Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak (1945 - ) (1955 - 2011 ) (1950 - )

1981: Osborne I 1976: Apple I (1,795 $) (666.66 $)

14 / 48 The Evolution of Computing

The "1984" Macintosh Ad

22 January 1984: The half-time of the 1984 Super Bowl featured a 45 second ad that would be declared in 1995 the best ad of the last 50 years. The commercial, directed by Ridley Scott (The Duelist 1978, Alien, 1979, and Blade Runner, 1982) for the Apple Corporation, announced the imminent arrival of the Macintosh computer. The ad cost $1.6 million to produce, and Apple Corporation paid $500,000 for the one-minute time slot in which it ran. 1984: January, It ran only once. Apple MacIntosh (2,495 $)

15 / 48 Knowledge as a Commons

16 / 48 1985: Free Software (GNU Manifesto)

Free Software is a matter of the users' freedom to Richard M. Stallman run, (New York, USA, 1953 - ) copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. "The Olivetti Programma 101 was the first computer I ever used"

Source: 17 / 48 1989: The World Wide Web

Tim Berners Lee Robert Cailliau (London, UK, 1955 - ) (Belgium, 1947 - )

30 April 1993 the WWW enters the

Source: 18 / 48 1991: Linux

Linus Torvald (Helsinki, Finland, 1969 - )

From: [email protected] (Linus Benedict Torvalds) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: What would you like to see most in minix? Summary: small poll for my new operating system Keywords: 386, preferences Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: 25 Aug 91 20:57:08 GMT Organization: University of Helsinki Lines: 20

Hello everybody out there ... I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional ...

Linus Torvald 19 / 48 Clients & Servers OS

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Others 50% Windows 40% Linux 30% 20% 10% 0% Clients Servers

Source: W3TECH, NetMarketShare, 2011

20 / 48 Mobile Devices OS

Source: Mobile Devices OS - 2Q2011 - Gartner 2011 21 / 48 Web Servers OS

Apache = 65.8 %

Source:, June 2011 22 / 48 Supercomputers OS Super Computers OS

Linux = 91.2 %

Source: TOP 500 Project, 2011 23 / 48 RAPPORTO 2011 (manovra su 3 anni) 2012-2013-2014 Miliardi 50,365 di Euro Riduzione debito Milardi di Euro

50 50 Offerta formativa 48 4,6 48 46 46 Edilizia scolastica Riduzione costi della politica 2,2 11,865 44 44 B orse di studio 2,1 Riordino convenzioni private sanita' 42 42 Fondo ordinario funzionamento Abolizione fondi scuole private 40 40 U niversita' 6 38 38 1,2 M obilita' sostenibile e trasposto Software libero nella PA 1,2 pubblico locale 36 0,345 36 1,2 Finanziamento Fondo Protocollo di C hiusura C IE 34 1,95 34 2,1 Kyoto 0,75 2,25 0,6 Ferrovie per i pendolari Riduzione finanziamento aerei da guerra 32 32 0,75 1,3 F 35 30 30 0,150,3 Programma nazionale Piccole Opere F ine missione Afghanistan 4 28 28 3,6 Sostegno all'Altra Economia Riduzione - 20% spese militari 26 3,85 26 24 24 2,1 Agricoltura biologica Tagli grandi opere 1,35 22 1,5 22 3,6 Sostegno produzioni e consumi green Tassazione pubblicita' 0,12 economy 20 20 Sostegno innovazione e ricerca Tassazione veicoli emissione C O2 18 6 18 16 16 Ammortizzatori sociali per co- pro e Tassazione diritti televisivi "sport 10,5 parasubordinati spettacolo" 14 14 Restituzione fiscal drag, aumento Tassazione rendite finanziarie 12 3,6 12 pensioni, reddito minimo M edicina preventiva e territoriale Progressivita' fiscale 10 10 0,450,4 8 8 1,2 Interventi accoglienza e integrazione Tassa patrimoniale 1,2 migranti 6 10,5 6 1,5 Sostegno affitto e canone agevolato 4 4 2 2 4,5 Fondo per la non auto- sufficienza 0 0 Piano nazionale Asili N ido

ENTRATE USCITE Livelli essenziali di assistenza Fonte: 24 / 48 2001:

Lawrence Lessig (Rapid City, SD, USA, 1961 - ) Harvard Law School

Source: 25 / 48 2005: Open Source Hardware

Massimo Banzi

"Arduino nasce nel 2005 ... quando insegnavo all’Interaction Design Institute di Ivrea ...... io proposi il nome “molto Eporediese” di Arduino, come il bar dove andavamo a bere l’aperitivo."

"Betabook, il manuale di Arduino", Massimo Banzi, fondatore del progetto Arduino

Source: 26 / 48 Free to use, program, study, repair, Open Source Hardware recycle, make changes, manufacture, ... the hardware!

本 : běn (chinese: an origin, the beginning place)

Source: Ben Nanonote

Source: 27 / 48 Industrial Revolution Knowledge Revolution - Matter & Energy - Information - Conservation-Laws - Conservation-Laws ? - Linear Systems (Continuous) - Finite-State Machines (Discrete) - Exaustive/Stress Testing (Tolerances) - Functional Testing (Tolerances?) - Zero-Sum Exchanges - Plus-Sum Exchanges - Limited Speed (Friction) - Light Speed - Copy ≠ Original - Copy = Original - High Environmental Impact - Low Environmental Impact

Matter Information Degrades Survives

40x image of arusted old coin - Photo by Havi Sarfaty

28 / 48 2006: Understanding Knowledge as a Commons

Elinor Ostrom (Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1933 - ) 2009 Nobel Prize for Economics

E.Ostrom, "Understanding Knowledge as a Commons", MIT Press, 2006

29 / 48 Knowledge Representation

carbon atom oxygen

C-O+ Carbon Monoxyde CO

text ... hex E F 4 3 8 D 3 0 9 ... 5 bin 1110 1111 0100 0011 1000 1101 0011 0000 1001 ... 0101 "Serialization" of Knowledge 30 / 48 Linking Open Data September 2011, 31 billion RDF triples

RDF (Resource Description Format) triple subject predicate object "the sky" "has the color" "blue"

Source: 31 / 48 Knowledge Connectivity Web X.0

Semantic Web Knowledge Networks Natural Language Search

Agents & Reasoning Knowledge Navigation

Collective Intelligence XML WEB3.0 WEB4.0 WEB1.0 WEB2.0

Web Services HyperMedia Navigation Portals

P2P Social Networks Access to Knowledge HTML Blogs

Tagging Wikis RSS

eMail Mash-Ups


Source: Adapted from Nova Spivack, 2004 People Connectivity 32 / 48 Knowledge-Based Society: the Innovation Cycle







33 / 48 Innovation Ecosystem Networked Innovation

Research & Education Local Governments

Universities Corporate Venture Develop Fund Contract Research Company Business Angels Experiment Venture Capital Funding Consolidate

Early Stage Companies Licensing

Spin-off Partner Start-Up Company

Co-Development Collective Intelligence Social Network Analysis Wikinomics

34 / 48 Towards an Hybrid Economy?

Commons & Markets

New Business Models (Commons-based peer production) are Challenging & Complementing Classic Market institutions

35 / 48 Real Life Applications

36 / 48 Open Data Applications



37 / 48 Inclusive eGovernment

Source: Source: deliver better, more diverse public services for all using ICT while encouraging increased public participation in democracy.

38 / 48 e-Accessibility Source: Stephen Hawking (Oxford, 1942 - ) make ICT accessible to all meeting a wide spectrum of people's needs in particular any special needs.

39 / 48 1950: Norbert Wiener

Norbert Wiener (USA, 1894 - Sweden, 1964)

"... the new industrial revolution is a two-edged sword. It may be used for the benefit of humanity. . . . It may also be used to destroy humanity. . . . There are, however, hopeful signs on the horizon. . . . There are many dangers still ahead, but the roots of good will are there."

N.Wiener, 1950 Source: Wiener N., "Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine", 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1948 Wiener N., "The Human Use of Human Beings. The Riverside Press (Houghton Mifflin Co.), 1950 40 / 48 Deaf Prosthesis, Wiener, 1950

Source: Wiener N., "The Human Use of Human Beings. The Riverside Press (Houghton Mifflin Co.), 1950 ( "Introduzione alla cibernetica", Bollati-Boringhieri, 1966) 41 / 48 Socio-Cultural e-Inclusion

enable minorities, migrants and marginalised young people to fully integrate into communities and participate in society by using ICT.

Source: "Iran stocks up on censorship tools",, Photo REUTERS 42 / 48 Geographical e-Inclusion

increase the social and economic well being of people in rural, remote and economically disadvantaged areas with the help of ICT.

Source: 43 / 48 Ageing

empower older people to fully participate in the economy and society, continue independent lifestyles and enhance their quality of life.

Source: 44 / 48 e-Competences

equip citizens with the knowledge, skills and lifelong learning approach needed to increase social inclusion, employability and enrich their lives.

Source: 45 / 48 ICT = 3% CO2

Source: NASA, 2008

EU Commission - Information Society Energy efficient ICT: Toward Zero-Power Devices for a Greener Planet

46 / 48 201*: "Adriano" 1st Computer Km0?

47 / 48 Accademia dell'Hardware e del Software Libero "Adriano Olivetti"

Associazione Culturale ONLUS

Polo Formativo Universitario "Officina H" Via Montenavale, Ivrea

48 / 48