Henry Rollins
SLUG May 1992 P?ge 3 I b ISSUE #41 MAY 1992 DEAR DICKHEADS, the same damh d~slllusioned This letter is directed to world as the rest of your queer the overly intelligent lesbian friends, you don't understand J.R. Ruppel I that wrote the article in the what all the hubbub IS about??!! "Positively Queer" column in Well open your eyes! I'm EDITORISALES your April issue. I had to laugh sorry that the world dldn't start when I read your article. It functioning as a place where Natalie Kaminski never ceases to amaze me that homosexuality ran rampant, but when someone feels the need that's the way the cook~e CONTRIBUTING WRITERS to do something "different," crumbles as they say. So why Wc z#kayl, Rlck Ruppd, Matt Taylor, Dads CMlM Lm Ckml they automatically assume that don't ugetused to that! Your Chllk IkbYn, Scott vlee, Zba Marashl, Lets Nettman, Ryn Worm they deserve to be recognized pathetic pleas for equal rights as "special." You state that make me want to puke! You COPY~ - EDITOR--- - ~ --- you were bored and offended have equal rrghts as a human Jo Yalfe ;&&:&? by all the safe sex posters at being, but when ~t comes to OTOGRAPHS the U. Then you go on to rip your sexual preferences, you - Mck Egan, Robert DeBerry into the "self-righteous pricks" are outnumbered. Maybe you who were offended by are queer, and ~tsvery obvious F-DUDE S ILLUSTRATIONS posters. Well, what the hell that you are here, but you sure Ryan Wayment makes you think that just be- as hell are not fabulous, and SLUG 1s: A ROIIUIIY New8 81111 EI1erlabmn1 Gldk Wt I# plnlad by 1b MI af rrch cause you have a different I am not about to get d?wn and math rdcar br M(It awr 100 bcrtbw.
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