PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY ^ A. H. BYINGTON & CO. AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVAN^ |! », mwtS&gi ait*' £;,kr .• T... -->» •*, ?. .«• • 1 « 3 /ntnilq $i^ptr---$pttli ta Idea! $ettt0 art Jntatsts, General Soblligurt, libratat, %imltart, Jtttr^utita, tjrr Srfs, flranitioii, &c. ^Cc.—CstahUfi|tii in 1800. n4-. r..vdi-'<3kt>fB3ir '"• it.--' --•-' ~!0\- llitf-'j ; • NUMBER 589—NEW SERIES. mi NOR WALK, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1859. VOLUME XLII.—NUMBEB16. %w Affecta strange airs'of ton, and calls thenl graces, every cent of his money, besides papers of p round the neck of her father, and pour­ Lucy and Charles were married, aod ^ ; Wears a neck collar starched, to make your fear NOK,WALK_GAZETTE. AMOS BVNT ft 11 g. great value to him. ed her tears, upon his bosom. "We can though a splendid mansion soon roie Paper Hanging, . Its razor-edge will cut off half his ear, OSce in Wood's New Brick Building, GeiieralPension & Patent Agent Without a farthing, without even a be happy still," said she, " for I am young thefarm ofMr. Davis, bothlove fjw.' FIRE BOARD PRINTS, Slieds o'er his head and dress a vile perfume : Main Street. And Prosecutor of Claims before From the Home Journal. That taints the air, and poisons half the room, < paper or letter to attest that his charac­ and can easily support us both." ter the little room wbera'«b»-'lii4M.'jwMr^: r 4 A new scene followed in which another iously watched over the sick; /*>.';: n« A. H. BYTNGTON & CO., 'MS .« the several Departments and Window Shades and Fixtures, COMMON 8BNSB. Lounges, cigar in month, up bright Broadway, :' ter was honorable, in a strange land, and Or, at the fashionable hour of day, ; sickness rapidly coming npon bim, these individual was the principal actor. I houseless stranger. Mr. Witaon Wasnek A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, 6. N.'ELLS. ; . - the Court of Claims. HE subscriber has now on hand a large A SOCIAL SATIRE IN VERSE. and welt selectedassortment of the above ! " Loafs," at the door of the St. Nicholas, .. s: . feelings nearly drove hitn to despair. The shall leave the reader to form his own but never forgot those who Weratn wait ; "Washington. D. C. T BY GIORNI VASDEXBOFF. sen: * :-:.i. Subscription Rates. named goods, whj^fthe will now offer for To chaff and outface ladles as they pass— Squire, who prided himself on his sagaci­ opinion of it, and barely remark that at Cheered by the kind and affeetiaiii(tO Not with the " Qorgon, storir.y, British stare," * ^ te" All Subscribers, by Carrier, Mail, Post Riders, and , £ife sale cheaper than ^rer before thought of in Delivered by him before the Young 31m't Association of ty in detecting villains, now found the the close, the old man took the hands of attentions of his children, Siii^if Insurance. But with the flippant, /a»f-New-Yorker air, i-tS) . ..jjL. Wagoners, per year, jo 00 s this market. „ . ^ several of Iheprincipal cities of the United States. Lucy and young Wilson, and joining them almost seemed to have renewed j !lK Those livinj? out of any Carrier's District, if paid A. H. BVIN6TON, That's quite as vulgar and as hard to bear 1 •'.< 1 use ot his tongue. With a loud and r.n one year in advance, 1 50 Paper Hanging, : SCPRF.ME for ill, our passions rear tlicir crest, ; sneering voice, he said : said :—" My children, I cheerfully con­ tence. -zit&r. .n.-: :f- Clubs of six or •more, sent to on© address, to be (At the Gazette Office) ; The deadly civil-foes that tear the breast ; - • Wlia without music's grammar, taste or ear, sent to your union. Though poor, with He li/ed many years aid loag i '-SO. paid in advance, 1 50 AGENT FOR THE '' ' House and Sign Painting, Intemp'rance, jrage and lust hold fearful swajr, *, Would fain to all an amateur appear, " Stranger, you are barking up the * Single copies 5 cents—in wrapper, Scents. ;? Executed in all thrir branches. Bidwell's Nigijtly disports himself at. opera, " - > wrong tree, if you think to catch me with a good conscience yon. can be happy. I to tell the bright-eyed son of Charleaaad AMERICAN TEMPERANCE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Still mark their victim, strike their daily prey : Advertising Rateg. Patent Wagon Grease for sale at my store, No limits hound the horrors of the day, In ecstasies! (not knowing sol from fa, i! ,'i» that ar Yankee trick o' yonrn." know, Charles, you will be kind to my Lucy the story of the fogged tall. IH' oi Hartford.Conn. next door north of Wood's Building. Main- Crtes bravo when be should exclaim brava— -fair." One Square, one insertion, "*'• Men kill for passions, and boys kill for play ; -. 4 daughter, for a few nights ago, when you when he told the listening boy W# ||K $1 00 st., Norwalk. GEORGE MARVIN. Who, cursed with hedge hog hair, and visage horse-y, He proceeded in this inhuman stnin, do two do ' The fiend whose deeds make sick humanity, - > " thought that no human ear could hear was 1 25 Believe he shines a Cis-Atlantic D'Or say— seconded by nearly every one present for father,when poor and friendless, tduia do three do 1 50 jr. w. wiLSOxr, Mocks at the law in feigned insanity ; i • do one month, - -» 1 75 By dint of folly has found out a plan . the " Squire" was powerful, and few dar­ you I lieaid you fervently implore the home and kindly treated, and m tan do That two-edged plea gij^es crime impunity— two months, ' «.*,«f" ** 3 00 i Hardware and Cutlery. To make* monkey of wh at God made man 1 blessings of heaven upon my gray hairs, came their benefactor he impreaaed spw do tliree months, &"•>. 4 00 Attorney & Counsellor at Law, Excess of guilt proves gutlt'g immunity— ed to displease him. The youth felt keen­ do and that God wonkl reward ray child for tbe mind of his grand-child that eVM sixmonths, >Je_ . 7 00 Conueeted in busintss with J. M. Carter, Esq. Mechanic's Tools,Farming Utensils,Guns, Proclaims free trade to wholesale frauds and orimel "Fine feathers make fine birds" tis said, and so, ly his desolate sitnatioq. and casting his a>" _ _ do one fear, $13,—with paper, 15 00 all her kindness to you. Titkiug down cup of cold water giveu from a good i" Two S,ujre», do $23,-with paper 25 00 and in his oflSce, Main street, ! Pistols, Iron and Steel, Window Got up with horrors, suited to the times ; > * Some push the proverb further than 'twill go ; ' , eyes around the group, in a tone of deep Each aHiHo^aquare, per year, ,- , 8 00 Norwalk. Conn. 46 The wretch who butchers hetacombs of lives As if fine clothes upon a vulgar back » anxiety inquired : his family Bible, the venerable old mVn tive, shall not lose its-reward. ' a'.fpbi B.ia Oae half vMamn, one year, 40 00 Glass, Paints and Oils. By "a fine frenzy" urged pleads mad and thriees ; Could give a polish which the manners lack. added,—" It is a season of affliction, but ,r One Column, one year, ' t05 00w " Is there none here ,twhor^ni. receive , 'rt ! .J j'-' fjtiUSmtit Advertisers occupying three or more squares, are enti- J. S. MOODY, M. D., WM. C. STREET St CO., While he who peddles guilt, in smaller way, Nor finest linen, no r the glossiest hat, me?" we are not forsaken. Let us look for A Piece of Legal Advioo.; v , tled to the paper free of charge. Have in store, and ore constantly receiving, No loophole finds ; thus Justice seems to say :— Glazed boots, white kids and trim cravat, : , support to Him who has promised to sus­ The ancient town of Reunes, in TraaOft'^ Fifteen Hues, or 100 words make a square. Fractional "A little murder is a dangerous thing, • •» " Yes, I will," cried a man among the parts of a sjuare, charged for as airhole. HOMfflOPATH, direct from the manufacturers, a large sup­ Nor faultless coat, neat vest and pataloon, ' tain us." He then opened the book and is a plaee famous for law. To Tisit llii- & ply of Foreign and Domestic Guods, under Dip deep in Hood, or you trill surely swing I" Can clothe witb dignity a low buffoon.'' ' crowd ; "yes, poor, sick stranger, I will Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changing their Gradual Yale Med. Institute,Class 1851 A '52 > adrertisements once per month. Advertisements the above denominations, which makes their So blood-faced Vice a legnt license gains, It will not make a race-horse of a hack - - shelter yon." Then, in a low tone, he read : ^ nes without getting advice of aome aort, ''' changed oltener charged as transient. Office ii) JIubbell's Block, Norwalk. assortment of articles suited to this market, Small sins alone meet penalties and pains. " Although tbe fig tree shall not blos­ seems absurd to the country peofderpdii^ ; '- Transient advertisements payable 1st of January and RHFlCltlSNCES. To put Blink Bonny's saddle on his back ; ~ ( added :—" I know not whether you are July. equal to any in tbe State, and which will be His head, cheat, limbs, ears action show som, neither shall fruit be in the vines, about. It happened one day Dr. Dennison, Fairlield, Conn. Poor Justice, crippled, hobbles to her seat, ' " deserving, but I do know that you are a Yearly advertisers restricted to the business contem­ sold either wholesale or retail on as favora­ His Want of breeding to the eyes that know.
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