Issue 11 April 2010 W elcome to this edition of the Peak Newsletter. As If you're reading this from a printout, the hyperlinks won't show up (in some cases we do print them). To ever, we're incredibly grateful for contributions and obtain an electronic version in which the hyperlinks feedback. will work, go to the BMC website ( Members can have it emailed to them by contacting the The BMC held the 19th meeting of the National BMC office: 0161 445 6111,
[email protected] Council on 27 February at which, amongst other items, Area meeting reports were discussed: 'Many of the Area Meetings continue to show very encouraging attendance. It was noted that the Lakes Climbing and Walking Festival takes place in the Duddon Valley on 25-27 June. The Midlands Area is Contents: becoming closely involved with several quarrying Peak Area Meetings issues in Leicestershire with the support of the BMC office. It was noted that the BMC supported the The Peak Area Reps speak proposals to extend the Lakes District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks. It was also agreed that the BMC ShAFF Review should support a mountaineering presence at the National Eisteddfod which is being held in South Be Prepared! Wales this year.' Of note, the Sheffield Hallam University Climbing Club were accepted for BMC Access Notes membership but disappointing that the Peak Area didn't get more of a mention. Perhaps we can rectify Last Night of the Big Snow this before the next National Council meeting with a record turnout at the next Peak Area meeting..