WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. 426 Workman William, confectioner, 164: Gibbet street Wynn & 'Firth, Jfnen drapeta, li, fJ & ,. WooTshops Wormald Jonas, Bhopkeeper, 146 Booth Town road Yates Alfred, engineer's tool maker, West parade Worsick Richard, maltster, 8 Sa vile ter. Sa\'tle Park \'oad Yates Emanuel, greengrocer, 113 Gibbet street Worsnop Chas. & Co. fancy goods importers, 2 & 4 Cheapside Yates Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 2 Stone street, Caddy fleld Wortley John, grocer, 38 Great Albion street Yates George, ~een~cer 30 Gibbet street Wright David, cattle dealer, 17 Clare roarl Yates George, Old King Cron Inn 111 King Cross 'rOad Wrigbt George William, confectioner (who.}, Thompson st Yates Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 82 Clarence streflt Wright Henry, draper, 164. Booth Town road Yates William Speakman, machine maker, Booth town Wright James, law stationer, 1 Upper George yard Yorkshire Boot ~ Shoe Co. 2 Crossley st-reet Wright John Hodgson, surgeon,8 Park Road villas Yorkshirs Penny Bank (George Rawnsley, tnanaget), Wright Macaulay, milliner, Grove place, Ovendeuroad Waterhouse street Wrights Hodgson, surgeon, 23 Aked's road Yotk.•hirs (West lliding) Artillery Yolunteer1 (21ad) Wrigley Elizabeth (Mrs.), Bull'1 Head,5 Bull green (7th~ 8th batteries) (John B.Holroyde, capt. eommand- Wylde Arthor V. carver&: gilder, 50 Hanson lane ant; Jas. Steele, surgeon), IS Llster street UPPER HALI.AM is a scattered township within the and endowed in 1838 by 1\liss Ph<Bbe SJlcock ; it eonsiste municipal and parliamentary borough of Sheffield, inclu­ of chancel, nave and embattled tower 67 feet hi~h, con­ ding the ecclesiastical parishe11 of Fulwood and Ran Moor, taining 1 bell: there is a good organ; a fine etained ea<~t in the Southern division of the Riding, Sheffield parish, window was erected in 186.5; there are three stained win­ Ecclesall Bierlow union, Sheffield county court district, dows on the south side, erected to the memory of Mr, eouthern division of the wapentake of StratfOTth and Tick­ William White, by the Freemasons of Sheffield and a few hill, rural deanery of Sheffield and archdeaconry and diocese friends. The register dates from the year 18~. The livinl( of York. The Porter, a small stream, rises in and flows is a vicarage, yearly value £130, in the gift of Ml~s Silcock, .through the township, afterwards joining the Sheaf. The and held bv the Rev. John Howe Hewlett M'.A. of Hertford Rivilen brook flows on the north. The greater portion of College, Oxford. A small chapel erected and endowed In the local trade is carried on by small manufacturers, in 1729, hy bequest of William Ronksley, was for half a century connection with that of Sheffield ; but this is chiefly an in the hands of the Unitarian body, but Is 11ow in the posses­ .agricultural district. Scattered about the township are sion of the Congregationalists. The principRl landowners numerous excellent residences, occupied by tbe mer<'hants are the Dnke of Norfolk, Francis Hobson esq. Burnt Stones, and manuracturers of Sheffield. The Duke of Norfolk is Henry Isaac Dixon esq. W. E. Layt:ockesq • .r.P. undSamuel ford of the manor. The principal landowners are T. B. Price esq. The soil is loam and pet~.t; subsoil, part clay and Cockayne esq. - Parker esq. and Edward Furness esq. sandstone. The chief crop!! are grass, wheat, oats, turnips 1'he soil is clay, loam & peat; subsoil, clay and sandstone. &c. The population of the district in 1871 was 2,131. ~he chief crops are grass, wheat, oats and turnips. It com­ PariJJI' Clerk, Samuel Hancock. prises 6,330 acres; rateable value £14,306; population in 1871, 1,974, distributed in several hamlets. Letters al'rive from Sheffield twice each day & a WALL NETHER GR.EEN is 2 miles south-west; Ran Moor, 2 LETTER Box on the south boundary wall of the church west; Carsick Hill, 3 west; Crosspool, 2 wet~t; Sandy is also cleared twice f'&Ch day. The nearest money order Gate, .2~ west; Stumperlow, 3 west; Ringinglow, 6 south­ office Is at Ran M onr west; HanJitingwater, 2~ south-west; and Red mires, 6 we~t Polir~ Station (Fredk. Bingbam, constable), Nether green from Sheffield: for RAN Moon,CnossPOOLAND NETHER SCHOOLS:- GREEN, 8e8 SHEFFIELD, There wa.s an Endowed school at Fuhrood erected in 1700, Fulwood is an ecclesiastical parish7 constituted by which is now under the control of the Sheffield School Order in Council in 18t9, out of the parish of Sht>ffield ; Hoard, who have erected larger schools capahle of atforrling it is 4: miles west from Sheffield, in the Southern divi.;ion room for 220 children; Waiter Smith, ma.ster; Mrs. of the Riding, south division of Strafforth and Tickhill Smith, sewing mistress wapentake, Sheffield county court district, Ecclesall Bier­ Natinnal, Pulwoorl, Samuel Danks, master low union, Sheffield rural deanery, and York archdeaconry National (mixed), Sandygate lane, Cl'Qsspool, Miss and diocese. Christ church, a stone structure, was erected Critchley, mistress Upper Hallam. Cockayne Geo. jun. grocer, Carsick rd Ogden John, farmer, Wyoming brook, PRIVA.TB RESIDENTS. Cotterill Francis, farmer, Lord's seat, Rerlmlres road Henson Thomas, Carsick road R~dmires Parkinson William,dam inspector, Dam Chapman Mrs. Henry pi. Sandygate Coupe Daniel Henry Quigley, farmer, house. Redmires ("o<'kayne George, sen. Carsick road W oodcroft, Red mires Perkins John, farmer, Redmire& Elliott Mrs. Carsick road Creswick Ann ( MN.), farmr. Sandygate Pitchford John, 1'8zor manufacturer, 8 Fieldsend Geo. Rutland lodg.Sandygate Creswick Joseph, farmer, ~naithin lane Elrlon st. ; residence, Meadow house, Gilmour Duncan, Hallam head Duke John, farmer, Safftey rink, Bed- Cur-ick hill Oreen Mrs. Hollymount, Hallam head mires road Richards .John Thomp"'n, beer relailer, Hawksley John Greaves, 8outh view, Dungwortb Joseph William & Henry Long causeway, Redmires road Sandygate Swift, beer retailers & farmers, Long Ridge Sam. huntsman to the Hallam Hobson Mrs. Bumtstone Causeway, Redmires road &. Ecclesall bunt, & beer retailer, Johnson Robinson Manby, Ivy Cres- EUiott George, farmer, Sandygate Stephen bill cent road Elliott John,jun. farmer, Watt lane Royles John, shopkeeper, Ringinglowe Pitchford William, Carsick hill Elliott John, een. farmer, Sandygate Russell Henry, shopkpr. Stephen hill PJatt Mrs. The Know le, Ivy Cresnt. rd Elliott Joshua, farmer, Watt lane Sampson Ann Betbia (Mrs.), /JtJll inn, ~mith Wm. Springfleld ho. Hallam head Eyre Frank, cowkeeper, Hagg house Hallam head Waterfall Mrs. Carsick road Eyre Jonathan, farmer, Clough fl.elds SeYern Jas. fl:lrmer, Rivelln, Bell bagg Wilkinson Thomas, Ivy Crescent road Garrett William, farmer, Sandygate Sbeldon Matthew, quarry owner, Car­ Goeney John, Bell Hagg inn,&; farmer, sick hill CO.MKBRCU.L. Bell hagg Smith John, farmer, Wyoming brook, Alsop Joseph, besom maker, Lord'e Hallam Cricket Club (Josepb Bral!- Redmires road seat, Red wires shaw (Crookes), secretary) Smith Thomas, gamekeeper, Lumley Andrews Samuel, farmer, Ringinglowe Hallam William, farmer, Lower hagg lodge, Redmires .Andre.wsJsph. quarrv owner,Sandygate Hancock H' .quarry ownr. Ringinglowe Spittlehouse Cbas. farmer, Carsick hill Armitage Thomas, Plough inn, & far- Harrison Henry, farmer, Rivefin lodge, Spooner Thomas, eowkpr. Clougb flds mer, Sandypte Het!mires road Staley Benj.quarry owntlr,Rin~nglowe .A tkin Edward, farmer, Lod~emoor hall Hatfield George, beer retailer, Ocean Twi!{g John, farmer, Hagg farm, Badger John, Jun. farmer, Clough flds view, Redmires Bell hagg Badger Joseph, oowkeepl:'r, Del ph house Hepwortb Wm. shopkpr. Hallam head Twigg Joseph, farmer, Broom housP, Bdtony John, farmer, Lodgemoor Hindley Jane(Mrs.),shopkpr.Stepho.hl Carsick Birch Ruth (1rlrs.), fa.rmer,8avile hole, Howe William, farmer, Coppice farm, Waterfall Alfred, file manufacturer, aee Bell bagg Bell hag!f. Waterlall Hrothers, Carsick read Blackwell Alfd.greengrocr.Stephen hill Johnson Wdliam, carter, Stepben hill Waterfall Willi~m, file tnanufactr. aee Bower Chae.boot& shoema. Sandyttate Lawson Ann(M1'11.),farmr.Redmires rd Waterfall Brotberl!l Carsick -road Bower George, file maker, Canick hill Lawson Robert. farmer, Hallam bead WoodhouseAnn(Mrl.),farmlt!r;Copplce, Broombead Henry, Norjolk A.rm8 & Lomas John, farmer,. Redmires road Bell hagg farmer. Ringinglowe Marsden James, cowkeeper, Redmires Woodhou~e William, Grurtll t Trout 1 Chapptl Fred, farmer, Bell Hagg Middleton Tbowas, farmer, RiveUn & farmer, Red.lllirea .
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