The Bat Fauna of Nopporo Forest Park, Hokkaido
Mammal Study 29: 191–195 (2004) © the Mammalogical Society of Japan Short communication The bat fauna of Nopporo Forest Park, Hokkaido Mark Brazil1,* and Naoko Sasaki2 1 Mark Brazil, Environmental Systems Faculty, Rakuno Gakuen University, 582-1 Midorimachi, Bunkyodai, Ebetsu-shi, Hokkaido 069-8501, Japan 2 Naoko Sasaki, Sakura Mansion #3, Sakuragaoka 6-15-28, Kushiro, Japan Thirty-five bat species, out of a world total of 925–977 and Sasaki (2003). species, have been recorded in Japan, although two of Of the 17 bat species previously reported from them (Pteropus loochoensis and Pipistrellus sturdeei) Hokkaido, at least nine (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, are presumed extinct there (Corbet and Hill 1991; R. cornutus, Myotis frater, M. macrodactylus, M. ikon- Kuramoto 1996; Maeda 2001). Surprisingly, more than nikovi, Vespertilio superans, Nyctalus aviator, Murina half (17) of Japan’s extant bat fauna has been recorded leucogaster and M. ussuriensis) are wide-ranging and from Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island, although known to occur from central and western Hokkaido the status and distribution of many of these species is still (Maeda 1994), and were thus considered as potentially poorly known. In Hokkaido most species are thought to occurring in NFP. use hollow trees and tree cavities as roosts (Maeda 1984, A further five species (Myotis daubentoni, M. mystaci- 1986, 1994, 1996). Mature lowland forest, supplying nus, Eptesicus nilssonii, Plecotus auritus, Barbastella cavity needs, is, therefore, a very important habitat for leucomelas) are wide-ranging further north and/or east Hokkaido’s bats. in Hokkaido, but have not yet been reported from as far Although Hokkaido supports more than half of southwest as the Ishikari Plain/Sapporo area, thus they Japan’s surviving bat species, relatively little research were considered unlikely to occur in NFP.
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