CAMEROON North-West and South-West Region 5W - Overview As of April 2019

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CAMEROON North-West and South-West Region 5W - Overview As of April 2019 09/06/2019 Overview CAMEROON North-West and South-West Region 5W - overview as of April 2019 Cluster Division All FSC Nutrition PRO PRO_CP PRO_GBV Shelter_NFI WASH Organizations Menchum 121K Donga-Mantung 32 (… People reached 4 Bui List of organizations Boyo 1 AAH | AMEF | ASWARUDEP | ASWEDO | Momo Mezam CARE | CARITAS/JPC | CHAMEG | COHEB 4 16 7 | COHESODEC | COMINSUD | CRS | 11 Ngo-Ketunjia CUAPWD | DRC | FAO | FIED | Greenery | Manyu HIR | HOVUCA | INTERSOS | IRC | IVSPD | LUKMEF | MUVSUD | Mentor | NRC | PLAN | REO | SOCIALIA | UNFPA | 1 Lebialem UNHCR | UNICEF | WFP Kupe-Manenguba 3 Ndian 2 People reached by Regions 19 Local NGO 2 (… 5 6 3 6 Meme North-West 15,3% INGO 2 2 3 2 3 2 15 UN 2 1 2 2 2 (… Fako Faith Based 1 (… 1 1 (… (… South-West 84,7% Organization by Clusters Types of organization People reached by Cluster PRO_CP 11 LNGO 16 FSC 41K PRO_GBV 11 INGO 10 Shelter_NFI 27K WASH 9 UN 5 PRO 21K Shelter_NFI 8 Faith Based 1 PRO_GBV 12K FSC 7 Cluster - Copy Cluster PRO_CP 12K FSC Food Security PRO 3 Nutrition Nutrition PRO Protection WASH 8K Nutrition 2 PRO_CP Protection_CP PRO_GBV Protection_GBV Sh lt NFI Sh lt d NFI The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 22 Mai 2019 Sources: Clusters. Feedback: [email protected] 1/1 09/06/2019 clusters CAMEROON North-West and South-West Region 5W - Cluster overview as of April 2019 Food security 7 Protection 3 Protection CP 11 Protection GBV 11 Shelter and NFI 8 WASH 9 Nutrition 2 The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 22 Mai 2019 Sources: Clusters. Feedback: [email protected] 1/1 09/06/2019 Organisation list CAMEROON North-West and South-West Region 5W - Cluster overview as of April 2019 Acronym Names Organizations type Organizations type name AAH Action Against Hunger INGO International NGO AMEF Authentique Memorial Empowerment Foundation LNGO Local NGO ASWARUDEP Association of Southwest Agriculturalists Rural Development and Environment Programme LNGO Local NGO ASWEDO Aspired Women Empowerment and Develoment Organization LNGO Local NGO CARE CARE International INGO International NGO CARITAS/JPC Social Welfare/Caritas and Justice and Peace Commission Faith Based Faith Based Organization CHAMEG Changing Mentalities & Empowering Groups LNGO Local NGO COHEB Community Humanitarian Emergency Board INGO International NGO COHESODEC Community Health and Social Development for Cameroon LNGO Local NGO COMINSUD Community Initiative for Sustainable Development LNGO Local NGO CRS Catholic Relief Services INGO International NGO CUAPWD Coordinating Unit of Associations of Persons with Disabilities LNGO Local NGO DRC Danish Refugee Council INGO International NGO FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations UN United Nations Agency FIED Foundation for inclusive education LNGO Local NGO Greenery Greenery Association LNGO Local NGO HIR Human is Right LNGO Local NGO HOVUCA Hope for Vulnerable Children Association LNGO Local NGO INTERSOS INTERSOS INGO International NGO IRC International Rescue Committee INGO International NGO IVSPD Indigenous Volunteers for Sustainable Peace and Development LNGO Local NGO LUKMEF Martin luther king jr memorial foundation LNGO Local NGO Mentor Mentor Initiative INGO International NGO MUVSUD Mustard Vision for Sustainable Development LNGO Local NGO NRC Norwegian Refugee Council INGO International NGO PLAN Plan International Cameroon INGO International NGO REO Reach Out LNGO Local NGO SOCIALIA SOCIALIA LNGO Local NGO UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population UN United Nations Agency UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UN United Nations Agency UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UN United Nations Agency WFP World Food Programme UN United Nations Agency The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 22 Mai 2019 Sources: Clusters. Feedback: [email protected] 1/1 09/06/2019 Organizations by clusters COUNTRY NAME North-West and South-West Regions 5W - Organization by clusters as of April 2019 Cluster Region Division organizations Food Security North-West Mezam ASWARUDEP | CARITAS/JPC | CRS | FAO Food Security South-West Fako ASWARUDEP | FAO | IRC Food Security South-West Manyu ASWARUDEP | FAO | REO | WFP Food Security South-West Meme ASWARUDEP | FAO | IRC | REO | WFP Nutrition South-West Fako AAH Nutrition South-West Manyu Mentor Nutrition South-West Meme AAH | Mentor Protection North-West Mezam INTERSOS | UNHCR Protection South-West Fako DRC | INTERSOS | UNHCR Protection_CP North-West Mezam ASWEDO | LUKMEF | PLAN | UNICEF Protection_CP South-West Fako CARE | DRC | FIED | HIR | LUKMEF | SOCIALIA | UNFPA Protection_CP South-West Kupe-Manenguba LUKMEF | UNICEF Protection_CP South-West Lebialem FIED Protection_CP South-West Meme CARITAS/JPC | HIR | PLAN | UNICEF Protection_GBV North-West Mezam PLAN Protection_GBV South-West Fako CARE | FIED | HIR | LUKMEF | REO | UNFPA Protection_GBV South-West Kupe-Manenguba LUKMEF | UNFPA Protection_GBV South-West Lebialem FIED Protection_GBV South-West Manyu CHAMEG | LUKMEF | UNFPA Protection_GBV South-West Meme CARE | CARITAS/JPC | LUKMEF | MUVSUD | PLAN | REO | UNFPA | UNICEF Protection_GBV South-West Ndian LUKMEF | UNFPA Shelter and NFI North-West Boyo COMINSUD | UNFPA Shelter and NFI North-West Mezam COMINSUD | CUAPWD | NRC | UNFPA Shelter and NFI North-West Momo COMINSUD | UNFPA Shelter and NFI North-West Ngo-Ketunjia COHEB | COMINSUD | NRC | UNFPA | UNHCR Shelter and NFI South-West Fako NRC Shelter and NFI South-West Manyu AMEF | INTERSOS | UNHCR Shelter and NFI South-West Meme AMEF | INTERSOS | UNHCR WASH North-West Boyo PLAN | UNICEF WASH North-West Bui Greenery WASH North-West Mezam COHESODEC | CUAPWD | HOVUCA | PLAN | UNICEF WASH North-West Momo COHESODEC | IVSPD WASH North-West Ngo-Ketunjia PLAN | UNICEF WASH South-West Fako IRC WASH South-West Meme AMEF | COHESODEC | IRC Total AAH | AMEF | ASWARUDEP | ASWEDO | CARE | CARITAS/JPC | CHAMEG | COHEB | COHESODEC | COMINSUD | CRS | CUAPWD | DRC | FAO | FIED | Greenery | HIR | HOVUCA | INTERSOS | IRC | IVSPD | LUKMEF | MUVSUD | Mentor | NRC | PLAN | REO | SOCIALIA | UNFPA | UNHCR | UNICEF | WFP The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 22 Mai 2019 Sources: Clusters. Feedback: [email protected] 1/1 09/06/2019 Food security CAMEROON North-West and South-West Region 5W - Food security cluster as of April 2019 People reached by Region organizations North-West 3K 7 Menchum ASWARUDEP | (… Donga-Mantung CARITAS/JPC | CRS | FAO | IRC | REO | W… (… Boyo Bui South-West 41K 38K (… 4 (… People reached 4 Momo Mezam Ngo-Ketunjia Manyu Types of organization (…Lebialem Activity types Kupe-Manenguba INGO 2 (… 38K LNGO 2 (… Ndian 5 UN 2 Meme 2K Faith Based 1 1K 3 Fako Food Livestock Food and assistance Production non food (poultry, assistance other) Project activities Project Status Activity Group CBT Value/MT of Inkind/Goods Modality Location_Type Ben food distribution to IDPs and Ongoing Reduce food insecurity of venerable 10 bags of 50kg rice, 15 buckets garri, 25 In-Kind Urban/Peri-urban Hos host communities people affected by natural disasters buckets of corn, 8 buckets of groundnuts, and conflict (life-saving) 10 buckets of beans, 5 buckets soyabeans, 135 liters of palm oil 3 cartons maggi, 4 carton savon, 3 carons of sanitary towel food distribution to IDPs and Completed Reduce food insecurity of venerable 10 bags of 50kg rice, 5 carton savon, 4 In-Kind Urban/Peri-urban Hos host communities people affected by natural disasters bags salt, 4 carton maggi and conflict (life-saving) Provision of basic needs Ongoing Reduce food insecurity of venerable 41,360 FCFA for food per household per Restricted Affected community Mix (including food) to IDPs through people affected by natural disasters month (voucher, paper voucher distribution and conflict (life-saving) voucher) food distribution to IDPs and Completed Reduce food insecurity of venerable 70 x 5kg of rice, 3 x 50kg bags of corn, In-Kind Urban/Peri-urban IDP host communities people affected by natural disasters 50kg of beans, 5 cartons of maggi cube, and conflict (life-saving) 10 bags of salt, 150 liters of palm oil food distribution to IDPs and Completed Reduce food insecurity of venerable 90 bags of rice, 6 catons of sanitary In-Kind Urban/Peri-urban IDP host communities people affected by natural disasters napkin, 20 cartons of savons, 25 cartons of and conflict (life-saving) vegetable oil Distribution of 1281 broilers to Ongoing Reduce food insecurity of venerable Registered beneficiaries In-Kind Affected community Mix 33 households people affected by natural disasters and conflict (life-saving) Distribution of 1294 broilers to Ongoing Reduce food insecurity of venerable Registered beneficiaries In-Kind Affected community Mix 34 households people affected by natural disasters and conflict
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