Schemes, formulas, terms and algorithm of preparation

The manual for making notes of lectures and preparation for classes

Tver, 2018


-amino acids -These are organic acids with at least a minimum of one of its hydrogen atoms in the carbon chains substituted by an amino group.( Show the radical, amino and carboxyl groups)

NH2 R | C – H | COOH Proteinogenous and Nonproteinogenous Amino acids - Major proteinogenous (standard) amino acids. (Give the names of each )

R R 1 H – 2 CH3 – 12 HO – CH2 – (CH3)2 CH – 3 CH3 – CH – (CH3)2 CH – CH2 – 4 13 | CH3 – CH2 – CH – 5 OH |


14 6 HS – CH – HOOC – CH – 2 2 CH – S – CH – CH – 7 HOOC – CH – CH – 15 3 2 2 2 2 NH2 |

– C – H - | COOH 8 16 NH2 – CO – CH2 – 9 NH2 – CO – CH2 – CH2 –


10 NH2 – (CH2)3 – CH2 – 18

NH2 – C – NH – (CH2)3 – CH2 – 11 || NH 19


-Glycine -Arginine Alanine -Serine -Valine -Threonine Leucine -Cysteine Isoleucine -Methionine Aspartic acid -Phenylalanine Glutamic acid -Tyrosine Asparagine -Tryptophan Glutamine -Histidine Lysine -Proline

•Rare proteinogenous (standard) amino acids. ( Derivatives of lysine, proline and tyrosine)

NH2 |

H2N – CH2 – CH – (CH2)2 – CH | | OH COOH

•Nonproteinogenous amino acids. (Name and show them)

NH2 NH2 | | H2N – (CH2)3 – CH HS – (CH2)2 – CH | | COOH COOH

NH2 | NH2 – C – HN – (CH2)3 – CH || | O COOH Ornithine Homocysteine Citrulline



Amino acids are classified by:

*The structure of the radical (show); - aliphatic amino acids -monoaminodicarboxylic amino acids -amides of amino acids -diaminomonocarboxylic amino acids -hydroxy amino acids -sulfur-containing amino acids -cyclic (aromatic and heterolytic) amino acids

*the polarity of the radical (show); -Non-polar (hydrophobic –Ala, Val, Leu, Ile, Trp, Pro.) -Polar (hydrophilic). ·charged amino acids -negatively charged (Asp, Glu) -positively charged (Arg, Lys,His) -uncharged (Gly,Ser,Thr,Cys,Tyr).

*the level of essentiality (biological classification); - Essential (VILL MTTPh)Val, Ile,Leu,Lys,Met,Thr, Trp, Phen) -Semi-essential (Arg,Tyr,His) - Nonessential (all the rest).

*their acid-base properties; -acidic (Asp, Glu) -basic (Lys, Arg, His) -neutral (all the rest)


•Ionization-(protonization and dissociation) of basic and acidic groups of amino acids in water. (Explain and open up the biological importance of this phenomenon).

-Show the following: the acidic groups of the amino acids the basic groups of the amino acids the forms in which amino acids can exist( show the neutral, the transition and dipole states)


*The influence of pH on the ionization (charge) of an amino acid -show how the charges of amino acids in basic and acidic media are changed. -pH<7, the excess of hydrogen ions{H+}- acidic medium -pH>7, the excess of hydroxyl ions {OH-}-basic medium

R H+ | OH- + – ? (+) H3N – CH – COO (+) ?

рН 7

•The Isoelectric state and isoelectric pH point of amino acids. -Explain the meaning of the isoelectric pH of various amino acids. Prove various of the isoelectric points of the following amino acids. -neutral (alanine ) -acidic (aspartic acid) -basic (lysine )

- + COO NH3 | | CH CH2 3 (CH2)4 | | | + – H +N – CH – COO– + – H3 N – CH – COO 3 H3 N – СН – COO

Asp Ala Lys

+ H+ ОH-

7 2,8 9,8



•The amphoteric and buffer properties of amino acids

-What is amphoterity?

-Why do amino acids exhibit buffer properties?


They are ;  High –molecules  Nitrogen containing  Organic compounds (substances)  Made up of amino acids  joined in a chain  with the help of peptide bonds  and have a complex structural organization (Explain all these characteristics) -Elementary components of proteins (C50-54% , O21-23% , N15-17%, H6,5-7,3% , S0,5% ) -What are oligopeptides, polypeptides, proteins (up to 10 , 10-40 ,>40 amino acids) and their molecular masses ( the average molecular mass of one (1) amino acid is 110 a.u ) ? N.B a.u = atomic units - Biological functions of proteins (Give examples of proteins with different functions and give the characteristics of the actions of the proteins action in performing these functions)

Function Example of Characteristics of the action Fermentative () Hormonal Receptive Transport Structural and Supportive Contractile Substrate - energetic Electro-osmotic Immunological Haemostatic Energo –transformative

-There are about 50,000-100,000 different proteins functioning in the body of a human being. These different proteins perform the same number of different functions in the human organism.

12 - How can the different kinds of functions of proteins, their individual and immune properties be explained?(Sequence and the number of the 20 proteinogenous amino acids) .Explain your answer.


Primary ( Linear sequence of amino acids joined in a chain with the help of peptide bonds)

R | H2N – CH – COOH

R1 R2 R3 Rn Rextreme | | | | H2N – CH – CОOH + H2N – CH – CОOH + H2N – CH – CОOH + ….….… + H2N – CH – C – OH    1 – Н 2 О 2 – Н 2 О 3 – Н 2 О n

R1 R2 R3 Rn O | | | | // H2N – CH – CО ––– NН – CH – CО ––– NН – CH – CО ………… NН – CH – C – OH

A scheme of the primary structure of a protein

R1 R2 R3 e.t.c. (n) times Rn …………………. (N С)

-Show :

-the peptide chain -the N- and C-terminals of polypeptide chain (ppc)

13 -the radicals of the amino acids

Secondary structure of proteins.

-It is a way of folding of the polypeptide chain (Primary structure ) into a regulate - spiral or a -structure ( kind of bond –Hydrogen bond)

– О || – CO — NH– – C –– N – | Н  +



-Explain the differences between the -spiral and the -spiral

Tertiary structure of proteins

-This is the folding of the -spiral (-helix) or the -structure in space (Globular, Fibrillar proteins, explain their structure)


-Show how the tertiary structure is stabilized by ionic, hydrogen, covalent (disulfide) bonds and hydrophobic interactions

Quaternary structure

-It is the joining the group of polypeptide chains with tertiary structures into a unit functional protein molecule.

 What are protomer (subunit), oligomer? What kinds of bonds stabilize the quaternary structure of a protein ? ( Show them on the above drawn diagram )


Which molecules contain information about the primary, secondary , tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins and where are they located? Explain the importance of the primary and quaternary structures of proteins in the performance of their functional activities giving examples of ; - denaturation of proteins - sickle –cell anemia - different structures and functions of myoglobin and


(0) OR

The value of the charge depends on the amino acid composition and pH of the medium.

 Solubility of Proteins Show and explain how the number (quantity) of amino acids , the hydrate layer and the structure (conformation) affect the solubility of proteins -neutral proteins -acidic proteins.  Isoelectric Point of proteins -using the diagram, show the value of the isoelectric point of the following proteins (pH<7, >7, =7) -basic proteins -Explain how changes in the pH medium can affect the charge of a protein molecule (<7, >7,=7) 

COO – 1) + NH3

COO – 2) – COO+ NH3

COO – 3) NH + 3+ NH3

Acid medium pH 7 Basic medium

[H+] [OH –]

17 - Using given diagrams explain: -the isoelectric state of a protein molecule -the isoelectric point (pI) of protein molecules.

 Amphoteric Properties of Proteins

- Prove using the diagrams on pages 9 an 10 that, proteins are amphoteric polyelectrolytes. Which groups of atoms give a protein molecule acidic properties and which groups give basic properties?

Buffer properties of proteins

-What is a buffer? -Which groups of atoms exhibit buffer properties? -Explain the value of the buffer capacity of proteins.

 Colloid properties of proteins

- What qualities of a protein molecule enable them to exhibit colloid properties? (molecular mass, size of the molecules, charge, hydrate layer).Explain your answer. -Name the colloid properties of protein solutions.(density, rate of diffusion, gel formation, optical properties, inability to penetrate trough semi-permeable membranes etc.).

Osmotic properties of proteins (diffusion and osmosis)

Semipermeable membr ane

-Show on the diagram the osmotic (hydrostatic) pressure. -Explain what is meant by the acetic pressure of proteins. -Explain the importance of the oncotic pressure of proteins in the regulation of water in the organism (Water metabolism).


Salting-out and the denaturation of proteins

-Using the diagram, explain how the following occur: -the increase in the solubility of proteins when minute (small) concentrations of the salts of alkaline or alkaline-earth are added to them in solution -the decrease in the solubility of proteins (salting-out) when high concentrations of the above mentioned salts are added to them

-Factors that stimulate the above mentioned processes (choose the factors for denaturation and those for salting-out) -High temperatures -Vibration -Salts of alkaline and alkaline-earth metals -salts of heavy metals - and organic acids -Organic solvents -Ionized radiation -Explain the differences in the structure and function of protein molecules during denaturation and salting-out.

CLASSIFICATION OF PROTEINS Proteins are classified by their: -electrochemical indications (acidic, basic and neutral).Explain and give examples -polarity ;polar (hydrophobic), nonpolar (hydrophilic), amphiphilic. Explain these terms. -function (transport, , hormones, antibodies etc)

19 -chemical composition(simple and complex) Simple proteins(Describe the amino acid composition, the molecular mass, the charge , the structure and functions of the following:) -Protamines -Albumins

-Histones -Globulins


The chemical composition and structure of complex proteins. -Protein component-Apoprotein -Nonprotein component-Prosthetic group

Principle of classification (based on the name of the prosthetic group) and classes of complex proteins.


2. -protein complexes

3. Carbohydro-protein complexes(Glycoproteins and Proteoglycans) 4. Phosphoproteins


6. Neucleoproteins

-The prosthetic groups of complex proteins (, , carbohydrates, phosphoric acid, ions of metals, nucleic acids) -Examples (hemoglobin and myoglobin, -lipoproteins, prothrombin, gastromycoprotein, caseinogen (casein), transferring, chromatin.)





20 -Prosthetic groups (heme, A, Vitamin B, FAD). -Functions (participating in the transport of , in the processes of vision, hemopoesis, reactions.)


Classification of hemeproteins

I. Nonfermentative II. Fermentative

- Myoglobin – Cytochromoxidase - Hemoglobin -Catalase – Peroxidase

The structure of nonfermentative hemeproteins

Myoglobin Hemoglobin (heme + globin) 4 (heme + globin) One protomer Four protomers


Myoglobin Globin is the protein component. Describe its molecular mass, the number of amino acids, structure(secondary and tertiary), and the place of attachment of the heme (Histidine)

Heme- is the prosthetic group. It is made up of pyrrol rings (tetrapyrrol), protoporphyrin IX (methane bridges, vinyl groups, propionate, i.e, the remains of propanoic acid.), an atom of (the point of attachment to the protoporphyrin and globin).What is the valence of iron?

О2 globin

Hemoglobin -Similarities and differences between hemoglobin and myoglobin.(Compare in according to the molecular mass, the structure and the affinity for oxygen.) -Cooperativity during the binding of hemoglobin oxygen and the subsequent changes in the affinity for oxygen. Explain the biological importance of the different affinities of hemoglobin and myoglobin for oxygen. -Oxygen dissociation curves for hemoglobin and myoglobin in the lungs and other tissues (in the skeletal muscles).



- There are other groups of atoms that can attach to the heme of hemoglobin and myoglobin, for examples CO, CO2, CN, OH. The complexes formed as a result are named as follows: - Oxyhemoglobin - Methhemoglobin - - Cianhemoglobin

15 -Carbhemoglobin.

PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ANOMALOUS TYPES OF HEMOGLOBIN -Physiological types of hemoglobin -Primitive (P), fetal(F) and adult . Periods of change of the components and the physiological types of hemoglobin

PERIOD OF LIFE TYPE OF Hb STUCTURE OF AFFINITY FOR THE SUBUNITS OXYGEN Fetus 0-2 months P(primitive) 4 ++ 2-4 months P(primitive) 2+2 ++ 4-9 months F(fetal) 2+2 +++ Man 0-4 months F-A Change in structure 4-40 years A(adult) 2+2 ++ 40-60 years A2(adult) 2+2 +++ 60years and older A3 Change in the structure of - + chains

Anomalous hemoglobins. Diseases of hemoglobins (hemoglobinosis) -Hemoglobinopathy-sickle cell anemia. Reason: alteration of the physico-chemical and physiological functions of the hemoglobin (Glu and Val). -Thalassemias-( and ).Homozygous (big) and heterozygous (small)) thalassemias. Reason: alteration of the synthesis of hemoglobin. Fermentative hemeproteins - b, c1, c, a, a2 and others. (Apoproteins, prosthetic groups and metals that are components of the heme. What are the valences of these metals?) Catalase and peroxydase (the chemical composition and the reactions these ferments catalyze).

К 1. 2 Н2О2 2 Н2О + О2 П 2. R + Н2О2 RО + Н2О PHOSPHOPROTEINS - Using the following as examples, explain the biological importance of the presence of phosphoric acids in the organism, their chemical composition and places of attachment. - Phosphorylase - Glycogensynthetase - Caseinogen of milk. -The reciprocal interaction between phosphorylase and glycogensynthetase


Glycoproteins (GP) and Proteoglycans (PG).

Glycoproteins - The relation of the protein component to that of the prosthetic group - 95:5.


- Carbohydrates of glycoproteins; - Their chemical nature and structure.

- The roles of the carbohydrate components(stability, period of semidecomposition, functional importance). Examples of glycoproteins and the functions they perform. GROUP OF GLYCOPROTEINS FUNCTIONS 1.G.P.’s of blood serum; factors of coagulation, transport GP’s , immunoglobulins and interferons 2.G.P.’s of saliva, gastric juice , urine, mucin, Castle’s intrinsic factor. 3.G.P.’s of ferments-enterokinase, cholinesterase, peroxydase. 4.G.P.’s of hormones – gonadotropic and thyrotropic hormones 5.G.P.’s of membranes


 Proteoglycans: The relation of the protein component to the carbohydrate is 5:95 -Carbohydrates of proteoglycans:

-their chemical nature and their structure – these are heteropolysacchyarides (glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s). Their old name was mucopolysaccharides

-the role of the carbohydrate component (stability, period of semidecomposition and functional importance)


-Sulphur derivatives of glycosaminoglycans. -Examples of proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans and their biological functions in the organism. *Hyaluronic acid *Chondrotin sulphate *Dermatan sulphates *Keratan sulphates *Heparin



-Examples of metalloproteins that contain the following:

*Nonheme iron proteins (ferritin, transferrin, hemosiderin) * ( oxidases a, a3, thyroxine) *Sodium, potassium, calcium (ATP-ases) * (carbonic anhydrases, alcohol dehydrogenases) * (xanthine oxidase)

-The functions of metalloproteins:

*Transport *Depot *Structural functions *Fermentative functions


These complexes are divided into two groups : free-lipid-protein complexes (blood lipoproteins ) and structural lipoproteins (proteolipids of membranes).

Plasma lipoproteins

 blood lipoproteins are chemically composed of the following; triacylglycerols, cholesterol esters, cholesterol, phospholipids and proteins.

16  Pre-requisite for the formation of these complexes are NB; lipids are hydrophobic  The structure of the lipoprotein complexes consists of hydrophobic and hydrophilic components.



1 – according to the classification based on density . 2 - according to the classification based on electrophoretic mobility.

Classification Cholymicrons VLDL LDL HDL

2 - Pre-- -lipoproteins -lipoproteins lipoproteins lipoproteins Chemical Proteins= 2 Proteins =10 Proteins =22 Proteins =50 composition % Phospholipids Phospholipid Phospholipids Phospholipids =3 s =18 =21 =27 Cholestrol=2 Cholesterol Cholesterol =18 Cholesterol =4 Cholesterol =7 Cholesteryl Cholesterol ester =3 Cholesterol ester =42 ester =16 Triacylglycero ester =10 TAG =7 TAG =3 l (TAG)=90 TAG =55 Apoprotein B, C B,C B A Place of synthesis The In the cells of In the plasma In the cells of epithelium of the liver and of blood the liver the small also in the intestines epithelium of the small intestines Function The transport The transport The transport The transport of exogenic of endogenic of cholesterol to of cholesterol lipids from the lipids from the tissues of from the body small the liver and the body tissues to the intestines the mucous liver

18 membrane of the small intestine Density (g/ml) 0.92-0.98 0.96-1.00 1.00-1.06 1.06-1.21 Diameter of the More than 120 30-100 21-25 7-15 units (nm)

VLDL- Very low density lipoproteins LDL –Low density lipoproteins HDL- High density lipoproteins

-Arterogenic and antiarterogenic plasma lipoproteins. (Show how these properties of lipoproteins depend on their chemical composition, size and function)


2% 3% 2% 3% 10%


55% 7% Chilo- VLDL microns 10% 90% 3% 7% 16% 22%


50% 42%

21% 27%


proteins phospholipids Cholesterol Cholesterol ester Triacylglycerols


-Structural Lipoproteins (Proteolipids of cell membranes and their subunit structures) NB ;These are membrane –bound lipoproteins. -The protein –to-lipid relation in different membranes (the cell membrane, the mitochondrial membrane, myelin-50:50, 80:20, 20:80.) -The lipids of cell membranes (phospholipids, cholesterol, plasmalogen, sphingolipids) -The biological importance of proteins found in cell membranes (structural, antigens, receptors, ferments, transport, etc)


-The unitary model of the cell membrane , ie, the “sandwich” model by Danielli and Dawson (1931).The presence of a phospholipid bilayer , with pores covered by different proteins. -The liquid-mosaic model of the cell membrane by Singer and Nicholson (1972).The phospholipid bilayer is of liquid consistency , and it has proteins both on the surface and those that permeate (penetrate) the whole width of the bilayer. Cholesterol decreases the fluidity of the membrane and helps in the structural organization of the bilayer.



-Lipid and protein molecules of membranes are always in regular defined motions (lateral displacement or turning) -The asymmetry of membranes is due to the different structures, chemical compositions and functions on the different sides of the membrane. MECHANISMS USED FOR THE TRANSPORT OF LIPOPHILIC AND HYDROPHILIC SUBSTANCES THROUGH THE CELL MEMBRANE -Transport mechanisms according to the laws of diffusion.(Normal (I) and facilitated (II)diffusion) -The active transport of substances through their concentration gradient (protein- carriers, ATP, symport (IIIa) and antiport (IIIb) . The vesicular transport of macromolecules through the cell membrane (endo- (IV) and exocytosis (V).)




-Divisional: membranes divide the intra- and extracellular spaces. -Integrative (uniting): membranes unit many different uncoordinated reactions to form a structural unit. -Transportal: membranes take part in the transport of different substances between the cell and the extracellular environment. -Osmotic: this function is performed due to the different concentrations of substances (for example, cations of sodium and potassium) on opposite sides of the cell membrane . -Electric: membranes enable the conditions for differences of electric potentials. -Energo-transformational: membranes provide with the transformation of electric and osmotic energy into the chemical energy of ATP. -Receptional: membranes are able to receive signals from the external environment due to the presence of special protein-receptors on their surfaces. The received signal is transmitted into the cell. -Regulatory function: membranes take part in the formation of intracellular regulators of substances exchange -3,5’-cyclic ADP and 3,5’-cyclic GMP. -Metabolic: ferments of membranes take part in the transformation of substances characteristics of the cell (natural) and substances that are “foreign” to the cell. -Antigenal: glycoproteins of cell membranes define the ability of the membranes to cause the formation of specific antibodies. -Adhesive: adhesion or contact with other cells depends on the zones of familiarity (recognition) containing carbohydrates.

23 NUCLEOPROTEINS Deoxyribonucleoproteins (DNP) and Ribonucleoproteins (RNP).These are complex proteins made up of simple proteins (protamines and histone)+DNA or RNA

Historical information 1868 - Meischer isolated and separated nucleic acids from the nucleus, 1943 - Avery, Macleod, MacCarthy found out that, the DNA of a virulent converts a non-virulent culture of bacteria into virulent ones. DNA carries information on heredity 1949 - Chargaff and his colleagues discovered the regularity (conformity) of the formation of the DNA structure 1953-Watson and Crick created the DNA model 1967 - Kornberg synthesized the DNA of a virus 1970 - Corana synthesized an artificial(synthetic)gene 1978 - Arber, Smith, Nathanson discovered the phenomenon of DNA restriction 2000 - Scientists all over the world came close to totally decoding the human DNA

2002 - It was allowed in England to synthesize different organs and tissues by means of cloning -Chemical compositions of nucleoproteins -The following substances are formed as a result of the total hydrolysis of nucleoproteins (DNP and RNP) -amino acids -pentose -phosphoric acid N-containing molecules of (A,G,T,C,U)

-2,4-dioxypyrimidine (Uracil) -5-methyluracil (Thymine ) -2-oxo-4-aminopyrimidine -6-aminopurine (Adenine)

24 -2-amino-6-oxopurine (Guanine)

During partial hydrolysis the following substances are produced: -oligopeptides and proteins (protamines, histones) -nucleosides,ribose-5-,mononucleotides,oligonucleotides,nucleic acids


Ribonucleosides Deoxyribonucleosides -Adenosine - deoxyadenosine -Gyanosine - deoxyguanosine -Cytidine - deoxycytidine -Uridine - thymidine

Ribose-5-phosphate -Principle of formation


-Principle of formation (as on the previous page). -Names of ribonucleotides -Adenylic acid (adenosine monophosphate AMP) -Gyanylic acid (gyanosine monophosphate GMP) -Cytidylic acid (cytidine monophosphate CMP) -Uridylic acid (uridine monophosphate UMP)

25 -Thymidylic acid (thymine monophosphateTMP)

- Names of deoxyribonucleotides: - Deoxyadenosinemonophosphate ( d-AMP etc) - Unusual mononucleotides and their nitrogen bases (5-methyladenine, 1- methyladenine). The biological importance of these mononucleotides. (Defense, regulatory)

NUCLEIC ACIDS (These are polymers made up of different mononucleotides joined together by phosphodiesteric bonds) These acids may either contain ribose or deoxyribose and also they may either contain Uracil or Thymine. Based on these nucleic acids may either be called RNA or DNA. -Principle of formation –complex- esteric covalent bonds(3’,5’)between the ribose of the previous mononucleotide (C3-OH) and the phosphoric acid of the next mononucleotide.(C5-OH)

DNA and RNA have primary, secondary and tertiary structures The primary structure of nucleic acids:

26 -linear sequence of mononucleotides in a polynucleotide chain. -3’and 5’ terminals of nucleic acids -Show and explain the given positions of the diagram on page 26

Differences between RNP (ribonucleic proteins) and DNP (deoxyribonucleic proteins)

Difference RNP DNP Content Ribose Deoxyribose Adenine Adenine Gyanine Gyanine Cytosine Cytosine Uracil Thymine Proteins Little Many mm 4.10*4-0,6.10*6 1.10*11-10.10*11 Location Cytolasm nucleus Structure Irregular Regular 2 –spirals Biological function Transfer of information Storage of information

DNA and DNP Secondary structure of the DNA. - Key to the solution of the secondary structure of DNA  Chargaff’s equivalence rules (I) A=T ;G=C A = 1; G =1 T C

(II) A+G = C+T A+G =1 C+T (III) A+C=T+G A+C =1 G+T (IV) Coefficient of specificity G+C  1 (in animals) A+T

(V) The DNA does not change during the lifetime of an organism and does not depend on nutrition or the external environment.

(Contemporary (modern) view at the above – mentioned (V) problem - AIDS, radiation)

Results of the x-ray diffraction photograph and its analysis (the work by Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin) -Periodicity of the polymeric chain of the DNA along the 0,34 and 3,4nm axis

-Watson and Crick model

27 -Two polynucleidotide chain (double helical structure) -Chains are antiparellel (5’,3’ and 3’,5’) -External side of the spiral – phosphoric acid connected with a deoxyribose. -Internal components of the spiral – nitrogen bases, which are located complementary by each other (A::::::::::::T, G C)

-Principle of complementarity. (Explain it using diagrams)

-Tertiary structure of DNA-superspiral-chromosome -46 chromosomes (23pairs)-These are 46 molecules of DNA containing genetic information -The biochemical protein of a gene –This is a fragment of the DNA that codes one or more proteins. -Genetic text –triplet of mononucleotides (codogene – show it) -Genome-the total sum of all the genes in the nucleus. -Quantity of genes in the nucleus (this quantity is equal to the different number of proteins in an organism). -Different types of genes (structural, regulatory, etc).



The principle of formation: -Histones + a fragment of the DNA (~200 pairs of mononuleotides ) =nucleosome -During cell division, the genetic material is grouped in the form of chromosomes. -During the active synthesis of proteins ,the chromosomes untwist and form active chromatin Deoxyribonucleic protein (DNP) =DNA + proteins


-Principle of classification of RNA (according to their molecular mass, location and function). -m- RNA (i-RNA) -t-RNA -r-RNA

m-RNA (messenger-RNA) -they are formed after the copying of information from the DNA. -they serve as the template on which the specific amino acid sequence of a protein molecule is built. -they code one or more polypeptide chains -the genetic code for m-RNA; triplet (codon) -m-RNA + protein = informosome

r-RNA (ribosomal-RNA)

-functions of r-RNA; they serve as the frames for future ribosomes -the biological role of ribosomes (they take part in the formation /synthesis of proteins).

t-RNA (transfer-RNA)

29 -chemical composition -quantity of mononucleotides -the secondary structure of t-RNA (the formation of the “clover leaf” and the functionally important parts) 1-the acceptor arm- CCA 2-the anticodon 3-pseudouridine arm (loop); this is the part used to attach to the ribosomes (TC-loop) 4-dihydrouridine loop (arm) or the D-arm ,this is the point where the ferment aa-t-RNA-synthetase attaches.This ferment is responsible for the joining of specific amino acids to the given t-RNA. (D-loop).

-there are 20 proteinogenic (standard) amino acids and there are over 60 t-RNA. (Explain the reason of the t-RNA excess). *one amino acid is transported by 2-3 tRNA, but one t-RNA can only transport a definite amino acid. *aminoacyl-t-RNA (aa-t-RNA) is the active form in which amino acids are transported.


30 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOPROTEINS -Molecular mass -Charges of the molecules -Colloid properties -Viscosity -Ability to denaturate and renaturate


renaturation denaturation

-The molecular hybridization of nucleic acids as a method of defining the level of homologousness (identity) of organisms. (Defining the degree of relationship) -The DNA of man and monkey are highly homologous

GENETIC ENGINEERING This is a direction of molecular genetics aimed at working out methods for the receiving and transplanting of needed genes into the DNA of a host, thereby changing the genetic properties of the host cell. -Methods of genetic engineering (basic stages) -receiving the gene of interesting DNA fragment -the joining of this DNA to a vector molecule (a plasmid, etc) -introducing the needed gene into the host-cells. -selection of cells in which the reproduction of the introduced needed gene occurs.

Defense mechanisms of the DNA against foreign nucleic acids -Restriction enzymes (restrictases) -Minor nitrogen bases (2-methyladenine, 5-methylcytosine) - the way of DNA defense against hydrolases - the participation in the regulation of transcription.

FREE MONONUCLEOTIDES ,DINUCLEOTIDES AND COFERMENTS(COENZYMES) -free mononucleotides (ATP, ADP, AMP, GTP, GDP, GMP, etc) -macro ergs -their biological role (ATP is a universal macro erg)


-Cyclic mononucleotides(c-AMP, c-CMP) and their biological role (secondary messengers)

-Dinucleotides (NAP,NADP, FAD) and their biological roles (coenzymes).

32 TEMPLATE SYNTHESES (BIOSYNTHESIS OF DNA, RNA AND PROTEINS) Ways of transfer of genetic information:

Biosynthesis of Nucleic Acids Biosynthesis of DNA (Replication)

Removal of RNA primers and filling the gap with DNA polymerase

-What serves as the template? (mother DNA)

-How many daughter DNA molecules are formed?

33 -What are the constituents of the newly formed DNA molecules?( the mother chain and the newly formed daughter chain) -Stages of replication -Identifying the origin of replication and the unwinding of the DNA strands (DNA-unwinding and DNA-binding proteins) -Initiating the synthesis of DNA (primase, RNA-primer) -Elongation (DNA-polymerase III, Okazaki fragments, DNA-polymerase I, ligase) -Winding (reconstitution) of the strands into a double helix structure (spiral). -Termination (Reconstitution of chromatin) *Predecessors of the daughter chains (RNA-primers, macroergs, Okazaki fragments) *Leading (forward) and lagging (retrograde) strands. Explain the differences between these two chains. *DNA replication system (DNA polymerases, fragments, enzymes, etc) *What is the speed of daughter chains formation? *The frequency of mistakes during replication (10-10).

DAMAGE AND REPARATION (CORRECTION OF MISTAKES ) OF DNA -Reasons of damage (UV-rays ,radiation, drugs, xenobiotics etc) -Types of DNA damage (Show it using diagrams on page 26) -The tearing off (removal ) of a group of atoms from the purines and pyrimidines of the nucleus -Removal of nitrogen bases -The sticking together of purine and pyrimidine bases (with the formation of dimers ) -Deletion of nucleotides (mononucleotides) -Substitution of some nucleotides (mononucleotides)


34 1-Identifying the damaged part 2-Deletion of damaged part 3-Alignment of “needed” nucleotides 4-Rejoining (sewing together) of the repaired strand

-Repair system-Endonucleases (E),DNA-repair-polymerase(E):DNA-ligase ;Explain their roles using the diagram

-Genic Mutations -Biological results of mutation :  Neutral Negative (hereditary pathologies like sickle -cell anemia) positive (factor of evolution)


-Differences between the processes of transcription and replication

Replication Transcription Biosynthesis of DNA Biosynthesis of RNA Thymine, deoxyribose Uracil, Ribose The whole chromosome is copied Recopying of information from different fragments of the chromosome(from the genes)

35 A new daughter DNA copy is formed t-RNA, m-RNAand r-RNA are formed Double strand molecule of daughter DNA Single –strand molecule of RNA identical to the mother DNA

Stages of transcription

-Identifying the origin of transcription (promoter, DNA template ,-subunit of the RNA polymerase) -Unwinding of the DNA fragment (-subunits of the RNA polymerase ) -Initiation (-subunit of the RNA polymerase ) -Elongation (-subunit of the RNA polymerase ,ATP,GTP,UTP,CTP) -Termination (terminative part of the gene i.e. termination of the protein)

Proceessing-This is the post transcriptive modification of RNA’s (the formation of a suitably “mature” m-RNA molecule for translation)

Splicing –Removal of the intervening sequences of introns from the transcript and the splicing together of exons

Caping-The chemical modification of the 5’end of the mRNA transcript (defense against enzymes disintegration )

Poly(A)tail-(polyadenylation) –The chemical modification of the 3’end of the m- RNA transcript and the formation of parts used for binding with ribosome and for defense against enzymes disintegration

- Enzymes (ferments)of transcription (DNA-dependent, RNA- polymerase I,II ,III) - 80-100 RNA-polymerase molecules take part in transcription at once


 -RNA polymerase -RNA

-Reverse transcription (RNA-dependent, DNA-polymerase )

-Viruses contain reverse transcriptases. The biological results of the functions of these viral transcriptases are as follows: viral hepatitis, HIV, etc.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-infection( AIDS) -Source of HIV infection –Blood, spinal fluid ,breast milk, sperm, secretions of the reproductive organs -The most dangerous means of transmitting the infection (hemotransfusion and sexual contacts ) -Hypotheses of the origin of the HIV infections of man (Mutation of the genes of viruses found in monkeys)

Structure of HIV

-Membrane of the virus, proteins-antigens(gp41,gp120)

37 -Matrix of virus (p17,p18) -Nucleocapsid (p24,p25) -Contents of the nucleocapsid (RNA, reverse transcriptase, endonuclease) -Genom of HIV-I (3structural and 5 regulatory genes)

Stages of HIV infection

-HIV binds with the glycoproteins on the external surface of the membrane of host - cells -Fusion of HIV membrane with the host cell . The nucleocapsid of the virus then penetrates into the cytoplasm of the host cell. -With the help of proteases, the viral RNA is released from the nucleocapsid -The biosynthesis of the pro-viral DNA on the template of the viral RNA with the help of reverse transcriptases -Integration of the pro-viral DNA genom into the( DNA) genom of the host cell -Latent period (there is no transcription of the pro-viral DNA). Diagnosis of HIV is doubtful . -Provocation (increase in body temperature, alcohol intoxication ,changes in hormonal status) and the activation of transcription of the pro-viral DNA A large number of viral RNA is formed . -Production of all viral components with the help of the viral RNA and the formation of daughter viruses -Cytolysis of cell membranes which leads to the release of the viruses and the infection of other cells of the host -There is a rise of viral antigens in the blood and a corresponding rise in the level of antibodies -Clinical manifestations of the disease. -Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infections -Establishment of the fact of infection -Defining the stages of pathology development. -Establishing the prognosis of the disease and its effective treatment .

Infection is proved by the presence of the following substances in the blood serum: -HIV antigens -HIV antibodies -Pro-viral DNA

- Methods of analysis -Immunofermentative analysis -Method of hybridization of nucleic acids with specific DNA probes -Method of polymeric chain reactions -Doubtful results of diagnosis and actions of the doctor (within3-6 months repeated medical checks) -Final diagnosis of HIV infection (clinics, epidemiological laboratory diagnosis )


Stages of translation I Activation of amino acids

38 II Initiation of translation III Elongation IV Termination V Post translatory modification - Participants of translation (ferments, amino acids ,tRNA, rRNA, mRNA, factors of initiation, factors of elongation, factors of termination, macroergs, etc)

Activation of amino acids - amino acid - ATP - aminoacyl(aa)-t-RNA-synthetase, tRNA



40 Ribosomes m-RNA f-met-t-RNA (N-formylmethionine) Initiating factors (IF-1,IF-2,IF-3) -GTP -Initiating codons (AUG,GUG) -Peptidyl part(P) of the ribosome -Amino acyl (acceptor part ,A-part ) of the ribosome -Chemical components of the initiating complex

III Elongation

Components: -aa, tRNA, aa- tRNA…………. -Peptidyl transferase -mRNA -Ribosome -GTP-translocase -Elongation factors (EF-1,EF-1,,EF-2)


-Terminating codons of the mRNA (UAA,UAG,UGA) -Termination factors (RF-1, RF-2,RF-3) *RF-releasing factor STAGES -the dissociation of the ribosome into subunits

41 -disintergration of the m-RNA -the speed of the biosynthesis of proteins (polysomes-80 ribosomes)

V POSTRANSLATORY MODIFICATIONS (PROCESSING) *The formation of the spatial structures of the molecules. - a molecule containing information about the structure of proteins (DNA) *Modifying the protein molecule -the attachment of prosthetic groups-the formation of phosphoproteins ,nucleoproteins, lipoproteins, chromoproteins, glycoproteins ,metalloproteins. -the chemical modification of amino acids (hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine) -the limited proteolysis and activation of proteins(pepsinogen-pepsin, proinsulin- insulin) -the movement mechanisms of proteins to their respective points of action or function. ("Postal index", receptors)

Regulating the speed of at the level of transcription. (The hypothesis of Jacob and Monod - the Operon hypothesis)

COMPONENTS: -structural genes -regulatory genes -promoter -operator -DNA-dependent RNA-polymerase -m-RNA -protein-repressor

42 -ferments -substrates -hormones -end products -The Jacob and Monod operon hypothesis is confirmed by incubating bacteria in a medium containing either glucose() or amino acids() :

-the protein-repressor joins the substrate in the incubation medium, therefore: -it changes confirmation and abandons the operator -the RNA-polymerase then moves to the structural gene and enhances the copying of information from these structural genes. (formation of m-RNA) -on the basis of the m-RNA, the enzymes that are needed for the metabolism of the substrate in the incubation medium are synthesized. -as the substrate becomes exhausted , the protein repressor again joins the operator , thereby blocking the work of the RNA-polymerase and hence the copying of information from the structural genes is stopped. -the biological importance of the speed regulation of protein synthesis at the level of transcription-adapting to the changing conditions of the environment.

INDUCTORS OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS (ANABOLIC MEANS) -Hormonal means: *anabolic steroids (derivatives of male sex hormones) *insulin -Nonhormonal means : *Predecessors of nucleotides (Ionosine, potassium orotate) Regulating the speed of protein biosynthesis at the level of Translation.

Antibiotics specifically inhibit the stages of protein synthesis (antibacterial preparations)

-Actinomycin acts at the level of transcription, it binds with the DNA-coding chain - Tetracycline inhibits protein synthesis by blocking the A-site, thereby inhibiting amino acids and aminoacyl-t-RNA.

-Erythromycin inhibits the activity of translocase in the 70S ribosomes . -Puromycin due to its structural analogy with the aminoacyl-adenosine terminal of the t-RNA, acts as the acceptor of the polypeptide chain-peptidyl-t-RNA (binds with the p-part),the termination of protein synthesis is therefore inhibited.




Immunity from the biochemical point of view; *Identification *Neutralization *Destruction of genetically foreign structures

The most important elements of the immune system;

-T-lymphocytes ,B-lymphocytes and the antibodies they synthesize, macrophages. -Hormonal factors (the complementary system and properdines) -Macrophages The structure of Antibodies (immunoglobulins)

Chemical composition and structure -4 polypeptide chains -2 heavy chains (H-chains) -2 light chains (L-chains) -the variable fragment (VL and VH) -the constant fragment (CL and CH) -the hypervariable part (antigen-binging sites)



General structure Light and heavy chain composition of the antibodies Types of heavy H H HM chains

Classes of antibodies IgA IgG IgM (immunoglobulin,Ig)

  M Quaternary structure (L2H 2)n L2H 2 (L2H2 )5 n=2 or 4 Fraction in serum 10-20% 70-80% 5-10%

The specificity of antibodies (this is defined by the structure of the variable portions) VARIABILITY OF ANTIBODIES Quaternary 2 light chains 2 heavy chains structure Structure of the chains

VL I L CL VH IH CH1CH2 There are 2 domains in the There are 4 domains in the H-chain L-chain V-the variable part( they are various for different antibodies)C-the constant part. I- the intermediate portion Representation of the antibody

Variability of the VL IL CL VH IH CH1CH2CH3 antibodies ~350 ~10 1type for ~200 ~10 one for each each In all,=350*10*1=3500.There are 200*10*1=2000.There are 2000 different 3500 different kinds of L-chains kinds of H chains SUM=3500*2000=7*106 (~10 million ) different kinds of antibodies ,ie,10m are formed as a result of the combination of of ~600 different peptide chains(350+200+10+10+1+3)


Schematic representation of immunoglobins origin

1 Binding the antigen 2 Formation of the endosome


Surface Ig B-lympho- cyte MHC protein B-lymphocyte B-lymphocyte

3 Processing. Changed MHC proteins come to the surface of the B-lymphocyte 4 Interaction with T-helpers T-helper

B-lympho- cyte 3 Processing:the movementB-lymphocyte of the 4 Interaction with T-helpersB-lymphocyte

5 The proliferation and secretion of antibodies by T-lymphocytes

-In the human organism there are 107 different clones of B-lymphocytes. Each of these cells has its own surface Ig. -antigens that enter the body are bound by surface Ig’s of specific clones of B- lymphocytes. -the antigen together with the surface Ig and the MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) protein move into the cell.(Formation of the endosome). -The MHC of the B-lymphocyte changes conformation. (Processing)(3)

47 -The changed MHC protein moves to the surface of the B-lymphocyte and it is recognized by T-Helpers. (4) -T-Helpers secrete factors of proliferation.(4) -These factors activate the proliferation specific clones of B-lymphocytes and strengthens the synthesis of specific antibodies.

The variability and specificity of antibodies -In the process of evolution, the human organism came into contact with a large number of foreign agents (antigens).This enhanced the formation and accumulation of a great number of new genes-antibodies. -Somatic mutations in the genes and the formation of genes from mini-genes also caused a multiple increase (~600) in the variability of antibodies.(107)

Interaction of antibodies with antigens

Pentameric structure of the IgM molecule The antigen- antibody complex

-Binding sites. (variable portions) -Types of bonds. (Hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions) -The formation of antigen-antibody associator and their neutralization with the help of humoral factors and macrophages.


HUMORAL FACTORS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Complement- This is a family of specific blood-plasma proteins

-In normal physiological conditions ,the complement proteins are in the inactive state in the blood plasma. -There are two ways of activating them: -the classical path; this form of activation arises as a result of the binding of an antigen to an antibody -the alternate path; this form of activation occurs in response to polysaccharides or antigens. -Both paths activate the C3 component of the complement system -The cascade mechanism of activating the complement system is realized as a result of the activities of proteases and the release of histamines -The Functions of the Complement System *Interaction with components of bacterial membranes *Enhances the attachment of leucocytes and the phagocytosis of bacteria *Lysis of bacteria-Components of the complement system penetrate into cells bacterial membranes and make holes in it. The free movement of Na+ and Ca2+ ions

49 into, and K+ out of the cell ,causes the hydration and an increase in volume of the cell, which leads to the destruction of the cell membrane.

The Properdine System - a family of specific blood plasma proteins (Properdine, -glycoproteins, D-proteases) -This system is activated by the lipopolysaccharides of bacteria and insulin. -Function of the properdine system; they activate the complement system (the formation of C5-C9 ) even in the absence of an antigen and also, they enhance the proteolysis of antigens . -Interferons- This is a heterogenic group of proteins. They form a group of basic defense proteins against viral infections and the formation of tumors.(They suppress the growth of malignant tumors) *They are formed in the cell as the result of the penetration of viral nucleic acids into the cell *They limit viral infections (Inhibit the biosynthesis of viral proteins at the level of translation) *They activate the destruction of both viral and host m-RNA and r-RNA *This leads to the destruction of host cells. Together with the host cell, the virion also dies .The sacrifice of a small number(quantity) of host cells may lead to saving the whole organism from sickness(death). *They synthesize macrophages and T-cells *They increase the cytolytic activity of macrophages ,T-cells and killer cells An alteration in the functioning of the Immune System leads to the following: -Hypersensitivity -Immunotolerance(the absence of selection) -Immunodeficiency (the total or partial loss of some components of the immune system as a result of damages).