Frog folly *& Sibling rivalry Page TCU DAILY SKIFF

HSth Year, No. 45 Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, TX Thursday, November 12, 19S7 Reagan, 'a bit wiser,' picks Kennedy for Court limed bis earlier promise to cast appearance m the White Mouse On Capitol Hill, tin- reaction \\ UHINGTON i K?) Presidenl San Piandaoo. The BOW choice dreu favorable dent aha Senate a nominee that briefing room, accompanied bj the n hoed Reagan i attempt tooven ome ft agan saying he wan • bit wtaM Ilrs popular with colleagues ot ill continents from Democratic and he give th ■ fudge, his wife. Mar) and their three the bitterness generated 1A the Bork iiftfi two faded attempts to put a hard- political priMiLiMonv Raegan said puhlican senators at TOSS the political "they'll object to just as much as children And 1 know that be seems to be ipectrum Hurk. his first candidate who was re and Giniburg nominations. line coswervalive on the Supreme The choice appeared to he a clear popular with main senators of varying Mindful nl the prohletns lies had jecteil on a ">S 12 vote. Court puked federal appeals judge effort to end a politically einhanas i can't see anv good reason for an) political persuasions as well. tor moreihaii tour months in trying to "Sometimes you make a facetious ■mtbon) \1 Kenned) for the beaten one Opposing this, from Jesse Helms till the court opening, Reagan uid be remark and somebodv takes it smt; episode fas Reagan, who once W«dne*dax and dropped Ins partisan* kennedv is considered to he a ininl- to I edd) Kennedy." said Sen Pete would nut actuallx siilimit Kenned) l seriously and you wish voud new i laid that winning Borki confirmation attacks ,iu,nihi the Dwaoentforun eraes oooaarvative lew IdeologkBD) Wilson H Calif Sen Kenned) I) nomination until completion ol a toll ■aid it Reagu raid bn answer to i was his No. 1 domestic priontx Senate rigid than Reagan i luo earlier held I HI background check, which reporter's quaatjoa. That i ■ tor Abandoning an) pretense of con- Mass bad led the fight against Borl Reagan said Kennedy, 51. has nominees Hubert H. Bofk, who was frontation with the Senate over filling while Sen Helms It A C once had earned a reputation .is "a ronrsaasani, defcated by the Senate, and Douglas ((.old take weeks me." The president announced Ken- the vacanc). tlie president said the threatened to filibuster against fudge tough but nWjurist" in hii 12 wars on II Ctatbuil, who quit aftei revealing And. in a conciliator) tone aftei neiK I selection in I nationally broad experience of the last several months Kenned) as not sufficiently conserve- he had smoked marijuana months ot bough rhetoric, the pre si Hie Bth Circuit Court <*t Appeals in has made all of us a hit \ City Council backs zoo expansion plan Xssoiiation members think thai By Yvonne Webb some opponents had some bidden Staff Writer agendas, SUch as tears about increased There ware feers and cheers I ties traffic and tailing real estate values day night as the Kurt Worth Citv Friends uf the Park members tried Council endorsed a plan to expand to stop die council from renewing the the citv BOO h\ as manv as 71 acre* contract until the Association agreed over the next 15 yean to open its membership to all Fort Bv a ft-3 VOtO, the- couiK il voted Worth residents Tuesday DO endorse- a Zooloiiu al \m> Association members said the pri- ciation plan to expand the Fort Worth vate organisation would continue to Sao, nsding i 10-month turl battle be controlled bv the current board of over who shall decide how puhlic directors lands are developed But during negotiations earlier this Association menihers cheered as month, the Association agreed to in- Clt) Council members approved vite an unspecified number ol people their 90,000 expansion plan, includ- from iniuorit) ,im\ civic groups to join ing a controversial 5.0-aCTC Atntan the Iwiard Savanna that was the cornerstone of Mayor Bob Bolen. win. voted tm their $33 7 million expansion plan the plan BaJd he has lost friends on Friends of the Park, the group both side of the issue opposumthe /oo expansion plan pre- "You don't vote for your friends sented a more sonibei look than 111 von vote for the good of the c itv In previous eouiieil meetings when thev said wore forest gfuen I srurts ^\n\ ran nil Council member Itussell LancM hauliers OfSJMSing the plan ter who ako supported the plan, said They said the plan goes too far in the city couldn't atiord manv of its (enlacing green space In the 77-year th u ac tiv itic-s vv ithout "the support of Old central park with animal habitat! those who can afford it in the zoo. Ulnle Opponents Of the plan were Neighborhood activists and park lamenting then loss Association preservationists said council inein- members were celebrating then vu - TCI Daily Skiff / Brian H McLean IMTS ignored the QBSpotttiOO and cav ed toiv and vowing to build a first-class in to [Kilitical pressure from the weal- DM S2nd Airborne Division All American Chorus performs in the Student Wednesday ths members of tin association. /(HI tor the citv "W'e are anxious to get on with 0111 "The mindset is. if these people work." said Tim Stephens, acting ex- want something, we need to give it to Veterans honored ecutive director of the Association them.' said David O'Brien Jr , Friends of the Park president ( ouncil membor LnuisZapata who Airborne division "1 think it s time the pueptS ot rhts represents the district around tin- eomniunitv shared the res|>ons]biltv park said he didn t see the battle as a Tlie city owes more v that fight betWQQU the haves and the have it does kl the patronage of a few faini- nuts chorus performs ," he said. although it attracted sympathizers K Kings Stand Bv Me and the \ssiKiatton members as) that m from mmoritv groups and neighixir- By Robin Shermer Manhattan Transfer's "Trickle hindsight, thev could have done more luMiils aerOSS Fort Worth the Staff Writer Trickle, which intensified tin to ease the debate bv involviiu; the tion was led bv O'Brien and others \l nben d the onK tlrborna awareness that all the BOttgf were comnuinitv in earlier discusMon who live 111 the neighUirhoods near sunn a cappcMa division ot the I lilted State s Army "We COUld have wt.ik. d moo with the park, he said ( mini, was added to the show uaiiiiiajorl i upeesa] Veterans Da) neighborhood groups, said \ssmia- Zapata said he lulu veil the con Hit t when the group sang a parodv eal show tui H l students \\ ednes- tion lneinbei Wlntiuv MaOK "But I was a pol.ut/.ition of nu>ue\ against led "Blood I'pon the Rjeers dav m the Student (enter don't know if it would have made a money, although one side was a win. h was sung to the tune ot The S2nd lirboraC Division All ditto.em, .1 lot heaviei "Glory, (dors Hallelujah The Mlicm two presidential candidAtei is sc bolarshtp ooordinatai at unlit- Winklei said \1s1011 left in tin \imv said Set Ml in thf runoff, Monknw < hsph, arv sclent « at I I I Icinpel said he diH-s not like the 1st Class (,ordon D.uhv the mm MM, i-'iuM\ Tenpnl .tcieeial dutv ("hapin said she- likes the runoff s\ s BBS on BJ tivi dutv with the Anns . lit in I tlnnk stntlt-nts m inttitst.-tt in tein because it lakes the tup two HII i hnrus tang country, soul hut thev are on a six-month spe tht- i-lfttitiii hft.nisf tlir 1 - qualified people In tin- race ami uives and btg hand music III addition to rial dutv assignment when thev ih.n t have ninth Influence oa them another sax pat Mot u SOngS Ml ti as Ainem .1 sing lor the chorus D.uhv said campus John Lewis who was one of the the beautiful." Mt.i thesis months the) go back ffCD l>«il> Slid / Bruu. K MaUM But 1.57V stiiiltiits voted 111 the four original presidential candidates, Ih. 1 hornsb sannHeahou with to then regular assignments tlcttHiniiii 1 nistl.n is In. Ii is SS i. Miiharl Bofltn, a nine -year-old st.n P SCIHH)I student, sings said he is now supporting < 'hapin Lee Greenwoods "Cod Bless the I ),uli\ said pi at tn I H tlui stiulents \ntliiK than last and MikcSlnlex whowasalst.oimmal I S\ tod followed n with Don me perninnaiices U-cause ot the altnlK more than Voted in the hiiiniiniiiiin; 1\ .1 pit sidential candidate, would not 1 hi.MIS nationwide touring s( hi election, Hud Ann Wlnklat <\>MIpei f seed Soldiei " xav who In- w ill vote loi 111 tin runofl * quintet ol soldiers aang Ben dule son of the Kiel tu.Its anil Hi ^Illations Schmidt led the first elect loi iHllllllltt.'. vttepiesideut of I'loiuaminumc 1 AriuiiiHIi.i pii-sitlt'iit ol the Mniist ..I Kt-|instiitatisrs l.ttsitin linipil nl bv I II vol. s A&M, UT looking at possible expansion Chambers said as the new House and ( h.ipin wfll I" lielil loll." Vice president, she would like to visit I \ltl DO l. ui w l.xas UrM made innount ed visits tti ( ( St ating the South !< xas ichooh Ts ||„ ,,. ,s also a iinioll toda) I" and the t'mversi \ of Icxas have lexas A6(I and l.aredo Stale- L 111 s goiuga Little too tai Mark ( Jbviuuslv ANSI and lexas don t tu.ii, Paul Silimiilt ami Sim Hans oraanizatioos' tneetingi occaskmall) Bndheai then Inteseatsandoniicerna. itarti d looking a t universities in veisilv said have enough iniuoritles. so thev lor SKI- prisithiit ol PnugiaiBHring South lexas In a | 1 ait h foi \va\s to 1. vas igdal and the Universit) ..l Mark Is expected to visit the < :..r might be brying to grab our children, Council. Maupiu said now that she- has won pus ( hnsti st boo] latei this nitinlh improve education in the region, an rotas are looking at bighei education s.nd Martinea Arowe going to attm kiisim ( the election sh, hopes I" iiupiovccoiinniiiiication of In lal said in |B needed il l on campus < hae wa) she plans on It 11 visit to respond to Son BJ a liiam di.un out of OUI s\ stem to go to l,.i sin- |.r. -ill. "t "I iln- Kouaa ..1 the t unimillee In ouimeiids t I I this is b\ distributing the mi- B Man Sugg .ham ell,., o| lie los I 1 nan s resolution to look into lexas 01 AacM?" Hepii'seiitatist's l.s ilttn.,„ ,.l IH I'M . from the House ol Hepies, uta I niversitv S\ stem of South 1 and A6cM or bflfJl loi expaiisit,ii BUSSJ wavs to Improve edui-ii In South tist-i foe Gagnon (acqul Maiipii. Kilt pr. sld< ill of < oipus ( hllstl State said Il„ ■oue'i fahel 1 ntti-e on liM.isii list i tn different organisations, lexas Meal said Weilnesd.iv Higher K1I111.1I1011 releuei .1 irjmit mnaecflKar) In aotanhn ( uiveisitv (old the sv stem s Uurd ol But II System ChanceUu Hans M.tii.Hi.ll. Ilifii.'.s ti.'.is,,,,-! l-.n. Maupni said directors lucsd.o that \tt\\ repre- Stalk said it would be wrong to (Oil- 1 ssi board rice president Bias Lit. Ian M.11 thai aldSoatli \i„l,iso,i ssiin lis a in.iicni ol I'll tvnderaon could not be res* bed toe sentatives aheadv have visited Si,nth elude that the Visits mean the large Martin./ o| Lajwdo quoationed the nut 11 < < mil stair npiKirt in Texas . ampuses He said the) have sv stems are thiukuu; ah, ml InCOfpoi motives ol t I ,m.l \c\M in South proportion in ntliii an .is over I mill VerWelta Page 2 Thursday, November 12, 1987 TCU DAILY SKIFF TODAY discovery NEWLINES AIDS attitudes easily influenced She said, What happened with Cleanup announced his third liver? Why was it turned The severity of people's reactions By Lisa Touye 'People attribute AIDS to moral decadence and depends in part on the information for dumping sites down by three other centers? And Staff Writer they still put it in Honnie." they get from the press, because most Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline Co. Attitudes toward AIDS victims arc the lifestyle of homosexuals.' of the Information people get is from and the Environmental Protection The hospital staff did everything based on what AIDS symbolizes and John Pryor, the media," he said. Agency announced Monday an possible in Ronnie's case, which on perceived consequences of in- agreement for a $400 million was very difficult and emotionally psychologist at Illinois State University. People with AIDS get bred by em- teracting with AIDS victims, said Dr. ployers, evicted by landlords, health cleanup of 89 dumping sites in 14 trying, Zechman said. John Pryor, a psychologist from Illi- states, including Texas. care workers may refuse to work with The third liver donor was a nois State University who spoke at al sex roles and prejudice. Pryor de- "People try to distance themselves Many of these waste pits are them and church leaders may shun brain-dead child who had Down s TCU Monday. scribed prejudice as discriminatory to from people who have AIDS," Pryor contaminated with hazardous PCB them or refuse to baptise them be- Syndrome. Doctors said Ronnie Pryor, who has also worked with minorities and deviants. said. "They compare themselves to compounds. The company will cause of prejudice, Pryor said. was in such bad shape that the liv- the National Institute of Mental "People attribute AIDS to moral the stereotype of people who have also pay a $15 million civil penalty er was accepted for transplant Health, discussed AIDS studies on decadence and the lifestvle of AIDS and don't think it will happen to "It's important to remember that and reimburse its share of the EPA rather than doing nothing for the college students and parents to a homosexuals." Pryor said. them because they're different." something bad has happened to these investigation of 14 pipelines that child. crowd of about 60 people in Sid "This leads to violent reactions to "These attitudes toward people, but it is not their fault," Pryor may have dumped PCB contamin- homosexuals such as 'fag beating' stereotypes translate into lax attitudes said. Dr. William Donaldson, medic- Richardson Lecture Hall 4 at 7 p.m. ated substances into pits along Nov. 9. where people cruise the streets look- toward sale sex and condoms,'' Pryor their lines. al director of the hospital, said "I'm against AIDS," Pryor said. Pryor said the studies were con- ing for men who look gay and beating said. Lubricants from Texas Eastern Ronnie's mother was aware of the "I'm against syphilis, herpes and ducted with questionnaires asking ab- them." be said. "This happens fre- Since AIDS may not develop for up became contaminated with PCBs donor. He also said he did not gonorrhea, too." out homosexuality and attitudes to- quently in cities like New York and to 10 years after infection, people who when they were left in compress- know whether the liver had been ward AIDS. The questionnaires were San Francisco, and police reports of it are diagnosed as HIV positive may "I hate all those diseases, but I ors where other lubricants that rejected by other transplant cen- given to a group of college students are on the rise." live with the AIDS stigma for a long don't hate the people who have were contaminated were stored. ters before it was accepted for who were not parents, another group "People are pretty ignorant of the time, Prvor said. them," Pryor said. Lubricants containing PCBs were Ronnie. of college students in which halfwere differences between lesbians and gay replaced in 1977 under the new parents of infants and the others pa- men," Pryor said. hazardous waste federal laws. Insurance companies rents of elementary school children. "Gay men have more sexual part- PCBs were used as lubricants refuse AIDS victims Pryor said questionnaire results ners than lesbians have sexual part- because they do not burn, but it is ners," he said. "Women are more THE BIG PIT now known that they cause cancer Insurance companies have the from all groups were similar-they showed that people's attitudes about likely to have long-term relationships and birth defects in laboratory right to deny insurance coverage homosexuality influenced their atti- with a single person whether they are CAFE AND BAR animals. to people who test positive for lesbians or not." HIV, the AIDS virus. tude on AIDS and AIDS victims. Pryor said the number of AIDS Transplant failed; People who test positive for Pryor said another study asked cases caused by homosexual or bisex- 926-0034 HIV or who have AIDS may find it anti-homosexual students if they 1109-15 W. Magnolia mother wont pay ual contact is remaining constant, but hard to buy insurance policies in would object to having a lab partner the number of AIDS victims among Children's Hospital of Pitt- with a non-fatal disease that could be the next few years, said David IV drug users sharing needles is sky- sburgh, the world's leading trans- contracted by eating shellfish and 10% discount with TCU student ID. Thornberry, State Board of Insur- rocketing. plant center, demanded $261,189 ance member in a story in the possibly by anal sex. The results w"Most public information cam- in payment from Maria DeSillers Tuesday, Nov. 10, issue of "Dallas showed that 75 percent of these stu- paigns are designed to alleviate these of Miami for her son Ronnie's care dents would object to the lab partner Times Herald." prejudices," Pryor said. y Star Telegram rated in top 10 during his three liver transplants. having a disease associated with AIDS will cost national insur- "They try to get past the 'AIDS is a Bonnie, 7. died April 29, 1987 homosexuality in any way. in the metroplex ance companies over $100 billion gay disease' mentality," he said. while he was waiting for his fourth in claims by the year 2000, accord- Pryor said he also tested students in liver transplant. ing to a recent study by the Society his human sexuality class at Illinois for hamburgers and onion rings. DeSillers said in wire reports of Actuaries, State University on the first day of Wednesday that she will not pay The insurance industry is not school. In this experiment, students Come try for yourself! the balance until she knows why obligated to take this financial bur- were given a questionnaire on sexual her son went from being the per- den like it does for treatment of attitudes and beliefs that they filled OPEN - Sundays 7 a.m.-3 p.m. fect liver transplant patient to be- alcoholism, which is legislatively out and returned to Pryor. In their parking in rear coming the way he did. mandated, Thornberrv said. next class with Pryor, students were Monday-Saturday 6 a.m.-9 p.m. told Pryor was absent because he had YEW YEARS EVE AIDS and was in the hospital. Pryor said the students were told Corked bats risked the psychology department would offer another section of the class if LONDON they did not want to have an instruc- tor with AIDS. Next they filled out a for edge in baseball questionnaire on whether they would transfer to another section. Most of PARTY probably doesn't occur in the South- them sai7Ts Eit. In an interview with "The Christian To get the extra advantage these Student Travel Network would Science Monitor," Adair said scien- days, the player drills a hole in the like to invite you to celebrate the New Year London-style; partying down tists and engineers have spent years end of a bat, puts the cork inside and ANNOUNCEMENT studying baseballs and bats and de- caps it. Brown said that the cork the Thames River in a glass boat with other student travelers. There'll be veloping theories about why curve makes the bat lighter, letting the music, plenty of dancing and some- balls curve or why knuckle balls give plaver swing the bat quicker for fast one to guide you through the sights batters fits. balls. you'll be seeing as you sail along Lon- Rob Jordan, junior speech com- Adair said that the same effect can don's celebrated waterway. A buffet munication major and a member of be achieved by switching to a lighter will be served; wine, beer and soft the TCU baseball team, said that "legal bat" or by simply choking up drinks are also free. All you have to corked bats are a big help because three-quarters of an inch on a regular The TCU Symphonic do is purchase your round-trip ticket they make the ball jump. bat. to London from STN, Dallas fare Band has a limited from $449. "I don't think it is a big problem in So why are players risking getting number of positions COME JOIN THE FUN -With STN! the Southwest Conference because caught with these illegal bats? we use aluminum bats which makes it open on all instruments STUDENT Brown offers the explanation that for the spring 1988 TRAVCL almost impossible to detect," he said. "fixing bats" is just the latest in a con- NETWORK Baseball Coach Lance Brown tinuing cycle of ways that players try semester. mp agreed the problem of tampering to get an edge. Previous playing ex DAUASI2U) 360-0097 perience only prere quisite. Contact the CUSTOM DESIGN BASKETS band office at 921-7640 WE SHIP NATIONWIDE for details. TCU Student Publications Wants You TEXAS GOURMET BASKET TCU Student Publications Committee will meet Monday, Nov. 23, "QVe QVant %om Qiit to be Just Right" 1987 to elect the editor and ad manager for the TCU Daily Skiff. COLLEGE CARE BASKET CHOCOLATL LOVLKS BASKET Students who meet these guidelines may apply for Editor: Dallas, Texas WELCOME BABY BASKET l.Have and maintain a 2.5 gpa. (214) 823-4231 TEXAS BASKET 2. Have a satisfactorily completed at least three courses in journalism, including reporting, or experience as judged appropriate by the Chairman of the Journalism Department. ^NKELBlJftG£ Students who meet these guidelines may apply for Ad Manager: l.Have and maintain a 2.5 gpa. 2. Have taken ad principles or be enrolled in it while serving.

TO APPLY WE'RE M jSaBEEHlE TBURGERS Pick up an application from the Student Publications secretary in room 293S, We also feature Moudy Building. Keturn completed forms by 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. IS.

Fajitas-steak and chicken Stuffed Potatoes COMPENSATION Editors will receive financial aid of up to $2,880 for the semester(s) served. The Ad Manager will receive aid of up to $720 per semester, plus commissions on all Chicken Fried Steak Soft Tacos advertising sold and serviced after full payment is recevied.

Chicken Breast Sandwich OTHER POSITIONS (NON-ELECTED STAFF) Other students interested in serving in stall positions on student publications should also fill out an application for consideration. 3009 S. University (across from TCU) 927-2395 TCU DAIIY SKIM Thursday. November 12, 1987 Page j COMMENTARY Restating the case Yankees need against the contras a good dose of country life By David Artman The Reagan Administration suc- Columnist ceeded in curtailing this aid, estab- lishing an economic embargo, cutting By Duane Bidwell My articles on off any foreign aid and organizing the Guest Columnist Central Amer- "contras" from former National About 15 ica have not ex- Guard members. As a result of this miles northeast actly resulted in the Sandinistas began to depend of Fort Worth, the long awaited more on aid from the Soviet Union. "harmonic con- there's an ex- vergence." Now, I will go on to the specific periment going There are those objections that have been raised to on. Let's call it cm campus who my interpretation. have found reason to take issue with "Returning to Navarro said most Nicaraguans, Our American me on several points. "not withstanding their social, politic- Hoots." John LaBoon, president of College al or ideological orientation, uncon- The little town of Keller is the Republicans, and Alberto Navarro, a ditionally united in a civilian armed newest place to experience country Nicaragua!) master's of business struggle ..." living the way it was when America administration student here, have was a wee babe. both expressed a certain amount of Well, I would say that there was not difficulty with my conclusions. a necessarily united group. There Hundreds ol people are Hocking to were factions, which later broke where the air is clean, neighbors LaBoon is upset because the Soviet away, that were mainly interested in know one another and there ain't Union is giving aid to Nicaragua, be- protecting there business privileges. more than five stop lights in the whole cause there are Cuban military advi- These people, along with former town. sors in Nicaragua and because Nicar- National Guard members, formed the 7&^<£%£ZZ±> rev D&i/tf Skiff agua has an army which he feels is "contras." In fact, Keller is so popular, it's inordinately large. even become populous. Since 1984, Navarro also said the Sandinistas Keller's population has doubled from Navarro feels that the Sandinistas had strong ties to the Soviets long about 4,000 lost souls to more than are not a legitimate representative ol before Somozas overthrow. "The Mascot trivia, tabling bills 9,000 country-living people. the Nicaraguan people. According to Sandinistas developed into a dictator- him, the Sandinistas are basically ship . . . out of their own Marxist These newcomers aren't just any puppets of the Soviet Union that have convictions," he said. people. They are beautiful people. co-opted the real dream of the Nicara- becomes costly for TCU Most of them draw high salaries from guan revolution. Here again, this is an exageration of airlines and work at Dallas/Fort the historical record. The Sandinistas By Troy Phillips Worth Airport. They have moved Maybe it would be helpful to give are to be mainly understood as a Columnist from their far-away homes in Yankee my understanding oi the historical nationalistic movement. They have places such as New York to create and political dynamics of the situa- * The TCU appealed to Cuba and the Soviet Un- heaven in the form of country living. tion, showing where our disagree- House of ion for help, but were not organized ments are. ■f Representa- by these groups. Furthermore, their Being a Yankee myself, 1 haven t From 1927 to 1933 a Nicarguan dependence upon the Eastern Bloc got anything against Yankees. But named Augusto C. Sandino led a re- has been necessitated by our own these aren't just any Yankees. These sistance movement against occupying foreign policy. Why would the Sandi- are Yankees who have created Coun- forces of the United States. The nistas throw off one power to be con- try Living with a capital "C." movement failed, but to insure that troled by another? The real issue is First off. it's Country Living with this type of populist movement would sovereignty. denti never succeed, the United States the right people. There's no white The House has passed a bill to established the "stabilizing" Nicar- Navarro again- "The contras for the trash in this neighborhood. spend your money on something guan National Guard. most part are formed by Nicaraguans It's Country Living where nice called "What is a Horned Frog?" to who fought against the Somoza doggies stay on leashes so lonely Air- This group became the protectors put in the programs. regime." port widows won't get their shoes of the wealthy and the foundation of By spending $500 on an article dirty. the Somoza dynasty. The Somozas The "contras" were organized by in this year's basketball programs, It's Country Living where there's were unfortunately less committed to the CIA with the help of the Argen- the House thinks it can educate no icebox and old sofa on the front freedom and democracv than to the tine military and former Somoza students about TCU's mascot and porch, . . 'a.,, .iMMiTOTnTT^ruWfh frtSr&esp: get some promotion fov rhem- selves. After seeing the successful- guan elites who realized that they selves. It's Country Living where the ness of guerilla tactics in Cuba, the were going to have to relinquish their Here is an exerpt from the final country has to be fenced in so no one Sandinista Front for National Libera- economic status. draft of the bill: will ruin it, where $200,000 houses tion was formed in 196] in Honduras. How much do you know about a horned frog? receive $100,000 landscapes and kids And Navarro-"The award to Oscar "The article will not only publi- cize what a Horned Frog is, but can't drag race their cars. It was by no means an instant suc- Arias of Costa Bica of the Nobel Prize will also promote the House of'Stu- constituents about the bill. something on campus, but exercis- In short, this is Country Living cess -its original guerilla tactics was premature. The Sandanistas have dent Representatives by having The House's standing rule states ing this practice on monetary bills with all of the conveniences of sub- failed, and there began a long process only been brought to the table by the the House name at the conclusion that all bills are to be tabled lor one has to stop. urbia and without any of the "incon- of organizing in the cities. As fighting contras." of the of the article." week so members can discuss bills The "What is a Horned Frog?" veniences" of true country living. and resistance increased over the Oscar Arias deserves the peace Why does the House feel they with their constituents. However, article should have been intro- years the government, through the These Country-Living Kellerites prize for bringing together the lead- need public relations for them- if a bill is pressed for time, the duced earlier, tabled, voted on and National Guard, became more and ers of the Central American nations would give birth to a puppy if they selves? standing rule may be overidden by then put into action if passed. more repressive. saw real country living. and asserting that the contras are not a University Relations Commit- majority vote. The -S5(H) for the bill came from a Real country living is having your The Sandanistas continued to orga- source of peace, but rather an escala- tee chairperson Todd Breeding With this particular bill, poor special projects fund allotted to the bathtub stopped up with hay after a nize, but the "dam broke" in 1978 tion, of the conflict, With the Nobel said the article will show the alum- planning caused the House to have House. Breeding said he thinks Prize he will be able to have, hopeful- day and a half of baling. after the assassination of the editor of ni, students and university officials to vote on the bill during the same the House is more careful about an opposition newspaper. As it be- ly, the influence needed to help bring that the House has school spirit meeting it was introduced. spending money than ever before. Real country living is ignoring your came apparent that Somoza was not a negotiated settlement. and is proud of its mascot. neighbors unless they ask for your Breeding said the project had Spending money carefully In- going to be able to hold on, other Here's an idea. If the House help-and not being afraid to ask for LaBoon, meanwhile, said all Soviet been underway for some time. The cludes going through the proper groups began to posture themselves thinks it has to show school spirit, help when you need it. aid has given Nicaragua the third original plan was to put the article channels, such as tne voters who witli regard to the revolution. then why don't they all sit together in this year's football programs, largest army in North and South gave House members the right to There's a whole lot these Kellerites at basketball games and hold up but it was too late in the season. By Business-oriented people who America behind only the United spend money. are missing. They'll never have a goat States and Canada. "I often wonder signs so everyone will know who the time printing it in the basket- were afraid of losing their privileged Is a piece of TCU trivia really in their house. They'll never track they are. ball programs was investigated, positions formed anti-Sandanista, why a country smaller than the size of worth $500? TCU students know cow-paddy juice across the kitchen Breeding said the House was the article, sports information told anti-Somoza groups. However, when Oklahoma needs an army that large?" what a Horned Frog is and it's not floor. They'll never see their kids he asked. concerned that many students the House, had to be ready in one the popular revolution was finally necessary lor the House to "edu- chase each other with what's left over don't even know what TCU's mas- week. achieved in 1979, it was the Sandinis- Well, it seems apparent why they cate the masses." when a horse is gelded. cot is. If the bill had been tabled, the tas who were the most popular orga- need such a large army to me-they And that's sad. Real sad. What students are they talking article wouldn't have made it to the It's also not necessary for the nization. are at war. They are dealing with an about, the ones from outer space? printers. House to spend $500 to show their Country' living's got nothing to do American president that is committed Subsequently, the Sandanistas won This notion is unlikely. Any stu- A source in the House who schooj spirit. By passing more with the right people, the right zon- to ousting them. 63 percent of the vote in a popular dent who is that uninformed prob- voted against the bill said in the practical bills with more practical ing laws or the right schools. It's got election. Initially President Jimmy I hope that now we can reach that ably couldn't care less about TCU's first nine meetings the House has methods, the House's visibility everything to do with being an indi- Carter approved $75 million of finan- longed for "harmonic convergence" mascot. suspended the standing rule seven will become more apparent to vidual, having fun and not worrying cial aid to the new government, but with regard to peace in Central Amer- What's more, House members times. everyone. No one needs to be con- about anyone else. all of the aid was never received. ica. The contras are not the solution. didn't get a chance to consult their This is fine for bills that support vinced they are Frog fans. These Yankees need to learn that.


Theft I /Wr/ SAi/N.-k. i* letters I Jitnr and must columns The Commentary Pane is designed ) offer a fun \pre Bj issue All letters and columns submitted must be typed and double spaced Utters no longer than 3GQ words. Letters and columns must be accompanied by the author's tltt! I phone number The SJt(j0T reserves the right to edit or not publish any unacceptable 1c olu Unsigned edi nf the Daily Skiff. Signed columns and letters are solely the opinions of the writer Tlie Skiff I* a student publication produced b> the Texas Christian University journalism department and is published Tliesdm, through Krida\ of the semester vear, except for review and finals weeks and holidays. The Skiff i* a member of The Associated Press.

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IXPIKIS XfZ-T.yr>:ttZr^\^\'~xZr2rZ+2-lf'^^s* TCU DAILY SKI11 Thursday, Novembef 12, 1987 1'agc 5 NEWSLINES Caution needed CAMPUSLINES in the Student Center Ballroom. "Nicaragua is ready to comply Trekfeit Admission is $1. Rapist out of jail 100 percent with the agreement," The Films Committee of Program- ming Council will show Star Sponsored by the Performing Ortega declared in I dramatic Trek: The Movie" Friday at 7p.m. Arts Committee of Programming on technical error hour-long appearance before the in send-home use and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Council, Eaglet' show is billed as HOUSTON (AP>-A convicted General Assembly of the Orga- The most anyone has ever charged an intense and exciting demon- rapist who was on parole when ni/atimi of American States during By Cathy Sehapayak Kahn" Immediately afterward at was about $560. while the least was 18 10 p.m. stration of the power of the mind charged with another sexual his first visit to Washington in Staff Writer cents, she said. assault was released from a Texas Saturday's bill of fore includes Organist to play right years. Charging substantially at the Uni- prison several years too early, He thus disputed President I^arry Galloway, university control- "Star Trek HI: The Search for Swedish organist Gunnar Ideti- versity Store now could mean placing Spock" at 7 p.m. and "Star Trek apparently hecause of a record- Heagan's charge before the same ler, said the send-home system stam, making his first transcon- a hold on your advance registration. IV: The Voyage Home" at 10 p.m. keeping error, officials said. audience on Monday that Nicar- started about 30 years ago but has tinental tour of the United States, Judy Pilliod, director of student All shows will be in the Student Donald Eugtne Dutton, 38, of agua is "nowhere near" meeting its become popular only recently. will play a recital at Kd I^ndreth accounts at the Comptroller's Office, Center Ballroom, and $1.50 pays Jacinto City, was arrested hist obligations. Hall at 8 p.m. Monday. said these charges would have to be "I'd say it's used two to one over for one or both movies shown dur- Included will he works by J.S. month, hut the error involving his Ortega's call for a direct dia- release from prison wasn't disco- paid right away since three-fourths of cash," he said. "We weren't able to ing one evening. Bach, Louis Vierne and Schu- logue with the United States was previous tuition, fees and miscel- handle them until 10 years ago be- vered until Tuesday. Hypnotic show mann. rejected immediately by the U.S. laneous charges-including charge cause we weren't automated. Prior to Harris County Assistant District Cil Eagles, award-winning hyp- Idenstam, 26, was the winner of ambassador to the OAS, Richard that, there were issues, but nowhere Attorney David Singer was look- slips-would have to be paid before notist, mentalist and motivator, French State Cultural Scho- McCormack, who said that Reagan advance registration. to the extent that it is now." larships in 1983 and 1984. ing through Dutton I parole pap- had laid out strict conditions for will perform Monday at 7:30 p.m. ers when he found Dotton had University Store manager Mike re-opening diplomatic contacts Gore called charge slips, or send- For the first time this past summer, heen released after serving a third with Sandinista officials. homes, "a unique charge system for however, students couldn't send of a 20-year sentence when he was charges for their summmer school sentenced to serve 40 years. Moscow Communist TCI' students only." CDs make money They are issued in the Business books home. Dutton. arrested Oct. 12 and mined by the average cost of a college Office and taken to the bookstore like Pilliod explained the main reason By Scott Mackey charged with aggravated sexual Party boss let go education. This year the average cost a charge card, he said. the policy went into effect is because Staff Writer assault, may face six other charges MOSCOW (APKBoris N. Yelt- of one year at a private institution was Only one send-home can be used a students don't have a payment option The College Savings Bank in Prin- in connection with a series of rapes sin, a former protege of Mikhail S. more that $11,000, while public day. Gore said, and after being in the summer while in the fall thev ceton, N.J., is offering an alternative in west Houston that hegan Aug. (iorbachev who criticized the slow schools averaged about $4100. issued, it can be used within seven do. plan lor families to prepare for the 13. pace of the Soviet leader's reform Brown said if the college inflation days. At the end of each mouth, a hill rising cost of a college education. He was released from the Texas drive, was dismissed Wednesday "A lot of times they already finished rate should rise next year, the interest is sent home, It's created the CollegeSure CD, a Department of Corrections June as Moscow Communist Party boss. and left and we have a lot more trou- yielded on the certificate would rise 16, but Singer said the parolee "It was designed as a convenience certificate of deposit that yields a vari- to correspond to the amount of the The 56-year-old Yeltsin had ble collecting in the summer," she should have served at least to the student," he said. "It's similar able interest rate determined by the inflation. been among the most vocal sup- said. "Those students are billed until another six years in prison before to an in-house Master Card." inflation rate of college education porters of Gorbachev's plans for the account collects finance charges." But if the inflation rate goes down, being considered for parole. costs. "perestroika." the ambitious res- Pilliod said every student has the no interest is incurred on the certifi- "It's a pretty bad mistake, espe- option of paying cash or charging to Shirley Brown, representative of tructuring of the Soviet economy Pilliod said there has been some cate for that year, she said. cially for the seven women who the student account to pay off their situations involving stolen purses and the College Savings Bank, said the and society. The College Savings Bank, Brown went through what they went charge slips. wallets when students stole TCU IDs certificates are not much different said, "offers a peace of mind hecause through," Singer said. But at an Oct. 21 meeting of the and requested a send-home. from the prepayment programs some party's Central Committee, Yelt- If they want to charge to their colleges offer. you know when you invest that you Ortega calls for sin criticized Gorbachev's style of account and request a charge slip, "When this happens, we research "The only difference is that you will never get less than the interest leadership and the speed with they have to present a currently valid signatures through the Registrar's have to use the money in prepayment rate vou started out with." ID, she said. U.S. peace talks which the Soviet leader's reform Office and the Dean's Office," she programs to go to the institution offer- For example, if a family made a program was being implemented. Send-homes are very frequently said. "If we can verify that it's not the ing the program," she said. "With the 13-year investment with the college WASHINGTON (APKNicara- He then offered to resign. used, Pilliod said, student's signature, we won't give it. CD you can use the money to go to inflation rate figured at 10 percent, by guan President Daniel Ortega de- This only happens about once a any school." the year 2000 the return on their in- The official Tass news agency "If it's not a student payroll day, the clared Wednesday his govern- semester or even academic year." The CDs can be a one- to 25-year vestment would be $67,959, she said. ment is fully committed to com- said the Moscow party committee number of people in the lines that we investment. Because the bank re- plying with the Central America on Wednesday found Yeltsin guil- have at the cashiers are divided up Send-homes can be requested any quires an initial investment of $1,000 When the certificate matures, its peace agreement and he renewed ty of "major shortcomings" in his into either cashing checks or request- time between 9a.m. and 4 p.m. Mon- payable at one time or in four quarter- value should be approximately 2 per- his offer to hold peace talks with work as party chief and relieved ing bookstore charges (send- dav through Fridav in the Business ly installments, the investor can pay cent more than the average cost of the United States. him of his duties. homes)," she said. Office. $250 a month until the certificate ma- college at that time. Brown said. tures. Professor of economics Richard The interest rate, presently at 7.39 Waits said he thought a good market percent, is figured on an index deter- exists for CDs. Classifieds

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Call 737-7097 or 737-5932 • Standhy passes can only be purchased through departure Bfitt. daily from 9am until 5 30 p m Apply m person, no Limited space remains on MoneyMaker Machines at participating 7-Eleven ' Fate subject to change. calls please Hiring both fuli- TCU Winter Ski Breaks to STUDENTS stores in Corpus Christi, Dallas/Fort Worth, > Standby panel arc good for travel up to 10 days from date Steamboat. Vail. Winter Park and part-time staff Positions Obtain VIM and M C Houston and San Antonio. and Breckenndge for five or of purchase. available include food ser- Easy to qualify seven nights deluxe lodging, • Use VISA, MasterCard, Diner's Club, American Express vers, hostess cashiers, bar- No down payment tenders, cocktails cooks, lift tickets mountain barbe- or an activated bank card tupurchue a one-way or No security deposit Amarillo, Houston, dishwashers and bussers cue, ski race and more i-^m roundtrip Standby pan (rum Dallas (Love) to and from Quick approval Little Rock, Lubbock, only $154 Optional air and Albuquerque, Amanllo, fcl Paso, Houston (Hobby and Albuquerque T31-W35 charter bus transportation Intercontinental), Little Rock, Luhhock, Midland/ Mid land /Odessa. ElPasq ROOMMATE WANTED °4 hours Oklahoma City, available Hurry call Sunch- CXtessa, Oklahoma City, San Antonio and Tulsa. A Straight female wants same ase Tours toil free for full de- San Antonio, Tulsa TYPING A PROOFREADING Personal Identification Number (Pl.N.) is required $126/mo plus hall bins 292- tails and color brochure. 1- tor activated Kink card transactions 9579. 295-4674 600-321-5911 TODAYi $2 per page 737-2473 • No reservations will he accepted. $ $ • NO LUGGAGE MAY BE (JffiCKED— pack only what Park Hill Designs you can carry on hoard. Only one small carry-on ban fa 15 29 permitted. 2966 Park Hill Drive Invites You to a Trunk Showing of Silver Jewelry and Accessories at Wholesales Prices, from One of the Largest Dealers in the United FLYJSSOUTHWEST States *$ November 12, 13, 14 10:30 to 5:30 "oneyMoke, JUST SAY WHEN Remember to Look at our Christmas Items and wide selection of greeting cards. Pa«e 6 Thursday. November 12, l9tH TCI! DAIIY SKIII SPORTS Sibling rivalry won't mature Part 2: NBA upon us too soon places, who would they be? no for? Since he already plays lor the Paul Llewellyn saitl his decision to didn't harp on the foot that Texas del. By John Paschal Blackmail. Panama Bill \\'minim Royals and the Raiders well, he'll By Randy Hargrove ■ted 1< 1 las! veai this vc.u could be give up baseball was based on sev era) Sports Writer ton. Canada; Schrempfand Blab. just have to play for the Rockets (actors That way he can complete those Sports Writer -4 ud MO pounds It'i Paul Llewellyn said "I didn't see inv mtotlvt and You could call the team Dallas Llewelhn said Hut tins year, dv- Continue to perform that same old junior hneb.ulei Paul Llewelhn sell advancing through the svstein hurrf-liitthitz Mavericks, it von wanted. [averse tomahawk dunk over and And in the burnt mange

TCUFLY Faces Of Hunger NON-STOP TO: taking care of the Houston Austin San Hobby Antonio human race From Fort Worth Meacham Airport Call 626-EXEC for Reservations Free Parking. ,820" I *Speeial Hunger Week Supplement 35W

k0() 'I \K Find it in the "TCU Daily Skiff' Tuesday, November 17