
Movie Trivia

Here is a trivia game for all ages. So grab mom & dad, grandma & grandpa and the kids for some fun. This time no multiple choice, you need to know the answer.

1. In Finding Nemo, what does Dory suffer from? 2. How many brothers does Price Hans from Frozen have? 3. Who plays Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate? 4. For what movie did win his first Academy Award? 5. What pop group performs at the wedding in the movie Bridesmaids? 6. What flavor Pop Tarts does Buddy the Elf use in his spaghetti in the movie Elf? 7. In Monster’s Inc., there is nothing more toxic or deadly than what? 8. The head of what animal is front & center in an infamous scene in The Godfather? 9. What song does famously lip sync to in Risky Business? 10. Who is the only actor to receive an Oscar nomination for Lord of the Rings? 11. Who voiced the sultry Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 12. The Queen of Heats wants her roses painted what color in Alice in Wonderland? 13. What is the name of Quint’s boat in Jaws? 14. What is the name of Charlie Chaplin’s most famous character? 15. Aaron Sorkin won an Oscar for writing what 2010 drama about Facebook? 16. Mowgli was raised by what kind of animals in The Jungle Book? 17. Name the seven dwarfs. 18. What name does Mulan pick for herself while pretending to be a man? 19. Who played the Unsinkable Molly Brown in Titanic? 20. Which thriller is famous for its “shower scene?” 21. What national monument does Cary Grant climb in North by Northwest? 22. Who played ’s love interest in Rear Window? 23. In Toy Story 2, which character tells Buzz that he’s his father? 24. Which Disney character sings “How Far I’ll Go”? 25. Who is Miguel’s idol in Coco? 26. Which star is killed in the opening scene of Scream? 27. Who said “Fish are friends, not food” in Finding Nemo? 28. Who was the first cartoon character to get a star on the ? 29. What is the name of (or Jeff Bridges in the remake) character in ? 30. For what movie did win his first Oscar for?