Africa Day of School Feeding

Realizing African children’s full potential through effective home grown school feeding

1 March 2018, 14:00–16:00 WFP HQ Auditorium, Rome

Riana Ravoala Ravoala Riana WFP/

Third day of school feeding Realizing African children’s full potential through effective home grown school feeding

On 1 March 2018, the third Africa day of school - H.E. Godfrey Magwenzi, Permanent feeding will involve 55 countries, celebrating all Representative and Ambassador of over Africa under the theme: - H.E. Evelyne Togbe-Olory, Permanent Realizing African children’s full potential Representative and Ambassador of through effective home grown school feeding - H.E. Hisham Mohamed Badr, Permanent Representative and Ambassador of The celebration will advocate school feeding for the - H.E. Haladou Salha, AU-NEPAD Senior benefit of the most vulnerable students and Technical Advisor to the Africa Regional Group communities at large, calling on all agencies and persons involved in these programmes. The theme and AU-NEPAD Liaison to the RBAs chosen by the for 2018 incorporates the governance dimension of home grown school Discussion with the panel and the audience feeding (HGSF), from production to consumption, in a multi-sectoral approach. In addition, it galvanizes 15:10–15:35 the efforts of private-public partnerships (PPP) to improve the efficiency of HGSF programmes in a Realizing children’s full potential, achieving value chains approach. In doing so, it captures nutrition partners’ and stakeholders’ engagement for quality - Nutrition-sensitive programming, by delivery of the programmes so as to enhance the Ms Lauren Landis, Director, full potential of African children. WFP Nutrition Division WFP joins this initiative and with FAO and IFAD is - Supporting Nutritious School Meals, by organizing an event in Rome to celebrate school Mr Brian V. Guse, Assistant Deputy feeding in Africa. Administrator, Office of Capacity Building and Development, Foreign Agricultural Service, United States Department of Agriculture PROVISIONAL AGENDA Session moderator: Ms Kawinzi Muiu (Director, - Dr. Donald Bundy, Professor of Epidemiology WFP Gender Office) and Development, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, former Senior Adviser to 14:00–14:05 Welcome statement by Mr Amir the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and to the Abdulla, WFP Deputy Executive Director World Bank 14:05–14:20 Opening remarks by: 15:35–15:45 The home grown school feeding resource - Mr David Beasley, WFP Executive Director framework - A representative of FAO Senior - Joint presentation by WFP, FAO and IFAD Management (tbc) 15:45–15:50 - A representative of IFAD Senior The Middle East and North Africa Initiative for Management (tbc) School Meals and Social Protection 14:20–14:25 Video message of H.E. Agbor Sarah - Presentation by Mr Carlo Scaramella, WFP Mbi Enow Anyang, African Union Commissioner Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and for Human Resources, Science and Technology Northern Africa 14:25–14:30 Video presentation of home grown 15:50–15:55 school feeding in Africa Innovative partnerships - The MasterCard-WFP Partnership, by 14:30–15:10 Mr Gaetano Carboni, Executive Vice President Panel discussion Strategic Alliances MasterCard - H.E. Hatem Ben Salem, Minister of Education of 15:55–16:00 - H.E. Déo Guide Rurema, Minister of Conclusion Agriculture of