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Central Union Reaper VOLUME XII COLLEGE VIEW, LINCOLN, 1 ( NE 29, 1943 NUMBER 28 t'ot% n1/8 twA MS ft WV, OM I"?.1- MEI tit Colorado Conference G. F. Eichman, President Alter The War? B. L. Schlotthauer, Sec'y-treas. By T. J. MICHAEL Telephone Tabor 2231 & 2232 1081 Marion Street - Denver Make wills and legacies payable to IN ISAIAH 1 : I, God tells us that in has once more opened wide the doors of the Seventh-day Adventist Association of Colorado. these days in which we live, He "shall Ethiopia to the heralds of the Coming In, ow P.:, wx ft wig ft oft fcaT4 oft set His hand" to finish the work in King. God did this for Ethiopia while which His people are now engaged. And the war still goes on. Grand Junction Federation in Jeremiah 1 6 : 1 6, the Lord indicates There must be a tremendous forward A SPECIAL Dorcas Federation meeting that He will accomplish the finishing of movement on the part of God's people. was held at Grand Junction on June 8. this great work by the use of "many In spite of the difficulties and obstacles The ladies from our Western Slope fishers- and "many hunters." this is the time when God speaks to His churches — Delta, Montrose, Palisade, If this people has correctly interpreted people that they "Go forward.- The Rulison, and Fruita—helped to make it the prophecies of God's word, and we servant of God tells us in Life Sketches, a huge success, and with such able are confident that we have, there can be page 298, "Advance we must, though the speakers as Elder R. G. Strickland of the but little time remaining in which to Red Sea be before us, and impassable finish the work. All that stands between General Conference and Elder Jorgensen, mountains on either hand." And in Vol. Elder Wentland and our federation us and the coming of the Lord is the un- 7, Testimonies, page 14, we are admon- president Mrs. Brethouwer, it was a day finished task. But it is an immense task ished "Ministers and people, wake up! long to be remembered. which must be accomplished in a little Be quick to recognize and seize every The church was filled, and each lady time. There are two hundred and fifty opportunity and advantage offered in the was intensely interested in the discussion millions of Mohammedans to whom we turning of the wheel of providence.- of the morning. have not yet taken "this gospel of the Despite the mountains of difficulties, kingdom." There are yet vast areas in Elder Jorgensen spoke of our responsi• this is the day of opportunity for God's China, in India, and in other lands that bility to God in the Dorcas work, which people. Not "after the war" are we to have not yet been reached by the mes- gave us a dearer knowledge of our duty. plan to "go forward," but NOW. This sengers of this movement. A picnic lunch was enjoyed in the is the day when we should have a vast The world talks about "post war re- park, where friends met for an hour or army of young "fishers" and "hunters" construction," about the wonderful things more. We then returned to the church ready to hurl at the enemy in every land that are going to be done after the war for the afternoon program whi:h proved of earth. Time is so short, and so we has been won by the United Nations. even better than the previous one of the believe that in the very near future there But God does not have to wait till "after forenoon. will be need for hundreds of our young the war" to do that which He has set Elder Strickland told of souls won men and women to go into action under through the Dorcas work. Some of the His hand to do. We have an illustration the banner of Prince Emmanuel in vari- leading women spoke and fine ideas were of that fact in the experience of Ethiopia. ous fields. "From quarters where we exchanged. This federation meeting has That land was effectively closed to the least expect will come voices urging us work of Protestant missionaries during made us understand more fully our re, forward.- T7 14. We must be ready. sponsibility to the society. Dorcas is a the Italian occupation. But the tide of We must be prepared to recognize and dignified society of which every lady war during this present terrible conflict grasp every opportunity offered to us by should be proud to be a member. the wheel of providence which turns more Pictures were taken of the group and and more quickly as the end draws near. in all it was a very enjoyable day well The Pueblo Church wholeheartedly sup- To make possible the mightiest for- spent. Those who were not present missed ported the improvement program spon• ward move ever made by God's people. a real treat. May each lady do more sored by the Dorcas society in putting there is need for funds. There must be planning for her part in this society. in the beautiful new floor in the church no shortage in God's treasury at this MRS. MARIE RAY basement under the direction of J. L. crucial hour. Providentially, our people Ballard. 9 ► have more money now than ever before. We Enjoyed Our Work The membership as a whole enthusias- On July 17, when the Midsummer Offer- tically got behind the Ingathering cam- ing is made in all our churches, shall we SHORTLY before leaving Colorado, it paign this year and raised the goal in not give more generously than ever be- wae my happy privilege to baptize eight two and a half weeks. fore? Let us make this by far the best persons and receive two others by pro, A8 we take up our work in the New Midsummer Offering ever given, thus fession of faith into the Pueblo Church, Haven, Connecticut, district of the South- demonstrating our earnest desire to set which was due in a large degree to the ern New England Conference, Mrs. Wick- our hands as God sets His hand to finish seal 1884 work of some of our members. (Concluded on Page 2) the work in this our day. 2 CENTRAL UNION REAPER wire, and our son Lynn and 1, take this We always enjoyed Mrs. Reiswig, Lotus, Newsettes occasion to say goodby to all of our and Eldon in our church service in To- friends in Colorado and the Central peka and we shall miss them greatly. At ELDERS ROTH and Kurz are planning Union. We greatly enjoyed our work in the same time we welcome the Ackerman to visit the Bison Church Sabbath, July 3. Colorado, and value the many friendships family, who will be here soon. IF Elder and Mrs. Roth visited the Ot- formed there. We have appreciated the J. H. ROTH tawa Church last. Sabbath. They report support and cooperation that has been IC 51 a lively interest in all the departments of given us by the members of the various Ingathering the work. The new believers are joining churches where we have labored. As we in the activities, and much interest is $200—Elder G. P. Gaede, Mrs. G. P. leave Colorado, we sincerely wish you all manifest along all lines. God's richest blessings. Gaede. J. E. Haymaker, Mrs. Nina MR. AND MRS. C. L. WICKWIRE, LYNN $75—Mrs. JP We enjoyed a visit at the office by 8 Bedford Ave., Hamden, Conn. Olson. Elder R. L. Benton, of the War Service $50—Ross Dustin, Mrs. P. W. Ochs. Commission of the Central Union Con- 6 I South Denver Juniors Mrs. G. Berg. ference. He helped study the question of AGAIN the Juniors did not disappoint $25—Mrs. H. R. Mohr, Mrs. Will classification of the colporteurs together us, nor let us down. Mrs. Eva Moreland's Westermeyer, Mrs. A. F. Seltman, Mrs. with Brethren Roth and Watts. Many class, with the aid of Brother Wing the E. 0. Westermeyer, Mrs. A. K. Hogden, interesting matters were talked over. Mrs. N. Winter, Mrs. W. S. Wiggins, superintendent of the Sabbath school of 91 The Wabash Avenue Church of Southside Denver, took one class of Jun- Mrs. Naomi Dickerson. Wichita has been torn down and a base- iors out in Ingathering three half-days, Minuteman—W. J. Morris, Loretta ment is being put in for a new church and the enthusiasm that was manifested Beltz, Mrs. L. E. Yeager, Fannie Mohr, We expect to see a new church on the was not ordinary. These Juniors, in the Mary Beltz, Alvena Frick, Cecil Beltz, old lot shortly. The brethren are taking portions of three afternoons, raised their Mrs. Ernie Seltman, R. E. Mohr, Mrs. hold of that work with zest and courage. Ingathering goal and went 30 per R. E. Mohr, Benjamin Sheetz, Mrs. W. P. cent over the top. This is just another Groome, Mrs. E. A. Spady, Miss Dola • Secretaries of the Sabbath school and illustration of what Juniors have been Benthiem. church missionary societies, your reports doing elsewhere in the conference. Junior M. V.—Loren Heiser, Kemper are due in the conference office by July Besides the good work in the Ingather- Seitman, Jenis Herberger. 10. Be sure to have a complete report ing the Juniors have done, they are doing Primary—Norma Jean Yeager, Marlene including Dorcas work. Report blanks equally as well in the Sabbath Seltmann, Kathleen Westermeyer, Shirley are sent to you—be sure to use the new school work.