Investigations on Vinylene Carbonate. IV. Radiation Induced Graft Copolymerization of Vinylene Carbonate and N-Vinyl-N-Methylacetamide onto Polyethylene Films

CUOHUA CHEN, LEEN VAN DER DOES, and ADRIAAN BANTJES Department of Chemical Technology, Biomaterials Section, Twente University, P.O. Box 21 7, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

SYNOPSIS Graft copolymerization of binary mixtures of vinylene carbonate (VCA) and N-vinyl-N- methylacetamide (VIMA) onto low density polyethylene (LDPE) films was studied by the mutual y-irradiation technique. Sufficient amounts of functionally active VCA groups could be grafted onto the surface and the hydrophilicity of the surface was also improved. The grafting of VCA onto polyethylene films in the binary solutions was found to be promoted by the presence of VIMA, thus showing a positive synergism. The VCA content in the graft copolymers was always higher than in the copolymers obtained by homogeneous copoly- merization using the same monomer feed composition. The monomer reactivity ratios, as well as a preferential partitioning of the monomers surrounding the polymeric substrate, were considered to explain the grafting reactions in the binary systems.

INTRODUCTION It has been proved that the biological endothelium owes its nonthrombogenic character to its negative Surface modification of has received a charge so that it is obvious that the chemical group great deal of attention during the last decades since distribution involving polar and nonpolar compo- it could bring about specific surface properties in- nents plays a significant role in blood ~ompatibility.~ cluding adhesion, printability, nonthrombogenicity, In addition, a particular ratio of hydrophilic to hy- and antistatic properties, among others. drophobic sites on a surface may be important for Since the major problems for application of bio- optimal blood c~rnpatibility.~,~Attempts have been materials that contact blood occur at the blood-ma- made to elucidate the interrelationship between the terial interface, much research has focused in recent hydrophilic-hydrophobic composition of a polymeric years on the creation of biocompatible surfaces. material and the biological interactions with that Grafting of monomers makes it possible to introduce material by graft copolymerization of mixtures of a wide variety of properties on the surface. hydrophilic monomers, such as HEMA, and hydro- As suggested by Andrade et al.,' hydrogels are phobic monomers, such as ethyl methacrylate highly blood compatible because of their low inter- (EMA), onto a polymeric matrix."*" facial energy when in contact with blood. Hydrogels On the other hand, as combinations of polymeric and hydrophilic surfaces have been developed by materials with physiologically active substances, graft polymerization of hydrophilic monomers, such such as heparinI2 and prostaglandin, l3 which inhibit as 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), N-vi- fibrin deposition, or fibrinolytic enzymes, such as nylpyrrolidone ( NVP ) , or acrylamide ( AAm) ,2-6 urokinase, l4 have exhibited a good blood compati- onto hydrophobic polymers. The grafted substrates bility, some efforts have been made to functionalize showed an improved blood compatibility as com- the polymeric surface with reactive groups for fur- pared with the nongrafted polymeric supports. ther immobilization of bioactive agents. Glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), l5 containing a functionally

~~ ~ 16*17 Journal of Applied Science, Vol 45, 853-864 (1992) reactive epoxy group, or acrylic acid ( AA) , has 0 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc CCC 0021-8995/92/050853-12$04.00 been grafted onto polymeric supports and was used

853 854 CHEN, VAN DER DOES, AND BANTJES for immobilization of bioactive compounds in order Graft Copolymerization to get blood compatible materials. Polyethylene films were grafted by the mutual (or The cyclic carbonate groups in polymers of vi- simultaneous ) irradiation method, in which irradia- nylene carbonate (VCA) , a disubstituted unsatu- tion of the polymeric substrate is performed in the rated cyclic ethylene derivative, have been used for presence of monomer. Formation of polymer radicals coupling enzymes, antigens, etc., by reaction with for the initiation of the graft polymerization and the amino Even though such important propagation takes place simultaneously.lO~ll qualities are manifested by VCA, its grafting on a Graft polymerizations of vinylene carbonate suitable polymeric matrix has scarcely been stud- (VCA) , N-vinyl-N-methylacetamide (VIMA) and ied.21*22Since polymers with VCA groups could react their mixtures onto low density polyethylene with amino groups under very mild conditions with- (LDPE) films were carried out by immersing the out activation, it might be of interest to graft VCA polyethylene films in the monomer solutions (10 mL onto polymeric surfaces for immobilization of solvent with appropriate amounts of monomers) bioactive agents in order to get good blood compat- under nitrogen. Irradiation was performed with a ible materials. 6oCoradiation source using a dose rate of 0.4 Mrad/ Therefore in our study, attempts have been made h at ambient temperature (Gammaster, Ede, The to modify low density polyethylene (LDPE) films Netherlands). After irradiation, the films were ex- in order to get polymers with hydrophilic surfaces tracted with for 3 days (soxhlet) to remove and with sufficient amounts of VCA groups. Graft nongrafted copolymers or homopolymers formed polymerization of VCA was studied as well as graft- during the grafting. Films grafted with a high VCA ing of mixtures of VCA and N-vinyl-N-methyla- content in the solution ( fl > 0.6) or with VCA only cetamide (VIMA). The behavior of this pair of were washed with DMF for 3 days to remove non- monomers in the graft copolymerization was of in- grafted copolymers or homopolymers. The films terest because we recently reported the homogeneous were then dried in a vacuum oven at 4OoC for 24 h. copolymerization of VCA with VIMA in a~etone.'~ The grafting yield was calculated as VIMA was also chosen because it has been grafted onto some polymeric substrates to provide hydro- Grafting yield % ( w / w ) philic surfaces with a good blood ~ompatibility.~'*~~ In this article, grafting conditions, as well as the = (W, - W,)/W, x 100% effects of monomer feed composition, monomer concentration, solvents, and radiation dose on the where Wd = dry weight of the grafted polyethylene grafting reaction, will be discussed. Because grafting film (g), and Wo = initial weight of the nongrafted of mixtures of VCA and VIMA onto LDPE films in polyethylene film (g). methanol was studied in more detail, for comparison, the homogeneous copolymerization of VCA and Homogeneous Copolymerization VIMA in methanol was also investigated. Solution polymerization of VCA with VIMA in methanol ( [ VCA] + [ VIMA] = 2.0 mol/L (0.1 mol EXPERIMENTAL in 50 mL methanol)) was performed at 5OoC in the presence of 0.6 mol % of 2,2'-azoisobutyronitrile ( AIBN) , according to the procedure described in Materials previous article^.^^,'^ The copolymers were precipi- N-vinyl-N-methylacetamide (VIMA, Janssen tated in an excess of diethyl ether, washed with di- Chimica, Beerse, Belgium) was distilled under re- ethyl ether to remove monomers, and dried in a vac- duced pressure before use; vinylene carbonate uum oven at 40°C for one night. Overall conversions (VCA) was prepared as described in Ref. 25. All were kept low (less than 5% w/w). other chemicals were of analytical grade. Low den- sity polyethylene (LDPE) sheets (Talas, Ommen, FT-IR Measurements and Composition Analysis The Netherlands) with a thickness of 0.05 mm, were cut into 10 cm X 7.5 cm films (ca. 0.4 g) , cleaned IR measurements of the grafted polyethylene films, for 15 min in a 1%(w/v) detergent solution (Teepol, as well as of copolymers of VCA and VIMA, were J. T. Baker Chemicals B. V., Deventer, The Neth- carried out using a Bio-Rad FTS-60 FT-IR spec- erlands) , followed by extensive rinsing with distilled trophotometer. The operating parameters were: water and extraction with for 24 h. resolution 2 cm-' , scanning number 64, absorbance INVESTIGATIONS ON VINYLENE CARBONATE. IV 855 measurements. The VCA content in the grafted Table I1 Graft Polymerization of VIMA polyethylene films was analyzed by FT-IR using a onto Polyethylene Films by the Mutual nongrafted polyethylene film as a background and r-Irradiation Technique" a calibration curve of the corresponding VCA-VIMA Grafting Water Contact copolymers with known composition^.^^ The VCA [MI Yield Uptake Angle content in the copolymers obtained by homogeneous Solvent (Mol/L) (% w/w) (% w/w) (") copolymerization was also determined by FT-IR ( KBr discs) using the same calibration curve. Methanol 0.5 3.2 1.2 67 f 3 Methanol 1.0 10.1 4.1 46 f 2 Methanol 2.0 20.3 11.5 27 f 2 Measurement of the Water Uptake of the Grafted Methanol 3.0 29.7 14.8 26 f 2 Films Methanol 4.0 37.5 22.2 26 f 2 The grafted films were placed in deionized water Ethanol 2.0 13.7 10.6 35 f 2 i-Propanol 2.0 11.2 9.3 32 f 2 over a 24 h period with stirring. The samples were t-Butanol 2.0 79.5 48.0 25 f 2 then weighed wet after blotting to remove the surface water. The water uptake of the grafted polyethylene a The conversion including formation of homopolymer was in films was calculated as follows: all cases less than 10% (w/w); dose rate, 0.4 Mrad/h; total radia- tion dose, 2.5 Mrad; the contact angle of the nongrafted polyeth- ylene films was 89" f 2.

cut into small pieces (at least 6),fixed on a plastic matrix and immersed into doubly distilled water for where Ww= wet weight of the blotted, grafted poly- 24 h before the measurements. ethylene film (g), and Wd = dry weight of the grafted polyethylene film (g).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Contact Angle Measurements The surfaces of the grafted films were also charac- Individual Craft Polymerization of VCA and terized by contact angle measurements (receding) VIMA using the captive bubble method.27The films were In order to find suitable solvents for VCA and VIMA to get homogeneous solutions for the grafting re- actions, and to determine the optimum conditions Table I Graft Polymerization of VCA onto Polyethylene Films by the Mutual y-Irradiation for the cografting reactions, graft polymerization of Technique (Dose Rate, 0.4 Mrad/h)" the individual monomers onto LDPE films was studied in several solvents in which the LDPE films Grafting Contact did not swell (Tables I and 11). PolyVIMA is soluble [MI Dose Yield Angle in all the solvents mentioned, however, polyVCA is Solvent (Mol/L) (Mrad) (W w/w) (") only soluble in DMF and . It can be seen from Table I that in all the solvents except t-butanol, Acetone 2.0 2.5 0.4 84 zk 3 the amounts of VCA grafted on the polyethylene Acetone 2.0 5.0 0.4 films were very low, which was also found by Fischer Acetone 2.0 10.0 0.9 et al., who reported the graft polymerization of VCA Dimethylform- onto polypropylene and LDPE films.'l amide 2.0 10.0 0.4 86 2 3 Dimethylform- However, the data in Table I1 show that VIMA amide 3.0 10.0 0.6 could easily be grafted onto the LDPE films as has Methanol 2.0 2.5 0.3 85 k 3 also been found by other researchers using y- Methanol 3.0 2.5 0.4 irradiation" or plasma treatment.24*28Due to the Ethanol 2.0 2.5 0.2 VIMA grafting, a hydrophilic surface on the poly- i-Propanol 2.0 2.5 0.6 85 f 3 ethylene films was formed, indicated by the water t-Butanol 2.0 2.5 3.5 81 f 3 uptake and the decreased contact angles. The graft- ing yield depended on the monomer concentration a The conversion including formation of homopolymer was in all cases less than 10% (w/w); the contact angle of the nongrafted and on the solvent, decreasing in the order t-butanol polyethylene films was 89' f 2. 9 methanol > ethanol > i-propanol. This result may 856 CHEN, VAN DER DOES, AND BANTJES be explained by the difference in the hydrogen ab- where PE' or PE-M',-l represent the macroradical straction rate of the alcohols (i.e., chain transfer or growing radical formed on the polyethylene film rate to the solvent). In the graft polymerization sys- under the conditions of the experiment, and M de- tem, when using, for example, CH30H as a solvent, notes the monomer VIMA. When reaction (1) is the following reactions may occur2': operative, one will obtain the desired graft copoly- mer, whereas in the case of reaction (2),the radicals abstract an (Y H atom from the alcohol leading to a PE' or PE-M',-l + M --* PE-M' or PE-M', ( 1) decrease of the formation of graft polymer. From PE' or PE-M',-I + CHBOH--* the knowledge of the rate constants for the reactions of H atoms with various alcohol^,^^,^^ it was observed PE-H or PE-MnP1-H + 'CH20H (2) that the hydrogen abstraction rate constants from


a m2 2 0 4 3 k u3 N b 2


I,,,! I I I I I I I 2100 2000 1900 lE00 1700 1WO 1500 i400 1300 1200 1100 10W

wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 1 FT-IR spectra of grafted LDPE films. (a) grafted with a mixture of VCA and VIMA (molar ratio 40/60),(b) grafted with VCA, (c) grafted with VIMA. Grafting con- ditions: solvent, methanol; total monomer concentration, 2.0 mol/L; radiation dose, 2.5 Mrad; dose rate, 0.4 Mrad/h. INVESTIGATIONS ON VINYLENE CARBONATE. IV 857 the respective alcohols decreased in the order i-pro- the absorbances at ca. 1640 cm-' are referred to the panol > ethanol > methanol > t-butanol. The result carbonyl group from the VIMA units (Figs. la and of this order is that reactions of type (2) (i.e., chain lc). It can be seen that the absorbance of the car- transfer to the solvent) will be most efficient when bonate group is located at 1825 cm-' for the VCA i-propanol is the ~olvent.~' graft (Fig. lb), which has also been observed for On the other hand, grafting should be favored by the homopolymer of VCA.23However, using a mix- using t-butanol as a solvent and the data from Table ture of VCA and VIMA for the grafting, the absor- I1 show that an extremely high grafting yield was bance of the carbonate group shifted to a lower observed with t-butanol as compared with the other wavenumber (at 1800 cm-' , see Fig. la),which has alcohols. This result might be caused by the low hy- also been observed in copolymers of VCA and VIMA drogen abstraction rate as well as by the low polarity obtained by homogeneous copolymerization, as re- of the solvent, which would be favorable for VIMA ported in a previous arti~le.'~Therefore, this result to diffuse and to penetrate into the apolar polymeric indicates that copolymers of VCA and VIMA instead substrate. Thus, a high local concentration of the of homopolymers were introduced on the films by monomer around the active sites in the polyethylene the graft copolymerization. was created, resulting in a high grafting yield. (This The effect of the radiation time on the grafting could also explain the relatively higher grafting yield yield and the VCA content in the graft copolymers of VCA in t-butanol compared to that in the other is illustrated in Figure 2. It was found that with a alcohols ( Table I ) ) . constant dose rate and with the same total monomer However, it should be noted that the VIMA concentration, the total grafting yield increases with grafted LDPE films in t-butanol showed a hydrogel- the radiation time with a tendency to level off at like behavior, that is, the films swelled a lot in water longer radiation times as reported in the literature with an accompanying loss of mechanical properties, for other radiation graft copolymerization sys- indicating penetration of VIMA into the films, and tem~.~'.~~The VCA content in the graft copolymers grafting occurring not only on the surface, but also remained almost unaltered, whereas contact angles inside the films. Hence, t-butanol was not a suitable of 41-56" were found, decreasing with increasing solvent for the surface modification. radiation time. Grafting of LDPE films with VIMA in the other Figure 3 shows the effect of the total monomer alcohols, mentioned in Table 11, resulted in grafted concentration of VCA and VIMA in methanol on films that did not swell in water, but only adsorbed the grafting yields and the VCA content in the grafts some water on the surface. Therefore, based on the on the LDPE films, in which the monomer molar preliminary results just mentioned, methanol was ratios of VCA to VIMA used for the grafting were chosen as a solvent to study the graft copolymeri- 0/100, 20/80, 40/60, and 50/50, respectively. As zation of mixtures of VCA and VIMA onto LDPE one would expect, the higher the monomer concen- films.

Graft Copolymerization of Mixtures of VCA and 30.0

h VIMA L ' FVCA .% As discussed above, the grafting of VCA onto low E." - 0.25 20.0 density polyethylene (LDPE ) films only yielded very 'p .- small amounts of VCA groups on the films, whereas h 50 - 0.20 the surfaces of the films remained hydrophobic. .- r Therefore, in order to create hydrophilic surfaces e 10.0 [3 and to increase the grafting of functionally active - Grafting yield -0.15 VCA groups for immobilization of biological com- --*-- FVCA pounds, graft copolymerization of VCA with VIMA 0.0 ! co.10 was attempted. 0 10 20 30 Figure 1 shows the FT-IR spectrum of a LDPE Radiation time (h) film grafted with a mixture of VCA and VIMA, and Figure 2 Effect of radiation time on grafting yield and for comparison the spectra of LDPE films grafted VCA content of VCA-VIMA grafted LDPE films. Grafting with VCA and VIMA, respectively. The absorbances conditions: solvent, methanol; total monomer concentra- at 1800-1825 cm-' can be assigned to the carbonate tion, 2.0 mol/L; molar monomer ratio of VCA to VIMA, groups from the VCA units (Figs. la and lb), and 40/60;dose rate, 0.4 Mrad/h. 858 CHEN, VAN DER DOES, AND BANTJES

- 0.10

-0.08 ; * a - 0.06

- 0.04

- 0.02

0.0 P0.00 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 [ Mj (rnole/L) [MI (mole/L)

- .3 3u.0 4

-a 20.0 .-W x ec .-e c E vrm 10.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 [MI (rnole/L) [MI (mole/L) Figure 3 Effect of total monomer concentration on grafting yield and VCA content of VCA-VIMA grafted LDPE films (0)Grafting yield, (0)FVCA. Grafting conditions: solvent, methanol; radiation dose, 2.5 Mrad; dose rate, 0.4 Mrad/ h; molar monomer ratios of VCA to VIMA: (a) 0/100, (b) 20/80, (c) 40/60,(d) 50/50. tration, the higher the grafting yield, for any mono- similar dependence of the grafting yield on the total mer ratio. The VCA content in the graft copolymers monomer concentration as the graft polymerization was found to increase with the total monomer con- of VIMA (Fig. 3a), an increase of the VCA content centration to a certain value and then to level off or in the solution reduces the grafting yield (see also to decrease slightly (when [MI 2 2.0 mol/L) for Fig. 4). all the monomer ratios investigated. Therefore, in Table I11 summarizes the results of the graft co- order to obtain a maximal grafting of VCA onto the polymerizations with several mixtures of VCA and polyethylene films, the total monomer concentration VIMA onto LDPE films with the same total mono- used in most experiments was chosen as 2.0 mol/L. mer concentration (2.0 mol/L), but with different Although the graft copolymerization of monomer molar fractions of VCA in the solution. It was found mixtures on LDPE films (Figs. 3b-d) exhibits a that with the same total monomer concentration INVESTIGATIONS ON VINYLENE CARBONATE. IV 869

- of VCA on LDPE films could be increased to a suf- .L 20.0 A ficient amount, and, compared to the nongrafted % film, relatively hydrophilic surfaces with function- e ally active groups could be obtained for immobili- = 15.0 - .-al zation of biologically active compounds. =-I M Apart from the aim to increase the grafting of E 2 10.0 - VCA on LDPE films by graft copolymerization with e VIMA, we were also interested in the relationship u between the VCA content in the monomer solutions 5.0 - and in the graft copolymers. In a previous study,23 we investigated the ho-

--*--4. mogeneous copolymerization of VCA and VIMA in o.o-.I.I.I.I. acetone at 5OoC and found for the monomer reac- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .o VCA mole fraction in solution tivity ratios: rl(VCA) = 0.042 and rZ(VIMA) = 4.16, re- spectively. The monomer reactivity ratios of VCA Figure 4 Effect of the VCA content on the graft CO- and VIMA in the graft copo~ymer~zat~onon LDPE polymerization of VCA and VIMA onto polyethylene films. films in methanol were e~timated~~-~'bythe graph- Grafting conditions: solvent, methanol; total monomer ( 40 concentration, 2.0 mol/L; radiation dose, 2.5 Mrad dose ical method according to the Kelen-Tudos KT) rate, 0.4 Mrad/h. equation, using the results given in Table 111.

(2.0 mol/L), the grafting yield on the LDPE films decreased almost linearly with the increase of the A plot of q vs. 4, based on the Kelen-Tudos eq. (3), VCA content in the solution (as seen in Fig. 4). The is shown in Figure 5, from which the monomer reac- VCA content in the graft copolymers increased with tivity ratios were calculated the VCA content in the solution, whereas the hy- drophilicity of the grafted films decreased. The higher the VCA content in the solution, the lower the water uptake and the higher the contact angle of the grafted LDPE films, due to the lower grafting In view of the disparity of the monomer reactivity yield and the higher VCA content in the grafted co- ratios between graft copolymerization and homo- polymers. geneous copolymerization, it was considered nec- Figure 4 shows that the grafting yield of VIMA from the binary mixtures decreased with increasing VCA content in the mixtures, thus following the Table I11 Effect of Monomer Composition on same trend as the total grafting yield. The grafting Grafting Yield and Properties of VCA-VIMA Grafted Polyethylene Films" yield of VCA from the binary mixtures, however, increases with increasing VCA : VIMA molar ratios Grafting Water Contact up to a VCA molar fraction in the solutions of 0.5- Yield Uptake Angle 0.6, for which the maximum grafting yield was ob- fVCA (%w/w) (%w/w) (") FVCA tained, and then decreased. Comparison with the individual graft polymerization of VCA onto poly- 0.00 20.3 11.5 27 -t 2 - ethylene films under identical experimental condi- 0.10 18.1 7.0 33 * 2 0.04 tions (fVCA = 1.0 in Fig. 4) indicates that in the 0.20 16.6 5.6 40 * 2 0.08 binary systems, much more grafting of VCA had oc- 0.30 14.8 4.4 42 k 3 0.18 curred for all monomer ratios used, but with lower 0.40 13.2 3.1 56 k 3 0.23 VCA concentrations (in the range of 0.2 to 1.6 mol/ 0.50 11.2 2.3 69 -t 2 0.29 0.60 9.5 1.7 75 _t 2 0.41 L, dependent on the monomer ratios). It seems that 0.80 3.4 0.4 84 f 3 0.54 the presence of VIMA enhances the grafting yield 1.oo 0.3 - 85 k 3 - of VCA showing a positive synergism, as was found in other binary graft copolymerization systems with a Grafting conditions: total monomer concentration, 2.0 mol/ different monomer^.^^-^^ L; dose rate, 0.4 Mrad/h; total radiation dose, 2.5 Mrad; solvent, methanol. The conversion, including formation of homopolymer, From the results, shown in Table I11 and Figure was in all cases less than 10% (w/w); the contact angle of the 4, we can draw the conclusion that the grafting yield nongrafted polyethylene films was 89" f 2. 860 CHEN, VAN DER DOES, AND BANTJES

Table IV Homogeneous Copolymerization of VCA (1) with VIMA (2) in Methanol at 5O0CasbSc 0.25 Polymn. Time Yield No. ~VCA (min) (% W/W) FVCA 0.00 1 0.10 75 1.0 0.03 -0.25 2 0.20 80 2.0 0.06 3 0.30 90 2.0 0.09 4 0.40 100 3.2 0.13 -0.50 5 0.50 110 1.8 0.14 Homocopolymn. 6 0.60 120 2.2 0.17 -2.501 . I - I . I - I . I -0.75 7 0.80 140 0.8 0.30 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 8 0.90 160 0.5 0.44 5 "Total monomer concentration [VCA] [VIMA] = 2.0 q + Figure 5 Plots of vs. 5 for the monomer reactivity mol/L. ratios determination by the Kelen-Tudos method. Initiator concentration [AIBN] = 6 X mol/L. ' VCA content in the copolymers was determined by FT-IR using a calibration curve of the corresponding VCA-VIMA co- polymers with known compositi~n.~~ essary to study the homogeneous copolymerization of VCA and VIMA using the same solvent and the same total monomer concentration as in the graft ratios 35936 and the partitioning of the monomers be- copolymerization. Therefore, copolymerizations of tween the solvent and the polymeric substrate have VCA and VIMA in methanol have been investigated to be taken into account.",41 at 50"C, using AIBN as initiator with a total mono- In the graft copolymerization with mixtures of mer concentration of 2.0 mol/L (Table IV). The VCA and VIMA onto the polyethylene films, the monomer reactivity ratios were calculated as rl (VCA) following reactions may be envisaged35: = 0.024 f 0.001 and rZ(V1MA) = 3.59 k 0.11, respec- tively, on the basis of a plot of 9 vs. 6 according to PE' + VCA PE-VCA' (4) the Kelen-Tudos eq. (3),40 using the results from Table IV (Fig. 5). Comparison of the rl and r2values PE' + VIMA PE-VIMA' (5) for the homogeneous copolymerization of VCA and VIMA in methanol with those in acetone shows that there is only a moderate effect of the solvent on the monomer reactivity ratios. Figure 6 illustrates that for a given mol fraction 0.8 - of VCA in solutions of the monomers, the VCA con- tent in the graft copolymers was always found to be 0.6 - higher than in the copolymers obtained by homo- geneous copolymerization. Comparison of the 0.4 - monomer reactivity ratios in the graft copolymeri- zation, with those in the homogeneous copolymer- ization of VCA and VIMA, suggests that in the graft copolymerization, VCA shows a higher reactivity than in the homogeneous copolymerization, whereas 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 VIMA exhibits the contrary. mole fraction of VCA in solution Referring to the results that have been shown, it was found that (a) an increase of the VCA content Effect of VCA content in solutions on the VCA in the solution reduces the total grafting yield, (b) content in VCA-VIMA copolymers: ( 0) homogeneous copolymerization in methanol at 50°C using AIBN as ini- grafting of VCA from binary solutions is promoted tiator with [VCA] + [VIMA] = 2.0 mol/L and [AIBN] by the presence of VIMA, and (c) the VCA content = 6 X mol/L; (0)graft copolymerizationin methanol in the graft copolymers is always higher than in the by y-irradiation at ambient temperature with [ VCA] copolymers obtained by homogeneous copolymeri- + [VIMA] = 2.0 mol/L and radiation dose, 2.5 Mrad; zation using the same VCA mol fraction in the feed. dose rate, 0.4 Mrad/h; ( ------) based on rl = 0.024, r2 - To explain these results, the monomer reactivity - 3.59; (--) based on rl = 0.38, r2 = 2.39. INVESTIGATIONS ON VINYLENE CARBONATE. IV 86 1

PE-VCA' + VCA PE-VCA-VCA' (6) (rl = 0.38) than in the homogeneous copolymeri- zations (T, = 0.024). In order to understand this PE-VCA' VIMA PE-VCA-VIMA' + 2 (7) result, Harwood's concept of the "bootstrap effect" PE-VIMA' + VCA 2 PE-VIMA-VCA' (8) might be He analyzed solvent effects in copolymerizations involving polar monomers and PE-VIMA' VIMA PE-VIMA-VIMA' (9) + concluded that partitioning of monomers between solvent and the growing polymer radical is a very Reactions (4) and (5) indicate the initiation of the significant phenomenon. Although in Harwood's graft polymerization on the polyethylene film, which article only the effect of solvents on homogeneous is determined by the relative molecular copolymerizations was discussed, his model could rea~tivities~~,~~of the monomers toward the macro- possibly be used for the interpretation of the results radicals generated on the PE films by y-irradiation. of our graft copolymerizations. The reactions (6)- (9) are referred to the propa- In the model of Harwood, it was argued that the gation reactions to form graft copolymers on the concentration of monomers and the ratios of the polymeric substrate. From our study of the homo- monomer concentrations, which govern the addition geneous copolymerization of VCA and VIMA, it was of the particular monomer on the growing chains, found that rl = kll/k12 = 0.024 and r2 = kZ2/kz1 may not be the same throughout. These parameters = 3.59. Therefore, S and which k12 kll k22 > kZ1, may be different in the vicinity of a growing chain means that both types of growing radicals prefer to as compared with the composition charged to the react with the same monomer (VIMA) Because of . polymerization system. Based on this model, the the preference of the growing radicals to react with conditional probability that an M1 unit follows an VIMA, it can be envisaged that a decrease of the M2 unit in a growing chain P ( M1/M2) can be rep- VIMA content in the monomer mixtures will influ- resented as44: ence the grafting yield. With increasing VCA content in the mixed monomer solutions, the total grafting yield will diminish because the contribution of the reactions (5), (7), and (9) decreases. At the same time, the contribution of the reactions (4), (6),and (8) will increase, however, grafting will occur to a much lower extent, as shown in Figure 4. where [ Ml], [ M2], and [ M?], [ M;] are the mono- The effect of increased grafting of VCA in the mer concentration in the vicinity of the growing presence of VIMA, that is, a positive synergism, as radical and the monomer concentration charged to shown in Figure 4, might indicate that kzl > kll (re- the polymerization system, respectively; r2 is the actions (8) and (6), respectively). However, al- monomer reactivity ratio for M2; k = [MY] [ M,]/ though from the homogeneous copolymerization r2 [ Mi] [ Ml] is the partition coefficient. has been determined, no conclusions can be drawn In our case, since a known apolar substrate, that because the kll and kz2values are not known. is, polyethylene, was used, and since VCA is more Grafting yields, as well as the VCA content in hydrophobic than VIMA, the relatively hydrophobic the graft copolymers, depended on the monomer ra- VCA should be more compatible with the polymeric tios and the total monomer concentrations (Fig. 3). substrate than the more hydrophilic VIMA. Es- With a constant monomer ratio, the VCA content pecially with a polar solvent (in this case methanol), in the graft copolymers increased with the total the polyethylene films will be preferentially sur- monomer concentration to a certain value and then rounded by VCA. Therefore, during the grafting re- levelled off or decreased slightly. It is worth noting action in the vicinity of the growing radical, that is, that a similar relationship of the VCA content in surrounding the apolar polyethylene film, the local the graft copolymers with the total monomer con- VCA (M,) concentration may be higher, which centration was observed in the graft copolymeriza- means that the partition coefficient k is smaller than tion of VCA with N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP) on one. The probability that a M1 monomer will add polyethylene films.42A dependence of the copolymer to a M2 unit in a growing graft chain is higher than composition on the total monomer concentration in in a homogeneous copolymerization, where k is sup- the feed was also found in other homogeneous co- posed to be one, while the probability of the addition polymerization~.~~ of a M2 monomer to a M, unit in a growing chain From the analysis of the VCA-VIMA grafts on will be lower. This would mean that graft copolymers the polyethylene films, a higher rl value was found with a higher VCA content than in the copolymers 862 CHEN, VAN DER DOES, AND BANTJES

Table V Comparison of VCA Content in partitioning of monomers between the solvent and VCA-VIMA Graft Copolymers and in the polymeric substrate has been suggested. Cohn VCA-VIMA Copolymers Obtained by et al.” investigated the graft copolymerization of 2- Homogeneous Copolymerizations’ hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and ethyl methacrylate (EMA) in an ethanol-water mixture (90.6 : 9.4) onto LDPE films by the mutual irradia- tion technique and explained the results assuming 0.20 0.08 0.06 0.06 - 0.40 0.23 0.09 0.13 0.10 a more favorable partitioning of the relatively hy- drophobic EMA into the apolar polyethylene sub-

a Solvent, methanol; total monomer concentration, 2.0 mol/ strate. More recently, Sankholkar and Deb41 re- L. ported the graft copolymerization of mixtures of VCA content in graft copolymers on polyethylene films. ‘VCA content in copolymers isolated from the graft solutions methyl methacrylate (MMA) and methacrylic acid (total conversion, less than 10% (w/w)). ( MAA) in cyclohexanone onto poly (vinyl chloride) VCA content in copolymers obtained by homogeneous co- and chlorinated rubber. They found a higher MMA polymerization using AIBN as initiator at 5OoC (see also Table IV). content in the grafted copolymers than expected on VCA content in copolymers obtained by homogeneous co- the basis of values of rl and r2for the homogeneous polymerization with y-irradiation (2.5 Mrad, with a dose rate of copolymerization. According to these authors, a 0.4 Mrad/h, without LDPE film) at ambient temperature (con- version 6% w/w). preferential solvation of the backbone polymer by MMA could be a possibility to explain qualitatively the observed anomalous grafted chain composition. obtained by homogeneous copolymerization would Partitioning of monomers between solvent and be obtained, which was actually observed (Fig. 6). polymeric substrate was also indicated in the graft In fact, copolymers from the graft solutions could copolymerization of VCA with N-vinylpyrrolidone also be isolated with VCA contents comparable to on polyethylene films.42 those obtained by homogeneous copolymerizations, The “bootstrap” model clearly illustrates the im- but lower than in the graft copolymers (Table V) . portant role of the solvent in copolymerizations. In- Harwood et al. proved that copolymers having creasing the polarity of a solvent may change the the same composition have the same microstructure, partitioning coefficient of the monomers surround- which suggests that the same monomer reactivity ing the growing centers. It means that if a more ratios were applicable for all solvent systems and polar solvent is used, the favorable partitioning of that the role of the solvent was to influence the ratio of monomer concentrations available to the propa- gating radi~als.~~-~~In other words, based on the “bootstrap” model, the monomer reactivity ratios remain the same for certain monomer pairs in all copolymerization systems. Although no information is available about the microstructure of the VCA-VIMA copolymers and the VCA-VIMA grafts, Harwood’s concept seems useful to explain our results. Therefore, in our work, the different monomer reactivity ratios and the rel- atively higher VCA contents in the graft copolymers compared to that in the copolymers obtained by ho- mogeneous copolymerization are probably not caused by a change of the monomer reactivities but by different partitioning of the two monomers be- 0 20 40 60 80 100 Water in methanol (%vol) tween the solvent and the growing polymer radicals. --*-- As a result, the monomer ratios in the vicinity of Total graft VIMA graft ...... &...... the growing centers differ from those charged to the VCAgraft - FVCA polymerization, and the monomer reactivity ratios Figure 7 Effect of solvent composition on the grafting obtained in the graft copolymerization will be the yields and the VCA content in VCA-VIMA graft copol- products of the true reactivity ratios and the par- ymers. Grafting conditions: total monomer concentration, titioning coefficients (see eq. 11 ). 2.0 mol/L; radiation dose, 2.5 Mrad; dose rate, 0.4 Mrad/ Also, in other graft copolymerization systems, h; molar ratio of VCA to VIMA, 40/60. INVESTIGATIONS ON VINYLENE CARBONATE. IV 863

VCA into an apolar polymer (polyethylene) may the homogeneous copolymerization. A preferential become more efficient, and a relatively higher VCA partitioning of the monomers between the solvent content in the graft copolymer would be expected. and the substrate in the graft copolymerization was In order to prove this hypothesis, mixtures of water assumed to explain this difference. and methanol have been investigated as solvents for the graft copolymerization of mixtures of VCA and The authors are grateful to the Dutch Organization for VIMA onto LDPE films. Figure 7 shows the effect Scientific Research (NWO) for providing financial sup- of the solvent composition on the grafting yield and port for the project and to Prof. Dr. A. L. German, Tech- on the VCA content in the graft copolymers and it nical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands, for is obvious that the VCA content in the graft copol- helpful discussions. ymers is raised with increasing polarity of the sol- vent. REFERENCES However, with the increase in the water content, the total grafting yield markedly decreased, with the 1. J. D. Andrade, H. B. Lee, M. S. John, S. W. Kim, and J. B. Nibbs, Jr., Trans. Am. Soc. Artif. Intern. Organs, grafting yield of VIMA following the same trend. 19,l (1973). The VCA grafting yield remained almost the same 2. J. D. Andrade, Med. Instrum., 7,110 ( 1973). until a water content of about 70%. In 100% water, 3. H. B. Lee, H. S. Shim, and J. D. Andrade, Polym. the grafting yield was about 0.1 % ( w / w ) and on the Prepr. Am. Chem. Soc., 13,729 (1972). polyethylene film only the presence of VCA groups 4. B. D. Ratner and A. S. Hoffman, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., could be detected. The decrease of the total grafting 18,3183 (1974). yield may be caused by the more favorable parti- 5. B. D. Ratner and A. S. Hoffman, Am. Chem. Soc. tioning of VCA surrounding the PE films, which re- Symp. Ser., 3 1,l ( 1976). duces the local concentration of the VIMA around 6. X. D. Feng, Polymer J., 17, 189 (1985). the PE films, resulting in a decrease of reactions 7. D. Kaelble and J. Moacanin, Proc. of 1st Cleveland Symp. Macrostructure and Properties of Biopolymers, (5), (7), and (9). In 100% water, the very hydro- Cleveland, Ohio, October, 1976. phobic polyethylene film will be mainly surrounded 8. B. D. Ratner, A. S. Hoffman, S. R. Hanson, L. A. by VCA, the amount of VIMA is small, thus, the Hark, and J. D. Whiffen, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Symp., grafting yield becomes low due to the low addition 66,363 ( 1979). rate of VCA to the growing radical on the PE film, 9. A. S. Hoffman, Radiation Phys. Chem., 18, 323 thus reducing the graft reaction. It should be noted (1981). that, in the grafting experiments in the methanol- 10. T. Sasaki, B. D. Ratner, and A. S. Hoffman, Am. water mixtures, the formation of copolymers from Chem. SOC.Symp. Ser., 31, 283 (1976). the graft solution increased from 6% (water content 11. D. Cohn, A. S. Hoffman, and B. D. Ratner, J. Appl. 0%) to 20% (water content 100%). Probably this Polym. Sci., 29,2645 (1984). competition between homogeneous copolymeriza- 12. J. E. Wilson, Polym. Plast. Technol. Eng., 16, 119 tion and graft copolymerization also resulted in a ( 1981). 13. C. D. Ebert, E. S. Lee, and S. W. Kim, J. Biomed. decrease of the total grafting yield. Muter. Res., 16,629 (1982). From the above results, the conclusion can be 14. Y. Imanishi, Y. Ito, L. S. Liu, and M. Kajihara, J. drawn that an increase of the polarity of the solvent Macromol. Sci. Chem., A25, 555 (1988). seems to affect the partitioning of the monomers 15. K. Allmer, J. Hilborn, P. H. Larsson, A. Hult, and B. into the polymeric substrate, leading to a higher RBnby, J. Polym. Sci. PartA Polym. Chem., 28, 173 content in the graft of the more compatible VCA. (1990). 16. G. H. Hsiue, C. C. Wang, C. Y. Chen, and C. J. Chang, Ang. Makromol. Chem., 179, 149 (1990). CONCLUSIONS 17. D. Muller-Schulte and F. A. Horster, Polym. Bull., 7, 77 (1982). It was shown in this study that grafting of VCA onto 18. H. Huemer and R. Schmidtberger,Ger. Offen2,552,510 polyethylene films resulted in low grafting yields. ( 1977). 19. 0. Mauz and K. Sauber, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 434, Using VIMA as a comonomer, the amount of func- 251 (1984). tionally reactive VCA groups could be increased 20. 0. Mauz, K. Sauber, and S. Noetzel, Ger. OffenDE substantially and also the hydrophilicity of the sur- 3,243,591 ( 1982). face could be improved. 21. J. P. Fischer, U. Becker, S. P. von Halasz, K. F. Muck, Monomer reactivity ratios of VCA and VIMA in H. B. Puschner, S. Rosinger, A. Schmidt, and H. H. the graft copolymerization differed from those in Suhr, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Symp., 66, 443 (1979). 864 CHEN, VAN DER DOES, AND BANTJES

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