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PERU RADIATION POLYMERIZATION OF VINYLENE CARBONATE by Norman G. Schnautz Anne Lustig Henriette Roesch ATOMIC ENERGY BOARD Pelindaba 9 PRETORIA May 1978 Republic of South Africa PER-11-1 ATOMIC ENERGY BOARD RADIATION POLYMERIZATION OF VINYLENE CARBONATE by Norman G. Schnautz,* Anne Lustigand Henriette Roesch "Chemistry Division Postal Address: Private Bag X256 Pretoria 0001 May 1978 ISBN 0 86960 655 7 »•**•**! »•#• CONTENTS P.igu SAMEVATTING 3 ABSTRACT 3 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. EXPERIMENTAL 4 2.1 Materials 4 2.2 Irradiation Sources 4 2.3 Sample Preparation 4 2.4 Analyses 4 3. RADIATION-INDUCED HOMOPOLYMERIZATION OF VINYLENE CARBONATE ... 4 3.'! Introduction 4 3.2 Results and Discussion 4 4. RADIATION INDUCED COPOLYMERIZATION OF VINYLENE CARBONATE WITH ISOBUTYL VINYL ETHER 6 4.1 Introduction 6 4.2 Results and Discussion 7 5. RADIATION INDUCED TELOMERIZATION OF VINYLENE CARBONATE WITH CARBON TETRACHLORIDE g 5.1 Introduction g 5.2 Telomerizp'.on Kinetics g 5.3 Results e id Discussion 11 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ,7 7. REFERENCES PER 11 3 SAMEVATTING ABSTRACT Die stralinijSgeinclusetircle polimenserin.j van The radiation-induced polymerization of vinylene viniieenkarbonaat met n suiwerneid «an 99.97 °o is carbonate of 99,97 % purity has been investigated. The ondersoek. Die verband tussen omsettings- en bestralingstyd relationship between conversion and irradiation time is is streng lineêr, selfs by die laagste omsettings, wat dus strictly linear, even at the lowest conversions, thus proving bewys dat die normale induksietydperk wat vir die that the normal induction period observed for the pclimerisemg van vinileenkarbonaat met laer suiwerheid in polymerization o' lower-purity vinylene carbonate indeed ag geneem word inderdaad die gevolg van die aanwesigheid results from the presence of an inhibitor. Although the van 'n stremstof is. Hca/vel die stremstof me uitgeken kon identity of the inhibitor has not been established, it has word nie, is daar getoon dat dit nie been shown that it is not dichlorovinylene carbciate. An dichloro-vinileenkarbonaat was nie. 'n Aktiveringsenergie activation energy of 15,1 kj/mole was calculated for the van 15,1 kJ/mol is vir die bomopolimeriseerproses bereken. homopolymerization process. Die stralingsgeihduseerde kopolimerisering van vinileenkarbonaat [M]) met isobutielvinieleter (M2) is oor The radiation-induced copolymerization of vinylene die temperatuurstrek van 40 tot 80 °C ondersoek. Die carbonate (Mi) with isobutyl vinyl ether (M2) has been monomeer se reaktiwiteitsverhoudings r-j en r2 is investigated over the temperature range o' 40-80 °C. The onderskeidelik as 0,118 en 0,148 vasgestel, en n monomer reactivity ratios ry and r2 werj determined to be aktiveringsenergie van 31,8kJ/mol is vir die 0,118 and 0,148 respectively, and an activation energy of kopol'meerproses bereken. 31,8 kJ/mole was calculated for the copolymerization Die stralingsgeihduseerde tclomerisering van process. vinileenkarbonaat met koolstoftetrachioried is oor 'n konsentrasieverhoudingstrek van 4 tot 20 vir telogeen tot The radiation-induced telomerization of vinylene monomeer ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat die carbonate with carbon tetrachloride has been investigated vormingstempo van die adduk nr~1 ona'hanklik van over a telogen to monomer concentration ratio range of 4 monomeerkonsentrasie an regstreeks in verhoudi.ig tot die to 20. The rate of formation of the n=1 adduct was found telogeenkonsentrasie was, met 'n kragafhanklikheid van die to be independent of monomer concentration, directly orde 0,38 van die stralingsintensiteit, war oor die algemeen proportional to the te'ogen concentration, and exhibiting a met die afgele de temp'overgelykings oorei-ngestem het. 0,38 order power dependence on the radiation intensity, in Daar is verder gevintl dat die vormingstempc van die general agreement with the derived rate equations. The rate telomeer n 2 onafhanklik van beide monomeei en of formation of the n~ 2 telomer was found to be telogeenkonsentrasies en van stralingsintensiteit was wat nie independent of both monomer and telogen concentrations in ooreenstemming met die afgeleide tempovergelykings and radiation intensity, which is not in agreement with the was nie. Die eerste en tweedí kettingoordragkoëffisiente C-\ derived rate equations. The first and second chain-transfer en C2 is onderskeidelik as 0,116 en 0,34 bepaal, en die coefficients C1 and C2 were determined to be 0,116 and aktivenngsenergiee vir d.n vorming van die adduk n 1 en 0,34 respectively, and the activation energies for the die telomeer n 2 is onderskeidelik 05 17,6 en 64,9 kJ/mol formation of the n-1 adduct and nr2 telomer were bereken. calculated to be 17,6 and 64,9 kJ/mole respectively. PER 11 4 1. INTRODUCTION 24 Analyses Newman and Addor described both the first synthesis Tha homo and copolymers which were formed were and polymerization of vinylene carbonate (VCA) (1.2|. transfered to preweighed vials with the aid of 5 ml of 50 % dimethylfurmamiae-acetone solution and dried in vacuo at 50 °C to a constant mass. Telomers which were formed were transferred to vials with the aid ot 5 ml of acetone and subjected to GC analysis. VGA is interesting as a vinyl monomer for radical Gaschromatographic analyses werr carried out on a polymerization processes in that, although its overall rate of Perkin-E'mer 900 gas chromatograph. Monomer purity was polymerization is low compared with methyl methacrylate, determined using a 1/8 inch diameter stainless steel column it is unusually high tor a vinyl monomer in which the vinyl 2 m long, packed with a mixture of 10% FFAP on group is symetricaily disubsiituted. Polyvinylene carbonate Chromosorb W AW-DMCS. Analysis of telomer-acetone (PVCAi is of interest because it can yield a tough, clear solutions was carried out using a 1/8 inch diamete stainless plastic from which both films and fibres have been stsel column 2 m long, packed with a mixture of 5 % Dow produced (3|. Comprehensive reviews of the preparation Corning silicone high-vacuum grease on Chromosorb G and polymerization of VCA have been reported by Field AWDMCS. and Schaefgen [3], and Hardy (4|. Mass spectra were determined using a GC-MS system consisting of a Varian Aerograph Series 1200 gas This report will be concerned with three aspects of chromatograph coupled to a Varian Mat (Gmbh) CH7 mass the gamma-radiation-induced polymerization of VCA. The spectrometer. first is a study of the reaction kinetics of homopolymerization of VCA, and the second, the Infrared analyses were carried out on a Perkin-Eimer copolymerization of VCA with sooutyl vinyl ether (IBVE). 237 grating infrared spectrometer. Polymer films were cast The third aspect is an investigation of the telomerization of on potassium bromide discs. VCA with carbon tetrachloride. Number average molecular masses were obtained by membrane osmometry, acetone being used as the solvent 2. EXPERIMENTAL for the copolymers at 30 °C. Thermal analyses of the copolymers were carried ojt 2.1 Materials on a Perkin-Elmer DSC 18 differential scanning calorimeter. Vinyiene cartonate was prepared by the method of 3. RADIATION-INDUCED Newman and Addor [ 1) and modified as suggested by Zief HOMOPOLYMERIZATION OF VINYLENE and Schramm |5|. Purification was by vacuum distillation CARBONATE over sodium borohydride, a; described by Field and Schaefgen |3). The purity of the resulting product as 3.1 Introduction determined by GC ranged from 99,5 % to 99,57 % after repeated fractional distillations. Dichlorovinylene carbonate Newman and Addor first reported the polymerization (DCVCA) was prepared by the method of Scharf, Pinske, of VCA in 1955 |2j. Since then numerous authors have Feilen and Drcste |6). Isobutyl vinyl ether (Fluka AF) was reported their findings concerning both fundamental and vacuum-distilled prior to usage. Carbon tetrachloride and all practical aspects of the polymerization r,' 'A. solvents were of analytical grade. To date, studies on the polymen/ ,i of VCA have been coif;ned primarily to chemical-initiated free-'adical 2.2 Irradiation Sources processes. There are only a few reports in the literature concerning the radiation-induced liquid-state and solid-state polymerization of VCA [7,8|, and Krebs and Schneider Irradiations were carried out in both an AECL have reported in detail on the a[ parent induction period in Gammabearn 650 (50 kCi) and a Gammaceli 220 (10 kCi) thp initial stage of the radiation-indu:ed polymerization of irradiation source. Dose rates for both sources were VCA |9,10). The purpose of this particular aspect of the determined by Fricke dosimetry. Irradiations at different radiation polymerization of VCA is to explain this unusual temperatures were carried cut in both source;, using a induction period, which normally exhibits itself at metal sample container thiough which an appropriate conveisions below 10% as an acceleration of the rate of cooling or heating fluid could be passed. Temperature polymerization. control over the range 30 °C to 90 °C, to an accuracy of •0,2 °C, was obtained using a cryostat. 3.2 Results and Discussion 2.3 Sample Preparation The polymerization of VCA of 99,5% purity (GC) Monomer, comonorrer, and monomer-teloge.i was carried out initially at a temperature of 65 °C and at a mixtures were prepared by weighing the appropriate dose rate of 3,0 kGy/h. The chlorine content of this VCA quantities of monomers and telogen into 3-ml giass sample was 0,25 % The rate curve shown in Figure 1 ampoules at room temperature, subjecting each sample to Clearly illustrates the relationship between percentage four consecutive degassing eye'es and sealing under vacuum. conversion and irradiation timo The above VCA sample reaii 5 >•''.'A i'.)9.l>' : an;i 0,iL c CD in dimethyl sulfoxide a) Y.\)) vvjs pit;: and and Irradiated at 65 °C and at a dose 'ji.i of '!0 kGy/h. A: C3n be seen in Figure 2, a strictly p.-: ÍV" ,i ••a- relationship exists between converson and irradiation tt", it t lime v.n at the iovust conversions, although the rate of poivieiization is the same as the linear region [i.e.