Is Always Something Doétff in El Paso and Tñe Great Southwest CountryCome Ta ft jüiiii'iL mm mum méMm tto. TeMnr-M- 1,3 Mf MMiftMatf


' li - " . Í má,,i"V, ni ' ,. " L ' i bam wd bridge MuMtat W w uriaL . i i ii i mmwmamr i arrriB&rMsaii5M. ' It tt'MMM ta bM miiii i nNha i mil i.iw:. í"1 PROGRESS MADE or to 'ni attempt the OMNM Ml WJmmm ltZZfirZS'. Nov, ccaS rroco-Bokyt- fcortMT. pecnapa at !H le rtww canity or naa w fimOHLF imt, ww,porpoaa mí"""i AT SOME POINTS, atdered, witdo. trra, tha amplovea wt Wail M MM,IMW.MMMai that ta itortb.',lt baft umi OKI itwM.a.!? mid follow. Inrolnd ara auudauMin. mnyM or m braketnao, ttlnUy atawarda and batai EXPENSE Of MdiikM. with stoat r wtthotrt I AN HA WW AY atnpioyaii an we)dtarn, MMa ta HMMwktr. that the Inundated IMM mmrnr no I wonuT prwre MtoiMtMle' to-- OernMt w ranee , through raetgium rroeecataga Am ,tiaJhtoat.. af Marta tatv rftyrv rawrouHeea any OF Made M AMTt nductora.' employed by late NICHOLAS THE roaawto;'t)w report , Of kf Fflllllk Wll ornara ra- - from l'lilDUIá Strike at Befteaanr at Mariasaa War n racuic, received h desnate taflletod upon fke (torran ñM kr niapanntnc tbatn or POLICE SOLDIERS OF MEXICO .tha M- -i Ban irom sut i nfede that soma orranal Mraacetita-- through Feria tbM the' t.4seeidFrsee Hi m traiwr Hartbe Ml been rank Rear Chica jo. Nov. aoentfar saiootu "and tbToíi. Libau. There siso are wmh tnet no aat declara la hAaali Mili T aceeptfó' ibráa less than tariff ratea. Tna announna;'1 ' traUon cate la ; ' m "WW meat wea mida, however, by the loeW bratwht aboat many, men wowaa BrazUitui Minkawf'. Report to Wiilnhiglnii TcrlU of Orive UrmW New Regime ukI aa. belh tbeta rapotta lade unanmatMb arneapat mat or an THAT '1É ALU THE OOMMAN-- ; ba ralhatated and that tnay .wara MnjK ?ft ntfte ply Mar ausptesaa pandmr lavastV Fmw. PMt4a eolred the myatary or tba owt ei TbecaM latt:-- tta'aañptoyaitOC'w; ration of cbarjfea. a ItwUtW Cww of RobWy tlikil Preiray Rprrent DBMM-CHK- btM two trawiare, - aa a - F i.TJ . have arraatad waetera rallraadcMMnalnx to the Brother- ' aaa omar, ..TMno- - ; BATTlJt IN PPCAMI IndawarrinJiMte Harwetan ,a vaw. m hood of lccanaaj tognamaa)d r a tív Dwcliiaw b Follow (ir'FMTirTi of GmfitibriVilk Ex. REGARD--; éjh hwüi aiiitiiiiiiMre' at" WWWtael ttur Bbea. aaatatMtt MiaiMant. HWtnaraoaa JfOT YKT,rrtpwm. HttBtLF TO SAY a ( toa EnglUfa ooaat of tbe IrlabaM ot LooomotlTe :rir etuen nnd natttiraan aa-- EiraW aaaraa or; law me mmn ww IMcUd to today. i v ;Ig';THE LODZ, letnea sy uw omptujwmt BATrtEW promt o, dlaaatreuahw to BrMa aMiMthr United court andón, m, : ireu-- (tJ of ma HateaiwdHtrlct ffirf.' a. . Ait kleoar It kaes ww- - v ' HÉNDCN- tñi tilnniú. ba at Richmond. Va, nd tíberMa Wapal nt. tar's etrafrad eorrcspondtnt tanda . W LXkD - aaa Jnteaa. were 1M by vej-- f r6 pactad tbaf Lil. fonoer aecratary of ntadtatloo .and anofftctal stateanent wMh warns tba waa wr.MMra by a elreuitoua. rauta and eral. Herlberto Jara wm left En Mla nywc aeuwai naa, sut wae wwwv ooncttlaUotu The aantbar of ntan involved waamagton, nov, maita Mt Mm. to aejiroy iiw rauruett um or the garríaos here. BURG. MAlDCFnLlJJ '".MAR tkouitbt taet tbey were auklnr a Miab la M.eeo and the raltread Mlteeia affected. 1sola led cases of robbery iavd rtolen-.- e. oc iwean maanaiajer a ana irspuew, General Lucio Blanco, who waa' tba mm port their huéquerters. ., .i : rrtoaaay. wktah resulted In severe rMMpaMinant to the Drdara haaa hoot i Issued ror a yiroroua r b ( faaaas. i of tbe eonsUtutiaaaUf t leaders to aveeuata : axttedtttt,' tie ar,atuta csmoetrn far convention to wipe 1 THÉ..KAMER "W. 8;' Stone, prand ohtaf anstoear of The stateoteut says tba ratreaUnr Mfanoar u soon a tba forcea Mexico city, ta now bara at a prisoner :ÍilArT WILL TRY CA!felAN fareea bara maintained sua around Guadalajara and . the Brotherhood of xoaoaaonva snataeert, Oainiani are ofTerin? daeparata, uifr, scoonuur state of Jalttco. at tbe. dlspoaltien, ot, tba atUltery authori- GIVEN EAST and W. S. Carter,. preiident of tbe Brother , a&d. the, battle baa aat yet i anniaiar. te MMwhraatparunent oaneral vuia wut eater we ties, Mod or Locomotive nraaaea.and Knrtne-- baanllnaabad. At no mention aty ot Matttao toaaorrow, SjSSwa"fr)tbr--ge- r. SattH'? tíAWav .'abaK man. will represent the torn befora tna or any injury; MAYTftRSNA KAY BB Sayret recen ttr amatad, beta. on a'.ekarae board, white the ta inembert of the 'eofifeF-- MmNRAPvLM WOMAN bara no not, art OF FLIGHT ITIOM COMMANw AT NAC8. ewwaittwt' rer severel, aoanlardi ware HMatitnourn FUENTES, of btvb treon'W-to- anca committee, with A. W.'.Trenholiae at, i ORWICKS HKR LITE MB atapatcbed Coevoniton MAT MAKE EXT le-- neneral Tornea Ornólas, commander .at éfficials are said to ba dls Fpfp mat 'at Me epring- eeeue chairman and with eonsui' includtac i,T,- HBH FKT P90OUE. to 3aó' . Mformatlcn. foü aiyrdatMita-- 3ivrw(iu reoort aent ont pleased wMh eauPt of tbe Alcana .dtetrict U Ike Jamei M. abaaban or' CMoaro, will appear luir tk from tba rallure of Oovoraor Jose 'J IeTFORT AIÍLIED Jm iw thV AtmtUiM Prtti Na Conflaostlaa ot Fraperty. AruaaesManta seversi diys since, tbat Marl Mayhtrana'g to take AGAINST paaaHy tor, traaaaa. . for the St one aaa carter W that íaaa7 Mina., Nov. 98. forcea in. Sonora bth . road. ' . When Mrt. Tka. braslllsn minister' sectored in bis Treasurer 'Oenerai Alberto f uente, farmer the bordar port .or Naco, Son.,, it li añacea an they will not require the aJd of lawyert. An , or a City front tba .wNne'MHnm, - F. PPrteei wife well.taown dlapataUaa that the people of Mealco srovernor or Aruaacallentej, bad. fled from Carrtnia 'faraaa under. Oenerai' Benjamin - dms aT arros. Aaetvtana .rrom Canada tato, tba Uattad lamente quantity , of aUUaMee" has- been buslnesi man. rushed to the wafa Sdly conndenee and that San Lula pawl, taking half a.million pesos renimnr vea. MM, and. within the, next raw daya matea to., aid tbam in retorato; to tbafr prepared ror preaeotatlon and sta addltloa edre .of a, one kundrtd-foe- t eaahank-nw- tna 'pnoauon in tne cur wan nemr weu nt HnmiMi mAHAv. fMneril Ornelas reatrfe-tk- ) ' may ba deposed rrom command ot fatberlaMU"bt violation of mmtary tt le expected that about JQ'wltneeíea wlU - and Country. handled. Tba Zapata niltilery, commander tarday. received a telegram, dated Ban Lula jnaar- tba Town cluh or mes- tna aisle-- or Sonora. He MuMiibad. at tfce. kaatatatec of tbe ba' called, by each, aide. to save pnodhi, baa Iaauad a decree hwyine; auax one' Potosí, rrom Treasurer Fuentes. Tar had been given fhere tanttbt bar French lai-'h- iet m European war oyer Oamaaa and AuMrteea A statemeat riven' out at the Brotherhood looking brink; half lie' refrulsr property be sage 'related to official business, and tba until November to captura the border ,L(dM. sí "We &v ;jeoMdéd which atoad over the aaya naanea to pay. woapt ana tne ex' 'aeres oommander considers. K positive town, which ,be haa bean béslogtnr. ror twa la dletrlct. , ' haadduartera today sayi: it Po- - ta sMkiar poi5S:.V W. tna earth, beaaath 'bar crumbled; and jawTTi'lW it because proof that Fnaartaivu atut in rMn tula month, commander rrom wm KicíiolM, a :gnerai way i memoers or Hie aha plunged to her, death. The ae the a tba dlvielon aU mm Otoki. ;Ouk - aaroimi t trea or tba north la to be aent to. by ebtor, WfflMtt M ajCRHAN . VetNKRAL two. bretbarbaoda are aahtntr far a! atand- aleo over embankment,' bnt The nder in Dia or the efneui, who la well known Sonora Mi Irmil ifell the ffisfTtJMthé or Prtanda tna esnveatiaa government , take chara butln ni Lnd In. WtaleKM KHUU ard rate of warea and-- standard day1. with waa .uninjured., Price, waa prorn-tee- exclal method m an rano, neve oean unetm ÜTirSi n"foCum. Mr. or manor ay waa pre KtmHrmSott nr ranort bia defalca-j- or jnlUtary operatioqs. was said: yes- twérrteUt bw apedal ratal or. pay far cvertlcae, baaed in, aoctal clrrlet. , inr saiauoni th of"ira It iarm w inromulton from ututos jftlaate confiscations teaeralty bcUeyajl ,the ms-sar- e terday tbat General 'Jose Rodrigue; aurce, Uw Tba MM. aM pon a so mile aa hour hntninr thna.. In resTta vt m Woo., and who VMMUr mUuw e MhvVlM wncb tba IBrranM otrtciala bad was fie work of commenae I' vWaaaWar frateht-aerrie- they aeaarc;a to nour nay sent to the border vtua's nrtgaae, .would be tna Loodaa.) Llemaaaat Oaaaralr. ma enerntea in probable cholea or govern, YantPanbayaabwill. bt;aaMaiaad aC a baato. In hopea of ataatdarduanr' waaea rnwwa,' Afuascsuonwe. tna convention' - reent as the military of sonora,- - bfuttn alMakut.. kea'riHM' aa tka aanonr ámpleyaa on fratffct annhm and ÁavrWUnWfV NotMnr iwaa tbe BraiUnn min remandar - a,-- known b As Maytofena la the cwttituttonatly elect- I In Rmaiéa rotead.- 'KaAwaaitlw wtaa raatarn1' tei flturjr. tka Mrotker Mv tfce Prát i . I. MHMMM-.- betOflekl taoeod later at tna time he bis ditpatcb lata governor- - XI eroaa, have puakera, hetoera, Worcester. Masa., Nov. fat. Rev. yaslerday as to thej'.ffina when Oaneral ed of the state he will return paieiaanr of tba Iron aaat'eHaa, baoda attftaaaadfthat al kt' RannoaWa,- - aanital.'and.Natttna MKiiMmm.,M!niMa na Man c mine runa, heK Hnea, tranafar Knai, FredWttfc' mcboleon, poetor or tba vuia or; na loraap naiiiiii:. ernve.. tna átate lira WHICH íHBf, IHIWW IWW vlouaiy na, or . orrll. payaanor;, - , traína I'ahd athay . .MiMaaatrtpd telCTran acanti Mt- fnaataena 1T,'.M ,MfMMMI...IM eaftiioawlbrarary. wM'arn'.m'llH.' ; eonveutlon ilrlnr In ror Mrptorena'a delay at Naco', MM ItttMUIUM atft5"ab0wh.- ba,.,pnM. on baato and'tha mmtba carras ss rovarntnant nd declared where be hM .ft fact hsrmony with tba ta officials QIIOO ana KulsJJto OtU- - I nearly ahj;'af aha .Maar ;traapa caoosntrated; l coMMi rvuBd (ron mtms rnothers." For .weeks, be rrenuiani Un Ceiaba The situation ut.o oopa are rrom tna dmatoti of aa mane n poaaixna ror sroopa rrom a, ;m5Mr wneuHy1 .to CUT BY eUlMAX WAR8HIP8. of the (tetnanda of the man ware has lira haa been nade nnbappr-kw- la deacrlbed In other aulatTub Reman '1turbe, recentu " , are aupportiar to te imt thoroughly tbraakad out laat aprkkr by, letters and .icleBhenc uns.' tbe exeaotlon of'Tai wher dp- -. M antht mandar whia Oarransa: ih, ral Airara Obraron tovadá the southern portion of ienora. The LoDttan. ltor. je (iiii a. tba two parttaa. , Tbay eonht apt aina proach or Villa, forcea luis fapat lá, abler or atV Carraña mtmary opera in.dkvaaab iéctars, datfiy - - have Wawa ;waaa Oo enbaan, aaya and' tlfmwaaedeeterwltabw ' nee terrorised . some Reports' are uona m nortrrwaaiern bxicu. gwriaoHi in the. aouthem dlairlct ben ú tba Oaatral ta.atttt. acMem current tost rrektlr weakened by Maytorena'a' action. In ti1 pmtmtO, m6 patwaan yraaanea, panaaarx ana war i In Europe broke out. however, oenerai Mill. Uw'eeMa The offieer subaeuemly called at' one ary, governor, of the sute, of Ttmaultpaa moving tbd. bulk of the troopa to Waco,, and tlbati; Itaaala, and' batwaan 'Fiedeilaa and and Preahteot Wllaon perauaowl them to noma ana, aarieea taet attentiona tn Tampiecla - - who cotnmandi' tbe situation at tney bare been unable to withhold tba', Ikmmum;mmímm Mus thu oorto ia FatroaratLíwblebiara'tba only direct eabtoa accept arMtratton: 'It . waa "only receotly the pastor cease. now with the .convention rorcM. um. ma aiianed. Mtfihá Amsáattétd Prttt . Smaios troopa. i MiMKtUy. tUt b1 Danmark' and Rnaala bara,, bava bean eut that tba iOVrnnent appointed (Hi 1 nd If this matersllses a , peaceful, entry ,Wov.. titktmr taWMANH COrfOtWTRATg ! s Amái.Arla.. M. Prlvatesdvloe The 2.090 men wnicn arei cemg tent into are wrMMa wnwir nt ta Berne aaa muea aaat- - oc orn bar; ,ortha. arbitration A board; and t, tna . of'tbe It Jlkelr. wiuZTMMlvftd today CarranM jm m a menu Ovftbnm nmrnnim . ri here Bañara from the state or Chihuahua by tba . auppotad, procaadlnfi were delayed that aatoaat. Raadita Lsot Oil sWalrict.'''" tlOdMfetc-niovln- g on Ouayrnaa on balm. It l tbe earraaoondent on! , MKN IN VlCmiTY Of ARRAS. 1f both "convention gov ei nn.en to assist in the Naco corpa to ay oer-m- 'ff waijip. that tt two anar Qr aaya, tbatíHte curan vtm aooe .Ja s nwirewse repocM'msn'iaaq the carrania force abt . ta braaicat ihroufft iba werahtpa.'' The., only comeauoloetioa Amxotf4 Pr4 today said the snuetHtn'oni II- la reporten wm venersi litarse i attack and to combat W London, ?ov. Th Weekly Dla ef- Siaalot, in have left the railroad near Haa Ibey ar way or DAY'S SUMMARY i - the deposed rovernor. Rivera tba south HuMmi Chichi atueklarat wJtb Rásela now ta by v8wnan. patch's Bolofrnc correspondent aaya: belonsina- to no raetton.of.ihe'tiatlesn eon troopa; ' and go through pasa LaMajFaa UMu Germans 10OO8 mena iine lena Cuslhubiachic will tba imiiwert of 'Tba have collected troversy have, apparently gotten i control of ard received rrom M sentían taya tbat to WMt into troopa bava uv ' ' " OF EUROPEAN WAR en ta. the Belpwboriiood of Arrea, the Sonera. The Tbaribe'OanaaM bavé urea boa VMUBVT EARTH MMOK Panuco. Whlís: tbajr have looted maby a, decraa. wcitnraian a battery ot flaM guea with tbana to batter la' Jv'ttM-M- oilteM ccouw oí where they ara. preperlnr for. a Mesleen ttoros, thay nava not injured shown WAS FELT, YMTKROAY W t3a HUI'a poaltloni. tea opottMoM aaya Wmutad affort to break, tarouph. or their lnleraatt ao rr ai raportad. (rMrefñíií;to aaeapt U a fine jniM unid 6RKKOC ANO JMIAN.MLAMM aOMa Una. t American and 6aMww bav ; ;Mf aitaeka 'VnmUnStBtm a janaMaM The consul .aeryautácrlUeí wonrawMd "Hvy f'fhtlar.yready hat kapif." at Tampleo ro arraagfna; to care for any CARRANZA BKCLARttS VERA CRUY. aMUba ,.llWe.ooaiOMaaa. ram. iw. aa. a. refurees who may come Into Temp co & 1aM MtPifcill akaak aeanrtatl le' waatam la Rnaaian ..Pataad It etn la bna li Ranahatan Iauw Haee With 0aaah.. rrom tba, Panuco oil district. 18 ONLY RKAL MEXICAN CAPITAL, MMaaburaiMaéa Jwl'wVaiw aa-- , v4bto w4 MWnwat'wHIMiiyW H want yo HUxMabttrr who Joat and tba leaten latanda, yealerday, ' B the XtwoUUi fraaa Bu t)ui ÁHoMuteé Frase VenusHano Ctrrama baa announced to se-- AND ti i eorctlag to a dlapateb from Atttena to, anta Fa. It. St.. ov. súrtelo t SAFATA EXFSCTXB TP DOUglM, ATM.. flOV. ÍBV 42 Is one atHfonly one baaa maC narabal br Smperor aoaliana tétete 4eeta ef . a ht a MEXICd CITY TODAY. tba world that there ta raeototttoaHl af tba iwataaMoa ba tka MarM wa agancy.. Tba abaeei oernea died this afternoon two ml let rraan beadauartart. or Ooramar faytori "toga." capHal to the republic' ot Mexico. ytmtm great atrápate Mr betwita bara-o- n d report aaat, Prut-1- wm prtluiarly severe between tba auratay a tram on which be. waa baanr The entry of Oanersl Fran viuiccmnwader, is ta bsve It be" etaams, lit' a daeree Issued yea m4 kti traaaa bfa tiv tba. Vistula and the Harta rtaare netk-:-.l- ejaaa. Villa Maitco. City Wttl take place , making nw Tkla, noy. oníw iaauad at laiand. of Santa-iau- and tba leelad rusned to wis city from bia ranch at Mow lata' terday, located at Vera Crux, which rroaUr a . .kuewn. .1 . thM morning,' according .to s it' 'Coi-rw- Three OeetlM aa far beva, la rtarty for medical treatwenl. n official drices TbM Myi'Mft Oarnau Jwva brougtt lb f Ffeld Van aHaWanatraw' received bare yesterdiy. In praparatlon for The; pipe line from OIo de Arua It mm bappana to be the headquarters of tali bean reported, 'Coukterwa dinwtat Inr raadlllnr from an uloertated tooth ww hta (toner to have government waa recently RoaataK on0T w a mmhui jaa w the new tute tWM kaaláwtd 'aaton Mat oceupetiOB or tba capital, si villa bean broken. li wsa reportad that which declared waa ojona to proaarty. tna aauae. oamaa wm ,a wealthy, ranah to confar-ane- a mía waa.aone:y naracmg party or generals nteted kaavYOMaaaf.. aa the katHefMd, Ma oteettia ef returned yiatsrdty Tula, after a ion aeni "rebel" by the convtation which far cwnar. with rrovíslonal Praaistent Eulalia oui ny ueueru, .huí, me tarrsnsa con Aguaacalleotos. decree Further aoutb to tba wM of Koto eaatera fronhar tn n naarat arder Ifacó. bia tMa, mat at Carranaa'a ' alaO1 0ntlerrnL mender at but agents deny negcaiaiaans , with RadaMako tba. Oaraaani claim to bava laaned at Tbarn diaiafid 'thet ,Ma (toñera! Ltolonel OomeV la nralarlar, to lead aoatonncM that all tba , Bnillsjio.ZafaU la toe an an repuMaá tbe MaMtwa, wbito far .toe amlaa traepa braapM aa. a aaandaim JW Uto loader against a ViHe wntinrsint raportad ate govrBmn4 should ba oarrtod Graaow.' TB HAKE FINISH HjJfT liara northern thta saomlnr at - vhick m1 tariaiaaa in "hiiiltir Ike af tan, nnaaialnlly TAKEN faat,.and the twowlU entfc.lla.lco Qty to do near ueniaea npnnajt- tbraatgh'Ma baadntartaraí effenatre FIRST STEP of TTfla troops Is re- avaatt i tba iwaatakMiMiiwwi aaaiumn a superior Ruaetea areay." iapsta wM.latt rahprtsd Another detachment Tba carranaa decree aaa sent to " Mat law daya tba stale or iEkioo. whtcb ported to have raided the Asado ranch tba varlaue conaular reoresentotfvea ba dtlva lacaaaa It aaaouaeed aleaitthe tea tan at taking too bead ar canto, which, ttwy era nMMc- hi, mm' raaaa!' tba Mmmm, ,eea 'aaeae NO asspistren irom uw uufim lortos row foreign eonotries, and yaaaarday Carranaa ever prlaaaara aaal driving to chihuahua and boMteg prtoooar o.. Barcia, crty, ta ttMtr orTtM raaona. aaawrad puna Veritas el mees. Tka arder several ot tna Aaano eownaya, waaaamrara Consul Andres of tMt wu tarty twenty ef IN from the south yaaaarday Indl-- I m officially notified. ef tta by Car- about 1MM prUoaara. cemio, .juatea a titearse fraaa bapeaar Wll-H- CITY CAMPAIGN Fresideot outlerrna aalarht diuV left Arua Prtet March or Hill's petrol aaearanae a wm í . s aaereiary." fataapaif, ratationa, preaMtlaw Banarat fan Mande, to Mexico city far a few days, W seuu Barvm rwi amm ranaa' of neera. JHI Wirt t Th4 Tim protoejtiiy Yatdro Faatohu ' j 7 aiUl fcurf ta a ttetd Marañal and .Ihialitan K'llfr remain in (klsr i tare, his TWO HURT BY CTRAY BIXLRT and Ma traepa ler'tkear, prawaaa. n laaiiiMiu cioiw, NAGa). Mat atMeuttnsonaiiai rauwar CROSanNfl Lrfak AT A.N0THRR STATT PCCLARJM i Sa Miraty hm otneea in Ba (ha Assaoiated' TMa bettto, altbabtb it eoaeUiret t8 nrfntaiTby tba tewa Buatnaai Haa'a aaaV Patraprad alalia praftaaa. CUMIIIllML NAMKtt T9 INVITK ta aur ara, now aeiung iMMan and Prut twvmNMswr.' mUitary eMtaa bare not ta bapartaat MkBab tai laalr aTUr the lnlnnetlan Halt far. the Raaatana a( "eeeeaM. pétale? Ttajatp paat - Jaao. Arte, Mor. fl dtray bullets from rrnt coNvrmv ba.aa - .fectarr tp m slb- lanu ovar the eoaatUMMaattit tinea Iba Naco, aide; more aiaaaM JLada wauld oaen the way filad by .tba attorney atMoowtedi la. aha rtelalty af Leda. , rraan Juarec tn Maxico pkthnni bonora: struck two It waa, offtotally rapartad to i Mt-- 1 sarrnw.Tti vero. aiy. persons on American today. A ut tawHiani WteaU, be waa reaeivwr annMrona detaaa for ike ba ax tended the tba side Miekeacan ror tbe Una Mi" Ma tí lrl.oraañlseOoa I Per lia else aaiiaaa frOM'lm troonar or- tba ninth .eevalrr waa ahst la Tomat Ornetoa tbat. the atata af , mm-- . tare froos ntambars' or.. tba Lawaax a tim are MaMiifuL Craaow, tbeae urrteaT tbet we auit arawat aa ortenne- - Kaaaaan amy. M abort tba thigh and a Msxieaa woman waa ahot in In central Jtealeo bad ctoid, ttwoarb it Mat aaataaaa aertkeeet, Ueda. aba, Bar. gnvarnor, tary mm fKTwMMl Pava bar ttoa be a lUMS, JB at ' tbe tar. mill tary oanerat itortrttona MUMlty .wan report aaya aataty at Waal Ataaadad nad Uhlhusieilla An and 'rtnnvaailtiMi rrmrsrtiwsnt to aMafcMMb iWa raard a Paddock I seen etftelal ataapiMr trraak near an twenty- - nnuaual number of sheue vtH a 'ñm anaettona the lnteerttr of tba have yaaaaaaaanaad, abaar Mnnit puiinw canae w xne 'vwrioon asoe ourtnjr la aapital, feroea the HilPi aanabaa at Merell, tka atata' aurprtea ta Maraíar tka bualneu tntanau m Teia. uewae that near wawaaa and the renewal af attack an flsasrsl waa a supportor, Himiiai b a In aad CaraanM garrí sou by Ooyeroor Maytoreoa's and considered Carranaa tba jrlaat to unite an effort to deraton llB&sd eouiaton aveoo Ma' the heavy At m stsakaaiastio and well atteedAfi meet- fSJFn resuJtof i iroopa. Benches haa about mea andar HM want tba aWaa ara bmh waliinr DflTl awabTMn two troop tretbfc MM ar them in II a man I t nn a ana nnundor ing' of ctttaena Uitereatad In tba good gar cf Qeaeral Mannnl CMS, who was tor tba M attack, by tna oarmaoi wntcn only do aanahward la releed and ht aMMn ras ant nad welfare af tba city of Mt iminmiiMi vmtww WIIMW na wa, i draw nut of Maytoreaw Mt nana jomy biwuiw. u Innn ra lart that they wan tat rasa, bald laat night ht tba rooms of tba Thli h the flra. taaea atan, bat It alna at tba Milructlonof l sarta Yonear Deroocrattc cofnantt-ta-a AMatTMN every caBunarrlal ebib .bt tba MnTTtM aer'aven VtaaW Han't dub,, a - M city rtta bia rañwa a of aswan wm appointed aa tba flrat Fntototscn ago ttva; aa? nut wm na rout WMia al filao a taw daya Oaneral ffSmtt TS1 Tnxaa nnMaaii Mi Map aaward tna sasaetion of tba man to VU1 bia RapTM aanumta, bawaver, of AwAfflr aa Arnultoa, nai nT or tk l francleco reiterated abaalntoJaek ara datnc7 tiaaa to da tba apletwld wot kj fotora It aad la tkie. bawa piaeaa on tba ttckat for city offlaara Potoal. Émiimi: 'Oansr al or personal ambition or deaire tor pattttcal Qaraaan forana an luan n nf tba drWataa Une aatwtnr la baahad tap by the Cira aatlatat fat' rant avpraehtar oaunlclpai eatnpaign. of tba Xa-- , of tba north at aonnrs nt nwateo. Tna niaeanisnt waa anaoo report aa rapanU Peutbam Patead. A, attaOar coannatraai atjpol in tna and party of friends, who had ptaanad M a confarenoe with a rtalaiatlan frota inn will ba na City, laxdoo M,M want Ike parlad at aa rapara I by aha Yavanc MaaFa Democratic club al ' bean deslg- - today for Mnaieo wfil Ubarat party, or Wafeb VtBa abnraatwt, wbaak baa aslated far aad. SMMn ay as war saaatoi to tana nana maenniiety. yea re seen naa bees giran of tha asMMMaasan MnatMMr aauad rar isooatar aventar. nreiarr trAMlifM to avaetrVaManat Oatli aware aTnya attat aavtataa. liitMnisim of tba aran at JsUoco. General tag ana poaapMaMMnt ar traa trap. norm tea, Scmia 2am Réodv to It wttl he tke duty af the joint remanal Ma chief, has ! in iftort to nrbtsr anotts a paaoervu aoan- -. Mciü IK JMeffBata- , WwaP fVsMalM toe or mueiiin ta raaatre pnggMUntu rranp or dllrtoalnea trantT mea In the ' thta tba aahwaa an nearly atl tka tisi Feaa aa ta cholea SjsRjLw-4f'',f- rRadOSMR mm tka. nortaam nartr asancnnrairag IW 1 MBMM af K their af larttir re Contribution frpm Goodfeliows aatntat aaaart thay baan by Franctaoo átabaarhana that ran digital for iba verious city omaaa, eruttt, tna tr haf aril B fti noted ortantaar, waa headed atttsan wtu Invitad to send ata and. to soon aeeoena farmer Carranaa cabinet " Irary ba it ttrMM cr win - every one aay there aaa bean tugtaatton oonaMaration diritiona or tna Vara Craa.- Noy, n ftonaral Vanaaiisna "t hope Unto baa convinced tn and due win ba Utat I, no. not poaaeaa. any anass- - an gtvan avwry name praaensaa. BaaderM will Cartwaaa. wap. la .in Jalap laadgnt. la aa. Healeo to laaliava ' faHtaa baáta Angele who baa 'nawwá' "eTetsvenn. taaspatwaP th to BaíaTnaant smELi I, ' anrw5t EttMr, aaa Ifcoia .awMRMa ,wath will fail ana aa win tka inlkna par a Uifty naval, mt arte tbt dayaM aannaanaad rhn "m' retary tka aMldtailiwr eaab, want ar other of jn Maia aMjnMaTasfwsai alpaa were ktO- -i ara tka Manser of a ticket to ba will opérala anidar racMva nnerai non anona aaa. u m i laaaivlEg. OesMawl Osnraawat and Continued on paga .) ke mlaoed ta a naeiiioo to eikiiil and aat ajad aaa dftM wm dana la tn aha anato at be ( renta for tka two Ma; QhAnnaa tree, taet ntwpnrapa naaawh va atecaion la aim area A sapera swejgwjr'eYeQlesh'frpH'Copc caaa- - tba part MfWMt daya, are pUaaad tar Ofirjatanaa ava., One war. a Dveiy ntereat in tba oosnanar Immmmmmm?sÍ for will ke for tan inaarfren eklldran In Clava' pann la already apparent, and Mara at that Carranta haa eut tka land Square, aad tfce atker la tba Mexican daatrovad a aaatabar far wm imBi You aaa ntUroad lines bwdinr M 7 &" J L starter Hexlean. " Of ta tsetwt. Pomo Co. . Baa yaw ñatea m iwdtif your eowrt ñatMaa'twadMrn, Needs Morris btttluei to anvunn In tba una in whether tbn MMtttnni trhacb ma deaba to aid tka marinea or Uta tbwnaey tba natada ar the votara apa wlMtoar or MM m a rtdti cutoua dacrM laantd by Mamtaaa eauorec. aan pan aaa aaanrao Xalty can na nsa? Maaw reel starar bia evacuattoa at Tim at at aad m Tar tátaae wtvo asw tinl mm wtahM to tMa innpaat wtUke reached bara. The Mad B Pm tha latuhwMutn S3aa tai sáaranee or Horria Co ' to anaaran Mfe aaMMaaa aaad btorrla Cot, Qm war atrtaar ahjhtad sawn MMI ad wdP ad nMlntaant naca wko will ba Mk huanini leras tt tbat. tba of Iba k and tba Monung Tunee naa 'Vadh MM enea cy tna noraaa MM aaMjMMJMa 'It daang, aa awMt an tor mi nattaMriHFMjptH asltM) , mm It ba btteisMe af aha naawi l. Thay ark .unatolIPSeng ipi MsMjs, jtatattaMr wttji vius sweeping ut rrom tba may be, ia eertatttjr gasnr batt tba nartb, and that is ambire a tne on ta na Mtaata wm n front thla pre apar ña eecfloa. WTb ot of tba annua! as Mate High an error fba ward atay. to snMsvnr ta aaaaw tan aaMMMEl gMadi Cordoba, frose which patM fcrtadaatl sannto Norria h 0. of optataa ta tba and that tba riiMiM g lasuea, an errecuve arasy tba reoaral taaor at tba af tba way May ba Mt a paatwn ta paMpjpir.-srs- 4 aad tba baaaar at hfcnwt U neeeaMpy far aauv naa aanMMaM fenAUaMbi SSí anaswbaa a MttMd IMMt hi Mat feee mt Mty iMMslMh shMtd. na srdeto twtaa to aaa MnMaialinásnm ñaaMnMiM raportad Oaaaral many MjMjMaiMaajal mtm kwuttMjjrf 7wIUmsswM aaíasa aff atawalttCM, Wn also that guod eiuaaaa al Mtala? pnaadble mm avacuanua aa bsuetai tkrewn ni tha faaaSSEL MMaaaal mmSIW ht r Diauaa. of Moiria Ca. ba tbta pj itlsiael k ñsr.atatiMMt abara ta mmjp awMjMhMt dha aaart to reuro aaawa ana iwo tn a aparan & V. WSZ av tTlln WjABLrS tka iiiMratdtnn and araalM an tt-- awManñsww aMáffadMa'kj SSihMt í5!a m' mmmmLBSSmKBr asTafpw)W Manpl WmW mfmmt 1 FVaaeaPts mm CL PAgO MORNING TIMKH Sumfay. NttttAtlUfi The New Shop Earh

Latest Popular Mexican Music Rolls The 1915 Detroiter Special Features , FOR The bUgttt air? f Opportunity for distributor in such ter- It evwis po poMngr WITH- ,We are showing the ruk-ion- 1 OUT CMOWBIN&, on s 'l lkrgest collection of ritory as Houston, San Antonio, Paso that org dtep mi W fr nummum emfort. ch Pianola Pianos and Amarillo. doors give eaiy octetFr Loog-tHrok- e, Bnlbnarksg Meter For Spring! Praat, direct- cylkders cast cncL!oc, zyix$ iaches; ly beaeaah fntme to prevent twisting. The lightest car of its cUm ; . vratcr .cooled, cbenpetct, light Rear,, pUtfarw type, wkh aafversal less 2J00 founds. J?tM t'vt i ..!(.. " "Tr rr.i:,... Mark thn t. "nr.. three-poi- 2,000 ..c Uait power plant, nt saepen-aitM- i. joint feature feeiad cm ao other car from to miles farther, fpr "Adela," "Ákiudíif "No te U Rajee," te Quiero," "Atí I Es cloned interchaBgeevW vaivee. belaw raav'' set of tires. Deprecíete very Chaqueteros,' Rk etc., Koa, etc Cross .Carburetor raised above frame. slowly. ca- one-ms- ' L Ceo&tg Thenne syphoa. Extra An actual top, iM For le 'Wdwtively' by the Startfag aad Lighting Systtwai-West-Highot-tee pacity radanaec. name but a, reality. Ofendes eqtiipmeat with a special iDe-- ettstly ''and quickly; fits smg. i fastaDatioa. Silent wPthi-driv- e, - troiter Fuel Supply Large tank in' cowL Non-ski- d rem- Duplem Leather Goods ever engaging the crank shaft direct wpea tire. Oldett Piaae .oí tire carriers rfsr., Hewe in EITPá. '! prcsatire pedaL ' shown in this city. You Drive aad Centro! Left side drive, run-run-g . Aluminum mnd linoleum center; control. Both foot accelerator can't find anything betr Ball-beeri- Transmfssioo, Sefectire and hand throttle.'. Both automatic and and floor boards. Ventilat- Sst-tr- m type, speeds forward resn-visk- m windshield. .ter for Christmas pres-- ; three aad reverse. asanualspark advatice. ing El Paso Piano Co. heavy, enameled frame. ents, may it befór man Maltlple Disc Clutch Twelve internal Steerátg Ger GentRier irreversible Bounded radiater with rafia-to- r The home of the "Genuine" Pianola Piano. or lady. aad eleven external crucible steel discs worm aad sector type. " mud shield. located within fly wheel. Rans fa oil. Headlights with dimmers W. R. SCHUTZ, Prop. Adjastnhle. Froat Axle "I" beam, drop' forging. ' emergency search lamp electric 308 Tens St Nest tt YYatsoa's Grocey. cigar lighter. ' Xeinarkable Final Drive Ratio of bev- Fiaaae Pressed steel, channel sectJoa. el to pinion 4:1. Net a single final drive drop type.' v-- wHHWWHHHHIHHIHIHHIinWWWIHIWHMHIrHIHIHHHHHIIWIHIIHMIIIIIIIrHHift ever returned, to factory for replacement ment hoard. All recording in- in three years.' struments carried m on unit, right at the finger Úpe Iñe ffcmjn Over-pix- Brakee Largest Waking ÉUcéric Tq surface, of made-ro- ne Wheels Heavy artídery. type. , Positive fuel gauge. Spend Million Dollars of Quality any ear tornare ' inch to every 9.5 potsada of weight; 'J inóioaiar that shows m resl.fiaah', ktjilatl BBBBBaaWUBBB4BBé ZaBaVtK s'eBftBBáf talaBaaaUr Public Pteblie Butld-iaf- a érvk:e brakes; eraergescy Body ;Fírs ceaipíete Car ep can VWWVSWi fwf ivVWTtF' WWWWW , fBnf eptBjBBtiejBTr CenttructKm of Industrial FiaaU atl and Quasi a brake.'f a stream-Bet- e ever produced hi Aiaerica. gsr paini. - -- 1 fa Near Future Will Involve Immense Outlay S9tBtsmBtiaBBSimBBtBatncsasmsBae fa Pasa ef Crowned fenders. ' 5' lott 11 and M or block at, Altura Park. Horn button in oenier ef Mwy. two. , ' Full PloatJng Rear, Axle. A feel steerikg whéeV 1 Also Pearl. Long aad butband to V, ! housing, thoroaghly ribbed and .braced, Ce4rs Rartm blae with black chaaets Boolbe, residence and lota at and Ball bearings throughout. estate, con- or rive or Six Iiandall cltlsens are .carrying all load of the car. Axle and haod ) ao operarios body fiaish. El Paso ret! and business ntion - or block 40, Altura Park, consideration, shafts generally In better coming- to El Pato .to Invest In valley' leuda. K ditions of the city tro W,W0. , removable without disturbing heasing. upholetary. First complete streamline. , tnepe bow then at any time since the The market for valley lands is atrpnt tnd outbreak of tha European war, and ibis A. Von .Bslldow to Ettelle Mclienry, lota Will withstand three tintcs actual load, Wheel-bas-e 12 inches. 31 ,and M or block 81. Altura raxk. con- i statement by one of the leading financiers New Currency System Helps.. imposed. Adjustraeats very simple. Bnee iftches. of 11 city, who keeps In dote touch Willi Another factor In helplnif eily Teal eatata sideration, two. v Wheel t reelty coMlUaca, u corroborated and and the valley landa la tne establishment the Droirettlve real estate men or the regional reserve federal banks. The The- Company. bv benks not only the roe er tbe city. ' widen ream Six n bungalowt, each equipped e continue ana that may be put up ea security, Southern net w demend - a paper with basement and with beating plant, were Fort Wtirth tre M HTMy, BUt MM OUHOOa DrioIM iu- but low rate for wry bright. W Paw. the. city has ben eatabllthed by; the Dallas bank, completed during the past week for the Distributor R. Texas company. OVERSTREET AM batata of sever twvlrtr had a bo om and the effect la already apparent Money The bunga- j. jiad of never having-- to untlfrgo thai pert la easier today In El Paao then at any time lowt were erected on Dyer atreet, near tbe 705 COMMERCE ainee the European war, and there la no STREET. OI rOe3tt9fl a)l)U UvUI ciliuu titea eiwnj or Country club, at a cost of as.MX) eech, and follows a era, of ttnetion. Her growth lack the, circulatlnr medium to be .ad up to dale' In every there-lor- at ratea, they are modern and haa been normal aMl heaiunr end. reasonable when It la desired for tespeet,' tt U oontiauoui. end the metropolle legitimate development and business pur- of the touthwett fortes steadily rorward poses. Brick it now beM? laid on a notwithstanding the era of world-wid- e Creamery Now Assured. bungalow that It being erected by the teo, lots milt, block 1. rabana, Texas; that the civil war 5ewld be avoided. Tbe Valley f tbet asiste at present. farmers are not only pleated wMb company for 1. II. Fergu- m. 17. t . Outieeret comraisetan eaHed on both Pres- ttrang-e- r the appreciation or Met only the boma people but the their land son. The building la located tii block Tt, C. M. Newman et al. to Cetario Peret. Me. ident Outlerres and Oeeerel Villa, and they gates, once breathing the values, but they are rejoicing over me agree to tbe within the El Paso, and wlU cost .W0. lot HI, 17, were willing to terme, but tr or the Oate City, aoon aaturance thai a creamery will aoon be Cut Mock 6. rtbent, Texas; iwL whlob was beaded by pen. iavtrorttlnr In El raao, other commiiiion, come te bare the mo it unbounded confi- ettablished which will permit Iglesias Caideron. prealdent of the Liberal amamm dence in the city. They are not afraid and Invite a tpeedy development or the Bldt Celled ror Wgb flihool. V .Bulldlaa Permita. party or Mexico, was unable to tadnee Car- - M Wrest their money, became they can be dairy industry and open up en additional Treat Tro it, arcbttects, acting in behalf Mrs. A. Ü. Mtlone. to repair mjHdlng, V raasa to yiem in me meet meaner. geometrical or read money ror the progressive 1 shewn with the exactitude or or the board of school truateea, are ad- W. Oche' street tM. The tommission heeded br rranclea Via demonstration, that their return la certain Íouree vertising for btdt ror Et Paso't new and which called on vwa and omierrej, In way they i..ay Heights I Busy. Mrs. 'ARB, liepper, to make repalrt at ROUND TRIP end aero, a speculative handsome building. was comnose of LeopoWe aurtado, tun- i view or the rapid Tim tne big development at Man- high school Dtdt will o eetíak) Orando; street; tag. make a heavy return In work opened on ex- nel Meades. Lull. A, Guimaa. Isaac Bar- and development the city and hattan iielgbta la attracting attention far be December tt, when tl tt M. O. : BMir. Co.. to make ChattaNtHSfa . . , . . $59,00 growth of beyond pected be ckiani u4 rara, Ignacio Borrága, and bad an lit iti tributary country, but what clinehre the borders or the Oate CKy la that t oentract will awarded. reptJri atMt North i ptjo street; fMe, Lnle Umora Prneea. Battle Creek. the bergem with a prospective tnve r, shown by, the ract that during' Hie past In addition to having designed tbe p)snt The eemmlsstoaXte 'Garraaaa was eoní- - Mich. $67.30 week the ltecori, Balti- Bine Hmes out or ten, Urn fact thai Manufacturer of for tht splendid building,' Treat It Tro it trnty eñe "BROMÓ oin.ViN- posed or four members, and Iglesias .Calde- Freaaet Lick, . even U be la can be more. Md., wrote lo the Manhattan Helcnte report, they are now datigntng the me , Indi . from people asking concerning tttMr that Wbenever you (eel a cold coming an, ibrak rón wat ebelrman. shown that an inreatment In El Paao real for data plana and tpecifleetlont ror a Masonic tem- name, N, le sa as a bond. work to be included, In tne In- or s tna ,ntr bmomu AsWU. C.,. H5.8 estele rood rovemment ple, to be Tucson, Arjt., and ' VH.LAHK.tC Aral EDUABBS BAY We Pretaete Voder Wey. dustrial bulletin, which the pubUeetHta M located tt qVWtiUK. Look ror elint'ur of B. w, EF ibnrK.w ,küvo New York Kl tuea reguiarly and circulates wiñéiy. which win cotr mom. orare on ré lkn. ' Few Paseana realise that in few baa. 16c rrom nuevo yaetarnay 8SS2T c 1 1 a million dollars will be spent Manhattan llalihii u hnv nfiu íaui Armen teen Hot 9a rime weeks about daya. the - tinted mat early m weak tbe Carranza Xltoate 7 I In erecting lar re buildings and Industrial work of building new feemet. put- Rrlek Plant Under Ceaetruetlea. bald an eonateH war On aetle dnHv. loner limrt, aeeei-in- r, geaerele important ef liberal City Offtos) , J planu or a public or c nature. uiir in paviiir, curoing ana An Interesting and Important development a jaeaterey decide on a pean are pace with the iandicape ImprovetneaU te of defense etop-ovr- a, okoeoa of On nortb Kansas atreet workmen . er tbe inauguration Ute raettee. aftproaehee there- - to beautify nut ida ih im-- put week was tbe of LD8TEB TREASURY for tb state agalnet tiaavenaen rorcet grading the site and the the are moving northward, apresen-tatú- new El hirb tehool, which rpundings. .In this connection it should ne construction work by International which r to for the raia too company on big clay working of. all or the garrhtant' la tbe tata will coit heir million dollars, and con- staiea uiai century plants were recen ar Brick lit , t set out alonr tha mrkwin and u, preiaed plant, located in wero caneo tegeuiar te eeaaam me.comcr-eace- tract fer which will shortly be let. The and brick the (Continued from para 1,) mili- OX au etperf lendnape gardener aee--l oeaeral Antonio I. raterial, new K Psso Union stockyards, now lit pJ Cotton addition, and to ecu Tbe tary governor or Nueva Lean, wee present, eeurae ef la the Cotton eddi-ue- Maivu uuii auauaaiiK sua "fHtrP t ItO plan) will be tne modern construction one of moat and my T tfeet end rWerel Eduardo et the estla for the eiperntiture or KM,ui.J. ment end beautiflctuon or the fine priva eomplete tataatry. knew patfecH well I llar traite H park, which tt to be to in the United States, and in aaa.MM fer tha peeatdiaey of Meslcd, meeUng. , . fie laternaflonel Brkk company will later dedicated tM to tile roofing nW.MD os lie Mr plant, in the Cotton prened brisk sewer teiatae that retaon whan peace it ib ne eomeraaea t was iiiia uu iuo addfUea. work on wnWi M already under t.'tó.ií!B5MiHl company baa teM ptpe end other clay ptednctt will be manu- ta my cotwryI will retire to my C arruiia rorcet in tba Baemwaeiern poruon SlibUn bulw fuHy nra, - or the republic all of their . way. while the fine modern brick fire- iliiJJ'0.'. '.'f. factured. It will reeke ettht month ami nva me ar a private cm- entry, on ttreet-Mb- e w galow, corner or Maple street, to eemplcie the mirr7 10 nam both proof building Alameda plant, which, when In o county uoepl 11- -4 1 Bearing completion at a Orant avenue, the conalderatlea being will give weedy employment to ammlnlo which miervtewed VUta tie northern atwÑáma? oeapons,' in Tie to one order to cut a fartee from cost of store inen.awAM, while the new WO operatives daily tnd will at Suae was tlmiitr watch the Lib CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE Dr. Hendrtebe seaHtrlum on Oovernment Tr ai of a new and modern buncelaw. naet eral parly of Mattco bad sent, to Carrtnaa their sources Ftmys. Mill, aamrotUaetely will lth steam best equipment, located en sil- a dally payroll in eaeeit of feoo. m anaw m mm m Ooaamleeloo MarreSanta. coaling tWA, ver to ton terme , aoos be reedy (er occupancy. atreet, Architect wbseh waned bring aSauijn peace tnd a nitie trntaiútiaii tw reported, end a Dtmaed! tmal Wa war prleaa on fodaral Vaitey Leeds. during tbe past weStJt". VeHar Lead la in two ncHme in eroar Meaaet and conatltuUdnaliot meaey. Baatetd Ft Tborraan moved teto his aew borne. tbe acWvHy k tnattte . One ef te meet etawtfteMt Batlitat healthy of El Paro Nephew ef Mitlaaa With 5ttr aawanal Biktinc, JtooBa saa. FIum Wis. mt abown ttmng demand late la real eati Newman seel tatalt. at by tbe keenimh.Ute etronr pick I tur Up In demand for Javeetmeal Ceasptay. and tha tteady and normal volume it p Speetel Wtw te Tmtee veiiey, tend. A relieMe real catate man uie fiewnuH lareswsent coeapsny report mere are numerous tnaalrtet and t fe Wubi Car reata, Me mmI Um yeers valley lenta butineM very good, and tfca following Tor farming tnd trowing DON'T DYE GRAY HAIR yogette,.AmVy were alea a druc on CM market, the aeM datnand frnK it 'or sales and Uaaifcrs were made during the tanda ef tbe rich El Pato and Masilla val- - wat befara SuMm of tba Peace . j. Ume lamr abet taa rallen tMt deeun bed tertely been d past week i V people. d tfie bad Met. ate tales or tracts of tapeta lo bera teetear far pralemmiry beer-ta- g H ree lands Prom Oeoran boa. cettbaat - DjaXlCWUi CJUCAMSl been aeM and reeeM aenaov our own peo-- , W, snrp to H. A. Betneea mveiiort were reporten aur an 'tba abara- of ateeaatg an turn-- Kt pM wñs no a de- - and Jlmmle Balbsee. the prtmlset at kag Baat week, to LET A1RHEST0RE IT until there lonter itronr Mckinley tm the due tbe aeuvitiet til i. 'raa tana wat cea Mewed. The avenue, meladtnt- the west best publicity malatatned ear, )t la stetnted, betengt to lived.' eMeie men or ef tto JMft burean Ooternor pay Tie reel resitted that lot It and all or lot to, tl and at of by tha it Baaa Chamber or Commerce and otwANtats ttuer rntatsae ' Bed u em aner new nurjei block lot, orendvtew addition. Coaeiaera-tlo- mea you 347 aatd en n ware,h w oroer to put new water liters' Pea't let aaajr betr pramtrr Se hmeder Vtetaatt 1U Keo. old-k- by keaams; your heir la Bare that -- Ti drcuUWM. sad' tkls. wllh the ai, yaM It intattntl tbe two unideotl' Wa daavay W tee wUdtMy nr Paso From A, J. Fullea and T. V, dell to 0. young. AN rem need e w aa uea Hay's fted ABaavtaaBa raporwd M tna, BiOHT MOW? wtreen the tl T'PWn, a murdered or -- tr or ceatR-.Tc- an we km tnirta reeldence an Hn Mee Osara - Gameraa to Martin Swaeaey, Mate Hasten. Aaar metrtet ar ponera are Henry Stewart nyttjiilaftPew tefwf Watas waM 1nOHVTliS at 'aety aeeectetlen, they neve 10,1 M toJae naae Ueerv ííret,,..,ncl.u,d!n? nd af btaek H, tea, aa 1 ta 7 aad Wt n to te. Meek Ht, Hat a ya- - lea no week a if. and Wtae at Wbaeton. These two hmb are av, at. n a aetar to aa tT batwean aavaa a. aa. a4 enhenan HelrhU. Consider sitoa, HJM. At asa ear Add.: New, It aeatalna saad atd raahieaid bartatsea baawat ta bave been In Hewlat a MMaM BnattmVf1 MeM aJayae p, aa. H. ft. that an 4 i. Cameron aad WKe to tie yd K. cantaren to H, w. Braadema wtdeti ttttnttlate, nemmh and matate; aned. Two disreputable re, 6vi9M peM r etrgt eneraste tit weei Intuirles for and wife, a resMenee, Ka, P. La and B. K. pfapare tbe hair far the aatlan of eaeealn wtat attaatpted 19 war tac seated tea tape tanate bn been freen every Saartjt Baran Orndorrr. tell ctQwet end atbaf tha. en.ftH IWaUYtMrCtfttera Mil Wyoming ttreeL CaneWerttlon, Am. eaailmVaaiitBi. mes to Is. block tat,tt otnar wenaarf 1 iaaiaateaii wWan, waeet hiaatttttgi or the Amerfeaae AM, Tba aaelaatea aeeae nbnrtr afear aeetli ot m eeaielry.ree4. One neeier Gerrtnger aad t tt Santa nma eejle Ho or and wte to. K. cam. aatd ata ta Alexander Add.i appMed, actueUy eeueee the sanan at taa baaa bean taken into cuetedr, of trecta lead eroit t tantas to e ntaa at pottevIHe. ft., while enotner and wife, a residence, no, i, etr-- ta reatare natural eamr ta tha bear. MataMaWf Hyft( Kfja4afd aaba tttanM b dealer han been (rKeponeune; with parties m Metnphlt atnet. ConsWeratlon. tt.tu. 'tlTtW apean and Wtt to Sydney Kocbett. tt le so poaavair tne. teat peer near n la reported here today mat meante bnjltre ar tha eTTaeiai. and an dete I'earl Long and buabaad to V. JamUV wmMRm 0&.. result t Soothe. tmM. bMa tt Met .at, Maek tt, Baat Bl mwétmkmtw laMMn Sapada, tba wealthy Tueeaat raiaamta. Hoe fCadavi Me. SV bitadtfeU dank abada pan aa ntatob. tmtlta. bate eaptueed and la batay bead far rtriTm nbmam laaei lit Co. to Matate Hay'a Malr Mealtb alaa betsa bap tna aaWaBtmWkf t) tfetf BÉfMnsfp p9t$ MV JlmH i'lf Ufa ana healthy luetar Mai aatnra taps U. rataa,f Saaaee, Prvreat laaaegd tttstatjl pan ara amt, baat or au. tM tea wta know dlapatabed iMnbmiat af rniaftrt ea tV 'lBtmlPaWiepp TemLp JmtWe W tmfWafal, Co. 23ferrP. Bwet ta Ansian ttaer Itaproveaaaai abfeVMnf ftesCamM kf tftnt eleeflVSl nMammMHtf Mmmtl Lvy Grocery k Ceawtrtwttan pa., nttii ttat to at. block M nam. i. iu wt t mmwm wm It, Beat Bl pnaa asm. taw, ttaw w X XeUUUC CAM UnC, mVOnt tasaTMaM tHjtJúSÑ eftnCa 9$MJMm m 1Hmml jjg C. M. Wt tásate at ai, ta eWa'ftamiam Cenaantaa sataet.FÉaeMaathi be laaetay atreiti , HP tearnbSfftartiitB er beewtfbt mtha nftatWftnil left MnrntfenV WfU tM mgM0KMt$ nrewmt ata aeeaeeeakm mt XbZ aattpenv Vtaaa M aaetat amala, a dM apnaas etaajgtp Is ntaea at a tStnt Bm lb 1 tiaaeaatji ruaat O 9éM9 .,,.,, .r , , ,,,,,,,,,, f . wAtJOTw toaiaerTátTeaá Bs temBeSa fbaem wm m aatd aav UH aMnaa aatSi uraaana aitsmtln kV'sStaTtat mabH m fSStSi anrt MM tttata H at amia bar aw rest aa aatd ta be t aanaaber attétna aja- - anas baa.deBitad ta aa aUtaatm fctJlaWmv ía flftml íafc ejeMd íaH JCp OVVWav Bperlaltket fieanpanp, aoeeaca, B. J. tad bnemts aa Uta tmtan, eat a teaM tba t! I mm ii i , Sjsau fewi 10 te 11 m. Mi tiM I f J. in TytaNÍ i,

' fille Perplexing Question li Easily and Quickly Solved at uropuinr Tjunts xnat noui-- This, Great Christmas , Store I Select Your Gifts Here Xmas r Gift Things for er Would Like I blg mwymútto from tb, is filkkd ew.nejvfeí has cfcectecl this the Home A Ttor'ae. S1.M tO...,.i,.,.t jwt om betttent rooít .Kerf yery effort and forethought been toward or Sosrf to, ... . 'one end f making Xmas, gift selections a pleasure ..and not. a it tarnfr .1.M with tKwfc practical, ueful wdc( ornamental. HpuniKh h Teatatftflfc Kimono," Mt e .IWJ .befe, WÍ 9-- taak. These magnificent stocks stand tnout an equal qaeet'jawsla, 91.78 A ,Bech' Babe,' S. to.'. ,...$iMl upon thoueanck of gtto that wouUlfbe accefitabee and thoroughly eok, 918 (0,.4, fMfJta Coate; 9MJM to..;9e.M in nSe entire Southwest, and you may choose wjdt the ,'péeitiva Center neees, eaofa, Mo to., MmIwI Coate, 91 M to.A , appraoiatexi ltwjr a ftambe of Úté fcmUy, 1y friend, xweetk)Bart ór XAaeh Cetfce, 9t.9 tei M.M .919 aasuranee that not only are the valuee as good, but in iweet fcwtancas Baffet and Breeeer' scarfs 91.M to 9 NMHM'OMti,. MS ta.., g , íwYeíoar Coats, U.7S to..$TJ Mrvwit; ara exhfpicl here in a eóátíiiuouá, nerer-endtn- panorama, they are even better than may ba fviand in the larcest seoraa of the NeveHr Caeea, SSo to...... M.78 tnsUY Omen, T.jS Baey-me- Oases, 91.89 to...i.,.,9SJe9 'yÍá("dM rewl " to..MJS .aspan KiwtouM, ujw Chritma spirit avarjMr jn arklenóe. , metropolitan cities. Xjaaeaeoa Beto, M.OS to. .9M.&9 VtPM ttSUk Watoto, M.M TWe Cover Seto, 918.S9 to, ..9M.99 SSl W NHc,MmIiM' 91.4 e'fa.9S. Ywr Oevpit Wkm lug the Store el tin rhiaHwM Spirit " - Umkimrt tipteUr?, Jeamtorln VmM, . .- v.ffM Fanqr LImm .Rett Oao Sec to...... ijU.fc.99 Ceniera aad ScarTs, 38o to....M.M Pettteoato, ...... 9M.M to.-.;- , 'elk MM t. Ready-toWe- ar TaWo Covers, (8.00 ... ..96.99 MaMh handauule lingerie, Btpnrato Xmas Preparation in Section A Stock Reduction Sale H. S.TaMe CoTers, 9.99 to 9.M to.; . . 4 .9M.S M-8- pfesesv ji J ...... H. 8. Table Seto, 9 to. ...S18.4 mPoMfitrto seta,. 917.9a ti,....98.1 Fattern Tabla Seto, M.M to... 989.94 HMc te ' The Xbmw epirit ie nuniHtnt at the "PojMiler," with early ehoppine; already Sale of women's wearables at uadtipnéoiwge that will qnieely Rad new own- Xtamask l S. Tea Naplttae, 94 ta 98.9S Bfootory, to.t.j ; LH 3c well Beeeeekatine; quick in stocks adcMnonal shown in very special lots. several group- Glass Towels, doses, 91.89' to.. .98.89 ItoMui 811k MndCvvHMMBéM whHo Of" beeua, action redtteiag to make ers for every garment these 1Te K. 8. XJaea HaekTowi, ea. Me te attorn,: ; t . . .9.w roam for Chnem goods in tito big Ready-t-We- Section, With this ing quoted below, represent the styles of the asesen 'and offer X. 8, linea sjaeet teweto, ea. Me to 780 Me ie ,918-- Dinner Xapklae, doeen, 989 te 9M.9S TtMirtTiiSkMr,i and m view; we begin' Moday morning with Mammoth Stock Reduction incomparable yawes.; lililí. '1ln to.... v. 9.n9 a M Card Table Corere, ea. 4So te...9.7S Mt Bmfflers, Me e...... 919 JHHCh dotas, 91,89 t,.,.....M.S9 Brttheaat Oaf. 11.7ft to...... 9.9 TImm W1m Him Waited Wttl Rkn lUwstfd. Ktrn m Dtatstaifltlpt Wétk . M-9- Miid7 94.8a i AatemobUe Robes, M-- 0iw Q, t. .91TJW téi eeeea mmrts, . ... Sown-rme- d Comfort, M.9S to. ' e, v 9M.M AneeetéeOe Vetta, 7Se.te...... MJ More Thaaiia Thotwand Beautiful Garments, Indudin Suiti, Bresimi) Coatt, 'Woel Biaaketo,. pah--,' 98-- to 9M.M neto, . .. . . Cotton-ttne- MwriwH M.M tb.. d Comforts, 919 to M.M KM' SeeveaV 91.M tq.i...... a v u . Skirt and Waists Enter into Thi Sale at Fracüonal Price Oriental Rase, 99.9$ to...... 9M5.99 Coaeíy' aVppese, 91.99 to...... 91.8 Navajo Rase,- - , ...... ,....910.99 prem Me te". . , . . 2..91M tpr, WtWeM'a , We an, an' Suits Wesnen'. 5uk Wemcn'si Weanett's Seiits Cedar Caeeu, 94.89 to...' 9t.M ned' 8ite fbtrts Lace. 91.89 . . .'t; 1 .989.99 fórmerljr áMtrked' formerly Cartosas, to. TlMere' sonaerly Marked That were That were formerly' mark4'' That formtHr marked That were marked rorUere Curtains, 98.89 to. ..99.89 ni ? aatd 4f.M, at. and $4.M, at, MMI to tIT.II. át f 11,99 te;i.S9, at, 4f Art F'ttTRrttira emWend' H ' fM airs Pkmaes, Brtcaorae Btataetteg, Ttejar kWilM' mee, EJeetriC Xanana for T4teee preseat' opoortwatty seldom' sáeewatsred; as Utef are repreenutíve of the aeweet faehtena, In bota?tijn and matwlata, emsraclBj a varied aadc Art fcvnae semeato Rail, or , .Room, eaeeMtat ohotoe dreeey styUs navy,' sad the w of: arewaa, green, et.-- . AU are exeelleaePmede and beanUfuMs tptiaanadt'aad' luxtsJjL Room, Ben JMnlc ofmrt, - lalak, hluesaad ar4 "Wntslst gemine Tae Uaed itad aeae.' SaMe fer extra lerse.aad stoat wema, sises aad maaV la miases' atoes. " arymg Tabfes. .ee. ,,, rioaelr wtaNkr h' Recular "fflkh ' ',' rf?' Ies.' Tslsnttoaér Center and aeama' J TaMea, TaMes, II '.-- "( 'II Wrftinr C,TaMes, ''MBBbeSt Wsnata PraM . Wsá,si Drsaast Waman IkseMe M .Art Read Chatos, Rookate and. Sewlna t..'.' II II TfctWe-fromer)yaa- ., Tkat .were fermerMr, asaaeied tlf.M áad,, ; '. That'weee firmtrly marked U7.Í9 ad''tl.i , Cleslta.T Mneio aaanda, Brleaaeao ysaande, 'arhat Mete- ,- Aeáseato san ' ners and Centers for: Tables. Ionmer-an- Me RmbmMwrnil FUlowev Anee M-- , f. abeve dresses are' representative er the leadlas; fusilen, maay reeeatby arrived, aad ahownna eomblnatleas of wool eeesea7 and "novelty' weeleaa with. 1.M . The havlac'eat .are , lows, to... i.;.,;, modeto, inodeta many vartottoae. b4uo áad browas."-ljirse- entail, atoes. j etc, eta, are offered la iae'l OteOfMi TwiHH, aaUa er'enk. Httesar and Gendarme Beeue tatae eutor .BtaekV shades respite aad menee selecelons very moderate 1 w;...H.w ' at II- prloea. II . . CedtU II WMWpmVCatS II JtimX ,to, i...,..,.. . Waftft' C4s WoeMm's WeMnen'si Cets Weoteii's Ciats Votfei, BartraJBpsetot SeeotoJ, at, iBpeetoJ at- - BpeetoJ Bpeetoi 8eW,rM. o.., .) at Sxtra t Nati t Bxtra at Xxtra 'at GUt Thlnfa for tna Baky Piotwo Rnw,'H ). . .it.l ' M Handmade Preeeea, 91.78 XiHpMB t, V . te....M.9S Rln8, 9l.Míté.,...... M tlS.ti nt$7.É at f10.00 at fia.op Carrtoee Robes, 91.89 to M.99 MBBbMrfOenr Bets. SÍ.90 to...... 4. Are Kemarkaato Valuea. Are ResTilar UM9 Talaes. Are, Regular 115.03 Seylee. Are ai"22.59.yl.. '"Are Regular 125,99 8tyls.' CeHalold Rattles, l&o to...... 91JW fe fBey íIJH jío. . i. r,4. ,IV(. ' "i.i Water Base, 60a to. I navy; Hot ...... 91.09, WlimiM, iaj ...... 4 ...... vv.w .laehtded are Ripple. medela aad Ftore'tmedels B leaf, medtam er short leBstha, Saert coat, ,Oe eoato and KlHtary eoato, .Blaelc, brewa, sreea. platds, mixture 8oep Boxes, Sea to. ,1, .91.99 BlwWncTtümbtos, .Mo mmI Me, Oeaame Saftex Jrars ptusa, atoased Araeaya. JSaKe Aaaaeia. metalesab, Astraklean plusK ; Astrakhan velvet, Hladu.aláeh, JPlIese aad. Pebble.ehevlet In'blaeka., ThM Manteare Seto, 91,99 aad upward. fMriore Implemento wUH $lmMmg teernamed are masawteeat meseto la aaeear aaajMiaaary mseeie, rail; mea with suarMHeea sattaa ta ewore aad Week. At these prlees, $7.t, l.99 aad $18.99 they are Powder Boxee, 89o to. ... . , . .91,69 iMwdlee. Mo to..,.. 7ftc fered to yea at less than wholesale roáaafaotMrea' seat. AUtatsea.A Cesan and Braeh Seto, 4o to..S4.S9 Toilet 9eta, to , Safety Pin Boxes, Mo to...... 91.99 tim$ OaJtaJyemiat, Dsainty TrmmitV QCl ''' dtHfaii mi Lsm Wla4a Ltwly SiHc Raay Reoonto, Mo to ..94.89 sexMtttLee WaisHsi at . .,v. . iVí v . . &&M;Crp Hvttitr WaaMs;t . . . , $3.95 Coat Kaagora, Me to ..91.9S IXÍIíbW: Oriké iMeteiM. Bre4. M Powder Palis, Mo to, ...... 790 Orfetotc a-- wide ask varied eholee of pretty styles la htaok er eolsrs all stoee, hi U A, splendid aré upta aC hlch svaai walsto In all the sew1 styles, anil shades; vetfeef TsBlfalnc Rtnaa, Mo to...... TSo I ,U 94.99 to 919.89 ÍWpÍ 'iw9 JíeppejP íiielieee MÍA x vataes eatraertlaary, are uauaUaL . Bahy Baskets. " ' ' Comes, Mq i . ; Baby to...... tBo .hwm. TortM, neewe mm , A - t' III 11 J . 11 111 lili, Baby Brashes .890 'XereKy, Pieces, aohi In MM or aeje Baay CtotKee Hooks....v...... 91.99, m- - Baby Arm Bands...... 1. . .Me and Up nw, mmm prnututtg wnwinnne to to-Al- eeto' from usm to TbyTahdr-tf- ie Valley of Million Open aalety Pia HoMers,. . . . .Sea and tk eoipleff a Wonders Is l El Paso ana CbMerW Par Seta, 91.M to..,SJl.M SriwCtMMM 1 Q Inlento wrappers, Mo e.....;.9eXeS Santa Claua' fleadgu In : . Dolldom. Santa Claua' Great-- Xnfento' Be oseta, Me to. , v.'.;M9. m tefeae te..,, . .SS.7S 4 New eeilcne ia elW erjetei rfe, rioh aOayMa out WiMer.eVteJ, Sttg"MlvCreMi Beto, El Paso at the uPo st and Bsst Display of DoHs i Meéor Seto,' 04d Bot-Ue- e; Í; ', '1 7.tM DhU WUr Have, been thrown pan to the public wWi, a bril- - Has, if by the aid magic, outspread OriLntosaeto CMÍrf,"J0lery Md 3totrt Dta a of itself in Infenta' Was, ISa o....,....9S.M m, rreM. Bewli Oeke Stead. MMñto con-ceiya- ve liant diaplay of wonderful Toys of eyory a wonderflil gaiéieríng of beautiful dolls, repre-senMt- e. Tumblers la Mta or aléele ThinfaJPar rláft Boxee, Oleve Boxea, Powder kind, representing the year's, output of of the;ay nations of jhe earth,, clad Hen's Bath Robes, MJM . . . 9IS.II, elA.. eta, we prtoed yerjr to.. the ramoits shotM of dat master oMnsus' so dear in exquite"cc4slawMM the court, periods, waokioe; Jaoketo, SMUM to,.. .91SJM of or or Vnney Teato, 91.M te...... ST,aa IT í Paaey' Pajamas, 91.SS ivnl' Art : to the of every eUld in Christendom. in: native' gddí 'of wpgknwww. tejt.M.M.e4eaf fíí kart peasant! artist or Wool Sweaters, Heir "nre aedsnale htpm .wrary nation and eountry on elad' to...... MS ""weprFwPrpeee- - down, Othese wt yemain to be in memant baltt-- . Press Ukites, to...... - 'aosna,; nationality, to MpesjW TWtl faAMtjBk earth: and maT ksm no tames tsng their Aatemebge Olevas, 91.99 te.., wnlle (awajr tke liissiri hoers, movie otetma, laagac iHpjs with rayan lantarns, angina that ma by atearn or slsMikity. hair, bkie-ev- airW" of radiant loVeimeea, TaHv Stttc Reokwear.-'M- to...... V .pee i TMHii i .ere ewewn m utquie. , xeml mUwaqr. enetfitev attetehankal Urde, anhmk allapa, fcft, dolls, ii igÉj.eWlIs andbaby delta.. doiU, mm: Mota err, Mo to...... I CWn Uete Hoetory, Me to See He úiImjí M eoetW . Opere aeroplanes, bsage and- paople, building toys, blocks, asa a myeterloua thine the .most power- i T tele. ,ritriMimf,.KeJr l eohcaman ilafkjpesii dolls of other wheranieta sleHs 'Bha horns of - many .kinds, Mteanobiles, velodpadaa. ful, moat kindly iaflueaoe in the. world. BjeMvevj Vlei "ÍMeetejerei, HeA Plei' ,Vaese. aahwralded, slip Into the aleaes of eharaUevi&aW will win yawr Waatt ,9.9S jbMm "ftrreKr lUeke, Kerekto er carts bóreas, aoldleTS of all nations, army I tea inoanant ' of ktaea: sofUy I,' sHde lato the peeseaVs you see msaffTbU dolls. Urgar eloU. M Ug Otee Bim Needle Oee, st. hsttlsaates. eubmajmes, aquatic toys. ant. I naajec la a btttten, hearts; I laaaftU grt ')' t doll 1 of doll imaginable pra-aie- a. Jm1hSM, 78o to!!!S4!M bstllt and htaadrads toys besides, waking for the a ran seana maea, aorry, laaeea, is tae hum ai ÉMm nod tka Opere. , UriMéeto el Jrtseti Jewetry, Mo to, , M.M Be, kidAe to ckooee. to satt Santa just wfikh ara me oaaa aMeW.ipl select hers noes befóte 'k. is gees.-Dol- l ele., ,Uw re prtoef Me te nasa, ta eU whe em nappy; IsiajgaffeVtlt kitchens, "dell etovae briag , e: veaitabU wondmlena of iagiannos menea I ie5 aad doll tea seytoe o anjeti, 9.M ta Maery ' e to..,..M9 ef themaaaM. I am sets buggies and ts, mesas ' 'ir ;fJMtWi i il Marekir Xeaee Jpm sacb as no one but good eld. Santa vre si J, ver think dolÉla doll doll hemes, Usa1 BabJiiti. 9t,0 to, f II evsenplete, amT iMyfiamg Metra of hrmg me oMMrea a ravel aad to enjoy ta .awnser ea a- mwnaa, nappy menunea. all funem a doU maht Wtoa OmeeesttaTfd tao..9i.7ft aWkamrta' dekgbt. for Is bo gjaajl waJting for you to tiMensa aad tU Santa, JM to...... 97.89 n an, .me eanares, new taey an Ware I nab want neart.barnlngs mere bei whatf a pMtfal veM in Mm Goods vSVIp. SC iMaTatteMsT OMMTSSU Faatf íeriiinios in Xmas PMiuMpes hfWf and Bmsf- ytag. et Um asartotrlaee and ga ' toaéaa Aecaatabea ansa Aiamag femay..a JJtfat FraaHaal, Uaaiai TlTlaataV ce aatlfa as I away a easaV are eftssed, la beta Imperto and Stmtatto nasa efe made suae mmvaan...... see BaBeemm,....,aaW was, faeea ttiirt. em Os. lasa, I I shall be aattt Uto.end, ef tans, Ute aseet aoted p tremen eflmch Barepe ajad. Amarlas. Mhre hi sea... ..seeteSl' Sen eaprea; I am neeesassy MWIMJ goaeaws. .j .IMteSSJM I e the penes tsims, waeeta, vasjra remimta, intrhiea Petfamse, asam paaws...... asssa tat hepptpees at meelrtnC Írerram.aae Oattet PerSamnt. aad a taeajiliti ana ef vaar laapertea ana PVepásntleae, ' ..BisteSSM .Ceeeajpaaemia fagstsgeas ,9J22ssaienea3l jspsaist. veuet Blehard Btot' aarasZea ' ' ...SeetoSaM ou asirse,,... .atsteaaas am the aptrU ef a, coiaatas, mmtwm, mm iwism jase aereara, ana aja r- - Feaseeaja e eneey Xtoesn aees, ' .sjMSesSiAM Pkapm)..,.. ,aMeaaaaS awriumm. www .wm"Bwn aasaspte. et and preaaraUeae. The above ere raitsal a White Ivory, Kaoay eraañejt J tea aMt'thai to aaarteleted he averr'aaaksvmtos'or eaiia. the -- Int Popular- is at fWs epabajsetsas I jaeaMfaw Xmae haaeetvtkeafa to already weD fcaewa, Beevg kind and atyle ie earn, eater. Bones Heeaa, CnrUns Irene, Cattole Xaivea, Lsxaaf OgSSSan, "mm at saTap eíSeredTsatldren's hilrtoled. etc...... tT .... .80 te faVSS Stoee Iterae, Batten Heeaa, Tatoam' Boaee. Cblea gjajtoia 911m, UCa MlM Baadkerohieto. See, ate. eta, ta Preñan tveew anetles, tU and See easav Me aad Wo " " '" '' g" 9 WAITAXIUSTBt Lime Tfeápént Jjf Tabercnlwils WAV APPOINTED A Nervous Wreck Had No X ,1 i ill nl tUt 1UH1MMÉ IMMMnC Deaatre ánfaTirtÍlñiWH fa rmr . ... ic rjU 1 mmi miirtwmim r StHTiwm: at tlw 'aWabal' a asyir ' MMilaHnii m SS? fTaatiTt tatatavtsla tteai fc MiwUry éruiMa V Ji asti. . rr, y létt baaaTMlsam,Wl follaW, auaai mew h 1 suasikc aaa isaa-- - hT Urn wMeh fitlnhm wémUfM to Tweaty At r vaurin 'aaa..v'- iW eM Re la tin laartaait tllata yoai. have a a'" j íüA Mut ' -" aaamwUMI'V afz ' .1... ft T )fe a are. rrteasa tTaredaaMTta Urn optatoa Tonic and of famlltaa tha taavttya for chlldre. ItP. putmoHMry tmktm-- , Caldwell a arayram 1 avaan, ra aJfaáWg mI w laaal. Vaid TZ17 ( jritU Mutton. 7ei., Mr. StriMth. and quioauy ama as area trareraí" hai lam nftaeutea tirH jfim. areaMent and r f"''" " jtj naaaaaawr . Baneet ramnaa, and la ea rein-cdi- al iwn( rt aiaMiii pleasant taaarlaiaf and eaaak so iMNaely Abo A rae ttlc railroad, Qv Builder Kthteat medical Journal seldom ' iiaiima MterBN ravamaa. woman, ahileren and old m en awiÉaÉewtUñt. today, Ma tcly.lataat4aMj r ' agent, yet th teatlteo-- y of tW wtaMt New York rkM ' a x win eftsar .. 1 . irt..Máa ' uaa roñar allla.' simi- fi, Van. wbo fHed re 1 .1.. coincidí with thnt oí my wirKWi wh Wa.aaeurea aueeM W VK, saaMiiov In ate JCckmsjs' , V lar resulta from astas; AMwMvb.. CBVf By lafr. .rraaiit numsrfSH ta rasa. Jf.-- , tm-r- - tuber-culoe- ls Wd am M StnMbavx who win jaajaawap tor va .bum. ammv remtedy jwlmoaary R. cniiaraa - ' t- fflnce calcium U a constituent ot.thla for Tean-asw- . wnen jw - issi whkrk. nan be Bur IH IMM W0 " Ti 1. iMMaaa. n.ii.ii. r and allied throat breaehtal affections, HeaUéíjwwar nfcri tn m .miaiaan aenerai ama; a4 in (Ma inurr8, WaM,r Wfc, Mar rraam ra suca jwmiuimpi r cltaaea in any turo mi i may In some attribute ta the manner whe thé MtH Cetrtral HAs, Oeorge. lta' Mr. patemaa ssssbs i, iastéc a, am faun one dollar a bottle. . - i combined with pthw tearredíenU. This comMatloa la ko haa bieai vice prealdent aad teas; Parana it . element wantd my haatth, aasat ta ' kreat family, for eonatlpatlod, CsaaiDMTtt- o effected that the calcium. Í easily assimilated by tha arer Reaerai maniate or vtie lima to auccecd the faw month ao whan It ramefr waa aueerlnlendeM ' dyapapeia, belohblt. m. heaaeaa, person and aeema not to. IrrKate the.etomiwli. late W. itfm Vkclf, nrensui nvr avnfn r"" is lit. hlHuam, opaat It helpa aa IREE SlimE of the J(t M dlvifl, of tha ayahun. wtth aothlnk tmi a vervo wreak. OaaM fT.L0.'., sal' MijmK aSS etc.. 8y keeping tha hawaia hafelt-forn- Thla soattkm be preveat oolda, pliea, fevers ahd sueh rtk. taaa ta no Opiates, narco tlea'or il headauariara at El faao. Xr. it Eckrñan'a Alterative contalas "W- CaHaaja, Pi., Tortt, assy wan aa to druatglet la oht of It, ask him to held re aajrarai yeara, ren no aeatra 10 uve. Ifwkaaf.cawlag ' W, A. itwama. of 177 - oae druga. ao It la aafe try, If your j j. If and triad Ms reiaaay , a 1 ' Mr. Wak hte railroad taeeer with "inree, doiihm nwjoa l Tne war taxeraranewivunwn as Vo., haa been conetaat near of Jt herself 'navar order, or aend direct to tit. ban yeare oi i'eruaa JMaoe ..deteg tbe. ft) Cefttril Une about iwctttr mn tank . Ilfn In á rtlfferMit Mafht. áaWdared Mr. Patcmaá. ad gives it tohr little trrandaori. m. mc waa nrit emolovod aa. a brake. aa I to regain tny lest atrtmpth. aWsMaa aré that that aha haya 4e has not HaedW a daaa aaM laMHtaaliy worbed blwaelf bp to tiw bea J .Avo.,fr 1 Eckmatt Laboratory. riaflaiialfihia man Whllo my 22LljC5 him, Mr. Jphat r.. Morton oi 1008 rlrat etaae jaaa , i, paattiM o eonrtucior and the Mffber atarea ii. tliaiu" W., Cadar RaiitU, Ia.. is a family W who la 33rr m iitM Me realded M El Paaa monthaV the eBdrfth.MxM wrirn yuc ituviti better 1 avey been ueref wlthaut ymp Pajisih la ble medida for varal yeíra aaui baa many rienda than hid before. I tla tiaaMatlonar at llamfiaaat-- i family should dreea plejf, had a BtibmíHé color nd never. wela- - irT Taiumimi. bera cabinet And who belieVea' every cafdsMfcatfl itt' l my 'It stamach and bowel emer- ta'raitrtiM clrclea It la d nigra Ufa. . aaal have taca been comtn ht 'Mr ssewl. have at had rtr Sm Mon'lkello, I earülaly la with-- paicmaa Mentions a Mfctwgglim gencies. 8 tk fete aec'ombanled him dn 1 R?í'2 think Peruna Mr. 1': p."".' JÍJtSJÍiFLS. out aa mm are 17 theaKfrt .sa MMut. wtM rt.jW. , a rtval a toak and .there Ja AZAR alrbt ,7f Vaidsucceraor a aatlatanl builder, and It has1 my eadoraemant" wfcleh are flue tacle &m FEARS SAL IcWm éf Peraaeaítea. I Haea- He cce4ed J eefltigtMaeaf at; war tax atamps, tasjaaat'ntanairer or'tha - Mr, Charlea IJrown, W . Ma a the teturnea inmw MtahaVad flsa waa VlcUm or peraectHMr: aupcrtafeitdent of Hte, local R.Jfl. .mwt td. .r. ÍIÍTILTSZ; aa a revenue meas qutrque, where they that suar tbe wild ai RatreravtU, Tenn., wrltWt "I and up which have been isstted '1 r ttoa at tM htfHii of the united 8Ute av- - daasas when the latter waa promoie. fr. The, sahjltiaaMa; re, Trot tama ara of three kinds n i. tiiuwiuk th nnlnlnn of hll t. I w Mnnvi-- Ik DtoetMMtid It U eXBeétaa tac ttaeralty appllea to comaalisaaim.hrak- - proprtetary, documentary and wm stamps, , Thursday m MAY CORPSE drnTir. hold, hia client waa at leaat AMstant fluperlntendwM H. M. uómiolly of nave loana tnai x'eruna is uia great-- 1 hny. aaner y , BE hn - is " 'n'Zrt7Sieatartmstar, entitled xe the aame trostment aa the otWf ItMHocal division will become, aupertutea K tentó. 6n vfarth, And a perfect aya- 'inTMcxlcn or oilier kinds of cbampagne anal cordials. memhera of the fi!fl. I fern builder' kMaiaa-a- . taoVlnr Dlcture ahawa. blUáara SB eae Mhir rama war 'tteytd ', fttlowi toa eollapae or the Huerta paai aaWea, v. Wch are aaeesaad lu. rAA,, asaté.: bawllná eileyi. relaU a4Jéoo Mal IN TOECOURTS until a law nour, wiwa LEGAt, RRTHESENTATIVfcB W MKXICAK were., or perjury, according w IlNf ' era. aaahuracturere of tobioeo and dtara ments served. GEM! RAI. BEES IM KacaPB M.BT The cMrre wiñ méít t Wiihtnaton Patk at PICKED UP THE aaat :aaaaara Btatriet Coaai A TBankaglylhr party wad iJli la leaf tobacco. tlrty.faarth lióme evenmg OF CLIENT E.NKHHW. M. Judge; ntrvetson Ttnttaday Ml, ' HOTEL LOBBIES faaaeti ealcra Must 6t(i(e (Dan Jackson, . , unease, ma, decide tho chainplon Of tne poroer i,t.a 1 unMBA OftulhtOTictarn Tnrt Anna Blcketaan to her ecboo afaiaat tbe ÚÍé Vt llñlted Jtélta captain tha .lahtk rr&0 CT 7 Agonía aaaraL Corporal Chandler ia at M( "V land Cement company) ault for damage ouu ...M.. United Slate fleeret Hervite Supef. -- l"1; sW tuiwaie wnd wai U irW'wre tobacco WW . w A team, una V thla cl, peraonu publli schaai. Albuquerque Lawyer httervletr II 7"",1"." , Battery oeftrm. mvw taéciated in. the Val with w. Chinana. I yateaaac. "aad each aeala K' a ror alleged injurias, wwo. raw. isw. tlo inea ana arquiw m-- i i,7rii1m of ie nailery taara. i. State va, Wong Ben, murder and' ; meiater. Waa Jo braseat. and .TSt With Newsptper Ma. "ViIiaatHaid , , satd Mr, Baca, "afeeahl then be writ of babeaa cornus sraated.. . . aad tried ror aerjory on the round théti; , AutemeMlea rlM iri...ceiii tlceatd. sute va. w. as. Anarew, uwuw t Martá. Tnat General Jose Ynet Setatar eaeape be. had iwora falaely in denyinr hia rati Wnv,mh. ,s ta riir clerk's otrico wrtt oí babeaa eerptt grimed; hia tttugMersrktses Oej ft to tug tot or cattle ,rer eatpment ,to canrorn. ,v taalt: (Aiven tram thn nrnallllil county (ill at AlbUOWf oa the wltoca atand. 'tii nriv liuhsea for Hie operation .JTÍZf .,u. . State va. Catlmlre Peres, murder j writ at might, at m home ofMrx. !efVtt quo wtf the result or a conspiracy batched ay AeaulUal Was CerUln. J: of a.cent fare automobllea. Elibtecn of babeaa eorpu granted." by political enemie from Mexico and that a ...... i...... u.... i..,4il h tna HIM Auto aefvlce. tv or Ei Paso vs. w. W. Wiley, tres. Mleaea Bette ;ami..lsta' lWarrBW;,a; ui abundant rama aad Une coWlWon the " evening to a numfcer e céhage , .general corpse my now be rótttt - - I í?ÍSiílÍPS --JSt pass to try titioi on trial. the fuu. i. umí h cm. their , n.'.l. ií i . f íf Mime lonely ipol in the New México. .,r ,h 4.1.1 hH would have beaa I were iaaued Friday by lfca ey eierk t or rhr. í.6 noaario. va rAnl, in rorrtia for Texaa and Oilcan .cattle, and 2lÍ.beÍ?fBuSuÍ.n'S? nernasaei str i u.. na rrktur avaalng the, , mountains, ws the Opinion expresses ye acoultted by the Jury. Out tfrMirice thtrd HMrtct tojurtCtlofl diaaolveav T. Juuiiin Dace, Albuquer' romntiv ladlcatlona are that there will be a heavv ,f memberi of the Ajrrtculmre efab gave a rrt.v hv Lie. Elfeao the wouia have, availed him nothinr. He wol4 movement or way. ' mm l.wver. who haa represented the' gen J..... k.u r....f.rf hv the mill! Hrekt, apéete! District Ceurt VbtUle," kfiown ha. 'the fai wara'anmia j eral jh hl vsrlou efforta to win releaia property, the eaffre .Unite steiea, aad (Claude 8. Hudspeth, judge), . Hflp KWwys NMd Although Harreli, V of rnjAmlixk ?1 the, cusioay oi ino ummu u, thi Seárewnr tbe Pan eeueotea me nr Tif r. Diui RnilttlwMaMa from aio I I handle cattlemea'a aaaoclaMeh. baa made Vñe nri ernment. MWJMover to' Wa cnewiea In Meilco, Ta maintain the hea .t SSt,h 7áieTíanie aue. . be waa o i careful lnauirtes haa secured, na la. Mr, reoetvetrrom Waahteg auegea personal asuurtes, aeu oa www Mr. Baca doe pt bejleví thoaeneral I Informed 'v: healthy flrmatlon report FateaMB ha rorclbly tbe Jau, but be rovirnraent. by no leak the lúney.wn"abouid be baH to a of,the that tM foot .aad taken trm the uXd StaW aecreihaag, play a very mouth disease had appeared1' la Ke&sas.. HI rerty.ftrat Weariet ajeurt , ' ihk nnnihiiliv that tho men who Béraónaae than secretary of "War 'Gerrl' coattltlon, aa lit I., MeatHht-- Te L sftpeara mat Mtere was a rhirry several l ? oyerpowerert the jailer poaed aa frlendi of Óulre; JiOvsmbaf ?J,a atrl., W ,,f rfj' -á. days over s skapiclotia eaaa that .ttpears Heirlng ' of motion, for .eantimaaawa at Mf 'Ofaaaa. W Xhi, prisoner ana iurea umi or tna ataw oepirwiew. " ' - .- OROSCO-- To anriJaae cold, remeit ."-"- Wichita, Kan., and tha Xaaau Cltf stock' ininnnlnn in of Nations at as. VI. lonely apot and alew him in blood. I yards quarantined agahtat 'eaHle from mat j f.jl : aq Mta-a- that, ttW Terrtas;'umler5.atrlsmBt. m LrmMt A To Mr."aad''Mrt. tiLt nftnmev notñia out had IMl sr Waco, nut 11 ia MHevea that at., va. apeacat 'Oaaaajiaen 'j m Mi eacase furaer Mrs. a., 'Laaero, rraaa Mrmaa'.auv.9tiah avaaat,; ...i ,..n ,tiirnh tnskinr the remaffcabie property veatigetto. snowed that the sttsasat 'ml plaintiff íteaBa-élfc- fi ii A o zssrss' ' K:n,'$ Éa awns had or oppftrtaalty dwtaf jeaaer sf errieieacy in mi,lUm rmt tiutt Aím . Xf,B..1'A. Vattraad " plenty hesrly wu Ik. kíj milita a. -. ho " ," 1 ti of befaK af a.,M.'.,ln' .naia Mr. asm .aftlQltipaa. Jf.'- , , mi rfintinpwint. and eaptcialiy aurlnr the ewi ease, wWéh ha baea so ianiaat of lats peay,. argumeots lot; attofneya AATfyre. I Btatea Tieatmni mraaMa AaaaaM aa..sras-iWy ssaW)J;, ecúslun oi Wa irtat before the United many omer miea. ror loteryenors wasg neara. v, , On aaya w now r court. In BMt re. thla 0eel6a. i and vleareus action or Hymw xajm .aorapeay vs. n. iiaiwia, WXITSt-T- nf naa w""-- . I j, S ir .ri'r.ntin Eitea. who brouirbt Bala' taveromeni pecBjMiiuiwo Warner's Mrs, Luey A. Smith, of tHtte HackXric, suit for eomaatsatatu aaU.M; Med. stréafc rruHi Wtnaate baroled him In the ad then ddlvor him' hito the baftde of Wa r. "fAw , ur l'art punlahment for política a guest f toe Hotel raso om, fefte- - WrMfl cuatody or hl couniel and durlBf and enemlea there for séts In re- - fiaaaty Ceart the tb prlaonei attef heart; ,' Mr, and ,Mra, Charlea EnHee. of WHltes- - (Adrian Pool,, Judge) y . or ne new Mexico jmhi 'Vi'rharre that éalaíar wáa H lloV w. tert Witel the JtadlD uo(I utterly om"ey barre. Pa., are at tbe Paao del Norte. t..w ui 'nata. waa urfder hrf reatralnt otlwr thaa ht to Americana in Mexico la t lia ii erft- - pany, Jury for and and aln 'baa his . suit on eeaarsetj mtftei'by parol? of h6nor riven capfaW Eatea. fiaaa' h ehaiened ""'."4.". Mr. Mrs, 1, A. to a Amerlean who and Stafford are at tha lo , MunlM nroduce alnrlo " paao rrom Hay Hare Been I.ured tlealh. iurferid at bli .True derworw Fort worth, Texas. Buried con eer .aW and debuw aMssea Csiir ( oTaaaallt fW''Jw"f'f Tired or hia Ion confinement and made ameer . ettaa ,0 hia legal be enemies Je"iieBTauMoy C, 0 Jessup. of Caaanea. Meileo. (E. Dv McCllntoek Judge) , Tlnced of the nopeeaneai or those who, when Jhe Irweral , Jiberty, Mr. Bica believe Sala " m registered at (he Paao del forte. nirru. AtaMrMar aaa'naaaei Haed flihi for n pow ia the north, aowht,hi aid pild 4 may readily accompanied .the men and, ..'iSr and .costa ) rme aad costs hi fall. aar have people's cattle boraea irtaltar-rrsa- I iMaüthUCouponl accom- in raovlnr other hnM,t It haa, H. R. Camnhell Is a aa who poaed ai hl reacuera and rrora Mexico to the UalVwi Btea to order ne8UCVruiy ntli panied car to iba place wbere used tee t'aso oei nore. law, a, nied. . ."" - them in the enthusiastically en. company jaSK.K-uJl.s.-.- a done, to death. At alt, eyenta. Sata v- " va. T. B. Weal I be waa líensebi .of the ownera dofaed' by dtaappeared notUytóf Wa cou-a- i WtS thouanda in E. Morris Hobart, of 8aa' Lata Petaal, la ma ooidort ueoar eamtMitr. suit aa note, aar without m - ABcd Hearn. . . "jr moat diuceat fouataw wa... uii' parta of the country, ins noiai sseMon. siM.e; filed. , amaa; or4U intention, and the THe caá of tan Fountatai. wfca 'Wai Jr. .11 ..,..t.u in im a. m ttut tinited Rt&tét and Mew Met waa trnn In; anna m Mexico, wd, whé; I to tfte taken d) 4, M ,tlteiti Wrl f0P freo ,pje. . 1 Crumm-- an El' Pasé 'vlsttar rrem littHee Ceurt . P' ira iHitherittea'iMva. tailed reveal exacutcd after . military trial, cited Co., Dept. , ti ' ÉAHLEY.E8TIIADArrA..-Maía- ,t,jis. Maljo kv;,,, 84f6 pcn,eaiea, Pecos, Texaa, and. 1 at (Jame Murphy. Jada),. i J trace. of hia whertefeout 'nor' of w the heMaa hotel. 'J. bal kKtrad, . . ltaitt h u sriuuuvy p.i.,..i "'..'i I Rochester, n Tf av, aas '.namnlaSaf 'n cane. tiiociiy ue tu"i Mr. and Mrs; I. M, SulllvanJ' ei www Ykl riled and defeadant lodged la the ooaaty ruatftr to heed preatdent Tarva requeat that ' ,; iao. ' . í l Fountain's lite be aparco. Mow I have it iklgado, pawing from Sataiar'a own lina ánd from creditable Francisco, eoaseffatt pat ft Duffy's Assists that W. 1). Murray, of Termes. Chihuahua. constitutloaaUat currency! complaant fllfd Amorlcan wltneatea Fountain bad been and defUHtaat lodged lit the county JH. .i twenty-fou- r .Mexico, is KTM emeiaon. mm dead bqurs before Preildent If Taft'a roqueat reached aaiaiar at rarrai, MIRROR SAY TO TOU Buy John t, Church, or Chihuahua, Mexico, MEHIXA PABK, N. M. my Mr, acs, From Stomach "in judgment," continued escapa la now at large. at the .wuiaon. If salaiar did and Üenreapofuíea It he waa driven to dpcra By TÍnííl Special wai hecauio A. MaMaashton.. the renréaaaUaUvaí r M..111. hi. sr.. Nov. L Mrs. Bab j - -- lion by the apparent tmposaibUlty of hia I. v.rir ISC J ear rata m.rn aw. w. j ine uuotuar recsins; coiiipsny,- - win UMaan Mlaa,lai WUUama, teeehera aeeurlnr Justice at the banda of the United a guest or melster aad tr?tr, v? MadquafH r. Who la the Hei h. iiidiu ' VMér buMin acaaais. ra. 8tatcl In the court he waa aere. Tried raso oai asna, oenieii yesternay ratat taa - upon the charge of eoniplracy ta amugaate Cudahy faalBin' comnanv haa any riaaAeU turned rrom AWaaasaraiua inursaa- tamn-- YOUNG Interest aasaatM aver' In the abbatair. nwncd Int. Pror. M. Moontt sao J, n. yaugaaa waa promptly acquitted after J ammunition be afiasnainri., AU were attend, an impartial "ir " ijnaiimy lusrez. .mr. fate returned that trial. baughha mhmnt cl.tiv nnr afflrn. ... ing tdtieatkmsl aasoctauon, mair.. that awfea mmtftomtfaa.a5 , ,1 "IB the babeaa corpüa procoedlaga m Ik. the Now Mim aar iwriu.(UOTipasr. iw uiuneaiaia operaHon oc of which Prof. Vaagaas wu elected prest which hli release waa eougbt, Jude .Wte tne niaat na e- rimt ror in samtaa year. w amLnaanSasKasaaBBBBBBBBBBBfl cited the case or Paaqual Oroico. tr., - or larva aaMSMiatea of dressed bee rtolfe. me pura rea ama, w apparent polity '.af nm mat me cudehy paoatta Dr. IU r Hare, heaa or we eeemiaary amsVMIMtt. clirutg It to be tbe ui,qw,aw aba aouege, waa Uplted government, to bold the at ra m wow a 1 inierest m uie matasr, department at elected States , preaideat or ta aalsaaa tapartrnaat of the can . nrisonera. and he would .thin Buy altea Geetfs and Mlaa And Elder Dra Orifnu Salaaar to the custody of tha Maay educational aiasalMtoa. remand are gtsaets t Maiat Sheldon from' a Mlaa Mlldraat naaansuaa raurwa i rota ai authorities. atara, Ta, basaalraua TWasasu' moeaaag, hut aceom I waa evident, to my mind, at taaeV'.. kk "It panted tier, saathar, MraVAUae Fuignunt, to eoattaued Mr Bees, that Judge pape eM T: "ettfl U ragtatered at th Hotel case w mam usw'oa, atk. CbamoensM, wassra saw " "'" sldered that sttaaara aimwar .ama Less Chickerinj nav. of other off(cera of Oeaeral Meraade's For Mr. sáai Mrs. the 0. B. Maim aaa faxm saeart Tumajgtvlnr day army, ne aa waea .r Mlaa Sotmia havei and mat wouia releasee JIBS22!2S!S8HaaaBBSSS25! ttaeW M tie Hewt MmWo Tram Norenci, par saw . - eoatabaerea aa lengar with her m no raianuna- rn the war department it dev m mm aallesM. adviaable to bold the Mexican war priaeoera. Tkra waa a usae laaaiaasMma rr";v pet roe to americana. .t riaaainariaa aaaraaL mm wau. "Aa ror me uia mat mmmj, anwa m choir taftttahaat amatal music, Van make hia eacape to México and again oc mlaatar, derma-.- m a very eraaruass aaaaaar. cupy a position or authority, wouw wreax Piané; a. a ataMT - hy 'r. Matar; Americana, la para a4 Hear a.- Pü VMgewice on it rot. tW at anana aasa yaaar saseta govs a Time sad again has aaeuraa me s-kJ : saiasir 1. Maa. ar tcaaaaui RMw. sad trpiahsam aaat, aecamasnlsit by W that ho waa rot unrrienaiy ta Amerieaaa C k.uij r 1 The MR. PMIMP TRBUDB power aha Taae oM Matte, Mlaa Ethel Scott aa the ttae. W aat should he regain waukt loae ao Tka'OIÉlát ia aroelsaaatlao was Mad Mr Prof. W. it 't have used Duffy's Puro Italt opfioftunlty to prove to the warM. "WhMcey yeare it KACK1 HACK I HA I Oaaiway aim taw. asraassa waa aanvarsa far.flve and find It the aa 1 nave as. IK TlwlfciaiUWawU: is aa KxeaataMa Joy, té "as rar iron saw learn. r samel,- - hy Mar, W, J, huraar aae carteuw rR heat medietas and toaio I caa take. I east 1 have closely seeaclaaea t Mesar, Jtsw maart'a bren with luaga. wM.iaaaa. .tat" Aa offertnc waa asada for WadaaaaitWa Ms Bask waa often troubled with Imprisonment, ejutrkty, MrsL', eburch. Eft stomach and him during hli Salaaar jajl Tbe daaa r. áa WtaVsaahgtatat alaHaa aarrarar. QSwaaslasisk my position on escaped poor mea, and, iaaaiMiti a acNMim. aaaallm ikaasr fcowe),and the cara la from Mexico a that riuHm. aaaram-- aXUraoeai Jetty onapany gatk raintiiaa waa aMae yaur thvoal. a Mi aVsamai 'aM TWrsaar t Btasets Wafara act iiW. vary trylaa oa- tha narvea, büt now I It H practically certain that he 'with. sit ana reel aoamlaatttr g. rowmtt wnero ta stanau the asm, Ill w teraa aaaaaa, . asaran, aiap., Wfttaa; area it m t, s. im swaal of feel flaa every day, and 1 can heartily out funda Id fmasca any ceaeatracy an alsaVlWW tha aaaaa at Albuqiiaroae escapa- .- Waa, retaja" froas recommend Duffy's Pure Malt Whle.- -. effect mi w3a Wttk waM pi'"" hy amanara. Ia the ,mev rspir Baeret Serviré Asaats Basy. íonar áffifmaVil aatsU m u etSad SaatttavaasWhaal tha faxaoam arur. ahoagh out i P key aa the medlolno that can ha ar wMM t vaty la ea taformal, ormtoar paraptraatoa SSAw flt wame Mr. naca wm toaveratar wiia me my coaa laamau M as a aasa sua- - mbraai M aanata' aad wa rm P uatf for tha stomach." Philip Tre nowapaper eyed aaaCi w rw mdtar . Tha aasataaa anlnhsi foTAlalW , ma Vnltad Matea kea aeatr .sjeiai, saw .a irvatia, .OaiaoartOnMaUa. éaeaat. BaUiaaes fmtt pwsch waa servad la.4II Albert kH.. Phtla Pa, aaat vlgliMt secret service, areata Drug7 C (. IP hovered " asme. ay a yeas wsms ' (he baekground, oreground aad Uw . aTma.. t In tha TT' syaas-T- jg.. . aí 2iiE middle dlitance, evIJeaHy ha the Jupa that ri'tMlira4la4- aagal aVHHrtaW afcasatasf Ms4 MMtÉ JsM aa a aurpnaeaaw snort ama, i Oeaerai Salaaar would tuddaoly maae hW I om aavar aa a . I Duffy;s Pure meat Thaakaatt hag wtth haaat wiu majrar. sua Krea lSraaMameaeakaii' ass saassaai ISeealaat 9s, aasaaaoa appearaaKe to coa suit attsmef, a.vwr Pase. , PESáv ! and aaaa aae of tha ateuth wsiaht ima M. MlaMUM wa fl yon hiavttaur. to uto the cuspidor or apaa soaaa,aaah KrMat .caevaat C abrasa, at Ula city. at ww: Maji'ar lvs that krnk, m aaaaah eUtr aiw Oo, aajattm aaj-- ror geeansia aaaa, Malt Whiskey prataxi and aeeure aa sarftai af Iba JmfcM m I ' Qhqtr $argaíns gt. eaaaesa 'asustara tarteaa aa veraaUoa. waaMnghm that all aaaboara wflET U no mediaasjs In waa jaita ttaaahUla sad Mte Mas jraav taar hmtar ia a for all maakbad, which Km of the aecet M'rvtef mima waa m Mtratra the thsltad ami have sa aay w-- t ha Tasa - aUawatloa, may eaary or cauarse aa part pavyaraaat ,as ma wim wm stmt aaat ta t TaSaSÍ favorably- haltuaaeas weak untforra aad K tawy wm aaataaa thM ttsH wot not Zm uatara mr Inerea , tJas Matlaa, aosraMa faulty fnahta-- or aawarliv waea he. taaa aeart from tat taaiam aiaiai ayaat wa gat t mS value. to 11 aporta way am th dar tytsan at aW.Haaiifil aasimllatlaai af faotl, Hra forra to tha aeath their aattar germ aaat 1 ainllla rat- - RMaVlW lasaam far m aarrerra The m "c airouaatteaa, auaaV btlasaj raaUútnaaa ta tram hetraytag taaer awaaaaaaM, as lae oatiwi aiarass, J saaaaasar af aaaclal alaaaárt ama ktvea ufaytag Tha aua lsilaittM the eeaaa t. tha 'swrawss. dastsa. Wjiy don't rram taawr i r ma ta tht ahjea JJmtmf pata, ai wasssa , aasasa saara aaajg yti er sal ata wssaata raltroacta ara baaaas amir .siwauwu. a aaaar ma Ctaa hssitea th rssajliy.earam. At U al. Oaat tniÉhad that treauamiaav tmv. w. m. Wlaaaa K rajtaf shlpmaaw taw as lawgasiia ira J.iawaam BjMyal aae tae me Merit gm aesm.ea taattVa I wra ataaaw taasaatai alae aaaMaa. Tim ta atatt sy - mm yoy. emafd'alMl all waawi ihsgi. kúm a na an " ml an Mold m MMr. " by sMs druf. o a. i1 croaaaa Vajad jha wa tm-i- apea m. m watt hfaas fista, "nit-iu- CAWUIL" areataM - haaavy éaaJora, .they tfeaaa. aaSt.- this has tara ta ataca m It. It a. paraoaa nmuy saavea saaa saanaesr. aupailv 'you, fiaa. aaTrSa FURNTTUIIECO rme.'Vaaal Tu thouaaad m tha 7mm ar oaa't i'SaJaMaVir At Msv. W, c. JNMir: tad Mrs. X. rite ua Medical ha, heuhWt and Socmrn dvtsa fras, It' yam arrtta, ; Y,sr M, (J y, .Mr.Brma. las ytt Mil Wflashew ajajajBiaaa, Jgfgjprl fessa&rATf lrTr.BgFaP,

' ' ' , . f r 'VaiaMlí líñl M naf " ii i,-- ' tiaLj.n 'jA 'iji' LaH "WwlillWIIIWlBIIIOTIWllMlBIIIIW'. , mm Mm JiVUil WOMAW PETER'S ADVENTURES TOOVEtCOATS, IN MATRIÉNY t' TAMWMadf of Other WM By LEONA BaUatWaPI r Been Hdped tó Better Health W SMES yen oacause yem or 2 Mid ttanr. la.DvraM to sn ihutow. waww awtk "il V UeL M you hat baekmeh hsMaehés, utmatoM Jal J' MMtokK ( (ta tHat oaafti aw at mam. it becaoM tbe functions a thf ftmtwftia íWktjr'irau pr W k Jisssiii,ftm aaaM M t, ten't aUMl H? are iíM bng rnforiMd as rmtnrc tnténded. riuswit AJU OVaWOOATi Wfy will ÑK ail BhálMt.aÁ JUm rnUrf. Ihlki'ikMr -- 1mrttm f, with wfrfwi. t aatotaa rt. III wavt.'.BaM . CA i. trtanax m rt ,nwAP. fia v. ,JtvML t wara' Mmdtnt w twCr" tM' hHBTWawt iaajr ta nnm m na ayjajBBWaB; rM I Mirht ta .....,,.;,,; 1 IttftMaV iwiM áa á .vary 'llttía .mvwaétK tlti i01 ry. "i Tnntruny , tifié rry mm know Prescription BH aHLtjayrw I Favorite Na rama ww; rítntvtmím ; dtr .Htt ikt ikM: avart i'a nmíHH, i aMBy Bjaial hMhta' aySh tathlBiaBat SSWitaliatafcai ' MMfa why H'a aa K gz i aair s aMAéajtui' film aWMi: taMak. arhdo hart fallMWBtfcut BhMfTaTrTJstaí, tlM Kiaifianlnan iaaan'tf" 'A. 'HñWMíiC 9sTf)sl L. Milu u ft.H arada at a A JMJI ,aM (tría alika U awMV r tajt-IÍ- o afaiaWW imam w mm oí nun ttf. frea'a ut....v.....2,M r4a- trt Cajúy U4af Watv UM aad tka n-- bi eá i foQM FhVOflM IMt.wi 1 . t . apXaflTaT i . .i, v,r i ' é t a .4. MM Mry, lUUy. tilia 'V awana rajaraa t. "t1," aa Wojrra SfM IJW BMfitaV U?. $1-1- . wgloniai- 0 1 coat atoliaed 'toPtoi M Hm MMaiaiy aMMUél fot-- aptrwir - X tasto of Um quiet dteeaer; Made mnm, wrw natumt it DKEM SHHtTS with . aort rólUax lapel ta aaeotnt Ml ai !$ Mjltfli(aa, Srfáat 1 tí H. bMnt MMM for al ata ' sbuiuéi toot tÜMytan rotad ahd W 'K M4 laflHt JaftHsaV III' 3Mifj4 3i i narrow thotthtare, hook, no TraMh, yew. -- 'Mo hMMnc'.M':M) m, tkt, wr r ft wu ti n atoar wtth pattt Cut! or au. hattoa. r .- TlaflwWB( Chrahh- -" Mafcfj eMiA 0trl)0ai vMt. " a Mea wtoqr totte. m' Mm ,Mrw- -l rMnr,K- aahfir I tMRKt, I wm MMatd CStrt Witk Swlv -- . ti VMMJMHÍ WM1M arar lar Xaherad J étrtr '' rwu tkat IsVaTfB ftagitf'tyffi' Of 4tQlfr04B- MMk aat to that erado etlt af oarK uout $2e5 tt-- I í.Il'Otal H''inÁÍ'iV,'t a a marver woM iiytMMiMdB. aasaafeaaly oaaaa.t' , ,. ,ü- - Vi MPafv ,t?t...-.- . ..,.,... Aaaiaf yaai MM,SÍm4 fa,lMMM MilwtlM ?Nuitd," I MHaM :'1aM bad ?2.S0 trad out yrj 'tWMkk aBjH'Lgy wiMtt wmi ki,ye war f3.00tra.da out MwMoir wfttar,1 Tew'0.MM,,jr. tabH( wajaM ha mercifully h Majar ' afaMMWw; ;In ef mmfátá- - totf "all mmMMEW $1,(1 nCW In f stMlhtw wattr Whr y wiwWa't Im7 HMwyt whara'a youMX íhyhaa 'Wa tl.SO iráda cat ah d I elotKe? we have pmHr loé R 'tai mwW' irtM4 Nktfwr1 í "its- - to. .V...... a)Xlw prcpéréel ourselves for W yeü to n If hrt to ráwiki it 11.35 tt rrada out s tir - ha- - Teu. mut tewMw- Vi, at;i ;VMi. i ul 'Jány want you tail, possi- - éoefMiVO jÜÁk. ,TM. Ml't éiM M tatnbls ahaut tharatlat aai'Mtd ' jri , 'Mt ÜPTOtoW H Ton kep 'yoit-- MfiUrl At t bly express. kj ilBr t l Ma.ra4fll, Mt M awrtey, UNDER rttt oom up. Iv to wlm jM m raaKiar a) Wa roaoi Uto PRÍCE5 trí4 Wf Xn4naé " 0 aV tt;,M! t MTw'tMUgr.'éoirii' iMI tattlac.Kr úallrnta .ta Hat i' on Tobrutry IS. will tl.BO jumrXBÍaríoR 1 Fori the VfHé 'HiMiien, 'mM Mary, YrÍy, :W cá?n W.hlm taia ShttnratfaM TafeM at,s a. 014 7ft wiintaa av. so, .W, hnnr tur, WÍMjlBh AMittaan NormU icimA, Bilk, now ...... flaTW Jnnuwi; hkq hmafc atwfuUr - MH ilnle M lrtrtw IL I nti't W-A- ha' Mr tm !( formerly iwaMaf Wti nvlaa from rati- I1.H stHttHr Natwrai á HÍ)áf'th l rryi. tat, JTatan I waj.atthaarea, Ta; wnara - ana Wool, jaggétt' ,m. for .yer' MirtÁf tfidit't IFiioatfaw rota ,im mmi rror itaw; ,.....4af lalV - irtr w' ha Mea of that lsitltutloa, te-- a miWB 'ey; proceed we Petr,- Jíthkl't. wy .gaujind rteitiuto tha wrir 11. ihOMb VfoaA or r wér, If cordlnr K) o.v :c, mrr, who u iSavTp Ctf waUr HWr.M.yi tkara hMMMT M.aW At t p.M. ay. utaht, ihtateai S(Baytí4Va&Vk Ca'artaWWa' W have XÚM&IÉmtm.'' htá ata u4r herí todty.; , Viifr a4 n-- K'a aiHteat lmpoMtt);fer; Me té mm Vor Mry' hr wara llMtr qiMMtr ailki tA- - ieioM;ciotki. ; --ro pry, mo air.agaifl. ají a from her awMmtn leamcv .i..r.,u 14had. maw.. WwQ w- ' - ; t rieaeod what aoarta in s."- , lita tüaaénaifMjt.-- amwared tL'lí 2 géaíB, "Tft trén frlchUned when ye .wer .waa yanwg Jayiw h4nf. hHttM th hwlmt ysar' Une IB tita watar a now.... Í.V..4. tHIC Forj Kíéchüm older M with fanVtM . Illa Kaaarrar i 'wmraa'.t yoit" ,'v . whMi haloaajad ta'kta nlaaa. - B .60 HATS whotw tastes eVHs4aTh I brother re a OaJiSwi (HaiJi Att aWaMI IMlMal jye, CMora yóung men's $4.M wtaiBM Xata, entt 4 It' 5 have.: the to.,, ni, ...... AtaVal Xata,.4.., 3 models' ' k Ja SiBaiajiliui 43.6t ChantoM tifíalo, ,41.: YTaorv.- eat to ..,1. $2.20 ; hava baen waitftotaM;aalMt a .4.4.... Then; come.therjralW. 6aIMe Hld hy Oarmao ajwrATraai ' Mnypawaars aroa(taimt' n tarara ajtMlity. motielhv Alio. Olrt&v ;.- ifeji'.'s t. IÉ7 fin meivs . 'mar.' - ....iV-,,- ÍBW,j.:44. aj(. a w ,Tha; .MjM Httéi ;ffat' jfhMB t mt-- i ' 1 H.M ,;tn to'Tíiafira ,6d .Qu. aihr,. 71 eo&tgWanpieé towh'Mtrhnatl dijT'BM MffM Mr taV4....V.- ,V fJa.:a ujMNnWMl jW '3sJrtvJIWattajfAyivf a!':,:,:$5.7S' éaBkrV . ' afja, Warn KMkiei t4.M thj ,hy i Í tj, .í a i :i?faf i(ira..íí,:i'. K.M. malHM, at hV Kirschbaan ci vic.í BiHHiii7n jwfanaai' 444Vii.44 afaaff hf .atoa. ofMM;jlWayart whOfhMftiW(iMl( ' aw...44i. '" !89 MiHr. nMAIta, (hat f movatnant t atMlar tav i Uiit Saw,;. ,.4...... t . . aWV tha FíBlaji ,raW waa hot (HMtHtjr, aluft l, bwbíM... HolaUtAaW lA Mft ThhfMa liar ties 7 róf tW . . .w . . i4 . . ahaSJrW ckwai a hare 5. WployfMftt of ratvlar ealarled joouM to fttltor PANTS, PANTS ,v tacartaajl ;pa) mrM ajBajraaa 01 nam m ThUTKUy 'for.Sl 18.69 Trowaera, Ak Hm, taaiwM w ayardoaa mmmm P, Sata at lAUUi te ría mbw Who u. jeaawn at BOW, ...... ajrwiww i;wts,hjiWorlhla,,th on Ml ata raaah. mi Mil Ir- W El thattaMthM. Saturday hehiru tT.OO Tretwars, ,. - baard vf, dtrtoM of MM CUiCIBna t. ahC MaMl ay hew whft her par and v Tha Mihutl tuh, t' ,tMM)r MILt $5.25 W fór the ' of tha la KM OhM ,ttonI Xatu aBMetlar Sport Í0W...... M. ia N1M Aliee Kraburn of Carlebtd, K M., coats (WcUledw do away with all aaltried rjwhta k 18.60, Trouaara, ; frjy do tha Of the ruaat of Mr, iimpiea , TJíreShe MlUoa.wMcred flafet Mri. VlrrHH Mead anaat the weak-- SOW. . $430 hart .with FrlaBda. TjÜK jlipwihl of 'jfcwvy ,B.0Q Trouaera, 7C Tha Movement,. wMeh In Ihlcéa ta M BOW.) ... 4.. , .. tí I 5 Aaeie mum-mm- arathan. .Tata. )a,V. SV-- NSW; MfXMM) AM UTAH fitter chrv or ih: name '' IK M WaBttt H;9t Trouaara. ítai; wKh htaJojMfiarfe'late, AawSH. ItMhta, .who .Baytoond. apaM u i Wiof '. 4,4 $3.00 i . kitrttd aaiort eoaU' Isvwry tewi 1 i .. that BpoetH peewlltrir to tbo paoaA ef.OMi ftte wak end here wim bbt pemiu. " etioa; wttent " many vlenm B mm r.uaw aMfhtar a WajritltaBoa 11 apeitd-- adli TrOtttaW, complets. tK.vBj'jk. tiW4.,4 $235 araad wtute p)ra hate round aad htawáaw'tfcá. 1 federal laiiáf'ofnea 44.:4..'4t othetrt htre prolontad Uvahtn'BDoar M.t U ftatrfllfty aid. rUrir 3 hlrr rihWdMt ihe piwedúro In lead 'aalácHoai AJAMAS wi ttfv Shampoos dressings iwy mpwwii eoJaa TiWm of th very OtHaatrf ar Um and Ht , n it tut reatad hr the .rommrttaa: ihát win hai;'tM. talarfer daatrimaat aemU, cnuu.awt of CHttfcttra.,,CNÉtrrÍén: clear, tha wMeh mar hh' ohatMd at Moot at; A iMtrhaw'.Bjajrt' 'week H .VfaafetlMriah,' maWod in knitted eaU. CIvflA kGgéri,,aíid Fmmí Important butmaéa eiiafclliBWtfita, AMMMye 'A.:! B.-- and M. i,; Mc; ..afaWW, a ajMMM he. placad obmbí ar man hnh Inejta, awa awt Yt. .. I. i" the: sciJip pi; cWnru tidjajr w h,.taia, ' Í3 r tr - heawiMt how and. lanuarjr ,1 Pried té $Q, iirscnoaMm. jpw wmi .iw- ft sttia (V. 4 4 . 4 ...... 4 .4.4 f ind, jnitation, and, aMt I r)t aarh, w& alnea rMi, wht Mr. WSMl l.MBMB,t itdúiif k. SoiquMt ateumad cfcar thawaait mm IN t-- MtP-o- n 111 él g''fff,,illMariBBMM tHtweeal 111 Bit4 'm of. land offlea rVattst f to. .4a,4-4i.-..r- to- Taati. Va rur mtlWr H Omm haya pfesiiote liagromn cotv mm.mmmmv, itataajiasd omimm m ' r Mah mm. ia tute ;taw mobjs. auBMBw thoaa taaaev aaieMiui'ktw mimm m haa. ItlaWS, fNOtaf ' tupan wuiur fiaitOfiS WlfW'cSaN Of pfaV awHntuM t at ntlaarat, Nw ....toraver hatnir MM mmii I MMáfTware M, CoWenre. A. 6 If ÍMtiire. lost, of kisr - t W.i taiiuiy. Htvmon Krasp u MJJL and X. Katiy 9 MtBM, Tit mmim Mr. a ,TSa.mat alt hart. not attaA.SM'atata'i eonrenrtoo, M l,t ,'J tea af the dirfarent DMWra tieM av't'a) a4SBWaa WlsfaaMP wUMt( win nawrai aourt, alh', Aawn tito'mo'tt prebawürthy feáat itar ht'iaM-aid- aaatfaalM aBamajiin itM hatural war,. a se Hwa.omoa BBWf W'Baaiti m toe mn. thrtmm why , aaerouM JOSMil TIEXA8 SX to., ..,4.44.f a? TMM tMHm t4....r..!.t.'.4.. ajp BJBJ:Ji 1 I4.M Wtaaa, - leo b.bbbj,'. ff j '9al w aSjKjHNi SahaaL wyMtSSJiA, MH0 to,.,.f...M,..y...f fjWtt , , MUebaU.- - Whé laM at WStWiB, N. Ku ... y front aJvaftjark roa., to rata ' BaHaaitáií ' Hm afajsjr tt.rtxtaii'aKhfa eSPNCiBTIi Itajftajrlali'' MfaMaMBf4aTBafjst TOÉ ma El ptíTp Siiar, who WsKShli W wthVrShBTBM aa breakloc Jai t Jioaalion. attt UK fMM i, .N aa t9 K fSStajTrow A tMaj, Bf A. f HkMliyiM i KnatWr eUa, np fiw A-- D. mám jtithHir Jadl wd tay ha 196 rifa Qatar jawagy aaanpaay, m uuy a nwt, sm ahiiair vt ib jum rrtatai y tei,.:,.iM4,..... (ko vti tlidiaaiardad aaotbar eaa l aataa MaaM isa áM foráai la flaa viBBSBBBBMr&tiaBalBLVvBF ' jawairr eoaa itrnajh tha aaatfc tMonMloi. ' w. t. iiBaon , I M ha ta ri55S aAl Tnrhay in. mMiw. cjtfi natrdMr LafaMry, riMtltd me. kl fees ,KCTeaaaáir:Sbu d. L. Ja a aiajgja wtth aa hMirltan reitdaat r:tw ff aUB4acafp', m fMM ha nrad iaveh ta..!4.4(4i ha, 5flaiarBMff MAC1CIKAW OOATS iuM toaattaSy of woríbaoáa, flaaai bmm tt whUh took affaet. . w-, Question TM Kl Fa0 WHUMT MWi- JMBfan grtawttt ta nntaf, aMaaaytaw .other ecwfti ar wm ÜM iTaan JawaC- Maa KaaM B7h a tttettee of tha oaara. who nW,MM Hafaa Mpi M I IftIcmtMI TUtlor. VMwOf Do ateaUtaWlBkat i I hhat Mdar M4t MM adfW - áajSfSí iWrrHcA MoWMfit ta.,...i....r444' ft Uptay 'tortta; ib iubuIob jnt I. haMa. Ma., My.' tJUiM Ma m MMTaf,rad e HvMfaM4aMH Si ÉM oí la-u- .4 f.HtifSJ huno to tha raarl hut Mta aVáfSMHtTpV faTaP war ta m, an arm Fravavaaa to,.,.... will 4ar woh'tha SL Leuti fñlloitait aaaa tht taran BJaaaB4 bbm) .mut Suite and O i'iaiSjW ' OtjM kt lOLOVBI Í aaaaM." was m Maaaa'ta Broua eJMjtoJBJ ejejh BhS mbjbji, Drowa oawii iob or Vattt. mta aajar ajaji haj II. atSJg'Mt) mow Mr mútrnt mm, Bm Iti un o a m. ir rrra toaOattt fey fkdnatar sntiwl, praaiaaatt aalf tt haat raattiU aveUU aK 1 UulaB U Wht to Oajhcaa, Art., tad t.M fljA worm a( th CaritMatf. apo Ma ratunj from TAILORED CLCrrHfJ ! $ JO in luaenmaa, t..- - bhq tel. sara be urocared Milu. ho 'itBiBMtajalitirí pay 1 Mi di dae wtm Mtgaa latMr' I tmrnm MMuah notMr U Kiwi o(ir. IB way m Mraa. YBetardiy Ki o w. EarUar la tha Wa H IMja rapatw htt b orierea StitM cluM Ma M MOUary ( loa u Mwoa Baa awaa or waj ajaai w atpi aafttoM M itaorllk tl.Mtwaaa FoUmwlni J fWMMlMd intB fetaeporte-lio- n MjBMtaa abiSS) ffjg coairtct-t- tha a "ara tad we feBB4Ba0Hf yMr in t&tmn Vta)M aWtahBhaywa. to,...... i.itt4 FtfM M Oawarai I.ea IMhaw awt' , 11 tt.lf fkA. n wttaaw atBtrtBhta at aaotdier, TafB img parilttetaad M Mb aaMhtre of to; 4 ...... 4 .... Juix.t hat at BBMwalr hour. ' by um Madero roreaa at taaahhar of the hhajriet hw tWiK) ASW m ABierietn Mftoa, whta sBjaitV h:iaJfBMáj' " M?Miwri tíMtriw atrraa tta.,iÍM t . Tf ' Anuí raí ratcaai uroaea. .

nd It I DtliUt 1Ít $15 Iaii't Htlfear, wr lár a, froaat hMW ailraMMi Im rM em kai Katura te mwfci taftaa, tila Mha f CWtttSMi HOSTETTBR'iV tJs., Asabas Sfv MBSl-aiM- Ml ntjXjn tharjaawtl. &jBf tSSp tSmfmmW$'AaSm7 M GmmwVUM aCSJUBaB ssssslssmmSi

1 - - UglBsssl assssssssssL Tfce Dry 's Best Stat WkfiV Sam ti Oat IssWjssstP bwrfcts; Uto yastr Aswtasi' Si, a total of SIT Cons too ttstmui that wuadsrlnl oti ÉM COM, t patten were treated to prsfém raMos ta Om Tecas writer, té immtmu mttoh to.paper ttant kssr, Mm comes at assssmV etsmty. tbonsjn Imbti no wepidC sw .Id smUisnta, $mmé-- Matf Insiltute, IsssaiiS at Aostlst, ssad of tal the world to stssak and even M m mm send, W ssmmm t m st ro, Htm, so Jotur Narnr ssave I ced aaywsV ny ssfl matter amanóse orr en's aaso of since 'im Wta mttaeen, ad wrMpfp iMl ffj.4 ht Sbe .nssaSS o' taj.. amf tssmtt. JÉ' nam I msjbs jsan,' ,y , oovesbjag Jo the report C aar, NbsYMsv snrooéssT sttn trig, Sssllpti!:). stop dsnsl 9ÍS yen question mlMr W, by Ins pefisnssss jSSJÉ esav nnivorsat brotsastJUsMl sjÉ nsaas,' Onr iraowledne assM worn cw .' -- " kdm.-cn- se ? hi HUM i ill Of Oto. SIT Tsssjtor éro:not oons of giirirsssisssx siti Amé- her grshnc InsTspf we il psaioa 'Mmmif apk stfssjnjty sssy tapfsansc. wenji X naw yemr an wan MttatT pétféwt treated tha far m lili, 1 win female. soeM of tsst.. ssn'ssssV' .;.M..'sse, Mjr pSsn Mhwt 1 bald' .tftis cid nana NMs, ,t. The boa of the dog the moot sen at oourc "yfhmmmltim mm Urn frenchman, Ran f r t t ' .) W" M fi m cc jMsf of IwootaHMoii., Ottrmg rh 1114, ITS of tbe Wmtmm or Bohomlan neon , Isnsx ssm'11 sH there MMnsj t. bsseat BwAwiis speciei Aiwksr, toot ffsf - a"-- - better. Mneir tL 'A yíTa TriemosJ? parlmes bHton by do ostd .in, the all yonf pn '.ssssssmm, whatever they may ". ssaam ( lMtnt am Í mJmr fflijT?í Epcut Aca , JNHog treated wore 111 vi si, r. Opeo" 5' v - bnilrms; smcenr'- - asm. pn tn the ifsPs-- SI. LMNl S.C. mwU1 P cuttttrai," ssalcnersti, nrtlotiev, Arc.""ti 17' ntienbor 1(4, THo .okomx oomos saeead with 11 oommercl!, rjvasjl dm VMte she's- . ' ''f.j mneh wnlktmr." Cl t)T Collector- -. Morses JaUler, M Uth. victims, the) wttM 14 orl durmg as won, tm, pnnr pssaonras and Joy, m no war , 'tW;'PJsMnr rt,':,-- , nnve to dc and corete neat rm ' icmimn. or1 sessima; ; . S the yoAr 1114. There were two caaos, where bttes count, Sp (um IioimU of ether pooptes .Bsn,)iigsM'mnd she ehettem t 'f v'j , SUBSCRIPTION RATRt by cows, two Miso, mm and and ttis'pon are by qititnal 'tip (By MUI AdrsecnJ were InOJcted horse rat, nnita .' - Methodist bssncy wear afta Sunday, ' .MM one wild cat. Datitm the year Ills a bye- affMeted liilainifnii of ssi.itsso. by the joy wide brotheftp Wka 'ssVaav.lief' that matters' - ' i An eminent 91 Tr ,...,.,. na eunoay, x roonuu - merely cfl koeonhtr se Mee jrnsnc mW end Sunday, three month . i. with ra b lee bit a man, aooordmg- to the report There intorcensco, and br ne InterehaMe net aite liberal mki Suadey. orna monis . .7 atoo on roeorel the oaoo of a eaK, a ooow and a goodn heat snsd of thoagWU and feennpa, with the me a sermon one day to We Swilejr on year ,. tlw lt ' 4 Thee, Of 'neb, bkne sent an arma n, Pepnr. .. bj squirrel' oataetns; weemo) which sent Mae victims' to fotk .Mier haaés. tTndorsfd that the Motion as 'fkjace Iscr hnrt wcemt. grieve i t atiene U 3K Sunday, one monis ni.) betty Mxl the Faotew Instante. )' ' o wise msnioji to solo 'Weibatwel, FoftArthUr, or jmWtf OTMslsVti o jfyjsmay ptWs4Ws v seed: "We pray cc send, asm work tec spMUti camó- n- retes a ! snssssyln! . By the .greater of tfce patients treated PaHxt yonr government or another does not. affect Utaittaent tenis t alear and ct far number T " . . a, a. m nniirv ka huaHiea ornea le MM Were (fig with bites Inflicted on the The yeru. Understand that venr tW eon la an way be mv a HBf 'sleta. vJ, ich and when It appcaren ft yenns oiré poitorrtcs adoren ib ruu, tocio ceenty átate. nffer hand. bp- - by Ataaoo Tteoomins; Obi man and .9timaí tnr. Huméale " "Wo toe lend and work ton ssm.' Mmi Dj money ororr, uiwi ur i ptiptoi m wwch greatest number of bHes received one patient was bettered' or Jfronch, ul her bear ' - '- - " HUI 47, ,the' vletlm In this caso devotoping the drrad Ireland or Poland botn;. free or enoaKon whoever her delect tone ' ' i "I let M go at that," said the blsttcy, . Tfe"ot( eenoecune ll department. Tail operator wkltíi employe or you to if 'past np ' ' , printer was rlgñt; sset, ' eveven- -' m-- disease. There was another oaoo la 1113' of a 'woman holds thetn, aro freo lire whore ;ro wHl, M and ask hcrt le, I beHovo Ht OeperHOeni you wimj am, wmcwn ro ' te Arwr 10 p. ra. and on Sunday afternoons aed holiday tae receiving it bite and a man receiving 31. even you be an, Atosrémn, an irishman or a Pole. !7"ssnoe, may I nee my phone T"" tared to ccrrect him." !T jowtof department will answer direct; Voo, np er W editorial and Reporter During the year 1913, 1M indigent and II Understand, tmt by stirrlnr jaatrloitsm you Chi Kcwe.' 4 ...... 7. Her Ke.... 'fV é v.w- tOM. society Ed. and Bu.TT. MM Adr. and cire. DepH. Indigent patients were treated, and during 1114 the will only make the caso worse, for Mm sntveetlon In Tmd Ooneeded. It tee earner fail to deliver toe paper promptly, notify w ever say or me apove teicpnon. Indigent patients totaled 111 and the 41. which yenr people are kept has remised stntpry from The Jndge was a kindly old eow, and hn upon or niggle between patriotism, every nervens: Any erroneou reflection the itaadisr. cfearactar The Institute examined 111 heads of animal during the K and manifesto PREflB barrister was reouUUon 01 any perjuu, iirm. ur tuiwiu 405 1114, In tion of natrlotttm In one nation Mvvnkéo corre SÓÜTWESTERN "Ww UBtortíiiíato " he basen. Hn ft' sopear la Uta columna or Tbe Time, will be 11I, and In The prevalence of raWos a oKet tapo ita belnr brooam to tne attention or .h all brain examined In lilt was St.62 per cent and spondíng .rsaolten in another. Underaeanei that salva voee and a dry throat then stepped. ' : ' in 1114 45.11 per cent tlon frem. yer woes is only possible when you free The Mesloan iavdhwt derived from iheir antes rumbling among hi papers wMh trembling Southwestern Progress. The following percentages on the prevalence, of yourself from the obsolete Idea of patriotism and from tor, the Astees: the method of meklnsr the noJson oí hand, ho began' again. '' W McNeal, Arte., will open w The fourth annual fJr at rabie for the 'year inítiíferent animal are giren In the obedtenee to governmenM that is based upon It, TalavatchU It .is a. subtie drug, the ccnetHuonla of ''My unfortunate client Agaht M ''shroat Thanksgiving day, and It will be an exhibit well whteh are not known. The peculiar effect of the ' f en the report: In degs,VsjtÍ4S per cent! in hettoo oat, and when yeu boldly enter Into the 'region of that dried up. ;v , J. I expecting large poison Is to destroy the mind, while only sHghtly af- t seeing, McNeal people are. a brotherly v f worth 11.17 per Cent; in simaba,, 70: In coyotes, 11,1!; in higher Idea, the union, of the peoples, which fecting the body, WmkeUnan (Arle) Timé. Despairingly- mopping hla brow' wmh V bangker- - attendance from both Dpugia and B la bee, and are long since come Ufe, sides ' cows, 37.5; In horsosVJmHle and hog, II per oont; ha te and from all is Mexican Indtane. have, many pecuiierittee trans chief, he made another attempt , ,, making extensive preparation to stake their fair the oaMlnr you to ltseif. , In rats, 60 per cent; one wild cat examined was found mitted from a lens; Mne of Astee, ancestry, but. In some "My unfortunate el fen Bt K.wnn no good. teat they nave ever held. .SUM people would hut t. m bllultj'way, to have had rabies. t "It anderstand that they are pot Instances they are the beneficiaries of. some very ex The Judge, smiling down at him in 1 meSíprevalent the son of some fatherland or other, nor govern- ' Rabie during the month of ( of travagant claims that' utterly fall to pan out said: T" Following more than two yeara of conatructlen ' Ataren accoraingsto tne repon, wnen'ine pereoniago ments, ,bit are sons of God, and can therefore neither "You may proceed with yew '. statement Mr. In Miami d let of Arizona, McArthur work the lair was 61.11 per cent-Th- next highest percentage was be' slave nor enemies one to anethei those insane, The governor nas decided to let the twelve con Blank.' The court, so far, 'is in entire 'agreement' with. l shisment to Final mi muled their outfit 'far in February, wbenlk 'was 17.54 per cent January unnacesont', worn-o- pernlclousorganlsatlons, called demned men at Florence hang on the same day. He you!" I J, county. They have a contract to bulld-- ner a percent greief 41.67. The percentage during Kovemmonts, and all the sufferlnge, violations, Is probably taking .thle course that the wholesale has slaughter may to, up people against row gauge railway from Webster aiding, on the Ari- humiifcaüens, serve stir the ItsBBUsartCc the summer menMu was approximately one-ha- lf as crimes which they occasion, wenid capital punishment and bring about Ita abolition. AR InlCr!ÍCtt9 zona Eastern railway, to the Magma Copper eemi ceaseCí high as durlnglhowlnter months, disproving the Tucson XArls.) Cltieen, One cannot ibe too carefnl in his remartee es toma i pany's property at Superior. Bot iho idea that, man net be patriotic popular theory tht!iydrophobla Is more .prevalent '' should The people of Arizona appear to hayo their minds occaaJena," said ajyonycle""mañ 'by- ii'nnÜa'g;'of a that he should not remain loyal to the land of hla well-ma- aunng ute. summernan uu winter, xne prevalence pretty de up on the question of capital pun toúr of 'inspection which he, in eWpaay''wtJder;T blggeat yet reportedjln Pine Alio The strike the of hydrophobia drepped from 65.11 per éent.ln Apr!' blrth,may measure lip to the Huseiaa standard, bat ishment Pabilo sentiment In that state appears to divines,, made of a penoJinetHntlon, nlning of Grant county, NM., haa been made mainstay district to 37 in May, iníjñne U was 21.88 per "sent; Jull the and support of aílarthly government at he strongly In favor of th death penalty for the la- -. "The leader of our Utile expedition a'tralygood Wright .fltauber on tne uiuette, wnwe wey predioatod upon loyalty by and 21.67, and Aurut,yK6,7Per cent For Beptomber and the and patriotism, of the aiviauat wno wameniy taMee numan tue. man, wan so Impressed by what' $e learned from the lease Savanna Capper governed. are Operating under fromthe October the prevalen ee was 32.33 pern cent for When we cease to Jove the land ot our story of one young man Imprisoned for burglary that company. was made at tne aoo-ro- tevei, up The strike November, SLil'land for December, 31.17 per cent, birth and stand for Its tenets and traditions, then it the governor carries lout his suggestion Ot hav he felt' ho should bffer' him some encouragement of aitd about all the Information given out la that It Is During the year 1814, Bexar county contributed we no longer deserve any part In a national ex letonce, ing the forthcoming ffestival of death take place on a what kind he hardly 'knew. public scaffold with the tour leading exponents ot So, after many hems sxd ene of the richest on record. largest '.eases, leading with forty. An J s" the number.' of capital nunlshment serin? the trap, he will have the haws, he delivered himself of te followlngs epidemic of rabies' among dogs In San Antonio was In Culberson county, Texas, about 16 mUee south biggest news 'Ah, my frtend, we lose A large deposit of manganese has been discovered distinction of puttlngi overturn beat of must not .sight of tsta fact the cause of the largVnumber ot patlents'from that west of Guadalupe, there is a small spring known as ine year. rnoeaa. uaxeiie. , that we are here today gone en land owned by Senator George W. Norton near aru.' and tomorrow.' bounty; It Is stated. Fall county was second with "Stinking' Seep," one small drink from whleh means The governor say he Is going to extend an" Invita may rbe, Tajslned-th- e Manganese J Tou air,' burglar. Trot. Mohawk, in Turna county, Arts. 11 I twenty-thre- e case. ' Seven patients from Travis 'coun- immediate death; to any vlnr .thing, .that drinks & tion to the men no .considers responsible for the re- valuable mineral, extensive! used' 1b the manufac- ty were treated during 1114. Arizona, Okhahoma and says .a correspondent of the San Antonio' Xxprees; tention of capltál?pHíéfement In Arizona to witness V - Í ture of oteei, and the Tuma count 'deposit will be Old Mexico also contributed, patients. Md '' The spring la in the heart of a desert region, and count the executions. "And they might surprise the governor A Koanetto, sshv -' t u mined and shipped In considerable quantities. Sena tees number of cattle and wild animals have coma by attending". ' '"'A certain fiction writer applied to 'sv tviim ñn tor Norton Is the man who first conoelved the Idea acros a ''"' the' There Is considerable ,urprte over thojhasty ae-- It in condition and have drank Interne in a hospital, fo some ,looJ oeor secVaí ef irrigating the Yuma valley from the waters ot only Krump, who Is In partnership With J. J. tion of the authorities In Washington In deotarlng that to immediately die. For many yards ardund the Sherman he had based Upon an occurrence fat raati.asl Colorado river. A large deposit of potash is also re- In stock' ranch near Bernardino station, ar- - mssswv' the shots at an American tannen In Turktoey water a springs the bones of its many victims' abound. It is Benton a sorted as a recent discovery in that section, six mtlea peroro rived In .Douglas .from the ranch this mornms", Mr. lew aays ago, were p'tennar osjois, in an vanee, ox any sata tnat in tne early days the deadly properr Krump said that they" have a large number 'Of cattle The Interne oonidn't thtah? cC ni thlea' at northwest ot Wellton. ties sprias; many aimiat. Information having been. Toooived from the scene ot et the hecamb known men who on the ange' and that the grass Is so plentiful this but the wrltter Jaggofl'-ni- mamanr' tnncc tl, (lira quick by season 'that io "Intention' to held most of ; the it the trouble. Such tactic, .Uko. the action oc'the, law paseodalong the trait found death drlnkv it his "Sorely, you Mfaew of . some.' reaMatieWt. here ' mnt K. S. Hooker of the state engineer's office at Santa stock through until 'next year, Douglas (Ariz.) In- yer who puts the decided answer in the month of the Ing of the water, the sight .Of. which they so gladly ' re, N. M., Is making, an JnspecUoni)t,r9ad work be- ternational r totiid' use." ,,mtri4,y witness, could do nothing morej 'but glv io. Turkey welcomed. Its dangerous qualities are now so well tween Tularosa and Carrteoso, the road having been The same 'cheering .report comes from every por T have ltf suddenly enoloitned the interno. cue that f answered all purposes of explanation. It known that all human beings. avoid and It la fenced v" graded from Tularosa to Oacuro. Mr, Hooker will It tion of the great Southwestern range country this Xes," eagerly same from the wrHee. looks like even If woaro. gelnrto permit these people off from the cattle. Dr. "William . Phillips, .of the J also locate the proposed new road from CI ovia to There Is an abundance of both grass "Here Is realism with, a vengeance, aniel 'the to fire on. our'sallor boys with' Impunity, wo would at University of Texas, who has Investigated the deadly winter. .and consider- youthful Interne, "One of our patients walked Is Í ; Pert ale while on this trip, which wilt be says water and cattle everywhere are reported In the very lease Be quiet long enough to cause the Turk to do spring, the water shows through analysis 79 sleep because he ably shorter than the present thoroughfare. This pink ofi.eeadltlon. . dreamed he had no 'oaraéjr," noma gu seeing at to our ultimate action. The pre- - grains of sulphuric acid and a trace of arsenic in each new road will pass through a heavy stretch ot sand M, 5 clpHate .manner In which wo accepted his shots as gallon. Somé of the water which Dr.' Phillip put between Cameo and Pórtale. ,?, One' of the moat important recommendations made Qalto n DUfeieaaoo. friendly marks of eaUeni can but serve to encourage In a galvanised iron bucket ate the bottom, out of the by State Superintendent of, Public Instruction Alvan Pat was altUng in an elevated train wSm an' s Mera IS Inches, of rain have fallen In che him to '.take better aim pent time he goea gunning bucket, within 30 noun. N. white before the, educational council at Albuquer lighted than que Saturday was urging free text backs for the pipe in hut month. As he wen not ha, the ' McNeal basta, in the Sulphur Springe valley of Art-se- for American sailors. .that school children of;the state. Santa Fo New Mexican." smoker, the officious young conductor seM to ipnan- - . kept by Dr. Alexander Mattseff, a gditttngiilehed Russian 'thts season, according to the record Free text boohs would be a great boon to the poor Ing: "No smoking1 In this carl"' Fat never' noticed Jones; who three inlle from McNeal. There Is one farmer down; in. Texas, who is able to professor, declares. that the vast majority of soldiers Muraier lives - children of New Mexico and the expense would not him. Soon the. conductor came In again. Fat. slat i preclpitatlqn was 7.92 lncheaj In Sep- - hold his cotton crop without material embarrassment are utterly IneapaWe of telling- the truth. And wo are In. August the be unreasonable. In Arlsena where the' system Is al- immovable as the sphinx; ,he pipe still tot bis mouCh. 3 up His name is C B. Heard and ho Uves six miles north- to under tand. from his remarks that Russian soldiers, tember Inches; In October Inches, and to ready In effect, the expense to the state Is Understood 'DMn't 'I say no smoking In thü ear?" present In November 1,5 Inches. Mr. east of Brownwood. On land that wainot irrigated or those ot tffijniisslan standard, must as the time Jones to e per Still gripping the .pipe, between Mr. Heard .produced sweet potatoes at the rate of correpone ht. the endlng ont ot European war be but annum. hie tecnt Fat thinks the rainfall has been excessive In 'thatv section hissed Iheiyouth I 200 per new. at "Who's smokln'T Xe pipVa in season some instances, flooding out crops bushels Hacro, and succeeded 'in selling Jtta - this in bean ÍÍ4 jk- Is It not timé that, we ceased to speak, of it as me mouth hut alá't smoking. Sure .sac' crop 1 pota- t shoes' ar SHsd ' oceaalonally Injuring the malse. at the rate ef per bushel. One .of his M exloan erls V ' Not even polities! disease ' "The a on me fate but Z ain't walkla'." i toes brought toTrownweoa weighed mora than six Vice President Marshall ssm that "Wilson will run can remain, in. a state of críala for four year. Mexico ' " - Í ' "J Seveaty-flv- o carloads of beef cattle have been pounds. again and reason why there ahattid be any Is a victim of chronic revolutlonltls, a malady which .i' nations', PreMmlnary to hipped Into Mesa, Arts., during the past month, and change mknñnlng' mate.' ate wkU the win many small have been able to ,'onduro for Horneen, CororlT ed many years. Tucson; (Arte.) Star. are being fed and finished for market The purchase Herbert American newspaper correspond- - ter In WaoMatften. la apKe ot thai new Arisona winter "Are yon as perfect phydeally aa you 'ancón-.- ) Mexico to, nst 'beginning to find nerself. The v ... of these cattle for feeding purposes has turned about ont, has evWeatly .worked an old gag tor advertising home.' .,".:.;,'-.- . beT" he asked. ."i' "wlrWig Mexican oopHañreJnat beginning ,te" comprehend ItSO.OOO loose In that community, and when the fin- purposes 1b his pipers hero in Ameriea that "Certainly." she repHed. : What eonctHnttonfcl. government really Is, and the i ished product Is sent out to market this sum will show he had been7mleoned by British authortUe for an FresUsnt'Wnson says It is just as vectng' to have "Ha there ever boon anyaintty' In yW'msni alleged more they knew of It" the more determined they are a! very considerable augmentation. British mlllUry standards. A men ,sw as shooting ten,1 na- taster.son at buf this ' to - quick invriMgitsjnVbr Secretary Bryan revealed the tion, 'Mther have the swear at enr sailor have it,,. "Neverl" .. wl Pay Sperry, ranching south ot Laa Cruces, taet that Coforliid not even been, arrested, and the boys I half, endosen different Wguages than to tire Have yea. a, depraved taste of any ktnaT and'vooVo4sed OC course, the people of New Mexico, have spoken, will engage in sheep raising on large scale, raising groat hue by the papers ho represent d pertalnly, not". , , .. a one.shot stbtrnV but It seenM-teeba- they didn't reaHee the .neeesslty , i feed for the animals on hi ranch and securlngVadl-tten- is evidently inspired sby a desire to create a greater representaste eongree. M.) "Are your' teeth Jnj good eondltlon,r yon oí " , in. Carrlsoso (X,, and do sas range for the animals. He will stock his ranch demand for his Sir OMver Lodge claims to .have conversed with New. V2?. ' and hear perfeet JyT , í tJt ' with high grade animal and will employ experienced the dead, bnt falls io laferm no whether or not the The Mew Mexico are going to Had they "Yes." ; ; v v ' believes ap- Jjord XltchenerissHps that England sent 300,. a mtayiy-bn- swap they; - "Are yen .'! sheepmen as his assistants. He the near has made when retired a.emo- ever bothered by ÍBemnn'or" sUadenhe' In la going to ravor or or - - proach ot packing houses El Faso to Ill 'soldiers tholtSocnt and has lost about cratlo tiinnisaii i a rtapuuicaa. JTW lndlgeetieárv ; H- :Tíi'rT farming In the Bio Orando valley, as alt the In kHied, waunded M4 'nMiii. This Wvano man out In tve deparbiir ot fMHamt. and Ma wKe. from Mantee ,'Casnpseeseenai roprseentauon..ior tne nent.iwn farmer will learn the greatest profit In the alfalfa pt every five onsanoid, and H i no wsndor that France., fer taint Amerlaa ther have shown a very year is gome to be of the klad that can aeeemplish ' i.n mane uv nette .- ' 1 basin comes from feeding It to Uve stock. is aUttle "cV.k4 Merrie England. patrtccM' sTesBSsTtc mtpecve their eewntry by leaving It mlgtnay HMte fcr Hew Mantee people. whUe- u t. .i . tí' THAT SON-IN-LA- W OF PA'S I4p SurmI It Was All Might! By WIRING-DO- 15 Ut'MT Ht our rTAKT W WWWiBr,' Al t jrvñT irT TOO; AW YM1 UtTlPr ""lluean,lmm i

IP" mtt ktf uatSBBBB 1 m aaa LEL PASO MORNING TtMl O1- - bSBBsmbbISBI REJ MARSHALS BATON wBE GM1N IAIKET taatttii tjasatstssisV en pssjiesaea; 99 MNb imü Ftaassi WSMUT, y B55etses arsss rev htaa. tl.tS. sMnsMef ai Mr tstyar. (ttstMry k Xmas Gifts ttt m. . , mm; bars, tlSltM. ew ivta ttts InaM' M Laa Nsw lertr, ffov, ssTh tlatemsat at the dea, NV St. a. ai.)- ttrai nald 14 -T Hp you to decide a fewquwrioty m regard vnrilMlffTa, verseé' aNdWdn of clearing house hsafcs LFtpsiecK MSMuneV saartaars Mesa at na ymaut war. to M companlet set Jw KtutKtmr shd trsat for the week aaawt ataa awardas is Osaarat vea messáWffr Pi5n"M in our áaMtniánt You wit isa way pom tiw.wjMg reserva m ex Umtaiar. will Kiwi - - ft AmMUPr for jaf arMs' af vktirM m dafaadlef mu wstejrjl f uu Chteasa; ha. CtM Of fSl rrautrrmntL 'This U a á it " J ,l etaaawtvtw, c Knr thi cra:s or ,Oo from tut weejt Tha taaWw yraaata 'aaetaat lae rtood af ISa ful for Xmm gifts. Belowi items ssthassst af Ho. Argentina exportable tlcutrt nr la! weik wera rrvrrnrlurt in Market alow, ssvtaa uaanr tMkriWl mm. wc nnhdmi n'few niu ge. Buik, v7.IS-y- 7.t Rotate lavaste. Ms eiaat of staff SB has tata, grossly' hxtgttraled helped iniwwj,,, im luicmtm loiiowtl i heavy., af.itaw.sii itdh will no doubt meet your. tuapraW. sfiN aatatt, a decided Loans, .etc., incrftss, coMataratér. Osatrtt. tádáedeif.;.rnss rslly In the wheal mWJMti att e Recelóla tM. leaahtf ilaatr: N. eromstsa (o. tisiiieiSti, Mtrhst May, after n catty decline. The own live beer steersi 'wettefa Wastaotal for was ttroag vaults, fHrjcnmi steers. - tki át fc lo ic MP-- t h,Wo. i.toa- rxtra. soaMlJf aaat.-"fla- m lA fMll,..1 bunt- BAJI.4A. Otarhef ttroag, HaJbxt a.tateesth off to nlrVA UV i,9. - vea eaSaaa Universal Percolators flsoi- itecreaM sai; Ato ' Sheep, iMMia, natdeeeerr vtrying freai H ft.to6.)( witti yreaT Th--h Universal made In 'ijflen, We arc'jbKovrinc declmé heactv ia other depositarles, tas mttn laattto attll n WId ta eaAi ymA and prsvietssa the tame t$a0 cotnplete stock in as tfod at. reward tacata prilhalaery via all sisee lavt night t tHC onw7 5el demand ilepoilta. tf.nijtiflW In' Jilt the Attoctatti Trt4 Mry at M tarpwa . , U4. waiea ta aav Price up from . , $2,75 Net all cspicaacd caav ctjat that the official tlmt deposits, MJ,000 increase, tM. Market lower. MuHr. m.itart.féí im nataisat oa tea sutniiva wl a. test heavy. t7.soai.Wi pigs. 111 . 1t.7sa7.. of ao,aM prtKaers tad its sua, it t Ckéulatlon. lMTMfii iWrrn, pis, ixm. Narhat ateadyt e v mataate uxt tu linea llSa.MíotLM'ÍLS"H,y ,0 ojitimlllo,ic- - Prima fed ttecrs, tiosrili westsr Mat Hm vea 'Mleeeebará' wU) Royal Rochester Aasresate reserve, .uj:.caiTis, Kasiaj!Sr tft,. eaatkMaes. the Heteo. i Kxren reaervu. un Mi. Ux Market' MA deftah tea Hatalan amy- - Ta Made of pure alumaitsnQ sices, ui ien Iinrelnti. non. cttasmtV Prkns 14.00, 1 )C Ltmbt, yearlings, t&aa7.7. aaaef ef reetlvieV tae trend creta of Hw suamary or state banki .trust s creas, $4.50 and $5.00. Percolators up from, . PJLeaW and laa ta aiSm tlvea a field atarr XtMtA W ule in Greater new York not included 4 aaat, ism httaeit military dtatuetMd 0lr bulls SeourtfS cRering house statement! C0TT6N MARHCf. it Leant, Fancy a Oeftaaa eenaaaaaer can receive tad was te. Kl9MXO0i decreaae. tl.i New York Cdttea wee ay Mm sss.teo. i vea Hladanburr, at In eatet specw, Bv the . ef Uta- first voa Heltaa, Crown TrMcA Aluitlinum Ware iii,773( incrcaso. 10360. Attatiattd t'rett New 2iu showitve; 'wi'any Legal lenders, lltJM.snoi decrease; oo. York. ov. Spot conta Underwear FrMdrtea and the Ffaaaiaa "Red rrlnce. We are now patterns in kitcken aktminum T0I1 deposits. SUi.ttSJWÓr dneroiu. M . middling uplands, 7.7JC. oe rHM of " fiai,Ufníro.mwArc,,.,M w Eruops wtt ' ' ' rrteencit xari, tM MttK. im ware. H WU,h ure woes.- . ' elavatloa' or voa Mradaabtirr wilt be lo Jetari wt c"mror' Htuar ctsn reserve in vtuut, tlMssilM. Beaeh't Art Sees. have splandíd Waffle Irons . a hn tensraUy acclaimed la Oermaay. Where (low), ut.5fn.'5S,I?ed i.,h Triders- - Trust companies' cash reserre in vanii. Francisco Bt Advert Ueraeat WE M eaieyt treat Meatarity. Views HJ03.Í. of tha n for coal stove . ."v ...... ' $2.75 ite.,ltRm Sven'Jr divided. Covering by ngures or C The newspapers cemtnem aparee tatlvely iS!ti?ilmJ0r, 4 cxtentjiheral jimcnoea isst wecki STATE LAiS eAHNHH,)M4I. fie M. wnderwear, oa aoaor wwwrwrrM na a Waffle Iron, ' 18 ,ntt itlu La ant, etc.,,oeo. fancy aa HtaáM f." 'rlJSf íS"í,J hedging, Reserve 55,4W,ioo. burr. The Taaelatt 'aavat (kjrk;,í M'.ataer deeotltarlei, ...sweater neck shirt and sat- for gas $3.00 il mi. the market followed AggreesM ratarves. m,oo.rxxl, . "II It rttttnr tbat the. first men ta receive V"s'V ' ,( tha course of Ex.ce sa warvs, Treasury By commissioner t.rvtetw in band' drawers. Solid Aluminum Tee." A., other cereals, but kc wihiu aarrow iirn- - ftwto.cto. the rattle since the death ot Field Marshal Kettle'. ' Épiiat Tf ira lo TKl Timet ;,and striped colors Coutt voa Scbletrren. 11m trett teacher or MtCTAL MARKETS. Bt m silk and Prices up from ; . . . , $1.25 tteL 'P" M hogs than expected Sanu Fe, ft, M., ."tor. ii-F- or tb rttea) wool," the CleuMWtttltn-vof- l Moiaeaa; art of war, hif irrect on proviaioni. bilk and cotton, 'wool Six-Pie- P.f'n in New Yerlf Metal. year ending ttovember 30, 1911, a total of ahoiHd ee roa HMdenaurr, who repetteaiy Aktminum' Kitchen v trjst et$ for , and pure ail k. . hat deooaairtted Ue teachlnst ef Mm l'ciclnir.hoüs product were t4eT pv the AhboHH4 fret l,7to!s, ior the rental and tsle of statu Set ., New York! Cepper treat master, namely, that German leaders, ...... jU.. $8.00 rouowtK" Kofi flrmi elee lands, Into treasury hett December."" My, trolyttc. tH.Vff!i. wat turned toe state Prices $4 to $12. raun team now 19 mruci a aeciHve faUe. May: ttficT Iron anchas gsa by "'Land Commlíilonér Itobert P. Krvlati; ,h , feat even' wttit Inferior numbers. " The income rroin the same source .for tha We, arc elusiva El Paso The victor of Tanacaburt bdlds good in ' Jfew York'SHrer. present month amounted to tso,is-- The: Poland what ho aromtaed In east Brass Goods, Prusafa. Art total ror thj year the largest the agents for -. in MUN31NG aaa m ait tavaace to the Vistula, JHt re We have a large assortment of Brass Goods in Jardinieres, new York, nov.- Mercantile paper, history of New Mexico. Til incomt front UNION SUITS. iirareeat to the frontier ead sew. esW'aer ceat, Underwear by hit Candlesticks, Brass Vases and Fern Dishes, which will be oar tho public lands last year amounted to blow at tee tipwly forro war eaeaiy he ATTRVnONI ; silver. 4tse t230,TM, that pleases the most par- always Especially priced for next week. Is your busmett reDresehtaa KU bat remained matter or the situa- la jiua M Fata Metal, ticular. tion. iBmlneas Flraas From A. la XT' if t See the Free Merchandise Faga ta todays call toso Mexican carrsecy, tee. The Oerraaa aattoa has confidence that and ask for parti evlars. Nanean bstat ,n raw buying price), ate. issue, it hsi somtlhlng good tor. you., Prices $1,50 to $4.00, Field Mtrabat von Htndcnburr will do alt witnin me limits or human power to de- fend the eastern borders and overthrow Its most dangerbus, enemy." The Lokal Antetger compares voa Hind' enburg with B(ucher, the victor at Water- loo, but sayt .ho is hot apt to tdd to hit 110 110 present laurels the title of the most popu- Should lar man In England or receive an honorary fL degree at oirord university NORTH "The whole nations rejoices at .the ap-- . NORTI AILING PEOPLE polntrnent or lt hero,'' the Lokal AntAgcr Consult continues; "knowing that, even the advance ot new Russian armies will be no cause STAHTOM STANTON AUTO HITS ITNKNOyVtf MEXICAN, tor apprehension so jftng as, this The, master strategy is on watch nnTElWATION'Ati gFEOXAMSTS, because they ar Bpecisllats of recognized, ability, peiroaneaUy ertab-- ' of the Victim' to dare and to accomplish .new victories.' iwnea, ana potecas the lilglieat crodcnUaM and qualifications. They DEMONSTJtATK by tha way they examine Driver Clalu ?Válkd lata Zeltung In Field Marshal Cw. The Xreutz sees yqtl the manner in which they conduct their buelnets and treat their patients that their Methods and von Hindenburg a girted Ood given .leader their Treatment ore- - P , AB;UHtaowi Meilcn was or armies whose name win b, uciHiteq ' automobile 'driven by Fulton C. Flgueroa, among ibe greatest commaadert, on - pages cotton buret- of tIa city, early this rsorn of history. Different, frafer tag on Santa Ft street aterr West Orer THE REASON FOR THEIR SUCCESS Jaadj The. maa was rendered unconscious WONG BEN MAY BE FREE COVnCMPT APPEAL; BWMiSSEB. Chaves county on the chargt ot discharging and Better Than MODF.RATE CHARGES. FAM BKALIN'S. EXPERT KFHVirr. anrf record of over the iorca of the , blow suttatalBg s pistol. HlXTYfllVE HUMMED pattentt without, th lost by dettu or a singlo' one, with tew Jaw aW- S'ew Mexlcs Edlter lo Fine, and In case failures sad tittle, tr any. dltsatlsracHen, This It something to of. It meant tolera! r lleomed fay the of the Santa Fe Board or ihey at least, deal fairly who ltoroud ÍwJV, pe' tajrt. j Heateace. Education vs; Ida Astler. action Can Be Obtained that with these place confident? in thcjni and an who- Oarear .ratasa'tM'peMw Chlaamaa WIU serte Jti for rnret. carp i.ur vmt ui eonauu incin. i mey cure you, IniHrM la CobbMIss bfs entry and itma lunula cannot thay - w, 'tas,- KlUlas or Ad Él Eeetial Wire té Thi Timet detainer, the judgment of the will tell you to candidly, and ir yoUiees h curtrt treat you under the only seta sad removed the lower waa I mitted la Jul by Judge Jacksee. santa Fe, n. m (vov. sh-- tm supreme court affirmed, Elsewhere " ""HtNat;V& ABlLtTY coupled with m WWy NfWWW' teaerstacy boseital. court or New Vexlco todav dtsmlased the in ot Charlea L. Hunt vt, otctrl & HflNBsT WiSaPlCY1! i Uattér assert" appeal u, uresg, Quay 'eritwssrgesh toé wbmota rÁn of F. A. Chacon, editor of .La' Vox aapeaiea irorq county, api . Inñan V. Jacluon or the Tkrltr peliant't action In yMsslssa was Hotel Dlea for further yes'terday granted él pueblo,, a Spanish newspaper" published ,rcplvisi revarsed, fourth district court was ,( tmimiil. wrtla, or haheaa. cornos11 to wong-B-i abj.atiVegatbnacon' roancica " ' Their Combined Method Succeed Whelm Fail " Others Cbloamtn arrested Saturday oa a charge district court for San 'Miguel county' sa rieriaW Charted VVHh Artes. story ..teld" Cáptala ; Azmy;a..e Creer or murder; w. e. Andrews, nounajovpr ine cnarge or .coniemni or court tma rraen B Me Xaiocisf ed or pffenso "Prut . A VISIT WILL TELL MÁKEf NO MISTAKE íiy Flgueroa, be jni Dtgceedlng north, the arind iunr bv Justice the Feace tío and thirty days in jail. The, Pensteola Fla., Nov. --Oeorge Colwell 0. McCllntock, on a charge' of criminal as sllged gfew out ot an article published THEY COHHI.VE THE GREAT CURA- THEIR KL'IPMESI are t( was arreited today hit homo In Jackson Their ofnees fs.,M$ tVeSfU V0' intersection ault. and Caalmlre Perez, bound over ia, defendant's newspaper. The supremo tt V Peace couniy qn enarges or arson in connection I TIVE "rotfEHS er electricity, Ibe ben. mipprrf in the southwest, oc- V'"1 Mvensna ayeet iae unknown itui rrand lurv bv Juatlce of the V&M, an appeal on a of, ourt rules docs not iid,,un, with the' burning ten days ago t-- LIGHT, HEAT, VlHRATTft.V, SEKIJHS cupying or the second floor Stepped Into his car. He added June j. Sfurnhr charra mwder. er state censututlan, any the that every Bond In the .case of Wong hen waa fixed the from crim Florida siato Iieform school at JHariwina. and ORGANIC EXTRACTS With a JUDI- of the IfASljitETT BLOCk, conjir inal verdict save where en jndtmenr hti Texat jMluri 10 TD1Q. IQO accident, DUI at ta,MX. 11 it inougm oana in wiucn u'u uvea were lost. He is nei.n CIOUS ADMLNlfiTRATtO.N of CAREFUL- - St, and Mesa Ave,, consisting o'f prlrate J NtnMii mmiirrnw. wonr is heia m con' been found. alleged ColweH's that the man was too close to (be car or King, without bond. It It ton LY 6ELECTFJ) STANDARDISU) lleception nooma. Consulting nooms ntction with the killing Yee which Judgment was affirmed In the 'caja ot the escaped from the Institution a I when discovered. State' vs. Opntaict, few hours which prepared la their. snd several private treatment rooms,' Jesus convicted in perore tne riro was discovered. tre wherein are to bo 1st. rpiThe, car' bore out the statement of the perm is charnd with the murder PRIVATE LABORATORY, under round all ot the as Jose Zunlga at Stri Elltarlo about three tSr est, best and most scientific appliances drjver in rnucb as the side lights and PERSONAL SUPERVISION. for making accurate diagnosis and suc- were woken; werk wo. The two men. It is said; wHia.siM where Flguerpe dulged In an afguraent at a daaee, aad cessfully treating all diseases, included Mated the man walked tato the machine, Feres waited for Zunlga titer ho bad ítart Exquisite In fCo,urt THEIR RESPONSIBILITY Their fating In their specialty. After aecAmpaning ibe Injured man to the at midnight, shooting Alcove of the Four is the best. The banks, newspapers and ed to his home about INVESTIGATE METH police tallón Flgueroa slated that all the him down wnen zuniga ana an omcer at leading business men or E) Paio will THEIR PROVEN ' Rli 'accessary:' -- tempted to --place" him under arrest, rerw Seasons t Worldrs Greatest Exposition SCBCIAL1STS, 60S There Is no guesswork, or experU for tbe man's comfort tnrorm you that,' they ara thoroughly ment in their methods of treatment paw y- including" ex was arrested by a Socorro officer tod wat ,wuja,es wat Jhe uy responsible, capable of fulfilling their .which have stood the. severest rests of pense or a doctor, aed nurses nouna over 10 im grasa' jury jo ElghHi, Year t Kl Fats. at the Mumhv. Bond was rtxea at tsjoo aaa im promises and contracts 'made to their time and have not been found wanting. hospital, ''. m.fUntiv rlvea. patients. You shonld avoid Irresponsi- Longest .Established, Most See, When ihey say they can cure you,' you concerns, can depend upun it, for lliéy iFultóa Flruérb hat been in thia cirv but Andrews was bound Ver to the graad ble the "Here. cetaful tad Reliable Specrtlim,' know from f lemerrew" kind, their tuccessrol results in thousands or a short time and it connected with T. N. Jury by Juage wcuumocx, cnrgxa. wm "Medical" a wnq Invino- - Vriminallv assaulted a young slrl. propoallleaa and aa Diplomas, Ltcantet ctset just what they, can accomnutn. coiomaa, oroier, maintains ornees people by them con .ta new York He was released on bond, which wat fixed Rembattlo "Cwoiile e," elc, Elertrlo and Newspaper Bocords Show. Oratrfu: cured are l and other Helta aad Pataat .Noatruma tre without tttniir recommending others, and .this points. Flglieros. ww booked at the disappoint-1s- 1 ety three men were indicted by tha last mrrll aad prete invariably t why they possess the largest pricttea jiu uu. tuanjua ui anvmg. ana a deiuates aad a snare. In the southwest. on rcic grana ury. later reieasea rurnishing txi cam bond. The grand Jury yesterday returned to Ills case ,win beUed m tW corporation acomst Robert Blair allaa Jtob art Baird, on three charges or hurriary aad burgltry at night, Blair, who it te the Positive Cures for Reasonably F?esfor the Following Diseases rounty jail, was aaaate to maaq kq tor Rafael Sillas, arreted Thursday fcy the noaaapeart Makt Mm ahertrra office oa "a charge of rtíiPCELE YMOCELE ani Or family, WW rcticu jcmiu.i mrra KIDNEY, BLADDER m 1. ralUit la Ihn rountv courL NO OtM, bat WfrMIN CATARRH tore sr their paw-les- s Fill Ymmc beea et for the mat. and ürímry Diseases mm Cured Permanently AND 1LHBLESS JTew life and Yíor íwr Weak' mm. OPPOSE WOMAN SUFFRAGE py Tfcstr Direct Malead Xerrsa, San - Bewm Pesáis, It Scientific TreitnWiit NO DtlENTItN FfilM XsUefffa Saaltons Walm. Araong the, many dlsesses whJch tf fltct tyatem. IvASAL CA of NaMmt AssaeiatUB tHaa, Vary the. haaun If you hsve lympioms pf disease BUSINESS rrwltfat SeelaraWaa Frea-- TARHH Is the moat prtvtatM and T44 WHh Habla ta s greater variety; ef of the Kidneys,, Bladder or Frost; complications'. Hi as pain .In the back, or Disregard or KellafMr's SmHsm Wafer ar th Ht such difficult Rupture has cost mtay tlte senses' of ttsaHí taata, frequent urination, smarting, burn- lives. The areaitat aaawa aerv viiiiara. Thr haartag' snd tight surfer shore or smallest are the most wakaa yoar irsoplna; vitality aad ing or straining, dull, aching , or to life, or UN Stalatt tear, aad the.tbroat endthtaea dften because lacreased ravlve amMtlona' ot old. It'a a U'..hlnanr. Nor. TOtt aeujatlon of an a wmmo rvr any man or woman to the lateat reouaat ot woman saffraga lead-- beconte Javolved. Calatrh of the throbbing the bladder) liability to ttringulatfon. F ty a Rrvou wreck to b era for an audience with rrealdrent Wilsos throa, ears, bronchial Jibes, stom- headicrei. dlnlnesi, sleeplessness, VARICOCELE Is t knotty, twisted, mu gloomy aa to asa ni ur ach tad intestines raaulret the aafvwit awl. irrl supftori v tired feeling, cold hands tad rtet, wormlike condition of the velst, frasre aaientaaiiit. Mrs. vw"."Arthur M. Dodge, tatss earcfiil attention 'sad president ef the National eaaocieuoa op. Their womlorfuHr tacrttttul pafftoeis of tha eyes snd ftee, with symptome such u aching tad posed to-- wats an v laalaod, vlai A correct dMeastlt and unllen Miklea. iMrrtCuH krutMw. paint nervousness, debility, lack, or sunrise, wnw ih cause, with ier to Mm prtsiaant today smm oat mi rtoevsi ot inaittur ptlpilaHoa of the heart, you 'tboald energy ambition. ments agclnai las propotaat ot th r ( tkatr MNOZONE ThKATIsfftT. which and Soatblnatlon HXINE with consult without away. ifZTmjuLm it t of ut s 'mU (a tha nraatiUaa fliaC Ft MS OIL or thO Httatt!4T MEDI Our ysart of study and extensive hydrocele it distressing CI HAL CHAHACTKR, tt essUy produb-IB- -' nrarlirá In Iha trelaaMBt of aH requiring expert tttanusa, tastos very Dfawlog -, rMNsrsaste cures in iortst of Wdsey, sHasarr sad Uri off the (luid Is only laA itaaa a "aUataal failure- ana aastatMa mi taosi obiunats ssasa,: aary us m mimoa 'iaatn 'TrauWet have rtmllltrixed and the Uss of painful rúes "in its atas af aiur Taay have rtiastty Inetelled the to Mm taunt that we have sttawed vicious, you a a waao arc ikh vary more sue, ia If are fuffasar ttsastsMeiJ wiiruiwoaM aaiufirww latest aMaraast far the tupaiaor sail), which tasuret "ISM ta Ktttiittul i stsiii ItsTi lilsa. of (hit ceaafal sreatsBeat la all caats aoi from Ijydrocele, you will do wU t lajrtaatt rH af the majarlty tf mm ted McarteM. HtvetWsts atstaa m tsa aaaarais siara w aacwt. 1 their method. istua saearsuat to laatr eoaiMWiiaaai visjeas. Hal' iMMlora aad aoa hlutk Beat Method t saortsat possible very HHPi- - rtsataaa was a awrsavH voamraas,' User, aleo ettsé' the tatest and the time for a reasonable fas Ml M.I DUHr -- TBa W OB 1. MM BKCLI.NK. OtWKUOTItJftst, KKtTTAIi WsWASEtl and all STKCIAli HtA8e of atan erau taothar, TWr fathara ia ,Um hsttasat aaoaa ia iweptu or vj a Was. a trarfl araar af tiwar aanusai They accept no penwn't caas without slvlnr iult value for every dollar paid. a? móat wosnaa wjittMvs lbs txtwMasse That, bi the OUIDINQ KULB, of the. buslnsta aide of their work, sad they it as aU. ea ch hna at the dl atattae ot Guarantee abide by H always. The eraat work ta ay are doing In curing people of their taaia'WaMi 'lasesf 11 1 fMsl nittsfstrstlon Thr KaUSM'f wtU taffrasa f. diseases ass team SouthweaL STRICTIiV saatiM Wlfws weaaaa nads famous throuahout the Thalr taaai was an taa joy aaa I teal tha "aaooa! itasnrsa taf. MKTUODH ars OUAHANTMaW) ta fea CUHATIYK la taay accept treatma-- t, "ra - aaaecisttoa u, sot a soattl iasl. sawer SClBrrartC for JUV sate hp aed- trrtheas has . ffcata. tt (hk r Mf la aat Ife alfs, aK. nta't wtsw away le Bataacracy teat CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE 'riiSii4 - aatnw. wata' mu suds tad Wiled sStaSs svattaat itsens ! w lasliiN jMf so jWra matsat Offtca XaasipS a. ttt, se i p, Mt, p. m. t J . aa. iandasa, IS le i, , tsaay seaa year nstas 'tad aaatest Wtfe Latsk van ssntr e enaps w, mm fey d MsaVts (or lata ta. Mel INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS WlBlsf H IX Kfa aaaaa loday'bv CMupWoiar M f t tita f. Ktto SaaJ- - triiltlT-r- -' Csevaea tWaaa, Ave., M Isaae, Tsaatw JUassanst. s( IM Masa jfeee I v Mi M ajjtj laQy SiiiaaSir tf la Bs ttsrey eaaday, OiBjaastsa Mao Craaaa YaUay Sbutk aaatt tVaat a SM jf Ortn aSSmTWirt M j , BreaT Ave.t uwl Drus t nw hase c., m Heu aastts. Taaaa. Muy ttWduternúf Cal- - MAM3f MP JaUtrrAU OT aVAMK AMD IXWATIpM. -- A. avayaa. Mm,! jtm Aatuato Sls aaHt mtay aeaisaatra Sunday, A'.WMB U as. a I PASO NING m isali 1" ... S' tur éi . PEOPLE fit VIENNA . a. tt 0 itotgii fío - REMAIN ACTIVO ÉÉlstÉÓ - 'r Prices- rite,- ... ,. JoTaaSai Ti- man m !K)R J' ini" i . aaamal goodclothes' . at nor nr;eaSTLY Aad If yott are aboa to atari liatmawiaaiw-- e. '.hmr?iém nmw fuiiafraia it waff pmf-f- m wt lift Mal TaMBM aai,ioko great want ifr atsT afeeeW Voti will War ymtMXunn Í' We paia to Mfuww eriíli4MÍ yw bnma k. ft rWTir . bé rWBphiil to learn Hew tittle motwy k win" 'tai to AmvmÍi yew Itapa, aad yam woT Wftaora rito spend 925 the ha!.. i 25 we tMÍioti quality tke gooik. lata f ' sa witk the of jgZk' ; sí ifiWf, OwmUm WeJttttt Duoar, forge Fioneh rrrir- - all carefully about fakaaa, Oct M iCeneodc wfe:tftW -T ItaM ooinaf, two app : .,v$26.W pwaiia, ! aad' two aem- - Hood lor SiTfe'.50; aaaavr farce tt ctotl;mriiy pteaaM PriMVM Oireaataa Watatat Dreea-- r fas weatksr; toraacMwdt SM the sattytaéfttat and good ínñueDce Rear arte 99 pa Mar xarlasr Hiaaati tbe lor m;. Special price.. eP6)V ii tas ta ank iuMl mtttUr iidand tee rata $25 hero will get you lota of that Cireaaten "Walnut Chitfeate. R ntsraat oa an loaos aaa aa . mtmmi to aaiaoot'oria staMar ' aeriorttr of autabars' afea amad !!;.... $24.00 wwe kast hwtsi Clrcaelan Walttut Table d to feu bade from masan Dree; enures oi me oay oa ,sw an wKh large Krenet plat mirror. Press comspoaoent ta with - arrmd 8uit Recular uric IÍ4.W. rA bound for the rollan or OaHelaa in tho aWUJaVCNtoríiki f mi rT! Solta'in----- prtea Ahout cnr M . . '' Special t,. 'tflOetfV at fltfn rWMwiSasa límate. ntaTe air. bkmde. bkM-er- welt saaaai autll mure saiai 1.-'eafo, by ,. ?rVe .have compfeta, aioek of in appearance, Tka VMaMse th--rn " 'VilfcH,'. aYry IMa . eye; were aood 10 Matt wm. sal atiStatll 1. .t dreaaeñ, :tWr.4's maple, ma the part with 'enibuslasak ogatMtaf hogany, aetata oak. Earl English Of, course, tbe destination of tke arsUaarr aiilét-.'ti- . i.'ir V 'jaiitosta.- - aaá CltceaUa walnut. men raanaint unknown. Kowarer 'Mmte W ef tke sane type of men weat aiisitati Vienna mtom; RUG. SPKCIAU? TMa kattdaoMM Vernla Bed. or the day kouaa far Martin .Turkey, to tnstract ottoman . " JxlJ yeHat.RHg, regu 1 aniiliiia tko-SU- SSL- ,8x13 Axmlniter Rut;. Recular tfcl AA .wi yoar approval o .eight. or paaamy. maa .soma or Turners Made bett HwaaoM Froalt from tko koatta of k -! htrprlaei ilt.M special 1IUU Than, too, are of price $27.50, , 7C 'i, there feature It cannot he sM that the- TefipaV ar $40.00 Bort,;atW $25.00 Lkoal Blao Sorso Special tlC J Rug;, Mwtructlpn that when demon Vienna are. d by Nat tsac aflUe! and Fiber you s regu-- íeguWifíprlca atftttad to wilt make yau realiae edr'cr ie war. The eefea and tats tkirty-fiv- a tlollar vaiuo, at; ... 9x13 Wilton Jlur, AA $10,60; nr' Ha quality. ae jats crowded tasa usual. Anteo tkeir (07 peciai 'price . . . . . s7 &D auperlor ftC Jar price $Q; apcclal., ?iUU ? I alé price. $,í9;r.peclal.Rer BMeea are maaa iavsnof from Om mat. 4903 officers sad mea who Hasp a little or bavafi For colaler I a Mo estittaw, Swéator Goato Uinlorvroar, die Maortmoat ia .WfV- - aa, arm at the slinr or-- a kaadaotat beaaVf I aIv LOOK LOOK Bat Mhe convatesceat aaes uK 18x36 Rug. aaeuah aad effeclivelr dtacredK Wat asassa Special. 50c mat aa aan woaaw tat' Wo have Kue la all colera,-- Jdndi ttHd designa,, and our Mar lis men to the front. Tbe detenants Manhmttwk :9Uri price are the loweet la the city. Haa to right to tbe proverbial flfliafe may am aa as trim m Vienna Union Clothing Co. iMtt li it t)urc. ussa JnterWotwÉfM tru There is ao lacar of able prsfaselonal Ail sort or Inoculations ara, to Sriiard ataiast a apread of camp r ether disease, such as eholera. It la said bere that tbU dread disease It bow watt under control la tbe Austrian lines, but vicllaaee matt coRetaatiy be eieretsaa ewtar to the ract that Ruaaisa aad Set prisoners cenunoe to import the'aeeupte,' aaas The visansse are eeartdeat or atderéieoawseasHt' ea be ' d are tUH ta arMars'wtth : payment or Fer this reason the aovaraaeat takaa the from Ürway tnte beMrerenv eaaatrte. FEDEIAL 1ESE8VE BANKS wetr. reserve dtiyssHs. dae'te amSsaader-sUadta- g aaNel Fumed ptthttc into Its eanrtdeaee., iOlte "frankly at law rant that psymiau war due Oak Dining the announcement was made yesterday wat OfcamberMa' Ceag Hetaady. Immediately' upon the :ssaHshmsatiaf,' the troops or Beonevitte, IT. Y.. bank, or to and aifflaotij ia i TaWe ttn derrotó and' Mrs. Levi Franklin, dlatanee ' f feed been owtred ia "auawetohea" (ret says, "I am pleased to y that Chitnktr-ttin-'s eeia hoi (Usee saa Bunag transportation. Telagraaa rraat various 1 -- Inch top t caa "With round pedestal and a 4 that can" he out or tbe way) of a lare Russian force Ceaan Retnedy was asad by ray ton Week. hanks "report substantial surptaa reeerrcs tended 6 feet. Regular price $14.00 Special;.,, ü:$9.75 which bad 'erossed tbe "Vistula betweea' ahout two years ago and. it preved to be at most .pomta ana eacowngtac Warsaw and, Ivaairorod. A new "rroup- - very ben ricial in relieving ,haarMM and ket oondlUofiS. heavy top, aeUet, Sif the J.MofHte4 extension, with extra Q Art üjí" would rollow, said, tno cominuniea- - earing a ofcu It baa aleo been need by Prett "Federal reserva notes la a IP. WMlilnrtoB. Mov, of the red- quartered oak, Rwla-ysria- $Í4.50., Special.. , 1 uon. other members of my family aad we have continued the, statement, 'TncrsetM M.tet.- - ?10U opinion or by era! reserve, system eaatmued during the You wilt have to look at our atock ot Dining Tablea in order to Wblle the price or flour hat advanced a very luga It." Far sale (0, being Uwied by elirht . mi ttttrMa a." The worth, our prices win, aurpnae you. a Utile tbe raise has not been blab eaoufcii aa dealers. (Advertisement.) past week to pay the ftret lastallmeat of Chicago, district Is m appreciate their real any poo advaaee af ali Maer to inrluence but tbe very' reel reserve to the regional. banks,. A, tute ta .the matter of' note issa., Raw Tork 'hi Moreover, aávsaee .coBdltloHt-orib- Telephone Table and Chair madeiiof olld oak, haa plana for J households. tbe arréete . Need Olssees? Ask MtJm Teas at, meat jof.tna twelve benks aad FhUadelphl stand neat la rotative J pnly wheat riour. The, prtea ot wheat ie pregón. (AdverWsoment.) . at the dote or busmee yesterday, giren EXTRA SPECIAL book; very maasive strong. Table and Chair...... 3j , , . aetr rank. Rediscount racilttie have hasa' avail- aad li6ü said to bé tbe sarna, 'a before the war. out by the .reserve beard today, showed ed of In eleven tatittauoat, tba tatat amouaf Itor ,1s there a general ''scarcity of ;wftric; ATTRNTWNI aa aerease in gold holdings over November or nave ' bllU discounted beta. ftlaUi, some or uwpiantajwhMst taut down, Is your business represent ta TH pas 10 or more than and aa, la- have Increased daring Ath week opened aaalB) aearir all maaey Is aaek in Ruataes FITsss Frew A te- - ZT" If not créese or oath of m.fXM 1b the tame circuHUoa and a reduettaa at taa later est oU tola and sek for parKselars. Prted. . The comnusatonap or I a hanic- - bat Co. rate by the ?Thti." sM a statement Iaed by saere ruled today that taie ragtoaal' tit ii'rt': to, ateta Western Furniture made it peaatble loaa adran Rest, autos, careful .detvar. .PSene It. try Walls "Is regarded as thowin? satis- ara aet snoject y tne war taceaasty, . 3 factory paymeat (Advertisement) , . pfprreas toward th of The close military .ee operation between reserve taroaaaout tha country. 'Phone 1482. , ,505 SoultiEl Paso y X Oenaany aad haa a coed tlfiTRN POR TH WWSTbE. in sevarai districts a number, of baahs W sta Mraetev la the eeonoouo. assistance one em ritaJmSüiL pire fives the 'other. All tateresta, related 10 tna war nave ,ocen pqomi. Following or Prussian In conjunction The TrlaMy Revival. tbe advance the' ferMca Saaka KclaaHiaed. operated wltb the main minister of agriculture that at .much- land Bruclie' of the Bew ChinúiiMa tUte bafllc, K larae crowd beard Her. Coals Friday as possum he given over to me raisutr ot -- bmlc, wfrka wai'receally ettólihed by Á, VvtiS. wbe has been tbe man- - reatar on Jhe iadaroenV' The taoir winter cereals, tne Austrian government r and or Hungary have done likewise. J taa flate 'forernment. are to be opened la of the Juafea hrancti. baa' realgncd in wia the tarjroit tbe weelc aad tbe that or in Bohemia and Moravia the stand of winter Juarec aad' Parral on December, i, The order to attend' to private buslneia enter muic At the dote tbe rye exceptionally opened' A not yet an- 'seven surreadered their .lives vlbeat and is rood. mala bank at Cbibuabu hM teco prlia. lucceaaor nii been service to are reported man for cerera! weeks. Tbe braacbea 1U be nounced. Corlat. situiisr conditions Manir&ry and other parts or. the empire and Two. Opticians it appears certain now that the' soldier, of IBS wo empírea iu,ai w uihitow bjt frmintj. , Vienna baa been seed to for t tnett ano III Vienna the Frene and .English .Magua- - guei are 9111 mucn jn evwenea. Shoot, Tiir been a 'rather eieae social aad ; Violina ta "Cante TownS--- aiiaaiiaaaaaaaHaaBaBaiiaH commercial 'intercourse with Franee ta the to ' IMandelma Mw4c vana . a Relia BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaftaDaaaaaaaaaaaaal Gwtars opened ,a Shop cus-- and at .a Mgarriclal put It,. "I am aura TNE and then waited for the (sersnaa and n govarar rnrnt saa na tnaueea to Bive rrance sae best aaaestMe terms or peace. ;r , v Umerr;to drotf in HE STILL RAITING. MllllllllllllllllMIIIHIIHfHllllllHHIIHM MHIIHIIIWimNHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIItt Vienna, at nignt, is anu a etiy ot ifght, aad AciMWstang to Ambattador Fanffeid tatn The opened shop irn akaat fM Americana iart M Auatna other a and started to ádvéísé llunaary. Mr.- pcnrield is principally the traosmlseiea of dtptosnatte for ciMtaorsC Bo is now the Boot Known Optieiui in the entire Sonábwoot ottMWv ' ft broad It bis riabt that be has and ho 4oof ÜM Ofticei Buatiheoe of tho MtiraSotttkwoet. Of ho tioofl beoeeae ' baewn as the flimvaw corpa" turoe. to the gov ha does, ail taa eatHHftea with Wheel la at L jc, . - , ñ t CeaatlpeUea. traabled with csnsttaattoa take Tablets. The, .'ara ar.,ta hrit aade4uee no triptag ar etaar an- - laássnt effeet. For saH by att daator. (Adytcilssawht ) The Strongest Word ttaaest'a Art aasa. yrusts so, st, AJventaaueou - ' i, m n aAJsailyiAiai. MOT .WtMRMtO. la Mat t llansss at P salt Osnata Aaareiesaaa SIGN-TIFI- Is ONLY aaaataa Siliiillf C AasstaiaMd yresa Carviaaaaaince; ADVERTISING I csatjawi. Hav. as only menee; w th aaacral poatttoa taTttnaaby Norway, la tta aatoton ,ot certain eU infoftaad staaaaav swears to asaca: tma ja seas a sir wadau by Oarmany. Thar 1 . - p.. ja aaaa latuatatont, It la said. that 9r. aaaaar aVstrti a n Of aBnraiHMU oa ia ft i FgteEiyefü ataai eoaai or' awaoaa. ttoouia a aa j as ray U to aasa to epato awoan, fiar. SbyTar of dairisastv aUiaaca with IW laajom; woM bar ie take up ' Sm aosautoVaaany. üah a coaUnaesa--y, l&ex&? Piano vim ai ta mtndt of those vr ho pretend ajatatttSjr. ' te ta tag peaatMUty, at retarded aa ra-- ' k tU ONLY Pkyor Piano that ttrikw DOWN on the k da HUMARHAND .t J11 la easaotad ta nwtntAia aar nau éBíállt Mttf tri4cM Mid that can powibly Ining out tho exact tompo aasi tfieii SWpr etatien f the i to ner after taa way, at avaal at vtctory for tha aluaa, ) COamffJair. i aa a same hood Of ber TKo ONLY Player Piano that ha a Matron omo Motor, ÍaONLY motar tKat 1 iiTailar rn taa cowuct. There is riata-- ilMOwr jaitaruct or Ruatlsn In ata the STANDARD of timo. 'jLg. Hi aaaaa af ytaasT Jtararasrlana. ONLY Player haa ÍIpCPRESSION it mat to ia aa aaw las that on day Hm Piano that a POINTER tkat fXnal "uapa,ti WWaaaaJJQMt for a wtsurn UNE on tho Muaic Roll. W WetroittaTtalWtiy lior TKc ONLY Play St. territory; gtlaW Raglaad has 1mb or Piano that roallv vou hew to otáfaáaíH no LEVERS IMUS4 to ! suea poaai kwa ' a t aaatasi ,to matttpukat. ' . , . Sat aaaraaatan. Wt U at occarrad to cr l nafwagtaa tnu m, an poaautis nuan 1 Tho ONLY Playot' Piano wUl rowiml Xafl aloctricity victory and wtUi . ami th,t wind acl h mmm ' aUlad, taa JaratarMasvajuace uugbtnt BsnaaaaaaVaaB ser.' wttiMtaadkar ttiaa hagsaass. atth The OMLY Pkyer Piano with PooVlo ,Wlt at an aaMaf oi aW amw a lr aa eovaa P ana wikmi n II (' " A We advertising for okrW TIRELE3S, iraulatar way. surrarta outline an campáis you that ivaly Tittleidaralrraan ásanitaM aa ac- aSTa? ta war. ii sail to aa arrtctai by a Norwegian autswrtty, ! s sure TO MAKE YOUR BUSINESS. Get on , aa? aaat at th Coamtn's aaaalt- - t t , . Ikmt fnaillaaitatl feTMM aVCMsf ot k, aattaajrataai isaiihnn II iV ' ím not or tat wmatrt wsa asaaaa 1001 1 i or foodataff a frasa taa Oawad Hifh Tension Line Phone aaatStiva laalartallv áaa ia sha tsoaa aimii ix uaraaany ana aaaa It Hsae oft aa la aoiad la aiiani 1 'tjhn aaovuta u da ta tha 4mmr y traaaawruMoa or ra aaatsfisl am Fifteen Experts Sewhí I, la ttahleatag of eswaltt EEDIBÍHE3Í a, ai a i ay. by EL PASO IpRNING TUfflf iidwrgi DEFEATED JtatsanatBaaasaBB NAVY IT ICINAL MINERAL RIVAL r r Rvi' .in H ñ rr pi JwiiTMLim' ui n rt n I J OF RAWUM IS DISCOVERED m3

AsorV o((9wHijBHkhx aaBBBBBhf br flksaW M Belslend at Ihterv ftaeium kae a foraldable rival. Ahea va at, tha ae, hily Ms rtseWas ?IHf lM.iMWMr.an4 Its dtsesnrerer H MM Trim SMasMfl Basra Ms Beers 1 VassBn of tast nuMm wii afttw MUntMMcr jt.1. kiHlBMliM nPidV55ror7i-T- tinned Mases oOfámlafl, Acaaaray rootttsUh team oatestad oí U test knew In, pa- MUttsrr Ml the Naasl Aosdemy eleven hf a saors of ítete!'etales ta OkMftrtk. Baft new tan ho iipBBBBBBBBB7 N i m sat temes the had dleyss4 a ma éSml f rrtnkfin neid todsy. aslaeral of treat etttattve lfra 1m Ones iM, powerful snd weM shy he la thMch Uft satas far alt 'JpbbbbbbbbB: srssy. sHshsas sstnsd n mttsh tint. ' O ihs ultiméis "Alcte nee atavtae msnntles the ssssa was never in coun et radian wtthent WHi mIm er nsBsus somata non wti oui every as (prohibit eot mMthe,Mr. Mtsanmsmle. clssned oepsrtment spirit of a, pamt-a- a splendid rtehUDf th it miiw hvih ihh raes ar eerrsni aeresi, os Sin tha atan, fltathd at em ataina of hm haae laraar.. California, iM he pcwraa very .mm ' AJlhoarn' tas tais Iseked ss' eeasful til caeas, of itnm-ie)- v snd. WH st nti resturstt kidney, bladder and Bw trevblee, bkttlss of other rearé. It II akin die and ofafr ilmnU. In splendid ícenle pictures which anjeas feet, ira know frota ár wn experi- ad rrom all other rames of tha ssaasn mental work that Ahen wilt do mars rarnted a rutin? climax vasan MM Lei U$ Build You A Home things than we olalm far K, h wa are sound feothsU taps for tai i. tryms not' to mimic theee skeptically iutd fsHssaan Wsa, InotinedV WaaMatiea a iMAnwtmrrwf r , Jttet what tha curative element In ew Yorlt, War; M4h. Easy-Payme- .V Msmssmshsm snaa-st's- - - J nt Akoi ia Mr.. be- '' " y ü f apea faethsll at tae las) On ' canee tha fotrasneat ehamlatn Use sad JsrtsrsMi Plan !a MAtWUBWilMI 'rTssMntten ihé - i eettntry have,. unable te ttt him. j J. P. gerg by a sears Of SO as ta. Tha rosará tt'ss tnfaea fresa tha mine f POaafarwr at aJtoa. haa bee analysed than tha ehstn-- A I -- Ui lata have syn-- overturn many aeepte4 aVtMtfsoiatedlYess, - In tka mMt WaaifnJ nsWhian El Paao RICHMOND TERRACE. An a plat to live Rfchmon d Terrace has no equal the triad to reeenatrwet it f tfned te Deaver. Nov. ChñOrtsis 111t at thearien; Akoc urea 'Many mm! 11, thatiaeUsv hat .whan, they 4a sé tha leal haa , asial aatrrownirtssgs sslnal H Kmaa arc modem sfha adymttage of dry improvements that you would reme- Mtaas footbaU tes: swaatrt sf Us mt location am mr ! preparation haa no onratiVa power. eaaes In a .vary short tima where Rooky seat transa ulissisjsaisiii. RfeeoJUtely. mounuin haya, asesa fat. Wn'wtH IsuljU yeu a Kerne to your .e'fysnws. atad nnal mnke tke payments tken the meney yoit spend This would indicate that Aum aontalns dies have inilaa Thar U task their first defeat at the. liistjl taaaf déV easyi aoma hHharta itahnawn' mhtaral. eon no radium in. Akoa, hut the mlaaral si tae hands et sn stevssw sisiiiua goes in yéstr Ha4sat astal net to the kivsl Wrap's. No 'sn'sAhiMtt' can equal Rkihisvesial Terrace. Lots are selling today at $45 0 and atltnant qvanUtiea a. aart ar that ajrnwr coast start sass at pres- j Ja, mal that' tha avW at ss4 Mntil hnsyervd you. chamtata ara UaaWa' la'teohtta. aeeina to hava an atrhtlty orv atowat ent Hocky ntotwtstn tssrns, ,hy saare f up. Dsin't wa& vnlnaa hnye gone your rastest bny now. Come in and let us talk it ever with te. At tha.:rawueataatM; Mnahanwla ui cUMPieiftiv t la ' f íhent ,4s dru atore .hi MatMt, eoseh of the etltraés , . . - r4k)al mni throuchout the K)iy Pollard' ran r'- Vnit"é4 States &n Xúraaá to have Ahaa rereaentattvea Majnatr right haUhssic far hs ) i 7. r TT"' have trtad C yard in tM fssture sprint af ,th 7 7 Akoj and reporta vary fararabljv In thatr store heirtaninr Tnaadar who Ism. Theb. regard- Me was downed on the Ground j "J. am eure," aafd Mr, Mackehide, will give further Information preeeeds were te he donated te shs'Belrl Floer "that wa have a mineral that, je 4aa ing thia,ádvertleeineat. relief fund. Austin &$0arr Company Cuplet Mlig. v"iiimii Mnsun." ana' ar assist af ul nw VXnm, ftNATCIHSH, BtVB8 CATTUKK. tíon atetare nrodnstieas. Amsasnri ,t hacienda. Two mautemi frjmt tn "te Fenee BaaUr HáaWaf Tw, 6VaH t riiwi huaaraS Ns. :tteC-- (A sÍflr3aaaaPBa3aaamOaaCa Pt. ! ,3iM'l1 Mrs. L. KMrldre of Alamamae. A, W. HoUtlC.,.. Ja. i M OÁm fl I ÉTil It the latest vlettñi ot 4M negro parse k 4 WUIiU, sjlfi ( llslssaPIUIa ON pion, who covered the distance In a min- his parents, Mr. snd Mrs- - Henry Mitchell. ? ,ti J 8toHllUV..r ,t17 tnatcaer, (for, wham the. pottea' at hM save AHflTHER SEASON OF WAi ute snd 15 seconda, ot a E. A. Qftves or hi Fsso is vislttar bis' w y nena a. to the ses Tt(ssss'rs Valnsbte .than by Tom Ualptn. later, Mrs. X.. Ball. Total? imuf staunr nn. There's rive Free tlehsts Painter slower the récord I. .,.t.t m'm -l- r7 baEl arid te. about 5:J9 VK eyBlnr. waK Oh syeetat rase pete today. Bet- - Tlevspssee as ResuK af Arrest. Klriat's tima is remarkable in that under (M lrT-- mi Cié" Dylsr.....w 1S5?., IS r SW esteraren UnmM'.' W tfcmr Sen FrmelM street, near the in BsstsaH Ap amnlnveri at an anloeMhlla the new rule of International federa- M.MO BAMAGK8. leoit vVlMter,.,. SW' 17? 174,179 Mr Hose far Feeee eraaaiaed io ASKS peals e neve bibutoiihj painter In the establishment, yesterday re- tion recently adopted whereby the track !ná Ü5-Í- her felt: sad mtd off. TW Ipsm nmme. ae. twjAv. bb Owners. ported to tM police the teta ar a fins is measured, IS Inches from the border Cement Called Upon to Totíl ÍW 9M 7I? rbbed mkst rsaersi League Cempsay Befeed .4,..l4. S' ueJwt and a'sawH sain W1U oyster dresstftK1 snd ersaberry night pátrahaen McKnlgbt or 18, he' rail ifl feet more than Hal, .'HilVájs. eenumed tiired watch. Last personal taury Action. ; íisríírHielc arid tfi chafisa The pólice bar a fair descnp sauce. Plenty far everybody. "Weston's, gathered In YT. n. LtvlngaSM and & W. pin. Juan Antonio Moreno yesterday riled suit 0Hve'-Hou- llirti M(. MO Antonio (Adyertltemeat.) the Thirty-fourt- " ' .wtm w. .wnn, jrctw, san street. St th Atteeiated rrets Harding. The watch wss reeevered snd In the district court against H y tuve n'""re ClUCSfO, nope m up, as Hive rsees ' nifb committed a aeero, been flOVr muia invm men were locked boohs suspicious There's Free Tickets to the the Southwestern Portland Cement cempsay Btmft)jit-oH- clt MHt WhlK. ported in tea pist rew asye. - -- With hsaeball URtll at east offered on the' special race page today. Bit-- rer personu haa la-- tor iseo 'amaga tinged inr est Sen rraaatsee nr wufu-- naaaed VAceoniieV to the tory,itsa$ by Rots he ..." juries. i - by ;Móaday't ilgMmuutr;il JWAr TURMSY. T9SMY, pears aohive been' shsndensd wu basily engaged In pasassng a car when rialnt(rr alleges In his petitten test on 1. Cheraed WtthTheft owners, held their sandalfswmeet-ta- g strsnger A. v H c&llegk. yfth oyster, ' drenteg end crsnberry league who t entered, admtsad the work snd eeBTe May I, 1511 while In the employ or the, JKVSCJéH .hLUM KMWÍ. H OHH en eosspietat or Ms smplayars the.aheen neve today, for. tae IMS dtiappesred. A Short tiesa tetar s switch. defendant company, tie was standing in sanes, ríeaty esaaaany. d 33) 84tf Anion loAdTBrHtimanL fer' trnoijr. Wea's. ttantware I.JhMI. a season were ana easeneu nas mm. soaployed In' tbo railraas yarda nearby geeretaM at. Midland Bsmaurelal .Giub to or belongtnr IJfJy sso T5n Ansanio wreei. (AOTrusemeai.j - and tinderta. one the plant, to the den yams- men,was last, nlfht srreeted ulu ant um" stnnnlar tor lunch. brought In TocKatboeabrir Boss' fshdsnt eempsnywhenan eiplaalen, caused - - pance an the eharpe.ef IM I taatar- teatM,- eaMa, 7 leaked nphy the A oonuBjltee to draTt achedale of name, It was then tneSIhe )ess of the S saeta I Carretpftflitettl SKumuláuen er east oast sita; ex ataanjad 'raáí . "Why par .mere CM Mate ciesntof Warks. ant Jllí Thm u, by the if thefU, Bnrna had been with the firm was appointed bysme A. Ollwora watcH WW discovered, Ttss'swtkhmaa said Midland. ev. w. Dr. n. m. narsey. plosive gstes, ctccurred. threwtar. hint jnoaa ir Phsae came fwnas Burfalo, Tes.. "taf.- a few deys sna wwi raaaawmeu M reoort at a meetlrts to be held at ne rouna tne book in tae rsstroaa yarns. secretary Midland Cost martsat ethb across s, estttng fife to hie - eat J" af the wheelbersaw.and "The "jfsues or. Oead UaaorS'! Wstrstste Me is csamd wMh taktet- from the The, prlteuers' told the ' MU..nllw and nresidsnt'af the Texas Ixeowttve ta- - clothes. Morena allege that he 'Suffered; BClevslinTanTotiVclflBaH sent ssanti in rsso rrom Tex Bom body Br, H Mtftí'ítreet, (Adverilsneo.j r drawee. arrived Bast Molstlssa,. laasstjajght . X naa. Whlthar severe burns, shout the face . and for redera! leseas tessas1 in sbess ars'youBg'aaJl weu M'-- eieioieH, sett that , he psprs ariisw$W f 'lss If90i BtTaeonsn tB steteeees; resalt'Sf tee etue. Beapste' the assertion 'of a atarease ,avMy'rf w w hiuiimih was. hsHrd.teeseMry hhnaV Wainttff of the Kantss ,Ctty einh wsr teat CummiDS la Tetra. tr . rws silsges sxpfsslan wss tit , result of sentsova - espsrwaena or me, st the sttr had Meaaed greater support nest sea- John A. Cummlnt, dlatriet Irepresentstlve extension depart meat musáis "f'tha sarriset grass nesiltanae an th part or empJoye the Maxwell Motor cetnpsnr, is in .th two months or Dr. Hsrkey In aeeurliij of me defenwt company, or Xsnsas etty franchise sf far poaslWllty tbs city trastee ting business with the .local a --cloasr netwesn toe rarmar being iransterretu Maxweji agency. Mr, cumawas maae tni ftoekmea, snd the poiamftrcisl clubt for Wsmsa. CaldweH and retatsrs ,aust ntcher Asy or headquarters at sen Antohto threughottt the constat Of the 1 averv .woman who has raised a signedyyby the trio from his Texas. With imnii YorK Amerlcsns bed been In a Maxwell ear, tie, reports,omo hard direeters' of the Midland Commercial club family win remember tnttsneas where she Bufraío club was the only saneuneeneni going cn route.v or, Hsrkey has undertaken this work, snd sickness by a player trefri lies prevented serious hsmr liiade of an acquisition' of in eempeny with the district agricultural the right medicine st hand ready for In lesguss. U w vsrl-ou- a Just What You Hate Always the old major . Beach's Art shep. . age, of the state wtl) travel over stant use wnen neeoea, a common m ,h tW" over When finsen' additional Pyrt H, KJíil 8 Saa FranclaCo, portions of the stats, lecturing at ..n h nmil mnrh mdre milaklV ana Amanean fw t ;" one hundred towns W the eommeretu clubs properly trested ss soon ss the cold has league penwww. We clean anything but s guilty eon snd the stoek- - farmars.'wsnnr eteeer, been contrscted instead of waiting until It the.griset work. or radaela tM system Ask'setesJ; 8 Texas science. Cut Rate CKshlng Works. IP hone hss become settled in tne t Need (HasseS7 St, na BtsntMf éftiawra ,feed. um runt .rtiamMriatn's Cough Rsmedy Bsr atuSYrashl'asa rah r end fkhassstsf'haei especially efflcaewus tn eases of eeta and 15c Merchant's1' snd eas :sbetfarma :shák Hssshsa, eareful aetvara. rhone Lunch, Metropele Bar, sal croup in tmiuiCTi, 't Best sutot, Mills D, L, isstpir ar nasnviiie, AraparesMon the child becomes hesrse, wheh lstbe III -.- (AdvsrUseaaaat.) (' symetem of croup. t will prevent a tiltty A 1 Athletic aiwi rtVe 'oVhsisasad (Ad- - IMr IVVv ' Sessea. f i5rte4jil' lie by all dealers. lUtllL Art SJhap. sttick. For sale Beaeh'f By theAHoclited frets wmjsnee ssova Ms ramHy la' nair saw rerttsemsat) 8 San rraneltco new york, av. sV-t- d m.door siwatic vnvn UOII.ICU IM ircu Knenv II W. T, sad 7.rJ. Holeomhe neve bsueht EN SLIM vT CENTS Mediase Hquare garden Hinry Ysssa1' ss Mask ' mntsy ATTBNTMNI MM mN with the annual a íew. í rspreseeted W fa--a m sn tames of the. Irlh. American AthleMe club, which'ptseed en thatr psnaesr i business The won swahtesa rrém A te Z7' If hat Cleaning run was br Abel B. Mtdtsad," .... , rkia We use 0 Cut Rate . JHvlst of tha Í.'A, C national mile cham ' Trsd Mitchell sf Br rtaes s vtstNnc Sau sete aa aaa ,rvr wprst. Phone' ?sArerenen-.)- r""" Dar, Wt The beat 15c lunch." M atropóle M11U airee ,

.AkatKsXMMe, bestutifully fmihlxtd hrticic that vYouW rncai the table of dacUon(Adverttseiaam.) ykstbubav'S wontjetrra. MANHATTAN HEIGHTS

la ts. AJBOft- - ex The Place of Bedutiful Homes Ty WirTjM: hreeaW. ,yi;;íai,wi .waptBdl au B'FsitWiijtsy kst sMj al like sepa Ulnar yoursaJf frsm ton or fifWtham ihsir. Now you esui MWy your desire at a Wise Mason, batr. :M, Few peroné Cully realize the irv oxportM. I.1:11 lopnartiF RESTRICTIONS vMMRt opportunity offered by it i oordoa Xbam ' ' rxidawcg :S4...... ' hifWy re4rictc . Itt. Mavahaaaa t. batf, IS I t. COFFEE dan. 1 BETTER FrasteUee Hr-- h, :a asrefarty af mpgii with unraatrieted property. A Piakí Terrnae In San 1 00 ktVasat'sMtJassCsV tlsa) Calfist tMst tn laVmMjM tH at if MtBllá. ftV beMlinC Or. . Tale .hasT. :M. ttüritfr- - wiUssVyeid 100 per canst isvere Usan they were naked far Jote eVy and 200 gr attatfa. M. - evaaths Ppsv ' V aaj j . , - Vs .. x- a . ,7 obla nrand. balf. íta outaide .ssssxt addjtipn. Yet tia rU jsreved. tor j t ... .ti- wn-- tW wte " tt lsñfr'iamasic mem.wmatm qiupasM rahaa. fttstaMbs, tits. la to 10.000 per nOT.Mi'lfMm ! U Uasa'Hra. hasr. aMto TeessvH wistek originally sold tor $2,OC0 par Ut sow wertk $6,000 1 ; ; while aW ssraatríctrd isrsMMd it haa ndvauseed Wist sirhtly in y4e, tiM'.aMl aim Mijiijil iurioih . yfnm at tot, ptpartr AwMtsi Taniasiiiisl lar tM CSty t Way YattttSay THE WfJTRKrTrONS IN MANHATTAN HCIGTHS vv1 inafce lea tkere wertii away tap m Tka asaaat af a?soa. tad lYj"íh""iiiVíii"Í"i"' Don't until toe lato and vehtos Wave este Wevssd etr yeaesi GT mtnaphiSTj! w4t a( mm tamata toara asnsnt NOWI ves ma YOq UtDlNG 5ITE of tha ear, tea taatas. swi iMm, wtth ss vastara stwaya .fmjtev. Hht Pa-e- ol;; S, upper hand. Tares mat this ware tOl. pUyid aouWea sad tww Ss she v'-- .tatna M BÜYY0ÜR4 MO before darkaess pat atop tha Prices, f400 to $700 Per Lot ,ipir Say " adit ha sss&siad oailit-- .The wuivasnsnt Wossstwayresej J S3 constas astasix lUlsmra and Ca. nataiaa br daTsaU. jtt Ágént, i Sole Hectric Railway wry H. LEAVELL, fm ex raams r and asuar ana Santasrar. i Phont taard sad Aadareen sMaatad MT St -- Mb 3323 braaat and 'Tartas. ;

! Mi M M. "H4cpMtrtr for Practical Gills at fodsirate Price. See Arcade Windows for Gil 9ggeiione. Jhof Early

We Will Help You Make This a Practical Christmas Women's Ready-to-We-ar PricesJbywest of tHe Sea Suits, Dresses, Coats, Skirts, Furs, Millinery and Accessories Are Ideal Gifts XMAS shopping will befin in earnest tomorrow morainf. Early "V QUieta BMke your Xhmm buykff the most pigment swysrissisa Vyill begin now and make their selection! lristtveJy, él the year if lee irstscid aiid uee giving time for wise and careful choosing and from counter to coun- m to ffisMk ten the hearts mi the recipient. Our stocks were never ter will drop a kind word to enthusiastic and courteous salesladies and you are ue to find just what yeu want here. All eager to give every assistance and to offer timely suggestion. Shop carefully packed in Ames Boxes and sesasa Wlm early, r SilK Dresses Tailored Suits , Specially Priced 1 Radically Reduced styles ef the season are kt this' sale. BEGINNING Monday w offer the most noteworthy most fevered THE ceMectie includes suits made, ef bieédelotfc, the season in Silk Dresses made of satin, ( crepe de chines, crepe meteors and wanted combinations. poplins, serges, gabardines end fashionable novoWas. AU' All new styles in every favored color. Note the reduc the latest eelers ami styles are represented. ,N4e the' , tions: special prices i V ' GROUP 1 Silk Dresses. GROUP 1 Tailored Suits. Extra Special Monday, .$95 Including $2.2.50 Values-- . ..$14.50 GROUP 2 Silk Dresses. GROUPS Tailored Suits. ' Regular $12.50 Value 4,. $jg95 Including $29.50 Values. ; . . . , 3 Tailored Suits. GROUP 3 Silk Dresses. iMMiOCÍ GROUP ..$2SÍÍ7S Including $25.00 Values. Pl.fl.OJ Including $45,00 Values, . . . , XMAS FUJI PRICES REDUQED SUGGESTIONS we continue the Special Exhibiste ef the Ready-to-We- Section we offer IN practind MONDAY and other guaranteed furs at reduced useful gifts for women átmoderaie prices. Wemi? this display is shipment Fur Ceats, tion the Bath Robes in prices from $2.50 toÍ2J50, prices.. In a new of such well furs as Hudson Seal. Japanese Quilted Robes $7(50 to Eiderdown Blue .Fox and known $22.50, Caracul, Sable, Squirrel, Natural Negligeéíí$'6Í75 French .Seal, Genuine Sacques $1.00 to $1.50, Chine Pony and Dyed Pony. These are just a few' of the hun to $ 19.50, and Flannelette Kimonos 95 c to $1.95 Ask dreds of fine furs now on exhibition at radically reduced ' to see. them. prices. See Special window Display. v

$7.95 & $9.95 Dresses $6.95 "OurNeyvDress' $12.50 & $14.50 Coats $9.95 :. Values Seldom Approached Anywhere KW8PAJ?KR8 at times wear new All New Styles Radically Reduced ONDAY we offer a most attractive collection of our recular $7.951 clothes and even a Xetall Store caa S a timely inducement to coat customers we will place on saje; N1 put en & new "Dreeer occasionally. and $9.95 Cloth Dresses and Cloth and Satin combinations. MostlvS Our new "Dress" is the bsw "Curtta-Poet- " morrow a new shipment ef Warn Winter Cwrts in belted, flare and. ' Display Type usad ta. tais serges and serges combined with satins in navy and black. All the mostsE Advertisement college styles, showing every new style feature ef the -- Tfctfeel. Being .dUfereat from any other type used wanted styles are .represented! White satin, white pique and white cordff-- , ,ln El Paso It will give our Advertisements ,fí.;. .lection Hjcludes fancy rntetuses, Scoieh plaids, solid colors ad yel Í easy recog- and'-Mac- ed silk collars. The fronts are trimmed with buttons and the skirts por-f- ; character and make them to ties in gray, tan. brown, navy,' green 'We, guarantee lkese nise. The White House controls this type regular $1 2.56 $14.50 blacfclreivaA'' V In El Paso,' Wo hops our readers yM wel- ..;.:.) coats to be Md value. PlaW'iw. will attract dozens .of thrifty shoppers early shopping will be f( rifcíli come this new Innovation. nnrl fur trimmed. We have never shewn such smart styles ana aA ACf necessary to get best values. Your choice, püeaD' such remarkable values. at. the low price, of...... e)7ef.J


We Feature Useful and ; f Ciifts Of Every Description Practical r . For Goods Novelties 'TMen, Women CKildreix At Our Usual Moderate Prices Practical and Useful Articles for All v LEATHER GOODS are always most acceptable as Xmas Giftsj Tro HE WHITE HOUSE is headquarters for gifts ef a practical nature. their service arid usefulness. We show new articles inVall JL We have started a campaign te make this "A Practical Xma," and of Xmas, aorta new ideas for men and women. We describe briefly a few ar--' here you will find the most wonderful steaks ever, brought, to. El ' tides selected at random throughout the store. ' Paso. We ask that yon begin your shopping tomorrow in earnest, while stocks are complete. Xmas SewingBask'ti First Aid Cases Mid-Wint- Trays Xmas tSilk Hosiery $495 to $25.00 to New er Japanese $2j5p $8.95 Monday at 95c $1.0ptp $5.5Q; j rattan and can's styles tapíete ' IMPORTED UR llas.of "First Aid Emergen-feyjCaae- shew stsesur t baskets completely MBROIDERED satin glass Hned G Wed jWlc Is large and parted. MÍ1.LINERY Oval Pheealx equipped trays In 13 Inch sises. WBHsss Xmas béass 11.50 with sawing needs. We O Idei;for traveling and motor- ahftnaa with cold and colored la at - ing. Mies. - of E and tas box of two pairs, a,lso show, sewing- stands and lap bas- real leather and the past two days we have Ilk smbrslsered designs uaaer gtass. equipped wHh'feandages, medicine bot- HoeeM to 18.H the pUr. kets In Morocco, Russian leather and DURINO receiving New .Advance two brass handles. For servia Q C Xayssr to tles, etc. Mi own In proper styles and " ttlKHess at !. fSJS'tho other leathers In all colors Hats portraying the .last word Beectal at. , WC pair. and black. sises. 8ee thm. In style 'from New York and Farts. AU twls. wonderful' ereatiens trlmnjed m the rlehest furs and other new trlmmtnga Unusually New Xmas Gloves Xmas Hadkrcliieífc Leather Cifr Cases Tourist Cases -- low prlees prsvaH and the values are excep- s.v fl.OO to $3.95 15c to $2.00 Roy 50c to Í2.50 S2.5Qto $29.50 tional at HITE nOUSB values ta HHiCRKN'8 HaaahsreWsss at UB Ideal gift (or a man. Shown Fownea, Meyers and Dsat's ,S. líe te the bx. Vseaea'a and at im la black leather In sizes to hold fsmse. women mads Gloves at 1,' the s4r, aaeetisrehlsls 3te ll.ts T two, three, four and five cigars. GIFT8 Morocco, walrus rashanew Kid Gloves In wrist lsegtaa khe box. Mm'i laHUl heads; aeshlses right for the pocket. Many dif- leathers. All cises. $4.95 to Meksd tares in the box at Sl.tS. Alse Just Ms' ' $19.5 uie pair,' ad wdihiiu ferent styles of leather to select from. . lined with s)tk?er leather and fitted gloves hhur Xnu )UMdkerchlfa In hand eitreld-srs- sl ebony Ivery W4 at t.E9 the pair. II a4 prioss with or wttte toilet pieces,' M button afternoon and svenlaa gssvss lteen kinds in Me aa4 up t - . te ere sash. " Military Brushes ' p. at, , . . and $1.50 to $4.95 New Mamicure Sets' Pretty Xmas Doll ' Novelty Jewelry Military Brushes In 50c to $.50 Xmas Blouses 25c to $9.95 50c and Upward HANDSOME We show Á ' man ssstsl assd oeft Hadas at brush SUITAUi titt far or every tor- White Ivory, woBMHi. Alt asssssary pieces OUJI sf sort m beat - MJaW to m aes. ac sea, La. Ooats Kbonotd and Ebony. All have good of steel wfssi jms!. ibony and $2.95 to 29.50 aemesue nsaae VasMirs 1.M, Sesbl SS.SS, sea, quality bristles. Practical guts for whits Ivpry han Oes. AsWastlve leath- D 4 se, $1.9 and arté An CM Jilees at V ju-- f et-s- men. tsafsMag. Mtn seestsl Xeaday te a we-- T fes te e, aatd er oases suitable fer VK.TT Mouses ta ahaesw lasa, J es eetas, svmKy stUss, saW N istU oreiM, Tnr a4 fsase se --v ssv sr 9 im sr m Ji. Xmas Gift Suggestion er trlrmwlwea, B9M aad sihrsr aeVsti OCC vxjLii. STLOTlCUky Ideal tlea mbtssesssd. .asi lesas, fitmk a4 sssf vur acidic sjTÍ jut íií- New Musk ReHs Sweeten Rsee MseSssns"Caisi MHei Vleeá. leMtMsMV MMa. ttftsS9et sVelC 14MS GUsAhTr rrery Fasts Isteaeh Bee; HsWsre are mussuta Isasee. Xas a4 saJMe stseres Skkk Case are asw. AM nesseet sirtes at the arises I sr Pk HswstWf New Gen 3my Sterfaae Pitee , Staltseiry He CsUestt aasasd. : raen Mea'g CeNer Bexes Jewelry Lsasasr WitéimFmi Glass Flewer Veees , v'. FreHy Jewel Ctues Glevee Meet SsW4s( Mkwitm Serisn Ptn Ci iHms " Mes) Tie Cases Heeiery New. Geet HsssesM Glees Metel Sjssisess rVesJbavel Cases 1 TlMémee Beéslas essMsssse Xmat Goodi I ver sfaW Osjfcleesi IWMhtil r. Beits rW TmvssU Oeeke PUe Fute Fhse 13vejegj Gsssejj U Xael lslWI WUea, lyesry Msti i leea'sCoeW 1

sssser etanage aesl eetsl sxjSS'eMe'i 1 str ka srieeaeaá iihe eteUsSBL iiaViillseliLMIMa Oesflli il an ssfcOaeé, 5BT r "The Christ Store of Service" v iJ: ttkm Cnristmas ofn Servisse EL PASO MOI&IINC TIMES

mU ym . . .-- r y5 xa MINGS i.rz... ENGRAVED

UARAHTBED Sofed GoU SMI State Rbw for Mesv "Women and CWWrett. Any SMbe for Any Fmqer for Anyfeedy Engraved FVee WMteVouWut. 50c and $1. Our Famous Rand-Mad-e iOkAmM .table organisation in El Pmo eoooty, who expects íBPL " vVr JJ&SxM Trrm m fe Chocolates Will Make a Very

" Acceptable Cedar TREE free with our compliment. w Christmas Present lL?AWm - MACrV We have contracted for more than ft car load at these genu- rTlBP tA-T- Í JUHF special Vl)Tr1tt JMLWVt ' 1 ,TJCm On sale every day until Xmas. Put up to your 1im Cedar Trees (to b enact, , trees), whWi irtH.tMi from 7 to UVVtt 0 JJJj dJvSaIÍII S pie WVa) fV"" and five, pound boxes, if ordered LJ i TtIbSÍ 1 feet la height, properly mounted. Á feet of the tree oaa 1WA.yvV?5"Vi order in one, two, three r JhfL BE be Been on Inquiry and we will book orders ana deliver (in El Paso) .. , BMJqAOnTT JJfat , i. ' Week in advance. Recognized as the beet at any price. W ,aay day TMrrKFf a 7 to 10 foot tre (orden limited to 1,6 trees) after December your 50c per Pound. Wg É Send in order tomorrow. MERCHANDISE CSOTIOTCATKe make very acceptable FIXJWKK safe every day wUl ChrlrtinHf, rK tfa mmn. w , ,JJPXS Cbrietmas Freeente. We hm them Is say amount, redeem, I. cwnonoble ixtett jw 3Ve, Cama!-- Obstes I. 1 any Unte. They beta solve the M Ma, able la merchandise at ' 'I wMlMfflrllBMMltlf9ltWutlilAmr Cnrnatkms, rouwMM , TW a Large cnryBiwi6 lAtH " MM CM ft Olyla Problem. ,'

Til r. iff Ribbon fer W Otve Hand tve m, Give m Christmaa JM Bags ,D.y;aar.f Only 22 HtAanesTisf Heves for M' Btattenery WNoveltlee for "Xmaa s9bywf WE i CONSIDER. VsTavwpssn for Xmas Jfl JT 0 Days Unta PORXÜNÉ AT THIS Ribbons and a, score Thw is a year of mot radical SEASON OF THE Silk anal Kid Gloves 3 Teally fash-isa- In the New of pretty and changes in ths Isathar world s. ' may aaweiuiery saio . ! .fune ree' Stationery Section useful gifts all made, Many kinds skswa KWe are YEAR W giving gloves, even if she re---wivi i fir' Fancy correspond- or partly, of rlbboa, will sxcluaive with this 'store. "" Vanity SPEeiALLV DIRECT. ceives dupaeate pairs yours will be suggest ribboa possibil- ' quite as wslesme. It is gratifying ; ence Stationery the .yóu casos and bags tñandlssa variety Special ity galore. Ani are ATTElON TO THIS STORE tb know in 'advance that your gift Gift kind. welcome to view these of colorí sliape.aná'fltjtiBgs,) purchase of writing pretty In rib- AND TO EMPHASIZE- - ITS AD- will be appreciated so give things the An equally fine collection paper and corre- ques'-tio- of .the gteves. For street and dress wear bon section ask VANTAGES. A MODERN FIRE- spondence freely. newest fabric bags, novelty leath-v- er and in a aretty holly .box. Our cards. We'll help we can and show particularly alt handbags. Prices are most rea- PROOF DEPARTMENT STORE stocks respond nobly to the one attrac- you how to make them. Painty tive in style, size and quality ribbons, many cholee patterns la sonable "and consistent with qual- BUILDING (THE ONLY ONE IN EL who seeks', superlative values in pink, blue, tnalse, Nile greea and Christmas, gloves. Fashionable gifts has been assembled ity. '' PASO), WHERE YOU CAN SHOP' for your holiday inspection. lilac; suitable for each aad, shades and; black and white, short ? Christmas novelties, 2Bo to 1.00 Floor) IN ABSOLUTE SAFETY. REGARD- A comprehensive assortment yard. &(Main and long.'$L00 to $4.00 per pair Section) ' from 25c'to $6,00 a box. (Mala Floor Ribbon Seetkm) LESS OF THE SIZE OF THE Main Fleer Glove Section CROWDS. Dainty Neckwear, and Hand-- THJ8 ONLY 8TQRB IN EI TPABO WHOBB die New Blouses and "Otnfr PRICK TO AXjÚ' poltcy pro-TKC- T kerchiefs Always Appreei SikV:Peltieoals . yRQM- KXTQRTÍ6K in Plentiful . - Í4Í tOV - ND rDCí? i at" ateáV Always Needed. A m . aire TH TtXCnmTYM PHICRg VÓF THK . Assoraneptl Eieri . Neckwear I Handkerehli A- BT0RB8 whtjaBT VACILLA-TIN- POLIQY for Xmas Complete Xmas Olve Kar a' Gift 'Assortment OF "AKT PRICg TO MAKK A 8AIiE'r Blouse Appreciated Gift. J for Xmas WQRK8 AJIARDamr ON TUB OENKRAI, PUBLIO FOR THB BENEFIT OF A ( Wonderful Ascrtment " The Neckwear Section larger FEW. NO DEVIATION FROM Silk PetUeeaU are always ap- ef Clsrístnm Haadkéreyef s Lovely Bleaseef aaa greater tnan ever betore New Ready THE 'MARKED PRICE HERB. NO Y Laee preciated. Beautifully arranged eases, ABOUT RETUNDINO MONEY Are Plentiful Here. Our large assortment con- Unusually attractive stocks and shelves of boxes filled, of HERB; NO QUIBBLW ADOUT MARINÓ A Splendid Xmas Remebraaee. tains every desirable style, Handkerchiefs, for men, .women with things in Neckwear, , - Dainty, creamy lace, made over silk At prices new children, GOOD FOR ANY- XBfrjoN AT ANY TIME and color. attest the buying success and are now ready, and white or flesh colored lining,, and' ranging from $1,95 to $5.00, to many much 57 of our buyers here and in the are under price. This HERE. trimmed with a bit of fashionable are petticoats of messaline, especially gratifying to markets- - Already nany our many NO MTBRBPRBaBtSfATION OR- fur, a little black velvet or white silk jersey, crepe de chine customers who buy gift Handker- satin; perhaps trimmed with women are .selecting holiday OF VÁOm' PERMITTKD er and, wool jersey and taffeta, eifts from the assortment, chiefs in advance, in order that or raessaline These are every material at every they select HERB. NO LET DT IK THE Shiffon not knowing, that some of the ex may from the choicest DEfllRB waists for winter; Drice,, tyles, TÓ however. elusive numbers cannot AND EFFORT PLEASE AND SATISFY. some have the new deep girdle in Others, more elabor- duplicated for some All Handkerchiefs bought now bask; all have Jong sleeves. Prices ately made, in double be 'witt1 fe time, when sold out. boxed for Christmas gift- - $4.6 to $15.00. accordion pleated 3rd Floor are

Always A laree assortment at TTwJ - lkfulánd Jewelry elate; but new es- jwere rortu- this kind are showing THB i Apprecimttd t,.. secttea Is pecially in aatle- nate in secur i men, women and far the treasure house of( n gation of Christ- -. ing a special lot of Many foresighted An Umbrella -- t&tiajL little folk. Elaborate has- - gifts, You may MÉf mas, there Is cónsid--, s shoppers, greater Cut Glass, at Ép with holi Give an umbrella, the les of natural weed, M at allfF mvb even " less "s day gifts tMve 'Wt . . times the rare and jeweiry ,1 ber of gifts that. erabh than oive ) in mind, U TlrabreUas w, f hV handy detachable han- novel things that V for Xmas are a pleasure to usuarcost, just, at a c,ut will take advantage agrave d. A vast aasert-'lae-at . . . Xmas kind that will go in people of exquk Jt give and to reí' . dle from $1.0 for sail- - time when all prices of these opportuni- suit casa. Silk covered lts taste appse? eetve. a rea to $25.00. la j en merchandise of J ties now. with pearl handle, OMt Box. German Stiver Mesh Bags, fine prieeel stiver Plated Mfaress i aeautl- - ' L v.rv MTrM valuaa from tutúeh ta aleti Vataa Turn. mounted in cold and silver and at $5.95 ÍHl designs v.,..' 1 1 Q sOsmL Coniootes. Bowls. CelerV Travs. Olive Travs. Dishes $6,00. WHh natural wood handles, d stash- - v WlverrTZ.PUUed Toilet Seta, la b are Ufal i J OC Iver Plated WM4 , Trer. auad- - ssipar; ana - dokiw, rnaofa, twpptos, newtn, able, men's and AA AA ) designs ...... S"Xs ruple plate, S t Cfi nit iwd reppcr Shakers. Bon Hen Lushes; women's, at ... jO.UU sad sfTr.WV Stlvsr Plated XllKary sew wiia are .....i...... an ah san t r ai genuine bristle CO OC. elPlata f Ó.VD, .VV M&l.W Stockings of Silk " :Jf brassies ...... efUstel Elaboratly ecabrotdorod m jet ',, bl Paso's uteatest loy btore S the tiit breideted clocüfatg! plain siHc in Ümndtht every fashionaM color m hsawsi-f- bits dU t OluMnMssi hens. A very ste M irabU present The price ranea, tow.. 75 to $10.50, gives varied seJec--

Mor fiPpUt m Oor Tog Store thorn Attoj (Ykm - Dolls and. Dpll Teach Son to Be Practical Accessories and Moro ToyeAM flow Great Aeeortmeat More rwiesaWy priced than has. evar Bay aim weeta! aad instraesfve Toys. The kind he may leant from. AM yet no crowding whatever for tfcore Is.plsssjr ef roses ta se lase Base-ats- at El Paao, Store,, You may brlag your children safely, as there wul be ao usSsiins. J he waa that wn m ac aerytee m asm. sWe.kaen hroufht to , A realm of delightful aarprlsef that mry bey and girl wUl eajay wis Its Bicycles, a boys' sesea, tbar-aM- real aad net ieys sabMaatlal; rea. aasarBalfH, sash as Kug..JCUdka, SJngsag ItoUa, semaalesl toys, some of which indulge m taagaabU, aaiiek BHiii"(i fratns, syMMsMjr pr4Mle V al aasr, fiellaleW Ttnlhr. Tratad Asiea OeUa, Xtd Jpassv SesMsnsry Eagtaea, Ouas that fire rubber baile, Estlesaipe, Osean is, Clr-- s TH as bait bearla' wheehv heavy tbeakebl babyi Drays, Vaginas Irish Malls aad seel rer the m íew; Wh el Bes aae Ohris Delis. Drssssd Dstta tapia. Mas' DoUa iPsase Ssttt. is. Stuffed Aaimala for Ptre aad etaer vsaleles; rubber tires, wna ei, sate Wakes, Prises ranga fresa f ls.M fr the tmsst nejist" ftislls, BrMe DsUs, mad every prise ta ISTje. Tay furalture, AutomebUea, Doll Oeeebee. Christmas Uses Oraameats, aes down to far those ef nghler makes. 4 le iatsendUU Peases, aad myriads, of Dolls that wUl deUgat the heart ef sasty girl iuK to fM

EVERYBODY'S' I, . 1 í laW wav kÍve. HW aaalraiaf' oyei iw aaa wm w I Jllaf J Year aianaa lietieiaii if li CM Oeraaaa, FMrflij É a iuiiíi, aad tmm 37a! aaffMf'ft wJb K. era IBatr Mr. USlwa' i 'Bat .w tar wa 'aw ájate at iMjr. bone' ta m m cea Mw "Debs" . a ti wrum. M ...a lantaat aaWawaaiaw1 warn tMy know mw mtm I edara$f ana Mea)laaat 'SfíSSSSi i Ua. M MCLUCTM ail rvt kM4 la a oaaroon, Vlatoai faaaa atttstK fair iiMd M tfeeata ART LEABBW. MHiwr them. . ,. Ú tr, fAtHS oa to at , UieaM Iktá faVraahi it Hr' mtm méftímf VIMl A taen KMt a SQTSar ana o, ía rarrita datatl nUitti , MéM 7 Mr, Locke at Imi retire from ., tmm eaUartr ea the l- -l jirtft-)- wlcwjl a aafcive aaetiM t McMter anarter, mm an a m rim. f.Wtm ftrtt, of er WM BhWlod krwaff feiaaaWe wmnlac hm touch iMiarer Clk Iwm c4éMñ TMT' i, Ai-j- L atrkwlll tho locoaa HWm tr l lileit Sty, dC M It W Ms Ml Jesl0, Jut hhñiiae aad Mr., Caa. tag te as woihty DWHun xiy ot iae I magi ot envying nt haww Heaft laraperM aat m thM atíaai raahtoa art laeeer or America, White Una. aiul té Md i(Mti'' ta OM'I IWliKHM. ZZrZ'; M "x. mm watt boot or Not M I ilea't want Wr M4i for JM' w -- - rta aapaew m We mi r Ma to vim jamwul. ifcHtM m worn with theie creation. faraway rtiirtMr of ola U tiavd all avar tfeé WOT Id. Bat will fa ttwt hm iflaaaaaaaaRlBT1 ana Hating tlracttetM lliu'.'f uk, 'uui SklrM oul4 be abort HIM, yv Haaw of other tteaMMtt It Will e)rM y.Varl attMCttva or slightly d jtt áaá harta talar. MM affair. for iles flfwe - BaU W iniarlaU. I iwim aailavuur Wr ajaaaMar ellIB 7 mLmWKmWt '' far oet figwrts a medium 'courw .we enjoyed Mr. and it J 0, aPTaa'T V thert In fengifc, say ho bulletin. Mr, McNary dance. TJiey tid tfHa the ita jaatraatte ftwan, raattae preference. l thero Mlim n The abort eot U given . )oHtet of pratty éelwtairtc aad Bryaa. black Mi I firing way te tM a MAI LHr." aaa n " an imt aad lota of tataat wm aiat ' TM tiniiuiuiia'i titaaet 'wmi'éi; men populsr shade, which white wlH a dance atwuld be. AM the Charity Ball, w" 7. ? T5a53L caaSa Ta itl La tat mmvw you aasaiiiiTVa nMwtn-tr- , ere J ".5 , I cater be fere ywt-WB- aere, ana . . emae-o-ld Vid o? you WW MwryJ'2MMear aa r t uJuu.-- HHuur 1' I Mci 5rt anyway, daa'l Croe!, mtm wmmmvmj Jaiiakiiaáa. avise tin fashion anide. The nt kli the rood Hooter veew, ana Wir erowd Uat, i, vHicn .a rrrr m wsvertng between large MedteH to dtKribo thero, tatakf NO eetveatt, ma eaere, an lruT 3 iiHiairarBttg 3 style ere heniiiml rotvni. I get any battr r"- aim v MKt HMlI bepe. , It ww Joiiy to raiae auc a gmtuj um bU of titUMt, da jr- -- jrftz aa ; for the needy ta tuca k pleaéent way. It and pretty, Th a deHratfu J to rto. ave it Jutt we moipnem oí a other car. he' at fhtffy rt X ariV bkvb utttct nm lake W, w atven rrteair Mr tar. to 2i5,09 SI PK). o dtetierulihed datroneite a Freach Ú fftetwoa SaBaSatí $3.50 t : i have tMe i.lL er the Turcp tutne on Unaott aveaaa, i i i to look u nht UN fae af kr Ml Bttr FWi I know jroa'ri tola evea taate af lw year rotng away mit or awfully aa4 of the rfrt, If hard to XatM hattaayi, for aeclety taotu brtlllaat t'awaviateed with aáarafete nw we, - w o Mem (0 nt v nut aaH amana (Q iuumh- lAdeeaV ana atne tu m wuum, mr tree.. TM WW doesn't faM tas ihuj we have a later liia to you when you can tlvea. We are w rleh In nito and pretty torn ffwhoaTaad wea't td aieWatlon. a4 wk dtrfereeee I many íooiung aoinea, ae la haadaome, ellrlhle iellr a "Tt. rat ta to fooa run, a4 er aíferded ta, UrTjTjl T044 wM M Amanean Lady Corsets on El either, No" tnaMuatloo, Juit-ell--Juit don't never Sea" f aHfroJlc "nrtt kia'i iwii much errtct Pmo men. wJalaíjorv,m end more itill know K Hi' hut you anow. wt ;nm bti, Tmi All winter mritu re here tMt wt jí' ail that la. aatraat In aewtrr. uut oodles of things doing, v ta la Juarez hare opened, Tear,, AtneHcaa aalae lait hmi BJVB I - Iiaa; aH. awfully excltuV, but to the El 9. TTn "zjzt; 'aM aaat ward.- Matariala ass aMaawráaa age rkh mni iioilillf bh tMr which aevu aaether d.Uiht ro ta Mr. fr d, Httraef aaa air, rtarry .rraw pealgos are ertt and daren't tU just yet. How ff U perHatt- -. ft lvah Cool dainty. WorVmaauaafca leflawleag. nttíS vrrvrm hut moat everron, and Mea eawwtrt IHaee. Mr. Tumr U a dalltatral botM aaa am ioo o uiimiiiuipusu. quaaiitica or ponaa. pajas, rea psiaaw m aeaoad party m weait, InnnmeraMe all tóoK both dUUnmtibtd and br Amertáan Lady eWaatu arannada In frm tc ""tmr yfTnL. rtihloneMe te a nw i. with the acalped tiaa-- in ball rosea of the Elk" elubl - UHdmt, r.Iub. dimtried the ..t- type oí figure. aeidr, utedlum and etaaíf Therefta-- saado, "fIr. FEUX MWMB'S MUU WW new inue ... km party t. Of '"ZZZ atrht ttfUaa .waa jaaaa nr iiwv nniitre a bit JehwarU . . IXMrdTv Afternoon Mm Hohhte áW-- "your"tp.v4ear gura,'- - aeu U .Aiu Ihe right br far and If poned correctly over jert iw--- ' ' Oriental Crean? fViit'".rj"r!Z?V art at. im .AnioM itrpas addedí t'aasWarí'áeyla. , v. of, an eye. quue a dh owu CeeWhy" rnulc We In. amy aad ease, fí"'6 w poWd tanttt it,, ffnniln. tea! "tt" jdde tM .m. meat of Iho and Mjt yaa)f m ,rn)y attracttvaiy weai-aac- t a perfefaV nlimti ttm clor tady Ceraeta are warraatad tg Thankijlvin. had date with peepte danclnr until a late . the parlor in the dtolef Another pointwieriaaa n to ftt 'M roo, sarvtaa ABd htlulnr 'frnm ruBcB waj eervea ounnr m raaaaattmHm table wa pretty wits auver oaa- - not to ruflt. Why tbur corsata. sitpertar ln etyle.'ln JLtSk . a hunt for turkey, couwa. but Mont the dance and an Ice course Of hoM- - mybr) of ahtíkk tied wlUi bowl réd falle satlaíaotíé, eaaBeUUy yeu cab aeaure aU this at faralá end went to the race. Pleate, aw iroyea in ,uq m - in a la when In iier ntui. zl red candle. Red carnations iau M JT IV be properly Checked, but air filr the moit elaborate affair given for tM u nmivntivra over a handaetne jjrloeaf' lit TOmr7a flrit leaton. w rounrer et thl éaon. Iciuav lace doth. mj.,.11. m .. riMtnre here Chaperoning me per . pariy prt et. ai wt" MiH Etnoi Crawford won tM párücularly aaWr tho younjer TvOm nr, a. aenwiriz, um nr. o. .. Mrbclt unique army nay $1,00 to m dtiigMftH al.... ,, fre, fB.00 uli tt aad MayboMe Bryan gave a very The invited Hit inciuaeoi Mnaes .rs ereaested to each arrest. fcuttoa 7 Kaufman, Orase Mcvoiga. .''' HtW) kkxii deUcioua aad with a&tna ,foJl0Wjnf (n, gum s salad. AallMwUioiI flMmMt t have mwed ,my connection ,a hea, wimrren wooa, marjon bowb, nuu ,ce wu served by tbe pleasant Itiin. dreteateKlnr dep.rtment, Wia ha Kelly, Ellra- - Gareada Craaaa' ropultr room tJ, Mawrnn, Marlon Alaw. Mary Mis Stewart, assisted byher Ml Mswtiaa," RV . tucUe Mayer, best,. Ml letheUaitfcireMef atorar lútíkUr Madama ThompionM- - Mth Kelly, Blanche fichwart mothe.( Mrs, 0. StewerV and litr, It Druif all ea ftaartaaMI WÍí Teresa Henkovlt. ItataHe Hellpern, Zelma Stowart, hriT.a M.ITWI, S7 Brwt JHt tt..r.t. oeorrle at' I MM.Mcnynx ' in, &rura. nam atuv, hum, i tvim in th rmrtv wera muih tvbhtn J'""W"WPjj Baron, Ethel AmitatteTi lantbe Lentovlti.1 tU()n Mar.y Dewy, Ethel Crawford, tuclk Marlon Mojo, Marion Cata mi, MargaretjJ,u.iJO( aernlee Uric, .KatMrlae Foster, AHMiatter. Minqa inmi wm i France earl ana RotHHo Bwswan. en ouehriit, Nancy Willlami,, Margaret ut Haioek Btrlta. A. special offering of, manufacturar Valuati to Bchuitcr. Dorotny vouensen, namonitq M 1h- - Mary a,v ...hatt. pi samples, from the foremost maker Wedding; IUng Jnkuro; Jíappy Ptttf, Ethel Crawrord, Fence Earl, Sale Our í I u,i A silk, undergarmants íh Marrlntie tMWr. cleo nu'scll. vStewirt. u M "ntarSSLL of the aí!ri ef women's . urgí, uuign and unlike run of Midler Krupp Amanea, ih.tawil Alfred samples, these garmenla are fgeah lallv Winter. VI 11. f ATOi roo, Sample $1.95x sonisra nrupp, "i ami clean as the day they were made. - rotf, .Molt nawiinrs. VaaU Regulation and French band S"l-ír"- Un- - ome of taoae Mr. and Í, ".Ím'iJSI? S eawt5?" - ' ,...... -- U. w,, ana n. Silk topa, plain, and self emb'rcHslered Shop Eapyf ""' !1Í Mrs. B. mil, n. i, jfj- Value to I Winn; Brold LapowsW, Elliott Chen, nM-- L Bnwux: .Mr. aW Mr, report,,o thla etorej WuH, Krcd Mamphrlei. John Kne-(aRa- vary Uy you will hear íavpraWo, rioberV A Key, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Buh. Mlsset Bloomer l ankle lengtha, 14a extra, fine quality of ware and rcaaonablejprlceii. Tho Croeaitt. Roland Kempi'jjriirred KraMthor, Hadioefc' Rwe KaK My Buakaloo, JacK'TboHpwn. Mnuel wru. KnwIaM Dave Under- both light and, dark colors, ra, ioelc la so well aelecteid that to pick any tine for pedal Mrs. 5V rant, . tro.- la eaay. We one Item though which la jrn.lM, 00,1' w- Sttaafr-I- efaa)al - k raentlon not have UtviChaJrdlwy larRsMR Wlaja' AMI . Vsaai really merit Mffiarf a.íWeVr r of unuual owed stylos. tíght,i,V,ilaa; knaa, , wear' 7 w. ' A LOT OF WeddbMf.Y miuww'-- . . "'fi 5' tóy.antbemum, I Fine White, Perfajct CutDiamonrk BWutirul .h..o a flWndVln' Italian silk., A complete range of Euáday"ftu7room M tM 14K Cl'seTtco;.! ílvln'r a pies-- 1 Monday Set in a Váriety 'of Pretty Zra HA.m- - i ifpnviriiiHsclenure n, ir PPoarance wa w,,r süírüír!!' I mí. Peter Mebhae save an totemWw Ring íor $25.00 ana mr. .i J V ' duriag aitaJAlbert'.Jone,'or anta Barbara,t. ""üw'Chibua- - talk and a social,, hoyr roewea Thla U a gift which will be greatly appreciated, aad with inttV MesicOp were quiouy nwnwi jr hot, our liberal exchange privilege ahould make aa Ideal Ch'rlet-m- a Wbry Easter at ííM o'clock, yesterday ' gift. . :;, Y.rtArtuwill. M(u juna caiaweu verr iwcjuj. whch delicious refraebmentt were served. ledge for thta evening 'iá been pointed dhtner yestardar aOaragan. of mi IF December' pondDe Ail Por You." previous the ceremony, TRY THIS Asioajr inose nreeent were mum. iiw haul W, tM last Sanday la whteh Mr. and Mr. X. L. aSmiaa. "'leea Mut cattnpenld by Mr, Kenneth Mc aataM. Thomas Weide. Blah Oreeav cember. street, were Met 'and Co. wei Restart") Mottuaa tM aUtltrai A. D. Foster Callum. who played tho wedding march a Byron Stolaoff. Sraat Yoodwara, the Good rVHt Balertata.1 tM íbridírjpariy entered, Tesapieton, jame naever, wiaaa nwatfi. the TtM eoiot seMsne ar raá was areestlv ' Hoa-- McKemy. Mciraasr, aue HeiitM ' TM choro wa decorated with potted IS BRAY aarle Mr. and Mr. I. Goodman aad Miss Basa éarrted out in tM staywaiea aaj iMa Buildinf pajait and tarn and quantltie surrounded Tampieten. 8am .Mttter. Mr. law. aoodman are enUMalnhir at tbatr Mase Here groom the beat Mis Anna aaa r, serag, ". Wo Prepajífarcelíoatage On Ml the chancel. the and iversaa on Nevada street this eveeJhr with tM eanMttoos in a tall rea ovar a man, Dr. Harry Jordan, waited for tho 0 " second ot a sri of imaer. haadeori eeh attraet-tvet- Goods, party, having entered from the side B'ul RHih naaa.Pataeaea, bridal mnm eentered tM teMev . door. Or If Ukarad With FaJKa Hair The dance arranged by tw bhh Dloaer fee Bishop Hewdea. Those enjoying tM hoaprtalllr of 'Mr. to the Then, Mr. VeBce Stewart, aauitn - Bishop Frederick Kowdea Meatea aad. Mrs. Stawna .ware BMfi Frederick (M- ftchmg jMIf . , Dinner. 'BpeOv-IA- d' hrld.- who was th BMtron of haaor. entered Turkev 9e at the wa tM honored guest at a WauHruuy ap. ttewaea, Rev, and Mr, asary Master, Mis rroea. another oeor ana iook ner piece at f yarttsement.) the chancel a Siva. Stewart loeked Mautlful knd altrae.1 WbavaiiF hair turn arsv. faded . live in a black broadeiotti coat suit and streaMwrm gray, get rrpa ay a RESOLVED, i large hat to match. She carried American! store daaat aayen ounce of ald.fasMoaad men Annly to Mtr and cal at beauties. The criae onitw a ahamnoo.- - rubbtaa it la THAT IF YOUWANT A 5IG, BROWN, LU SCQJSs wno gave - laaw the arm of Mr father, Mr in fgi Itarer up. Year a- wB taaa BR.EAP, &UY OUR, 5UJTER, BR.OWN iMThBv darkened ao aveonr 'aaa Glaus says LoAf Of looked a aaa caarmmg Santft &M sweet bride 5R.EAD, IT W MADE in a coal sun oi arn ncn rreen wuni mm Although not aSy. mS a roeu ana maaaa ana AND isit Mack hat. carrvtnr shower houauetlen hurry, UPON HONOR. 5oLP af htlde'a roie tied with tulle. I year son. thick, rivtwr tM anr dark, brown; raaetMpag i laaHc , a ictrJilaf, orilv sééiiis to UPON NO BET- intímala meads aad relatives of a want MERIT. taca wniea maaaa hw jaaar the bride wimeaied the ceremony; a no Q.ven aoesn't coat sauca w wri TER EVER MADE, cera-- 1 WAS invuauoni were leeue. rougwing iuo m BMiy or mesayt nan 9$H groom I an ap úy THAN BUJTER BROWN stony, the bride and received their taiwhtM Mir dresthtr er friend In the vestibule of tM church, after Pl daaafi BUY TO- the parw the aef Ask drum at rWViaaüWr far BREAD. IT which brlásl drove to bene aeir. tour aaeaey b ark the 4 DAY AND ef Mr, and Mr. W. K, Bsc, aunt and uncle you as evarr way, (xpiicdHas EVERY DAY. af tM bride, where thes were gve,n a very i ana reooai a urus eaarmng ainner. boit ofml .Chriit. IOC THE LOAF. From the celling m M dining room over Í ; orange, . H0M'raX7 1"$'. i' tM table bung a canopf of bloisoawl tOMM AT ALL ÚRQCERÍ. wean aweamera runnata ta toe tour corneas mm M tM table, where, aryital MUets orr nawwg wun Drioe- - raee. ana uea wtw dllgKfful MU were tsitefully aeran gad. The center Its af mt table wa mretr beaked in bride' Tne puce cara ware decorated with only blossoms. TM steUghtfui dinner ef muicnbt Mr. and Mrs, Baa ware such charm' " 'lllallRS,, tag Mat and hostess we served In eight iktlpas ID 'H M tM party nsaatag tM "brldal'i Christ-mat-- ÉMaag warei Mr. aad "we. Arteri Joaet, "Merry " : aaat Mr. F. c coiiiaaa. Mr. and Mrs. b aliad, Mr. and Mrs. W. K, Race. Mrs. . but )cces Vatea Jdawart, Dr. H. joroaa aad WlUlaat Baaa. , I MSB Paaiaim ht made II Iae Mr homl on givij Bar of yeara aad by Mr lovely! rifkt asat personality he atwaja been pMaMure thi T a targe ciret ag naaaaa aaa I l T for mi KBtWtSOJÍ v4T. 4JT mk'khé year jni&y y0J& cam IF YOU ARE A Stoo in tQÓwMámÍá dmb<ntc this wondertik r kwa eaa watt Tfa &&&& 'ctSLVr im&xL allowwd Jatiattaa at aaat tníment--$15a- 3Í $S, $100. $150, $200; DRINKING MAN la iBAartwra wit asw auy '. is ncre owe ame ro niasfsi; compWllxie ncwnc at aaee ine Tea had eti iaaH 1 M ISaaV. aavs--4 Wfaat .aja 11 W CMTot a Diarflfttral Fau amal Ka mat vat lafafaal aNMIaf laarr Uaa af buataau U Wa asirá m selection; arrange cWwet terms to fejPJaal fattaata ajsé aeyaje yqur 3. Wo suit; fgf y liTBa 1 SaaFI wmnim . I tM aU of OMIM aainiaaaaj T Baaa ka Man rat Ta aas Ba m saas awar awrat a Ufa a ahrajr aad hadutiry. ar aaa le aawaaa taaa agr Mm. Bnorii W aaa aa aura, thai 0uWtX wut Maaftt Caaaa la a hT naam yaat M' wa aar at if atiag a jrat'UuadeaaaMa1l7Waaaae G, co trttt W traaa tt m aJf waaMwNI W 90 . mm aaSa kt tomSki aaia aBWaBajjai oasaey youtl ava iilaaV aatoey asaa are 3, gat aUhay. mm wareb saara ta taatr atjiaafars twt TalMIsW fi I.. .aBBBBBBBBBBBBV' fW. F Until 8 O'cisjclt I BMiaoa, a ) su w.. aaa. aa aa. I -- II a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaar v , luuai llfaffll SilaBP toaa aaaat, .. arUTLaaaaa' MM ALA. llsS'-gi- I jíSlSft'S!!? ' '.f laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa L 4rB J''"" aaaaaseaaaT' aasaadátaa-- a, ' --. .ai n ri iittr h aammmRamammmm yviip

. .

W wÜ grow mry oUM aa TSare tB to abort toitMM MPNMtf fey tka prfTa wkteh 0 Wi wm vocti tolo by Mr. wlrft rkito Tajrhaot Kaaaan Clodwai fat oar MW. Mrt. Ralph Hnama 01 fit tote. rMdiaf ky Un. I. r. SooTomJir. Eye t whrMm km by c. o, iiifeni. mm MHr. fey Mlu liatMlla VtMKM. ftlnn oMuBliMo aro. Mr. I, A. Mek.r MH. I. A. SMitom. Mr, a. B. mn. i. a. MoiMit. mix c u o Ajudety MM MM HtM Sat rmK Tk ÜDWHMJI wot mv art. c, orit, M, w, n. HWfe, OMÉ. Wtlooz. Stock-T- orna to all of o. It bohporat you The Biggest he lowestPrice a mptmdvtm optician, Sagatí hat rV entioal "work for MrMJtt Ttwfetrs fOocttMMt a' sood murr Mtooi win modi, m a Ataattnad in Xotáa rogtaaUoiai hm uaefoi pronta for the para; intinetive toy for boya and flrk doBa and and here fact: tybather it : 4 M l:lt o'clock oiaalBflM ' IWi k a b . 'a; h lajtainaaa mtber're-amm- m Hit or not we would mimmi tteetJon or orrtMfci A wotwial jmOOrtiiMMit to elMMm fttNO. DoMHlofal toilet tote Ik yrttat tjhrtaW, Nacot glwwe, Rogit aflvarwara. vow, aw. nipt y mm om worfcr.uTMuml WMflVM''. perfiumery, eiithtojfclat joYwalry to Iwa to confina An tBtwMtmr proTMB, wal Mt WPa- - ' laiprfltafhaafa. nmckwaar, MÍkwt0Wt Xomáa'olíomi, ad and ttaaaped IjnMM, ain4 luutd jWelomY neod them we'll frankly tell you ao, if jfrga, BByyahy hmaketo and a huaitwai Oaay uaafol mi praetioal artklao a' walailfliiiiil dhooatng . , v fto runwtth Ctvurr MM 1 The whole atore ú hi holiday attiii fraaji baaameiot s nSe ton floor wiU U fomW tf yaat vanaty ofJaolkar ftft ef nxy Mmrt tt Um btM auaá OM - " - MMMMocmr' t 1:1 e'etoOu daattiption, and the nttoai are the towaat. ; Mu-c- "WdJinr Mártir ..if... Buy oarly and awoid ilia Xmaa niah, yoor purchae w ha takan cere of and oUKvaroxl any tim you wiwW. Glasses? .a WtltS-f'Vt- lM StpiMnlMW ...... 84ere-"- Tli LM, fMIIttll rf'OTIW OO W k Segall Mtnuot Mrch gicrf aMititMaiirv . . ...Mtlwr Second Floor Otir Winter Milline; noccy tvfta. uuh iVai. toUh MMt' Capt Hlchmind imftk a) O feMM nmrtdtir Specials Department tat tenor of,vSba;aajWMn. mw. XImmI M tM han.; Aner .wWefe MTV MT . B ' SUITS All un rox Trot wwiTi lew. WJRTOIMmfffft ttU Saj Ufper and barter them avar before. We are i waatod matotiili, tocluainir gwW' AS. K a aplendid aeortraeat of fancy SCKnETYMBOOIULS. ' dfaMo, joatges. aad hroeoklettt, b' feathers. moide Umi brama ti, winge, quilla and atick-u- n effects in all ahaBea. Hit TooMy.MH or, av. m. Mrt. w. .. .far atoned, on Tooley, who It Mtwtaow tiMlil ta Wow ;r& modj 130.00 Ladtoo' tromoned haU, $6.50 Ün trimmed shaped up to horsey, tvmt tM TfeMtfcwjWfeMt Toattaj Jjg wttk rrlMdt tit rtuMa. lur Wm. nT? : m Will KXIKl UM OflMMt MNMtyl W tíj.-:- $1 .98 ?.6;50.r. Bio, paraott in 11 roMv qomJBr eoati. ayr atyloo, th'mt-- namonmoV' $im breoddodi' LaoWM ;trtaamed haw, $10.00 Children's trimmed bate. Mitt Srbtl tt tWMMInr tehoot rkBciaow ÍiWo. nt lM AirtXt, Cat, wM iMt Bernardino oejd. Movokr mixturao in brwvnt, JWror Ortgmn M BMDd Mm TbtttkiMrtar TOoaUoo wttb lueefc, and gray, mmm SlSfe $3.98 :98c idf Ottfct OtMT M4MM .Of ABMMt. l. lea ,.a: Ax. TOtOtr t0 tTMMMd, with Kovoity mm many autfMrai amort nare fur laoMd tor tbam. MUt ihoM ww.mmmbb rolvot oslMar and oaffs; Chrtaimtr m u rtoo wmiMr pwowo, mr. $2750-olu- ,' , MM MM. I. A. 8kiM. 0C Cwtcaflelrt awl tntqSmj MM of wl. Mn tl7 IM. fconori. ., , - f. .Mr. A4MM T. QWMl'lMO rotarMdiims i Next the aturdían of eaekHraH lyiWM tfeMOK atOwW yitti,,kor. mm m.somi LADIES' STREET AND WALKING DltllLKS. the hoaer needs to tor iMt for tto poet K X. M. 8M wtil ipMM m wfettor Mto TKav oMiiMct in tk lotur'amol obort .effects in' fthaWNoQ Ladies Furnishings rooeta. Mitt Xetberma, Metaory reoetvla; Mr wo, W. T.,uwMt,,ona nmar. oatWi combinationo, do ehiwoi crepe ittoioom' colors tM most, m Mm, M m wmwm. pwi eroé ad The coeaeii oaepwr eteeM ay me sum . MUt Dotoy mm mooM Marphy, who kw Uaclc,4ilvrn, tan, gry and jrooni kandaomoly rfjl O Efi BoaetifMl myoming Capo trimmed wjth mold Mto, ribbons and ttrmr ctoaC V ' Beoa tpMMior tM mk wra wttr tutor) tto"WaM" T. SMMon., toréj retorood to wMr trknnaod with chandUy lace; $20.00 value for JU temy.'$,CÍÍew..delkat piak, bltta and whao. doHQhtW Mrt. U "éf" llÓ ttrit iMM't Wmínrtalei Mom AlMMtorao. aW 4UVIVJ, Ov flawiWra at JUST RECEIVED BY EXPMSS A NEW LOT OT $3750 voWfor , .win" :a?ldW ' Mit. W.' t Tooter aelertetn for Mr. MM MM...M: Ammtomi. M Mn. L. LADIES' SKIRTS caite iWrt, f miésetri Ty JfettOM MtM f; - oimw i Hit MM VlrftSM wlB MWTMM ot Hm womc .Wltick dlvidoid 4 loU, materkla diagonal. ' WWoe LioMMt DotKes and Comtorpiocot A variety- do--.' were MWkniktHBC 4 "lew Stewart afternoon rreat 4 to, I ÍMrMt Jlnt We have into ut of frtMK. ml yadnotdar Houttoa, Tat., wtort toay wlll om ' 11 1 V M for rJtwvioU; gabardineo Mtd oorgeo, m all oharJeo m eolort; thk i! " . t J on jtc may rtiMtyr y It ttotr o'clock, wnfc' an "afternoon" tee, Mr 8lie, Heavy lorciieon laco ooraer; ooze in. no OOdM -- mMBOBeet JtOtsae.' N A aaoortnvont of groóla okirU are made in tn kteot otylso. 'V. MX $1 .50 vaW. for. , v . . . ) Ro. P. ttMMor ot AltMjorroo, with ailk bratd Mtd btittona to match. .OC I . mmm Mtunity to Km any on Wt way 0om triramod - v . StWÍMeWr-Heav- y V TtoB. NMgr Ml ttMr WIOMTI WW MM- , Mlea Ytrtteaa Stewart mm M4m Mary from MM"-- HMoJMfttof wtto, mom WaHMA',Bo pra''tkread. Uk; fina mmtm on an m tew HMMM WU t WMMHI MMMM 'M Ml fOttO FOOM YOMOJ,. itwanr wMi ,om; J.tM ulf $1.98' gaáge, full jwmlees1lvble'hel and ektenoion M or-- canw rtr, i ta ese.ts.BM are, Mota! eeeoi PlMay trantag to M !o?:!!V!7:.T!S, Q riven y Mr. X. T, Wfcrte, at te mm en 1., $. Ayort win ) a OT0Mt.r4lr Lot Ne.r2-T$- 550 valttovM-- tea.. Regular 65c váke for, pair. ."XojC . re Mom otommV M)MMfftO0a ,H M. 10 MOM : -- for Ü2.98 U Bao or urer .aa a Meet m at- Wottok tMTO. .. is Waatam's. 2 Man'lOd Qiov. Sof t amol pmahla.- - Uotek, aLing .sssoon- aOaw Se aw tirM. Lot, MM ra. valttig : tai aadjiaieaa;' ( , etmpter A MMOttl IMWM WUl feo JMU tttt ftr-- 13.98 watu. Ck- -' MA talattated bom ky we TMapto AtwHtt om. M tM Mi ahrtor. Mrt. AUat mom. tot toMvof fe N; .50 valtte.' a M Ml kM M Mt, TMt. f ' .WMr' V $4.98 Fina WMW Laos amol Kat Cmn Val. Iaos: ato n'fimXS: yfebon Cén.'Wdi otrtÑr .wook wHfe .MrMotor;"Hji!Moi;'l iidadgc and beading top, mil top aad, bat torn. Jrt' mMI faoMly.'roMirMdlMt-M- Jmuob, i f; 75c Varuano?.. , . . r...-i:- ; . 1, m AlMostovdo yoftorMT.. , i ;A bfttorttful liae to oeWollfrorn, red, .v, 4afci,i foaV' noiftk, oonoy, brown, cinnamon r?. rtsjw . m.ii. -tl! i cjJ . Mr. W. D. 0My who tot moo. TtM0C traaanaut aaaatJ a.waui rvubi:..u m iil tIppi mm Mttt Vato and Htadaoa aoal mwf f and itock piiMset.1 orlnvM .waaait (n Villi nu.nuvi uhruuith. riP" IPG Mr daartoan, Mtat Eitol naBBBaBBBBBaBBBVll atilflk finíak díráa. 'iale and wklt A 4 ilir ct to rootí TOfok oty, rotoMoi ttolr tor value,, , , 11 oo, girdle and neck cords: $2i50 for, . , .elo7d .?; Friaay looiiwr. rtár R. vl'BMtioMr.JI $5.50.vka, CHILDREN'S WARM COÁTS In oizee 1 to 6, materials TMttDC to Boiot, It exptoM Mom teKrw. , ÍUjING CABlPÍETiS 'oh v. .). . t $2.98 are baarskia. eordtirov and velvets, in red. blue: eVl Aft Iw.WvaltMM, c blaikj vajues, Mr. K. T, MoMorf Jr. M brown and $3.00 for ...... v.v pla70 i doy from Moat-- . rps $3.98 f 1 A 1 - vabta. !,úliii a t v. wrvnn Awn otpt: $9.50' valuee, for . ...a- Mm. XMAoy to' s :uut:,iMm'

' MEMORANDUMS v , f. fortltemoiK.) EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE !í iUooo. ry ttoW lU (Mtt Busy Basement Salesroom Qffers rfiirlaliMt' majority at h BlomWom aad CoaaforU, 71x7S Comforts, while Chadram's (To;ejM,, fma 1 Let of Odds anal bda, éSü nimrnutt In t IM Already filling; floral kmk, OMk too moot .'gray emejoola blanket oardad ootton ribbed double plain tMtscinr baa arrlTaü ood wo aiaja;H doolgots, red, green' and blwe nt w coon piak asml bJme border ; ggr colors and otnpao, otnng ana fruit cUahms and meat, piatae. ans Book Store, 21 la btrdlr o H I gwaad; :IM 9EJ 25c 34 anal floral s rf wui mi m Jm3wLomm2 Ussle; aad foa tÓMt'torc Coma In aao mm-t- rttatkjii i r ayJL.dW 19c worth at to 15a; 10$ MESA AVE. lofplioi aTmr U" 1 values; .ahoiea. , . tSrutmu otaonlo. speóta, ahowe pink, Sk74 Caaaforts, sOkalkoe, black checks 17x24, A WaM-Flla- d Pl-io-w gtay and Jlnt colero, rcvorseVme .wUoa Fma paleaheel Staaa smmm bbd of now selected curl Kan 'algjeav . eaadad cotton NUmmV scsasl Glaiiss, oioar ' - oaaooyvt? tick- - fmiek. Wutr. o-- tto aDot"-- A- IH 74x50 'pah- .... ojonltiJred, pink, faathats; good ' f Oalji 'Stat (Srmtf; S. A H. Giwaa TrmcSpf jrwrtoy Ap ftfc do., en éC "Tk .ftawy grounoo; tag cover ' special aa. wTi ,'l 00 It MIMT m MOO, fiaVMOCaN W r Vlasma aad Geny All-Wa- i ,f , i WaJta SMaJ Poreilsaa Capa unrm rorm'WMiliK. 0111101111, haaad adgas, WmHa Perwaoala Jooorl aad wor-saa- d and Sawoors, jaomk and gold Weather Shoes hgvjr gada .opad bog .IM raaiatoalt, Pmsmst MatafTa ' doieign. 'and metmMtyéra in floral, .olocorawoas). apacial Vehae ewp and pair . i. W I P dtina black, piÍ4u and lOlj $1.50 vsJtoa.fitf . $1,25 la-2-1- IIÉamaV QMálrrUi, to mocUmto aaVaa iumT a aqtuuv clmiL...... (Vity aa aMnmiMM, toMkj moat gom wmnaat aoMtMj. Jrsatiii Cloth Conofarai. btwa Qmt Gray fnsáml Cow atooo OOrTMt ham lwdor maTonnnnnnnV' arelada, ftoaal smM bend daoiittíoa daatv otwc 1 1 ii sop in i,. eeaw si coy. liÜpntB flnmh; v W OMBtlOW oofar ato ÉOMÓt W73 Qflo jfavaboofor i?MtSS. vmmmmmaW aaaá .... eeah..,,,.,t,4,.,.. aWC lfl.lmtSV .2Sc $ amml W dmi Jnta7 at tonoaaanv i oa. aiawitejgeieiejg otot um ftdartl woops .Wmaooe'W. on. mo aejat or ae man ror aosM or tM dlttrktt sosa waiko It aianai CBlinAMCflAlSTTmE aortto- - Labor Imdtrs oSiSm pivsmmCoosJ amw oW$ kaam'rlP m ma toot paaa op m a aerear era a m .wiuMorowst, oa toeJtwt- - ot íottua of tto ratee Karpay't ornea. to wrM tf ym oro oon nuil off wltM áaan wta Asaaasi d Coma 1 oofew'Trt mtt riiMmr mm oooao I lka tiootnTin UWJM r ttte. wnt arms M fOUOW. tot ato rase Maretondtw. a toeaft rOUCY CATHARTIC TABUTS. oaaow wan wnaaa ot um labor das art toas, a sao asssseam. seedrtror roa, ' t a'jaTfJf- wo oc arotoloaoBM, moroutUy cmoi tas atorra or afforw m armr aova a tuatulaiioo arrecí oa um en ooaeaamai totwaao: aa mmors Matfdi mvarav aror sea towels. lUfuUie you wl ' oas oasroaws, stmamm frsjHiur soa no napwatant aner Í wod am Vainir aat aa ptwMMM toaty toa it iwoirwotit w jMmajSar aMooaao Jooso, 101011 Yfelrlaaa Itoolbeonie find mar tire anmea m oamwaoa UM a ami eouiTort. Aail biaaa. Werrea ej da Monear; jsoaaomd SOW ninuar.ot immwiieiim ford. Orean Bay. WU , wrttaa' -- ay War mat mm Wtoioo oo tjov aorrtooe'or tto war dojortmow, re wos srtialaa ot It ycloos tasrue Tabtela are ito saM laiaflee I ever Alo oo mm or mow V7V ruraMrmarm?V Maw Vera. jgf aoajw efm tea proowtarea needs meal r aloa ay OuootHli Himaio esse. Ttoy do tto work pnamtey jad wan om tMo or wtaarswmv rmsaw or wo farm, totoot patota ajad Watan- - Md praaldant of Om RoUoOOl CSrlt IStsenti oimmSjam. aavlMbUltr tto bast M oas aner errecta. Try mem. wi uros toa or toaos m a woodpas at ms prlaoaoraaoAdvertlaaaMot. iBBBJ nma atoo oaaaav onomet a krat tt u tadoniood Mr. WUtao. A oaaroa or ttma Orar MS oat K1 lor oamaojotM madr us nt tua mte a asmsavst eme Jaénes or mo Samawttlara Waattor Parti ma 'mmlJB a oto. Murpbjr. v tlMava. Uw aod ouday rttaitiMtad OM JMMO I. SO tto 'mam! ímmMmt or cotorMo atmtMoa. an -- mamá atU ma thai ha taw War erra Amtm trXot. etoaa. SeSñEto im 4 WSomostaa. got ffVfMMoM wW aad mUMrt ww m aat umm ay mt eaojoonar ta 01a wow w ww New Meitee aod Artmos Poa aaadav oaa Jmml .BammmmalLflLmKB oT a emir to tooaN ma odooMajna S mamase of g. Uw.' aa raManl or a Haaioot h-- of toau lomw. rzj&Kzz .rTMeaior mo daroaaoM.1 jgAfjm ay SM manors ass ejosooots daslds Otrta taaaratioo, to tokos port m om AaatMs eml a tto touto atoni - Posa Hi til in i of nanr iaJMr diteaMs. aod SO) toraaib obs at toréate. ta aflot 4w' yaaw áV. Jk H CJaoaa Tiomomoj emsrtoy eosmaiiiito u iwaaraiood m rorer s mm wu em asm fa bomm were stoma noaa ama st?nawe raaemar 'éma arresmt to me aa--

.1.. L '.., , 'njj 111 ii Mamanttllliramama EL PA3Q MORNING TTÜtt

MIS EDITH POLLOCK. LEADING LADY WITli THE LYRIC THEATFR P! AYFJW WHO rOMF. TO THF CRAWI ORD THE- - Speil ExHlbUion of Tnrm at Reduced Frle. ATER, EL PASO, FOR A SPECIAL STOCK ENGAGEMENT Our Foil Ad M tmUgrmpH $9lo 1 UNDER, THE. MANAGEMENT. OF JOSEPH D. GLASS, COM -- j 9ww I - . . PwrchaM and MEhrCING MONDAY NIGHT, tVF r K HI u lf(v- 3p9ml 1.000 Boudoir daps 25c to $$.0O

iMtmriftit BaaiJsIr Csum tvtr mm m,lU vrv Lw Piam fímékm: ém. tUrc twi an mimmcmimmmmi ynancl rV kWskñr Césm fr Xnm Gih- -. Mir tfmV VnrV nffia.a '..aaiimJi évr l.ftOO CtMIB HlB

enable Wi give ytHi Uw betvVahMMi mi mm w oh. A iHMvemstal vanecy r Kyw.. mmimrmm and coUr, sjatrisjihariona InslmW hi kmwwi. urtd moK wáátaMl ways. Jwtéir CjM J.mli ideal See Wi'imIoW Display aitel skop Player-Pian- o ARMM Girt. -- 7? Early rVÍoMÍay. til Ihe Happy Medium far th &nctr Mid-wíiit-ei: ttatm ' m- Ñev - ' I carry the largest stock of latest dance foils in 1 Paso. ' LmW ' I XH I MM ?- 3J mm- ft VaaaaH juac placed on diaplay ta moat A free circulating library for my customers. have Wb MeJW afcavw Your old silent piano taken in exchange at its market ing the meat favored stylea now in vogue In in Value. Convenient terms may be arranged for the dif- Large Eaatera Cities. AH trimmed in'Fine'Fine. trimmings. values' vary1 ference, i rand other new The' are unusual at , The Knabe, the world's most wonderful Player-Pian- o also $4.95 to $19.85 ? i i , 4.: The Seybold, Universal, Chase & Baker, Furlong, and ' ' . others.

, Pi Hal laVaHL faWyV saaaaBal riáfltHaaaaaaHféÍaH 'íS6a? Xma 'Store aHsaaaHaMaHsaawÉaVB of ifrvice" :45b -- Open Evenlngm 'til Xtoaa ESS- The surprlilniiy lera seat reservation be worthy' their .consideration, hence oar nd relocM4 then &d sooa sold tbésa to Atito at yosr scrrtoo. 'yeaferdsy for the openiar performance to- - task will be largely oducatlpoal. the SouthDatrn tj4 Coal eotapany. "New York and principal or the This coaaaay did a largei amount of morrow (Mondsy) nlfht of the Lyrld thea- the cities on 102 N. STANTON tjnited States aro rolng In for both dramatic wper werk a aerie or vetna ta ter players, which Joeph U. ana Is a the eathonlferus llmeatons forma- oralet!on musical stocks, and 'while tfioro tion, runnUHf a tunnel 0 reet. and staking 01a4 U brlnt lnr to pi Paso direct from it tremendous gavina; in mo nay for the public, twa ehaftal SS aul aa fct runwim. i.yVic theaier, rtew Oríca presares an (he performances are really 'tetter than m plcked ore t0 tho average tie stter1I9M as trireiinr attraction. auspicious berlnnlntr. and If the plans Tomorrow lgit h company will be it also opened up .a 'coal prospect about of iKlnslIy announced lh' the Times are car seen in 'The Spendthrift, a play Hint had rive miles north or fee mines. An aeseye nea pul tuero can he little douht as to tne a. run- at the Hudson theater. New la the Demtnr smaltar discovered, the pres- HüMwiÍM, Weekly Sermon ence ,or vanadium,, and reported the sama Alttíl Want Filká Elbert Hubbard's or the Wteslrlcsl 'venture! .' slices darlnr iuia, mm win w, luiiuwru uy wiuurcr ta meada in rnttaburgh. The latter' sent if J"The one difficult twk'lKforo us in oro. rccent clay hit, and we' nave but one expert! to examine the property, and,, on By oa or man hlth-cla- 1 - ELBEftT HUBBARD. tb rross a) wit business the vwinsr a s riockfeompany in the request to make of 1'asoans take us on their favorable, report they- bought the e Deceiving snrrMKjfTi? (Copyright, lpu, by Newspaper reaturo doe say nve, ten, fifteen, twenty per tfrest play successes oftóday is to 'suspicion' until convinced that we are mod group of mines and organUed,tbe' Vanadium are now of Manitoba Service, inc.) cent thus mskiag business above a cer- critical public Hh4 it can be sc. est in the Claim of 'the best plays In Amer Miniar, company and befan oeeratíoBa on firEVV YELJOOW TA1U SVOOÜKX CAT, CHANNBC OAT, JWVPK Recently two silly and absurd economic tain amount prohibitive and confiscatory. CompUshed at (he mull of prices that at ' ' a large scale. They aaak a abaft on the CAT. MUD CAT, TJVUUX BRE8SED, HKAB8 Kle lea the prices." big In ";. OFF AN propositions have been put before tba This is to the end that anybody and ercry. WlU be in vosue at tuoZerawrord,'' stated Seats rosy ba also today (Sunday) vein the White Swan claim: to a depth SKINNED ATJj READY FOK AN , made nf shout boo reet and. did abaat one mile THE' PAXNOT OUNCK 6 4 country, ten by s,msn occupying: Mgft body sbUl be prevented; from dolnr bust' Manaer Pl to a rrpfaaeniatlve. or this by calling at the. Crawrsrd theater or by or underground development, opeatar Urge WASTS AIjD BOhJI MEAT NO LABOR FOR TOTJ WK DO ' official position in Washington. tirii beyond ascertain amoiMl. The whole telephoning 70. Sometime dwrbsr com- bodies of oro, ru'Mttng-- about, per cent THE WORK YOU THK KATIN8. . ' One thing- lure, I will not mention the intent is to fli a limit to the alie of any "aormany'tfleJter-poers'MT- nuaiity sndj ing week an additional teiesttom wilt be vanadium and 8 or,e per.ceat together names or the gentlemen who put these one business. pricdteoafuaed that unjíw'a' show demands; iiutmie at the Crawford, ibereby servia with about S3 in silver vslues,li..Tbey aiso EHtUdrM forward, because I have no An Insurance law in the state or New f bi1 tor a scat, TmMrslly,it, can not me public more ' sau waciorHyy Installed a Dower Plant three .kllaa eaat dim DEMAND IS INCREASING FOR RKADY TO OOOKi at or the mine and developed well or FIH m lre to lack their hides on toe barn door York fixed a limit of rifty million as tho water. 1'I.AOK AN ORBER AND K COKVINCE. , 43' . - M 1 to amount any company Electrical power' was transmitted w the ' pt obVeaMr. merely wish show the of lnsuraasa. that hoist and the puatpiise1' plants. - ; ' f tjtttUty h allowed to write, a ye an .AUlMv hlftlr nn.lltaa.ÜÁnrt 1hl nmú, l"'- 4 ot intellect that we occasionally should tn sr. But Costly I'lakt .Thá, r'aU4. cnooto to ruie ovor us. why fifty mllllonT Why not ten million, or sltlon ls thatibn th4cHi Of Mr ML 'Further X mention these economic pisas two hundred million vldilal, all property thMtAe Uive'l.tQ ex. to order to áhow Jiow a min who has never please note that this suggestion comus cess or one hundred thafvud- dollarjSsahall iv Toads Into the ninas.' K eoncentrifng aone nasmess, ana woo nas no Knowledge from a man occupying a bigb'soclal post revtírt 16 the state. . X! plant was installed at the mines, satf a ax or business, ave what ne observes, rrom tlon,, and expert Under these con'dltMMtVor or (reanseBi Diai wh buik ciiir.r. n u. s lyiaFKet nan of education wide curt?sn raom v v.;. 8aat Fe railroadi t lattea eastward, where tt the outline, will wobble as he walkir ence, aave for the fact that be haa never me money oi jonn jacos Aiior, J. nerpont PALOMAS CANON they Toe proposition (a to extracted, or xtenrnted ta Mtráct frt hare an shouldered actual commercial respontlblll-tie- s Morfin, E, II, Harrlmin"satt"lsadoi' Strsui, vaaadlum Of. There is; same mystery as FIíHI DKPARTMKiTT" acale of fixation, ao that any tor nor looked a payroll in the, eye. above one. hundred thousand dollars, would to who in operatoralwer. Some say teat poratlon or company that more . does than Mis idea ceneemlnr commerce are hari bocome the property ot the federal jwy were,,nwnwra;ef ta American ;atei Fbonea. A Flak and ytr - a certain' amount or business In a year strictly academia theoretical, and sound gorernmeht. . Any now, arier going to an uug large RHlr shall be taxed on the excess. only as you grant goose DISTRICT FORMERLY WeRtCm FOR VA aspease, amountintr to. several hundred i his farm premises. What the itito would tío with this money MAY development 's: Tee proposed tax la not on pronta, but no suggemon N.IDIUM C9.VTAIN MOKE thou sand dollars,' id of mines, second is front a man in our triena does not say. VALUABLE WW. tastalfln? reduction and treatment Mania and The probable xaot would be that, coll' electrical power plant, .and buMHn .the tlcjans and orrtccf holders would the boom town or Cutter- the Vanadium Mlntnr hire Hundreds ot TheHands of Rallar by aampaay .drOwo evernhtag, dis- ioo feet below the top of the bin, baa en manipulation property! ftent dosed e and use of this and mantled all the plants, sold the xcntive tared a .shoot or copper sun NOTICE TO BANK PATMNS wart ii wuuid do u&ed as politicians usu railed to Compete Wltti 6ermaM. machinery aa old lank, folded, thefr tents pbldes and oxide ore. showing occateei ally usa larri .sumí. asd' allentlv (tola Misv. tiu nslr ex. atreaks of metallic or 'native1' eepper. The noticed, the leaking- - that' Mae ay aireas is tour reel Nsjor HICkek It will be that tentleman who tlaniuon oat was prices wide. - makes seems bad ranea one half,- aM that pursuing a. campaign or development with The new federal internal revaaa. law,- this SHffieltlon to assume "l uní, tt VlAW If WrlBV fck. M..n ... goes that fortunes over one hundred Molybdeaate of lead orea an heinr ntaa tey could not commm with ww manutic which into effect on. Babsr i, thousand south of Pftlomaa JiUm turara or this rare iri Uermaay. propoiltlon for aljtr company. that icMraal aru in noma ranveala MrttMaa ihaterlai it im, rofutr uoiiars lorm. part of the Caballos mountain 'H is said that thev masa concantrate run. Tne lead, be placed on all promtasory H !wre- - 114 does not know great ranje. and the M it that fortunes are iiiuca tumnnoM 01 tngie, ni mi, ana aoow alar IS per cent vaaadlunt and a par sent uewau'of same ? ror wo most part a mere matter or paper. six mllesv. or Etoptiant lead. The vein eve? 90 is to southeast but to dew. is feet wide. and with rcferenco railroad and prospectiva At a meeting or.tbe.ri aaartaa; Hoaaa "5T They represent Mutiles, and' thes emii- List la company wf E. n, Rodgers; well mineralized. The company attll ownt power me po Suejr ioij cmcincai railroad from aModaUon, on; Noveeaber . t are only while manager af . the E Paso Brick, company the twa patented claim, the White Swan, and Cllflpr tn T.l.nh.nt Hittt. H.n n.,.!..',.... Jtaltt mi. it ties valuable they are kept ' iteeWed active ' writer maste o trip in a Stttdebaker car from Its extension, and employs Mrt Ward aa north of them, and the proposed, electrical Wa that all bankr eataeaatair tb n (0 that houM. watchman on property. 1 Is beiaeyed association should, require V The plan, If carried out, would leave; the hi Paso' citim within seven the ami linni pini i in r.iir. dam will air attHaaasr A fine and automoMto waen vanaotunt aavaneea Hi' pne furnish""" abundant cheap pawer 1 to place ravaaue'afeinps on aM , ; United America a owner, and wfon road had taai. aM and net sad States or blr been taaMM from the plains on' the easss n Hkely win on account of ttte osltbwr art .vi .no nui pianis as oHter.documeaM reejuirmg aad a mansger pr rac up we, eompawy as uiuics j iuucuuii 'wen sueh stamps, fonteoieiuiy rsiiroads. four' Ifttle. into the very heart of tM oi mn uermin auppiy. ttw r? hoists and cars.. that said stamps should ba at and department stores, camp;; Mar were Miaw operations again. to ptsasd f torles, banks guioea Mrs. i, H, warreax. Empire ziae Siaka fiew Shall. , the cxpapaa of the. custotser, Tho fixing a on. Individual pf or Knajea; Robert T. Ward, sm Hakai Vanadium, .faaa BaaehMa avian Tb mmn of limit Jrs. ñamad a Last pwpire' company cari be ebtatoad at aN of baoks- - forts and family; WtMmr: Mr. Ward and Nr. Waldner Matty, ta a rara elemMU e 12 - Tuaadar tba Zkc Me - fortunes would naturally ne M nora- begsn slnklftg a XAdverMatmL) s ai 4; in aosiroy rmorpruo, swRr ot tnree mining propartlea, iraeapborus group. Jt la MuM Banlfcsi1. shaft oa iruu mit iniiiauvo, Ctll4 MM .Mosa Lee. the Hanolan ad mi in In the boH and smother originality,, vanadates, crUi aslaaral, a4 is Thunder claim eaat of Kaaover, ) am w . i Atteraer Pttak aHtttl ' Whaj the. or hHWÍÍ hTKarly lia'ya ii wwvvu .i 93 ítm mnw iw.Wi y Oranj county, X. M.. Which adiata 8aralla finil erfect thüs piscina; tor .Silver. It is feebly basic aad.ibaa. strawy acid lb mw J nil" n trm t A e Jm4 Í' limit on enterprise, ho man y holdings tba 'Cmao Copper Austin, .SIL... would be,, can irm. nrupcriirs were originally DronerllM. Tin niiiiliii Ii i nianasararriir óf company. Tb Tex.. Nov, & UnleM the ran say. it is an a matter or conjecture. Mr; Wekbfer'a father tn the early Ing in yellowish, browtiiak aed, ruby .red obiect of this work Is stated to be to de. ara entered in the local district ay This country grown great, 8Sa at Mm last centurv. anil hm. wnrluS bexagonai crystals. Steel ahoyad .with velop and Weak put salplitda in haa and civ. blM fwr sine ora. re WW, ei in by a short time for the lead aM vanadium, an element "wMoh streagthens men's Dilation America haa evolved because the um pneea or cated hy through Individual given a. field. wm, nui ibii in the steel, is called vanadtttsn steel. . The tti state his been fair The Hvar cmm their early shaixxxuuwit. vaaatiium aiso serves oxygen handle lu wiaist plan to handicap tho aspiring country boy, years ago ta,Tmava m.mmmauSJi Mmhk ten Mr, Weldwr rtituroed and tioislblv nltroaaa rrant tha steel, tresueway I aaS la be erected over Haa r ot Ml i)of' some x,ra value in. mgnT bcrore. ne is born, u at tne best an experi- wj miqw wiyntiiiiw. s' over 0uich. i5rtSe Seat re rtrlroM irseks immmj tun,. 1 ment. ' nr. wfwiur murnaa m ias mowwa tp the Emptra. tmémr loading bins, and or At camp .last winter praapeeaad seme of will, alford traaaporutioa oesi pattern tor pjj the worst It Is iMtkmal suicide. and slw . H pgsgWgqgsJggBSgg1JJ the rlaima which, tba bia aaaaoaay had Thun(lerboMll3t. C.Thrown.' getieral ITTlWTIAbJf oroppM. He noted rx manager of the I yaw btwlaeis represaaMd al demlgogue to excfcaae knowledge í bi for lata acatterad through Uiroughout the 6etithwt, ii taspccite? Kttsloa a w tr- aW?weaswork. reveals a. faHfc In the "lnfilll. tb Firm rru. 9 BruaajJa . . . ore In tM Itnaa 4. a Hanover property aM operations eH slid sik for oarakMd .j aia dice" that makes aewncs aland aghast. Scndlna- - aamblea to tha i I 7 iTn'L ...... LWr Mine, analysis c9asassprassageBssiat5sssssssi9saga ... ' for 'be n ' Brf ', ' . la Eiuy to EeirrV " l.gaoiybdcnum , ssjsjjaaajaaaasagj. KMClO-- C BltMMU . . i the chemist that tbay, cast - $ll.t H Try our work before you pay, Tjhat Instead ot vanadium, a si i m far hither AxBfAttHjr vaaaataas.-War- Í .$13.34 value than , i .jouiea ."tr. K PASO ' aa partnar ma which be FIRM'S í. . IwaertuitlortaBaujric E CoUe located, and tlssr. afTl m ttM sama. :: Tnej eruaber In the .tSftite-ia.-:::::::::::::;:::- mou nana. WAMlD!4Creameit - Jig The IH DEVICE mw r-- I UNIQUE .m Ma a . ji ore W. cent rtMtaaMMl nata par caat lead ind einft creamery in this who). vjÍol4 ai iiv.i. recover a coacea s an pri5.SB, vt time immense market here i for 1';, trata nnfalihi ttftMa Mat HlvtlltWMHI. a. tnZny; par UMl Hajwe Has HuctestWa- - S4vr4 ProV worth aiMMip lajW toa. at ISSMWlna Elr(r4 ma itm wsa rmmm apaaaaiwaawy PWnrra Kx.' a Msave wawtar evi wet pi"iluiKly Py 1 m key Asetr hi Mm Mtme. wide at tb tumWmmm. iwetMajr hi I i a4 ? ' FHITT? won piacea i ual la aaa "r We fram , aasaa- -a tlH net lee i wbacaÚ earats a abafas ftemaa! away TIM fVsHtsn of showlnr electrfcai fixtures he k a, a sorfaca mt Mm bw aae u W my will looa: wbaai UMtcd ooa Ú tag fait mmm. vwiu i iiMUr bu at.taat' Tb ciuiniiiin imr I i km asMt estmiy tsn xi Paso ulln vata' Mr iataiaaai waU traa mttumt. SajMsty company, wMft cwrles six ta taa pat aa vaaaatiaa. Tb saaaw fewMaxTi b2M an and. artuile lusa or yoods mtámt mt w3'pSS3?i Ta WaasliBa iTif III ot tbáa Mil. TWs. result haa Hto o as SMsraa faat aM paral 11 with taa.Ra L aaaaaw of bandsomaiv atx .tí'. lllllilllllH ,aílM tha rillliF.. ... DIRTTPA1IÜES vtt and la about rr wWe aM carria mvn aaawi.taa aagan parctmata v liMr UsAM tr ks uayllg bt, esacUy tMy I da aaaaa cbaraetar of gaam. or torage crops i ' ISM u rneR alfaUa. f wilt atttMaa ta home. tbSttrSf tbatMyawt&ii ,'VZj. .TIM; daitjaiiai m other effective Ua todKtaia is Iiw WlyimOOKSTU.XM? oarrytn- - boah " pW T .ritttircs of tho a vM trbdMiitaa an4 dcrtew new aM va. raso dtuxa. All thra properties ara. rninainai, af'tM ti Electrical CLEAN DAIRIES by goM waaa road aM oat aa or rbaca la aupcqr' stsMar, ,mvc reetuny a wall ftsnaaWnr abuadaiiea of raed fpSjsa lis esSsg ttaw9 mw,im corner or Mru Afisr a bant 'rata' tt a mmmI ium. i aAaMaaea af waiybdeaaa eryilais k n Hjrm ava yH tn dairy Mat sjsmMm TOU ti tarad tvar tba duaepa, being broai e and faelltu lMi(. If H Is CUU!V IAMTAJIY ma isibsraalared. aMLbx aaeara cabas www aáaasaeatr mTmÉM caáW4rably arysai aaa Ü r-V- taint vrilr keep the vi fiiurACTORY n ( T yPw aaaaM. mum nasa orim 'van yw nam JV tM biM 'if it it á mm mm " lb .i" vwr mmm aws mmm ajrpajw nanar m Wiin, t aHiMtabwWn eat fores f I mm juiuc, wtah 2j)ssMiai if MBI saab. h? ' ittSt dMlHcal Wuu m mm Hmtiw if ua4 m ardas, seas. OeaM ' Hit SJiaSjaa naM. toaaaafa. rmym uatir mmm. smm mm raaapsiiaaa or It are saaaaa abk ÚJH Í. ainmmin m - eta-a- asteTka baa taif , M ta arid. affoeUa y ss )mmtrMmm Mttaars- aM fabrías SrZelWsf tSabie Chw Clatssa. etsMM aaá saaaMM ta mmmiim ü rv aar. mmm ai' n'.mm aaoui usa saua aorta í fug tsaa asMkbame ataas M vaaaaaaai aaai ta aba IBs if dta.1, tleular. aaallt ta nuMmi assemaaful a irkt, la wMeh Major A ' eaviivejajl tgsasaisla sw. l uawtavan)Éaa ejf aaaS4wag waefx e4 lor Mm basal aM'alriewVVr I, WKTAKYal wfT Jta INatjai aMY CUMtMJIY, kM um wig i a i Matar mm apaw 1) taTw yuitww T cttaa Oatry WW. mm mmmftimmmm mm SMf m iiiMM watt ui a tuaaai mm mm mm) sedaSI

. f u aaaaaaaaBáaaWaaaaaMafcslilik ' r ., ém .k aL v. mmWmmStmXt' ...... ,. ,., ..L., fmtm tMmÉki r EL PASO MORNING TVMES taaVaaa a li.) whin roo eM to mu ate aau "Tic" Habits Grow thatS ait. ajld How They Are Cured Trees and Seedi Bwt (ifiw - V Dr. LtOHAKD REINE HIMHBERG Mgl A. 1, M. A, M D. (JMm HafMM)- - Vir roar troo diroot éilyg' dtg ptl,l uMottilidiie. r It, tH a (mMm, rtikto tiiai tarar nttt 28 I Vvo aolet 'tt-t- aootU oafíaVpg,' ottly geal ! 'roerá' hf AHIf caá. iW'' fateiátÉW jrt'lata) flrgea' : . Mr. ft to wwaái v i W k Útkt4t?fanijrji ÍIÉIWvt.M-'- wMa'lM Mr XOW eWtó :IitaTitigib Oi'tfgt.'ti(to! MMtet teaio) , 1 jajgy .4tl 1 li ééI' t teÁ fBMil" mÍJXU till laaaajiicáal i 0030IVPBiiti xt aieM aafawaafaafi VoW-Maa- iV taMÍ iiiwdtajeaiito llO.dO oaf MaMpr, 'Ijg'.tadtA

K'll--y wtth f jaf iKc gptrfgii ci a km.'J. iijpii toóos. Mi Icly , iMOFcltiwfi lvfv ift Sífcéy tflppMÉ I K In a twttok laaati ".av m iokIO tttaiettopwnwjr llwa vBfVgVNMVvfUli wt rMflr PS?! Hart " iimm 'iuZi ít w AuiMiiirttmt Hrt4c!att ttooi: ' , !. i , , s ' ' , aWia mm v Kat aa Ao wortá arta Arrt-K- i fttt, yttor graft,. ....g Vai gar , bOwtver. far toioieat atta 'Mr i torn 4 air a graft. gar iog .hMÉM aav Aetata K'Jtm MjfLj- - t 'WHkln "tfcMtan altar tkls waa' m- - XTrLE. fttt, l yar frW lé.ot -- ' All ctramtreial varlttrt aaa t Btnatout, whteM are c htgktr.. tsiei or t rlonm 0, I katioaltf tatiatata tjaaiawa. it ts-- pro-iiun- rat Tkim aatt'.ataia 'a' ttetwaaaa , in KaartoMtatoaattr, f . MÁX, i ytar ÍWbj;. J.giJw gar tee w tnca llfiaVK; i'i gtot, 1 ytar from bad. t .'j. ..f 17.0. gar log - V attatltaf rmDMly aa4 tmát liiffw .f 'U.M vartottoa ecpt Aajou aad aHrKetC which art iMo hlgtMr. ZSé $ig Mp'RteHM Hit ijgafmitllft; S.S fttt; 1 year mo ttat Uva tram bad,.., atr 1 jnuMaa ko M. TM w 1 a4 troubl. I wiaat qwrgTttmg, 4 fttt, 3 year front gg,M gar mm 'itmhmá.. vrtthMt TM oua,.....,... lner4tna. AM 'verttUtt, Htaoa, , oMMtMaa tttt, awttiaotl atar to tiM wm tf3 .; iwc mt PLUMg. WW to hlf ni O&Mkm' ttntmRT .l ttt .;...... ,.,. ... .gM,ee gr lgg this ,wonderfül towiS. oWlStgaJ jVÉRY; Year pt TV TwiteUag Fm arTtte CH.HY.PLÜM. 4 fttt(.,,.M...i.... M.a per leg TaaeUnt taiueh la tat taaia. VMa b) pWaaMy tha beat fruM aad wWUaatnc utokett retaraá düctíóh'DiinM .fcNrth trcrocndóus -- Alt HMmÍÍ''.ta tth ' ' t' '' J tht 4'" .- one: words ara thMiit i r . , LJ. Tfr: I.. ' it-- A ' ...... - . 1 . "V etMekwl, , rmüt IrrleaUon. Try tataa. Yatv wilt aévtr rtcret' It ... :' Mmt wortt It ttot a jrofi jrrjai-w-Wt 'ta a gata Ua iiu. .QTcry composer m. scores le nayc ' ,! Amenci irMi iUrt a wht trata of aaaaataMf - . faet tar from oud. .'i per log HmmcMm:, TWi yar Mm Iteiter. eatiry fek to "At the Sett, wnch ta ta way a fiawj laeht rmn't Hf.OuHar PfjQaaV aU fttt a year from bud . , .Vv ...... per led T AM tWrtUe yertttja, yatrra aad, Japaatae. fS:Ot Oldy OOodSeal wltraralaa W-aat,- ft AO 'Jooe atetOieg. IMM(fel'tlHI1BWfHhl0r k'l ÍHttJlNrT3E-fTlg- PXJtOlt',. l g per sgé ' lí . yr íftm baá.V. ful mekxiy for Jimm; kM datttatd geaeeamctltc Wff a4 ta' a twkata la iitt, H" year - - .TV "Rtuthlar trlratkm k paitbt, i from bad;...,...,, ld.&e per log oawiaf sour kft otte- ;Get' jk 'Mat Uteartye!;- Tfafa. li. M MM waat :ÍJg'd.áwM aa sat 'Jatiir. at jtTtaWrtM bar. thttr batd '.. 4 torro atrtmet of tht beat varletíet. neighbor to it. ci- f" 'fvt.1 rr a omrtlalrt of ftltawtd by eotsftrt aad laa .. ta.W M.álaa. mt ka. aa taalat laaa'tatota. Jata year No. 1.- - $ g gar Jag s1b toe of frttt fatd'iatt COCO' miXfm, l M 'jfV' 90$t liWrw,i4f 'ffMtff ittaat. ttwMMMt.wramM atwtttoiaa a tMtoitowtr.tttaa a w; j.ata st, tan I do? bravMe. Toa wm Mlttaa.atl QRAPWÍ, No. Xgf alr'niaawtSiaw lit oaotM aa Mtiaagtetlw wat tut at tat wiiii Mouatam, fay aaaaw: M0rW)bAY l,yr Mai, K g .Maha awar. aa M iNM.:ietozl Mitf rear .aataaaataa. k at faalt caá, wafrrn iwwi wwa HUoA'opEe. yeariktl. .. r. Joe ha In la th betrf et XT ataattar .jOt-MIp- CGfX?A-tt- iK' - ' Alto )wn tat of raar tatM ratoya modtatitg, gglBPLaWW a year JXROMI ie Tlaiwo tat sato. As atoara wftt not vira ot (Ttw nvajca,, THOkfjIWf OKAPM, No. 1..,.., per éé BTMIT;NfM(M.WM NKW TOW. tttr dm no órsaate traaM 'pr-a- mUartton for H: ruwto prieta,' ' .& SMt at' hVrt ' " ao atittr;at'i4toa at low I make á tower priet 'on by CHICAGO. Mtftte TluMn M 'f ' at a ataaa a tar atalytia ta . t . turt. oo4 raadt.. Wrttt abtvt tat aaeeaaetoM í "S?'",' ,J VK tipk lTrrt St Wm. tor FKKX laaairated Ciniij aUorer what H. C. T.- -I biota mA from arttn. r j thoutaad. v ai.ltMM aa ra .vim .Wm atrwork that (tar Tara vtsttoDittT k ttaiaaHta ibW " WMTE HOUNTAWi JWf 'áfloaaaMaa Oreta art aa tmftrtoat, gülBO, NEW WtTWO, POTATOae, Mlnnetota Cratm. H upon a hlch eaalr. wjth hM rwttaaltt . k aa4..atrhaat, Um mate ature tí htaf KAJUV,4tII0 . lV... . per aálla awn. Whta .aaraatea.. ftaa cttMa. taralrarta a4maJt,.aa ,...... v .... .1,1.7 aaaaat Irritated w:wrrt,.Ko ttrttahce la aaraa. arMtvM that tat m vteétaMet M rtá RUItAXl TÓRKER.,... ,. $ irJtn ge hwatitl .Ma faet M niéwt; wM rtadtnaV tea Mtt4 U atrtrta from ifcs trtat. WW tfca woaMl b t tt, .Xwtr pret aa t batéate ar tatrt. ivy ataatarr 'aNt; ot ita urta. .that, aatt mmwm pon two-tatt- faatanadotialjr perlara4.- 0i atántfloMn and old ttti. AJllcíágé thta Assiycr and Ghtmist Z bay a:'la;aiHdt at Vtgetáble aád riow''o'. tf Staat alalia AaalytU Orneé.' taa teto amo) and aetia ' Hi4'; ' trJt . CaJaggjf";'' gttda. 'ai"Clavara; alao a taak ac rm ot aM 'Lilt wax aaalrala thowed tHla mni UrU aa tat trióla tf frith btmtattMa. Ajfate antral ftttto SankAccount Was yar for h aa4 beea kladt jtetiaVarktt grloia. "', ait thai fear aiataátBvakfBta atw at carir-hf- D,-- k.T iarc bttiatafct m 1ttag tá ,)v wita' a beaatlfal. dark; e Mr. R. T. ta wWaF wtf UfJf4 Btri. wh frr4 ar treth. N atek aad aMa. rtorlo taU tatai "Hrr j gad for my lartt, well Illustrated Oardea, Book. X la fret far toa tato K tstta."' ' iaraá.aTr aatu wu MS gtm jaratMtoco aaa, Vaaa aaMar. .Addrtta, . hy M4tinc hU jwBt w, wtta wham gtai aapay. werfca Thtat kavt attMna to do Wtth tat jw toAwot tlrly Jie Thty taly .ihara a.d wb kr ooaunloHip at liver. tin bt tuné bf ttr i RIGHT b KaatPilr tattt atUw la a rtcthm of fetntnln dMordtra la ta. M Than t g4riTHb) ' Hair. ,Üa t)ta raada a4 Ma mii trtfltttf'íJéK ikéi baric, kaak .to .th Mtmtr Qénsn Nurseries Seed House 'V root paTP w atan, im' at at f . ,í... a.'U 9f IM! 'JHtqrvr 'vn 1t9wnCtni Wrth t itbuMafM oMMttoni prwaiUH,...... wMcn in m- - atiiatat íacto w,aBwaiiilr,Ma- f wratwl ' ta,la Mt llMaift aaatateltaa tttaita. aBarKk. bbHlÉbT Mr- aa r. , alleltoi ttaa Btat ka M9ff w IkBAMC AjCOWr P W5 BANK Ka'proUotfen aguMt taata ana Dtlatoa. oat U tha 'ata1 Wert hm hoi any Mivoartinti ami would enable you to take advantage 'tkat Ma tonvaWvt'ftot rtntaiunr waa -v wit Ma o aafr aa4 1 4 tr' H";3iT"5 'TIS" tTTl?fe T 5

flaaV-'afl- , CaaBaraP' Banks afford aiT"eYwi'greator aafaguard to both dopoMter f ft and bank: than ever befor. Lot ua explain how. ATTMHH&Ntt ' your bnaiaH ia "81 rata BABY" HOWITZER rtortitaa r ALSO ThrKl affarta to offer the hiiha stand- rrtai a m zr-- it att or call, 2rn. far ptrMtultM. ard pfuucing service, . ap osHora are now able to scurc - tm tISTgN FOR THC' MTHSTLK. safaty. and lot jtrvio ia ita tfttlleat nsV sow a 4a are 'tmrt aVBB9aiaVaVaaaaVatiaassB place the ofÍH facÜitW oítheRíoXlriae YHey feñk, Y " . ForAb$ for pour fire is I Wsiarfmt Áccoürii Witfi Abu? In RaítWg'CWckijnaéoá can't be Beat Of PEWtóKr HEN tfMhW , lacation a .titüT modern, thoroughfe 'é aeafttial ; ANtí OÜCI? FOOO6 0r ' 94nA;ittt extfnd.lioiirty wefoome kj yout v , .'' It wM rttaa UiatUd Htaat (irly .Mttdftattat tf New a'BemJUttor,aoy Heicl s wnit maa iota ta tat RíO GLANDE VkLLCY - VF C1, Wood, Ir4iaix I iirtrtfnfrrl Prt fiiTtn'lJiiM TRY ' Uodon, ov. UDv bowttitftr AIRlajhtlgt For le By All Grooora "aaatnwurfer li u eiiled by tat Otrawn- - M tbt uwtt terror tat tlUtd armitt art tÍMi tPgaHCR&ir(j( W. D. Wíxe Seed Co. "Wlita.yoa kavt latat Vaek. KttrttcUrwitu to MtiotoM' or autftr (rata, atwralvte. $5SÁi36 Pmkm . Ml attttt ttC ' WlUbgJe and RotkU fhorm Téxm mi tr.vbe otrrntn ntnuair rhtumatrt ar othtr ttaillar Mwiutrt wiw wjnen gaiaa, a rta nk ami down tae tirontou. a Urn tat rnttl Uil

' .with tte eimdiitoamr fori. attention to ihlt trnc tnwitter. brinrt tarir rtttof.' Tblt fa i it nyM ittah nrtM If tlcrllln IL highly attrttertoaa remady, , - aaunienea or the uuit hbwitatr Uta atpaadtbta i Mm thortugalr in t fact that ihourt Ui rallbeT ta tr f who tbt many oataman lartt locbai, t.tarws tbtU rtcom-mand- tt. aradtraad aad v atson'ii Grocery asajtaitr it moro maa ioox, wamii by tat Amtrleaa Í Drwr aa4 JNttt AMoeUUta. atpttnent of tttachinr til ''adapter" htiald ba' htat Hi avtry WwWmV Qfeerfae FaaaosM QueHljv at ua? antu, wnu uw taH iimii , Are lor Math or uw rat a tort, mof -- f'l"!1 . .".1 .1 J M ' . U a mttat bar. wblcliirtu ' aJrafl tair m dom or ia run. awaa lit TiDlf IT HUM Willi II rat Man, wwm Itttir I Savings Waaí couM ba inora ajiproprtate aa4 imiMiip of rrraa4ahi aarattf than U) fa4 trUaíaBaaaf ul baakat tta4 wlta laatioya tMrVMawSon aWnollibct ttrtíworáf ti !TTTSP-,- t ao.,XmmmhmmatmlaaT . ataaaaat tUtot. ta atr trull Satataa itaer oot I Wa'ttav a. oaatplaa ,aaoHwjt of hmM AmT jUJOOm to aattlM a tMtil hut Itaportae Olraot -- aaautaAa, Ja fd Ura. b. an taruai ta fraOrtr. TMr a, mat v Mtatawtatrar bfajHtrMM Offar aM alaaant i puMntj i an.. .a Tt 5rl.,eiTiltH Bf u tat Merrr tÍ-J&t- Tliar win 1nak aa laaj t tar aay aaaaaaar of taa fainlbr aaau i wt wawML fcte a jrttfe. rtet atr m aad Ñi. har baart iMm m Arad ia waita it taaaaatíaaaaaaaaia Lfti aaVr aftatt1 - Hi aow aa. OMMigr la. wwoawa, " Our MMiwut- aw mr tajfjapaat, ta- at wttica tat m-a- a "MgWaT . althtr attrttt tf ffj W wUI amaga a jloaov waw.aaapaE asp eevaja aooroM. at wtjici ft mav b fli kygtfoa trentntf art oaty Üéamá tWwtt toward trtacb wtNi tjuart tr a lowvkj tcnau mm. " hm aatii my at pitunr rw- - Grocery ,ct OteltMM Aty OffbM aai iu 'aaa-- on'i l1 . MataW Jk In wUitk tat iFtara. Taat t'ttMaiattll iraiKCUOK. attr L. AND JgAÍÍlÍKE , la In Ma at nptattd tf IU TbQuall ati MttaUaratota. LOCKIE HOTEL M .i.-i- qa. trat, tbt tjgta froat btj at - wWwgtwaWjBpaWiW fJtsy) far Ora ipaa- aaag JgfgaVg!., ' Kmraiiatattot IU - to eatr. ata ill ckattoa mm aaa rraaaitga a. : - litBl Pate, Ttaa. rm .irifniT ttatMtrod turr icitat iwo hi ara Ta tb toa tutir U oaiy oaé a little buadrtd tairtr taa tu eatiwi. Te 500.000 Shade Trees IOC walafia unir FaailS'aaia. I It ah DfL 'A BURTO tttwaa. aawttar. ta a aovY aaa. attt" tr groa iaea, btgrlat af att M4a. aJamba, avtr Wataala tmm, Bttltgl mmmi gwuaata, bulba aad trargrttna. 1 bava go agaau from aaw aa. QraOaato LutovUtt 4t4, M aataaoi your auraary IPltV aay oaa buy dlrttl aa4.aavt firaaa af O0 Heav gggty (O04 J.Vtt Jolioojgr to eeetW yOa. sVoa taf Mefa teaattlMat frota tat 4ai lfj, tlar , gkpsHWBMfatéÉM aartoact of Mta. WWitai llloa, Trout, TÍ JPBaPtHÍPtP ' a -- a. v.. wtw wat fatb fat toa go rrool ""l t . . , EAST B. NSI FIB. il IIÉI Cl" a htdly diaorerrtd Itoptifc, l fttt aWit Vasta. If trtbi ail sif rt tit writ. r wat L aaa view. jad tad bad as.' a rrttad Baal, eat Maeaa at ttttOM. adittd Üíi O r4Umw faaa iak I did MOHR 1 io rtiaatiiittlt'f Tattoia H. MaataaBBBBBBBtwj a it araO Oaav. oaa trtae. -- btt HtUT flMM - wl Dolivna all arta af rat mm at- til aaaitw., Otmgo. TIMES PAGIS FOR WMMXT$ city Cartea Ma a aaaawr. Fitot awl HAD THE OAJSfRED PIuum) ISM- - íiWtPr fJffPuil titiSír'S: saSSi. r . &mmm. Sohcits the pujt

I Jne Prosperous fTW J? i. pfc wwh - : xszth KwWMV farol taire., lit - ' ' gasgsg i; I Peonía gt . 5 ;, j i!i , Have; modern yon they I M ' whom know re bank lpwHai we I I IflflÉflÍ r -- . .. . I mLÉ- É- W ÍBP'íFffPBPff Hy,'"HTb'?ler it may w

ÚMde-ere- r ,fre e tHW (W It la em a awj, mw t with' a' win waatoiathera M Bide oía bank re, mili, and evn whe .moderately tot kppror! wfca aae Jeeww Uukt I S iffiwWOtfw MÍ I ' BPM, I r ' ' S " rl ' y uccessful, lúrJ ta a multitude' oí ÚísruIbí í. my)C " ' 1 'X fin daffr I ma4ilt v f I' TMMkkfP''.MLAMMMKmmmT S .' .. t my Otfrn, arlar eearefclag UHÍ remake ad KflM Uiraash the' ahewl I iMirito nuieh 'flw' nateriaL. It wamfa rtwel matter te haa a hwc iatfcere4 lunw rw " n, Pelan tbe aleevea were kfaneae, X re-- ateeed tbetn wiw aaayy, neH Hm. TinMlaeloM more'.'ortfce vrettr etoc mmtáM ot oream eelerá meaaieMne X atree hU hearty ;eaarevri at the yemiale yeoed the front e. Ike heee to the ata,, wkteh laTariihty eeWte; "Taeee awrer waMtvaa. oía, w mMmm were ptea Hae yew jum aaaea, aweaer. letet velvet wbleh had veaaorei Ted bad we oaa't Aad.n aeek ttke her." STATE NATIONAL BANK ,fer tbe prererblal "aeTea yeara,". aa The yiaten of Aaae, aeamitamid to atttaa frein thU X (aahtae a broa trAe. and eellara atoeked wtth mjwrteto&e a nffa aad a Hat War with narrew leat a year." trylac te eook with mup ÍPrenís;, .revere. With the aaéHIea oí eab Meeree pMea ordered aim net daily from the. ray w . reeer'a alwaya me aa funny. M SBOOaaeune ir evapien. , atrhtea i Wterratt Ptuil AtxxHli, Dinner U nl way , ready when we reeeh We alt1 at the-- tabtaj ae hmX that. It la on Smgf the heuae, and after Vaele 2fed'e Meea aknoet. dark 'When Unete' Charlea, are tmr 'nm nului It ahart m uile oeeaeteal aeeea a meat teaat te eTaedmother; . aad ft X.MOKaRBÁX. Preetdaait. JOSEPH MAQOmN, Vlee-Pre-a. "fJ! to and eat A To can't ee- - then we go Into the front raeat ta deaoe a'K. KAJWKXT, OMOROX X. IXORT, Oaahtor. ' mjmM UlMy hnajrtne the qaMgtty o(eo4 Muí and atnc aattl bedtlma, LaiCmet, rh.nni1 an that area Tnanaaaivlna;' at .. - X J. aUXJHRlST, Aaat Caahler. Loretto a. Néw Mexico kmm rerr one. besina ta never to be tai m Uea. Acctdemy Jim mWmWmW white tome of the actor have rose to' the froac a few, a very ew, have ooeae here aa ades' et the Tkeain PfaaaaM. atoa- - the UMIES eeaMtry" Opera houee roaf. The 'French ti Drama aoeteey la reeponerhla for tbetr eon. New áiíá Old Floor Finish- - Inr, havlne-- me idea et only we (meet or Of Jíu-W- polleh SOc botUee; a.urto qaeuKa' with to wr-ru-d Floor Me and Bl.P) AN GOOD Preaeh Mtora akouM be permitted - MORE! tnetr tare of Hei year, Madame mop 1,V Z " T v. r. y l koUlaa; Yoretta aa4?foftetewii0M'fteuhea. Prob-abt- Oaaota.rtoat-iaae- FaraHiira Pollah o aa. Wa ouarto..,To; tneWowmr of ttmo'wtn amllOM'tolt. v 1 ... id, a .1 the influeaou - ' tí,,t" " prore the'wltdom that It hot quité apparent liquid, Veneer. 3to, So and $!. bottle. V v J mreeicE story MWfflNTm in man today. H atoilon caaCHc; gejloae - THAT raAHttHW AWAY nttreese of the French society wea to WUaaeHUtaeei oejiiw " .. ' NH Tbe Butcher Beaton Floor Wax, on 0c; ; . ' AUtUHNCBS. produce only tbe very beet of the claaaiea Johhe'a Floor V'ax, can 50Ó oan iOore-l-I b. can aad the molt intereauar of tbe moderna, I Old Wa,i,.tho une price aa Jehnaoa't It uaderalandlar It not nMHPOor BtHeaWvHy SararieMle Vrrdlrt at CrMe underatood. that wronr. t fear the' maoatinr director cnoee TTJTTIiE PiMNT GLASS, CO. Attef WKBeeetaflTuatesi new play' to open. new 'Verej Sueeeee, rather uBproalekr the venturo. "Une reame r ." by Romeíne Ceolut, may be a Vóaderrul thtnr to parte, By BRETT A9S. but it la mi ouita so wonderful In Mbw BOAHUINCi ANU DAY aCUOlM. roRaRLaVM Hew Yerlt, a ww ahow York. It I .well played, ye, very wall LAS CRUCK8, noted , tor. tie cltauue aliracUooi. li a healthy ioeattea, free rrore ko. tM dlitraeaoaa of city lite, an Meet aaot far aa Academy. The MHIdlartiare eeauao- - ome w town. It it called "The Me Idea." by Medem Yoraka aad atetu and wtta all modera taaereTeeaent. terery It u a. rood ahow, a very rood ilar, iadaed, Monaleur- Halaban but It' la aeroewtat tire. ' ' ' oulpd - muwu nwHi aiiera :fcUur' lar mMoot eterette.- I'areata aa4 uardiaM wiu nndfVnU bmmk .awttrthle but lCheMad a.letor raaklnsr over ta'iMke some, f la lieeir. Let ua heee tbe Bucaeed-- ta aayeMel. BtriJkiriLg By;t'Mwi laMtWttoa tor thorouih jralahw hhuhhui lea romea cuiwr. It It 1 a bit. oeerre cosan w lnr week will aulle w the flrat tmpreaeeaa, omáf'-Á wbxm;' X A Fer, pertlruleni Mtdre BUfanKHI. "rosr AM'msx to baxisq AtxiouNX. - " that When he prdduced It omewhere on the and make thit truly men lortou veature THOUGH XilVKD NBOC.T OOR. i! K ba, IOD ;rty ooeat Hie la the mmmer. So be all that it wall hoped that would compounded twtoe every year. ot ose To Mvlaw arasd oaar Man toe view? Wo pay per oent totareaa, We 'do took It for a.niee lonr twr "doí" uárahty w Mata Teataa, tdwnt, and then rave It ltd. first metre-polit- tat af the aTerare Amarliaa amanmaot buaineos under the depoartora of the of and wbeooe comee Ukci and ateUka It la my am Quaraaty Baok, a provided by auoh law., ' ahowtar la Boston,, li rr.. wkaae a Jfund ulatór IiK7T. KXXT TO TXA&T OOUM OVUMi wlih a run of aeveral week to 1U credit road mmh ts renect u very ranea me Our plan, ta addition... to being convenient, 1 ante, profstabt aad " áBdwí' yim Bamea -- vy antea ,, .wis reauy huu-'l- a lne vrtth 'an utv woman who l llberaU NoboOy haa.evar loa á dollar In a State Bank In Texan.; - - wellworthwhUe aorelty that baa bkw uBavaaeful beld but who can ln- dl- WRITE TODAY FOR ODK"FKEK BOOKUCT. "AJÍK1XC BT MAECT1 2ñ0 Life 1 you you Two . Republics aocited rortb at, "The Blr Idea." another Tteeu; BTry time, see ner ran UOOnX MAHj YOUR .DHoOtUT. ' preof of old Mob Boucclcault't farooua Impemas te shake ber by m rni id cry, Oft Company aaherUin.- - "a Way U not wrlttea t 1 with hnre in your volee, "Put iwednoia EL PASOBANIC TRUST5 CO EI fwo; Insurance r rewritten."' la thli eeee the blr Wea ww ; An without aa hen eat aaHey U atteeÍBjr hia .fcaetyat to" refflake It But It did hot need quite tbe JsmMHIVCi Al ''toteraTaMIHtoM stock. wciA honatmaA eoeae daty to thoee epeateat Upen evMort, drat He renvaklaa; ather luceeeaee de,iirat Ume to tk'jMra toaea1 him far maeded, Tbe, eiever thoitaht wat there all Tern yew haa raato heard M urn MetteooMwa. It we eaaaet aftord to take the ohanee ot teavtac wtfe the Ur- n- truly. fathered by MMtaa wKheut nrotecaon. Make K yewr te aee mUKtlkeer orltl'tda with deiipat.' naeraeiy-wne- nn fknt dujr A. E. Thoma and Cleyeen Hamilton. sa- - 'ara arevlAea oaae aaythltur aheuM happen te yea. up opera' of Btaefs, one of the r la The curtain toee oa the wrecr aad toaefea of the brria atoaa. Mould K yemr hem ta take eat a veUey la rula of a ferwae, the defalcation or a .Mot!"! caartsac4 autfteteat aea Iraaiahed for so tona. bed caused Gunter m eover it. xear caauiy utaa aaye a aewe father and tbe atoar oí aoa contempla tlaf wui taat bo may toetoh ' tniMttoalnr 'and some unptniunt Built For tVCfaMt an drlra them eat at and lVe the etreet suicide tbat btd mMtraneo meet hi jlldlto The memory toe lamentable 7 aere prlaeev. of A. A. Av I'heae or call oíMee, elxth Hoar Two HeauMHee rather! debt end net from MiatW aOare of Madame .the laat fKKCTX TTUtralra raratototo OaT'lOSAI. W IraOABinOUt SU. at Ula But there a youar a rueet .ta 0y, ytartieulwra wHI by li woawt Ctotoaa.' we paonamy .me oeterrmr- - woe ataaea Bwliaiaa, ajadfttil be turailehed a eewt tbe bouie, who eomee to him with an ame aceert et the eeregany witheat any .ebllaatten' en yewr yart, traireety tmt nmaHiit Parrar bat sow. Uveal thai Inr idea. "Why .aH write thli the Calve tradition and fMoeg jnit eeenarrew "deUya are --: itotoa, weather with .for Poa't eft aatil daarereua." throurh which yo are Urlarl" she naawcoeaaww weeraan m feyd yew 'to aeea get yewr lay my eu l peer oaraaera imi It berth day at hand, pel sew, f yató eeita. "Write It a I pity, the with to Chltote Opera ooaapaay. 'getototoj1 added te ya ae eaHa jTec a.:k4aher rate. and thus ralee me menty Deeded." f topad wat "Carmen" may 1 tM Almoit, yMjamtM It la to he Prepoiteroua. lean ba sua dato a Ferrar aa estoo- - ,toKMta atlly. But whea moee two ill down K pat aa neper the yetw worde aad, iltaattoaa " . , jli. mtoaB tbraarb which may arr peealnr, bertaam Hmv primlat. Mr. a. n with the discovery of the tather! pllM. I the run aereavto or ma company, s 'eon's (baatly pma to save him. end m tona inir. mtod you Don iom tbe XtyoB any troet-M- a aarri aateeiwoa. i conrea taea Atojto. ItPthtor, tola Bade aad Defere kwVt tooth I, tor one, accepted tt aiedly. Somaueaea toma toa ether mea. átmea. Aid. Bprk ,yótt tos toraty, ba tJaaak Ml a yarrar IT a lot of run to aeemt at your awn foot af p wr m wrae. ntit twL XI ywa- - you oan' wl At tbe begin amar af the aecond m em -f-ldwaara." ltfvo -- b bp tkaiaJrftu iraara am) two re ituek, Thar bare to watt tar: tttot Pom OM toW will never rank oraly that aW aiMatlona to dm alen that tbetr plea ma tow "ratobtoto tattorfly." hat (he lean, ioc w oan nt yoa to a may of tbote Mlaataay, arat tf her actinr was The Way ro onand. iiaeii. dtaa amw tt totrfttot ptoia. bridan or orown. Surest happen, ttrerywm mat keppeni , mum Um wa vary MM tbef twjto w'firav it pes aown mm mear any, M yotor tmrth ar estraet" other yards. to proaparity, aa vaU,aa th maat aatWaeHory nam ana tnen Mil k at tfea baainolnr or the ra. eat with the At to MtoHWi totora new nuy thrato wttttoat paia. have neatly type-- . -- mr to dapoait a portion of your inooma aaoit wak taw am thai tone balare Hato toral ato., what It Mean to ta' aad gat yoar iiwaa, they ,aeek a mimjir foolaardy ,eyti tortead, U Oman or month with th AMERICAN TRUST Jfc Te, atara eratirjbere. bay their play. totoBra taoth to ftrat ahápa to BANK. you eetita Mereiae Mahee maaa mto, 'SAVINGS Than knem that your baammmmt almy that t ,K mooay mSCCURE, oarning a aubatawrial rata a( TmW Utmtlll to him IkM mV haven't en wtOuiü , ' '1 aaea m aba world how It la atOaaaar to aad illimitoiitotol tybn't Hart Bit üitaráot and AVA4LABLE that tt Itatah depend ueea Mat.- Witt he buy tt M tv Wt.000 for lit or aoarae toy prtoew iü eaitt pwa EJÍtoPra(ra((l, ÍKafr' mM Kvimg the mWNtmhm maaayer WW, aad 'da' nap aaa. ana u ueroma esepa rtpati Mai aa ambla aapaaal a pea aad ó lawrawir. Peter wm T. 'Í (C? . Sunday tíü t. Tinker' .was threatened, aakiac m . TOOW':M-t- ear ta ware thtcr haadkeiohlef If nay EL beUeve K mm lamembnt Weh. am NEW YORK PAINLESS DEKTISTS FASl aim hap padtence to vom tar tba sttoy veda for Hi Of courea they m.on auceeaa, bapptaew 90 itai'!rototodf7 taetto. Olaaaaaankay1 playa the liiiinamta QlJJSnSi 22SarararararararararararammtoraraS HUM thai aoaka tt A raatllllto deekly mare mmm ht aaa of pur very Bft&y-S- C M. tofftoW Mat Damaailty, oppoalK i ' hka. Mahets tha (rl wa haoie Ideemu CL-JDPFOF- gg-r- i TUxxrmUm Co. M3 Audit BROS. r aaanajutii r rafe fc aoly ntniHiiinwi wuouulaim anb, htau hat tt Ortm raSritoSl kail OreVera Oteme iVumma ilWwitia OvemmateL rtvame ttL abajM ham fur that Iwf FANCY t hato aMftad the bua .LHneetojnaiiiiajmn-- ffa STAPLE AND GROCERIES laiaamty to a lamliiB iraWtorm caad. S-- ftrat MÉratoraV' tota, tow totor an tw mm.. awaea aee CttM --The rato trato" to iMrafaM rawprtaiaa PVeewb to tut. KEAP THE TIMES CLASSIFIED PACES FOR RESULTS Mm jjjljjjjj

J tat "Good Business" to Tell About Your Wants--Tr- y a Want Aif - lil n Rat Card T OpfMIVMflitlM Péfr, Sally HaMtelhuiantM hlmmWabd ffffBS ,i ijii.niii jira iwim-ty- y aieaman for Vm ame OKAlNflQ OUTFiT TO BELL no neat selling Uña or it to tirara lá báillMM "l AT AlWW,MOitpAt, Dfx. 7, a. a. complete XMaSIV lori mncUiHir Hi .tnatr aT'wiaitjui Buun. Llr i wa mu MMi Ml etyfet.i your rrcpnMnon ewwiy McRiiiarr owi ma,TT; ; it eaay m alont MlVftltSaW ATM k thl rUaainMiMa H the areeat. avod diapotttion, jm ttm Heart nrMMv tmi, wtahraitil mernr aoor man if brtrit. ataM eral, fair trettmeat, brant reatatttjtios TtaS. ror twó or tura uya. tti art taoaa. aaanrabhi and caoeMe Of maavttmtf State inwhMi. ir aim I rowr- - 5if t now tn abara, ar Mr. and Bttavmis aiatw ih MiiainKSS-roiisAL- weU enccaaaruiiy aiarwuaara oav LtrM. furnttbad for atty.snaa anwerhir trata, lauetoauaT asear its ismTjejaM ltfmrfjtJ. g soMa postsae. Address Hateare, B an, rurm-i- n BtaiSaSrislMf tolraJVa drarian n. (Oetnrat cMlreraM ttdt Sm row) eeer, complete in a tact daSTT wjTbanrltaytM', airar atoa eoek mi Mi w invesiinr bunai 1;. naaaa 'ia; ewuiit atTsttS ! orrr money roturaos tfj .tiwa..ooihfjif., tama this paamiwev Mp Uma. today. Desirable res M Bla work itMstaV ' jawas m your toeaiiqr. 6"WtA11 looaW lot Lafte Fraaansv ihm VntUI in lAaklrté- - tut rl!RiÍ wr Oerdl. waTdr.,"7 " room fcaa, eolwnna. ,. " aaJj Ma td H a Tff aada win ba a ataapla Mobs are r6U mrt-r- .j. gtVot v tiuMMu In aiilm BKVaMMBLlaaavaaaai ana aéaoHna aaalna. njÍTyor tl hoiu KureKi. I redttoe yaw SftSt'kRi' en, aoea-rat- e uaman ana Sil 5V rrraleacen ú!Ipr&aonabls. aoaeunltnc ts Uta sample Jew! mott o Lead bare asad HlVhiaiif Pyk form, aa Plow1 ciaras, ar laaeaipbM at.; ed. 4 BiacfeHsritii ntHTMa. WAÍlTÍK- -rr with .yyygjl1AmSTm.-sBM- , r cara Time, IOS sata woes; nansaaa. . Féakkl tarait M.aound, taiiiuiied. i rapaar H& WaatotL wn k par S seta ot nerneaa nnHiia iiw . t oood, baavr a ásalas. cook nor seirtioa at mmd ra"tiwrno funaar-,- Wheelbarrows. private Adáraat ' LADV. Uektiur nnoaenuatar ht bésame ac it ' SSjiooed. X Rocaboards, or womin wiva raniuc mIuumm. wta rrom oitofftan. fee- - inatnled with tentrants ot bar choice. Wheel scrapars.. S all aarf staaa. WArmo-A- n; MM e 5-- microii m mecntMi Tents, kinds . Jtt ran smlat sat ba under to, or. bwrk mor stand' Big wsgont, wtm floats at faad beam, wws uaakeceniH baa- a aood AnonVr ' t m avtisawuta II oamtuiírí at sia and bold aoeJal noallloa. i McdluM-slae- r waoosw. motas replies raa.ted. C L.. carThne. ' 3 9torete water, lank, WA.ÍTTBO constelen! . worsen JEl Nlot r iataad rlraat too me on ear Una ta u aarT tnr waallli and baontnaaa) htantlrtds i honaawork, fettuir of s, Mrs. ymk raao.nmie ahirut jina.aajj boto "ror any and i furniahea autaaiiitc Mexico for rent. Hatel maaely. M 8. Stanton. rtaSi and ailraaute. concrnlal, and wilrlnc 4 Cook, outfits, complete nowv, nam rum. eery arricia, on for lia boajaebofd. ami to mlereattna- literature, KMtanoftlalt. ctory. Room 10. liamaaan Mw adjoin wad: ranees, iltabei and tenia T, Wt C, A. KMPLOTMEHT AOWCr. s E. rarkari . office. rWe r Front room In eonaaa. and BWlos rree. (Rcllsbc, a tnattoasta, it. a. 8. HaM r. car : WMnwg daaaMona Stvoveie, picks, axes, Mow to II a. m, !,auioaMatta, aanlpped Ly- - neK oiitancat yea.rTbe Meeatnter, Jscksonvtin, Fla. nammers. arms, pCktner w open up REMlNflTOrt raeaanblev Phona lffW ateei Frairt;Wai man aiabta. .wtth dandy Matnar caaa, az new SI.000 mscWne jories, arocerles, lumber for Al placa rrauy Id open JilrWtY avnny Sikh) asm a aasa óno m this citv. aaa a ra wuidred eel lent ooqdnlear aaTfaSJaet f URMSHED, Sadrooma wttb feet display or mounted and mr iecKmi!R TIMES, BRAtSCM fof gaaaaat itama ir offer., win eaamlnation. ar witfcout tieepwa porch .houekeeplnf ame m soutnweai si cultera tt aruclas. box sar.. parta;ar rocana,' aleo. Mt Árlsona. prtee. Man orders, aciicttcd. Ttxna Tar-- ALK isiorejt la beat iMm automobUe qieoiM ro.i aoe en rranciaca at. SALE STARTS PROMPTLY At M A. M. part- - rOR SAAJt- -A IUARKE AVS., w JuareaJ: ateaB rooms 1 imaioeaa in ei raao aed rtltloa. DESfltlf atoe brows etnoee m: to i.3s and and- betbi ideal toaaMan Mr raaa horse sbaat or Woman wttn tmui capital W, A. WJIXIAMSA tat tr oiuier take nasaraat In naeebanlcel device hr man aM trtta to mn apartmaw tamaa, m. Aoareia aMM iiaiaee., fefrlawaar.w people, rnone tear. ."4 . ta tala ibat hotoi dMh: eltv or Mumtryi al.aTraM . apply at obra. Pbon sm. win iptwtntM .ateeuani returns on invest '. W. A. WILLIAMS. ! . m TaMa;' War Stand, corner of Slioá MMI attar,-atajM- D Vof worx, to nam, or rOKSALE ikM KL0NDTJÉI, per FURNISHED roeaw conoectm-bat- 0 per meat, nasi particulars m ts national Aaettea Selae and Commlttlon Broker. AtHlirtiland, from parlor miañan; arawbcry. pianta, canta irn - .Btdg.-Set- Tse.WtW Ml mabnablerwaaaa axpactaA. Á4 nATfUM rt Paw aaal Aewloaa. aVatr eood piantii. mmm .month, private home. 719 If, santa Fe. pansa mum. Ofriae Entrance- to espies t flore, MtljMi Wkilw Peso pro. rararenceat an loo. . per 1,000; all nw - gala. aKmwM Dr gram A.-- itualnaal: awtpi kaai ion Also. Burr Rook rbone MM-- KverythUHr syAuctton or Private Store, W SLiBoulevArd ctc iiBwi, laMm oamum arana traae. OflTKOfATMY. Boauevafd 'MMi) i . Chickens C. Alrtoi Teaee; ter, fiornooe m; WATED-Wo- man wtli i 2: W. Ayer. M. tti-- t ' " rk, colorad and HOTKI. KEWCASTLE, SOaH . . Stantó- n- K.T. .WrtBtnv P.. ft. a. Nerakt Buy ' ' ooa atutía aun, younr. abla wortor, .iwtll YEAR lease for KWÍH0 rftanalrd.,' tba .gnsaaw Wswtsd"to Mjalawtajtyas Want. ASK faboo, ttCMIRE "Tbe mw, ntooem puun, aicam mbm,, rv iu niagv taavr. itthrrfrnMn in caía water v-r money a good must or'wiraaab. raae Martes, wlti antbId A stock ,'af nterchanaiMi, rrom HAVE to buy business aiaraetrve-rate- t ,m - Investigation, state kind of busi- Tinaa.,-;;- , l AIHSMO. HEATED room, new home, l5,ooo mbm. for- farnsa. Leslie Land Stand le;tí,íi(tB ness, location and price, or do . attention 'l ,rto sice rnone unrat, w treeirco, Ja As WAjrtEU-Poiia- ioii Mpanaaa oak. WANTED Kl ttasfl dollara.ab Hiar- - paid. Box 88M. care Times. by bo new." at' & MU KM now lnvsntt-a- . home,' STORE your aaeomobtfe at Stables, raaiaaraat or ranttr: ai i. WWm iltberal io urc HEATEB room, now" Oreer'i WANTEDTq a bulldogi must be good parfattcaa yaaW; pnri.t6 81, ropoaiuon.. si tteand-ban- d buy '(MSclJiji lpno. 5. AHra Kj0wx;mt ?UV0i - no sick, mono mwj. ilortet and' for sale. reicotTiatsot) enaai a fine watchdog and used to children. Prico young, Ttas LAHOE nere- A. care, Times. un bt. Koraanaaak animal and- wan brofcan rrfe.. Phone feat- reasonable Address niccoruiD aaa ttAVE ao to - pqblkatióri for' ha; nntru vmx,Ui ilvata;amlir. 70 WJM ., coid, waters rnone m. Stanv CLAlltvpYAlir rreq.wlHi La Batle 10 ft- case, orscountpjTi Xtm; cara Wa Oreer's mabiaa. '"y ttflatasfs WANTED S or - show Mtflisu cWrVke lown Atklraaa Time. wtr, face craata. MMtW&rt KxctMiure. ..ato Mndltton. chean for caetr. PbOM aad flret letter. . H.rW. aKIlM klMtoat new) aleo aaa ranio. DELMAR'HOOMS. 17 N. Stiaiaaw irtani riti tó6KKKKfiiMk m ' . and OehOA ata. I reo nams, euo-- f uays weekly. KV5. Room 310, First Nat. Bank" BM. to ((KAl, ntv Trutftr rn 'Firm savesiair aapariancea maa; fefereno TRKATMEIft elll riicme two. BtÍrsWBíát WELLDUHNi RE8ULTI nlahad. o; itajToHctoii..fe Te. . and drug: nawt. ,nay ONE rurnlahed and tin; t cleaning, WANTED To buy cheap sutonuUc. shot I , Jot, tte advartieere.. aarpei wjw. savsgo mrm pnone r, J. I aentely 'decorated bandpainteds chin's. pnraro iraine xu w. tw. gun aiso utoto, IP litem bill bava not' bean paid, and you ,i. . t. 11 uprary. Miss o b. or the Violin, earn Times. want mem aoUaatod,. varita Eipartaneaa MAN wttti MOO io taka ,ha mtereat in aaanaJM W. rrenmin. 0P. furnished tjeepifir - - (B?aMRtra. Phone eiH-J- r Cart. R. A. M., n. c. M. Eng. , OOOD swMnj njnjst caro TroooHon.-- tail at mi alphabatieai aojw oaki pores i 17 & family cow, Jersey unwcwri TUREClarye filrn ria.a". 3 gallone day. 1WT. wk Blder-- i Kooro m, 5 p. m, j :ap give at least a Phona .WISH a Jon on Amiaa lrw ror caeti. fnano tm. OME. tn Manhattaa WSMaais. PSYCH madraai. locates water, ctl. mln vana spanuw. for. RAl.RMMunraaU. dolnr rood laual StRAWBEHRt planta, at per free, H7 Mius (St. Fiaawajaaaa... erais and paapla. to Court Home Block. WANTED To buy second-han- d teota and treat IOOt'lUt Mobr'ao? a. gt paso St.1 neee:' now' a moneymaker: locarhm. jr., n. terlinf , judtonrt; Art DitlN't polishes native runt. h: áUiaaUiona FmsuA nurry. .awe. . close cuts and tema; tine tyatdi Better rnone NtCC front mt,Yeryaaionj3le, rranqiaco 01, if vou want V resca all the people FOR S ALE Enerlne, frame' and wheals of urate sit du Mhilt' tVrmIsIiIi I the lime, Btat Taaes want, ads. , HIp WILL sell harnlture and aaaae on rara ear.; jaw k.-- uveriena. IT'S TIM. tLK, OF tstf ttan ' apartment cMaa ta. Twó .rnraisbed rooms Agent. house) food leeloa an raso, iieiguta. '., h. Ltaven, eoia - cat d Small dtnHMr ta att Jt; Msasa)ttfs)f'.StMfyctv, . iim. FOR sale roan ruf and STAR THBATER. AbataS, Tax., win run ad , 4c ONÉ s rooms, all aanvemecces TkW aMTCJWtt. POSITION wanted by a wblie lady aa Of- - DHUO atore, new Mexico j Write Mat ro,ew6. ir mod at sa per montn. -- term. Mtaady.'ATe. WMi: . "" vorusmg'stsnes WHY not put your Wsnt.Aas taitho Times, KalMXlYMÍHT SEKV1SE. perlaaead. waltrasa, H, 8. A.f Oil ! t'ronMküic, caro ornwa. 150 1'hone you or reen $ or , j FOR SALSrrfW aat of4 fut IIJ.M. l'AY patee eHemondw Phona where are sure te 'beet its? .STwrltó forAli'ctes peia-TB- in, with or hlbei for Jf yow sdiamotmts o 7? cants qtsn you wui MONEY LOANED. M Truit Building 37ML Boxi7tK'sR Paso.' Texas. a good rnuhuiin pan rree. UU pbona ;,3 need' á waitress for'Néw Mexico, cafe. AMERICAN lady aa get We wanti soaitkm bouae tp want Ad Boy, . aaapar; or paatry Hmmh For Ranat. NICE rooms, close in. r board if QUEEN MAY. clairvoyant. Room 17. MOtf se,T0r coot b.wh, "cw Htiwaaja b. El Paso: Phone Aw-- Thnea. ... Ai Raomertf Faf SU. desired mono nt, to aU the" people Til ?' ST. rna twt nvn. r I.YON9. IP YOU WANT reach f"' 5' 7sWsUNrCsfC0 INVESTIflATE THESE BAHQAlNfl. MONEY LOANED. 448 Trust Bulldln. the time use Times want aas. fiOnK br jUrj white wontan. Fhooe m. Proeeect. tot:, furnlsbed. .m.80 aaaambaated ro,oiW(a1oae te no sicic room: do Tilo wn: tranatanti r. na. HK Cambridge a rooms .,...-.1- W W 304 Phone Ae.i rant m sr CACTUS. Mills. FwaplnyaaaBt J. 6fooio;Miffta a..,.,, nri hiftiway rooms .,,...,...... ao SpedaJ Xotíca. Aginwii 7roomfrclo nt rent, H m 0 Tobln placo, i8 rooaM aO.M FURNISHED room, ho privileges.- 8 800 County Financial and lnveatmonts. rooms: Miirofflo Ave.r rant tao..i. 1531 MlsaonrL S rooms ..... 4.... St.St I'nene gns. XAS. of EI Paao No Reoaa Nttta Pbona. Mav. MAWTMuainaia nMpajar,forv your: aaie property tlla.ajnsSy rtree. wm tna unaarstgnea, M mt, wmm waa. rop- List Ten tal and for FURMSHEb jroom. com tuith. oil N. MANY aplrndld deals have been made by T?nwaaaat With me' results.; wicee; n on, tiH) ,WAiaay m novem-- ' alii mortgages m 6., Thraa for lieiof ,vf Stanton 8t. 1 ,, 4 A' raw .ttMaVineraljlp advert) g bonds sha tba maker,' waaatV liunai 0anK. . rran Financial and, Investment columns of tba mm m l roouu: lease;. rani 'ao HOTKL BHKLDOn LOBBY PHON6 1157. botwafcea.Hl.MrT B.- D.: Beetford aaatax a. NlchJ i. .taBaaJw1 t let ffont room, ba jame-o- r Mernjngj times. ;tw "ata 'arrant. taiwM'aayVer-- Pbona MM.' " Itesl --fl iwtfirl labor .;r Kt4aSMiarañár an: maat mrat above, and. bare otbera, teraa a iSTABUB TOR ,P,EPT' iL' ity uomnantusasai tnai rii n; MKFmlPv ABatrueiiOD ihaajpari natura KXwmiENCKD mmat' wants' par mar wttt furnished rooms in borne, 1011 iatied' will not ;W fjafbnalbla for mirie,, .ean u7Paa. TaaaaV ejutppeo wm anuía, ow-- , ior raw . raaranca. trvr' as alAátrAtart.hWaad Ntrh. gt, .;taiaT - aaa. W JA-- r. AflUA MTAflll ola' ar- MBf ftatewar city Tlaturf rjompeóy an Mnii magi ,Slr rooiBi.. rant nice fursHnre. orlee LobbyiHoael Orndorff." ' Wtone m. aner saw .daw or Novartibar n.MtTi- - Jft sald .'ISiaaford wtU faxitittmat': .total-- . rant, tax),. alwaye reatedj? youaa ' , Affaaata j i MODERN room, close In, rbona nas.spt rínsa,ewB'S)ama, ror two eaen; ii Hne. aw aaamn. raaaenable - "aLÍ C ' :, f ; B.r u.rtaaot7nut, COUNTY ttl sica placa, aleapMrü ski mjm PKR MAN, l'K 8tTf8 MiMMi aaaa. iara'- : - WHT1 an; "HV 417 Ei OVdi ,wazKuir H9KP0. rs.. fur.i M.!4 wk. .mm. man cMc aieisucs, rmii n,im BWgv IfySorai fen meaparianead Ko, aU houaekeentnírifs; ttoael ,Bnk ' tM light bou ' LAHOE, sunny room.. ía6 W, Mtisouri; fKfCfsjll-- aa nour new rented far imrath;,!! only M ruR RChtModarn tiraaan unfurntabad front l Schleicher: ..a minuter, tí firat f8 ; fi'laW'líikW. iaantlón eara tnwe;-;.pl- il, - wa.yesr your tor caan. house, rurnace ana .1 ausai) porcn 100 a Orftgon. rooms, aw cold - banked by leeeer few; wo , KENARP, .aatH N. Modem tus. ba cth- " townt-roo- d- monev par Fhona vHtMa. aimLamaa1) In M rfavlt 14 C MS tn (1a AHIt si.rfifim.'i'huart.'fir nolíhborhood-- tM rnonw sat. . lasdapmaly'n CONVERSATIONAL taataOdi aaan. 5W iy 'furntshed, mm. itiiiiit n ISHfA' fA4M AM r cold equipmant maker; price' W.ioo . TURKEY dinner, bents at Tfti "Spot." booths itage. PtKne Seta.i i ir fHlf atM runninir water bath for room. ttao. all lleM houeekeee- - POR LKASa-t-ffe- room btiB.alow, 1WJ lean prívalo, roriaaw. car a. tm .AK. Proprietor. , '(faultar eoairet: good .(ehnee Iny; never any a bank Nations Ave., jpraaid yiewi all pwjnnntb. fRONT roomi. steam baa;. Phone 7, ,AM iWtRaaAáMotrto, i.pariuaoem nam taaa munwmr or reqUlreiU. jnvaa- - vacancies; aailonal INTERNATIONAL Ihsllttue. naiut wiiwoim ouj. your pnona mn. t BUILatEMBI FURNISHED ROOMS, too N. ABNtENTrtrNi PROSTBCPIVB BUCkhw-BW- ooJored. t your plant Tor that PROFi BRAVOOraduate. H teaae:.rcnt I1W) anonth: your auoor taráaa. FOR ReHT house, te; for Sew la tba tlme Allan, fav Co., aw Allan Bldt.. Toteda. 0. Weeki;-71- STEAM 'HEATED room. 107 Mesa, wnen you, warn roomnwn awaaei see toU.PrankUn St. W. K Tetsa. Bids end Proposals tañí. . AOKWTS BMMrteat touiaboltt Una on eartfi; MMi4wtn; MMfTin iiaainiw;iaaa. . NICE front room. Phone 17M.' outltbe most complete sat of plant .that you ia t, popular-price- GET A HOME, In Manhatau Ilelrhts., C. M eyea you money, .Call NOTICE! TO CONTRACTORS. 1 nacaaatuaa; new; everleld a nand stve nrarjotala be received at tke aonaiMns Bloelc. from, naiinrttce. a atl . Lcsvail, 9W Milla 'St, PRone mi. AtHtftroewU for Rsnt Unfiarniatwl or. biwt sealed will i-- poalUoaa coüoaniraial food Harare tn wriw ArcMW," iwhm secretary of the board Ot boird while leanUiiij oinatde rooma, ratn aas mentni , Jf you '.want L" 1'iiAnA' leer. office oribe tunea: parfume. soasa and loiiet prap Hatatkaaipiisg Reaawis For Rstat, THAT APAHTMKNT NOW: " MlKuil IfUSteei.iti raso, imii, dh w " aeuagaadjialai uooi, etc.; bljr dMM; eelli fMt;.l0 por, This can be tccomnUstied IW adverUatnt ni'w .vnttK atuumtnr. No chano. Take fore U d. m. Dec, M. ml. for tba. wectioit buUding. cnt proflC-w- pay duty and, tranaponaaoH RoomUur Jiouee Daatere. LA ROB front, roomi windows, ntca Maa It in the Morning Twees. Remember. It is of.a'hl(h school locates at enarna.' --Valuable lerrtKHT' open all or tion. . walklnr dlalenoe: Suitable far i far cheaper to spend a few dollars m ad a .Msiiook.. plrttjar. paoi, Texas. apara, turn. Ruanpaaiai today. AAartean bualneea everytMai turnithed. Call verttatne" now . than to have you? apart. X. 00sdaBith,,4s ,Vfaat W SU.llaw litstrutilon to bidders and tba plena aod friends Mrs. ' SrreaSoat ttarumtr and, uaafut arflole jhrodueu Co., Amart can .Hdf Ctoota- - aun t liviulvi uigtaai- mam vacant all wentar. York, , ? ayntiflcauoas can ba obtained at isa offjoa l0 ; nau, omo. ., . rooms, nicely eloae of k Troit, arphiteata, JflSai Sldf farniihed. Mt raattt FURNISHED R0 M BUREAU. UNFUKNIBHEU heated 3 room apartment, to TIBNINFI' iron, Ms, Barjaln , i:i faao, Texaa. . SALESMKN-- wa eatTlce oí - . far. im. ALL )fM ROOMS t Htignitt daaira the a rooms, m, on b. nianntu rant ROMS- - i .sunset. private .eatn, The notes slaauul br. Jloraneo L NlehotS La'.l; propoaaJ must be scoompsnltd by i s nasie ana moinon men; wm aetiw .ota mo 'pfeena. a; m Jh Stanton. Pbona CS77. M. noma . m. , rwtirie eVak or ftva thousand 'cholee' f.yeer' leatet 'a lo A. .jMl .bjsjft ,a -- .., aaaliy laarnad a law neriAHee. ta lerrltnrr MtSi uu, iff. donara, sasae vaya to TruMeos 01 ia .RteleaTuyqr: IMS',nmf new, i wmiB'i'Auan rr.Aiiii rooms nifty Jan. l, wltn our Una of art FOR rentTwo eboloa furnlsbed fbk unfurntthed apartments, peer tpdge, M7 San Anionto 8f. dtrndatM mi ptatnot ot rj raao.'-.- and" Jwainaaa calendar, , raaa. SALE and kaa' bouae, for llybt housekeopUNTi usa of plano, X EStS I tba- enter TeJagrapli Mrarrialnjr fOR Lunehroom lodf steam Beat, for service, evaryintna; guAruttaa that oafitraetor wilt rua!T'StoBÍarijSSa paaena aa4'pacialtta in leather cenuloUL connectea, ceniraity wawa ana apiaar desired. use nywmaHr . WKAn El e shirts I .skirts made - g ml rt. Bt p.vrv.". yunw hiilMlaa. - walaa,- taaaa. eloth tnd metal. II U a Una with nartt an! reod buatnesst on smalteitpeMei iwlll bo bousekeepiea; w' for i matariái furnlibad. pass City. iail fnnitih a'auraBr boadSI 1US- y LARQE, complataiy furniabad factory an tba ' board 'wttbM ftatit,' (IS) rooHV 1U1 mihuwo. nww mw-.- ionirt .raciory, awa iii iuj,, ,ihbi ESDI'S r&riZcSE&rbEE aal mona cstse, A. a, j. dava Ifter. ooonlna. of bids. Ir awart'd to en., "2tdkJ aaad Tlmál STAUtU: .WILL FIND SPICIA: itewseri r,ia,rKwr etianv fcanaaa uiy, ato. ONE, two and three raaaa garnished apart nac 9fi A MU un, ruRNismNas rOUTi AÜT0M0B1LE9 vartjUbad, Istn berrtriad 'cheek of cart-mus- t Wi atari you in bttalnaai, turnlabbjc aatV iOAiM. If taken quia. T atama. well ZlrUCLRM'f Craner's AUW ato MWa ft T be ttapoatiad with, tba arWialri4r JO- - tMBt aav and w WjP lnea,ana moo em; .Jnawi two llebt bona rooms, ml & tmpefisl osrsga. 1fe or- terms, rw Hmmm msb or Mas-- i caw Boulevard. PtmNIttJRi ÍM ' MAMi world? - (faod?íeílaa? boeas Or m'araooijaír PARLOR 3??- til ROQMH. completely fnrallabad' lkant face. HOUSEKEEPtRO )at N. Kansts! HOME DA NblM.. ' vTWttLY MBNTS. 'vWf!&t t no, .opportunity UmuMt , ' ,t where: eaoraaaina: I taanrrent HQ; saoo.'fc Pjaáawpiaa. ' rnone F0UTZ k ZINKLER, arct'ltecis. Wo.- - booklet fraa RaiítíU' Co., firawar, M, Mai nvi fot Rant Ftwiltitl ine poara rmumrjn we new 0 '"cTtiJiwairlaebanre. BULouU; ' ' " ' Drama, It; J. ; 8aVk. the commlsaion M a TWO, boaaetceepinc laida doors. HAIHES or children to. board by m all. ntdt. i" . t,a( LRaHS'T FLAT, FUR FboaM - 1771, Haivatlon Army neacuo Home. M.U AoejITB 8eu Jdtcben vianailt eoaai In, re- rnooe vacMt Dee. s. BIDS- POR . Mtvr te im HIM jiwyHiMMi r posiorrice. Crawi rnae- - jf . OOUN1 kak. staaa waaaa. ,rafaranaa. uiu inr am Raaat HOUtrKEEMNO Mi If. S teaton St. EXTRA SPECIAL BlfCOUJIt fOstCXill 'aMerleaaatf Mttraaa X X. ara Time. nianaa ror aaattrmSw! Roominc Hoaai fve ALL FUHNlTUREr fOUTt k etraooa a aaiai finar weak aw N. El I'aao, satse vAntf county sudltor until' four t n' JutNT-T- Wabaaathtaai' HOüBKKEEPlRa roam, rurn. iim.. 'fiaaWMnrtran)ajii ,nl fraa. ,FroaMt ,CUl, P0 he aaar lie- aapai urawioru STAR THEATRR, Alptoa, Taxta, wjul rwa no eaavaaalaa: Capt Wrr, SiiUj, aiaiM, it roomi and fjtsgataoaaa. arimicl RolcPO. roams. Ml E. Hit. advertising attdea at m par Addreea 3 MltaourL.Phone at tho oatrandatv tad. eurtSkMBta Tor.'-- Í. WWUi branob ataaaaara fac air- warM. MOVSSKRIiptRO roowH, sKiaala.PfcpnaWtl IW ' thM SaUU EmmW Co. batbi ajpsW" apt., staaaa lalt, nteely at El paso, Tasas. ROY D, BABNOJC,' . aW pea- dla- - wili natii ardar buataea apárale fram U BE, ' ata uméad Diid tackMr Mmi. your apara afaat o eatwaaa. voam. iow ROOMb; eat JtWA.. coiiarr aaawau wakosM'la herald rxi' Oraton. ' sy finta, Mt, eMaataa; ale. aM ae It. nWWMPIl0 K inJty .RAMSEY REAL-t- SM, SEWINfl MACHINE rapalrad k $vtklr-'u5arrli- Phono 110. SStBJBdj j Hoaaaaa rW aV afawl pinatar, , Mortsy to Loatt. Rosaan Mead Boawd Off ssVtt rooana and sjMlt.aaatlóñi fMF"" THRIDI be? at: Tba "Swot-"-; PWw TURKEY dionar, caU SIX PER OWfT. very eountr bi AOkKTs! Mrpa Hfal roar aALRnr owoer. I PR. wasted to rapraaant a sieemnr non ál3anary Loans mar be obtained for rjNM aoo inauranon eUaa sccématodatlaoi, with raecsAtabia security: t nawin Hon i ratea raaaonable. ran UvoPtoofc M:IÚk' na real asíate baatar, carved ceiiun ana, ert awaa to mw., W a f 4 itjjslfa.jtoor JfSpQQjjhlJ FOR SALE A atBfWttMM, r.roaTar. Colo. nariwsa. ra 7" aaaaja, mn.apvea am. vea Montana St., ataat !laSntkiiañmraan trisiBRl'trúisE ltoliT-.o-ai nav back aa aaa m- - 'iiañKliM nr - jBBs household harm. i Itiia i'iliia aiítrftfHiai MvtíFatteet, of- Wf 0VERT0yTjil8s k ttatlnianu. if eárar adras i accomrooda-- J tureT ptaiao; dlsmadf, real aataia. jmjdoj I oea ata, rnoaa awa--i. 11 aa. upu. Ra vtpi Hlfbiand tuiias ar aav aaad security, and Bead lyeft booj stjjsBsMsPRoBB Mat, WILL aey rauaMa aaan ar woman UJ a r NbMalLarf. Will iaka Imbb SSftSm1 wLMTB' 'fliáwiil-"tniiii- r"T-4- r tR.Ptri.BvnMMri. wriM rar ii t nt? MORtY LOARay, Truat nttuumg. l fir Aawaaa cara Tiaaaa. its Mita eaaaaad íalatr hnnaa Pwttilry anal "jLifciiA MT ORA DBS MABf, Ifgs aaaat miml aaaiiiVf need aban ra far ar 9TAITgU-t- wa naat .pneerlaar rvtu F0U3X flE. I tana ftttura wleasers In ow ? Jg ra aaa rraawaaee u. IaI boraa asrf JnMrayiaW ot u, aJV Ja rM Ms)' K, fi OR Wkl-- M? v Veroajtf hr Mt Ubsob. CslifomU St, f JP awraal lift l'i . , ., tartan, pnana . ; . A.L "V" faaedent, cat. Lant atl, , I . , V. a iimBiTsYf fttMapmaajst satartment, faatnc' ajMlXfll'S, , vjssU.t-I- qoaaa bis,, faTawis. 4f lÓBT-- aa apjQgf y . X H reKT 1567 ttrat claaa labia board straaatv- - t ; .aaan M N, Vlrainia. Pbaatt Mj?tats. FOR SaUOMt til tMp ISO blSMMj M, TT-n- Ln é--u, I rtei. Nor. It: la r. ajsaf batb, wall mats? rr n is aw Huea. st. nafta ax a. 'WkinSn .isasi rm. ntenlt' nereae, lnataam- untmiCHoaaa rentihf Bell íimiaiiíaat btaoab, tlaaakaairbae aM R. OresOn. ltd Me, tba saopia aa we jr lor aht at fO0 par moaifc. cTS7 imnSFim m& Mi. up to dale, with al u von Sitae, t laoMa loa, arkoU Iar m, BE ummtr. BBSS f . run" au. a amall alamoada. nxrtrd. at, care kliaraiktMd B 11 PaAQ iHiatBaaa ran jtKMT-- Va aeytiaa.. POLUK. fOVTZ k YsTgasa rnniirtar BaPssPyP fyr tafyTwra fgmm mtntryfi manaaMlitu lh class roodillon. bualew, 4 roonaa, balii' and ajsMpV'S, Mesa Ara. IMM b first aa sick; weü kHayaav fot ctth'or pari caan. Aturor naianwnsv if leepiniorcbi rusa. APPiy lot it,' Sianloru M p06af and board for tatatei pa, won Ubw tMaal Qafttaat REXt faawubad aaeSL, all Montana, IsW'liiaO 'tHssjMts.'- - Hsaao a i aaua UUSUL ém towj Bpi - fm. eaeteatUnt arM HaAlüM rooaue and bW. rtaa- 1 taywaad. a J, agkararttf . . aMLL'- ." m JA.-.- S: Amsp aa cante Tba "pal-'1- Carssrt POR RltffT -- . bmna, TDHkf.Y diimer, it ' anaMaoiwif aaasrsdam nlrrt.' niUd- - yon rumlabad, toaa iaaaa i o i saad pJSJPaaanraaB Aji1. u nwi Ro. SMMataMaT tí lulurmailoa at ttt-s-t First Hi S3 tm .i. n rea. aMaU I VMtTSW a aURatmVlIk kkNf-t- ktjtsaa hrrrtfi ItlrlMasaasss. aWIWawW. A lady c.atjaaeci wasua rooea and, ala or. and fa aaflca, "dsfc ssaajaasa ht por. h. wttb Uaard, private family S)fV asm Pousiat C. croM Ageacy. At roa siorad ssvt'waabad asaraaflMa mSm wST l atovfc B-- i--, Altura 0, rov asjfesHMsjMlk fanad. Addraat f. lAROtl, MW A,! BíCOAU RAND, Mas Horaea and rara lli'li IWHmmS ÉSmf JL ÉÉft JUÉM fit lili' tii.wi '"Iñíííriríi MAi-- fVl4 ON tstfla o llNKLEtt, btltia siráj ITOVSa a, 017 Thai ttmu 'kDO MCMtkY tüASBB. isf trust PuiWiasj, gjXfc tear LaW- - U atura fof .rat. " 7, YOU SOME PEOPLE STOP, CRYING YOU'D SPOIL THEIR PLEASURE. By IF' ' MADE ALL I ' . i A'lU : a ..j. as ,m fc;Cil r(

1 Pilt BCfe I .TlfiC. V

-- lü-T- rt) NJ- - IB MMtfar ri TB7 AO CJUiíi 1 MAbílGt AfWMXW v r 1,1 "TSVrUAirfl JiáW To beMK

-- ' - r :.

M ' '

Real Estate City Property Real Estate City Propertt Real Estate City Property Real Eatate City Property Real Ettate CKy Preperty Legal Netlcett. tLses. THE STOCK MARKET Bungalows Difltsretnt CITATIONJtaBY PUBLICATIOK. UPPER VALLEY FAJlM 4 CORNER LOTS. That Are of To or any W FtHI SALE IN - The State Teia the Sbertrr A rood tenement proposition! fifi) BATtOAtNS. Jka East front, racing .Alamo Heights; Constable or El Pao county, greeting? new Yernt térro. Wo hv tot to have aome money. .Street graded; 900 takes the rour. you are aeresy ceawtaaoea io saBtatoa tee tmmjjaquMm jgwma own rollowlur, and LOWER VALLEY, or Oeerge Clark; deoeaaed. rrs YKrfaaAt raa rnm 33,300; We the thMr 7 ualfiiewn heirs IN - A 6Toom cottages cath. prleea will only hold good until w CO In grant at heights by making pabllcafkm or . THtt MNim on ot Cotton acret the Socorro ManhattanThe Place of Beautiful tjees. tbta oitattaaaae This west balance lime. li tell a pleca or twot ?, 1110 an 'acre, all cash. tn each week ror eight successive week Ave. XI acret, races paved road and? TOYAir; TEXAS. ' previous to the return day berseC. bt seca bearing- Don't wait until too law. only rive lefC There Wa aa .UaacaaUy'Larae Attendant a main dttctii loo Urge, apple', 330 acret on Orient railroad at tiS newspaper published bt your county, to ' 19 terei valley lmrt. Will trsde for good Not built to sell at a profit, but built to develop' the addition, end. offered prac- aad.tbe,Sa4 r the aeejtag Seat treei; house; siout an acre, Will trade a part and some appear, at the next, regular term or the CheeM. or tenement propofltlon and pijr a or tically at cost. Tntrty-rourt- Wa Weteensed. WHh half la alfalfa; 'miles railroad, culi ror El Paso home, The bungalows El Ideal in an Ideal, restricted or b district court of Et Paae In cash, , ttatlonj clots to good school and, rinest in Paso. boats district county, bolden at the .court bouae TRADE. paved streets modem conveniences. i A No In tho valley. south-fro- and In Paso, Texas, Vood corner In south part of town; atore.. batter toll MOdern cot- Five Red pehble-des- tan brick, thereof. the city ot n on tn By JjiiooMeá 12,100. a and six rooms. brick, terra rotta, screes and 1915, the Prttt TM race' on two streets and It Price $l9S,n acra. tage, close In, for tenement glassed-in- . kltcbesui, first Monday January, the same bi-T- ICO on ditch,, all, sleeping porches, the, new sanitary hardwood' ftoors, heating 1MS, New York. Nov. be hew York stock rood proportion. Term. .acres right main MONTANA STREET' built-i- n being the third day or January. then In alfalfa that cut 0 tona to the acret plant, French doors, wide porches, bookcase and china ctotett, beamed and to answer a petition exchange reopened it doort today"ror the $3 near Cotton, modern bunga built-i- n everytWBg right up to there Wed la said A fine dwelling on í. Orejón St. i AM; nothing any better in the valley. ceilings; barrets, electric rixturct tee minute. .Splen- court on the ath day or November, 1M4, first una In- nearly roar nwtth to parrolt low on s lots, too oak floors, heating did best or plumbing.. Heal bornea that any eso would be proud of,. The in Umlted - The term. Wa wero offered lioo an acre for Iknts, garage, ' construction a suit numbered on the docket or' said trading la bend.- ooaaerratlve paving paid: cost biggest values, orrered anywhere is El Paso. Each on two fall low; eadt e paved totnent auooeaamily ef- Meta and rtivsrj ,800. Fino for this tract latt year. . We will take Í7,500. owner leaving sac- court No. wherein jay F. Knox ta bad reclated all t lots an acre It a raw days.'. city, will street. Phono and ask to see tnem. Prtees WeO'to aeeo. Terms, ateo to tteo cash, 113. oeorge forts to renew frtMinest, eve bt apartment or residence. lis: for for rifice. Good terma.: per- plaintirr and the Unknown heirs of tastatlv Wa own the above, and will make ' balín ca 30 to t0 rnonttu Clarkv deceased, are defendants, sod said form, until oaie investment eeBdlMaa re house In Orchard rarkj ttJOQJ terms, particulars E. RIO OIIANDB STREET. fleeted tome lusUrieaUon'for: aeltan. for further tee " Modern t bung-'- a petition alleging That heretofore, oa or tueh down, bataneo rnonttily. La union farms co., ,T abottt September 16, 1M4, platnttft wa law. It wu.evMeatvbowaver.itbet tba aaiama-tlo- a tM . Hawkins Morgan low, hot water betting plant, bard. c. H. LEAVFJ or brick in ltigbuna rark: jtflBOl With Bros., Bldr. noors, on rt: fully seised and possessed oí' and. bad fee opertaiotis even' nadan the rttwt lloo down, balance monthly. mxm The 287 HILLS STREET. simple title7 to the roUowtar ertbed land Éood. 'cleee.ln home on and preoils situated m. tne city and lishment or minimum Drtee. aaaratw-- a Grand half I'avingjptld. Attractive or El Texas, a marked effect upon 3 corner lota in View; l00 sold soorwte JITNE CARS K CENTS' T9 ANY PART comity Pao. known lott saottsaaat Itttitablat f cash, biUuca on time. Real Estate FantM and Raocfaaa tweaty-at- twenty-seve- twenty-eigh- t. lÑff CASSIUY'itfNEEL, of city. It took an.eutaMef to see It. e iweaiy-wa- ana uuny. in Maes torar, (sj asuauy large aiqaaf a 7 Flra Insurance. Woury Work. VALLEY LAND KntlMlUs st. phone m. Stock yards, brick plants, millkm. dollar Baacetl addltk to tne tewn of El PaaoJ the sound .ot the lapsada; UNHEA11D Jr sanitarium,' packing eomteg to i. 11. SMITH k. sans. AT OF PRICES. booaesall Texas, together with improvements by mad ana proksnred rVnBBr MVaVK1 aalP 411. wo 3 seres ot mile or the Chicago of tne southwest Investments aa tnroa- wp Friona Teiai. tine land hair in situated, Bar record nltx thpAr- that floor,' wtueh was batttwawsrlt Canutillo, miles or El Psso, with like the following will assure you that VALLEY LAND eo-t-n gallería. thn tl thn Mntnmn van at time stated, defendants Unlawfully the r. pared road all the way; good retK nf uti r lnfeuleiit: tered. upon said prem! sat.end ejaeted tais Tradin ir ail' ttrivoah lba'hrtaf i nimlnn r- - Newman Co. In" rear, corners will BAttaAtm - Investment elence, outbuildings, etc.; smalt ram store latnurr taeretrocn, ao naHtwrau- wita-ol- d ntu1 KMltolInn tkrfiUiM.u Mu rtEAL ESTATE, WSUIMNCK, BONDS, lly orchard; partly to alfalfa; ad double value in snort time; ttJMt close to. 360 acres la' upper, vaUéyi Im- daatag or S the Doeaoe .tbrar to bt At, 1nvtors aad' brahars. There 100 HAAf ANTONIrt HT. Joining bold at 1300 an acre. 9 rooms, south side, renta w.S0; lets) proved, oa mala xead andf railroad, of K.0O0. iPlatntUT specially .pleads the suited a cumbar. of nMlrial acJln neatr. modern home, i block To move this we have cut the price close te thlpang petntr good soil; Three Years Statute of iLlsaitatioM and the July 30 prtea gatnav and store,- corner, 30 100 good wlth,f MafliUa jvevaaa bl; casn, palanca sun, or win from ttw an acre to 1125. tenement acres in stand of tirsUa Five Year .Statute of' LlmltaUoat of the the Industrial division of tn lotKratF: A4 I'll acres, dandy and NOTICE. by 150, S. Campbell;' 17,560. grata crops; per trade ror smaller place or vacant lots part with a house have and' 7t 'acres 'hi ttM laws or the state .of Texas, and pray' for no time was there any raoyaotaot taggsst-ln- g pay. outbuildings,, right on main, road and We decided to reopen our ROOMINO s rooms, corner, HUM, S. Vrtta; acre,-i- ojuicktete re- HOUSE sales dunartment. to take care .of St It made. judgment ror title and possession aod serloua .Uqutdallon; aad of tetaa aB. J.ÍJ0 bungalow, a blocks ear .til'rhi nearly, all in rino stsnd of ta.too. . , moval or cloud, on tine, general relief,, etc Ing. concaratatr wbloh; aoaaa- - aso tiothlng any in Iba La our many friends and customers, but have 8. 360 acres wHMn wraaanalon line; t300 cash, per month; beautiful better waiting or Srttory store. El Paaot itft.ew. IE mlla ef El Herein rait not, bat bave you before Mid bd been rait,, there appeared ta be noa Grand View. t;nion district! tí miles or El Paso. been to secure the services a 9 lota, rants tto: WM1 Paso, nearly an la alfalfa; bait mils court, at it rorsaht next regular term, SO seU ror ere. reliable salesman, which we at BUM St. om modern residence. ft WlU MM on take building site on Tillaros or from railroad station, oa paved this writ with your return thereon, showing Dealings at ail times ware .verylata 'rat. front, rtlo Grande tit., two cash, Will cut the above prices It you last secured in M. E. Tpwnsley, whom we part payment; 3.e00. I county road; at per aere. you nave the same. ' close in: ran pay foci sure will give our customers as good ft how executed thu betsg thown by the total, haitaeti of 2i a month. cash. 1 rooms, a. , ciote iu; fxun. witness, 4. a. Btcajeaa, cien o w gis um wsaion, wmcn par 12,375 home, to corner, No trouble to show 'any of above, and complete satisfaction In the future as SO. room tenement, aauth sido., rent 47?. We bave 'several espeMaMy court of Si oounty. ataoaataa to aa4ea modern ft. va nave ame to give well trlct value, eiduslve in Highland Bee the . been in tne puu to home north ttde. - . ray ofjajo govsraatal i block car Une. park small cash I trade for located' busla propent; abeap yiven uoaer aeaa aaa seat ,ot aata uuuuo, urgw-snagi- payment, balance suit. IA UNION FARMS CO., BAILEY LAND CO., 3 bett modern bungalows on and paying ajead bicorne.- - wari, as nine ta ,ib city or iim traaaanata Bros., Morgan 308 Mesa Ave. Phone sets. wle of sg,ooQ CpJeago, uwatjaa a 1,600 (.room modern homo, 60 ft. front, With lltwklns Bldr. tana st Bargains. (Sesl) m Ptso. Text, thta. the tut J general mortgage par 1 MJ 7 Kansas, on day. or NevMkber, Fut east baaa. block car llnei tloo cash, per, month. rooms.N. txwaernjjauwaae, which waa s HJUO flats, west side Los amaller CHAS. KINNE CO. J. A, BSCAJEDA, ml recorded ta ine erty acaltag. Four A paaoUrk at a tote oT?U nntnt Angeles, good section, trade for El Pato 309 acre Las cruces Kaoe tsm prpnr. a Matt Nat Baak tetrtet court, aT Couaty. S3 valley en large Bt4. By WLXIPS, or we moat part offarlag 'were lets Tronenir. ,j aerea lower to trade J. K, Deputy. of one to five per M buy lit upper . ' bond btai ji Acre acres Island; best tract valley. at ,l)twioarkrajanfrac-ttoaa- San Elltartoi 10 per cent cash, balance aty TRADE. fi iota, .adjoins Manhattan, two ecn. 4' no list. the outaet. l ITS eiCABK BT FUnUflATtOR . reoestot were VBraL navmentt. - Beautiful modern bunga NEAIUNQ COMPLETION. 3 lot, north side. Manhattan. eh, RÜO BAR0Á1N3 WON DAY. BtO DISCOUNT. ' about firor, 110 Per Acre 100 aerea Socorro; ,10 per low, rlose Int. all built-i- features, balance monthly; I5O0, different etp. That bungalow on beauti- 1UVIL H Z1NKLKR. Cnnitrtta cf .Cemtr. . OmHeai Yoa w rSSL cení casn. enanca sun. Will take lots in uovermnent ful Montan ror at, aszs tiojjee s story new tenement, cle tn: i fw s mile 11111 St. It is tile S0, 70 iurAf to snwwnn gapaii Tutac It wu evident' from tMO Per Acrr acres half Ytleta. for equity. balance, easy renu month; $300 cash, batanee long IF you are lookteg ror- a p pttMimiiOT loamy and IIOQ IIAMEY UrtOS., cash, in monthly payments. anataaatbonx amu kf withn r tau ctttata --nd aontelSoratil to. fine, alfalfa orchard land! Largo living and dining room, most attrac- Ulifjm-- in .the lontnwett se us., At frca tía to one ia: wa for nioemlw casn. btjanco monuuy or long terms. First Nat. Rank Dldg. Phone 61.. 4 Mouses, s lots, rest iMttjb: acre wa yo varar ebolca mk far tu exchaore autooritte bad vh tively and artistically rlnlshed, oak rloors, mM - ttt Per aaa' tea vrwtmt, ta ta Mara iW bamf, la hw atw handsome leaded hair caen.. balance 4 years. Act quick. m deeded land, wnieh eta he - bep. twHtoU. t Cmaw, to tpowt at ,aw Newman Investment Co. burret, bookcases with wno un,irrit- gov. pr wr ghuis doors, Tbe broakrast room with built-in- - neonates is iosu" ly. ReinnquitfliBMiti twee h A law but Mato tara th Ctwt "?? Ai? room, rtm uave a tnap . We trnment claim atUI oaaa foi-- ftttaV.- - oc at CwMr. aai w at ta otwt . furniture. This the kitchen, li tm ms I'im u 6. ' lr?,.iwy aaa, BARGAIN BUILDING SITES ron SALfc., are all lantwajno' dead ones. berg U M RotrW-naa- f Mg. Him nmttt. ta um car r at rw, njju M or two chambers and bathroom rlnlshed thc ""w 4 Ulax 1 1, wo, 1500 tl.500. enamel, and &VCm RATE HEAL ESTATE, Uu flnt Mmair ta VmrnMr. 1M. th aaa jwit to J S7W1S0 Porfirio St.; with vttrallte white will be WANT a good ranea either DckRg bis, wuue K e Two lots near Second Wtrd'ptrk, Tays National Bank BWg., r aaa, ta aw ear r the 44.; ooaaa ' daintily tinted to ault you. There Is a Jm. First turn iwaNtr, ,'itt. SL Attractive terms. - - Exelutlye Agents. .wewera xexaa. new ateneo, Anaaaa or ud Umu ta a malta ttM M aakf uwviw most; M4ne aeetpany large basement, with guaranteed beating Colorado, oive arte h him Ottotar, mm point. Prospect soo plant and atk v lilt, la' e m it. st'ixiso. Ave; ioo, cub. fejoo. , trauy Addr MUI 9m. eaM 'TlatM. . w Mtw ox mm uomt Mru- ttkn BHIiUCI) U IU1I, What "Sterling" Is tó Silver "Mayrield" wUrttaiewat slitttWt aa I ceg rrUtah. modern brick tenement, ranting HEATERS AND A" WEEK A'' atmtt hliber ror per month, on a Fourth la to a Home. TaJMTOM. Tactor trMt tWintnt. ta mí t ittatn aiMf-- l vro ( Two desirable building .rites on Arliona tro corner,), lAY BLDO. IMP. tJ.ioo. rwu zinazucn-a- a aw Amansan and St Vrain Bts. Trrnw. FIELD AND 0., Inc. house on Tornllie Bi. at rs a tai iat taiataar aim i oooTertlbl. Bath Bt. close in, at tl.WO each; paving and .JAS. WATTS, lt; tttMa Central or sidewalks paid. Can arrange any reason i, ,f BRASS BEDS SPECIAL CUT 1'IUCKS THIS ,388 reet deep. WANT' to buy sona ur.taaprtvd lead, sny- - tot Mt 0or tOl San Francisco St. Pbn,4t(. 1 ftH at, .raw abln terms. ' WEEK TO MAKE ROOM. FOUTZ 4t ' ti nM r MMi auaaM. a atrt bungalow, rurnltbad, jm atoMM, . a Securnies la: . trooHt vMf of m:tiar t ,tw fSa.aasafi!: BUCHOZ-SCHUSTE- R fpaved street; terms. aitttjilt atowMt. a sW thoat a juWaiat CO. LOOK mt rtrn tat Mn w,..iwoompany H tad ; tWW. ITS THE TALK OF liW--!Manhattan of that amr la th MMl Yu convertible? If you want to buy a home, see close tn on If. El Pase, sad Heights. C 8. m SWMMBX; tM MOT VOO yu It 1 sinurutnt . tr toe atttVa. ar ta Sole Agents t.We U9, MrAf ariMt nave a numoer or gooa euya in anea- WE CHALLEN OC COMPETITION ON, eras, Mttt f twifit tlíOO. mm a MM m la' man THESE. . 3tjtaaaat Rittai Um toMMT ttMialaf w-- First Floor Shelden Hotel 4$ close to Alt Vista ltAka n acres on the Island, tM per acre. rrm, MvvcrutMi atH taoat.aaii tur t. mi,fat The La Salle Realty Ceí 30VÍ acres In the San Elltarlo Ortnt; fU. tchool; ttt. Hewn, ttt per menta, FOR SALX OR aaaeartr for HOUSE BARGAINS WE M0t: YOUR" FURNITURE FRtfe; , The soli It the very best In the lower tttt. reoary. tioca: 1 It 00; leu I1EIULD,BLD0. PHONElit.;- valley. . w4om btnt)owt ttM casn. far "ta, tad wafaa. atr. ad Wt Hr Mtti ftilmm. brick, wltbln rive minutes' walk . M acres.' It iper vaUey, m g atMaaWtalaay alMMlaAa)Mat pi ot tne poatorrtce, proaueing gooa revenue culUvaMooj -. ttan FOR SALE. '.Ía' A house, wit bath, on 3 carUae1, road, alt Is THE TALK OF on price or 19,080; easy Beat ira WJ that Irfwit.H terra. 100 by tto apartment In Eatt El Patot iM tvi housei at iw aere. iwigwa. ,c, a. a Atreat. WX.HOH M ,Mf feet choice ste'in rn eaay tr iiaati MtWW 111saMOTMf. Shit Mt IMM - kwjr in valley: tema, t hWti on Art ton a Sunset Heights, close bit tft,U0. terms. mkmimam house, dote In si., Maw buagatew, dose in, mod-- . r aere, 38 mtle ntver vaMey, at STANDARD aaWUia aUCtnWKá. tt A a aliitli tntM ;ma M . racing ror a daya Uutlnett comer, close In; can show yatt all -- - owloav of at ttbttaMa, nim,.ml. f salt. south. Price few KA; per fif conveniences, uw i ira Deat ai ... 4fl era 1st atratfat aN ttwtTi. roiT a agttatjw. easy ici It rent Income on this properly, rec in S4vr kn ror--, ta- - ni. particulars see tte-t4.2- 0o. Let ua sttow you. M cyWTttton. wM trade BUCHOZ-SCHUSTE- R CO. JAMES A. MURDOCK, ,';, ' aera Wajatai I ay Ileal aiatnber or Commerce. M4r. ' étnico building altM. bett in the city. If ttt near TJU, betue; látela wast a beautWitl wa - at acre la y4M bewetlte, btye If " ,yC c4rdoiitbBiit, x. , ioj- -. .w-i- . S4e Atenta, First Fleer LARUE aWtJhti m.Htr-w- Mtw pan A4 bt lb Ttraa. ny aiiiaa inodern bunuJaw. traa. The avatrt wood floors, built-i- features,. li t W 4 Buckler BMg. Phone 4M. r wa tr4e aera. WHWW won ta hast reaulut j5r I'SdVZ. t ( the ' Hotel Sheldon. ' aiALTY 00.. If vaur aa inmiatllSBW"t Ti eaab you wfll iiurcn, lure nwii, niriuuiiw a siore aaaest FOB 8ALU. tng Kilted at tto per month for a "M aM a gaa taiavtata rra. oa J feet, corner Overland Camp, on corner of best street In the cltvi fhian ttt wtmm (Or taaW pHaf Atm pWf 7SIN - and . ttJO TO tM, HOLD FOR 41 A aat rtauit aatrtr a belt su.. cheap. will rent for iw pr monta, cut from fM . FOUTZ k WNiOJCM. k week. yquTz a No. 717 Magorrffi Ave., CQxIM fU; fine lo io rojou. Lioerai terms can l arra 6tLMpt't W ta trasalar naad cation for an uDtrtment house. Aoareta v. u. box 7W, MONTANA STTiaiT. jijiiruMje poa ott Not. Magorrtn Ave., tlful aaraet la rtoldlv rant 3r awatjtiUTrtojf or PAiTFtxa- - hale--- a anew Kttdeattal PATWtWTS), KMJtX k NtUW. WAJTRbJalaMI f art roata hauM with to or fll. UtW reel. Price IJ00. For bran brtai t) with fine boMiaat' It la tiuw ifl bouse, oto N. Florence St.: 43 lo jtan in neat rea street la nixoKta YtMia attkntion Tba asaiiiiaae 5o4oa ttaa litar by tto ft. Price H.tóü; l,ux) cash, balaftce noors, etty tertns. Price s,7u Hurry net. W will build tor on s eonatructtog eara, twaoa 'Waa.. aaaaa aaa J narr. a.r3aara Quit the habit m beautl. a a a ral baataaa TUSrSS Marta Ttma. at a. i tatha saan vASE HK KHU, rt at., ouermg tm cnoiee aaM warn h ntaaaeq ta nta on ywar catrago sax No. Sit San An ; w will draw A Jur - wa ! uraa or rarat, la out i.storr The La SaUe Realty Ce. 7bSC mm accord- Ai ta uar laaaaasfhflllsr. rafar Haw jautos. raaianatt caarauona aaa tonto, across street from courthouse; to MM jptxsr own meat; an mm h necet. HHT bank or ffitt aantjany nt at ly a ehaagat, utctuatng vw it. LORRY HtrtALD Uífid. PHONE cstn paymHW ato ta aat r fitanflllaJo. fflS pycalr. prto ad ta. B. F. MAWMKTT k SON, It. fore of Mt, car Ttaatt. mV, Tens St. SAFE, EASY INVESTMENT. Is to Silver 'Htrlltlá an ataaaiaa la walfctar dUtaaa. bungalow, on corner ataUa. ta ta a Home. una km. it ataada la taiiartsa. taraw. caatlXJSiBi large house, wtih baaenvent, Ofililta Mul; Mi and imp. co., inc. uukMnw sta Iwt at.artc'ad 4d the y .rraut lítacapital. ea aaiai auiav mm taw ar t rent permanent tenant "tat; a44 tit Mt-l- bt Uwm. to you and a fair pram un"jm. Rapid ar NAR .NEW H10H SCHOOL. out or your salary, and buy It BaMiaiC Ta kra"2 ndteattar wrtau- - rtitnataaa tari Proswty. la tur to Inore rtp. all is the príce4Mtít. terras, brick. ooaoarn ytm Htay ao u a ma-- Idly. Get your brtleW slte now sitd norcni a coav utsH wiU aSAXTY.CO., tnanf you m a itar nwu. Vake aHrUa or, tfeejow Ktut. lets la th What vgfartiatr la b ftttver --btayftalar AUSTIN KAMcr awM. IIJ60 AINHpl HONTMLY. ttbiíiií ntuuiiiiy payuatsiia. at. tt. swoya, wnm r. u. aysa aw. Firs JM- - ;liUf. PboM 613. trama atabtS. WetMai bonaaa. etc.. till aide of Miniar to Cay ray aav bat at tactaaTaaan ctv'se la M. bw vTte Realty Ce. ajr aaout Jmr dollar la fcie Mita ata mm ba ear day tar am ty aaa-- wa or tt ' IMÍ HAWsXY attaXTY CO. To nay roota as saw' MEE US mir rSaU ' waa vooaud.tiofttosa ta: aaaat a amtk'a tfunittaa It4g wAg UM. to Iratl dltwtoi t Maca W - paac ar anare ear I Ara. m flatai lot reach . wwt faajaafsy pf JU Paao pra- taaarai i tat flf WRwRjgR w$R9'W9mr wej mum ertv. aawi rasa at bouaa. caoaa la: autat aaibaraS aatjavaaaat wtll a aaM off. tad tb city íwnátwtwaaW NEWMAN' TtUtNT CO. Mra tajto ana 1st to aaafc flnaT mF Ttatat aar iatlasjaa ta aba atty attvvta BUCHOZ-SCHUSTE- Mtly bbMka I A4drt ImWWT VaHMaaf 9tmW9 Í R CO. VEN Culbaraas ,. t ata. rMBar VMaaf9 9 Vr. ooadmssMfli, wmo m. prom - " . ogaaar chana for aa rty, m jh mm w ALTviu. W A aAAK BAMAlM kMissi a mt NKWMMI KNT Í Oa tn mrmL t ÜHJm tritr, i5aaair 0rur, l - ft WANT W buy aitaaov) i rootn brtak buua; rtiiisj yyeor- sTt-aVf- aw tetaasaaMBajÉeL. f a brand new. wajBT la ta aouib' ,: vJ kWtjijtisjfaBja. tí ra $mm. sSSra "Wa Mm irraWe ju,. klTaio.'Teae. Lobby mbm oiajatrrf. ear Thais, dry ca tit noit tn. tiv la aaa tata. Ktl. ati aaaaai ta Vadera .awaja y HtT A númk la MantMlUut Melable. a H. asm al you. iru. tsT ssitis pi. ptione ts. WW Mtnatlta QIHLTS ANO BLANKJiTS AT A IMCtAi. fl you watu to reach M ta laaal U ta gl22Mjiaiae?eaVJ faaCir TMtat yfwxM.. routs a uitauia ta aaa Taaa waa ttav aa- -t It, 114. EL PASO MORNING TIMES all El Paso Business Firms from A to Z

leeira aleaMar of every laesas ta aaay m-is- ACME SMtEt HTO WORJaVChM. A etwátern Iron aad Wire WerlM, Xaurrmaa. OMta 1, Iteere. Oeaaral saae 4 Taeae at. Pnotw ftaV leetet coatrserses. JMiaar aaa .vemiUtHag swr specialty, nl Tas St., St rsso Tex, aveatas. Aaaaay .MacMae. Mi Mint Bjag. fténoTstóiw Carpet PAY CAAM save aliwafa-fa- jVlTOB SjL a aad Haeaey (w your t .AaaM MaeSSaMty fat faga WHWMI W pdf wrv AH work raereaieeei. Hie as mi una it wmxMnt. m business, bu$i Mar. at Pi(nie Co., sit oowta "Ral stea' SHoes for mn. Psfular Dry talk rt Goods Co. TRY City rtaaaau jaawer WW - the Co. plumelM Tate I CASK NATIONALS, M ret Hm. The tsel M W. Campbell Si. j4mB liesairinf. seteno-Mat- aw ana p caar v Thin; paeae PRONTO CLUMUkM, m Tesas, Repair worn anal sappiies. t businesslike He. Saetiai prices o all repatrlng. Work guar. tele A treat, .4t i n. Oracon St. hé anieed. SUcgeM, Mi A, fltaaten. Ph. iter, Art Cooa. CiMst'st'tO Sweep. StffM. ra- - V'aa'steñóirlraehVr Braitaa'V BUfc mm seas cmmnetS swea--sa- s sm ie eae de" McixiftTotA uo. aaa vatdaar ad. ib mm, PIMM business aims goods Mlk JSaadnraraWtrfi. paired. mt, your and vertUHig. Phone 1M. shawa,', aaarf. n llaMtam advertutie mammas, Mesieaa drawn work xui strap: t . Raal Ha47 a. CHIMNEYS SWPt. SWrat Mt tp a re" EL PASO SIGN CO.. 4U Mesa. Phoae UM. direct importations. Heary Beech, m 9w paired. Plwtw M. Art: tor Simon. Francisca St. caí siegue fc i i earn. CITY BIQN CO.. sot ft, B tan tan. Phea Htt, STOVES repaired and t, up. rima m AaiarioaFll Realty Ca-- estate, your business will increase " 1 w Spacialiat. hlaru 'ci"L. l u. j." to AS3AYEK AND OHEMMT, KerasatMVS V free levernmeflf land, valley land. El Paso tateme! eL It sick cam to shippers to tho El Paw Brneñer, Mmees Leeaaaa SOe. Mrs. Watwra, WlToepecl. DIOCk, by rnatl receive- cartful sttentkm. ProaaH rnunc end accurate work; OeOi W- - Camero, MS OUNTOWa 8TUDH. Luoanae horaaS'OrBÍds' Store and Office san raneisco ai., ju raw. t Af. T.m. Aadaaaaa Healtv Cssaaav. Fixtwa. we; Ptra. 3W Harass! Bids;. phone ASSAYEHS. CHEMÍSTB. METALLURGISTS'th LEawsa. ttnt. P. S. B, aasafara, successor to the Gateway umciwii nprawmnn ivr Cigart PatrkiltaJaV city rixMire ee. gourieaaa sreeaaaai. era ihltuxiri as VI Fian anteKar: umolrc and and Real Éstate Dealer. tiro met, etrtteat aad hoasst terrlea for analysts coal, honest prices, control work vaMetaKr; of FRED HHOMBEKOER. Flr Wet. BM. 1ajaaaajsasHas1sa water, etc El Paid, Tali. Box 71 But DrufjgtHi. Greeere and Meat Markets. ANDCnaun KKALTY company. M Haras Phone eMs. Storage- - Warehouae. INDEPENDENT ASSAY OFFICE Ageat far M HADE mvo moaey on groceries " ar mea, popular ata. - fred sehaeter, drumlec lMHlaad her aad' shoes lassaaaaMtavVMMtsaaaaaatjarfssasV pre shippers" assays ana cnemtcai anew- aaltafVaiaaiWtVWa years. saieealty. M4 sad. fresh, ssaals. The best of staple aad Minea mí raftnMMl uaoa, PrescrlptieM oar EL PASO TRUNK: FACTORYNew ..ware. fancy groeeegas; aUa trash meats, cut positively RiiUInnl. rW a v. Caras SB D house, safest location! kmsts install ryor. t Win aw. pnea. procer aw wyomiar. Phono im MA DM. phoae tOU. Francisco and CMkwalMH Sis.. rue, Tax. v eeehfsttse AeTeaietea.- AiiattN ft rate, Ii CUúrYeyaMÚ. Dmars anal RaiMaiavaaa espies aUsthMr. Teiep skamon ASSAY áóSaubliahod 1 Fraak Hatrdfatting. LOCAL MERCANTILE AOSBBCT. Stove for Sale. M. ar. ' u Muutcr. Aaeavers. sc;iAi.Ehi-Kiiaoii- ü sears Reports ratings of tadWdaili. c uillard sttitnv m. RkM. FHKK, datrvoyaai reaeusr with La Belie Preu Pre ad m&t enemiste and Hiu eaghwrs. Agen far aerlptlons specialty. WH MM' Ave. HAiRDRaSWNai, aMaleartae aad "Marnelio" lections.. M fathers of the Naaeaai Assoc El cream, nv i esw. aw. BARON, Shiuney sweep and stove repairer. Jaa ore shippers: MTiwfRnrjsco'St.. Psae. face riiwa Phone 1M. , i Rodrigues, nobert. huh ui Aréneles. tmoAtmyttg Marques, Legal Co., exas. - tNartieaMM HARRY PATEMAN. MgTn Furniture set 8. l r. u. bwl wi- moire lew. Stanton. Phone 3791. Clfinninir Drue Storát. A B Wu Mwne uw. 1 Attorneys.' NeeeaaKiet, Oak. Noa bStWf. If. , Household laVSCIfUSTBR CO., . Charter tit Btsatoa, AuteneMIe will call, l'boa S1. 'LOVE'S DRUO STORK. Mediate. Fouts ft yjnkier. U Hotel S avía raoaoi, tlufui hJ.l t HUrp, SI 3 San Antonio. Phoae M or MO. FOYEH BHUS.' COLLAPSIBLE &3 fretfwilif M3.J. Cloankig and rugs, A. P. CO !., stoves SET UP. Ervtn Furniture Ca. HttU PhOM fraing. household fttraishiagsi carpets, óf Miss corum. M Buckler Dldf. 'pfcaae 37ot Re si Estate aad ta. Phone Swl Brno 6tore. A. E. Ryan, Prop. Open rica rurnuure. etc. Agents ror ine aeeiy sursnce. uíuu. i'buh in, in. BR1NO US YOUR CLOTHES TO PRES3. all nlrbt. Phones mattress., We make window shades to or Movinar, Only M centa a Suit. Mereeead, tita Tailor, dcr. Emerson & Berrien, 321 s. El Paso 31, BOWLAS C CROWELL, Stove Repairing. m rt. ore ron pboae mm. Dry Real BsH,.laaafteee. M Mills Biat, M 5. Santa e St. Good. Horlsgl MoviBfi call Odom'i Traaarer co. Chalaw .amowoblle. Instaranee Agencie. 8, r. bAbmett a son. STOVE repairing) nsw parts Bade .aad ear. nocr-rcc- i to. ciotnes, popular ury uooas Hsmmttt Bol Phone tM. ried for all makes of stoves. L. J. Peeler, Curing Painting. Muaical Instnunnt with D. ft II. iron Works, corner B. Fifth 4 M. SOHOLO, snd S. Florsncs Sts. Phono 311. A.dCHAS. 'K. HOSS. Cleaning Work. " Educational. superlnteadeat of the Prudential Life las. . Amo and earriaje patoMaV. automobile Co., Rooms 36-- 7 Herald Bldg. Phone low. Backer Bros, plano. Piteas IW. i PHOrtE Agents wanted. ' JAS. J. WATTS. wpi. recoverea eoTraeo w m m. DRAUOIIN'S BUSINESS COLLEQE Book tot oer. Texaj. 1'boive 8i3, a Clanlar Worn, tae beet El Pase Plaao Co., oldest Ho uae Ui íl rajo. .sn Freast seo 8L Phone si cleaner, toe beat work. Keepin. steaotrsay, spanisn ana Enc Jewelers. W. K. Schuts, Prop., sos Tesas R Morehesd's busy Uttle shop prssais iEL PASO CABRIAOK AND. AÜTO JPAÍNTJWJI Ml 8. MISSOURI. tlsb. Furnlsbes competent office help. teal átate Agencie. toe, Phoae SMe. CO. Auto painting: and trimming, 303 & Guarantees positions.. The most college In we west. WATCHES .cleaned He. main springs 40c, New aad Secondhand Machinery AMAAMsaMWAsVsaawMWVVsj Cersats. business It. F. Dtvs. crystals Cssti gold. u. t, nammew aea, rest estate, sot Texss FINE uncalled tillor?msda suits and ptnts. Maaafer. Poeees. Trust Bldk. warrsnted tie. tor old a See R. V. 110 Texas. IOC Han Antonio, Denver Jewelry Co. Soutn western Wrecklaa Co., 9. Du 8L Pearsaa. Aute Directory. 'American Lady"' córtela. "Mme, Lyra" OENTJ.EMAN wishes, to exchsnre English rungo, it. aawftaaaaaaiaata)a corsets. Popular Dry 'Goods' Co. lessons tor Spanish. R..M90. care Tlmea. RaducUon Sale. TaxidermUt. Motor Co., aaaeesoriu aad car. grammar ' Dltrabuton of ireHoao 4lrw DaackiaT. COACHlNO, rrsUe and lililí school Nuraerie. Slock reduction sale of skirts and dresses. MeLELLAN BROS. Phone 70. tot Frlseo. t branches. The Thomas School, 19 Mesa. Jewelry and Curios. ury uooas t.o EL tAS) NUltSEHY CO.. lacHVruit and INSTRUCTION lo H new daocea. MlM FRENCH Lessons at hornet quick appren- tress, shrak-s-, flowers snd Toilet Praparatient. se nucuer raoae sroi-r- Wale and jewelry repairing, mounting at Regal Sh o wlndshleW Btose. niag. ticeship. ProfE.;Eperon, low N. Oregon. pianiai roses our snecieny. nursery ana et. ABtst:lws.. radiators, tendera, stones oí. su muni. L.urioi, oouvemra. phone Mrs. Grace Beasea's and Miss Allen Berg bus oregoa, greenhouses Meo block Atemedti DatMkwg Spanish taught in ,tbe shortest time, Sheldon Hotel Jewelry Co., n. cor- for aaie, 417 Texss. Aéadnii. Colleire. usa. Flower store Elite Csefecuonery. ner or Texas snd Mesa; yaeae so.1 A. W. Dry Ooods ca AvkrittobaUa, and 5Jfiple.r All the nancee tauvlvt ta elaaa and Jewelry Kanairing. p Jaet uejareen, mgr. Transfer. tWaavs,vM aVjaai,aToa' ao i private leseoas. Ryan'a Paaclag Academy. Clactrical Macbinary and EafpM Repair Shop. ure fti ngni pnces, ki cleaned fioc, main springs tact Pomeroy's Paso Co 3. e4rleb rw - watches Optician and Óntometriat. El Ttsasfor ZPffT Lf3. afta pH HWIWiW Oto'li Daranf; and Kieetrie motors, electric geaeraters. souui' crystals lie All work gusrsateed two KCXS fitted, guns aad .pistols .repaired. Oregon. Storage, bsggag sad freight Mkf.- v.u-- ye Oeneva Co., ,san An. wnwra mvcawy ! i it a. mb aofu. ars Jewelry MtH CARL C. HILL, opp. City SVtfi FURNITURE CO transferred, phone SKI. muí BiiA srATume run ropuw m St. il Msea'Ave., s. Baeketor and widawers.'do not throw away ' to)o Water Office My optic serviee tmbrsces III ,stBn st- pi 7. "your dotnlny, uaderwear or nose because Feed and Fatal. more than tho selling of 'Heads' includes sa puns Jlavié JklflliaBOMA or Take to repaired. Attea Arms ft CyeK Co. "mauiaUoo." metn tke" Ward Jewel and Watch Mantsfactarer. accurate eye elimination aad frame adjust' robe Repair Shop; 7 Texas. CALL the nio orando Fuel Co. far hav, ment that will give results, . raeea 7WS. Reaal Drue Stare. m N. eregea, CUasagar, Maaager. grabi, coal and oak chunks. MO Si, St, . La Vleleta, Table Unen, bed linens, fino .lacee; laoe St. Phone Max. NEED GLASSES? See Wi overlsnu. curtaUM, testery: atttc or eettoa. Ward Vrstn Mil. wateamskars sad jewelry reps)rio(v, PEOPLE'S DRU5 STORE, agents' re Hay- Tynewritera, . 10 Baairtial filigree werk. Lew prices, 5ÍQ 8. Slaaton. r '.tó.,eh4ndfra. pr cot robe Repair ibetven Txi. WALTER S, CLAYTON) , Ochas aad First. Ornamental Jréñ. Phone Ml. Phoae us tor pure teed, also '. Junk; Dealers, eaiei, X7 K. Sen Aateate. Pnone 1M ar Its TYPEWRITER aad orneo StIBfly So. All Daad CatÜá; hay and grain. Prompt delivery. . ot Iron and makes asM. rantea aa reewrea. via ' MasufacUirers ornsmentel wire Manufacturers. Mills Si. Phaae Mt. Agt. Coreas typewriter, at PASO IRON AND METAL CO., ISO SaS) work of all kinds, southwestern Iron and fttig S dead cattle, borses, taule Florists. M Wire Works, 704 Texss. Phono 6083, pflylvti'o-Bo- r TMHura cur ' away tree, I'Mae 7 lBmedlately. AMoftlo. dealers tarasí Iron, rubber, VeteoaHtry Surgaont. htm ad bauled copfer, brass, aones, etc. . Paaae so. TWan-iVu- salea Co.f 3 MyrOe. WE handle the very. best flowers la the Oscteopath. Second-Han- OH. R, A. HIOOINS-Ph- one tM, tM south Üefttttt. eltv. DeilMaa for all occaaMnS furslafceá iL,t.imiia mi,i ii-- A4ip un vw.. d Clothe. L- i Oregon, liospnai ror nortea aaa pos. anaavraafi inMn.mJi en two days' aeHee. P. C. Pappas, El Paso's ISM E. Overiaad. Phone ttii. Astitas, rheumatism, constipation, .relieved by natural means. Le Plsne, N D., deed prices paid for second-han- clothe' ot M. MASEli. PH. II iT. Octavia snd Sen Antonio. E raw Sarbeaiie Barbecued nMMi freab a deaUslry only. Pyorrhea and St Phone tm. Livery. su kinds, tsovi o. Stanton. Buckler Bidr. T."Brown. Phone 48I7 14 Cotton Ave. i a any.1- - se Texaa isu rnoae iw. leoae teeth a specialty. Room Bldg. Pboae 119ft. Livery, boardlag and sales stables. Pom' OateopaUt, RagwUrly Ueetued. Sccond-Haa- d Good for Sale Far Me. eroys Co., S. Wardrobe Repair Shop. Dr. 1. & McDeaeJd. dentista. Room 3, St Kl Paso Transfer iaVVVN,W,MaVMS Oregoa. Phone UU. 30S-- your Charles not, m Paso and Overiaad. ''ClajlesSury" swe wool uaaergarmeats t H. F. Wright, M. B., D. 0., Herald WHY throw rwsv old furnlturo whun dressmaking alterations. '04 NORTH OREOON. Claaaacer, MaBacer. tor mea. Popster Bry Goods Ce. Dldg. Phone IMt-- Osteopatny a spe- w tro positively tM hlfhoit ptyeri ror snd Br. Lee MelaUsa, us First Nsttaaa. Baak cialty. , aOcond.hnd furniture uvd boUMHolfl ifll airs. r. II, uiarse. ait tcaaa. iuv, m. Biflg. pnone sac. Fee Man. ayyy.vvaawMVVVSSaatA,e ctt ci Paw New and Second. Katia aro, Watch Rap airing, pas. BROWN ft OALLÓWAY. 300 Mills aW Staadard, best make. II N, Stanton. FolM Packina;. rnuno revi w ri raw. LLEN ARMS ANB CVCI.R Phone as. Hart Sebairaer a Marx doshes. peeaiar WE buy.- sell or trade everrtMM la house. EXPERT repairing. InttrnsUonU GOODS packed' by Getter belt the globe. watch Dry Goods Ca, . hold goods, stoves, etc., and psy more Losn Co,, Sil S. El Paso 8K Detective Agtcl. Mamsacturissa; Jewelers. Transfer, atarace, repairing, rsi. jju-mh- and sell for leas. Popular Furniture Co., BkyclW and MatoreyU. sou siesa, Ave, pnone mis, Welding. THE BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE XOETfCY. Fer Woman. HAVE year old jewelry made into new aad Paisttin. tnotorcytlea. Ivor JobAaon ateces t mod; prices work gusraa-tee- WANTED All kinds of furniiur we psy lnvestirauon nisae, at civu aaa crimtnsi Reduced prices on jcoM Popular artlsao mora for vaup aon ría than aav.llMa In the POTTER WELDINO CO., 311 TXS, BL, WlU cases. 1st n St. Baak Bldg. psoas use. and suits. A. if. Lomtiardl'Cs.. 107 S. El Paso Sr. Yaltea Paint Co., m N. a tan ton. Phaae Hi7. good as new EL Dry Goods Co. city, set S. .El sso. western weld your broken csstings T PASO REPAIR ,HOP. rarnttort save M 76 per. cent on new csstings. 31S S. Bias ton 81. Phone m. Mattreaa co. phone ties. ind to Dremikin and MilMnary Fiarnkisre. Manufacturers. Pastry Good. ipert on tit kinds at metal weldtng. WANTED To buy1 seeood-haa- tools tad Shone MSB. Bieyclfl nd TWELVE years m the maitress business. Home-mad- e pastry, hot rous aoon and guns. it. Monr, so o. raso ai. 5ppli. Median and high grade. Complete Uae of Outside, merchants write for prices sad evening, largest add best 6c loir ar bread, ti Waahing. . ice a: Sell your to M, C heroin, 3M Wmdew aft furniture. Foau alalrler. save moaey. (H4 mattreassá, renovated. at The Pure Paad Bakery. M. P. Bossier. old aaaarel J. aaiaaaaasaaaatJVaayaaa tfl'veeatalciae; MANUFAC- peso, raena ves. anclacyu MISS iu SANCHEe.rtrst.elSM Satisfaction guaranteed. EftYM prep., 06 San Antonio St. Phone sew. ti Windows to clesa. Pbofte tria. rfLbrol!?lSaii aad auarauoaa. paeae mm. Fttrnnwc Packinr TURING COC, M 8 Vlrgmia. Phone llio. - Kvaoing ' "a Photography. Wool- FREHCSt dressmaker. aowa -- -a ajf-- pi - easy' riajawg Underwear. a4aaaMaaAaMMaMMWMM saeeMitr, Paeae ar 7i N. Xaasei. HOUSEHOLD seeds fasted, seared sad ftENf the ahd'siW Mi DU Huong ta lha rnp ran. satpaed. Ssag a WeWbaea. Met. ..H. h. niukUa aarlrl nr. Jaar's saaitary wool uaderwaar aad XafAS .aejps ateasM. pawe 3TH. Mrs. t. Save money by getting your meats, fowls. 8. Paso 8L Elegant stwil 7 accessories, ropuisr ury uooas t.q. H. Ciar 4flr Teaes Qonna. tlH t WIÍITE 8ÍWIW MACHÍN bFFICE. IF you waet to reich u the peeete all the Mt S. Stanton. H. L. Stewart,1 Agt. i5SWal0aiSe)Je)ai" Aeeerdiea, pletUnr, M-- Buckler BUa, S. Stanton, Paeae SWT. Out of high rent aaaaBai aaaawnaiaM I imm uae rnaee want, aaa. . Mauame aen. t SALS. B. GAS.. 75C oil, tte. dlstricu SEWINO MACHiNifl for rent. The essv Phoae" Phyt&iens. running Standard, pheaa 1W. rout 4 SHd gold jewelry it popular prices. Pop. . "Ttio Heeae Bctwol," 'Mi W. Bowaanrd. Mita CAYWOOD. úresamaklng. GoMard CeraeU. Zinkler. tit N. Stanton. ury ww km. Phone MM.- AH coawverclal aubjecta aod Ir DRESSMAK1NO neatlv done. Phone Mtd. sewing Machine.' you want w resea sn ta people sii the Spanltn. Day ami nicbt achook Mrr U. ' "Aaaaafd" f ooraets. Potmlar Rent or buy "The Free ft mantón; PrhieJpal- - fMÍiWMAKTnO. Phoae wry eaoda Co. .'atde laade to order, wo 8. El Paso St. Rogers Furniture CO. Phone 74, time use Tinaef wsat tds. 1 Scenes Showing First Cattle Received at the El Páso Union Stockyards

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Tiaa litat iaádmsiiintSBKBsel mtúm (Morris m eoU by the Df F. MCofanmtaion oasnjpsknx to tha Clay, Robliwosi JfcjCo, for MaWtpli Co. TV mnr ml i 9&uét k'C) awam afantfatg pasn C. M. WKKmow, DaV- - Joita, R. jVkar, Joka TMbott, Boyi Sr Jobs, Boyti. B-- F. . k to W on tba with J. O. W Umky Job Htvos. A.J. KercbiYiL J C J. Joba K sWIrjjht, J. A. Tape and Tom E, Ntw JL EL PASO Momm flMEl HrimAn It. Iff 4. ECIAN How Your Wite Hair TODAY Be May Made Beautifulr ln Ghir Favor Br LUCRKZÍA BOM the Vistiict b Will -- Sfatdti 0TT010tHt1f4t Aft? VeTff tftohtt tto 4r teMMtttsf'sti' You Try the Rest But You Always Come Back if Ym Weik THE NOISE OF THE ím pats-- a Masías; eihrtse for Me wan StncrUt Lucrté Bri, tkt M BOMBS." tnout (rimé d&rnm rho mm PM, bwt It to toNe aa aaar matter I. a tfrM, in mix a atreeic aelnMan Mnetnr the Evidence Properfy trttti tMnJerfui imtritiis eetf. It la 0m idteaalered atcaaMrH EYSTONE Euro fit ami Ntw York tm accfftmt tf wtth aAareeft teeth krneK and altow K H hit rrmflHble brtuty ni arnrtW at dry M ever aiaM, thea bmaa K eat r K OMEDY kmmtnt, to ttriu fY ihit n the momlaf. De set aee the Wnelni Jffer ' é. a a éJñdBl ieriti of mrHtlti on bMty. Tkrt U W"JHWeja wefl IIVI.l.r.VI SntlVejuad-- frobably no authority hir fueA in with a net Iron ar K wM ateen Mm Ketr Our rtock is the Utgmt ami beMt' .ssortsdl in the Soutkwst. You ante to find wht ym Hi ttrwett and mott It tenet eoly la reaiajiUiSiMnaaeerto. ai fhmr iftrov4 that aafr tnraa fray r utoif Snaden tntih&Bt of atmimn nd prturvmt 1 want at tke price yott rmtA ' more could you ic) C sts stasis sstch week are wsck-- ,; . k WW '' traKtiM ím" AIR (hat to Mrb? haer w1aHeere Mi a for d sought after by ttss (eonornical housewife and well stW may, as our weekly offer- -. , "yeSew with u "The U" Iseftea Two Halafal Keel pee. tnfs are always great rnoney ssrrers. eHewwHh aearteet, In aame eaaed Am heir maybe re- T ato many wewea. el ered to Ha matara! eator by Tee two eanaea eaeh of Brean tea and whea their hair dried mraea eaae. Pat the aerna la a te tan erar. aorerdd aet wtth three avart a koWasT Tabourette 45c Tign themselves water. Let the mixtura etmater MM K" t SISTERS" U redneed to ana' quart, then (train aad. to the AtciiMBt bottle. Apply freely ta the eeela- ana 5.40 year f It there or twte a week and Jet the preparation wu BOthJn to Uve dry dartnc' a'aentto tnaaeaaa. (or. babHa Unleea. the eator pfxneqt eeNa ar av Special in Two Reels, Their pteteHr atrophied the foHewmtr reetfie become Ur, aad wttt reatere the eoter of. the Xatr, atop It Featuring the Famous thlr aepearaaee to from falHaa- aat. aad act aa 'a tenia ta LUCBS1A B0RI careless. lie aneal haaKht The proof that older women with gray te of Iron.. litrun - atlia. Utfrin hah- esa be bautUul cam to ma at the urelaberaadl fauna GISII SISTERS Waldorf Hotel In New Torlc, ona boom tract ef reeemary doraaa lut weak. Two stately woman at least orama K year of act mad a thilr war to a tabla near ma. They moved easily, aa If serine... 1 Dorothy and Lillian aceuatented to dally exerelees, and held flower water Hptnt their Mead high. On wore a costwne an't betlaf that beeauee yea ar be- - of champagne broadcloth and tfce other entma older In reara that raer hair Absorbing In- a wbtta wool eult Theee llrht ester haa- (topped rowlnfc The eetto wMeh A Story of enhanced the aoft texture of unwriflkled farm the boib ot Hie aalr are eaaahw. Feature of eompUxlone and the wavln etraaáa at aMy puehlaf upward, and M yaa 'wMt terest. A fluff white hair. hetp their aotlea by maleare and ear, Restoring ful ehampooln yew eas keep tutok, First Quality. White. Hair. aloaiy hair aa aa you X teatf Hr. Apply have never aetn white hair raer a thle aalve to the aealp onee or twlee a tractive. It wa abundant and viewed week, aa It will hetn the arewth sCSSSBBi with health. There were no thIS saot hair: , a. or yellow at peak that might have 'we White vaaeUne. t etmeea from the use ef hot curling 'trena, Caeteroncold drawn).. IHounoea bleachea or borax washing powder;?," Tabourette like cut, nade of solid oak, "ElVof ave'naer".'.'.'.'.""; dropa" TOMORROW In bad condition of the ecalp, a emal. V golden or fumed, 18 lnehes high, 12x12 white cale surrounds the hair tub and And axerclae every day of vour uta. laches square top, very etreag for re- exudes a yellow matter which streaks far good seneral health la Inportaat te NEXT WEEK WE OFFER MANY J FIRST EPISODE OF the hair arennd It and make It keeptar the vitality of plants, etc. Special sightly. may - the hair front SPECIALS IN oa sale only. .... Tou "blue- the streak: to 7.w w uu aae. Telephone table and chair aa shown here, made of solid oak finished 'Early Engllah or WE GIVE S. AND H. GRESX Wednesday, "An Irish Olrl With Fumed, haa place for book. Very etrong Fuller; aad-fjg"-0 Spanish Blood In Her Veins;" "The Light-M- chair. Special íor both Chair Rocking Chairs TRADING STAMPS. 'A 8trolí" Hell Bent Wretch;" "A Rocker like cut, made of-- solid oak, has spring Brave Man," and "A Mine." They II seat, fireside effect. Upholster- Zudora Amusements have connection. upholstered back, (Advertliomeoui' , ed In genuine Spanish Chase leather, & regular - f WE GIVE 8. AND IL GREEN THE BLI0U 112.00 value. Special oa sale Monday Drosiers VAUDEVILLE ALHAMI! RA q qj TRADING .STAMPS only , pi7e7U are showing special in "The Win (k) some Widow," vitlgraph We values Clrcaselan Heal enterUlncr aro on tho botrdi this High back fumed oak rocker, heavy oak frame, Mahogany ' Broadway (tar jeature wun ussy genuine leather, spring seat. walnut aad dressers, aad chif- THANHOUSER ueclc at the Alhtmbr. The vaudeville an (tar Spanish Sry nr her famous wtak and all Special in Curtains for Next sale.-..;.- foniers. Upholstered. Furniture la Daofeld rroRftm, Deiide good motion piciurct, mi Values Special on -. eOO cast, including waiiy van and' itugme beds, Davenports,"large leaihelv'Roekers WONDER elude suiarinr, dancing, comedy ixetcBef Mack, will be Monday' special feature, Week Fumed oak Fireside' Rocker, has leather, automo- aad and muíteal acu. Mitinee U1I1 atternooi seat, posts Parlor nil. ..."'J.1 o "The Wln(k)aome Widow" la the merriest MADRAS CURTAINS un bile leather back.- Very heavy aad furniture. PHOTOPLAY bKlni at 3 p. m. Contlnuoui performance! merry comedies showed to record fast curtain 120.00 of aad D arms. Similar to rockers. t1Q CA Come Monday" and. Jelá the crowd. t Aamiasion 31c. no scat reserved. breaking crowds it the Vltagraph theater aad Scrim curtain at OFF Monday Monday night will be "Army rtlhtH at RKGUIiAR PRIOK Special only. f AuépU la new York where they show only the to above., .913.60 Featuring the Alhambra. One man from each com- now MADRAS CURTAINS In a good assortment Arm chair natch ... beet. Prepare te attend the maueee EXTRA SPECIAL-- Rrfcker made qf oak, finished pany of the BUth Infantry will ro through MaBdty, ( the picture win be shown But of color, .suitable for bed rooms, Jiving JvIonday arma up or gold en, base rod'ded to seat, sreeiAL? Marguerite Snow, the manual of and aettlas the eae day. Regular 'price will prevail rooms and dining rooms. Regular price fumed has T bolted Pictures 10c beroro a committee or orneen, In aad the (bows itart oa the hour. Today arm. The best IoV priced rocker wo have ever Eací;i. an elimination coateat for a atlver cup, do- Specially priced Monday James Cruze aa bill win bo the (logan aad $4.00 shown. Tbur choice of a large assortsaeat TV nated by the management. Every infantry yea een't afford to at it. $3 60 ot sheet and Handsome regiment In the: city will take part in the rr!!?.Sub fat curtate ia solid color, for light pictures, size ISxí 'inches ad fraxáed p4 Harry Benhara. competition. Thti irtll be In addition to StSH 6ISTKR8 AT GRECIAN welgrtit drapery. Regular price tf luree, si oi irame oxa weitae. wesrUlaf Ha tiro regular vatidevnlo. A) the present $7,59, Special at, per pair...... efUeUUff and 250 values; your ohetee for Xon-- i t vaudeville entertainer will close their en- The fsflsous Olsh sisters. Lillian aad Doro ÍMertíñ eurtajna In ecru and .with day .. Pro- gagement white, neat HEATING STOVES at AW The Most Elaborate Tuesday the admission will bo thy, wW be seen, appearing agettir. for 'edgei Regular price IS.0Q, to IS and SS fO An reduced cent. the flrrt time, at the Oréelas today, in 'Special, per pair. ,,. OX SALE IN OTJR CARPET DKIT. duction Ever Made. a (eectai two reel drama, especially writ- vm"U AND RANGES , AT THE UNIQUE ten entitled "The sister." telling iaajw .tSSBBSaw. Something Entirely New, a story of absorbing interest, featuring Hoatiag stove like cut, burns Last Installment of "Trey O'lleart" at Liman and Dorothy in a duel for love, coal, nicely Something Never Before Hie Unloue. the wonderful aerial by Louis thl It special feature of the first quality, soft nlckle plated, Attempted. Joseph Vaneo conclude in a blase of glory. ine usual nunnay Keystone comedy com has strong fire pot aad grate. Three reel crammed mil of excitement and pletes today', bill. Don't mtM It. Read A beauty only r f? thrilling escapes. You should seo this by the startling story of the first episode, peOD SCENES. all mean even If you haven't seen any ot zudora" in todays Time. Bee mis won each 3,000 me oiner- episoaes or tnt great serial. der photoplay at the Grecian tomorrow. Animated Weekly Monday. Herbert n tacn episoae a complete story. ranges of 1,000 People. and Anna Little In "Called Back." Fame come In three A Cast four reel English sporting drama. tto STRONQ WIGWAM PROGRAM sixes. These are excellent advance in prices for this excellent master bakers, taking very little fuel. A Complete Story Each piece of the Ilei company. Tuesday, Maty Tha Wigwam today ha a strong bill for oves.' tOO CA sHllTtlllTVar Week. II Sunday patrons, including "in the Hills special teüU p of Kentucky," with Edgar Jones la the leading Mr. Jone role. Is well and favor- 16 ably known in El Paso Inch ovea. AA Read the Story in Continuous a. m. to p, ro. where be formerly trir7 u It waa loaaing man in iiock. Billy Quirk, 6pecial )i.UU TODAY'S TIMES. famous aa a comedian on the stage and on the screen, will be seen In the comedy, "In 18 inch ovea. n'ra WIGWAM uftuej Ature. ' Special $iVLo THE CLASSY AUDITORIUM. x. stanton st. Water Heaters Extra, U N. STANTON ST. Two blic favorites today New ikatei; toswuctors free; beginners At fiRECIAN EDGAR JONES Invited. Ask about the club. Presenting BREVITIES. Hills "In the of Kentucky" new Y. M. A. buUdtef Rev. Coale will lecture, to 'bmh ad boys (Advertiser tiandsne C Jut Ü!ÉllLHa? Two Reel Romance . ecu.) aoh)td will be formally headed the only. Theme, "Chtekea Cssm Heeae to heard T directora Monday by WaHer Dettr- - Roost." Prof. Hutet wtil sesg. ' BILLY Dr. tbert. Dentist, s Mill Bldg. pur- - Pre--, QUIRK, la, whs will come to the car for the A Gorgeous Film IN , ' pese "fren Biabes. Try the new Bar, tm set tn Ostriches .Substituted for Turkeys. best. T. F. Keltíi. pres. sentation of Cl fiucckl Wirt ta Tha Tlnr, "IN BRIDAL ATTIRE", sa Br." A. A. Freedman, phytielaa aM, r-- VAUDEVILLE fhocnlx. Arl:. Nov. mit ((Aad Fletttres) reea. m--t MUt Btdg. I'baae ww.. Dr. rret. Dentist. Mea--, ic Beau Bier. Metlea purchased from the farm hear ' ' - A JTunny VlUgraph Comedy v une cuy were served to patrons Phone en. te Set) MATINB TODAY of the Roortnf-1- 1, fl'.M aad (t.M Coming nose - 1'red Harvey eaumr house ayatem on the cleaners. White werk "The of the Xas- , Santa Fe or per i4l. n. te. a Beginning "AMERICA" oho", produced by Laatfy In lieu túrkev rnTht.t.uu. , CeaUauous PerfersAaaea Is, r, and The Innovation la said to have KUty David Belasco himself; I been a great ehrlet Keettes fer Hea sad Bey. Dr. Aaa Reus, Buckler BMr., ever r Adsnlsaloa 1( aad He to Trinity ttetbedset chareh. Boulevard Heed Ate sethh, MS Texas Si World-Famou- s New SteT ' The Taper that roam. Ph. 1417. KimnU. urn aad Mesa, t a e'etee. Saaday aneraeea. near Oretes. j York to your home. Oataiag. 411 Trust BMg T- taat Episode of Ship CeUea te G airéete a. AEaiHAiBRAMOKDAT NIGHT 18 "ARMT KIOlt- TREV O' HEARTS Br Special Wire to Timc4 T eaoh oompetl-tlv- HIPPODROME Tempe, Arlx., v, Oae mast froaa eotnpaay, Sixth Infantry, wilt ge through e At THE sv The cotton ita etUag up axsraieea here na turned eat teo bates tr EgyptHa drill, ntosusl of arms aad la aa etimlaatiea atapla OPENING oontaet far a silver lavtag oap ares anted by tha Al hambre, Brought to your very lea so far tM veuon, and tea miinsr Unique Today ears aere already aeea shipped to Gait meat Committee ei of fleers will judge the eompetltioa. tea, CRAWFORD Wwjty Hir 30 door in amazing, accurate AND TOMORROW where the oattoa la being d thl Special reatare Motion pictures of tjsa reoeat sumir msssuvers am Don't fall to see thla three M teason. the' mesa will be ahowa. motion pictures for the reels full of excitement taagweir Taag Laveadir Lloe first time in Hippodrome ANIMATED WEEKLY, MONDAY ear, raat Herbert Rawllaaoa, and Anaa. Uttle tulcabs. Uaouetae aad auto bag history. . truck uve beet arvlee-d- ay ar "CAIXKD BACK" atpM. faene t. Tke SSow AU El Paso Is AwaMnff. A sraat Knglleh apartlng drama In four reela, Tuaaaay Jos. D. Gkss Preeessss Reels Centinuoua from It neon to 11 p. Htachet, hot tuneas. SudweUer. Six m.: to and le. IVIoxxcldmy Presenting in all its glit- Chave Couaty Lead apea. JV JfMil irtre 10 im 2 Hue tering, glorious greatness K. M., ov. s.-- A tetal ef tat complete production Ml oMand In the an leva perttea Lyric Theater flayers q Only the aauaiv win o. BIJOU af iu of the world's most stu- Daeeaaaer It. Tbia luii. u kt the Tataaa section, aad u awmttar Densoi From t Lyric Theaser, Now Otieaas, k pendous spectacle v eat of aMeaUoa. "THE WW(K)OME WIDOW." Liberty Tkm Msvriewt ol Mrry The weoaat her Is tewa. rtaeet aeeai CosntitM. "America" at the Oes. tor. J amisión, atetsns of klaaar. hli sPEaWtraaFr' 'Sjeea Otear Misgifc Theater dar, lila sad ressas. an Htlta ttit. TO Vaaa M. Fossjot Use Dates, IMLH Sstmo Play Tbmt HW OaoYoar re. V. My jhM. m- -tt U Tke Ru, hmhm Det ap44Vr tK IMaMl MBkMsAtftMrt 4Miet SaM raHe yttat wea aay ta mm Tksstter, NowYsark Qty, ami QrmUi a Prnrowssl TosVa Miem aeewrtlful I raat Oa. saaaia' ueatrai ar aa m " aai aetiinsaiat a, OkÍsf OBsflLosalS aaeeUl feataea." n wee that the tstwhs aea tera up rreas faJ&mlt3&&K& that atty te sbm hwtrrast.' WttUta i t alo, "Ttuc wwwitiM mm xmm Tanaa. Nevar asaa'hava ta M 9aaa. That alrurer, MSjaW Xaaaiar. wtU LeaewiW Teaa I, si 111 1 11 Ua aata P Siva a oh ,) af pratrasa. Maaio tiimre track tm ahaasj aa ttai aay L Grecian aad aasat (arela, PSaaa u make MErmomun TODAY. Do' satoa tJass extra rrfbiiaa. twataaM Nw T, M. S. A, READ THE TIMES CUSSIFIED PAGES POR V Wtr$ a The ghaa lMa. U9ULTS Ttwsoja,et Ark, av. sv-- Ta hay af la hi

Is One Time Diplomacy j iTkMLYE er ml lyexj utofcf?tsTifttf T My M" itvik Cít ííeet of vimmm wul Hutu

w íIShé Imi HpHTiF ii flit SET tfíTfXtO jt

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PCRÍEcTCY, MRS, - aun tACH rwiMS iHt, , WvtK :Kcrup- "PERklAlS, ,"PfeRí:cTíyfl I i l KCCtllOW Braf VOK nHE fl8E-- C WHE LEAJ JER, i HE. HALL OEf-l- THE. SOUTH WALL 15 H IGREE,, WITH JW'awwi' 'ÉM te&AMD yAÍT 6oT RACtf- - THt SbT ME. - , MbCtSSIT1 . ,4 iSiMPLfc flUfeSTlód ? 1 M Ham! f ,'i


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5b 5Lto Vfeu

M ,?ctpfcí ROOM AMO,

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idnfilÉlilt itir i, '

tJUAMAMM AOIñdtTlSt W THE BUGLE BINGVILLE BUGLE .08918113 Adiwneliig rrt hinrtma wire ftm -t kHMriMt ee en to w I r1 't-- ñ .,ivr- . i. rriZw-- YOVIX MATT TO iuimnunruiiir e effesgfcled J" B A ikVeeJee

"- I V-- ' .'I'm -' v JmW $ ' - lTTgipM,'''''i!?' & I HAVB TOOK. TMB fc'f V- - TO - -- Z g , V '"' LAOK Iti ÓN .WXC-W" f S Hew- - -- , VfiMA JMcesATIfevÍf vHicH.A$;'TSiPtice-- - ;.t"4Í

: : - i .. t r : : : : . in trobd helth. thank eoodnessj being as Arae picked It up In a seekond H(z? Samantha. Smi-- t porte their homes until haff nast 9 or W Sharp I If o'clock, but remain playing these Mrs Frank Stilraan dont gad about hand book store over to the co seat re- Up vniimlli aa cent and paid $25 cts for same. This 1 mi nncnrrii sinful games and eating appels & quue as raucn ane aonc a wimc ago Ennybuddy wanting kitchen nives being as the-- ' now baa a new baby on makes four books altogether whitch whet up or grounded in WASHIN-G- donuts and otherwise partaking of her hand whltrh her Tnirtv now has and legal sciirors or The Leading Paper ef the County tier doit Ame on hand fackt ennythink in the way of cuttleery, the tiesnpots oí intkwittyr to home, beinr as she aJnt bringing" U statues. Ame is bound to have law up cut, hunt up. Bright, Breexy, Bellico, Buttling rejrardless expense. This only fixt so as it will me By the time Rev. Moore had up on the bottle. , of I bought a new whet & grind stone Sarah Calamltty Corners vis goes to show what a man can make of reached this Gore of combined recent for whitch I pad $1.50 pint he ited these parts last wk. sarán looics hisself it he tries nsra cnua. until could almost and I desire to do enuff sharping up. to he be hcerd all well and she ys she feels the same. make this .stone pay for itself. over BingvjHéj and was sweatin These is about all the news from the In Sllewilk your sharping up paternage, I like "yoke and poundin End which 'we can think up at this Hole am a ef oxes ennythink speshial happens . KA5 SLOCOMB. time. If Miss Susan Weodberry sisee A into a the; pulpit Until he nearly split latéf we will let you know next wk. oingrme. hole in the sldWs)k right In front of í. ate olk tb. bow'MMl in two. Them as had went to sleep nKeneB" , t laem tick teiehur tie Woked up With a couldn theP, 0. to whjteh she had went after Br tlbrlo boot (Q Ue eay start and t Hard Winter Says Tram rrtrj iHtut flew go sleep agin for the noise" the Peti her mall last Tday evg, and being t. Peter HoWn who, thinks he is one blinded by the.Uetlta inside she couldn't Tke tfeea Mil t4mtitf mealon l tki mu tr. W rw txlitT: la taWttMK, Aihwlia Tucfeer(Ourvrairiing of Bingville smartest prognostikatert, see where she tkpf;sd wbto she got mid tee iM h. For hrttwr Uternatiea Mm cell ef iUnii tb, eeiUr, oBíety cateen, who ajas sent out p'erdlcVs fhatc we be a going to have a outside and as a result she nearly sprained her ankle and might jest of iriyites for a, dance at Her house turrible hard winter this coming win next Friday evg,, got up and swept ter. well of broke her leg. has probably forgot It is the dooty of our town select- Yer omen ine cnurcn wun ner nose in Pete that about EDDYTORIUE, ON DANCIN the air. Several other young folks this time a r ago he perdickted that men to look after this hole in the side walk and do somethink about It If During" the quiet & aollcmitty of follerd suit, and it 'is reported that we would nave a mild open winter and that what follerd was one hard they dont why wUl only git last: babbath, the soshial fabnek of unless Rev. Moore apologises they of the will take their names offen the est and coldest winters that Bingville bigger whereas it is big enuff now and Tick! Bingville was tore from centre to kert wrtt thrmitrh fnr vr1 winfere. too big for that matter. circumferents, as we might say, & church roll. . As a perdickter Pete aint newer made ever sinst then happend has We are of the opinyun that Rev. what mutch of a sucksets and folks here & Mix. been tiie talk of the town and will Moore went, a leetle mite too fur Personals Lekaís abouts dont take mutch stock n what probably continue to be for a few in hts denunciashion of the soshial If we are to expeckt enny slaying we, Fill I he says except that when Pete says wks, after whitch it, will be forgot evils of BingviUc, and that it ain't we're a goln to have a spell of (air must hare more snow becac essybttddy ana Bingville will resopm the even no "harm for young folks to dance with enny sents knows that a person tenner of way. now and then or have a friendly pares tor rain, cant go a slaying on bare ground. her Pete however dont seem to git What we refer to was a red hot harmless, game of cards. Young Winter appels sich as Baldwins has young boya and we nersoom that the sermon whitch Rev. Saml Moore, folks is. folks will be blame fool will keep "right on perdlcktin sort of begin to melier op and taste Yerl our beloved paster, preached in the boys and girls will be ditto, and until sooner or la(er he hits it. good. Bingville church last Sunday morn- Rev. Moore oft not to forret that MUs Tabitha Joees alnt been very ing, whitch come like a bolt outen he wasfa boy onct hisself, Abe Own well for "a spell back on sect of a week Soles His back, but we she will soon be expeckt-e- AmejHillyer, our attorney; legal truit Tickí! the blue, being as nobuddy d Kti back good helth agin. the. P., also Notary Aha Withrrnw lhart wotild seve a n that our paster would launch lite arid'Jr of lot of money this winter by half sol Cy Hosklns wjfe nitt Cy 9 fs et Now is the time of yr. tcKgit Publick, he knowd Sam Moore coming hisself out in tiich a skathing man- eevs ing his own boots when t&ey neeéed wool socks for e this winter. yer bed tick filled with good, ner of bitter denunciashion and when he' as a young feller, and it and tapping the heels of same also She says she never seen a hujfwJ wha was so Abe he made a speshial trip te the was so hard on his seeks as Cy llfHsit, eeft rye atraw, & I am abuse sich as he done. wai our present pasicr jesi , onyasr ayray full then as they made co"seat where he purchased a aeMters ad iriwye Tt' oartv who has eot a. whole Being as It was a cool, crisp ef mischief outfit consisting of quite (jUejty of cat Mountek war Mat Stter'4syto wjtH te morning there was a large audience cm hvthera days. Ame says Sam leather haff soles & heels, lie teme his rifle hee M gt a shot stI a deer. siack of rye straw to dispose of. present, but nobouddy known or Moore was one of the best poKer lasts and shoe pegs & nails and awls but all he t i eftt at was a om Of airarse I know it won't take all naberhood, also a and needles & wax Keen sewing steer belong to, Met SImpsoij wW suspeckted what a awful sermon players in the a4 until he of the stack to fill a, tick, but ye1 cxnert dancer, and wassent above thread and knifes to trim teeeer with he thort was a deer after shot was coming. Rev. Moore a nounced et cettery. St it, and Ste was turrible glad he cam hnvn as mutch ef k aa ye his sermon as "The Fleshpots of takin a drink of hard cider If he Abe thort If he had goo4 mk haff missed tbéktg as he would to ef had Bingville," and he begin in siclua rot the chanst. In view of these soling his own boots 5c shoes he would t0UgePHneerse4 opinyun Rev.; do odd Jobs of cobbling for ethers and eeMed at the Bugle This ryex atraw of mine, wa mild, soothin, quiet voice that thern fackts t is our that offis diy wk to pay us a few the. bounds when thus pay for the tools M beeew, but he one thrashed lest August and all piled TrfriOUtnrt CANfcS'CNO LASP in the conerecashion who ushuallv Moore overstept didnt have good luck. doliera on h ltbeak seeecrjeihiea and WtO ana aan-cl- n When he went and goes to sleep dropped off in a doze he denownced card pinytn The 1st pr-o- f haff sole Abe tried to he fennd et h4 up into a stack. It has stood out with all his and begin to snore. a he. done, and that next Sun- put on his own ho he et his finger and left his eeeketVeek in the weather swtac then and the recant, with the nife and Ju Wsself about a money In his other' sents pocket he was After about five minnits how- day h way . inch deep in the Ug'-m- tee all and got turribte disgusted aed se was we. Life toe of the stack ie wet I ersoeoi. 1 reglar ws ever yr. ever, Rev. Moore got het up to his AD THE BUGLE FOR 11 stuck up with sneemekers wax and does this te but you ort to see how U and subjeckt and went after the new MOORE'S RECANT, fER- - give up the job béfete he had hardly! Xggs still eoetinnee high in price. Ras REV. Abe he will ékpose Slocomb had a old ken tie tnort a toed 4ry the atraw under that U. fanéeldi dances which has been in 1 started on VIDING HE RECANTS it. w a ter- est becux she was a aped layer, bet r of into of his set of eetfeUef took at Why will ye lay on a hatd. terdooced Bineville tooth and rible sackrlfiK in order to pay. some-bud- as soon as egg went P 'n twee she nail. GornsptidiRci who uwjUnUwdi the btaeew of Mopped layJn on Wm aed this made Ras 6W straw tick whitch has had the "I ..have took the liberty to look Cmtry cobbling te henéete Ms boots for him., so mid and dUfeeted ht h killed her erne straw m it for perhaps the. LANDS END and et her citen dewe to Voees ktet In on some of the new dances at Sunday lor esnner. .ys ae ws eaet 10 or If yrs, and not sleep dances which has took place U sf th Be-- QviriMi so doggd,4ul that feH a power W i in tüm Sawn tk well and twiet Jb skwirm stssel Bingville said, V4 lot of chewja te her, aed if recent," he I was BeéeeeásM. Smhiieri, eee of our twna sveitl, euee mmI - Who, cm tki for Mr. he had of knoVd Us he weeM ef chhk iwtr, kandallsed beyant meashtire, es- lITuí.' fat bt leetes sue ) one o I mf Mt Mkrit4r riiiiwssea spared her wértWesé Ufe. and fit np in the feeeinc peshially by the Tango dance,, to 111 IiMfcaw fiM Mese iwennrinni hi ovr piw aonc He Uederweed has bejnent a moamf Mr. k Mh. Hrwáti . law éwA wka waahhur .bete 1 slep say rvotWnk of thel Turkey Trot esi os, ese wn a. i W il yo bad on4a 'fWf: UeáaTlÉ herself to git and th Bunny JIugg and Cas- ülwUtak akad Usa se that he sesptc tep tor almoet JssC' er the tkilM mv ntk. wrtil he and the lio cmm we ww walk without HMia cat tt can sMttsffrnes tile Wa4c Chikken and rr"?Km fMHer. grille and stKkseeded and w soot MmK mm ltliik' rit Jr, in hce of ka uo in Ms bent m the Kitctfft fink. If I had a dar iw, I Mt oils' afore wMtek wes bed for the boot wl fret rye straw frena nee In, Rn AtkiM it weiUttf wfarter kaii her all out ay Hft ter and I Mfcfced her dancing enny for AV for .9 aer no. It wh fin ym bed tack with m tfcnt.when of these I Would take bar atr,m a Crftyer íc fee. TMt h Samsnthe ke Bé' W was sd tñére w out beh'mt tta woodshM aftd rive I tver sinst becuc she over- - tatdTsa láéftii íe but sra and U U a too4 VMii fer gut (MseeM and new eke her a good apankin. jNrWftft Aft tc MrshHf en Iteesea feA. wWtek wae etkkm oetee The' straw j there Ja seeck, ya. youn ioftcs wn se anee oy esteem. a . p. ilé tt jsjntvme fMd if you don't ttee it to' fill yenr dancing tttrribU ol this arc thi fofa. ttttwW reWa, Kwiio an4 reentytis. Whet ticks with it MftSi rat pHMUy. becut the Turkey a rot trot: geo4 áéee it. do, we aek, te mt te be jaeeefr Oisster wkttch he. in Wa Cenan Betty HMs 'ier ketteror WKrtch . JeM mhI help ToeaflMlf ssai dithlon ami tat caatife Wi to steert ted ee se tthiWr - knowd taejMwee a mm k leys yen Uk it Jkes Ural Thin seme- fa iWVe all kMnKkaHew. )iam m yon seen. The vtkm tt W tiáteinal ta 4 Beaeenehef Aaisr it eent 4e ne iswe. wisp are wttUttf'to pay at tint in-- all U away your Hvm in this wtsen frtttr sttsn et M cn Mr easts frtvvhMM luntonl Not only feat, ssfnsmcat wy a tip Uw nWc M yiU xUU in ámvel pfHjan Am ínohiic ai Uit oW several tacks to ID I win inatse Ym btwrd of partfe Utyer,, leerse efe lingvitk, I hv eeetwl seise 4bmM iwp Yfejw fa;stpnaw MtUot kntafat VMiJjifeeekifs wfukMHi in our wbr buims .netnes. ' wSmi 'hi Ce ttwen iamli ím sse?w"HÍ tp m iMdi . was kvd and where a nunc called fil4 le pmU will stueV w4ee - Umt tad ee aa aewa- was 1M etr aánflaenAae "Vnnura" at . "uw Anuí Weelw ,ew bm Iks mUk. eits that, eeíñeT esn"BBnney played with cuaeed carda. Some, of TnU Is tae entr sVAews aee Altteü n this Veek U eeV t Am aere ateives. Jf aet execkly whet wenU eel awe sssgitlln. oht yung fonts often doot rt o of ka our aOM, yrjnee eke Mu4 yet 0w dsjHHsjMsjs

Great 1W WMmJi II M a . miimi '111 amm f áT It ill 1 IDORA A I " jÉgjÉriiwtfe9M TWI Qtork ssisy a stssogi soosot. Oaea be muttered. aiMMIMÍMk) "ftWBgSla WO JWwmwMwíkiMÍ frf .taHag JOB A.aawfAJ fililí smUe'aa tbo room. "Lot's got Msislsia tbottght tak - laao. BMMM ti WÜA 9Tq mÍIk liWÍ ÍMT ft be kit bkar , rKooayor há(eoWk. rsa boM ÍHa utkáa, - mU ORARni. Aaok, of mor iitsio4 sssMed be rAlBOS swa. caa aaasa nra OS SFOflM koWa' WojI Xa .Maeom peetiteatkl swamp , Bakashsd doa't stoat .taa' Certataly bo wOM aot bars bad ajaaawa KIOTkT M ao. Ias lot Jj. tf ' ,'" m seis ét a rasjsd sseaatoto As tbe miser grew stsosajst Jm Wmmm Ám fatty. seoa Htssast Aiff'slad at that mosseat am i 'a' tafUl LÁLk. Mfsrrasl Wkeoame toiaag yoá Mm tratk. KcmMm tsbj ÉtoiNMakal affah C1MI IVTVl aJPMV JlwVM WifP "Wo,I'MhorbtttM, 1flk'd'ywaa tbo evil pfirkbjr "I ais ?a k "What ta Mm pM árt yoa agakst tbot - Lk- - . 1 tík sil abeat the kdf- - Te ky-- i KkMhtar lakattr Joba cried ZadorA Wwwderedly. waheri" , v. J" moa woaW " 1m lÉtiiiÉ! Mm tost' was tbo'eaaress a yo. pkwbeil. t saBsklit1 pt kró tabeo of gkM thk rti ,Wn "(So yt'or TraWs Wothir ke kwT , Whea be faoed nk fir mm. It wl do aot propooo to see yoa support a it Btfcoor thlaotoaMy higMoV W kor fsbber to have tbk hopt sé tUt yés) "f whkh rsWvi( to uksissHt iMOMtloas, filled Xtléf f t H woald boro rafcaórl" Mm oo laaa, a ire tkse he was geaaaaeby 'waa aikt fortuBO boater," rather kmely, - sH This eapklaed the MtaN- t the bok. roak:htair, aele i her mother bad bao bta stseor', tbe' gM ' woatd aot bo botberod wWr fottatae Maki with a SiHMsat aMwW toi wM)r hWMo We eyea, '"P yW'iotit 44 That'a aoatease," she deckrrd, wkk spirit f t Mm M, yoa will marry a dab or a prlace, Tm little Uvtatka Sooofim All's own. a esas frota tbe hole, tsk.wlla, was.bkteobaotd'ldooi' at saastaat 44 wf' Mt mi "Tea. Aa say aeoosats a to Joba telk the trata whea bo says bo k abk He eytd tbe hMtf éjoeH la 4ír.Al- - of aa daoko geodaaUy tteioai tbo wNt botooM a famoao beaatfY Bat my adrko Today fea jota ifftej t Mi the greea ,i 't bk kMi "Oh That's hk Md thora." eU toko care of mo." a. to aVtawdt "aaaáBaak - a a sa -- Áll'S Briad aay gaardkaeblp ceases parrot, bat the wMtMag Kfbto simply JfWW stwt ffVfW fJOTVJMfPa WOho )tN abborreaco of K . ta Heoeeaa k tbks thAt aatll " wnr ioyso! W, 141 44 to asaba kvwertti wbtk. t aright Vm tai roat there remakoá a sbroda of coBHMHKtiofl, oaly yea will bo Si then you will aay nothing to SU11, I forbid it; and legally it k my tumbled the bird oC bk perch. She picked hl." aay oao fortune. woaM mabs right." 'him up and revived bka asd oooa forgot all er twetre Um toa. Bot what apHslkt wewld 44 Bore's olotor aow." .a desire to ae'eimatkb the deed w)tbola aay aboat tbk It mr 44 Hotesost MmwM la oaeh drfebk? The r, maaaer dtriettag' sasplsioa toward bks. Be We aabearabk for s both," Bat I love hlau, would aot trade hla about him in thee reaewed. Interest ia tbo Doaotaa saw a otkM wofMa, of pretty I aaag the quarts apea the ho bow taraed the brllHaat " I'llfkdly agm to that' she said eagerly. for the greatest artoeo la Christendom. Aad spotted collar. Idly sbs imitated the marks savsfeJv Cró aad tmdj foatom. Mo eaaie tfcroafk to tbk oao oio ccwMktiáf rebbk aBd keaed dkbearteaediy powers of bk abaonaally evil mla4. 8adora "IVheoever yoa requlro, a large aum of If I csaaot marry htm, 111 marry no one," (with tbe stub of pencil. . . ABd tbea flop whkh eoaarated Mm woawa's dreav lighted agalaet M lee eappert te the efltraace eC i must dte. howl moaéy yoa wHl tbo attoraeys aad, they "Well, well," tatd Htssam All, appar- as if tbs whole world had suddenly teai from the aeoa'a. Mm kokod' a bit Bt busy jtho Mwsty to aba1 k she weald be 18. Ob wlH seaA Tblak of tbe notoriety, tbe ently relenting J yoa take sack a stand up, Zudora at last naderftood how BlenreltK atiae. heao ak beíy eehed o4d tataor, baria la a few days tht It "It Urea" eareworfl. The indigenous come every Hto frab-steh-e ad dsy she wottbi bieomi, enormouily rieb. Ho reportera, the broke dowa nobles, I'll compromise." had to bk death. aerTO rssfsadsd. km had bat Iktk to do wwk woáéoá folk, was ;wtoJtog, aad'ki aaether days bs must rid hkitebf of bor. before slo had that to. society folk 1" She gazed at bka, eagerly. Whea the kit) begtb i looked very badly tut fear set abk to dkoera, aader the .rlehly yellow wouH seme thkty-tw-e miles appreciate what Mm power of money meant She laughed at tbo picture. Ho waa right " Solve my Beat twenty ease and you can for John Storm. aitereátioA with the have to hite ti akoo of the lamrx. the atr Of' aktlactloa h' the á'itrest tow for supplies. marry him ; fall to lay tiagU case and you decedent In coart fsTUwe4, the dueling wakk aurkod Slbat Trakor aa oMfereat from Ws Dénet psld .every ao oí must renounce bks.''', , ehtikage, their atovleaa esmjty, the twelve Ho, had f00, bocead. Too Kooao iaaiBy bad eoo from thearjeataéd at tbe rUk of bk Beek, íer thk Zudora agreed laitaaHy, ven 'joyously, For áteebuntable hours. In tao palcony Has- good stock, bat bad faHoa k orhl.days.. 8be dsBiaaMe boto to. Um (remad. Jong time she hod boea toleed, with tbe de- sam Alt and the mta arao watched the r raaiiaotaatly to the bab .v.' Tit pipe eíl to dimm- sire to play the deteewvej aad her uncle bad pMoetdlags wltb sometbÍBg mora tbaa sl ÍÍ t&U.M hk and Here's a ssaa froai Joba, MW,M said the ing would do wbea rleh. often admitted that kor powers of logical de- totstest. 'When the Jury finally received be etniekit brother earekeely. 1 By aitd by the d aad Mm bitter duction were lemarkabie ta a woman who, the jfadgoo Instructions, every one conceded rearas hité. Tb yoaaf woaaa raohod oror to Dowres realities retoraeA He tese kaseJy ama' eere- - pbUoaopbera claimed, waa without the faculty thik Jfoh& Storm was a lost weh; nothing v aad betaa ehaMaf hk hA'ada, Hew wai her ' fulíypÍrAed way of sustained reAsoaiaf, cauta save him from the chtir. bk dowa to the Irishmaa't' man? Had ho atraok It, rkM Dt4 h want 44 Is it really a bargator wkh all the coa--, Suddenly, up the aisle toward the Judge's shsalyThe two of them shared thete Mea, go bjsat Iter to qalt aad to 1 meats ,'óm fideo of 'youth. , .' desk came a relied woman. eaaaat, 4aya. bogaa to swaUew with, dlfleulty. fe . Deaoraa Is. WilMag 44 HRiHriggl1LH If you'ra to risk the dBt í 1 Kfta abé Mfa')H How was be to teM betT Hi1 wanted to HnmraH'B "It " Stop she cried : it wss 1" 44 , fotef tlko f eM aaawereá TralsM-- íe aLtgWanKMLLV gers for the sske of a aiaa Storm, why, Then she fslnted. The Judge, the attor- 9m Hetf' raa away. Ha could bow readily aaientand " Mreág man Mm Kclipterett. the choice is yoursV' neys, the reporters, spectators, of why Tralaot bad Alwaya klkodof Mhol. wMw the all rose 44VéU il'a yetck away tríate Then ho left her. v , wU; that Jllml, Mkal) aaUl bk Celtio ears hd tired of In their amassment A womtai After the laap t'day don't look o There was little loro'; foot between Storm came confusion and chaos. The It I fot a that the aaaie. She was a good wife aad a good ' tableau teoa IV aad Bienreltb. TbtghM clashed a dosea badvf I tbwSA .aay that áhell na Bother, for all that she waa a ekeaa per- judge signed to the Jury tó retara to their chapo times during the past' year ; ABd once or twice' ton., í..(veea'them are tír former. And here he was, alratef to break chairs. make ipoBaalk-wWdo- ra an they had almost' como ti Mows. On the last despits the deputy" sheriffs, pushed that;, th ml ter heart I Still, there was' a bit 'of cyalcka Storm, ehOdor." . day they came tógethería the courtroom, Just his way the woman's elds And swiftly clerk as la bk makeup. Tbe new fortaao jakbt cob-so- to waelieil alice of before the noon recess.,' Bkareith threw Tralaor atrnrged aad Ui her. raised the veil. fcacófiaaj after an hour or ao rotaraod to to the winds aal'fsgried a low splth'etn " resolutely " It did not Oa the contrary,, whea, ball Zudora 1" Ho taraed to the " But at rival, who swiftly retaliated by strik- his dÍKÍSÍ- - atür learaíaff ef tbo death of tbe caaa bk Judge. "Tour honor, there Is some mis- aa hoar ing the German aeraos the faes with the brief In Trtlnor" ike there bad boon bat trifila loved, she mounted the wire, a vértigo take. This young woman bss badnot'olne abe he held in bis hanq. BonotoaU. He .tad booa a pallor la the salted ,ber, she loit her balance aad fell, and to do with the death of Bienreltb It Is A tremendous confusión ensued and from South a, la the sortt, a eow by tU time the moa bad laid away the big top utterly impossible;" , teat In the gallery Zudora. viewed the , puncher, a Sronas on a North ÁthiAile llaer. abe was dead. bor "That remains to, be teia, Mr. Storm. with alarm. This man Bienreltb He hád cek from a poor "bat roopoctabU For tbe first time la bk futfl gjEgaKsmaallllllllllllllllllaR toteé wis Return to the docket if yoa pletket" wtllW! aa athletic bully. Ét had been In America, Oblo fiaiÚy.' Hi father hot Ma fraadfathor Ufo rraak Keene folf hk throat &fatt asd "But she is. Innocentl" but a few years aad ha still held to the Ger- bad evor tWpd over the attu boaaaary aa aabtddea moktare fill bk oyee, After a J Deputies!" called the judge sternly. Ho to loyal man view regarding a blpw in tbe face. He lioea; bat la him there wai a rerenloa faahloa bo badiovod bk eloaalataded, ' was sorry for. Storm; but duty was duty, aBBBmgaBBaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBdK ' lgsmglaaflgaBWgaBBBBaBBi hastily, scribbled Boto wblck ho shored to- the type of plosoer who had etabllhed the little slater. Aad now abe waa goae, íeavtog a bono the less.' ' waa wttderaeM. adept In gHglHgllllllBHgW'' 4iiuSHgalllllH ward Storm. The totter read i shrugged Tralnor family whoa Ohio a btaa with a baby on bk; bands, more gaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaawTSaaam "iS s&: : The court was eventually, cleared. Storm be'maat. and nodded affirmatively. All might have He coaM'aot aettt iowa; be oa the deallai treat the bottom of the dock tUa from was taken back to his cell. "Hassam All and gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawRf'aaaamgaaavflBaaaaa gone well but for the fact tbkt aa enterprk-in- g bóvo oaalaaatly, áihWBa t loaatk be tbo top. Burns went away together. Immediately aofced reporter fouaá) the discarded soto aad ioUed rfffi VSé4 that Har "How much k be Zudora sought the' office of the district at- N mahi te ila'worr made a groat for his paper. BieareUb éertala hWi Ifiofa to hM faaay. Ww h sad whoa the simple funeral waj over. foeof torney, whom sbs found ha rasgnIng. with had challenged Storm to a duel and thVlattor H MU'IUm, how4 o-- M had bilk kaows," said "but tt's tb the for the defease. "Ird orf) hotly agreed, !despte the fact that ho counsel (for llaVpftS M?lwr.ta 'the! rearh btfgeot strike to twenty yas. $i Jtfs gola' had f4 can convince you wo gentlemen, Vf knew nothing of aal wai a r It I of fpfrfMof a Ukti Ia Fraaoe, world ' be tied up tlM thl lUt shitk'lS. Doa't afordo will be sufficient? " she asked. t' pistol aho if t7 that reaowaW Mft P waIkor Kearkabk a. yS" worry, tfcoutbi Wj Mfat see te. ",ít win,!' affirmed the dkiriit attorney, ja to dispose It .mich.aMWÍM two .loTod taca other o git oaoaglj t U sar'o Of efe, At)4 Hassam Al loua way. " But why csn't you glys as iba; jáan's ñamo the ' 4 foBdíy.'iad e. Wihe'laet to waader died eddkato It, aa all ,tb4t .f of John Storm. now?" he asked petulantly. Taore was not In the aaaa'a hearts and ho waniod a roof M What's tbo aam of ifté wV' And Zudora thought she had found A way the sllghest doubt in his mlii that John rr hkihoad, cblldrea aboat bk kaee, and 44 Same at tb klddkis-a4ors- 4' 'f ; to save him. She found him In tbe cellar, Storm had committed the crime. District oloney. a hk purto. Whea the opportunity ( The two separated,, MVf to meet agala. bravely trying to hit A bull's-ey- e garget It attorneys all over this broad' lead have the YES IHIÜ.EO.HIHI tó" eo. ikatlog for fold came, he heaitated not Tbo years pawed. Keeoe dabbkd, a w galgalSgalllllllmMBaaIIIHgalllHR would Have been laughable' under any otbr faculty seeing every jbsb guilty, until, ho 6UT ANÍJTHER.- - it aa iaotaat manner of shady trsáea ad flaatly" ifilm ' circumstance. Ho was "not to bs swerved, Is proved Innocent, which k Quite tbe contrary He bad beea bammerlof away at the irla Into a lucrative business. It was not m however. And whea sbs threatened hint wits to tbo Utter of the law. nnyieldkf rockaTfor eight ssootba, ajifB th but tbo SAfstt way-- to fj tbe police, he laughed. He knew the police 44 To tell bk name now would spoil every only ittOh trip to town aa were aeeeeaary tract fH'gall aad plaek thomv He sot of old; they would refuse to take tbe affair thing," declared Zudora. "I have no evi- for food. Ferbapi the rubMo"extraftd rp-- op as a Hindu ifjlml. Ho seriously; Storm, laid dowa his rsvólyer and dence at tbk moment that would bold in law, sff i what subtle, cunslsf manner If she 4eekod peace and comfort she must thouMnd dollara, potbp k He told fortunes,, did sfsi resur-ncte- Bat how? In took a drink of water, Tbea he picked up but I'll guarantee to place It in your hands resentía possible foritbe law to keep tbk fofjfo, way from the public eye. waa dkeoarafed. soak, aal as i'jtf-fflfo- alsjred de. that would ha the revolver and began pegging away. Un- before midnight Ton two will come 'secretly deed, htmT Aad th'ere was 44 Zudora, thora is one pleasant fancy you Out day M'tk&ered eist lato brllMaat tectlvo with more less ,aostst. rarily traee the to observed, she drugged the, drinking water. to my house and I will secrete you be'olnd pi slowly but surely nd put entirely out, of your unshlae. A lamp of quart waa dutehed practkod tbk Utter gamo oaotai tiaoaf bk obtUolo rklBf must henceforth There would bo no duel that night .Agala soma eartslas, and there you wHl hear the over the horkoñ. Lq're. Youth mlod." tlsbtly la bk aaad. "Wbeaj b frew favored gulk. It was a, simple tyfcf&P & forstjdably she pleaded, bu$ Storm waif firm. She pro- OTideaeo from the man's own lipf." aad'the' aéoesolty of love, these menaced tU to fie iktb turned he ta straot some of his oonfederatea to fb eérUtó "And what k tbatr tended to give up, and departed, weeping. "Very ffsih," --aid the district attorney, dlla pif b of HassaA All. He bad tolerated tbk crrer'aad ow. bk; heart boatla U It kad of bk clients J it waa equally a slmk mkr Tbk fancy for Joba Storm. For all that The next morning Blenrtlttt was found desd " But i warfi you that any kind of oriental keea eyed, oka lived young lawyer, Joba never beforeí ThoM wee Telae la It, broad .to recover the M Wtts WW you have Inherited this rist sumof money, in his library, strangled; and Jobs Storm, muatkery wHl not pass as evidence." beeaaM kaowa tó Storm. beeauM ho bad la a way relieved him three disheveled, was arrsstrd Sbo knew flakes of U foMi fold, foídt H ttood the reward. Keoao sveatMlir ypu are still under my guardksshlp for h a dazed condition, . Zudora fiaetkd a little. that o tÚ ad,kg enterttlameat for etTeral aataatee, enthralled, with a jaabk rf tlM as HaMim AÜ, aad sader that nam tki of pü th street, charged with murdor. the geaerst public held her uncle's vocation ealt be , ohooka tkMb4 oome for Storm to lj'' capacity of erlmtMl In- realise ' dreajea rT$)Tk arouad la hU fttak Thea bk fame grew. Tbo from the Zudora efTbo Zudora would have replied to this 'Hasta ts All, in his iil eeafempt They would never what Jfat Zudora, eá tared hf ítP"HK a l that cobM bo heard aatow were bow safga wholly hU bait .fitted demand wilt never be known. The vestigator, accompanied by a wonderfully clever man bo was. tkk-- wajte ho was dréÁmlaf over the scene, oriaW asked, ex- tbe Yaltef. the rubble ho Jataed. Ói akbt, bell rang, and shortly, after thai Joba Storm ifUh tbs police tbs of tbo "Do yoa see tbk pencil T' sbs past, iaarrolkM 'bror strange cruet of your laf blaíé4 Í;(ÍMM tisea. Tbo oWld grew. Her.ed? bot We the himself was ushered lato' tbo room, Hassam íJifoli, T child," sold be, "boro k hibiting a stab, ' Ú wUob overlay hk seats of moral you It," "Dofiif fioaoTtalM ho oried. féva promke of great eooj) ta ogalokf All nodded coldly, bat the gkl sprang to treft firtt cast. Let us see If cab' baadk "Xte r 00, oUigatká, HasM saw hk way. Zudora was Incentive, over " greea ladellble, not The mM'fffm f. W aad gtwky ago. Hor fUi Joand her lover; The young man smiled down at "Zudora, hiving a double ran It k tbs oao. It is iakroskd ia ietootivowerk sad bad oftsa Oa tbs floor sbs found a A eooamea everyday peaei); Tb criminal boKutite . Mmoetf TAgaoly sooakttactff liie.Nfore. her. Ho made no effort to.hbte tbe adoration bo fsid man. begged ass of log- noticed whMs, strong ivototur Tb4fowkbkmlodatboB4but to bo allowed tó bar powers ta bk syts. os pja, some small chango, and she bold tbk stab la hk hssd "i7 Ih) H ical dedaetk. Zadora shoald play tbo d bis bung by tbs roar button. She Whr, bobo of as Mkf know aa-k- Daftaoartaíroaaak4ad íaitttiM, Aal a oKoa as tlfíBU as "How's the caso golagr she asked. that epliar mot tectlre to her heart's oestes t, aad if ibe met wrspptd these three Articles la her he can be mads to toH." ef hk Mead. otW H ntaod. It was a ham thoartt. 44 Pretty well. I tblak I'sbail win out Lnn(t4)y I kb wkb soaútorrfMo aooldoat who would bo the peculiar green spots oa 9 o'clock a man o caystte ) "Hekr.Tkfk yora ttraek It If H't aH Xaosass AM bad begun to loro Void, asakat Bienreltb." i baadkerowtw. W At fakttd Man, aMLHtkore'e btifJtt, sklaki rnotalr aot kt abeteaeit (m) wkert X this collar had stotisod her curiosity". room. He looked pussled. Uketkatl'oraiMiaeaa. tar 44 He Lates you." " with Twenty mMHoas to foM ! ' sfas had 44 Toa wkbed to seo mtV U SA4 to Zudors. a buadi4 aWiaH la, that Iwap akael the ooaoreto. o k bk Méf 44 Bae Tery uaktppy, Tbs drag k epoaed spasmodtoally. Mo doubt of it He'd Hit aothtsf better F Twie- -r. JiHitfij oa a a4k of wortakee iráAsaori! ao srmoboay of Boam Ml Bk baado asd skat vk. had Mt nut him to sleep 1 It "1st. PlesM Sit d0W3, Mfi'lMfaa ," mi tbai in aalek A knife la BH bMk.V inF lail Mi head o X fiae aa the oMatoUak of ladletiaotly bo board a raotk of pettkoak. .i.. 'wiadoriag tboat Above, BBbekBowa to either, tbo deep lined rubhk aad kk.anaa, babf so All's eyes marrowed.. As idea bad:, bo4 merely seat bka Ke He opened bk eyes, to iad bk akee. at Lk feet. Matoam faee Hassam All appeared, hk hand bs' éóaorlt, aM la ttoee few oath, Mm oagk aad the dooMt oagk. a4 , througnout tas Bigai, a a of la bid come to bta). "'. streets Aa all hk dfoajaa wore oaoh other. oMiilag from bk Hack, doa't yoa basw what doy tbk- be, able to aoooaat held a revolver with a Maxim silencer. waa rka, fkh. lad boma kr Mr, Keene,' saU ftorm suddraly, "Jt cof mind. He would not she asked. bs said, mystia room possessed a golaf to ooaie traol The Iritheaaa faaed Trota Sftoeath birtUay, a to bor for bis time, and she might plead Ti has beta tbs hr 44 kaow bare my way to make, but I caa palluiiHuHr, alssjUaath sabMr ibaag 1 Whyt it k Wodaooday.'' I aettoa to desea teeret eaks. From thk apper oas It dowa at' Mb mfwHy mt gadira ot4 a caa Zudora aH Mk that sbs bsd giyea bks a skeptof 44 ekkt-eeat- h aseare you that I gko atock of mo tkot' heotv proefotta' woay maaaer oí her aaok. So bieomi oeUty Hare you fitfottsa, that tbk if mf he until aH ohtaeo to wsa Hisses! AH'a babk to tobo bk 'Aa' the ' eomtorts she has kaowa." keep him in hk od afWobisaatoiy, was bktbdayr ' stakrial meettog toem personally, no years a" afca'r, W mr fwo yot? Wei, akof, rarely toaobod hoc . - fight Bienreltb was gosts. tkttoM .before aow aa wot "abteoatbblrttidayt ed beavew, so it ."ta',' i bkM,; 'X jskd yo tot It Aa' sooodr aad Mtmm. FaasMkr tao my wife." .J: Several days passed. Btofsa mofé ta bk bal" , MXesI ZadOfA far ; kogaa to ask qutetioas. ikt'SiSjofoki a Jo wkb att tao $t Mm rtOk, she k, so it wt cell, Truth to 'be wasa't saro tbaV M Zadora akskss at pampb. if HMOsftk," opttod Hassam AM. te, Baddenly sbs saea who taddialy staaiWe a saAjM J imSiWUfltal aWttam lat tlftdjl 'l He kM bk kaaii aaoa bor dark hoed, bat "It eaomy. From the mosseat Burns eyed her restlessly. 7Jbj)l fa Iff 44 ImposstWi'' esbsod Mm twoyeaag psapk. hadn't killed bk Vo dtd kok dowa koto to trap. She beW up tbo pencil. YiraMtosja, rokeor laotaatty béfaa to .powota. ladooi, wao a hryssrhr at bo aot a4 44AbsoktíyV 44 Zudora left hi aatll ho foaad bkaseK taraag tie own. wMk gsow4ag la, writing with H. We had sooae yowttvaad wao aosltod k. tao .boaaUfai faoo raked kwaad hk Xk coWj, could remember aotblag; Whsa sbo Thk k years. I saw yoa it a'W'n yaeteet hak roah!r first placo, am a gaasataa;ao)tM Jail, hs " otoat koto tao gkt's ia I tart's Mm fouad I Is tbs attotoMM dtaw ap paaoos kaviac o ao mAA'BVIi flf M'aHofaM Sgítt'íft gVííé,l aBt., aanasslsasiV told 'him what abo had deas, bs sajHed aad. It.toU to floor where I It stsiagby atTssttsaats k 21? tboreforo do aot propose tbat 'sho of Bka-- :mm so dkalfa to hk oMM, Mm foaW aattt she waa akaoot aa aoo. a trtio too fkr aa fa t same peaoM that marked tbe oolkf U his wK Ja of art hk ebaH tarow WWW away oa aa osasaery mw-- forgave Br. to r .H.,isha wHr siatH a W' asaator, t jkror .MOs.ed to bar "But you've, got me toto a pretty pkkk, hs hk death ttnNWlee." !!". -- aobod, Ooawkg bead l Zudora did kliw.-IUea- moos o wooo'imh sao bor got mo oat jstrrt-- to bk feet tfiat tfc issdhif ohoald aew Mm4 bor twóWa sojitiass mat k kr Motos, do aot aaMo Mm tho little glrlj aad yoaU bate to mm Pa- - ojákMy. U "I oa tbo power whloh set the ho abk't taMok'K. Thooa wostira baa at-- etakol ad gaaorallr Mmoo of a taoo. Away of It" .j--- - - ham, 41 my arm," bo toao y ase" Mans, tried to took .Li irimto VtMted A tAMb of thiamsMsm k 44 1 will." gTfSIa ssttkB. a H Is ted I Tovag HMa, I asa aot oaly bo creamed yeaaaed koakoto fad liisilisg said wiaiaai'iily, "Tea baow R gites mt hr eoMar peaoH starkA ATltoF aaWJdealy Sat ao ánasa of oata ooor binmn aadaoi A few atakU gaaidsaa boit ass ako bor fiosii aad Moo J Tbo marks oa tko wort tao aaaeosl pab tsrfawo ooMt ba so oftMU fo yoa Ore 18 years I abo fiaag the aad to grevej. wthtt wt toattts'k b--i a .itW ftasjsaoat. s k htm fkr adrko. Bat ogoso sao aba and they bothered bor, Ottoa betaa ait aaok) aad I do aot that killed btmi Mataaotbar Mbm ta write' wMs, eid Hooeom AU la toktoat ' vehemeatk íreoi aer, bat she always, "Ye, I abWe go b4 té bk Ik oi r baaojio future by s faaasotaao to you41 collar ..."the day was to cUked, avsie A for waa islkd '"AtoJ asaM ritftf oa taoa I hr went back to Oae day sbs toaad aesso. H stopped. safkf Táiiaor Vt naiM" Mat a ward aboat tbo mMMiar. Zudora It' tbe toft cbofgo of , sssjas mm Tbo koaor stsabaa of Mat. faakssal tosasto asato kaa a tavtaat." thing on the fleer tao Mbfaoy. At tbat , vkkt Mfbt, aad melred Ma wai. hybal asJsr js hood for a msmsat, aad osaeluded It k flash, aae wakb aa4 tboso woso tsao. How seaoh do yoa tAkk thissht segaMkAato to tao sketrkky. Thore wos'a torHfio u skaaad akok vokot. "That k say to bW lover until momtat sbo attooaod ao m aiksit be wke to asabbar loWsabaMkd aad fU at Madooa'f foot. Tbo Mm Mtjalr .Btawwig ta. mfM tfso ad. Wtaf ai kr " bebdad tbo eartotos, wao Mm aÉiMjhls -- "O, poitMsit fifty Miiasiad Mkw itseaors pasatd to fres aeoak Hmoo K sd M it. aaaar marry any Zltsag poaoM was oa tbo ooHar. Mo s aad bogaa to "What I isksaaas to woo dead. amo gtt attkt Irtsjtis, taoa bo 9 bad tbey osaso tiMswf lofow fat otksot Mat Matas a M baabmjAlfjslste Mho a asbaa Mm aa o-- fililí, Ifatesm Ah) wtbétow bis basd. ítiWfW Iftjílí K0Q0 sais AM saw past tpt 1kt Maoo bo Tbat wao áot. autto in The Oorss tjsm sboaf similmtaf. AM abraáaaai, "Ososo, remt( BtaMalia aot toststba. MbdksO ksjfofojbtl.4 bkTktis. Mvioswtedoaor tat abgWr atftaW bod Vsoa Boat to bk sttlrt, Mho that bad tMa., asov Vaat yaat hafb' gst ror t4k foeN soploir bad asaarn too aad, M was: aad. afaaatt to dtaw Mm saajsfalabapiai sd bodsso soaght kaown as tao tori who, saajk,. ka. tbo sam Jiasfia taat she Mr, Mtorm ososo btrsrkbV wbat'w Xetav 4 kka, I mast laaaasst tko aat Ps.foot isssotooi taoi wffb sfostssi pyea amd a stoktsr twbV ta Tbo fataso la tak akbo waa aosriy "bk . f ,lr,sbske. mystle roosa when cosfnaOsd by ay setkuo Itai sit Mm 44 Mo, say 11 the ootUac bow." . was still U way. M-- hpad o adsraya wiat Mm vkttm wkaad. atoaos sMki. k krrthi. Mo sound tve saáskod there, A Mam bk Yeer wH, aw," said aW BrUy. proUeoi. itHMKlm. -- HaaJoss AM. koto of Mm BstigM btMtg fMV aboai asms ywarssaai swung on gawb. He wao Aad Madata bad woa bar leat oftm liiafaVltr ' k keot aboil Zamora oakMo"t greea paero a kaad saoabtssa mokes ast ssjd, Tosasrrow I wara yoa that I sh to aa uusnmuanj gst.,la , etroaa, tabor aad card saár f a that aad was doubtkso tbo roaosUory of aVwM.lyssi boto?" rk( oftsa abo kiad saouglj to permit mo. very obi b- kwyors will kXotva yaw" ttat aa as k "JfVwalml fa- asMOsskraa aojiaUy.. at sasat dorar aad tagsaltas rytmtaits Aad row V Crrltl. lllt'M IImHIH fritar bnVt 4rt BrlWlWikto lUwrrrt. V V HHV ., d afM. omi; y y; T Uncle Bill Smith. Can liear Now. "


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I- THOUW- - h pou n't WWTWC RASPJNG. : joofwoF QtMMci&Hc downy wem

Ut LlkCS-WHI- CH II WMUHq JHC ars Who ytr Wf Atffcc&uL mcasí .CaauYa UtlHjFt oJN "TteonRIjrjB la m m SBúttÓÑ t ji'V' iirt-jwh- j,. " i ''; Ifteifrr , rtfrtT!' f. r 6& SeadinaSania CL fneS ken.

of E

How Enthusiastic Work by Ameri- can Mothers and Their Children Will Carry Practical Help to Sufferers Across the SeéThe Club Women"' Phase of a Great

Mrs. Emott Buel r?on on .this. sl of the rhas found this and Her Sob, ringing In his h yes, and especially in her head ',rWe arenofl Wia Have as the áeaeon oí 'peace and good will" 'draw', near? 'Mm. Valeeh, "mak- - In Uia wtdt of tnq frightful devastation ft War inte the gifts of Been the thought of "Christmas, of what Badneca'mwit'nie -- tle Christmas atotWngs lust a sent With It, not-ral- to men In trenchea, but to tífk wajt-l- n are,R This Is the Ume to think ofthlngi Working . or weaved women and' children at homo, has, that will add comfort ta the tried Uves of touched .Heart' of humanity wllh a profeand and tlino to for thf these children over tho sea, and at the same stirring emotion. v?V brjmr a Hule stocking sent Is ' pleasure to them. Kach Scots Glaus;'' This tor whr 'Chrlitmas ships'' have creased the to b packed In a pasteboard bojt. In tho toe of Uw Usea, and why at Hi) ethers wiíl go on the same mission stocking will be found a few pennlya In tho coinage of of 'active wrrftptíty. Ihelr ountiy. The. mate to the stocking will bo sent Naturally, women, with their' own firesides In alón ;in the toe, so that thesa may not go to waste,, ralnd havefr been' foremost In 'tills sDlendld Work, but wUI warm, comfortable pair of hose to ' movement suppjy a Typical' of what wpmcn. are doing is the. the ílttle neírecetvHig the box. called the Wv Children's Clirlstmas Fund. Initiated "Then garment of flanncletté are to be ade and Kva',Mac-Doná- A. by an .eers)et(e,; committee, or which Mrs. sent fa, fact, WMwy are now ready, and we have or VáteeK; of a prominent jClúb ,wman's t editor ganlsed s4wlNrr9l in tho smaller towtwVVhero' Chiláren. rnaKjrie, .hi leading; spirit, and IWesa-vci- t' thu women a'eiing girls who wíah t aldj ln this Wjitokorary chairman; WoméW In;" Aniwari Christmas" gift re making up tho HtUe clothes. clubs; kUiyw the .continent havo bten worklnj-iwlt-h "liany knitted caps are being .'made. These will ffuU-- f ul. Bfor to help the great Santa Claus visitation bo added to the boxes Just as far as they wHl',go. We In the darkened homes of Europe, !. liopn to 'have' enough for all. Then there' will be . tn H' urottablllty one of the most enthusiastic some candles,. fruit, and periap' a; toy, but the real laborers k' Mr. John Hays Hammond, national chair- ncceisary thtna mut havo the jjoiikeration. man of Women "jonnected wllh maiy of In fact, this l to be the gift of thV'Xmef íéas 'children tlie cluba at yartoua stati-- s are working with a seed-wil- l to tho war chlWresi, Europe. 4 sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP"' jSaLLfc ;' , pt 'v'' LLB v'r'aÉÉH for Its success, Mrs. Ellis 13 gn qf aihlng-te- "In New Verlf cky today there are Wfl school chil- D, .?., la the pFeldet of, the Plstrlct of Columbia dren of the elbth grade who are working for tho war 0 Uwleit, Women's Clubs: firm. Ocorge W, Penney, prcsldeit of children's C4rlswaa." ' Pray Uri, JL t. the Teit Wmkr'i Clubs; Mrs. Lillian Mrs. KmeMstel, prominent Mew York society, Palmer, prselAsnt et the CaUfer4 Women's Clubs, It not only taTisyiniMithy with M eÜthusIastlo over the WaJlMr and Mrs. Hry' KaH, sfwMtiiK of, the Teyaa Wain' War CliltsW's' Cínfletma- -; Fu, but ho oi en's dint's. proved her tsslsssst. In tho wekVby. holding a sale;tf All actively the heme are enfaced, 'la various the proceeds f whlcK aj-- deveie té the work. CUldMH. state. Including aWo the foHowIng tata presidents In the HM of Mrs. JeM (Mys Hammond, nor representing organisation eck numbering from two ony Is. the )MtMe lending Her sweat social Influence, to fifty thpgaiwM sflik! to the work. Hut the Natalie, Is I. spendlaer Her spare hours mniitng clothing for Kra! 5' Arizona. MMHwry B. Haas; ArWants, Mfé. John te Moore; Mrs. J-- ConacMeut. Mrs. BuHtju A-- home the. ' Coloras. fi MHuh; tittle Mrs., Walker's J. It. Bolton; Ríawr, Mnu K. J. Kiyni: .Florida, exist. JoJiiKgyi Wn, William Measw; ftssrsss. Mrs, Z, Ir .FMMtrtck: tame cmhHMii .'.'. 4abo, Mrs. lírrHc HtMurt WImMs. Mrs. Frr!ck Mwse. iseilst llosner, ,,lsaslr's prima donna, Is sil gíssOnl Dow: ItidlSM, Ms. Vida Ifswasnv; fera, Mrs, II. B. deeply fcaaWeMed', Oae Hjinysj that Mmo. Uo'snW' Hi CrVl Kwnaas, Mrs. C . Wtor; Keatueky. Mrs. R. M. always, eMwetwed la assssg touching the welfare bh4 Her IuMam, Mrs. A, C. Wllklnaaii Mulo. Mrs. FrcHaV f. Abbsit: MaryiasMl. Mrs. a WlUon: ef tas úvtsf. tThr are imw Ave Homer chlMren MaestfMtts; Mrs. a, Wi Prklai Mtaseuri,MN Mrs. W R. wbsa aeWsiB Have. aWa4 been filled for Chrisjt- - 9iter. CMwts; Mwatatw. Mr, Tytsr B. Tapsspsont Nebraska, Imm MHretHig, aa4 trri Kn.)n raáals H. taaa Hi, Maaa. Mrs. Patriot aMIac m fJMaw tb,0 Mew .3Útnssillsmphtr. Mlaa JtraV M. Dm Merrltt; New Jersey how --DM WUIlajn T, Repeal Mew MMteo, Mrs. Wllllam-'u-nt- ; ,'aeocWnc at eiHera Ms sertuV NeV York. Mrs. Nettle it. BhvUr; Oblo. Mrs. Aitaa IMtt than tbtweetves), Taleak. H. Jotiasoa; Oklahoma. Mm. Charss , lt Huma: Oraos. Mrs. Hsran A, "t reáUy, Uifa.M skl Mrs. IbbbbbbKsv!w . bvanshPmnsylvsnls. Mrs. a slesaalei Myron T, ik udder. nHat this Is IHtQkl Washington, Mrs. Ruth K. MaKae o of ti exoelleot things that West VlmlaU. Mrs, R, U Hutchlnsoai may com frightful VUconaln, ; Mr. J, A. Stratbearai of this Wyoming. Mrs, Charles A. Mods. war."

mSm asssssssssssssssssssssssssssslaW, VVVal' JLLM

aaswWWWasalaWWBaaM.. . i . jt' UtsMMWiPI

L.iaV-t4A- - ait A-.- . Read It Here-Th-en SEE It All iifMotion Pictiiri


fsxmma or nfrncu tnmtMms. y ArriDflekicif with tltc fededfc FAi a from paefc Sanford Marylri, vvalfy MÍWiVW rerMa wore all eat of the ear aowi rStaMalJi bm I Keetorea; fo aeeijeafness by Harry and of automobllet, haa Wm Wnlf Paulina, bellevse kiakt pat (MM tho old man It to do a it wf m overwork. Hla aim H?fry M 4p44 dream Wll foir kU flhda Mm Uentleal daughter, Paultos love iah etfier, M the braaafet on lje mUmmy! akelafen wrist Ho asnvmsa wants two yeara ef tflHfMa DtfMriMM See- premlMt Paallñe to Me Ufa, and Ufo marrylrif:. placee .A WW ing before Hr,ttWW hf her In th t4arrfanfhpéf p of Owen, ahe Is ambliloU te ba á Writer, OW M7Í lm to bmaaa. It áéóaafci to Anal Mari ak"tvM Jwt way Marvin aska to aeaWhti aha M WlKaft-Whil- e writ m Ida duiw! blank waa ia the eoaier' watt. Mi ffM: anc Pauline and Harry ara jn eeareh of a hr uüll. Thin rflca. A 7awvF talla bibLbbbbsbsbsbsbsbHLsbsbHLÍLsbsbW ' the debris from la rroaLOf tnaoazlne contain Ina her etefy Mr, Marvin Owen that h would have permanent aherjje BBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBar BBBW' 'VIF-- ' ?lHtuliaBBBBBBBBBBBBaW ánfisBLaV It. wide, opens the casa of a mummy WhlaKhae JuH of Paulina's sítate If oometnino aneaif nap- - within area nothing bat a aJtf:McW arrived irom csjyph pan ,to hay before arruga. , Hiena, a raee- - k small ahalf at aoeat the raseany private s conspire to Ki) fau- - ' ' oíaóws! but Paulina gaopod front of tho cate jle, the Breedna chapters hY I W" QÉHBí '''a.s.Hs.H9sBBasoa trkmpb aa aae saw, the, dust remove mo mu wm mi inany enerte, or mo two e aaaan hnr of a teleekone above the Marvin, durlna HflHHp9'Wk,. She. fotthd tbo telephone 6a the half.vnAef1 mUMMV UK In fauiino'o latee adventcre aryk faf kIPHbbHsH hands tremoles., aa sao unee.n. .'raaTíáwe- - Méfi í' fit With a(T)U(nlfa Under the daHanl&n of ceeded bor thrill of hope. Sb and try to forcé li nto hja nerveless flraep h ilaitera. Th. Inptalmant iheÍTWtW ihát tha wiraa had been eat. flU ewWv awVP iwhlfe her .Hps hjifar a etrahga meeaaae ali wth thp plot . Haáth I oho lifted the reoefttafjM!WMe4 llKSDBiHtfdsBBBln aHtt for. Ceatral'a answer. :L Th tut ' BBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBI ' BBBHPVaWSaaSLSBSBVaBSB nnil Writtm by Chati Ctoddard Ilka hoars. 'There was a dell twaagiag faa Playwright. bar ears', bat waa It not tbo wataleg etitfce The DiaHnfuiahai wlajd' cwtslde! Sbe clattered the. book' ap Continue! Vatic. Aa thó result of iba wWooauMt Uk and ddwa till tiny dust eleado daaeod &way ft! jrer tho wlro, Mr, ICIcfcaf imi hurried from It and choked bar. Her heart eeau trip to one of bis farorlta mUAt.f))acat, poised , lefsely through her teaiplei,. bat tho irle Basin. Amoné tio ooftiUr shors anddealy seemed to atop entirely 4 the copyright. jir ith Mr anlpany. 4.T."ia ho mat Old friend tH Rada faaw "'kf 'SJlVSBSBSBSBSBBSBSBSBH bored rotee ot aa operator afar off Ironed ones. " . tBE8BK&r a weary "Number, pleaaeT" ever the wire. There was a directora' aaeatac; la .prog- rese In tbo offices of the Marrw Motflrs the Maryl t, FW ' meat fear gentlemen of M.Mitífrt Company. In a eomtortable-alied- , plainly call adventure. Wo .hayS tie JMstJU that frequents the snnalM iiUrtrBfiV furnished room In tho great Weolworth KM tower, from windows of which eae could city aUéotaí we W! "Poa't forget MMoatshed the of tho Hl "W tar, smtiHai gase oyer all the mighty city and far along of companionship á (jwgar, tha Hyatfry ot miM. .the. ahorea of Long Island, Harry Marrfa exhjlaralori "mmjnF.iAi n waa dlacqaalng bia colleague romaneo, tho Sfr bo ready to lcarq m aaiTiMno and with tbo plana air. fea, know' . C " BBBBBBBBBBisBSBsH for a new factory In tbo' We,' "Fresh AV 0 f at tno, BBBBSBSBSBWaBSBflsBVsVjHli'HHHf), ' a&aVBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBBSBW -- Harry's Your aenso of oxcjtbnient, flair Wotaor, aecm tnpssajo fioxt week Jar tMo aaornlni The, telephone baaned at oibew. aHnKvpMHl-'1- ' M tj ilÉMmti sbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbVsbbsbsbbH méíe; hello, Polly. What P?0B'!Sa 80 He stopped. HIs Mae. bUaebedJ with &?X& BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnaaHSSBSjSlHa alarm. His eyed reamad. foitrfWly to these ' ,f Ttlskar What la,o U .era te mJZrttfTJkuE.VKffplí hat '" KaBBBBBBBSBBBBSBH of the etartled dlreatori,J1iiw.:Qrar life with you tryil) io get har a hew' waj ."Kopo It, lan't hH Wrata;." ho ex. JHpB every minuter' HÜS4' wothsr for a aaU.' ESBKKtBKtRtm other 5" m a piaffe hi 4yflH ea the. SeeUi wS' 'an ace tho next adraMurat ' AM M bbVbbbbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsb wVFrl Ti YtWsbsbsbW fte swariHK trees of tho jMMta stocked, pausing and Uajilav daws) at pirti a4 the gray drizzle that fajüef tho . Harry to tU t4--4 frma. from tho too or me aieoa. ' i eaa m wo - t wj tt w. be uke. !2 qulek. rilaMra yoa tbiraaaaJ ' I shall bear a parxM aiii UenMHt (den) fof, p4ventufa, H thousand, iet baak thai fanjjafMi TfitlT Mof No anawert Wire Bane" from the qoer w wo Horary ra'KWw aarwiHra nero was aiwsys dead? "nmtW hat it. fr8t Thay heard her eaHt" "And there b M ga tai 4 ,1HP 3Í? atitht He was almoet sbeaUng to hiaááóU. :, He than Just that." replléfl he efoAM áhe dWtóhi.lkww tJiit Tn?ae sprang from bid ohalr ebllvMue.of an wt tB, arenad tEe door to glimpse the altaW rMre.Ua, blm. The amasad flireetars núbed tawarea form ot Owen down the halL tfaely the Mine thing. Only, the Thto Io from th a Míen Pkture Film of "Paulino1 by aha Fameae Paths Playera. blm. fell back before bim aalie taeWO Ainr.v. ntrhlnr. alwara watfihialr." ho W Of Owaal SOtad fa Mtfl at Mercy Smugglers the door, called after blm Yaialy ,' as he nutterJ Bfaplng, He Mood the room nervoBsly'a0altat the of the Villainous dashed through the mala offlee and away. l hla volee of boaaTeloaea. "I; wlH aycaV to Pi aline blaobad, took them, start- - "Telephoae to Whlleey's Oapage. Brook- with tr-w- tot and out reveller, bad aaak, decrepit, to decay, We. U was Owen to Derü'a alafl gj 'W MUa Marvin." ed for her reeaa, fee yaaaed Owoa la taa u had kept alive aa a gaming flea after lyn, to have a ear at Atlantic avenue lor me ce not you." u He aíamed ta be wat tins for eomethiBg. If Bernia had not been atniek dumb by the It bad failed aa a keeteirr. aad brakes tahlea In fire minutes.. Ill take, the subway over. "Óh. didn't If" demanded; Ifarry witk So did Pauline. command' be probably would bavo flatly re- '"What oa ear are yoa gatee to dor bo' and a aaaaebed roaletto wheel covered with Tell 'em It's Ufo and death. Tell 'em any' waa, opea asked fotgaod yeara thing to make 'em do jt quick." rtvtd mental picture of a , - belled. Aa it he held the door la aaasemeat. the duet ot told still he story of tho win In throttled alienee while the damp, dismal "Please, ptoaoo aaa't bo stupid aa ask raid that had aalshed It completely aa a Harry spoke rapidly, but be was oool now.' rart- - ragmaJA,-anrlaa and fascinating dreams. She quartet shuffled lato the ball, aaeeUeae," abo ateaaod. "I aa going te pat- humaa habltatloa. you didn't aae. Mid ágata "But save. Tsu Wtefed tf flow tried to work. Pauline quickly answered Owen's rap. Be ea these things aafl drive away tato the "Here's where wo meet Mr. Harry," aald At that moment, la the deserted read me fly away in an airship that wal M ftra Tfia latlea cllek of the typewriter keyo waa smiling whimsically aa be faced her. storm. It I knew aay more I should fee the loader, Perry, to Paaline. "Yoú Just bouse, two mea were holding Pauline while MA rv, U0 OBTS Ot UW6B. WHO 60 OVOH dorea." follow me, If' he ain't t will h the stood In angry nrt .It vm. fa. . WU f Ball "I' ask your pardea for Interrupting," be htm unir others consultation . .. r f :rr ff m hU excited bimboboo.' is a iew BBiauteo one returned clad la the mwaiy soon, we re a little early." around the telephoae booth. ....LII.. ZI"TL7iZJ Oha ,111 Mill.ii. nVw A a. aald, "but there are some strange mea .down aarmeata Iha'u, you wlt. you, e and quite pleased with 'Bat the boat where la the faeaiT" is. ''I thought said you'd been all ore borne after I bad saved ssyséif, Reiy, I morrow, perhaps," he saiitterod. Then, aa stairs with a secret message tor Shall her appearance. quired Pauline, with anxiety.- - - tha place. I thought you aald It was safe, Bomts send away, - " a. turnea again ve wwqow bb I have them or "Are they not becoming?" she queried Ferry laughed a bit uneasily. plek snarled Perry- one ot group who oow think Owea might plant betUf adventure BJB? w Pauline arose rapturously. It was a if a "She'll at the than you," archly of Owen, aa up at the pier down yoader," be replied. ered under bia glare. love, ane will." prayer had beea answered, a preatoaittea "What la there, "Bat they's things to do did," go "Really. I think ho does," said fulfilled. that is notr he answered. befare then. Uta. "I stammered the man. T did Harry mean What Owen saw on the street below gave up We doa't make no tripa by daylight, yoa all over It. But wbo'd a thought to and a with bitter blm greater ploasuro gave "Ob, no, aaaot aee -- "ii you Qoni aomethlna rlcht much than It to Indeed." ahe cried. "I 8be held un a aretaatlne UnmA it 1 knew." telyphoae la a dump like thU hereT" away, Demla, the atAtoly butlor, who nnawered a them. I waa expecting that fa do they told yoa not to be fussy. I am Beíag." Paultae waa "How do ya suppose they ran the pool avt üiouiht ,n the doorbell a moment later. look aa It they might be er smugglers, I must come, too; It la my duty." clsated anew. It i a7í.Mn ,,I.,v, To Demls's gaze appeared Oweaf" mtereattag and worth writing about." astonished four i ukj sra oraerea to nnng me alose, was, taeo io do a -- callera such aa never1 before had dared ap Tho Bocrotary laughed. "Well; might Yoa would a camp meeting or a ride in a swan I spoil everything," she peated. voyage in the eoaw proacu me portáis or tno Marvin mansion say they do," be answered. He stepped to "What can I aay bow can exalala io dark, oa an top sign to I "A ride in a smurrler'a boa- t- i.nIl. M0" .Lae'c..M0Uch'5 f the of the stairs and made a' Harryr Mghtod ye a a el, rl.p nii .T.i.r...7..Tirl urea ciua in oiiskidb ana sauow, evil laces Bemis, who, fairly trembling with astonish- Paulina laughed airily, "Oh, heU aet oroopiaa; stealth-mia- ,(. la dripping sou'wostcra. they ap ment, escorted the strange visiters to Paul- Harry la a dear. Do you kaew, I ÜT among the nun uve. liiav DirittU joui palled wiuio enragea ino's door. "Harry Do you mean It? A mndnrn tney the cutler. actually believe Harry la waking np. Good- - 'watchful cutters mv. "What do you mean by coming beret Bo "Well, speak up; what Is tt you wish by," She gler, who kills custom inspectors with one led the way out of the house wfcHe 'to the side of hand iff instantly," ho comraaaded. say to Miss Marvin," demanded Owea. Becau fled to the receesea ot the kltchea, kla some amuggling and appraises rarlslan modela with "Looky hero, cove, don't talk like nobody swt, to tell me otnori" that "It ain't for but her. I world fallen under bias. schooner from far It to her alone," said the leader, Owen laid a hand on the shoulder of tí sees and lands. la donb?ií l7nUÍ íílfi P!edR8n!f. t!lat'.ru Jnat'wanta a halt ot a abort word wd MUa "That la absurd. Wo do not kaow " .smuggler leader.' her expectant .. T u'u",,3r fauiino Marvin. Pauline Interrupted him eagerly. ""Yes, uianHuraed. He saw was fear-an- d .5 a,-- 1, eayesdropplng secro- - oüt quoottoa. something small dor ahe iiei. "That la of the Will you go let him apeak to me alone. I asa aaro It lo shining la Owen's palm, and drew bask loa of even tho En? ttgrcoTi Bl,a 1 ca tho poiioor important for us to do- - aa ho aay8," aba aa If from, a Wow. roa- course, but you must hurry." - grim old Bcmla waa closing the aW without wait- commanded. dlo, no not that," be whispered. boaao They had passed through tho door of the 0g tor a repljr when ho board a soft Owen soomed to heeHate, aooa fol- "There's towarda and Owen, listening but nolhla like that la this bargain. Mr. Owoa."" whkh perry waa outside, smiled tall behind him. : lowed Bomla, who had laetaatly withdraw- "Take Perry. lo leading the bevcnolent amilo that even Hicks dio-- x. It for your own pía aaw tho "What la it, Bomlar catse.tfce slow query able spokesman ot the aeweecaers stepped tectlon. it is quick aad silent saro. way. trusted. 0f owen-- close to Pauline. aad But Hicka did not trusting tt' You seed aot aae It except to sart yoarsoK tha wind rat- Insist on or "A band ot ruffians, air lleheraen, I Uke' "I waa to tell ya we're smugglers. Mr. w tled, the being trusted by hla versatile employer. It It asking to seo Misa Harry, he sent us. He oald yoa to eeeae wrec iroueie." Marra.? ' for The man took the thing alnrerly tested shatters oa waa sufficient that Owen paid well for dan- - "Did you toll Misa Mdrvlat't wjd us, an' there ain't tie tiaaé ta otare gerous services. Ho waa pleeeod swiftly concealed 1L "All rlchL Mr. nov"- sbe upper win- - therefore "Indeed. It didn't occur to ate, air. Buch "I am to go with you sew?" oho aalcefl, grawied, I that afternoon on sauntering old rascally looking fellows. delighted. h "hat doa't Uke orea ta bavo daw, .and tha into I them to bewildered but 11 tit tW- K Jr8 lB never .used one yet." whole frame of West Sido rendezvous to receive from tho be off." "Yoa, ma'am we got a 'rouad Owoa a4appod' barman a cryptic message which aoundod , his shoulder eaoearagaaf- - the structure "Oh. let thorn wait a momea t, Beats. It tho ceraer. It'll be a losg trht, es wo brume wed-by- , Terry, good aroaked dismally. like advice oa market conditions, but waa adventure, you know. Toll thóai to wait." ya pulled bio and lacle." 1m mJL these." He from aaaor arm Ke followed through the door Bat K waa a solid really an order to get to the arat telephone "Outside, of course, air," a aew mm a so-- ' a4 stead -- Bieok suit pf oíMchm bareheaded la and ring ap Owoa. No, lot thorn come Inside," oaM Owen In the rain watching Pattlae door which Perry wester. aad. bar tear eompaaloas eater tM bajo, aaleckod and bold eovéred oarythat ha4 swung ta tbo raata. open fir Paulino. Paulino turuél and wared blm a waofflr fare-- They stepped woU aa tbo car aUrtod. Aa bo statpad back into what bad into the soft warmth of tho manotea be waa booa the bar aad rubbbv hla haaaa and lauchtng ta blaaaatf. aáaatag 'room of Fifth avenue waa dcuWarf In tha ' tha ttlaea. Tha na any ayaa irooa IBO BSC HWSle a wrecked para- watch od tha dapaHata at tha ainuaaa phernal la lay HBBSK Bl..Vl!8Í.taaBÍa ymir ot m eaionaoaua amid tho ruins of aaEffSSlaa: WaWLataBaaaaaaaaaaW enough to questloa. oaee splendid far. HHa BK The machín l(Aa4 the attttre. Tbedaoty iWBSíU iui ui , ManhatUn Bridge over tho aat IMrw, Vaa rampart of tea , , aoonmaair apeea awaataa ssspq --reaaa of ear stood Uke a mraon rmtu rnm of TauMur' by the Pomeae'Patke Paulino wao Oaaer aad aaaltaat. aithMwk the mra something la the atadiad sttasteo ef bor cheer. Tavc AwiggWrs in Marvin Home CautioÑ aW LaaaaaHbXliaT companions wakened a veaae uaeaslaoas Paulino laaaaHHu 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wjmiu uw. i nr wewa aairar aim- - a Wat Advtwtairwta Pauline. nona wan rouga aw. rn ierward pouiaaees, laey weald km tase the BBsaaav d.aao reeaa hare tw yeaia ape witbeat á Mr- - not be drawn tato fMciaatmc taieo at their leer otase aeaJM oT" nangeroaa ii yeyoa rorry, "I'll past, raaiiae awtmissd that the "What a Am aald. "Be dtuo aaagk lUt far tkla. YawaaCieta bUsmooo ib oana proaaanr the ntaaiac ef yea Uva aw of is K past a hHaar aaaár . W rereaae aaaaaaaaaaal gauntlet eattora with a load Perrr 4M aaá aaewar aad ahe sasstod HB tbo tolopboae mf waa aearuy a !al4,Mtl :aaiaibe fefflM 10 woteamg Wekly. A Tatth ear aasprlae had Jaet eat from Ma Im k ZEá tt hoc Party waa aet m the reaea. iartker wait AaBaaaaaaaaaB aáWeiead the wtad waa a ida. Taae7áÍet tug pale. The rasai had atooo sd. bat at aaoa the the ahlaa weta daaharay aad leweriaa. Por 'tola aaaa a - aoaar. now atore aa reátele had u" poseed atenm. . taay asaaasd te be driramg Ma CTautame she aatleed that the two aaaTwatHa?14 " aato a lean aata aaaa 4"mri''f They haeaafl aaata aaaaa rickety pier hwjaaa, ahe tried Ue wisest aat whea y teUeahnVeeaaaE mSSZfTU toand whleh the hie wares wet oraahiaa aha them the taaraad at aha tata. muZ 9 raaoeaoaaly. aad JMat haraad. la a ratea at The start waa aa tata aa her rtsalhu ariii her aeaíá 'rm,7iZtr taor raer ap sp rraat ef a ee-- ta hor.aaaaeta. "M.,k-- itsi.m abe eeald eea Parry jatasadaar ta to m HMmitt JKJJm-9.- Ta rsaeaouae waa use tea pier, ehlae, have wear wta- - This ie from the Metioa Pkttiro Pilm of Tauiift" by the Peana tayeepi trotea her anee frees the Aa and weather beaten,' Oaae a aay meetiag dow.aad eaUeí aaehi aad aaaaa. Tho aaaa Hfc 'TJ5gl g',l.t yl r aaeeaai e eeafeere,,K had eajeyed tts paid aa ettaaUea U bar. but aeiUer. did t a tuTi Owea Delivers the Uastíspecüag Hi& C period praepaatty: J.Mi"r:Tv, Pauline to onftdcrates. hrtof of aad. Uke a wan they anew aay tataatio. at aepartaac Tha -- 0 ..,p TDFV O'tí AkI &FH VANOE f,a--. , aaaei fiawlsa t hat mN. "Thato as a ether aaeapaat af the mnjm. flBmVawwBgí X 40Vaa aamanÉNaV ftsmall 'aaOMMÍ mv4Ha4c nearly,JAsms to AM faWnf ttlS9Íraml nfí favaaaW gPfiaFlj TMMUwi toea bjsssjafhaf at 'Adha Law fresa the rhaaeii he had' lain twa ft ffMI weilset gstrre, istshsfas that hW fatber'a saaeeoaeat hrearees towaad reeetery taa warMasaaad aha the throag preseed it ' e his normal state kad beea raH Far the hut back aad atoawdtis. way' Jar Beaeea Titaa, fátoer poeeesetea basaett m lag ttw'fJi taat thta fartmg meet aw draa' that' brimmed his ewe at tweatyour hears he had been In full af Ma1 faeulttw had (Mr teate reaeea Ishpeestbto .Aad ac'toewaf'j gW.tnMnaMnft tBWIil,l VlK1 mthiai)- - aaeommealy mm saw . hJHid I hand with . 'iuir aha ah the freaktag tor Jaattk to etteerfaL taa anar TT'rT 1U laV leer M npea to sida. hseWnlaj beat ker head to kla from this oksametaaee she drew a certeht sense Rece while tha hwi YmaammmJB Atoa's ed iiMMf miBijgjB, av aaloa, added WgW ac "w to MW eheek--a earese ad light aamaast throaefc the teases af her reeeat tears at mratifled suxtoty. Twke la the eourse af the th MTP)í,f eWail the hi WH toaahed Mr Hn eaaghi eye totlowtog aaae. was to Manama: ' taat he slept oa la Isawraasi ef tt iam etaag to her lerer. aestttof la tke heltow1 ef meratak she had his her with airea IBth htotafJiRdfvi a gleam of sardonio eaattoney, ae though he nursed Whea Alan, BMare4 by' tha' flsJtoisaiü la the . Jaén, áa she lifted her . head aad stood ereet. has arm. io Ü MaM petontteMtlee. iN,WÉÉ aW aammamaamf sees, eke leehed ,te Alea, est the ether head, this mconlre soma seeret ot extraordinary body of the caaael, isehsd the leasaatost ear-- And yt (she argued.) It was aatte impossible aaea maniac staaatag wfi mn a daamt feet ot Mm m ta to.aferd Aothhtf kft rim n that he should have seme fresh aeheme brewing aad aa ha looked aad ertod eut ita wonder. Triad la'tfca lílrM war rtlíÜ" V" "Welii" he' aríed, riilMhi. Roe aad rnaalag lor the assassination ot Alan. wktoaed a revolver traía the nntist at hid dressing Atan n Mm maw (mw lamiMW H fce, at - Very .yet . . . she waa oppressed by a great gown aad swuaff bteaatly apea Alan's m kMUUitt VUtk44r- kmiMm. eJM-t- bafere either wemaa dawn to the ear, 'I lantrl And at the Aad Wkear iiiiiiiIéIhVJm r t.Ufa, Mm í.ll r Wihjtort. Mi moment whea I wan SRtog my lucky star hard head. iWMH MM Ma lT M MHk, Wt twpt eel oaa reward, year tbeaghtfut A considerable degree of restlessness waa. surely At that instant the atom tllMH wKh taferaal W4 fcat a woman ftr4.f VMMt imiWm aad MW silssTiMlato jm$ eteedyteg hmaK nam Bow 'I tear MM d pardaaeble in one who, from" her wmew, watohed fury npea tke mm. Itwatr. rnaltM Kr fatbar U tiwnii Aata'i with a hMd jaOMAbJadlm stored. aees, Mr. Trlaet H beata ma ar.yesj hasp oiHt. CifciáaU atmiUMm JÍXh MU aM mu Mjji this way ale fh a cerrlagerlre populous with wealelea (for the A crash ot thuadsr SO heaty had proieeged that jaCK ,ht kr 4l Agata ta tag . tsaek ot me hspssaha Ml MwHHaeV. 'WftM acata toe fcr ta. tM tttnu flaVj!hh)mto wary ear 'ht fbh' most part motor. ears) bringing to the hotel nayly It seemed to rook tka Tory báttdtag npea He found emW emw 4NHMNf tima I aeed'a fm .wiH ff and women, gueeto invited to the tions, accompanied taa SaaMertog ot a huge stained-glas-s K WmW abto to pirsasda ,wmm dressed mea the laBWntnHlaWi HmP Lear. window. kmr fcHa, MMI ta was Jkhto aM ÉÍalfPMg44 'aeV"4wea re 081" Trhaa' jsseamsd ia tka ehaaear. wedding of Rose Trine and Alan th, that this tie. A bluish OaMrata Imm yew . ten amai Jadltk bolt of aaato at dassltog MUlance tü ttm tw hhwto had ere Mm rire on, to heerr Within another minutes ha lus-ban- d mashed through abé wmcew aamtog the bwtt:et.adMtTl gMfga featomst aJp wsm Bat JudHh had stop id W$ ah the aktg beard loTed with all' harked? gad Ma wli'ka Mhe a sword PÍ!R elsto and smote the ptatot to to kaad at Soaeea. Trine, rtmewre. 4 eyetog daM W kaad ether tmn thrfrar . . 'jwtwfc. v em the weapea ht Blow!-- agalneiiM: will, sha .tone aad me discharging tha wéapeá. aa K struck him r itere was reWttHisei with a Teaajeaawa.1 whea &e reeMaf tba.het; n afa Frew mm a Tytaa Usee thrsMeaid amd Jédttk shraakl her side.- The earfteiaalhsi.lM h itWidottU. across the floor tohaf fathsr'a ehair. dead. fra breathlaa; regatar .heyaM Aa fell, two oth- awahcaed. struaallac; Mm 'R wag ,'m ft:ha. Wocsea bad caehaaged aatorei "Bat Where's Bareuar Jwdlfh demanded when, His ma slow and :f he tka baH swerved and struck otbaaotcd , helping aad .ruahmg o tohjiüonbly hbere .waevna ers down Atoa Law asm tag woman who had Just mm diver frnmiiu IiitfcM white haey eyC: , s after Rece the ear doubt' he slept) m tit hto to. surface of a altJttbeuad wmL Ykd Bsaatiashsa that Rose ahewed-he- r. atator been made ' ' ' Así ler a Httt she lay unstlrring, her half new wee 4 thaalsrslaad teat ky the larW.Tfrfctftog oí ' ifj!0QamnaaW wKa fawMteg with their MiIhh at nilwjai her aagty veres. Her ese was toaee aad aterv IT THSI WTFB. aaatotoaee with world. Again three days elapsed I .and .Judith, returning ta f HM.tke yeee et- - aaimal set to sertag. W her. At ant she eoald IMM recognise her head' from the double funeral at ner father aad sister, bfw heme reretretv. mourning This xd chamber of rough' ptoak Aad slewir. toward the sad of that leftg, mate doffed her for a g?wn less somber and wiMa MS prlmltlyé turnlthtngs; tkk '"I, kar mlmto, the gtri's gfaea ttohteaéd aheh the grip of more salted to the atmosphere of a sickroom, then eeuch ase aaared wlta kr ittll tluabring aiatari the weaaoa aad Ha, sato, lifted relieved tha nurse In charge of Alan. Stee; Uio vlw reraaM br an opan'trladow at tiw ' Remarktac this, a flaeli'of her eatttme temper He remained as he had been ever since the fall tree-e!- In feaéfiáé; hUr Mrapaatira f á movaM gvkkeasd Judith. Of a saddeei. wltk a etort.'she Ing pf the thunderbolt absolute coma. ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaml he and-- rf throgh wktak a aaarM rolled 4wa cfoeeed the Aeór to,a;emgte, hetoftlesé stride, aad But lived, the physicians lied must anaaaaaaaaanVanaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaanFKIKtSfml'f-- soon regain to aa tmrala plain, eayéaa aiklac to kar ta. threw kersetf betor W Meter. yrSLJm eoasefeaeness. . tclllgoaco. 4 you Knee tag beside! kM itti(dé Judith prayed long "Welir she . demanded ketly, "What are Gmm A, femlaaa iwh of ofee Mckat ktaf la tka waltikr tort. Nobody's stetfla yw wby don't and earntotly. kakKa aa4 aiaatal proeeasaa ot a ymag lifetlait, ye eheot?" Whea ska arose It wié to; jtoswer a tap upon the addad to kar eenfaaloB. The aaward meremeat ef tke hand, was checked: door. She admitted Tom Barcas and egCered him Wkajvaa ak karaalf, thin atraage craatura wka tka weagaa baas; level to.Jadtth's breast as lerel to lead ker Into the recess ot the window, where rested kare aa almlr kr tka W of Roaaf It aka aad aaeaa'tvooal as the gtoaoa that probed her eyes they conversed In guarded tones In eplto of tho wéra 3UÁ Trisa, how ana, aha to be there? aad the teste ot Kéee's Totee aa ska demanded: naaanaaaaaaa tact that tho subject of their communications could oppoeltes. la erery phaia of character, "What were ye dew theret" not possibly have" heard them. the steten had aedalóaaly avoided asftootetloa wftk "If ybttimaet; know from me What yos already Tve come to tell you something," Barcus eaek otkar erar akwa childhood; tier bad ut kmew oa ike erideaee at year eyes I was bidding with characteristic: awkwardness, Tve walla ateea known It three days ever since wedding, shared tka skelter ot four- erernlht goed-b- to tke man I lore klselng Ma without bis for the time fcegread tka kobads ot Judith's memory. "What, knowledge or ooaseat before learlac him to you in fact and kept It to myself, "not ksowlng wheth- tbes, had so changed them "both that they skonld for good aad all l" er I ought to tell yon yet or not" be ftraad kt sack tose oompaayt Where was tka "What do you meeaT Re paused, eyeing ker uncertainly, unhappily. Jadltk at yesteriay feartosfl, toad fThat I'm gotag away that t eaa't stand this 1 am prepared," Judith ássured klm calmly. poppet bt ery aaaatOM, the wom- naaaaa "You're nothing of the sort," h,o countered, argu- to arrofaaee. the situation any .longer. Marrophat aad Jimmy' are , an wba had kaes able to eo template without sv dead, my father's, kelatose aad I mesa to see that mentative, "Ton couldn't be. It'a the most amas-- Ing imaginable. , . , qaalm aemmlttlng with kar own hand, a warder he rematas so. Nothing, then,, stands In tke way thing . Bee hero , ." that her Jather'a. salad aricjkt.ka eased, Ma kwt. or your marrying Alan bat me.- And aaeh' being "WeUT" reyaUi fci you, nev- f'dys seaikad wKh tke sense of a wrocf ease aad because he's aa dear to me as he Is "Tea understand, dent that Alan must the Roec was by lightning . to yoh rm getog to take myseU eS and keep oat er know that killed that su .t.a " ' stroke T" ML.mi.fewac,.iaaeea ' " of the way." , .k you 7- JadHk' jWaa a- - )Stet Surely aka had lUMa "For fear lest ha aad bat that yea lore hlnir "What do mean?" Jadlth's lip sarled. fIX yew think hfaa so .witfese "I mean," the man floundered miserably, "you -- i- - ace, he loved her so thought Fat aura It, would wkeee heart ora faoaa far earn krd, he deesa't knew that.already I - wk r you can, bring yourself TáaHce r a l4aarttaMaeJ,- txv taB If of "And so yen leare him to me out ot your ebfcr' be best if to it to let him go believing It who waa killed, but t ;tóví wWeh. it was fee4ad apea tka aertem Hrt on wasn't Rose ' iitksiltr And skating so eteee to f oae tke J embraced all tka werM "Ahy way you like., But If It's so Intolerable to Judith. that's th truth sa. Hi oaa that It makes bo difference: the Judith Alan knew v, eves kar slater and jNeeesefal rlral and confess It yea to thlak that I dare lore him In gone an aaa's aSeeUOB. tt me ot Md to Judith I knew tha beginning is to yen It you .begrudge the humiliation MBjMetotr as though she and not Rose had beea . s Aad tkla was tke work af Loral who want my , stoepteg to kiss a man doesn't kisses Wlíed." ;8he sighed, but sighed soKÍr, that aka sot yen so losing kirn while I lire lat - are long pause, the girl asked klm quietly disturb ker atstar; aad in this very aet ot eossld- rery weM, After a and lOTe him thenl". understand. But is It possible you don't under- eratloa emakastsed tka Tastaess ef the ekaage that With passionate gesture Judkh tore open tke I oyer to fcara roased a stand If I were to consent to tkla proposition, ' had eease kef. Tor a week ao bosom of ker waist, offering ker flesh to the mac anaaaaaaaaaaaafl that : Kóee Keedleeely wovld hare afford JadKk maM lend myself to a deception wklen I must maintain was mly ate at the.rerolver. , LnaaaaaaaaaneanaaaavlganBn through all my Ufe to come Alan would consider cloas delight; whHa today Jadltk sot A ery broke from tke Hps ot Rase that was like f , tkaaghtful ot her slater! minor coaterts; bat stood ery child punished with cruelty me kla wife!" to own. the of a ferlore VnWJtM "Well,' you see you arc kla wife, ., . . .raj 1a xerWua harsalf. break kar pasees He tUadlag. fell baek but hajsl-aesá't- that under ike asjaBByjj that" Oh, aft my hat: I'm telling you heart wHk her own two hands, Rose' walL rerolrer swept up thrwah na?HmmnnEanRBGa don't think I'm a saw it the Tka the plato, unvaral ed truth. Ton ara Alan's wife. be ássarad. ... the sir but Ha mark was her own head rather ib Kow Üe chata ot materia was quite eefcaleto, . , . No, listen to me. Toa remember that day than Judith's bosom. . you tor Rose, when Bo 'ltek laeklBg la He eoatteulty. She recalled found strength to pull the In New York whea substituted slow But before her lager tried to etopa with her, and yon went with :eiearly erery iaeideat that kad marked the trigger table, startled from hfs sleep Alan Ala Law, tke man at tka to Jersey City, and stood up to be married by a .ygrewtluet' thta great lote She had for y the seuad ef aary yelee, leaped from his cAalr him dar. ot yét a eatk olattertag to tke floor, mcker-ga-y named Wright and Marrophat broice ;íre;tkt rt witk.a Ttelenee tkt seat H leave htm tea mtnstosj up tka had eeeaaed tka ery ditktrap ska kad set headlong aeróse the room, lm to thank their hosts, Alan returned alone to the aoa why she should not for Just at the critical memeat aad basted aaew and 'hurled himself though waked outd not harm him to klM,aaUl rapald ker oaly by rlsala kla W prisonlag tke wriet ot his betrothed with one hand ear. even be it rtyr deetnwUoB, dowm to thta Tory young return the end ot that scant period. breathlessly. tovaTrker from while the other wrested the weapea away aad "Goodness only knows," the man answered await her at "Welir aka dsmsadta hyíraaHe soaslé oK down guilty thing, on feet aa noiseless, aa aay Barcus produced folded yellow paper from kla metate whea the stream from a passed K to Jadtth. cheerfully. "He would Insist en rambling Like a a haaed-foe- t saeak-tblet'- crept frees, the room, closed tke proffered 'kid sweat Tér the brink ot three arled thkhly, "what does this mean? the canyon In search ot an alleged town where we she aoat pocket aad It raetog soatatataa; "Roet" he silently, ran down tke' kali and descended by "Read waa headed to ma as beet roan. trsolVlio s.' eriansaa aatomobtte Are you mad? could hire a motor oar somewhere down there." door that It oompaselag tke death Judith" way, a. little-use- stalrcaso, to the lower ceremony. Beetng H waa addressed twa dftSfsrata mea beat upoa Dragging bosom her waist together, JndHk Taking the seat next tke chauffeur, he gave tke a back Just before the the of away approaching the seeae ot the marriage. to Alan .knowing he was in no frame of mind the weapea Us holster aad turned away, word to drive on; and they slipped from tke kali, and thrust late by la tbo room Judith had quitted, to be bothered by telegrams, atlpped it into my MM 4 ltor Aka." eke said M aa wheertola location at the mm to oamp, saluted ekeers Abare stairs, I Wak-hmft- m geneca Trine opened both eyes wide and laughed pocket aad forgot all about it temporarily. Whea rteher Mr the leas of two Wa. nadenUfid aad-- aad I goaded from tke misers. might bow be aeasldsral vétoil Ime dtdat spokea by silent laugh of savage triumph whea the. door oamo to Bad I took tho liberty af read tog áasi'aoy' mmi Alaa Iaw kef bsread oniumii, I'm afraid. Torftre me--- Half aa hoar p4ei without a word a I it ' It áalálram farther persecutloa-sl- aee tterejsew w any member at the party. Bach was deep la, hie dosed behind his daughter. But read H lor yourself." loyal eaeagh to but Wad to Mr Mwarir At was toft to his own devices and át The typewritten tinea ot tha long meseaga fsiismtl et eae soul SMa sWehew. bttodb', she stumbled out af.tbe aabta or ker own efpeeiaj preeeospatlon. last he prlTato war of eeeupled right-han- the meet fttlng imaginable for what he blurred aad ran together almost todedpkerably la 'tofreeeete kla TaMa tot tka saahv pgietoltl by a taetegat wbeee The aged menemaatoe the a time t' aged msassstataa mind. Judith's Vision. None, the leca, sha' contrived to sirln-- 'Aad tkoagk that liaWMtáá wea etraager ker hewoH errees eetner of the rear seat Thus his one able head bad la mtgkt purchaae ether than With a grin, Seneea Trine raised both arma and grasp tke substance ot Us meaning: MaMÓMwkereby ha e4w aaaa,, Rato bad failed to amsipwsa migac was aeat to Judith, m alose Juxtaposition to the hfs htdeeva, what hip.. stretched them wide apart "WHY DIDN'T YOU WIRB MB SOONBRf tt deoia asWI aemat them to rree now aerra ta rtootra Judith's probtom t , . Neae, pavetrer la tka holster aa her M should Then, grasping the arms of his chair, he lifted ran:. "MARRIAGE TO ROBS IMPOfSBIBLH i. KBV. jtHh wa desrBtwM'that rpeVaa sal fc& ItotoaU btttorly, would seeklto WheV her. YHheat tiw kast warning hta left hand etesed .eMwrtUalty so to do. Thoaa Ama, she apea wHkdrew R and leveled It at the himself from R aad stood trembling upon his owa MR. WRK2HT .INFORMED MR YQTJR MAKIUAUH ÍM.fgaai se) W arrea the matter feftt nana the weehea, twenty years. 00N1I TOO ,11ft hU head to her Bt baek af kead., feet for tka fliat'timo In almost TO reSTII .LABT WBRK Smíld har to .sheiM.flH Mapeat ahd be moved to latorfers. AWs wheeled chair, he used, INTBRJtUPTKD. JU- - at aatte., she, Jadlth. aseaat heat- - Ai he palk4 irtger' Judith flung herself Grasping tha baek of tho TAR Wnff StARROfHAT 2EK&m Lata th4 , attorneoa hear wat, the tke HAVE te'-ssssh- yreSt!oxi cáHed If R as a cratoh to guldo his foeble gad uncertain WTjt urn ALLY YOUR Wiril. WOULD Steea as his ior. neeg M;lakgfapaawe, naniag acta eagagee we www kodtly upea tka Am. land K there were though er gnvaments. became momentarily YOU fOONBR HAD 0U LET MR . la the HMglllt brery mea ta the camp. Kvea aa, the bejei toaad a goal, to Bat these BTJ'.gu:-.- Niaslseta beiwoem at m fere-ar- stronger and more confident KNOW WH BR1 TO ADDRMB YBU. MOPE TO 8&1 llTlW M ah the md toward the thaa tb iatoadsd ttolim. The muscular aaalty aad kia iffflMjaajto aeas. at tka eaaalsgr UMlisI R. This, thea. wae the secret he had hugged to hta XKAVBN THIB 0BT8 TO YOU BKPORH TOO rJ?&umt b K Mr oaa dea, K waa without secret umwspeeted evea by SdfSS'aCl of toe kpstMa whteh was Whm a ahstok f. in the man releeeed the embittered besom, a , wheel ass arm. the aUsaatog sargeon: tbst through the motor The meseage waa stoaed. wtth tka neme, of Alen'a gate Mad lauatis toward eeaV aad eissail . . . ft Betore Atoa ee)hí move to preTsat the of aheae, days, ago he kad.regataed the asa onfldcatial maa of hadases to New, York. aa)d ttlsja) snriehea, i was atone la tha .wsjgdd gea te that toa ear, rUSMOM Wttoout a gaWng.hand, of Hatea abati had beea mswsalsss Whea Judith looked a sa Aad yat. ssja iaiiastilisir at ttto humea dee- - hto coach. reteja gtsM-a- rito edt tow ambaahaiat to the toft aa4 etrangeir aaeasjh. by a motor aar.i.aaarir twa ream, bat for the sitos pattoat aa smtomt, the aTdmmft tor ssHaftssnrsnsa waa a a Vase)' maaer smw, --ra aMpM aWMMto Btowly, atowct toertotty, she crept to hie Theai ww Mreaaar than fatpaee; when a tourtac ear tat tato á sheltow dfUh oa the right, i Mr i Hln aaaa (rem a broken Bad. ftowty eurely moving to, taa bureau to tha aad stood toektog dawa lata tha face'et her fWVamC TnBaaml tila nantoiB aad saM.towsta nerr una hat ahdsaaf mhaaMffajdasf 4at fUamnVaum good twenty feet Sbe one daawato' aad took oat fWamimpsBi ggapaem fne) arw Atoa eé4saltod a ftoaytr naaas, ka apeaed of its asede email at Jiilganaa to her fiPñm fosea ahá ka, toy - haswlidgs, aeea kM Mta aka InaVad Atom's laches BattsrSd. sjm a fssmra MaeJgSg) íw aWenní air aad iMajl with such asjggghto- ho bad, without her Vam ' totot actor creat lato beesate at her M llagar mselseiC efcAaaVgaRam anbafi WaneBanémaJT tdB aV seat , JaMh.'pat away whlto she theuaht he atopt hto rttolratton, alsasasd. a iiraiir Vhat eaWnaaV 'PnfgeH JgaW emnémaaaam WfafWPp stoaáed tor set moment. there asad to bsnü. TfM of- - hto hta peitW ehseha aad Md eyes apeaed wide aad m mMjAw wet baew HiíIbiii hatt aad aba isasssas sissnts at Pea It Titaa Wbaa ka saaaa to. kafeaad Barsaa hetsiasi Urn TBam; with this hidden to the ' bes toett kaary seveapssisasjir towtog ear aaesatoc gawi, ho steered a stretoht' M. vary Sbej MMiiUiutir: t ward at ?cecs - tMasM starred her e J habtod ié ttto roadway iadloatoJ tha .meaner to, ltogsato course to the, doer, let htouetC oat, aad Rto Itoa mated aad breathed a "aW'Í-' eméhy. reakaref Wlmthedwrtlt IWe've Éáaat ' what 'to. ha dasM, lamst h desto yeabeenttm arahtotrapsaM whtoh hep Irtoad kad arrived a, aba. saaaa at the) Mm a materialised apeetor ot tha mea ha towa JThera sjjasyr had' beea, narlgsted toe earrldW to toa khad t g tac gist saak to Á4d to'amasst lewel taya at the Whea aamagas were assssssd waa heaad.aaat, tha aroad central etalreese aad step hp; steaettog-to- WMh a tow ary at teaderaees, safsk eaetretod hts head wtah Mr assaa. sliMiliig hi wwagh "Whofls sas at tha oertr had ssemtad sarmeshr bat toa wtth both haads, nsgetfstod th dnssnf. her haces aad Sampgf eaa)ePnnttammW ntoadr ha sensed. daadr htotog her fitoe to hto. toy tos ahaaaW aad Beaeed Tttoa baajseat ha lobby ot tha hotel waa dasestod. Aa tha "Jadtth," aha wfHsairsd. at kujaraar netoted P s -- - -- "- approached ead awerr avast ssto sarv mftsom, Jacmh a more f T- . amasaauuMa. "Tea aeax assam sa saa ma jstaa aw ...... r -ít aprsssssy Its TCto:! Bmmmam asstsssmnamT was rowetoe; A paas; asrf shea th toabto"" banana to aiifl aad ssassiess at a fatr aa aai to the house yaa Jsnhav, emapel. Neae apposed tha procrean af ahti atiBrtlr "Than, nf.'t waj mistaban, K areat gowa aaa M maat b RsR)Haf wife I vistea la dresen year nu lasaaelr to, hlmeaK aa he UtttoSaaV áamaaah the a sato staddslyf n am ianW aaélsg amamat saaer- - Ras gastos tumbled wtth kar toaa, omsmi afusj aaaaiv. kalK aad oorriaBra. Im aaagt eW'tauj htm-aa- sr chaahs Rttod bar head nsmt ka casm taa motor sgnU, Wah to toa aatoral streaaWh to saetohi him ttfl JSHm at daaamy. íaee toe esmsnaraam rtotim. baek toto ama toatiMi I wtU a seseare twa flgtsjsji taat toy2 atodaw at a 1 likgwltr aa toa fsjBBMMpi dC, to IMa wHh tosca TiVTV ltmeW''m blocked km way tota a amtottos ks tflmtdaS &ínr matton- - heart The flrst that iWml a Mttto sastoaee back from tap si i till i, hatet altaatod la the af MyFSmm' JmSl. Ammy kf &!tJi!VZX!VLf'2. ot the hotol, toahad round at Uto ttat touch deep tola th seal at th weaaah. y'.1y. , tornt baaeath a sheet at aaaeaa-H- kadtos at growing hunda, hellhof utoUy eaM: "l.haaw ' game; aatoaa, of th claw-Ilk- head upon hto shoulder aad shrank Thea he amtwema iase seed by tha anhmag Beatod her atoMaa Trto sat. ilisissslj TRRY StRARTB...." 2L?r ZLSteT - ha aaTkssmttM with a cry ot torra-r-, cry that was echoed BKD Or THR V ' iSts? i up tor a OartosJaa basaat to a whastod toalM eaair, back Put in C8)B IL it Its Oh:! yo u DÁÍV CHILD? i- s- r M UNcUS Tobacco usrr $PoucH. It's pofiEs:

f H i. .... trf.... Iíl...... iLi. . i V t9. i'4 LJ222222É2LJB!

V aaaaTaW. baaW, J la IT WVUA r .éW. V U ' -- , ? . 1915 "Mattm Six".. JofpedoA pew : , J - WMmFW- - v raaBBa"- j . id ". . sasssBaBaa'- .y HUF ?ocv Tifwe éfDístinctiútt CHALMERS mOR MWMM Distributors, El Paso, Texas West San Antonio and SiuÓ Santa Fe Phone 4970

on seme pian, car or, meeames entirely new are adeqately. though not necessarily intermediate, trophies, however, tocludlns noon Tuesday, at wMch time lt will he mund Crlnnloñi and 'the nia.waa .made la Issaed tbe tbe fastest all must tbaa'be Koi 1. TbU to avoid posn- - two days before tbe raea. TblsJa to, guard fully enclosed., OUbooley, lt will be re- tbe 0. Ic trophy, tbe Hemy cap and driven to Market street, oppouKi im mo just eiapsea tune. reeetrmar Is the f. a blUty spUI nyma start, ara poftibiuiy aeeidaet, to membered; oeste to beeause ,a burst a LITTLE CAR SETS ntdnocx bolldin?. waere tne seats wiu "we were antamiuar wua roaa oowu-tlon- or a durtnsr tbe lost of due trlef brassard, the trophy' aad tbe ae crystallisation, or Any car caught between bis chain and (rears, Wheeler-Schebl- cup, arata be examised by the newspaper men and forwUiatreason , rollo wed tbe Wbea a aKwmacnin ia rront wouia in other ' defect. tire will not be with Teheehap! pass the way. spilling an excess or oil on tbe track will rendering; bis car beyond control, due to held, ir winner rails to eo the enure who affixed them at itfaa start or tbe rua. marked hlfhwajr vlT the ' or .tbelr they vrtll broken and tbe Bouquet canyon. From Merced to the physical ccdHfon, r&r like reasons be dteejuatiited. the acUen his dltferentlil. distance' or (00 mites, as rormerly, but wiu Artec the examination he RerulaUons at substantially same, or aadi water seeeeMry to seatb highway construction Is, saw la of drivers aad tbe mechanical soaadaess , Tbe' r' aeetdent or last Prise, remain tbe be awarded retardless tbelr owaerfs COOLING RECORD the rattBe .ee, spUt ways Is thought, will be: carefully meaaured. DNurreu. and 'tor that reaaon. we twere or cars will be mere rljldly eaforeed'aaxt var has caused dia4a idftven cars to be betar tea' ,HBons; the status' at the rtalsh. This, lt ditor ) M0.&3Q first Baaey, Tbe speed up: race a great deal. on trta I o'a Aséeles, the forced to make one detour "afterf another year than ever before. Tbe front axles Barrea rrom mo ra i"s uto cusías i wteaers. with will the' the rehire from. over that were, anythtorlvbut food; entine bóod was, aleo Malea, and In order roads every "On the .return trip, we anaeavorea to that tbe 'teat saetiM.b-- i oinelal In by HHw WHfc Seated respect, whose vertelty cannot avoid same 'of this conatrueMon work Betek mi Hakes t 'beerrers goto! seat ' oí ' BakerafWd and then - nor lUilUtnr Tal BesarHm be qvesHoaea were m we oar nrwp . miA ,ViaMm a Pruna.' re round v trip. r Owtec . tbe 1 absence of sign b9rd' e Máár. IC T.'.ThoiweoOi ot' tbe Howard tbrM)ae weiren 'ioo,'far. eae..ae4wbe) Auto assMSinrlieM Jtjast eofbuiléatfcieyar; w rtnaly 4 tbe .iiijliW mwm M m mm ear tmotmrmimWiri MHMI braasK afTjRyft., utagsoblte tbeía. U wMeV aH! ssMHáM ábd, least "Barren MHs'tand .eatMerraaaw.wsiiew .throyirtl ail'lcliMM a exista OM and taawn. nr'lheA8nl6kt'Urv. of saany piaeaei the roda. ,fva. years.rbutvto my rated au.vWvrsas ivr .wnw-wu- for.v a,Banr ef' were broken.; The cheeking, w ,fr the tocir this Uihy far tfc& haiiet-tes- t we have ever were dlreoted' ta PórtervUle. Fréeao was wa,ta;riHfl'of 1.000 mi le le run with rlveo a ear, and Ike mere.rsct that It came reached at iiM', and from there1 to.Oak- - s íhM rádletorí, darla this test, run, through In ucb"spleBdM "sajape preces con- laSHl tha rspeedometer was í held exactly at which; was to tos .Angele and return,, no clusively" that "tbe amalles t "and lowest thirty roues, ecbept in towna." - one .drop of water was' added loathe cool priced Bstckftnade wUl do anytbtnr that ing ByswtM, wa n wiw ui nra any car made will do, "and! am InfcUned a average speed of over ralle per hour to believe that the sealed radiator record was maintained from' Fresad' to Oakland; a lust set by the Bulck.wUl stand for some distases oí MS ml)e,V0Be coold lay bis tinte to, come, Jultsaa otter Bulck records fice bu' say part oí ; rMtator wKhout dlseearfert: te fact, W - saieeaTshsf one la speasunr of read oondlUona and i'tbo spectator suggested tbet 'ww ttip la Reneral. Frank Hurray aad Ctattd in it, : , ..," ,r Mcoee or tbe Howera auio. .compear, who The car" li now en nWMtiOH at the were in eharre of tbe, car for .the entire jfoward Auto eoiip ewrs sataeve ama oa Vea trip, ay; X tbe down trip we: were by C, W.. HeCutebeoa and Ed Here Than S,tt Severe Feet ef Fleer ipaee Reaatred ter mspuys ai-- wtM ' Central Palaeej 9

At the Fifteenth 'Annual Wattoaal.AHtoao bUe Show, to be held m Oraad Caatral Pal amd aee, January 9 to 9, under the swims or Nxmm mm national AutomoMte unemster,' r more tbaa,S9eO saaare feet 'of, rieor, E3Li PASO OVERLAND AUTQ CO. seace. embracing roarZnbers, wtH. be ftRed Of those exhibitor airaaay saporwonM harWAaWetaasWienTr ninety-tw- o are maters BAN rüANCWCa BTWtBTI . 'II Wsaws, ire.1 ears and tbe rest accessory aad. motpwarsJe axftwuors. Tasra.wm m aaoas-sare- BORDERLANB, AUTH;, SUPPLY COMPANY. While most or tbe stveee avaHafctB at tbe Uhw baa been altottadtto iwssai ari ef tbe Mattoaal AuiomobHe fbinahir er .uM the showing of .complete, ears sneatbers.orfr the ..Motor and Aeeesey-Heaa- . feewrers ror accessary .eaatwte. eaasMer-M- e teee, bes been sraatad, ta, eea aaerta wtw Member of . Tread" s. "Chain an "NoLbylread" A.,Me, manager.) and btaeasfM,,r,ikUt. aataaltave raced a dlffVaslt preWasa ta Mfflcleot space ta the' bJMHM;ter ajt aeceasory ' . tm iiw;yWfrra JWtai! ef tbe. mBssr'íwbojéj,W , Piljjiar?'i- - i Anti--Sldd Tires Famso' Rubber Our Challenge if. f lalll:'; " sBasyssbsbw aaaat 500 Mile Raa 'd 'iMNaasaiMNMssA any ' e csaapetga, j We American barage "Vm W$, riMdac; oftfcriatMf duélenle comto .y m aMlla'4eawavae4waF'eapea.ieBSBHy lla far tbe aea SM mO me, May n,:0mm, á-ifa-iiti- te coittbmatioTti of xiM; 4 ti E. P. A S. W. BUILDÍÍ ie"53 MriEsr aV 'mvt&SS'St '!mm Ct.W , vsvafaw-a- sMrsaa MiaMfetajwied, ,isstrsaeii anti-ald- AOJENCT sios, iWltlMi.CP. taoat ceaawd m- la. predate at laaai' ste d pnxliection and low cost per iuiir ffintstwas bar fia laeat5 basa taMltchasapad fiaas years faraveaas by either "Nobby Top MVirf ftr Ftwft mom mJmmmtf m mrt!wi-- mile that is given Jtrlyiv Tboumd Mil 0mnmiee faTaHKlBMHn - mmAVWtTas,MHV Tlt aaataaTatUv OTMHi 'MMIÉk SwRwMiiei.St. MPv Will Tread "pre orr "Chain Tread" Tires, Wéttm ÍSjí, j. - -- '

IMa ts tbe laHfaapieilj aawwed tta aMsr ffea f in BP" AaaatMaa AMseasMss,ak OHaslMMbrlaa wblrb spsrlfy a Matt af sm ear to avafr tsa. Imsi aaad Mala la mmmtm km m be beattaa abaad aTa fia tavasaa aaskw ft anr fbja United States WMrwaa ,' ta a eatf tiris at aasw tttanhttaa N af aaa.aaS sssmt ae tmtm mm MB k iSOODRtCH TIRES 1 H BrfyBfrii. aaa a ym . 4, a. m Hi tfara wta atta. a M' l&.sasFS WDMTON 8DC asTSSm uast ta pa pasa. 80LD BY ALL ACCESSORY DEALERS l&r-- . HK. EL PASO MORNING.. TIMES Way, ibf MAKES ADDITION e car tnat cuts me You Who Have Never TO FLOOR SPACE cost ofwinter driviiiif 6rerl4 Cnamr Is Bulldlng-W- IM AM xtm watK a ear tais wkKer, of eeara ntacVs tveiMoh ta H Mtftf MTItr ecuo oi t imtti f tmá eonrmiieoce drirkig a GOOO ear trt wiatw Motor rectory. Fleer. Wtitm k. Bwt yxm docrt vrmt or tkK's W to érin Owned Car tiodabahsx-VOQafl- a Usis oc aajrtf te'nsn. And so yb1 fiod nr thM Wlllrt.ávtrlsnd tiu u. niut MaaU'ear wirier. OU who profess $o know nothing about motor ara you who compear;! Toledo,. Ohio, Is to b still fcr Willye. president, Y driving orne what do think when you hear, enieraéd, John ff. V a aasT'lasOiic POUR Merwycm Md aye sVwMwl sms4 are other car you the company will has. ut snoouficed that tea Num, immI ftatebed tile a fettatMBM Buick erec n CarSa. mentioned? imieeaweiy aw Jabaltir ngta m j afaBpatyW tf -i-tjn,imr iDuHdlnss. u..i. ponmá iTk. nrmi nf ttutt whir I bellCVCd tO SMs ssmU it traadradt ot HffcUr ad esafer to You Think of Powar and Strength he mm of tbe MrtMt factory buildings ever ttswd the weight Uarenn tUMy IsftUMjfamd erscsea. is.w a ice iun n. Tbo otbar.i. whit, two orle saa bssemeat. W$ Im lswaWrpW'aMt ItffataM aspenae. , mt ywaf wsX K !É pTKtlcaiíy IT ras of flajr y'SSrat bCo for W3 k gfrea yoia MMMh space, wvisg ie uTtrw m sr.rVWMIwt ssMvai tmMndd ot AeMtm fsMt. Awd k'a Mm of 7 crea of floor seo te tbelr Totada mrtfmvtm sfytn rm sJrdy driving beanrW ear, km k glr ym aM Mm ast Hm saajr pslta urn WW I - rwifc. " - a.liy pttum POWt át'jwy .... hr nna, uuii ituui U raalalned M saw mm )Ntt IXtWKH eeec ' factory the world The tr other maior ear I. Cssm tm suwl M'thté av. wkh ausr ym Ihmw.- - - - Ctowmn k VOOK ?? noor- space 17- y aggregate oi this m m míZa ntutU hMrlKlt IS' OtáWT tit U9 wiMt fMniinr rnmeea :Hniaiaa" mm m aewn eavea , aya l' "K v! v HE n.l.nri saw l les Is Jut over one hundred ser iotyeaw wu wills Mad of BH Vr V WlilJ5 I IT Additions 10 we UYwiKia pum vtomr ft i ,v i ing seres ot floor spsce have ly Just v m i been completed, and it wu taeutM ttatil ran minlka MO that WM the completion of these sddltloai tat Ht would W ampie ror mo prera. rn. There, however, seems to be no limit to 'the demand for tne overland. Gars the biggest raoaw ina cew October wis psny ever experienced. The les reare. - ...... !. nr lurll than flvAMUt have so thoroughly demonstrated these features by actual perform- roUlton dollars, this growing da." ance, that their reputation isityorld wide. It is becauwimbtonsta:wánt r - -- mtnd has required the Harnéame furieer enlarrement of tbe plaat - Power and Strength that tha'erirjre output of the Bujték factory,j.the Tne largest or mo. new auuinuu. wui éárly. an area more thin twice as great's-tha- t largest automobile factory in the world, was sold out last season ih. .mi. TtAn fie.lorv when It was in March. " purchased by John N. Willys a little.imore tnan nvo years bku. uro oav ....a ihA n.lnilnip and tmholuterlB de- - Valve-in-Hea- d Power. The Buick motor is the secret of Buick The Dártmerits tud the' cbuils snd iody assem- - 1915 models are, beautiful in line and luxurióus4n, comfort andap- - bUesi . i Although a building just compieiea ior ointments, but underneath this beauty and grace are the rugged . body atsembly and machine work is m ih mvt ato. P and Strength that have-made- ' the Buick famous. ' ,...t ,iv titts:tilAtm ower ríes and basement. It already has been - Kould placed round too smsu w accommouaw mo Hie demand exceeds 'the jmpply. Orders be tnendous amo unit of wprlc Thlf wlll be well in advance of date car is needed. Five 'modela Fours enlsrged Just W per cent by. an addition and Sixes, priced from $900 to $1650. F. Factory. A S00 feet square. OrB. Within a ear additions have been built demonstration will convince the most skeptical.- or started which practically double tbe rormer sire or the faetoryi anm. ftiiemiatA rineAniinn of the tremen- - The Largest Automobile House in the Southwest Recommends the "Buick" doUs slzo of the plant can be Obtained from figures recenuy compiieo. 11 mo floors of the factory were placed end to end in a strip 100 feet wide they would 31,718 feet, or moro than six miles from end' to end. Although the growth or tne moror car International Auto Co. i.rfn.f,w has ttn thA vnndnr' nr tha com. marcial world that pr the d 416 to 4S2S Texas St. Phone 1021 company nas been even more rapiu. nuco 1910 the value pr tbe total output of the JT. country Isr FaU fkMtlnff SUmr Axle TtaOtca TUailnga ' y. Stockiard, Ivlgr. automobile factories or. this has near frnm tüHtflOnJXM to Í100.0O0.000. oucxr xma ítím ushhb 7P 3 company Stodebavkar ROADSTER. . . while that or the atodabafcr g-.- ai usialaa- - 18 nas grown :rom ,w,iw. ur j per nu mtx.v usiuinaur xsatl 3 . . or the total, o 110.00000, or 10. per cent aiiHWiiiiMiHimmiiiiiiiiim nr the total value or all motor cart bum In tno United States. treat manuracturer on his way. When The Detroit AutomoblláTDealers' associa- Barney Oldfield Barney rot behind the steering wheel he tion Is going to try and secure the car for ROW . ELLIOTT-GARRET- T startled Mr. Ford and startled tbe wor! exhibition at the Detroit !show, and at that GASOLINE CO. his performance!, and proved himself tbo time tbe Speedway Country club promo- Will "999" Business among the dealers suffered a DISTRIBUTORS Drive premier driver of the early days. tcrs of the Detroit speedway will arrange past week which Inasmuch as this performance happened for Its appearance slight- decline for the at meet of -- ..r V.I1. w,n ..v TV Da An tn Mia hall- - o,'Tmxmm In Detroit and at a timo when no one knew the which Sep- 422 San Antonio St. Phone 953 El F MlcH.1 Hoy. w. ntrney oidfield, speedway, Js, scheduled for' feeling of rest which petrolt. that Detroit would be tha automobile man- tember- next. day and th natural to i 100 winner or the recent Los Atúreles Phoe ufacturing1 center of, It 'Auto- comes over gxuwi iiuiiuumuu 'only-tbfe- the world. created The contest board of, the American e Henry or opinion that tbe csrs will nix "Cactus Derby" and the title of "Master a day of reastlng. The liotor Is tba by gravitation through a pipe the utmost Interest and Barney drow enor- mobile association ha been to set , or asked Car company, made the best showing in srrlvo durlni- the week. feet lonr. Driver tbe World." when he heard, of the mous crowds every time he- appeared. aside this date ror Detroit. Several loca- Big Improvement success or the pltm for tbo Detroit speed their sales department for the week. "Tbe old car did Include an equipment In connection with Barney's ..early ctfpru tions oro under consideration ror tho De- night two sales, The Chalmers sates coraDsny are In're- - way, immediately conned tne manirement In Detroit there Is a story whllo not one Finishing Saturday with of'Tlmken bearings almost as complete ss that troit speedway, of which will bo pur- firm had clept of & shipment of the "Master Sixes," in Studebaker Cars or his anxiety to appear at the first meet altogether new Interesting. It. "M" Wiseman stated that the my car, hut had I broken s rear axle short' is always. chased within tbe nextrew weeks. during month, and a car load or tne light m tourinr and drive tha great car known as 899. nsppenea si me sucnigan state ratr track placed over fifty cars the on the run, & wheel would have rolled off, .n th.t u'niiM hA unable, for ten cars. Tbe "Master Six." one of the most for axle was or was the first racing car of Henry lu 1013. Barney had lowered the mile BUSINESS NORMAL l.V PAIUS. thv Sales Manager Tells of Advancement In the the tsiz the ' .This Just or two weeks,, to on' tour beautiful cars ever eihlhltcd here, has l ord and It wu with this car that Barney record of Michigan and, Henry Ford was days fill orders industry compares the cars of Toda Hosting, type, ,Tr Mr. It. B. White, the foreign representa- as was no, 10 ue uou met with the spprovil or the new pur- entered the raclnr arena and created a at the track tide. The great pair were ing Fords tne moaei With Preilous Models. "Crowned fenders, clean running boards,, tive of the Ford .Motor company In. France, ror a Roadsters sre still In chasers and Is an example or perfection furor when be did the mile at the old laughlnr and talking together when the who August short time. more graceful Ihies sod superior rtnlab'ln last was forced to make a Stock. Tha firm expects a shipment of In the manufacture ot automobiles. A areata Points track In Detroit In better automobile magnate remarked:. "Well.. Bar. spectacular flight from Paris to Havre, no doors is the modern car made comparison of ap- - Fords to arrive about December 15. and unique feature of forward "It happened lately thai t was called on than the minute.- From that time on Bar ney, ! made you and you made mot" passing through many seenea of active eye every lover or pearance out or the question. Even In such Barney potslbly before. catchlnr the of fine to hold tbe wheel of a 191 model car dur sarety 'did ney was the sensation or America, and be smilingly said: "Yet. Henry, and fighting,, baa Just returned to hit post In ears. The little pasaste way be ing a Oi fundamentals ss strength and a you finished touring,'' said L. J, ror- has been little elae than a sensation ever t did mlghtly sight better Job then Paris. tween the. fore seats is Just enougn to manager. the old car suffer, Its braking surfaoe aince. probably nothing C. P. Henry, manager, of the Cadlllae lier, Studebaker sales "As all wss coarse, bulky or There is that did." This is encouraging, as It Indicates that keep the passenger riding .'in front from my driving some smaller, Its steel was blggtr a Last 9W was for an ex- ritttrihntinir station hero, stated yésterday experience ror timo had the simple variety': so badly would be a hn than aucb perform, fall scheduled conditions In the French capital are re- crowding the Tne ear ta a real to own or carbon it was sacs by Oldfield. hibition in new York and did well, and It that be had received word that a shipment drive. been limited our current models balanced turning to normal again. Chalmers in every respect.' Nr", O. 1. and I every driving that ,lt would not hold the road The ear, 9M, was designed It to be exhibited at Madison Square Gar- the new eignt cylinder cara wore en fours sixes found that at anything old and built of Baum. tbe Iocs! agent, has placed two operation Implied a comparison. like tbe speed I .usually drive. cy sua during the National Automobile to city from tho factory. Mr, bit ot four-Inc-h iienry rord, it neiped to start mat den show. LIRTEN FOR THE WHISTLE. route this of the cars to local buyers. "Both old snd new cars carry Aside from the. Inconvenience of en tires, but the tsss model shows progress trance and egress,- - I round no difficulty here, as well, for It Is much lighter. werolsufridtnt with the right hand steer and control fea. "I sm glad I bad tbe experience. It to keep the on the tures., although cranking at go. a car load the band the showed me in a striking way that automo- 'Two for'the city trsde and 1 years. comprised lh start was a duty hadn't faced In bile designing pr the past three years has shipped to outside trade Tbe spark and throttle control bothered me the psst week. been a stesdy, rorwsrd march.? business for a little, for tbey were under the wheel on i me got The pordeland Auto Supply company are steering post nut i along pretty Organ Recital Sunday Alternóos welt It began to In of a the Lee tires, unlit rain. Tbe nrat m a series or free organ re- receipt carload of "Then bad to step Into almost fill room , as well as everybody out the citals for the season or at the First which tbe sales mud hlle we the top, dug the storage department of tbe concern. raised out the Christian church. If. Oregon and Franklin Curtains and fixed everything In placet I streets, will be given Sunday afternoon. at Tbe Vulcan sales agency Isst week placed resumed driving but had to make frequent 4 o'clock by dw)n .JCnlckraeyer. Fol- a second csr, the sals was made .by Mr. stops to wipe the rain orr the windshield. lowing is the program! ' A or O'Brien and the car wu delivered yes- little later two' us had to get out in I Prelude and Fugue in Cnlnor.....,,.Hioh terday. the mud to light i the gas and kerosene II The Cadlnette Shepherd Song... The lamps. Joras Chalmers Toccatl In Rogesa in D...... 44 The company, agents for is'ow this car bad originally cost more V Reverie...... ,... Maefarlaae Iba BtUdebsker Une, wcelved a car load than (2,000. Yet, at less than hair this VI March (In Design)...... OuIlmas,t or Studebaker cars last wsek. The sales cars are now being marketed with lights start- room Is Mil sgaln, and ready ror another conveniences like electric and Reeelversblp Papers Mlsslag f aale such as took sll cars la stock some ers, control, weather protection By the Áttaetttei Prit ' They report one for tbe adjustable from wittiin. windshields ad. ,tot days sgo. s! ror Fort Worth. Ark.. Nov. city during week. Justable rain, visión and ventilation. find certain documents In connection the an array or improvements! wlih The Auto company report and similar the redera! receivership or Bache-- Des- mternstionsl which, model was new. tbe tbe sale or two Buick cars, one Abbott. when the 19U were man mtfilag properties at Prairie Creek, Detroit and a Packard tor 014 Mexico dur either unknown or untried. marked the Step in the special In- THaig The 1SU was noticeably first PtOi Stoek- - csr slurtlsh. SB. 'iJ-J-Aa. FSilfillM.M.M.M.JLM. Mt M, M. M. M. ing tba week just ended, . Mr.. J. Wt vestigation. her today of Ethelbert Stewart YnnrVtA W It wss hesvy. It wasted power in driving or sra, general manager ww " tha department 'of labor, stewan sales, at least loo percent Its now obsoleta magneto. Its motive pawer sought information .ta acope that he finds came an motor or large at tha of tba this year than taat. buyers seeming from bore work of tha recant redersl grand Jury, bwt better and ana not to take to the late models with little de- short stroke couia rurnitn tne when an attempt was, made to locate cer- against UavWg to show each exhilarating pull ot a modern, tain papers la connection Car monstration motor with a ratio xf bore' and atrabs tn with orders Motor me new year by tha federal court sere, prospective buyer Jai tbe neighborhood 3.1 to S, tbeaa devices would prove a success. of . could noube re and. "The 1011 csr got Us fuel through a long in which air pressure m Diuehaiad a touring car line from a tank had Rooftac . mm mira Irlt The se car I ii.m im tbe local agenta on Myrtle to be maintained. modern per roll. BttrteS'Ltaga Co, Ph. - last week frew drive has Us tank In Mm cowl aad feeds vartlsantaat) iolit- In 1915 Chalmers Master Ave. if the 'Six' 1 Mlu AtlaesM 'fttrr w pecaaM the light touring highest ideals beeri dis- owstr. or mw Hudson six your have realized. Experts say it is the first medium priced American car fairly to car.- The car m deemed ytttarday by claim costly ' Mr. onmew, M4l gat. pute the of foreign cars for originality and exclusiveness in design. v TrAckle,H driver ot tba Stuu Ho. w in tba Phoenix road race, 'returned to this city yesterday. He had tí car shipped la by rrlt. THE NEW 1915 LIGHT W. yt, Thurlo purcbaMd new- - Hudson l:3jr tourlna- - car week the local ' last from kW, - V , J Tb car Is tbe light six and wu OaUverad r ft cannot be equaled for power, flexibility, smoothness and speed by any car anywhere near its price. Just ask yesterday, Chalmers '; any owner what he thinks about his car. 8. B. Howard, factory represeaiatlra af Lonf&ell's Tango Lavemkr : tba a. M, C. "Trucks, Is ta city for a Tfti' abort bustnsss visit with H. Eker. W local stent. Mr- - Howard ii ea rent to Line rent cars.taxiqiU, limousinei, , Vf ib Tac lory from a txteaasd rU tbrous tb wast tout cities. Me states VM m and awtosMiM trad was evr betsar H Mm apfo Ufaage truclu gíveW c"Zj?? IVIotor wm tbM at mm El rasa, m be Co. rt. ev1 mi sm ChalmersK aiKSr-- rf m?a Út istaimrr Distribute Mawtaislsaeaasy ; ..srw..yaa New TaMt. sasT , As an niirgiry measure secases be sb iisaeas war. mm mvmsmsh ar jaw Wf. Sn,Antonio and Santa Fa Sta L , Phona 4970 F TÍ!C''A. EL AfO, ra of m r Mm M res, TM mm BSr m rabbirft ttrss la raaeatf fvam at as MS Bar east. utTtsWrM tmk wiaurrut.

Kftfá ié a - 29. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 3 B SlhÍMOm V enera! View of the Juarez Race Course, Showing 'the THbuianfls in Attendance the Opening Dag r v i il' ' V

: !HBI

1 MB V;

áíat' lltÚB titrSiiri wat'wt? tiron ;eooutí HartWliWiriBack orr! the nee 'and 'Pardei and' up. Five and f htrlonfs. SECOKDAACEteepIecbtio. About' two tx L.yButterny i07i 3S AntisenUo (maiBerTOuaisaT'w jaie.ow-to- t miles. saos mus r raneta w iraio Babe' . 0 tb do;' Fort Btimwr; 'justlcei ' Post-- ! showed the Way; Until the stretch MJA - oa upon m oineuo 7 .. toi I taM mtvaaor . i07 Jetttítí. ini'ssjo woohax . .. in sito ried piperir a. UTAn The" Trice oí. a mo where Hartwety called bit mount train XU7 Kstlmabla .. 107 4suo;Lady Bryn ,. M .fifth. the a FIFTH inr. , rasnntat ta idle Mirhiei n EOüRAi!pTlpWi: year-oi- a she 'took the leed with .ruth tad 833 BroWaleOirl 2jc5ah , . w oaan runes. tad M tan itobt, Oliver Smile; tie Kinr rurioiir 'Tor loe two r. i. rive ana rpwaars. ini attrsc,tdca: k,ynw inet from easily held' her field tare Ut the rtnal Lou V3J3 Mytttcligbt kW sato Cynosure 113 S9t7 Miss. Clara1 . in 900 Voluspa . ... M o nwaÍBtVrítkvaeMrfÍttfaat fMrt, rieíd'.of moved up MMwWillT.t..tiB Anna Ho , awa Last., tos TAUfeVT .A? AT W Am barn-;- ? always ravorlte ta Fraasle, welt played, 35(Ler ar . ...'101 'Head . 108 laN nst crowoo' . lii mo i wnton HAff m OtOD JXY intoieat' yiu oaater in or;th Vainer rradually rest, ooW never nOiUA n.senjnbn, , MURKZ uwHuanr sum to .score; hut andTihtshed bat o;oriaur LsdMotf (sWnRBatr tuii, tu TIIIhD RACK Five anil furlonr. the warm .rBit arrair- - at ana the'Mlarh ;matfd met", ' 105 fourth race,vaf ,nve' wat ' foroad a, bard drift, and tet to the winner, Lady London with "blXTSf liArvSMm. ShrWi run ntili Í35Í Thria;. tMl snnset , ... owhair fiirtonM, that bmri ,m . ror l(t; liMc'awtH' the runoinr aad yraa forced 'Flre and one baa fkftelNrt. 330 cerr, K7)Volant . ... lot attf $r prove herself a' fame thoroughbred, It 'tadaa S3 ot,Alheña 'im sr Mario . too ought) redi to tta ot, all rearkaM was only up to eotte traaad the rield, hut rleWted. ratt ....íes ALL well, Each of the four appaara lBctb,iat stride t that she ret ioa W3 KtrfRoot . mh' Linda Payne lot OPEN NÍQHT ,flM Sport .'wtUiwiiyHfc:W matched. to' the" Orme well tad rot she short end of thtpdjte.. .m.Katai a...Miw jK.nrV 357 .,it ee victory set rerdiec Carrie broke 18H , .. tO(.lllUrwae 103 Hirh Tide 4 tthnsi pennyrock . 196 rreecriptiona rilled and delivered TatojAMeraee Promlsle ' to Nam V rorai'' chance ror aad ' curtbel 8am. .prove. - ail aad.ent rltwt, to the froat aad'tet ber s7 rit Xarriek, at amir time dy oc Bight. mriMtnr Ceateatt It tboutd thrlUln? lniU new a pecel She to show iUAHEZMfVTRIKS. lj :d fast' ' contlnnéd 6 .lba.iapprcnUce, :tlttytnsa etalmed. Mail .Order Filled, Promptly. ' K ' way rK borne attilPoaieiteflleH 1071 S3 Ttiornhilt ... 10B "ír J" '. f - the at turned, fe and stuck Bay, Suoasy, Nov.' The Wuh, 0 ate Mow OoM' tbr ap- reartfi a, tM S3S1 Harry ShaW. W twáéd''to to her task taaaely allthe way. It HACt sefllnrj . MM.Modeilnr A. E. RYAN & CO. OlhaUo; first we mace 'amiMa'o.. mo.nday. ..1112 blMt'a hlack reWlny, who JwlH peared IT she had the favorite beaten and un. Five aad. f furloflaa. ty . kavrb rm riinenroHi . lb at' FIFTH RACE Mils and 70 yards. Drsadata PMMi- WeethttffMrmsreettt McDonald In the- aaaaie, it oeios wa Band WK tbtr- ey or mm kv to ttio ttretdt, but the letter, under' ttront Ruta m Nature Stea lo ssea igi r BMtHv rtrat aeraarMace at ma , tMT L dee. CogaeU W ípwtal irire i Huracán . .a-- mwunr. " haadUatY radualbjr dewn aBd ttktl wirti'lS j7i m .mé- WU ... 100 via : f wte.tier r.MOS ( tflt ffT.ví.-FlR- ST tatnvenr Nor&v?09 Penallesa )hiiirof;.ttwv;ÉaÉMrat. Aaaftii htat few' Wet to"win with Stat (teeutnont eu)Ltdy Youftt. aHiaWei HAC- B- atM joe.rB4efeo!d 108 : tat aa ki the. tit nva aaa oeentea', 1v-- wltl haV Martwall ia'.tM Ormo easily ffettmif tne- pUee rrora ,, SBCorfl) Race Selling; , .aenaii rustían. 9tH Fanama . .1 01 ,SMi . ton heatTa dfiid eeoeMertbly . Carrie amt Fivfl fnrlMtirt. ntrrette 'sav W, aaddH, While ÍJmvor, tnaklDe-- his, first Oood, the Urtat In the rae;' lis. snd mvt.heir )Jini atey . lMf 1 Rofr. Oordos.tso MM Ba .Qulnoe. 'im ttlt B'ea ef Kera tot ' !dWW M tbouid. be StMMi ttahe rood (ItllTVlrrlnU 8..t0tM" tM C W kenaon 1AR ... ve aftirtaaaaadi 3Urt "win b rtvcnBy J. HMt. vhiéfcHWas Joutrua; the way by the m Aneoo iitm, Monicatm .. l3SIS)AlHIMt toe "1AK UEEJEASY" 7re " .air ttft Miabie F ..MM ttte LMst Jtnliht tM Klnir Chilton ut S)UaHerfun". UflDr IM TeiH ana two toederiT see uoaapwn . , tit Walk or Rubber MaeU prtrfe 'aaWThea'. finta-.- ' wUlwi ' ja'usiwr. t in Avutreat lOfs t)tí Hee It.,,, loe Fértil Bhtre. 108 rMt rreaveailvc, Má W raced wall Ja )ha jaureiandloai. Mat was taken THIRO ee-- y ear-n- s Areenhrae ffi le Hen's Hübbet Geata 5rV. rerm, Tbe race of the aftersooa inr ,e)iitHniuaion. to i isa wSk or. Duenter tr ,Hrel.,..i,...,.. Coat i jtaaeetg wiwrtnr TvawriniMr r to MM Oroa. - by" ftarranor, the ravorlte ueoa whom .and up. S(x furlonaa, Mdora . ta aearioeat . ... W cm caafc toe 'Ladle Raaberecle, Jt ta , . , mi .Hmo The evMa have rvaida reakay rtwll ,edo ,U two W the sfter- - (M)9aloan ...... iTi swt Orateiie m roranita ... lit lr Dedrab tot! ttte oMter .. 4t. to aowaror (wU 'batancedKtrraland with teat TbomaaHare a Meexeiaioha . , oe P. Antoinettes oSy that ,! W M ENIEWSSWLEMHERtfl. 'gfefcr at, vFjSSFtt wn trier a o&oe mor la coboiuob, afcahld'e tad, tWweaVthe.wtr far Bit SllrHarwood Iprno Oxeen , trade taod newt taabe tR lutull lit 3MI Shadrieb . MI í'ch of to iPTini B Bella, wr MirhTida 110 Mea Ave; aevejop aome exceueot aporu where ro west fate the vtad, RACI , ta t M .trwta,.)M,.natah Is' two. of tke tfMM. Hreel MM Eleel i... tMj( uuy i, in jMpor&uAbtr t M'aofKeoor e -- race baa, .alght. itamra .carded,. its beuNkuitrfy ettttl, eiatior. . whoÁ :appar tb, have V food fiolah to front. , It la a nloe oard and ;iHip,jr; tw ;jtftBy ir jMiog two certain Htf j provide 'tfw' aaaiaj exceai Dfana or Afori mat mb aiwar jeiiurmi the Jauret racier- - 1 iMc'.MMK rr vrittia' niMi 'aBd pronuns The pretUatt conleat ot the afternooa W m,'r' tbe tifrg-é- t w limen it Uw yeatefftay developed. T)th. the iwang of v: Hff .baa, ttea prMMt BMWir praetleaUr lira lonnu raw. a tiv asa iur-l- TirOe !n4fre far Yha'hev' that rtda tb event mat hrouthtBja .fieldwuiOf tlx It's Economy Good horses to the barrier. It Vaa field Wife to Pay $25 fat a Coat evenly bala&eed ,aad ;each of 'the tartera drew soma 'support la we stwasv A . Two', tj Ua wtiuwri retlerdív . acorM heavy- ptuaee aet Ruvoco - to Dm post tt;'atewt4, Vtirjr at tM trmeat maal saverlte, wMi Merourium. aaoMad, eboiee. iBf, wftwa, w, wit ,mrae aaya ow,-- juo Thay osad .in 6poalle poilloa ID the Itys Ea)a.ÍMt veliain rolos1.- Inainc first battlBr. AMtew O'Day waa next Sound Judgement to Pay $25 for a Good Suit ycmailar a eaiy.aa. WúUi ink Uw Vlrat feasted., with Dr; srfer and Wavertor .at --4iar.' Mk: Wrtnir came bak ad iM- - Jfeuffep.üntUr: practtcaHr Um, was toe r wat 'reatai.Df.' it tutbmmm W XTMnmenTin.buvme - ffood and is ex- - MiM7aMMtaM as tortor, rottner-ríet- ry moat emteaU&B ' ad routht it out. to the You cwtatot afford to clothe:- á "ovarcoat br suit coets too much fot that pfettaaat flnlah of the day, Dr. Neuffw--; ní'feyvtrar, foép ;f arouüü' a" l?onf !goocl Llttia J. Acbm had'ttw: noimt 'toda War- - l fast breaker and poailn pleiy rpéctetlJtW á Iofaif' tirnrVlány IbiiWoriifr' 'Vaüywif'íto fridra erlaar' t . out- Wa atlnlkl rti.',timlMr umigi; jr,ou po not. noaor to. "bis ran Mcáty.oMMl..(HtttíB(r 'm a. Mrootf a good start sn opened up sap or three riniav. ti 'wafVRM,jMOOBa wnvsr at ine or four; leagtba, Aetoo. had wavertef ia seeond 'yoaltiea with the" .rot. or the field No Buylnf cloaely . btuKbed. TPuraiar' tor Tkré EorliiMnt lii Trie aarrt'piVai'ad roirihia aftsmoo abould íleurfa aUU hM baa advau hwr:aM wéi 1 1 few leaitta ahead of -- WavertB: wh jHm Hffipx 1 I olhera'oioae up. It was. a drive all dw Hart Schaff c Oothes H mttTrsJ with nr ttraleh Dr. Nauffer still an etebth out. CórdiFoií", wt (Go. ' ' 7eB jm baa w "faltar and Wares-Kta- and , Rofcrs-P- aad Adraw: ovajr both imismxg tMt.uoder dothof tii7sroiiff .urtiif froea. their rt.Vw The ;l"Populéir" ata to ent dowa. th Uataa JMieaea .nakijaf Mkeai1 aod jhe flylaa;.laadrs. The Jaater Shóa nWbotfort --tKw üttar ara '"'.nar"3- - for young maawlMtv alaaire the ultimata but with only a abort dlatanoeto ae U in thtit 'éjUfa'Ut !fwoJtuni-nin- g looked as, if beimtttat oof, k'Tm, irt ya, 1 hare ta no uncartalsety m t way thtsy a taait and tela.. aadd Iran Uw wlr Warsrlnr wa :(' kte aryla. tfárimfaiÁtxm, Yoé'Mt-.a- , vary atatttyfar yeur goodt, in ttyle, sajtdta atOrU, aaotlter? f4y ump aall aaly ddifhtful monr. ia'thate 1 - . with-- seek Saparated them with AidrW ojbj '.morkl mn- footj I in n9oMbne, ih fit and tyaawiei. ..vfitr, wy.' SfW la. tbe'leM.rewjaaflMi We'Mttiaitt ay more d4soit nroaaaj ;1touqueti ia ona. tmng ma neaa rroiw, , warertactot m the sa',1rpi M at - ' y draw: moew "aiaa but. a Bade lniW taa and danaa4tHrig i arMaiy- mmtat tkaw oti, it daotn't earlr piaeaiairsras tber.aiayte1i ill ,the;finattf--, eoéémvth eihrt anytltfaic, to look; nvaa know they afa taa laaat ' ' Mtjr LA flaMiaf live itwdtrew-!- - racad taa aaMp. PaMaajtowwi vriRiWMtt coatly or clotha matta betier la tke: first race, T4mIi at ma rarleean for'jaeMaas oc 1bt' e. Oe--M tmtOK. e ftaa looktac fTBaa- - tae Suits or 918 to $40.00 7aafkir. ' ' Overit aufefe of Outer end oeeapeay, i AM Aw food make, at $1.5. iartiM tka wtaaar uader a. e.fS.-iBMi- " fítMaÁ forbuaineM wtbBr.k v'' , ' A tpoeial vaiua in Crarvanattosl 4aMproof at.$10.t)0. ' .not mviViii IMUaatVtatá.' " jlWV; bwTTaytar wenT'aHo the' tS WJv )Mi PU aja feedy with toa omorrw Ba.ooaDaj mataUr of tsbatioty for tJaa of UtaleM ta wUl Dear Day is IM stretch STSSte Voar holiday right noa latioMj Order tMl IQ&t&tMW'p Matt MWf a aW ls IWtf Mauw'smM tb pnce eaatir tnm 1 ejtfo tae'loaaaaitenfd borsa In lsw'1 ..a; llama arc hundred of tMiitl tiftt that buy for raaa.ajtVa. maa't a etreatr- wttb M.aai fiaaiaaii a' favorita; 9fm i-- tiora and th to béfaraa "man t mmfjk town. wtsHa'-a- aa la I pt ara aaataaUty etityleti:- mmjímyémr caolaa or. taa karvter mUh Oosf Má ieaikt. - a ar a f - - - - - SA1 lat t . - Msoatiiaa Jaeateaa, aaa, wnaea. yjaaaaiisifir;aaaabtrt. rtney t.vene, atttrvviaaanajii-- G ÜtTS- - bwmIc to your riwar eaay wtaaar, :eooaae: from Mtaai la l?a)rtjraafalty atatitk. Pir" (Ma; Ata IMn..04a filiar Uel Hoelery, llaiiltiiaaaitta, Ittk flea jareteb SSa aeaar tae weal tfM , aar Maali ; aoia tad a an4 Husl IMafwajyTtajattL HeMe bar eUrttaa-- a aeewssr fc) tfee aooal ktf tliatimf ' Wedh Pr rrattaiaa, i. Casa áad Jeerelr ! st track, mm a JtoMby, i mtmmt la dkl 9U ' t ' tb) alee rate. , l' t. tttbat ka aaaj ' aad ehotca. imaiain taa tvaaiaa 'ii asCtt-- 'kbvW ta aaf ty arij'y .V wan vMBla ike atrataJi tad then quit badly as usasji wnea esntaiatt unus see, coaaete. . Aat1tt ÜrtlMI cuiími Í V.'--'. MM fats tbM alart la ta sneajr day, Bfa asevafl p with a nun taraat for bam, ktut badty at (be fatal sirtdaa.' Mobby f;.w kuaf :br. Wool atat atnufb as .taan. 'inrfmf a ta iMtitafaaj'atotwfmmé tvTltla9la aWptaa baa--l' ai at the auras a4 . ktaaaaJfcH.a,ew ffce aura rata wee mm effair vtsb taara,iMaiaiy-fiayea- ytt wieaajaa baa,r tc un u taow yaw ' faaaW-'kaala- aroacatM ndd SfttV the barrí wUb foeby aeW favorita. tan tMar at taandaattf aeabed. wWas Bwalaji m Mk aiMtl kotfc raamdad ta as hesita, -- taa Maatt at Uk ime sea aavea ka amakt BtnT aw rtrea ka Bad keea raa, for as ÍtÍlSiPÍw' favanw wajat , at iaa mm waaa raaoy, tata 1 a a M em bia ftbftt aad ist ta eaetty bJtM at aafa cU taa way to aaat eeatfy it a tiaakw was bad aotraa at ate a1" ran -- fe,, IHESSS m tbat eu tartta. tayiae far eat r h, aa til BUT i Tilia Paper Wat latea va a inwajdiai net aaa ÍHHBffiflWWF PÚfHf olrttJa..í& ta ap la tlaas act yt iJaat ralbhl aat le dtt Vs. - ai j. mi ni lina awii ..i m mu m ivmt'V.' 33 ill

L PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday, Novata W2Í. AUmCIQUS OPENING OF TURF SEASON Gutterson Jumps pothiMi : Arthur'l J W'ttreaaWrL1 M yrlirt)lariy pteaáaw Mamas .1 a n ' 4fMM ail t aafi.- mLmlt m to tne or ki paao, m the first receta danatr ,lbn liolldava rtvM . .. , tho horseaMat aata nvo lOiirliw trerx tor mi buer-- rare. rriMy t time f patronlM tha lTOubies r or. rw it M.MjasBrlr pKaamr Wi tlw j.: fiyy nr fins ra;aca. Tlttt MM AjrtiCríittersori,' bharüpibn hormmm iatmt to aaaafn the most a4Vaif Íré0$ .V AIL mm x ,íj4r rwéuHn h tr atready beronte fT.,H. trMeaM, M Am. wilt be ttny umtMr of TM tfrti ttarcé dr on lOMay, Olympie raci courM 'jsjavnar rare bwatíi iWñiier of m ' ' jiwajjyata thé lm iwMl fctn ktolarr. V IM llleitd Sure aM (tH 'MMy Om Mao aport pro vMal re m m taken a a erMrton ItieM ratfoau mt tk mm eourie acro4 the river leapea iiM ttrrátrtifM mads ad often Matt' the Drea M 'Jjw ol.'tlaaitlwfoqrhBrcd. generally mt will prove Mae wittier íilntllftg nNMr - oeai Ot iiiieawtra tm Ket4y0f" rtceBt Uft aajafcairrletMiureii a7V Tlniei w day nr a- - issns sur M A.' L. Asm the 0 'Me rmemn oaf the 4Uare JoeUtf ot new York, wm4,tf ell' ayed ho it . to Mm-- rrcateaf aitf; race nwutre- foHawnar .i zamj wm tai . i i.ii ii i1 i men ta Ha Matory. ara a matnlflce" t narro aw VTfat, uHHma ts' !raM. :w every , ma, rnw, traaos aw--v Warclaar a Royal tArN: tffnria oí r.' wtnn aJid.Xia, ao- - béwmiiir Harm the Juee iockey cluk td 49 Mopla of HaM Mtlon of tlM coumry Taílbrédaii! J orf .of tlw MirtkWt caliber. Mention hM be,aili by IM t writer rim m or pnaw(at Ten tasa No nore miW)t or mmiSihm' oflcn to tiro fact im in. the PiU or (he isot raced wltH ltMakaaaua afantiiourar krlp Juaret ockejr Mi two eltlea. or Kl liancy that rMMarM Wa í ntree 'yraf oW Arthur! In hi clothwíy--" 1 Jjirt, for Pato and Juarrt' hid the ahow placo , ot form. he' ha prroriie4i ti a aaaasMr Üí the oouinweil and me preiucai ana matt irm Do- wjy ewtrtciM rrom m rrui. ínjihé' jdiiwBJ ármy cofliplete couraa In America, today, not oe.. ' ' :f one or Mm thouaanda that attended thd .irWit; iVfid. 'felótr' thoír away tn the rurmlar o tk Uttrei hmáiaé bif openlnr Tlitiraday but came hli fMI tM treat wm iwock i tK tK Royal viiibiy iftprfaea wiin mat iki. i" carry, (he atupendou rmfdeB ofadtst clothes , f PlMit Vtti&ir TkM Erf r. pounday d Opcoaed to waft - rrtany peoeifl In that him turn Thero wcrtf irreat aren nortea aa u coin. rillterroM. not)' ' yat fere, that wer maKlnif thlr first ert Bradfcyv, True ai Sleet and others. :Tp Ro?y;ál'TilorÍnK vult t Heeowr!iA amc,la inceptioa. ThM all b wéa rlvlMT chunks of welatiti 'mi Mtii!i appaareal .Aweatrlcken at the maanltudfl of yet he fmistted cloao third, it was ctWmoiof ! tsjol it IDA rrand performance --one of tho heart of tac fWiM a. WrHi'waaie, core red with am bruan ; and hMaaaaMo to one- of the (turnen apota jeer 14. of tie;eiWiry, wherq tropical ulanti thrive HnrtenMav wHn ham watrhmt, tiifa Mt .during; vrotf.ipi it.rMMi rarpei or rrcen freeia lrwroitikl cloaejy tfwinr Wi career ara iWvioifht ui mo upinion imi bo win race to mti ' ' heat Jom over the ;uarei race cottrae. serviée. "f .v"' ''"'.'". - um7íe rirt day or .what la provlntr thfl They loott ror him to shew a rettini to ' Yoü cán pfjt4iai tneeilnr or II hfaiory Colonel uiv iorm aad lAcidcaiiavaMM is the enuine;(t is: in l&iiHiit hvB looltml but trnm Hm will. tddltiofMl records to the Jon' Hit or wrW Suit ny cy-rii-'n t" tho atowarda' Maud over Matt vaal injri dpw crcaiiea to t?e rreateK race ém'ot plant America. - awewwr and felt a altwcre. fleaidre In, know, la the peoBte of Ki had atamped Ted Point will occupy the same patHfea store ail ciassjaeaiers. - hm tW- xqüv oi nrsi w friroTal lV ttteh- presence lfi audi year as iron Mak did hit year, wtttt Be fínitsi éhá rériy(mr effort-To- he the esception that Ten Point eoawSMy va mbera th unHrlr wi raoanw it beck. asociatea to íhi mc juarcx iixnzj nf rrfiatne ñiri than ihn Ifit iaa't fínUheíi' In tho very front of Ametlca'a rc)m promiaoal, ,wc will TfmyvyoÚ M old ? fwéct weather Iwi relmíd ilnc tn of áa meetinr aiancn, oi iuo mm, forfeit Ulífor twee at iMtlnir Ideal for ractntr DU Mi delayi 4 '"V 'perfcet autlimn weather or the bram v"1 haa made thla vicinity .famous. The only KM l'Bff"iifT?fl Not thata,4y 43Í,tTOTriake6 drawbar, ir It routd ba termed auch. wu 'Signs tha track eondlllona. the" rainy weather of Plioa Wi ai "world pf díffrooc to yóu-b- ut me two day(Krccedlnir the openlnr hivlnr ' HILL courieexciedlnrly heavy .and holdi ' & tho HILL lert júsjt to sKowAirW precwé Wr . ThU U not Intended aa at solicitation of orders or ysrehtaea in proaffcMfrl This Jtept me news, nown io aman pro- acpuracy,','ihe iriiigníficenor-ganizatio- ñ tarrKory. portion and also reduced the quality or rOR FKESH OYSTERS tho rields, as Owners Of the horsei or bcw Back pi , Royal ter class were loath to send their cbarres Served la all itylct. ro to r, over Iho trylnr course. It. reduced lb field PHIL YOUWG CAFE ice: Evervthínir is cloné a to SELECTIONS. .;' C A, BEIICIV in ino Juarez nnnirp, uio icnum ui im TODAY'S (ClfirJmitll Knqulrer). V first day. to rour starters, imd lo tho rlnccro AM all klada or Mailcaa tUriwt. aet or hairline cárefulneas 'finel 'ío tíie I, Lady- YounrJHativfi Hon Huts Sand. . rerret or hair or t ihronr kept coMluaciMa. T. H. 8CHNF.tAU v. 0. W. Kennonl.ia-h- Knirht. Minnie r. Hie great Pan zarria in ter stall. HoerUia ciBcjMaii Beer, feanweod urterrnost perfection." , , (KJ Paso Time). 3. Salon, Bear, Gordon Ka-i-t Likely Today...' Wild IluiielU Track " Bwim&x, .s- 1. Lady Younr. Ethel wicks, ncanmont. 4. othclld, .OrbKlterrnudUn. , Thprn i an abiimlanco of thoroilthbreds BEJt Pro. Get that 44MWÍoi Dollar Loóít"-- - the Royal Tailored Lookl it 3 virrtnl , Jo limber. Minute v. l. Orlmar,KBvy Anna need. of better class .at tita 'course this year. "'JsV' 3. Wild Dear., nalfrce, Salon. n. Kiriy; latci C; Clarinet tne, nuniDer or norscs, oeir areaier jnan 4. Orb. Ptnnudlan, .Urosvtnor. at anv time in ll.n hlMorr of the plant. Envy, Every your aatisfactton delivery .date,, 500 t. Orlmar Lad, Paneull Hall, .OAVin LF.ifiiiTnv juat as soon asithe track rets fast arain ADTOMOBÍIiES feature of is guaranteed, even the. e. flirty, Oblivion, Lady Innocence. (New York JUornlno Telegraph). Md it ahould be ot thia'very afternoon JFOR 1UIVS i. Lady younr, Etuel wiexs. nativo on; theao rood thorourhbreits are rainp to race El Pasa Auto aad Taxi Uvery. fabrics to select from. Ah DOB HO N s. Lieut Kni. ,V Compion, Mlnnla F, tho. barrier. Most of tlieta' fit and.eeady 30 larra 7paasearer tpurlnr cara aail (Kan francisco Kxamlarr). 3. salon, Balirf e, Oort to, run1 and Jho.comlnir ,.Week abould see taxis that never tleep, opposiw pel balanced Melds Hotel, ÍíQGES:---áifkama4- I. l.oulf dea Cornets, Lad Younr, Ethel orb, norniLdlan, oiiielio. , larro and reli of hone Norte tía W. San AMoaío Si. tíg WlCkS. fnneull Hall. Orlmar Lid. Anna Hed. thauhavs won ihroiiihout'tam, United late PHONE3 as the peerless. qupUty; I. Virginia S. l.lirhi k'nlrhl. Jpi Bulbar. 6. Mdy Innocence, jiaxel c, swede Bam. and .Canada the past seaaai,rlrhtlnr it out; itseJCP 3. n.ilirrr. Wild Bear. Salort. in the 'six tacea dally Mayttw enjoyment - 4 Orb, flermu.llan. Oroavenur, of tho patrona or the due,' if31? b, Orlmar Lad, Envr, I'anetlll Halt. ((.oiilaville Courlrr.Journal). Mr. 'Wlnn'a unnniinrffiruaftt lut vurrlt. na .fau? fpfy 530, and 4J JÍKty, Haul p, Clarll)l. ). I.oii.ia dea, Mdy printed in thoHmes, to tfce effect mat a iU Corneta, Younr, nativo Son. of rour or rive days would be taken for the custom-rriiad- e Suit O'cbaU pirren clark s Mlnnlo V. C. Wi Kcnnon, Compton. artcr overv thirty davs or racinir naa ro. utmost ia a of '(Dally Haelsa form), 3. Halon, IUUee, Cordon eclved the stamp or approval, of every one t. Louis at a cornets, lady Youn, Ethel I. orb, Uermiirtlan,OtHllp.neiii 'Wlekl. fi. primar, Anna (leed, Canead UU. S.. Llahl W'nlrlit. Minnie F. Compion. (W tady Innocence, jtirty, llaicl q.' v 3. Salon, wild near, Thomas liare, 4. Othello. Liiht'Knicht. Mlnnla FVlrrmla a. V. PEARSON Btrmudlan. JDF RICHARD orb., r.VXSKNSUS JPIMON. b. Anna need. Orlmar Lad. Jfarty Lou. ' Half, . Orlmar Lad. Anna Iteed Kaneull ' Niriy, Oblivion Lady innocence. I. tady1 Younr, .ult dea Corneta, Kthel nifty, Lady Innocence.i.jlaiel C. Local home of Royal made to order clothes . , : . jIJ(t;,Téxm$ &ré$t ÍMÍ1(III1ÍI1111ÍI1I

HMIIHHIHf tllHIIIlrillllllllllllltHIIIIIIIIIIIimilHimtlHHItfHWffWHHMs A'


'ft " k( j " - . ' ' Tf, . ;.4(- . . .t'i'

' a - , ' . six: ' 'A 41 .k',' .v. . splendid- rIomssC a

j bj bbbv 'aF-- ' l kkkaT P'akT1H,a)aba. aaaaMBBBP r tm. sV WEE:' I ftalH "r t mm M mmmr mm M mm rnmmT mm mm rmrnl 'tMtmammm. mm

ra LADIES9 BAYSTuesiJ and vFHdarfi?

Street Cars it"!" Direct to Grand Stand Every E! ' ' Fw Milité Frdiif l&r. Paso mi San Antonio Stree 5' ; ';tft

. Race at 2 P. SKirp fit,' 'A fyV.v?

' ' v W

LaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Suede. 29. 1914. w ,n; pa vñRNnjJG NMhr TIMES. ... sa TIMES' FORM CHART Won tUe Jkmrtm, tUxieo mJuéfifahd0$fa bpWilhiiaon fañinglíiwéf the Races "WiitKrvieer . tree may. MBBW '"HUI "IM11 WMVWU

gJwr.A nmjiTin ii ..tej.-- i w m 'ifr- fes 1?

puj. a Trinco i ' ."" ""wr ,irea ir eeei íxef-- elo-e-ty i Uie mrm iwmt it m w.ww aatly. iiüíí Moved ip' wnbar mn tu cT , le.btft liuag riMl Hítenla. jj3CJ.iiVre tmatic value P.WM- - V iSBíi tur.- - t- - Jetey. i 11 MKMT A. 1 í M. Orce ti 'WT..r.u::ííg ! ' si FortjHnúír l USMowwei ,...te t 4 3 Canter At Bojt l.5 minuta Oft at IMS 1.1. TfM u s.s. :M. ' lilé.íl - eM. ubi mu, orrww out 0lM. ' 9Htnw out sha1, Winner-' - 'r Mr Be;. tan oot,- - vwt Ib a cwimr, tetona UtirdV eetiiy, woo, munn b Njivi. Vinr etrwJor Judge toe poltM.MM , Saieé jroM al wlH allltet

2379 FOURTH r: iiM nctrifloBf. SHtif. THrei-yr-- .tí tp. ?it Valuólo umiw waa, twlw. thtn na. ; . a'. NVUH. Mr. FWi. Jof.Wy. op. Cl. (eitriWavarkur J, IHBVirln) JtrtoB . .1 t? Dr..KeHftT s cwto4rff) y.., its t t 14 t crowth a, i a .Hartwril 933 RurOCú t UHandolM) (íííOMercurluw (NKMoodj' Sl í 8 Mo4t yisa iraftóriwt t tCVr,Tr)ortC&T 12. At- Dúftt 3 infetutM.-- Off, at l!t7. vTtma ,u i.. M Wsvcrlnr. Clac. ilBdfcttfed.' irahwrt sy O. B. íorrl8ta4lnr Jiíarl rxxt. won KtvMír, fcowl miiw, third aslly. Winner rntcred for 900, No'bTd. overwcitf, HtiYoco I.' kevt off th mco o th3ttchí rííiOftd(t irweiy ciIIm! HBm.. and tvoro Dr ríenfer down at.rntt. v I.a4H awa v Wí Ha nhiWM titrlt'.titrn of Bpeei tmt treKn. lo tire a tlxteenth from heme. AnifrewO'FHiy rin. inivt ram on omnnn. wuyoco mm rinnfn an tn .wiy. ww. mmr rrommwiv RAC stinpK. w ñm, FJFtlt' nilicv Wei víub wtmw' 07iOí1 'rícoikI . third M6. - , i op. Inrtfi. Hon. OWBf. wt. Bt. u w sir,í fui, jocietr; Ü300 .incz ("veineri ....i... í.iuj a .9 llartwell KB7 Carrie .ormojWOTpMell) ..,.105 t i.strou Kit MaVn flood (IKGMrKl a 1". &'t K SÍ Crawford 3 3t 3 4 Bezanton í?7 Flnafee (XHVlvem ...... 6") 4 4 1 Campbell 6.6 C 0 Martm At nAtt q .9 Mlnnlri. off at 117. Time r2li soi.s.- l:04 3.&. Inez. DlacO. out hOw. Orine, place, oul ahowi fleod, shovr. Winner cu f by . AlTcacot- - Hlolsea. Trained by i. Lewli. siandlnr atart irood, won drlvnru aecon .eailly, thirdrtvinp. Winner entered for woo. No bid. Wpn. price, Mako Oooa; is. over. W fne,""nüp1alí iha way, Cairle ,0rnw fcejail to tiro an eiihtu oun Wore tier down, the TtrtMct in last few atrW, Carrlo Ormo showed a nlco, filclit or peed, in the tremr. W rHtrlnt tM end Make. lood closed strong and

SIXTH o' and one.huf (mriongs. Sell'.t.r. and up, OIK vafee' top Htetul m, third at. rast. Encore rou'M It out (raneiy ail the way. Flybome closed & big. gap. sunno less twenty-on- e the Kéw 'A- Wet wltwer'aaoo. than weenlftir at imiet. QwpSñ WL m .K H g 8tr. Fb. Joeaey. Op. CU man rarm at the tiresenMlme. Llkif moat Hor. or the, now jOft place, (ETMUier) . i Hartwell sixth RACEKII and 70 yarda. Time rrti,,;. i:i5 1:11 tilev 3.3. yearlings the. their "itaa safranor 4, si t'l lt 2381 Alart VnAd- - ' aro, get or Of trama a .... ., 41. 3l" ;3. ueniry ' tbe the ton Hapover, Abe ,. 3 &) Frank., or Ida) iMH'LMV .London jBWM.Mhf$i 4. Mitthews lyiHtPf llnrsc. WI. SH t U j Ptr. Fin- Joeey met! whote t hate been Parcel roat 3 a t4 ,2 4, Breach teamed the creditable wrnnert, 14 likely .... .1111 í 1 echWMnger, s It 3,SOO "M 4M S Oreen' L.... iltt"i''V,! "Jake AreftfTlatll1.s.i.itiaf3 9 8 a, number; of these colts' flUtcs will be A 0 Treííer ,8 S 8 8 f)rme ad CRE 9 l.lttte Juolter .109 - seen In action on the Kenucky track ne aja i?iiw.rA.utkt. . .. iüjt. M 4 '4 -- T" tífíerfy K- TC8.1 teteon. . 'jTiztfe, 3- - London, m by ?ftn . J fior ahow. show. Winner br cite.' al 4 ti.' 'ü Mi C. Clancy, who Of Choicest Land i.Uui'- W. hMH yearlings bt the 8' Í7Ü 8' '6. Lili- V Cfl. 30 McKtnncy '(trivlflr. High'$rfce.- - Fraíte tv Wiarer eatered For aoo. Wo Wd. OvctwjBlgW, 60 60 rrlec in charge' it the Juaret .third course, e 97 i.iitle (Erne f,....,M,ioo o 7 8 ,8 8 . 60 1(0 wit very early during meet., "ít'wíáLcaiiiyi'jiestí íiwjwed tho, way furfong. was in Tarcel first laien teWna ra ñama . 4 7' 9 9 . 9 'KfCorey V) IE0 mr which boglnt today,, tend to tbe pon i The Rio Grande wSen again and had plenty re- in airitch, he too If the lead when ready in ...... iw the filly, Ghetto Olrl, ro'Jto gradually, Lady Fascinating, place show oul itaafcin, , sow 4,.,6h íJHHMr, how Sfí. which serve. at,ent. Fraaale .moved. Bp and finished strong. Londoa forced Blaelf Plne; Aensletir MtedlBette. r be; tbe performer to carry the1 orognd the, flrlshed'faat. rarccl I'ost 4ult. '' .Seratchedi X, win flrtt itoí.come mid, a'airlnallWnnthmhA hp. flílrl liut eaillv muran II all Mu uav Ii4v nnVIn raciíig colora of the popular Cleveland eíosed a big rep and putgMned LHo iuplter. Lattír fefeed tho peco all tw turfman, who by an ezpcndliuro Valley Cynosure, , enormout wajf red. or money baa k4pt virtually intact tbe raaeus breeding ttud of. tbe late 1. H. scene. TIMES? FORM Monicllh that stated that he wet the Now Opened for Settlement MORNING CHART greatest Tblt filly It. a half.sUtef to a pair of fighter Philadelphia bed ever very performers, Hanbrldxe ... ; ,, da (trqce-- ICHTERS STABT ' noted turf both ffaore . turned out. Judge Wright, being out her dam Co, Jimmy B ron son, mtBeger of Jeff Clerk, tad of by the Santo Tomas Farm l to JTA tbe noted Debacle, abetio Girl wat tried Ttmtt was lus--i as atretig la Ms crtlso bt able HALTIHORE, MP.. Hov. 7t, 1914. Wtatfeer clean tracl; fast. very highly at a yearlng Trainer Jamet lad.' atid both of these, well known an- - W a mile, Tinw-.- - IHJ Start DrKfift, and It would be no surprise to eo FIRST RACE of. U ' r ,SantoTToma farms arc located on the Santa Fe Ry. Olí von artvlnr. my 4,8 . nuiplíTODir ' her' acore- wltmlnr brackets the Drt't tline "'oodi Hrm.m the game, ptek Conway ae tM rates m1m miles from, Mewlla, N. u v- 8ir.jFiai;Joty. m.gCi.' note she the barrier at the Juarez course. 40 from El Pao, two fndf. 'yorae; wuat wimer of Bundeft baut. Aside Ohettd Girl, Clancy too 14.' Laffcrty once from bat seven' siream .beaaaeitt end Conwajbavo met be nortes In training here, rour" or lVlflitnd bordonñ'K én a paVéd higWay Roads have i , ,.. St s Coreyv' fore, in Ptttla' other uniJ Oraiello a ittjtveli' mlnr tnruurh tie rounds these are yearlings owned' by Mr. McKlnney undaunted . ,....,....105 4i FA.S LOOK Fft SAME CLEVER WRK dejphte two years. one of, ttteee bee graded over the ntife tract, and ditches and 10 51 77.'8" ,.H'''Ws and r(e oth,er are' the pc'H 333 Joe l inn ....108 7, . ,tVHE. BÍ9UIQHT . three cider , Phiiiinpj. 2) AMt 'WUWAI ín 'decMeá affairs with Hie reeVdy noser (Jordan 3. ii KTKW tVTn'BIVll-AT'i- f fAOiW' tormera, nooater, Trospeet end ftwnmer . latsrals have Itcen consúucted for the vrater ::::::::::io1 4 Stnytll' SO W. t' paper equally ilv,ielee!Hi. hcit hwrrttag jjni Chilla ...... r 6t bill. The latter. two have been turned;, out 108 7 10 0' Amoroso, 8 h; as to me ssva sap winner vew improves near here'alnce last winter and their to- - from A4 IlllilkV I MJ1I 11 Is i Nlckiausw 30 40 wonderfully alnco them Conway )ias mot Katep 100 3Ü rWÍeíphU Lad as EjeeJleat tM petrenco suggests' that they btve benefited 1031 BareMA...... -.j- . II I0 Rrá lurli boye Ledoug, Unnnlgáf), 10 . 11 JW py rrteee- mtmm Wl"ln. tot Dy Kmg hp. czr Mtcbiel v...MÍ..M"f.M... . I3 .1 iNrrne B, ueeiarru M;"e 0'Toolo, Herman .aed JDcleney since "hat their rest líj 14 14 ui BcltHttlflirer . 3 a: KentallaiH) et rrewti. Bay Hallaaa. At Auwin iee bought of w. A. Kinv The Elephant Butte Dam in It one or, the Hue King 3 ' 8 k if- Fore hand te 10, ume,'WBue utHww tMe.'.been the contract the latter held on "the, mi i..í,m 101 134 Lilly' loa me' few boys "stood up eight clever sai Hearten Letier ...... ,....'h"í; joi 11' 8 ll that have rounds lightweight rider, Harry Brotcb, The roft - 3 Si 7 14 Trozler T, Ctumpten. Joeauty Xllbane and lint Oranlle . Ill- ' by ÍI. f!CH!fÍElAü. ' before tract ilio fir day August, the Sprint of 1915 ....t. 4. t, i! mod. afee ' bu uhll of 19: i u i hnur a.&. n ra telle, nlarn iw l.S. Fknkle Conway, the, ri)Hil.ili ,(4ná-- etrpea nraw witn ibo cnawion. to run. Broech'a'tpprcBtieethlp does not exí . u.JLk.S, r.Ylnnt rnnk. Hiasev .ltM. fitMttir. ttHten or Keys, ifértjr, Th. Waf .riatu raú OA anill .nil.lnl HH1 pire: utvHI Hm twrnty-eighi- h day or The Santo Tomas, farms have léeB claarsd 'ami Uái iteja, and Ocho Delmont, the. natfrtifif , with the fighMflf aietlttet l)elniotlt. Ills nel IMaa'j'iMaí pi etercm now 47 om afid ran WemnliU íad. whó iüéet' ha Wit wlm Cbevtz, as pro- m it yetrt j0 t 40 of- ..... i loiiA IsHt roukf bout anted, wa? rlrte .m light as 97 poundt. t -- out in .tracts of from acrén. Thy:ar tta te ,M lage.u m the jwet tweeter mtatr nounced by fane le bTe.beeft the best '"I rtglWl JOB fyn ai Wt. .frarrrm inixiu ie Bftvaett atipeart to.htvo a good, chenr to fered for sale only aftar batng dvlope)d and mack Mad across ibo fiver. It was the leave next apriete' a T'jSECOriU Abetjt two jpütt. TifM 4iJ, rood have begun, active i al nana ret1 tiwi gone the Jitarei track fairly 1fl both uneflitnoüs verdict (feet had the bout Jockey ready for the actual ttíar,.and to;th actual sttUr '.'easIlT'. ' .v kM4 ,Md .throughout Ute cotntotr ymk longer 'pelment finished at the ownert of tomo. rood five rounds would bare nortee heve tkeetly advited' Anetlfl thet .soraje. MSN.eftKrtain lao iitw Ten at t4atr,tM derisively whipped Chavez. thii animncMMtit mMlt. Intffi. y tney wm gaye ww ooy some awtm Htewite aa Kf 1 ! Kvan tur aaUriers. r The mile Memphis led it fighting In (J8t3)Cmi itero, ::írí t the: cofhUtr. wlier, which AutftN .bellovct 1K II, V - yil;l9ut appeira. ttjei ditWM yet atajed belief fornt at preeeRt iban 1 any time t oí ümii ..( 3 3. 3 It til the, ted Re4e to prove hftworth'ai .,IM . anq uromiwn (ana, n m (hiring bis career, fiit draw with the on The 4 4 . ie. Santo Tomas Farms F. A. fitoae 4. pte, Ibey- drawirur tkiMWVHgtK'ewnt rider. mu i lejlireopii".tht km M,ítlyed. It efcamDlen .made Mm a card 8, a year S3H AWBte V. .M"iH nrwM proyo even bia Ke la Mm ivln 'nr J.refier 'hae Im.'iMmw call ' ivr WilIHwa. tliilil. a,i,f4taw',,1itefiftr aimcf he thMke very. highly or. iwotar t KlmoaGlMTM'-ke- raan Tti.'tiBftgtier cj ' fiiilrti:Itae tba ef fiiwier- tMt me. neugoi to watcn in ftirper, Llfcr Rid Grande Bottom icbuiMclere, 'plaee show out i ex Crafu Mate 1. rfca It ty put of pad, by lw urM. ago, which tM pravtsiiiired aetteej, rati, a bard Wtter etui what is prru wiiyet'.kekt acroaa BT we, ratu. never, to go ta mix It. aiTmuBBR.)Mfna 01 roiwtei by turiM It dapoeit from K :vfnth.f9M, ida ,rivr, better afraid ad Meet kMieC 'keiky IwMfWiMK Ml Ititve littn rkri of - asar M ene or ma atapeert Mi gewag m cloae ius all mfoed with a rustí arew faj- al m. iwra bum ise nenM t Utt to .attlivtH old MiJMra' atRi not th smtm of huMl twyv ttiteUr Uga m ad n aaety. I ItMé. This rbllaMhiMt Itee save i , 'i'iaat lithe' 00 heM oBVweH but, was no ewtrun ,,M sweeping puuebee wtth en adversary itaWe tat Me hook-- He t tWlly. years, aMktig rl wit hee'ttireo other saWralBOW Im Uttel Im a mm.; Aí"t Ured eif 1my rtglitliir four namely UHi trf tm t toe trevM At le 1 otrt .! one horaeerhi nMMr. of iiMv : :47 l "8S .wblett Cjene fflmofit t of the t Wlcka, ieltwl MteJcHte, vsgttUUc hntl foragei crape, nd THIRD Tim (II f - IWjtrfg t'ÍM Jater two for frttk, OP 4fy. - ay jwv.MjIiaaaraal iwi .auafMietwir ' .. i 30trooj; ieep aim la'a IBB. pan a IIIOJ the 1W th riybt Itrval for the twetttwttu i "fi "i!. ÜiÉr.ewetiiaat )o in tw rewMM are, tMMrmlly not tp that lw ytt wUr me preaent na dm foal fa has ron. Wee í ium;w oJ (ItMBttl try tratohMr iMMMcthg them ful growth f Stum, of th sUntk ef alfalfe fi)Ti romi (......"-4l- 1 it. ,4Tjaa)C beat in tHe lsjaFi. l i f NEWMANS HAVE NO ngeen mm tommt wiftvf. Jfttmr or ibero in the Rie GvetWe. Vtty new grhwietg ett pauta Te4M leraiiM e4 ItsnaMsaweiartt data ,aehiaMsMr rteee) atece hW tbe nnilMrfK: the Juarci ' a)"etJ í 3 34, 4 leaeti ttetTwtater. 77 FttrHM. . ' LeaWux or yet ,...í.Mj"m Trre,sao4' toea Aawe', Ute RtMl'VatMucky tiaM: never bee Imir iaf t44t, turf aatm ser MM;tMriM.( ofdr aMa AfatMar út- Heraáeh4tl IWl bortet MWr rrtW..!r wore. TrMÉÉ 7 YEAIUNGS HERE IIm Me let ot thi.'o:hI wa MtM iff ta 9m Wttfe a.mail tM akv ' a im aatlai' aaaaW winter, anit Trainer down le wjilt Ott .IJTlliMii4nMiavVy'.e4 k Mail MMirijM iMlM?1Ñ'ade up lili lWh tB"!". Wprnt vttlt MM'titweiHt present 3Mr rwiatfaieBia kmi ever mrmn the fÜ,'$7SA)0 to $lM.éÓ ett aere. Kagiilar Urmi 't .l;k Mt peeM Mwaajet here after iLg "leKaBaBj B4i SteTlaaa V 111 4i.' JWMMMtf'VVMWB(MftBuMt werkt WWm 1 A aJmWWmWmm JfTQl FOURTH w ?i aoSi'lleast, m. IM Im MMPeVt) eMHeMivW eTC jTVMilJr ftjwwtWBwm V JVMI wm ittae U 1nsM. Of .O'Brieil. The Mm will tend here " l.a. &l4t mtmi - tn b tte Jerk txxm itmmm for fiwt tihc LM Two or nJaLi 1" ' iMiBtir jmH0m ,hetV 7' aW TT varava ww e 1 eat mat, tee r or ute WlltUKK'aHT- N4IHV Btwafa new o'aalwM.y(r.ol(lt.mi TSfte wM he the here ever 1 p ,i TMwar ,3 4 "to ibo e nm fan. Ihtt mí tumi ,v..;...r.;,...... in I'jtpe r jrew receM 'Hag Mere taaaeaat ipg'eei 1 l IM) color at the a . pibbj M' INK e4 Waff ifdtan ai IM Ma seat: WM Steet tHilla It tím MMtreefc. and It merkt Sáato Tomas Farms Co. a)MWwrBMapr keva ,atMe) ay mrfi M. )eef U' th flret teeeeat-'- Meny yeart. tht bit aala he haw Wreeenied at a winter témttSmám tn'.tke rMg By J. 6Tlf0F Sale lajaBt Jsa BBaiaBBMr IM aaátbar X. WAMHJS LEKitOrt, Afráts MTeM) Mm t4fe etMe Me Imf jleeejt Ís1 Afi Sfce ' i - "--. ett tfeMwtat. aiA4vertiti)t. ' be tMtc tan. ir T aasa awny 8r. l IT"- . """i '. W-.- J alt timet tatf Éwar ffvee Me eMeaMttt a flret mm h H. KewiweS,.. ftevMie im PÍrt Nelieeteí Bank Bée9 mw) bo yeefimw ' mm at Ml TIMetKY, lit, rmVi , EL rAJO, TBXA4 There ere m leee'. tain MinHr. ling a cratieerry Mire noyt at Treej. Of tVetit tet Ptvte. wHae Mr evYryooey, weetoh't, Rliriaasii , Atty P iiM worm-- - im i Mat ieM mht aweeiweaav. Teaaia. Mil xetM ' i a itmm 'vm rTiCt WhríP,'WtM raMe,-t- Ai vriejMflT . I. ...MB lll"'."lir"1W H i l'i I sft e Me eatieaeteat Mee( mm , MaaateM, mt huptlit jMjy fbetetaMMi Mé Tmmm Fmmm' nii"n MMtea M yet. MiejMT we. MM. WMMfter pliMaee. ' Ketr wrl Cet Ké Mi i tW:fialM Ma wM Ml em of in 1 taittief b htaerW boetíti m werry etea; ImM tke wMtMent )ae reeeiveai ejae nW lit tM At aIÉil fceialert tatawzM. wt r MMewárl , M 1 .1 leatof1 It tkU mm nteteeu ate at the froaq. aiaqB faBaaag w mnmm, mam fM rrre free Ttt4tet m ihe, rat! grefjt fieAtera t m MM leatty, there wee atte tjPMM tke jtVf .K e rce peye etty mm. Fmm MintrMnntitt M ' . f I mMwili a oeeqr aaaatMa. itmss'I aaager. ISV If HWetr, oeatitt am eewutrt) .Héwttt aayt if ear rt It may be thi rearertutvr tke eMi ef aWU nlutipha he will Mwe top or three of tee yvajag. Mky KM vé AaMMMwi aancr q 44 u wa awviaj iiam mai -'H i) i Me vv. rtrei etf ibe ye fui na rrer vM Ml5t ra f tnÁ te rira tu, bik of the, .ftwaa eaT.I Sbeltw-fai- m 'etwat 'of tfec er raawig mm rw uidi uaMl lie ImlBa MUr2&rKBHHHM aaftaaakA-laiaMaMS- flHM., 'ft JIMUaM 11 MtrttJ - hieetjea M our Choice ALWAYS A WINNER inwttarti Congress, TiréMirst The Chma Palanp. rrfft'".--

IB e C WeawiwwearrTlaUieiar - Thei feattah, ptw'- - Keiitucky of rreic Atrta qirpw it'lwirtisji- t. J. F. PRIMM & CO: nerwara that w have y,oart) Mm a " búeiaeee. Seta Mfd oen stock. 1N' eWi(ma . ,1 Unrno Rar to flEÓ,: OsA to,orer eW yipm .jkmImm Ü. ft " r-- W TOT8 Wé t larsaW Most VftrW Meek Quality Stores (4L : i XI jüám, text-ÍT-- iWnár A OÍ Dolls MM VÍI slisM we have ta 'sbsiii'm. Our Pumphrey Tire and Bupply Co., . V. . k. HOAtWAir' iLENN, ' Pro. Toy Deparsñi ttk year,' will be 112 Texas Street, EI Pjbo - , ill! tQ t In'ow wt Gentlemon--r "We wish to state that aWHMigh, wre did not 'begin t'tar-jirftt- line Of toys abort rat wk on ''Ij have to uo excessive speed in the rCfO heM.fet Juarcs August December. ;, A 1(, 1914, it m a hard strain on any tire,t6nslderiBK our Serve the Fttist Imported . - vr weight and' epeea, - . .i. . if." 'A ;miCMhOr.M-af'- jprieea ai i m i ac H- -- nv.r-s Our Stuck Special was equipped wHK two CongTcwi and profit m, wswal Bornial tireek two Miller Urea. Altkouch the Miller ta'a, nitwh higher priced amiuomestic . tire, we wlH frankly state the ConRrse Urea showed less wear and were In much better shape than the'Mlllor M the finish of the race-:- . In iae,- - the Coirisa were in bettor shape than any mm nes, Liquors and Cigars A Crf other 'tire uedfe!er tfcejsarne strain. 7, CHINA Just Received Full Una We are from nowioíi Cawfreas users, andwtovto recom- THE; PALACE veryhlgMy.-YoW- s 1 mend them truly, ; PMVC A , IIC TMII rafacg St,--' (Signed) J.M.SMITH.i i f The CM Aiwiox 113 8M Antonio A- ui uo n iunk V. - IIARXWELU it, 10Tgobregbn. MaM Mere.) WHITMAN'S CÁWPy;l , ' ' ' internatlohalJKace Drivers.

The HomeíOf MU Rttd Mv'AÍtmH, See Wte" Pick A Winner Í ,1 tit A. to Bond & Lillard Whiskies RfiAmm Winner ñrt AT Sohte Race mmf IH jswthi; tíip HAiinn nn AL OSAPLE BAR THg f" I! - WDTOR lENEDETTpFroprlittrl - St" HOWARD'S '. Wi Ser vB Thi Very -; 105 SAN ANTONIO ST. REENOLD Bast Of Liquofit, Wines, We Serve the CAFÉ . V ; and Cigars Em - : Can You v . Pick Best Wiliest , .Kir jP WE WILL CASH Y8W CHECK IF Y0U; PICK THE WINNERS Always The Best $5:00 and'C'igars 29 San Antonio Strut 208 N. Stanton Your Patronagf ....Street 207 Appreciated Ta F. KELSH SEE THE NAME TEXAS STREET ; PHONE 166S PwfjriAf.f

Head-quarte- rs Head-- v quarters Headquarters For x The Times will give 5 orí dollar admission Race Tfckets, gqodo any' While Yeü Are In Town Sportsmen week day race, to añy1iV picking thegreatet number of winners, Turfmen from the entries for Wdnsday and Thursday, ípecerhber '2?at&'L SRortsipi Drop In And VISIT THE Answers must be in TWés office by nbon-o- n day of race; hortoc picked " ' - are to run. ,s? ' ' SHELDON PH0i592 ADDRESS;HANDICAP, care TIMES. V. - 'm Ei '

"a y," V X HOTEL BAR AT TIME OFFICE BAR II - a V 1 ? - 'k. till rf. 'J . t. . ' We Serve the Best Brands of .5. 1 lit Sfvth fftfM Street Fred F. Ueatrt, , Pirtfe n- I JÍrii -- 3 1 f W$t WtWWBWK MJWf. Imported Wines, liquors Mr J Wi- and Cigars. Always Finest Wines, Liquors and dp THE BEST Served, pmish Restaurant in CoweotrWi

After The Races SUIT, 0VI iT OR DRES 'V VISIT S Meet M at To Our Modsm Cteátibig DepsrtmMt Overland Bar & Cafa I ft George's Place Yoúr tottm Cleaned and PrHmáA o i 'I' m wt "? Í " I; tetMiie. a. El Pat Mm, 111 ' ConMcln. JUAREZ,. OLD MEXICO Tltt Mansl Tsw rnsilasn 1 iaW PASO LAUH8RY Hot Luimos tatved at AH Hou I 1 Too Good ictf Unfcr 1 LaniBeer on J AjmrioaN . taught fH , fttftft Miyory PImmmi 470 I H J Ask pí the Foroniap opt-- oay for Lfnl mm IhbvivivH I . HHHHWHÉH Sñnámy, November 29 ! 9 ! 4j - ÉL PASO MORNING TIMES, 7 B mBBBBBBWoWBBBBBBBBBBBVá JPEAPWAGON WIKSaPASOANS "It's in the Marvelous Motor." "lyfl'W tTwfortf'cnnTtTtUlico' sjaw naesure ieiaMta. 2? is doüté-- Chandler owners all agrep herein t In i June car. Moreevtr that hum w be going tuto t Matt jmaj. lair to . eeconteoM , ec lUStpMa. The Mal tÉSkS afkyeóinformtsr fee tMtW. tog iiMPUt they can go nvwhf k marked iúptútíÁty óf thii Um nt th; city for five cents, are ret si nuraereite fa MM cliy streets u the street ears. aMtw can afa taxed to their capacity oa wy eSci "fie aebeme at first did not swpW leader of light sixes. ' - ' .ft l) mawii wno were accusiomea 10 me til 'l meelM trolley car and wattinr at mm trasw-- corners a chance to MlNM f'fgl1! r , for bamr- AwMC jrnuf prduntg Üm ÚVmi mmÜmI s4mi M tn overcrowded oar, IhK. tMay ta a fce grab at auto- ' sm1 are kaMjr ' aÁ taMal llvuuri a maismA íua wV bewern mwy dtstrltts beforerleshe aMtwey krft fi tlMvt ftitC Jkf)JMTCl&t IR tt 0XJHfWw0wl tOÍ 0JtÍTÍt HAS. That "opposition Is the life or traevr has been demonstrated in the Ittne car busl km. Ito sooner was a few Ford cara ihk. ww commission than otaera rouowen, by Independent owners. Now big, comfort we touting cars are Hi Mm. service, and one can ride without tk least Incon- - rentenre to almost any polat in the city IOT ill." ffoiblng hu been started ta El Faso for mwy years that ha pleased tbe public so well or hsa done mare to add to their comfort end aid In mMwir tbe btgb ees or living as the InstalletMl of tbe Me car service. The general public bave bane, flted, the real estate men now bare new lamng potni, amoraowre aeateri nave nau new business, th repair man bas been supplied with additional work. Shopgirls now "motor home, clerks are driven to luncheon In an antn. BinWri catch a Jtfae instead every of waiting for the carin fact, Cam sfetft and ctuna uno jvc pome ano comes ro uio ousiness ait section In a Jltnv. tfom eond torgtes;. A report wu riven circulation some dsys ago that the larger cars la the service were ownea ny me street car company. Pstrpns of the car service yesterday motor hue attending stated tnat they did not .rare who owned onoiy irora IfKm 10 tram, givtsg longvai IXr to encina mounting" uiutliMn bi I Crank shaft ttnntndlr I Rattling. men, and got bts force to- the fire twelve them jo tbe price and prompt tala, magneto, pump HBMAfSs9HBB2BBBBMehl3gr?'alHatflBtBtJ staid eod perfMUr bat. I i wmra rejniinfa me same, une Business ; east lotacral, Ur and laPaKSfáflBM , , Ground cork mixed with plenty of ,grese miles avay within ffl minutes after he was BlPaiinstaV iaMKVW W 1 aactd. Ha Tlbratlsn I I man said "I bave ridden on tbe street cars tdrtp I í I aorapMd. Shaft and cop- - I Jsjvery often used to advantage In rear notified by telephone. for some years, and tbe ownership, of ttie Baa. ÉrSH 'IlWawPevL.íálW wheel bub caps to jreduee, rattling of the cars did not affect roe. Now I take the cxle sha dor. KloaUn .axle Using drtv-- , automobile. I can not see what lnr don are noisy when worn. The cork host profitable town forest known; It difference It makes who owns It, t get V: Inipertad Cev tn.'the grease win serve to reducá tbs nolse. yieias an annuel nei gam 01 111.1 i agio. heme promptly and save several minutes mi, eiwtaa fer FeMsturax) t i dy laxinir me macnine, every one in tne driving pump, BUMta Othetr Chandler Motor school forestry Bottineau, Sunset district, where I live. Is satisfied and cam thaftfc. Cbaiee Oiling aystam eomplrtaly eontalnod within the motor. He Hlably Useful ta War. Tbe state of at roa la conataat spray of oil. Oil pompad born rooor North Dakota, with the service, we do cot care who outtlda piping. main rtaorrolr late Yol only has tbe German army been using announces that it wilt have owns it. The rides are, cbeap, fast and volrt abova all mala b trine and Ihtnea Inte vrtrr worm Dlows for dlrilnor lnlfench- - one million trees for distribution to tbe inmfrtrltil " . , Ing part. Indlvldaal on trough aadar nib ooenacuag red. jr Fly wheat eomplataly onsloaad. aeeotalhlllty of all also specially equipped cara for. citizens or too state during tsis. OU InaUnt mentv tul fMnolr and lower half parta. Cylladara and wattr boada Salahad to poerl gray cutting wire entanglements. of trank cooo soHd at baiad animal with aluminan and nlokol flttlnga. Apple wood, used almost exclusively for aluminara. No Gasollnb ShorUs". r saw "bandies, also furnishes tbe material Fads and Fancies r France, and England are experiencing no ror,rrfany d pipes and labort8ge of gasoline. Tbe average retail particularly for tbe large wooden type used in printing signs and posters. for the Motorist unco ni rana la viiljr iuuui tcii, uu 1915 :16o btgber tban H was before the, outbreak of' war. In England the prlcc.or gasoline one of the most expensive woods used Among the many first aid cases one or bss gone back to normal rates. regularly in an established Industry In the the most . attractive and practical is the Model united states is boxwood. tbeTavor lie ma spring door case. like a medicine engraving. (HANDIER Tbe Canadian government, bas ordered 500 terial for wood It .he, bees case and toa doors; are opened with American motorcycles to equip the dispatch quoted at four cents a cublct Inch, and spring. Ready rlders or the troops, . , about 11,300 by the thousand, board feet for ' A new sewing tbest resembles a small "What lb supposed to "be? récord, peed 'In ATTENTION I trunk, The drop front and cover' conceal By Who Know getting men to ,a ,forest ".fire ' )s 'reported I your business represented In "El Paso a compartment till wth three draw trays Built Men Delivery from Oregon, where, on one of the national Business Firms From A to Zt" If Dot 'forests, a ranger went to town, hired ten call 6050 and ask for- - particulars. One of the lightest and ' prettiest or week end bars Is made or Din seal, it comes in bisele, lined with light weight proiit-shann- g leather or sine, according to cnpice. it is "i. see ,the, 1913 Chandler. At the new unfitted. COME . study exclusive The double ntc'nlc set in a tlat leather it is an unequalled value. Come the case tuu oblong tumblers in which the folding knives and. forWandtnbtfktosari .Chandler Come fetüdy whole car. Come take a stowed away. - - - pag motor. thé An evening wrtp for limousine wear Is ride Drive it, if you are a driver. We feel, pretty me made of gunmofu beads over velvet la a in it draped Dolman model. It Is . lined wltb Chandler. white satin and finished wltb a White, fox ,fhQt your judgment will, tell you to own a collar. The" latest traveling vanftyea'sr Is called "Tbe Canteen,' as It H the shape of the Delivery army canteen. It. open ouv'.fat and. Is Early Orders Will Insure Prompt completely iiuea. , Flower bordered chiffon veils are new, ;one Motor Co., Distributors Tbey come in pretty coloring and rarp Star , easily laundered. . i 3 ítói. i 355 Myrth Ave. lhaneJL2Ji$ . V Boys' toilet cases msde or ssfNan leather E. C. Perry, Pres. L. J. Trotti, Wgri, El Paso, Texas la dull finish are fltud simply Ivory or ebony, ""Huh small military CHANDLER MOTOR CAR CO., Manufacturers, CLEVELAND, O. prusnes. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OfflO Slight Shrinkage in Export Trade

any. Talpla on w The feature of Hie export trade In Arner as rine sprclmrns a cn be round for hi "best girl" at the store at .aaaaow eHün-o- where, or tiireeiyotr-olds- . Overland and Uioadway. giving In payment vehicles two and lean motor for the first nine HUNT MAY BLOCK Cotton ginning' Is going merrily on two ten peso constitutionalist bills, wr. raenths of this year la that, oespiia tbe already from the Temple gin five hun- Tslpls took the currency to tbe eicbsnge, general abribkage in export or manufac- - dred balea having beeu shipped to mar? smt was told tnat tne money is spurious, Mired articles due to general business de kct- - The Tempo gin Is running con Salgado waa lodged In tbe county jail, oreselon snd tbe European war. the sblo DEATH CARNIVAL tlnuously and on Thanksgiving day tbe where be yesterday afternoon proicsMd bl meats of motor vehicles wire, only 3.7 per record shows twenty two hours put In innocence or sny intention w aeirauu, UEO. II. KKN'OAIX make Oialao rlM x cent less in volume ana per cent less tbe long whlto stating Ibat he thought the money to be when til otbers ralL t.z cleanlnr the setd from AVXrTUZ. In valuation than in tbe corresponding pe- stsple that Is making this valley famous. goo'J. No date has oeen set ror tne Md ME8A riod last year, as shown by an analvata There are gins at Mesa, Phoenix aad preliminary hearing. mao oy me national AuiomoBHe chamber GOVERNOR GKKS EXCUSE TO CHEAT Chandler, as well as at (lleúdale and all of Commerce. ARIZONA OT HANMNO "BEE" FOR are gotas: at top speed. Most of the crop Another notable phase of the situation U WHICH HER PEOPLE VOTED. Is DMqg shipped to Oalveston, Md there LINES the .matntentnee and Increase of exports placed on board a freighter for tbe Mew AUTO STAGE fHE LOCKIE. or metor trucas nuring August and Sep England mills. Tbe collón seed Is being OLOMt 10 PMOKiMX Outside tenner, two Klevea Coadrreacd Murderers la riorrnee BVm Heated Rooaug, , Town in tnoio montas an autono pressed la Phoenix ana one on sent to Lot via Anin seven.oitienaer car leavea Oloba Fealleauary awsh Beetatea Cat MM. exports to France and Germany ceased ibi j Angeles. Tne local cotton serd oil Is In dally. Time hours. Make reservations at Day. IS and M Fer Week to Oallewe It in Auyuii, wtifn export or Bead Thesa la Buaei. great or Us splendid Dominión Hotel, Globe. Olla Valley Auto demand, because color city passenger cars trr n per cent in vei snd uairormlty. n the rariric coast manu HUg UP. Heat tn the for the prlee, wne and 71 per rent in vaivjation (rrent Sel facturing It Is feeing Price Equipment i Bit Tinte Bptctil Corrrtpcnitnt circles, where msdn MAIL- LINK. Corner Mill ana Wanton FU cars in to i, and from tl.ttijw m me into culinary and The $920 lt mewx, Aru., rtov. re beta toilet articles. service leaving Both Roswelt Hit to tees the number of trucks sent cotton being Passenger .8), or eleven men, sentenced to bang seed meal Is used for estile nrt ("arrizólo dally and .Sunday at f a. anroM wasee, valued at luwu, as com prieve reed. bl Florence, about for Picacho, Tlnnie, Hondo, Lineólo, Fort pared wlth,M valued at lioo.irr in August, at the state pealteatlsry at Net Paawed by Rrllllanry, sunton. Caplian and riogti. Through far and 17 Distinct Improrements in this to expire, Coventor 0. w. P. Hunt Is snow Corrected rigure on the recent election on way ttto. Intermedíale points tc per in September the truck export increased tog seme sigse of Weakening Irora tne for corporation commissioner show that mile, baggage carried up to 17S pousda ta IN, valued at HMJU. ak. agalaat ferty- - to pounas rreej excess at te per psusra. tbe elec- Amo W. Cole, or Cochise rounly, gets ihe Dr.CheHok Ntw 1915 eigbt. valued at in tbe ine month poelUen be assumed saorlly alter HO SWELL AUTO COMPANY, MW teioi or In one. four year tumi, beatingt former Cbalnnsn year ago. During l no mown ex tion that all Idem should htng and operaiora. vhese CH1NCBSJ aimt non- - W. by 19 vutfi, Bpih Cole smt Owneii It. ports of passenger cars I'.owrd some tm lay, "butcntred to make an Amone f. rUiUUAN wor-ta- r Oeery were bur Ihe Irony of AM the hfch-price- d atures fcfeh- - provecnent over August. t'wunUnc to be day" m ke tailed It. Md ne is now of ceaselessly upon tbe trsnicrlpts or fate seemed to follow Oeary. At the Luree per cent In volume and M ler cent In the primary contest be was look- aaanmiiliw. pricéd cars. A haockom, powerful, feet, tea .the else ror the purpose or ef Poteati )M vMaiea or similar etporn in pepiswnsr, m reeefd ed upon the strongest etndldite In the g, Hráiwg seeaeoblng upon whlcb to lung an is rid aad awxxta-rixinexi- tuu Town Car. fleM, however, V. A, Jones led all candi- wnn tKUse for eonimutailon or seance, to EAT AT erMl Blaeaae. ra nwe mentas ending swetnr many dates in be,vole tbtn. Cote hi been tho Tbe Best Xeeiewraat UM, United ipf.rlfd 19,630 pss-- . life imprraeMnrnt, While there are Newest aad ,itMltrMtaii by tw tbe mates objee, It was 3 Oxiakfered exprt to tbe grtatoet of opinion tbst tbe governor win of considerable sympathy for fraak Poy aad Preae, Peea, Sanger cr ml 37 ruck. worth IIS,. the believed be bad but tmett ebsnce of getting rV ite $2,000. and sdbere to his orlginsi irjirniion 10 iai Mr 0 for kM ,m m agdnst fe.m pasenker rars nominated- - However, was nominated kd thn Mm - liwg. If the vote on the capital pirn he duuh Pre 7M trnefca, worth l l.8t in the corrp- mest and In tbe general election was ipecicd Club Home Cafe Mmc hwpfa, sHdtns issiaang nenan i 'yeir. Itbmeni bill aUch as to demonstrate bifhtakxi vt to be flow tu,. Thai be beat out Oeary te teutk H Pasa Si. ''Hai toft-ha- perM of parte, nol Including engines tbe peon! of tbe slate are to fevof of gémr tramrniawion, drive, con- .Mr aad thus senda Uta former cbsirmsn to center id Hree, HAIA.TW during 1m ptnstly- - Th canvass or tow bweeseel from deem the- two- year on the rommlsilon is aotl-eid- d nhH me an the gasaoaatrawo 10 . aw w trm trol, tire on reex. te Ki,lfJ in firi m mis regarded by many a one of in pecullsr mree.sjueriera rowih year, soon as It was rasde known the goretwor in sit interview. Rut kinks of the election. Prior lo bli election The enormous prodoctlon made W suiment to Ihe ago Cole tcheduled for ilnie lie Iim relweed t commission three yesrs bsd atece ifeat had nd experience public utilities or .chain sT7 To X. as bis subsequent action bss with Sufferers ef KRrorrh&lif the corainf yr, the wonderful of e. rrteet. H4 boulevard. greet derree corporations sevo as a diy Uborer He tH Would you me It I tell you TMHSFQt SKteriM; prfaiii-- f for rocs er. working: (a st Douglas bller tail LONGWELL'S and. tbe vaet and efRcknt W. a. Masesrt. mm Newman TTMerérs red ea Oslrlefc Heei. tbe sroitr I can cure you In IS days, Let bra refer wTo andfu had s mrrubrr of the town you to some of my worn casea zation behsbtl thie Maxwell Town Car street, for an AbboM'Beirett fire paasengar However, ihere were some rralclcnta or tervtd t tbai rboae 1 me car, wrre butcbered to make rouaeiu He s, however, regsrded as a have beta cured In lass time. Tbare ts touring rnoeaU tbit men great of sound common no failures wltb my treatment, in tb AotomoWloe. Mack, Unrr. it poaafci to eU it at 920. To Mars Ceeewly. hoUdy on ThonksglvtBg, when tbe with. drat ; Akiiiiir aeart rrel sense aad Hue helps him where greater IT year that I bav treated Hemorrhoids Auto Isavcaga Traeae ment. reMster. Harvey system serured sluy oetrlcbei I glad, fer n'rerd a4 arowiedfc end brilliancy might damn blin. I have, ot oae failure, would be Ug at 4 Mte T wstiiasn T. hh for naa iiumd as dlsbes par rceHence for tbe 10 ta you my method or treat- Kar HMc.' ing No fre-- Bedrk Stertar ml thdkic Lifkb edra cycle ear. rr. r1 TbeekMivlng menu of Hwlr be4U sad .. Warrbolas. time lost werg m chhgc, CHg4.Ti. Mel-- To B, M. IMa. M4I rrutes street. ears. Tbe eetricbee y4tf nfvKrum.r hev '")Í)""Tr T" anderaa. - - .1 to were pwchesod from tbe til- for a Ford urine ear. btrds and M. Wka Bannkt aelrt Welti With i nm-- to rmmv. American farm teceflily- - Tbey were amoag lbmauwU rmmtme Co. w m orastM street. yiaassa curreary m Jan. - - ' S1m .. fpr a. Ford Khhw eer. ue leo bird seld by aeaaaeaaaeaeaiMi iuttuoa11 a: r, uavo Ka4 CeeHi. felHdo, arretted yctlariUy (Hiepewerrt Asaay Hrlee Í aanrji I asea to V, c sKCfwef, sew Mprtt Sjs4sew)f frexKleea m, er T tour ajbipmrwt Of 14 ewtld frM tMl vaikf irrilrr by constable Mieffleld at tbe lllflln tr - El Paso yesterday kw enr. Va tbe saarbats bee ekeady began, several hrouthi la afMevMXH! keeping, en a charge TCXAa pt4-rT- u Mrs, N. . Tsiasia, MC Wire tbousewd ktvlng ajkrady been aurtod m ror ssfe mr5krml wsy. Even paeetng counterfeit constitutionalist RPer CeaeafM UM.Nasi.Var awjasgav an wiaéawr, laelr on TbenbsgtvMt af strvel. ruf 0rrlsn - ÍImm) un five oar 4r ri- nry, Tbe fomplslnt uas filed before , mt To Ante aervtee, ell North ibere wee m M aad load p, mi ea. 1 CesMpewU Mow. If a KetX bMartaw car. ware drift) to brwa and leaded tola car aaee or tae reace ina mviyui vg Iret rrÓiÍMCa.1 satkv-- Te JIM Ante eervtee, ail Nortb for Um la) i age le atecayard. Tbare artsl Talpl. - purchased silk wjiet cejut-b- M suael, fw tmi touring car, wet m 1st Ul sbtpsaeal aad taej- were Baagedo, t Is said, awawaaaaaaaaafl Iflfc 833 Ckjtyxt. NavmIiM' 29.

1 TOYS ms mm aatiBM THE BIGGEST JWelto? a sfltíSjR 's " 1 ' I I DOLLS Sweetheart aVnlHslfl ( 1 C m.w, ÉJB3f Vi I i toys ss- - .1 Most Complete Line of Fountain Pen? s High Grade Toys n the What Is mora appreciated' Worth le DecemW lOth. and , . City. The 6CHAEFFER useful for a Christmas pres-e- mi I re- In El Paso rJ pen Is guaranteed in every n1'' aB than a nice trunk, traveL These tire ara evr, Full line of American spect. Ing bag, suit case, ladies and are guaranteed for shopping bag, toilet case, "When all your cooking Is done with, a model builders and ejector Trices' from $1.50 to $5.00. bill mechanical builders. book, tie, collar, brash or LONDON 3,500 mSes. cigar case, any use- kinds. or of our WOOLEN HILLS Wheel goods of all ful traveling requirements la ; Union Made Clothing. GREBE Gas Rqnge Telephones 731 and 732. fancy leather I See Our Display Windows. ,The OAS RANOB la tho final achievement of 40fCeatuTles' of evo- lution;. la Indlspenslble tp your con- Bults or Overcoats, THE I.ION WATER HEATER Knoblauch-Waite- r El Paso CLEANS CJjOTBES. venience 'and comfort, these cool mornings. Kiefer1s Junk $15.00 Teas Ruber Co. Drug Company order for... Toy Store Factory We guarantee to fit you 418 N. OrecoB St. 519 N, Stanton The El Paso Gas Co. Orndorif Hotel Block. II. Q., BECKHAM, Mgr. - 107-10- 9 N. Stanton St. El Paso Texas Opposite Post Office, and next 217 San Antonio St rhoaé 1114. Phone 885 COOK AND HEAT' WITH CAS. to Crawford theater. TeL 1054

Ihere is Surely a lot or satisfaction in deallnr with the "BOSS" or proprietor and that's what you generally do here for "QUALITY JACK" and "SERVICE FUED" arc nearly always on the Job and wilt see that you ret 'JIFFY BEltVlCE." KANSAS CITY LIFE Jim give u a chance at your next HAnoWArtE, STOVE or KITCHEA Rojgl OliDEft see how wo to To do that our The UTENSIL and hard atrtre please. goods and prices must be right, and realizing: that fact we have governed ouraelves accordingly In establiablnr and stocking this MEW ETOIIE. In 205 Mesa Ave, - ll addition you will find ua deeply Interested in your wants snd willing to COMPANY e go out of our way to serve you. INSURANCE Shers Hardware Company ; , IRe Personal Lasting Kind QIALITY JACK lll.t.HM SERVICE lltKO LAZCNDY THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE LADIES' AND GEN- LEADING "WESTERN COMPANT. ' THE' See Oar Store Windows . " L : m Wc Cah You TLEMEN'S ofigóods-marke- Please SHINING PARLOR IN THE CXTtZ Participating Contracta, Every piece in plain" figures prices ÜI SI2 HILLS STI1EET nio.NE SSI .Writes BoUi and at to surprise you.t,Wo manufacturo any design. , , ' Quick and Courteous. Service. Miny stw seggmtlons for Christmas Gifts. . s IR. R. GROCERY EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING AND DYING DONE Liberal Values, Low Cost; 3 e J. D. OSBORNE, rrop. Agency, Wilson Millican Cleaning Worka Ü 1700 Wyoming HI. rhone 3103 mm Our stapto groceries are of the best brands. ALL- WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. .Investigate before placing your business. a rs Our fresh vegetables nro the best tho market affords. 4 5 1 ' i Remember your friends with a box of our fancy candles. ,W hani ILfA. Carpenter, Hi5! 1 die such well known brands as Homer's, Phelps and Bunte's. 12 Shines for 1.00 Edward, MacMIllaer. SH niQNB US FOR PRICE8. f Special Agent. Manager. ' v , Manufacturlag Jewelers Diamond Setters, SBgravers; WE DELIVR TO ALL PARTS THE P. B. Cox, Prop. - Phone" 6748 4189. 208 Mills Bldg., El Paso, Texas. m OF CITY Phone 115 TEXAS STREET. ED PASO, TEXAS. S30 Fr?e Each Week to Readers of TRis Fage Surety:-Servi- ce Badger Fuel Company' Strength Satisfaction First Prize $10.00 in Merchandise. Second Prixe $5.00 in Merchandise. CONSIDERATION Fifteen Prizes of $1.00 Each n Merchandise. Above all, remember that our coal from the Black Dia- i CAREFULNESS Pick the missing letters in, the advertisements and put them together in such a manner as to form the mond mine Is the best from the Oallup field. out Dump and stove elzee. .Our prices are right our. service CONTENI ENCE firm advertising hereon. I OAPITAD name of a v prompt. answers will issue in Firms We I Now depositors and old alike receive every courtesy. For the neatest set of correct the Times orders One Dollar Amounts on Ten handle DIME, CEMENT, PDASTER, ROOFING, etc. I Wo pny 4 per cent on Savings Deposits. ' of winners' choice. Other prizes will be awarded on firms not selected by winner of first prize. Name the Oet our prices before you buy. 0 firms on which you prefer orders. Children must, state ages. See us for all kinds of Feeds. iCommercial National Bank1 Answers must, be in not later than Thursday, 6 p. m. of each week. Bring or mail to Times Office, Care "Free Merchandise." Badger Fuel Company

You Are Interesed in EI Paso Oldest Piano House In-E- l Paso Phone 42 Phone 110 New Auditorim El Paso Piano Co.. Skating Rink W. K. SCHUTZ, Proprietor. COAL OF QUALITY WHY? Under new management We are the sole agents for the genuine "PianobV Pianos, New Richardson Skates Stclnway, Weber, Steele, Stroud, Wheolock, Stuyresant. Lage, smooth floor, select crowds - Because you make your living hero; because your money Is In- Pianos Everett, Fischer, Ilarrard, Whoelock, Stock, Co. vented here; because you believe In the future of the entire clty.'.' Wobér. West Texas Fuel Spend a pleasant evening while you can You want El Paso to grow 7 Certainly. What makes a city growT No admission charged in daytime. -- You answer at once, People Why do people move to a ItyT To Wurljtzer Automatic ' Orhestras Adrmisioa, evenings To Gentlemen, 10c ; to ladies, free. make money and thereby enjoy life. Every dollar spent her halpa CO, some ope get employment. 'Why not buy El Paso mads good's? 4 PROVIDENCE DRUG These are Instruments which have stood up perfectly In UNDER NEW MANAGEMEN. Skates 25c this "DRY" cllmaU for many years. We carry a cota plate una or new, fresh drugs sad drug sundries. PreacrlpUoa work a specialty. We lavlte the physicians or Skates free to ladies in forenoons. El Paso to Inspect our prescrlpUoo department. , No ieed for YOll o. experiment with untried pianos. .We We have a fresh line of e hoUday candles, perfumea have, already done the experimenting FOR' YOU. and Christmas 'baakets. SHARP ELLIOTT MFG; CO. Ico cream and fancy drinks, both hot sad cold, served during We sell on reasonable monthly payments If desired. winter.' Leading magaalnes and aerlodletls on sale. Auditorium Other Instruments taken In exchange. , Ladies are Invited to see our Itee or toilet snides. We have everyuuag that nrsteUss drug stores carry, at P. 8. All good grocers sell Mission, o and luilt Maoaronl, lowest prices. Skating Rink Vermicelli, Spaghetti. , 208 Texas Street (Next to Watson's Grocery). Ooods deUrered to say part or city. aad Kansas Streets. 3M Vpsea Ave. Paeae as Corner M3e

If You Highest Quality, East El Pao Biggest Prompt Service, Imperial Garage Fuel Company Photo Offer Are Asalte Cleanliness flÜH Dealers In We Mike Ywr OH Cir Intt Gm4 Tnck Auto Repairing Ever Made Hi t Thinking f Fuel, Feed ud Done Right Three dtettact features of the In El Paso of Having Dental work wade" First class mechanical Hoar Our Chrtstsnas speelal ltaa Storage $&00 $9.00 per ffiB work of all kleds. Tea Ited to 100, asd month. If your laundry to not thor- years experience auto, la High grade work at lowest All kinds ef repairiag WorkDne oughly up to yeur require-meat- s Wholesale and Retail mobile business. promptly done, magnetos possible prices. call for our man. Carburetors and The offer must be Estimate fwralshed on request. DiiH Hurt a Bit Exclusiva Agents for Moas a peclaKy. to be appreciated. sn W can and will pisase you. Beat and Paso del Norte o any Job glad- Como to us. 'because we are careful and efficient dentists using the High Orase Family Flour. ly furaiafted. No K ateas labor cm. bsst material at a rcaaonablo price. 4eye4. Cir Lits a guaraaUsd. ABSODUTEDY FAINEESH. lul All werk ELITE IAÜNDRY Specialty BanAntonio NEW YORK PAINLESS DENTISTS Car, Xoaa aa4 XatreUe. J&pair Shop, Imperial TU C. Free Garage 413.414 Be. Orejea St. Usale, Cor, Mas and Texas Street. Sllberberg's Jewelry Store Is under ua. Pftaas 31T7. IS Bum Aatasvia t Phone far ear rreata 410-41-1 fcttH St rwm im Uva. IWstW