feicetj-j.’. ■T'-l*---

■■ L ju. ^ ■ ■■ A T U E S D A Y , J U N E 2ET, lf)f>7v! ’ ...... ' 11 II 11 l■^l^ A PAGE EIGHTEEN ^ H aurhfBtp 'r lEuipttm g % ra lb Arcrafe Daily Net Prem Run Th« WffRther For the Week\ Baded Fareeaat at 0. S. tkaatbor Baiaaa Juao 8, 1857 heard was that of George Rialey, new associate, Atty. Sanford Jay r Slandlird Partly etoudy, slightly oaala* Plepler,. formerly of Bridgeport. Emergency Doctor* Zone Shifts a property owner in the Green Firm Opens I Lee P e rfo rm s HOLLYVMOOD 1 2 ,5 4 D tonight. Low 68-88., (ieiiorally A b o u t T o w n Manor area. Risley wished tb hare Attv. Plepler. who received his fair, warmer Thursday. Htgl* a re.servation. "-esetved for edu­ iB. S.’ degree from the University Physicians of the Manches­ Member of the Audit ' M-H5. cational pi'i'pose.s.'" removed from I of Connecticut in 1951 and his law O dd Jo b s, Too Bureau of OIreulatloB' The Mary McClure Group of the ter Medical Assn, who will re- Aired hy TPC^ New Office in ^degree from Boston Univer.sity his title to land in the area. He WHIII CHAIR Manchegter-— A City of Viltage. Charm Second Conjcreftalional Womens -npond to emergency calls to­ proposes to divide the land into was admit- 1 . . . Fellowship will meet tomorrow at morrow afternoon, and evening Cnnnectieiit Bar in ! .Everybody expects the Tefwn I building lots. In return, he pro­ East Hartford^: r ~ ' " ■ Dog Warden to keep an e.v«.on the ly c< 8 p.m. witji Mrs. Carl Rohrhaik, are Dr. .loseph Massaro. Tel. Table Action 19,56. '• j (Clasaifled Adrerttelng on Page M) PRICE FIVE CENTS poses to give the town a quitclaim doings of the town’s canine vtrtcdeo (rifrom VOL. LXXVI, NO. 227 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TW'O SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2f, 1957 101 Washington St. Work will be Ml 3-70f>9. and Dr. David War­ V or a 20-fool wide strip of land He had served in the U^. S. Army on articles for the September fair. ren (adults only I, Tel. MI The law, firm of I-essner. Rott- (car-whecl to The Town Planning Commission f.om Lawton Rdv to the Green (roat-whcel 3-7249. ne.-, Karp and Groobert today an­ Bmanutl Lutheran Ladies Aid , (TPC l heard two rone change re-! School for accea>, purposes tion from law arhotrl. W h»e ^ *|;* r*D o g Warden. L ee^ a cch ia . la.st propelling, of Society will serve strawberr>- quests and a building line altera ,| , Atty. Richard Law. representing nounced the opening of a new of­ sendee, he was attached to t h « ; ^ , „ / ^ „ o v e d a ayarm of bees, to aUfS-iacIi shortcake dessert at the church Mrs. Carl H. Anderson and '.iT ’'AV.hi’J last' Risley was un- fice in Fa.st Hartford and the ad­ ^ f f ic e ^ t h e Adjutan General at I ,5,000.’^from a yard casters. tion bid at Its public hearing t reservation whep he Fori this evening from 6 to 8 o'clock I daughter. Barbara, 55 Birth St.. dition of a new associate to the Brooks. San Juan, Puerto children for play. Brewster night. bought the land. Lav*’ asked that Rico $72.00 Tickets 'vill be be available at the ! are visiting ivith Mrs. Anderson's N|i;;^clslons were made by the firm. ! The bees were building a hive in door. Children to 12 will be served i son. Robert C. Anderson, his wife, this reservation be removed »o The neh-office will be located in I Atty. Plepler. who has been i a tree near Atty. Richard Law’a Olmniisslon. The requests will be ------„------I practicing law in Bridgeport, is a at half, price. I Joyce and young son, Andtew Carl, K^tudied at a meeting next Monday that Risley could sell the land. Opposition to thi was exores.sed 'o f'S t. Peter. Minn. 'Jtt * p.m member of the Connecticut Junior several .itlempts were made to ' Belly waad Ovtt TalM CaaMaad Ruled in Deacon.s of the Covenant Con­ Ally. Jules Karp represented * t-.V Mrs. Helen F ilzpntrick. She Bar A.ssn. . ... have an apiarist remove the Fits over average toilet gregational Church will be in Pvthian Sisters of Memorial 1 Mljss Mvrtle Richardson in her re-' said that the to w had gone to He srd his wife, Constance,. . . will ; .swarm of bees, without success, ; howl. Sturdily con- charge of the midweek .service to- , Teniple, No. 33, are requested to quest for a zoning change on Rieat expense to gel land, and re­ [make their home in Manchester Atty. iJtw’s request. Fracchia itructed. Easily cleened. morrow at 7;30 p. m. Thursday at ; meet near Oi-ange Hall tomorrow Ha.vnes St. Miss Richardson's prop ferred to certain concessions mace I after July 15. j removed the beea, ruining his ; Contempt 6 p. m. the Ruth Society will hold at 5:45 pmi., ami will leave for a erty begins at a point 100 feet west belw'een th- town and Green ; clothes in the process, but without j ' $SI.00 a family picnic at-the home of Mr. picnic at the Chambers cottage, of Main St. and extends westerly Manor in 19.>.3. .Mi's. Fitzpatrick I I getting stung. and Mrs, Ernest Johnson. 23 Oak : Coventry I.,ake. Transportation 45.% feat along Haynes St. She has said that the town should noici on Three Coiiiplele j Atty. Law cited Fracchia's ac- Grove St. I will be provided for those who re- ^requested a change from Residence to whatcvei land it now held, I tions in a letter to Town Manager WELDON DRUe 00. Waahington, June 26 (/P)— quire it. ; Zone B to Residence Zone C to per figuring on expansion and the Richard Martin, noting that Frac- i Authorized Dealer Frank W. Brewster- vice need for school and recreation Course al UConii I ehia would not accept anything ! Wilfred E. Haynes. R Hackma­ mit her to build doctor's offices. 901 .MAIN ST.— 5H 8-58*1 president of tlie Teamsters tack ,St., who was admitted to The Manchester Squadron of the Karp pointed out that there were a:eas. , for hia time and trouble. Union was convicted today of Manche.stcr Memoaal Hospital Civil Air'Patrol (CAPi will hold several other doctor's offices in the A heaving on Kiipclionos Bros, Two Manchester men and one ' June zO. linden'enl an operation its weekly meeting at the Ameri­ area and said, "W e believe the use request for a zoning change to ; from Coventry have completed a | contempt of CongresA. Hurricane Heads U.S. D iitrlrl Judge John J. this morning and is resting as well can Legion Home Wednesday, at of the land to be in conformity permit construction of a shopping 6-week labor-management course I Red Bloc Stronger^ Sees Rigid GET MY JUNE Sirica found Brewster guilty on as can be expected. ■ 7 p.m. Capt. Ronald G. Farris, with other land in the area. " center at .McNall and Deming Toward Louisiana ( commander, requests all members No Opposition St's., scheduled for la.sl night, was co-sponsored by the Labor Man- ! all 31 counts qf an indictment Members of Anderson-Shea Post, to bring to the meeting the st^dy Karp also said that the town had canceled because the petition w^s agement Institute of the Univer- APPRAISAL ■ - - growing out of his refusal to pro­ alty of Connecticut and the LECLERC New Orleans. June 26 '/T*i No 2046 VFW Tvttt meet tonight 1 boolu distributed in preparslion the beginnings of a medical center withdrawn,___ duce records and answer questions /-International Association of Ma- fUN-ERAL HOME before the Senate Investigations Hurricane Audrey, a giant U. S. Losing: Chou Controls as at the Holmes Funeral Home. 400 : for the examinations for the “ ■* near the Manchester Memorial Hos­ ' chinist.s. fubcommittee in January. atorm with u*inda of 100 miles 2 Main St., to pay last re.spects to Certificates of Proflciency. pital. Tliere was no opposition to per hour! today continued ita John Buchanan, who was a mem­ the change of zone The rien, all employed by.' Pratt * Brewster had, waived a Jury trial Plavjiroiiml.s Pull , and Whitney Aircraft, East Hart,- FUNERAL and left it to ilie judge to decide alow, relentleaa drive towards Alternative ber of the Post The .Marcia Neubert Circle of the Tile .Main '.Rt. Corp. requested an j Community Baptist Cliurch will alteration of the 2.5-fool Kdllding . ford, are Donald A. Wiihev, 321 the issue of fact as well as law. . the Loui.siana unaat. Hong Kong. .lime 26 (.flP)— United States stationed guided mi.-- The Weather Bureau ex- silc.a there . ■ meet tomorrow at 12:.30 p.m. to sew 1 W. .Middle Tpke.: Hassan W. SERVICE The 60-year-old Teamsters of­ Washington, .June 26 ^ /P )— line' on Main St. to 20 feet, to Larjzc.sl Crow ds peuted the first hurricane of Premier (?liou En-lai lolfl Red Mrs. William P Quish. 51 ; on aprons for the fair. Members permit an overhang on s profes­ Smalley. 113 Aul.'mn St.; and Walter N. ficial was not present when the (Tlioii spoke of a_ "centrifugal ten­ Plymouth Lane, Is having an ex­ the aeason to leauh the uoa.sl riiin a’.s Parliament toda.v the dency " developing among Amer­ President Eisenhower said to­ are asked to bring materials. sional office building at l.'5.'l-155 More rhildicn than ever "bcfoie i Alt.v, Sanford J. Plepler I David F'raaer, Coventry. Leclerc judge handed down his decision. hibit of her oil paintings at the ' All three are comuiitteemen of He had . been given permi,aion to by late tomorrow. Reaidenta Comnumi.«t iiltu' is I'iding high ica's Allies as a rc.sult of AmcricHii day there is real danger of in- .Main St. are using the town's aiimmer play- 1 Director in exposer! a«i eaa alonp the low­ Wells-Turner Library, in Glaston­ Members of the Army and Navy Ally. Jolin FitzGerald, reprc.scnl- the K.isl Hartford Aircraft Fed- Lodge 1746.'^Inlernatlonal;,Associ- return to ..his W^est Coast home land sti'onger than oxer- Init '.scizurc of coionihi inieicsts In iiic , fiation uiile.s.s industry, and'ta- giounds this year, according to lands were advi.nerl to evar- Middle «iid .Near KasI, Noilli ' bury. from tomorrow to Wednes­ Club will meet tonljtht at R o'clock Ing the .Main St. and D. and L cral Credit Union Building, 415 ation of Machinists. AFL-CIO, 21 M’ in StreeL Manchester and not be on hand for thf verdict. the United States i.s taking a bor apply reaj statesmanship day. July 31. , , Recreation Director James Hcrd'r. ' uale p .Atilia and other parts of. the at the Holmes Funeral Home to Corp.s.. said that the overhang «a.s » The recreation department’s ■ Mein St. Forty-seven lYnior leaders rom- Cali Mr 9-5869 Judge Sirica did not fix a time healing all over tlie ma|i. to their wage demands and pay respects to John Buchanan, a Audiey WHS tenteied in the world. ' built before the contractors real­ summer p ograni started yester- ■ Staffing th? office will be the 1 pleted the coUiSe. for imposing sentence. rThe maxi- ' In a 30-00()-n\ Old s»po«»4-)i at the price decisions. member of . ized that it was over the 35 fool mum penalty for contempt of j»ulf 4>L.^Mexii'0 alioiit 400 Though a "rei tifii ation cam- 6 day at IJ supervised pl»»>gioiinds. ' miles Roulhwe.st of New Or­ opemnp of iho ( ’lunp.m* (,’om- In view of yesterday's announce­ line. He said that the building ha* Congress is a year In jail and 8L- parliament, Ulum declared P "'? " "*<• K-lr'i of, Tlie plavground.s sre at the , leans at 10 a.m (‘(’STi. It mtiniBi ' ...... ____ criticism, the Peiping regime s in- ment that the cost of living reached The Cub Scout roundup, which been completed and approved by , , 000 fine. that the unity of the Communist new peak in May, for the ninth building In.apeelors, and that his 1 Keeney St.^■ ■Veiplanc,. ■ ■ ■ Waddell, vaa movinp" nnrlli m a hit lernal .enemies were notified the ■ was scheduled for today at Camp Free on Bond bIo4- IB .Mtlonger now than before . successive month, a reporter asked Johnson, Bolton, and which was clients ^ wi-h ‘ to keep the .building . . .' Bov. er.s. Green, Bueklcy, aetd The judge said the Brewster northeast at seven to teh (Tommuniat diciatorahip will not be ■ - ni.le.s per hout flales, ex- the Hungarian n*4oll. ( hanged. CTiina'a eight ' non-Coin-! whether he atlll be­ postponed because of the weather, next door in Ittie with it. D. and L. Nathan Hair sc iool.' and at Valley ca.se like* all other rrimlnnl case.* PSST-ST-ST Ic.mling from lt.« c enter l.SO Jo Tile Ke Si. in C-nln .Snring.s P.arU, Ro i- ^£iA/ ioo/>>r7^ will . be referred -to the court’s muniat parties were wai;ngd they *.'* appeal for volui crlscci Prik. riiar'.er Oak Pari:, 200 milc.«. mHV hit the m«in- worUl pea« e ia ronslantly Ihreal- would be excluded fiom the pieaent -wage-price rcstiainl will curb In- to Ernest Irwin, camp director. ilar build ni! next door to hou.-c . V probation office for a pre-sentence nnd the West S'dc Recreation mAx/TiSy. iHm! tonight. ' ened by war preparations under "United Front" if Ihev got out of Ca ' the Allstate Insiiranee Co. i report and investigation. In the Hnited Stales Icaderahip." But he The President told his news eon- FitzGerald said that he felt Cente v meantime Brewster will remain "1 visited llicm all yesterday and said tlie international situation was _ . , , , tference he presumes the altema- this overhang did not detract frami free on bond. penernlly favorable lo peare. No effort o shake it would be drastic controls the area, and that "rempval of th'- ' they seemed to have a lecord Brewaler challenged the author­ r FRESH CANDY 4 crowd, " Heidic said. Peipinp P*adlo broadcast Chou's declared* ; which would violate the principlea overhanging canopy Would make ity of the subcommittw to in­ East and W est ion which this country has grown k Kept Id Refrigerated Cases ^ the building an eyesore rather vestigate' Internal affairs of labor addrr.Ms to X. th^ session fT. . attended .u . by Uc said tlic Chinese people exer- ereat y Whitman — SchraftP*S ^ Chairman Mao ,Tze-tung, othe, lop a n d :* 4,,, „„ g^vem- than an asset" DIPP .41 C a ta la n o unions. .... Close Action in Fight at Ml. Ncho Opposition to slleration of th- In his decision. Sirica found that Aw ait Keplies P.ed officials and more than 1.000 Idol of television boxing aiidiences throughout the country, Chico Vejar, left, lands a left hand lo deputies. local congijasea organize!^ on the , cannot make it cer- building line wa.s voiced by James P ub lic Records subcommittee was acting : basis of • riemocrallc centralism. \ pupchaalng ^Arthur Drug Stores j the - the chin of Bobby Dalton in the ninth round of last night's featured 10-round main event held at Trlvigno. owner of the building POCKET THE riles -lap People's Struggle conceded there are some flaws; "within the range of Its aiithoruy Mt. Nebo. A fcrowd of 1..100 saw the favored Vejar win an easy decision over his oiiU,la.s.se

2^ > J\ AiHOi PAGE TW (V-~- field, SO, of. Colchester, with chest not ammupition enough to fight the reading of a telegram of greet­ he added, "our country needa the GUutonhury Injuries and a cut chin. NAACP Chief those who aptmrently have unlim­ ings from President Elsenhower. aupport of mlUtona of colored peo­ THURSDAY LUNCHEON of the lots. Regulations require afternoon for a Massachusetts park RepnMieems Pick Leslie Lavery,. 12, daughter of ited tax and private funds 'to car­ The President’a^^roessage said. "Our ples- In Asia and Africa aa^ well SPECIAL ' B p H j n 200 ft. frontage by 200 ft. in depth.- where swimming and recreation the Glastonbury couple, was treat­ ry on their campaigning of hate country is founded upon the .prin­ as of Europeans who believe In -hu,- Spaghetti aii9''5leat Balia Lions to celebrate will be enjoyed before a picnic Lavery Dead^ ed at th e hospital yesterday and Again Predicts and violence. We haye the re- ciple that all men are created equal man dignity. But . our prospects'or With Real lUUaa Sauce The advaiice ticket sale for the supper. . Woman to Oppose Sbeinwold on Bridge released. I sburcea within our own race and and aU 'men should take an equal winning their support are dan- 66c Land Change First Anniversary of the local A visit to Riverside Park and its gar** Foiiccr said that a car driven by among our white friends to raise shqre in the responsibilities of gov- geroualy Impaired by acts of hate- Lions Club ^psesagea a successful amusements is planned for the eve­ Lee in New. Haven ENDS TONIGHT ir.-iri'-*-* _ — _ Van CadMrfield, going east on 1963 'Bias End adequate funds—to match our .sfnment. As you have helped—by inspired violence here at home,” ^Arthur Drug Siorts^ ning hours. The young people will North dealer 1 ''TR* WATHABD BCS'' VTife Injured. foe*, dollar for dollar.” word and deed—to bring substance party for the town’s, first service leave Riverside at 10 p.m. DOUBLE END PLAY MADE < Both sides Talnersbla I* Otaeauleep* —filMwm *1 t:U Route 2, crashed Into the Lavery Approved by club. The event will be, held at New Haven, JunS' 26 (Aq — Re­ IN NA'nONAL TOURNAMENT Als* 0*wer— MMeheU Vehicle, traveling west, at . shout Dr. Tobiaa said former Btebic- to this fundamental American ob­ The Rev. and Mrs. Theodore W. NORTH \.r SPENCER TRACY I* "MONKEY ON MT BACK'* Detroit. June 26 (gh^Dr, <3han- lyn baseball player Jackig -ttobtn- the Rainbow Club Friday. Tony CSiandler Jr. will accompany the publicans have picked a veteran By Alfred Shelawold In.Car Crash 5:30 p.m. Van Oedarfield's auto jective, you have contributed to tht O’Bright's orchestra will furnish . Just oyer a month from now, the A J 7 S Mmw* *t M:M was on the wrong side of the ning H. Tobias says he believes son, who head the N A A ^ fund strength of the national commun­ Appeal Group young people on the outing. Par­ woman law yer.jnd legislator to V A K Q J Hrokcii Lance TMright "Bee*r4 Otab** the National Assn, for the Ad­ drive, "ha* expre8aed'-''great confi­ music for dancing from 9 p.m. un­ national championahips wUl be (I •• Ctpor svesxT.ctorvC tfn* road at the time of . the crash, they ity." ^ : ents of the youngateis. who will oppose popular Mayor Richard C. ♦ A 6 Rseerd I* Olastonhary, June 26 (Speciail) vancement of Colored People dence that we u^'-axceed oiour goal M arendai- til 1 a.m. help on the transportation problem, held in Pittaburgh. The best play­ j 1 0 1 * III »• wd* «f itiSfonoec.lptsWL— reported. The audience included a group DR. SEYMOUR ' Bolton, June J« (Special)—The <3omniitteo member* met last ers in the country will be looking Mck car. —Richard Lavery. 47, of 82 Whap- The accident took place aboiit (NAACP) can achieve Us goal of this year. ' will also help in supervisionjM the Lee of New Haven next fall. WEST * * ? * '.. Robert WagBor-JeaR Petera tea. tSe full civil rights foe negroes in thi» of nearly 200 persons from Japan. Zoning Board of Appeal* (ZBA) night to check last minute details Mrs. Edith Valet Cook is the for hands that test their skill, like val** ley Rd., was killed and three other a half mile west of the State Police An all-ogt attack was launched The Philippines. India, Korea and TRAVEL A6ENGY and secure a report on the ticket ‘event. , a hand with a double end play that ▲ A Q 10 t I 4 * < ( > country by 1963-the centennial of on the it X X C P In the South, Dr. NELEBER, DDS has granted the request of August News Notes , ' 5 • tr i* 7 * people were seriously injured in a barracks in Colchester. ’Troopej’ Lincoln's Emsneipation Proclama­ other Asian ■ countries. The group ■ 18 Asylum St., Hartford sale. Joseph Fontanella is chair­ drat woman ever to be nominated came up a couple of years ago in Vincent B rei^s is still Investi­ Tobjaq said, because "the politi- Mlldner for a variance to sonlng Bolton' Not-Archers, the young 4 K • 8 G jr 1* » 11 haad-cn auto cpilision in Colches­ tion. ciaiia of these states became has been attending .the moral re­ Tel. CHapel 7-5857 man. assisted by Val Fiano, Ray- ’ for that otBce In New Haven. the Men’s Pair Championship. 4t K Q * « 7 4 O k i c ' . k gating the cae. armament qfisembly at Mackinac ragulatlon*. Mlldner asked ap­ mond Negro and Marshall Lovei people's archery club, will meet at ' In Democrat • Lee, she faces a The Mddlhg wasn’t the same at ter yesterday. But the association's 75-ye*r-pl^ -iLlarmed by. the success of our pro­ 117 E. CENTER ST. 7 p.nv.. today at. the school shoot­ all tables, but South'’became de­ SOUTH Driver Cliar[^ board chairman, keynoting the gram and the almost universal ap­ Island. It Included Rajmohan Authorized Agents For All proval of a plan to subdivide his grove. formidable opponent. He won his ♦ K W i t l i i w Reported in "only fair” condi­ Vaii Cedarfield. who was slonfc Gandhi, a grandson of the late Mhitman in Training ing range. Mernbers of the Con­ clarer at moat tablea at a contract gM I M lOtWS tion at the W. W. Backus Hospi- NAACP convention last ^night. probation" of the 1954 Supreme Rail, Air and Steamship property at the Center under necticut Bow Hunters. Inc. will be second term two years ago by the . V > » 4 > S ^ IMlmi in the car. has been charged with Mahatma Ghandi. IS ON VACATION John E. Whitman, son of Mr, and biggest plurality any mayor ever of four hearts. (Perhaps I should said more members and" more Court decision outlawing segrega­ Lines which two lots would be created, present to do some exhibit shoot­ point out, for those who don’t play ' ♦ .Gv.7 4 ‘ NARTFORO negligent homicide, and is under money would be need^df tion In public schools. liifotlng the presence, of the Mrs. Erwin W. Whitman, 3 Fem- ing for" the youngster*. got in this! city. ♦ A * > > *500 hnil St the hospital. Asians, Dr. Tobias said. "Our HAROLD EELLS both short of frontage require­ wood Dr„ is undergoing six weeks in tournaments, that everybody gbrth East South West Dr. Tobias said the organiza­ Dr. Tobias told the convention JUNE 22-JULY 8 ment*. The adult archery group. Beaus She was chosen by acclamation plays the same hands In champion­ OlRger Rogera-Vaa HeEUa Lavery was pronounced dead^ tion faced a grayq-hrisis’because of “The negro vote cannot be tied to Aslan friends know this is a world Manchester Agent of Reserve Officer Training Corps at a meeting of the town commit­ I NT Pass * (b * A upon arrival at the Baclaia Hos­ A public hearing held at the summer tfaining at Fort Devens, and Archers, is also expected to ship events.) attempts to "Jrtiraas. cripple and any political party," crisis.” Tel. MI 9-7442 Community Hall Momlay at 8 p.m. attend tonight’s exhibition. This tee last night. Under the state pri­ Psis Pass * V > Plus Free Dlniierware pital by Norwich Medical BJx- run the, NAACP out of business "In the present world struggle," Mass. mary law, later confirmation is The opehlng lead, in most eases, ,4 Pass Pass Pass The convention piildly applauded at which tvo residents of the group will hold it* second instruc­ was the ace of spades, followed by Fer the Ladke I Color Rita! amlner Dr. George Glldersleeve. throughphf the south." A graduate of Manchester High necessary, but this is expected to Opening lead— 0 A Funeral arrangements are in the Center appeared. No»opposition tion period at the school grounds a shift to hearts. It looked as I.,ois R. Prokopy A i>r&wd that packed the 3,000 was voiced to the request. School, he is attending the Univer­ on Friday at 10 a.m. be s formality, since she was un­ oere of the Farley Funeral Home seat Henry end Edsel Ford Audi­ sity of Connecticut. , opposed. though South would be forced to "U T T LEH U r* Mildher, a long-time resident . Membership in both clubs, in­ lose two clubs, a spade And s dia­ THURS.^I.-SAT. in Hartford, where It I* raported torium on the Detroit n-^erfront "The 6-week program is an in­ structed by John Garibaldi under Lee has put a *125 million,re- and the naxt player passes. Tou AVA GARDNER that arrangements are still in­ Miss Lois Ruth Prokopy, daugh­ of town, owns a tract of land oii mond. To see how a few experts ter of the Rev. Paul G. and Met. cheered Dr. Tobias’ statement' that tensive period of field work which the sponsorship of the Park De­ devfloppient program — probably hold: Spades K; Hearts t 8 4 I 2; complete, but that funeral service* "We cannot remain half integrated i which his present dwelling stands Introduces the cadet to simulated the'largest in relation to popula­ avoided this, let’s follow the play Prokopy, 86 (Tooper St., rep^tly ha^^ng a frontage of about 229 partment, ia open to all interested of my favorite ^rtner, Edgar Diamonds Q 7 4; Clubs A S 8 2. IFitcomec^orthe year She*! "B A C K TO will probably, be held Saturday. and half aegregated." j combat and tactical problems, and persons. tion of any city in the United What do you say? The Laverys and the Watson received her bachelor of Science Dr. Tobias said he set the 1963 i fL on Hebron Rd. According to provides the cadet with an op­ States — in motion since he took Kaplan. . GREGORY PECK GOD'S COUNTRY" degree in education from-t'oncordia the proposal presented to the ZBA, portunity to use the knowledge he Edgar won the second trick in Answer: Bid one heart. If part­ ROCK HUDSON boy were returning home from a goal at the 1953 convention when Mancheater Evening Herald office. I LAUREN BACALL a day at a Westerly. R.I.. beach Teachers College, River Forest, 111. he proposed raising one million he will divide the property to pro­ acquires during the school year. -'The progvam-wiU drastically' sl- dummy with the ace of hearts and ner cannot aupport hearts, you She previously attended Con­ vide frontage of 89 ft. tot the lot After completing this training Bolton oorreapondsnt. Doi drew one more round of trumps wut later show your support for w h ^ the collision occurred. cordia -Jtmlor'sCSII^e. Bronxvllle, d'bllars a year for 10 year*. "Well, D'ltslla, telephone MItcheH 8-SM8. te'r the dWntown business dis­ with the king. Then he finessed the clubs.. I don't take that back yet," he on which his residence is located. program, and upon graduation trict. \ Sunday, Underworld IhriUor | iN. Y., and received an assoctale TTils will leave a lot with 140 ft. from college. hWitman will be jack-of clubs around to West’s (Copyright 1857, General -Fea­ n U F IF r . . iBeaas trouble! said. YOUTH SENTENCED Mrs. Cook, widow of an aider- Crash Injures Three and applied scienee degree, and "We have not quite reached the frontage on which he plans to commissioner a Second Lieutenant; man. and presently serving her king. tures Corp). ^ "THE STRANGE ONE" ta\ight for several years at St. [ in the Army Reserve. Waterbury. June 26 (AP) —Le- West Leads Spades CO-HIT! million dollar mark any year." he Ihiild a new house. second term as a state representa­ Maw Gsiiaars Orange,' June 26 Three John'* Lutheran School, Staten i said, "but we have approached it Both lots have excessive depth Fellowship Outing Het Roy Doak. 18, Waterbury. convict­ West was thus end-played at T Island, N.Y. \ ed of one count of rape and three tive. commented last might that the fourth trick. It would be fatal 'Fury A t Showdown' persons were injured when their and increased ovir financial re­ proNndihg an area of 78,700 sq, The Junior Fellowship of the C ^- the Democrats deserve credit for This summer she is serving a s . sources considerably since 1951." ft. for one and 1(M,400 aq. ft. for gregational Church will hold its counts of attempted rap*, all in to lead clubs or diamonds, so WMt .car in which they were riding director of Camp Nawakwa. a Waterbury between April 27 and carrying on the redevelopment pro­ led the queen of spades. "It is now evident." he added, No matter the date ... M the second. Zoning regulations re- final meeting of the season Friday gram, but that its roots go back skidded and overturned on . the girls’ camp in the Pocono Moun- "that a million dollars a year is . quire an area of 40.(K>0 sq. ft. The when an outing has been planned. June 5. was sentenced yesterday to to a Republican administration. Kaplan ruffed, got to , dummy the i tain* of Pennsylvania. Jn Septem­ five to 10 years in prison. with a trump, and discarded a dia­ At* O._____ Plsr AsgcH Wilbur Cross Parkway, n ^^rtence exists in the dimensloft^ The group will leave in the early "Lst us not," she said, "in the Bteart Orslaasr ber she will teach in S jl Mathew's A COLD DAY IN JUNE mond on the established Jack of Richard Lavery Milford town line, last night. Lutheran School. New Britain. irs name of progress, destroy our old­ spades. Then he took the acq, of "Tb* U H k Msl Fnrar State Police 8gt. John Doyle er buildings which have, historic Charge clubs and led another club to end- HuF " Y M ta g * " tal In Norwich today were: Mrs. said the driver. Mrs. Frances values." play West again. Gertrude Lavery. .45, wife of the Lowell. 2Q. Chelsea, Mass., had right shoulder, oadly mangled Your in your REFEL-O-TIZED Is c*l*r A PreacripTioB* She was first elected to the Leg­ West had to lead a spade or a 11:« S.B.. I* osier dead driver, with a fractured nose to be rescued after being pinned right hand and possible serious islature in 1927. After that, she diamond. If he led another spade, l! lM : lM : U PROGRAMS and pelvis, a dislocated right hip,- by the steering wheel. She escaped internal injuries. Here determined to study law, gradu­ South would ruff and discard the .-and cuts and bruises;; Thomas with minor injuries. Mrs. Dorothy Malloy, 24, al.so MORE OF THOSE LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPS' ated from the Yale Law School, low diamond from dummy. Hence 8CN., VWBITTRIT ON TRE WINS'! Watson. 10, ■ of 87 Whapley Rd.. Moet serioi^ly hurt was Fred­ of Clhelsea, a passenger, was PINE PHARMACY and has been a practicing lawyer West led a diamond, bul Kaplan with cut* oil the right hand and erick Oppenheim, .56, of Prov­ treated for severe abrasions of 664 Center 8t.—Ml 8-8814 NORTHCDOL since. let this ride around to his queen left leg: and Lawrence Van Cedar- idence, R.I., who suffered a broken her back, chest and face. Lee is a former, reporter, and and thus avoided the loss of a dia­ lAllORtD BY SAGNEX former publicity chief for Yale mond trick. Video Eyeryday* University. If you like sparkling play of this In a jibe at the publicity Lee has kind, make your plana now to play All Rights BeaM-ved— Wash ’N Wear Slacks received in office, Mr*. Cook com­ or kibitz at the national tourna­ H. T. DlckeasoB A Co.. Inc. mented last night that if she is ment a month from-now. MAN5FIELD elected "I shall promise you that Dally Question SHOP KEITH'S THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. ...SHOP FOR my pictiire will appear in the pub­ Partner deals and bids one club. STARTS TONIGHT lic press no more than once a week." rax MILFORD MAN DROWNED lJUKiSmi’DOOOJB Milford, June 26’ (>lb—Raymond .HUWJUllS^.. Hackney, 31, Milford, drowned yesterday in Long Island sound C lIN F IG B T a wheh he dove into the water from Avti Gurdner •Isha Krrr Stew. Graocer Pier Aorrli ELECTRONICS What a beauty! What a deal! See your a small boat to retrieve the oars. “LITTLE “THE a K .C 0 R B A L HUT’ VINTAGE” Plus LABORATORIES _T»rh._*:l*______S;U-S;4S ____ "2 Groomi 8*1. 1 p.m. “Orr«t Kids Show! i 80*., “Wkltpori»( smith" Tech, For a Bridt" 277 BROAD ^^^84rgjtj,2Lfe5££2S~»Si« H u E S B M RADIO I 1 I t V I S I 0 N MaUnecs at t P.M. NOW Evee. Cont. From 6:15

MEKMIY CANDID WEDDINB MYM SPERRY'S GLEN PHOTODRAniERS TOMISTONE Also Speelallslag In TheStrangast S w i m m i n g ! 3-D C O LO R swib , You o n own one of these S-years-ahead Plymouth beautjes-and save big AUianeo HERM'S CAMERA money in the bargain-lf you se^your Plymouth dealer on.the double. His This Side of ADBaSStON: 25e PER PERSON.' m BTOBE PBONTS Inelnde* parking, locker, ewtamnlag, ptenie area. 6 4 PHOTO SHOP Heaven or Hell' n *-m tm Meia • 4. A. WmTE OLAM CO. booming salea put him in a spot to give you a honey of a money-eiving deal L*cele4 la Msssltt Atsu w e (tea;t BMe Behla* Oar Predaeto Was Put to WEEKDAYS—12:00 NOON n MtseO Rt. MI t-T tn Ice your wav into a on any of 17 exciting new Plymouth models. S o . . . W R R T n • WEEKENDS—8 A.M. ' The Teet! Chaaaei ■ Mew H evee, Ceaa. frosty REPEL-O-TIZED “ Chaa.B*l : !iartf*f4, Oeea. <»> MT PEIEND PUCKA NORTHCOOL suit. ROUTE 85 »nd FRENCH ROAD, BOLTON "The Madlelae Maa" CJuunel M Kew Rrttele, Ceaa. (114*) HELEN O’CONNELL I t’* not only good looking I Oaaael Ik Waierbarr. Ceaa SHOW -• See your PLYMOUTH OEALER -Q U ICK Chaaaei M Relive. Mess. (U l FILM and comfortable—it’s (H) MEN OP AHNAPOU6 styled 'and tailored for 1:U (»4*> NEW* •:** (IMO^A^HPB OODPRET around-the-cI(Kk smartness, (II) OHn^CT Real -summertime favorites. Light and c o o l- I t’s also wrinkle-resistant, (I*) HAaqPERAOB PARTT YOU (Ceter) just wash and drip dry. Only an occasional touch- spot-resistant, free from 8;J* ( «> NAVT LOO up with a warm iron, is all that’s needed. Get a the hazards of spilled - (LIMIT ONE TO "The Pltof* couple for yourself tomorrow! (M> PATHER KNOW! BEST A liquids of almost any kind, Now on sale at new lower prices! A CUSTOMER) “The Hemiaa ngeea" *:** ( i) OIZIK AND BABBIET and has 34% greater Save at "The Leaa” porosity. (It) THE MILUONAIBE TR’OfICAL WORSTED SLACKS _ “The Stere ef Eric Vlaeeat" Most styles fortified with (tt4*) TV THEATEB (Ceter) . “ A Cerlr-HesAed KI4'’ 100% virgin wool: tixjpicals . . . a.s cool as the Dacron*. Available in 3 (U) COPNT OP MONTE CmSTO -T SUPER-CUSHION NORMAN’S proverbial tropical breeze. Distinctively tailored light, medium and dark ONE POUND OF POTATO SAUD • :M ( i) TV THEATER 8 PIECE SOLID MAPLE SOFA CROUP 4 4 5 HARTFORD RD. “Alreatare fer Hbe" —WITH OR WITHOUT PLEATS. colortoncs, in your BURT LANCASTER (MADE IN OUR OWN KITCIQ^) „ (IM *) I’VE GOT A 8 ECBET M:** ( 441) BOUNG Now! A dual purpose room . . . serves as a living room or den . . . at night favorite model. PHONE M l 3-1524 Heehr Caetellaal vs. Behbr KIRK DOUGLAS 1* rd. mMdteweiaht the Sofa opens in a jiffy to form a restful full length bed for two! Perfect r ' WITH THE PURCHASE OF (1440 HOl'R $ 0 . 9 5 WALLIS' •ssa < S) H I UTTLK MAROIB (21) LAWRENCE WELK choice for the home requiring additional sleeping accommodations! ALL 8 r G O O D i ^ E A l l Vz lb. DAKED VIR8INIA HAM THi* w voPH in a m - m MATinXB.|TBKATBK i*ti ( •> NEWS BE PO B TO i AHD PIECES are included . The Sofa Bed, Lounge Chair, Platform Rocker, • GUNFIGHT.);^, tester) WEATHEBrEATHEB l: N ( 1) BAND6TAimL (i*> COMBAT)MBAT SSEBQKANT E l Cocktail Table, Two Lamp Tables and Two Table Lamps! Rep^l-O-tized Northcool Suits (ALL CENTEK CUT)— AT REGULAR / 1184*) BOB C t M W I 1*:U ( I) WORLD’S BEST NOVIEa «' O K C O R R A L 1:4* BBIQKTEBlbiAT U)«* (t44*> N i m LIIERAL MIDGET TERMS . . OPEN AN ACCOUNT SU CKS ALTERED $ 3 7 « ‘ * - Slax $9.95 PLUS (t84*> QUE&K FOR A DAY (tt) PINAL EDITION nUr Slxr & HOLE IN ONE^HOP INC. 4:4S (rt-M) MODCail BOMARCES (144*) WEATHER ■ MS I a> HIUEEt HQI'SE VLPB 11 :U (lO MnXION DOLLAR) MOVIE fOOTSTtps THIS OFFER GOOD WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. (U) AMOS A14D Ain>T "Oae New Yerk NtaM" FRIDAY, SATURDAY—OUNE 26 THROUGH JUNE 28. ( tt) THE m S T (IHOW (244*) TONIONT ^ sy -,^':v *6’X6Upwiwr**K •' r*-; ’^nK/jeetema. (M) COMEDt nM E tl:** ,(M) NEWS AND PREYPEI a II '" ’•HieHT DANCE TIME U)** ( *> NEWS SPORT mrani better tiKtion on starts, stt^ and turns. In Air-Conditioned Comfort (H) POPETE ' (14H> TALUNT LADT ■you forget the -heat. ^ • •:W ( •> rp P E T B (tt-*t)------TICpjjpQ, 1 No bulk or burden. Get 3-T Super-Cuihiont now for tire safety, (**) EABLk n o w U;U ( 41440 pOivB & iSru They're harideome Lunch . . . brunch . . . full course diitnem. . . the finest of food, "That Other Waauui” U:M (. .O . BPOSB BPNNY beyond compare at thii rock-bottom price! See. (H) TWIUQBT THEATBE (IS) 8BABCH ro a TOMoaaow aport coata for aum- tnstefully prepared, courteously nerved and moderately priced. ( S> THE NEWS TODAY^ mer by Mai Marshall. SiM ( i> A P O B T S C O n A WiEATHEB SHIRTS us. today and lavel Bring the family, children’s portions half-priced and thcre’a ( t) N A O E *Nt ' U:U (lO THE OPIDING UOHT - 9 X12 OVAL BRAIDED WOOL RUGS "H eaulsr ■ate" plenty of parking. / ' (U) THIS 18 THE ANBHEB iiSi We feature a wonder­ ^ r At low'ms $1.25 a^week ■ : a (It) NBW8 ful collection of short 1:8* ( 1) 8TPDIO t1 IS! (tl) 1 O’CLOCE BBPOBT 1:1* (1(> STAND P P AND SB sleeve sport shirty for forstetofFOUR! (tt> WEATHEB COPHTED S A 0 9 5 Air-Conditioned Dining Room and Men's Bar (H) SPORTS POCl'B !1»> WOBLD TPBK6 , summer. Styles, colors 1:M (tt) 8POBT8 DIOE8T (*•) riBrnTB ^ and patterns for every- 1:lt (H) anCATHSB (H) CLPB •* (Cater) M Otl K O m RIDE ON OOODYIAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KINOt TiU (U4i> DOPOl^ EOWABM 1:M (M) AT HOME WITH EITTT B B-l-G Poysffer 3 B-l-G Nights for D€iHciii9 CMid Fun AND TinniK W K _ 1:H (U) BASEBALL ra I8 ’ K U O ...... fli.85 rx 8 ’ RUG ...... 884.85 1 (04») JOHN DALY. NEWS Yaakaea v*. Ctaralaad (M> NEWR *:** (U 40 OPB MISS BBOOKS S'x6’ K U G ...... t 8.86 S1”g4B” RUG .... 8 6.85 T:ta ,(W) WEATHEBVANS _ (tt) CLPR ** (Cater) 1:1* ( i> DISNEYLAND l:M ,(U «) BOPSR PARTT NEW CUSTOM RETREADS. SAME DESIGN AS ★ THURSDAY£ ★ FRipAY ★ SATURDAY "BahlaA lh« Caassraa ia ' ( » H ) T B N K n 8 f f i1 ElBBHIB O pM A r A ccgiMiT la a la * 4 —The VOBD'S n o w ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT AT V2 THE CO ST OF A NEW TIRE ‘'HUM-A.TUNE” NITE - “CLAM-DAY” ■*' DINE and DANCE E s k ta a " l:4t < •) MEET THE STABS “Musical Bingo” Steamers and Half-Shell 7' Have Fun With Prizes and Sjurpriscs Pitcher Beer-r-$1.00 Friends and Neighbors Joey Kaye, M.C. MANCHESTER "The Bu m With MUSIC BY WALLY FIELDS QUARTET A MlHlsn Songs* MOTOR SALES eiih Furniiitr donT fiy...’ GOODYEAR "TOUR OLDSMOBILF DBAIJDt” • * For those who know... the place to go*- 812 WEST CENTU STROT r m PARKIN G EP^COOL Ml t-64St itaaekeatees Opea Hwra- 1115 M A N > . ,V!7 M A ^ N 5T. S E R V I C E s t o r e Aaaa HR t F.M., Kattk)#, . Eaat !tweyoubuyl SStWCOpw Dapy Ftaw It MANCHESTER EAST HARTtORD lu rm w •uAtANidl r- 713 kAIN STREET—MI 9-5390 A M. um u 8 PJC. Oloaa SI atiriaya '\. ' ' V ■ ■ FREE PARKING AT SEAR OF OUR STORE :OAK GRILt hUNCHESTER "Safoty-To^ed] At 6. 2 ^ OPEN DAILY l|:00 AAI. to 1:00 A.M. • PLENTY OF PARKING Usod Cots" k I V ■js .V- JCHE3TER'EVEKl^^G HERALD, M AN C^TER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY/JUNE 26. 1967 .lIANOHESTifiR EVKNii^G HKKALD, 'MANCklfiSTER. CUNN« WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. 1967 PAGE FI VB ------^ . had.axiesedsd last year's sum by er 80 feat above, the OonnweUeut . river. Bidding will eloM bn July approximately $1,000. He, felt this Glastonbury :V.- C a n c e r •ive wes especially due to the excel­ 18. ■' • - . ■ ' , ■ lent organisation set up by co- The appMach to the bridge, on Here's A Suggestion chairmen Mrs. Jerome Brett- this side of ..the water will tie in Ex^eedk Goal School to Get wltht he OlaeUmbury E xpreeeway, achneider and Mrs. Alfred Werbner' I J SMILING r SERVICE ' of B'nai Birith and* to the energy close to the East Hartford Una To Help Save: near Keney Cove. The area aow » The annual meeting of the Board devoted by that group In the house- Coat of Paint exists ss meadows. Bsalod ' m s of Trustees of the Manchester Di­ Turf U.S. Losing: Chou to-house campaign. for the approach roadways wrill be ' Burned Lawns vision of the''American Cancer'So­ Dr.' Merrill B. Rubinow was Qlastdnbpry, June 26 (Special) advertised within the next two BulW ei* ciety was held last night at the elected president of the local can­ —After inspecting conditions in weeks. V v S (OMtiaiMd frort PMt* One) "is the big popular anti-American cer organisation for a secontl movement in the strictly U.S.- home of Dr. E. L. Besser. all local schools, the Board of Ed­ term. Also reelected were E. Theo­ Motortsta unable to attend the controlled Chinese territory of Tt was reported bv FVank Simon, ucation 'has decided to paint the opening ceremony for "Pledged He promi»ed that local auUiori- drive chairman, and Mrs. Charles dore Bantly, vice president: Mrs.' Uea will aoon b* given a chance T^wan (Formosa) after the U.S. interior and exterior of Naubuc Safe, Driver" emblems and certi­ sUtionlng of guided missiles Ubert, chairman of volunteers, that Thomas F. Ferguson, aecretaryj School. to exerciae their iniUaUve under Robert E. Hathaway, . treasurer: ficates, sponsored by the Rotary there-. fuiids collected in the recent cam- . leadership of the party-controlled palgn had surpassed the quota set. and Mrs. Charles Ubert. chaii^an .Sealed, bids are now being Club, may obtain theirs at the national congresses. Chou asserted that ’ Anlerica's r o . _ _ A ___ * 4-^ - T m «!/${«% er a sought and general specifications Police Station. Although the car major allies were "tending to get up for the Manchester area. A of volunteers. Dr. Lane CJlddings "Some Rightists are now was elected medical trustee to the and * proposal forms are available emblam goes only to the regis­ tacking the basic system of the rid of American control.' bqth total of $15,'23.V78 had been re­ at the office of E. John Vincenti. tered car owner, the pledge cards state on the prelifxt of helping the'; economically and politically and Connecticut Division. Addison Dus- singer of Rockville will be lay business manager, until July 5 at are available for all ether drivers Communist party improve its | to conciliate and develop mutual 10 p.m. The school consists of in the family. working style," he said. "Their i contacts with the socialisu trustee. 10 classrooms, an all purpose Mrs. .Charles Ubert was named Little League Games main aim. is to sever slate power | countries." . room, cafeteria, office, medical The Junior Division of the Little from th*»working class and its Contending that a giant peace delegate to the 'Volunteer Advisory room, teachers' room and lavator­ Council of the Connecticut organl- League will .play the following vanguard Communist party. movement has been developing ies. , ~ games tonight: Pequot vs E x­ "They aim to lake the country | m,,ong people in all parts of the I lation With Mrs. J. Herbert Finlqy Teachers Hired named as alternate delegate. . change, Diamond 1: ' Industrial from a course of socialisni to * v ^ r id . Chou satd: The appointment of two teach­ Blueprint vs J. B. Williams, Dia­ Capitalist couree. The^ Chinese | "Quite possibly the new, more 42 New Patients ' S u m m e r Twenty tumor clinic sessions ers to complete the teaching staff mond 4; Roser A Sons vs V.E.W., Start people will not tolerate this. deceptive American colonialist in­ "Remnant counter-revolutionary were held during the year with 42 for the fall, has been announced Diamond 6. Spr*od if on yoor lawn now in onficipofion of rain. trigues could have a temporary new patients having been added by,Dr. Laurence G. Paquin. super­ Softball Game ) leant se­ Chou satd the nationar inde- ; fully equipped hospital bed to the replacement for Josephine Ger- pendenre movement, like any other ; vaise. Manchester Evening Herald riously from the Soviet Union and Tumor Clinic, making a total of Olastonhurj- correspondent, Mrs. ^1 other Socialist (Communist) people's movement, could not be four such beds which are on con­ Nelson Edofr will teach science suppressed. ' at the high sehoolr-replacing Rob- Betty McNamara, telephoBe MEd- / X countries.” stant loan to needy patients. ford 3-1753. I "We must continue our efforts "In this long-term complicated A large number of bed pads ' ert DeBishop who has entered the and criticize and overcome doc­ struggle, each setback serves to were madfe and donated by the service. Mr. Edoff has been 5I.VKE FARSIING PAT SOS teaching in New Hampshire and SOS trinaire methods tof Jeaming," he edutate the people and to help them VFW Auxlllar>'. •aid. find the path of victory,” he as­ The Wapping Mothers' Circle Vermont and is a graduate of Henderson, Ky. IP All that glit­ Keene Teachers College, N. H., and ters Is gold on one farm In Union "Wo must also refute the re­ serted. made over 5.000 dressings foif pa­ RTART OF HUMMER visionist view of rightists that the, The danger of war still exists, tient use dvjring the year. Full re­ Boston University. County. START OF RI'.MMKR Bids 'Annoiineed SOS RAI.E universal truths of and but it is possible (or us to bring Dr. Merrill B. Rubinow ports of miscellaneous expenses William 8. Brown, owner of the RALE advanced experience of the Soviet about a further relaxation in the paid for patients and transporta­ The Greater Hartford Bridge 132-acre farm, leSmed that after Authority has announced that bids I Union should all be repudiated as international situation and force celved as of June 14. with about tion provided Individuals for x-ra,v the U.S. Department of The In­ START OF SUMMER Very mere dogma." the Imperialist war bloc to accept will be advertised tomorrow for i terior made a Aieck. $10,000 of this amotint having been and cobalt therapyewere given bv 34 DEPOT SQUARE—Ml 9-5274 RALE Very Special Hite at Non-Red Partiee - the principle of peaceful coexist­ the executive secretary. Mrs. the construction of the aubstruc-' For years, Brown said, hs's been collected locally. The balance of-1 he almost blinded by the glitter com Spjecial! This was a swipe at leaders of ence. provided we can unite with Helen Ahern, of the Tumor Clinic. ture< of the Wetherafleld-Glaston- sill possible forces internationally funds were received from the bury s|san. This will include the ing from the rock patch when the non-Oommunist parties who have towns of Bolton. Fast Wlndsov, urged that the Communist share and persist in our struggle. building of IS piers and two abut­ sun is shining. Eventually, he hopes Ne-lron Batiste North Coventry and South Wind­ SEE HERE YOi: - ments for the arch wlilch will tow- to mine the area. Advertise in The Herald— PayR pule with them and who have at­ This is because tne Socialist sor. ajl of tu'hich are serviced by the Canton. Ohio (A P)—A Minne­ Baby Doll BATHING tacked Russia for insisting on re­ camp has become more powerful Manchester Ttthior Clinic. All sota man filed suit for $I06.,500 be­ payment of loans made to China and united, the ranks of the peace- cause an elephant threw him in the loving countries and people are monies are turned over di­ during the Korean War. rectly to the Connecticut State air with its trunk has accepted an Oonununlsta hold three-fourths constantly expanding, the demand of the American people for peace Cancer Society with 10 per out of court settlement from the of the posi(ions in the Chinese elephant's Canton •owners. PAJAMAS SUITS la “ d the U.S. aggres­ cent of each town's total be­ overnment. The other fourth is ing returned for local service to Otto Nygren of Fergus Falls. Slied by non-Communlsts and no- sive clique is finding itself more and more isolated.” patients. A good portion of the Minn., said he found the animal party functionaries. funds is used for necessary re­ pulling things from his parked car HOUSE’S End of the Chou painted a bright picture of Postal money orders Issued in search in the, hopeful endeavor of last June 17 at-Bfeckenridge, Minn. % China's industrial outlook. He securing a cure for this dread dis­ Vfrhen he tried to put them back, hailed the past year as one of 1958 amounted to $5,911,182,000. $g.90 well above the previous year's total ease. Vvgren said, the elephant attacked i brilliant economic . achievement Simon states that local funds \ him. $1.83 with production, wages and pur­ of $5,851,613,538. MM'S MEN'S chasing power rising. - Reguloriy $5.95 He said ' Communist China's •teel output under its first 5-year . Sport Coots Hobby Jeans Values to $10.99 Lavishly trimmed with ny­ plan (1953-1958) will total 16,300,- Value $3.99 lon lacq, and French type 000 tons, more than double the All fresh new 1957 suit.s in Lastex fagottlng at perfect fitting amount produced in China in 49 Small, medium, large bodice. Narrow lace inserts Sirca 35 to 50. faille ..and cotton prints. Boy leg accent the softly ruffled bot­ years prior to Communist oontrol and extra large. styles, sheath styles and skirled of the mainland. Regulars. longs, shorts, tom. Full shadow panels all The Red Premier went out of his styles. Stylings aie amazing cojiies srotind. White onlv. Sites 32 •touta and short stouts. Reg. 52.95 value. $ 4 ) .3 to 40. . way to deny suggestions that dif­ NORMAN’S Cool, comfortable np-iron of most successful numbers in ferences existed in the Cjoihmunist NOW ...... X (■ A*merica’s famous brand lines. bloc as a result of the'Soviet baby doll pajamas. Of cot­ Reg. JtSO.OO value. O *95 Sizes 32 to 38. repression of the Hungarian re­ ' NOW ...... ^ 4^ ton pli.«t.se in .solids, prints or volt 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Hear McKEE -Reg. 53.95 value. dots. Small, medium and "The unity of the eamp «f so­ Reg; 532.95 value. NOW'...... large. right for all .sum­ cialism (communism)," he. declar­ mer long. Buy plenty now. J ed, “was strengthened, aot weaVt- NOW ...... Choose •ned. after the Hungarian ' indf- • from 3 Reg. 535.00 value. Jackets to Match dent." stylet "The facts have proved that In­ NOW ...... ternational Sociallpt unity, based Reg. 53.95 value. $3.15 on proletarian internationalism and Reg. $.39.95 value. $ 0 1 * 9 5 NOW equality, .cannot be destroyed by NOW ...... 4# I ppovocatew," SOS (^ou credited Russia vvlth help­ SOS ing ease international tenslan in the past year and praised the YO U W A N T 'EM! WE GOT 'EM! START 6 f S u m m e r START OF SUMMER "series of resuKUiable proposals put RALE , RAI.E forward by the Soviet Union on arms reduction, banning of weap­ MEN'S ons of mass destruction and nu­ SOS SOS clear weapon tests, abolition of u military bases and withdrawal of START OF SUMMER WOW! armed forces frdm foreign lands." Sport Jackots START OF SUMMER Other factors which helped sas RALE 4 ^, HALE tension, Chou said, were (1) the Ladies' Sanforized Poplin Soviet Union's call for a big-power Sises 36 to 48. Confercfioe on the Middle Bast Waist and coat lengths. T-TOPS (vriiich the West rejected), (3) the HYDROSCOPIC NYLONS N increasingly Important role in aafe- guardlng world peace being played lle g . 56.95. CUFFED SHORTS by such Aslan and African nations Evory Pair Worth $1.35 P fjC as India, Burma, Ceylon, Egypt NOW ...... Jamaica f d Vdue $1.99 Our very popular hose in summer and Syria, and (3) the “victory of Reg.'410.95. $1.59 Short $1.59 the •Egyptian people ovrer British Easy wash, never shrink cotton shades both dark and regular seam. 9 9 and nwch aggression which NOW ...... popiin with sfIf belt, two' novel­ Gossamer sheer. They aBsorb mois­ marked a new upsurge in the ty pockets and zipper closing. H i t For S8 Struggle against ci^nlallam." ALL SIZES ture and have greater stretchabil- Reg. 512.95. Black, turquoise, sand and red. SHORTS The Communist leader asserted 2 for $3 ity. Sizes 8 '2 to 11. 0 that in "practically all UB.-con- NOW ...... 10 to 18. $ 2 5 9 Worth 3 times more 2 ^1 troUed countries" a demand mounting to get rid of American -) authority, adopt,a policy of peace ALL TYPES MEN'S ( 2 for $4.50 , e .Scoop.s, bateaus, crew ^ d neutrality and oppose “aggres necks. Beautiful Drip-Dry No-Iron '. ' dive military blocs." Miniature rtan Plaid Vduef to $5.99 "Ehq^tally notioeabls," he said. Colored9 • Polo Shirts e Solids and stripes, Lounging end All woven patte)ns. stripes, plaid.s. checks a Small, medium, large. COnON DRESSES Short Sleeve or solids. Zippei- clos'-" TAPERED SLAX ings, pockets, top qual­ 1^" RANGE Beech Robes "t ity. )I0 to 18. Voiuos to $12.99 SI..50 and 51.95 values. $7.88 49 RcR* 53.50 value. nylona. Sizes .5 to 8, necks 1. 2. 3 strand. A in w BOYS' wash 'n wear*pajamas Bracelets fit all. ^ GIRLS' ond PRETEENS Bermuda TRAVil 1*1 cuss FREE DELIVERY t Short stoevea 6-12. Reg. to 82.M. ^ ON "VACAIMNf •MOAL" shori^s • • • 0 0 0 o • MICISI Cool Cool Waltz LengtI. Light Weight Wicker g.' Ntees 1-T4 rirle; B-i4 prr-teene. Reg. BS.99. *1.88 •of e teilefered Indtef... GIRiiS' baby doll pajamas * .2 for $3 0 0 ■’fH GOWNS HANDBAGS Nn-lron ^ aae, 4-14. Reg. 8Z.99. OocliRt. inotra OM m m MI* Regulgvly 53.99 Value 52.99 MANCHESTER ■Very attract! i. S I 8 8 1 TODDLERS' and GIRLS' DRESSES .W. ▼ ■ / ' S-Sz teddlera; gtria; 1-14 glrta. Reg. to 87,M, *3.00 / MOTOR SALES. Inc., atrawa lA rad, blacli, * * - ‘•i ■ * . .*■ “Toar Ohlameblle DcsUei'* pink, yellow, white 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE end natural. • atylea GIRLS' pliise pajamai. . • n.oo ^1/ .' ‘ JtAT DWI^R. UasO Oar.Mgr. . for eholca. I 4 40* XA* $l»BBa , ik f Waat OHrtw ■id TeL M S -I5 il OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 FREE PARKIN

-■■■ fit' ■■ V . , ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERAtlo. MANCHESTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY. JiJNE 26, 1957 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2«. 1957 PAGE PACT SIX Death was attributed to a heart at- Hussein who has split opanly with tACk.' Reds 'Reportedly t'" ..Egyptian Leader. . Secret Papers Los Angeles—Joe RlversT*®; one The result may well be, Ainer- Historic Groups Merge time contender for the world's Trained Crews * lean officials aclmowlodge, to; ruin BEAUPRE MOTORS Reported Lost lightweight boxing crown, died the prospects of success for 'the Tuesday. One of the ring's rare For Egypt Subs informal diacuislona on the refu­ 35 8 EA ST CEN TER ST. Oh, Boy, WhaL double knockdowns occurred in his gee problem whieh are going on To Form" New Church among Western countrlea at the In Taipei Riots unsuccessful attempt to ;prreat the Washington, June 26 (A P )— title from the late Ad Wolgaat on United Nations in New York. ersasingjy one* though the loving Rpsaia is reported to have aecret- ALWAYS HAS THE FINEST (OMitiBiMdl from P »f« Ono) July 4. 1912. Wolgaat collapsed ly tnUned Egyptian naval crews Egypt Is reported to have been zeal, with which now we reinforce (Continued from Page One) after knocking out Rivers with a fully briefed on these exploratory before turning over three lubma- - . i t . m . SELECTION OF QUALITY Ladies’ Cool torium, echoed the word* of the each other in our witness for blow Rivera’ manager claimed was A Bargain!.. hymn In heerty eo"*- Christ—" rumors that Reds egged on .a foul. Dr. Hoskins, referring to the government. he will oppose any new Interiia- USED CARS IN THIS AREA SymbolB of ChriJUan worship— demonetrators. 's Garden City, N. T.—Albert C. Diplomatic , informanta who re­ a croae, the, Bible, a. communion "sometimes superficial and some­ The spark which touched off the Hugo, 61, vice president of A. M. tlonal effort to tackle the problem times artificial barriers ’ that asp­ ported this today aaid the Soi^iet at this time. chalice and paten were presented Attack on the embassy Is behaved Kidder A Co.,' Inc., Wall Street HARDTOPS, STATION WAGONS, on the atage, one by one. amid erate churches, declared: Navy trained Blgyptlan submarinea brokerage firm, died Tuesday. He at the Polieh-'-Naval , Base of ainc^ng. "W e. are thankful that our to be mainly the Chinese National­ was a member of six stock and CONVERTIBLES, SEDANS. Fashion Dresses f t e occasion climaxed 17 pains- fathers stirred up In our hearts a ists' anger at the court-martial ac­ Gdynia for six months. commodity sxchanges. This secret training will make It takinir, aometlmes troublous years featleasness which will not be quiet quittal of an American AJ-my ser­ St. Louis—Sister Susanpo" Marie WATCH OUR ADS. of negotlaUona, delayed for one until the visible church shall ef­ geant who shot a Chinese man. M. possible for Egyptian crews to op­ Swim Tranks Sgt. Robert G. Reynold!, claiming Vachon, 52, president, of Font- erate the SoWet tubs far sooner Take your pick of Pima 4-year period by a lawauit. fectively illustrate and reflect the bonne College, died Tuesday. She , President Bisenhower. in his one-neai men may have In Chriat.” aelf-defenae, was freed May 23. He than moat Western naval authori­ broadclothfl, bembergs, ('.A.O ■aid the ihan was peeping into a formerly was dean o f the College ties anticipated, although they'atill H O W D i r measage, aatd "Your two historic As part of the uniting ceremo­ of St. 'Teresa in kanaaa City. cupionis, linens, washable traditions have made a splendid nies, he repeated the prayer of Je- window of his residence at hlS will need further intensive train­ printa, poliahed cottons. wife. Gastonia. N. C.—Gregg Cherry. ing. ALL FIRST QUALITY contribution to the faith and work au.s'! 65. governor of North Carolina For casual and party o f the nation and to lands across "That they all may be one. as Rusaia’a delivery of the aub- RIOTERR SENTENCED from Jan, *. 1945 until Jan. 6. 1949. wear, work, date, gradua­ the aeas.” He said their union thou. Father, art In Me, and I In marinea, two long range types and their j force for died Tuesday. He had been ill three Boxer and would enhance Thee, that they alio may be one Taipei, Formosa. June 26 OP),— one small coastal version, la now tion. Sheath skirts, befuf- good. ' A court-martial today mated out #ieeks. believed to have been a part of the fant jdtirts, jacket dress- Congregational Christiana, whose In Us." J Fitted prison terms ranging from jBve secret arms deal President Gamal ei. Juniorn’ 5-15, Misse.V eplritual ancestors were the Pil- montha to a year to 11 perSoni Abdel Nasser negotiated with Rus­ grams who came' to this country charged with complicity In Taipei’s Aiu)lher Recital sia nearly, two years ago. 10-20, Women’s 14'/^- Lastex Styles on the Mayflow’er 350 years ago. Marines lo Face anti-American riots. - Delivery at this time, accom­ 2 4 ^ . developed their churches from Seventeen other defendants re­ Given by'Pupils panied by Russia . warship ,ianeu- British Protestantism. They em- A-Shot in Trenches ceived suspended sentences of from vera In the Eastern Mediterranean hV.- phaaiae_the freedom oL each in­ two to six montha. Two were ac­ is seen by Western observers as dividual congregation. quitted, and 10 others found guilty The third in the seriea of part of a Moscow move to bolster 9 (Continued from Psge One) ■m Evangelical and Reformed were released for extenuating clr- recitals by atudenta of the Werner the shaky Nasser prestige in the Oiurch, whose progenitors came to cumatancea. rab wortd. m m £ d from the Mojsve, Calif.. Marine Air Studio, Frederic E. Werner, Paul this country in the early 1700's Those sentenced lo leas than six The Soviet actipn to advertise SPLASH BLOC arose from the Swiss and German Base will'fly simulated cover mis- A. Chetelat and Doris B. Johnson, ALWAYS montha whose terms were not aua- local Instructors was held, last Moscow’s support of Nasser comes Reformation movements'. Their ■Ions. pended can stay out of Jail by pay­ at a time when top American .X church governing structure is more ■vening before an audience that Super Duper Buys Track vehicles moving from the ing a ftne of three Formosan doll- fllled th< vestry of Temple Beth officials are ^com ing more and regularized. more outspoken in denouncing his TO effect the bond between these trench area will employ the ara (nine U.S.) n day. Sholom. A 1-hour program was two forma of government—known Ontoe." a new antitank weapon. Sentenced to one year were Chen presented by 32 students. Palms activities. Cheng Chiu, convicted as the ring­ Some top officials are known to generally in Pi^testantlam as "free Four obeervation planes will eniiae and spring flowers were used for church” and “ PresbyterHut" policy leader of the outburst May 21, and decorations. ba alarmed at what they regard —the union agreement allows each overhead. Lu Po CSien, who aerved 12 months Pupils who took part were: as Nasser’s new campaign to ex­ diuioh to determine its own "vol­ Brig. Gen. Harvey C. Tschlrgl. In 1960-51 sa a Communist apy. Roberta Angell, Leslie S. Mc- ploit the plight of Arab refugees. Ladies’ Hi-Style untary relationship” to denomina­ commanding the easreiae, ex­ LiU was accused of tearing down Caughey, Carol Oatrinaky, Law­ ITieBe authorities regard this tional agencies,. plained the plan In a briefing for thS American flag on tha U.S. em­ rence N. Wogman, Paul J. Bot­ . laser move, wh'ch is accom­ 6 I.arge selection of colors.' It is the bringing. together of newsmen yeeterday. He said the bassy during the riots. ticelli Jr., John H. Krinjak, Okll panied by charges that the United Safegianl your bm States is maneuvering to sell out Sizes 4 to 8. ^ groups from these two general men are of the 4th Marine Corpe S. O’Bright, Barbara L. Zubrow. Moca Mew SniM asMH m claasificationa that maketf the mer­ Provisional Atomle E x e r e I a c Marc A. Squatrllo, Roxanne these Palestine w.' victims,' as a o M S m (MMsta !• ipMad vaMr avay (r a « SIZES 10 to 14 ....$ 1 .2 9 ger a milestone in the annals of Brigade. Angell. 'Valerie Ann Wabrek, Linda near-deaperation effort to mobil­ foMdatiM and pem is !■«■ w m im . U ia. Protestant unity efforU. This will be the sixth atomic Deaths Last ?^ight ize fanatic support among the IMC rcHiforctd mmmmty 14' lent. Bathing Suits f o r YOUR E. Prentice, Donna M. Helnold. Representatives of SO other esperiroent in the 1607 test series William Hutchinson, Linda J. refugees in Jordan and Gaza. denomtnatlons, some of whom have and the ftlet in the history of the By The Associated Press Hohwieler, Nevin F. Decker. The Nasser-inspired accusations MANCHESTER Indicated they eventually seek to Nevada proving grounds. It is Ncwhall, Calif.—S. S. Sammy) Cheryl A. Starkweather, Victor I. in the Egyptian press are viewed LUMRER, INC. Join the newly United Church, at­ sxpected to ibe in the 10 to 16 Hahn, 68, one of Hollywood’! top Zubrow, Donna L. McClain, Elaine as directed mai.il} at building a Values to $7.98 tended the ceremonies. ktloton range. A. famton Is equiv- diverse lawyers, drowned Tuesday C. Sheldon, Bonnie R. Moore, Joyce fire of refugee discontent under 265 CENTER ST. LOW DISCOUNT PRICE! An agreement, called a "Baais of alant to 1,000 tons of TNT: in the swimming pool of his Tick L. -Wogman, Elaine C. Kasevlch, the Jordanian government of King PHONE MI S-5144 Union,” U to regtilate tha affairs In another phase of the briefing. Canyon cabin. Sheriff Lt. Al Et Jon D. Mullen. Rhea M. Powell, Fitted suits in ela.sticized MONEY! 'b y two-thirds of the Oongrsga- Dr. Alvin C. Graves, manager of xel aaid Hahn drowned himself. Cecily D. England. Georgeanne D. failles or quick drying cot­ tioBSl Christian Churches of the several previous test series and Milan. Italy—Prof. Pietro Fer McCaughey, Lois R. Stoker, Don- tons. Marvelous assort­ S4 E: it R. regional synods now scientific adviser to the test rerio, 75, president of the HkJtson namaie E. Dutton. Meredith A. MEN’S QUALITY The interim document corre­ group of companies, Italy’s biggest Dutton, Jane A. Reese and Janet ment of lovely styles and sponds r o u ^ y to the Articles of manager, said "there le a definite patterns at this unbeatable Confederation that served thla na­ cost to continuing teats, but it is electrical combine, died Tuesday. Jarvis. tion from the time o f Ita infancy not fair tq say that the cost U When the signs go up ."The Sale Is On" at price. Sizes 3^-38., until the U.8. Oonstltutien was so 'heavy we i^ould not continue Parlatta's you may expect terrific savings written and appravad." them." mnerity StUl Opposed He included as "eoaU” the pos- on REGULAR merchandise. A 'minority of OongregeUonal slMe hanarde to the .health of Swim Trunks Christian Churches sUU Is opposing present and future generations. LADIES’ COTTON SHORTS the merger. Four o f them have Benefita outsrelghing coats Include FOR EXPERT new le i^ challenge pending In the malntenence of peace and de­ WHEEL ALIGNMENT— WHEEL BALANCING • Boxer ivaist and la.stex federal court In New Toric. fense of the nation, he said. Best Buys Yet! styles! • Latest patterns Dr. Wagner In a brief addrecs RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING THURSDAY following consununation of the / . COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE and colors! • Small, medium union, noted that legally, tha ac­ e Zipper cloaure! e Man.v' pat­ and large sizes! A Buy sev­ tion has varying 'msanlngs for the OINERAL ■ ^ SEE terns ! eral at this sensational low IndivlduaU churches of the tsro ds- 9:30 A M. e Terrific choice! e Sizes 10 to price! J Bomlnations. 20. "But the household sf God la T V SERVICE not primarily a legalist, biit Days M AC A CWI CLARKE MOTOR SALES moral and spiritual eorporata Ufa," Nights a 2 s9 9 Phu Farts he added. TEU m S-«4tS 301 BROAD STREET— MI 9-2012 •■Ws win find oursshrss hi-

'All First Quality The Ideal Shoe For Startling Bargitin! S24-828 MAIN ST. u T EL Ml 3-5U1 Summer artd Your Vacation GIRLS! SAVE MANCHESTER IS Very Cool and Comfortable Ladies’ Full- 511 E. Middle Get A Pair Turnpike At Manchester Green SWIMSUITS N ON! Tomorrow • Adorable styles for your little ones! Circle Skirts Discount • Cute, colorful cotton prints! Discount e Save, save, .save! e Brighten up your sum­ Price SIZES Tto 14. O nly...... $ 1 .7 7 mer wardrobe! Washable cottons! 30.000 Sq. Ft. SIJBTEEN SIZES ...... $2.77 Price e Lovely, lively prints! e Sizes "23 to SO. at BIG DISCOUNT DEPARTMENTS PARLETTE'S Infants' Needs 777 Main St., ' Grey 5 Boys' W ear e Peanut Shall Manciiesier Girls' Wear Real Cool Value! Men's W ear Come, Get Bargains! Workclothes Wonderful, 15 OL ICED TEA Lingerie Boys’ Boxer Wonderful GLASSED ONLY Dresses • Follow the'crow’ds to Man-. Coats & Suits Chester Mills for this su­ Values in per value! • •Mi?]tl'«>lor Sportswear • First quality! • Washable, sanforized floraV patterns. 6 for poplin^llo Blue, brown, gray! Knitting Yarns • 2 pockets and zipper closure! •Sizes Discount Price! Summer Clearance $7.79 Value 4 to 10. . ■ Sporting Goods Camping Needs V4 to V2 O F F Fishing Gear Housewares and MORE...,. 12x12 Extra Heavy ^ Dacron, Orion, Nylon Giftware Appliances Missel* daytime’ and evening dresses, junior Lamps Linoleum $ dresses, wOmen*s end half-size dressos. Beachweer, sports separates,' blouses, lin- Toy5 & Games gerre, jewelry, jackets, slacks, suits and coats, Bliie and Wh’tte swaatars and tea shirts. Picnic Needs I Strap There's a big variety of rnlurs and Xiist Price ! l^i^patterns! • Gigantic savings! . e Rubberized ground cloth! • Non allergici Pr-t Dept. e Noji' powdering! e Mothproof! e Water re- ./.women like the things they bi^y at $ 2 4 .6 0 M 12 X ).’>• Heavy LINOLEUM ParkiRg ia Raar af Btara pellent! Jewelry RUGS. Reg. 821.9.5 .. . $12.98 J FrM o Odorless! • Wamn! I f'loor CovO'it g Rugs & Cdrf307S V/al! T:I' Money Back Guarantee! DIRECT MILL SAVINGS

i-.-r V i. ‘ ■ • ■ i.i-’Y I-'j -:'’’’.' if' ■. , I ■ ' ■ V- , i . ' V . ' '"V, { ,.’ 1, ;

. 1, f.i UANCHEStEB EVEJkiNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.^ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26,1957 ' J PAGE NINB V -1- FACE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING Hi^flALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1967 4 Jana Barrera, Judith BJorkmsui, bsUi Ann Treati Susan Trotter, child stopped right hi the center tUlingt on H ebron always given respect, and was al- Jana Blodgett. Susan Boland, Valerie Watorek, Suaan Wachter.' of hia lane. 1 IHanrlj^atFr Eisenhower “Stronger?” Mary-Blleri Bottumr Jana Brooked, Alao, Jane Louiae Wagner. Su­ He .tried to avoid hitting her, wayi worth it. aan Wakeman, Joan Waldman, Ju­ Fournier continue Ernest T. Weir Dies; Barbara Byrne, Unda Call. Anne Driver Cleared Every death In this elder gen­ Skywatch Schedule Lanz Pjirchases BUiaabath Campbell. Elizabeth dith Weiss, Gay Lee Wellman, Old- skidded, and he believes struck her toFttins ^eralii admires more readily than an ob­ By ROGER PRICE with the center of the front risK qiisliiT wsadis^lag f l » eration of Manchester people in­ ...... ------REVLYN Campbell, Delberda Carter, Eileen rla Wellman, Jane Wilson, Linda u m iMHKti BY nUi. servation which aeema tp ratify OBborndale Bull In Child’s Death bumper. . MrlagajtleatUMeiMUaai r evitably recalls something of the Thursday, June ST Christensen. Susan Clavette, Joyce Wutsch, Louiae Wutach, Jane LO PRINTINQ CO.. INC ; Steelmaster Was 81 Cook, Charlene Covey, Pamela Marie Wlttke, Laurie Young, Lois ptevM* leak wailetl IS Blu«II Street some previous conclusion of his Manchester in which they lived. Midnight—2 a.m...... I'olupteeril Needed _ dress shop • ■ Maiiclieeicr, -onn. Ellington, June 26 (Spacial) — Young, Ann Zatkowski and Di­ Hebron, June’ 26 (Special)—The •bl* iwppoR — MS atw own. Not long ago. we wrote here 2 a.m.— ,4 a.m. .. I ...... Volunteers Needed Covey. Ruth Currier, Francea Cur­ lew pri* yae ee iSeid. It was a Manchester In which *'Wh7re it co$l$ le»» to he^etter dre$$ed** ; Philadelphia, June 36 — Oabomdala Has To Be Fobea," tin. Shirley Cushing, Mary Ann anne Rae Zitkovitch. death of S-yeU'-rold Francea MHS Dance Band 5 f t S S W that the President’s decline In everybody knew everybody else, 4 a.m.-— 6 a.m...... Volunteers Needed Pubitiliers • .— * »:m...... ■V%eath came today in a Phlla- I registered Holstein bull with DuBaldo. Elizabeth Bmmerling, SchaU of Hebron on. June 1 waa Bounded Oclol^r t.. IWd____ power and prestige In the second, and knew everj’body else so well Ann Falkowski. Georgia Flavell, WELDON DRUO CO. 8 a.rh.—10 a.m. .... - A...... Jeanne Jacobs fO U COOL, COOL COMFORT 'dalphia hoapital for Bniaat T. the high rating at. Preferred Pedi­ not caused by the criminal act or Plays for Benefit M l Bfala 8trM t-$P S-«n term to date was probably not that there waa no percentage or f Terri Doughty, Ann Laura Franko- ______'*> PuMtelied Ueery Brenlng tlxeept ...1. . Oo.l ...... Thomas Hickey . ''XValF, 81-year-old ataalmaatar, ar- gree Sire, was recently purchased Service Academy careleaanesa of any other peraon. Bundare and HoUdajra entered at toe so much a matter of controversy Noon— 2 p.m. . , DRIP DRY. NO-IR O N DACRONS vitch, Patricia Gagnon. purpose in trying to wear a mask, ...... , Barbara Lemire, Carol Hender- Bant champion o f buslnaaa^ right County Coroner Bernard J. Acker­ Michael Kiro, chairman of the Pbat Otitce at MancOeater Conn, aa over the budget as it was a mat­ son AND COnONS. by Henry Lanz. Also, Andrea Harmon, Karen i t S a a Clan Hall Hatter " even a mask of success. Howard, Susan Hodaon, Heline Applicants Sought man a^ted In 'a finding 1 a a u e d Slka Benefit Dinner to be held Sat­ SUBSCRIPTION RATeS ter of lack of accomplishment in 2 p.m.— 4 .p.iri...... ; ...... Olive Chartier, Louise K; Lord to operate without interference by Lanz, who hai 80 head of Hol- urday at the Elks Home, announc­ Parable In Advance , . In this kind of Manchester, Hours: Tuesday Thru- iha government. atain cattle, reports that the bull Klecblt, Karn Krakow, Tara Lata-, yesterday. the great area, df peace., where the 4 p.m.— 8 p.m...... W. Joseph Lemire, Ronald Rlckert Size.s ed today that music for dancing George* Glenney moved modestly, 8 p.uK--^ 8 p.m...... Lucy Burke. Roger Winter Saturday, 10 A.M.-5 P.M. ; For many yeara prior to hia re­ was part ot the world-famoui Oa- wlc, Janice Lentinl, Joanne Lucas. Rep. Edwin H. May Jr. (R.- The child, daughter of Mr. and will be furnished by a band coni- glt.60 nation had come to expect Elsen­ Ann Marie Liipaccliino, Della Rose One Year .... 17 7t always among equals, whether the 8 p.m.—10 p.m. . ,, ...... Frank W. Barry, Pat Barry 9- 15 Tuesday and Thuniday tirement laat April as board chair- bomdale herd of Derby which waa Conn.) annodneed today that all Mrs. Alfred Schatz, died as the poaed of Manchester High School Six Hootoa ... Nights, 7:00 to AjOg Lupacchino. Jane Mallett, Phyllis. Three Uontba . S.M hower to lead. And we ventured person encountered was a fellow JO' .p.m.—Midnight „ ...... Lets F. Waldron 10- 16 inan and chief executive officer of diaperaed after the death of its young men in the First District result of injuries when ahe was students. one Hooth ... ., 1.30 the opinion that, if success should dk37watch Post located on top of Manchester Police Station. '(National Steel Corp., Weir had ))m er, Mrs. Francea Osborn Kel- Martin, Pamela Mason, Barbara struck on the highway In front of A fllet mignon dinner will be Weclur 1...... SO banker or a truck driver, with a I AT THE OREE.N May, Pamela May, Donna Lyn Men- (Hartfoj’d County) who are in­ .06 come to the London talks on dis­ Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal jiiMn tha only founder of a ateel lort- The Osborndale cattle were her home by a car operated by served family style at 7 o'clock. Single Oopr .. friendly word and the time of diyr Building, on Monday, Wednesday. Friday from 1-5 p.m. I CORNER WOODBRIDGE and MIDDLE TPKE., EAST firm who conUnued to hold axecu- flrat^xpld to Charles Stroh of Suf- dell, Lucille Monoco, Gall Mitch­ terested in appointment to one of armament, we would find the the Service academies In 1958 James R. Fournier, 10, of Windsor All proceeds of the affair will be miomber o r _ for everyonq, alwaye giving the Animal Trainer Reading 1 OCR LABELS MUST BE REMOVED, '.Uve office in hla company. Na­ llald, ii*d it waa Stroh who sold ell, Patricia Mitchell, Sharon Locks. donated to the Manchester Asso­ THE associated PRESS Pr«;pident'B prestige fully restored, tional la the natiqn’a fifth largiiat Murphy, Judy Muschko, Carol should contact hli office bv July Tie Aaaociated Preii la exclualTely impression that It was a good and ‘‘ Between the Uons" Country Club wants to lease, was 686,730 less than amount of rent j BUT THE QUAUTY REMAINS! ^ the bull "10 lianz. Two small children with whom ciation for the Help of Retarded whatever happened to the budget This Droodle reminds me of my Jteel producer. Mooney, Laurel Nlese, Kathleen 3. ’ S titled to the uae of republlcatlon of fruitful world to be alive in. North 6556,250. This value waa put on which ie suggested by our Park Thus th i .."Osborndale" in the- May stated that he has asked the little girl was playing were Children. Inc. The MAHRC pro­ . newa' dlapatcbea credited to It, ot meanwhile. Cousin Stanley who ran away from ; Cauaa of death waa not diacloaed animal's name refers to the herd O'Brien, Maura O'Brien, Patricia the only eyewltneeaes of the ac vides day care and recreation for not otOerwUe credited In tola paper and South his pleasant figure Will these properties by General Man­ and Recreation Adidsory Board. O’Brien, Mary Beth Odell. Carol the Civil Service Commission to and am the local neerd pnbllahed here_ home when he was 17 to become a 'immediately by the company. It belonged to, Lanz explained to­ cident. Ackerman termed it "in­ retarded youngsters at the Buriee Now we notice William S. White, be missed, and he leaves' behind Lion Tamer. But due to a physical ager Martin, and Mr. Fred Thrall (7) This difference of 686,730 Spokeaman who aaid only that Olekaiw, Patricia Orzochow'skl, conduct an examination on July Ab righta of republlcatlon of apecial of the Water Department. day. "Fobes," he added, is the deed unfortunate that there waa Center. dlapatcbea liereln are alao reaerred. writing in ythe .New York Times him memories of a real persdn, handicap (Stanley was yellow) and represents the approximate five .Weir had died In Pennaylvanla Mar.v Beth O’Toole, Janice * Ann 15 for all those who have appliecl,. (2) Taking into consideration year coat to the taxpayers of name of the bull’s Sire. He had May indicated .that "nominees wHl no adult outside the house to For ticket information, call the from Washington, in a nevvs^orv as welt as those of a real success. also because he was very thin, he 'Hospital at immpUcationa follow- no commeni, about the "Has To Pctraitls, Marilyn Plank. Nancy watch the child." Elks Home or Hillnskt'a Service ruli aerrlce cUedt ot N. C. A. Serr. had to take a job In the Freak the annual reduction of our in* Manchester, to provide the Man­ Ann Reggetls, Sharon Lee Ricupe- be chosen from those making the ice. Inc. which finds the President suddenly debtedness, our total interest pay­ Ihg a heaft attack: Be.” The Schatz lawn, on which the Station. Publlahera BepreaentaUrea: The Show aa the Human Skeleton. It cheater CJountry Club with iti own Weir had suffered a heart at­ ro, Judith Richmond, Nancy Rich­ highest grades on this examin­ in a "stronger role." ments on this amount of money, private and severely restricted ation. Bo,)'s wanting to take the child igaa playing before running was humiliating, but Stanley want­ tack laat January In Florida. He mond. Patricia Riebe, Patricia onto the road, fronts directly on Nearly 14,(K)n illicit atills were And correspondent White ex­ ed to be in Show Business real bad over this particular five year playground. Rieger, Mary Jo Rogowskl, Nancy who have not already period will amount to approxi­ ■waa hoepitallxed in New York, fol­ the highway. seized by federal agents In 1956 CIRCULATIONS.______plains this stronger position for A Thought for Today so he swallowed his pride and At the moment it will be in­ lowing what a company -spokea- j Rourke. notified me should write s letter Sponsored by the Manchester mately 687,000. teresting to note the reaction of Driver’s 5'eralon Accepted compared with 13,71'i in 1955. the President as folloVs: | made up his mind to become the ;man described aa minor surgery, Girl Scout Notes [ Also. Chei'yl Russell. Kathy giving full name, permanent and In finding no criminal reaponsi- The Herald Printing Comply, Inc., Connell of Churches skinniest Human Skeleton in the (3) TTiese properties are ,now the Country Club and some of vwhen ha announced hia decision to I Hyan, Nancy Ryan, Paulette Sab- temporary address and date of anumea ho tlnanulal reaponalbUlty tor •The relativ’e strengthening of our Board members to this sug­ hility involved In the accident, the —typograptileal error, appearing In ad- world. And he did. By dieting, assessed for 6342.700. s rather low Iretlre as board chairman of Na­ ilitz. Margaret Sandwell, Susan birth. Applicants for West Point. Coroner in effect accepted Four­ rertuementa and other reading matter tb/President's hancTwith Congress smoking 30 cigars a day. staying asses.sment figure, considering gestion by the Park and Recre­ tional. •Die first day camp aeaaion of Scadden, Joan Scheibenpflug.' Ruth Annapolis, the Air Force Academy In The Mancheater Evening Herald. Smile I l f • nier's version of the occurrence. WATKINS- ia attributed in part to the ap­ I do not know who wrote It, but up late and having all his heavy their evaluation by Mesi-.s. ..lartin' ation Advisory Board. —I Humphrey May Get Post Cunp Merrie-Wood operiei uipflug. Lola Aim Seger- and the Merchtnt Marine TCcSfU The motorist reported that he teeth pulled out he managed to get and Thrall, and the fact that we Dr. A. B. Moran R. E. WANDELL Dtapiay adrertlalng cloalng bour«’ peals he has been making to the 1 would like to share a little mes­ At that time Weir had said that day with 110 campers in attend­ berg, Dolores Smith. L i i l l an emy must be between the ages of was traveling 45 miles per hour T o r Monday—1 p.m. Friday. . his weight down to 59-pounds. But have, since their purchase, en- Smith, Julie Spiwak, Robin Star- 17 and 21, as of July 1, 1958." and was just starting from the public since Easter for his pro­ sage on the value of a smlie. I hope he still wasn’t satisfied. Stanley joyeci a revaluation of all real •'the welfare of National Steel ance, and with a staff of"24 mem­ WEST For Tueaday—J. p.m. MoniW. it helps you as it always helps me. 'Corp. will be my primary interest kel, Marilyn St. Pierre. Susan Those interested may wTite to crest of the hill above the Schatz Building For Wedneaday—1 p m .Ju eaday. gram. continued to reduce until finally he properties in the Town of Man­ K'AI'- ? lf |H. bers to help the Brownies and Stlnchfield. Carolyn Strom. Eliza­ the 'Congressriian at his Hartford residence when the child darted For Tburaday—1 p. jn . Wedneaday. "But a more decisive, if more Ail of us need to smile so much weighed only .3* pounds. Including chester. READY FOR YOUR aa long aa I live," and said-he had Scouts have an_^ enjoyable and Fumral SwvIn For rYtdaT—1 P. hE Tburaday. more than we do. Iselected "an outatanding man"' to beth Strom. Gait Sullivan, Dianne office at 135 High St., or to his out onto the highway in front of Contractor For 8aturdBT-J>^ m Friday. subtle, factor, In the view of come, his Portable Oxygen Tent. (4) The annual tax at the rate iwofitable day camping experience. Swanson, Penny Taylor. Nancy Washington office—135 Old House hia car. He said he alammed on hla Mr ClaaetBedjMdUne 10:SU a.m each "A smile coats nothing but. gives VACATION? . •succeed him aa board chairman. Ormond J. Wm U DiraeMt day ot PUbt*cation except Saturday — observers, is the administration's of 33.4. mills on this amount of I The camp is nearly bursting at Lee Thurber, Myra Treash, Ehza- Office Building. brokea and, aa he did ao. the RBsidMtial*Cemm«reial much. It enriches those who re­ While no format announcement the seams with such a large groiip 142 C u t Crater St. assessment should be 611,446.18, How About Your i has been made, Pittsburgh ateel heightened initiative in world af­ ceive, without making poorer those of girls having a good time in AltBrations-Rcmodding mteheU 8-71M who give: It takes but a moment, and the total five year tax should and financial circles expect the XatNEST.T. WEIR Wednesday, June 28 fairs and aperifically its progress Open Forum be 657,330.90. Forefoot or Coiiory? spite of the hot weather. Monday but the memory of it sometime.s post to go to treasury secretary the air waa full of plans, projects “Business Built On on world disarmament.". (5) The Combined five year Board them with' ns—expert George M. Humphrey after Hum­ lasts forever. None is so rich or so support of efforts to cryanize the which each unit was hoping to un­ Customer Satisfaction” Recently, some other observa­ mighty that he can get along with­ Park Board Suggeetlon total of our Interest payments and rare In private room. St Arst phrey’s resignation fro'm President ii(f The Flajr wwk, $1.50 each addIHonal mill. Weir agreed to governmbnt dertake during its stay in camp ' l^aacbeater’s Oideat tions on the question of the Presi­ out it, and none so poor that he I again appeal to .your generce- the normal tax revenues on these ’Eisenhower's cabinet becomes ef­ Full Insurance Coverage with Finest FacUltlea itie.R »o that T mi*rh* convc- t'-’' week. Just bring your Mrd and fective. supervision of a union election at until next Wednesday. Plans in­ Included' In the original' arms dent's leadership have attracted cannot be made rich by it. A smile properties should amount to just clude camperaft. badge projecla, Tel. MI 9^3033 Off-Street Pwkiag information to the taxpayers at about 6124,230. This would put the ! cage. We do the reel. NEW MOTOROLA PORTAILE TV Born in Pittsburgh, Aug. 1, 1877, the plant but waa slapped with a deal JiMween Egypt and Russia our attention. One noted, accurate­ creates happiness in the home, fos­ , ? court injunction when he defied handicrafts, singing, nature, EatabUshed 1874 ters goodwill in business; and is Mancheater. combined annual average total at Whir rose from a 63 office boy to After 5:00 P. M. I the promised delivery, by Rus- ly w * think, that the people did not On June 10. 19.37, the Park and MANCHESTER — —. Hm hondlt is to tuRO with top executive posts In the steel orders on how to conduct the ? amei on the newly cleared play- the countersign of friendship. It just about 624,846. | ield, hikes on the yellow trail 82 BALDWIN ROAD '^ia, of aix aubmarlnes. Three of elect this President in order to Recreation Advisory Board of the (6) The total five year rental i Industry. balloting. Thia led to the govern­ brings rest to the weary, cheer to PET CENTER ' ment euit, In which a U.S. District and the new red trail recently MANCHESTER. CONN. theae have now been delivered. have him become a slam-bang cru­ the discouraged, sunshine to the Town of Manche.ater cited this fee as proposed by the Club will j 905 MAIN ST.—MI r-4tTS No more fumbling on side,, top or hack. The most used He found Weirton Steel Co., factor relative to the handling of later merged it Into National Steel Court ruled that Weirton Steel biased by Senior Troop 1, all end­ SALE It ia not JuaUfiable policy em- sad, and is nature's beat antidote amount to 637,500., just about I sader on ..domestic issues. We had our Globe Hollow properties; "that controls are in the handle, facing front, .so you can see Corp., founded the Weat. Virginia and its employee in Weat Virginia ing up with a jtimboree for par­ phasla, therefore, for anybody to just had 30 years of domestic for trouble. Yet it cannot be the screen while you tune the set. were outside federal jurisdiction ents and friends next Wednesday TOMORROW - 9 A M. to 9 P.M. bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, the Town lease the present golf city of Weirton "where the com- pretend to be surprised and strife, and we wanted tlmd''^to course to the Country Club for a p an/a principal mill la located, and that a company union may be night, the last day of the sesalon. for it is something that Is of no Counselors for the first session ahoclted at' tha delivery of Russian digest a social and economic revo­ period of years, at a cost to lnj|^ Extra powerful cha.ssis. Famou.s "Zero-in” Tuner. Light­ and won national attention aa a an Inatrumeat for collective value to anyone until it is given NOW IS THE TIME TO are: Unit 1. Brownies, Mrs. Arlene Bubmarines to Egypt. elude the interest on the mortgage weight cabinet. Ear-phone for private listening. Magic spokeaman for big buslneas and bargaining 'wlthl: a state. lution'. away. Some people are too tired to private induatry. aa an opponent Swanson and Mrs. Sarah *-Lupa(:- On the other hand, the fact that give you a smile. Give them yours, plu.s the tax Income from the Mast single pole antenna system. National Steel workers at Weir­ Another comment noted that property." RE5IOVE UNWANTED HAIR FOREVER of what he called "professional ton still are represented by an chlno; unit 2, Brownies, Mrs, Ann See actual road-^t pmf! as none needs a smile so much as Coslit and Priscilla St. Pierre: YOUR YARN SHOP this was something scheduled does there was nothing wrong with the labor organizers.” he who has no more to give." The Country Club now propoaes independent union. not remove the lurid possibility President's leadership, except that I.et me free you of this social handicap Weir waa for many years an unit 3'. flyupa. Mrs. Charles Strom Mrs. Clarence Jaycox that it be allowed to lease the en­ forever. My medically approved method Is Weir retained active direction and Mra. Roberta Doughty: unit that Nasser, once possessing it wasn't being exercised at the tire golf course on South Main St. active Republican leader and a During the month of June, while our instructors have been on vaca- '' safe, permanent and nill not mar the skin. Icontributnr to the party's cam­ of the conupany until very^ recent- 4, Intermediates. Mrs. Irma Young the submarines, should try some for a period of five years (Sept. I5. When he stepped down in April moment. Four Flrr Fire Why let upslghtly hair on your face veil paign funds. and Susan (?rockett; and unit 5. tion, we've been busy gathering together a number of miscellaneous thing unscheduled with them. It The time of that particular com­ 30. 1957-to Sept. 30. 1962) at an your good looks ^ Ju the era of great growth ot he took the action with "dieep older Intermediates. Mr.s. Alice outperforms annual rental fee of 17,500. regret", saying "I am convinced items we'd like to move out in preparation for the Fall season. Hence DODGE would be foolhardy for him to do ment, aa'a matter of fact, was s Milford. .lune 28 WJv-Awakened • the ateel industry, Weir began as Richmond and Mrs. Mary Reitzi. Let me tell you what this cjla-1 MARY C. WARD. R.N. •R 15-year-old office bov when his that it ia necessary to bring along Program sides assisting the unit this one-day sale — Thurt^ay. ao, blit who would undertake to time in which the President was by the cries, of her three small chil­ tion by the Park and Recreation ' .younger men and. dealraible to guarantee the sanity of any dicta­ dren. Mrs. Rita Hopkins led them Certilted Electrolo^st father died in 1890. Eleven years counselors are; Carol Rubin, Di­ in process of making the big de­ Advisory Board would mean t o: STANEK later he was manager of the Mo- bring them along while the ad- ane Gee, Claudia Teabo, Eleanor "other two"low-piicod true1»I 674 CE.NTER ST. — TEU MI 9-2887 ELECTRONIC LABORATORIES tor? to safety early today aftcr'smell- both the Town of Manche.ster, and i rice of older executives ia still M ANY ITEMS cision, against the will of several ing smoke from a Are that broke All Work By Appointment - • nesaer, Pa., plant of the Ameri­ Minnick. Pamela Conant, Cynthia The delivery of these three Rus­ the Manchester Country Club. can Tin Plafe Co. In 1905 he and available to them.” DeBandi, Donna Chambers. Sue of his chief advisers, to take the out In the living room of their (1) The value which was placed i Free Consultations. 277 BROAD STREET Ml 9.1124 HERE'S WHAT sian submarines to Egypt has co­ disarmament negotiations at l.«n- second floor apartment early to­ ■ J. P. •Phillips purchased the Jac.k- Weir maintained his home near McKinney, Dolores York, Joan Si- upon the properties which the I Weirton, frequently waa In Pitts­ non, Marilyn Kaefer and Janice incided with' the appearance of don serioiuly. This is the type of day. Bon Sheet an(i Tin Plate Co., of YOU'LL FIND Russian fleet unite in the eaatem Once out'-Bn the street with her Clarksburg. W. Va. Weir later be­ burgh and in New York and had Smith. 'decision the President has made on came president of the coifnpany The following are campqrs: REDUCED 50% a winter home in Florida. Uedlterranean, and with the pass­ children, Peter and Pamela, 2-year- ( noted occasions before, on the side old twins, and Michael, 4. Mrs. which later started a new mill at Surviving are the widow, Mrs, Catherine Adams, Jane Anderson. IN THIS SALE COME EARLY THURSDAY MORNING age of two Russian destroyers of a sincere effort at progress to­ Hopklna called the Are dept. 'a bend -of the Ohio 20 miles north Mary Hay-ward Weir; their son, Margaret Austin, Donna Baraw, through the Sues Canal, into the ward peace, and It was for this Kire officials said they found of Wheeling, \V. Va. The mill was David Manaon elr, and three (and it’s only a partial Hat) FOR BEST PICKINGS Red Sea, where, according to re­ type of decision that the people did the Hopkins' living room In the the nucleus ot the city of Weirton, children of Weir’s previous mar­ and in’1916 Weir changed his PLENTY O F FREE PARKING port. UMy may do soma cruising 2-famfly house on 94 Surf St., riage. Henr.v K. Weir, Napa. FACTORY SAVINGS Odd lota of yam—one. two elept and reelect him PreeidenL Ailed with smoke and a lounge company's name to Weirton Steel. Calif.: Erne.st Tener Weir Jr., and three akelna to a color. about. chair in flames. They reported the His steel coup came in 1929 Evanston, ill., and Mrs. Clifton C. ON reupholstering ! Ideal for baby things, All Sales Final Ihla makes newa because it la Are may have been caused by a when he fojnied National Steel Curtin, Naples, Fla. Take advantage of the SImmonda ^ afghana, gloves, mittens, No Refunds nr Exchanges. the-first time since World War I Silence As A Weapon ciMrette. Corp. out of Weirton, Great L-akes Uphniatering Uompany’a factory- • etc. Odd seta of knitting TTie Hopkins family spent the Steel Co., and some other proper­ that any Russian warahip has uaed Last SERIOUSLY IADIE8 to-you aavinga. Becauae SImmonda needles.'etc. 51agazinca (cov­ A 'conaplfacy of silence" la being rest of the night with friends. ties, and got 640 million in private ers allghtly shopworn) — the Suez Canal. It makea-news, Henryetta, Okla. 1* John Morris, noted in Russia. It ia a stubborn linancing to back his bid for a big a disc jockey at a radio ataCion ia the world'a iargeat reiipholaterer, i mlacellanpoua small gift alao, because this diaplay of the refusal of soms of the leading HEIRESS DIVOROED share Of the auto industry's steel here, learned a leason about ad • they can afford to modernize the: items. Stamped Goods, Nee­ i/P) Russian naval flag in Arab watera Russian’writers of the day to Bridgeport, June 26 — Silk business. National became the na­ libbing. • atyle and reiipholater a aofa and ' dlepoint, Tote Rags, Knit­ heiress Linda Mallinaon Bowen tion's fifth largest producer and ting Bags, Cotton and I.lncn Is something of a sequel to our dis­ oblige the oficial Russian leader- He completed a commercial on a phaira for aa little u $67.'50 * Semenoff, 30, Darien, yesterday was able to earn R profit through sale of roae buahea, then casually ; , , dress and Jilnuae yarns. play bf naval power at the time of Bhif^ by coming .out In the open won a divorce on grqjinds of in­ the depreasion years by operating i(dded "and if you ladies buy aome (P'“» Ibe coat of cover fabric). 10- the dfisia in Jordan, and because with their criticisms, either to tolerable cruelty from choreo­ S o fa s under Weir's slogan; "No order of theae roae iiiiahea and can't get! .year guarantee on all workman- ' Voii're sure to 8nd useful ^11,5 6 0 .0 0 wprth items for voiiraelf or for It is one more way for Russia to prese them under supposed free­ grapher Simon Semenoff, 48. She too big, none to small," your husbands to plant them. Ol' ‘ ajilp. SImmonda will send a factory Thay'r* ofR All three low-priced trucks sre lined assert its claim to have just as waa awarded cBslody of their six Fought NR.\ girts- up at the bottom of a tost fCj^s equal to tha dom of discussion, or to recant V representative right to your home much Tight to big power influence children. She asked no alimony or Weir burnt into the national them for you.' steepest hill in San Francia(». The flag droM, and them. In the interest of Soviet har­ support. They were married 12 headlines in 1933 with a successful . . anywhere In New England. For in tha area as any other big pow­ The phdne started ringing and eXJME EARLY—FOR this grueling test of climbing power ia omdally mony. years ago. court fight against labor relationa Morgis was btisy the following Sun­ full free information, with pirtures, underway. Dodge takes an early lead. er. Theae writers, instead, are say­ provisions of the National Re­ day planting roae bushes around tear nut thia item and mail with BEST SELECTION. ' On the other hand, we do. not ing nothing. Their refusal to talk covery Act (NRAi. town. . your name and address to Sim- The Amalgamated Association All ha had to say w u ; "We aura have quite the same of tome ia eloquent in Itself, for.lt says they Chairs at savings to monda I’phnlaterlng Co., 88 Chase ( ) berserk Ruaaian action^wlth this * of Iron. Steel and Tin Workers have got a bunch of lazy husbancli do not trust the official regime to had called a strike at Weirton in around here." St., Methuen, blaaa. naval power as we have of ^foMr'a HALF mean what it says when it offqrs potential misuse of his wbmaHnes. them freedom of discussion. We concede that Nasser might be •'Your silence," said * govern- Help! Help! We'll need it because new upholstered $65.00 Occasional Chairs, toast, gold or green damasks . .39.95 foolish and suicide) enough to look lent .official addressing a writers’ . .29.95 for a little war. We, do not feel m^eUng recently, "is dangfpua. Furniture lines are on the way to us right now. $49.50 Provincial Occasional.; green antique satin cover that Russia will be looking for a It nUSleads the reading public. Our floors won't hold a single $69.50 Provincial Occasional; toast damaak, tufted back 39.50 hlg one. The analysis of the Rus- What d^es It mean 7 What does It additional piece . . . so we've slashed $49j00 Armless Slipper; tufted back, turquoise ant. satin-29.95 eian. action is that Russia is using hide?" Ahd he labeled this "con­ $105.0Q Modern Lounge, gray-and-black boucle, blond legs 49.95 its legal right to freedom of the - these chairs and sofas to the bone so you'll help us . .. r- spiracy of /kflence” a horrible, $145,00 Lounge; beige-and-aqua linen, box pleated base .‘.98.50 ■eas'in order to wave the flag, and poiaonoui thing'. . move them from our displays. All subject perhaps bolster Egyptian morale, ....7 9 .0 0 This silence vee standing to prior sale . . . sotmrry! $102.50 French Provincial Lounge: turquoi.se cover but no more. what these writers have written In $69.95 Swivel Tub ; gray tWeedi button back ...... •39.95 But no analysis provides safety the p*kt;’'which has been'4 demand , $129.00 Modern Lopnge; foam cushion, green textured When the fleets of great powers SOFAS for greater intellectual fre^om in cover ...... ‘ ...... • ••89.50 are on the move. To realize this, Soviet society. They have hosed $847.00 3 Piece Modern Sectional Sofa: right and left sectionals, $85.00 Modern Arm; persimmon texture with nietallic we do not need to think of Russia, their demand: the people knovv angular corner unit; foam cushion.s; green-and-beige and pur fears of Russia. There threads ...... ^ ...... 7 39.00 Halfway up. 'The extra V-8 power under the hood what it 1*. Now the government homeapuh ...... \ . • .4 5 9 .0 0 29.50 were two fleets in this same area would like to draw them out and $49.50 Modern Tub: gold or turquoise antique satin covers of the Dodge sends it quickly ahead. It’s slrsodyslraody $189.00 Modern Lounge Chair io match; beige homespun 9 8 .0 0 . two lengths out firont. And there’s a lOOO-Jb. tort last fall, presumably the most get them talking about it. That $159.00 Modern Louiig6; blue tweeil, foam seat ai% back . .89.50 fijendly fleets in the world, the $389,00 V'^ictOrfan Sofa; solid' mahogany "rose " carted frame; load on each one of these comparably quipped would prove there is "freedom of $169.00 Ladie.s’ Lounge; blue print, box-pleated ba.se ...7 9 .9 5 trucks. What’s more. Dodge is still gaining! British and the American. Sud­ green brocade covering; diamond tufted back ...... • • • 194.50 discussion." And then, the writers $ . Loungfe; deeply tufted, foam cushion, beige denly, pnetfleet was moving toward $249.00 Lawson Sofa in gray Nylon boucle with bpx-pleated ba.se; 159.00 fey. the govemiiiienr would crack texture ...... -i...... 89.50 42Pi


Engaged TDG to Screen • Reds for Conference Nixon Shows Strength Five Candidates SHEARSON, HAMMILL ft 00* FOUNDED 1902 The Town T>*vefopment Com­ MEMBERS N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE As GOP Choice for *60 mission TDC last night dlscusaed On Korean Problem LISTEN TO applicationa for the position of (Conttnueil from Page One) cent of an average per capita In­ town developer, •TODAY ON WALL STREET" (Osatbia«d from Pafo One) i activitiei by .tht tiupection team*. _<____ .* ' come of' 81,245 yearly being paid Mrs. Martha .Stevenson,. TiDC M ONDAY Through FRID AY, 8:05 P.M. I The U.N. Command ordered the ley of Indiana, who prides himself, in stats and local taxe*. secretary, said that 10 applications Station WDRC— 1380 on Your Dial Ifarlne Corn# MaJ. Gen. Homer L.iteami out of South Korea a year as an arch-Conservatlve, probably! Other states where the tax take {jltasnbeng, replied...... that the ques...... ] ligo on grounds that the Communist fos* the position had been received. I Cacch and Pollah member* had would pick Nixon o w r Knowland as | waa more than 10' per cent includ­ A t last night's closed meeting, tlOBs raised by t2iung were "not ed Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, 913 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER proper subjects to be V>d.. T h u r».f Fri. Famous f6r the Latest Fashions in Open Thursday till 9 MON., TUBS.. SAT/ Alr«td^dltienoo liU 9 P.M . 1 1 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE Manch Downtown At hesfer Shopping COATS SUITS DRESSES SPORTSWEAR LINGERIE HOSIERY CORSETS BEACHWEAR 10 A.1^. fa 6 P.M. arkade (ROUTES S and 15) Vi S OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 FREE PARKING ^15 MA^N 811. Idle( Tu BERLIN tURNPIKE AT 3 OUTE 72 OVERPASS 'M m -.r' - ■' f • I ■ A \ < N '. 'T v ] ■V. ’ ll i. • ■■ • . I/* ■ ' V 'Vt j -’v i- ■l-V- . tv V 1 ' ' . J P \


South Windsor Paople do it to themMlvea. They East and West Popular Summer Courses j H a l B oyle can think themselves from a mood Security Office Barnes Will Not Seek Two Defy Powfirs of happiness into a towering rage. Police Report Curtailed hy School Board They brood about themselves. Op^ns Saturday .7 Await Replies He Gave Up the Law “All a man has to do to to*) )>*t' ter is to brood more about how he The H/artford social aacurity dis­ New O|)inions on Plan Crash, Br^eak For the first time in more than' Miller used to be kept busy until can help the other fellow—then do Of Senate Probers On Arms Plans 4 o’clock every afternoon teach- trict oAce at 490 Capitol Avaiiue SO years, the woodworking shop in something about it.” inig youngstere. In recent years, will ba open Baturday from 8:00 the basement of the old Barnard To Riih a Resort IViwn Director Gilbert Bamee-f/ommendetion." Bemee said. Other South Windsor, June 28 (Spe­ (ContlniMd from Page One) as many as 120 boys would go to a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to enable the of­ M U U y th., h. «t» M ^ ftr I Z y cial) — A collision between an (Continued from Page One) School it quiet this summer. the manual arta shop two and automobile and a train locomotive Ever since the early 1920’a, Hen­ Area-Men Receive fice to accept laat-mlnute applica­ nevr oplniona on the eale of tow-n- | third stages for the first time. three times a week. . .Wealhampton, N.Y., (A'l—la a and a gasoline station break were The court held that state legis­ ry Miller, a manual arta teacher Extroordlnary Work learn ia that you have to worry tions from severely disabled Obituary In the first stage, he reiterated, nwn ernxy If he give# up a eucceee- , owned land to the Country Club ^ xDC Withholds Decision under Investigation by police to­ latures msy not delsgatc to theif at the school, had been retained Years ago, most of the studehts more about pleasing your help Degrees in Music people wjio may be eligible for M a reeult of a change in the; So far, the Town Planning Oom- the United States would agree at by school officials to teach wood­ ful career ae a lawyer to run a than you do pleasing the guests. sodial security disability protec­ day. attorneys general sweeping powers were of high school age, and the aummer reaorfT ... club’a propoaal. miasion (TPCt is the only agency Avon Hartsgrove. 42, of Enfield, once and without condition to working during the summer to products they used to come homo Keeping your help happy is Uie Two men from the Manchester tion. This will be the only Satur­ Barnes ia now in the process of , which has made public Its recom- narrowly escaped injury yesterday to investigate’ *kubversive actlvi-; boys interested in working Wth '^ e baa to be—there’e ho doubt real trick.. If they feel wrong, day that the social security ofllce r bring U.S. and Sqviet armed with were extraordinary—bedroom of It,” amtalbly ea!t Hylan Chei- area graduated from the New Eng­ collecting written opinions from ; inendatlons on the proposal. The afternoon when his car skidded ties. their hands. you’re dead. If they're happy, will be open for business. • Deaths forces down to 2 % million men ! furniture, dining room tables, and ler, who did. juet that nine years land Conservatory of . Music at its town agencies and the Chaanbcr Town Development ComiWsaltm Into a New Haven Railroad diesel Sen. Butler (R'M d.), a member But this year, the program w as; they’ll keep the guests happy. recent commencement exercises. Charles W, Wing, District Man­ mm of Commerce on the club’s offer decided on its recommendations locomtttlve at the Sullivan Ave. of the Internal Security subcom­ bach. Ago- ”T7ie resort or.hdtel business ager, pointed out that people 9rho a casualty “ ^ * ^ * * ^ R e c e n t l y , however, as the qld- Hia exctiae U that he really T^e two are George Walter OolUns, to buy Globe Hollow property. ' last night but refused to make crossing. mittee, urged that the parent Sen­ James Harrison As a second step, each country mies adopted by ih t i er boys began taking summer jobs, isn’t really a business. No really have been disabled and unable to didn’t do it deliberately. It just son of Mr. and Mrs. Asher A. Ool­ work for a long time must apply He is preparing to report to the . them public today. According to State Police, Harts- ate Judiciary Committee undertake James Harrison, 28 Russell St., would reduce forcqs to 2,100,000 cation aa a resuU 1 their places were Ailed by boys in smart man would risk his money Uns of Wappin^, and Barclay SAVE IN EVERY CATEGORY Board of Directors with a sub- i The local affairs committee of to determine to what extent recent died at his home this'morning ihen 'And dovoi to 1,700,000 as a cut out of iU budget by the Board elementary and junior Idnd of happened. But today the in it. You simply have to take it Frederick Wood, son of Mr. and before June 30 for disability bene­ grove said he failed to hear the crinkly faced little former at­ committee of the Directors which ‘ the Chamber, which is considering Supreme Court decisions "ham­ after a long illness. third phase. Britain and France of Directors. high school grades. Their projects as a way of life.” Mrs. Frederick M. Wood of Mon­ fits or to have their earnings rec­ train’s whistle aivl slammed on It w'aa jme of tliree summer torney, “ mine hoot” at the Dune ords “ froxen.” Otherwise, they he heads. I the proposal, is scheduled to dis- his brakes too late to avoid ram­ string the ferreting out, and proee- Born in Ireland Nov. 1, 1867, he agreed to cut forces to 760.000 in were less arnhitlous. but the lawn Hy and his wife Sdirena, a for­ roe, Conn. Collins received his A new offer from the club Incor-, cum it late today, cutloh of Communists.’' had been a resident of Manchester the first Stage, 700.000 In the sec­ classes dropped to save a total of Deck, a fabulous gathering place mer schoolteacher, follow the sun. bachelor of music in Music Educa­ may, in some cases, lose theif IN KIDDIE FAIR'S BIGGEST MID-YEAR S^LE! ming the aide,of the engihe. Harls- furniture and corner knick-knack riglits to disability payments and porating much of a proposal al- ' The TPC ~ recommended a long­ Butler said in a letUr to Chair­ for over 60 years. ond and 650,000 in the third. 81,370. T>e other two classes- sHelv'et they turned out were still for social notables and entertain. After the 10-week season here, tion, while Wood took his in organ. term lease to the club but advised grove’s car was badly damaged typing and instrumental music ment celebrltlea, wouldn’t give a also their 0)vn and their family’s ready made but asking for a bue he emerged unhurt. man Eaatland (D-Miss.) that the He leaves several nieces and Stassen made clear, howSver, professional looking. they spend the winter in Andros Collins WHS a member of the Con­ BOYS' or GIRLS' change in the locations eg some of against the sale of any watershed full committee should start work nephews. the latter atepa could not be taken had also become accepted parts strawberry tart for all the torts servatory Chorus while a student rights to old-age and survivors in­ The Sullivan Ave. crossing is of the summer school program In In addition to teaching the boys Island in 'the Bahamas, where they surance payments. the property the club ia asking to land. at once on “a comprehensive legis­ The funeral will be hel$I in St. without progresa in settling such something about woodwork, the In the world. operate the equally luxurious and has held various fraternity and FULL SIZE The Country Club’s purchase guarded by only a stop-look-and- Mancheater. ‘i t ’s a risky thing to aniritch buy was made public yestorday. listen sign, and has been the scene lative program to correct whatever Mary’s Episcopal Church Friday problems aa the reunification of program served the purpose ot LJghthouse Club. class offices.* and he expects to “I don’t think it’s a substantial proposals, new and old. cover land morning at 11 o’clock. Burial will Germany. He did not specify any Typing classes for youngsters eareera in midlife,” he admitted. teach music in the Lexington Pub­ PHARMACISTS EUBCT . p Lightweight of several similar accidents in the untenable position the Supreme keeping them busy over the long Some of their guests are tele­ Moodus, June 26 (A P )—-Fiore change in the offer, and tor that bought by the town for watershed Court may have placed us In. be in East Cemetery. other political problems to be interested in learning how to use 8umn)(t;r'' weeks and permitting .r*and in the beginning I diet miss lic Schools. purposes. past. Apparently any decision to the machines for their own per­ vision. star Peter Donald, artist Petrlcone of Tordngton was elect­ reason I don’t intend to recircu­ erect a warning blinker at the . But Sen. Neuberger (D-Ore.l. Frienda may call at the Holmes solved, but diplomatic informants UufWr'to channel their energies to the courtroom. ,But not nonv. I Charles Addams and writers John Wood was chorus organist, late the requests for opinions,”, In the new offer, sale of the in a prepared Senate speMh, lauded Funeral Home, 400 Main St., from said Korean uftiflcatlon was one. sonal uae had been held in -the constructive ends.' haven’t the time.” 1955-56. and was on the Dean's ed president of ' the Connecticut 21.9-acre plot .lorth of Fern St. spot in order to prevent future high school for about 10 years. ' O’Hara and P. G. Wodehouse. Pharmaceutical Askn. yeat6rday. Barnes said. collisions must be made by rail­ Chief Justice Warren “ for leading 7 to 9:30 tomorrow night. Western sources said the second For this reason as much ss tufy There are two thing! the aver­ Honor List In 1955. He expects to He added that he hopes to call and west of S. Mal.i St. on which Instrumental music for embryo “The real reward—if you’re will Others elected: Vice Presidents Ed­ road officials. the court in reasserting its role and third steps might hinge,, not other, school officials who, had age man feels he can run better return to the Conservatory next fall t .. a meeting of the whole aubcom- the clubhouse stands is requested. musicians between the ages of 11 hoped to expand the manual arts than those who have the job—the ing to iweat to find out what peo to study for his master’s degree. ward. Mogul! of Bridgeport, Fran­ BIKES as the ultimate protector of the The-prevloua offer asked for sale _Tha*break occurred late Monday only on current issues, but on any and 15 who generally went on to pie want and give it to them—is Complete with: Sturmery-Archer 8 mittee eilher later this week ui rights of' American citisens."^ future-problems that might ariaer summer program, deplore the fact 'vemment and s summer resort, cis Cole »f'W est Hartford, and Dan 9 night at the Gull station at the in­ the friendahlpe you make," said speed gear, caliper brakes, large aaddle next week. General Jtonage^'of------land south of Fern St. only. “The United States Supreme Funeral* British Foreign Secretary Sel- music groups In juiilui and senior Ihat the Barnard School woodwork­ y” ia no exception. Family Kescued Leone Sr. of Norwich: secretary, G i Richard Martin and Vown Counsel The total acreage involved is tersection of Route 6 and 30. Ac­ high Bchooi had been taught at the ing ahop is empty this summer. Bssck in 1946, when Dune Deck Hy. who tries to create the at­ Paul J. Kunkel of Waterbury; bag and chrome rima Aa Illustrated only j g g M cording to police, entrance was Court has ' been demonstrating a wyn Lloyd expressed disappoint­ mosphere of a weekend party in Charles N. Crockett will b« asked slightly smaller and Would leave courageous sense of responsibility ment over Zorin’s refusal to com­ Lincoln School for about five sum­ was put on sale, Chester, who treasurer, Philip C.' Varnum of (Other bike# from 827.60) to attend. the town 16 holes of the club’s gained to the station by smashing which everyone knows and likes Newport Beach. Calif.. June 28 IB for the great civil liberties and ment on the U.B. proposal. 'The mers. liked to summer there, decided to —A dratnatiq rescue skived actress Cheahire. Oiooee from M models. “We will work out a report for 18-hole golf course. The same a pane of glass in one of the large Private Services All three classes were free to get 10 other ^ ests who liked the everyone else. overhead doors. . human rights entrusted to its care British diplomat described it as a Jeanne Crain and her’ family min­ the Board on all the pros and cons purchase price, 8100,000, is by our constitution,” Neuberger move forward. the students, with the only student place to buy It with him. When one of his guests looks un­ utes before their disabled yacht mentioned. Although the station . was expenses being for the materials t J and possibly come up with a rec- said!' For W . G. Glenney Noting Zorin’s refusal to link Local Stocks •TTie 10 said no real fast," re­ happy. Chealer, who could have would hava crashed against a thoroughly ransacked, police re­ used in the woodworking classes. been a fine psychiatrist, suffers ported that apparently nothing was Rabinowitz aaid at last week’s the ending of bomb teats with a called Hy, “eo I bought it myself. stone jetty. ban on bomb production. Lloyd Make-Up Claaaes Then the manager died suddenly, with him. The Coast GUard yesterday re­ taken. hearing that. the ruling raised Private funeral services for W. The only school progiam being ’’serious questions’’ about the right demanded how else Russia pro­ f^uototioiis Farnlsbed by just before the season opened, and "Because they know I was a ported thet 'MiM Crain, her hus­ Resident State Policeman Wij- George Glenney will be held tomor­ carried on this summer is the Cobunt A Mtddlebrook, Ine. ^ lawyer," he said, snUling. "they Hw M6tRi7 liam Braithwaite has been assigned of Congressional investigating com­ posed to stop the arms race. I found I had to run the place band Paul Brinkman and their four m . Ike Advises Industry, row'-..afternooh at the Watkins- make-up classes in the high school. Bid Asked myself.” bypass the bartender and bring children were aboard a 51-fo6t to investigate, both the collision and mittees tb proceed under their ex­ But for these classes, students pay m Bank Stocks their troubles to me.” the break. • ' isting resolutions of authority West Funeral Home, 142 E. Center He soon found that a liking for power cruiser' which drifted help­ St., with burial in East Cemetery. 812 a course. More than 200 stu- Manchester Trust . 64 69 people and a love of good food Years of listening to other peo lessly for nearly three hours after 6 He said he • was not ready to ’There will be no calling hours, Sasse Endorses denta are regiatered for the cur­ Conn. Bank and aren’t enough to make a succeee- pie’s vacation woes have made developing engine trouble on a Labor Fight Inflation suggest then that the Interna] rent 6-week program, which will Trust Co...... 854 >84 Chesler, who is naturally sensitive "second honeymoon voyage.” Security subcommittee had “ no and in lieu of flowers, friends may ful resort operator. contribute tb the Manchester Pension Changes enable them to save a school year First National Bank ‘The biggest weaMess of this and sympathetic, Into a philoso­ Brinkman and his wife patched power” left, but he asked an of repeat work in a failed sub­ fCoattaned from Bags One) Reserve Notes Memorial Hospital Building Fund. of Manchester .. SO 86 business,” said Hy. "is that you pher. He has his own theory of why up their marital troubles earlier "Tha safest gym duce an absolutely clean hydrogen portunity to study the ’’very broad ject. • Hartford National V^| this year. Both were seasick and iniplications” of the decision be A 3-part program of amend- are at the mercy of things beyond so many people In a world of plenty on Hi# marital!" • bomb after four or five more years Mrs. Amanda H. Johansson Although the Board of Education Bank and Trust Co. 29 81 manage to makt themselves thor exhausted and their oldest son, those which may be hard to under­ During the last two weeks of fore advising hi.s clients. menU to the town's pension plan was forcro to make these cuts in your control. A fresh waiter . . . 3 of tests. Private funeral services for Mrs. proposed by the AFL-CIO union Fire Insurance Companies three days of bad weather in a oughly 'miserable. Robert, 12, was trying to control Complete with I G stand— should be ra^Mcted. April 1945, newj spread like wild­ Hruska, presiding at the time, its summer prograun, the gap will Aetna F ir e ...... 65 68 the boat when a passing ship took e Swinging Udder A Eisenhower said the same scien- fire that the 76th Division was clos­ postponed the hearing until today, Amanda H. Johansson, IS Bsnk St., of town employes received the pub­ row . . . these things can undo all "They become too concerned nsenhower told his news eon- tista say that testa must edntinue will be held tomorrow at the be filled to some extent by the in­ Hartford Fire ...... 147 157 with themselves,” he said. “Most It in tow Monday night just off the e All 2” tubing a er to- a link-up with the Rusaians but he said he felt the Senate aub- lic endorsement of the head of the dependent action of some parents your efforts. fsrence the American system of if we are goipg to get full bene­ Holmea Funeral Home. 400 Main non-'union Municipal Employes National Fir# ...... 77 81 "One of the first things you troubles really start from within Newport Beach jetty. • All nylon bearlnga W than any other division. Recogni­ commlttee’s authority was “well and teachers. A group of parents, Phoenix ...... 64 67 e Guaranteed for 6 years ^ government could not socist with­ fit of knowledge regarding pos­ tion signals were established. established” and was not at issue St., with the Rev. C. Henry Ander­ Assn, today. sible peaceful uses of atomic pow­ son pastor of the Emanuel Luther­ ” I think the ameiTdmenta pro- disturbed over the elimination of Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. In writing! a out an Independent judiciary. "AEF elements will identify, them­ in the Watkins case. the typing class, will Institute one e All excUaive eooatniotion W er. selves by a series of more than two However, two days ago an (hiurch, officiating. Burial will pbsed are a step in the right di­ Aetna Life ...... 195 206 He conceded there has been be in East Cemetery. rection and will benefit ths em­ of their own. featurea. G The President said the scientists green very lights or green star preme Court directed The parents have obtained per­ Aetna Casualty...... 134' 144 much criticism o f a number o< feel the tests must go on without There will be no calling hours. ployes,” said Robert Sasse, chair­ Conn. General ...... 292 302 recent Supreme Court decisions rockets. Soviet Forces will employ Court of Appeals to , mission to use a high school t ^ - A $39.95 valua • any pulling back. a series of red rockets.” three morfe contempjt'of Congress man of the association. Hartford Steam Boiler 77 4 824 and indicated he, himsetf, might Retirement of town employes ing room and will hire a typing Travelers ...... 80 88 have nof agreed with all of them. Small skirmishes kept the men convictions in the light of its Wat­ teacher regularly employed by the constantly on the alert and on Hit­ kins case ruling. Two of them with full pension benefits aftqr Public Utllltlcn Special # (Perhaps there have been some SBC Will Discuss 25 years of servUce is one of the school system. Since the school Only the values are hot ler’s 56th birthday the 364th Field grew out of^vestlgatlons by the will be open for the make-up class­ Conn. Power ...... 39 4 414 decisions. Shsenhower said, which Town Land Asked Artillery Battalion deposited 56 change.^ requested b’y the AFL- each of us has very great trouble Senate subcommittee, while the Plans for Schools CIO union. The plan now calls for es. the town will not have to bear •Conn. Light A Power. 17 19 'rounds on the SS barracks at third involved another case arising any expen.se. But the students Hartford Elec, L t . -----524 *4 4 understanding. He did not specify For Nike Access Chemnitz. What jvas left of the op­ full retirement benefits only af­ those, if there were any, which fronv The House committee. wlio take the course will have to Hartford Gas Co...... o6 39 .991 position was shrinking by the hour. ter employee who have had 25 $OC troubled him personally. The subcommittee, which has in- A meeting of the School Building vears of service reach the age of pay a fee. So. New England Army Engineers are asking Then on the morning of May 7 the -VesUgaled the Communications Committee iSBC) scheduled for Tel...... 364 384 Most of the criticism in Con- word came that all were waiting 65. Volunteer Services on these icy-cool IDY< grese and elsewhere has stemmed Town Directors to let th^m use Union off and on for yeara, hM July ! will be Held on July 6 in­ The union is also asking that And tw’o music teachers, John Manufacturing Companies U for. “ An unconditional surren«fer expressed concern about the ACA’a from decisions respecting ,^ e town land for a road which would stead. retirement at the age of 65 be Vater and Robert Johns, are vol­ Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. . 48 49 had been signed by a membbr of i contmued "orgM — - unteering their services this sum­ Asao. Spring ...... 35 88- rights of Individuals in criminal swing west from the Cape;(jart the German high command, and a t. p^unicationa workers in the New Among the subjects to be dis­ made eompSilsory. Emplo.ves over trials and - appearances 'before 0001 hours on May 9jUlTorcea will i ^ ^ relay point for cussed by the committee which ap­ the age of 65 are now allowed to mer to help form ^a Cqmmunity Bristol Brass ...... 10 12 housing site toward Keeney St.' continue working with permission Band. They will conduct weekly Collins ...... 120 — congressional committees. cease active operation's. messages of government agencies. proves plans for ne.w schools and All cedar with plated steel floors with Bisenhower said he still believes The engineers have been con­ ’Die proud tradition of the 364th addiUona to old ones is tin addition of the general manager and their practice sessions at the high school Dunham Bush ...... 104 rOOLL that this country respects the sulting with town officials this Field Artillery Battalion was kept to the Washington School. department -head. for musicians among high school Em-Hart ...... 524 554 seats and adjustable canopy. by those who foughtsin World War The committee will also con­ The third change requested students and young adults. Fafnir Bearing ...... 58 61 SANDBOXES Supreme Court and regards it as week on the location of the road. J would give a pension to the widow Landers-Frarv Clk. .. . 16 18 a vital sUbilising influence pre­ II. Many men were lost and not a sider plans for a new junior high But while this will help keep ^ i / \ They have, already requested a About Town school near the police station on of ,an employe who dies after the school musicians Interested in N. B. Machine Co...... 35 38 FURNITURE venting great swings of policy meeting with the Directors to few disrorations earned. TTie bat- Reg. $12.95. 42”, 5 Legs .., ta li^ ia now active as an Army E. Middle Tpke. and continuation retiring from town service. music over the summer, it is of North and Judd .... 33 36 SA LE *8.99 under the fluctuations of public disquas use of the town’s land in M T i i opinion. ReMrve Unit in Manchester. Meet­ General Manager Richard Mar­ of remodeling of Educational The requests have been dis­ no use to the youngsters who Russell Mfg...... 19 ,21 order to take bida on construction cussed by the Town Pension Stanley Works ...... 42ti 454 An independent Supreme Court, ings are held each Monday evening tin will take the second week of hia Square buildings for the Barnard formerly would have begun learn- Save 4 0 % July 7. But the Directors have at 8 o’clock. Junior High School. Board and membar-s of ths board liig to play an instrument, at Terr>’ Steam ...... 155 — Reg. $14.93. 54", 8 Legs ... ON: Elsenhower eald, ia just as essen­ decided to wait to discuss the vacation ne.xt week. Town Engineer SA LE M1.99 tial to the government as the presi­ James Sheekey will be acting man­ An addition to the. Mary Cheney are now gathering information on Lincoln School. Torrington ...... 24>4 264 e POaiKB BEDS matter until their ' next regular Library is also on the agenda of the cost the changes would require. U.S. Env’lp c o m ...... 254 27 4 SPORTCOATS dency and the Congress, and the ager during Martin’s absence. And there is no subatltule; e BUNK BIDS meeting on July 16 the committee which covers library Some of the town employes are eilher, for the woodworkinii class, U.S. Env’lp pfd...... 11 13 public should pay respect to the Reg. $21.95. 72” 9 Legs e TABLE, GHAIB8 court’s duties and responsibilities. . The suggested location would Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perkin of as well as. school building. represented by the A F L -dO local which was designed for boys in­ Veeder-Root ...... 484 51 >j SA LE *15.60 Elsenhower reverted to the sub­ start at the site fo f housing Army ( (Police Arrests Macclwfleld. Cheshire, England, The meeting will be in the Muni­ and others by the Municipal terested it) woodwork as a hobby The above quotatfons are not to e WASHABLE CHEST cipal Building at 8 p.m. be construed as actual markets. ‘ . V ject of the Supreme Court In cpn personnel near Lakewood Circle. ____ arrived yesterday for a two weeks Employes Aasn. as well as a trade. ' ..vihM**w -: e LAWN SWING u k h nectlon with another queetion. It It a'ould cross town-owned Globe visit with their daughter, Barbara, f BEACH SAND CEANED, WASHED 100 Lb. Bag *1.94 concerned the attitude of the gow Hollow .property on its wsy to Barbara McGregor', 19, 150 Char­ and Mr, Macclesfleld’a brother-in- and SLACKS emors conference, in aesaion at rlglR-of-wsy on Garden Orqve Rd. ter Oak St., and Janet C. Bleu, 20, law and sister,-8Jr. and Mrs. Colin Williamsburg, Va., toward Elssn- ^roady In the Army’s possession, 96 Charter Oak St., were arrested Davies, 22B St. Japie* St- Miss bower's Civil Rights program. “nie ^rdsn G ove right-of-way yeaterfday and charged with Perkin came over To this Country Elsenhower aaid he believ^ now leads into a road t6 the Nike breach of the peace. ot visit her aunt and uncle a little Crib and Mattress Special! Take Your Pick . racial Integration is primarily an control site adjoining town land The girls were involvejl in a over a year ago and then decided to MANCHESTER SHOPPING PACKAGE educational program which cannot south of the proposed new rosd, fight in the room of Kenneth Stapleton, who resides in a room­ remain. bs solved summarilylaws or according to Town Ehigineer James OPEN W EDNESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY N IG H TS TILL 9:00 ★ SPECIAL NO. 1 JUNE JAMBOREE PRICE S29jN) decisiems. . / Sheekey. ing house at ,14 Arch St., accord­ SENATOR ASKS TAX TEST Single drop aide erib with foam rubber and hair filled mattreea. Nevertheless^^hb said, when tbs' ing fo police. Washington, June S6 (AV—Sen. N Since Garden Grove Rd. U not The girls were each released in Supreme Qkirt declares something a public road,, there would be no Neuberger (D-Ore)' propoeed MAIL! PHONE Ml 3-1533 FOR YOURS TODAY! • v a r to be the law of the land by a 9-0 1100 bond and will appear in court - I ★ SPECIAL NO. I JUNE JAMBOREE PRICE SS4J9 public access from Keeney St. to July 1. legislation today to return a flat decision, a government executive the new road if the Army’s pro­ 5 per cent of Federal Income Tax " Double drop side erib with foam rubber and hair flDed nuttreea. has certain responsibilities. posed plans are carried out. HANAS HITS CAB USE collections to the stolen so they He said that to find out exactly One purpose of the new road may assume “ major programs What these responslbUiUes are un­ Hartford, June 76 iff) — State- WHISPER-WilOHT SPORTCOATS ★ SPECIAL NO. I JUNE JAMBOREL PRICE S39JI9 would be to keep Army trucks Welfare"-Commissioner Christy of social responsibility.” He said der the court’s decision, he HaS out of Lakewood Circle, Sheekey Hanas has cracked down on ” ex- he advanced the Idea ms a test De Luxe double drop Bide crib wltli foam rabber uuid hair Ailed mattress. urged as part of his civil rii^ts said. Home owners there protested of whether President Elsen­ program the creation of a commia- oeealye use of taxicabs” by re­ IN RICH-TiXTURED FABRICS against location of the Army lief riieiita traveling to and from hower “ really wants the stolen slon to explore the queation. housing project near their prop­ to develop Individually new pro- kv. These specials are for this sale only; all freah merchandise from stock. Elsenhower said he bplieves the doctors’ offices. He said today erty. the action follows a survey which gramn to meet Important gor- Forfet beat aod look fimh *8 a *, leadership of the commission ernmentol renponsIbHItlen. or should be vested In the Justlcs De- TTic project. is located on town shohied that taxi service for wel­ iprig eimbateBtl&eu^ the deyf SiDc-lodo, land condemned by the Army to fare recipients wae costing Con­ whether lie meroly want# t h ^ jMutmsnt to make sure executive eenponnlblUttea abandoned by linen-looks in rayon-dacron and rayoo- : action Is In line with the intent of provide housing for Nike soldiers necticut taxpayers about 61309 a Sore.^ the court. stationed here. . motitb. tiie Federal Government.” aoetato-iilkl Trta 8 button modal wiBi ' Save! Elsenhower said he considers his pateb-flap podtets, center vent L i(^ dark a Spring horse, W g e OT iL .9 0 ClvO Rights program very moder­ a Folding Training line. Reg. 829.96. ^ ate and reaaonaMe. and in-between s^des. Regulars* J 9 . 9 5 V a l v e Seat. Reg. $5.49. e Spring Horae «nau $ 7 ^ g g The question had come up When sborts, longs. riul.atoe. Rea. Reg. 811.95.8 1 1 .95 . a reported noted that sont^ south­ ern govemqn attending the Wil­ WEEKEND SPECIAL e Potty Chair e ^ Wagon. $ 3 2 9 liamsburg . conference agreed with AU Wood. Reg* $8.98. Eisenhower’s speech providing the e Swim Fine, Maske restoration of more responsibilit­ e Diaper Palla, and SnorMea. ies to tbw gQ t^ but felt that such 100% ALL-WOOL WORSTED AND 14 qt. Reg. SS.49. state responaiBiUty also should ap­ Save op to 40% ply in th^ admf^traUon of Civil e “Ideal” Musical Rights programs. DACRONlWORSTED TROPICAL SLACKS -• Play Pen Pads. and Stuffed ilAO Z. Eisenhower also said scientists Reg. eZ-M. Toym. /Ov Off ■ tell him they believe they can pro- . QuaiUty "Soreoto" slada Biat about *huuiyn e Hardw'crad Play Pens, /' ResflleiiL sbape-retaining, ice-cube cool e Crib Bumpers. heavy duty. $11-99 fabrkf. Color-matdwd trim, j^ te d ioaer , ■ Keg. es.98. Reg, $15.95. ^ ■ 2 e Combination Oarrlage- Perscmal Notices PAINT waitibaads, book-eye doaiiras. Li^t, dark add e Folding Stroller with C Q g g StroUer-Car Bed. $ 1 7 -8 0 iB-batUNaa abadaa in a variety of lexturea Canopy. R«b . $10.96. Reg. $22.95. ^ ' Card of Thanks. aad iwvee. Siaas 18-41 V atvB FRAME POOLS 1 to. thank all our friendj. These pdSla are of etrong nylon, rot-'progf and mildew-proof a e ^ b o rs and reUUvrs for their sym- —the atrongeat pool fabric we’ve ever aaeh! One inch diame­ pathy A o t n us St the Uine of our be- rMvem nt. We alto erteh to thank RE.G. ter heavy steel tubing frame, eteel aeato^and lege with rolled Jboee wro donated the. use of can and Com pare! edges, drain with hose coupler for easy filling and draining, HOLSTER for the b ea u ^ I flowers. WASH *N' W IAR "TROPIC-HAU'^* complete with shower apray.^ 12 SQUARE FEET A ny. Cart and Robert Olson. *' J 6 Rigid, Steel Frame 8 X 4, 90 GAL. U 8 T 8U.9S. SETS 4-PT. S n iL SLID! BimR-TAILORiO SLACKS SPECIAL’ ...... $ 8 ^ GdloH 4 X 8. ISO GAL. U 8T 815.95. SAVE Pia/-Poois with new, superior I . f l $ 1 1 9 9 DON'T ‘ Wash, dr^dty and waar them again and SPECIAL ...... ^1 4 X *, 180 OAL. U 8 T 819.95. $ 1 3 -9 9 U T THIS Mildew-prodf, slip-proof, tear-proof, sun^and-rot proof ageiti, with or no ironing. Valua features SPECIAL ...... J ...... 20% Uhe AD trim and points of 1001 drip-dry 8 X 0, 260 GAL. LIST 824.95. $ 17 99 CHANCE nyloo ia shades to matcb, h ^ -e y e doaureA^ SPECIAL ...... Triple-Wall Nylon Tank & Geyser Shower 8 X 8. 440 GAL. LiST $84.96. $ 2 5 - 9 9 on Shadow ebbdes, splash weave* in o n reyoa- SPECIAL ...... Available in Colors and White 381 dacraa. L i ^ to dark* 8 8 4 1 $.99 V a iv s A W A Y I It's Ills bringing the bedch (and the circuj and the amusement park) right into your own back yard! Brand new 1957 . , . greedy improved-n . . tafety engineered! All steel, non-ru»t alumjnwshjsflihted t'ubular ,ccn- Open Aft Day Monday and Friday Night till 9 Eaglo Housa Paint covers more surface, is superior in hiding powef Ccmfortably and retains its rich, fresh appearance longer than ordinary paint. itruction. Perfectly-balanced with heavy enameled steal legs and seats that'Withstand th# huskiest tsrzens! N o sharp edges or dangerous corners. Now, miracle nylon, triple-wall, tearproof tank sewn with Orion thread Afr-CoariMoiiari to lastJots, lots longer . , . two-toned for beTiuty . . . waterproof with handy'geyser shower. New fii!-up valve- fn w YOU CAN OWN A aiwnauD end-drain avith hose coupling saves lawns. Easy to fold away for out-of-season'storage! Hurry . . . get yours JPocan-A owowNie, low. MANCHESTCRI now . . . let them have fun the summer long. Use our 3-pay plan, if you wish: pay ’/j in July: */j in ^ g u s t i IHUAM Ota6MO«U-6e* tiu ' THAN TOira M B H U ^ V3 in September. So why weit? M A N C H fS m MOTOR SAUS. iHc. If . . ;«TlMr OMioMWIo Doaler” ; Rand PAINT CO. WG 6(rx48"xl Foof Dwp '20 Sq. p. 10.91 SUPER 96"x48"xl Foot D*ep 32 Sq. R. 16.91 WEGIYE^tAT SAT DSnns. c m a o w tet^. 249 M0AOST. MANCHESTER TEL Ml 9-4S9T G!ANT72W' xI FoofD**p24 5q. ft. I3.9t‘ TITANIC 96"x72''xl57 Deep ^ Sq. R. 24.98 The Friendly Store i o b s - i o b t m a i n s t ^ GREEN STAMPS PARKING RIGHT TO OUR DOOR— WE DEUVBt • OCEAN 96'"x96"xl5*' Dm p 64. Sq. R. 29.91 (ROUTES 5 ond 15) That Satisfies.. - p h o n e 3 .IW 6 ■\- 4 - A T ROUTE r a OVERPASS \ ^ ■ *1- A:. , \

■mAnaeal I V . . ' '- r f ■; ■; ■’ ;fc7^-p ■t'lu •’ ' ■ *■ '■ i’f'. r ■- " ; i ' ‘ * J; 7-.,' :,:y ■•■■■ j ' •.■ V

P A G E FOlIRTKEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN 4 W'EDNESPAY. JUNE 48, 1957 4 . V" at' Section Two i WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28. 1957 WEDNESDAY, JUNK 26, 19IJ7 Pages 15 to Hebron Extended Forecast iJfmtrljeBter iEui^ttutg /•r Ihu /eeti. .. .rtmtmh0r R*4 Bmk Fred's Library Set for Connecticut . —The temperiature j We’rw for the, hexl five daya will Average > Air- Library Will Make Collection And the Rains Failed Them PACKAGE STORE Monday Closing near normal. The normal mean for . OoiidlMoMed ^ Richard Yules Nominated Hartford ia 72 ranging from a high.' OPEN EVERY DAY Hebron, June 28 Special at a of *4 to a low of #0. Near normal ’ t^f>A (Si'y'JoPM Oi Historical Data of Town apecfat meeting oif the Doufriaa Li­ moat of the period except cooler '. For Boys^ State Governor 8 A.Mi-9 P.M. brary Board of iruateea Monday Sunday or Monray. Showers and Plana to start a HancheaterTof an advisory committed on local F armers in Milk Price; Richard Yules, 17, of 107 Steep evenirvj;, It w-aa voted to cloae the thunderatorms Thuraday and over historicallatorlcal cocollection in the Mary history". Its general purpose will •CivU 'Defense Club, treajurer at the library July 1 Until further notice. the weekend will total an inch or ItESTAUff ANT .Cheney Library were announced. be to eiiggeat the kinds of mate­ Hollow Lane, wag nominated this National ^ n o r Society, fin t apMli- PItnry pf CeM Ntr more. ' er of the Debating Club, e a p t ^ of 10 that work of puttini; on the new ~ today by William E. Buckley, rial to be collect^, plaqea to And morning by the Federalist Party at AT AIX TIMES addition nia,v he expedited. .Several and COCKTAIL LOUNGE the first aid ftqpad. and captain at chairman of the Library Board. it, and to aid in obtaining aa much Spring Drought Seen Worst in Years Nutmeg Boys Stite, University of the tennis team. walla of hip to drivers''checks for |70 bounced. | and preaerve it, and make it avail­ Among tljoae expected to use crease in the price of milk. The election at the Ameripan ..proposed a slate of six candidatea. in hooka apiece for the aummer. able to all citizens for study, re­ the material once it la assembled At conferences in Hartford this I,egion-#pon.snreri Boys' Stal^ is Hartley J. Brooks, 21' Wedgewood The houra of opening; for the re­ search and anjoyment." .set for 10 a m. F'riday in the sfena and catalogued are students, his­ week" farmers have decided to ask j ' Dr., fiiastonbury, is the Natlonallat mainder of thla week are aa fol- . Mias Anna Fi ench, llbranan 'of torians, genealogists, bicsiness men of the Animal Indusirles Building. ; candidate for treasurer, .•.the local libraries, said that moat |o\va: today.,7 to fl p m.: Thuraday, seeking to establish dates and the dealers to whom they sell fo r ! Some 320 boya from throiiglimil i Other Manchester boys attending 7 to 9 p, m.; Friday 2 to and 7:30 of the local material would have other facts, town and state offi­ the increa.se in wholesale milk Connerticiu are attending the .ses­ Nutmeg Boys State are Robert Al­ to 9 p. m. to be,donated by families, instiUi- cials, and the average Msnehes-, prices, effective July 1. Such an sion which is in its fourth day bert, 19 Oakland Ter.; Robert W. The librariana, Misa Marjorie H. tions and hu.sineasea. terian who wa'nts to know what increase would probably he today. Organization of the Senate 'Brass. 29 Barry Rd.; Samuel C. Martm and Mra. Daniel G. Horton, "It is difflrult at the beginning the town and its life were li'Ke passed on to the ron.siimer. raising was in progrt'ss this morning. Foster, 19 Arvine PI.; Henry Frank to define precisely the scope of the will take their vacationa during; the before his day. . the price of legiilai-grade milk| Active in affairs ai .Manchester .laslowski. 8 Waddell Rd.; Stephen time the library ta eloaed. . new collection," Misa French said, delivered to the home in Manciies-' High School, Yules is presidenl of J. Provost, 101 Elizabeth Dr.; Karl Tie For Award “ but certainly we shall welcome I ter from 27 to 28 cents a quart. the Scienee Club, president of the Lawienre Reirhelt, 26 Lodge Dr, The hlgheat award at the Flower kimost aiiv materiel relating to 'T'alroc Ttirlc If the Increase is ohialned, it old Mancheater, and any cuhrenl * « 1 O K P h E H C IS ,Show apon.aored last Saturday by OflHie. will he the fii-st time lii nine years I^-e Pahno. William W. D&vls, the Conifregattonal Women'a Fel­ material which is likely to be signi­ that dealers have vohintaril.v ficant in forthcoming years. On New Lockers hiked the price they rpay tlie Freeiiiaii Fleuled .Samuel Mosley and Eugene Free­ lowship was a lie. goinfr to Mra. man. John F. Horton and Mra. Carl Lan- Particularly we 'shall .search for farmer. old photographs of t),,. Po.sl (loininamlrr kof. Mra. Hprt,on showed tea rosea. __ -Manchester High School is look- Manager Ken Geyer of Hie Con- The newly elected commander la nectinil Milk Prodiirers Annn. - -a-member of Manchester Lodge of Mra Lankof exhibited an arrange­ ■ j- diarie.s and journals of past life ■ forward to the future in in­ 7 wliicli lias lequested the price rise, Elk.s. and .Manchester Grange, He ment of the familiar flower, "Hens See our complete line, of swim -weor for every, here, genealogical and other family | additional lockers on Eugene Freeman was elected; said yesterday that dealers buying served 'in the 8th Division. 13th and Chirkena." ' records, scrapbooks, maps, busi- ^.f^jpn bids were taken vesterdav, eommsnder of Dilworth-l’ornell- neas and governmental documents, gci-ording to Principal Ed.«On M. from' the C.M.P..4. have signified P,egimenl, Co. B. as a staff eer- .Martins Buy lioine member of the family ~~ inexpensive too! and school records. Bailev. their willingness to comply if the Posl, .No. 102, American Legion. ' geanl In Wdrld il?6r II. Prior to Mr. and Mra. Dwight H. Martin "Most of thi.s Manchester iiiem- The number of sUident.s regis­ other dealers in tlie stale do like­ at the annual meeting held last] his election as p ® i commander, he have bought from Mrs. Ann Jakan orabilia is scattered through at­ tered ha.s already jumped from wise. night at the post home. ‘ served as post adjutant for one a eotlage at Amston Lake and Right tor the water . . . ready tor the $un . . , tics, old trunks and forgotten 2,4.10 in the last school yesr to However, Harold Strickland, Other officers elected for the! and' a half years. He has been an will occupy It with their family. shelves," she commented. "As time 2,67.1 for the. next year, Bailey .chairman of the Connectlcul coming year include; I.ee Palino; active Legionnaire for the past Martin, who la the eon of the late and sure to collect compliments . . . our sum- goes by, it is gradually desnoyed said. Wholesale Milk Producers Coun­ senior vice commanfier; William, eight years. He has been employed Need auto Professor Horace D. Martin, of mer-pertect iwimsuiti. The selection in this and permanently lost. ’Hie only To provide a locker for each cil, which yesterday seconded the W. Davis, junior vice rommandei : , at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft for the faculty.) oT Rie Louisiana Stale solution is a parmai.ent collecllon C. .VI. F'. A.'s request, .said he (Tiarles Romanowski. finance o f-' 17 years, formerly in the capacity Teachers' (killege. will teach .In­ group includes maillots, boy shorts styles, such as w e ^ ^ o p M ^ ^ ^ l^ble for an expected additional could make "no predictions" about ficer; Theodore Fairbanks, atljii- of group leader and presently In dustrial Arts In the new Jimior- iiurea.'. h..s o.,:i i,-(,i oy n .Vndovpr, the s-ason's second and come soon. Robert Yeske of Soiilli I.,ocal 4-H club members who they wiimiean much to the people clean a milking machine; David The pension increase will affect i of my generation, but Imagine tion in 60 days, and General Steel necticut producers, Other dealers January and will face the costly ill.Id cuttings of h.ay. on which SI., South Coventry, repoils that tiHik part today in the demonstra­ and RuaaQl Kinney, cleaning a Brass Workers retired employes, who are now re­ what they will mean to interealed Products of Flushing, N/t Y . bid would then beAinable'to go along] n cc.asiiv c b " .n torli' 1 I fainieis count h-fviiv for their his 'e.irly corn is nno-lialf- up and tion day conleala at North Cov­ pulsater; Joyce and Caroline Cool- ceiving $1.7,'^. people 50 and a 100 years from $2,.148 with m.stallation I'n 4.1 days. with the requested price increase other growers -for the rest of tlie winter supply, this \ear "look like coming along adequately, hut that entry were Edward Hills and Rob­ Idge. dehorning a calf; Mary Ann , Gel Pav Boost \ These automatic incrca.ses were now." , The bids are being „ studied by- because they would risk being un­ winter nothing " heeau.se they have had in regard In the corn , tliat was ert Ralhhun, who ahow'ed how to Foote, testing seeds; Shirley j negotiated in a ."l-vear agreement HEADQUARTERS FOR BEACH Thomas F. Ferguson, co-publisher , irchlterts. Fbbel.s, Frid and dersold. "It looks to me like s disas­ no rain to help tliem grow. pl.anled after June 1. "it ha.sn’t Rychling. summer bouquets. signed in June 19,')6. Under the ' of The Manchester Evening H er-, Prentice, of Hartford, Besides the voluntary increase trous year for dairymen. " Oiglio In addiUijn. the brooks and come lip yet and I don't know If An.sonia. June 26 (.Pi The Tn- comment.s. Mental Health Drive ternational Union of Mine. Mill I same agreement, workers in these alii, said: "Tlie-concept of the li­ asked of dealers, the farmers have ; pa.stiire ponds are so dry that there j it ever will. " .Sitiiulion Seen Conmion Dp n 'F N t f l p c t S lip p iB ^ and Smelter Workers, today an­ 13 plants will receive snother 7 WEAR and ACCESSORIES . . . brary's local history collection ap- decided to petition State Milk Ad­ j IS no water foi the cattle to | Edwin Hoffman of Hoffman Rd.. Mrs, Thomas Rusk Jr, chair­ Warren (gathering Tlie picture i.s the same every- T lo iju jL nounced that effective July 1. all tents an hour automatic increase -d peaj.s to me. I am ronfident that ministrator D, O. Hammerbcrg for dnnii. Foote points out. Ellington, wlio i.s a director of the man of the local Mental- Health I July 1, 19.18. tlii.'i material, gathered together in \> here. All local dairvmen a;‘e FALSE TEETH drive, at last report had close to maintenance and production em­ W * havt a complnt* lint o f' mtn's, wemon's and a compulsory rise in the price, of Ami in Hebron e\’en Ihe we’ls { C..M.P..\ . say.s that he expects to ployes of the Anaonia. Torrington one place and intelligently organ­ Rl. 6 Inforinatioii milk effective August 1. This in­ already feeding their rattle in- arc going drv, r,~pnrts Lei oy R ^ gel about 7.1 per rent of his usual In Rospoct t o Hm Momory Do talu teeth drop, illo or wobble $100 on hand. The campaign will childron's ploy clothes— altTnorLOW priced! ized lor use. will prove to be not ' _____ door.s and will hE\c to continue when you ulk, eet, leufb or eneettf be extended through the remainder and Buffalo, N. Y., plants qf the crease. which would also amount to I Kinney from lh.it area Like . corn crop this year. Don't be annoyed and embarraeaed American Brass .Co., will receive merely interesting, but truly vslii- i state Rep. Rav Warren viaited one rent per quart, could not be doing ao all summer. The.v have ; Oiglio, Kinney estimates tliat he by aueh bandleope. rAaTKCTR, an of this month. Of course what the farmeia O f Hio Loto an increase of 7 ceqts an hour. T Almost 2 Million able, to uiaiiy of us. All Comnumi-, the state Higinvay Department put into effect immcdiatel.v because Ih.s lost what Oiglio calis "the v.-ill rm out of feed i(nd ha\e lo ' kallne (non-acid) powder to apiln- 8e sure to see our wonderful soiection of ploy pools, four or five months a year when want most right now even more e on your platse. keeps talse teeth Mancheater Evening Herald He­ ties and regions should have such . ,erdav to gath«- information of hearings and other foimal pro­ st-it buying it by January of next ■ than an Incivase In milk prices -s mere artnly aet. Olree eonSdent feel. Effective the same day, pension I PRESCRIPTIONS J co leclions. but especiAlIv a town! >«.- tum u a farmer can make milk off liLs W. GEORGE GLENNEY, bron correspondent Miss Susan water toys, picnic grills and a full assortment of pic­ t.- t 1 i i * ‘ J. < lor iJic KsXpreaN Hithwav Com- cedures required b;- the State. I .vear. j i.s rain. They emphasize, however, Ids olseeourtty end edded oomfott. payments will be increased from land, when he can liy to catch No dumkay. ioow. pasty taste or leol* Pendleton, telephone .%Cadrmy I "SAFELY FILLED" J Manchester i ‘ h ' relocarion of Rt. 6 ' Both the C.M.P.A. and Ihe , ‘ Informed of the proposed one that not just one shower but a $1.7,1 to $2.2,1. a month for each nic coolers, jugs, cooking oquipmont and popor up on the winter's bills." lot. .aetTUaiJBn'll Wdoy at any K-8434. WTiolesale Milk Producers Coun- I cent increase in the price of niijk, | whole prolonged rainy spell is drui counts year hf service with the company. Mrs. Au.stin aieney said: "1 ap-I Manche.sler's South End. eil hsvc voieti to tske this second The offieoc and yard of Hiis company will goods— "the lorgest saHection in town!" >- prove the Idea heariily and hope' en is head of the local rom- •Nor is the lo.s's of ha.v tiiro'iigli ^Tvinney commented, "Every little needed lo bring up a new ci-op of ^Arthur Drug Storts j step. indoor feeding the onlv hard.ship bit helps " hay aiid p-rhaps to make up for to do what I can to advance it. I ! ''eport Its Milk producers have long been bo eXO SED at noon THURSDAY. Need an have already spoken to several ’c-omniend.stions on the .State's the drnughl has hroiight. .\s <'n:n. a crop which i« pliiited some of the damage that the planning to ask Ihe .State for a Edward A. Foote, a member of friends aliout it. and they, too, Ui- land harvested later than ha\. has drought haa done Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort : rtctois. did not aay what in- price increase this year, but the ... drought nss made them desperate electrician? In making public the library's forniation he had received from for financial relief, aremding to I lector Waller LeClerc Is Ihe other latest undertaking. Buckley the highway department, Geyer. ; officer up for reelecllon. Allst takes the red tape MANCHESTER warned that at present the Mary ' ftte committee also wants to get "I'v e never seen farmers so 8th District Sets Tax Rate., The voters will also be asked Cheney Library could,only r e c e iv e t**fthei' information from Caae worried by drought before." he to appniie a 2 ' 2-mill lax to fi- AUTO PARTS J and aafcgu.nd lootil history gifts. ' Bros, and "local people". Warren said. f i nance Uie D istrids $72,000 in We snalf UTKlOUhnsnrerhgv-^tnrll^d. Case Bi-os. napee -ftrm-Wtf 7DilF?TSrme'rii,'*4w;''1wn re-; Picks Two Directors Tonitihl jAnidgel. j 2 /O BROAD 0i ' wait for the addition to the kiary | “ thers are oppoSlrtg part of the 5.9 gion. fn agreenvHnt v.-itli those from ■ JL i ■ 1 fa cost out CTheney building before we ran ' niHe route the .State proposes to other parts of the state, unanimoiis- V'oters of the Kighth School and • are ex))ected to reelect the font I BR.irKF.N ELKCTKD BUILDING MATERIALS properly organize a growing local hiiild through the town, Buick, Chevrolet, ly rail this spring the driest in their , Utilities District are expei ted to Distrirl officers for 1 venr terms Sun Valley. Idaho. .lime 26 '/I’l RRST FOR EVERYTHING. FOR OVER 45 YEARS! history collection and open it fully ‘ Wsrren said that no meeting of Nash, International, memory. elect Kdwai d F. Morinrty and and authorize the ,, payment of .lohn J. Bracken of ('onnectirut' LUMBER FUEL Heads Done Complet^"' to the public. But nowia the time the committee is now planned and In normal years pasture grass salaries S'.OO lo the president, .yesterday was elected eastern vice ' to start getting the items together. | he is not sure w-hen one will be is long enough and green enough Denl.« Frecliette lo the Board of Leon Tliorp.-and $600 each to the rhairman of the National Aasocja- ] not some later time. The longer ' called, so that cattle can keep well-fed Directors tonight at the Distrirl s lrea.s)uer, Vincent Genovesi, and lion of Attornevs General. ' I insurance we delay the more scarce the , annual meeting. , by grazing on it at lea.st until the the clerk, Joseph Votz. Tax Col- real old records become." middle of the summer. This : The meeting is being held in the To Name .\dvlsnrv Crmin * Barracks Selects year, however, since tlie pastures HolHster .Afreet School suditorinin at 7 :,30. Customer savings of more than commonplace Buckley also said that he expects sre already dry and burnt, farm- ahortly to announce the 'ormatioii Delegates Tonight .ers have had to take the unheard- Moriaity, who is running for're- of-slep of barn-feeding their rows eleclion, and Frechette, who is n the month of June. seeking the post being vacated by j rielegates to the State conven- lAiwtence F. Moonan. apparently I VISIT OUR COSIPLETK I tion of the Veterans of World War Thus they are now using up have no opposition for the 3-year I of the USA will be selected to­ ■ostly feed that would otherwise posts. No one el.se has announced ^ Founded by Sears, ^ COSMETIC DEPT. night by the Msnrhe.ster Barracks, 'ast through much of next win­ his randidacy. Tile local unit will meet at f ter. ALL LEADING LINES The voters tonight will also" be Allstate pioneered a new o'clock in the Ameiican Legior For instance. I.a>onard fjigiio, asked to anprove relocation of a 1Home for the election. f South Rd . Bolton, ealrulates short slielcli- of triiiil: line .sewer Arthur Drug Stores,j The convention will be held ir hat St $1 per bale he is now lhal parallels Haitland .8t Officials V V. approach to insurance that has Hartford July 12 and 13. ipendlng S30 to $3.1 a day feeding say tile line: hiiiti tlicougii an em- banl’.menl. has been Simosi exposed I thfough ext ai'ation and erosion. won nearly four million friends ; Cost of the pi njei I i.s estimated at Need a loan? Th ( H H i m MH iMttr St.800. M iNn, N UiMt kmnMi CHtm, In other matters, thg voter.s •r k |HI M l kMN a You'll b« a friend o f Allatate’a Htw CM Alittati $1 It? the counter at Sears, at an too, aa aoon aa you become a Allstate Insurance Center, or Nearly $1 in every $4 spent MANjCHESTER MOTORS WILL SELL 36 cusiomer—and realize the in your own home.'''Allstate WE RE AIR-CONDITIONED with most companies goes to- benefita you'll enjoy because Agents sre listed in.the Yel­ SAFETY TESTED USED CARS FROM pay selling costs instead of to o f Allatate'a new approach to low Pages of your phone buy protection. Allstate's auto inaurancq,. book. JUNE 24fh fro JULY 1st LUXURY...at a modern selling methods cut Today, with auto insurance This approach, based 'bri selling costs to the bone. You BE ONE OF THE RRST WHILE THE coats rising, wouldn't it be the amall-profit, big-volume, benefit by lower rates, big­ BUDGET PRICE wise for you to investigate SELECTION IS LARGE! low-overhead concept pio­ ger value. . neered by Sears, boils down Allstate before, you renew PUSTK TOP?... SELF-LEVRING FERRULES to this: * 'Cvti^rad tape. your policy? Until you have the Allstate facts, you don't 3fi Cut red tape in paying ’se OLDS. $2895 ’55 FORD $1695 ’5S0LDS. $895 ,’52 PONT $095 Another New and Bjgser Allstate has more"thari 8,950 have all the facts about auto Aoim i . . print De Luxe "98.” Hoi. Sed. Fnirlane V8 4-Donr, De Luxe “98” 4-Door. ’ Cliieftaln “8” Hardtop. claims expediters in the-48 insuramx;. polieiee in large"" states and Canada. Help is" ’55 OLDS. $t895 ’54 OLDS. $1595 ’53 OLDS. $1090 ’52 DODGE $545 type and plain lan­ always as near as the nearest S-88 4-Door. ,S-88 2-Door. , .S.8874-Door."'^“ Coronet 4-Door. Forward Control ‘Jeep’ Truck! I guage . .'. make it phone. And Allstate claims Tki$ niMitrg kind if ... ’SS OLDS. $179$ ’54 FORD $1045 ’S2UNG. $1295 ’51 OLDS.^. $450 [ eaey kf buy insur­ experts can often pay claims autofflibifi m$Nraiicp briii|$ ance in a relaxed “88” 2-Door. Custom'$’8 3-Daor. ^ Capri Hardtop. De Lalxe ”98” 4-Door. IMNl.Mtl "on the spot." tfcaai surpriiitii baniffta: Here’s a romplelely. new. more manner. a All-time high for “ big-Ioad“ ma­ ’S5MERC. $1995 ’55 OLDS. $2195 ’53 PLYM. $795 *51 MERC. $295 powerful 7,04)0-pound (iVW For- neuverability I..The new FC-170 ti md«r$tand ptHcii$. 1. Allstate may save you Monterey Hardtop. Super 88 Holiday Cpe. Cranbrook 4-Door. 2-Door Cuglom. v Truck is the only 4-wheel*drive truck Need drains up to 38'^. ward Control ‘Jeep’ Truck. Niw micli cu y$v t*vi? Printed in -’55fACK. $1695 ’54 LING. $1695 ’52 PONT. $395 ’51 BUICK $295 lo give you "go-anywhere’’ ‘Jeep’ Allstate policyholders save readabletype, 2. Allstate cuts red tape Clipper 4-Door. Capri 4-Door. Chieftain “8't- 4-Door. Super Hardtop. # Dfore rargo spare on less wheel- maneuverability with a payload ca­ pacity of up to 3,^X1 pounds! cleaned? different amounts, depending understand­ to pay claims faster. 4 , base! A 9-foot pickup ho$ on s wheel- on different risk conditions able language. 3. An Allstate policy is base only Ift.'Ub-imhes long! Bed is Other uulatandjng fealuresi It's and on where they live. The Illustrated, easy to read and under­ LOW DOWN PAYMENTS ★ ★ EASY BUDGET TERMS only 27-inches from ground for back- really a 4-wheel drive truck —nof a modi­ most common saving is too.You know stand. saving ease of loading! fied 2-wheel drive truck, not a conversion (some policyholders save as *mwi itliclii ^ exactly what 51PLYM. $345 ’55 FORD $1795 • high torque Hurricane-6-226 engine, 4. Allstate makes it easy ’50 MERC. $225 ’49 OLDS. $195 a More eflieieni- spare niilizatioii! time-tested and performance-proved the whate^r much as 38'‘e) from rates HM ti wltntisl you re buying. !-'Door. ;. Cu.tom Club Coupe. “76” 4-Door. victoria Coupe. for you to buy the con­ Compare it with any other 4-wheel World over • spacious Safcly-\yiew"isiib .qtuWfed by most other com- venient low-pressure ’53WILLYS $695 drive truck — you'll find that on/y the • hig wrap,arniffid windshield •, with " panies. You may save $25 or tiwpr9$$«ri $9ilin|. ’50 OLDS. $250 ’SO DODBE $24$ ’48 BUICK, $95 way. . .Hardtop. ‘Jeep’ K(i-170 gives y ou so much cargo power take-off, the new FC-170 operates you need mohi. ”88” 4-Door, Cordnet 4-Door. Club Sedan, MARLOW'S You can. buy Allstate over space per inch of wheelbase! a wide range of special equipment ■ ’54 PLYM. $m5 SPECIAL ’540LDS. $395 ’50 FORD $395 ’S2 BUICK $795 Belvedere Hardtop. “88” Hardtop. Cu.tom Tudor. Hardtop. PRICE find Newest addition to the ‘Jeep* family SEARS ROERUCK A CO. RUILDING ’52 OHEV. $995 ’50 BUICK $295 ’49 BUICK $195 ’50GHEV. $450 Pickup with. pHimber*a — ready for the bjtger, tougher jobs! •tipeclal 4-Door. Super 4-Door. Hardtop. or elrctrirlan body. It fast 348 MIDDLE TMRNPIKE WEST tlach RAY DWYER. Usod Car Monogor M A N C H | S T E R . ^ O N E Mi 3-8734 J ® « P / forw onf Controt in ttie Here’.s xleek modern-ntjjlinff at a price you can afford.. J Practical plastic top.s in light oyBtertone fini.ih or limed 4-MfktatOrnm oak. Stain and alcohoikresistant. Bright brass feri-ules. . . i -J- ; F C 1 7 0 ; " Y E U O W l Vou'r* In good hands with “ fiO-ANYWNEIE’’ 4-WHEEL DHIVE TRACTION, and wide'63-iach tread take the FG170 almost WluCvSssswwen io#e»el eeiNriWeewfwa "Your Oldunobila Dm Iw " \ anywhere in g o ^ weather or bad. Shifts eiuily 0# 4-W»oatGiega voWthM 512 WEST CENTER STREET ★ TEL. M i 9.5427 into 2-wheel drive for highway travel! Tast drWa tMs Ugfar Feiward Central 'Jeep' FC I Q Tniek it yeir 'Jeep' ieatirl a U il A M « • • 8i P A M V O pf MoodkiyHiniBM lfNRfr iafr doyrtiJS. 7 > n.iH Wild t^Hi nirli ■ Rlr Di Tim . RIRNITURE d e p a r t m e n t HskiHtIM aistinct ass ••ssrsH tram Mts a srsn^ (LOH ER BTREET IXOQR IJCVEt) • Ce. Haws PHtssi SSaiiWt hi, - '--r D ^ (onaior Motor SoMe, Inc., 22*24 Maple St., Mooclioetf . ' ' ' ■V, . V. j ; . '-. t V - - r -

- Y . . .

' i ;'v 1 I ^ ■■ ■

'.I \ . '{■■ -li V:-:' kfKCHESTER gyENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CQNK.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26. 19^7 A 6E SEVEN-jCEEN' PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN- WEDNESDAY, ^l^JE 26, 'i96T I T\" Ma WiMoaU va OaKnMa lUMals South Windsor Columbia . \ WKNB-MO w no—lOM at Columbia; July 11, OoIimAia First Aid|[ For SoRbam ■' -A • Daily Radio WHAT— rascals vs Franklin Tankees at 'v WOBO—IMO Wapping Church Ci*oup Sponsors Franklin. BEU-RO-FEOL w v c o — ttin EM ten Daylltfet Tiiam WPOP—1410 July 16, ColumMa Wildcats vs At Loenl Drug BtnrM Summer School -Arts and Crafts Lebanon Red Legs at OolumbU; Lebanon Rad Sox va CkilumUa PINE REXAU. PHABMACT Ths foUowlng program sched*» lies-' PINE LENOX PHAKMACY WHAY—Warmup Tima Program Listed Columbia, June 26, (Spaclal)— Raacals at Lebanon; July 16, ul«s sr« supplied by the radio; WCCC—Coutfi Kvaiiins Good Music CDlunMa Wildiate vs Franlclin _ II— - I, Art claasaa aponaorad by the xnanagementa and are subject to WKNB—Evenlns Serenade Timkeet at Columbia; ’ July M. WTIC-One Man a Family South Windsor, June aS (Spe­ Recreation Council commenced change without notice. WDRC—E. R Murrow tlUa week under the direction of Columibla Raacals vs Lebanon Red W PO B-Say It WIUi Muale cial) —The* WapiHng Community Legs at Columbia; July 36, Colum­ s !t a - Robert Gtaey of WilUmantic. MX8.BUBtP **traA Y —MeJte Way lor Huilc ; WHAY—Polka Time CSiurch will hold a vacation school Claaaea are held daily with two bia Rascals, vs OolvmMa Wildcats WCCC—Koboi-a lUyua WCCC—tKiud Eveiiina Good Music from J»ly 1 through July 12 with S t Columbia; July 36. Franklin ehniaotcr and ndvlanr. Ad- WT» awaaa^— KN B-SpSport® I WKNB—Muilcal Echoes each day and one on Wednesday. vtos aa all proUems. Bead WT1C—R60S Miller I WTIC—People Are Funny aessiona from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Agea of the participanta are from Yankees *vs ColumMa WiidacU at WDRO-4^ lUilby ! WDRC—R O Lewie Franklin; Lebanon Red Sox vs lags daily, S-0. No nppolnt- WPOP—Was Works Theme of the school will be mis­ age 8 through adulta. WPOP—Gang Bustera sions and mission work. Columbia Rascals at Lebanon. nMnt nseessnty. AM PaMi ■ :iS— ■ !lS- Clay work, water eolortng, S i, Hartford. ALptes 4-4td6. N, WHAY—Mak« Way for Mu«ic WHAY—Polka Time Mrs. James MatUiewa, director, mural painting and.yarioua other ParcnUl attendance at gamea WiXC—Kocort Rarua WCCc—Uuud Evenlns Good Musis has announced the following* list forma of art work will be taught has bscn fair ao 'ar but It Is hoped WKNB—P.M. WKNB—Musical Echoes of teachers for the school: Mrs. WTKJ—Rosa Miller WTIC—Peopis Are Funny during the summer months under th it many more parents will find WDRO—Cai Kolby WDRC—R. Q Lewis Cynthia Wardron, nurisry; Mrs. the program. Um* to attend the games to give WPOP—Was Works I WPOP—G sn f Busters Sally Ediund, kindergarten; Mrs. the boys some oral support. t:SS— Uttle League Schedule WHAY—Batty turn ball ; S;tS— Viola Waldren, Grade U Miss WCCC—Record Review I WHAY—Polka Tims The Uttle League Baaeball WTIC—Night Line Barbara LaPlante and Mlsa Janet MatodMeOer B v s a I n g 'B erald WKNB—P.M. Adams, Grade 2; Mrs. Vivian achedule for the remainder of the w n o —1U60 Radio Lana WDRC—Robert Q Lewis month and Ju ly , is as follows: OohanMa . correspondent, Mre. WDRC—Cal Kolby WPOP—Modern Sounds Sherman, Grade 3; and Mrs. Fran­ INVITED (:««- Tomorrow, Lebanon Red Lege vs Flank MareMsa, telephone AOsd- WPOP—Wax Worxa WHAY—Warmup Tims ces Brown, junior department. ' m j 6-9060. t:4S— Children who have been enrolled Columbia Rascals at Lebanon; WHAY—Batty Kimball WTIC—Night Line .Columbia Wildcats vs Lebanon WCCO—Record Review WDRC—Robert 0 Lewis in the nursery group of the Sun­ CHIU) DROWNim WKNB—P.M. WPOP—Modern Sounds day School or those who will be Red Sox at Columbia; Monday, WTIO—1080 Radio Lana »:SS- four years'old before Jan. 1 art Fremklln Yankees vs Columbia Utchfield. June 26 (SI — Iris W D R O -^ Kolby WHAY—Dodgers vs. Brsves DeFranctsco, 9, of Torrington, WPOP—Wax Works WTIC—Night Line eligible to attend the school. There Wildcats at .Franklin; July • 4, SiSS— WDRO—The World Tonight uill be a small fee to defray ex- C;k>iumbia Rascals vs Lebanon Red drowned yesterday while wading TO ATTEND ’ WHAY—Record Rodeo. WPOP—Modem Sounds Legs at Columbia; Jqly 8, Colum- at Bamtam Lake. WCCC—Record' Review t i U - penaea. WKNB—P.M. WHAY—Dodgers vs. Braves Those needing transportation tv W TIG-News WTIC—N trtt Line WDRO—News ^ _ WDRC—The World Tonight to the school may call the direc­ WPOP—Bob and Bay WPOiP—Modern Sounds tor. • S ;U — ______Termiaal Opens WHAY 0 t n u sd l~~~ WHAY—Dodgers' vs. Braves The new terminal of the Schus­ WCCC—Record Review WTIC—Night Line ' WKNB—Baseball Matinee WDRC—Russ Nsughton ter Expreaa Compapy, located on w riC —R obs Miller WPOP—Modern Sounds Sullivan Ave., haa bdhn opened to WDRC—Cai Kolby • itt- serve the Hartford and Spring- WPOP—Bob and Ray WHAY—Dodgers vs. Braves l:SS— WTIC—Night Line held areas. This li the second WHAY—Bwlns lOasy WDRC—Russ Nsughton terminal of the company, which WOCC—Record Review WPOP—Modern Sounds has formerly operated from me WmTB—Baseball Matinee 18 ■ .•a- w n U —lOSU Radio Lana WHAY—Dodgers vs. Braves terminal located in Colchester. WDRO—Cal Kolby , WTIC—Overseas By-LInt Tile Sullivan Ave. Imatlon was WPOP—Bob and Ray WDRC—Russ Nsughton chosen In order U> beuer serve WPOP—Hound Dog ^ northern communities, according ^ T R i D E R i t e s • *-iiAY-BwIns^ « 5 ay 18:18- OPEN HOUSE WCCO—Record Review WHAY—Dodgers vs. Braves to officiala of the trucking com­ WKNB—P. M. « w n c —At the UN pany. WTIC—1080 Radio t^BC 6 WDRC—Ruia. Nsughton Manager of the depot will be 8. I WDRC—Cal Kolby. ^ . WPOP—Hound Dog THURSDAY, JUNl^Z -- 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. WPOP—Wonders of the World 18:88- Arthur Perkins of 96 Brookfield Will See Ingrid Ori^. 4.50 to 8.9S SAS- WHAY—Dodgers vs. Braves St., Mancheater. About 60 per­ WHAY—DateUne 2 ^ ^ w n c —Music sons wtll.be eniployed In the ter­ Eighteen-year-old Jenny Ann Llndstrom, who aaya aheTI visit WCCC—Oond aivaalns deed Maate WDRC—Russ Naughtoa actress mother Ingril Bergman In Paris this summer for first WKNB—Today In SporU ^ - WPOP—Hound Dog minal, which was constructed on WTIC—Hows 18:4 8 - land of William Jurgelas. Facili­ meeting between the two since 1951. Her father, neuroaurgeon WORD—News WHAY—Dodgers vs Braves ties include a 20-door back-in load­ Dr. Peter Lindstrom, will not accompany her to Paris. (AP and WPOP—Dateline Coos. w n c —Music Wirephoto). S i U - WDRC—Russ Nsughton ing dock and a garage for main­ WBAY-8porta_^ ^ ^ WPOP—Hound Dog taining equipment. WCCO—Good Bvtnlns deed Maale 1 1 :88- WKNB—lEvenIns Serenade WHAY—Dodgers vs. Braves The company is a general com­ W nc—Stnctlv Spurts w n c —News modity carrier operating in New vited. to attend .and members are July 8. This' is the first such pro­ WDRC—Weatbey and Zalman WDRC—News A Wtathsr York, New Jersey, Rhc^e Island, asked to bring guesta. The com­ gram held at the church for TRAVEL II! CLASS WPOP—Lavrrenca Walk, WPOP—News Maasachuaetta, Pennsylvania and mittee In charge of arrangements several years. f iSS— * UtU— ON "VACATION fM O A l,’! WHAY—Saranada ^ ^ WHAY —Dodgers vs. Braves Delaware. Is Mr. and Mrs. David Collins and A parents’ program will be held P R IC Ifl WCCC—Good tlvenlns dead Muaio w n c—Sports Mystery Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Martin. at the church on the last day of WKNB—Muilcal Echoes WDRC—Russ Naughton W n c - K Cote die* Club WPOP—Hound Dog The Couples Club of the Wap- Church School the sessions at 11 a.m. Oat ■ Rooistarail Rocket. .. WDRC—Music a la Carte Il;g 8 - ping Community Church will meet The vacation school of the First ------/f a eno>ewnor, low>inlleaBe FIRST SHOWING IN MANCHESTER WPOP—Mel Allen WHAY—Night Watch Mancheater Evening Herald w n c —Starlight Serenade this Friday at v p.m. in the Com­ Congregational Church nas an en­ munity House. A mystery pro­ rollment of 66 children to date. Wapping South W’tndaor cor­ G irls' Not every Racket Inglna OMsmoMla WHAY—flkrenade _ i WDRO—Russ Naughton ‘ WCCC—Good Kvenlna Good Music WPOP—Hound Dog gram is planned. Sessions will be conducted daily respondent Mrs.' O. Warren West­ sfyles ONLY size or MANCHESTER I I : SB brook, telephone Mitchell 9-4014, I WKNB—Ixiwell 'Thomas WHAY—Night Watch All couples of the parish are in- from 9:15 to 11:45 a.m. through for infanfs width in w n c—X 8Ur Extra w n c —Starlight Serenade every MOTOR SALES, Inc. WDRO—Lowell Thomaa WDRC—Rusa Naughton WPOP—Meet the Artlit misses and style. “Year Oldsmebile Dealer” ENGLISH-BUILT litS - WHAY—Jaxx Alley _ . . . FAIRBANKS BUYS STOCK ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ sub-feens RAY DWYER, Used Oar Mgr. WCtC—Good Evenlns Good Muelc Chicago, June 26 (A P)—Fair WKNB—Musical Echoes 613 Weat Center St., Maacheeter w n c —Dick Burtel banks Morse A Co. yesterday Strap styles in red or brown or black patent. WDRO—Amos and Andy bouKbt 300,000 shares or its own //I TeL MI 8-lSll WPOP—Pulton Lewis stock from Penn-Texaa Corp. for OPEN Park while Banking'' OPEN ^ Y tU - WHAY—Jam Alley _ : . . $1S million. The transaction com­ THURSDAYS FRIDAYS WCCC—Good Evenlns Good Muilc pleted the deal by which Robert H. i t WKNB—Musical Itehoee At the "First 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. WTIC—National C of C CUnlc Morse, Jr., Fairbanks president, 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. WDRO—Amos and Andy kept control of the company after |AIR-CONprriONED FOR YOUR COMFORT WPOP—Ed. P. Morsan a 2-year proxy fight led by Leo­ pold Silberatein, president and J * ‘f?5AY__AY—Rlltenband Reporting WCCO-Goud Evening i. inu Muale chairman of Penn-Texas. WKNB—Evening SeranaOe CHECK w n o —Newa WDRC—Amos and Andy WPOP-Gabrtal Hsatter THESE Tekvision Programs 956, On Page Two Proven! IS THRIFT M A ^ U 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. AIXIKO FACTORY ADTROBISKD AVAILABLE IN TV SERVICE d y n a m ic OLD FASHIONED? E A Pbr Home Omll ^ I 9 V Plat Pmrtt BC a-0080 INSURANCE 9 MODELS ■agvtag All Maaebaslag A n a The youth of today Means letter Protection moy feel that way in these FREE PARKING N . G E N E R A L days of “quickly earned *• SAVE Priced LoBonne>Silverstein Lot Next To IMMEDIATE quickly spent." Wise par­ ON QUAUTY T V SERVICE Associotes Popular Market kmtVEL F* <>*78 C 4 l i e A CaJl As Low As Nlshta W*ev3 Ploa Parts Ml 3-1155 ents take time to stre'ss the t e i..''mi s-mss t DELIVERY 1590 fad that thrift is still the DELIVERED IN MANCHESTER soundest foundation on GIRLS' SWIM SUITS. Orig 1,98,2.50 which' to build a lasting Sizes 3 to 6x, cottons, lastex, rhumba or bloomer styles. 2 for 3.00 Discontinued Styles success. Encourage your UP TO 35 MILES children to odd regularly GIRLS' PLAY SHOliTS. Oria. 1.29,1.69 IN THE FOLLOWING Si?es. 3 to 14, half boxer, two pockets, policed cotton or no-iron PER GALLON MAKES OF SHOES to their savings accounts striped woven seersucker. at this bonk. HIGH PERFORMANCE. The aen- Come—See It Tomorrow! GIRLS' PLAY SUITS. Orig. 1.49,1.69 - Bible compactness of these beauti­ Sizes 3 to 6x. prints or solids, elasticized waist, bloomer styles, ful cars means no unnecessary '■C,> ^ dUufthm , S isfL smartly styled. weight to slow acceleration. Just one demonstration will ,c9nvince you. In black, navy, brown, brown EB O Girls' Sun Dresses. Orig. 3.98 to 5.98 and white. Nylon lace. Sizes 3 to 6x by famous makers, fine (»ttons in prints or solid tones, AMAZING DRIVING EASE. Steer­ a good selection. ‘ . - ing is fast and easy; braking is toe- Values to f12,98 SAVINGS DEPOSITS Hp. positive; all controls ar« con­ veniently placed r one-piece curved H ERE’S TH E IDEAL CAR- Girls' No^lron Pdfamas. Orige 2.98, 3.98 windshield gives you exceptional, Sizes 6 to 14, shorty or full length, styles in fine printed plisse by visibility, received ON or BEFQRE a nationally fi^bua maker. FAm .IAR AMERICAN 3-SPEED SHIFT. You don’t JiavB to keep con- FOR THE ECONOMY-MINDED MOTORIST! Sandals In blue, yellow, pink July 5lh Polo Shirts. Boys or Girls. Orig. 1.19 to 1.69 stantlj' shifting in an English-built Ford. High gear is very powerful. combinations. Sizes 1 tOkS, stripes, jacquards, discontinued styles by Healihtex or Donmoor. (Hydraulic clutch is standard). Values $70.98- $C.98 WILL DRAW INTEREST •Si FOR THE TWO-AND-THREE-CAR FAMILY! ROOM FOR THE WHOLE FAM- $72.98 f Toddlers' Sun Dresses. Orig. 2.98^10 4.98 ILY. Each English-built Ford gives Not all aizes. Sizes 1 to 3, first quality, famous make, no-iron seersucker, cotton your family plenty of living room; •from July 1st nylons in group. ‘ 2 lor 3.0Q Exceptional trunk room in every model. FOR THE EUROPEAN “SMALL CAR” ENTHUSIAST! CLOSEOUT OP TEENAGERS' '/ ■ ■PLAY SANDAL5. Orig. 2^98 to 3.98 SERVCE AVAILABLE RIGHT Infants 5 -to big 8 i» red, pink', white, not every color in every size, HERE at Moriarty Brothers. Amefj- JlaL dissL fijumfidu match this value anywhere. ican-size nuts end bolts eliminate Members of both any.service worries. $ r Og FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Boys' Swim Trunks.prig. 1.19 to 1.69 ^ FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Sizes 8 to 6x, cottons or lastex, bdxers or brief styles, prints and $7,95 Values solid colors. . ^ . " Not all aizes.*' ------^ W BOYS' SPORTSHIRTS. Orig. 1.98 to 2.98 Sizes 3 to 18, cottons or linens, woven plaids or solids by faihoUs Free Parkihg In Rear OiF Store makers, short sleeves, sanforized. ^ lor 5 .0 0 ■V ) • FIRST NATIONAL BANKI 301-315 CENTER STREET / TELEPHONE Ml 3-J ko.6 m a i k 1 ■ ■ OF MANCHESTER 595 MAIN.«aTRF.ii!T STREET BOYS' PLA Y SLACKS. Orig. 2.98 to 3.98 ,fr , ■ ■ \, " Sizes 4 to 14 in gabardines, chinos, surf denims, tip fly, half boxer, 'i ' ■ " ' .V , ^ . ■ t ' ' CEHOIISESSON B B S S I ,IS| ...... Greater Bank fo r Greater Manehaster*' Ypashable, sanforiadd. . ' \ V' A' E GIVE dW g r e ;e n s t a m p s , \ f ’it'kir'kir'kirk'kirk'k'k'k'k’kk k k it'kk 'k'k'k'kid t'kitkk k i^ li J' \ J. < ’i .-A ' ■ -•* f

U « ■ i ‘ . I ■ , . ^ ^ PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANi'CiIeESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1957 ------— y— ------MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN> WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1*957 PA^E NINETEEN Ih the church hall, where the nomi­ Wednesdays starting July KLa' .Ttboraky and Culombe are both hold-up murder Mveral years aflo :------' ...... ^------sj------^------:— II R{>ckvUle~V ern o n nating committee will present a Vernon Elementary School, from 'legally sans and should be found of Louis Wolfton, operator of a slate of pew officers for next year. B to 11 a. m "iDoctors Differ millty of first degree murder, with Wost'Hartford package store. 1956 OLDSMOBILE Following the election’of offlefera. Classes will be led by Earl its mandatory sentence of ex­ Extremely Dangerous SES***'"' , " J ^ the Rev. Ralph Kelley, pastor,' will Johnston, teacher and caller of the ecution. " Taborsky, he said, is a schiso­ be in charge of the installation. On Sanity of -> fA iLavitt, New Yoi»k Firm local club. Johnston has recently . The peir confessed to eight phrenic of the paranoid type, ex­ Driven enly 19,006 mflee. Th)a K sopial hour will follow. All the accepted a similar position with the holdups and six murders but are tremely dangerous. ^ He should be ladies of the parish are invited to Worcester Quadrille. Club, one of being tried only for a double hold­ committed to a mental institution, Snper 88 4-Door enn bo eom- t i attend. ' • the oldest In the country. He will Accused Pair up murder in New Britain. the witneae said. pared only to a now ear. Full; Sign for Town Study New Realty firm assume Ids new duties in Septem­ 'T would not describe Culombe A, certificate of incorporation for (Conttaned from Page One) "I believe this man irreaponsible equipped with jmwer eteeetag, X ber, but will continue to head the as easily led, except by intimida­ for his acts," Dr. Abrahamsen tea- power brakes, lie htxe mdio, Sunline. Inc., a realty firm, was local club. tion," said Dr, Bancroft as he f Vernon June 26 (Special) — •T'gftme* u e acheduled for tonight, filed yesterday ‘ With - the Town drink..’ "a lltUe” ' but denied in­ Ufled. . « heater and defroster, white wall T d llx/4 y ____ Wa b 1 11 erW t ■ Hospital Notes was beipg cross examined by ^equities existing between the all to be played under lights Clerk. Incorporators of the firm are , Admitted yesterday: Kenneth dulgence in narcotics, according to McDonough. State's Atty. Bill, on cross ex­ Urea. Many other aoceeeeriee. ZBA Hearing listed as Louis P. Fitzgerald.^AU^ amination, went into the Wolfson V ; three governments within t-his Kreyasig, Warehouse Pt. Dr. Bancroft. He can neither read "He's a Uwty man. He’s not a Beauttful bronse town have a strong chance of be­ The Zoning Board of Appeals Bernard J. Ackerman 'and ' ima. Discharged yesterday: Mrs.Sophie case, for which murder Taborsky (ZBA) will hold a public hear­ Myrtle A. Pierre. nor write, except to sign his name, fearful man." spent 82 months in death row at finish. $2,385 ing solved for the first time in a ZagiAra. 27 High St.; Mrs. Ellen the witness said. The defense attorney recalled - 60-year struggle. ing tomorrow at 8 p.m. in City Fitzgerald and Mrs. Pierre are Keune. 19 Pleasant'St.; Mrs. Lor­ State .Prison before winning his also directors of Crestline Realty. "I concluded that he la a mental earlier testimony to the effect release on a technicality. : A contract for a profes.sional Court room. raine Foiey and son, 80 Windsor defective of the grade d f high •tudy was signed last night be- To be considered is an applica­ Inc. Ave. that Culombe is a type easily In­ The prosecutor recalled that Ta- Young GOP to Meet moron," said Dr. Bancroft. "I con­ fluenced by those about him. OMCY-SAVING ' ■ tween Booz. Alien^ and Hamilton tion from Joseph p. Gollmili^r et Birth today: A daughter to Mr. cluded he knows right from 'borsky maintained hia innocence BEAUPRE ea . t' ! ^ •Of New York City, government al to demolish the existing build­ The Young Republican Club of and Mrs. tionald Smith, 98 W. Did Df;,.Bancroft agree? ' of the Wolfson murder until his '•V- Rockville and Vernon will elect of­ wrong." As a mental defective ' he's management consultants’, and the ing near Hartford-Tolland Tpke. Main St. Was he psychotic —...... arrest this past winter. - Inequities Committee of this town. and Gro^'e SU and construct a ficers at a meietlng tonight at 7:30 Events Tonight perhaps more suggestable than the If Taborsky had an Inner com­ , "I concluded he was not psycj average person,” the psychiatrist The study will cost the town gasoline service station. The ld'clock at the home of the temper- A demonstration of diy flower tic.” I — pulsion to kill himself. Bill sai(L 1 10 ,0 0 0 . proposed business would be lo c a l- c h a ir m a n , George Maharan. 19 arrangements will ' be ^ven at replied. why didn't he go to the authoH- Bancroft Rd. All young Republi Union Congregational Church at What does psychotic roi Wished to Die Two members of the firm a m '’* ed in a residence zone. ‘Not Insane^ ties and confess to that f;rime 1956 CHRYSLER ■ today to start work on the 3- Also, to be heard is an applica­ cana are urged to attend. 7:30 p.m., conducted by Rudy A defense psychiatrist told the earlier 7 ^ Enters Marine Corps FaxTettI, Extenk&n garden spe- "For the purpoMa"^ the court " month study. They will set up tion from Frank Badstuebner Post room, I mean tljatne was not in­ court yesterday that' Taborsky “I cln’t answer, that question.” ‘ operations in the former telephone No. 2090, Veterans of Foreign William S. Clough, son of Mr. ciaUst. , , * "killed because he wished, un­ and Mrs. Graylsnd D. Clough. Tal- American Legion Auxiliary will sane." said Dr. Abrahamsen. - company office, on the ground Wars Inc. to build a clubhouse on State's Atty. Bill then asked De. consciously, to die himselfj’ ’the ps.vchiatriat said that "The Offered to the buyer looking for floor of the Henry Building. the former fair grounds off East cottville, is undergoing six weeks meet at 8 p.m. in GAR rooms for Dr. David Abrahamsen^of New the ulUmate In a fine used oar. St. The conslructidn would be in ' Reserve Officer Training Corps s bii.sinesa meeting, followed by a Bancrrft^if Culombe had the human mind doesn't work only on The actual start of the study mental ability to understand the York explained; .one track." This Hardtop Windsor De Lux# marks a milestone in the develop­ kn A-1 residence zone. iM asr"" Devens, pirate whl.st. Members and friends is equipped with power steering, Our LOW PRICES,BIG TRADES are Tops ijature, character and consequences "By killing the people, he .made ment of this community. Previous attending should bring a 2S-cenC power brakes, powerftite drive, ^ u ^ Bids .Sought i ^ graduate of Rockville High article. "of his acts. certain that when apprehended, MIGHTY MIDGETS non-professional studies of the This is the Connecticut test for he would receive the maximum ra:8io, heater, premium white town of Vernon, city of Rockville, Sealed bids for ‘"..School. Clough is attending the Officers and'eommittee heads'of Ann Arbor,, Mich. (API--Uni­ wall tires. Finished In arctio Union Congregational Church have : University of Connecticut. Union Congregational Church will legal aanity. penalty. This is the reason he -affd Vernon Mre District have been asked by Arnold Lawrence Dr. Bancroft responded In the af­ himself states he prefers to die versity of Michigan scientists have white and rose. .been conducted since the begin- : The 6-week program l(i an inten­ rneet at the parsonage ^ 7 :3 0 p.m. concluded that radiation from a Manchester architect. sive period of field work w’hich to prepare a calendaj.-Of events for firmative. than ait In prison.” New car 7 0 0 * ning of this century. However all the coming year^ ' Then Bill Wanted to know if Taborsky's lawyer then drew powerful bit of radioactive gold can condition. O jO have fa il^ to priwide an accept- Bids will be opened i t the con­ introduces the cadet to aimulated increase the burning speed of air­ y\ venience of the church Building combat and tactical problems, and The WSCS of Rock\’ille Method­ Culombe*«^'«ilnd was so diseased from him the obaervatlon that O iA ^ m M IN S f -Able solution to the problem of the craft or rocket fuel by 50 per cent. ASTGONOMC TRADBS S£f>iSATf0NAL SAViNGS Committee following the deadline provides him with an opportunity ist Churclt/w-lll hold its annual or abnormal "as to render that he Taborsky is insane. ■ SASTTiRMS! ^ overlapping governments. for bids: July 11. at .6 p.m. to use the knowledge he acquires could not resist a criminal act." "This is a man who is unable They say that now smaller en­ Former Studies Failed " picnic g.1: p.m. at the home Dr. Bancroft said that it gines with radioactive sources may 888 Work will include rock removal, during the school year. of kJrC Darius Plummer, West St. was , to distinguish between reality and BEAUPRE EAST CENTER The most recent attempts to masonrj’ work, carpentry work, After completing this training "not so diseased." ' fantasy," Dr. Abrahamsen said. be able to do the work of bigger oUminate the problems caused by heating, plumbing and electrical program, and upon graduatiom^ ^ VeraoB and TaloottviUe nows Atty. Thomas ’ F. McDonough, “He has his own values. The engines. \ triple government fiave been initi­ work, asphalt tile floors, acoustical from college, Clough will be c(>ni- Items are handled through The Culombe's court^appointed lawyer, crimes whereby he shot the many ated by Seymour E. .Lavltt, who tile ceiling,'folding doork, painting missioned a second lieutenant in Herald's Raefcville Bureau. 7 ,W. built Culombe's defense around a persons he had burglarized or heads the present Inequities Com­ and decorating. the Army Reserve. Main SI., .telephone TRemont claim that Culombe waa under the robbed can be understobd ' because ■FORMAL WEAR FOR HIRE' "Hot pQl nj|" mittee and who signed the con­ 5-8IS6. domination of Taborsky in com­ he wished unconsciously to die Urge Pre-Holiday Opening Watee' Banquet Set mitting the orimes. ^ tract with the professional firm The Retail Merchants Commit­ The Rockville Wales will hold himself.’’ 'la s t night. The Jury, If It went along with The psychiatrist said Taborsky n e w e s t 1957 ' tee of the Chamber of Commerce, a membership banquet tomorrow W aytrard Juror this view but decided that Culombe I Norman Kittle, active young in a letter to retail businessmen at 8 p. m. aURed Men’s Hall. is dangerous and ought to be NEW 1957 ALL**PORCELAIN Republican, and Lavltt in 19M today, suggests that stores remain Wales from the Manchester and Janesville i/P)"— otto F. Prtuss was guilty, could reoommend transferred to a mental hospital. initiated a study which was open July 3, the Wednesday before Bridgeport clubs will be guests of made two mistakes while on his morcy and insure s sentence of Burke concluded his defense endorsed by political and social Independence Day. the)o6kl group. Members are urged wsy to answer a summons for Jury life inq)rispnntent without parole arguments yesterday. Counsel for noupa in the area. However, the duly. ’ for Culombe. - Culombe. which contended Cu­ REFRIGERATOR 30” Range ...The committee, headed by Ur bring prospective members to \ nllowdng year the pair came out Osmond J. Liebe, notes that jt the banquet. Present membership He drove through a traffic signal Taborsky. on the other hand, lombe is qjientally incompetent, AUTOMATIC WASHER in favor of consolidation of the does not wish to interfere witlvre- totals over 40. that was clearly against him. through Atty. Wallace R. Burke, rested its case Friday. ; governments and resigned their Then he nearly cloblored one of baaed hia defense solely on the Dr. Abrahamsen testified for positions in the study group, tail store hours' and only euggeets Local members are asked to ap­ Big Discount! the Wedneadey opening,/ . pear early enough to bo weighed the police department's new squad claim that he should be found not the state in the recent case in­ AMERICA'S BEST CLOTHING VALUE F&DSavesYou which thereupon dissolved. dinreh Oroap |p 1)leet in before the banquet. cars that was going through thct-Aruilty by reason of insanity. volving the "Mad Bomber" and in Last October a town meeting The’ Ladles of the "Sacred Heart green light at the IntersectionI. ^ verdict of this kind would the case of the "Brooklyn Thrill named an Inequities Committee to Dancing Claaeea f&D Saves You Church oi YernOn will , hold its Free square dancing classes will Preuas got to court all right arid enable the presiding Judge, James Killers.” examine the situation again. The final m eeting^ the current season with a police escort. After paying C. Shannon, to then commit It was stated by Dr. Abrsham- committee after due consideration be offered to etementary students Friday. Ip honor of the Feast of of both . public' and parochial his 910 fine, Preuas took hia seat Taborsky to' a mental institution sen that Taborsky admitted hia CLIPPER^CRAFT recommended the professional the Saend Heart there will be a In the Jury box, this time on the for any period of time up to life. crimes, including- last’ winter's se­ study. schools for the third consecutive tide of the law. The prosemitlon view Is that ries of hold-up murders and the Four members of the New York deyqttonal hour al 7:30 p.m. In year. firm who will participate In the the church. The VeYnon Square Dance Oub study here are Arnold r . Ibneh, A bueineea meeUng wilt follow will conduct the classes on four and Harry W. Knight, both ^ert- aers in the firm; Gordon P. Smith, an associate; and Laroy Harlow, a SUITS sonsultant. List P r ic e ...... 269.95 The study group plans to spenr u e first period gathering daU in up List Price $269.95 the three districts and finding 3 DAY SPECIAL *3 9 .7 5 - You Pay .769.95 . where the overlapping occurs. WASH ‘N WEAR, TROPICALS, * Among other things, they will RR 1 You Pay $169.95 SEARS SHARKSKINS, GABARDINES, WORSTEDS. pic H . 8 terrific hiiv (n a liew 19,')7 HOTFOINT ^leck the records of each govem- kOCluj: ► AflO CO FREE ALTERATIONS. ' ment, the major equipment and w a s h e r , fully AUTOMATIC from Mart to finiah! ’ supplies, the population, end the Ha* Wond-R-Dial rontrol! Aiitoniatir fill! Deep effect of taxation. OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT FREE DELIVERY overflow rinae and 1* ALL.-PORCELA1N, Inaiclc and The second phase of their work C0MBfA//IT/O/r Opf/rp $5 Down—$5 Weekly or 1/8 MontKIv out. Automatic Pushbutton Controls ' calls for. evaluating and analysing the information gathered, end die- eussion of alternatives for change. On« Tyhm Finally, the firm wUl make speci­ Super Oven! Thrift Warming Oven! fic recommendations and propose on Spwl Yowr methods for implementing the HAGGAR SLACKS Fast cooking' Good looking! Ideal for that space-aaving electric range changes. you need! Giant auper-oven holds a 40-lb turkey or huge mast With ease! The firm’s rep6rt wiu bs dsllv- TV Ro^f>Hon Reg. 81.85 to 88.88 Pr. Broiler needs no pre-heating! Cook steaks In 12 minutes! "Super-2800 .ered to a town niseflng. probably Oahardlnoa, SharkeldnB, Calrod" surface unit boils water in 6.S seconds! Easy push-button heat ' In September. The Inequities Com­ Tropicals. ( LARGE FAMHY SIZE 49 LB. FREEZER controls! Deepwell Thrift cooker, tool mittee wUl have no part in the CUFFED FREE. pair LARGE VEGETABLE, CRISPER * study or the recommendations, but 1 0 * * . Will aid the professional consult- 11.4 CUBIC FOOT TOTAL VOLUME (ants in obtaining the neoeesary in- OafoMt r v KENMORE SEWIN6 MACHINE HAGGAR “WASH ’N’ WEAR’* t formation. Rl) 25 Members of the.Inequities Com- . mlttee are Lairitt. chairman; State 2 14.95 Rep. and Second Selectman Frank­ SLACKSCords, Sheciui, Cuffed Free! P.i,* lin G. Welles; Edwin J. Heck, pfosident pro lem of the Common Q U I K -C H E K Do Luxe Council; Ronald Burke, member of SPORT SHIRTS JANTZEN the Board of Commissioners of the TROUBLE Vernon Fire District; BarUett Hayes; and Robert Pue. FINDER *2.9 8 , „ SWIMWEAR DOUBLE Sewer ProMem UIA.. WHEfcL Cool Summer Patterna Complete Selertion A typical example of the prob­ \ lems arising from multiple gov- OVEN *^emment exists today in the lay­ O'! a W 4m* mm diB*» ing of a sewer jrfpe to the new •jMarf IsMMak mAm . . high school site. 6 MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE ELECTRIC RANGE M^R TH END PHARMACY. 4 DEPOT SQUARE Merek-liie best’ll nections are not included in the PINE LENOX PHARMACY, X9B EAST CENTER ST. pontracL PINE PHAR.MACY. 664 CENTER ST. NEW HOTPOINT HI-VI-TV The question arose of which masotiry "N government would pay the extra ROOKVnXK PAY $5 . 91,000 for the connectors. FABIAN'S DRUG, 89 WINDSOR AYE. 1 5 0 The selectmim are appM-ently F &JD Giyes You .ready to seek an apinopiiation to DOWN l-eover the coet, but are checking . with Harry H. Lugg, town coun- SEARS LOW PRICE -sw, regarding the jurlsdlcUon of :th e dty over the line. 2-DObR AUTOMATIC Volley Ball Opeos . The Volley Ball Lleague will open FOR YOUR List Price . , ,559,95 MANY -its season today at 8;30 p.m. at VACATION REFRIGERATOR* OLD TV You Pay, , , ,309,95 'th e American Legion court. Three OTHER TIME — ' The CUSTOM COpKER is Just one of the f many features of this de luxe DOUBLE HOTPOINT LIST PRICE . • e e a e ...... $349.00 OVEN HOTPOINT'electric range! Push­ . D u u n c TRADE-IN .1 ...... • 100.00 button cooking at its best, plus airtomatic BARGAINS 1955 BUlOK AIR 2.98 oven cooking, top-of-ra’nge cooking. Roto- PLASTIC, WITH BUILT-IN PILLOW * ” Grill barbecuing, Handi-Oven brill and eyen ON SALE! 1 7 9 a Roaat-Right Meat Thermometer! 5.00 DOWN — 9.00 MONTH SlUeOQl 90 lbs capacity, true freez­ Compare this Super Hardtop la BRAZIER GRILI-S er, 12.2 cubic foot, true pHee and quality with any other IDEAL FOR HOME OR BEACH *5.98 u. volume. ’ You Pay ^ dealer. Check this equipment. Power steering, power brakee, BRIQUETS — PICNIC JUGS- ' Only da hue radio, beater and de- OUTDOOR COOKING EQUIPMENT froater, dsrnaflow drive white 249 wall tlree cuetom interior tu- F 8t D Sores You KdOwuct tooe paint. FuMy A Q Q SWIM ACCESSORIES Serving Manchester Since 1942 tfodereoated. GO GGLES 39e— SWIM MASK 79e SPACE-SAVING ADULTSWIM MASK $1.59 ^ KENMORE CANISTER CLEANER SWIM RINGS 77c— SWIM HNS Here’s exactly the ri^rhi BEAOPRE 8M paint fat etoceo, bnck, EASTCENTER cement, manonry, hnd YO I r e $ i 6 n e upright asbeptoe shinglea, for Manchester Surplus Sales Co. shakes, ahinglea and qeivi yiaaaAtr 169 N. MAIN 8T.V AT DEPOT SQUARE . ' rough wood aiding. a tiU akiktpehLt.^ aMeiq |»m»eM. $ STORE .SEE j m FARR—MI 6-7111 Fortified with ‘Thtlnx” FREEZER - Open Daily to 9;00 RM. resin, it’s boiK to last 2 3 0 AND 1955 CHRYSLER Comes ready to use—no meany preparation. Goes $A39 e j i i HEADQUARTERS h^R IMS 4-Doer Station Wagon h aa on to easily . . . coven searoe as sero weather in July. •oUd^... gifM eudoiing •Al. ^ Equipped with power ateering, ’ beanix. Hold* 417 lbs. U P CAMPING EQUIPMENT In 4 Galloo House Lota ril. ft. Takes no $ power-Wakes, powerfUte drive, SLEEPING BAGS more spa(;e than a tadio, heater and defroeter. refrigerator. 2 3 0 haek-np U gh^ dlroeliaaal Bag. 818(86 $7.98 Otiwra to 818.88 kghds. prtastamjwWte wall Urea. FINE 1 ^ THE SCOUT' 1IN YOUR FAMILT 1 ( Waat Pehit giray suM Ivafy SHOP! COMPARE! SAVE! fWM. Ona CANTEENS-COQK SETS MAIN ST. LIST $2,388 A Maacheoter Shopping Fnrfcado ■4 "r PO RTEN TS $4.98 up Phono BO 8-1581 PfUCI RECf. Now sss 8TOBR HOURS: ilBOPRE EAST CENTER WALL TENTS-TARP CCADC Man.-thien.-Sai .—18 ajn. ta 8 pJN. $69915 Only ^mattsy io M "’ J L H K J W ed.-tMn.-ra.—It auH. (a f pii. \ -W- V* v^ — 1 ^ • ■V X. ■7- 5T>Cor. PARK ST ■ t- ,\.-.

\. V ’V. > J ■ . / _, .V •• . .\ ■ '. V

■ - . . X . *.ig A . - * ’ ’ -r'.'-i :k f'- v-\ f

■ ' '■ ■ ■■■'■ - ■' ' ■' i .. ' ’ ■■ A • • ^ , ■ ” ■ ■ / ^ ■ 'W--' ■ a ' • ‘ V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1967 PAGE TWBNrf MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 26, 1967 p Ia g e TWENTYj Hestdad for flumuior Oonfort upholstered chairs by an attentive S.ew Daughter A Duplicate Skyrodwt T mbt Haa4asa JtaM af- BUGS BUNNY the fleecy clouds and the earth far Whatever his plans are for the -- 'The next time y o j entert)dii why hostess. Soon the big eingtnea below, coming hoHday week, that man pf started and the plane moved Answer to Provieue Punle not serve ' fully-cooked, whole Son—How do you like it. Pa? yours willi^tel and look great In BARB83CUED CHICKHIN. 81.M smoothly across the airport. As if cool, comfortable clothes from C. lifted by-a giant, gentle hand it Dad—Son, I’m gonna buy one High Finonct 1 Bargains from LYNN POULTRY FAIUM of these things for your Ma If E. HOUSE A SON. Tou’ll find a store in the Parkade. Simply sllea soared into the blue heavens. The varied, plentiful selection of'quality A mother) took her, little hoy Salesgirl—e the best dressed fine dunk for shrimp. with paprika, celery seed or gar­ derful summer ahead, the CAS­ sauce UAL SHOES at C. -E. HOUSE Sc fahally "beside the beautiftil sea.” 1/8 teaspoon salt lic powder before baking. Serve Delicious teatime sandwiches: with a meat course. SON will accent your summer en­ In saucepan saute, onion in but­ Get the deal of the year...see your sembles and give you blissful com­ Here’s a treat to make with Soft Yellow cheese mixed with a ter until tender. Add remaining in- fort, too. Breeze airily through canned or stewed pears: Fill centers little mayonnaise and minced gredlenta; simmer for 10 minutes Ohfi^XVeek Delivery on Nnin# steaming temperatures in fiats, with vanilla ice cream an& sprinkle chutney. ^-z-Tqires covered. Makes 2 cups. Serve with wedgies, .spectators, little ' heel with chopped toasted almonds. hamburgers, hot dogs, pork or LONG SAM "Mark" thejjr belongings and pumps, frosty WHITE and sher­ To . Repair Uie Walling Pool lamb chops. BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS avoid unnecessary loss of clothing bet COLORS. Every lovely inch Add grated orange rind to the "FTjEX-O-FTX " l.s the amazing t and possessions when children at- egg-and-rn’ilk combination in which BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE of thc.se quality shoes, styled by fix-it prodin-t on sale-at JOHN- PaDo Furnitune Says ‘Coma j tend camp this summer. "Glen- world-famous designers, are be- you dip bread slices for French .SON PAINT CO. 723 Main Street I dale" NAME TAPES from Notion Toast. You can substitute orange on Out* rNOUSIHSE, PET. I PSAMND TO K PUT witcKinglv bared for dressy occa­ thst enables you to repair rubber From the second floor arrav of I Counter of J. W. HALE COpP. sions and for active wear all sum­ juice for part of the milk if you gooiLs instantly: Pools, gloves, Bin’ I MOULD A ^ R E IHVOUR LAUNCH. are quick to use. The IRON-ON PATIO FURNITURE at MQNT- TMiHk A HAW mer. • _____ '■ Ijoots. rubbers. FLEX-O-FTX at (K)MERY WARD CO. why not kind needs only the touch of a hot 89c a tube dries to a tough, elastic HERO COULP TIE /VIHATA m v ^ iron to attach your name lasting­ ' ------^ have delivered to your home a A S R U R C KNOT. ^ / the launch 15 You can add half s cup of well , Life Can Be a Picnic rubber 'that is perfect for repair­ ly. Take your choice of three For the small-fry in the family handsome 6' Redwood PICNIC drained crushed pineikpple to a ing. mending or patching not only TABLE and 2 portable benches lettering styles in fast color blue, with PIONIC S i.m ’ LIBi, and riiblier but also canvas, leather, black red on white tape. 100 for ■standard 2 - cups flour recipe for (seat 8 comfortably) reg. 831.9.5 Ideal time to save on a 6ig new Plymouth is now. Yefur Plymouth dealer’s muffins. equipment to make it easier for belting. FLKX-O-FTX provides a now a special $26.88. Makes out­ 81..50 or 1.50 name for 81.95. It’s Mom to "plan the work and work non-skid surfate if applied to the sizzling sales enable him to be even more generous than usual. If .y o u want a worthwhile investment in effort door eating a genuine plaaaura. ('lotlies for a Restful Siiiuiiier the plan". PINE-LENOX PHAR­ bseka of .scatter ruga. Use ll to Aluminum LAWN CHAIRS, reg. to insure against expensive loss. MACY. 269 East Center St and avo'id a painful accident. f'lM X - to enjoy the miracle; comfort of Torsion-Aire Ride . . . and other 3-years- The SEW-ON variety is available School is out and vacation has $7.95 now 86.44 stack compactl.v begun. It needn't be a period that PINE PHARMACY. 664 Center O-FIX belon.q-a on your home re­ for ens" storage, Heavy-dutv too. Allow Just ONE WEEK IDE- St. have all manner of aids .to ahead features . . . and get' the year’s beat deal besides . . . UVERY. brings on more work for Mom. if pair shelf. Get some soon. saran webbing comes (n green and vonll let A.VDERSON'S CHIL­ plea.sant outdoor eating: Portable white or red and white. The 7’ Grills. Chspcoal to start a fire For a quick appetizer: Put sar- Add grated onion, butter and DRENS SHOP. 30.3-307 East Cen­ UMBRELLA with 'aluminum post ter St. help you with the kiddies’ quickly and safely. Tote- bathing dine.v on individual strips of bread. I will blossom like a flowering tree lemon juice to drained, cooked gear in a roomy, rubber-lined See your N^LYMOUTH liiQEALER-WUlCK! leafy spinach for savory flavor. clothes that need minimum esre. top with thick tomato sauce and'on your lawn casting a refreahlng JERSEYS and SHORTS, size 1-14 BEACH BAG, »8c to 81.98- Bring grated cheese, and slide under the shade for $34.88, reg. 839.95. It’e JEFF COBB BY PETER HOFFMAN If you put medium-sized sweet need little Ironing, and they come the beach to your back ,vard when broiler until brown. completely adjustable to create in the coolest l ombination of colors you own a WADING POOI-, an vour own shade. - Tlie spacious MICKEY FINN The Perfect Moment! potatoes into a hot pven, they’lf invitation to splash happily, the BOSE kflCdOOWR.; I )ML.HOW(»UOUBmAM ANP MBSVflMS BY LANK LEONARD bake in about half an hour. and fabrics. TERRY CLOTH „ .Inin The Fun 43 ” STEEL TABLE will accom­ T E U . US VKHAT , THE VICTIM RMBNrS OCSCRBEO HER ROBES, size 2-14 or HOODED 72 ’ 'X 42" Is $9.99. (reg, 812.991. Tee off. with the GOLF CLUBS modate dineirs or bridge enthusi­ Tm TSIAl Of IIIVN6 GCOSa TOU WERE Wms) «M NE THE MJROER SUN LVM6 ON AS6MLANT AS SWP Is (^iinllty House Paint SWEAT SHIRTS are just the thing The 72" X 48" is 813.95 (reg 818) of chamns from NASSIFF ARMS asts comfortably, reg. 8(3.95 now ptoatfsses mplacably tom iD S OtSDETHE US| STRAIGHT, AIVIRONS MERE S nOW IVE GOT , 1880 than with any other brand SUMMER HAT or ROLLER. It’s ful BEAC?H HALL, 98c or a a wonderful wa.\ to gj;( fresh air BBS flat on M M Ttw r 1D FiSfiSR NOnCRi water-loving rubber “Sea Hor.se" without over-exerting.^’-Start with, Good dip for lobster chunks: V MV »ACK/ CRISP, ANP MY PUTTING WAS ) NEWS FOR VOO! J of house paint. The rea.son-^ no fun slipping into a wet. clammy actually— ...... peaplyLvf! SWP from SHERWIN-WILUAMS BATHING SUIT, .so pick up an or "Seal"' pr keep you afloat and the basic piece.s and fill in from melWd butter, mixed with a little CO.. 980 Main St. has given its ; extra one (they’re attractive and you have t-he ingredients of sum­ OPEN STOCK a^ any time. Have tarragon vinegar. us^rs the highest satisfaction. inexpensive foi- your boy and girl. mer fun for the whole family. a good time playing BADMIN­ Years later, when their homes TON, CROQUET, or—any of the Spread that cake batter evenly In need a new pqint Job, they al­ Is there a ricer in J'ottr kitchen? Know how to prepare kidney )ie- other fun-packed yard games. the pan or your cake may be ways Insist on SWP. Yoiir, home Then rice boiled potatoes direct­ (pre cooking? Split through the SWIMSUITS and SPORT SHIRTS humped. Fisher, for Suro! is too big an investment for you ly into a serving di.sh and top with center lengthwise after removing of quality "Daii River" fat ric. are to take chances. Use the beat thin slices of butter q^nd a\.du.st- outer membrane. Cut away white ^.yled by "Miamian” for smart 5'oiingHters Going fo Gamp possible protection, SWP HOUSE Ing of paprika. The potatoes stay membrane and tul>es with kitch'en ■^ood looks. S A H GREEN Bring himI to TOya^xafld Stu­ PAINTS fluffy this way. scissors snd.wash in cold water. STAMPS. dents Shop of C.. E. If OUSE A SON to outfit him for a summer of fun with bouncy sneakers, ab^ sorbent socks and all the rugged,^ Gall Ml 9-7111 I breeze-inviting shorts, jerseys,''- CAPTAIN EASY Partner In Crima BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ■sport shirts that appeal to a young • How’'To Cook Fast BY MERRILL BLOSSER ; man’s taste. ' Have" an as^tra' : lightweight jacket on hand for TODAY 'cool nights, maybe a pair of cosy flannel pajamas, too. Raineoais ^ V A PgW .and rubbers will keep him snugly URMTiO jiirv. Such a gala aaaortmstit of MINCHAADM KNOW that I SWIMWEAR, and everything you AAARK SCARM We’ll pick up your furs j need comes in friendly prices, l^era NEAP* THE Bu- for safe storage in our ,is CAMP HEADQUARTERS for 4MST CRIME modern cold e t o p a g e i official Boy Scout suppliek and RIMd ai THE vaults . '. . safe from equipment. *(»T^Ol«OF . heat, moisture, moths, TMEftEBRElO and fully insured. ■* Make a sweet-sour sauce for pot STANd O f roast with cream, lemon juice and hKMVEK and sugar. It’s Picnic Time . ...^ Make It easier for yoqrself to H ere's CM Example plan spur-of-the-moment jaunta. out into the open when you hava by tA Bnawaa, T ■- IMg. tf.t Pat. H- » f O tir needed PICNIC SUPPLIES avail­ MORTY MEEKLE There’a No Explaining ’ able. GOODYEAR SfeRVKJB BY DICK CAVALLI THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE Date With Emily BY WILSON SCRUGGH Sforoge Rotes: STORE, 713 Main St. will help k n o w s h o e n ' .you plan the basic equipment. Hc « ") IT i KNOWITSOUJOS I UTBLATTWOFT ------IS TOO W ALL, AND HC , Waist -high portab’e GRtLi-S for J K ^ a v x i, BUTMNfTHA T K whyi'm Q C oot vakiecl at $100 preparing ' tasty . broll^ meals, INSISTSlAidkt^rraK /MONlI ljavHAVING/iait^ ’ AUDIlUaiUVX j mwm INGPRCEP WOMEN’S and CHILDMN'S SHOES ; $9,94 (3-pc. barbecue set FREJCt ; THAT ELEPHANTS bO K vm tC Y a Itored for $3.00 then there a>e'‘~ insulated JUGS { HEAD IN THERE :1W< and COOLERS also ICE CHESTS TIIMINOOUS'SAVIMGS ON NATIONAUY AOVERTISEO IIAMOS .OF FOOTWIAN ' ■ J . 'Tm iKTM i I for keepijtg foods and beverages ■ at their most satisfying tempkra- I tures. Watch Dad akim ovar the Come Sarly! Sale Starts Thursday, 27 lake for fun and. relaxation as ha unharneaaea the power o< a "SEA* FUR BEE” OUTBOARD MOTOR, Ml (toting cart. FREE). Add ta STORAB^ iROc your picnicking equtpma«t far 9 - 7 i n SHOE STORE more fun this aummer. •tiX's 708 MAIN STREET Theli^qiurte r F '.‘Hi-.- : 'F , F - / j F j y ) f • ^ . t M'/' ■/ , . ; ’ ■ : ; ■; „ . ■ ■ ■' • F y \ • ^ / - I r ‘ - V . . / ' . . . V ■ •/• I .S',' I • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1987 TWENTY.THlUn p Xg e t w e n t y -t w o MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESl'ER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 26, 1967 “T ;Reds Back in Business as Question Marks Shine

Lawrence, Big Klu, Boyd Faces -Castellani In Middleweight Duel -A...... iBurgess Spark Win Ohicago. June 26 lA i—Bobby Boyd of Chicago and Rocky Caatol- liini of Cleveland, a couple of middleweights who have seen b «tt«r M e N'8 Atnrriean League I days', meet in a 10-round bout at Chicagb Stadium tonigfit. TiM 2-Pe. PLASTIC AUTO New York, June 26 (/P)— Cincinnati’* Redlegs are still In W 1. Pef; G.B. : fight, sponsored by the International Boxing Club which was orderad LAWN RAKE FREE ^business in that National I,eague dog fight. Climbing within Chicago ...,, 3D 23 .620 — i ------'---- • to disband by a federal Judga in SPORTS JACKETS CANISTER SET SEAT CUSHION , 30 24 ” 610 “ five percentage point* of the lead after three question-mark New York .... ^ - . New York Monday, will ba tala- (Tlevelsncl .,, 35 28 ..5,56 4’ -a vised natkmally ' (ABC-10 p,m> POPSICLES rguys— "Lucky” Brooks l.,awrence, sore-backed Ted Kluszew- Dcti'Oit . . , . '. 34 31 .523 fi'i EST.) akl and aquat-rvatter Smok>"r------:------Boston . 33 32 .508 7’ .j Both. Boyd and Caatallaiii at and BALLOONS IBurgeaa—helped Junk a 4-13 Baltimore . . . SO 34 .469 10 one time or another wera rankad '•lump. Kansas City . 25 so .391 *15 Gains Jaycee No. 1 contenders In their dlvlaion. FOR THK CHILDREN Z All three had a hand In laat 'Loes Notches Washington . 22 46 .324 30 Boyd, however, suffered a brokan R E G . 1.69 IN THE REFRIGERATOR * -nlghfa 8-2 decision over, the New Wedneada.v'% Schedule Jaw against Joey Giardello. liut R E G . 3.29 Limit. 2 to a CuRtomor R E G . 89e f I.lmit I to a GiiBtomrr AND FREEZER DEPT. .■"York Giants that hoiated the Red- Cleveland *t New York, 2 p. m. Tennis Crown fall. Since then he has won thraa -legs. who now have won six of Eighth Win, — Lemon (5-4T, vs. KiicUS 14-6). I straight and takes' a 43-7-3 rseord •aeven. onto almoat-even terms with Chicago at Boston, 2 p.m.—W il­ against Castellani. -the Idle first place St. Louis Card- Co.-captaih of this year's Mfin- ^ O N L Y son (7-4) vs. Nixon (5-31. Boyd, 23. vlih the exception of Gerard were- other contenders if he gets by each •beat Washington 7-4 in in innings , *u 10 tries. He has lost only three New Y'oi'k (N E A l' With' New York . . 30 35 .462 T'iimcmlicrs of Co.ach Matt Maetozo's Boyd. 'fo r « full share of fourth place, and _o'» his earned run average for (Chicago ... . 21 37 .362 Red and White squad Dlls past Boyd, however, points to tri­ RES. 1«4.$0 PlUR T«.\— In Your Cnntainrr Inrluda* Fa^eat and Strainar • Shelved on Door R E G . 12.98 78 2-3 innings stands at 2.63.' turbulence reigning in basebaii, -again. And Baltimore handed Kan­ Jim Bunning of the Detroit Tigers Pittsburgh . . 23 42 .354 spring. Gerard attended 'Ml. umphs over Gene PYiUmer. MUo sas City a sixth consecutive defeat would seem worthy of no literary Wednesda.v's Schedule Hermon in Northflcld, Masa. Savage, Holly Mims and Eduardo ALUMINIZED B-0 on Billy Locs' three-hit pitching. treatment at ail. Bunning. the tall, Pittsburgh at t'hicp,gb (21, 2 Lausse and lyanU a crack at ROCK WOOL BATTS ED F U R G O L ED F U R G O L Chicago's Cubs quit the cellar in thin-faced Detroit right hander, p.m. Law 13-3 I apd Kline (2-11 i Robinson’s title. ROCK WOOL BATTS PICKET FENCE • the other NL game, dropping Pitts­ Major League gets in no Sat nght.s during the vs Drnh(j\vskv i4-6l and PoTioIsky From late Sept. 30 1038 to Sept. The bout will be scored under GOLF IRONS eOLF WOODS EXTENSIONLADDER burgh into eighth place wiht a 5-8: cour.se of a game. 1-2). . • ' ^ ' 29. 191.5. Umpir# Lon Warneke the Illinois five-point “ must" ajra- decision over the Pirates. = L e a d e r s = Nor does he supplement , night ] By BEANS RE.YRDON New Y'oi^at Oncinnatl, 9 p.m. appeared in IW games and tem with five points to g r o t ^ 1.99 . Win, In C'omebiu'k | club floor shows. A bold social J tVrIlfrii by NE.\ Serxire Gomez >4 (1 5 1 vs. Nii.'iliall (2-4) hahd'ert 227 fielding rhances flaw- winner and any lesaer number to bag 2 - « f i rol, l.Awrenre, a 32-year-old right-' .American League move by Bunning consists of buy* ^ Question; With runners on 'sec Hiookl.vn at Milwauliee, 9 p.m. Ic'alv^He xvas a National League the round loser -with both getting 4 « ... "hander who has permitted only | Balling I Ba.sed on 150 at bals) ing a couple of pairs of slacks ; ond and third base the catcher in- j - NeVvrohibe (7-6i vs, Trowbridge pitcher. five points on an even round. -three runs and two walks white, Mantle, New York, .384: Wil- (retail: *24:- he pays J12*121 in a terfere.s willi the hatter's swing. ! I 2-11. winning three games in the Re.d- i ijgrn.s PhilHdel|j|ii;i at SI Loui.-. 9 p.m, R E G . 3.98 Boston, .361; Bo.vd, Balti-jNcw York factory where he has a But this docs not stop tlie batlcr'i YOUNO REOIXOS R E G . 5.79“ legs "comeback." gave up a 2-0 j niore. .350; Fox. Chicago, .336; connection. from singling to left field, scoring Simmons l6-3i vs L, McDaniel Only Games Scheduled. ;Giapt lead before Bu^ea.s "-ent to ^ (jg,.y Kan.saa City. .327. I Making liim even more dull, on both runners. Do the runs rounl'.’ (7-3l. Thursday's Schedul# Toledo (N E A )—Tha ClBCinnAU COVER ftO SQ. FT. COVER.10 8Q.i t . R E G . 3.95 REG.^49.95 R E G . 39.95 R E G . 17.95 -work on loser Ray Onne, the ex-: Runs Mantle, New York. 60 paper, is the fact his Detroit Ti- What nappons to the batter? | Tuesday's Results Brooklyn at Milwaukee, 2:30 farm system corralled two more iBrave, to tie it. Another ex- Willianis. Boston, 47: Piersall. B os-! (fers do not flgure to move the —.Answer: The runs cmiiit. The Chicago 5. Pittsburgh 3. P m highly-sought youngsters with tha -Brave, Danny O'Connell, hit his, ton. Smith, Cleveland and Slevers. franchise any place, come televi- batter is credited with a single. In­ Brooklyn 2, .Milwaukee 0 ( Night i Plllghurgh at Chicago, 2:30 p.m. signing of pitcher Murray Gutt- eighth home nin (fifth as' a Washington, 42, ■ uion. space ships or double-domed terference is Ignored when it does Cinrinnati 3, N e.w York 2 New York at (Cincinnati. 9 p. m. man and first baseman Ruiw Blar* • Giant) in the first inning. Runs Batted In Sievers, Wash- atadlums. not affect the play. 4-lNight). rhiladelphia at St. Louts, 9 p.fn. ley of the University of-Toledo. - After Burgess, behind tlie pfate ington, 53; Mantle, New York, 51:, Hopeful at Start 'fo r only the eighth time because Skowron. New,- York. 50: W erU ,' xil Bunning seems to do. iri J “ of Injury and Ed Bailey's hitting, Cleveland, 47; Colavito, Cleveland, j, pi^y baseball— remember | 3 DAYS ONLY lhad poked his fifth' homer (third <2. that?— and play it well. At the i ;,*ln two games) the Redlegs calmed Hits Malzone Boston and Man- of thi.s sea.son he was a ►down until the 'ninth, when re- tie. New York, .83; Fox. Chicago, Majiagei Jack Tighe s ;iiever A1 Worthington walked 82; Lemon. ashin;:ton. 79; aiaff. Now. after winning I two to load the bases. Then came roll. New York and Sievers, Wa.sh- ,,,* first eight starts, he s : k iu . ington, 77 Itft more than that. ► The Dodgers coUected only four Doubles Maizone. Boston. 18 Bunning is only 25, but he pul WED. - THURS. - FRI Jhils Iheniaelves, two by Duke Snl Fox, Chicago, 17, Gardner, Ball! in time with seven minor league OPEN 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. ►der. who walloped his 1.5th home j more: Minoso. Chicago, Kaline, De- clubs since leaving Xaxier uni­ ^un (third in two days I in the troit and Plews and .Sievers, Wa.sh- versity of Ohio after his freshman SORRY! NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS •(first inning )>efore Lew Burdette | inglon. 16. , year as a basketball prospect. No- u Triples — Simp.son and Mc- tblosed the door and-retired 17 in | ij V d I'i" •'here did his minor league rec- JIM BUNNINO -a row. Snider also scored an un- I^ugald, New York, 6; Boyd, Bal- J ^ indicate It* would be . big 'WorUeli on ’Slider' limore, 5; Nienian. Baltimore, SILVERTONE \ PAINT >am ed run in the nintlt, on a | O P E N EN D 50-FT. PLASTIC -•ingle, error and Cino Cimoli's Skowron, New 5’ork and Lemon. of laat season he had a 5-1 mark Bunning'i home town —' South-1 GOLF CART CASTING REEL >lngle. It wa* ^ third successive | Washington, 4. with Detroit, mostly in relief. g a te - ■ has quite an athletic heri-j Home Runs Mantle, New York. tagg^ One George Edward Arcaro Portable Radio WRENCH SET CLOTHES UNE ROLLER SET -defeat for BuVdette. now 5-5. He 21: Williams. Bostdn, 19; Zernial, Otherwise, a 13-11 with Little ^walked ^one. fanned five. Rock in 1954 was hi.4 best. j ii^ an alammui of the Cincinnati riansa.>( I5ly and Sievers. Wa.sh- a ^uhurb. Bunning. 6-3, was loo big - McDevitt, who beat Cincy 7-2 ington. 15; Maxwell. Detroit, 14. .. Blit this j season. Bunning is , 7 .77 ;in his first major league • start Stolen Bases Landis. Odcago, ; one and the lanky Soulhgat^ ; f t o he a jockey, although he is a •last week, then lost to the Cards’ product explains it e.r5iiy. i liorse fan, so he migrated to base- 9 9 ’’ » » < «• 10; Aparicio and Minoso. (Chicago, ! “ J •• Q 7 * ’ whiz, Von McDaniel, despite a 9; Pilareik, Baltimore and Rivera, I Control," he saya. "I don't_>nean , ball. N I 1 5 “ P . W V A ITR EG . 19.98 V 1 0 0 two-hitter in his seven frames, Chicago. 8. ! I used to' walk a lot, B u t^ used I jj there is one thing which T-INCH ROI.LER and TRAY '^rained his second complete game Pitching (Baaed bn seven de-■ to miss a spot now and^^en and ' stamp Bunning a.s an alh- R E G . 9.98 LE.1S BATTERIES R E G . 1.59 R E G . 2.49 'R E G . 69e t Limit I to a Customer • while giving up Just four singles. cisions) Shantz, New York, 9-1, the pit,ch Would turn .but good I jjte who is here to stay it is his He walked six, struck dut six. 900: Trucks, Kansas City,C?ily, 0-1, one., Too -good. ,... ' , ,/ . . ! home life. He is the father of four, AUTO r Walt Dropo, who hit eight home 857; Donovan, CHiicago, Bunnin “I spent last winter pitching in ^ including twins, who'll be three in F U L L S IZE AUTO BEST HEAVY WEIGHT .runs all last season, walloped his Detroit and Grim, New York, 7 Cuba and worked opo|i gettinggelling a« | I -n . p,opij with twins in a GARDEN ARBOR GYM SET ninth of '57 with a man on in the 778. slider . down. Hal Smilli of th*! household Kstt 1 w a4i /a no;mally do not have SAFETY BELT REDWOOD or H HITE HAND SAW TOP CARRIER LINOLEUM .seventh Inqii^ to break up Dave Strikeouts Wynn, Cleveland, Cards was my catcher and every energy to expend for anything Sisler’s throe-hit shutout duel 80; Bunning, Detroit, 77; Pierce. game he’d iiold the mitt up as a ; more than breathing now and then ;vi1th Bob Keegan. Ttie Clilcago Chicago, 76; Maas. Detroit, 64; target on the outside knd I'd i ^ the 1 St® - ■ righthander went all the way with Moore, Baltimore, 68. throw to him. It is working out mit. 1 * 8 8 .77 well this season." 0.33 g.77 1 Sq. Y A la six-hitter for a 3-3 record, giv- Bunning is able to play baseball- Strikeout Artist 1 6 * * •Ing up Boston's run in the seventh National I^estgiie lie must be one of herculean ■■ 1 ■■ Taa Sammy White doubled with two Technique-wise, Bunning is a l i V C # J L Batting (Based on 150 at Bats) Strength. u Sparkles With necks of Gold. out aqd Norm Zaiichin blooped a strikeout artist — he whiffed 10 — Miisial. St. Louis, .359; Fondy, R E G . 6.98 R E G . 18.95 R E G . 1.59 R E G . 8.98 R E G . 19.95 4 Ckkiers to Choose. .Ipinch tingle to center. Yankees In one of his wins—Isjid ” It's not a.s bad as you think," Pittsburgh, .351; Hodges. Brook- that controlled alider, plus a big Buniiing says. "My_ wife. Mairy, Worst Loos of Y’eoir IjTi, .339; Aaron, Milwaukee and The Indians, now 4 Vi behind motion doea it for him. makes sure they’re out of the way R EE L T Y P E ROUND FLASHLIGHT Robinson, (Jincinnati, .333. 'N^ Hank Bauer of the Yankees pins when 1 -have a pitching assign­ ASSORTED -with their fourth victory in a row. . Runs Robinson, Cincirinali and ^hammered Town Sturdivant for a it there, anyway. "He alwaya was ment coming up. I get my rest 3 GOLF BALLS Aaron, Milwaukee, 50; Mays, New that day. Otherwise . . . well, -6-2 lead in three ..frames,, then York and Blasingame, St. Louis, toujgh, but you could wait for him Ceiling Fixture WICEEE MSKH PLASTIC HOSE BATTERIES SWIM TOYS to put a good pitch in and he’d es, pocketing a *1.000 raise clslonsl — Sanford. Philadelphia in her first yacht race, -was CHaaa a good seven^knota an hour on the R E G . 89.95 With the purchaiM o f any au-, 9-1, .900; Schmidt, St. Louis, 6-1, R E G . 5.95 iMfore game time,'walked none and A champion. 336-mile race from Chesapeake Limit e to a Cuetomer AQUA BLUR COVER mR E G . 15 .75 to m a tic washer. , 857; Buhl, Milwaukee, 8-2, .800; •truck out six while winning his lightship, Jackson, St. Louis, 9-3, .750; Cotton Blossom IV,"'the 30-year- aighth. He retired the first r t men old racing veteran of th'e fleet, won }h order. Boy Boyd,-also rewarded Acker, Cincinnati,. 8-3, .727. * Straight Up tha Coun^ Strikeouts —> Sanford, Philadel­ the Commodore P. H. Magruder with a salary increase, was 3-for- Hunt ' said he brought her phia 78; Drott, Chicago. 76; Drys- Trophy aa the firat boat to finish. 15 O N L Y — TV ASSORTED 4. straight up the. rhumb line course. PLASTIC NEW 45 R.P.M. DAREDEVIL PLASTIC dale, Brooklyn. 69; Haddix, Phila­ And Altalr, a Rhodes designed He disclaimed any particular, r Jack Littrell. Dale Long and delphia and Friend and Arroyo, Porch SHAMPOOand •Walt Moryn homered for the Cubs, sloop built laat year, won the Claas strategy which enabled him to SCATTER RUGS GARDENTpOLS FLY BOX Fixture LURE With Littrell tagging .loser Bob Pittsburgh, 68. B championship. '* give the bigger boats such a drub- RECORDS HOSE NOZZLE Friend with a three-run shot. Dave .Jt was all over by nightfall in blng. BATH SPRAY Hlliman won It In relief with re­ tha faataat raca aver^run between She gave the biggSs yachts a lief Jielp. Leut Nights Fighu Naw England and a Chesapeake real beating. Caper, the closest Bay port. “ ■ A yacht to her "on corrected stand­ e a c h _ ^ s Cotton Bloaaom'a whirlwind fin­ Oakland; Calif. — I-ao Alonso, ings, was two hours 48 minutes each F ish at S;0S A. M. for the 468-milc > Benefit Softball Game 135H,. Manila^ autpplnted Mickey behind her in the standings. Al- R E G .1 9 C -k Robertson Park will be ^he acerte Northrup, 134 3-4, Hollywood. run which started down Chesapeak tRir,-the Class B leadei*. was best­ R E G . 19c^ Bay at noon last Saturday sig­ R E G . 99e / -of benefit softball j^ame to- Calif., 10. ed by nearly three hours when T iw e l — S|Hula ~ |c!altivator Limit I to a Cuatomer R E G . 1.19 Limit 10 to ii Cuatamer U ^ t tjtm • Onatomar R E G . S9c inorroMy night at 8:30 when the San Jose. (Calif.— WUUa Morton nalled what was to come. She had' handicaps . were applied. The \- ' l ^ t t a Whitney Finished Stores 133 3-4, San Joss, stopped Eddie knocked 30 hours and 34 minutes other Class C yachts, Bonns Amie rneet the Ashfonl Farmers.* Earl Chavez, 13814, San Franclaco, g. 'off the beat time ever recorded for and HIrondelle, were second and " Moore nporta that all proceeds Manchester, Conn.—-Chico Vejar, a pr4rioua Nawport-AnnapoUs con- tolrd in the overall standings. . MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKAOE •vlll ba turned, over to tha Police 184, Stamford, (Conn, outpointed tast, provtag the Iheory qf sponsor- \ This was particularly aurprlaing Flremch'a Athlatic Ajbd.. tWch. Bobby Dalton, 153>4, Hartford, 10. ing yacht clubs that it would ba alnca sailing conditions, braeses ' arUKife BOUlM t \ apenaors numerous fo^hgB, baatr Sacramento. Calif.—Joey liopaa, a battar racts If turned, around. of 18 to 35 knots over much of the a\m . u i TM. kaU Md: hasfcifhall practama far IM . SaSaccamento. knocked out Harriar aauaad tha moat suit*, fd u m , nonmdly would faver the _ Wlip7nE8DAr-TirUBroAY>FKIDAT— le JILM, U t P.M1. prlaa, howavar. Bha waa a lariw i ymchla. , '■>.. ■" Jba yemlgstara M HfMCtBa Khafll, 13714, Alfaria. 4.^ )■ 1 \ ( t . ’■ V • . i ' ^ y ■ ..\ ■■ r.

i i X-'- '• V l : ' ' - ' . V : _ '•J' -1 , ■ : f ' ' ^ ■ V ^ ■■ A y j . ' r -


THE Chico Vejar Outpoints D a lt o n in 10 Herald Angh By PAT BOLDUC Presidents Due Moriarly’s Play Home Thursday Sport Schedule Holmes Gafins Asalstmat Sport* Editor Moriarty Bros, will play their first home twilight Julius Helfand Shocked! game of the season Thursday night at Mt. Nebo when T odsy In less than 36 hours late last week 1 was very saddened To Talk Before Wedaewlay, Jv m M Pitching — Danny McDevitt. the Suffield Townies appear here. Game time is 6 o’clock. Police and Fir* ra. Naaiiffa, Disputed Win ’ to hear'Of the accidental deaths of two very close and per­ Dodgers—Limited Brave* to four The Townies are members of tbe fast Farmington Val­ 8:16 — Oval. At Proposed Title Bout' sonal friends. The first was 18-year-old Kerry McGuire, a House Group •singles, struck out six. walked six ley League. . Headquarter* vi. PaguU'*, t'-M 1967 graduate of East Hartford High School, and the second and left eight on baae in 2-0 vic­ The Gas Housers.are undefeated in two previous home —. Robertson. f III. In Semi-Final INTERNATIONAL LITTLE tory for 2- • Haven tabbed Vejar ths probing the legal status of base-^. mark. Aceto A Sylvester won first defense of hi* title on .luly 1 nn.l winner by a 47-45 margin, giving Ray McKenna * *trong club. Kerry rival* that of Spring in every hall and other professional team three of nine starts. ae. He ha* been guaranteed •«* '' the nationally known teevee fayor- surprised with a fine 18-8 won and manner. " Quite a tribute to the gaso.OOO for the SeatUe match A . R ivesraiH g* T rn c k lost record. He was en route to youngster who was taking a regu- sports, called for a further run- Norman's -....222 003—9-6-3 ite an edge in round.*, five to three, do\sm on the galna and'losses that A A S ...... ll"2 202 -«-6-3 The first positive action came I\l> erS lU e 1 FHCK with two even. Tile Herald had an even greater year in 1956 with lar turn on the mound before the from Julius H * I f a n d, chair- , ------r ' - ' / • ' 1 1 Vejar winning eight rounds with a reco rd of 16 victories and only tnconiparable Spring first ap­ would result from such move*. G. Sullivan, Grim i3i, Kasavage •l.an of the Ne* Tork Slate 1 1 f - ' Dalton gaining JJii other "pxtrr^e five loesea before being sidelined peared in Connecticut with Ray- Basic Story Aaked (5) and Pearson: Simmons. Gil­ The ninth running of the an­ D odg«rs‘—T T t s i d e n t W'alter bert (6) and Johnston, Anderson Athletic Commismon and-^-more nual "Independence Classic" for: If./ w in presei'VPipl, y e ja r 's re c o rd -^ f with a sore arm. Already Ihi* hesto.s. The .sandy-reddish-halrsd PDOWN O'Malley and Giant President Hor­ {61. ■ ' important—newly elected presi­ the modified stock cars will high- j never having; Idkt in Connecticut summer he had, chalked up nine McGuire, although a great admirer dent of the World Cihamp.onahlp Bhowing.s, last night being his triumphs in ll decision* against of Spring, had hi* own inimitable ace Stonehani were called lo give light the weekly program of auto : the basic story, with sideviews N.\TION.\L LITTLE UCAUL'E Boxing CJommlttee. 13lh. He has won 1.5 of 85 fights. the beet club* in Conpectlcut and style and copied no one. In a very close game last night racing at Riverside Park Speed-1 from Abe Stark, president of the The main event, staged early due Masaachusetta before hi* untime­ *A, former Little Leaguer and a at Buckley Field , Green Manor "I'm utterly astounded that way Saturday night The special | New York City Council, and Rep. D'Amato would be even thinking pre-holiday classic will be at 100 , :1Ti to threatened weather, topped a ly death. One of hia losses came at member of the All-Star team for shaded the Medics by a 7-6 mar­ Terms! Hellings (R-Calif.i. Hilling^ ha* of making such a match," said laps and the largest entry list of i 7 • great card presented bv the Capi­ the hands of the powerful Stratford two consecutive yeara, Kerry nev­ gin, Pete Gidinan pitched effec­ Raybeitoa Cardinal* and the other ertheless gave up baseball in favor long criticized big league baaeball H elfand. the 1907 season is expected in the MiD m ** tol Area Sport Ciiib of Hartford, tively in the clutch for the victors. Although it wasn't an artistic fi­ waa Inflicted by an equally,-strong of softball and there ia no telling for ignoring the West. He added that he had written competition. Jeff Morton's double rescued the nancial success, a to tal of 1..500 Worcester. Mass,, combine. how far he could have gone. His Leslie O’Connor, president of the a letter to Floyd Stevens, presi­ This special long dUlanre grind open classification Pacific Coast deciding marker tn the seventh payees showed up and were re­ The son of the well-known Joe one big goal was to pitch in a inning. Shortstop Carl Rohrbach dent of the National Boxing Assn. Is always one of the most popular League which stands to lose two warded with five interesting and McGuire, who was known aa the World Tournament game. . stood out defensively for Green 'tBut I won't release the con­ for the racing fan* and also for "Pitching Cop " a few season* back. Currently the oldest active mem­ of its major cities in the move the pilots who split a big bundle exciting bouts of the six presented. M anor. tents of the letter until Friday." Only tile semi-final, between Gra­ Kerry had won hi* last two starts ber on the Dovalettea roster and goes through, also was scheduled Kelfand explained. "I don't want of cash and extra point* toward Green Manor 200 211 1—7-8-1 ham Holme*, a home-town product, In Impreasive. fashion. Only a week having caught the six-foot. 13,5- to be heard. Medic* ...... 01(^ 320 0 6-7-3 to release It until Stevens receive.* the' end of the season bonus split. The Subcommittee began yester­ a'nd Earl (Kidi .Matthew* of Bos­ ago Sunday he blanked the Norv-ich r id youngaters the past two Rottner, GIdman and Moran; It. Furthermore, I want to read The classic was . won last year by Silver Star A._C, 3-0. on just two seaaons, I can honestly say that day lo assemble a picture of what veteran Benny Germane of West ton. failed to excile^the assemh- Ferine. Jackobsen and Coleman. it to D‘Amato’s face when he lance. Chnslmas came early for hits after the Rose City club had i have seen few.piUher* boasting the' baseball world would look like appears Friday for the official Springfield who was followed Holmes w ho was given the .diike upset the Dove* 4-2 in the first I * better assortment of curve*, rise after a Dodger-Giant migration. OIL'RCH LEAGl E signing, for the Pattereon-Jackson across the finish line by Kenny g am e of a doiibleheader in East I ball.* and drops th an the "P itch - Warren Giles, president of the Powered by Ray Blanco l five Goodermote, Ray ^own. George by the piilTing referee who worked bout." Vejar «•' Way to W^in’over Dalton harder than either fighter. Hartford. And exactly one week'ing Schoolbov ’ And should the National League, repeated essen-1 hitsi. Roger Amirault (five hitsi The In tem aU o n el Boxing CSub, Lombe^do and Dick Dixon In that ago tonight he came up with an- day come when the Doves decided tiallv what Commissioner Ford! and Boh BiardI (four hit* includ­ .SenrtsI with >Is Im 3-T SUPER-CUSfflONS order. It was Germano’s first'v(ln Frick told the Subcommittee last which has promoted all heavy- Vejar, with hi.* famous sports- other two-hit shutout victory while , to institute their own Hall of ing a homer I. First National over­ of the 195« season and placed him week: There are still many prob­ whelmed Finasls 135 with a, 2,5- v/elght title fight* since 1W9. caster and manager, .Steve. Ellis, pitching for Pappy's Restaurant in i Fame it will be difficult lo bypass In the running for the track cham­ the East Hartford Town I^eague. ip, name of Kerry McGuire, a lems to be solved; nobody now hit attack and 24-8 triumph last isn't Involved in thl*. Perhaps H'* Pilcher Needed Soviet Netmen lending vocal support from a vant­ pionship. knows definitely whether the Dod­ night at Charter Oak Park. Red Just as well because the IBC, not Other Sports age point in the press row. jabbed Kerry recorded 14 strikeouts in his true friend and a real sportsman final Appearance on the mound. jn every wav. gers and Giants finally will decide Staiger, John Evans and Jo* Hahn To Fill Jacket Dalton plmost a,l will. When he View Matches Fine Pitching Tip* i^yal Club Member lo move. accounted for seven of the loser’s Page 23 wanted to open up. Vejar was th# But in hia tealimony and in eight bingles. master boxer. Many of Dalton's Toimg McGuire did not take a Plummer was a charier member Snarling Holmes on Attack. Little RoeJe, Ark. (N E A )— shortcut to succea* nor did he gel and one of-the first officer* of the league documents he turned over. F irst N at. 284 4.50 1 - 24-26-4 g o o d e a r blow* were taken on the arm* and ^ / ^ Som etim es, even a rookie biat- Giles gave some clues as to how Pin t.* 135 331-100 0— 8- 8-6 At Wimbledon *h6nlder* although a slight rut was by on the fabulous record compiled | gug qity Athletic Club which had boy has trouble getting accua- an ocean-to-ocean league m'l g h t Bennett snd Amirault; Staiger, ' tomed when he breeds. Into ; opened over Vejar's left eye In by hi* talented father who once na beginning back in 1948. For Caterers Win 4-2 pitched for the Mancheater Knighta i „pxt four veai * Chick was a operate. Hahn (5) and Evans. j Mandly and HiUnshv Defeated bMebeUI. Wimbledon, England. June 26 the third round. .Dalton's mouth Mileage traveled would more Tire value unmatched at this of Columbus in the old Softball | meniber of the club's football. little Bock's pitcher. Bob 'fl’’ Th# Ru»»ianR, who used to III Hartford Loop. was cut and hi* nose broken. than double - to 218.300 miles. In one of the best games of the | say lawn tenni* wa* too bourgeois i Twilight League at Robertson Park basketball, softball and baseball Schmidt, was wiping his fore- The courageous Dalton, who wa* The 2,.500-mile hops would have still young season North Method- I bend In the midst of n Memphis for word*, *re snooping sroiind | I in over hi* head, never gave up True, Kerry received many fine teams. A loval member until the PALM BEACH* in Second Round Golf Matches Tlie Paji&ni Caterers won their pitching tip* from hi* dad but only , faded out of existence in to be by plane. The extra cost to ist won a 5-4 decision over Mai i Wimbledon trying to learn what rally when the hnthoy mme I and although hi* features were a each club would be $35,000. To Tool la.*t night al R obertson P ark . rock-bottom price! make* the place tick. I first start.in the Graduate Division through constant practice and a ,^,^3 ^e also proved lo be one. of dashing mil to him and held out '.gniesome sight when the final bell I break even would require draw- Roth Bernie August and Frank ‘ a jacket for him. ■■■■ThVir'obJ^rTi*'to'learn enough ' f fierce determination lo make good ^^e organization's hardest work- New H*ven. .Tune 26 M edal­ “ Stan Hllinski. Manchester, '.de­ I sounded he proved game to th* 1 Ing 125,000 more people in Los Vcneslart had three hits for the | to send s contingent of .Soviet , by beating the Rob- end. The Negro .scrapper, who now did the Eaat Hartford youngster ever willing lo do more than gives you crisp, cool ist Don Hoenig of Wethersfield feated Herb MePhee, Mill River, Hchmidt waa as confused aa nnally make the grade with the part in improving the club's ; Angeles and San Francisco than victots and Bernie Chappell chip-', and defending champion Alpheus 2 and 1. the tens. He waa plenW hot I tennis player* here in a year or ' <-2- calls Hartford his home, got in two. TTiey .w an t to com pete in [ Ronnie Simmons, - pitching for Dovalettep, con»idered hv manv as actirilie* ; were drawn in Brooklyn and New ped in with a pair. Harold Carl­ W'lntsr Jr. of Brooklawn were enough. Then It sunk In. He di­ I the best blow of the night, a left York, 1/Ower Bracket I what I* regarded a* the world the Caterers, had a Ishaky first Ihe finest'athletic organization ever pj', a^ason with the son. Tommy Corcoran and Char­ among eight golfers starting out rected the kid to second, bnae Inning, giving up two runs, but hook that stopped Mn attacking Giles said the question of dam­ Alpheus Winter, Jr., Brooklawn. championship for amateur*. u H* " fi'tRhborlng East ,, 9^2 , P lum m er lie Stebhins combined for seven tailored washable today in the quarterfinals of the wdiere the Memphis pitcher was recovered tri' go the route with a Vejar in the center of The ring. age lo the Pacific Coast League defeated J. T. Healey, Hartford, 3. The Russians said they are not Hartford., was regarded bv manv aa the Are* .safeties for the Toolmen. 4rho per­ Connecticut Amateur Golf Tour­ standing. neat five-hitter. Ed Wojcik wa-s The eighth was Dalton's beat I ^nember when T f.r* joined improved performer and was clubs would have to be settled by and 1. just interested in pla.viiig styles. I formed- exceptionally well in the nam ent. "They just told me to lake a behind tlie plate for the winnera. i round. j arbitration if voluntary agree- field. Hoenig, shooting four-under-par Dr. T. N. Lenexyk. Indian Hill, Jacket to the pitcher," the kid, The.v aay they want to see how of­ Bud Willnii. the losing pitcher, was Neither fighter was floored in Rtiil an oviiBianninu ni.w pitrnor ano 'ft'"''*''. , hi, , tremehdous -.*1.. come- <•* ^39 ’ 5 ficials of the AIl-Erlgland Lawn M,. hack after onlv a fair season in ! ments were not reached.- with the Methodi.st ___ 110 joi 1-5-12-1 a IS suits at only golf, Is Connecticut Open cham­ defeated Rennie Laiw, Patterson. who acted as Memphis hathoy, replaced in the fourth by At Perl­ I what proved to be an interesting Mon Karr^ was tnc tpam b natr>o\. , , "invading " clubs picking up the M ai Too! ...... 000 220 0-4-10-2 Stas ».* sad pion.' He defeated Robert Tarrant 5 end 4. explained. Tenni* and Croquet Chib run the m an. bout. Dalton waa best In close And after everv game the voting-I w r? ! tournament. ' bill. J. Chappell and August; Liggett of Ridgewood yesterday, and went John Pracon, Wethersfield, de­ Pagani's broke lose wiOi aH four but \>jar proved to have top much iter hurried out to the pitching^ if , " The issue of baseball's reserve and Stebbin.* o Note* on Everything mound tn work on the various for sports even on to defeat Dick Siderowf, 1955 feated Fid Skociylas, Pequabuck, runs in the third inning wlien the.v savv-y and all around ring general­ I clause, lying a player to the ma- Russian State Trainer Semen pitches taught him hv his father, i »ot‘''e playing AH MM LEAGl E State amateur winner from Indian 1-up. Pirates Sign Parsons combined for five straight hits by ship. Vejar weighed 1.54. Dalton j jo r league club th a t first sign.* Belili-Geman and his 17 followers Many Umes rival managers and | Bert Baskcrville hit hi* fourtJi •Hill, Ray Btawicki. Yale, defeated H. Leo C'>'i, M yles M cDonough, Al 1.53'j. "nic winner's white rohe ! him, come? before the Subconiniil- *nd fifth home run* of the *ea*on The Rummaiies C. Chriatenaen, New Haven Muni, make notes on everything—from Johnson, Wojcik and Norm Ho- was crim.son at the finish, blood rlaver* inquired about the "kid ’ i top-flight athletic at- Salisbury, June 26 ig*>—Tom Par­ the number of ball iWiys used on on the mound and few pave much ! ^T-actiona locallv, repardiea* of the tee again when Hillings testifies, Ja^l night a* Green Manor de-' Oiampkonshlp Flight 2 and 1. sons. who pitched four no-hltter* henthal. from each fightfu j the renter court to ttie time al­ stock in our reply of, "Our new. only last summer per- Tlie California representative i.* feated the Elk* 5-1 at CTiarter Oak , First Round: H. H. Mandly Jr., Manchester, for Housatonic Valley Regional Tile Calerers. coached bv_N'mo V ejar. .5,55 4,55 .545 47 I autho'i' of a bill to apply the Anti- Park It marked the .seventh i Upper Bracket defeated Wilfred Chaney, Shene- High this year, waa signed .veater- lowed for refreshment as the play­ Boggini. compri.se manv formei Dalton 445 UrU 454 45 pitcher in about three years or af- , formed with the Main St. Mer- er* change sides. j trust Laws lo baseball with excep- straight success for the Manormen ' Don Hoenig. Wethersfield, de­ coaaett. 2-up. /lay hv the Pittsburgh Pirates, for atandoula from Manche.sler High W indup^ Thriller ter hia ‘old man* retirea." jehanta in the Rer Softball League. Tliey took a look at the dres.sing About a year ago after Mf'Guire 'He waa a ftrat baaeman-outflelder i lions allowing a modified reserve and the second loss in six starts i feated R. g. Tarrant, Ridgewood, R. M. Grant, Wethersfield, de­ Mess than 14,000 a year. He wa* School Robinson Builder.* sre ex- F an s who ,s4'a,yed to' the end. for the losers. Dave Tupper and j rooms and wandered around the H all High School star.*.. h ad loat 4-2 to Raybeatoa. althouph‘in baaeball, a center and forward ' clause, limited to five years dura­ 7 and 6. feated Hugo Torxa, Edgewood, 2 signed to pla.v with the Columbu.'i 11:35, were treated to a cracker- tion. Dave Howe.* accounted for all four | FITS most Plymouths^ Dick Siderowf. Indien Hill, de and 1. Jets, in the "IViple-A International garden party lawn where the fans P a g a n i’s ...... 004 000 x-4-6-,1 jack bout in the finale between being tagged for just two hits, I in baskelball and pla.ved several positions in softball. The present reserve clause got E lks hit.*, each banging tw o off feated Ben Costello. Mill River,. 2 A1 Furh* Mill River, defeated League, and wa* optioned to S«- look their hamburgers snd tea. B uilders ...... 200 000 O-2-.bG Lee M ann. 133. New H aven, and a.sked .Stratford Manager Don His ready wit and ever-pleasing an endorsement yesterday from Skip Marsh who recorded 11 Fords, Chevrolets, Hudsons, up. R. F. Gleacher. D. F. F. Wheeler, lem. Vs., ol the ne “Palm Beach" aztras. You won't find 121 EAST CENTER ST. — TEL. Ml 3.1477 ANDOVER Piifrim 24227i I I ■ • , • MMTZIN Send a poet ^ r d and I will call top. Equipped wHh Fafdomatle a cooler s u ite r a better summer suit buy I Ottly and show, you thiti wonderful drive, radio; heater, dlrectioiial L FRICE lights, back-up lights, leather JIM’S ATUNTIG STATION ^ ’ IRISWOLD’S SERVICE STATION 'X way to b^at the heat. Interior. Enjoy mile* of eareffae y ZZip i p F^t lUostnitiHi FULL' 451 WEST CENTEk ST. — RHONE Ml 9.tVS4|- 174 WEST CENHR ST. — PHONE Ml 3-0419 SHIRTS I summer driving In C ^ Q O Men's $ 5.95 this eporty conv. OO T« M afch Shop Other JutsMi Trmk£ MANCHESTER MDSE, and SALES CO. * ^- BILL’S MOBIL SERVICE ED4 ATUNTIO STATION 134 lAST CENTER ST. — T IL Ml 9 .t m too WIST MIODU TPKE.» PHONE Ml 9 -tlli GLENNEY’S And Up V BOX 821, MANCHESTER, CONN. 1- * j

..‘K \ ' - i ; b ^ ■ \. 'V , I V U? I •fe'.

TV’S. > ih j^ - |V!?-:'V-- //'! ■ \ • A • • 1 :;L...... >• -.MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 26, 1967 f A g e t w e n t y -s i x ' .X kANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN« WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1957 , PAGH T WBNTY-8EVEW I Jim Aato Diiviiif School 7 A RoofingXjSidiag 16 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! BY F A G A LY and SHORTEN BoiUUnf Materials 47 Household Goods ' ^ \ Weniring Appare!-—flyra 57 H ousm For Sal* 72 Suburbaa for Sale- 76 Medleine Cabinet# from AMTiqtTE FUItNITUlUB, aUvar. Gairdeneiv Beware MORTLOCK’S—Manchoater’a lead­ RAT'S ROOFINa 00.. shingle and fe.90 CHESTER’S FURRIERS. rqra Negro Bdycott Ciatsified built up roofs, guttar and con­ glaas, clilaa, and osad Ainiltura $13,650-BEAUTirUL three bed­ BOLTON-^Ooveptry line. New fiva ing Driving School offCra the moat Cellar 8aah (4 to a euatomar)' cleaned and glazed, $3. 0)ld foom ranch, ceramic Ula bath, in driver education. Thouaandj of ductor work, roof, chlntney re- bought and sold. Fon dtura Bapahr room ranch, cframle bath, atain- 9AtC9M AN tATCHILFAMTh M W M « MA9 A mo 90A Wi9ivf siia.Hc:^ oar a ir m t aach $8.80 storage, $2. Remodeling, repair- leas links, hot water heat, cellar, kaot^ pine kitchan, walk-out Blnon, hlgli school stu­ aatiafled atudeifU. 300,000 mllea R ay' Haganow, ML 9-3314. Sanrlea. MI. 3-74«e. dent, and her alater, Judith, pu­ Advertisement A klTTLC fiOMenilMO SDR 7 ) « IIIOS WMM •OMCTHiMG 90a HtQ^TOO; Claar Pina Jamba per aet 38.00 big done at my homp. No over­ 145 ft. frontage, treea. Carlton W. baaemdnt. Large lot, $16,800. R. Of White Foes’ accident free InatrucUona. M l lU y Jackson.I. ifi. 3-8335. pil at Bowers School, Hol­ H i COMEfi 099 Tile ROAD Fluah Mahogany Doora all . MAGNAVOX—A.M. and F.M. radio head. Save. Capes and stolez, Hutchbia. MI 9-5183, Multiple Ust- F. Dimo<^.Co„ • AO 9-6346, AQ 2W 0-7398. - lister St, report seeing a deer CLASSIFIED ADVT. Biaaa to 3’6” 8.30 phonaarapb. (Jonsola. Like new. $3(>.-; Call M I 9-7318 for (res ea- Ing Member. 9-8818. \ Stores Pushed at 13:30 last night in the yard Ruled in DEPT. HOURS Roofinc and GUmncys 16-A 3VixSH B. P. Butt»-«aaa Excellent condition. Mahogany timate at your home. Uitber no obUgatibn, MAN(3HESTER — Beautiful new ANDOVER LAKE — Good eight of their neighbors. M r. and Motorcycles— Bif^eles 11 lota aach 36c cabinet. CaU M I S-7BN aftar-s • 8:15 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. ROOFING — Specialising lA repair­ p.m. ■U-room Colonial, baths, three room home. Attractive and com­ (CoaMmMd (ra n Paga One) A(rs. Arthur J. Guatafion,. 254 MANCHESTER Cycle Shop, 198 ing roofa of all kinds. Also new No. 1—18” Natural ghakea large bedrooms, open stalrcaae, fortable, pine paneling, hot water Hollister St. Weat Middle Tpke. RepAiraIra all roofs; Gutter work. Chimneys per aq. 810.80 USED T V SETS—for eottaga, n o- Wanted-^To Buy 58 butit-in stove and oven, custom heat, fireplace, attractive lo t Ask­ from merchants who aren’t friend­ Contempt COPY CLOSING TIME makea of bicyclea. New" and used cleaned, repaired, 36 years’ ax- Windows—complete—Caet-up) raation room', etc. Good oondltion, built kitchen cabinets. Ameaite ing $16,000. Another, six rooniB) ly to ua." Ha later declined to FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. bikea for aale. Alao buy uaed irlence. Free estlmatea. Cali all alsea from 110.80 reasonably priced. Pottenoa’a, 110 drive, finished lawn. Priced / at two lota, $11,900. Talbot Agency. estimate what proportion of busi- bicyclea. American made blcy- owley. Manchester Ml. 3-5881. Center- • St., M I 9-4817. WANTED— Gtri's bicycle, 20” -$4” $17,900. This house typiflea our Andover. Dial P I 3-6800. (GoallBiMd from Page Oaa) Guttara—Special—(aa la) per ft. 88c Call M I 9-8868. neassa would be affected. Bolton MON. THRU FRI cfta, 187.80. S Tnotto, “ For the very best In 1x10 TAG Dry Sheathing — CHAMBERS FURNITURB SALES Mayor Phil Llghtfoot said that 10:30 A. M. homes call the R. F. Dimock Ck>.’ VERNON — 5% room ranch, full by merchanta who are not friendly with government agencies, and 1( 8000' Minimum per M 194.00 basement, ceramic tile bath, not what should be done about i t SATURDAY 9 A. M. Heating and Plnmbing 17 One De Luxe Electric Range, au­ Rooms Without Board 59 MI 9-5348, M I 9-M18. toward NegroBs " I gues they mean Business Services Offered 13 Weatem Framing-loads Mly brick vaneer fim t. Youngstown all of them." I^te. mayor said a Builders Ask "The constitutional power of LLOTD'S PLUMBING Service as­ per M tm.op tomatic, 80” . Was I3T9.9K New KQMBMAKER’B/'bBUOHT —Cua- kitchen. $14,900. R. F, Dlmock Congress, to inquire in this area la CLEAN AND paint thoae guttara 1199.96. SINGLE AND double room avail­ boycott "la bound to. have some ef­ TOVB COOPSKATION WILL sures satiafaction, prompt aerrice. able. Reasonable weekly rates. $8 toin built aM room Ckipe on large Co., m 9-6248, m 9-6818. fect." not in question here,” Sirica said. now. Avoid coatly repalra later. CH 7-8134, MI 9-54M. Mahogany Paneling ^ per M $179.00 lot. Roasts of low operating coats, BBAPPRECIATED One De Luxe Electrle Raiig«b and up RockviUs Hotel, TR (tomilllon and . several- Negro TPC Approval “The power is broad. It encom- Ml. 3-1383. Oiryaleif Air-Temp control furn­ BOLTON— Two bedroom ranch, paaaes inquiries concerning ad'«. s: WATSON, PLUMBING and heat- We deliver throughout ■outham Was $849.00, Now 1189.00. 6-9591. 100x300 lot, fireplace, hardwood mlniatera spoke to about 800 per­ Ona Electric Ctothea Dryer. Was ace. Many kitchen cabinets,. ex-w sona jammed into a .fiOO-seaf ministration of existing laws aa OONDER’S T.V. Sanrlce, aaraUabla Ing contractor. New installations, New England. tenalvd ehadk trees, living room floors^ plastered, hot water heat, Dial M l 3-5121 any Ume. Antanna oonvaratona. alteration work and repair work. $149.00. N O W $139.00. SINGLE ROOMS, women only, church while crowds stood out­ Of 22 Homes well as possibly needed ztatutes.” complete housekeeping facilities, with fireplace. Near everything artesian well, ameaite driveway. Before handing down hla de- P)mco factory aupervtaed aervlee. MI 9-8808. but not too close. A. R. Wilkie A Owner Atl S-5098. side. Tai. IQ. 9-1488. NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. One Nine-Pound Wrtagar WsEiar one Mock from the Center toward GomilUon said another church cltlon, Sirica rejected a defense with Pump. Waaas fU9^96. hospital. Call M I 3-5539. Ck>. An 9-0649, M l 9-4389. Bolton. June 26 (Special) — SOUTH WINDSOR — Tour your meeting wilt be held Tueaday night Prospective building in thia town motion to postpone the verdict and HILLS’, TELEVISION Service. 981 STATE STREET, 999.00. Lost and Found PLUMBING AND heating—repalra LARGE Three-bedroom Ranch, future home; Drive out to ehady for "reports on what’a taking place took a sudden apurt last night as permit additi'onal legal arguments Available at all tlmea. Phllco fac­ and contract work. Call M 3-1801. f r o n t ROOM, centrally located. and our estimate of its aignllfl- based on recent actions o f the NORTH HAVEN, CONN. CHAMBERS FURNITURB SAT.mf Continuous hot water. Gentleman fireplace, tile bath, aluminum Beelzebub Road and park on the the Town Planning OommyslOT I/)8T — Motorcycle Jacket atMut tory auperviaed service. Tel. Ml. atorma, cellar, garage, one acre, ameaite drive before a two car cance." Supreme Court in contempt of Con­ noon Saturday, vicinity Middle 9-0698. At Yka Ofaen preferred. Phone MI 9-7129. (T P C ) gave preliminary approval Tel. CHeatnut 8-2147 Opan high elevation, trees. Only 816,9M. garage.' We won’t have to tell you for an 8-dwelllng subdivision and gress cases, TjAe. and Parker St CaH MI Millinery Dressmaking 19 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 7:90 p.m.-9 p.m. ONE CLEAN bedroom, near Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 8-6183, to observe the atone veneer, beau Brewster's chief counsel, John K. ».51W. RUBBISB AND aswaa removed. took an appUcatiOB for approval of Cheney’s and buz. Hot water. Call Multiple Lilting. tiful shrubs and lovely miqile a 14-dweiling tract. Pickens, cited particularly the Su­ General cleaning, ceilais, attics ALTERATIONS on woman's and Diamonds— Wstebes— G r^am Warns preme Court's June 17 reversal o f and yards. RaasanaUa 'Stea, M. DOUBLE OVEN, da luxe, automa­ M I 9-0595. trees. Entering through the front childrsn'a dresses, coaU, aulU, Jewelry 48 tic timer, electric range. Four MANCHESTER— Magnificent new Preliminary, plans submitted by the contempt conviction of John Personals A M. Rubblah Removal, m . door, the bookcaae around the Robert D. Valentine for a subdi- skirts, etc. Call M I 9-8838, 9-8, piece modem walnut bedroom set. Split Level, Rockledgc section, ■tone fireplace seema to greet you. Against ‘Escape Watkins, a Rock Island, Hi., labor 9-9787. viaion on the BHmer Swanson prop­ LEONARD W. TOST Jeweler, ra- Will sacrifice. M I 9-9990. CLEAN ROOM, private home, square feet of living area. As'we go thepugh the archway organtoer. He called the IVaHclna SHOE REPAIRING while you wait erty at Dolton Center w ere sp^ ^oMthila you ahop. Sam Tulyea, 33 DICaCS— WEATHERSTRIP Com­ Mlre, adhiata watchea expertly. bath, parking. MI 9-6242. 2',i baths, two-car garage. For Inin the lilning area one of several From Realities’ decision "a complete upheaval in Moving— Trhcldng SOLID MAHOGANY dining room proved. The development will be Oak S t, at Purnell Parking Lot. pany, doora and windows, custom Reaaonabla prices. Open dally. further information or appoint things might,catch your eye. It the entire contempt of (Tongreaa Storage • 20 set. Round extension tame, aide- BOOM WITH kitchen privileges, ment to ee call The R. F. Dim known oa Weatview. field.” work, guaranteed. Call MI. 9-1883 Thursday eveninga. 139 Sprucf could be the picture window view New York. June 26 (A*)—Evan­ board, both glass top. China centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 ock Ck>., MI 9-8245 or M l 9-6818. A 50-foot right-of-way for a AssL U.S. Atty. William Hits, WANTED—Ride to SUte OHice after 8 p.m. MANCHESTER — Movmg and Street. Ml. 9-4387. or the seven foot formica znack gelist Billy Graham, enthusiaaUc Building, Hartford, from vicinity Helb Wanted— Female 35 Help Wanted-^Male 35 DoflTS—Birds—^cts 41 closet. Six chairs, lazy susan. Oil Arch St. street terminating In a 120-foot on the other hand, argued that all trucking Co. Ml. 3-8583. Owned TWO FAM ILY house In good eondi bar or 130 cubic feet of modem about the achievements of his New Lydall-Vemon Sta. Pleaae call.kQ RXnTRIGERATION sales and serv­ range, $10, electric and oil, $30, ash cabinets, clock chimes, ex­ tum-around is planned in the de­ t^e Watkins decision did was to ice. Commercial, residential, air and operated by Walter B, Per- WANTED—Girl to work part or ENGINEERS!! REGISTERED DACHSHUND pup­ both eultabla for cottage. M I ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman pre­ Uon on L}mesa St. The AnnUlli York crusade and looking far velopment. Ail the lota will have S436S after S p.m. rett Jr, Garden— Farm— Dairy haust fan, recess lighting, atain- require a congressional committee condiUcnwra, freeaera. A. and W. full time. Norton Electrical Instru­ pies. Rsds„ black and tan all 9-3738. ferred, shower In basement, tele­ (Donatruction Ck>., 60 Lyneaa St. afield for the future, preached a Holding the symbol of office ia Rusaell Wright who waa succeed­ 40,000 aq. ft. areas and moat will to .give a witness am explanation ment Co., 71 Hilliard St. AOtepSORIES a SYStE»18 — Re- ages, reasonable, Tel. P I 3-5019, Products 50 phone In room. MI 8-7903. MI. 9-9244. lesa ateel sink or others. Now we warning against "eacaplsm” last RIDE WANTED to SUte Office RefrigeraUon Co. Ml 9-1387, MI MANCHESTER Package Oenvaty, ed aa president o f the Rotary Club laat-night by <3eorge M. John­ have the required frontage of 200 when he questions the’ pertin^uiy 9-3080, MI 9-0088. aponalble for preliminary daaigna Melody Farms, So. Coveiit», GOING HOUSEKEEPING? enter a short hall. On the left we night. i Building from comer Duval and Light trucking and package deUv- find a large ceramic tile bath with son, 45 Bigelow S t The Installation of the newly elected offi­ feet. o f questions asked. HUUard SU. Call MI M«70. of Urcraft gaa turbine engine ac- after 6. STRAWBElRRIES, pick your own, YOU OWE rr t o y o u r s e l f BEAUTIFULLY (ulnished front DE LUXE THREE bedroom Addressing an estimated 16,000 Sirica said he had studied the ery. Refrigerators, washers and WOMAN FOR housework one day 38c a quart. Paaqualini Broa., room, tile bath, shower, parking ranch, ceramic bath, birch cabi' double door medicine cabinet. cers was held at a dinner meeting at the Mancheater Country The TPC consulted wdth adjoin­ CHICK’S RADIO and T.V. Service. c e ^ r ie s and ayatems, as engine TO SEE THIS BIG BARGAIN! persona in Madison Square Gar­ Club. (Herald Photo by Oflara). Watkins case and held that it does - WANTED-r Ride to Mancheater Small appliances repaired. 161 stove moving specialty. Folding a week (Friday). MI g-88|8. control systems, starters, genera- Avery Street, Mancheater. "SUPER” "DE LUXE” MI 3-7116. neta, numerous closets, garage Next your.linen closet and straight ing property owners Mrs. August chairs for rent. Ml. 9-0763. den, he said 'ftiany of them were not cover the Brewster caaw. from Route 6 in Bolton. Working North Main St. M I 8-8617, resi­ tora, fuel and lubricating sya- 8 ROOMS OF FURNITURE central. West Side location, only Into a bedroom w-ith private lava­ "tiT^ng to escape from the reall------T Mildner, Mrs. F. Weldon Miner, Articles For Sale 45 TOMATO PLANTS, peppers, egg Mandak, Stafford Springs; Mark In his formal decision, Sirica houra, e-5:M. CaU M I s-soes after dence M I 8-8980. ,tems, ate. Some liaison with ven- All 100% Guaranteed FURNISHED ROOM tor one or two $16,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, M I tory. On the right off the hallway and Mr. and Mra. R. K- Jones Sr. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS OO. local plants, cabbage, asters, zinnias, with complete light housekeeping tlee of the world.” Sullivan, 5. Waddell Rd.; Karen ruled that the pertinency of the e. yt. Help Wanted— ^Malc 36 'dor organizations. 87400-89BD0. ONLY 8488 9-5132. Multiple Liating Member. We find two more bedimma. By Graham said people seeking "es­ last night before giving approval FLOOR SEStVICE. Floors sanded and long distance moving, pack­ ROTAL AND Smith-Corona port- salvia, marigolds, snapdragons, privileges'and bath. Phone MI this time Dad has gone to the cel­ Pagan!, 135 (Charter Oak St. Cyn' to the plana. Valentine will now (jueations Brewster refu s^ to an­ MECHANICAL DESIGN - ENOIN- PAY ONLY—$14.08 MONTH cape” turn to drink, tranquilizer Rotary Seats WANTED-Rlde to Aircraft, South and reflniahed. TR. 6-3071 or TR. ing, storage. CaU ML 3-5187. .Hut- aMa and atandard typewritara. calendulas., gloriosa daisies, pe­ 9-4H6. MANCHESTER— Six room Cape, lar to see the Timken heating thia Dorsey, Stafford: Laura Pa­ submit a final plan embodying swer, "has been established.” ford CH. 7-1433. BEUt—Mechanical design of ata- All makea of ’ adding m.aehinea — TOU GET — pilla, suicide, worldly pleasures gan!, 125 Charter Oak St.; Mrs Sirica also ruled that Brewster, parking lot from Vernon. Call 5-1080. SHORT ORDER COOKS WANTED. tunias, verbena, at Odermann's, 16-PIKCE BEDROOM good condition, convenient to system, hatchway, water system more specific information for ap­ tic and/or rotating parts. Exper­ aoid or rented. Repairs on all everything, nice wooded yard, or a struggle for financial auc- Vicki Graham, 40 Church St.; Mrs, as a matter of law, did not purge M I t-7863. Howard Johnson's, MI 9-8330. 804 Parker St. 18-PIE(JE LIVING ROOM and p<»8ibiUty of a future rec­ New Officers proval by the CtommLsslon. ience in aircraft gas turbins en­ makaa. Marlow’a. » Apartments— Flats— ameaite drive, full price $13,900, reation room. Now I'm sure you'll ceaz. Bessie Bdgerton, 875 Parker St.; .Preliminary plana were submit­ himself of contempt before the Painting— Papering 2l gines; will consider experience 12-PIECnS KITCHEN •’’But your soul la starved If you subcommittee by hla subsequent MORTENSEN TV. Specialised RCA FRIEU^LT Ice Cream la accept­ FOR TO U R freezer — Sheep and Tenements 63 Call the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, both agree the price of your John Klldlsh, 28 Union St.; Mra, ted by Richard F. Dimook, agent Automobiles tor S a lt 4 in directory related or similar — Plue — are here tonight without God,” he Installation of officers was held testimony before tjie Senate Rack­ telyrlalon aerrice. MI. 9-4641 ing applications for part time yearlings, whole or halves. Cut Realtors, M I 3-8980. palace ia fair, $19,800. Call me for Virginia Jorgensen. 3 Tyler (Circle; (or U. suid R. Omstructlon Co. of PAINTING and Decorating. W, fields for lower level Jobe. $6200- K N A PP SHOES. Harry Mahoney, up and delivered. 38 and 88 lbs. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR (old his Uateners. " I am not at the meeting of the Mancheater ets Investigating committee. BEEORB TOU BUT a naad ear work ev'enings and weekends. MI- TWO ROOM furnished apartment, pleasant inspection tour. Fred A. Mrs. Florence Turjey, East Hart' this town, for aubdivlalon of the SEWING MACHINES—^ome and D. Holland Jr., Glastonbury. $9800.. 388 Main St. Phone MI 3-4837. Gerald Risley. TR 8-7912. TV SET AND COMB. RANGE centrally located, business couple G REEN MANOR—Three bedroom threatening you but 1 am warn' -Rotary Club last night at the nee Gorman Motor Salaa. Bulck commercial types bought, sold and MEdford 8-7933. f0-B196. Free storage until wanted. Free Newman, Builder and Broker, ford: Mrs. Barbara Baker, East 14-acre tract owned by Earle H. Salon and Serviea, SH Main CONTROL COMPONENT DESIGN RIC91, Fine Meadow Loam priced preferred. Call M I 9-5707. ranch, large living room with Mancheater Ad 6-6776. ing you that the Bible aaya that Country Club. Hartford; Mrs. Beatrice Brawn Gowdy between Bolton Center and re^i^red. Ralph Aldrich, Ml STRAWBERRIES, pick your own, delivery. Free set up by our own dining area, garage, no basement Street ML i-tfn . eveninga. PAINTING AND paperhanging. MAN FOR LAUNDRY and Dry -Responsible for design and de­ within your budget. Fill, gravel, if you neglect God’s plan of salva Succeeding Russell Wright as 350 Center St.; Mrs. Esther' Pal­ Carpenter Rd. bring own containera. George Mur­ reliable men. FOUR ROOM apartments avail­ Owner MI 3-1384. tlon there is no other escape.” Postal Rate Hike Good clean workmansmp at rea­ Cleaning Route. Hartford area. velopment of the components and sand, stone. Light grading. MI ELLINGTON—Solid brick veneer, president is George M. Johnson. mer, Andover; Edgar Sellers, Bol­ The company, o f which Ludwig MEED A CART Short on a down phy, French Road. Bolton, (off Phone (or appointment able. Including heat, hot water, His text was Hebrews 2:8—"How 45 Bigelow St. Other officer's In­ LAWNS AND TREES to be cut. sonable rates. 30 years in Man- ChUI MI 9-7753, after 7 p.m. caU combination'of componenta com­ 3-8803. 48x26H ft. custom ranch. Three ton; Mrs. Veronica Richmond, 63 Upenleka o f Bolton O n ter Rd. ia payment or had your credit turned Route 88). Hartford CH 7-0358 gaa for cooking, electric refrig, TWO FAM ILY—117,800" Has not shall we escape if we neglect such stalled last night include: Fred Fffective Monday All kinds of work. Rubbish of all Chester. Raymond Flake. MI. JA 9-6888. prising an engine control system. fine bedrooms. Excellent kitchen, Bigelow St.; Mrs, Dorothy Morse, president, plana to build 14 houses down? Don't give up! For a good After 7 P.M. CH 6-4690 erator and gas stove. $91 a month. been on market before,- 5-6, two- large living room, 1^ bathe. Base­ a great Salvation?" Nasslff of Nassiff Arms, 33 Nor­ kinds removed. Paper, raga 9-9287. 88,900-810,400. M EN’S REBUILT and relasted STRAWBERRIES—Pick your own. RFD 8 Rockville; Albert Flske on the tract. Price range of the deal—not thru a amaU loan com* ■hoes. Aleasonably priced. Sam See It Day Or Right Call M l 9-4071 from 5-7 p.m. only. car garage. Nice lot In good loca­ ment garage. Aluminum screens man St., vice president: Herbert Asat. Poatmaater Thomaa Mori- taken away free. MI 9-0143. EVALUA’nON ENGINEER on Jet New bed. Eugene Gagliardone Last night’s audience brought to RFD 1, Rockville: Napoleon !)■• houses will be more than $20,000, pany—aee “ Harry” at SIS Main NEAT APPEARING Yulyea, 23 Oak St., in front- of If you have no means of trans­ tion near schools and bus service. throughout. Awnings, lot 100x200 ft. E. Johnson, Hartford Gas Co., 307 arty has announced the new In­ engines. Testing by mechanical Farm, Webster Lane, Bolton, (off TWO ROOM apartment, 16 Depot Excelleiit condition. For appoint­ 733,600 the total attendance since Dimock says. . St. (Formerly Omiglaa Motora). MODERN Floor Polishing Co.— PAINTING and masonry work Purnell Parking Lot. portation, I'll send my auto for Ideal for junior executive. Shown Spring St., treasurer, 'reelected; sautels. 221 Hilliard St.; Mrs. Joan creased poatal rates that become analyais. Need not be design en­ Hebron Road). you. No obligation. square. For information call Ml ment to aee call The R. F. Dimock the crusade began May 15. The TPC win meet Tuesday to Fldors of all kinds, complete done, reasonable. MI 9-9206. GOOD PERSONALITY by appointment only $22,000. A crusade aide announced 461 James Sheldon, International Foss and daughter, 67 North St.; consider the application. Auncil the U.S. Marine Band in a concert candldataa continue to hold training period. Ctompany car fur­ and frames, 36x64. Two single, one 501 Hartford Rd. Call after 8 p.m. small winterized cottage, nice cellent location. 814,300. ..George 30 cents. CEDAR CLOTHES line poles. INTERVIEWS BEING taken for THE VILLAGE CHARM Antique APARTMENT aiza ‘ GE tank will send lay members "to carry here to raise funds for its youth a 2-1 lead oa spirited electlona prog- “ THESE ARE FINE CARS. nished and car expenses paid. All full time truck driver. Sober, double. $40. Phone M I 9-2071. M I 9-0969. beach, boat, 87,000. Carlton W. E. Coleman, 0>nn. Bank and An Increase o f 10 cents in ape- Posts installed. Old poles removed Business Opportunities 32 Shop of Manchester, Conn., 42 vacuum cleaner with attachmenta, Trust Co. Building-, Rockville. TR the good news of C!2jriat to un-. activities. Last fall the club spon- rasa at the 13th Laurel ' Girls employe benefits. For Interview steady habits, good driving record. Hutchins, M I 9-5132, Multiple List­ clal delivery mall now atarta first PRICED RIGHT. BANK TERMS and iv-aet Used truck tires, tubes. Spruce St. General line of inter­ $12. Thayer combination carriage 8-4045, TR 6-4710. chprchefl homes throughput the ■sored the Yale Glee Club in a con­ State here. M I 9-1858. EXCELLENT opportunity. Estab­ apply in person. 832 Main St., Man- Apply in person. 10-12, Great East­ 20” ROTARY lawn mower, 2V esting antiques past and future and stroller, $15.- Inquire 19 OFFICE FOR RENT, West Middle ing Member. metropolitan area.” claas and alnAal, up to 3 lbs., at Tpke. Ideal for dentist. Call MI cert. Court Cases The aesBlon went Into its fifth OF COURSE. ^ lished radio-TV sales and service. cheater between 8-10 a.m. ern (Construction Co., 35 Oak St. h.p. four cycle Briggs A Stratton coUectiblea, Including bric-a-brac Qieztnut St. The Evangelist said he also is SO cents. A ll other claasea of spe­ Owner has other interests. Replies motor, used five times, reason­ 3-6802, after 1:30. INGXiME PROPERTY— 1953 three day with the study of government cial delivery mail begins at 45 Manchester, Mr. Lindsay. and glassware. Open all day and bedroom ranch, three yeSr lease Wanted Real Estate 77 giving "seriou.x consideration" to at the 'University of Connecticut. Household Services confidential. Write to P. O. Box able. MI 9-6022 after 8 p.m. evemngi. REFRIGERATOR. $20. Kitchen cents. /' DURING 1956 the gross program by government at $135 monthly, further crusades overseas. Richard D. Harris, 21, of Coven- Secretary of State Mildred P. 1956 CADILLAC 441. set., $20. Apartment size gqa stove, ARE YOU CONSIDERINO Regiatared mail la also Increased Offered 13-A of Friendly Ice Cream advanced BOY’S BICYCLE. Thayer baby car­ Summer Homes for Rent 67 Sis.OOO. Carlton W. Hutchins, AO n je current crusade at Afadison Hospital Notes trj', was fined $54 in Town Court Allen apoke at the Tuesday ses­ 80 GALL/)N permaglass electric $10. Cabinets. $20; BU 9-0564. SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? in price, with declared values up Club Coupe, A 'v e ry sharp ear. WANTED — Lessee Operator for a eight manager trainees into mana­ Help Wanted— riage, 12 gauge Winchester pum 9-5132. Square Garden la acheduled to end sion of Laurel Girts state, outlln FURNITURB repairing and rCflr.- ger's positions. In 1957 six more Male or Female 37 water heater. $150. Call MI 9-3523, ANDOVER LAKE — SeVen room We wiu appraise your property July 19, with an outdoor finale in this morning by Deputy Judge to $10 beginning at 60 cents. / Loaded of course. , iahlng: antiques rastorad. Fumi- new Cities Service, completely shot gun, Baby bassinet. Tel. between 6-8 p.m. 36” QUALITY gas stove, 10 years Patients Today: 210 Jules Karp. Harris pleaded guilty Ing her duties aa a atate official The charge for return recalpts trainees, will be promoted because 9-1486. waterfront Electric stove, elec­ DIRECTT from owner—Porter St. free and without any obligation Yankee Stadium on July 20. furs Itapalr Sarvlca, TaleottvUie. modem station now being con­ old. 24 " exhaust fan. 5000 C J ’.M., ADMITTED YESTERDAY; to a charge of evading responsi­ Richard J. Hartford, asalstant at time of mailing has now been Only $895 Down structed at West Middle Tpke. of new store openings. A mana­ BOOKKEEPER—Male or female.' tric refrigerator, oil heat, fire­ area. Six room Colonial, large liv­ We also buy property (or caah. Graham spoke enthuaiaatically M l. 3-7449. NORGE AUTOMATIC washing ma­ $75. Value $130. Ml 9-0309. Selling or buying contact Joiui Kildiah, 38 Union SI.; Mrs. city editor of the Hartford ’Times, aet at 10 oenta, an increase o f S and Adams St. Apply Jim McDer­ ger's post provides an average Good salaryr’ hours, benefits. (3HESTS, PINE. oak. Lounge chair, chine in running condition. 175, place, bath, radio. PI 2-6880. ing room, dining room, and large at the news conference about the bility. S’TANLEY BRAY Realtor lEdlth Bissell, Coventry; George According to the report of an discussed the difficult dsetaions an cents. FORMICA couatara. caramlc .wall mott at American Coal Co;, Hart­ inconie of $10,000 plus, many other Downtown Manchester. Give ex­ doll house. Ice skates, new foot­ MI 3-1349. modem Icitchen, three bedrooms, way hiz New York "crusade has editor has to make daily in aelect benefits. A perspn with' above ball, basketball, travel Iron MI COVENTRY LAKE - Waterfront two twin bed size, tile bath. O il BRAE-BURN RfeALTY Brooks, Lake St., Sharon EdwariLs, accident made by police, Harris Moriarty aald that thaas new 1952 LINCOLN floor Ola. Lat ua modamlu ford. Tel, JA 2-8187. perience,' age. short personal his­ been going. Ifig news to print. average potential can plan on a 8-6526. cottage for rent. Lota of privacy. MI 9-9910 after • p.m. AU 3-627$ He said that the crusade — with 251 Bush Hill, Rd.; Mrs. Adrienne left the scene of an accident in rates are the l a r g ^ Increasea in your bathroom and kitchan For tory and salary desired. Write ABSOLUTE BARGAIN — (Justom A speaker on today's program some time "and hopes that the peo­ Hardtop Coups. A raally sharp secure future with continual ad­ NOTICE AH 9-7149. an assist from television — "has Bazaette, 742 W. Middle Tpke.; which he knocked down three high­ be# aaOmatea call MI. 9-3888, Tht Box G c/o Herald. made cornices and drapes. Slip SBLUNG, Buying. Trading? L.M.- at the practice aesaion In govern­ ple o f Maniffieater notice the car. Birand new Double-Eagle tires FENCE BUSINESS—Trucking ac- vancement in our organization. covers, $59.50 and up. C3ioice of NOTICE is hereby given to Tax OAKLAND ST.—A real value. Two become a national crusade for William Bertha, West Wlllington: way guard rail posts. He was Tlla Shop, Buckiand. CfJTTAGE — ^(isquamicut, Rhode family, 4-4, both vacant. Good con­ M.L. (Which meana Live Modem ment waa cnilef (Mra.) Elizabeth changes prior/to mailing, to elimi­ too. ceasoriea and materials. MI 9-8638. Tel. .MI 9-8196 for appointment. Boats and Accessories 46 fabrics. Budget terms. Mrs. Rita, Payers of the Town of Andover, Christ” and "haa become the Burchill McCarthy, TaleottvUie; arrested following a routine motor that a ta:. of 62 mills on the dollar, Isiqnd. Four rooms, hot water, dition. Extra large lot. Only —Multiple Liet)—all your real es­ Mrs. Charlotte Fayle, 680 W. vehicle registration check. Adekogbe, president of the Women nate the neoeiBity of returning WKAVDfO of buiruk. moth boles Situations Wanted— JA 2-7780. safety zone. Available July 6-27. tate the modem way. The Ella- largest evangelistic endeavor in Only $395 Down' “ b a r k e r PERSONNEL laid on the list of October 1st, 1956, $14,500. Goodchlld Realty Co.;, AH Middle Tpke.; Gordon McKenna, John Hewitt, 46, 109 Summer Movement o( Nigeria. Wearing mall wl^poetage due. and tern clothmg,, boaltty nma, Female 38 MANOIESTra^OATCoTlolEs- August 31-Sept. 14. I^one TR worth Mitten Agency, Realtors, history." haadhaga rspalrad, - alppar re­ Help Wanted— Female 35 ANTIQUES FOR modem living at becomes due and payable on July 3-7925, MI 3-4348, BU 9-0939, Hartford; Frank Aioskites, 527 St„ was fined $20 for Intoxication. her colorful native costume, Chief J' ' SERVICE sex St. Daily 12 noon-9, p.m. 8 -2121. AU 8-69S0. 'We find the New York people placement, umbreilaa repaired, the New Chirioalty Shop. Route. 6, lat, 1957. All taxea under $40 Burnham St.: Mrs. Margaret Hewitt was arrested after a com­ Elizabeth, by which name ahe ia 1953 DODGE PLANT ENGINEER—A top posi­ HIGH SCHOOL Junior girl wants Saturday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. scott coming out of their little hiding known, dlacuaaed a woman’s part men’s shirt collars revarsad and EXPERIENCED- tion (or an unusually well quali­ babyaitting. Lives -in Bowers Atwater-Ana Boats. Andover (located at tourist, must be paid in one payment on COVENTRY LAKE^-Lakeside, four AIULTIPLE LISTINO offers the places to discover thousands more McKay, 31 Rusaell St. plaint waa received by police that cabins). Open 1-5 weekdays. Sat.' Lots for Sale 73 in the progress of present-day (^ventry Youth 'Bvo-door Station Wagon. „ Radio, rcplacad. Marlow’s Uttle Mend- SEWING MACHINE fied engineer. Degree preferred School vicinity. Call MI 9-7633. or before August 1st. 1957 to avoid room furnished cottages. Ctonven- combined services of 38 realtors, like themselves ate standing up a d m i t t e d TO D AY: Mrs. he was breaking up furniture and tag Shop. » 14’ MOLDED plywood de luxe and Sun. until 8. MI 9-1806. Interest charge. All Motor Vehi­ Lauretta Gagne, Box Mountain creating a disturbance at hla home, Nigeria. heater, overdrive, tinted glass. Ex­ OPERATORS plus heavy experience in plant lencez, sandy beach. Hills, Lake SECXIND Bolton Lake—Terrific lot 80 salesmen to help sell yoUr for Christ,"-he said. ‘Thursday’s aeasion will include WOMAN W ILL take care of chit Dunphy runabout, 25 h.p. Evinrude cle taxes muUt be paid in the first Dr. Richard Edgar. 55, 261 Spruce Given Sentence cellent throughout. \ FLAT FINISH HoUand window AND TRAINEES engineering, plant layout, etc. SALE 1-3 OFF on wallpaper. Wall' Street. P I 2-8206. -on lake. Artesian well connec­ house. For Information please call Graham also said: "This city action on bills of the General A i- plus good organizational ability. dren in her home whUe mother motor, Maatercraft trailer. Call two quarterly payments as billed. tion. Ideal spot. Good neigh­ Carltonzrlton W,W. Hutchins, AOAU 9-5132. has more faith anc) spiritual life BIRTHS YE STE R D AY; Twins, Sl„ received a -fine of $10 for in­ ahadaa, made to>.miaaur«. All APPLY works. M I 9-3552. MI 3-6236 after 5 p.m. tiles 4c a tile, Kentile. from 7c All other taxea may be paid quar­ aembly, convention, nomination of Waterbury, Jime 26 — Robert $29^Down metal vanatlan bUnda at a new $925 - $1,200 month. Resumex each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, bors. T. J. Crockett. Realtor, th an T ever had anticipated. I a son and a daughter, to Mr. and toxication. candidates for governor and othei; MANCHESTER MODES, MANUFAtJTURING ENGINEER— terly during July 1957, October Wanted To Rent 68 AU 8-1877. LISTINGS WANTED, single and don’t think New Iforkere are az Mrs. John Quaglie, '710 Waddell Olga CJoIavecchio, 38, 114 El- Rose. 17. of South Coventry, waa low price. Keys made while you OUTBOARD MOTOR, 8 h.p. Buc­ at the Green. state officers. Polla- open for elec­ INC. Degree preferred, tool and proc­ 1957. January 1958 and April 1968. two-family houses. Member of drldge St., received a nolle on a sentenced to 18 months to five wait. Marlow’a. caneer, excellent condition, uaed WANTED — Five-room apartment sophisticated as I was told they Rd.: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred tions’ at 9:15 a.m. Friday. The 1953WILLYS PINE STREET essing experience, methods, etc. Dogs^Birds— Pets 41 Failure to pay any quarterly In­ BEAUTIFUL, Desirable Building MLS. Howard R. Hastings, Real­ were. They respond to the gospel R. Me"ek, 10 Congress St.; a son charge of parking .within 25 feet years in the Cheshire Reformatory only one hour. First 1100 takes it. stallment of this tax on or before by couple with two children, in tor, AO 9-1107, any Ume. practice session in govemmei|t today for escaping from that Insti­ RUGS (X E A N E D and shampooed. Above average./ $925-$!.200 Lot. Box Mountain Drive. Over in the same way as people do in to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grover, 84 of an intersection. e-cyl. StaUon Wagon. .Ftilty MANCHEiSTER Pet Center (or all Fairway, 975 Main Street,.Man­ the same date of the next succeed­ TRemorit exchange. First floor will conclude with the inaugura­ tution earlier thia m/onth. “ Our care means Im ger wear." Aionth. Resume. acre. Wooded, quiet, areaidentlal Miami and Omaha and in Char­ Broad St.; a sqn to Mr. and Mrs. Asst. Prosecutor William DeHan equipped. Low mileage. A tugged WANTED—Nurses Aide. Call MI your pets, and pet’s aupplles. cheater. ing month from, due date o f the In­ preferr^. References. Cali TR area. Reasonable price. Phone USTINGS \WANTED—Single, two- tion of the government of Laurel Rose, who waa serving a term Free pickup and delivery. Smith’s 9-2858. ASST. CHIEF INDUSTRIAL EN- Free delivery within city limits. SEPTIC TANKS 6-3689, days. family, three - family, business lotte, but perhaps there Is a great­ Albert Jeromti, Thompsonville; a recommended a diamlsaal in the wagon—world ranown. Upholstery Shop. M I 9-4668, eve- I, GINEER — Degree essential. stallment causes the entire balance Barbara Woods, AU 9-770Z Girts State jolnty with the Gover­ for theft, escaped from the Re­ Pedigreed Dachshund puppies. property. Have many cash buy­ er hunger here-for spiritual reality daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Walter case of Whitney Jacobs, 35, 1193 n ln p M I 8-7367. Heavy experience, systems, pro­ AND to become due and payable and In­ nor of N u toeg Boys State. formatory June 2,'' together with Only $295 Down SEWING MACHINE operators MI 9-4373. Open Monday-Satur- 14 FT. PLYWOOD BOAT- Phone terest at the rate of 5/10 o f 1% COUPLE WITH teenage daughter BOLTON AND Coventry, building ers. Mortgages arranged. Please than any place I ’ve been." /Smith, Vernon; and . a daughter .Main St., charged with intoxica­ Former ‘ Chief "-Juallce William three other - youths. He waa re­ cedures, cost studies and re­ M I 9-9692. and two younger children looking tion. Judge Karp granted the dla- REUPHOLSTERING, slip covsra wanted. Apply KaKlzr Toy Co., 60 day, 9-6 p.m, Thursday, 9-9 p.m. PLUeCED SEWERS per month or fraction thereof will lota. Varioua locations. Terms. call George L. Graziadio, Realtor. /Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Averill, M. Maltble of the Supreme Court captured shortly afterwards. » Hilliard St. ports. Prefer experience in metal for five or six room apartment or Lawrence F. Flano, Broker. AO AO 9-5878 109 Henry Street. Xqcrlngton. missal. and'drapes. Large selection of maching . organizations. Special be charged on the entire impald of Errors, will administer^ the A t the Ume of their escape the 1954 W ILLYS fabrics. QuiUity workmanship, CATS—Inoculated and .altered, balance until pa.vment la received. duplex before Sept. 1. Will pay up. 9-8910. Girl’s Body Found BIRTH TO D AY: A daughter Continuencea were issued in the oathei of office. The traditional youths had been on farm duty AT ONCE—part time clerkz for studies re; Economic features of boairded. 4H’ cages. Fenros Cat­ Machine Glaanail to 885 monthly.' Excellent refer­ YOUR PROPERTY for 80 days. to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Webster, following cases: James S; Ixiney. 4-wheel Drive Wagon. Immacu­ frse esUmates given In your air-conditioned 1 u n c h e onette. production methods. > equipment Building Materials 47 Septio Tanks, Dry Welle, Sewer My deputy or I will receive said Buyers - waiting. E ibJE Realtors. governor’s, ball will follow. Mcause of good behavior. tery. Siameae kittens available. tax at the Library op Saturday, ences. CaU AH 9-1045, after. 4 p.m. BEAUTIFUL LOTS on Black Top Buckiand. 28, of North 'Windham, charged late in and out. Hard to tell from home. Smith's Upholatery. Shop. Pleasant working conditions. No and techniques applicable to pre- Lines Imtalled--Cellar Water­ Road in Vernon juit over Man­ AO 9-6397, 3-4480. In Kansas Ravine M I 9-4883,' eveninga Ml 8-7387. Abysainians per order. TR 5-9131 July 6, 1957,,. from 2:00 to 6:00 weekdays. DISCHARGED YESTBaiDAY: with bperating with ^defective brand new. phone oaliz, apply Miss Longtin, clsioq metal fabricating opera­ preferably evenings. proofing Done. cheater town line. ICntire' area brakes, continued to July 8; Wal­ 943 Main St. tions. $700-$900 month. Resume. USED LUMBER, reaaoiiable. (3all p.m., on Saturday, July 27th, from YOUNG (30UPLE want three-five SPEED! SERVICE! Mra. Mary Anne Tootell and son 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., and on Tueaday, has atorm' sewtra, good drainage (Oonttaed from Page One) Andover: Mra. Jartice Genove'al and ter E. Boyes Jr., of Andover, Only $395 Down BiiildlliJiXontractinB: 14 BIRD, cat and dog supplies, whole­ MI 8-6843. room tinfumlahed apartmeiit. AH- with gravel aub-aoll. Price 81,800 BARKER PERSONNEL July 80th, from 7:00 Co 9;00 p.m. SATISFACTION! SALE! daughter, RFD 1, Rockville; Jo­ charged with fraudlent issue of REGISTERED NURSES or li­ sale and retail. Dally 9 to 8 p.m. McK in n e y b r o s . 9-2047. per lot. Call Now. The R. F. DILLON FORD SALES INTERIOR AND exterior remodel­ SERVICE (Signed) Shirley’s body waa hidden in the seph (Triatoforo, 'Vernon; Mrs checks; continued .to July 12; censed practical nurses. Full or Tuesday, Thursday) Friday nlghU Dimock Co., AU 9-5345 or AU These are~the. e-entlal elements tall grass and underbrush of a ra­ 1953 FORD ing, houses and garages. Free part time, good pay, pleasant 1883 Main St.. Springfield, Mass. Sewsraq* Disposal Co. HELEN PARKS, COUPLE DESIRE three or four Rhugo Zelonls, Bolton: Carletbn Russell D. Saunders, 21. 120 Bran­ 7 to 9. Porterfield’s Route 8 and 9-6818. . V in aelling you home/ vine near the suburb of Hamilton estimates. CaU W. F. H(lensel, MI. working conditions. Call Rockville RE 7-2667 Caiapel, South Windsor. JA 8-8391. 'TOWN ADVERTISEMENT I80-1S| Peart S t — Ml S-8S08 Tax (tollacter. room unfurnished apartment oirf Clark, 48 O’Leary Dr.; Ashlee ford 34... charged with non-support, 3-5966. June 26, 1957 LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH Heights, north aerd'ssthe Miaaouri continued on a day-to-day baala. i / i $ 1 0 » Victoria Hardtop. Radio, heater, TR 8-3077 any time. Vernon Haven ground floor in quiet residential US! , Sage, 31 Carmah Rd.; Leonard *55 FORD TUDOR , Ford-o-matlc, Ford’s shirpeat Convalescent Hospital, , Vernon, section. Call M I 9-1508 between 4-7 OAKLAND ST. Lota (or sale. River and about six miles from l U BIDWELL Home Improvement Co. EXPERIENCED carpenter, full Notice of the • POWDER BLUE. model. Conn. AKC REGISTERED Iriah Setter p.m. CallJiO.MI». downtown Kansas Cit^. Alterations, AddiUona.j^garages. time. Call M I 9-3^97 after 5 p.m. REAL ESTATE CENTER Her green shorts and' striped puppies. Rockville TR 8-7636. JA 8-6834 Re-aiding speciallsta. E asy' budg- ' (Collector WANTED— Four or five room LARGE StfSURBAN lot for sale, shirt were pai^y tom away. There Only $295 Down AVON CALLING—Leam how to Mr. Towaon—AO 8-4305 < PONTIAC GATAUNA $119S et terms. MI 9-8498 or TR earn money. Special training as­ EXPERIENCED ALX< around ma- THREE MALE kittens, seven apartment, have one child 18 reasonable. M l tf-08S7 after 6:30 were marks oh her face, scratches ^ chlnist wanted. Call MI 9-6628 be- FULL EQinPMENT. o 8-9109. sures you of steady income. Easy weeks old, looking (or a good of Revenue - months old. AU 9-5315. p.m. Member AOJ^Manchester and on her arms and legi. An 18-inch For Tears Now It’s Been ' tween 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. home. Call M I 3-5465. ' Greater Hartford GARAGES, PORCHES, -dormers, and simple method starts you All persons liable by law to pay length of fence post waa nearby. z earning quickly. Call MI 3-5195; YOUNG MAN to leam retail auto­ Town Taxes are hereby" notified Dr. O. S. Pate, Clay County cor­ b ’MFORDFORDOR $1095 recreation and attic rooms built. PUPPIES — Smooth haired, toy that I will have a Rate Bill for the Bluiness Property for Sale 70 Subnrbfin for Sal^ 75 Kitchen . and bathrooms re­ motive service business. Future l.«gal Notice oner, said it appeared she had been t l WAITRESS—Experienced, 12 noon- fox terrier puppies. Reasonable. H at of 1956 of 31 mills on the dol­ DE CORMIER’S modeled. Robert M. Alexander, store manager. Full benefits In­ OOUNT|tY STORE on vUIage green murdered. Other officers said thepe 6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Apply.- Rockville, TR 5-5880. lar lo r the Toxrii of Manchester) 'BOLTON—On the lake, flve-rooni UOIIOB PKBMIT o MI 9-7718. cluding bomis, . hospitalization, AUTOMOBILE and main road. Attractive five winterized borne, Flih off' the were IndicationZ she had" ^leen More Heat Ahead ’54 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DOOR $1095 NOTICE OF AprUCATION o FOR FINE CARS , — ______-- Jack's Cottee Shop between 1 and medical and group insurance. Ehc- and of 2;4 mills or the dollar for atrangled and raped. TO 8 p.m."Ask for Ray. REGISTERED AKC tri or iable the Special TAxlng District of the ‘ room apartmient, garage, garden front porch. Partial basement This la to give noUce that I. ALE X IS lie GARAGES, cottages, breesewaya, cellent opportunity (or right man. O llle pups, six weeks old. $40 and ' spot, ’ flxturea and inventory in­ with shower, boat room, etc. A. PEPIN, of Route 44A. R.F.D. I, A throng of 200 aearchera had S4 MAPLE ST. MANCllESTEiR porches. 13x30 garage, $9}0. com­ Town of Manchester. t Rockrllle, Bolton. Connecticut have SUMMER is just startiiig ’54 8TUDE. FORDOR 6 $645 o Write Bok C, Herald, giving edu­ up. Good champion blood line. cluded at $19,000. Talbot Agency. $11,000. T. J. Oockett, Realtor, filed an application dated June 17, hunted almoat six houra after her plete. 30x30 two car, 81460. No cation, axperience, and draft Eadh of such taxes are due and HOUSEKEEPER Call after 8 p.'m. MI 9-3701.' payable, one-half on the firet«tiay Phone Coventiy, P I 2-6800. ■ AO 8-1577. H67. with the Liquor Control Commis­ mother reported her miaalng at z money down, five years to pay status.' sion for a Grocery Beer Permit for the CA of July. 1957. and one-half on the 7:30 p. iBt. . . ■ --How about a Fodders. ’56 PLYM. SUB. WAOON $1895 Free estimates. Ellison Construe- OR COUPLE MECHANICS NB3GHBORH(X)D grocery and RCX3CVILLE—Five room Cape sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises, Deputy Sheriff Jehm Pitta said o 196} FORD • m o DOOR, price 1800. SHOVEL OPERATOR aiid general first day o f January, 1958; provid­ Pepints Grocery, Route 44A. R.F.D. 1 > Uon Co. AD 3;3463. meat atore doing exceUent buat- Cod. Sparkling, ' immaculately an 11-year-old neighbor girl, Carol CaU M I 9-8688.' For enderly couple. Woman semi- yard man, Nussdorf Sand and ed, however, that any tax amount­ WORK IN THE MOST MODERN^ ^ neas. Owner wants to abll. Call AU cared for Cape &>d home, in ex­ The busIVBSnislvs la owned by ALEXIS A. CHerk, told him . Shirley and. a boy Air Cpnditioner ’55 FLYNOUTH TUDOR 6 $995 I" WE SPECIALIZE In all types of invalid. Someone who understands Stone, 887 North Main St. ing to not more than Twenty Dol­ 9-7830. cellent - residential neighborhood. PEPIN,------of ^oute Route 44A. R.F.D. 1. Rock­ m 1950 PONTIAC four door aedan, construction work such as breeze- lars shall be due ai)d payable in ville, Bolton. Conn., and will be con­ walked off toward a ravine after elderly people. Three room unfur­ SERVICE DEPARTMENT IN MANCHESTER! Large living room, three nice U i hydramatlc, clean, axcaUent buy. ways. garages, porches. AU nished rent free plus salary. LINEMAN — FIRST CLASS one initallment on July I," 1957. PROFITABLE luncheonette (or ducted b r ALEXIS A. PEPIN, of Route he asked Shirley to come into the M l 8-8884. FOR.1,. RENT Sized bedrooms. One may be uaed 44A. R.F.D. 1, Rockville. Bolton. Conn, wood with him becauae he wanted NOW? ’5$ 8TUDEBAKER FORDOR $445 types of concrete Work. CaU M. R. Unusual opportunity for ettper- , Failure to make first payment, ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES: sale or lease. Central location, air as dining room, tile bath, one bed­ aa permittee. . Jutras and Son. M l 9-0279. Call MI 8-77M ienced lineman, first class, to krork by August 1, 1967 rendera the conditioned. Clifford Hansen, Real­ A1JEXI8 A. PEPIN . to show her aomethlng. Carol said room imfiniahed ‘Up, open atair- she started to follow but the boy ~ Aoto Accessories— ^Tires 6 between 7-8 p.m. tor further In Manchester. Steady amployment, OffiM SpMR At whole tax delinquent. Second pay­ tor. AU 8-1303. way, wall to wall carpet In living Dated June M. 1967. ’51 GHEVROLET FORDOR -$4I5 Information attractive salary and benefits. ment delinquent after February L * Incontivo Pay Plan room and . ball, combinatiem told her to go back. TIRE SALE LIGHT BULLDOZING ^ 1958.. Interest la figured from due T h a t was about S:1S or 5:30. Apply 72 screens .and ■'windows, ameaite WANTED — Bookkeeper having 771 MaiR StTNt date at tbe rate of H of. 1%-par * Twa wootu vaeation Houses For Sale drive, situated on beautiful land' Police checked Falbo’s home.. They X l$-t^«.es exchange, And Grading. Shovel Dozer, Dump CONN. POWER CO. Now is the time to look — 7 . — preaumsLbly to see ralatives or air against the heat of MI 9-0650 Manchester Tool A Design. Inc., WANTED—Part time gaS station V«ry D«tirabl« ' thru Friday —- 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. and' screens, awningz. Large frienda In Kaneaa City. , ’55 FORD GTRY. SEDAN $»M COLE MOTORS 130 Hartford Rd., between 9-12. attendants, nights. Sat. and Sun. PAULCERVINI, * New madam buMInq kitchenette. In quiet West End BOLTON, Route 44-A $1>.700-Flva Tbwn Re Venus Collector Paul AuthdHtiea said hla record bf summer. Our s ^ k s

4 -- -J’.- V *• .• yr.

7 >. - '

PAGE TWENTi'-ElGITT jnsitdieatpr utng ------^ _ I------— --- Weroi, hamld Ihroogh nilej October and expects to be trans­ Emanuel Uuthdran L«adiea Aid various phases of. the work, .and ing in Madison Square Garden her granddaughter, Miaa Evelyn wheelers, three wheelere, wagons, 12,540 laeOered eftenieoa Md eiveartag About Town ferred to the Pacific next October Society held a aucceaaful atraw- also to, friends who patronised the that evening. Thei> ua w ill' meet Ann Kycia of Wethersfield, left by Parades Tonight [scooters, etc. should be decorated idinweee or Mnmdoretarme. hmm to- for duty with me 3rd Marine Divi- berry dessert party in Luther Hall affa^ the ti’gln returning Spnday mom-' plane yestei^day for a trip in New ; and entered in the-parade. Awards M«nkar e( «ke Aadit nlglit near T«. High hi mid Sta m - Marine Pfc. Guy H. MuHsf- !"• alon. , . last evening, with Mrs. Francis log at 1:,30 or there shouts. Alton York State, Miss Kycia graduated On Playgrounds : will be given for the best decorated, B b w e( Otoeatettoa day." ’ has reported back to the ?iaval Hallin and Mra. Albert Harrison A apecial bua will ..leave from .1. Miinsfe may be contacted for from high school* this month. Follo^ng is a list of ail the play­ Maiuihe$ter— A City o f Village Charm Air Station, ChincoteaRue. \'a.. Miss Beverly A. Taylor, 217 as co-chairmen of the large com­ the Salvation Army Citadel Sat­ further details. Adult,,tickets are The first special event of the grounds-at which 'the parade will followinif a few days spent with Union St., and Clarence L. Towne mittee. Shortcake waa served to urday at 2:45 p.m. for the Hart­ still available at the Citadel. The Manchester Golden Age season will start with an On Wheels be held: Charter Oak Park, Nathan hla parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hamil­ of Suftield. will be married Satur­ more, than 150 perions. The com­ ford Railroad Station for the con­ Club will meet In Orange Hall to­ Parade tonight at 6:4S at each of Hale, Buckley, Green, Bowers, Ver- VOL. LXXVI, NO. 228 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1957 Ml Page 9$) ton Mullen, i Hudson St. He en­ day at 3 p.m. In the Second Con- mittee wiahes to thank all mem­ venience of teenagers and adults Mrs. Anna Jeski of East Hart­ morrow afternoon.' Those attend­ the town playgrounds. planck, Robertson; Waddell, Kee­ V. PRICE,nVE CENTS listed in the Marine Corp.s ilast prcftationsl Church. bers w'hn gave their time to the attending the Billy Graham meet­ ford, formerly of this to\l’n, and ing %re asked to bring box lunches. Anything on wheels, such as two ney St., Valley St., West Side. Judge Set Th« j m m i e coRe To Charge ’S For These /M ANCHifTiR C o m m - Trial Jury SHOE REPAIR SHOP Hartford, June 27 (/In­ closing Arguments today brought the Taborsky-Cu- ON ALL TYPES OF lombe murder trial—longest Into T exas-Louisiana in (Connecticut history—to its climax in Superior Court. , ark ^ ThMe net the ntage for Judge ^ - ~ . T ^ MISS WATCHES James C. Shannon's charge, and ------then deliberation and a verdict by G>lonel Blasts' U ( the Jury. Storm Deaths at 10; It was the 3Sth court day, one Gross Stress _ a n d E l N E day short o< 10 calendar weeks, *TyW 1^4 J L- since the trial started By contrast, the celebrated Ger­ On Air Power T£XAS\ - Wind Damage 2 SPECIAL FOR THURSe-FRIs-SAT. ald Chapman murder trial in 1925 /tiA c Betoe* ' JEWELRY took onl.v seven court days, less $*c«mcir^ / Chet** * MEN'S, WOMKN'.S ^ than two weeks^ from beginning Huntsville, Ala., June 27 i/P) CO.MPLETKLr'RKBITLT V I ^ to end. —Col. John C. Nickerson Jr.. I iMjSiwn - . Port Arthur, Tex., June 27 (/P)—Hurricane Audrey, a kll- Official New York and New Haven The state wants Joseph L. Ta- charged in effect today that iler which took at l^ s t 10 lives, smashed into the Texa$- Railroad Watch In.spector.s bqrsky and Arthur Culombe both (he aircraft industry had been ' Louisiana border area today wjth winds at some places up to ’ FU LL SOLES C * ^ ” found guilty of nrst-degree mur­ trying to scuttle the Army’s U.se Your Charge Account der, with the sentence, death in ! 100 miles an hour. and HEELS A# “ the electric chair. long range missile program. ! The Port Arthur Weather Bureau said the hurricane first ..KALE’S IS YOUR COMPLETE ONE STOP All Work Guaranteed' ‘ Defense counsel are seeking “The aircraft industry,” ! hit Cameron, La., with winds of only 65 miles per hour. ZIPPERS REPLACED—HATS CLE.VN'ED « not-gullty-bv-reason-of - insanity Nickerson told a I0-man| The 100-mile winds were clocked at Orange, Tex., and Lak« S MINUTE HEEL SERVICP^-AIX WORK ill ARANTEED vdrdlct for Taborsky, and a rec­ court-martial panel, “has a j MAIN FLOOR—FROST ENTRANCE SHOES SHINED ommendation of mercy for. Cul­ : Charles, La., north and northwest of Cameron. • USE H.ALE'S CHARGE ACCOUNT • lush operation in aircraft’ but Nine of the 10 deaths occurred when the fishing vessel STORE FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS-! ombe. missiles are going up and mis­ The c$sn for which they arc on Point of arrow ahowa 'approxi­ Keturah sank. Another man drowned in a strong undertow. .trial was the holdup murder in siles may pass aircraft.” mately where hurricane ’‘Au­ High tides, wind blasts and torrential rains caused wide­ Houseware Dept. Specials ■New Brita'lh last Dec. IS of Ed­ drey struck inland today. spread damage for hun(|red8 of miles along the Texas and ward J, KupriewskI, gas-staUon By BEM PRICE Roaring winds of 100 m.p.h. Giuisiana coasts. Good Hews From Hale's Ready To Wear Dept. operator and Daniel J. Janowskl. Huntsville. .Ala.. June 27 (/P) were accompanied by high JUNE FABRIC SALE a customer. . —Col, John C. Nickerson Jr. tides and torrential , rains. The New Orleans „Weather Bureau said winds of 75 milet SWING-A-WAY CAN OPENER This was one of a scries of today testified that in na­ '(AP Wirephoto). pet- hour or greater could be expected the rest of the day eight holdups and six murders in tional defense policies there | along the Texas-Louisiana border. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER FABRICS Magnetic, wall type. Reg. price $5.9S. various parts of Connecticut, last Thousands evacuated their homes'* . . — JUST IN TIME FOR VACATION 11 winter, to which the pair eon--' had been “a gross over-1 and resort cabins as- tides up to _ _ _ _ AT REAL SAVINGS feesed. emphasis on air power.” Prince Philip 9 feet above normal battered the HALE'S READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT IS OFFERING FOR ' The lean and gray colonel took shore. Norwalk Man .Special * 2 . 9 8 and your old can opener. ‘ Asst. State's Atty. John D. La- the witness stand in hla own Coiirt- REGULAR fl.SB YARD REGULAR 98o Y.VRD B el I e of Manchester gaVi the Police and'reecue workers search debris of BUist -Side tenement ‘for victims after structure . col­ The Port Arthur Weather Bu­ 39“ BEAUTIFUL SILK and WESCO “BELFAST” state's opening ^argument late lapsed without warning few minutes after midnight today. All occupants, including 13-month in­ martisl at 10:30 a.m. today and Utters Famous reau said Audrey hit at Cameron. fant, escaped without serioua injury. (AP Wirephoto). agreed to testify under oath. La., eAst of Port Arthur at 8 a.m. Sentenced for VISCOSE RAYON PRINTS Rayon Butcher linen type. Solid color*. Wednesday, reviewing the evi­ Under court-martial procedure (CST). KAMPKOLD PORTABLE ROTARY POWER dence against Taborsky and Cul­ . ------Y— ------;------=------r------^— the Paris, Ky„ born colonel could Final Words^ However, th e Lake Charles yd. THREE DAYS ONLY- ombe. have offered an unsworn state­ Weather Bureau said wind* reach­ Death in Blast REFRIQERATOR LAWN MOWER This morning. Atty. Thomas. F. Building Collapses ment. London, June 27 OPi — ed 100 m.p.h,- there — about 40 94* >"*• McDonough. Culombe^s court - ap­ And under oath.. Nickerson's Prince Philip tos.*ed out a mile* north of Cameron. Bridgeport, June 27 (/Pi—Georg* So eoft and will wash like a hendker- REGULAR $1.39 Savage mouer. (Jinlon H.P. v/n~ pointed lawyer, waa the flr$t to Giant Auger Saves persi.*tence rerrtained unabated as Keeps foods and drinks cold longer. In Hartford Street broad hint yesterday that he Orange, Tex., about 40 mile* W. Nadin, 39, of Norwalk, today chlef. 65% silk, 35c« vigcoee. WESCO BELFA$T STRIPES Reg. $11.95. Ww M Q tor. Reg. price $75.00. jQ C argue. he denounced a Defense Depart­ has none too high an opinion northwest of Cameron, said a dead was sentenced to eight to 15 years Correlating colors. SPECIAL...... * * ^0 .3 rP SPECIAL ...... 3 He described Culombe as “a man Hartford. June 27 (A'l .— The ment policy directive of last No­ of women drivers. Several calm occurred there at 9:05 a.m., who does not deserve the electric. vember that curtailed the Army's RELTEX “BONARELLA" comer -of a 3-story brick tenement ’ houra later he reportedly was' indicating that the eye of the in state's prison by Superior Court house collapsed with a roar ahortl.v 5 Trapped Miners r^e in guided missile warfare. in a collision whilfe driving hts storm was there. Earlier, winds Judge John Pi Cotter on a charge Dacron and rayon linen weave, crease- yd. (Conttaaed on Page Ten) f'The.se are grave errors,” he TV and PATIQ c h a ir after midnight toda.v, injuring wife. Queen Elizabeth JI, reached 75 m.p.h. at Orange. of manslaughter In the gas blast reaistant, preehrunk. 1 '/ : QL SAUCE PAN seven of the 11 occupants—none '(fstified. "They are errors not The Prince hi.d concluded Persons who had taken refuge death of his wife last Dec. 14. Reg. $1.29 yd. seriously. Steubenville. Ohio. June 27 (4’i—“faeven, about 50 feet apart, dug liKely to be balanced by Russian an address to the annusl at Orange began leaving for their . Nadin, originally charged with REGUI.AR'$I.29 YARD Canvas back and spat. Cm Q C into the hillside at the base of a counter-errors.” homes when the calm came, and 45” plain colors...... Yd 9 4 c '6 ' IINEST 01 AMTV White enaiucl. Heals quickly.. Reg, $5.95. J “ 0 All of the occupants, the injur­ Five grimy nUneri, trapped for meeting of the British Auto­ murder, was permitted to plead Russia Accepts ed as well as the uninjured, were 50-foot deep atrip mining pit. The It was in attempting to reverse mobile Assn, with these authorities sought to get them guilty to manslaughter June 11 Polished Cotton Satin Prints Food* tnstr better. * 'jid i On ALL DRESSES In REGULAR STOCK more than 14 . hours by a cave-in, mine, Betsy No. 3 of the Powhatan this curtailment policy that Nick­ Reg. $1.49 yd. 45” correlating Reg. $1.00. SAVE. *3% .. O O C taken to a hospital for examina-' words: back to shelter for the expected following conferences b e t w e.e n J scrambled to aafety laat flight erson ran afoul of Army security ivy league. Stripe.s and $ |.0 7 tion and then released. Also ex-' Mining Co., ia a small operation "I will take your greetings b l^ ' which always follows the State’s Attorney Lorin W. WiiHe VALUES FROM $10.95 to $19.95 XJ.S. Principle amine'd were a passing driver, who through a hole which a monstrous producing about 600 ton* of coal humeane cairn. checks. .Yd. REVERE WARE VA C t (OonUnued on Page Ten) to the millionth mennber. who and Public Defender John F. Mc­ cut hla hand helping to get people mechanical auger had bored 230 a day. has not yet shown any in­ The Port Arthur Weather Bu­ Gowan. ALL SALES FINAL feet Into a hillside. The aeven horizontal "punch 94* y**' GCVEREO SAUCEPAN out, and a woman in the building clination to drive. The longer reau said at mid-morning that Willis told the court that Nadin. REGUIJ4R BI..MI KITCHEN TOOL SET On Arms Curbs next door, who was thrown out of When th# 42-inch auger waa■'mining” shafts, were connected by ■we can put off that awful "th* w ont ia over for Port Ar­ had proceeded deliberately to wipe REGULAR 99c bed by. the shock. ptilled from the hole, the m iners; an air passage, but the cave-ln thur." winds reached 70 m.pJi. 4S" WESCO HI-LO By Ekeo. a |M-s. with rack. Reg. $6.J.Y S ') G O 40jlowed it out, one by out. They , blocked lU wlUi, hundreds of tons moment the better.” nut himself, hia wife and family. DAN RIVER WRINKL-SHED Tio^on. June a7.UB-,t7.8. officials P ali of thiuaacoiMl floor and 4 ^ Q)urt Upholds T he. miliiontta n)«>n4>«r ot The Lake Charles Weather Bu­ He eald that prior to the cuploaion HOMESPUN SPECIAL...... SPECIAL ..; ...... T T eomildercd partial disarmament pieces of both adjoining sides of ‘Winked at the fJOodlighla which of loose rock. coal.and dirL reau 3Bid worse winds would hit PLAID TISSUE GINGHAMS garishly lit the desolate strip mine | .Air 8e«ps Through the automobile assoiflat'ion la which destroyed, the Nadin home Linen weave rayon. Solid color*. ^ ___ When you visit our Ready to Wear Dept. ~ be sure to another Mep nearer today. Russia the building dropp^ vrlth the cor­ his 'daughter, 5-year-oId Prln- 'Orange after the calm. in Norwalk, Nadin opened the door AND REGULAR tt.4» REGULAR 9Bc has accepted in principle an Amer- ner.'- The comer of the third However, air from the other State ftept. on A great cheer rose from about shafts could seep through the ceas Ann*. The association Eye 5« Miles \Yide . and let the family dog ouL 36“ BATES DISCIPLINE PRINTS 36 FINE QUALITY DRIP DRY HAND LAWN MOWER iciui plan for the big powers to floor, sagged, supported by the re­ enrolled her the day she waa The Port Arthur weathermen McGowan told Judge Cotter 30” A! see the terrific markdowns we are offering on coats, transfer stocks of nonnuclear wea­ maining wail sections. a thousKnd peraons—rescue work-! porous debris, and rescue worker* bom. C O n O N PRINTS pons to .international control. er*. relatives, spectators and j mounted huge fans in the other Travel Control said the eye of thl6 storm was that Nadin's decision to do away u 16” Cut. RiibiM-r tire*. Police said that luckil.v 'the cor­ REGULAR 99c tunnels. Later a dark green sports about 50 miles wide Juat before It with his family was a "spur of the Green H ith n kite ^stripe.' ^ 0 Metal handle. Reg. Long and complicated negotia­ ner waa on the part of the build­ newsmen-.-as the miners mshed car and a sfnall sedan tangled struck. moment" thing brought about by SPECIAL ...... suits and toppers. Really wonderful buys! tions remained, however, before the to their families who had waited Late In the day, after other Washington. June 27 s Angeles and the Queen n-as along. REGULAR 99r Sportswear Bargains ments that they are willing- to in- hla second-floor apartment by deal. The first two attempts with the psychiatrist, and artist Rockwell High tide* and wave* cra.*hedssncq a.'after he had disconnected a gas AND REGULAR $1.19 ODD LOT PAJAMAS stockpile under intematiimal super­ "M.v God. it was cold in there." auger failed v-hen it hit rock. Vritnesses aqid nobody w.** over sea walls, utility lines were piipe In the basement of tljelr home SUMMER DRESSES. Little GirU^ falling furniture. Police had to Kent. hurt. Shortly after th* time of S6'’ FINE CREASE RESI.STANT 45“ PONGELLA PRINTS vision. Later the weapons would be extricate him,, and help hie. stunned said Fred Sabol. 33, Harrisville, Or the second boring, 180 feet Both had refused to sign non- torn down, roads were blockeded by Ai.nd caused the explosion. VALUES TO $8.98. N O W ...... * 3 7 9 NYIX)N anil RA50N IN ASSORTED destroyed or converted to peaceful one of the first out. deep, workers heard voices, al­ the accident, the royal couple high water, many* streets w'erei Dork Colored Cotton Prints family to the’atreet. Communist affidavits In connection entertained the British Com­ Police later found a note that .STYLE.S—SIZES 32 to 40 British and French objections to No one was allowed to re-enter The others are Hank Horvath, though they c o t'1 not distingui.ah. with their pa.*soi-t applications. flooded, and .business came to a' indicated Nadin had planned to do yd. SMALL (JROUP OF BERMUDA SHORTS. use. 35. of Glenn Robbins: Martin Ko- word*. One reacr.er said he heard monwealth prime minister at away with himself, hia wife, and REG. $.3.98. the building. The court divided 5-3 in each the castle. Sizes 10 and 12 only. Values to $3.2.'). NOW. * 2 . 2 9 Summer Dresses The new formula waa to meet City Councilman Roger B. Ladd valaki, 40, and Jo.*eph Supinaki, five taps, and believed that meant case. \ (Continued' on Pnge Ten) their sons, (^orge Jr., 17, and SALE ...... I - ^ 2 .9 8 previous proposals put forward by 47, both of Mount Pleasant, and Plana Appeal Glenn, eight:. 87* y^- REGULAR 69c FINEST QUALITY I.ai'ge axHiiftment nf ttyle*. »ize* and rninr* in both the United States and Russia Jr., emerging from a mataurant SUMMER SKIRTS. REG. $5.08. entton. organdie*, nylnn*—all are ira-ihable. rarosa the street, said he was Just Kenny Hamilton. 33. of Aden*. Two more 21-foot bit sections At his home in Ausable Fork*. Nadin and Jhe boyi escaped in­ REGULAR 79c 36“ A. B. C.-PUNJAB and for cutting conventional arms by They were trapped at 8:15 a.m. ivere rolled in b.v hand and mount­ jury in the blast. $5.98 VALUES. NOW ...... * 3 . 7 9 SALE ...... $3.99 some fixed percentage. Britain and in time to see the comer disin­ N. Y.. Kent told the Associated 36“ SANFORIZED QUADRIGA PRINTS and REG. $1.98. a A tegrate. in a small chamber 500 feet back ed on the nu.chine for the .third Press he "definitely" would appeM Ha was committed to Fairfield GROUP OF SWEATERS, NOW ...... l a i y France felt< the earlier proposals He said hs would ask for a safe­ in a horixontal mine shaft about boring to'the U.S. Supreme Court.” State Hospital, Newtown, from ttoS BROADCLOTH 36“ SANFORIZED PRINTED would work to their disadvfintage 150 feet below the crest of a hill. When the drill broke through Red Probe Witness $5.98 VALUE'S. NOW ...... ; because ot their smeller armies. ty survey of the whole area. It ia "I wouldn't be pursuing this day of hia wlPe'a death until Jan. OLD FASHIONED PRINTS * 3 . 7 9 NYLON SLIPS RE(i. $2.98. a run-down neighborhood, part ot Their rescue came'at 10:50 p.m. into the chamber, th* trapped men thing unless I believed denial to 9, when he- was bound over to Su­ BROADCLOTH Btassen'a new plan. was. given Hor\'ath, also among the first ' ” AI.L .SALES FINAI. NOW ...... * 1 . 9 9 qualified approval by all other a section undergoing redevelop­ travel was absolutely unconstitu­ perior Court- by Norwalk City .SPORTStVKAr.—SECOND IT.OOR WITH I.4CE TRIMMED .XT RODif^E ment. of the five to get out. ran straight (Oontinued on Pnge Seven) tional," Kent Said.-' Court. yd. ami HE.M—SIZES 32 to 40 members of the suteommittee — A crowd of 500 persona gatherad through the crowd Into the arms He contended that the. "right tb Cites Court Ruling Maximum penalty for yd. REG. 53198. Britain, France’ Russia and of his waiting: wife. 'H e said-he REG. $.'>.95. to look over the damage. tfavel" wa» given to the Anglo- For drapes, spread*, sportswelir. *klrU Smart patterns dresses, aprons. NOW ' ...... * 2 . 5 9 OsJiada. Hartford Hospital , reported It had given up hope,, although the Saxon* in the Magna Carta and (Continued on Page Tea) and bbj'*' shirL*. Cowboy, .old cars, horse »kirl*. draperies, SALE ...... *3.99 So\iet reprceentative Valerian treated the following persona; others remained constantly confi­ Large and small Zorin said Russia vould go along had "been enjoyed by people -ail Washington, June 27 (AP)—For^ Knowland said that while the and buggy and ship patterns. design*. Bargains From Our Notion Dept. REG; $4.98. Mrs. Josephine Fiesro. 22, 'the dent of rescue. these centuries," He added that the President had not endorsed any ..fa. with the idea nd prepare a list. next door neighbor, sMck. Horvath had -atarted work at News Tidbits right was also "iflentioned'’ in the th* first tlms in sn open Senate NOW ...... * 3 . 1 9 But he asked -that the United - rtlcular remedy, y tty . Gen. EMBOSSED TAFFETA VINYL QUILTED f LASTIC TV PAJAMAS Mrs. Alice McCarver, S3, shock. midnight THieaday. Culled from AP Wires Ninth Amendment to the Constitu­ l«.,y ."-"J s States prepare the first list. Stas- Mrs. Alfina Neri, 41, multiple Supinski. who with the other tion. s new Supreme Court decision and — RE(J. $5.98. sen wouM not commit the United weekly meeting today with OOP SIIOKTIE-SLEEP COATS and NOW ...... abrasions and contusions. three had entered the shaft at - 7 In the majority . opinion. Judge refused to say whether he was s Congressional leaders and favored Bulletins SHORTIE PAJA.MAS * 3 . 9 9 States on that. - Miss Mary Neri, IS. multiple a.m„ said when the cave-in start­ E. Barrett Prettyman said the reg­ LOOK at these SPECIALS $ 1 .6 9 Staseen'e formula affects only Locomotive fire in Grand Cen- -Comtliunist while he had sccesa to the approach of a bipartisan bill from the AP WiFcs ea. abrasione and contuaions. ed. "everything seemed to go at ulations requiring passport ap­ aimed at easing the effect on law CLOSEOUT REGULAR $1;00 REG. $1.93, 5.98. one., phase of the disarmament once." I tral Termiruil delays New York plicants to answer questions con­ official government messages. SALF...... $3.99 jiroblem, retIucUon of conventional (Oontlausd os Page Fifteen) The shaft waa an end one among commutera... Senate Defense Ap­ Howard V. Trautman of New enforcement as a result of the GHILDREN'S ANKLETS propriations Subcommittee nears cerning present and pait Commu- York, who waa Identified ^by an decision. „ SOVIETS WARN BONN REG. $1.98 weapons, 'nie 5-nation subcom­ nlat party membership are valid. In a oecision June 3, the High YOUR t;HOICE OF THREE SIZE.S— — mittee also is seeking, ways to approval of money bill -which automatic telegraph operator aa a Moscow, June SI Lfi—Tbe Soviet would give armed forces-1 billion' Judges Wilbur K. Miller. George fellow member of a communist cell, Court ordered a new trial for Clin­ Union warned West Germany to­ JU5IBO SIZO-HOLDH UP TO 16 GARMENTS size* 4 to a. Reg. 39c. . . 3 Pair cut the else ot urmei fdrees' end T. Washington. John A. Danaher ton E. Jeneks, a former union of­ Full Fashioned Nylon Hosiery DRE.SS SIZI>-HOLDS CP TO 8 GAR.MEN-TS CLOSEOUT GIRDLES halt nuclear weapon testing and dollars more than House voted. was the balky wilneas before the day that If. it cooperatea with ths Commanding General of Camp and Walter Bastian voted with ficial convicted of falsely denying West on nuclear armament* it .SUIT SIZF.—HOLDS UP TO 6 SUITS or JACKETS BROKEN STYLES and SIZE.S production. Senate Internal Security subcom­ Under the UB. plan, the United Goyernors Hit Squeeze Pendleton seta aside i>ourt-niartial Prettyman to affirm district court mittee. Communist membership in sn af­ ran give up all hope of German Dark seara sheer iii sudirtier shade.'*'Size.s SHOE BAGS TO MATCH $1.00 ' conviction of 18-year old Marine rulings. The lower courts had up­ fidavit tiled with the. National reiuiiftcatlon. ______. ^ ^ o REG. $3.95 CHM-DREN'S HATS States, Ruaaia, Britain and France held the State Department's denial An operating technician for RCA Labor Relations Bqard. S.XLE ..... would draw up lists' of planes, conscientious' objector... New Communications -Inc., Trautman S’ i to ii. Spreia! ' < ...... $2.95 STRAWS and C O n O N EYELETS Jersey Grand Jury Indict* 6 na- of passports to Dr. Briehl and Under Certain Condition* PEIPING REPORTS PLOT J tanks, heavy guns, miaeiles. ships dechnrd to answer a Communist The co'uri held in the case that 2 -^ ^ *1.0 0 SPADE SAVERS and RE(i. $6J)5. REG. $1.93. and other .armaments they are By Ike’s ; Money Policy Oonal men’s magazine* for con- Kent. membership question on grounds it Hong Kong. June 87 (fl') — A apiracy to aell'indecent literature. Chief Judge H*nry W. Edgertop under certain conditions FBI o*'id- rounterrevolutionary orgaalxa« SALE ___ .....;.;:$4;95 NOW ...... 9 9 c : willing to Surrender. The lists s^d David L. Bazelon dissented invaded rightaof free speech, press ence must be turned, over to- de­ REG. 39c Pr. REGULAR $1.00 BARMENT HANDERS would be presented to the U.N. New York Republicans I a b e I and assembly guaranteed under the Son atoning at t-he overthroer REti. $8.95 Williamaburg. V*., June 27 —^Carolina Qov. Hodges for two day* Desnocratir Oovemor Harriman’s and favored reversing the lower fendants .in-criminal cases. There nf Red Chine** government and REG. $2.98. ■ sOboominittee for sereemaQt. RepuMican- and Democratic gov­ of .fiahlng in Dare County, N. C. court. Judge Charles Fahy voted First Amendment to the Constitu­ has been a feeling that this would RUBBERIZED LINED SALE ...... $5.95 NOW ___ $1.49 Once each nation was satisfied veto of Republican Labor Bills ai Comnuaiat Party with (oraan- TROUSER HA*NGERS...... 6 for 88E ernors collectively have served Thirty-two governors, in an ac­ ■'Sellout.” . . . Eisenhower * names to send the casei back to the tion. '' Hamper the Justice Department in tlon of a new government waa CAMPUS PANTIES NEVER5.LIP TROUSER and SKIRT HANGERS . . . .3 for 88g that the othere were making a fair notice on the Eiaenhower admin­ tion outside the coherence, sent State Department for further pro­ He said that under a June 17 Su­ enforcement of subversive and and proportionate reduction and cabinet committee to investigate preme Court ruling in the Wat- discovered two weeks ago la SKIRT HANGERS WITH WONDO CUP •5 for 88D istration that its tight money a telegram yeaterday to the Preel- crude oil imports and effect on ceedings. Judge Warren E. Berger other laws. Nanking, Peiping Radio aaid In all while and colors, scamle** front, BEACH BAGS agreement was reached on 'ether policy is pinching their efforts to dent urging a reduction of oil im­ took no part In the cases. kin* case he„ cannot be compelled Brownell will appear before a back and nides for perfect fit. Band or PLASTIC DRESS HANGERS ...... 8 for 88^ p^ts, the disarmament treaty securit.v. to testify about hia "beliefs, ex- toiUghL This ann.0unretnent gany finance school buildings and other ports from the present ratio of Court martial of Air Force In- Judge Prettyman said the ques­ Senate Judiciary, subcommittee to­ at least In part explain tlw elastic-leg briefs. Size* email, medium Zipper and shoulder strap styles. Ideal COMBINATION SUIT HANGERS...... 5 for 88i: oould proceed. capital expenditure*. 22 per cent of America's national tion before the court waa simply preasions or associations.'* He also morrow on the. bipartisan proposal and large. for bathing sujt, towel*, etc. ^ Then each nation would place atructor accused of maltreating re­ Peipi)|g regiine''s annonaoed ea- MEN’S COAT or SUIT HANGERS...... 5 for 88^ In a unanimoue resolution, the production tb 16.6 per cent. At cruits epeos at LaclUsind Air Force whether the Secretary of State contended the question exceeded to reatrief-to "relevant” material oouragement of open crttMhnia SHOE VALET ...... 49th annual Govemora Conference about the same time Elsenhower Base U, A. W. President Wal- the jurisdiction of the subcom­ tbe information from FBI flies the That'apparently wn* pavtaw th* ...... 88t c\«$' (Oeattaned ea Page ^ a ) at its wilndup yeaterday noted that waa cresting « special cabinet (Coatibued on Ptige Four) mittee, which he said was operat­ government must supply defend? Package $ ' MULTIPLE BLOUSE or SHIRT RACK ...... ea. 88t! tw Reuther accuses Congress of ing under "unlawful delegation of anta. way/ toward a erackila>wU aa MULTIPLE SKIRT R^CK . "bonds have been floated at higgler committee to study whether, crude "sitdown strike" for not enacting rounterrevolutionarie*. ■ of Six each ■...... ea. 88< and higher interest rates, thus in­ oil ia being imported "in such Civil Rights legislation. power” from the Senate. Knowland said the conference / Scandal Juiy Raps creasing amoitisation costs.” quantities as to threaten to im­ lUtematlonaL Labor Organiza­ Attorneys General Wltaeaa Warned with Eisenhower slso touched on ROCKET UP 50 MILES : SALE! HOLLOW GROUND FORGED STEEL GIRLS' COnON DRESSES 7 to 14 I t asked the President and Con­ pair national becurit.v.” tion expels Communist Hingarian Sen. Hhuska (R-Neb), serving as controversial decisiona by the High Canbarra, .Vuati;alia,. June 27 gress' to "take cognisance of this Tbe reeolution on interest rates a one-man subcommittee, warned Court dealing with witnesses SPECIAL SALE Ex-Chief of Illinois delegates at Geneva meeting.. IP—Britain has sent an upper at­ MANUFACTURER'S CLOSEOUT “ELK" 1MJPORTED additional burden on the taxpayers appeared to be a' alap a t the ad- Soften Court Blast Trautman he was acting at his own fore Congressional inyeatigations. mosphere testing rocket, kaowu of America with a-view to alleviat-. miniqtration'a policy of attempting VlcerPreaident Nixon saya cutting peril and luggested the possibility He said some of those attending FINE QUALITY ALL WHITE and P A STll ...... : : - : * 3 . 2 9 Indianapolis, June 27 UHl—The Administration's Defense Budget iu the Skylark, SO miles abeva lng“- it. to control inflation by upping In­ Hsks Ameriesn security. Sun Valley. Idaho, June 27 UPi— of contempt of Congress action discussed the effects at these deci- the earth In a proving trial at Marion County grand jury return­ The governors met Eisenhower's terest rates. However, Gov. Lu­ against him. either in a court or tions, but there waa no- mention SHEARS and SCISSORS ed two new indictments in its final Mayflower U' to leave Plymouth The National Association of At, Woomera Rocket RMge. .Aa- request for s Joint study with his ther Hodgtes of North Carolina, for trip to New York.. South .^neya General yesterday struck before "the Bar of the Senate-V of any proposed legislation on the nounring this in a preM state­ JEWELRY road scandal. repbTt today anjl sdministrstlon of ,federal-state re­ chairman of the resolutions com­ criticism of the Supreme Court The hearing brought into aharp- subject. . . ^-ANKLETS / called ex-Oov. George N. Craig Carolina Board of Health forbids ment tciday. Supply Mialater. REG. $2.25 To $ ' lationships by providing for a com­ mittee, said there waa no difficulty adding viUmlns to milk sold'Bi 4tpm two resolutions dealing 'With er focus confusion and uproar that Knoiyland aaid the President is How^d' Beale said tiie,Skylark All white English rib with nvion rein­ *ln necklaces, earrings ' and bracelets. "ntorally If hot legally responsible” mittee to work with the admin­ in getting Republicans on the com­ followed recent Supreme Court leaving to Congress the question Many-styles. - ■ $3.25 VALUE for the irregularities.' atate. internal aecurlty lawa and’ tbe was designed to cOrry $5. pounds. forced, heel and toea for e.xlra w>ear.. istration. The President had. sug­ mittee to go along with the 'reso­ Althea Gibson gains 4tta round of legal powers of the states.' decisions affecting rights of in of what should be done as a result of instruments to a heigbt of ItU Stwt* 8«i to ll. , / Arthur J. Mbgilner ot Indlanap- gested such a study with an eye lution. divtduala 'before Congressional .of the Jeneks case decision after Thinning Shear*. Barber Shear*. Kltehea Shear*. Dre«*maker Shear*. Sew- aUa, who sold'big lots of a motor Wimbledcnt Tennis Championships A number of those- voting to miles ^ a speed 2JI90. miles aa ing Seliwor*. Rmbroldery SriiMor*. , to roiling baqk to ths states func­ OOP Gov. y . E. Anderson of by defeating Australian Mary Hell- water down the reaoluUons had re­ comm/tteea and in criminal trials iconaultation with the Attorney hour. 7 I 3 Pair SU addiUve to the' SUt# Highway tions and revenues now controlled Nebraska sala'the origripal'resolu­ buked' recent Smith Act deci­ General. . - Department, -was indicted on 12 in Washington. yer .. Evangelist Billy Graham It*. ^ In PaCkagt for tion before the committee was his proves critic* wrong in Madison sions of the court in srpeechea and I problem came under dls- A reporter recalled Elsenhower’s f HOETA b o u g h t data ) For . . ooupts of allfeged brlberj’ of stale The conference named Gov. but that thf Democrats tojok- It Square Garden test. stateinents from the floor. - , \ ci^ion in President Eiaenhower's new* conference statement yester­ Washington, June -77 (P fntat officials to protura contracts. lism G. Stratton of IlUnoU over and rCviaed it ths way they .' Among them waa the assopa- ‘ weekly conference today with Re- day laying the duties and reapon- i ■VUrgil W. tRed) Smith,' thair- Cye CTieasly testified today Mid­ Chairman and designated Florida wanted it. . Andereen aaid he had HOUSE TELECASTS OITT tion’a president, Atty, .Gen. Louis publi(;an Congressional leader*. albUltiea . of the Supreme -Cuurt' west Teannsters bosO Jimmy Hof- V / n aa of tbe State Highway Com- —probably Boca Raton—for next proposed aoine sort of fedsral Wnahlngtoa. Jane S7 (/F>— C, Wyman of -New Hampshire, Sen. Knowtand (R,-Calif) aaid ■bould be respected even though fa paid him $2,iM for Saaat* GREEN STAMPS WITH CASH SALES ‘ mtisioB under Oraig, was Indicted yeeu^a 'get-together. Republican guvantss be mads pngchool bonds WnenVar toe Hniaae Eagrtani, who had opened ita Alat annual afterwaird that BlMnhowr rec- eome of its d e ^nbaa i may be hard sgala OB Mx counts. of accepting e t Rackeia laveotigatlBg OMuaitto* AMPLk FREE PARKING REAR OF OUt StORE Stratton suooseda Demoeratle Oov. so as to ktop the interest raise Ahe eourt'a power the Jeneks oapo- CoBgreaeional leaden felt thq ewnnilttee staff la vseMgator, M ANCHtSTBR C * y tm ttk waa ehargfd with tahing a luacliaaa today la Waahlngtoa ■ylvaaia put forward the Deane- and undo aoma ot Ita aetlou- T l^ dadulOB would require tbe eefie way. k* taraed ovar eelectog RMk e c f a r tm en t n ex t t o o u r h o u s e w a r e s d ep a r t m e n t Yoor Moaoy Rofimdad at S»«mp CeiM«»r. (Mdn Floor) K1,4M.SD' la bribedtrom MhgU- i t .oc the lUpubUoaa gtoMnioto. erate* rooelutloa ' hittiag ait the KAeiwIaiid repUad tb a t e l A n eri- p—e— I ' l l I ■inawMi.ii ■.■■lull i / i ;0RNER m a in imd OAK STREETS Aa Anally approved, one reoohi- govurnmsnt uadur eortaln eircum- from Beek'a IBe to Ha Sevsral goTemora e t botlu jNUrtlea staneea to Mow dofsadanti IfBI ally *a Dag sat OIrela i t sa Pags X«»I. acosptod aa iavltaUm aC North « . « $ T n tn .S h im )\ lifeh^nMa' -X< i). •videaco pguiapt then. , .« liarage'rM r). (a’a hetol kora. I \ t V V" .HI ! «?■ A- .U I ' X,

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