Colonial Archaeology: 070 333 Spring 2006 Prof C. Schrire
[email protected] Room 201/202 RAB Phone: 932 9006 Course Outline: This course will teach the rudiments of identification and analysis of colonial artifacts dating from about 1600-1900 AD. Our teaching collection includes a variety of ceramics, pipes, glass and small finds. The course if taught largely by supervision and not lectures. Students will sort collections, draw objects, measure objects and identify them according to numerous criteria. Course Requirements: A prerequisite for this course is 070: 208, Survey of Historical Archaeology, normally taught in the Fall term. Students for whom this requirement was waived are expected to study a suitable textbook on the subject, such as Orser, C. 1995 Historical Archaeology and Deetz, J In small things forgotten. Students will attend one three hour class, once a week. During this time they will handle material, analyze it, and draw objects. Each student will need a clean writing pad or notebook, a pad of graph paper, pencils, colored pencils, eraser, a ruler, and a divider. There will be two exams, a midterm and final. Useful Texts: 1. Noel-Hume, I. 2001. The Artifacts of Colonial America 2. Fournier, Robert. Illustrated Dictionary of Practical Pottery. Paperback, 4th ed. 2000 Radnor Pa. Available at ($31.96) 3. Numerous additional sources will be present at class for used during the practicals. Colonial Archaeology: 070 330 Significant technical terms: (see Fournier 2000) Absorption: The taking up of liquid into the pores of a pot. The water absorption of a ceramic is an indicator of its degree of vitrification.